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Migrate UsingHibernateWithvaadin

Erik Lumme преди 6 години
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Using Hibernate with Vaadin

Using Hibernate in Toolkit application, Basic
actions for persistent POJO

image:img/screenshot.png[Example CRUD application]

Check out related source code with subversion (svn co
http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/incubator/hbncontainer/) or view it with trac
http://dev.vaadin.com/browser/incubator/hbncontainer/. Download the
latest version as a Vaadin add-on from the Vaadin Directory (https://vaadin.com/directory/component/hbncontainer)

_The project in incubator currently has a prototype of using
associations. The article is outdated on that part_.

Hibernate is the de facto standard when it comes to Java and Object
Relational Mapping. Since version 3 onwards one can actually drop the de
facto part as Hibernate 3 implements Java Persistency API with some
optional packages. Hibernate is backed by a strong support from both
commercial players and open source community. It is an important part of
popular JBoss Application Server.

As an open source project with an industry proven maturity, Hibernate
makes a perfect combo with IT Mill Toolkit. Hibernate is in a key role
in many projects built or supported by IT Mill. The way Hibernate is
used varies a lot due different kinds of architectures and requirements.
Largest questions are usually how to work with Hibernate session,
transactions and how to tie entity beans into toolkit components.

In this article and example application I'll show you how to implement
session-per-request pattern for Hibernate session handling and present
some patterns to do
actions of a simple entity bean. As I'm a sport fanatic, instead of
storing cats and other mammals to DB we'll build a simple *WorkoutLog*
application to store the details of our jogging sessions. Download the
source package to see full source code.

Note that this is not trying to be a yet another Hibernate tutorial.
Although we'll stay in rather basic tricks, I expect the reader to have
some experience on ORM and IT Mill Toolkit. The purpose of this tutorial
is to show an example how to do simple Hibernate session handling in
Toolkit application and explain some patterns how to entity objects can
be tied into GUI.

Preparing the project

If you want want to learn by doing, it is time to put your hands on
dirt. Create a new web application project in your favorite IDE, throw
in latest `toolkit.jar` and all needed Hibernate related libraries.
Prepare your database and configure Hibernate. Combo I chose when
writing this article was Eclipse, WTP and MySQL 5, but any option should
be fine.

If you want to get started really easily, check out the Eclipse project
from svn repository. This is done simply with subclipse plugin or via
command line svn co http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/incubator/hbncontainer/.
The project containtains embedded database( http://hsqldb.org/[HSQLDB]
), all needed required libraries and the source code for the example
project itself. That is an easy way to start experimenting with Toolkit
and Hibernate. You will also need a servlet container, Tomcat is a good

As I hate all xml configuration I created DB mappings with annotations.
Below is the one and only entity class we'll be using in this example.
Create it in and possibly test your Hibernate configuration with a
simple test application.

public class Workout {
private Long id;
private Date date = new Date();
private String title = " -- new workout -- ";
private float kilometers;

public Workout() {}

public Long getId() {
return id;

private void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;

public Date getDate() {
return date;

public void setDate(Date date) {
this.date = date;

public String getTitle() {
return title;

public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;

public float getKilometers() {
return kilometers;

public void setKilometers(float kilometers) {
this.kilometers = kilometers;

Also create a new Tookit application, configure it in web.xml.

Using session-per-request pattern

Proper session handling in Hibernate backed applications is often the
most difficult problem. Use cases vary from by architecture and load.
Hibernate is known to be quite strict on session and transaction
handling, so to save yourself from a headache, I'd suggest you to make
it right. There is a lot's of good documentation about different session
handling patterns in hibernate.org.

Using session-per-request pattern is often a safe bet for Toolkit
application. It is maybe the most common pattern among all Servlet based
applications. When doing data manipulation we'll use the same session
during the whole request and in the end of the request make sure that
session and transaction is properly finalized. When implemented
properly, session-per-request pattern guarantees that number of
Hibernate sessions is in control, sessions are properly closed and
sessions are flushed regularly. A good combo of characteristics for a
multi-user web application.

By Toolkits nature, session-per-request pattern is actually kind of
wrong. Toolkit is a general purpose GUI framework and programmer does
not need to think about requests and responses at all. Actually Toolkit
applications and components don't know nothing about requests. It its
the web terminal that does all the web magic. Another option is to use
session-per-application or even session-per-transaction like one would
do with SWING or other destop application. Always evaluate your
requirements, use cases and available computing resources to have the
optimal session handling pattern.

To ensure that we are using only one Hibernate session per http request
is the easy part. We can use Hibernates `getCurrentSession()` to retrieve
thread local session instance. As we always want to actually use the
session I build a helper method that will also begin a database
transaction. In our !WorkoutLog we will always be using this method to
get session reference.

* Used to get current Hibernate session. Also ensures an open Hibernate
* transaction.
public Session getSession() {
Session currentSession = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory()
if(!currentSession.getTransaction().isActive()) {
return currentSession;

Closing is bit more tricky. One way around would be to use a servlet
filter. You can find examples of this from hibernate.org. But we'll keep
toolkits terminal independence in mind and don't pollute our program
with servlet specific code. To properly implement session-per-request
pattern we'll need to familiarize ourselves to a feature in Toolkits
terminal. Ideally toolkit programmer don't need to care about terminal
at all, but now we need to hook some logic into the end of (http)
request that don't exist for the application. For the pattern it is
essential that session finalization is done always and and after all
hibernate related stuff is done. With event based programming model
there is no way we can detect the last database action in the actual
program code.

The feature we need is `TransactionListeners`. `TransactionListeners` are
attached to `ApplicationContext` which corresponds to http session in our
current web terminal. `TransactionListeners` are notified right before
and right after the clients state is synchronized with server. The
transaction end is what we need here. I'll attach the transaction
listener in the applications `init()` like this:

getContext().addTransactionListener(new TransactionListener() {
public void transactionEnd(Application application,
Object transactionData) {
// Transaction listener gets fired for all contexts
// (HttpSessions) toolkit applications, checking to be this one.
if (application == WorkoutLog.this) {

public void transactionStart(Application application, Object transactionData) {

In `closeSession()` the usual Hibernate sessions finalization is done.

private void closeSession() {
Session sess = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
if(sess.getTransaction().isActive()) {

The sequence diagram below shows how Session handling works with this
pattern during one (http) request. It is an imaginary server visit that
fires to event listeners. The first one does some listing and the latter
re-attaches detached pojo. Note that the second database/Hibernate
action uses the same Session object as the first one. Note that function
names are not real ones, but trying to describe the process better.

image:img/sd_s_per_r.gif[Session handling sequence diagram]

Due Toolkit applications do have state, pattern can be defined more
strictly as a session-per-request-with-detached-objects pattern. As the
session closes quite often, our entity objects are most likely detached
by the time we are updating them. So when we have our changes to entity
object done, it is time to re-attach it to current session to persist
changes into database. An example of that is below:

run.setDate((Date) date.getValue());
run.setTitle((String) title.getValue());

Attaching POJO's UI

In this chapter I'll discuss briefly some options to implement basic
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) actions for our DB backed Workout

Listing Objects

If you are learning by doing, I'd suggest that you manually insert some
rows to your db at this point. Listing an empty database will be quite

The most natural way to list our simple Workout object is to put them
into Table component. To do this there is an easy way and an the right
way. We'll start with the easy one, but I suggest to use the latter in
real applications. The code below (the "easy" way) is not in the
*WorkoutLog* app at all, but you can try it if you want.

// prepare tables container
table.addContainerProperty("date", Date.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("kilometers", Float.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("title", String.class, null);

// list all Workouts
List workouts = getSession().createCriteria(Workout.class).list();
for (Iterator iterator = workouts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Workout wo = (Workout) iterator.next();
// add item to table and set properties from POJO
Item woItem = table.addItem(wo.getId());

In the above example we are using Table's default container,
`IndexedContainer`. It is a good general purpose container, but using it
always is not a good option. You have to load the data into it by
yourself and configure properties etc. It also stores everything in
memory. In our example it may start to be a problem if you
do three workouts everyday, live 100 years old and memory chips don't
get cheaper in the future. But in real application we might really have
millions of records in DB. I really wouldn't suggest to load that table
into memory anymore.

As you may guess the way is to build our own container for Workouts.
Building good containers is one of the most difficult tasks in Toolkit
programming. There are number of different sub interfaces one might want
to implement and a whole bunch of methods code. Luckily one can't safely
throw `UnsupportedOperationExeception` for many of those. It is a boring
tasks, but it often pays it back later. When you have your container
ready, it hides lots of DB access from program logic and can be used for
many components (Selects, Trees, Tables etc). With your own customized
container you can also tune it to work as you want (memory-consumption
versus speed etc).

As building a full-featured is not in the scope of this article, it is
time to throw in a nice helper class called `HbnContainer`. It takes a
Hibernate entity class and a strategy to get Hibernate session in its
constructor. It is indexed, ordered, sortable, had a limited supports
adding/removing items and even ought to be fairly well scalable (by
number of rows in DB). It is not part of Toolkit as we don't consider it
ready for framework yet, but we hope to have something similar in the
core Toolkit in later releases. But feel free to use it in you own

With `HbnContainer` loading table with Workouts simplifies quite a bit.
We need to implement `HbnContainer`.`SessionManager` interface, but it is
rather easy task as we already have getSession named function in our
*WorkoutLog*. Create and add table to your application, load its content
with following code snippet and you should have a Workout listing on
your screen.

table.setContainerDataSource(new HbnContainer(Workout.class, this));

Creating workouts

Now that we have listing we might want to add some rows via our web
interface. To create a new Workout instance and store it in to DB we
have to do the usual Hibernate stuff: instantiate POJO and attach it to
session. But as I hinted earlier, having a good container will help us
to do it even simpler. `HbnContainer` supports adding items with the most
simplest method `addItem()`.

If you look into the implementation, it does all the usual Hibernates
stuff and returns items generated identifier. In addition this it also
notifies appropriate listeners that the content of table has changed. So
by using containers `addItem()` method instead of doing DB persist
ourselves we don't need to worry about UI updates. Table listens to its
container changes and changes gets sent to web browsers.

Updates and deletes

Building an editor for our Workout object is a straight forwarded coding
task. You may organize your code just like you want. `WorkoutEditor`
class is a simple example implementation that shows and editor in
floating window. It has fields for workouts properties and it can be
loaded with Workout instance or with an identifier. In `WorkoutLog` I
attached a `ValueChangeListener` into table to open editor when user
clicks a row in table. Save and delete buttons in `WorkoutEditor`
delegates work back to methods in main application. Delete uses
containers method and behind the scenes a normal Hibernate object
deletion. When saving we just reattach detached object using `merge()`.

To avoid "monkey-coding" I'll show one can to use toolkits advanced
features to automatically create editable fields for items. The
`WorkoutEditor` class could have created its fields automatically by
using appropriate Item and a Form component. Also Table supports
automatic field generation, so why not edit workouts directly in our
main object listing?

All we need to do is to use `setEditable()` method. In `WorkoutLog` there
is a button that toggles this feature. Clicking it make table editable,
clicking it again shows data only. Can't imagine any simpler way to do
the 'U' part of CRUD.

Both Form and Table components use `FieldFactory` interface to
automatically create fields for Items properties. There is a simple
default factory that you almost certainly want to modify for your needs.
As an example I extended it to set proper resolution for date field and
also did some other fine tuning.

If you investigate the code a bit you might wonder how the database is
updated now as we don't seem to call `merge()` or any other method to
re-attached POJO. When field is updated it knows only about its
underlaying Property. In this case it is `EntityItemProperty` built by
`HbnContainer`. Field calls its `setValue()` method and that is where the
underlaying POJO is re-attached into Hibernate session.

Adding custom columns to !HbnContainer

This last bonus chapter is bit out of scope of the article. But as
updating is so easy in Table we could ditch our `WorkoutEditor`. But then
arises a question how to implement deletion. An option is to use Tables
selection feature and "Delete selected" button. Another one is to use
context menu option. This is also done in `WorkoutLog`. Both are good
options, but someday someone will be asking how to add delete button on
each row. So lets discuss that right away.

Ideologically this is adding a new property to our items. We definitely
don't want to pollute our entity object by adding `public Button
getDelete()` to our Workout object. The right place to implement this is
in custom Container and Item. I implemented an example of this by
extending `HbnContainer` to `WorkoutListingWithSteroids`. It adds a column
"actions" (or container property if we are talking "Toolkit") which is a
layout containing two buttons.

Another possibly little bit easier method is to use recently introduced
feature in Table component called `ColumnGenerator`. *WorkoutLog* (in svn)
has an example of this method too.

Check out the example code if you want this kind of behavior.


Popular open source ORM tool Hibernate is a perfect companion for IT
Mill Toolkit. Finding the right way to handle session in your
application is a often the most critical task. Session-per-request
pattern is a safe choice for Toolkit application, but not the only
option. DB backed entity objects are used in a usual manner. To use more
advanced features of toolkit, you'll want to use a custom built
container-item-property set. ORM is never easy, but it is not a rocket
science if you use tested industry proven patterns. And if your
application is going to be a big or old, I can guarantee that you will
have a nice ROI for hours you spend on it (ORM).

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- link:UsingPython.asciidoc[Using Python]
- link:UsingPhoneGapBuildWithVaadinTouchKit.asciidoc[Using PhoneGap Build with Vaadin TouchKit]
- link:ScalaAndVaadinHOWTO.asciidoc[Scala and Vaadin how-to]
- link:UsingHibernateWithVaadin.asciidoc[Using Hibernate with Vaadin]

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