Bladeren bron

Added javadoc, fixes #3856

svn changeset:10378/svn branch:6.2
Marc Englund 14 jaren geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 250 en 4 verwijderingen
  1. 250

+ 250
- 4
src/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -10,16 +10,56 @@ import java.util.Set;


import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget;
import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component;

* When a component is updated, it's client side widget's
* {@link Paintable#updateFromUIDL(UIDL, ApplicationConnection)
* updateFromUIDL()} will be called with the updated ("changes") UIDL received
* from the server.
* <p>
* UIDL is hierarchical, and there are a few methods to retrieve the children,
* {@link #getChildCount()}, {@link #getChildIterator()}
* {@link #getChildString(int)}, {@link #getChildUIDL(int)}.
* </p>
* <p>
* It can be helpful to keep in mind that UIDL was originally modeled in XML, so
* it's structure is very XML -like. For instance, the first to children in the
* underlying UIDL representation will contain the "tag" name and attributes,
* but will be skipped by the methods mentioned above.
* </p>
public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {

protected UIDL() {

* Shorthand for getting the attribute named "id", which for Paintables is
* the essential paintableId which binds the server side component to the
* client side widget.
* @return the value of the id attribute, if available
public String getId() {
return getStringAttribute("id");

* Gets the name of this UIDL section, as created with
* {@link PaintTarget#startTag(String) PaintTarget.startTag()} in the
* server-side {@link Component#paint(PaintTarget) Component.paint()} or
* (usually) {@link AbstractComponent#paintContent(PaintTarget)
* AbstractComponent.paintContent()}. Note that if the UIDL corresponds to a
* Paintable, a component identifier will be returned instead - this is used
* internally and is not needed within
* {@link Paintable#updateFromUIDL(UIDL, ApplicationConnection)
* updateFromUIDL()}.
* @return the name for this section
public native String getTag()
return this[0];
@@ -40,16 +80,33 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {
return Boolean(this[1]["v"]);

* Gets the named attribute as a String.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute value
public String getStringAttribute(String name) {
return attr().getString(name);

* Gets the names of the attributes available.
* @return the names of available attributes
public Set<String> getAttributeNames() {
Set<String> keySet = attr().getKeySet();
return keySet;

* Gets the names of variables available.
* @return the names of available variables
public Set<String> getVariableNames() {
if (!hasVariables()) {
return new HashSet<String>();
@@ -59,34 +116,90 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {

* Gets the named attribute as an int.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute value
public int getIntAttribute(String name) {
return attr().getInt(name);

* Gets the named attribute as a long.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute value
public long getLongAttribute(String name) {
return (long) attr().getRawNumber(name);

* Gets the named attribute as a float.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute value
public float getFloatAttribute(String name) {
return (float) attr().getRawNumber(name);

* Gets the named attribute as a double.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute value
public double getDoubleAttribute(String name) {
return attr().getRawNumber(name);

* Gets the named attribute as a boolean.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute value
public boolean getBooleanAttribute(String name) {
return attr().getBoolean(name);

* Gets the named attribute as a Map of named values (key/value pairs).
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute Map
public ValueMap getMapAttribute(String name) {
return attr().getValueMap(name);

* Gets the named attribute as an array of Strings.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute value
public String[] getStringArrayAttribute(String name) {
return attr().getStringArray(name);

* Gets the named attribute as an int array.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to get
* @return the attribute value
public int[] getIntArrayAttribute(final String name) {
return attr().getIntArray(name);
@@ -107,15 +220,36 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {
return '' + this[1]['v'][name];

* Indicates whether or not the named attribute is available.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute to check
* @return true if the attribute is available, false otherwise
public boolean hasAttribute(final String name) {
return attr().containsKey(name);

* Gets the UIDL for the child at the given index.
* @param i
* the index of the child to get
* @return the UIDL of the child if it exists
public native UIDL getChildUIDL(int i)
return this[i + 2];

* Gets the child at the given index as a String.
* @param i
* the index of the child to get
* @return the String representation of the child if it exists
public native String getChildString(int i)
return this[i + 2];
@@ -126,6 +260,23 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {
return this[index + 2];

* Gets an iterator that can be used to iterate trough the children of this
* <p>
* The Object returned by <code>next()</code> will be appropriately typed -
* if it's UIDL, {@link #getTag()} can be used to check which section is in
* question.
* </p>
* <p>
* The basic use case is to iterate over the children of an UIDL update, and
* update the appropriate part of the widget for each child encountered, e.g
* if <code>getTag()</code> returns "color", one would update the widgets
* color to reflect the value of the "color" section.
* </p>
* @return an iterator for iterating over UIDL children
public Iterator<Object> getChildIterator() {

return new Iterator<Object>() {
@@ -185,9 +336,6 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {

* @return
* @deprecated
@@ -195,38 +343,101 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {
return toString();

* Checks if the named variable is available.
* @param name
* the name of the variable desired
* @return true if the variable exists, false otherwise
public boolean hasVariable(String name) {
return hasVariables() && var().containsKey(name);

* Gets the value of the named variable.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public String getStringVariable(String name) {
return var().getString(name);

* Gets the value of the named variable.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public int getIntVariable(String name) {
return var().getInt(name);

* Gets the value of the named variable.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public long getLongVariable(String name) {
return (long) var().getRawNumber(name);

* Gets the value of the named variable.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public float getFloatVariable(String name) {
return (float) var().getRawNumber(name);

* Gets the value of the named variable.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public double getDoubleVariable(String name) {
return var().getRawNumber(name);

* Gets the value of the named variable.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public boolean getBooleanVariable(String name) {
return var().getBoolean(name);

* Gets the value of the named variable.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public String[] getStringArrayVariable(String name) {
return var().getStringArray(name);

* Gets the value of the named String[] variable as a Set of Strings.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public Set<String> getStringArrayVariableAsSet(final String name) {
final HashSet<String> s = new HashSet<String>();
JsArrayString a = var().getJSStringArray(name);
@@ -236,10 +447,20 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {
return s;

* Gets the value of the named variable.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the value of the variable
public int[] getIntArrayVariable(String name) {
return var().getIntArray(name);

* @deprecated should not be used anymore
public final static class XML extends JavaScriptObject {
protected XML() {
@@ -261,11 +482,22 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {

* Returns the number of children.
* @return the number of children
public native int getChildCount()
return this.length - 2;

* Shorthand that returns the component errors as UIDL. Only applicable for
* Paintables.
* @return the error UIDL if available
public native UIDL getErrors()
return this[1]['error'];
@@ -276,11 +508,25 @@ public final class UIDL extends JavaScriptObject {
return typeof this[1][name] == "object";

* Gets the Paintable with the id found in the named attributes's value.
* @param name
* the name of the attribute
* @return the Paintable referenced by the attribute, if it exists
public Paintable getPaintableAttribute(String name,
ApplicationConnection connection) {
return connection.getPaintable(getStringAttribute(name));

* Gets the Paintable with the id found in the named variable's value.
* @param name
* the name of the variable
* @return the Paintable referenced by the variable, if it exists
public Paintable getPaintableVariable(String name,
ApplicationConnection connection) {
return connection.getPaintable(getStringVariable(name));
