Kaynağa Gözat

Add python script for validating demos

This patch refactors most of building logic from BuildArchetypes.py to

Change-Id: I34526db0cc2dba3b0dc6afddefa7559b5e75b87c
Teemu Suo-Anttila 9 yıl önce
3 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 220 ekleme ve 134 silme
  1. 19
  2. 41
  3. 160

+ 19
- 134
scripts/BuildArchetypes.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -10,21 +10,14 @@
# python BuildArchetypes.py version fw-repo-id archetype-repo-id plugin-repo-id

import platform, subprocess, sys, argparse
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from os.path import join, isdir, isfile, basename
from os import listdir, getcwd, mkdir
from glob import glob
from shutil import copy
import subprocess
from BuildHelpers import mavenValidate, copyWarFiles, repo, getLogFile, parseArgs, mavenCmd, updateRepositories


# ArchetypeGroupId
archetypeGroup = "com.vaadin"

# Staging repo base url
repo = "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/comvaadin-%d"

# List of built archetypes
archetypes = [
@@ -33,28 +26,25 @@ archetypes = [

# Directory where the resulting war files are stored
# TODO: deploy results
resultPath = "result"

# Maven GroupID
group = "testpkg"

log = None
args = None


# Generates and modifies a maven pom file
def buildArchetype(archetype):
global args, archetypeGroup, resultPath, group, mavenCmd
def generateArchetype(archetype):
artifactId = "test-%s-%s" % (archetype, args.version.replace(".", "-"))
logFile = open(join(resultPath, "%s.log" % (archetype)), 'w')

# Generate the required command line for archetype generation
cmd = [mavenCmd, "archetype:generate"]
cmd.append("-DarchetypeGroupId=%s" % (archetypeGroup))
cmd.append("-DarchetypeArtifactId=%s" % (archetype))
cmd.append("-DarchetypeVersion=%s" % (args.version))
cmd.append("-DarchetypeRepository=%s" % (repo % (args.archetype)))
if hasattr(args, "archetype") and args.archetype != None:
cmd.append("-DarchetypeRepository=%s" % (repo % (args.archetype)))
cmd.append("-DgroupId=%s" % (group))
cmd.append("-DartifactId=%s" % (artifactId))
@@ -62,123 +52,18 @@ def buildArchetype(archetype):
# Generate pom.xml
print("Generating pom.xml for archetype %s" % (archetype))
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=logFile)
print("Add staging repositories to pom.xml")
print("Do maven clean package validate")
subprocess.check_call([mavenCmd, "clean", "package", "validate"], cwd=join(getcwd(), artifactId), stdout=logFile)
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=log)
# Find resulting .war files
warFiles = glob(join(getcwd(), artifactId, "target", "*.war"))
warFiles.extend(glob(join(getcwd(), artifactId, "*", "target", "*.war")))
for warFile in warFiles:
if len(warFiles) == 1:
deployName = "%s.war" % (archetype)
deployName = "%s-%d" % (archetype, warFiles.index(warFile))
print("Copying .war file %s as %s to result folder" % (basename(warFile), deployName))
copy(warFile, join(resultPath, "%s" % (deployName)))

# Recursive pom.xml update script
def updateRepositories(path):
global args, repo
# Read pom.xml
pomXml = join(path, "pom.xml")
if isfile(pomXml):
# pom.xml namespace workaround
root = ElementTree.parse(pomXml).getroot()
nameSpace = root.tag[1:root.tag.index('}')]
ElementTree.register_namespace('', nameSpace)
# Read the pom.xml correctly
tree = ElementTree.parse(pomXml)
# NameSpace needed for finding the repositories node
repoNode = tree.getroot().find("{%s}repositories" % (nameSpace))
if repoNode is not None:
# Add framework staging repository
addRepo(repoNode, "repository", "vaadin-%s-staging" % (args.version), repo % (args.framework))
# Find the correct pluginRepositories node
pluginRepo = tree.getroot().find("{%s}pluginRepositories" % (nameSpace))
if pluginRepo is None:
# Add pluginRepositories node if needed
pluginRepo = ElementTree.SubElement(tree.getroot(), "pluginRepositories")
# Add plugin staging repository
addRepo(pluginRepo, "pluginRepository", "vaadin-%s-plugin-staging" % (args.version), repo % (args.plugin))
# Overwrite the modified pom.xml
tree.write(pomXml, encoding='UTF-8')
# Recursive pom.xml search.
for i in listdir(path):
file = join(path, i)
if isdir(file):
updateRepositories(join(path, i))

# Add a repository of repoType to given repoNode with id and URL
def addRepo(repoNode, repoType, id, url):
newRepo = ElementTree.SubElement(repoNode, repoType)
idElem = ElementTree.SubElement(newRepo, "id")
idElem.text = id
urlElem = ElementTree.SubElement(newRepo, "url")
urlElem.text = url

# Function for determining the path for maven executable
def getMavenCommand():
# This method uses .split("\n")[0] which basically chooses the first result where/which returns.
# Fixes the case with multiple maven installations available on PATH
if platform.system() == "Windows":
return subprocess.check_output(["where", "mvn.cmd"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
return subprocess.check_output(["where", "mvn.bat"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
print("Unable to locate mvn with where. Is the maven executable in your PATH?")
return subprocess.check_output(["which", "mvn"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
print("Unable to locate maven executable with which. Is the maven executable in your PATH?")
return None
# Return the artifactId so we know the name in the future
return artifactId

## DO THIS IF RUN AS A SCRIPT (not import) ##
if __name__ == "__main__":
mavenCmd = getMavenCommand()
if mavenCmd is None:
args = parseArgs()
for archetype in archetypes:
log = getLogFile(archetype)
artifactId = generateArchetype(archetype)
mavenValidate(artifactId, logFile=log)
copyWarFiles(artifactId, name=archetype)

# Command line arguments for this script
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automated staging validation")
parser.add_argument("version", type=str, help="Vaadin version to use")
parser.add_argument("framework", type=int, help="Framework repo id (comvaadin-XXXX)")
parser.add_argument("archetype", type=int, help="Archetype repo id (comvaadin-XXXX)")
parser.add_argument("plugin", type=int, help="Maven Plugin repo id (comvaadin-XXXX)")
# If no args, give help
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
args = parser.parse_args(["-h"])
args = parser.parse_args()
# Argument parsing error.
if hasattr(args, "echo"):
# Create the result folder
if not isdir(resultPath):
# TODO: Clean up old builds ?
for a in archetypes:

+ 41
- 0
scripts/BuildDemos.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@

# See BuildArchetypes for details on environment
# BuildDemos needs git in PATH and depends on gitpython library
# gitpython can be installed with python installer script "pip":
# pip install gitpython

from git import Repo
from BuildHelpers import updateRepositories, mavenValidate, copyWarFiles, VersionObject, getLogFile, parseArgs

## Example of a non-staging test.
#version = VersionObject()
#version.version = "7.4.8"

# Uncomment lines before this, and comment following line to make a non-staging test
version = None

demos = {
"dashboard" : "https://github.com/vaadin/dashboard-demo.git",
"parking" : "https://github.com/vaadin/parking-demo.git",
"addressbook" : "https://github.com/vaadin/addressbook.git",
"confirmdialog" : "https://github.com/samie/Vaadin-ConfirmDialog.git"

def checkout(folder, url):
Repo.clone_from(url, folder)

if __name__ == "__main__":
if version is None:
version = parseArgs()
for demo in demos:
print("Validating demo %s" % (demo))
checkout(demo, demos[demo])
updateRepositories(demo, repoIds = version)
mavenValidate(demo, repoIds = version, logFile = getLogFile(demo))
print("%s demo validation succeeded!" % (demo))
print("%s demo validation failed" % (demo))

+ 160
- 0
scripts/BuildHelpers.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@

## Collection of helpers for Build scripts ##

import sys, argparse, subprocess, platform
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from os.path import join, isdir, isfile, basename, exists
from os import listdir, getcwd, mkdir
from shutil import copy
from glob import glob

class VersionObject(object):

# Staging repo base url
repo = "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/comvaadin-%d"

# Directory where the resulting war files are stored
# TODO: deploy results
resultPath = "result"

if not exists(resultPath):
elif not isdir(resultPath):
print("Result path is not a directory.")

args = None

# Parse command line arguments <version> <framework-repo-id> <archetype-repo-id> <plugin-repo-id>
def parseArgs():
# Command line arguments for this script
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automated staging validation")
parser.add_argument("version", type=str, help="Vaadin version to use")
parser.add_argument("framework", type=int, help="Framework repo id (comvaadin-XXXX)", nargs='?')
parser.add_argument("archetype", type=int, help="Archetype repo id (comvaadin-XXXX)", nargs='?')
parser.add_argument("plugin", type=int, help="Maven Plugin repo id (comvaadin-XXXX)", nargs='?')
# If no args, give help
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
args = parser.parse_args(["-h"])
args = parser.parse_args()
return args

# Function for determining the path for maven executable
def getMavenCommand():
# This method uses .split("\n")[0] which basically chooses the first result where/which returns.
# Fixes the case with multiple maven installations available on PATH
if platform.system() == "Windows":
return subprocess.check_output(["where", "mvn.cmd"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
return subprocess.check_output(["where", "mvn.bat"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
print("Unable to locate mvn with where. Is the maven executable in your PATH?")
return subprocess.check_output(["which", "mvn"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
print("Unable to locate maven executable with which. Is the maven executable in your PATH?")
return None

mavenCmd = getMavenCommand()

# Get command line arguments. Parses arguments if needed.
def getArgs():
global args
if args is None:
args = parseArgs()
return args

# Maven Package and Validation
def mavenValidate(artifactId, mvnCmd = mavenCmd, logFile = sys.stdout, repoIds = None):
if repoIds is None:
repoIds = getArgs()

print("Do maven clean package validate")
cmd = [mvnCmd]
if hasattr(repoIds, "version") and repoIds.version is not None:
cmd.append("-Dvaadin.version=%s" % (repoIds.version))
cmd.extend(["clean", "package", "validate"])
print("executing: %s" % (" ".join(cmd)))
subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=join(getcwd(), artifactId), stdout=logFile)

# Collect .war files to given folder with given naming
def copyWarFiles(artifactId, resultDir = resultPath, name = None):
if name is None:
name = artifactId
warFiles = glob(join(getcwd(), artifactId, "target", "*.war"))
warFiles.extend(glob(join(getcwd(), artifactId, "*", "target", "*.war")))
for warFile in warFiles:
if len(warFiles) == 1:
deployName = "%s.war" % (name)
deployName = "%s-%d.war" % (name, warFiles.index(warFile))
print("Copying .war file %s as %s to result folder" % (basename(warFile), deployName))
copy(warFile, join(resultDir, "%s" % (deployName)))

# Recursive pom.xml update script
def updateRepositories(path, repoIds = None, repoUrl = repo):
# If versions are not supplied, parse arguments
if repoIds is None:
repoIds = getArgs()
# Read pom.xml
pomXml = join(path, "pom.xml")
if isfile(pomXml):
# pom.xml namespace workaround
root = ElementTree.parse(pomXml).getroot()
nameSpace = root.tag[1:root.tag.index('}')]
ElementTree.register_namespace('', nameSpace)
# Read the pom.xml correctly
tree = ElementTree.parse(pomXml)
# NameSpace needed for finding the repositories node
repoNode = tree.getroot().find("{%s}repositories" % (nameSpace))
if repoNode is not None:
print("Add staging repositories to " + pomXml)
if hasattr(repoIds, "framework") and repoIds.framework is not None:
# Add framework staging repository
addRepo(repoNode, "repository", "vaadin-%s-staging" % (repoIds.version), repoUrl % (repoIds.framework))
# Find the correct pluginRepositories node
pluginRepo = tree.getroot().find("{%s}pluginRepositories" % (nameSpace))
if pluginRepo is None:
# Add pluginRepositories node if needed
pluginRepo = ElementTree.SubElement(tree.getroot(), "pluginRepositories")
if hasattr(repoIds, "plugin") and repoIds.plugin is not None:
# Add plugin staging repository
addRepo(pluginRepo, "pluginRepository", "vaadin-%s-plugin-staging" % (repoIds.version), repoUrl % (repoIds.plugin))
# Overwrite the modified pom.xml
tree.write(pomXml, encoding='UTF-8')
# Recursive pom.xml search.
for i in listdir(path):
file = join(path, i)
if isdir(file):
updateRepositories(join(path, i), repoIds, repoUrl)

# Add a repository of repoType to given repoNode with id and URL
def addRepo(repoNode, repoType, id, url):
newRepo = ElementTree.SubElement(repoNode, repoType)
idElem = ElementTree.SubElement(newRepo, "id")
idElem.text = id
urlElem = ElementTree.SubElement(newRepo, "url")
urlElem.text = url

# Get a logfile for given artifact
def getLogFile(artifact, resultDir = resultPath):
return open(join(resultDir, "%s.log" % (artifact)), 'w')
