Переглянути джерело

Fixes insert/remove columns and testcase (#12645)

This includes also other bugs that were found while creating a more suitable testcase for this

Change-Id: I841e3643550b02d1ba16d2eee74deab9be15cc26
Henrik Paul 10 роки тому

+ 128
- 85
client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/grid/Escalator.java Переглянути файл

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Node;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NodeList;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit;
import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.AttachEvent;
@@ -215,6 +216,10 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
* [[frozencol]]: This needs to be re-inspected once frozen columns are
* being implemented.
* [[widgets]]: This needs to be re-inspected once GWT/Vaadin widgets are
* being supported.

private static final int ROW_HEIGHT_PX = 20;
private static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_PX = 100;
@@ -689,23 +694,26 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
return addedRows;

Node referenceNode;
Node referenceRow;
if (root.getChildCount() != 0 && visualIndex != 0) {
// get the row node we're inserting stuff after
referenceNode = root.getChild(visualIndex - 1);
referenceRow = root.getChild(visualIndex - 1);
} else {
// index is 0, so just prepend.
referenceNode = null;
referenceRow = null;

for (int row = visualIndex; row < visualIndex + numberOfRows; row++) {
final Element tr = DOM.createTR();
tr.addClassName(CLASS_NAME + "-row");
referenceRow = insertAfterReferenceAndUpdateIt(root, tr,

for (int col = 0; col < columnConfiguration.getColumnCount(); col++) {
final Element cellElem = createCellElement();
paintCell(cellElem, row, col);
paintCell(cellElem, row, col);

@@ -715,27 +723,6 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
* updated to reduce the number of reflows.
tr.addClassName(CLASS_NAME + "-row");

if (referenceNode != null) {
root.insertAfter(tr, referenceNode);
} else {
* referencenode being null means we have index 0, i.e. make
* it the first row
* TODO [[optimize]]: Is insertFirst or append faster for an
* empty root?

* to get the rows to appear one after another in a logical
* order, update the reference
referenceNode = tr;

@@ -743,6 +730,24 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
return addedRows;

private Node insertAfterReferenceAndUpdateIt(final Element parent,
final Element elem, final Node referenceNode) {
if (referenceNode != null) {
parent.insertAfter(elem, referenceNode);
} else {
* referencenode being null means we have offset 0, i.e. make it
* the first row
* TODO [[optimize]]: Is insertFirst or append faster for an
* empty root?
return elem;

protected void recalculateSectionHeight() {
final double newHeight = root.getChildCount() * ROW_HEIGHT_PX;
if (newHeight != height) {
@@ -844,6 +849,83 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
abstract protected Element getTrByVisualIndex(int index)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;

abstract protected int getTopVisualRowLogicalIndex();

protected void paintRemoveColumns(final int offset,
final int numberOfColumns) {
final NodeList<Node> childNodes = root.getChildNodes();
for (int visualRowIndex = 0; visualRowIndex < childNodes
.getLength(); visualRowIndex++) {
final Node tr = childNodes.getItem(visualRowIndex);

for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumns; column++) {
// TODO [[widgets]]
recalculateRowWidth((Element) tr);

final int firstRemovedColumnLeft = offset * COLUMN_WIDTH_PX;
final boolean columnsWereRemovedFromLeftOfTheViewport = scroller.lastScrollLeft > firstRemovedColumnLeft;

if (columnsWereRemovedFromLeftOfTheViewport) {
final int removedColumnsPxAmount = numberOfColumns
final int leftByDiff = (int) (scroller.lastScrollLeft - removedColumnsPxAmount);
final int newScrollLeft = Math.max(firstRemovedColumnLeft,

// this needs to be after the scroll position adjustment above.


protected void paintInsertColumns(final int offset,
final int numberOfColumns) {
final NodeList<Node> childNodes = root.getChildNodes();
final int topVisualRowLogicalIndex = getTopVisualRowLogicalIndex();

for (int row = 0; row < childNodes.getLength(); row++) {
final Element tr = getTrByVisualIndex(row);

Node referenceCell;
if (offset != 0) {
referenceCell = tr.getChild(offset - 1);
} else {
referenceCell = null;

for (int col = offset; col < offset + numberOfColumns; col++) {
final Element cellElem = createCellElement();
referenceCell = insertAfterReferenceAndUpdateIt(tr,
cellElem, referenceCell);
paintCell(cellElem, topVisualRowLogicalIndex + row, col);

* TODO [[optimize]] [[colwidth]]: When this method is updated
* to measure things instead of using hardcoded values, it would
* be better to do everything at once after all rows have been
* updated to reduce the number of reflows.

// this needs to be before the scrollbar adjustment.

final boolean columnsWereAddedToTheLeftOfViewport = scroller.lastScrollLeft > offset

if (columnsWereAddedToTheLeftOfViewport) {
.setScrollLeft((int) (scroller.lastScrollLeft + numberOfColumns

private abstract class AbstractStaticRowContainer extends
@@ -856,6 +938,7 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
protected void paintRemoveRows(final int index, final int numberOfRows) {
for (int i = index; i < index + numberOfRows; i++) {
final Element tr = (Element) root.getChild(i);
// TODO [[widgets]]
@@ -871,6 +954,11 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
+ index);

protected int getTopVisualRowLogicalIndex() {
return 0;

private class HeaderRowContainer extends AbstractStaticRowContainer {
@@ -1374,6 +1462,7 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
for (int i = 0; i < escalatorRowsToRemove; i++) {
final Element tr = visualRowOrder
// TODO [[widgets]]
@@ -1733,6 +1822,15 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
tBodyScrollTop = scrollTop;
position.set(bodyElem, -tBodyScrollLeft, -tBodyScrollTop);

protected int getTopVisualRowLogicalIndex() {
if (!visualRowOrder.isEmpty()) {
return getLogicalRowIndex(visualRowOrder.getFirst());
} else {
return 0;

private class ColumnConfigurationImpl implements ColumnConfiguration {
@@ -1751,17 +1849,11 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {
public void removeColumns(final int index, final int numberOfColumns) {
assertArgumentsAreValidAndWithinRange(index, numberOfColumns);

columns -= numberOfColumns;

// FIXME [[escalator]]: broken on escalator
if (hasSomethingInDom()) {
for (final AbstractRowContainer rowContainer : rowContainers) {
for (int row = 0; row < rowContainer.getRowCount(); row++) {
final Node tr = rowContainer.root.getChild(row);
for (int col = 0; col < numberOfColumns; col++) {
rowContainer.paintRemoveColumns(index, numberOfColumns);
@@ -1807,58 +1899,9 @@ public class Escalator extends Widget {

columns += numberOfColumns;
if (!hasColumnAndRowData()) {

for (final AbstractRowContainer rowContainer : rowContainers) {
// FIXME: broken on escalator
final Element element = rowContainer.root;

for (int row = 0; row < element.getChildCount(); row++) {
final Element tr = (Element) element.getChild(row);

Node referenceElement;
if (index != 0) {
referenceElement = tr.getChild(index - 1);
} else {
referenceElement = null;

for (int col = index; col < index + numberOfColumns; col++) {
final Element cellElem = rowContainer
rowContainer.paintCell(cellElem, row, col);

if (referenceElement != null) {
tr.insertAfter(cellElem, referenceElement);
} else {
* referenceElement being null means we have index
* 0, make it the first cell.
* TODO [[optimize]]: Is insertFirst or append
* faster for an empty tr?

* update reference to insert cells in logical order,
* the latter after the former
referenceElement = cellElem;

* TODO [[optimize]] [[colwidth]]: When this method is
* updated to measure things instead of using hardcoded
* values, it would be better to do everything at once after
* all rows have been updated to reduce the number of
* reflows.
if (hasColumnAndRowData()) {
for (final AbstractRowContainer rowContainer : rowContainers) {
rowContainer.paintInsertColumns(index, numberOfColumns);

+ 46
- 21
uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/GridTest.html Переглянути файл

@@ -19,21 +19,21 @@
<td>Logical row 0/0</td>
<td>Row 0: 0,0 (0)</td>
<td>Logical row 9/9</td>
<td>Cell: 9,17 (179)</td>
<td>Logical row 0/10</td>
<td>Cell: 0,100</td>
<td>Logical row 11/11</td>
<td>Cell: 0,101</td>
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
<td>Logical row 0/10</td>
<td>Row 0: 0,100 (190)</td>
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
<td>Logical row 11/11</td>
<td>Row 11: 0,101 (200)</td>
@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@
<td>Logical row 0/12</td>
<td>Row 0: 0,102 (210)</td>
<td>Logical row 17/29</td>
<td>Row 16: 0,118 (370)</td>
@@ -103,28 +103,28 @@
<td>Logical row 56/68</td>
<td>Row 56: 0,158</td>
<td>Logical row 72/84</td>
<td>Row 72: 0,174</td>
<td>Logical row 111/</td>
<td>Row 201: 0,99</td>
@@ -138,14 +138,39 @@
<td>Logical row 110/144</td>
<td>Row 200: 0,98 (960)</td>
<td>Logical row 111/</td>
<td>Row 201:</td>
<td>Row 184: 10,82 (974)</td>
<td>Row 200: 10,98 (1006)</td>

+ 4
- 6
uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/widgetset/client/grid/TestGridConnector.java Переглянути файл

@@ -32,24 +32,22 @@ public class TestGridConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector {
registerRpc(TestGridClientRpc.class, new TestGridClientRpc() {
public void insertRows(int offset, int amount) {
getWidget().getBody().insertRows(offset, amount);
getWidget().insertRows(offset, amount);

public void removeRows(int offset, int amount) {
getWidget().getBody().removeRows(offset, amount);
getWidget().removeRows(offset, amount);

public void removeColumns(int offset, int amount) {
getWidget().removeColumns(offset, amount);

public void insertColumns(int offset, int amount) {
getWidget().insertColumns(offset, amount);


+ 113
- 47
uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/widgetset/client/grid/VTestGrid.java Переглянути файл

@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package com.vaadin.tests.widgetset.client.grid;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
import com.vaadin.client.ui.grid.Cell;
import com.vaadin.client.ui.grid.CellRenderer;
@@ -9,77 +12,130 @@ import com.vaadin.client.ui.grid.RowContainer;
import com.vaadin.client.ui.grid.ScrollDestination;

public class VTestGrid extends Composite {
public static class HeaderRenderer implements CellRenderer {
private int i = 0;

public void renderCell(final Cell cell) {
cell.getElement().setInnerText("Header " + (i++));
private static class Data {
private int columnCounter = 0;
private int rowCounter = 0;
private final List<Integer> columns = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private final List<Integer> rows = new ArrayList<Integer>();

public static class BodyRenderer implements CellRenderer {
private int i = 0;
private int ri = 0;

public void renderCell(final Cell cell) {
if (cell.getColumn() != 0) {
cell.getElement().setInnerText("Cell #" + (i++));
} else {
"Logical row " + cell.getRow() + "/" + (ri++));
public void insertRows(int offset, int amount) {
List<Integer> newRows = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
rows.addAll(offset, newRows);

double c = i * .1;
int r = (int) ((Math.cos(c) + 1) * 128);
int g = (int) ((Math.cos(c / Math.PI) + 1) * 128);
int b = (int) ((Math.cos(c / (Math.PI * 2)) + 1) * 128);
.setBackgroundColor("rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")");
if ((r * .8 + g * 1.3 + b * .9) / 3 < 127) {
} else {
public void insertColumns(int offset, int amount) {
List<Integer> newColumns = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
columns.addAll(offset, newColumns);

public CellRenderer createHeaderRenderer() {
return new CellRenderer() {
public void renderCell(Cell cell) {
int columnName = columns.get(cell.getColumn());
cell.getElement().setInnerText("Header " + columnName);

public CellRenderer createFooterRenderer() {
return new CellRenderer() {
public void renderCell(Cell cell) {
int columnName = columns.get(cell.getColumn());
cell.getElement().setInnerText("Footer " + columnName);

public CellRenderer createBodyRenderer() {
return new CellRenderer() {
int i = 0;

public void renderCell(Cell cell) {
int columnName = columns.get(cell.getColumn());
int rowName = rows.get(cell.getRow());
String cellInfo = columnName + "," + rowName + " (" + i
+ ")";

if (cell.getColumn() > 0) {
cell.getElement().setInnerText("Cell: " + cellInfo);
} else {
"Row " + cell.getRow() + ": " + cellInfo);

double c = i * .1;
int r = (int) ((Math.cos(c) + 1) * 128);
int g = (int) ((Math.cos(c / Math.PI) + 1) * 128);
int b = (int) ((Math.cos(c / (Math.PI * 2)) + 1) * 128);
"rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")");
if ((r * .8 + g * 1.3 + b * .9) / 3 < 127) {
} else {


public static class FooterRenderer implements CellRenderer {
private int i = 0;
public void removeRows(int offset, int amount) {
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {

public void renderCell(final Cell cell) {
cell.getElement().setInnerText("Footer " + (i++));
public void removeColumns(int offset, int amount) {
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {

private Escalator escalator = new Escalator();
private Data data = new Data();

public VTestGrid() {
final ColumnConfiguration cConf = escalator.getColumnConfiguration();
cConf.insertColumns(cConf.getColumnCount(), 10);
RowContainer header = escalator.getHeader();
header.insertRows(0, 1);

final RowContainer h = escalator.getHeader();
h.setCellRenderer(new HeaderRenderer());
h.insertRows(0, 1);
RowContainer footer = escalator.getFooter();
footer.insertRows(0, 1);

final RowContainer b = escalator.getBody();
b.setCellRenderer(new BodyRenderer());
b.insertRows(0, 10);

final RowContainer f = escalator.getFooter();
f.setCellRenderer(new FooterRenderer());
f.insertRows(0, 1);
insertRows(0, 100);
insertColumns(0, 10);



public RowContainer getBody() {
return escalator.getBody();
public void insertRows(int offset, int number) {
data.insertRows(offset, number);
escalator.getBody().insertRows(offset, number);

public void insertColumns(int offset, int number) {
data.insertColumns(offset, number);
escalator.getColumnConfiguration().insertColumns(offset, number);

public ColumnConfiguration getColumnConfiguration() {
@@ -103,4 +159,14 @@ public class VTestGrid extends Composite {
escalator.scrollToColumn(index, destination);

public void removeRows(int offset, int amount) {
data.removeRows(offset, amount);
escalator.getBody().removeRows(offset, amount);

public void removeColumns(int offset, int amount) {
data.removeColumns(offset, amount);
escalator.getColumnConfiguration().removeColumns(offset, amount);
