--- title: Querying with the Criteria API order: 7 layout: page --- [[jpacontainer.filtering.criteria-api]] = Querying with the Criteria API When the [interfacename]#Filterable# API is not enough and you need to have more control, you can make queries directly with the JPA Criteria API. You may also need to customize sorting or joins, or otherwise modify the query in some way. To do so, you need to implement a [interfacename]#QueryModifierDelegate# that the JPAContainer entity provider calls when making a query. The easiest way to do this is to extend [classname]#DefaultQueryModifierDelegate#, which has empty implementations of all the methods so that you can only override the ones you need. The entity provider calls specific [interfacename]#QueryModifierDelegate# methods at different stages while making a query. The stages are: . Start building a query . Add " [literal]#++ORDER BY++#" expression . Add " [literal]#++WHERE++#" expression (filter) . Finish building a query Methods where you can modify the query are called before and after each stage as listed in the following table: [[table.jpacontainer.filtering.criteria-api.methods]] .[classname]#QueryModifierDelegate# Methods |=============== |[methodname]#queryWillBeBuilt()# |[methodname]#orderByWillBeAdded()# |[methodname]#orderByWasAdded()# |[methodname]#filtersWillBeAdded()# |[methodname]#filtersWereAdded()# |[methodname]#queryHasBeenBuilt()# |=============== All the methods get two parameters. The [interfacename]#CriteriaBuilder# is a builder that you can use to build queries. The [interfacename]#CriteriaQuery# is the query being built. You can use the [methodname]#getRoots().iterator().next()# in [interfacename]#CriteriaQuery# to get the "root" that is queried, for example, the [literal]#++PERSON++# table, etc. [[jpacontainer.filtering.criteria-api.filters]] == Filtering the Query Let us consider a case where we modify the query for a [classname]#Person# container so that it includes only people over 116. This trivial example is identical to the one given earlier using the [classname]#Filterable# interface. ---- persons.getEntityProvider().setQueryModifierDelegate( new DefaultQueryModifierDelegate () { @Override public void filtersWillBeAdded( CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, CriteriaQuery query, List predicates) { Root fromPerson = query.getRoots().iterator().next(); // Add a "WHERE age > 116" expression Path age = fromPerson.get("age"); predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.gt(age, 116)); } }); ---- See the http://demo.vaadin.com/book-examples-vaadin7/book#jpacontainer.criteria.querymodification[on-line example, window="_blank"]. [[jpacontainer.filtering.criteria-api.compatibility]] == Compatibility When building queries, you should consider the capabilities of the different JPA implementations. Regarding Hibernate, see <>.