# Vaadin Test This is a test project to verify the basic functionality of various related plugins and addons. ## General use To validate a given Vaadin Version, run `mvn clean verify -Dvaadin.version=VERSIONNUMBER`. ## Server testing To validate only server compatibility, run `mvn clean verify -Dvaadin.version=VERSIONNUMBER` in the `servlet-containers` module. To test only a subset of the servers, there are profiles with the server name. For example `-P wildfly` runs all Wildfly tests, `-P glassfish,jetty` runs all the Glassfish and Jetty tests. ## Running an individual test locally To install dependencies for testing an individual module locally, run `mvn clean install -Dinstall.skip=false` in the dependency module. For example you can install all dependencies for running any individual server test module with the following command in the test root: ``` mvn clean install -Dinstall.skip=false -pl .,servlet-containers,servlet-containers/generic-ui,servlet-containers/generic-tests ``` This will install the parent POMs on both levels as well as the UI and server test dependencies.