--- title: Integrating the Two Sides with a Connector order: 4 layout: page --- [[gwt.connector]] = Integrating the Two Sides with a Connector A client-side widget is integrated with a server-side component with a __connector__. A connector is a client-side class that communicates changes to the widget state and events to the server-side. A connector normally gets the state of the server-side component by the __shared state__, described later in <>. [[gwt.connector.basic]] == A Basic Connector The basic tasks of a connector is to hook up to the widget and handle events from user interaction and changes received from the server. A connector also has a number of routine infrastructure methods which need to be implemented. ---- @Connect(MyComponent.class) public class MyComponentConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector { @Override public MyComponentWidget getWidget() { return (MyComponentWidget) super.getWidget(); } @Override public MyComponentState getState() { return (MyComponentState) super.getState(); } @Override public void onStateChanged(StateChangeEvent stateChangeEvent) { super.onStateChanged(stateChangeEvent); // Do something useful final String text = getState().text; getWidget().setText(text); } } ---- Here, we handled state change with the crude [methodname]#onStateChanged()# method that is called when any of the state properties is changed. A finer and simpler handling is achieved by using the [classname]#@OnStateChange# annotation on a handler method for each property, or by [classname]#@DelegateToWidget# on a shared state property, as described later in <>. [[gwt.connector.communication]] == Communication with the Server-Side The main task of a connector is to communicate user interaction with the widget to the server-side and receive state changes from the server-side and relay them to the widget. Server-to-client communication is normally done using a __shared state__, as described in <>, as well as RPC calls. The serialization of the state data is handled completely transparently. ifdef::web[] Once the client-side engine receives the changes from the server, it reacts to them by creating and notifying connectors that in turn manage widgets. This is described in <> in more detail. endif::web[] For client-to-server communication, a connector can make remote procedure calls (RPC) to the server-side. Also, the server-side component can make RPC calls to the connector. For a thorough description of the RPC mechanism, refer to <>.