/* * Copyright 2000-2016 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.client.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EventObject; import java.util.List; import com.google.gwt.aria.client.Roles; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event.NativePreviewEvent; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FlowPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; import com.vaadin.client.AnimationUtil; import com.vaadin.client.AnimationUtil.AnimationEndListener; import com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection; import com.vaadin.client.BrowserInfo; import com.vaadin.client.WidgetUtil; import com.vaadin.client.ui.aria.AriaHelper; import com.vaadin.shared.Position; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.NotificationRole; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState.NotificationTypeConfiguration; public class VNotification extends VOverlay { public static final Position CENTERED = Position.MIDDLE_CENTER; public static final Position CENTERED_TOP = Position.TOP_CENTER; public static final Position CENTERED_BOTTOM = Position.BOTTOM_CENTER; public static final Position TOP_LEFT = Position.TOP_LEFT; public static final Position TOP_RIGHT = Position.TOP_RIGHT; public static final Position BOTTOM_LEFT = Position.BOTTOM_LEFT; public static final Position BOTTOM_RIGHT = Position.BOTTOM_RIGHT; private static final String STYLENAME_POSITION_TOP = "v-position-top"; private static final String STYLENAME_POSITION_RIGHT = "v-position-right"; private static final String STYLENAME_POSITION_BOTTOM = "v-position-bottom"; private static final String STYLENAME_POSITION_LEFT = "v-position-left"; private static final String STYLENAME_POSITION_MIDDLE = "v-position-middle"; private static final String STYLENAME_POSITION_CENTER = "v-position-center"; private static final String STYLENAME_POSITION_ASSISTIVE = "v-position-assistive"; public static final String CAPTION = "caption"; public static final String DESCRIPTION = "description"; public static final String DETAILS = "details"; /** * Position that is only accessible for assistive devices, invisible for * visual users. */ public static final Position ASSISTIVE = Position.ASSISTIVE; public static final int DELAY_FOREVER = -1; public static final int DELAY_NONE = 0; private static final String STYLENAME = "v-Notification"; private static final int MOUSE_MOVE_THRESHOLD = 7; private static final int Z_INDEX_BASE = 20000; public static final String STYLE_SYSTEM = "system"; private static final List NOTIFICATIONS = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean infiniteDelay = false; private int hideDelay = 0; private Timer delay; private int x = -1; private int y = -1; private String temporaryStyle; private List listeners; private static final int TOUCH_DEVICE_IDLE_DELAY = 1000; /** * Default constructor. You should use GWT.create instead. */ public VNotification() { setStyleName(STYLENAME); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); getElement().getStyle().setZIndex(Z_INDEX_BASE); } /** * @deprecated Use static {@link #createNotification(int)} instead to enable * GWT deferred binding. * * @param delayMsec */ @Deprecated public VNotification(int delayMsec) { this(); setDelay(delayMsec); if (BrowserInfo.get().isTouchDevice()) { new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (isAttached()) { hide(); } } }.schedule(delayMsec + TOUCH_DEVICE_IDLE_DELAY); } } /** * @deprecated Use static {@link #createNotification(int, int, int)} instead * to enable GWT deferred binding. * * @param delayMsec * @param fadeMsec * @param startOpacity */ @Deprecated public VNotification(int delayMsec, int fadeMsec, int startOpacity) { this(delayMsec); AnimationUtil.setAnimationDuration(getElement(), fadeMsec + "ms"); getElement().getStyle().setOpacity(startOpacity / 100); } private void setDelay(int delayMsec) { if (delayMsec < 0) { infiniteDelay = true; hideDelay = 0; } else { infiniteDelay = false; hideDelay = delayMsec; } } @Override public void show() { show(CENTERED); } public void show(String style) { show(CENTERED, style); } public void show(com.vaadin.shared.Position position) { show(position, null); } public void show(Widget widget, Position position, String style) { NotificationTypeConfiguration styleSetup = getUiState(style); setWaiAriaRole(styleSetup); FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); if (hasPrefix(styleSetup)) { panel.add(new Label(styleSetup.prefix)); AriaHelper.setVisibleForAssistiveDevicesOnly(panel.getElement(), true); } panel.add(widget); if (hasPostfix(styleSetup)) { panel.add(new Label(styleSetup.postfix)); AriaHelper.setVisibleForAssistiveDevicesOnly(panel.getElement(), true); } setWidget(panel); show(position, style); } private boolean hasPostfix(NotificationTypeConfiguration styleSetup) { return styleSetup != null && styleSetup.postfix != null && !styleSetup.postfix.isEmpty(); } private boolean hasPrefix(NotificationTypeConfiguration styleSetup) { return styleSetup != null && styleSetup.prefix != null && !styleSetup.prefix.isEmpty(); } public void show(String html, Position position, String styleName) { NotificationTypeConfiguration styleSetup = getUiState(styleName); String assistiveDeviceOnlyStyle = AriaHelper.ASSISTIVE_DEVICE_ONLY_STYLE; setWaiAriaRole(styleSetup); String type = ""; String usage = ""; if (hasPrefix(styleSetup)) { type = "" + styleSetup.prefix + ""; } if (hasPostfix(styleSetup)) { usage = "" + styleSetup.postfix + ""; } setWidget(new HTML(type + html + usage)); show(position, styleName); } private NotificationTypeConfiguration getUiState(String style) { if (getApplicationConnection() == null || getApplicationConnection().getUIConnector() == null) { return null; } return getApplicationConnection().getUIConnector() .getState().notificationConfigurations.get(style); } private void setWaiAriaRole(NotificationTypeConfiguration styleSetup) { Roles.getAlertRole().set(getElement()); if (styleSetup != null && styleSetup.notificationRole != null) { if (NotificationRole.STATUS == styleSetup.notificationRole) { Roles.getStatusRole().set(getElement()); } } } public void show(Position position, String style) { if (temporaryStyle != null) { removeStyleName(temporaryStyle); removeStyleDependentName(temporaryStyle); temporaryStyle = null; } if (style != null && !style.isEmpty()) { temporaryStyle = style; addStyleName(style); addStyleDependentName(style); } setPosition(position); super.show(); updatePositionOffsets(position); NOTIFICATIONS.add(this); positionOrSizeUpdated(); /** * Android 4 fails to render notifications correctly without a little * nudge (#8551) Chrome 41 now requires this too (#17252) */ if (BrowserInfo.get().isAndroid() || isChrome41OrHigher()) { WidgetUtil.setStyleTemporarily(getElement(), "display", "none"); } } private boolean isChrome41OrHigher() { return BrowserInfo.get().isChrome() && BrowserInfo.get().getBrowserMajorVersion() >= 41; } protected void hideAfterDelay() { if (delay == null) { delay = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { VNotification.super.hide(); } }; delay.schedule(hideDelay); } } @Override public void hide() { if (delay != null) { delay.cancel(); } // Run only once if (NOTIFICATIONS.contains(this)) { DOM.removeEventPreview(this); // Still animating in, wait for it to finish before touching // the animation delay (which would restart the animation-in // in some browsers) if (getStyleName() .contains(VOverlay.ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN)) { AnimationUtil.addAnimationEndListener(getElement(), new AnimationEndListener() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(NativeEvent event) { if (AnimationUtil.getAnimationName(event) .contains( VOverlay.ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN)) { VNotification.this.hide(); } } }); } else { VNotification.super.hide(); fireEvent(new HideEvent(this)); NOTIFICATIONS.remove(this); } } } private void updatePositionOffsets(com.vaadin.shared.Position position) { final Element el = getElement(); // Remove all offsets (GWT PopupPanel defaults) el.getStyle().clearTop(); el.getStyle().clearLeft(); switch (position) { case MIDDLE_LEFT: case MIDDLE_RIGHT: center(); el.getStyle().clearLeft(); break; case TOP_CENTER: case BOTTOM_CENTER: center(); el.getStyle().clearTop(); break; case MIDDLE_CENTER: center(); break; } } public void setPosition(com.vaadin.shared.Position position) { final Element el = getElement(); // Remove any previous positions el.removeClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_TOP); el.removeClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_RIGHT); el.removeClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_BOTTOM); el.removeClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_LEFT); el.removeClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_MIDDLE); el.removeClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_CENTER); el.removeClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_ASSISTIVE); switch (position) { case TOP_LEFT: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_TOP); el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_LEFT); break; case TOP_RIGHT: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_TOP); el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_RIGHT); break; case MIDDLE_LEFT: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_MIDDLE); el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_LEFT); break; case MIDDLE_RIGHT: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_MIDDLE); el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_RIGHT); break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_BOTTOM); el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_RIGHT); break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_BOTTOM); el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_LEFT); break; case TOP_CENTER: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_TOP); el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_CENTER); break; case BOTTOM_CENTER: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_BOTTOM); el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_CENTER); break; case ASSISTIVE: el.addClassName(STYLENAME_POSITION_ASSISTIVE); break; } } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { hide(); } @Override /* * Fix for #14689: {@link #onEventPreview(Event)} method is deprecated and * it's called now only for the very first handler (see super impl). We need * it to work for any handler. So let's call old {@link * #onEventPreview(Event)} method explicitly with updated logic for {@link * #onPreviewNativeEvent(Event)}. */ protected void onPreviewNativeEvent(NativePreviewEvent event) { if (!onEventPreview(Event.as(event.getNativeEvent()))) { event.cancel(); } } @Override public boolean onEventPreview(Event event) { int type = DOM.eventGetType(event); // "modal" if (infiniteDelay || temporaryStyle == STYLE_SYSTEM) { if (type == Event.ONCLICK || type == Event.ONTOUCHEND) { if (DOM.isOrHasChild(getElement(), DOM.eventGetTarget(event))) { hide(); return false; } } else if (type == Event.ONKEYDOWN && event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE) { hide(); return false; } return temporaryStyle == STYLE_SYSTEM; } // default switch (type) { case Event.ONMOUSEMOVE: if (x < 0) { x = DOM.eventGetClientX(event); y = DOM.eventGetClientY(event); } else if (Math .abs(DOM.eventGetClientX(event) - x) > MOUSE_MOVE_THRESHOLD || Math.abs(DOM.eventGetClientY(event) - y) > MOUSE_MOVE_THRESHOLD) { hideAfterDelay(); } break; case Event.ONMOUSEDOWN: case Event.ONMOUSEWHEEL: case Event.ONSCROLL: hideAfterDelay(); break; case Event.ONKEYDOWN: if (event.getRepeat()) { return true; } hideAfterDelay(); break; default: break; } return true; } public void addEventListener(EventListener listener) { if (listeners == null) { listeners = new ArrayList<>(); } listeners.add(listener); } public void removeEventListener(EventListener listener) { if (listeners != null) { listeners.remove(listener); } } private void fireEvent(HideEvent event) { if (listeners != null) { for (EventListener l : listeners) { l.notificationHidden(event); } } } /** * Creates and shows a {@code Notification} with the specified parameters. * * @param client * The client connection, cannot be {@code null}. * @param caption * The Notification caption, can be {@code null}. * @param description * The Notification description, can be {@code null}. * @param htmlContentAllowed * Whether {@code caption} and {@code description} * are interpreted as HTML or not. * @param iconUri * The icon URI, can be {@code null}. * @param styleName * The Notification style name, can be {@code null}. * @param position * The desired {@link Position}, can not be {@code null}. * @param delayMsec * The delay in milliseconds before disappearing, -1 for forever. * * @since 8.2 */ public static VNotification showNotification(ApplicationConnection client, String caption, String description, boolean htmlContentAllowed, String iconUri, String styleName, Position position, int delayMsec) { String html = ""; if (iconUri != null) { html += client.getIcon(iconUri).getElement().getString(); } if (caption != null) { if (!htmlContentAllowed) { caption = WidgetUtil.escapeHTML(caption); caption = caption.replaceAll("\\n", "
"); } html += "

" + caption + "

"; } if (description != null) { if (!htmlContentAllowed) { description = WidgetUtil.escapeHTML(description); description = description.replaceAll("\\n", "
"); } html += "

" + description + "

"; } VNotification vNotification = createNotification(delayMsec, client.getUIConnector().getWidget()); vNotification.show(html, position, styleName); return vNotification; } /** * Meant for internal usage only. * * @since 7.5.0 * @param client * application connection * @param style * the dependent style name * @return the given dependent style name prefixed with current notification * primary style */ public static String getDependentStyle(ApplicationConnection client, String style) { VNotification notification = createNotification(-1, client.getUIConnector().getWidget()); String styleName = notification.getStyleName(); notification.addStyleDependentName(style); String extendedStyle = notification.getStyleName(); return extendedStyle.substring(styleName.length()).trim(); } public static VNotification createNotification(int delayMsec, Widget owner) { final VNotification notification = GWT.create(VNotification.class); notification.setWaiAriaRole(null); notification.setDelay(delayMsec); if (!notification.infiniteDelay && BrowserInfo.get().isTouchDevice()) { new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (notification.isAttached()) { notification.hide(); } } }.schedule(delayMsec + TOUCH_DEVICE_IDLE_DELAY); } notification.setOwner(owner); return notification; } public class HideEvent extends EventObject { public HideEvent(Object source) { super(source); } } public interface EventListener extends java.util.EventListener { public void notificationHidden(HideEvent event); } /** * Moves currently visible notifications to the top of the event preview * stack. Can be called when opening other overlays such as subwindows to * ensure the notifications receive the events they need and don't linger * indefinitely. See #7136. * * TODO Should this be a generic Overlay feature instead? */ public static void bringNotificationsToFront() { for (VNotification notification : NOTIFICATIONS) { DOM.removeEventPreview(notification); DOM.addEventPreview(notification); } } /** * Shows an error notification and redirects the user to the given URL when * she clicks on the notification. * * If both message and caption are null, redirects the user to the url * immediately * * @since 7.5.1 * @param connection * A reference to the ApplicationConnection * @param caption * The caption for the error or null to exclude the caption * @param message * The message for the error or null to exclude the message * @param details * A details message or null to exclude the details * @param url * A url to redirect to after the user clicks the error * notification */ public static void showError(ApplicationConnection connection, String caption, String message, String details, String url) { StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); if (caption != null) { html.append("

"); html.append(caption); html.append("

"); } if (message != null) { html.append("

"); html.append(message); html.append("

"); } if (html.length() != 0) { // Add error description if (details != null) { html.append("

"); html.append(""); html.append(details); html.append("

"); } VNotification n = VNotification.createNotification(1000 * 60 * 45, connection.getUIConnector().getWidget()); n.addEventListener(new NotificationRedirect(url)); n.show(html.toString(), VNotification.CENTERED_TOP, VNotification.STYLE_SYSTEM); } else { WidgetUtil.redirect(url); } } /** * Listens for Notification hide event, and redirects. Used for system * messages, such as session expired. * */ private static class NotificationRedirect implements VNotification.EventListener { String url; NotificationRedirect(String url) { this.url = url; } @Override public void notificationHidden(HideEvent event) { WidgetUtil.redirect(url); } } }