/* * Copyright 2000-2016 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.client.widgets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.google.gwt.animation.client.Animation; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.IFrameElement; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.BorderStyle; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Position; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.CloseEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.CloseHandler; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Command; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PopupPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; import com.vaadin.client.AnimationUtil; import com.vaadin.client.AnimationUtil.AnimationEndListener; import com.vaadin.client.BrowserInfo; import com.vaadin.client.ComputedStyle; /** * Overlay widget extending the PopupPanel. Overlay is used to float elements on * top of other elements temporarily. *

* Note: This class should always be constructed with * {@link GWT#create(Class)}. * * @since 7.6.1 */ public class Overlay extends PopupPanel { @Override protected void onAttach() { // Move the overlay to the appropriate overlay container final Overlay overlay = Overlay.current; if (overlay != null) { final Element e = overlay.getOverlayContainer(); e.appendChild(getElement()); } super.onAttach(); } public static class PositionAndSize { private int left, top, width, height; public PositionAndSize(int left, int top, int width, int height) { super(); setLeft(left); setTop(top); setWidth(width); setHeight(height); } public int getLeft() { return left; } public void setLeft(int left) { this.left = left; } public int getTop() { return top; } public void setTop(int top) { this.top = top; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(int width) { if (width < 0) { width = 0; } this.width = width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(int height) { if (height < 0) { height = 0; } this.height = height; } public void setAnimationFromCenterProgress(double progress) { left += (int) (width * (1.0 - progress) / 2.0); top += (int) (height * (1.0 - progress) / 2.0); width = (int) (width * progress); height = (int) (height * progress); } } /* * The z-index value from where all overlays live. This can be overridden in * any extending class. */ public static int Z_INDEX = 20000; private static int leftFix = -1; private static int topFix = -1; /** * Shadow element style. If an extending class wishes to use a different * style of shadow, it can use setShadowStyle(String) to give the shadow * element a new style name. * * @deprecated See main JavaDoc for Overlay */ @Deprecated public static final String CLASSNAME_SHADOW = "v-shadow"; /** * Style name for the overlay container element (see * {@link #getOverlayContainer()} */ public static final String CLASSNAME_CONTAINER = "v-overlay-container"; /** * @since 7.3 */ public static final String ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN = "animate-in"; /** * @since 7.3 */ public static final String ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_OUT = "animate-out"; /* * The creator of this Overlay (the widget that made the instance, not the * layout parent) */ private Widget owner; /** * The shim iframe behind the overlay, allowing PDFs and applets to be * covered by overlays. */ private IFrameElement shimElement; /** * Matches {@link PopupPanel}.ANIMATION_DURATION */ private static final int POPUP_PANEL_ANIMATION_DURATION = 200; private List runOnClose = new ArrayList<>(); public Overlay() { super(); adjustZIndex(); } public Overlay(boolean autoHide) { super(autoHide); adjustZIndex(); } public Overlay(boolean autoHide, boolean modal) { super(autoHide, modal); adjustZIndex(); } protected boolean isShimElementEnabled() { return shimElement != null; } private void removeShimElement() { if (shimElement != null) { shimElement.removeFromParent(); } } private void adjustZIndex() { setZIndex(Z_INDEX); } /** * Set the z-index (visual stack position) for this overlay. * * @param zIndex * The new z-index */ protected void setZIndex(int zIndex) { getElement().getStyle().setZIndex(zIndex); } @Override public void setPopupPosition(int left, int top) { // PopupPanel tries to position the popup on screen (by // default right, below) and will move it if there is not // enough space right or below but only if there is // sufficient space left or above. If the popup is too big // to fit on either side, it will be in the original // position. if (isFitInWindow()) { int windowLeft = Window.getScrollLeft(); int windowRight = Window.getScrollLeft() + Window.getClientWidth(); int width = getOffsetWidth(); int popupRight = left + width; int popupRightOfWindow = popupRight - windowRight; if (popupRightOfWindow > 0) { // Popup is too large to fit left -= popupRightOfWindow; if (left < 0) { // Would move left of screen, shrink to fit in window setOuterWidthThroughWidget(windowRight - windowLeft); runOnClose.add(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { getWidget().setWidth(""); } }); left = 0; } } int windowTop = Window.getScrollTop(); int windowBottom = Window.getScrollTop() + Window.getClientHeight(); int height = getOffsetHeight(); int popupBottom = top + height; int popupBelowWindow = popupBottom - windowBottom; if (popupBelowWindow > 0) { // Popup is too large to fit top -= popupBelowWindow; if (top < 0) { // Would move above screen, shrink to fit in window setOuterHeightThroughWidget(windowBottom - windowTop); runOnClose.add(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { getWidget().setHeight(""); } }); top = 0; } } } // TODO, this should in fact be part of // Document.get().getBodyOffsetLeft/Top(). Would require overriding DOM // for all permutations. Now adding fix as margin instead of fixing // left/top because parent class saves the position. Style style = getElement().getStyle(); style.setMarginLeft(-adjustByRelativeLeftBodyMargin(), Unit.PX); style.setMarginTop(-adjustByRelativeTopBodyMargin(), Unit.PX); super.setPopupPosition(left, top); positionOrSizeUpdated(isAnimationEnabled() ? 0 : 1); } private void setOuterHeightThroughWidget(int outerHeight) { getWidget().setHeight(outerHeight + "px"); // Take margin/border/padding into account if needed // (the height is for the overlay root but we set it on the // widget) int adjustedHeight = outerHeight - (getOffsetHeight() - outerHeight); if (adjustedHeight != outerHeight) { getWidget().setHeight(adjustedHeight + "px"); } } private void setOuterWidthThroughWidget(int outerWidth) { getWidget().setWidth(outerWidth + "px"); // Take margin/border/padding into account if needed // (the height is for the overlay root but we set it on the // widget) int adjustedWidth = outerWidth - (getOffsetWidth() - outerWidth); if (adjustedWidth != outerWidth) { getWidget().setWidth(adjustedWidth + "px"); } } private IFrameElement getShimElement() { if (shimElement == null && needsShimElement()) { shimElement = Document.get().createIFrameElement(); // Insert shim iframe before the main overlay element. It does not // matter if it is in front or behind the shadow as we cannot put a // shim behind the shadow due to its transparency. shimElement.getStyle().setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); shimElement.getStyle().setBorderStyle(BorderStyle.NONE); shimElement.setTabIndex(-1); shimElement.setFrameBorder(0); shimElement.setMarginHeight(0); } return shimElement; } private int getActualTop() { int y = getAbsoluteTop(); /* This is needed for IE7 at least */ // Account for the difference between absolute position and the // body's positioning context. y -= Document.get().getBodyOffsetTop(); y -= adjustByRelativeTopBodyMargin(); return y; } private int getActualLeft() { int x = getAbsoluteLeft(); /* This is needed for IE7 at least */ // Account for the difference between absolute position and the // body's positioning context. x -= Document.get().getBodyOffsetLeft(); x -= adjustByRelativeLeftBodyMargin(); return x; } private static int adjustByRelativeTopBodyMargin() { if (topFix == -1) { topFix = detectRelativeBodyFixes("top"); } return topFix; } private static native int detectRelativeBodyFixes(String axis) /*-{ try { var b = $wnd.document.body; var cstyle = b.currentStyle ? b.currentStyle : getComputedStyle(b); if(cstyle && cstyle.position == 'relative') { return b.getBoundingClientRect()[axis]; } } catch(e){} return 0; }-*/; private static int adjustByRelativeLeftBodyMargin() { if (leftFix == -1) { leftFix = detectRelativeBodyFixes("left"); } return leftFix; } /* * A "thread local" of sorts, set temporarily so that OverlayImpl knows * which Overlay is using it, so that it can be attached to the correct * overlay container. * * TODO this is a strange pattern that we should get rid of when possible. */ protected static Overlay current; @Override public void show() { current = this; maybeShowWithAnimation(); if (isAnimationEnabled()) { new ResizeAnimation().run(POPUP_PANEL_ANIMATION_DURATION); } else { positionOrSizeUpdated(1.0); } current = null; } private boolean fitInWindow = false; private boolean maybeShowWithAnimation() { boolean isAttached = isAttached() && isShowing(); super.show(); // Don't animate if already visible if (isAttached) { return false; } else { // Check if animations are used setVisible(false); addStyleDependentName(ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN); ComputedStyle cs = new ComputedStyle(getElement()); String animationName = AnimationUtil.getAnimationName(cs); if (animationName == null) { animationName = ""; } setVisible(true); if (animationName.contains(ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN)) { // Disable GWT PopupPanel animation if used setAnimationEnabled(false); AnimationUtil.addAnimationEndListener(getElement(), new AnimationEndListener() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(NativeEvent event) { String animationName = AnimationUtil .getAnimationName(event); if (animationName.contains( ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN)) { boolean removed = AnimationUtil .removeAnimationEndListener( getElement(), this); assert removed : "Animation end listener was not removed"; removeStyleDependentName( ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN); } } }); return true; } else { removeStyleDependentName(ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN); return false; } } } @Override protected void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); // Always ensure shadow is removed when the overlay is removed. removeShimElement(); } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); if (isShimElementEnabled()) { shimElement.getStyle().setProperty("visibility", visible ? "visible" : "hidden"); } } @Override public void setWidth(String width) { super.setWidth(width); positionOrSizeUpdated(1.0); } @Override public void setHeight(String height) { super.setHeight(height); positionOrSizeUpdated(1.0); } /** * Extending classes should always call this method after they change the * size of overlay without using normal 'setWidth(String)' and * 'setHeight(String)' methods (if not calling super.setWidth/Height). * */ public void positionOrSizeUpdated() { positionOrSizeUpdated(1.0); } /** * @deprecated Call {@link #positionOrSizeUpdated()} instead. */ @Deprecated protected void updateShadowSizeAndPosition() { positionOrSizeUpdated(); } /** * Recalculates proper position and dimensions for the shadow and shim * elements. Can be used to animate the related elements, using the * 'progress' parameter (used to animate the shadow in sync with GWT * PopupPanel's default animation 'PopupPanel.AnimationType.CENTER'). * * @param progress * A value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the progress of the * animation (0=start, 1=end). */ private void positionOrSizeUpdated(final double progress) { // Don't do anything if overlay element is not attached if (!isAttached()) { return; } // Calculate proper z-index int zIndex = -1; try { // Odd behaviour with Windows Hosted Mode forces us to use // this redundant try/catch block (See dev.vaadin.com #2011) zIndex = Integer.parseInt(getElement().getStyle().getZIndex()); } catch (Exception ignore) { // Ignored, will cause no harm zIndex = 1000; } if (zIndex == -1) { zIndex = Z_INDEX; } // Calculate position and size if (BrowserInfo.get().isIE()) { // Shake IE getOffsetHeight(); getOffsetWidth(); } if (needsShimElement()) { PositionAndSize positionAndSize = new PositionAndSize( getActualLeft(), getActualTop(), getOffsetWidth(), getOffsetHeight()); // Animate the size positionAndSize.setAnimationFromCenterProgress(progress); Element container = getElement().getParentElement(); if (needsShimElement()) { updateShimPosition(positionAndSize); if (shimElement.getParentElement() == null) { container.insertBefore(shimElement, getElement()); } } } } private void updateShimPosition(PositionAndSize positionAndSize) { updatePositionAndSize(getShimElement(), positionAndSize); } /** * Returns true if we should add a shim iframe below the overlay to deal * with zindex issues with PDFs and applets. Can be overriden to disable * shim iframes if they are not needed. * * @return true if a shim iframe should be added, false otherwise */ protected boolean needsShimElement() { BrowserInfo info = BrowserInfo.get(); return info.isIE() && info.isBrowserVersionNewerOrEqual(8, 0); } private void updatePositionAndSize(Element e, PositionAndSize positionAndSize) { e.getStyle().setLeft(positionAndSize.getLeft(), Unit.PX); e.getStyle().setTop(positionAndSize.getTop(), Unit.PX); e.getStyle().setWidth(positionAndSize.getWidth(), Unit.PX); e.getStyle().setHeight(positionAndSize.getHeight(), Unit.PX); } protected class ResizeAnimation extends Animation { @Override protected void onUpdate(double progress) { positionOrSizeUpdated(progress); } } /** * Get owner (Widget that made this Overlay, not the layout parent) of * Overlay * * @return Owner (creator) or null if not defined */ public Widget getOwner() { return owner; } /** * Set owner (Widget that made this Overlay, not the layout parent) of * Overlay * * @param owner * Owner (creator) of Overlay */ public void setOwner(Widget owner) { this.owner = owner; } /** * Gets the 'overlay container' element. * * @return the overlay container element */ public com.google.gwt.user.client.Element getOverlayContainer() { return RootPanel.get().getElement(); } @Override public void center() { super.center(); // Some devices can be zoomed in, we should center to the visual // viewport for those devices BrowserInfo b = BrowserInfo.get(); if (b.isAndroid() || b.isIOS()) { int left = (getVisualViewportWidth() - getOffsetWidth()) >> 1; int top = (getVisualViewportHeight() - getOffsetHeight()) >> 1; setPopupPosition(Math.max(Window.getScrollLeft() + left, 0), Math.max(Window.getScrollTop() + top, 0)); } } /** * Gets the visual viewport width, which is useful for e.g iOS where the * view can be zoomed in while keeping the layout viewport intact. * * Falls back to layout viewport; for those browsers/devices the difference * is that the scrollbar with is included (if there is a scrollbar). * * @since 7.0.7 * @return */ private int getVisualViewportWidth() { int w = (int) getSubpixelInnerWidth(); if (w < 0) { return Window.getClientWidth(); } else { return w; } } /** * Gets the visual viewport height, which is useful for e.g iOS where the * view can be zoomed in while keeping the layout viewport intact. * * Falls back to layout viewport; for those browsers/devices the difference * is that the scrollbar with is included (if there is a scrollbar). * * @since 7.0.7 * @return */ private int getVisualViewportHeight() { int h = (int) getSubpixelInnerHeight(); if (h < 0) { return Window.getClientHeight(); } else { return h; } } private native double getSubpixelInnerWidth() /*-{ return $wnd.innerWidth !== undefined ? $wnd.innerWidth : -1; }-*/; private native double getSubpixelInnerHeight() /*-{ return $wnd.innerHeight !== undefined ? $wnd.innerHeight :-1; }-*/; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PopupPanel#hide() */ @Override public void hide() { hide(false); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PopupPanel#hide(boolean) */ @Override public void hide(final boolean autoClosed) { hide(autoClosed, true, true); } /** * * Hides the popup and detaches it from the page. This has no effect if it * is not currently showing. Animation-in, animation-out can be * enable/disabled for different use cases. * * @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PopupPanel#hide(boolean) * * @param autoClosed * the value that will be passed to * {@link CloseHandler#onClose(CloseEvent)} when the popup is * closed * @param animateIn * enable/disable animate-in animation * @param animateOut * enable/disable animate-out animation * @since 7.3.7 */ public void hide(final boolean autoClosed, final boolean animateIn, final boolean animateOut) { if (animateIn && getStyleName().contains(ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN)) { AnimationUtil.addAnimationEndListener(getElement(), new AnimationEndListener() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(NativeEvent event) { if (AnimationUtil.getAnimationName(event).contains( ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN)) { boolean removed = AnimationUtil .removeAnimationEndListener( getElement(), this); assert removed : "Animation end listener was not removed"; reallyHide(autoClosed); } } }); } else { // Check if animations are used addStyleDependentName(ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_OUT); ComputedStyle cs = new ComputedStyle(getElement()); String animationName = AnimationUtil.getAnimationName(cs); if (animationName == null) { animationName = ""; } if (animateOut && animationName .contains(ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_OUT)) { // Disable GWT PopupPanel closing animation if used setAnimationEnabled(false); AnimationUtil.addAnimationEndListener(getElement(), new AnimationEndListener() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(NativeEvent event) { String animationName = AnimationUtil .getAnimationName(event); if (animationName.contains( ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_OUT)) { boolean removed = AnimationUtil .removeAnimationEndListener( getElement(), this); assert removed : "Animation end listener was not removed"; // Remove both animation styles just in case removeStyleDependentName( ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_IN); removeStyleDependentName( ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_OUT); reallyHide(autoClosed); } } }); // No event previews should happen after the animation has // started Overlay.this.setPreviewingAllNativeEvents(false); } else { removeStyleDependentName(ADDITIONAL_CLASSNAME_ANIMATE_OUT); reallyHide(autoClosed); } } } private void reallyHide(boolean autoClosed) { super.hide(autoClosed); for (Command c : runOnClose) { c.execute(); } runOnClose.clear(); } /** * Sets whether the overlay should be moved or shrunk to fit inside the * window. *

* When this is false, the default {@link PopupPanel} behavior * is used, which tries to position the popup primarly below and to the * right of a reference UIObject and, if there is not enough space, above or * to the left. *

* When this is true, the popup will be moved up/left in case * it does not fit on either side. If the popup is larger than the window, * it will be shrunk to fit and assume that scrolling e.g. using * overflow:auto, is taken care of by the overlay user. * * @since 7.6.6 * @param fitInWindow * true to ensure that no part of the popup is * outside the visible view, false to use the * default {@link PopupPanel} behavior */ public void setFitInWindow(boolean fitInWindow) { this.fitInWindow = fitInWindow; } /** * Checks whether the overlay should be moved or shrunk to fit inside the * window. * * @see #setFitInWindow(boolean) * * @since 7.6.6 * @return true if the popup will be moved and/or shrunk to fit * inside the window, false otherwise */ public boolean isFitInWindow() { return fitInWindow; } }