package com.vaadin.tests.components.tabsheet; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest; import com.vaadin.tests.components.AbstractReindeerTestUI; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet; /** * TabSheet test in case user selects a tab and on the selection listener the * selected tab is changed to another one. * * This test used to cause nonfunctional TabSheet if the current tab was 1, user * selects 5, then the selection listener will revert the selected tab to 1. * * @author Vaadin Ltd */ public class TabSelectionRevertedByServer extends AbstractReindeerTestUI { @Override protected void setup(VaadinRequest request) { final TabSheet tabsheet = new TabSheet(); tabsheet.setWidth("400px"); Component lastLabel = null; for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { String caption = "Tab " + i; Label label = new Label(caption); tabsheet.addTab(label, caption); lastLabel = label; } tabsheet.setSelectedTab(0); final Component lastTab = lastLabel; tabsheet.addSelectedTabChangeListener(event -> { if (tabsheet.getSelectedTab().equals(lastTab)) { // Set focus back to first tab in tabsheet tabsheet.setSelectedTab(0);"Focus set back to tab at position 0"); } }); addComponent(tabsheet); addButton("Select Last Tab", event -> tabsheet.setSelectedTab(lastTab)); } @Override protected String getTestDescription() { return "Clicking on Tab 5 will revert to Tab 1. The action is handled on the server side and will set the selected tab to 1 if Tab 5 is selected."; } @Override protected Integer getTicketNumber() { return 14710; } }