package com.vaadin.tests.components.grid; import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNot.not; import static org.hamcrest.number.IsCloseTo.closeTo; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.ButtonElement; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.CheckBoxElement; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.GridElement; import com.vaadin.tests.tb3.SingleBrowserTest; public class GridRecalculateColumnWidthNewItemTest extends SingleBrowserTest { GridElement grid; ButtonElement addButton; ButtonElement removeButton; @Before public void init() { openTestURL(); grid = $(GridElement.class).first(); addButton = $(ButtonElement.class).id("add"); removeButton = $(ButtonElement.class).id("remove"); } @Test public void recalculateAfterAddingAndRemovingWorks() throws IOException { assertEquals("CheckBox should be checked.", "checked", $(CheckBoxElement.class).first().getValue()); int initialWidth = grid.getHeaderCell(0, 0).getSize().width;; int newWidth = grid.getHeaderCell(0, 0).getSize().width; // ensure the column width has increased significantly assertThat( "Unexpected column width after adding a row and calling recalculate.", (double) newWidth, not(closeTo(initialWidth, 20)));; newWidth = grid.getHeaderCell(0, 0).getSize().width; // ensure the column width has decreased significantly (even if it might // not be exactly the original width) assertThat( "Unexpected column width after removing a row and calling recalculate.", (double) newWidth, closeTo(initialWidth, 2)); } @Test public void addingWithoutRecalculateWorks() throws IOException { CheckBoxElement checkBox = $(CheckBoxElement.class).first();; assertEquals("CheckBox should not be checked.", "unchecked", checkBox.getValue()); int initialWidth = grid.getHeaderCell(0, 0).getSize().width;; int newWidth = grid.getHeaderCell(0, 0).getSize().width; // ensure the column width did not change significantly assertThat( "Unexpected column width after adding a row without calling recalculate.", (double) newWidth, closeTo(initialWidth, 2)); } @Test public void removingWithoutRecalculateWorks() throws IOException { // add a row before unchecking; CheckBoxElement checkBox = $(CheckBoxElement.class).first();; assertEquals("CheckBox should not be checked.", "unchecked", checkBox.getValue()); int initialWidth = grid.getHeaderCell(0, 0).getSize().width;; int newWidth = grid.getHeaderCell(0, 0).getSize().width; // ensure the column width did not change significantly assertThat( "Unexpected column width after removing a row without calling recalculate.", (double) newWidth, closeTo(initialWidth, 2)); } }