/* * Copyright 2000-2018 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.client.ui.panel; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit; import com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection; import com.vaadin.client.ComponentConnector; import com.vaadin.client.ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.client.LayoutManager; import com.vaadin.client.Paintable; import com.vaadin.client.Profiler; import com.vaadin.client.UIDL; import com.vaadin.client.ui.AbstractSingleComponentContainerConnector; import com.vaadin.client.ui.ClickEventHandler; import com.vaadin.client.ui.PostLayoutListener; import com.vaadin.client.ui.ShortcutActionHandler; import com.vaadin.client.ui.SimpleManagedLayout; import com.vaadin.client.ui.VPanel; import com.vaadin.client.ui.layout.MayScrollChildren; import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ComponentStateUtil; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.panel.PanelServerRpc; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.panel.PanelState; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; @Connect(Panel.class) public class PanelConnector extends AbstractSingleComponentContainerConnector implements Paintable, SimpleManagedLayout, PostLayoutListener, MayScrollChildren { private Integer uidlScrollTop; private ClickEventHandler clickEventHandler = new ClickEventHandler(this) { @Override protected void fireClick(NativeEvent event, MouseEventDetails mouseDetails) { getRpcProxy(PanelServerRpc.class).click(mouseDetails); } }; private Integer uidlScrollLeft; @Override public void init() { super.init(); VPanel panel = getWidget(); LayoutManager layoutManager = getLayoutManager(); layoutManager.registerDependency(this, panel.captionNode); layoutManager.registerDependency(this, panel.bottomDecoration); layoutManager.registerDependency(this, panel.contentNode); } @Override public void onUnregister() { VPanel panel = getWidget(); LayoutManager layoutManager = getLayoutManager(); layoutManager.unregisterDependency(this, panel.captionNode); layoutManager.unregisterDependency(this, panel.bottomDecoration); layoutManager.unregisterDependency(this, panel.contentNode); } @Override public boolean delegateCaptionHandling() { return false; } @Override public void updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client) { if (isRealUpdate(uidl)) { // Handle caption displaying and style names, prior generics. // Affects size calculations // Restore default stylenames getWidget().contentNode.setClassName(VPanel.CLASSNAME + "-content"); getWidget().bottomDecoration .setClassName(VPanel.CLASSNAME + "-deco"); getWidget().captionNode.setClassName(VPanel.CLASSNAME + "-caption"); boolean hasCaption = hasCaption(); if (hasCaption) { getWidget().setCaption(getState().caption,getState().captionAsHtml); } else { getWidget().setCaption("",false); getWidget().captionNode.setClassName(VPanel.CLASSNAME + "-nocaption"); } // Add proper stylenames for all elements. This way we can prevent // unwanted CSS selector inheritance. final String captionBaseClass = VPanel.CLASSNAME + (hasCaption ? "-caption" : "-nocaption"); final String contentBaseClass = VPanel.CLASSNAME + "-content"; final String decoBaseClass = VPanel.CLASSNAME + "-deco"; String captionClass = captionBaseClass; String contentClass = contentBaseClass; String decoClass = decoBaseClass; if (ComponentStateUtil.hasStyles(getState())) { for (String style : getState().styles) { captionClass += " " + captionBaseClass + "-" + style; contentClass += " " + contentBaseClass + "-" + style; decoClass += " " + decoBaseClass + "-" + style; } } getWidget().captionNode.setClassName(captionClass); getWidget().contentNode.setClassName(contentClass); getWidget().bottomDecoration.setClassName(decoClass); getWidget().makeScrollable(); } if (!isRealUpdate(uidl)) { return; } clickEventHandler.handleEventHandlerRegistration(); getWidget().client = client; getWidget().id = uidl.getId(); if (getIconUri() != null) { getWidget().setIconUri(getIconUri(), client); } else { getWidget().setIconUri(null, client); } getWidget().setErrorIndicatorVisible(null != getState().errorMessage, getState().errorLevel); // We may have actions attached to this panel if (uidl.getChildCount() > 0) { final int cnt = uidl.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { UIDL childUidl = uidl.getChildUIDL(i); if (childUidl.getTag().equals("actions")) { if (getWidget().shortcutHandler == null) { getWidget().shortcutHandler = new ShortcutActionHandler( getConnectorId(), client); } getWidget().shortcutHandler.updateActionMap(childUidl); } } } if (getState().scrollTop != getWidget().scrollTop) { // Sizes are not yet up to date, so changing the scroll position // is deferred to after the layout phase uidlScrollTop = getState().scrollTop; } if (getState().scrollLeft != getWidget().scrollLeft) { // Sizes are not yet up to date, so changing the scroll position // is deferred to after the layout phase uidlScrollLeft = getState().scrollLeft; } // And apply tab index getWidget().contentNode.setTabIndex(getState().tabIndex); } /** * Detects if caption div should be visible. * * @return {@code true} if caption div should be shown */ protected boolean hasCaption() { return getState().caption != null && !getState().caption.isEmpty(); } @Override public void updateCaption(ComponentConnector component) { // NOP: layouts caption, errors etc not rendered in Panel } @Override public VPanel getWidget() { return (VPanel) super.getWidget(); } @Override public void layout() { updateSizes(); } void updateSizes() { VPanel panel = getWidget(); LayoutManager layoutManager = getLayoutManager(); Profiler.enter("PanelConnector.layout getHeights"); int top = layoutManager.getOuterHeight(panel.captionNode); int bottom = layoutManager.getInnerHeight(panel.bottomDecoration); Profiler.leave("PanelConnector.layout getHeights"); Profiler.enter("PanelConnector.layout modify style"); Style style = panel.getElement().getStyle(); panel.captionNode.getParentElement().getStyle().setMarginTop(-top, Unit.PX); panel.bottomDecoration.getStyle().setMarginBottom(-bottom, Unit.PX); style.setPaddingTop(top, Unit.PX); style.setPaddingBottom(bottom, Unit.PX); Profiler.leave("PanelConnector.layout modify style"); // Update scroll positions Profiler.enter("PanelConnector.layout update scroll positions"); panel.contentNode.setScrollTop(panel.scrollTop); panel.contentNode.setScrollLeft(panel.scrollLeft); Profiler.leave("PanelConnector.layout update scroll positions"); // Read actual value back to ensure update logic is correct Profiler.enter("PanelConnector.layout read scroll positions"); panel.scrollTop = panel.contentNode.getScrollTop(); panel.scrollLeft = panel.contentNode.getScrollLeft(); Profiler.leave("PanelConnector.layout read scroll positions"); } @Override public void postLayout() { VPanel panel = getWidget(); if (uidlScrollTop != null) { // IE / Safari fix for when scroll top is set to greater than panel // height int maxScroll = panel.getWidget().getOffsetHeight(); if (uidlScrollTop > maxScroll) { uidlScrollTop = maxScroll; } panel.contentNode.setScrollTop(uidlScrollTop.intValue()); // Read actual value back to ensure update logic is correct // TODO Does this trigger reflows? panel.scrollTop = panel.contentNode.getScrollTop(); uidlScrollTop = null; } if (uidlScrollLeft != null) { panel.contentNode.setScrollLeft(uidlScrollLeft.intValue()); // Read actual value back to ensure update logic is correct // TODO Does this trigger reflows? panel.scrollLeft = panel.contentNode.getScrollLeft(); uidlScrollLeft = null; } } @Override public PanelState getState() { return (PanelState) super.getState(); } @Override public void onConnectorHierarchyChange( ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent event) { // We always have 1 child, unless the child is hidden getWidget().setWidget(getContentWidget()); } }