/* * Copyright 2000-2018 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.server; import java.io.Serializable; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector.ConnectorErrorEvent; import com.vaadin.shared.ApplicationConstants; import com.vaadin.shared.JavaScriptConnectorState; import com.vaadin.shared.JavaScriptExtensionState; import com.vaadin.shared.communication.SharedState; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.JavaScriptComponentState; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.ConnectorTracker; import com.vaadin.ui.HasComponents; import com.vaadin.ui.SelectiveRenderer; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.util.ReflectTools; import elemental.json.JsonObject; import elemental.json.JsonValue; /** * This is a common base class for the server-side implementations of the * communication system between the client code (compiled with GWT into * JavaScript) and the server side components. Its client side counterpart is * {@link com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection}. *

* TODO Document better! * * @deprecated As of 7.0. Will likely change or be removed in a future version */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class LegacyCommunicationManager implements Serializable { // TODO Refactor (#11410) private final Map uiToClientCache = new HashMap<>(); /** * The session this communication manager is used for */ private final VaadinSession session; // TODO Refactor (#11413) private final Map> publishedFileContexts = new HashMap<>(); /** * TODO New constructor - document me! * * @param session */ public LegacyCommunicationManager(VaadinSession session) { this.session = session; } protected VaadinSession getSession() { return session; } private static final ConcurrentHashMap, JsonValue> REFERENCE_DIFF_STATES = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11411. */ @Deprecated public static JsonObject encodeState(ClientConnector connector, SharedState state) { UI uI = connector.getUI(); ConnectorTracker connectorTracker = uI.getConnectorTracker(); Class stateType = connector.getStateType(); JsonValue diffState = connectorTracker.getDiffState(connector); if (diffState == null) { // Use an empty state object as reference for full // repaints diffState = REFERENCE_DIFF_STATES.get(stateType); if (diffState == null) { diffState = createReferenceDiffStateState(stateType); REFERENCE_DIFF_STATES.put(stateType, diffState); } } EncodeResult encodeResult = JsonCodec.encode(state, diffState, stateType, uI.getConnectorTracker()); connectorTracker.setDiffState(connector, (JsonObject) encodeResult.getEncodedValue()); return (JsonObject) encodeResult.getDiff(); } private static JsonValue createReferenceDiffStateState( Class stateType) { if (JavaScriptConnectorState.class.isAssignableFrom(stateType)) { /* * For JS state types, we should only include the framework-provided * state fields in the reference diffstate since other fields are * not know by the client and would therefore not get the right * initial value if it would be recorded in the diffstate. */ stateType = findJsStateReferenceType(stateType); } try { SharedState referenceState = ReflectTools.createInstance(stateType); EncodeResult encodeResult = JsonCodec.encode(referenceState, null, stateType, null); return encodeResult.getEncodedValue(); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error creating reference object for state of type {0}", stateType.getName()); return null; } } /** * Finds the highest super class which implements * {@link JavaScriptConnectorState}. In practice, this finds either * {@link JavaScriptComponentState} or {@link JavaScriptExtensionState}. * This is used to find which state properties the client side knows * something about. * * @param stateType * the state type for which the reference type should be found * @return the found reference type */ private static Class findJsStateReferenceType( Class stateType) { assert JavaScriptConnectorState.class.isAssignableFrom(stateType); Class type = stateType; while (type != null) { Class superclass = type.getSuperclass(); if (!JavaScriptConnectorState.class.isAssignableFrom(superclass)) { break; } type = superclass; } return type.asSubclass(SharedState.class); } /** * Resolves a dependency URI, registering the URI with this * {@code LegacyCommunicationManager} if needed and returns a fully * qualified URI. * * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11413. */ @Deprecated public String registerDependency(String resourceUri, Class context) { try { URI uri = new URI(resourceUri); String protocol = uri.getScheme(); if (ApplicationConstants.PUBLISHED_PROTOCOL_NAME.equals(protocol)) { // Strip initial slash String resourceName = uri.getPath().substring(1); return registerPublishedFile(resourceName, context); } if (protocol != null || uri.getHost() != null) { return resourceUri; } // Bare path interpreted as published file return registerPublishedFile(resourceUri, context); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Could not parse resource url " + resourceUri, e); return resourceUri; } } /** * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11413. */ @Deprecated public Map> getDependencies() { return publishedFileContexts; } private String registerPublishedFile(String name, Class context) { // Add to map of names accepted by servePublishedFile if (publishedFileContexts.containsKey(name)) { Class oldContext = publishedFileContexts.get(name); if (oldContext != context) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "{0} published by both {1} and {2}. File from {2} will be used.", new Object[] { name, context, oldContext }); } } else { publishedFileContexts.put(name, context); } return ApplicationConstants.PUBLISHED_PROTOCOL_PREFIX + "/" + name; } /** * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11410. */ @Deprecated public ClientCache getClientCache(UI uI) { Integer uiId = Integer.valueOf(uI.getUIId()); ClientCache cache = uiToClientCache.get(uiId); if (cache == null) { cache = new ClientCache(); uiToClientCache.put(uiId, cache); } return cache; } /** * Checks if the connector is visible in context. For Components, * {@link #isComponentVisibleToClient(Component)} is used. For other types * of connectors, the contextual visibility of its first Component ancestor * is used. If no Component ancestor is found, the connector is not visible. * * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11411. * * @param connector * The connector to check * @return true if the connector is visible to the client, * false otherwise */ @Deprecated public static boolean isConnectorVisibleToClient( ClientConnector connector) { if (connector instanceof Component) { return isComponentVisibleToClient((Component) connector); } else { ClientConnector parent = connector.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return false; } else { return isConnectorVisibleToClient(parent); } } } /** * Checks if the component should be visible to the client. Returns false if * the child should not be sent to the client, true otherwise. * * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11411. * * @param child * The child to check * @return true if the child is visible to the client, false otherwise */ @Deprecated public static boolean isComponentVisibleToClient(Component child) { if (!child.isVisible()) { return false; } HasComponents parent = child.getParent(); if (parent instanceof SelectiveRenderer) { if (!((SelectiveRenderer) parent).isRendered(child)) { return false; } } if (parent != null) { return isComponentVisibleToClient(parent); } else { if (child instanceof UI) { // UI has no parent and visibility was checked above return true; } else { // Component which is not attached to any UI return false; } } } /** * @deprecated As of 7.1. In 7.2 and later, use * {@link ConnectorTracker#getConnector(String) * uI.getConnectorTracker().getConnector(connectorId)} instead. * See ticket #11411. */ @Deprecated public ClientConnector getConnector(UI uI, String connectorId) { return uI.getConnectorTracker().getConnector(connectorId); } /** * @deprecated As of 7.1. Will be removed in the future. */ @Deprecated public static class InvalidUIDLSecurityKeyException extends GeneralSecurityException { public InvalidUIDLSecurityKeyException(String message) { super(message); } } private final Map, Integer> typeToKey = new HashMap<>(); private int nextTypeKey = 0; /** * @deprecated As of 7.1. Will be removed in the future. */ @Deprecated public String getTagForType(Class class1) { Integer id = typeToKey.get(class1); if (id == null) { id = nextTypeKey++; typeToKey.put(class1, id); if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Mapping {0} to {1}", new Object[] { class1.getName(), id }); } } return id.toString(); } /** * Helper class for terminal to keep track of data that client is expected * to know. * * TODO make customlayout templates (from theme) to be cached here. * * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11410. */ @Deprecated public class ClientCache implements Serializable { private final Set res = new HashSet<>(); /** * * @param object * @return true if the given class was added to cache */ public boolean cache(Object object) { return res.add(object); } public void clear() { res.clear(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return res.isEmpty(); } } /** * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11411. */ @Deprecated public String getStreamVariableTargetUrl(ClientConnector owner, String name, StreamVariable value) { /* * We will use the same APP/* URI space as ApplicationResources but * prefix url with UPLOAD * * e.g. APP/UPLOAD/[UIID]/[PID]/[NAME]/[SECKEY] * * SECKEY is created on each paint to make URL's unpredictable (to * prevent CSRF attacks). * * NAME and PID from URI forms a key to fetch StreamVariable when * handling post */ String paintableId = owner.getConnectorId(); UI ui = owner.getUI(); int uiId = ui.getUIId(); String key = uiId + "/" + paintableId + "/" + name; ConnectorTracker connectorTracker = ui.getConnectorTracker(); connectorTracker.addStreamVariable(paintableId, name, value); String seckey = connectorTracker.getSeckey(value); return ApplicationConstants.APP_PROTOCOL_PREFIX + ServletPortletHelper.UPLOAD_URL_PREFIX + key + "/" + seckey; } /** * Handles an exception related to a connector by invoking the appropriate * error handler. * * @deprecated As of 7.1. See #11411. * * @param throwable * the exception to handle * @param connector * the connector that the exception is related to */ @Deprecated public void handleConnectorRelatedException(ClientConnector connector, Throwable throwable) { ErrorEvent errorEvent = new ConnectorErrorEvent(connector, throwable); ErrorHandler handler = ErrorEvent.findErrorHandler(connector); handler.error(errorEvent); } /** * Requests that the given UI should be fully re-rendered on the client * side. * * @since 7.1 @deprecated. As of 7.1. Should be refactored once locales are * fixed (#11378) */ @Deprecated public void repaintAll(UI ui) { getClientCache(ui).clear(); ui.getConnectorTracker().markAllConnectorsDirty(); ui.getConnectorTracker().markAllClientSidesUninitialized(); } private static final Logger getLogger() { return Logger.getLogger(LegacyCommunicationManager.class.getName()); } }