/* @ITMillApache2LicenseForJavaFiles@ */ package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import com.vaadin.Application; import com.vaadin.terminal.ApplicationResource; import com.vaadin.terminal.ExternalResource; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget; import com.vaadin.terminal.Paintable; import com.vaadin.terminal.Resource; import com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.terminal.VariableOwner; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.ClientWidget; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; /** * User Interface Description Language Target. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 5.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class JsonPaintTarget implements PaintTarget { /* Document type declarations */ private final static String UIDL_ARG_NAME = "name"; private final Stack mOpenTags; private final Stack openJsonTags; private final PrintWriter uidlBuffer; private boolean closed = false; private final CommunicationManager manager; private int changes = 0; private Set usedResources = new HashSet(); private boolean customLayoutArgumentsOpen = false; private JsonTag tag; private int errorsOpen; private boolean cacheEnabled = false; private Collection paintedComponents = new HashSet(); private Collection identifiersCreatedDueRefPaint; private Collection> usedPaintableTypes = new LinkedList>(); /** * Creates a new XMLPrintWriter, without automatic line flushing. * * @param variableMap * @param manager * @param outWriter * A character-output stream. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public JsonPaintTarget(CommunicationManager manager, PrintWriter outWriter, boolean cachingRequired) throws PaintException { this.manager = manager; // Sets the target for UIDL writing uidlBuffer = outWriter; // Initialize tag-writing mOpenTags = new Stack(); openJsonTags = new Stack(); cacheEnabled = cachingRequired; } public void startTag(String tagName) throws PaintException { startTag(tagName, false); } /** * Prints the element start tag. * *
     *   Todo:
     *    Checking of input values
* * @param tagName * the name of the start tag. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. * */ public void startTag(String tagName, boolean isChildNode) throws PaintException { // In case of null data output nothing: if (tagName == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // Ensures that the target is open if (closed) { throw new PaintException( "Attempted to write to a closed PaintTarget."); } if (tag != null) { openJsonTags.push(tag); } // Checks tagName and attributes here mOpenTags.push(tagName); tag = new JsonTag(tagName); customLayoutArgumentsOpen = "customlayout".equals(tagName); if ("error".equals(tagName)) { errorsOpen++; } } /** * Prints the element end tag. * * If the parent tag is closed before every child tag is closed an * PaintException is raised. * * @param tag * the name of the end tag. * @throws Paintexception * if the paint operation failed. */ public void endTag(String tagName) throws PaintException { // In case of null data output nothing: if (tagName == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // Ensure that the target is open if (closed) { throw new PaintException( "Attempted to write to a closed PaintTarget."); } if (openJsonTags.size() > 0) { final JsonTag parent = openJsonTags.pop(); String lastTag = ""; lastTag = mOpenTags.pop(); if (!tagName.equalsIgnoreCase(lastTag)) { throw new PaintException("Invalid UIDL: wrong ending tag: '" + tagName + "' expected: '" + lastTag + "'."); } // simple hack which writes error uidl structure into attribute if ("error".equals(lastTag)) { if (errorsOpen == 1) { parent.addAttribute("\"error\":[\"error\",{}" + tag.getData() + "]"); } else { // sub error parent.addData(tag.getJSON()); } errorsOpen--; } else { parent.addData(tag.getJSON()); } tag = parent; } else { changes++; uidlBuffer.print(((changes > 1) ? "," : "") + tag.getJSON()); tag = null; } } /** * Substitutes the XML sensitive characters with predefined XML entities. * * @param xml * the String to be substituted. * @return A new string instance where all occurrences of XML sensitive * characters are substituted with entities. */ static public String escapeXML(String xml) { if (xml == null || xml.length() <= 0) { return ""; } return escapeXML(new StringBuffer(xml)).toString(); } /** * Substitutes the XML sensitive characters with predefined XML entities. * * @param xml * the String to be substituted. * @return A new StringBuffer instance where all occurrences of XML * sensitive characters are substituted with entities. * */ static public StringBuffer escapeXML(StringBuffer xml) { if (xml == null || xml.length() <= 0) { return new StringBuffer(""); } final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(xml.length() * 2); for (int i = 0; i < xml.length(); i++) { final char c = xml.charAt(i); final String s = toXmlChar(c); if (s != null) { result.append(s); } else { result.append(c); } } return result; } static public String escapeJSON(String s) { if (s == null) { return ""; } final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { final char ch = s.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '"': sb.append("\\\""); break; case '\\': sb.append("\\\\"); break; case '\b': sb.append("\\b"); break; case '\f': sb.append("\\f"); break; case '\n': sb.append("\\n"); break; case '\r': sb.append("\\r"); break; case '\t': sb.append("\\t"); break; case '/': sb.append("\\/"); break; default: if (ch >= '\u0000' && ch <= '\u001F') { final String ss = Integer.toHexString(ch); sb.append("\\u"); for (int k = 0; k < 4 - ss.length(); k++) { sb.append('0'); } sb.append(ss.toUpperCase()); } else { sb.append(ch); } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Substitutes a XML sensitive character with predefined XML entity. * * @param c * the Character to be replaced with an entity. * @return String of the entity or null if character is not to be replaced * with an entity. */ private static String toXmlChar(char c) { switch (c) { case '&': return "&"; // & => & case '>': return ">"; // > => > case '<': return "<"; // < => < case '"': return """; // " => " case '\'': return "'"; // ' => ' default: return null; } } /** * Prints XML-escaped text. * * @param str * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. * */ public void addText(String str) throws PaintException { tag.addData("\"" + escapeJSON(str) + "\""); } /** * Adds a boolean attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any * content is written. * * @param name * the Attribute name. * @param value * the Attribute value. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addAttribute(String name, boolean value) throws PaintException { tag.addAttribute("\"" + name + "\":" + (value ? "true" : "false")); } /** * Adds a resource attribute to component. Attributes must be added before * any content is written. * * @param name * the Attribute name. * @param value * the Attribute value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addAttribute(String name, Resource value) throws PaintException { if (value instanceof ExternalResource) { addAttribute(name, ((ExternalResource) value).getURL()); } else if (value instanceof ApplicationResource) { final ApplicationResource r = (ApplicationResource) value; final Application a = r.getApplication(); if (a == null) { throw new PaintException( "Application not specified for resorce " + value.getClass().getName()); } String uri; if (a.getURL() != null) { uri = a.getURL().getPath(); } else { uri = ""; } if (uri.length() > 0 && uri.charAt(uri.length() - 1) != '/') { uri += "/"; } uri += a.getRelativeLocation(r); addAttribute(name, uri); } else if (value instanceof ThemeResource) { final String uri = "theme://" + ((ThemeResource) value).getResourceId(); addAttribute(name, uri); } else { throw new PaintException("Ajax adapter does not " + "support resources of type: " + value.getClass().getName()); } } /** * Adds a integer attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any * content is written. * * @param name * the Attribute name. * @param value * the Attribute value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addAttribute(String name, int value) throws PaintException { tag.addAttribute("\"" + name + "\":" + String.valueOf(value)); } /** * Adds a long attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any * content is written. * * @param name * the Attribute name. * @param value * the Attribute value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addAttribute(String name, long value) throws PaintException { tag.addAttribute("\"" + name + "\":" + String.valueOf(value)); } /** * Adds a float attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any * content is written. * * @param name * the Attribute name. * @param value * the Attribute value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addAttribute(String name, float value) throws PaintException { tag.addAttribute("\"" + name + "\":" + String.valueOf(value)); } /** * Adds a double attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any * content is written. * * @param name * the Attribute name. * @param value * the Attribute value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addAttribute(String name, double value) throws PaintException { tag.addAttribute("\"" + name + "\":" + String.valueOf(value)); } /** * Adds a string attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any * content is written. * * @param name * the String attribute name. * @param value * the String attribute value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addAttribute(String name, String value) throws PaintException { // In case of null data output nothing: if ((value == null) || (name == null)) { throw new NullPointerException( "Parameters must be non-null strings"); } tag.addAttribute("\"" + name + "\": \"" + escapeJSON(value) + "\""); if (customLayoutArgumentsOpen && "template".equals(name)) { getUsedResources().add("layouts/" + value + ".html"); } if (name.equals("locale")) { manager.requireLocale(value); } } public void addAttribute(String name, Map value) throws PaintException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\""); sb.append(name); sb.append("\": "); sb.append("{"); for (Iterator it = value.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object key = it.next(); Object mapValue = value.get(key); sb.append("\""); if (key instanceof Paintable) { Paintable paintable = (Paintable) key; sb.append(getPaintIdentifier(paintable)); } else { sb.append(escapeJSON(key.toString())); } sb.append("\":"); if (mapValue instanceof Float || mapValue instanceof Integer || mapValue instanceof Double || mapValue instanceof Boolean || mapValue instanceof Alignment) { sb.append(mapValue); } else { sb.append("\""); sb.append(escapeJSON(mapValue.toString())); sb.append("\""); } if (it.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("}"); tag.addAttribute(sb.toString()); } public void addAttribute(String name, Object[] values) { // In case of null data output nothing: if ((values == null) || (name == null)) { throw new NullPointerException( "Parameters must be non-null strings"); } final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("\"" + name + "\":["); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.append(","); } buf.append("\""); buf.append(escapeJSON(values[i].toString())); buf.append("\""); } buf.append("]"); tag.addAttribute(buf.toString()); } /** * Adds a string type variable. * * @param owner * the Listener for variable changes. * @param name * the Variable name. * @param value * the Variable initial value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, String value) throws PaintException { tag.addVariable(new StringVariable(owner, name, escapeJSON(value))); } /** * Adds a int type variable. * * @param owner * the Listener for variable changes. * @param name * the Variable name. * @param value * the Variable initial value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, int value) throws PaintException { tag.addVariable(new IntVariable(owner, name, value)); } /** * Adds a long type variable. * * @param owner * the Listener for variable changes. * @param name * the Variable name. * @param value * the Variable initial value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, long value) throws PaintException { tag.addVariable(new LongVariable(owner, name, value)); } /** * Adds a float type variable. * * @param owner * the Listener for variable changes. * @param name * the Variable name. * @param value * the Variable initial value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, float value) throws PaintException { tag.addVariable(new FloatVariable(owner, name, value)); } /** * Adds a double type variable. * * @param owner * the Listener for variable changes. * @param name * the Variable name. * @param value * the Variable initial value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, double value) throws PaintException { tag.addVariable(new DoubleVariable(owner, name, value)); } /** * Adds a boolean type variable. * * @param owner * the Listener for variable changes. * @param name * the Variable name. * @param value * the Variable initial value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, boolean value) throws PaintException { tag.addVariable(new BooleanVariable(owner, name, value)); } /** * Adds a string array type variable. * * @param owner * the Listener for variable changes. * @param name * the Variable name. * @param value * the Variable initial value. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, String[] value) throws PaintException { tag.addVariable(new ArrayVariable(owner, name, value)); } /** * Adds a upload stream type variable. * * TODO not converted for JSON * * @param owner * the Listener for variable changes. * @param name * the Variable name. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addUploadStreamVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name) throws PaintException { startTag("uploadstream"); addAttribute(UIDL_ARG_NAME, name); endTag("uploadstream"); } /** * Prints the single text section. * * Prints full text section. The section data is escaped * * @param sectionTagName * the name of the tag. * @param sectionData * the section data to be printed. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addSection(String sectionTagName, String sectionData) throws PaintException { tag.addData("{\"" + sectionTagName + "\":\"" + escapeJSON(sectionData) + "\"}"); } /** * Adds XML directly to UIDL. * * @param xml * the Xml to be added. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void addUIDL(String xml) throws PaintException { // Ensure that the target is open if (closed) { throw new PaintException( "Attempted to write to a closed PaintTarget."); } // Make sure that the open start tag is closed before // anything is written. // Escape and write what was given if (xml != null) { tag.addData("\"" + escapeJSON(xml) + "\""); } } /** * Adds XML section with namespace. * * @param sectionTagName * the name of the tag. * @param sectionData * the section data. * @param namespace * the namespace to be added. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. * * @see com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget#addXMLSection(String, String, * String) */ public void addXMLSection(String sectionTagName, String sectionData, String namespace) throws PaintException { // Ensure that the target is open if (closed) { throw new PaintException( "Attempted to write to a closed PaintTarget."); } startTag(sectionTagName); if (namespace != null) { addAttribute("xmlns", namespace); } customLayoutArgumentsOpen = false; if (sectionData != null) { tag.addData("\"" + escapeJSON(sectionData) + "\""); } endTag(sectionTagName); } /** * Gets the UIDL already printed to stream. Paint target must be closed * before the getUIDL can be called. * * @return the UIDL. */ public String getUIDL() { if (closed) { return uidlBuffer.toString(); } throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to read UIDL from open PaintTarget"); } /** * Closes the paint target. Paint target must be closed before the * getUIDL can be called. Subsequent attempts to write to paint * target. If the target was already closed, call to this function is * ignored. will generate an exception. * * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void close() throws PaintException { if (tag != null) { uidlBuffer.write(tag.getJSON()); } flush(); closed = true; } /** * Method flush. */ private void flush() { uidlBuffer.flush(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget#startTag(com.vaadin.terminal * .Paintable, java.lang.String) */ public boolean startTag(Paintable paintable, String tagName) throws PaintException { startTag(tagName, true); final boolean isPreviouslyPainted = manager.hasPaintableId(paintable) && (identifiersCreatedDueRefPaint == null || !identifiersCreatedDueRefPaint .contains(paintable)); final String id = manager.getPaintableId(paintable); paintable.addListener(manager); addAttribute("id", id); paintedComponents.add(paintable); return cacheEnabled && isPreviouslyPainted; } public void paintReference(Paintable paintable, String referenceName) throws PaintException { final String id = getPaintIdentifier(paintable); addAttribute(referenceName, id); } public String getPaintIdentifier(Paintable paintable) throws PaintException { if (!manager.hasPaintableId(paintable)) { if (identifiersCreatedDueRefPaint == null) { identifiersCreatedDueRefPaint = new HashSet(); } identifiersCreatedDueRefPaint.add(paintable); } return manager.getPaintableId(paintable); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget#addCharacterData(java.lang.String ) */ public void addCharacterData(String text) throws PaintException { if (text != null) { tag.addData(text); } } /** * This is basically a container for UI components variables, that will be * added at the end of JSON object. * * @author mattitahvonen * */ class JsonTag implements Serializable { boolean firstField = false; Vector variables = new Vector(); Vector children = new Vector(); Vector attr = new Vector(); StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer(); public boolean childrenArrayOpen = false; private boolean childNode = false; private boolean tagClosed = false; public JsonTag(String tagName) { data.append("[\"" + tagName + "\""); } private void closeTag() { if (!tagClosed) { data.append(attributesAsJsonObject()); data.append(getData()); // Writes the end (closing) tag data.append("]"); tagClosed = true; } } public String getJSON() { if (!tagClosed) { closeTag(); } return data.toString(); } public void openChildrenArray() { if (!childrenArrayOpen) { // append("c : ["); childrenArrayOpen = true; // firstField = true; } } public void closeChildrenArray() { // append("]"); // firstField = false; } public void setChildNode(boolean b) { childNode = b; } public boolean isChildNode() { return childNode; } public String startField() { if (firstField) { firstField = false; return ""; } else { return ","; } } /** * * @param s * json string, object or array */ public void addData(String s) { children.add(s); } public String getData() { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); final Iterator it = children.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { buf.append(startField()); buf.append(it.next()); } return buf.toString(); } public void addAttribute(String jsonNode) { attr.add(jsonNode); } private String attributesAsJsonObject() { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(startField()); buf.append("{"); for (final Iterator iter = attr.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final String element = (String) iter.next(); buf.append(element); if (iter.hasNext()) { buf.append(","); } } buf.append(tag.variablesAsJsonObject()); buf.append("}"); return buf.toString(); } public void addVariable(Variable v) { variables.add(v); } private String variablesAsJsonObject() { if (variables.size() == 0) { return ""; } final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(startField()); buf.append("\"v\":{"); final Iterator iter = variables.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Variable element = (Variable) iter.next(); buf.append(element.getJsonPresentation()); if (iter.hasNext()) { buf.append(","); } } buf.append("}"); return buf.toString(); } class TagCounter { int count; public TagCounter() { count = 0; } public void increment() { count++; } public String postfix(String s) { if (count > 0) { return s + count; } return s; } } } abstract class Variable implements Serializable { String name; public abstract String getJsonPresentation(); } class BooleanVariable extends Variable implements Serializable { boolean value; public BooleanVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, boolean v) { value = v; this.name = name; } @Override public String getJsonPresentation() { return "\"" + name + "\":" + (value == true ? "true" : "false"); } } class StringVariable extends Variable implements Serializable { String value; public StringVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, String v) { value = v; this.name = name; } @Override public String getJsonPresentation() { return "\"" + name + "\":\"" + value + "\""; } } class IntVariable extends Variable implements Serializable { int value; public IntVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, int v) { value = v; this.name = name; } @Override public String getJsonPresentation() { return "\"" + name + "\":" + value; } } class LongVariable extends Variable implements Serializable { long value; public LongVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, long v) { value = v; this.name = name; } @Override public String getJsonPresentation() { return "\"" + name + "\":" + value; } } class FloatVariable extends Variable implements Serializable { float value; public FloatVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, float v) { value = v; this.name = name; } @Override public String getJsonPresentation() { return "\"" + name + "\":" + value; } } class DoubleVariable extends Variable implements Serializable { double value; public DoubleVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, double v) { value = v; this.name = name; } @Override public String getJsonPresentation() { return "\"" + name + "\":" + value; } } class ArrayVariable extends Variable implements Serializable { String[] value; public ArrayVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, String[] v) { value = v; this.name = name; } @Override public String getJsonPresentation() { String pres = "\"" + name + "\":["; for (int i = 0; i < value.length;) { pres += "\"" + value[i] + "\""; i++; if (i < value.length) { pres += ","; } } pres += "]"; return pres; } } public Set getUsedResources() { return usedResources; } /** * Method to check if paintable is already painted into this target. * * @param p * @return true if is not yet painted into this target and is connected to * app */ public boolean needsToBePainted(Paintable p) { if (paintedComponents.contains(p)) { return false; } else if (((Component) p).getApplication() == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getTag(Paintable paintable) { /* * Client widget annotation is searched from component hierarchy to * detect the component that presumably has client side implementation. * The server side name is used in the transportation, but encoded into * integer strings to optimized transferred data. */ Class class1 = paintable.getClass(); ClientWidget annotation = class1.getAnnotation(ClientWidget.class); while (annotation == null) { Class superclass = class1.getSuperclass(); if (superclass != null && Paintable.class.isAssignableFrom(superclass)) { class1 = (Class) superclass; annotation = class1.getAnnotation(ClientWidget.class); } else { System.out .append("Warning: no superclass of givent has ClientWidget" + " annotation. Component will not be mapped correctly on client side."); break; } } usedPaintableTypes.add(class1); return CommunicationManager.getTagForType(class1); } Collection> getUsedPaintableTypes() { return usedPaintableTypes; } }