/* * Copyright 2000-2016 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.client.connectors.grid; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.EventTarget; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerRegistration; import com.vaadin.client.ComponentConnector; import com.vaadin.client.ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.client.ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent.ConnectorHierarchyChangeHandler; import com.vaadin.client.DeferredWorker; import com.vaadin.client.HasComponentsConnector; import com.vaadin.client.MouseEventDetailsBuilder; import com.vaadin.client.TooltipInfo; import com.vaadin.client.WidgetUtil; import com.vaadin.client.annotations.OnStateChange; import com.vaadin.client.connectors.AbstractListingConnector; import com.vaadin.client.connectors.grid.ColumnConnector.CustomColumn; import com.vaadin.client.data.DataSource; import com.vaadin.client.ui.SimpleManagedLayout; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.CellReference; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.EventCellReference; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.events.BodyClickHandler; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.events.BodyDoubleClickHandler; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.events.GridClickEvent; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.events.GridDoubleClickEvent; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.selection.ClickSelectHandler; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.selection.SpaceSelectHandler; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.sort.SortEvent; import com.vaadin.client.widget.grid.sort.SortOrder; import com.vaadin.client.widgets.Grid; import com.vaadin.client.widgets.Grid.Column; import com.vaadin.client.widgets.Grid.FooterRow; import com.vaadin.client.widgets.Grid.HeaderRow; import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails; import com.vaadin.shared.data.sort.SortDirection; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.GridConstants; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.GridConstants.Section; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.GridServerRpc; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.GridState; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.SectionState; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.SectionState.CellState; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.SectionState.RowState; import elemental.json.JsonObject; /** * A connector class for the typed Grid component. * * @author Vaadin Ltd * @since 8.0 */ @Connect(com.vaadin.ui.Grid.class) public class GridConnector extends AbstractListingConnector implements HasComponentsConnector, SimpleManagedLayout, DeferredWorker { private class ItemClickHandler implements BodyClickHandler, BodyDoubleClickHandler { @Override public void onClick(GridClickEvent event) { if (hasEventListener(GridConstants.ITEM_CLICK_EVENT_ID)) { fireItemClick(event.getTargetCell(), event.getNativeEvent()); } } @Override public void onDoubleClick(GridDoubleClickEvent event) { if (hasEventListener(GridConstants.ITEM_CLICK_EVENT_ID)) { fireItemClick(event.getTargetCell(), event.getNativeEvent()); } } private void fireItemClick(CellReference cell, NativeEvent mouseEvent) { String rowKey = getRowKey((JsonObject) cell.getRow()); String columnId = columnToIdMap.get(cell.getColumn()); getRpcProxy(GridServerRpc.class).itemClick(rowKey, columnId, MouseEventDetailsBuilder .buildMouseEventDetails(mouseEvent)); } } /* Map to keep track of all added columns */ private Map columnToIdMap = new HashMap<>(); private Map idToColumn = new HashMap<>(); /* Child component list for HasComponentsConnector */ private List childComponents; private SpaceSelectHandler spaceSelectHandler; private ClickSelectHandler clickSelectHandler; private ItemClickHandler itemClickHandler = new ItemClickHandler(); /** * Gets the string identifier of the given column in this grid. * * @param column * the column whose id to get * @return the string id of the column */ public String getColumnId(Column column) { return columnToIdMap.get(column); } /** * Gets the column corresponding to the given string identifier. * * @param columnId * the id of the column to get * @return the column with the given id */ public CustomColumn getColumn(String columnId) { return idToColumn.get(columnId); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Grid getWidget() { return (Grid) super.getWidget(); } @Override protected void init() { super.init(); // Default selection style is space key. spaceSelectHandler = new SpaceSelectHandler<>(getWidget()); getWidget().addSortHandler(this::handleSortEvent); getWidget().setRowStyleGenerator(rowRef -> { JsonObject json = rowRef.getRow(); return json.hasKey(GridState.JSONKEY_ROWSTYLE) ? json.getString(GridState.JSONKEY_ROWSTYLE) : null; }); getWidget().setCellStyleGenerator(cellRef -> { JsonObject row = cellRef.getRow(); if (!row.hasKey(GridState.JSONKEY_CELLSTYLES)) { return null; } Column column = cellRef.getColumn(); if (column instanceof CustomColumn) { String id = ((CustomColumn) column).getConnectorId(); JsonObject cellStyles = row .getObject(GridState.JSONKEY_CELLSTYLES); if (cellStyles.hasKey(id)) { return cellStyles.getString(id); } } return null; }); getWidget().addColumnVisibilityChangeHandler(event -> { if (event.isUserOriginated()) { getRpcProxy(GridServerRpc.class).columnVisibilityChanged( getColumnId(event.getColumn()), event.isHidden()); } }); getWidget().addColumnReorderHandler(event -> { if (event.isUserOriginated()) { List newColumnOrder = mapColumnsToIds( event.getNewColumnOrder()); List oldColumnOrder = mapColumnsToIds( event.getOldColumnOrder()); getRpcProxy(GridServerRpc.class) .columnsReordered(newColumnOrder, oldColumnOrder); } }); getWidget().addColumnResizeHandler(event -> { Column column = event.getColumn(); getRpcProxy(GridServerRpc.class).columnResized(getColumnId(column), column.getWidthActual()); }); /* Item click events */ getWidget().addBodyClickHandler(itemClickHandler); getWidget().addBodyDoubleClickHandler(itemClickHandler); layout(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @OnStateChange("columnOrder") void updateColumnOrder() { getWidget().setColumnOrder(getState().columnOrder.stream() .map(this::getColumn).toArray(size -> new Column[size])); } @OnStateChange("columnResizeMode") void updateColumnResizeMode() { getWidget().setColumnResizeMode(getState().columnResizeMode); } /** * Updates the grid header section on state change. */ @OnStateChange("header") void updateHeader() { final Grid grid = getWidget(); final SectionState state = getState().header; while (grid.getHeaderRowCount() > 0) { grid.removeHeaderRow(0); } for (RowState rowState : state.rows) { HeaderRow row = grid.appendHeaderRow(); if (rowState.defaultHeader) { grid.setDefaultHeaderRow(row); } updateStaticRow(rowState, row); } } private void updateStaticRow(RowState rowState, Grid.StaticSection.StaticRow row) { rowState.cells.forEach((columnId, cellState) -> { updateStaticCellFromState(row.getCell(getColumn(columnId)), cellState); }); for (Map.Entry> cellGroupEntry : rowState.cellGroups .entrySet()) { Set group = cellGroupEntry.getValue(); Grid.Column[] columns = group.stream().map(idToColumn::get) .toArray(size -> new Grid.Column[size]); // Set state to be the same as first in group. updateStaticCellFromState(row.join(columns), cellGroupEntry.getKey()); } } private void updateStaticCellFromState(Grid.StaticSection.StaticCell cell, CellState cellState) { switch (cellState.type) { case TEXT: cell.setText(cellState.text); break; case HTML: cell.setHtml(cellState.html); break; case WIDGET: ComponentConnector connector = (ComponentConnector) cellState.connector; if (connector != null) { cell.setWidget(connector.getWidget()); } else { // This happens if you do setVisible(false) on the component on // the server side cell.setWidget(null); } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "unexpected cell type: " + cellState.type); } cell.setStyleName(cellState.styleName); } /** * Updates the grid footer section on state change. */ @OnStateChange("footer") void updateFooter() { final Grid grid = getWidget(); final SectionState state = getState().footer; while (grid.getFooterRowCount() > 0) { grid.removeFooterRow(0); } for (RowState rowState : state.rows) { FooterRow row = grid.appendFooterRow(); updateStaticRow(rowState, row); } } @Override public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { super.setDataSource(dataSource); getWidget().setDataSource(dataSource); } /** * Adds a column to the Grid widget. For each column a communication id * stored for client to server communication. * * @param column * column to add * @param id * communication id */ public void addColumn(CustomColumn column, String id) { assert !columnToIdMap.containsKey(column) && !columnToIdMap .containsValue(id) : "Column with given id already exists."; getWidget().addColumn(column); columnToIdMap.put(column, id); idToColumn.put(id, column); } /** * Removes a column from Grid widget. This method also removes communication * id mapping for the column. * * @param column * column to remove */ public void removeColumn(CustomColumn column) { assert columnToIdMap .containsKey(column) : "Given Column does not exist."; getWidget().removeColumn(column); String id = columnToIdMap.remove(column); idToColumn.remove(id); } @Override public void onUnregister() { super.onUnregister(); columnToIdMap.clear(); removeClickHandler(); if (spaceSelectHandler != null) { spaceSelectHandler.removeHandler(); spaceSelectHandler = null; } } @Override public boolean isWorkPending() { return getWidget().isWorkPending(); } @Override public void layout() { getWidget().onResize(); } /** * Sends sort information from an event to the server-side of the Grid. * * @param event * the sort event */ private void handleSortEvent(SortEvent event) { List columnIds = new ArrayList<>(); List sortDirections = new ArrayList<>(); for (SortOrder so : event.getOrder()) { if (columnToIdMap.containsKey(so.getColumn())) { columnIds.add(columnToIdMap.get(so.getColumn())); sortDirections.add(so.getDirection()); } } getRpcProxy(GridServerRpc.class).sort(columnIds.toArray(new String[0]), sortDirections.toArray(new SortDirection[0]), event.isUserOriginated()); } /* HasComponentsConnector */ @Override public void updateCaption(ComponentConnector connector) { // Details components don't support captions. } @Override public List getChildComponents() { if (childComponents == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return childComponents; } @Override public void setChildComponents(List children) { childComponents = children; } @Override public HandlerRegistration addConnectorHierarchyChangeHandler( ConnectorHierarchyChangeHandler handler) { return ensureHandlerManager() .addHandler(ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent.TYPE, handler); } @Override public GridState getState() { return (GridState) super.getState(); } private void removeClickHandler() { if (clickSelectHandler != null) { clickSelectHandler.removeHandler(); clickSelectHandler = null; } } @Override public boolean hasTooltip() { // Always check for generated descriptions. return true; } @Override public TooltipInfo getTooltipInfo(Element element) { CellReference cell = getWidget().getCellReference(element); if (cell != null) { JsonObject row = cell.getRow(); if (row != null && (row.hasKey(GridState.JSONKEY_ROWDESCRIPTION) || row.hasKey(GridState.JSONKEY_CELLDESCRIPTION))) { Column column = cell.getColumn(); if (column instanceof CustomColumn) { JsonObject cellDescriptions = row .getObject(GridState.JSONKEY_CELLDESCRIPTION); String id = ((CustomColumn) column).getConnectorId(); if (cellDescriptions != null && cellDescriptions.hasKey(id)) { return new TooltipInfo(cellDescriptions.getString(id)); } else if (row.hasKey(GridState.JSONKEY_ROWDESCRIPTION)) { return new TooltipInfo(row .getString(GridState.JSONKEY_ROWDESCRIPTION)); } } } } if (super.hasTooltip()) { return super.getTooltipInfo(element); } else { return null; } } @Override protected void sendContextClickEvent(MouseEventDetails details, EventTarget eventTarget) { // if element is the resize indicator, ignore the event if (isResizeHandle(eventTarget)) { WidgetUtil.clearTextSelection(); return; } EventCellReference eventCell = getWidget().getEventCell(); Section section = eventCell.getSection(); String rowKey = null; if (eventCell.isBody() && eventCell.getRow() != null) { rowKey = getRowKey(eventCell.getRow()); } String columnId = getColumnId(eventCell.getColumn()); getRpcProxy(GridServerRpc.class).contextClick(eventCell.getRowIndex(), rowKey, columnId, section, details); WidgetUtil.clearTextSelection(); } private boolean isResizeHandle(EventTarget eventTarget) { if (Element.is(eventTarget)) { Element e = Element.as(eventTarget); if (e.getClassName().contains("-column-resize-handle")) { return true; } } return false; } private List mapColumnsToIds(List> columns) { return columns.stream().map(this::getColumnId).filter(Objects::nonNull) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } }