/* * Copyright 2000-2016 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.client.ui; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.vaadin.client.LocaleNotLoadedException; import com.vaadin.client.LocaleService; import com.vaadin.client.VConsole; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.datefield.DateTimeResolution; /** * Represents a date-time selection component with a text field and a popup date * selector. * * @author Vaadin Ltd * * @since 8.0 */ public class VPopupTimeCalendar extends VAbstractPopupCalendar { public VPopupTimeCalendar() { super(GWT.create(VDateTimeCalendarPanel.class), DateTimeResolution.MINUTE); } @Override protected DateTimeResolution[] doGetResolutions() { return DateTimeResolution.values(); } @Override public String resolutionAsString() { if (getCurrentResolution().compareTo(DateTimeResolution.DAY) >= 0) { return getResolutionVariable(getCurrentResolution()); } else { return "full"; } } @Override public void setCurrentResolution(DateTimeResolution resolution) { super.setCurrentResolution( resolution == null ? DateTimeResolution.MINUTE : resolution); } public static Date makeDate(Map dateValues) { if (dateValues.get(DateTimeResolution.YEAR) == null) { return null; } Date date = new Date(2000 - 1900, 0, 1); Integer year = dateValues.get(DateTimeResolution.YEAR); if (year != null) { date.setYear(year - 1900); } Integer month = dateValues.get(DateTimeResolution.MONTH); if (month != null) { date.setMonth(month - 1); } Integer day = dateValues.get(DateTimeResolution.DAY); if (day != null) { date.setDate(day); } Integer hour = dateValues.get(DateTimeResolution.HOUR); if (hour != null) { date.setHours(hour); } Integer minute = dateValues.get(DateTimeResolution.MINUTE); if (minute != null) { date.setMinutes(minute); } Integer second = dateValues.get(DateTimeResolution.SECOND); if (second != null) { date.setSeconds(second); } return date; } @Override public boolean isYear(DateTimeResolution resolution) { return DateTimeResolution.YEAR.equals(resolution); } @Override protected Date getDate(Map dateValues) { return makeDate(dateValues); } @Override protected void updateDateVariables() { super.updateDateVariables(); DateTimeResolution resolution = getCurrentResolution(); // (only the smallest defining resolution needs to be // immediate) Date currentDate = getDate(); if (resolution.compareTo(DateTimeResolution.MONTH) <= 0) { addBufferedResolution(DateTimeResolution.MONTH, currentDate != null ? currentDate.getMonth() + 1 : null); } if (resolution.compareTo(DateTimeResolution.DAY) <= 0) { addBufferedResolution(DateTimeResolution.DAY, currentDate != null ? currentDate.getDate() : null); } if (resolution.compareTo(DateTimeResolution.HOUR) <= 0) { addBufferedResolution(DateTimeResolution.HOUR, currentDate != null ? currentDate.getHours() : null); } if (resolution.compareTo(DateTimeResolution.MINUTE) <= 0) { addBufferedResolution(DateTimeResolution.MINUTE, currentDate != null ? currentDate.getMinutes() : null); } if (resolution.compareTo(DateTimeResolution.SECOND) <= 0) { addBufferedResolution(DateTimeResolution.SECOND, currentDate != null ? currentDate.getSeconds() : null); } sendBufferedValues(); } private void addBufferedResolution(DateTimeResolution resolutionToAdd, Integer value) { bufferedResolutions.put(resolutionToAdd.name(), value); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void updateValue(Date newDate) { Date currentDate = getCurrentDate(); super.updateValue(newDate); DateTimeResolution resolution = getCurrentResolution(); if (currentDate == null || newDate.getTime() != currentDate.getTime()) { if (resolution.compareTo(DateTimeResolution.DAY) < 0) { bufferedResolutions.put(DateTimeResolution.HOUR.name(), newDate.getHours()); if (resolution.compareTo(DateTimeResolution.HOUR) < 0) { bufferedResolutions.put(DateTimeResolution.MINUTE.name(), newDate.getMinutes()); if (resolution.compareTo(DateTimeResolution.MINUTE) < 0) { bufferedResolutions.put( DateTimeResolution.SECOND.name(), newDate.getSeconds()); } } } } } @Override protected String createFormatString() { if (isYear(getCurrentResolution())) { return "yyyy"; // force full year } else { try { String frmString = LocaleService.getDateFormat(currentLocale); frmString = cleanFormat(frmString); // String delim = LocaleService // .getClockDelimiter(currentLocale); if (getCurrentResolution() .compareTo(DateTimeResolution.HOUR) <= 0) { if (dts.isTwelveHourClock()) { frmString += " hh"; } else { frmString += " HH"; } if (getCurrentResolution() .compareTo(DateTimeResolution.MINUTE) <= 0) { frmString += ":mm"; if (getCurrentResolution() .compareTo(DateTimeResolution.SECOND) <= 0) { frmString += ":ss"; } } if (dts.isTwelveHourClock()) { frmString += " aaa"; } } return frmString; } catch (LocaleNotLoadedException e) { // TODO should die instead? Can the component survive // without format string? VConsole.error(e); return null; } } } @Override protected String cleanFormat(String format) { // Remove unnecessary d & M if resolution is too low if (getCurrentResolution().compareTo(DateTimeResolution.DAY) > 0) { format = format.replaceAll("d", ""); } if (getCurrentResolution().compareTo(DateTimeResolution.MONTH) > 0) { format = format.replaceAll("M", ""); } return super.cleanFormat(format); } @Override protected boolean supportsTime() { return true; } }