package com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.ui.absolutegrid; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.BrowserInfo; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.ICaption; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.ContainerResizedListener; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.Util; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.ui.AlignmentInfo; /** * Prototype helper widget to implement complex sized Toolkit layouts like * GridLayout and OrderedLayout. Supports size, margins, spacing, but has bit * expensive layout function. */ public class IAbsoluteGrid extends Composite implements ContainerResizedListener { protected HashMap cells = new HashMap(); private int cols = 1; private int rows = 1; private AbsolutePanel ap; protected int marginTop; protected int marginBottom; protected int marginLeft; protected int marginRight; private int offsetWidth; private int offsetHeight; public IAbsoluteGrid() { ap = new AbsolutePanel(); initWidget(ap); } public IAbsoluteGridCell getCell(int col, int row) { IAbsoluteGridCell p = (IAbsoluteGridCell) cells.get(col + "." + row); if (p == null) { p = new IAbsoluteGridCell(col, row); cells.put(col + "." + row, p); ap.add(p); } return p; } public void clear() { ap.clear(); cells.clear(); } public Iterator getCellIterator() { return cells.values().iterator(); } private float getCellWidth(int colspan) { int total = ap.getOffsetWidth(); total -= getMarginWidth(); total -= getSpacingSize() * (cols - colspan); if (total < 0) { return 0; } return total * colspan / (float) cols; } /** * * @return space used by left and right margin */ private int getMarginWidth() { return marginLeft + marginRight; } /** * @return pixels reserved for space between components */ protected int getSpacingSize() { return 0; } private float getCellHeight(int rowspan) { int total = ap.getOffsetHeight(); total -= getMarginHeight(); total -= getSpacingSize() * (rows - rowspan); if (total < 0) { return 0; } return total * rowspan / (float) rows; } /** * * @return space used by top and bottom margin */ private int getMarginHeight() { return marginBottom + marginTop; } /** * TODO contains Caption (which is a widget) in a very bad way, cannot be * simple panel */ public class IAbsoluteGridCell extends SimplePanel { int rowIndex; int colIndex; int colSpan = 1; int rowSpan = 1; private Element container = DOM.createDiv(); private ICaption caption; private AlignmentInfo alignmentInfo = new AlignmentInfo( AlignmentInfo.ALIGNMENT_TOP + AlignmentInfo.ALIGNMENT_LEFT); IAbsoluteGridCell(int colIndex, int rowIndex) { super(); if (BrowserInfo.get().isIE6()) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "overflow", "hidden"); } DOM.appendChild(getElement(), container); this.rowIndex = rowIndex; this.colIndex = colIndex; } public void clear() { super.clear(); if (caption != null) { DOM.removeChild(getElement(), caption.getElement()); caption = null; } } protected Element getContainerElement() { return container; } void setColSpan(int s) { // TODO Should remove possibly collapsing cells colSpan = s; } void setRowSpan(int s) { // TODO Should remove possibly collapsing cells rowSpan = s; } private int getLeft() { int left = marginLeft; left += colIndex * getCellWidth(1); left += getSpacingSize() * colIndex; return left; } private int getTop() { int top = marginTop; top += rowIndex * getCellHeight(1); top += getSpacingSize() * rowIndex; return top; } public void render() { setPixelSize((int) getCellWidth(colSpan), (int) getCellHeight(rowSpan)); ap.setWidgetPosition(this, getLeft(), getTop()); } /** * Does vertical positioning based on DOM values */ public void vAling() { DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "paddingTop", "0"); if (!alignmentInfo.isTop()) { Widget c = getWidget(); if (c != null) { int oh = getOffsetHeight(); int wt = DOM.getElementPropertyInt(container, "offsetTop"); int wh = c.getOffsetHeight(); int freeSpace = getOffsetHeight() - (DOM .getElementPropertyInt(container, "offsetTop") + c.getOffsetHeight()); if (Util.isIE()) { freeSpace -= DOM.getElementPropertyInt(c.getElement(), "offsetTop"); } if (freeSpace < 0) { freeSpace = 0; // clipping rest of contents when object // larger than reserved area } if (alignmentInfo.isVerticalCenter()) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "paddingTop", (freeSpace / 2) + "px"); } else { DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "paddingTop", (freeSpace) + "px"); } } } } public void setPixelSize(int width, int height) { super.setPixelSize(width, height); DOM.setStyleAttribute(container, "width", width + "px"); int contHeight = height - getCaptionHeight(); if (contHeight < 0) { contHeight = 0; } DOM.setStyleAttribute(container, "height", contHeight + "px"); } private int getCaptionHeight() { // remove hard coded caption height return (caption == null) ? 0 : caption.getOffsetHeight(); } public ICaption getCaption() { return caption; } public void setCaption(ICaption newCaption) { // TODO check for existing, shouldn't happen though caption = newCaption; DOM.insertChild(getElement(), caption.getElement(), 0); } public void setAlignment(int bitmask) { if (alignmentInfo.getBitMask() != bitmask) { alignmentInfo = new AlignmentInfo(bitmask); setHorizontalAling(); // vertical align is set in render() method } } private void setHorizontalAling() { DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "textAlign", alignmentInfo .getHorizontalAlignment()); if (getWidget() != null) { Element el = getWidget().getElement(); if (alignmentInfo.isHorizontalCenter() || alignmentInfo.isRight()) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, "marginLeft", "auto"); } else { DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, "marginLeft", ""); } if (alignmentInfo.isHorizontalCenter() || alignmentInfo.isLeft()) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, "marginRight", "auto"); } else { DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, "marginRight", ""); } } } } public void iLayout() { boolean sizeChanged = false; int newWidth = getOffsetWidth(); if (offsetWidth != newWidth) { offsetWidth = newWidth; sizeChanged = true; } int newHeight = getOffsetHeight(); if (offsetHeight != newHeight) { offsetHeight = newHeight; sizeChanged = true; } if (sizeChanged) { for (Iterator it = cells.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { IAbsoluteGridCell cell = (IAbsoluteGridCell); cell.render(); cell.vAling(); } Util.runDescendentsLayout(ap); } } public int getCols() { return cols; } public void setCols(int cols) { this.cols = cols; // force relayout offsetHeight = 0; offsetWidth = 0; } public int getRows() { return rows; } public void setRows(int rows) { this.rows = rows; // force relayout offsetHeight = 0; offsetWidth = 0; } }