/* * Copyright 2000-2014 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.client.communication; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection; import com.vaadin.client.ConnectorMap; import com.vaadin.client.FastStringSet; import com.vaadin.client.JsArrayObject; import com.vaadin.client.Profiler; import com.vaadin.client.metadata.NoDataException; import com.vaadin.client.metadata.Property; import com.vaadin.client.metadata.Type; import com.vaadin.shared.Connector; import elemental.json.JsonArray; import elemental.json.JsonObject; import elemental.json.JsonType; import elemental.json.JsonValue; /** * Client side decoder for decodeing shared state and other values from JSON * received from the server. * * Currently, basic data types as well as Map, String[] and Object[] are * supported, where maps and Object[] can contain other supported data types. * * TODO extensible type support * * @since 7.0 */ public class JsonDecoder { private static final FastStringSet decodedWithoutReference = FastStringSet .create(); static { decodedWithoutReference.add(String.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Boolean.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Byte.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Character.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Short.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Integer.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Long.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Float.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Double.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Connector.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Map.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(List.class.getName()); decodedWithoutReference.add(Set.class.getName()); } /** * Decode a JSON array with two elements (type and value) into a client-side * type, recursively if necessary. * * @param jsonValue * JSON value with encoded data * @param connection * reference to the current ApplicationConnection * @return decoded value (does not contain JSON types) */ public static Object decodeValue(Type type, JsonValue jsonValue, Object target, ApplicationConnection connection) { String baseTypeName = type.getBaseTypeName(); if (baseTypeName.startsWith("elemental.json.Json")) { return jsonValue; } // Null is null, regardless of type (except JSON) if (jsonValue.getType() == JsonType.NULL) { return null; } if (Map.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName) || HashMap.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return decodeMap(type, jsonValue, connection); } else if (List.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName) || ArrayList.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { assert jsonValue.getType() == JsonType.ARRAY; return decodeList(type, (JsonArray) jsonValue, connection); } else if (Set.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { assert jsonValue.getType() == JsonType.ARRAY; return decodeSet(type, (JsonArray) jsonValue, connection); } else if (String.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return jsonValue.asString(); } else if (Integer.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return Integer.valueOf((int) jsonValue.asNumber()); } else if (Long.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return Long.valueOf((long) jsonValue.asNumber()); } else if (Float.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return Float.valueOf((float) jsonValue.asNumber()); } else if (Double.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return Double.valueOf(jsonValue.asNumber()); } else if (Boolean.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return Boolean.valueOf(jsonValue.asString()); } else if (Byte.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return Byte.valueOf((byte) jsonValue.asNumber()); } else if (Character.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return Character.valueOf(jsonValue.asString().charAt(0)); } else if (Connector.class.getName().equals(baseTypeName)) { return ConnectorMap.get(connection) .getConnector(jsonValue.asString()); } else { return decodeObject(type, jsonValue, target, connection); } } private static Object decodeObject(Type type, JsonValue jsonValue, Object target, ApplicationConnection connection) { Profiler.enter("JsonDecoder.decodeObject"); JSONSerializer serializer = (JSONSerializer) type .findSerializer(); if (serializer != null) { if (target != null && serializer instanceof DiffJSONSerializer) { DiffJSONSerializer diffSerializer = (DiffJSONSerializer) serializer; diffSerializer.update(target, type, jsonValue, connection); Profiler.leave("JsonDecoder.decodeObject"); return target; } else { Object object = serializer.deserialize(type, jsonValue, connection); Profiler.leave("JsonDecoder.decodeObject"); return object; } } else { try { Profiler.enter("JsonDecoder.decodeObject meta data processing"); JsArrayObject properties = type .getPropertiesAsArray(); if (target == null) { target = type.createInstance(); } JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) jsonValue; int size = properties.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Property property = properties.get(i); if (!jsonObject.hasKey(property.getName())) { continue; } Type propertyType = property.getType(); Object propertyReference; if (needsReferenceValue(propertyType)) { propertyReference = property.getValue(target); } else { propertyReference = null; } Profiler.leave( "JsonDecoder.decodeObject meta data processing"); JsonValue encodedPropertyValue = jsonObject .get(property.getName()); Object decodedValue = decodeValue(propertyType, encodedPropertyValue, propertyReference, connection); Profiler.enter( "JsonDecoder.decodeObject meta data processing"); property.setValue(target, decodedValue); } Profiler.leave("JsonDecoder.decodeObject meta data processing"); Profiler.leave("JsonDecoder.decodeObject"); return target; } catch (NoDataException e) { Profiler.leave("JsonDecoder.decodeObject meta data processing"); Profiler.leave("JsonDecoder.decodeObject"); throw new RuntimeException( "Can not deserialize " + type.getSignature(), e); } } } private static boolean needsReferenceValue(Type type) { return !decodedWithoutReference.contains(type.getBaseTypeName()); } private static Map decodeMap(Type type, JsonValue jsonMap, ApplicationConnection connection) { // Client -> server encodes empty map as an empty array because of // #8906. Do the same for server -> client to maintain symmetry. if (jsonMap.getType() == JsonType.ARRAY) { JsonArray array = (JsonArray) jsonMap; if (array.length() == 0) { return new HashMap(); } } Type keyType = type.getParameterTypes()[0]; Type valueType = type.getParameterTypes()[1]; if (keyType.getBaseTypeName().equals(String.class.getName())) { assert jsonMap.getType() == JsonType.OBJECT; return decodeStringMap(valueType, (JsonObject) jsonMap, connection); } else if (keyType.getBaseTypeName() .equals(Connector.class.getName())) { assert jsonMap.getType() == JsonType.OBJECT; return decodeConnectorMap(valueType, (JsonObject) jsonMap, connection); } else { assert jsonMap.getType() == JsonType.ARRAY; return decodeObjectMap(keyType, valueType, (JsonArray) jsonMap, connection); } } private static Map decodeObjectMap(Type keyType, Type valueType, JsonArray jsonValue, ApplicationConnection connection) { Map map = new HashMap(); JsonArray keys = jsonValue.get(0); JsonArray values = jsonValue.get(1); assert (keys.length() == values.length()); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++) { Object decodedKey = decodeValue(keyType, keys.get(i), null, connection); Object decodedValue = decodeValue(valueType, values.get(i), null, connection); map.put(decodedKey, decodedValue); } return map; } private static Map decodeConnectorMap(Type valueType, JsonObject jsonMap, ApplicationConnection connection) { Map map = new HashMap(); ConnectorMap connectorMap = ConnectorMap.get(connection); for (String connectorId : jsonMap.keys()) { Object value = decodeValue(valueType, jsonMap.get(connectorId), null, connection); map.put(connectorMap.getConnector(connectorId), value); } return map; } private static Map decodeStringMap(Type valueType, JsonObject jsonMap, ApplicationConnection connection) { Map map = new HashMap(); for (String key : jsonMap.keys()) { Object value = decodeValue(valueType, jsonMap.get(key), null, connection); map.put(key, value); } return map; } private static List decodeList(Type type, JsonArray jsonArray, ApplicationConnection connection) { List tokens = new ArrayList(); decodeIntoCollection(type.getParameterTypes()[0], jsonArray, connection, tokens); return tokens; } private static Set decodeSet(Type type, JsonArray jsonArray, ApplicationConnection connection) { Set tokens = new HashSet(); decodeIntoCollection(type.getParameterTypes()[0], jsonArray, connection, tokens); return tokens; } private static void decodeIntoCollection(Type childType, JsonArray jsonArray, ApplicationConnection connection, Collection tokens) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); ++i) { // each entry always has two elements: type and value JsonValue entryValue = jsonArray.get(i); tokens.add(decodeValue(childType, entryValue, null, connection)); } } /** * Called by generated deserialization code to treat a generic object as a * JsonValue. This is needed because GWT refuses to directly cast String * typed as Object into a JSO. */ public static native T obj2jso(Object object) /*-{ return object; }-*/; }