/* * Copyright 2000-2014 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.client.ui.calendar.schedule; import java.util.Date; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyDownEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyDownHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseDownEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseDownHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseMoveEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseMoveHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseOverEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseOverHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseUpEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseUpHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerRegistration; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; import com.vaadin.client.ui.FocusableFlowPanel; import com.vaadin.client.ui.VCalendar; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.calendar.DateConstants; /** * A class representing a single cell within the calendar in month-view * * @since 7.1 * @author Vaadin Ltd. */ public class SimpleDayCell extends FocusableFlowPanel implements MouseUpHandler, MouseDownHandler, MouseOverHandler, MouseMoveHandler { private static int BOTTOMSPACERHEIGHT = -1; private static int EVENTHEIGHT = -1; private static final int BORDERPADDINGSIZE = 1; private final VCalendar calendar; private Date date; private int intHeight; private final HTML bottomspacer; private final Label caption; private final CalendarEvent[] events = new CalendarEvent[10]; private final int cell; private final int row; private boolean monthNameVisible; private HandlerRegistration mouseUpRegistration; private HandlerRegistration mouseDownRegistration; private HandlerRegistration mouseOverRegistration; private boolean monthEventMouseDown; private boolean labelMouseDown; private int eventCount = 0; private int startX = -1; private int startY = -1; private int startYrelative; private int startXrelative; // "from" date of date which is source of Dnd private Date dndSourceDateFrom; // "to" date of date which is source of Dnd private Date dndSourceDateTo; // "from" time of date which is source of Dnd private Date dndSourceStartDateTime; // "to" time of date which is source of Dnd private Date dndSourceEndDateTime; private int prevDayDiff = 0; private int prevWeekDiff = 0; private HandlerRegistration moveRegistration; private CalendarEvent moveEvent; private Widget clickedWidget; private HandlerRegistration bottomSpacerMouseDownHandler; private boolean scrollable = false; private MonthGrid monthGrid; private HandlerRegistration keyDownHandler; public SimpleDayCell(VCalendar calendar, int row, int cell) { this.calendar = calendar; this.row = row; this.cell = cell; setStylePrimaryName("v-calendar-month-day"); caption = new Label(); bottomspacer = new HTML(); bottomspacer.setStyleName("v-calendar-bottom-spacer-empty"); bottomspacer.setWidth(3 + "em"); caption.setStyleName("v-calendar-day-number"); add(caption); add(bottomspacer); caption.addMouseDownHandler(this); caption.addMouseUpHandler(this); } @Override public void onLoad() { BOTTOMSPACERHEIGHT = bottomspacer.getOffsetHeight(); EVENTHEIGHT = BOTTOMSPACERHEIGHT; } public void setMonthGrid(MonthGrid monthGrid) { this.monthGrid = monthGrid; } public MonthGrid getMonthGrid() { return monthGrid; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void setDate(Date date) { int dateOfMonth = date.getDate(); if (monthNameVisible) { caption.setText(dateOfMonth + " " + calendar.getMonthNames()[date.getMonth()]); } else { caption.setText("" + dateOfMonth); } this.date = date; } public Date getDate() { return date; } public void reDraw(boolean clear) { setHeightPX(intHeight + BORDERPADDINGSIZE, clear); } /* * Events and whole cell content are drawn by this method. By the * clear-argument, you can choose to clear all old content. Notice that * clearing will also remove all element's event handlers. */ public void setHeightPX(int px, boolean clear) { // measure from DOM if needed if (px < 0) { intHeight = getOffsetHeight() - BORDERPADDINGSIZE; } else { intHeight = px - BORDERPADDINGSIZE; } // Couldn't measure height or it ended up negative. Don't bother // continuing if (intHeight == -1) { return; } if (clear) { while (getWidgetCount() > 1) { remove(1); } } // How many events can be shown in UI int slots = 0; if (scrollable) { for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (events[i] != null) { slots = i + 1; } } setHeight(intHeight + "px"); // Fixed height } else { // Dynamic height by the content DOM.removeElementAttribute(getElement(), "height"); slots = (intHeight - caption.getOffsetHeight() - BOTTOMSPACERHEIGHT) / EVENTHEIGHT; if (slots > 10) { slots = 10; } } updateEvents(slots, clear); } public void updateEvents(int slots, boolean clear) { int eventsAdded = 0; for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++) { CalendarEvent e = events[i]; if (e == null) { // Empty slot HTML slot = new HTML(); slot.setStyleName("v-calendar-spacer"); if (!clear) { remove(i + 1); insert(slot, i + 1); } else { add(slot); } } else { // Event slot eventsAdded++; if (!clear) { Widget w = getWidget(i + 1); if (!(w instanceof MonthEventLabel)) { remove(i + 1); insert(createMonthEventLabel(e), i + 1); } } else { add(createMonthEventLabel(e)); } } } int remainingSpace = intHeight - ((slots * EVENTHEIGHT) + BOTTOMSPACERHEIGHT + caption .getOffsetHeight()); int newHeight = remainingSpace + BOTTOMSPACERHEIGHT; if (newHeight < 0) { newHeight = EVENTHEIGHT; } bottomspacer.setHeight(newHeight + "px"); if (clear) { add(bottomspacer); } int more = eventCount - eventsAdded; if (more > 0) { if (bottomSpacerMouseDownHandler == null) { bottomSpacerMouseDownHandler = bottomspacer .addMouseDownHandler(this); } bottomspacer.setStyleName("v-calendar-bottom-spacer"); bottomspacer.setText("+ " + more); } else { if (!scrollable && bottomSpacerMouseDownHandler != null) { bottomSpacerMouseDownHandler.removeHandler(); bottomSpacerMouseDownHandler = null; } if (scrollable) { bottomspacer.setText("[ - ]"); } else { bottomspacer.setStyleName("v-calendar-bottom-spacer-empty"); bottomspacer.setText(""); } } } private MonthEventLabel createMonthEventLabel(CalendarEvent e) { long rangeInMillis = e.getRangeInMilliseconds(); boolean timeEvent = rangeInMillis <= DateConstants.DAYINMILLIS && !e.isAllDay(); Date fromDatetime = e.getStartTime(); // Create a new MonthEventLabel MonthEventLabel eventDiv = new MonthEventLabel(); eventDiv.addStyleDependentName("month"); eventDiv.addMouseDownHandler(this); eventDiv.addMouseUpHandler(this); eventDiv.setCalendar(calendar); eventDiv.setEventIndex(e.getIndex()); eventDiv.setCalendarEvent(e); if (timeEvent) { eventDiv.setTimeSpecificEvent(true); if (e.getStyleName() != null) { eventDiv.addStyleDependentName(e.getStyleName()); } eventDiv.setCaption(e.getCaption()); eventDiv.setTime(fromDatetime); } else { eventDiv.setTimeSpecificEvent(false); Date from = e.getStart(); Date to = e.getEnd(); if (e.getStyleName().length() > 0) { eventDiv.addStyleName("month-event " + e.getStyleName()); } else { eventDiv.addStyleName("month-event"); } int fromCompareToDate = from.compareTo(date); int toCompareToDate = to.compareTo(date); eventDiv.addStyleDependentName("all-day"); if (fromCompareToDate == 0) { eventDiv.addStyleDependentName("start"); eventDiv.setCaption(e.getCaption()); } else if (fromCompareToDate < 0 && cell == 0) { eventDiv.addStyleDependentName("continued-from"); eventDiv.setCaption(e.getCaption()); } if (toCompareToDate == 0) { eventDiv.addStyleDependentName("end"); } else if (toCompareToDate > 0 && (cell + 1) == getMonthGrid().getCellCount(row)) { eventDiv.addStyleDependentName("continued-to"); } if (e.getStyleName() != null) { eventDiv.addStyleDependentName(e.getStyleName() + "-all-day"); } } return eventDiv; } private void setUnlimitedCellHeight() { scrollable = true; addStyleDependentName("scrollable"); } private void setLimitedCellHeight() { scrollable = false; removeStyleDependentName("scrollable"); } public void addCalendarEvent(CalendarEvent e) { eventCount++; int slot = e.getSlotIndex(); if (slot == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (events[i] == null) { events[i] = e; e.setSlotIndex(i); break; } } } else { events[slot] = e; } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void setMonthNameVisible(boolean b) { monthNameVisible = b; int dateOfMonth = date.getDate(); caption.setText(dateOfMonth + " " + calendar.getMonthNames()[date.getMonth()]); } public HandlerRegistration addMouseMoveHandler(MouseMoveHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, MouseMoveEvent.getType()); } @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); mouseUpRegistration = addDomHandler(this, MouseUpEvent.getType()); mouseDownRegistration = addDomHandler(this, MouseDownEvent.getType()); mouseOverRegistration = addDomHandler(this, MouseOverEvent.getType()); } @Override protected void onDetach() { mouseUpRegistration.removeHandler(); mouseDownRegistration.removeHandler(); mouseOverRegistration.removeHandler(); super.onDetach(); } @Override public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) { if (event.getNativeButton() != NativeEvent.BUTTON_LEFT) { return; } Widget w = (Widget) event.getSource(); if (moveRegistration != null) { Event.releaseCapture(getElement()); moveRegistration.removeHandler(); moveRegistration = null; keyDownHandler.removeHandler(); keyDownHandler = null; } if (w == bottomspacer && monthEventMouseDown) { GWT.log("Mouse up over bottomspacer"); } else if (clickedWidget instanceof MonthEventLabel && monthEventMouseDown) { MonthEventLabel mel = (MonthEventLabel) clickedWidget; int endX = event.getClientX(); int endY = event.getClientY(); int xDiff = 0, yDiff = 0; if (startX != -1 && startY != -1) { xDiff = startX - endX; yDiff = startY - endY; } startX = -1; startY = -1; prevDayDiff = 0; prevWeekDiff = 0; if (xDiff < -3 || xDiff > 3 || yDiff < -3 || yDiff > 3) { eventMoved(moveEvent); } else if (calendar.getEventClickListener() != null) { CalendarEvent e = getEventByWidget(mel); calendar.getEventClickListener().eventClick(e); } moveEvent = null; } else if (w == this) { getMonthGrid().setSelectionReady(); } else if (w instanceof Label && labelMouseDown) { String clickedDate = calendar.getDateFormat().format(date); if (calendar.getDateClickListener() != null) { calendar.getDateClickListener().dateClick(clickedDate); } } monthEventMouseDown = false; labelMouseDown = false; clickedWidget = null; } @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { if (calendar.isDisabled() || event.getNativeButton() != NativeEvent.BUTTON_LEFT) { return; } Widget w = (Widget) event.getSource(); clickedWidget = w; if (w instanceof MonthEventLabel) { // event clicks should be allowed even when read-only monthEventMouseDown = true; if (calendar.isEventMoveAllowed()) { startCalendarEventDrag(event, (MonthEventLabel) w); } } else if (w == bottomspacer) { if (scrollable) { setLimitedCellHeight(); } else { setUnlimitedCellHeight(); } reDraw(true); } else if (w instanceof Label) { labelMouseDown = true; } else if (w == this && !scrollable) { MonthGrid grid = getMonthGrid(); if (grid.isEnabled() && calendar.isRangeSelectAllowed()) { grid.setSelectionStart(this); grid.setSelectionEnd(this); } } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); getMonthGrid().setSelectionEnd(this); } @Override public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) { if (clickedWidget instanceof MonthEventLabel && !monthEventMouseDown || (startY < 0 && startX < 0)) { return; } MonthEventLabel w = (MonthEventLabel) clickedWidget; if (calendar.isDisabledOrReadOnly()) { Event.releaseCapture(getElement()); monthEventMouseDown = false; startY = -1; startX = -1; return; } int currentY = event.getClientY(); int currentX = event.getClientX(); int moveY = (currentY - startY); int moveX = (currentX - startX); if ((moveY < 5 && moveY > -6) && (moveX < 5 && moveX > -6)) { return; } int dateCellWidth = getWidth(); int dateCellHeigth = getHeigth(); Element parent = getMonthGrid().getElement(); int relativeX = event.getRelativeX(parent); int relativeY = event.getRelativeY(parent); int weekDiff = 0; if (moveY > 0) { weekDiff = (startYrelative + moveY) / dateCellHeigth; } else { weekDiff = (moveY - (dateCellHeigth - startYrelative)) / dateCellHeigth; } int dayDiff = 0; if (moveX >= 0) { dayDiff = (startXrelative + moveX) / dateCellWidth; } else { dayDiff = (moveX - (dateCellWidth - startXrelative)) / dateCellWidth; } // Check boundaries if (relativeY < 0 || relativeY >= (calendar.getMonthGrid().getRowCount() * dateCellHeigth) || relativeX < 0 || relativeX >= (calendar.getMonthGrid().getColumnCount() * dateCellWidth)) { return; } GWT.log("Event moving delta: " + weekDiff + " weeks " + dayDiff + " days" + " (" + getCell() + "," + getRow() + ")"); CalendarEvent e = moveEvent; if (e == null) { e = getEventByWidget(w); } Date from = e.getStart(); Date to = e.getEnd(); long daysMs = dayDiff * DateConstants.DAYINMILLIS; long weeksMs = weekDiff * DateConstants.WEEKINMILLIS; setDates(e, from, to, weeksMs + daysMs, false); e.setStart(from); e.setEnd(to); if (w.isTimeSpecificEvent()) { Date start = new Date(); Date end = new Date(); setDates(e, start, end, weeksMs + daysMs, true); e.setStartTime(start); e.setEndTime(end); } else { e.setStartTime(new Date(from.getTime())); e.setEndTime(new Date(to.getTime())); } updateDragPosition(w, dayDiff, weekDiff); } private void setDates(CalendarEvent e, Date start, Date end, long shift, boolean isDateTime) { Date currentStart; Date currentEnd; if (isDateTime) { currentStart = e.getStartTime(); currentEnd = e.getEndTime(); } else { currentStart = e.getStart(); currentEnd = e.getEnd(); } long duration = currentEnd.getTime() - currentStart.getTime(); if (isDateTime) { start.setTime(dndSourceStartDateTime.getTime() + shift); } else { start.setTime(dndSourceDateFrom.getTime() + shift); } end.setTime((start.getTime() + duration)); } private void eventMoved(CalendarEvent e) { calendar.updateEventToMonthGrid(e); if (calendar.getEventMovedListener() != null) { calendar.getEventMovedListener().eventMoved(e); } } public void startCalendarEventDrag(MouseDownEvent event, final MonthEventLabel w) { moveRegistration = addMouseMoveHandler(this); startX = event.getClientX(); startY = event.getClientY(); startYrelative = event.getRelativeY(w.getParent().getElement()) % getHeigth(); startXrelative = event.getRelativeX(w.getParent().getElement()) % getWidth(); CalendarEvent e = getEventByWidget(w); dndSourceDateFrom = (Date) e.getStart().clone(); dndSourceDateTo = (Date) e.getEnd().clone(); dndSourceStartDateTime = (Date) e.getStartTime().clone(); dndSourceEndDateTime = (Date) e.getEndTime().clone(); Event.setCapture(getElement()); keyDownHandler = addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() { @Override public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE) { cancelEventDrag(w); } } }); focus(); GWT.log("Start drag"); } protected void cancelEventDrag(MonthEventLabel w) { if (moveRegistration != null) { // reset position if (moveEvent == null) { moveEvent = getEventByWidget(w); } moveEvent.setStart(dndSourceDateFrom); moveEvent.setEnd(dndSourceDateTo); moveEvent.setStartTime(dndSourceStartDateTime); moveEvent.setEndTime(dndSourceEndDateTime); calendar.updateEventToMonthGrid(moveEvent); // reset drag-related properties Event.releaseCapture(getElement()); moveRegistration.removeHandler(); moveRegistration = null; keyDownHandler.removeHandler(); keyDownHandler = null; setFocus(false); monthEventMouseDown = false; startY = -1; startX = -1; moveEvent = null; labelMouseDown = false; clickedWidget = null; } } public void updateDragPosition(MonthEventLabel w, int dayDiff, int weekDiff) { // Draw event to its new position only when position has changed if (dayDiff == prevDayDiff && weekDiff == prevWeekDiff) { return; } prevDayDiff = dayDiff; prevWeekDiff = weekDiff; if (moveEvent == null) { moveEvent = getEventByWidget(w); } calendar.updateEventToMonthGrid(moveEvent); } public int getRow() { return row; } public int getCell() { return cell; } public int getHeigth() { return intHeight + BORDERPADDINGSIZE; } public int getWidth() { return getOffsetWidth() - BORDERPADDINGSIZE; } public void setToday(boolean today) { if (today) { addStyleDependentName("today"); } else { removeStyleDependentName("today"); } } public boolean removeEvent(CalendarEvent targetEvent, boolean reDrawImmediately) { int slot = targetEvent.getSlotIndex(); if (slot < 0) { return false; } CalendarEvent e = getCalendarEvent(slot); if (targetEvent.equals(e)) { events[slot] = null; eventCount--; if (reDrawImmediately) { reDraw(moveEvent == null); } return true; } return false; } private CalendarEvent getEventByWidget(MonthEventLabel eventWidget) { int index = getWidgetIndex(eventWidget); return getCalendarEvent(index - 1); } public CalendarEvent getCalendarEvent(int i) { return events[i]; } public CalendarEvent[] getEvents() { return events; } public int getEventCount() { return eventCount; } public CalendarEvent getMoveEvent() { return moveEvent; } public void addEmphasisStyle() { addStyleDependentName("dragemphasis"); } public void removeEmphasisStyle() { removeStyleDependentName("dragemphasis"); } }