--- title: Installing Add-ons in Eclipse with Ivy order: 3 layout: page --- [[addons.eclipse]] = Installing Add-ons in Eclipse with Ivy The Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse uses Apache Ivy to resolve dependencies. The dependencies should be listed in the [filename]#ivy.xml# file in the project root. The Vaadin Directory allows dowloading add-ons from a Maven repository, which can be accessed also by Ivy. You can also use Ivy to resolve dependencies in an Ant script. . Open the add-on page in Vaadin Directory. . Select the version. The latest is shown by default, but you can choose another the version from the dropdown menu in the header of the add-on details page. . Click the [guilabel]#Maven/Ivy# to display the Ivy dependency declaration, as illustrated in Figure <>. If the add-on is available with multiple licenses, you will be prompted to select a license for the dependency. + [[figure.addons.eclipse.ivybutton]] .Ivy Dependency Declaration image::img/directory-ivy-dependency.png[] . Open the [filename]#ivysettings.xml# in your Eclipse project either in the XML or Ivy Editor (either double-click the file or right-click it and select "Open With > Ivy Editor"). + Check that the settings file has the [literal]#++++# entry given in the Directory page. It should be, if the file was created by the Vaadin project wizard in Eclipse. If not, copy it there. + ---- ... ... ---- + If you get Vaadin addons from another repository, such as the local repository if you have compiled them yourself, you need to define a resolver for the repository in the settings file. . Open the [filename]#ivy.xml# in your Eclipse project and copy the Ivy dependency to inside the [literal]#++dependencies++# element. It should be as follows: + [subs="normal"] ---- <dependencies> ... <dependency org="**com.vaadin.addon**" name="**vaadin-charts**" rev="**1.0.0**"/> </dependencies> ---- + You can specify either a fixed version number or a dynamic revision tag, such as [literal]#++latest.release++#. You can find more information about the link:http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/2.1.0/ivyfile/dependency.html[dependency declarations] in Ivy documentation. + If the [filename]#ivy.xml# does not have a [literal]#++++# defined, you also need to have [literal]#++conf="default->default"++# in the dependency to resolve transient dependencies correctly. + IvyIDE immediately resolves the dependencies when you save the file. . Compile the add-on widget set //// , as described in <xref linkend="addons.compiling.eclipse"/>. //// by clicking the [guilabel]#Compile Vaadin widgets# button in the toolbar. + [[figure.addons.eclipse.toolbar]] .Compiling Widget Set in Eclipse image::img/widgetset-compiling-toolbar-hi.png[] If you experience problems with Ivy, first check all the dependency parameters. IvyDE can sometimes cause unexpected problems. You can clear the Ivy dependency cache by right-clicking the project and selecting "Ivy > Clean all caches". To refresh Ivy configuration, select "Ivy > Refresh". To try resolving again Ivy, select "Ivy > Resolve".