# Vaadin 7 extended maintenance version changelog ## Vaadin 7.7.36 * added the server MPR build artifact * updated license checker to version 1.11.2 * extracted portlet-related parts to a new module ## Vaadin 7.7.35 * a check for bundle resources in order not to fail with OSGi * update license checker to version 1.9.0 ## Vaadin 7.7.34 * Update Jsoup to version 1.15.3 ## Vaadin 7.7.33 * Update license metainfo CVDL4 * Update Jetty version for security * Update license checker to version 1.5.2 ## Vaadin 7.7.32 * Update Atmosphere version to 2.2.13.vaadin4 ## Vaadin 7.7.31 * Don't serve directories as static files * Update license checker version to 1.2.2 * Add JNA dependencies for license checker ## Vaadin 7.7.30 * Ensure resize and dragging curtains are removed when a window is closed