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gwt-files.xml 5.3KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <project name="GWT files for Vaadin" basedir=".">
  3. <include file="common.xml" as="common" />
  4. <property name="gwt.lib.dir" location="${vaadin.basedir}/../gwt-libs" />
  5. <property name="gwt.user.jar" location="${gwt.lib.dir}/gwt-user.jar" />
  6. <property name="" location="${gwt.lib.dir}/gwt-dev.jar" />
  7. <property name="gwt.elemental.jar" location="${gwt.lib.dir}/gwt-elemental.jar" />
  8. <property name="gwt.codeserver.jar" location="${gwt.lib.dir}/gwt-codeserver.jar" />
  9. <available file="${}" property="" />
  10. <available file="${gwt.user.jar}" property="gwt.user.jar.found" />
  11. <available file="${gwt.elemental.jar}" property="gwt.elemental.jar.found" />
  12. <available file="${gwt.codeserver.jar}" property="gwt.codeserver.jar.found" />
  13. <fail unless="" message="Could not find gwt-dev.jar at ${}" />
  14. <fail unless="gwt.user.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-user.jar at ${gwt.user.jar}" />
  15. <fail unless="gwt.elemental.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-elemental.jar at ${gwt.elemental.jar}" />
  16. <fail unless="gwt.codeserver.jar.found" message="Could not find gwt-codeserver.jar at ${gtw.codeserver.jar}" />
  17. <property name="gwt.unpack.dir" location="${vaadin.basedir}/build/gwt" />
  18. <property name="gwt.user.jar.files" location="${gwt.unpack.dir}/gwt-user.jar" />
  19. <property name="" location="${gwt.unpack.dir}/gwt-dev.jar" />
  20. <property name="gwt.elemental.jar.files" location="${gwt.unpack.dir}/gwt-elemental.jar" />
  21. <property name="gwt.codeserver.jar.files" location="${gwt.unpack.dir}/gwt-codeserver.jar" />
  22. <target name="unpack.gwt">
  23. <delete dir="${gwt.unpack.dir}" />
  24. <mkdir dir="${gwt.user.jar.files}" />
  25. <mkdir dir="${}" />
  26. <mkdir dir="${gwt.elemental.jar.files}" />
  27. <mkdir dir="${gwt.codeserver.jar.files}" />
  28. <unzip dest="${gwt.user.jar.files}" src="${gwt.user.jar}" />
  29. <unzip dest="${}" src="${}" />
  30. <unzip dest="${gwt.elemental.jar.files}" src="${gwt.elemental.jar}" />
  31. <unzip dest="${gwt.codeserver.jar.files}" src="${gwt.codeserver.jar}" />
  32. </target>
  33. <union id="client-compiler.gwt.includes">
  34. <!-- GWT development JAR contents including many external dependencies
  35. (for now) -->
  36. <fileset dir="${}">
  37. <exclude name="META-INF/**" />
  38. <exclude name="license*" />
  39. <exclude name="LICENSE*" />
  40. <!-- Packages in vaadin-shared-deps.jar or declared
  41. as dependencies -->
  42. <exclude name="com/google/gwt/thirdparty/guava/**" />
  43. <exclude name="javax/servlet/**" />
  44. <exclude name="javax/xml/**" />
  45. <!-- cssparser -->
  46. <exclude name="com/steadystate/css/**" />
  47. <!-- Ant & AntLauncher -->
  48. <exclude name="org/apache/tools/**"/>
  49. <!-- Jetty & jetty-util -->
  50. <exclude name="org/mortbay/**"/>
  51. <!-- Swing Worker-->
  52. <exclude name="org/jdesktop/swingworker/**"/>
  53. <!-- Apache commons codec & io & lang -->
  54. <exclude name="org/apache/commons/codec/**"/>
  55. <exclude name="org/apache/commons/io/**"/>
  56. <exclude name="org/apache/commons/lang/**"/>
  57. <!-- apache mime4j -->
  58. <exclude name="org/apache/james/mime4j/**"/>
  59. <!-- Overridden in Vaadin -->
  60. <exclude name="com/google/gwt/dev/" />
  61. </fileset>
  62. <!-- GWT SuperDevMode -->
  63. <fileset dir="${gwt.codeserver.jar.files}">
  64. <exclude name="META-INF/**" />
  65. </fileset>
  66. </union>
  67. <union id="client-compiled-cache.gwt.includes">
  68. <!-- Precompiled GWT modules (.gwtar file) -->
  69. <fileset dir="${gwt.user.jar.files}">
  70. <exclude name="META-INF/**" />
  71. <!-- precompiled GWT modules (.gwtar) -->
  72. <include name="**/*.gwtar" />
  73. <!-- external dependencies -->
  74. <exclude name="javax/servlet/**" />
  75. <exclude name="org/w3c/css/sac/**" />
  76. </fileset>
  77. </union>
  78. <union id="client.gwt.includes">
  79. <fileset dir="${gwt.user.jar.files}">
  80. <exclude name="META-INF/**" />
  81. <!-- precompiled GWT modules (.gwtar) goes into client-compiled -->
  82. <exclude name="**/*.gwtar" />
  83. <!-- These go into server -->
  84. <exclude name="com/google/gwt/*/server/**" />
  85. <!-- These go into shared -->
  86. <exclude name="com/google/gwt/*/shared/**" />
  87. <exclude name="com/google/gwt/*/*/shared/**" />
  88. <exclude name="com/google/web/bindery/*/shared/**" />
  89. <!-- Used by the server, in wrong package in GWT -->
  90. <exclude name="com/google/gwt/user/client/rpc/IsSerializable.*" />
  91. <!-- These are in vaadin-shared-deps -->
  92. <exclude name="com/google/gwt/thirdparty/streamhtmlparser/**" />
  93. <exclude name="org/w3c/flute/**" />
  94. <!-- external dependencies -->
  95. <exclude name="javax/servlet/**" />
  96. <exclude name="org/w3c/css/sac/**" />
  97. </fileset>
  98. <!-- GWT Elemental -->
  99. <fileset dir="${gwt.elemental.jar.files}">
  100. <exclude name="META-INF/**" />
  101. </fileset>
  102. </union>
  103. <union id="shared.gwt.includes">
  104. <fileset dir="${gwt.user.jar.files}">
  105. <!-- Shared files from user -->
  106. <include name="com/google/gwt/*/shared/**" />
  107. <include name="com/google/gwt/*/*/shared/**" />
  108. <include name="com/google/web/bindery/*/shared/**" />
  109. <include name="com/google/gwt/user/client/rpc/IsSerializable.*" />
  110. </fileset>
  111. </union>
  112. <union id="server.gwt.includes">
  113. <fileset dir="${gwt.user.jar.files}">
  114. <!-- Server files from gwt-user -->
  115. <include name="com/google/gwt/*/server/**" />
  116. </fileset>
  117. </union>
  118. </project>