Marko Grönroos f5e6b759d2 Added Japitools comparison to differences script.
svn changeset:13909/svn branch:6.4
2010-06-24 12:33:28 +00:00

202 líneas
6.6 KiB
Archivo Ejecutable

import sys,os,re
from sets import Set
# Configuration
downloadsite = ""
latestfile = "/LATEST"
JAPIZE = "japize"
JAPICOMPAT = "japicompat"
# Utility Functions
def command(cmd, dryrun=0):
if not dryrun:
if os.system(cmd):
print "Command '%s' failed, exiting." % (cmd)
print "Dry run - not executing."
# List files in an archive.
def listZipFiles(archive):
pin = os.popen("unzip -l -qq %s | cut -c 29- | sort" % (archive), "r")
files = map(lambda x: x.strip(), pin.readlines())
cleanedfiles = []
for file in files:
# Remove archive file name from the file names
slashpos = file.find("/")
if slashpos != -1:
cleanedname = file[slashpos+1:]
cleanedname = file
# Purge GWT compilation files.
if cleanedname.find(".cache.html") != -1:
return cleanedfiles
# Difference of two lists of files
def diffFiles(a, b):
diff = Set(a).difference(Set(b))
difffiles = []
for item in diff:
return difffiles
# Lists files inside a Zip file (a JAR)
def listJarFiles(jarfile):
# Read the jar content listing
pin = os.popen("unzip -ql %s" % jarfile, "r")
lines = map(lambda x: x[:-1], pin.readlines())
# Determine the position of file names
namepos = lines[0].find("Name")
files = []
for i in xrange(2, len(lines)-2):
filename = lines[i][namepos:]
return files
# Lists files inside a Vaadin Jar inside a ZIP
# For Vaadin 6.3 Zip
def listZipVaadinJarFiles(zipfile, vaadinversion):
jarfile = "vaadin-%s/WebContent/vaadin-%s.jar" % (vaadinversion, vaadinversion)
extractedjar = "/tmp/vaadinjar-tmp-%d.jar" % (os.getpid())
zipcmd = "unzip -p %s %s > %s " % (zipfile, jarfile, extractedjar)
command (zipcmd)
files = listJarFiles(extractedjar)
command ("rm %s" % (extractedjar))
return files
# JAPI - Java API Differences
def japize(version, zipfile):
jarfile = "/tmp/vaadin-tmp.jar"
packagedjar = "vaadin-%s/WebContent/vaadin-%s.jar" % (version, version)
command ("unzip -p %s %s > %s " % (zipfile, packagedjar, jarfile))
cmd = "%s as %s apis %s +com.vaadin, $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt.jar lib/core/**/*.jar 2>/dev/null" % (JAPIZE, version, jarfile)
command (cmd)
return "%s.japi.gz" % (version)
def japicompat(japi1, japi2):
cmd = "%s -q %s %s" % (JAPICOMPAT, japi1, japi2)
pin = os.popen(cmd, "r")
lines = "".join(pin.readlines())
return lines
# Download the installation package of the latest version
wgetcmd = "wget -q -O - %s" % (downloadsite+latestfile)
pin = os.popen(wgetcmd, "r")
latestdata = pin.readlines()
latestversion = latestdata[0].strip()
latestpath = latestdata[1].strip()
latestURL = downloadsite + "/" + latestpath + "/"
latestfilename = "" % (latestversion)
latestpackage = latestURL + latestfilename
locallatestpackage = "/tmp/%s" % (latestfilename)
print "Latest version: %s" % (latestversion)
print "Latest version path: %s" % (latestpath)
print "Latest version URL: %s" % (latestURL)
# Check if it already exists
print "Latest package already exists in %s" % (locallatestpackage)
# File exists
except OSError:
# File does not exist, get it.
print "Downloading latest release package %s to %s" % (latestpackage, locallatestpackage)
wgetcmd = "wget -q -O %s %s" % (locallatestpackage, latestpackage)
command (wgetcmd)
# List files in latest version.
latestfiles = listZipFiles(locallatestpackage)
# List files in built version.
builtversion = sys.argv[1]
builtpackage = "build/result/" % (builtversion)
builtfiles = listZipFiles(builtpackage)
# Report differences
print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVaadin ZIP differences"
# New files
newfiles = diffFiles(builtfiles, latestfiles)
print "\n%d new files:" % (len(newfiles))
for item in newfiles:
print item
# Removed files
removed = diffFiles(latestfiles, builtfiles)
print "\n%d removed files:" % (len(removed))
for item in removed:
print item
print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVaadin JAR differences"
latestJarFiles = listZipVaadinJarFiles(locallatestpackage, latestversion)
builtJarFiles = listZipVaadinJarFiles(builtpackage, builtversion)
# New files
newfiles = diffFiles(builtJarFiles, latestJarFiles)
print "\n%d new files:" % (len(newfiles))
for item in newfiles:
print item
# Removed files
removed = diffFiles(latestJarFiles, builtJarFiles)
print "\n%d removed files:" % (len(removed))
for item in removed:
print item
print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVaadin API differences"
oldjapi = japize(latestversion, locallatestpackage)
newjapi = japize(builtversion, builtpackage)
print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nLost API features\n"
japidiff1 = japicompat(oldjapi, newjapi)
print japidiff1
print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNew API features\n"
japidiff2 = japicompat(newjapi, oldjapi)
print japidiff2
# Purge downloaded package
command("rm %s" % (locallatestpackage))