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installing-eclipse.adoc 9.1KB

  1. ---
  2. title: Installing Eclipse IDE
  3. order: 100
  4. layout: page
  5. ---
  6. [[installing.eclipse]]
  7. = Installing the Eclipse IDE and Plugin
  8. If you are using the Eclipse IDE, using the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse helps
  9. greatly. The plugin includes wizards for creating new Vaadin-based projects,
  10. themes, and client-side widgets and widget sets. Notice that you can also create
  11. Vaadin projects as Maven projects in Eclipse.
  12. Using Eclipse IDE for Vaadin development requires installing the IDE itself and the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse.
  13. You are adviced to also configure a web server in Eclipse.
  14. You can then use the server for running the Vaadin applications that you create.
  15. .Installing the Eclipse IDE toolchain
  16. image::img/installation-eclipse-hi.png[width=90%, scaledwidth=100%]
  17. Vaadin Designer is a visual design tool for professional developers.
  18. It allows for easy creation of declarative designs.
  19. It is also good as a sketching tool, as well as an easy way to learn about Vaadin components and layouts.
  20. Once you have installed the Eclipse IDE and the plug-in, you can create a Vaadin application project as described in <<DUMMY/../../getting-started/getting-started-first-project#getting-started.first-project, "Creating a Project in Eclipse">>.
  21. [[installing.eclipse.ide]]
  22. == Installing the Eclipse IDE
  23. === Windows
  24. . Download the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from
  25. link:[]
  26. . Decompress the Eclipse IDE package to a suitable directory.
  27. You are free to select any directory and to use any ZIP decompressor, but in this example we decompress the ZIP file by just double-clicking it and selecting "Extract all files" task from Windows compressed folder task.
  28. In our installation example, we use [filename]#C:\dev# as the target directory.
  29. Eclipse is now installed in [filename]#C:\dev\eclipse#.
  30. You can start it from there by double clicking [filename]#eclipse.exe#.
  31. === Linux / OS X / UNIX
  32. We recommend that you install Eclipse manually in Linux and other UNIX variants.
  33. They may have it available from a package repository, but using such an installation may cause problems with installing plug-ins.
  34. You can install Eclipse as follows:
  35. . Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from
  36. link:[]
  37. . Decompress the Eclipse package into a suitable base directory.
  38. It is important to make sure that there is no old Eclipse installation in the target directory.
  39. Installing a new version on top of an old one probably renders Eclipse unusable.
  40. . Eclipse should normally be installed as a regular user, which makes installation of plug-ins easier.
  41. Eclipse also stores some user settings in the installation directory.
  42. +
  43. To install the package, enter:
  44. +
  45. [subs="normal"]
  46. ----
  47. [prompt]#$# [command]#tar# zxf [replaceable]##<path>##/eclipse-jee-[replaceable]##<version>##.tar.gz
  48. ----
  49. +
  50. This will extract the package to a subdirectory with the name
  51. [filename]#eclipse#.
  52. . If you wish to enable starting Eclipse from command-line, you need to add the
  53. Eclipse installation directory to your system or user PATH, or make a symbolic
  54. link or script to point to the executable.
  55. An alternative to the above procedure would be to use an Eclipse version
  56. available through the package management system of your operating system. It is,
  57. however, __not recommended__, because you will need write access to the Eclipse
  58. installation directory to install Eclipse plugins, and you may face
  59. incompatibility issues with Eclipse plugins installed by the package management
  60. of the operating system.
  61. [[installing.eclipse.plugin]]
  62. == Installing the Vaadin Eclipse Plugin
  63. You can install the plugin as follows:
  64. . Select "Help > Install New Software...".
  65. . Add the Vaadin plugin update site by clicking [guibutton]#Add...# button.
  66. +
  67. image::img/plugin-install-addsite.png[]
  68. +
  69. Enter a name such as "Vaadin Update Site" and the URL of the update site:
  70. If you want or need to use the latest unstable
  71. plugin, which is usually more compatible with development and beta releases of
  72. Vaadin Framework, you can use and give it a
  73. distinctive name such as "Vaadin Experimental Site". Then click [guibutton]#OK#.
  74. The Vaadin site should now appear in the [guilabel]#Available Software# window.
  75. . Currently, if using the stable plugin, the [guilabel]#Group items by category# should be enabled. If using the experimental plugin, it should be disabled. This may change in future.
  76. . Select all the Vaadin plugins in the tree.
  77. +
  78. image::img/plugin-install-available.png[]
  79. +
  80. Then, click [guibutton]#Next#.
  81. . Review the installation details and click [guibutton]#Next#.
  82. . Accept or unaccept the license. Finally, click [guibutton]#Finish#.
  83. . After the plugin is installed, Eclipse will ask to restart itself. Click
  84. [guibutton]#Restart#.
  85. More installation instructions for the Eclipse plugin can be found at
  87. [[getting-started.eclipse.notification.overview]]
  88. == Notification Center
  89. The notification center is a feature of the Vaadin Eclipse plug-in. It displays
  90. notifications about new Vaadin releases as well as news about upcoming events,
  91. such as webinars. The notification center can be connected to your Vaadin
  92. account.
  93. The plug-in adds an indicator in the bottom right corner. The indicator shows
  94. whether or not there are any pending notifications. The indicator turns red when there are new notifications.
  95. Clicking the tray icon opens up the pop-up, as shown
  96. in <<figure.getting-started.eclipse.notification-center.overview>>.
  97. [[figure.getting-started.eclipse.notification-center.overview]]
  98. .Overview of the notification center
  99. image::img/notification-center-overview.png[scaledwidth=60%]
  100. By clicking a notification in the list, you can open it up.
  101. ifdef::web[]
  102. .Detailed view of a notification
  103. image::img/webinar-trainings-sneakpeek.png[scaledwidth=75%]
  104. endif::web[]
  105. Clicking on the [guilabel]#Clear All# icon in the main pop-up clears all notifications and marks them all as read.
  106. [[getting-started.eclipse.notification.signin]]
  107. === Signing in
  108. The notification center uses your Vaadin account to determine
  109. which notifications you have acknowledged as read. If you want to keep
  110. the notification center in sync with your Vaadin account, you can sign in. If
  111. you have read a notification on the site, it will be marked as read in the
  112. notification center and vice versa.
  113. When you are not signed in, the top-most notification will be a
  114. notification that asks you to sign in.
  115. .The sign-in notification
  116. image::img/signin-icon.png[scaledwidth=75%]
  117. When you click the sign-in item, a dialog opens for signing in.
  118. .The sign-in dialog
  119. image::img/sign-in-form.png[scaledwidth=60%]
  120. You can then sign in with your Vaadin account.
  121. If you do not have one, you can sign in using a Google, Facebook, or Twitter account instead.
  122. First, click on the sign-in link. It opens a second dialog, as shown
  123. in <<figure.getting-started.eclipse.notification-center.complex-signin>>.
  124. [[figure.getting-started.eclipse.notification-center.complex-signin]]
  125. .Sign-in authentication dialog
  126. image::img/signin-via-website.png[scaledwidth=60%]
  127. By following the [url] link and logging in to the Vaadin website using your preferred account, you can then copy the authentication token from the resulting page.
  128. After that, you can paste the authorization token into the dialog and click [guibutton]#Submit# to log in.
  129. [[getting-started.eclipse.notification.settings]]
  130. === Notification Settings
  131. You can open the settings by selecting "Eclipse... > Preferences".
  132. ifdef::web[]
  133. .The settings pane
  134. image::img/preferences.png[scaledwidth=100%]
  135. endif::web[]
  136. The options are as follows:
  137. [guilabel]#Enable automatic widgetset compilation#::
  138. Compiles the widgetset of Maven-based projects whenever there are changes and the project is rebuilt.
  139. [guilabel]#Enable Vaadin pre-release archetypes#::
  140. Adds pre-release (alpha/beta) archetypes to the archetype selection list when creating a new Vaadin project.
  141. [guilabel]#Enable# :: Disabling this disables all notifications.
  142. [guilabel]#Show popups# ::
  143. Disabling this stops pop-ups from appearing.
  144. The notifications can still be viewed by opening the notification center window.
  145. [guilabel]#Check for new Vaadin versions# ::
  146. Polls for new Vaadin versions once every 24h and gives a notification if there are new versions available.
  147. [guilabel]#Check for new notifications from
  148. Polls the Vaadin site for notifications once every 4 hours.
  149. [[installing.eclipse.update]]
  150. == Updating the Plugins
  151. If you have automatic updates enabled in Eclipse (see "Window > Preferences >
  152. Install/Update > Automatic Updates"), the Vaadin plugin will be updated
  153. automatically along with other plugins. Otherwise, you can update the Vaadin
  154. plugin manually as follows:
  155. . Select "Help > Check for Updates".
  156. Eclipse will contact the update sites of the installed software.
  157. . After the updates are installed, Eclipse will ask to restart itself.
  158. Click [guibutton]#Restart#.
  159. Notice that updating the Vaadin plugin only updates the plugin and __not__ the
  160. Vaadin libraries, which are project specific. See below for instructions for
  161. updating the libraries.