You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 18KB

  1. package com.vaadin.tests.components.treegrid;
  2. import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
  3. import static org.hamcrest.number.IsCloseTo.closeTo;
  4. import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
  5. import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
  6. import java.util.List;
  7. import org.junit.Test;
  8. import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException;
  9. import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
  10. import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
  11. import;
  12. import;
  13. import com.vaadin.testbench.By;
  14. import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.ButtonElement;
  15. import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.TreeGridElement;
  16. import com.vaadin.tests.tb3.MultiBrowserTest;
  17. public class TreeGridBigDetailsManagerTest extends MultiBrowserTest {
  18. private static final String CLASSNAME_ERROR = "v-Notification-error";
  19. private static final String CLASSNAME_LABEL = "v-label";
  20. private static final String CLASSNAME_LEAF = "v-treegrid-row-depth-1";
  21. private static final String CLASSNAME_SPACER = "v-treegrid-spacer";
  22. private static final String CLASSNAME_TREEGRID = "v-treegrid";
  23. private static final String EXPAND_ALL = "expandAll";
  24. private static final String COLLAPSE_ALL = "collapseAll";
  25. private static final String SHOW_DETAILS = "showDetails";
  26. private static final String HIDE_DETAILS = "hideDetails";
  27. private static final String ADD_GRID = "addGrid";
  28. private static final String SCROLL_TO_55 = "scrollTo55";
  29. private TreeGridElement treeGrid;
  30. private int expectedSpacerHeight = 0;
  31. private int expectedRowHeight = 0;
  32. private ExpectedCondition<Boolean> expectedConditionDetails(final int root,
  33. final int branch, final int leaf) {
  34. return new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
  35. @Override
  36. public Boolean apply(WebDriver arg0) {
  37. return getSpacer(root, branch, leaf) != null;
  38. }
  39. @Override
  40. public String toString() {
  41. // waiting for...
  42. return String.format(
  43. "Leaf %s/%s/%s details row contents to be found", root,
  44. branch, leaf);
  45. }
  46. };
  47. }
  48. private WebElement getSpacer(final int root, final Integer branch,
  49. final Integer leaf) {
  50. String text;
  51. if (leaf == null) {
  52. if (branch == null) {
  53. text = "details for Root %s";
  54. } else {
  55. text = "details for Branch %s/%s";
  56. }
  57. } else {
  58. text = "details for Leaf %s/%s/%s";
  59. }
  60. try {
  61. List<WebElement> spacers = treeGrid
  62. .findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER));
  63. for (WebElement spacer : spacers) {
  64. List<WebElement> labels = spacer
  65. .findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_LABEL));
  66. for (WebElement label : labels) {
  67. if (String.format(text, root, branch, leaf)
  68. .equals(label.getText())) {
  69. return spacer;
  70. }
  71. }
  72. }
  73. } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) {
  74. treeGrid = $(TreeGridElement.class).first();
  75. }
  76. return null;
  77. }
  78. private void ensureExpectedSpacerHeightSet() {
  79. if (expectedSpacerHeight == 0) {
  80. expectedSpacerHeight = treeGrid
  81. .findElement(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER)).getSize()
  82. .getHeight();
  83. assertThat((double) expectedSpacerHeight, closeTo(27d, 2d));
  84. }
  85. if (expectedRowHeight == 0) {
  86. expectedRowHeight = treeGrid.getRow(0).getSize().getHeight();
  87. }
  88. }
  89. private void assertSpacerCount(int expectedSpacerCount) {
  90. assertEquals("Unexpected amount of spacers.", expectedSpacerCount,
  91. treeGrid.findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER)).size());
  92. }
  93. /**
  94. * Asserts that every spacer has the same height.
  95. */
  96. private void assertSpacerHeights() {
  97. List<WebElement> spacers = treeGrid
  98. .findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER));
  99. for (WebElement spacer : spacers) {
  100. assertEquals("Unexpected spacer height.", expectedSpacerHeight,
  101. spacer.getSize().getHeight());
  102. }
  103. }
  104. /**
  105. * Asserts that every spacer is at least a row height from the previous one.
  106. * Doesn't check that the spacers are in correct order or rendered properly.
  107. */
  108. private void assertSpacerPositions() {
  109. List<WebElement> spacers = treeGrid
  110. .findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER));
  111. WebElement previousSpacer = null;
  112. for (WebElement spacer : spacers) {
  113. if (previousSpacer == null) {
  114. previousSpacer = spacer;
  115. continue;
  116. }
  117. if (spacer.getLocation().y == 0) {
  118. // FIXME: find out why there are cases like this out of order
  119. continue;
  120. }
  121. // -1 should be enough, but increased tolerance to -3 for FireFox
  122. // and IE11 since a few pixels' discrepancy isn't relevant for this
  123. // fix
  124. assertThat("Unexpected spacer position.", spacer.getLocation().y,
  125. greaterThanOrEqualTo(previousSpacer.getLocation().y
  126. + expectedSpacerHeight + expectedRowHeight - 3));
  127. previousSpacer = spacer;
  128. }
  129. }
  130. private void assertNoErrors() {
  131. assertEquals("Error notification detected.", 0,
  132. treeGrid.findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_ERROR)).size());
  133. }
  134. @Test
  135. public void expandAllOpenAllInitialDetails_toggleOneTwice_hideAll() {
  136. openTestURL();
  137. $(ButtonElement.class).id(EXPAND_ALL).click();
  138. $(ButtonElement.class).id(SHOW_DETAILS).click();
  139. $(ButtonElement.class).id(ADD_GRID).click();
  140. waitForElementPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_TREEGRID));
  141. treeGrid = $(TreeGridElement.class).first();
  142. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0));
  143. ensureExpectedSpacerHeightSet();
  144. int spacerCount = treeGrid.findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER))
  145. .size();
  146. assertSpacerPositions();
  147. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(0);
  148. // collapsing one shouldn't affect spacer count, just update the cache
  149. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0)));
  150. assertSpacerHeights();
  151. assertSpacerPositions();
  152. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  153. treeGrid.expandWithClick(0);
  154. // expanding back shouldn't affect spacer count, just update the cache
  155. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0));
  156. assertSpacerHeights();
  157. assertSpacerPositions();
  158. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  159. // test that repeating the toggle still doesn't change anything
  160. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(0);
  161. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0)));
  162. assertSpacerHeights();
  163. assertSpacerPositions();
  164. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  165. treeGrid.expandWithClick(0);
  166. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0));
  167. assertSpacerHeights();
  168. assertSpacerPositions();
  169. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  170. // test that hiding all still won't break things
  171. $(ButtonElement.class).id(HIDE_DETAILS).click();
  172. waitForElementNotPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER));
  173. assertNoErrors();
  174. }
  175. @Test
  176. public void expandAllOpenAllInitialDetails_toggleAll() {
  177. openTestURL();
  178. $(ButtonElement.class).id(EXPAND_ALL).click();
  179. $(ButtonElement.class).id(SHOW_DETAILS).click();
  180. $(ButtonElement.class).id(ADD_GRID).click();
  181. waitForElementPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_TREEGRID));
  182. treeGrid = $(TreeGridElement.class).first();
  183. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0));
  184. ensureExpectedSpacerHeightSet();
  185. int spacerCount = treeGrid.findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER))
  186. .size();
  187. assertSpacerPositions();
  188. $(ButtonElement.class).id(COLLAPSE_ALL).click();
  189. // There should still be a full cache's worth of details rows open,
  190. // just not the same rows than before collapsing all.
  191. waitForElementNotPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_LEAF));
  192. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  193. assertSpacerHeights();
  194. assertSpacerPositions();
  195. // FIXME: TreeGrid fails to update cache correctly when you expand all
  196. // and after a long, long wait you end up with 3321 open details rows
  197. // and row 63/8/0 in view instead of 95 and 0/0/0 as expected.
  198. // WaitUntil timeouts by then.
  199. if (true) {// remove this block after fixed
  200. return;
  201. }
  202. $(ButtonElement.class).id(EXPAND_ALL).click();
  203. // State should have returned to what it was before collapsing.
  204. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0));
  205. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  206. assertSpacerHeights();
  207. assertSpacerPositions();
  208. assertNoErrors();
  209. }
  210. @Test
  211. public void expandAllOpenNoInitialDetails_showSeveral_toggleOneByOne() {
  212. openTestURL();
  213. $(ButtonElement.class).id(EXPAND_ALL).click();
  214. $(ButtonElement.class).id(ADD_GRID).click();
  215. waitForElementPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_TREEGRID));
  216. treeGrid = $(TreeGridElement.class).first();
  217. // open details for several rows, leave one out from the hierarchy that
  218. // is to be collapsed
  219. treeGrid.getCell(0, 0).click();
  220. treeGrid.getCell(1, 0).click();
  221. treeGrid.getCell(2, 0).click();
  222. // no click for cell (3, 0)
  223. treeGrid.getCell(4, 0).click();
  224. treeGrid.getCell(5, 0).click();
  225. treeGrid.getCell(6, 0).click();
  226. treeGrid.getCell(7, 0).click();
  227. treeGrid.getCell(8, 0).click();
  228. int spacerCount = 8;
  229. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0));
  230. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  231. ensureExpectedSpacerHeightSet();
  232. assertSpacerPositions();
  233. // toggle the root with open details rows
  234. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(0);
  235. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0)));
  236. assertSpacerCount(1);
  237. assertSpacerHeights();
  238. treeGrid.expandWithClick(0);
  239. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(0, 0, 0));
  240. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  241. assertSpacerHeights();
  242. assertSpacerPositions();
  243. // toggle one of the branches with open details rows
  244. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(5);
  245. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(0, 1, 0)));
  246. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount - 3);
  247. assertSpacerHeights();
  248. assertSpacerPositions();
  249. treeGrid.expandWithClick(5);
  250. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(0, 1, 0));
  251. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  252. assertSpacerHeights();
  253. assertSpacerPositions();
  254. assertNoErrors();
  255. }
  256. @Test
  257. public void expandAllOpenAllInitialDetailsScrolled_toggleOne_hideAll() {
  258. openTestURL();
  259. $(ButtonElement.class).id(EXPAND_ALL).click();
  260. $(ButtonElement.class).id(SHOW_DETAILS).click();
  261. $(ButtonElement.class).id(ADD_GRID).click();
  262. waitForElementPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_TREEGRID));
  263. $(ButtonElement.class).id(SCROLL_TO_55).click();
  264. treeGrid = $(TreeGridElement.class).first();
  265. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0));
  266. ensureExpectedSpacerHeightSet();
  267. int spacerCount = treeGrid.findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER))
  268. .size();
  269. assertSpacerPositions();
  270. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(50);
  271. // collapsing one shouldn't affect spacer count, just update the cache
  272. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0)));
  273. assertSpacerHeights();
  274. assertSpacerPositions();
  275. // FIXME: gives 128, not 90 as expected
  276. // assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  277. treeGrid.expandWithClick(50);
  278. // expanding back shouldn't affect spacer count, just update the cache
  279. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0));
  280. assertSpacerHeights();
  281. assertSpacerPositions();
  282. // FIXME: gives 131, not 90 as expected
  283. // assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  284. // test that repeating the toggle still doesn't change anything
  285. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(50);
  286. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0)));
  287. assertSpacerHeights();
  288. assertSpacerPositions();
  289. // FIXME: gives 128, not 90 as expected
  290. // assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  291. treeGrid.expandWithClick(50);
  292. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0));
  293. assertSpacerHeights();
  294. assertSpacerPositions();
  295. // FIXME: gives 131, not 90 as expected
  296. // assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  297. // test that hiding all still won't break things
  298. $(ButtonElement.class).id(HIDE_DETAILS).click();
  299. waitForElementNotPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER));
  300. assertNoErrors();
  301. }
  302. @Test
  303. public void expandAllOpenAllInitialDetailsScrolled_toggleAll() {
  304. openTestURL();
  305. $(ButtonElement.class).id(EXPAND_ALL).click();
  306. $(ButtonElement.class).id(SHOW_DETAILS).click();
  307. $(ButtonElement.class).id(ADD_GRID).click();
  308. waitForElementPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_TREEGRID));
  309. $(ButtonElement.class).id(SCROLL_TO_55).click();
  310. treeGrid = $(TreeGridElement.class).first();
  311. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 1, 0));
  312. ensureExpectedSpacerHeightSet();
  313. int spacerCount = treeGrid.findElements(By.className(CLASSNAME_SPACER))
  314. .size();
  315. assertSpacerPositions();
  316. $(ButtonElement.class).id(COLLAPSE_ALL).click();
  317. waitForElementNotPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_LEAF));
  318. // There should still be a full cache's worth of details rows open,
  319. // just not the same rows than before collapsing all.
  320. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  321. assertSpacerHeights();
  322. assertSpacerPositions();
  323. // FIXME: collapsing too many rows after scrolling still causes a chaos
  324. if (true) { // remove this block after fixed
  325. return;
  326. }
  327. $(ButtonElement.class).id(EXPAND_ALL).click();
  328. // State should have returned to what it was before collapsing.
  329. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 1, 0));
  330. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  331. assertSpacerHeights();
  332. assertSpacerPositions();
  333. assertNoErrors();
  334. }
  335. @Test
  336. public void expandAllOpenNoInitialDetailsScrolled_showSeveral_toggleOneByOne() {
  337. openTestURL();
  338. $(ButtonElement.class).id(EXPAND_ALL).click();
  339. $(ButtonElement.class).id(ADD_GRID).click();
  340. waitForElementPresent(By.className(CLASSNAME_TREEGRID));
  341. $(ButtonElement.class).id(SCROLL_TO_55).click();
  342. treeGrid = $(TreeGridElement.class).first();
  343. assertSpacerCount(0);
  344. // open details for several rows, leave one out from the hierarchy that
  345. // is to be collapsed
  346. treeGrid.getCell(50, 0).click();
  347. treeGrid.getCell(51, 0).click();
  348. treeGrid.getCell(52, 0).click();
  349. // no click for cell (53, 0)
  350. treeGrid.getCell(54, 0).click();
  351. treeGrid.getCell(55, 0).click();
  352. treeGrid.getCell(56, 0).click();
  353. treeGrid.getCell(57, 0).click();
  354. treeGrid.getCell(58, 0).click();
  355. int spacerCount = 8;
  356. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0));
  357. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  358. ensureExpectedSpacerHeightSet();
  359. assertSpacerPositions();
  360. // toggle the branch with partially open details rows
  361. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(50);
  362. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0)));
  363. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount - 2);
  364. assertSpacerHeights();
  365. assertSpacerPositions();
  366. treeGrid.expandWithClick(50);
  367. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0));
  368. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  369. assertSpacerHeights();
  370. assertSpacerPositions();
  371. // toggle the branch with fully open details rows
  372. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(54);
  373. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(1, 3, 0)));
  374. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount - 3);
  375. assertSpacerHeights();
  376. assertSpacerPositions();
  377. treeGrid.expandWithClick(54);
  378. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 3, 0));
  379. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  380. assertSpacerHeights();
  381. assertSpacerPositions();
  382. // repeat both toggles to ensure still no errors
  383. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(50);
  384. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0)));
  385. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount - 2);
  386. assertSpacerHeights();
  387. assertSpacerPositions();
  388. treeGrid.expandWithClick(50);
  389. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 2, 0));
  390. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  391. assertSpacerHeights();
  392. assertSpacerPositions();
  393. treeGrid.collapseWithClick(54);
  394. waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(expectedConditionDetails(1, 3, 0)));
  395. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount - 3);
  396. assertSpacerHeights();
  397. assertSpacerPositions();
  398. treeGrid.expandWithClick(54);
  399. waitUntil(expectedConditionDetails(1, 3, 0));
  400. assertSpacerCount(spacerCount);
  401. assertSpacerHeights();
  402. assertSpacerPositions();
  403. assertNoErrors();
  404. }
  405. }