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  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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  22. <h1>Vaadin &ndash; thinking of U and I</h1>
  23. <div id="version">
  24. <strong>Version @version@</strong>
  25. </div>
  26. </div>
  27. <!-- /header -->
  28. <div id="content">
  29. <p>Version @version@ built on @builddate@.</p>
  30. <h2 id="tableofcontents">Release Notes for Vaadin Framework
  31. @version@</h2>
  32. <ul>
  33. <li><a href="#overview">Overview of Vaadin Framework
  34. @version@ release</a></li>
  35. <li><a href="#changelog">Change Log for Vaadin Framework
  36. @version@</a></li>
  37. <li><a href="#enhancements">Enhancements in Vaadin Framework
  38. @version-minor@</a></li>
  39. <li><a href="#incompatible">Incompatible or Behavior-altering Changes in
  40. @version-minor@</a></li>
  41. <li><a href="#knownissues">Known Issues and Limitations</a></li>
  42. <li><a href="#starting">Getting started with Vaadin Framework</a></li>
  43. <li><a href="#package">Package Contents</a></li>
  44. <li><a href="#migrating">Migrating from Vaadin 7.7</a></li>
  45. <li><a href="#dependencies">Vaadin Framework @version@
  46. dependencies</a></li>
  47. <li><a href="#supportedversions">Supported
  48. Technologies</a></li>
  49. <li><a href="#vaadinontheweb">Vaadin Framework on the Web</a></li>
  50. </ul>
  51. <h2 id="overview">Overview of Vaadin Framework @version@ Release</h2>
  52. <p>
  53. Vaadin Framework @version@ is a
  54. <!-- maintenance release that includes a number of bug fixes, as listed in the <a href="#changelog">change log</a> below. -->
  55. <!-- feature release that includes -->
  56. pre-release for evaluating
  57. a number of new features and bug fixes, as listed in the <a
  58. href="#enhancements">list of enhancements</a> and <a
  59. href="#changelog">change log</a> below.
  60. The API in this alpha version is not considered final and may change based on your feedback.
  61. </p>
  62. <!-- ================================================================ -->
  63. <h3 id="changelog">Change Log for Vaadin Framework @version@</h3>
  64. <!-- @release-notes-changelog@ -->
  65. <p>
  66. You can find the full list of all changes <a
  67. href="">in
  68. GitHub</a>.
  69. </p>
  70. <h2 id="enhancements">Enhancements in Vaadin Framework @version-minor@</h2>
  71. <p>Vaadin Framework @version-minor@ includes many major and minor
  72. enhancements. Below is a list of the most notable changes:</p>
  73. <ul>
  74. <li>Separate row heights for header, body and footer in Grid</li>
  75. <li>Support for item descriptions (tooltips) in CheckBoxGroup, RadioButtonGroup and Tree</li>
  76. <li>Binder supports removing bindings</li>
  77. <li>Binding builder methods do not have to be chained</li>
  78. <li>Bean validation failures will revert changes in Binder</li>
  79. <li>Notification supports CloseListener</li>
  80. <li>Tree now has methods to scroll it programmatically</li>
  81. <li>The browser time zone can be obtained from WebBrowser if the browser supports it</li>
  82. <li>AbstractDateField now supports formatting of time zone information</li>
  83. <li>PushState based navigation support</li>
  84. <li>Grid WAI-ARIA support has been improved (aria-sort added)</li>
  85. <li>Client side ErrorLevel support</li>
  86. <li>VaadinService, VaadinServlet and VaadinServletService have protected no-args constructors to make DI integrations simpler</li>
  87. </ul>
  88. </p>
  89. <p>
  90. For enhancements introduced in Vaadin Framework 8.1, see the <a
  91. href="">Release
  92. Notes for Vaadin Framework 8.1.0</a>.
  93. For migrating from previous framework versions, see <a href="#incompatible">the list of incompatible changes</a> and <a href="#migrating">how to migrate
  94. to Vaadin Framework 8</a>.
  95. </p>
  96. <h2 id="incompatible">Incompatible or Behavior-altering Changes in @version-minor@</h2>
  97. <li>Row height in <tt>Grid</tt> is replaced with separate header, body and footer row heights</li>
  98. <li><tt>GridState</tt> variable <tt>rowHeight</tt> has been replaced by three variables.</li>
  99. <li><tt>Button</tt> has a new constructor that may cause constructor calls with null as first parameter to be ambiguous.</li>
  100. <li><tt>DataCommunicator</tt> methods <tt>getDataProviderSize</tt> and <tt>fetchItemsWithRange</tt> are now <tt>public</tt>, not <tt>protected</tt>.</li>
  101. <li><tt>Binder</tt> method <tt>getBindings</tt> now returns a Collection, not a Set.</li>
  102. <li><tt>Binder</tt> protected method <tt>handleError</tt> now takes a <tt>ValidationResult</tt>, not <tt>String</tt>.</li>
  103. <li><tt>BindingBuilder</tt> now works like a proper builder. Adding a converter will not mark Binding as <tt>bound</tt> allowing chaining to the same object.</li>
  104. <li><tt>ErrorLevel</tt> is removed from <tt>ErrorMessage</tt> and now <tt>com.vaadin.shared.ui.ErrorLevel</tt> should be used.</li>
  105. <li>Error indicators are now <tt>&lt;span class="v-errorindicator"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</tt> elements.</li>
  106. <li><tt>Embedded</tt> is not a <tt>LegacyComponent</tt> anymore.</li>
  107. <li><tt>Notification</tt> method <tt>show</tt> returns <tt>Notification</tt>, instead of <tt>void</tt>.</li>
  108. <li><tt>SharedState</tt> field <tt>registeredEventListeners</tt> is a <tt>Map</tt> instead of <tt>Set</tt>.</li>
  109. <li>The client side <tt>SelectionModel</tt> interface has a new method <tt>isMultiSelectionAllowed</tt>.</li>
  110. <li><tt>AbstractDateField</tt> is not a <tt>LegacyComponent</tt> anymore.</li>
  111. <li><tt>AbstractDateField</tt>.<tt>formatDate</tt> is now abstract.</li>
  112. <li><tt>VAbstractTextualDate</tt>.<tt>updateDateVariables()</tt> is now <tt>updateBufferedResolutions()</tt> and <tt>updateAndSendBufferedValues()</tt>.</li>
  113. <li>For <tt>GridDragStartEvent</tt> and <tt>GridDragEndEvent</tt> classes, the method <tt>getDraggedItems</tt> now returns a <tt>List</tt> instead of a <tt>Set</tt>, with the first-to-last item ordering from client side.</li>
  114. <h2>For incompatible or behavior-altering changes in 8.1, please see <a href="">8.1 release notes</a></h2>
  115. <h3 id="knownissues">Known Issues and Limitations</h3>
  116. <ul>
  117. <li>Drag'n'drop in a Table doesn't work on touch devices running
  118. Internet Explorer (Windows Phone, Surface)
  119. (<a href="">#5170</a>)
  120. </li>
  121. <li>Payload based drop criteria do not work on IE11 - use criteria scripts if IE11 support of drop validation is required</li>
  122. <li>Specifying layout sizes using <tt>em</tt> is currently discouraged, because it results in fractional
  123. components sizes in many cases, which might cause unwanted 1px gaps between components.
  124. </li>
  125. <li>Up-to-date information about configuration needed for push and compatibility issues are available in
  126. <a href="">this wiki page.</a>
  127. <br />
  128. The most prominent limitations are:
  129. <ul>
  130. <li>Push is currently not supported in portals (See <a
  131. href="">#3741</a>)
  132. </li>
  133. <li>Transport mode WEBSOCKET does not support invalidating the session on Tomcat 7,
  134. nor setting cookies for the session. The new transport mode WEBSOCKET_XHR can be
  135. used to bypass these limitations.
  136. <br />
  137. See tickets <a href="">#3911</a> and
  138. <a href="">#3861</a>
  139. </li>
  140. </ul>
  141. </li>
  142. <li>The Maven GWT compilation for <tt>Vaadin7WidgetSet</tt> requires at least 1G of memory, when using the <tt>vaadin-client-compatibility</tt> package. If compiled inside Eclipse, possibly even more.</li>
  143. </ul>
  144. <h2 id="starting">Getting started with Vaadin Framework</h2>
  145. <p>
  146. <b>Vaadin Framework</b> is a Java framework for building modern web
  147. applications that look great, perform well and make you and
  148. your users happy. <b>The Framework</b> is available under the
  149. Apache License, Version 2.0 (see the
  150. <tt>license.html</tt>
  151. in the Vaadin Framework ZIP package).
  152. </p>
  153. <p>
  154. The easiest ways to start using <b>Vaadin Framework</b> are:
  155. </p>
  156. <ul>
  157. <li><strong>Maven dependency.</strong>If using Maven, define it as a dependency or use
  158. any of the available archetypes to create a new project. More information at
  159. <a href=""></a>
  160. </li>
  161. <li><strong>IDE Plugins.</strong>If using Eclipse, use the
  162. <a href="">Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse</a>, which automatically
  163. downloads the Framework libraries. For NetBeans 8.0 and 7.4, use the
  164. <a href="">official Vaadin plugin</a>
  165. that provides Maven based wizards and code completion support for Vaadin Framework based development.
  166. </li>
  167. </ul>
  168. <p>
  169. Vaadin Framework is also available as a ZIP package downloadable from <a
  170. href="">Vaadin Download
  171. page</a>.
  172. </p>
  173. <h3 id="package">Package Contents</h3>
  174. <p>Inside the ZIP installation package you will find:</p>
  175. <ul>
  176. <li>Separate server-side (<tt>vaadin-server</tt>) and
  177. client-side (<tt>vaadin-client</tt>, <tt>vaadin-client-compiler</tt>)
  178. development libraries
  179. </li>
  180. <li>Precompiled widget set (<tt>vaadin-client-compiled</tt>)
  181. for server-side development
  182. </li>
  183. <li>Shared library (<tt>vaadin-shared</tt>) for both
  184. server- and client-side libraries
  185. </li>
  186. <li>Valo theme (the only inbuilt theme) (<tt>vaadin-themes</tt>)
  187. </li>
  188. <li>Dependency libraries provided under the <tt>lib/</tt>
  189. folder
  190. </li>
  191. <li>Vaadin 7 compatible classes for server-side (<tt>vaadin-compatibility-server</tt>,
  192. <tt>vaadin-compatibility-shared</tt>), client-side (<tt>vaadin-compatibility-client</tt>) and themes (<tt>vaadin-compatibility-themes</tt>)
  193. </li>
  194. </ul>
  195. <p>
  196. See the
  197. <tt>README.TXT</tt>
  198. in the installation package for detailed information about
  199. the package contents.
  200. </p>
  201. <p>
  202. For server-side development, copy the
  203. <tt>vaadin-server</tt>
  204. ,
  205. <tt>vaadin-client-compiled</tt>
  206. ,
  207. <tt>vaadin-shared</tt>
  208. , and
  209. <tt>vaadin-themes</tt>
  210. from the main folder and the dependencies from the
  211. <tt>lib</tt>
  212. folder to the
  213. <tt>WEB-INF/lib</tt>
  214. folder of your Vaadin project. (The
  215. <tt>vaadin-client-compiled</tt>
  216. is necessary if you do not wish to compile the widget set by
  217. your own, which you need to do if you use almost any add-on
  218. components.)
  219. </p>
  220. <h2 id="migrating">Migrating from Vaadin Framework 7.7</h2>
  221. <p>
  222. Most Vaadin Framework 7 applications need some changes when migrating
  223. to Vaadin Framework 8. In addition to updating dependencies, all references to
  224. Framework 7 style data binding and components using it need to be
  225. updated either to use new Framework 8 style data binding or to use the
  226. compatibility versions in separate packages.
  227. </p>
  228. <p>
  229. Vaadin Framework 7 compatible versions of the old data binding API and
  230. components (with the exception of Form) are available in the package
  231. com.vaadin.v7 in modules vaadin-compatibility-server,
  232. vaadin-compatibility-shared etc. that can be used instead of
  233. vaadin-server, vaadin-shared etc. The package
  234. vaadin-compatibility-client-compiled contains the widgetset
  235. <tt>com.vaadin.v7.Vaadin7WidgetSet</tt> which can be used instead of
  236. <tt>DefaultWidgetSet</tt>. Please note that the rename to com.vaadin.v7
  237. has only been applied to classes that are only relevant for the
  238. compatibility modules. Some classes have also been renamed while still
  239. being part of the non-compatibility modules.
  240. </p>
  241. <p>
  242. All applications using either <tt>Reindeer</tt>, <tt>Runo</tt>, <tt>Chameleon</tt> or <tt>Base</tt> theme must include the <tt>vaadin-compatibility-themes</tt> package.
  243. </p>
  244. <p>
  245. There is a <a href="">
  246. migration tool</a> which helps with some of the migration steps.
  247. </p>
  248. <p>
  249. Some Vaadin Framework 7 add-ons do not work in version 8 - please check the add-ons in <a
  250. href="">Vaadin Directory</a>
  251. for Framework version 8 support.
  252. </p>
  253. <h3 id="upgrading">Common Upgrade Steps</h3>
  254. <p>Always when upgrading from an earlier Vaadin Framework version, you
  255. must:</p>
  256. <ul>
  257. <li>Recompile your classes using the new Framework
  258. version. Binary compatibility is only guaranteed for
  259. maintenance releases of Framework.</li>
  260. <li>Unless using the precompiled widget set, recompile
  261. your widget set using the new Framework version.</li>
  262. </ul>
  263. <p>Remember also to refresh the project in your IDE to
  264. ensure that the new version of everything is in use.</p>
  265. <p>
  266. By using the "
  267. <tt>?debug</tt>
  268. " URL parameter, you can verify that the version of the
  269. servlet, the theme, and the widget set all match.
  270. </p>
  271. <p>
  272. <b>Eclipse</b> users should always check if there is a new
  273. version of the Eclipse Plug-in available.
  274. </p>
  275. <p>
  276. <b>Maven</b> users should update the Vaadin Framework dependency
  277. version in the
  278. <tt>pom.xml</tt>
  279. .
  280. </p>
  281. <h2 id="dependencies">Vaadin Framework @version@ Dependencies</h2>
  282. <p>When using Maven, Ivy, Gradle, or other dependency
  283. management system, all Framework dependencies are downloaded
  284. automatically. This is also the case when using the Vaadin
  285. Plugin for Eclipse.</p>
  286. <p>
  287. The Vaadin Framework ZIP installation package includes the
  288. dependencies in the
  289. <tt>lib</tt>
  290. subfolder. These need to be copied to the
  291. <tt>WEB-INF/lib</tt>
  292. folder of the web application that uses Vaadin Framework.
  293. </p>
  294. <p>
  295. The dependencies are listed in the <a href="license.html">Licensing
  296. description</a>. Some are explicit dependencies packaged and
  297. distributed as separate JARs, while some are included inside
  298. other libraries.
  299. </p>
  300. <h3>Bean Validation</h3>
  301. <p>
  302. If you use the bean validation feature, you need
  303. a Bean Validation API implementation. You need to install
  304. the implementation JAR in the
  305. <tt>WEB-INF/lib</tt>
  306. directory of the web application that uses validation.
  307. </p>
  308. <h2 id="supportedversions">Supported Technologies</h2>
  309. <p>
  310. Vaadin Framework 8 is compatible with <b>Java 8</b> and newer. Vaadin Framework
  311. 8 is especially supported on the following <b>operating
  312. systems</b>:
  313. </p>
  314. <ul>
  315. <li>Windows</li>
  316. <li>Linux</li>
  317. <li>Mac OS X</li>
  318. </ul>
  319. <p>
  320. Vaadin Framework 8 requires <b>Java Servlet API 3.0</b> but also
  321. supports later versions and should work with any Java
  322. application server that conforms to the standard. The
  323. following <b>application servers</b> are supported:
  324. </p>
  325. <ul id="supportedservers">
  326. <li>Apache Tomcat 7-8</li>
  327. <li>Apache TomEE 1.7 and 7.0</li>
  328. <li>Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2</li>
  329. <li>IBM WebSphere Application Server 9</li>
  330. <li>JBoss EAP 6</li>
  331. <li>Wildfly 8-11</li>
  332. <li>Jetty 8-9</li>
  333. <li>Glassfish 4</li>
  334. <li>Payara Server 164</li>
  335. </ul>
  336. <p>
  337. Vaadin Framework 8 supports the JSR-286 Portlet specification and all
  338. portals that implement the specification should work provided
  339. they support Java 8 and Servlet 3.0. The following <b>portals</b>
  340. are supported:
  341. </p>
  342. <ul>
  343. <li>Liferay Portal 6.2</li>
  344. <li>Liferay Portal 7.0</li>
  345. </ul>
  346. <p>
  347. Vaadin Framework @version@ supports the following <b>desktop browsers</b>:
  348. </p>
  349. <ul>
  350. <li>Mozilla Firefox (latest version, currently 54)</li>
  351. <li>Mozilla Firefox ESR (latest version, currently 52 ESR)</li>
  352. <li>Internet Explorer 11, Edge (latest version)</li>
  353. <li>Safari 9+</li>
  354. <li>Google Chrome (latest version, currently 59)</li>
  355. </ul>
  356. <p>
  357. Additionally, Vaadin Framework supports the built-in browsers in the
  358. following <b>mobile operating systems</b>:
  359. </p>
  360. <ul>
  361. <li>iOS 9+</li>
  362. <li>Android 4+ with Chrome 42+</li>
  363. </ul>
  364. <h2 id="vaadinontheweb">Vaadin on the Web</h2>
  365. <ul>
  366. <li><a href=""> - The
  367. developer portal containing everything you need to
  368. know about Vaadin</a></li>
  369. <li><a href="">
  370. - A collection of demos for Vaadin Framework</a></li>
  371. <li><a href="">
  372. - Getting started with Vaadin Framework</a></li>
  373. <li><a href="">
  374. - Forums for Vaadin Framework related discussions</a></li>
  375. <li><a href="">
  376. - Book of Vaadin - everything you need to know about
  377. Vaadin Framework</a></li>
  378. <li><a href="">
  379. - Online javadocs</a></li>
  380. <li><a href="">
  381. - Add-ons for Vaadin Framework</a></li>
  382. <li><a href="">
  383. - Commercial tools for Vaadin Framework</a></li>
  384. <li><a href="">
  385. - Commercial support for Vaadin Framework</a></li>
  386. <li><a href="">
  387. - Expert services for Vaadin Framework users</a></li>
  388. <li><a href="">
  389. - Information about the company behind Vaadin Framework</a></li>
  390. <li><a href=""> - Contribution quide</a></li>
  391. <li><a href=""> - Github repository</a></li>
  392. </ul>
  393. </div>
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