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  25. <h1>Vaadin &ndash; thinking of U and I</h1>
  26. <div id="version">
  27. <strong>Version @version@</strong>
  28. </div>
  29. </div> <!-- /header -->
  30. <div id="content">
  31. <p>Version @version@ built on @builddate@.</p>
  32. <h2 id="tableofcontents">Release Notes for Vaadin Framework @version@</h2>
  33. <ul>
  34. <li><a href="#overview">Overview of Vaadin @version@ Release</a></li>
  35. <li><a href="#changelog">Complete change log for Vaadin @version@</a></li>
  36. <li><a href="#enhancements">Enhancements in Vaadin @version-minor@</a></li>
  37. <li><a href="#limitations">Limitations in @version-minor@</a></li>
  38. <li><a href="#vaadin">Vaadin Installation</a></li>
  39. <li><a href="#package">Package Contents</a></li>
  40. <li><a href="#migrating">Migrating from Vaadin 6 to Vaadin 7</a></li>
  41. <li><a href="#dependencies">Vaadin @version@ dependencies</a></li>
  42. <li><a href="#upgrading">Upgrading to Vaadin @version-minor@</a></li>
  43. <li><a href="#supportedversions">Supported technologies</a></li>
  44. <li><a href="#vaadinontheweb">Vaadin on the Web</a></li>
  45. </ul>
  46. <h2 id="overview">Overview of Vaadin @version@ Release</h2>
  47. <p>
  48. Vaadin @version@ is a maintenance release that includes a number of important bug
  49. fixes, as listed in the <a href="#changelog">change log</a> below. You can also
  50. view the <a
  51. href="">list
  52. of the closed issues</a> at the Vaadin developer's site.
  53. </p>
  54. <p>
  55. For a list of enhancements in the last feature release, see <a
  56. href="#enhancements">Enhancements in Vaadin @version-minor@</a> and the <a
  57. href="">Release
  58. Notes for Vaadin @version-minor@.0</a>.
  59. </p>
  60. <h3 id="changelog">ChangeLog</h3>
  61. <p>
  62. This release includes the following closed issues:
  63. </p>
  64. <ul>
  65. @release-notes-tickets@
  66. </ul>
  67. <p>
  68. The <a
  69. href="">full
  70. list of the closed issues</a> can also be found at <tt></tt>.
  71. </p>
  72. <h2 id="enhancements">Enhancements in Vaadin @version-minor@</h2>
  73. <p>
  74. The @version-minor@ includes many major and minor enhancements and changes first
  75. introduced in Vaadin @version-minor@.0. Below is a list of the most notable changes:
  76. </p>
  77. <ul>
  78. <li>UI replaces Application as the main entry point
  79. <ul>
  80. <li>Heartbeat to reliably detect closed UI</li>
  81. <li>Supports multiple browser tabs by default</li>
  82. <li>Browser and request details available in UI init</li>
  83. <li>Direct access to request and session in UI init</li>
  84. <li>Access detected browser details in UI init</li>
  85. <li>Default UI class chosen based on a servlet parameter</li>
  86. <li>Custom UIProvider allows providing different UIs based on request parameters</li>
  87. <li>UI is by default reinitialized when the page is reloaded</li>
  88. </ul>
  89. </li>
  90. <li>Redesigned layouts
  91. <ul>
  92. <li>Minimal or no layout calculations to maximize layout speed</li>
  93. <li>Full control of layouts with CSS including borders and margins</li>
  94. <li>Redesigned lighter DOM for vertical, horizontal and css layout</li>
  95. <li>Client-side ComputedStyle API available</li>
  96. </ul>
  97. </li>
  98. <li>Split to seven jars to allow deploying only what you need</li>
  99. <li>Adding multiple components with varargs in addComponents and appropriate constructors</li>
  100. <li>Support for mixing multiple themes on the same page</li>
  101. <li>RPC for communication between the server and the browser
  102. <ul>
  103. <li>Static typing allows compile time checking</li>
  104. <li>Supports Java's primitive and boxed types, String, enums, arrays, List, Set, Map and Java beans</li>
  105. <li>Supports references to external or self served resources and references to other components</li>
  106. <li>Call from browser to server can be delayed to piggyback on the next XHR, optionally folding similar calls to only send the last value</li>
  107. <li>Calls to disabled or invisible components are ignored for security reasons</li>
  108. </ul>
  109. </li>
  110. <li>Server-client shared state
  111. <ul>
  112. <li>Java objects can be shared between client and server for easy component development</li>
  113. <li>State is automatically mirrored from server to client</li>
  114. <li>Support both public fields and bean properties</li>
  115. <li>Supports the same types as with RPC</li>
  116. <li>Only parts of the state that are modified are sent over the wire</li>
  117. <li>Allow calculating state on the fly just before state is sent to client</li>
  118. <li>Client-side can listen to shared state changes to simplify connectors</li>
  119. <li>State class can be annotated to automatically delegate state changes to corresponding properties in widgets</li>
  120. </ul>
  121. </li>
  122. <li>Google Web Toolkit included
  123. <ul>
  124. <li>A full copy of GWT is included in Vaadin Framework</li>
  125. <li>Vaadin team maintains a branch of GWT to include bug fixes and new features independent of official GWT release schedules</li>
  126. <li>All functionality of GWT is included to enable writing of client side UI:s, stateless applications, offline functionality and custom widgets</li>
  127. <li>Included Elemental library gives direct access to all cutting edge browser features</li>
  128. <li>Both browser plug-in based dev mode debugging as well as super dev mode are supported</li>
  129. </ul>
  130. </li>
  131. <li>No more need to call requestRepaint() in components</li>
  132. <li>High level view navigation
  133. <ul>
  134. <li>Support for URI fragment based view management</li>
  135. <li>Support for registering both pre-initialized view instances as well as view classes</li>
  136. <li>Programmatic navigation with navigateTo()</li>
  137. <li>Supports saving bookmarks to views</li>
  138. <li>Supports parameterized views</li>
  139. <li>Views can block navigation</li>
  140. </ul>
  141. </li>
  142. <li>Connectors
  143. <ul>
  144. <li>Connectors provide a flexible communication channel between client and server</li>
  145. <li>Separating communication code from widgets promotes reusability</li>
  146. <li>An explicit Connector hierarchy is maintained</li>
  147. <li>Mapping between server-side and client-side defined in client-side code to avoid server-side classpath issues</li>
  148. </ul>
  149. </li>
  150. <li>JavaScript Connectors
  151. <ul>
  152. <li>Implement connector logic using JavaScript instead of Java for easier integration with JavaScript libraries</li>
  153. <li>Wrap around any existing JavaScript based widget to adapt it for use in Vaadin</li>
  154. <li>No widgetset compilation needed</li>
  155. <li>Support for shared state and RPC as well as JSON-based communication based on simple JavaScript functions</li>
  156. </ul>
  157. </li>
  158. <li>ColorPicker component
  159. <ul>
  160. <li>Easy to use interface with clickable color gradients</li>
  161. <li>RGB, HSV and swatches color modes</li>
  162. <li>Color history</li>
  163. <li>Color preview</li>
  164. <li>CSS color code representation and handling</li>
  165. </ul>
  166. </li>
  167. <li>Add listeners without method overloads
  168. <ul>
  169. <li>Write addClickListener() instead of generic addListener()</li>
  170. <li>Supports code completion in IDE:s better</li>
  171. <li>Enables using Java 8 Lambda</li>
  172. </ul>
  173. </li>
  174. <li>Renewed Vaadin Maven Plugin including features from GWT Maven Plugin
  175. <ul>
  176. <li>New Maven architype eases creation of Vaadin 7 applications</li>
  177. </ul>
  178. </li>
  179. <li>Renewed Eclipse Plugin adding Apache Ivy based dependency management</li>
  180. <li>Page bootstrapping renewed
  181. <ul>
  182. <li>Simpler inclusion of Vaadin UIs to custom web pages</li>
  183. <li>Add-ons and applications can dynamically modify bootstrap page HTML</li>
  184. </ul>
  185. </li>
  186. <li>VaadinSession
  187. <ul>
  188. <li>Full control over session lifecycle</li>
  189. <li>Abstract away from servlets and portlets</li>
  190. </ul>
  191. </li>
  192. <li>VaadinService
  193. <ul>
  194. <li>Easily access deployment information and HTTP requests</li>
  195. <li>Abstract away from servlets and portlets</li>
  196. </ul>
  197. </li>
  198. <li>Component extension API
  199. <ul>
  200. <li>Allow adding functionality and customizations to any component</li>
  201. <li>Modify DOM and hook event listeners</li>
  202. </ul>
  203. </li>
  204. <li>JavaScript callbacks
  205. <ul>
  206. <li>Declare client-side JavaScript API from server</li>
  207. <li>Eases integration with parts of the page not controlled with Vaadin</li>
  208. </ul>
  209. </li>
  210. <li>Relative paths used for all requests
  211. <ul>
  212. <li>More flexible deployment</li>
  213. <li>Adds support for Apache ProxyPass and other similar proxies</li>
  214. </ul>
  215. </li>
  216. <li>HTML5
  217. <ul>
  218. <li>Vaadin 7 uses HTML5 doctype</li>
  219. <li>Use any parts of HTML5 in your application</li>
  220. </ul>
  221. </li>
  222. <li>Page
  223. <ul>
  224. <li>Abstraction for one browser window</li>
  225. <li>Run JavaScript</li>
  226. <li>Listen to page resizes</li>
  227. <li>Control navigation</li>
  228. </ul>
  229. </li>
  230. <li>Loading custom JavaScript
  231. <ul>
  232. <li>Annotate server-side classes with @JavaScript to request loading of JavaScript files</li>
  233. <li>Automated control of loading order and ensuring that files are loaded only once</li>
  234. </ul>
  235. </li>
  236. <li>API cleanup
  237. <ul>
  238. <li>API deprecated in Vaadin 6 or before removed</li>
  239. <li>Use enums instead of integer constants</li>
  240. </ul>
  241. </li>
  242. <li>Embedded split up to different components for different purposes
  243. <ul>
  244. <li>Image for showing images</li>
  245. <li>BrowserFrame for embedding web pages with iframes</li>
  246. <li>Flash for embedding Flash content</li>
  247. <li>Embedded now only intended for embedding using &lt;object&gt;
  248. </ul>
  249. </li>
  250. <li>Support for Firefox 17 extended support release in addition to latest stable Firefox release</li>
  251. <li>Sass Compiler
  252. <ul>
  253. <li>Allows modularization of themes for better reuse and easier maintenance</li>
  254. <li>Support the most important features of SCSS</li>
  255. <li>Pure Java implementation without Ruby dependency</li>
  256. <li>Supports all of CSS</li>
  257. <li>On the fly conversion of SCSS to CSS during development</li>
  258. <li>Built in themes are now based on Sass</li>
  259. <li>Can be used in client-side projects as well</li>
  260. </ul>
  261. </li>
  262. <li>@StyleSheet for automatic injection of css files</li>
  263. <li>ConnectorResource replaces ApplicationResource to reduce memory consumption</li>
  264. <li>Hierarchical error handling</li>
  265. <li>Open popups and start downloads in a way not stopped by popup blockers</li>
  266. <li>ThreadLocal access to VaadinService, VaadinRequest, VaadinResponse, VaadinSession and the current UI instance</li>
  267. <li>Component id replaces debug ids to allow wider use possibilities for identifying corresponding widget elements in DOM</li>
  268. <li>Range retrieval for indexed containers to enable optimize performance</li>
  269. <li>Native support for percent sizes to let the browser do the percent to pixel calculation speeds up rendering</li>
  270. <li>Custom class loader
  271. <ul>
  272. <li>Allow specifying custom class loaders to better support Java EE, CDI and Spring</li>
  273. <li>Supports both servlets and portlets</li>
  274. </ul>
  275. </li>
  276. <li>Updated data model
  277. <ul>
  278. <li>Property getValue() uses generics to return the expected type</li>
  279. <li>Two phase commit support for commit/rollback</li>
  280. <li>BeanItem supports nested properties to allow flattening complex datatypes</li>
  281. </ul>
  282. </li>
  283. <li>Bean Validation - Annotate beans with JSR-303 standard annotations to automatically create validators for the fields</li>
  284. <li>Field group
  285. <ul>
  286. <li>Allow data binding of multiple fields together to item data source</li>
  287. <li>Supports buffering</li>
  288. <li>Supports two phase commit</li>
  289. <li>Annotation based and field name based property mapping</li>
  290. </ul>
  291. </li>
  292. <li>Explicit data model converters
  293. <ul>
  294. <li>All fields support explicit conversion from presentation format to data source format</li>
  295. <li>Conversions are bidirectional</li>
  296. <li>Allow defining a default converter for a specific type and override for specific fields</li>
  297. <li>Converters can be set per Table column to customize column formatting</li>
  298. </ul>
  299. </li>
  300. <li>Built-in default converters
  301. <ul>
  302. <li>automated conversions beween String, Boolean, Long, Date, Double, Float, Integer and Number</li>
  303. <li>Built in converters support internationalization</li>
  304. </ul>
  305. </li>
  306. <li>Custom field component for building new fields as composition of existing components</li>
  307. <li>Simplified validation API
  308. <ul>
  309. <li>No need to implement isValid() in validators any more</li>
  310. </ul>
  311. </li>
  312. <li>Unsupported browser detection with customizable information page</li>
  313. <li>Vaadin 6 compatibility layer to ease migration from Vaadin 6</li>
  314. <li>Explicit layouts for Window and Panel</li>
  315. <ul>
  316. <li>Window and Panel components now require setting layout explicitly</li>
  317. <li>Distinction between Window or Panel and it's layout</li>
  318. </ul>
  319. </li>
  320. <li>Layout manager
  321. <ul>
  322. <li>Allows building custom layout calculations for widgets when browser based layouts are not powerful enough</li>
  323. <li>Optimizes number of reflows by batching layout calculations from multiple widgets together</li>
  324. </ul>
  325. </li>
  326. </ul>
  327. <p>
  328. There are many other enhancements. Most of them are described in more detail in
  329. the <a href="">mini-tutorials</a> in
  330. the Vaadin Wiki. Also see the <a
  331. href="">Vaadin
  332. 6 to 7 Migration Guide</a>. See also the <a
  333. href="">Release
  334. Notes for Vaadin @version-minor@.0</a>.
  335. </p>
  336. <h3 id="limitations">Limitations</h3>
  337. <ul>
  338. <li>It is currently not possible to specify <tt>font-size</tt> as <tt>em</tt> or
  339. <tt>%</tt>, or layout component sizes with <tt>em</tt> (<a
  340. href="">#10634</a>)</li>
  341. </ul>
  342. <h2 id="vaadin">Vaadin Installation</h2>
  343. <p>
  344. <b>Vaadin</b> is a Java framework for building modern web applications that look
  345. great, perform well and make you and your users happy. <b>Vaadin</b> is
  346. available under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see the <tt>license.html</tt> in
  347. the Vaadin ZIP or JAR package).
  348. </p>
  349. <p>
  350. The easiest ways to install <b>Vaadin</b> are:
  351. </p>
  352. <ul>
  353. <li>If using Maven, define it as a dependency or use any of the available
  354. archetypes (only <tt>vaadin-application</tt> is available for Vaadin 7 at the time
  355. of this release) to create a new project</li>
  356. <li>If using Eclipse, use the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse, which automatically
  357. downloads the Vaadin libraries</li>
  358. </ul>
  359. <p>
  360. It is also available as a ZIP package downloadable from <a href="">Vaadin Download page</a>.
  361. </p>
  362. <h3 id="package">Package Contents</h3>
  363. <p>Inside the ZIP installation package you will find:</p>
  364. <ul>
  365. <li>Separate server-side (<tt>vaadin-server</tt>) and client-side (<tt>vaadin-client</tt>, <tt>vaadin-client-compiler</tt>) development libraries</li>
  366. <li>Precompiled widget set (<tt>vaadin-client-compiled</tt>) for server-side development</li>
  367. <li>Shared library (<tt>vaadin-shared</tt>) for both server- and client-side libraries</li>
  368. <li>Built-in themes (<tt>vaadin-themes</tt>) and the theme compiler (<tt>vaadin-theme-compiler</tt>)</li>
  369. <li>Dependency libraries provided under the <tt>lib/</tt> folder</li>
  370. </ul>
  371. <p>
  372. See the <tt>README.TXT</tt> in the installation package for detailed information
  373. about the package contents. <a href="">Book of Vaadin</a>
  374. (for Vaadin 7) gives more detailed instructions.
  375. </p>
  376. <p>
  377. For server-side development, copy the <tt>vaadin-server</tt>,
  378. <tt>vaadin-client-compiled</tt>, <tt>vaadin-shared</tt>,
  379. <tt>vaadin-theme-compiler</tt>, and <tt>vaadin-themes</tt> from the main
  380. folder and the dependencies from the <tt>lib</tt> folder to the
  381. <tt>WEB-INF/lib</tt> folder of your Vaadin project. (The
  382. <tt>vaadin-client-compiled</tt> is necessary if you do not wish to compile the
  383. widget set by your own, which you need to do if you use almost any add-on
  384. components.)
  385. </p>
  386. <p>
  387. For pure client-side development, you only need the <tt>vaadin-client</tt> and
  388. <tt>vaadin-client-compiler</tt> JARs, which should be put to a non-deployed
  389. project library folder, such as <tt>lib</tt>. You also need them if you compile
  390. the widget set for any reason, such as using Vaadin add-ons, or create new
  391. server-side components integrated with client-side widgets.
  392. </p>
  393. <h2 id="migrating">Migrating from Vaadin 6</h2>
  394. <p>
  395. All Vaadin 6 applications need some changes when migrating to Vaadin 7. The most
  396. obvious changes are in the application/window API and require extending either
  397. <b>UI</b> or <b>UI.LegacyApplication</b> instead of <b>Application</b>. A detailed
  398. list of migration changes are given in the <a
  399. href="">Vaadin
  400. 7 Migration Guide</a>.
  401. </p>
  402. <p>
  403. Any custom client-side widgets need to be ported to use the new client-server
  404. communication API, or the Vaadin 6 compatibility API.
  405. </p>
  406. <p>
  407. Vaadin 6 add-ons (ones that contain widgets) do not work in Vaadin 7 - please
  408. check the add-ons in <a href="">Vaadin Directory</a>
  409. for Vaadin 7 support.
  410. </p>
  411. <h2 id="dependencies">Vaadin @version@ Dependencies</h2>
  412. <p>
  413. When using Maven, Ivy, Gradle, or other dependency management system, all Vaadin
  414. dependencies are downloaded automatically. This is also the case when using the
  415. Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse.
  416. </p>
  417. <p>
  418. The Vaadin ZIP installation package includes the dependencies in the <tt>lib</tt>
  419. subfolder. These need to be copied to the <tt>WEB-INF/lib</tt> folder of the web
  420. application that uses Vaadin.
  421. </p>
  422. <p>
  423. The dependencies are listed in the <a href="license.html">Licensing description</a>. Some are explicit dependencies packaged and distributed as
  424. separate JARs, while some are included inside other libraries.
  425. </p>
  426. <h3>Bean Validation</h3>
  427. <p>
  428. If you use the bean validation feature in Vaadin 7, you need a Bean Validation API
  429. implementation. You need to install the implementation JAR in the
  430. <tt>WEB-INF/lib</tt> directory of the web application that uses validation.
  431. </p>
  432. <h2 id="upgrading">Upgrading to Vaadin @version-minor@</h2>
  433. <h3>Upgrading the Eclipse Plugin</h3>
  434. <p>
  435. Vaadin 7 requires that you use a compatible version of the Vaadin Plugin for
  436. Eclipse. The stable version of the plugin is available from the
  437. <tt></tt> update site. Please see the <a
  438. href="">section
  439. about updating the plugin</a> in the Book of Vaadin and the <a
  440. href="">installation instructions at the download
  441. site</a> for more details.
  442. </p>
  443. <p>
  444. You can also use the <i>experimental</i> Vaadin Plugin for
  445. Eclipse. Its update site is
  446. <tt></tt>.
  447. </p>
  448. <h3>General Upgrading Instructions</h3>
  449. <p>
  450. When upgrading from an earlier Vaadin version, you must:
  451. </p>
  452. <ul>
  453. <li>Recompile your classes using the new Vaadin version. Binary
  454. compatibility is only guaranteed for maintenance releases of
  455. Vaadin.</li>
  456. <li>Recompile any add-ons you have created using the new Vaadin</li>
  457. <li>Unless using the precompiled widget set, recompile your widget set using the
  458. new Vaadin version</li>
  459. </ul>
  460. <p>
  461. Remember also to refresh the project in your IDE to ensure that the new version of
  462. everything is in use.
  463. </p>
  464. <p>
  465. By using the "<tt>?debug</tt>" URL parameter, you can verify that the version of
  466. the servlet, the theme, and the widget set all match.
  467. </p>
  468. <p>
  469. <b>Eclipse</b> users should always check if there is a new version of
  470. the Eclipse Plug-in available. The Eclipse Plug-in can be used to
  471. update the Vaadin version in the project (Project properties &raquo;
  472. Vaadin).
  473. </p>
  474. <p>
  475. <b>Maven</b> users should update the Vaadin dependency version in the
  476. <tt>pom.xml</tt> unless it is defined as <tt>LATEST</tt> . You must also ensure
  477. that the GWT dependency uses the correct version and recompile your project and
  478. your widget set.
  479. </p>
  480. <p>
  481. <b>Liferay and other portal</b> users must install the Vaadin libraries in
  482. <t>ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/</b> in the portal (and remove a possibly obsolete older
  483. <tt>vaadin.jar</tt>). Additionally, the contents of the
  484. <tt>vaadin-client-compiled</tt> and <tt>vaadin-themes</tt> must be
  485. extracted to the <tt>ROOT/html/VAADIN</tt> directory in the Liferay
  486. installation. If your portal uses custom widgets, install the latest version of <a href="">Vaadin
  487. Control Panel for Liferay</a> for easy widget set compilation - when it is
  488. available - the add-on is not compatible with Vaadin @version@ at the time of this
  489. Vaadin release. <!-- TODO: Remove note when done --></t>
  490. </p>
  491. <h2 id="gae">Notes and Limitations for Google App Engine</h4></h2>
  492. <p>The following instructions and limitations apply when you run a Vaadin
  493. application under the Google App Engine.</p>
  494. <ul>
  495. <li>
  496. <p>
  497. Applications must use <b>GAEVaadinServlet</b> instead of
  498. <b>VaadinServlet</b> in <tt>web.xml</tt>.
  499. </p>
  500. </li>
  501. <li>
  502. <p>
  503. Session support must be enabled in
  504. <tt>appengine-web.xml</tt>:
  505. </p>
  506. <pre> &lt;sessions-enabled&gt;true&lt;/sessions-enabled&gt;</pre>
  507. </li>
  508. <li>
  509. <p>
  510. Avoid using the session for storage, usual App Engine limitations apply (no
  511. synchronization, that is, unreliable).
  512. </p>
  513. </li>
  514. <li>
  515. <p>
  516. Vaadin uses memcache for mutex, the key is of the form
  517. <tt>_vmutex&lt;sessionid&gt;</tt>.
  518. </p>
  519. </li>
  520. <li>
  521. <p>
  522. The Vaadin <b>VaadinSession</b> class is serialized separately into
  523. memcache and datastore; the memcache key is <tt>_vac&lt;sessionid&gt;</tt> and
  524. the datastore entity kind is <tt>_vac</tt> with identifiers of the type
  525. <tt>_vac&lt;sessionid&gt;</tt>.
  526. </p>
  527. </li>
  528. <li>
  529. <p>
  530. DO NOT update application state when serving an <b>ConnectorResource</b>
  531. (such as <b>ClassResource</b>.<i>getStream()</i>).
  532. </p>
  533. </li>
  534. <li>
  535. <p>
  536. The application remains locked during uploads - a progress bar is not
  537. possible
  538. </p>
  539. </li>
  540. </ul>
  541. <p>
  542. For other known problems, see open tickets at developer site <a href=""></a>.
  543. </p>
  544. <h2 id="supportedversions">Supported Technologies</h2>
  545. <p>
  546. Vaadin 7 is compatible with <b>Java 6</b>. Vaadin 7 is especially supported on the following
  547. <b>operating systems</b>:
  548. </p>
  549. <ul>
  550. <li>Windows</li>
  551. <li>Linux</li>
  552. <li>Mac OS X</li>
  553. </ul>
  554. <p>
  555. Vaadin 7 requires <b>Java Servlet API 2.4</b> but also supports later versions and
  556. should work with any Java application server that conforms to the standard. The
  557. following <b>application servers</b> are supported:
  558. </p>
  559. <ul>
  560. <li>Apache Tomcat, version 5.0 or newer</li>
  561. <li>Oracle WebLogic&reg; Server, version 10.3 or newer</li>
  562. <li>IBM WebSphere&reg; Application Server, version 7 or newer</li>
  563. <li>JBoss Application Server, 4.0.0 or newer</li>
  564. <li>Jetty, version 5.0 or newer</li>
  565. <li>Glassfish, version 2.0 or newer</li>
  566. </ul>
  567. <p>
  568. Vaadin 7 supports the JSR-286 Portlet specification. All portals that
  569. implement either of the portlet specifications should work. The following
  570. <b>portals</b> are supported:
  571. </p>
  572. <ul>
  573. <li>Liferay Portal 5.2 or newer</li>
  574. <li>GateIn Portal 3.1 or newer</li>
  575. <li>eXo Platform 3 or newer</li>
  576. </ul>
  577. <p>
  578. Vaadin also supports <b>Google App Engine</b>.
  579. </p>
  580. <p>
  581. Vaadin supports the following <b>desktop browsers</b>:
  582. </p>
  583. <ul>
  584. <li>Mozilla Firefox 18</li>
  585. <li>Mozilla Firefox 17 ESR</li>
  586. <li>Internet Explorer 8-10</li>
  587. <li>Safari 6</li>
  588. <li>Opera 12</li>
  589. <li>Google Chrome 23</li>
  590. </ul>
  591. <p>
  592. Additionally, Vaadin supports the built-in browsers in the following
  593. <b>mobile operating systems</b>:
  594. </p>
  595. <ul>
  596. <li>iOS 5, 6</li>
  597. <li>Android 2.3, 3, 4</li>
  598. </ul>
  599. <p>Vaadin SQL Container supports the following databases:</p>
  600. <ul>
  601. <li>HSQLDB</li>
  602. <li>MySQL</li>
  603. <li>MSSQL</li>
  604. <li>Oracle</li>
  605. <li>PostgreSQL</li>
  606. </ul>
  607. <h2 id="vaadinontheweb">Vaadin on the Web</h2>
  608. <ul>
  609. <li><a href=""> - The developer
  610. portal containing everything you need to know about Vaadin</a>
  611. </li>
  612. <li><a href=""> - A
  613. collection of demos for Vaadin</a></li>
  614. <li><a href=""> -
  615. Getting started with Vaadin</a></li>
  616. <li><a href=""> -
  617. Forums for Vaadin related discussions</a>
  618. </li>
  619. <li><a href=""> - Book
  620. of Vaadin - everything you need to know about Vaadin</a>
  621. </li>
  622. <li><a href=""> - Online
  623. javadocs</a>
  624. </li>
  625. <li><a href="">
  626. - Add-ons for Vaadin</a>
  627. </li>
  628. <li><a href="">
  629. - Commercial support and tools for Vaadin development </a>
  630. </li>
  631. <li><a href="">
  632. - Expert services for Vaadin</a>
  633. </li>
  634. <li><a href="">
  635. - Information about the company behind Vaadin</a>
  636. </li>
  637. <li><a href=""> - Bug tracker</a></li>
  638. <li><a href="">How
  639. to get the source code of Vaadin</a>
  640. </li>
  641. </ul>
  642. </div> <!-- /content-->
  643. <div id="footer">
  644. <span class="slogan"><strong>vaadin <em>}></em> </strong>
  645. thinking of U and I<span> <a href="#top">&uarr; Back to
  646. top</a>
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