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build.xml 1.7KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <project name="vaadin-buildhelpers" basedir="." default="publish-local">
  3. <description>
  4. Compiles build helpers used when building other modules.
  5. </description>
  6. <include file="../build.xml" as="vaadin" />
  7. <include file="../common.xml" as="common" />
  8. <property name="" value="vaadin-buildhelpers" />
  9. <property name="module.symbolic" value="com.vaadin.buildhelpers" />
  10. <property name="result.dir" location="result" />
  11. <path id="classpath.compile.custom" />
  12. <target name="jar">
  13. <antcall target="common.jar">
  14. <reference torefid="extra.jar.includes" refid="empty.reference" />
  15. </antcall>
  16. </target>
  17. <target name="publish-local" depends="jar">
  18. <antcall target="common.sources.jar">
  19. <reference torefid="extra.jar.includes" refid="empty.reference" />
  20. </antcall>
  21. <antcall target="common.javadoc.jar" />
  22. <antcall target="common.publish-local" />
  23. </target>
  24. <target name="clean">
  25. <antcall target="common.clean" />
  26. </target>
  27. <target name="checkstyle">
  28. <antcall target="common.checkstyle">
  29. <param name="cs.src" location="src" />
  30. </antcall>
  31. </target>
  32. <target name="fetch-release-notes-tickets">
  33. <antcall target="common.exec-buildhelper">
  34. <param name="main.class"
  35. value="com.vaadin.buildhelpers.FetchReleaseNotesTickets" />
  36. <param name="output" value="${output}" />
  37. </antcall>
  38. </target>
  39. <target name="test" depends="checkstyle">
  40. <!--<antcall target="" /> -->
  41. <echo>WHAT? No JUnit tests for ${}!</echo>
  42. </target>
  43. </project>