Jani Laakso ed240a9fe9 branches are no longer recreated from scratch.
svn changeset:1586/svn branch:trunk
2007-06-05 12:07:16 +00:00

228 lines
7.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# NOTE: tested only with Jani Laakso's environment
# NOTE: if you need manual intervention at any point
# edit this script at set an "breakpoint"
# continue later with "goto STEP" and "STEP:"
# working directory to make releases
my $WORKDIR = "/home/jani/crypt/tk";
# directory prefix where release package zip file is stored
my $SVN_ROOT = "";
my $SVN_URL_BUILDS = $SVN_ROOT."/builds";
my $usage =
" MERGE is of value nomerge, merge or continue\n".
" BRANCH is new major.minor version, e.g. 4.0\n".
" VERSION is new version, e.g. 4.0.1-rc3\n".
" TARGET is directory to store release zip file, e.g. internal/4.0.1-rc/\n".
" SOURCE is SVN URL used to create release, if omitted then trunk used\n".
"Description of MERGE parameter\n".
" nomerge : no merging is performed, build is fully based on SOURCE.\n".
" merge : after BRANCH created, allows manual merging.\n".
" continue : called after manual merging completed.\n\n".
"No merging example:\n".
" nomerge 4.0 4.0.1-testing2 internal/4.0.1-rc\n".
" Recreates 4.0 branch from trunk,\n".
" continues automatically with build (no merging allowed),\n".
" release is fully based on trunk.\n\n".
"No merging example:\n".
" nomerge 4.1 4.1.0 release\n".
" Recreates 4.1 branch from trunk,\n".
" continues automatically with build (no merging allowed),\n".
" release is fully based on trunk.\n\n".
"Merging example (two phases required):\n".
"Phase 1\n".
" merge 4.0 4.0.1-pre_mantis release tags/4.0.0\n".
" Recreates 4.0 branch from tags/4.0.0,\n".
" buildprocess is suspended,\n".
" buildmaster performs merging manually,\n".
" buildmaster executes script again (see below).\n".
"Phase 2\n".
" continue 4.0 4.0.1-pre_mantis release tags/4.0.0\n".
" Buildprocess continues (buildmaster has done merging).\n";
my $MERGE = shift(@ARGV) || &failure($usage);
my $BRANCH = shift(@ARGV) || &failure($usage);
my $VERSION = shift(@ARGV) || &failure($usage);
my $TARGET = shift(@ARGV) || &failure($usage);
my $SOURCE = shift(@ARGV) || 'trunk';
my $t = "";
if (
($MERGE ne "merge" ) &&
($MERGE ne "continue" )
) {
&failure ("\nMERGE must be of value merge or continue\n");
if (!$BRANCH =~ /([4-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1})/) {
&failure ("\nBRANCH must be format {x}.{y} where {x}=major (4-9), ".
"{y}=minor (0-9).\n");
if (
(!$VERSION =~ /[4-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,3}/) &&
(!$VERSION =~ /[4-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,3}-rc[0-9]{1,2}/)
) {
&failure ("\nVERSION must be format {x}.{y}.{z} or x.y.z-rc{m} ".
"where {x}=major (4-9), {y}=minor (0-99), {z}=revision ".
"(0-999) and optional release candidate number {m}=(0-99).\n");
if (
(!$TARGET =~ /release\/[4-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,3}/) &&
(!$TARGET =~ /internal\/[4-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,3}-rc[0-9]{1,2}/)
) {
&failure ("\nTARGET must be e.g. internal/4.0.1-rc/ or release/4.0.\n");
# Open log file
open(LOG, ">>$WORKDIR/builds/$TARGET/itmill-toolkit-$VERSION.make.log");
# If MERGE=continue, buildmaster has performed merging and now asks
# build script to continue making the release.
if ($MERGE eq "continue") {
&message(" Buildprocess continued. Buildmaster has performed merging. ");
# Make sure $WORKDIR directory exists
# collect data from host
&message(" Host information ");
&execute("date -R");
&execute("uname -a");
&execute("java -version");
&execute("ant -version");
&message(" Initializing repositories ");
# go to directory where repository working copies (WC) are
chdir($WORKDIR) || &failure("Could not chdir to $WORKDIR.\n");
# delete old repo
&execute("rm -rf $BRANCH");
# ensure that target directory exists
&execute("svn mkdir $SVN_ROOT/builds/$TARGET -m \"Added $TARGET directory\"");
&execute("svn ci $SVN_ROOT/builds/$TARGET");
# checkout (if missing) build repository
&execute("svn co $SVN_ROOT/builds | grep \"Checked out\"");
# it's safest to replace $BRANCH from $SOURCE (but you could use also merging)
"svn rm $SVN_ROOT/branches/$BRANCH ".
"-m \"Recreating $BRANCH branch from $SOURCE. Removing old $BRANCH.\""
"svn copy $SVN_ROOT/$SOURCE $SVN_ROOT/branches/$BRANCH ".
"-m \"Recreating $BRANCH branch from $SOURCE. Copying new $BRANCH.\""
# checkout $BRANCH
&execute("svn co $SVN_ROOT/branches/$BRANCH | grep \"Checked out\"");
# Use brakepoint if you need to do additional merging or
# file based revision changes
# BRAKEPOINT, disabled
# Check if buildmaster wishes to do merging at this point
# or continue directly with building?
if ($MERGE eq "merge") {
# Yes, merging required
&message(" Buildprocess suspended. Buildmaster now performs merging manually ");
print "".
"Please now perform merging manually and after that execute:\n".
} else {
# No, merging not required
# Either merging is complete and building is continued,
# OR merging not even performed, build is based on e.g. trunk
&message(" Changing VERSION");
# go to $BRANCH directory
# fix links as VERSION changes
"sed s/`cat build/VERSION | cut -f2 -d'='`/$VERSION/ ".
"index.html >/tmp/index.html"
&execute("diff index.html /tmp/index.html");
&execute("cp /tmp/index.html index.html");
# increment VERSION
&execute("echo \"version=$VERSION\" >build/VERSION");
&message(" Commit changes ");
# commit changes
&execute("svn ci -m \"Building $VERSION release.\"");
&message(" Executing ant ");
# execute build script, takes 5-40 minutes depending on hw
&message(" Copying branch $BRANCH under tags branch");
# copy branch $BRANCH into tags directory (some may interpret this as tagging)
"svn copy $SVN_ROOT/branches/$BRANCH $SVN_ROOT/tags/$VERSION ".
"-m \"Copying $VERSION release into tags.\""
&message(" Committing release package zip file to builds dir ");
# commit release package zip to SVN
&execute("cp result/itmill-toolkit-$ $WORKDIR/builds/$TARGET");
&execute("svn add itmill-toolkit-$");
"svn ci itmill-toolkit-$ ".
"-m \"Added $VERSION release package.\""
&message(" Done ");
# store log to SVN
`svn add $WORKDIR/builds/$TARGET/itmill-toolkit-$VERSION.make.log`;
`svn ci $WORKDIR/builds/$TARGET/itmill-toolkit-$VERSION.make.log -m \"Release $VERSION build completed. See toolkit-release-make log file.\"`;
sub message() {
my $msg = shift;
$msg = "\n***".$msg."***\n";
print $msg;
print LOG $msg;
sub execute() {
my $cmd = shift;
print " $cmd\n";
print LOG " $cmd\n";
my $result = `$cmd 2>/dev/stdout`;
print $result."\n";
print LOG $result."\n";
sub failure() {
my $msg = shift;
print $msg."\n";