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This Vaadin zip contains all the jars of the Vaadin Framework. Additionally all dependencies are provided in the lib folder.

To use in a web project:
1. Copy following files from the archive root into WEB-INF/lib in your project:
- vaadin-server-*.jar
- vaadin-shared-*.jar
- vaadin-themes-*.jar
- vaadin-push-*.jar (if you need push)

2. Copy following files from the archive /lib into WEB-INF/lib in your project:
- vaadin-slf4j-jdk14-*.jar
- flute-*.jar
- guava-*.jar
- js-*.jar
- jsoup-*.jar
- sac-*.jar
- streamhtmlparser-jsilver-*.jar
- atmosphere-runtime-*.jar (if you need push)

3. Copy vaadin-client and vaadin-client-compiler to a lib folder which is on your classpath but will not be deployed.
These files are only needed when compiling a module (widget set) to Javascript.

4. Read to start your development