path: root/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks
diff options
authorFrank Karlitschek <>2011-08-07 17:36:49 +0200
committerFrank Karlitschek <>2011-08-07 17:36:49 +0200
commitf5a030f4ae5298c2b3325a27e8d05153f0488ea0 (patch)
tree3317cc1a238a0caaabb23a8c9a26451106f24ec1 /3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks
parent51caa624bb0874fff878a00fb2883e58ad60cde3 (diff)
remove the ownCloud 3D support and add lot's of usefull 3rd party libraries instead.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks')
6 files changed, 1340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/Abstract.php b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/Abstract.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b09f93ddac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/Abstract.php
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * The Lock manager allows you to handle all file-locks centrally.
+ *
+ * This is an alternative approach to doing this on a per-node basis
+ *
+ * @package Sabre
+ * @subpackage DAV
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved.
+ * @author Evert Pot (
+ * @license Modified BSD License
+ */
+abstract class Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_Abstract {
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo objects
+ *
+ * This method should return all the locks for a particular uri, including
+ * locks that might be set on a parent uri.
+ *
+ * If returnChildLocks is set to true, this method should also look for
+ * any locks in the subtree of the uri for locks.
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param bool $returnChildLocks
+ * @return array
+ */
+ abstract function getLocks($uri, $returnChildLocks);
+ /**
+ * Locks a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ abstract function lock($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo);
+ /**
+ * Removes a lock from a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ abstract function unlock($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo);
diff --git a/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/FS.php b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/FS.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8653f55b1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/FS.php
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * The Lock manager allows you to handle all file-locks centrally.
+ *
+ * This Lock Manager is now deprecated. It has a bug that allows parent
+ * collections to be deletes when children deeper in the tree are locked.
+ *
+ * You are recommended to use either the PDO or the File backend instead.
+ *
+ * This Lock Manager stores all its data in the filesystem.
+ *
+ * @package Sabre
+ * @subpackage DAV
+ * @deprecated
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved.
+ * @author Evert Pot (
+ * @license Modified BSD License
+ */
+class Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_FS extends Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_Abstract {
+ /**
+ * The default data directory
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $dataDir;
+ public function __construct($dataDir) {
+ $this->dataDir = $dataDir;
+ }
+ protected function getFileNameForUri($uri) {
+ return $this->dataDir . '/sabredav_' . md5($uri) . '.locks';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo objects
+ *
+ * This method should return all the locks for a particular uri, including
+ * locks that might be set on a parent uri.
+ *
+ * If returnChildLocks is set to true, this method should also look for
+ * any locks in the subtree of the uri for locks.
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param bool $returnChildLocks
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getLocks($uri, $returnChildLocks) {
+ $lockList = array();
+ $currentPath = '';
+ foreach(explode('/',$uri) as $uriPart) {
+ // weird algorithm that can probably be improved, but we're traversing the path top down
+ if ($currentPath) $currentPath.='/';
+ $currentPath.=$uriPart;
+ $uriLocks = $this->getData($currentPath);
+ foreach($uriLocks as $uriLock) {
+ // Unless we're on the leaf of the uri-tree we should ingore locks with depth 0
+ if($uri==$currentPath || $uriLock->depth!=0) {
+ $uriLock->uri = $currentPath;
+ $lockList[] = $uriLock;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Checking if we can remove any of these locks
+ foreach($lockList as $k=>$lock) {
+ if (time() > $lock->timeout + $lock->created) unset($lockList[$k]);
+ }
+ return $lockList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Locks a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function lock($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ // We're making the lock timeout 30 minutes
+ $lockInfo->timeout = 1800;
+ $lockInfo->created = time();
+ $locks = $this->getLocks($uri,false);
+ foreach($locks as $k=>$lock) {
+ if ($lock->token == $lockInfo->token) unset($locks[$k]);
+ }
+ $locks[] = $lockInfo;
+ $this->putData($uri,$locks);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a lock from a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function unlock($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ $locks = $this->getLocks($uri,false);
+ foreach($locks as $k=>$lock) {
+ if ($lock->token == $lockInfo->token) {
+ unset($locks[$k]);
+ $this->putData($uri,$locks);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the stored data for a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getData($uri) {
+ $path = $this->getFilenameForUri($uri);
+ if (!file_exists($path)) return array();
+ // opening up the file, and creating a shared lock
+ $handle = fopen($path,'r');
+ flock($handle,LOCK_SH);
+ $data = '';
+ // Reading data until the eof
+ while(!feof($handle)) {
+ $data.=fread($handle,8192);
+ }
+ // We're all good
+ fclose($handle);
+ // Unserializing and checking if the resource file contains data for this file
+ $data = unserialize($data);
+ if (!$data) return array();
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the lock information
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param array $newData
+ * @return void
+ */
+ protected function putData($uri,array $newData) {
+ $path = $this->getFileNameForUri($uri);
+ // opening up the file, and creating a shared lock
+ $handle = fopen($path,'a+');
+ flock($handle,LOCK_EX);
+ ftruncate($handle,0);
+ rewind($handle);
+ fwrite($handle,serialize($newData));
+ fclose($handle);
+ }
diff --git a/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/File.php b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/File.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f65b20c4306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/File.php
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * The Lock manager allows you to handle all file-locks centrally.
+ *
+ * This Lock Manager stores all its data in a single file.
+ *
+ * Note that this is not nearly as robust as a database, you are encouraged
+ * to use the PDO backend instead.
+ *
+ * @package Sabre
+ * @subpackage DAV
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved.
+ * @author Evert Pot (
+ * @license Modified BSD License
+ */
+class Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_File extends Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_Abstract {
+ /**
+ * The storage file
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $locksFile;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param string $locksFile path to file
+ */
+ public function __construct($locksFile) {
+ $this->locksFile = $locksFile;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo objects
+ *
+ * This method should return all the locks for a particular uri, including
+ * locks that might be set on a parent uri.
+ *
+ * If returnChildLocks is set to true, this method should also look for
+ * any locks in the subtree of the uri for locks.
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param bool $returnChildLocks
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getLocks($uri, $returnChildLocks) {
+ $newLocks = array();
+ $currentPath = '';
+ $locks = $this->getData();
+ foreach($locks as $lock) {
+ if ($lock->uri === $uri ||
+ //deep locks on parents
+ ($lock->depth!=0 && strpos($uri, $lock->uri . '/')===0) ||
+ // locks on children
+ ($returnChildLocks && (strpos($lock->uri, $uri . '/')===0)) ) {
+ $newLocks[] = $lock;
+ }
+ }
+ // Checking if we can remove any of these locks
+ foreach($newLocks as $k=>$lock) {
+ if (time() > $lock->timeout + $lock->created) unset($newLocks[$k]);
+ }
+ return $newLocks;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Locks a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function lock($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ // We're making the lock timeout 30 minutes
+ $lockInfo->timeout = 1800;
+ $lockInfo->created = time();
+ $lockInfo->uri = $uri;
+ $locks = $this->getLocks($uri,false);
+ foreach($locks as $k=>$lock) {
+ if ($lock->token == $lockInfo->token) unset($locks[$k]);
+ }
+ $locks[] = $lockInfo;
+ $this->putData($locks);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a lock from a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function unlock($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ $locks = $this->getLocks($uri,false);
+ foreach($locks as $k=>$lock) {
+ if ($lock->token == $lockInfo->token) {
+ unset($locks[$k]);
+ $this->putData($locks);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the lockdata from the filesystem.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getData() {
+ if (!file_exists($this->locksFile)) return array();
+ // opening up the file, and creating a shared lock
+ $handle = fopen($this->locksFile,'r');
+ flock($handle,LOCK_SH);
+ // Reading data until the eof
+ $data = stream_get_contents($handle);
+ // We're all good
+ fclose($handle);
+ // Unserializing and checking if the resource file contains data for this file
+ $data = unserialize($data);
+ if (!$data) return array();
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves the lockdata
+ *
+ * @param array $newData
+ * @return void
+ */
+ protected function putData(array $newData) {
+ // opening up the file, and creating an exclusive lock
+ $handle = fopen($this->locksFile,'a+');
+ flock($handle,LOCK_EX);
+ // We can only truncate and rewind once the lock is acquired.
+ ftruncate($handle,0);
+ rewind($handle);
+ fwrite($handle,serialize($newData));
+ fclose($handle);
+ }
diff --git a/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/PDO.php b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/PDO.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c3923af19d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/PDO.php
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ * The Lock manager allows you to handle all file-locks centrally.
+ *
+ * This Lock Manager stores all its data in a database. You must pass a PDO
+ * connection object in the constructor.
+ *
+ * @package Sabre
+ * @subpackage DAV
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved.
+ * @author Evert Pot (
+ * @license Modified BSD License
+ */
+class Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_PDO extends Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_Abstract {
+ /**
+ * The PDO connection object
+ *
+ * @var pdo
+ */
+ private $pdo;
+ /**
+ * The PDO tablename this backend uses.
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $tableName;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param PDO $pdo
+ * @param string $tableName
+ */
+ public function __construct(PDO $pdo, $tableName = 'locks') {
+ $this->pdo = $pdo;
+ $this->tableName = $tableName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo objects
+ *
+ * This method should return all the locks for a particular uri, including
+ * locks that might be set on a parent uri.
+ *
+ * If returnChildLocks is set to true, this method should also look for
+ * any locks in the subtree of the uri for locks.
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param bool $returnChildLocks
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getLocks($uri, $returnChildLocks) {
+ // NOTE: the following 10 lines or so could be easily replaced by
+ // pure sql. MySQL's non-standard string concatination prevents us
+ // from doing this though.
+ $query = 'SELECT owner, token, timeout, created, scope, depth, uri FROM `'.$this->tableName.'` WHERE ((created + timeout) > CAST(? AS UNSIGNED INTEGER)) AND ((uri = ?)';
+ $params = array(time(),$uri);
+ // We need to check locks for every part in the uri.
+ $uriParts = explode('/',$uri);
+ // We already covered the last part of the uri
+ array_pop($uriParts);
+ $currentPath='';
+ foreach($uriParts as $part) {
+ if ($currentPath) $currentPath.='/';
+ $currentPath.=$part;
+ $query.=' OR (depth!=0 AND uri = ?)';
+ $params[] = $currentPath;
+ }
+ if ($returnChildLocks) {
+ $query.=' OR (uri LIKE ?)';
+ $params[] = $uri . '/%';
+ }
+ $query.=')';
+ $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($query);
+ $stmt->execute($params);
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ $lockList = array();
+ foreach($result as $row) {
+ $lockInfo = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo();
+ $lockInfo->owner = $row['owner'];
+ $lockInfo->token = $row['token'];
+ $lockInfo->timeout = $row['timeout'];
+ $lockInfo->created = $row['created'];
+ $lockInfo->scope = $row['scope'];
+ $lockInfo->depth = $row['depth'];
+ $lockInfo->uri = $row['uri'];
+ $lockList[] = $lockInfo;
+ }
+ return $lockList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Locks a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function lock($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ // We're making the lock timeout 30 minutes
+ $lockInfo->timeout = 30*60;
+ $lockInfo->created = time();
+ $lockInfo->uri = $uri;
+ $locks = $this->getLocks($uri,false);
+ $exists = false;
+ foreach($locks as $k=>$lock) {
+ if ($lock->token == $lockInfo->token) $exists = true;
+ }
+ if ($exists) {
+ $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare('UPDATE `'.$this->tableName.'` SET owner = ?, timeout = ?, scope = ?, depth = ?, uri = ?, created = ? WHERE token = ?');
+ $stmt->execute(array($lockInfo->owner,$lockInfo->timeout,$lockInfo->scope,$lockInfo->depth,$uri,$lockInfo->created,$lockInfo->token));
+ } else {
+ $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO `'.$this->tableName.'` (owner,timeout,scope,depth,uri,created,token) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
+ $stmt->execute(array($lockInfo->owner,$lockInfo->timeout,$lockInfo->scope,$lockInfo->depth,$uri,$lockInfo->created,$lockInfo->token));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a lock from a uri
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function unlock($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM `'.$this->tableName.'` WHERE uri = ? AND token = ?');
+ $stmt->execute(array($uri,$lockInfo->token));
+ return $stmt->rowCount()===1;
+ }
diff --git a/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/LockInfo.php b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/LockInfo.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a064466f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/LockInfo.php
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * LockInfo class
+ *
+ * An object of the LockInfo class holds all the information relevant to a
+ * single lock.
+ *
+ * @package Sabre
+ * @subpackage DAV
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved.
+ * @author Evert Pot (
+ * @license Modified BSD License
+ */
+class Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo {
+ /**
+ * A shared lock
+ */
+ const SHARED = 1;
+ /**
+ * An exclusive lock
+ */
+ const EXCLUSIVE = 2;
+ /**
+ * A never expiring timeout
+ */
+ const TIMEOUT_INFINITE = -1;
+ /**
+ * The owner of the lock
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ public $owner;
+ /**
+ * The locktoken
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ public $token;
+ /**
+ * How long till the lock is expiring
+ *
+ * @var int
+ */
+ public $timeout;
+ /**
+ * UNIX Timestamp of when this lock was created
+ *
+ * @var int
+ */
+ public $created;
+ /**
+ * Exclusive or shared lock
+ *
+ * @var int
+ */
+ public $scope = self::EXCLUSIVE;
+ /**
+ * Depth of lock, can be 0 or Sabre_DAV_Server::DEPTH_INFINITY
+ */
+ public $depth = 0;
+ /**
+ * The uri this lock locks
+ *
+ * TODO: This value is not always set
+ * @var mixed
+ */
+ public $uri;
diff --git a/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..461e2847e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+ * Locking plugin
+ *
+ * This plugin provides locking support to a WebDAV server.
+ * The easiest way to get started, is by hooking it up as such:
+ *
+ * $lockBackend = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_File('./mylockdb');
+ * $lockPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Plugin($lockBackend);
+ * $server->addPlugin($lockPlugin);
+ *
+ * @package Sabre
+ * @subpackage DAV
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved.
+ * @author Evert Pot (
+ * @license Modified BSD License
+ */
+class Sabre_DAV_Locks_Plugin extends Sabre_DAV_ServerPlugin {
+ /**
+ * locksBackend
+ *
+ * @var Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_Abstract
+ */
+ private $locksBackend;
+ /**
+ * server
+ *
+ * @var Sabre_DAV_Server
+ */
+ private $server;
+ /**
+ * __construct
+ *
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_Abstract $locksBackend
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function __construct(Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_Abstract $locksBackend = null) {
+ $this->locksBackend = $locksBackend;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes the plugin
+ *
+ * This method is automatically called by the Server class after addPlugin.
+ *
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Server $server
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function initialize(Sabre_DAV_Server $server) {
+ $this->server = $server;
+ $server->subscribeEvent('unknownMethod',array($this,'unknownMethod'));
+ $server->subscribeEvent('beforeMethod',array($this,'beforeMethod'),50);
+ $server->subscribeEvent('afterGetProperties',array($this,'afterGetProperties'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a plugin name.
+ *
+ * Using this name other plugins will be able to access other plugins
+ * using Sabre_DAV_Server::getPlugin
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getPluginName() {
+ return 'locks';
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called by the Server if the user used an HTTP method
+ * the server didn't recognize.
+ *
+ * This plugin intercepts the LOCK and UNLOCK methods.
+ *
+ * @param string $method
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function unknownMethod($method, $uri) {
+ switch($method) {
+ case 'LOCK' : $this->httpLock($uri); return false;
+ case 'UNLOCK' : $this->httpUnlock($uri); return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called after most properties have been found
+ * it allows us to add in any Lock-related properties
+ *
+ * @param string $path
+ * @param array $properties
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function afterGetProperties($path,&$newProperties) {
+ foreach($newProperties[404] as $propName=>$discard) {
+ $node = null;
+ switch($propName) {
+ case '{DAV:}supportedlock' :
+ $val = false;
+ if ($this->locksBackend) $val = true;
+ else {
+ if (!$node) $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($path);
+ if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_ILockable) $val = true;
+ }
+ $newProperties[200][$propName] = new Sabre_DAV_Property_SupportedLock($val);
+ unset($newProperties[404][$propName]);
+ break;
+ case '{DAV:}lockdiscovery' :
+ $newProperties[200][$propName] = new Sabre_DAV_Property_LockDiscovery($this->getLocks($path));
+ unset($newProperties[404][$propName]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called before the logic for any HTTP method is
+ * handled.
+ *
+ * This plugin uses that feature to intercept access to locked resources.
+ *
+ * @param string $method
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function beforeMethod($method, $uri) {
+ switch($method) {
+ case 'DELETE' :
+ $lastLock = null;
+ if (!$this->validateLock($uri,$lastLock, true))
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Locked($lastLock);
+ break;
+ case 'MKCOL' :
+ case 'PROPPATCH' :
+ case 'PUT' :
+ $lastLock = null;
+ if (!$this->validateLock($uri,$lastLock))
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Locked($lastLock);
+ break;
+ case 'MOVE' :
+ $lastLock = null;
+ if (!$this->validateLock(array(
+ $uri,
+ $this->server->calculateUri($this->server->httpRequest->getHeader('Destination')),
+ ),$lastLock, true))
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Locked($lastLock);
+ break;
+ case 'COPY' :
+ $lastLock = null;
+ if (!$this->validateLock(
+ $this->server->calculateUri($this->server->httpRequest->getHeader('Destination')),
+ $lastLock, true))
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Locked($lastLock);
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use this method to tell the server this plugin defines additional
+ * HTTP methods.
+ *
+ * This method is passed a uri. It should only return HTTP methods that are
+ * available for the specified uri.
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getHTTPMethods($uri) {
+ if ($this->locksBackend ||
+ $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($uri) instanceof Sabre_DAV_ILocks) {
+ return array('LOCK','UNLOCK');
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of features for the HTTP OPTIONS Dav: header.
+ *
+ * In this case this is only the number 2. The 2 in the Dav: header
+ * indicates the server supports locks.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getFeatures() {
+ return array(2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns all lock information on a particular uri
+ *
+ * This function should return an array with Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo objects. If there are no locks on a file, return an empty array.
+ *
+ * Additionally there is also the possibility of locks on parent nodes, so we'll need to traverse every part of the tree
+ * If the $returnChildLocks argument is set to true, we'll also traverse all the children of the object
+ * for any possible locks and return those as well.
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param bool $returnChildLocks
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getLocks($uri, $returnChildLocks = false) {
+ $lockList = array();
+ $currentPath = '';
+ foreach(explode('/',$uri) as $uriPart) {
+ $uriLocks = array();
+ if ($currentPath) $currentPath.='/';
+ $currentPath.=$uriPart;
+ try {
+ $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($currentPath);
+ if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_ILockable) $uriLocks = $node->getLocks();
+ } catch (Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound $e){
+ // In case the node didn't exist, this could be a lock-null request
+ }
+ foreach($uriLocks as $uriLock) {
+ // Unless we're on the leaf of the uri-tree we should ignore locks with depth 0
+ if($uri==$currentPath || $uriLock->depth!=0) {
+ $uriLock->uri = $currentPath;
+ $lockList[] = $uriLock;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($this->locksBackend)
+ $lockList = array_merge($lockList,$this->locksBackend->getLocks($uri, $returnChildLocks));
+ return $lockList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Locks an uri
+ *
+ * The WebDAV lock request can be operated to either create a new lock on a file, or to refresh an existing lock
+ * If a new lock is created, a full XML body should be supplied, containing information about the lock such as the type
+ * of lock (shared or exclusive) and the owner of the lock
+ *
+ * If a lock is to be refreshed, no body should be supplied and there should be a valid If header containing the lock
+ *
+ * Additionally, a lock can be requested for a non-existant file. In these case we're obligated to create an empty file as per RFC4918:S7.3
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @return void
+ */
+ protected function httpLock($uri) {
+ $lastLock = null;
+ if (!$this->validateLock($uri,$lastLock)) {
+ // If the existing lock was an exclusive lock, we need to fail
+ if (!$lastLock || $lastLock->scope == Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo::EXCLUSIVE) {
+ //var_dump($lastLock);
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_ConflictingLock($lastLock);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($body = $this->server->httpRequest->getBody(true)) {
+ // This is a new lock request
+ $lockInfo = $this->parseLockRequest($body);
+ $lockInfo->depth = $this->server->getHTTPDepth();
+ $lockInfo->uri = $uri;
+ if($lastLock && $lockInfo->scope != Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo::SHARED) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_ConflictingLock($lastLock);
+ } elseif ($lastLock) {
+ // This must have been a lock refresh
+ $lockInfo = $lastLock;
+ // The resource could have been locked through another uri.
+ if ($uri!=$lockInfo->uri) $uri = $lockInfo->uri;
+ } else {
+ // There was neither a lock refresh nor a new lock request
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_BadRequest('An xml body is required for lock requests');
+ }
+ if ($timeout = $this->getTimeoutHeader()) $lockInfo->timeout = $timeout;
+ $newFile = false;
+ // If we got this far.. we should go check if this node actually exists. If this is not the case, we need to create it first
+ try {
+ $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
+ // We need to call the beforeWriteContent event for RFC3744
+ $this->server->broadcastEvent('beforeWriteContent',array($uri));
+ } catch (Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound $e) {
+ // It didn't, lets create it
+ $this->server->createFile($uri,fopen('php://memory','r'));
+ $newFile = true;
+ }
+ $this->lockNode($uri,$lockInfo);
+ $this->server->httpResponse->setHeader('Content-Type','application/xml; charset=utf-8');
+ $this->server->httpResponse->setHeader('Lock-Token','<opaquelocktoken:' . $lockInfo->token . '>');
+ $this->server->httpResponse->sendStatus($newFile?201:200);
+ $this->server->httpResponse->sendBody($this->generateLockResponse($lockInfo));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unlocks a uri
+ *
+ * This WebDAV method allows you to remove a lock from a node. The client should provide a valid locktoken through the Lock-token http header
+ * The server should return 204 (No content) on success
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @return void
+ */
+ protected function httpUnlock($uri) {
+ $lockToken = $this->server->httpRequest->getHeader('Lock-Token');
+ // If the locktoken header is not supplied, we need to throw a bad request exception
+ if (!$lockToken) throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_BadRequest('No lock token was supplied');
+ $locks = $this->getLocks($uri);
+ // Windows sometimes forgets to include < and > in the Lock-Token
+ // header
+ if ($lockToken[0]!=='<') $lockToken = '<' . $lockToken . '>';
+ foreach($locks as $lock) {
+ if ('<opaquelocktoken:' . $lock->token . '>' == $lockToken) {
+ $this->server->broadcastEvent('beforeUnlock',array($uri, $lock));
+ $this->unlockNode($uri,$lock);
+ $this->server->httpResponse->setHeader('Content-Length','0');
+ $this->server->httpResponse->sendStatus(204);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we got here, it means the locktoken was invalid
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_LockTokenMatchesRequestUri();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Locks a uri
+ *
+ * All the locking information is supplied in the lockInfo object. The object has a suggested timeout, but this can be safely ignored
+ * It is important that if the existing timeout is ignored, the property is overwritten, as this needs to be sent back to the client
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function lockNode($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ if (!$this->server->broadcastEvent('beforeLock',array($uri,$lockInfo))) return;
+ try {
+ $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
+ if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_ILockable) return $node->lock($lockInfo);
+ } catch (Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound $e) {
+ // In case the node didn't exist, this could be a lock-null request
+ }
+ if ($this->locksBackend) return $this->locksBackend->lock($uri,$lockInfo);
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_MethodNotAllowed('Locking support is not enabled for this resource. No Locking backend was found so if you didn\'t expect this error, please check your configuration.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unlocks a uri
+ *
+ * This method removes a lock from a uri. It is assumed all the supplied information is correct and verified
+ *
+ * @param string $uri
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function unlockNode($uri,Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ if (!$this->server->broadcastEvent('beforeUnlock',array($uri,$lockInfo))) return;
+ try {
+ $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
+ if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_ILockable) return $node->unlock($lockInfo);
+ } catch (Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound $e) {
+ // In case the node didn't exist, this could be a lock-null request
+ }
+ if ($this->locksBackend) return $this->locksBackend->unlock($uri,$lockInfo);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the contents of the HTTP Timeout header.
+ *
+ * The method formats the header into an integer.
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function getTimeoutHeader() {
+ $header = $this->server->httpRequest->getHeader('Timeout');
+ if ($header) {
+ if (stripos($header,'second-')===0) $header = (int)(substr($header,7));
+ else if (strtolower($header)=='infinite') $header=Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo::TIMEOUT_INFINITE;
+ else throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_BadRequest('Invalid HTTP timeout header');
+ } else {
+ $header = 0;
+ }
+ return $header;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates the response for successfull LOCK requests
+ *
+ * @param Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function generateLockResponse(Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo $lockInfo) {
+ $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0','utf-8');
+ $dom->formatOutput = true;
+ $prop = $dom->createElementNS('DAV:','d:prop');
+ $dom->appendChild($prop);
+ $lockDiscovery = $dom->createElementNS('DAV:','d:lockdiscovery');
+ $prop->appendChild($lockDiscovery);
+ $lockObj = new Sabre_DAV_Property_LockDiscovery(array($lockInfo),true);
+ $lockObj->serialize($this->server,$lockDiscovery);
+ return $dom->saveXML();
+ }
+ /**
+ * validateLock should be called when a write operation is about to happen
+ * It will check if the requested url is locked, and see if the correct lock tokens are passed
+ *
+ * @param mixed $urls List of relevant urls. Can be an array, a string or nothing at all for the current request uri
+ * @param mixed $lastLock This variable will be populated with the last checked lock object (Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo)
+ * @param bool $checkChildLocks If set to true, this function will also look for any locks set on child resources of the supplied urls. This is needed for for example deletion of entire trees.
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function validateLock($urls = null,&$lastLock = null, $checkChildLocks = false) {
+ if (is_null($urls)) {
+ $urls = array($this->server->getRequestUri());
+ } elseif (is_string($urls)) {
+ $urls = array($urls);
+ } elseif (!is_array($urls)) {
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception('The urls parameter should either be null, a string or an array');
+ }
+ $conditions = $this->getIfConditions();
+ // We're going to loop through the urls and make sure all lock conditions are satisfied
+ foreach($urls as $url) {
+ $locks = $this->getLocks($url, $checkChildLocks);
+ // If there were no conditions, but there were locks, we fail
+ if (!$conditions && $locks) {
+ reset($locks);
+ $lastLock = current($locks);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If there were no locks or conditions, we go to the next url
+ if (!$locks && !$conditions) continue;
+ foreach($conditions as $condition) {
+ if (!$condition['uri']) {
+ $conditionUri = $this->server->getRequestUri();
+ } else {
+ $conditionUri = $this->server->calculateUri($condition['uri']);
+ }
+ // If the condition has a url, and it isn't part of the affected url at all, check the next condition
+ if ($conditionUri && strpos($url,$conditionUri)!==0) continue;
+ // The tokens array contians arrays with 2 elements. 0=true/false for normal/not condition, 1=locktoken
+ // At least 1 condition has to be satisfied
+ foreach($condition['tokens'] as $conditionToken) {
+ $etagValid = true;
+ $lockValid = true;
+ // key 2 can contain an etag
+ if ($conditionToken[2]) {
+ $uri = $conditionUri?$conditionUri:$this->server->getRequestUri();
+ $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
+ $etagValid = $node->getETag()==$conditionToken[2];
+ }
+ // key 1 can contain a lock token
+ if ($conditionToken[1]) {
+ $lockValid = false;
+ // Match all the locks
+ foreach($locks as $lockIndex=>$lock) {
+ $lockToken = 'opaquelocktoken:' . $lock->token;
+ // Checking NOT
+ if (!$conditionToken[0] && $lockToken != $conditionToken[1]) {
+ // Condition valid, onto the next
+ $lockValid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($conditionToken[0] && $lockToken == $conditionToken[1]) {
+ $lastLock = $lock;
+ // Condition valid and lock matched
+ unset($locks[$lockIndex]);
+ $lockValid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If, after checking both etags and locks they are stil valid,
+ // we can continue with the next condition.
+ if ($etagValid && $lockValid) continue 2;
+ }
+ // No conditions matched, so we fail
+ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_PreconditionFailed('The tokens provided in the if header did not match','If');
+ }
+ // Conditions were met, we'll also need to check if all the locks are gone
+ if (count($locks)) {
+ reset($locks);
+ // There's still locks, we fail
+ $lastLock = current($locks);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // We got here, this means every condition was satisfied
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is created to extract information from the WebDAV HTTP 'If:' header
+ *
+ * The If header can be quite complex, and has a bunch of features. We're using a regex to extract all relevant information
+ * The function will return an array, containg structs with the following keys
+ *
+ * * uri - the uri the condition applies to. If this is returned as an
+ * empty string, this implies it's referring to the request url.
+ * * tokens - The lock token. another 2 dimensional array containg 2 elements (0 = true/false.. If this is a negative condition its set to false, 1 = the actual token)
+ * * etag - an etag, if supplied
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function getIfConditions() {
+ $header = $this->server->httpRequest->getHeader('If');
+ if (!$header) return array();
+ $matches = array();
+ $regex = '/(?:\<(?P<uri>.*?)\>\s)?\((?P<not>Not\s)?(?:\<(?P<token>[^\>]*)\>)?(?:\s?)(?:\[(?P<etag>[^\]]*)\])?\)/im';
+ preg_match_all($regex,$header,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ $conditions = array();
+ foreach($matches as $match) {
+ $condition = array(
+ 'uri' => $match['uri'],
+ 'tokens' => array(
+ array($match['not']?0:1,$match['token'],isset($match['etag'])?$match['etag']:'')
+ ),
+ );
+ if (!$condition['uri'] && count($conditions)) $conditions[count($conditions)-1]['tokens'][] = array(
+ $match['not']?0:1,
+ $match['token'],
+ isset($match['etag'])?$match['etag']:''
+ );
+ else {
+ $conditions[] = $condition;
+ }
+ }
+ return $conditions;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses a webdav lock xml body, and returns a new Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo object
+ *
+ * @param string $body
+ * @return Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo
+ */
+ protected function parseLockRequest($body) {
+ $xml = simplexml_load_string($body,null,LIBXML_NOWARNING);
+ $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d','DAV:');
+ $lockInfo = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo();
+ $children = $xml->children("DAV:");
+ $lockInfo->owner = (string)$children->owner;
+ $lockInfo->token = Sabre_DAV_UUIDUtil::getUUID();
+ $lockInfo->scope = count($xml->xpath('d:lockscope/d:exclusive'))>0?Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo::EXCLUSIVE:Sabre_DAV_Locks_LockInfo::SHARED;
+ return $lockInfo;
+ }