diff options
authorMorris Jobke <>2017-03-16 13:03:41 -0600
committerGitHub <>2017-03-16 13:03:41 -0600
commitcd4ebe2777b268f916a5edbbbc49f65504a1e12b (patch)
parent2a9d1a7147b5494d2c8dda15a9ab4f74527b4a97 (diff)
parentb8ef61645522322486a055df40d3d773964de720 (diff)
Merge pull request #3008 from nextcloud/appmenu-experiment
Show apps in header
6 files changed, 438 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/core/css/header.scss b/core/css/header.scss
index 2b73937a3c4..2f0c1522b0b 100644
--- a/core/css/header.scss
+++ b/core/css/header.scss
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
height: 34px;
.header-appname-container {
- display: inline-block;
+ display: none;
padding-top: 22px;
padding-right: 10px;
flex-shrink: 0;
@@ -181,29 +181,31 @@
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 300;
margin: 0;
- margin-top: -27px;
+ margin-top: -26px;
padding: 7px 0 7px 5px;
vertical-align: middle;
/* do not show menu toggle on public share links as there is no menu */
#body-public #header .icon-caret {
display: none;
/* NAVIGATION --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+nav {
+ margin-top: auto;
#navigation {
- position: fixed;
+ position: relative;
top: 45px;
- left: 10px;
+ left: -100%;
width: 265px;
max-height: 85%;
margin-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 10px;
- background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.97);
- box-shadow: 0 1px 10px rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.75);
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .97);
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 10px rgba(150, 150, 150, .75);
border-radius: 3px;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
@@ -212,7 +214,48 @@
z-index: 2000;
&:after {
left: 47%;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ border: solid transparent;
+ content: ' ';
+ height: 0;
+ width: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ border-bottom-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .97);
+ border-width: 9px;
+ margin-left: -9px;
+/* arrow look */
+#expanddiv:after {
+ bottom: 100%;
+ border: solid transparent;
+ content: ' ';
+ height: 0;
+ width: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ border-bottom-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .97);
+ border-width: 10px;
+ margin-left: -10px;
+/* position of dropdown arrow */
+#navigation:after {
+ left: 242px;
+#expanddiv:after {
+ right: 15px;
+#navigation {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
@@ -307,6 +350,9 @@
#apps {
max-height: calc(100vh - 100px);
overflow: auto;
+ .in-header {
+ display: none;
+ }
/* USER MENU -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -375,7 +421,7 @@
z-index: 2000;
display: none;
background: rgb(255, 255, 255);
- box-shadow: 0 1px 10px rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.75);
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 10px rgba(150, 150, 150, .75);
border-radius: 3px;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
@@ -405,3 +451,140 @@
+/* do not show display name when profile picture is present */
+#header {
+ .avatardiv.avatardiv-shown + #expandDisplayName {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ #expand {
+ display: block;
+ }
+#appmenu {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ clear: both;
+ height: 44px;
+ li {
+ float: left;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: top !important;
+ height: 20px;
+ padding: 12px;
+ a {
+ opacity: 0.6;
+ margin: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: top !important;
+ position: relative;
+ height: 44px;
+ }
+ }
+ li:hover a,
+ li {
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+ li img,
+ .icon-more-white {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ }
+ li span {
+ display: none;
+ position: absolute;
+ overflow: visible;
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .97);
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ border: none;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+ -moz-border-radius: 3px;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .6);
+ width: auto;
+ left: 50%;
+ top: 31px;
+ transform: translateX(-50%);
+ padding: 4px 10px;
+ -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(150, 150, 150, .75));
+ -moz-filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(150, 150, 150, .75));
+ -ms-filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(150, 150, 150, .75));
+ -o-filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(150, 150, 150, .75));
+ filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(150, 150, 150, .75));
+ }
+ li:hover span {
+ display: inline-block;
+ }
+ li:hover a:before,
+ li {
+ content: ' ';
+ height: 0;
+ width: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ border: 0 solid transparent;
+ border-bottom-color: white;
+ border-width: 10px;
+ transform: translateX(-50%);
+ left: 50%;
+ top: 12px;
+ z-index: 100;
+ display: block;
+ }
+ &.menu-open li:hover a:before,
+ &.menu-open li,
+ &.menu-open li:hover span {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+ /* do not show active indicator when hovering other icons */
+ &:hover li:not(:hover) a:before {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ li.hidden {
+ display: none;
+ }
+/* use popover menu on mobile and small screens */
+@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
+ #header .header-appname-container {
+ display: inline-block !important;
+ }
+ #appmenu {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ #apps .in-header {
+ display: inline-block;
+ }
+ #navigation {
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 45px;
+ left: 10px;
+ &:after {
+ left: 214px;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/js/js.js b/core/js/js.js
index 6fd66c9c9bb..c8907cdfc90 100644
--- a/core/js/js.js
+++ b/core/js/js.js
@@ -1369,6 +1369,10 @@ function initCore() {
* If the screen is bigger, the main menu is not a toggle any more.
function setupMainMenu() {
+ // init the more-apps menu
+ OC.registerMenu($('#more-apps'), $('#navigation'));
// toggle the navigation
var $toggle = $('#header .header-appname-container');
var $navigation = $('#navigation');
@@ -1438,13 +1442,20 @@ function initCore() {
// move triangle of apps dropdown to align with app name triangle
// 2 is the additional offset between the triangles
if($('#navigation').length) {
- $('#header #nextcloud + .menutoggle').one('click', function(){
+ $('#header #nextcloud + .menutoggle').on('click', function(){
+ $('#menu-css-helper').remove();
var caretPosition = $('.header-appname + .icon-caret').offset().left - 2;
if(caretPosition > 255) {
// if the app name is longer than the menu, just put the triangle in the middle
} else {
- $('head').append('<style>#navigation:after { left: '+ caretPosition +'px; }</style>');
+ $('head').append('<style id="menu-css-helper">#navigation:after { left: '+ caretPosition +'px; }</style>');
+ }
+ });
+ $('#header #appmenu .menutoggle').on('click', function() {
+ $('#appmenu').toggleClass('menu-open');
+ if($('#appmenu').is(':visible')) {
+ $('#menu-css-helper').remove();
diff --git a/core/templates/layout.user.php b/core/templates/layout.user.php
index e9a9b042e07..3cfb88bf423 100644
--- a/core/templates/layout.user.php
+++ b/core/templates/layout.user.php
@@ -58,9 +58,88 @@
<div class="icon-caret"></div>
+ <div id="appmenu">
+ <ul>
+ <?php $headerIconCount = 8; ?>
+ <?php foreach($_['headernavigation'] as $entry): ?>
+ <li data-id="<?php p($entry['id']); ?>">
+ <a href="<?php print_unescaped($entry['href']); ?>" tabindex="3"
+ <?php if( $entry['active'] ): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>>
+ <img src="<?php print_unescaped($entry['icon'] . '?v=' . $_['versionHash']); ?>" class="app-icon" />
+ <div class="icon-loading-dark" style="display:none;"></div>
+ <span>
+ <?php p($entry['name']); ?>
+ </span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+ <li id="more-apps" class="menutoggle<?php if (!(count($_['navigation']) > $headerIconCount || (OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser()) && count($_['navigation'])>=$headerIconCount))): ?> hidden<?php endif; ?>">
+ <a href="#">
+ <div class="icon-more-white"></div>
+ <span><?php p($l->t('More apps')); ?></span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <?php if(OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser())): ?>
+ <li id="apps-management" <?php if(count($_['navigation'])>$headerIconCount-1): ?>class="hidden"<?php endif; ?>>
+ <a href="<?php print_unescaped(\OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('settings.AppSettings.viewApps')); ?>" tabindex="4"
+ <?php if( $_['appsmanagement_active'] ): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>>
+ <img src="<?php print_unescaped(image_path('settings', 'apps.svg') . '?v=' . $_['versionHash']); ?>" />
+ <div class="icon-loading-dark" style="display:none;"></div>
+ <span><?php p($l->t('Apps')); ?></span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <nav role="navigation"><div id="navigation">
+ <div id="apps">
+ <ul>
+ <?php foreach($_['navigation'] as $entry): ?>
+ <?php if($entry['showInHeader']): ?>
+ <li data-id="<?php p($entry['id']); ?>" class="in-header">
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <li data-id="<?php p($entry['id']); ?>">
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <a href="<?php print_unescaped($entry['href']); ?>" tabindex="3"
+ <?php if( $entry['active'] ): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>>
+ <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
+ <defs><filter id="invert"><feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0"></feColorMatrix></filter></defs>
+ <image x="0" y="0" width="32" height="32" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" filter="url(#invert)" xlink:href="<?php print_unescaped($entry['icon'] . '?v=' . $_['versionHash']); ?>" class="app-icon"></image>
+ </svg>
+ <div class="icon-loading-dark" style="display:none;"></div>
+ <span>
+ <?php p($entry['name']); ?>
+ </span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+ <?php
+ /* show "More apps" link to app administration directly in app navigation, as last entry */
+ if(OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser())):
+ ?>
+ <li id="apps-management">
+ <a href="<?php print_unescaped(\OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('settings.AppSettings.viewApps')); ?>" tabindex="4"
+ <?php if( $_['appsmanagement_active'] ): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>>
+ <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" class="app-icon">
+ <defs><filter id="invert"><feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0"></feColorMatrix></filter></defs>
+ <image x="0" y="0" width="32" height="32" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" filter="url(#invert)" xlink:href="<?php print_unescaped(image_path('settings', 'apps.svg') . '?v=' . $_['versionHash']); ?>"></image>
+ </svg>
+ <div class="icon-loading-dark" style="display:none;"></div>
+ <span>
+ <?php p($l->t('Apps')); ?>
+ </span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div></nav>
- <div id="logo-claim" style="display:none;"><?php p($theme->getLogoClaim()); ?></div>
<div id="header-right">
<form class="searchbox" action="#" method="post" role="search" novalidate>
<label for="searchbox" class="hidden-visually">
@@ -102,52 +181,12 @@
- <nav role="navigation"><div id="navigation">
- <div id="apps">
- <ul>
- <?php foreach($_['navigation'] as $entry): ?>
- <li data-id="<?php p($entry['id']); ?>">
- <a href="<?php print_unescaped($entry['href']); ?>" tabindex="3"
- <?php if( $entry['active'] ): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>>
- <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
- <defs><filter id="invert"><feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0"></feColorMatrix></filter></defs>
- <image x="0" y="0" width="32" height="32" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" filter="url(#invert)" xlink:href="<?php print_unescaped($entry['icon'] . '?v=' . $_['versionHash']); ?>" class="app-icon"></image>
- </svg>
- <div class="icon-loading-dark" style="display:none;"></div>
- <span>
- <?php p($entry['name']); ?>
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- <?php
- /* show "More apps" link to app administration directly in app navigation, as last entry */
- if(OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser())):
- ?>
- <li id="apps-management">
- <a href="<?php print_unescaped(\OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('settings.AppSettings.viewApps')); ?>" tabindex="4"
- <?php if( $_['appsmanagement_active'] ): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>>
- <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" class="app-icon">
- <defs><filter id="invert"><feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0"></feColorMatrix></filter></defs>
- <image x="0" y="0" width="32" height="32" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" filter="url(#invert)" xlink:href="<?php print_unescaped(image_path('settings', 'apps.svg') . '?v=' . $_['versionHash']); ?>"></image>
- </svg>
- <div class="icon-loading-dark" style="display:none;"></div>
- <span>
- <?php p($l->t('Apps')); ?>
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div></nav>
<div id="sudo-login-background" class="hidden"></div>
<form id="sudo-login-form" class="hidden">
<?php p($l->t('This action requires you to confirm your password:')); ?><br>
diff --git a/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php b/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php
index ccd53c9cafa..3f8c75adc84 100644
--- a/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php
+++ b/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ class TemplateLayout extends \OC_Template {
$this->assign( 'appid', $appId );
$navigation = \OC_App::getNavigation();
$this->assign( 'navigation', $navigation);
+ $navigation = \OC_App::getHeaderNavigation();
+ $this->assign( 'headernavigation', $navigation);
$settingsNavigation = \OC_App::getSettingsNavigation();
$this->assign( 'settingsnavigation', $settingsNavigation);
foreach($navigation as $entry) {
diff --git a/lib/private/legacy/app.php b/lib/private/legacy/app.php
index f89f32f069a..c82d620882d 100644
--- a/lib/private/legacy/app.php
+++ b/lib/private/legacy/app.php
@@ -529,25 +529,76 @@ class OC_App {
// This is private as well. It simply works, so don't ask for more details
private static function proceedNavigation($list) {
+ $headerIconCount = 8;
+ if(OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser())) {
+ $headerIconCount--;
+ }
+ usort($list, function($a, $b) {
+ if (isset($a['order']) && isset($b['order'])) {
+ return ($a['order'] < $b['order']) ? -1 : 1;
+ } else if (isset($a['order']) || isset($b['order'])) {
+ return isset($a['order']) ? -1 : 1;
+ } else {
+ return ($a['name'] < $b['name']) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ });
+ $activeAppIndex = -1;
$activeApp = OC::$server->getNavigationManager()->getActiveEntry();
- foreach ($list as &$navEntry) {
+ foreach ($list as $index => &$navEntry) {
if ($navEntry['id'] == $activeApp) {
$navEntry['active'] = true;
+ $activeAppIndex = $index;
} else {
$navEntry['active'] = false;
- usort($list, function($a, $b) {
- if (isset($a['order']) && isset($b['order'])) {
- return ($a['order'] < $b['order']) ? -1 : 1;
- } else if (isset($a['order']) || isset($b['order'])) {
- return isset($a['order']) ? -1 : 1;
+ if($activeAppIndex > ($headerIconCount-1)) {
+ $active = $list[$activeAppIndex];
+ $lastInHeader = $list[$headerIconCount-1];
+ $list[$headerIconCount-1] = $active;
+ $list[$activeAppIndex] = $lastInHeader;
+ }
+ foreach ($list as $index => &$navEntry) {
+ $navEntry['showInHeader'] = false;
+ if($index < $headerIconCount) {
+ $navEntry['showInHeader'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return $list;
+ }
+ public static function proceedAppNavigation($entries) {
+ $headerIconCount = 8;
+ if(OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser())) {
+ $headerIconCount--;
+ }
+ $activeAppIndex = -1;
+ $list = self::proceedNavigation($entries);
+ $activeApp = OC::$server->getNavigationManager()->getActiveEntry();
+ foreach ($list as $index => &$navEntry) {
+ if ($navEntry['id'] == $activeApp) {
+ $navEntry['active'] = true;
+ $activeAppIndex = $index;
} else {
- return ($a['name'] < $b['name']) ? -1 : 1;
+ $navEntry['active'] = false;
- });
+ }
+ // move active item to last position
+ if($activeAppIndex > ($headerIconCount-1)) {
+ $active = $list[$activeAppIndex];
+ $lastInHeader = $list[$headerIconCount-1];
+ $list[$headerIconCount-1] = $active;
+ $list[$activeAppIndex] = $lastInHeader;
+ }
+ $list = array_slice($list, 0, $headerIconCount);
return $list;
@@ -742,6 +793,22 @@ class OC_App {
+ * Returns the navigation inside the header bar
+ *
+ * @return array
+ *
+ * This function returns an array containing all entries added. The
+ * entries are sorted by the key 'order' ascending. Additional to the keys
+ * given for each app the following keys exist:
+ * - active: boolean, signals if the user is on this navigation entry
+ */
+ public static function getHeaderNavigation() {
+ $entries = OC::$server->getNavigationManager()->getAll();
+ $navigation = self::proceedAppNavigation($entries);
+ return $navigation;
+ }
+ /**
* get the id of loaded app
* @return string
diff --git a/settings/js/apps.js b/settings/js/apps.js
index b73b4a35b3f..8be18c4e9c0 100644
--- a/settings/js/apps.js
+++ b/settings/js/apps.js
@@ -451,22 +451,39 @@ OC.Settings.Apps = OC.Settings.Apps || {
rebuildNavigation: function() {
$.getJSON(OC.filePath('settings', 'ajax', 'navigationdetect.php')).done(function(response){
- if(response.status === 'success'){
- var idsToKeep = {};
- var navEntries=response.nav_entries;
+ if(response.status === 'success') {
+ var addedApps = {};
+ var navEntries = response.nav_entries;
var container = $('#apps ul');
- for(var i=0; i< navEntries.length; i++){
+ // remove disabled apps
+ for (var i = 0; i < navEntries.length; i++) {
var entry = navEntries[i];
- idsToKeep[] = true;
+ if(container.children('li[data-id="' + + '"]').length === 0) {
+ addedApps[] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ container.children('li[data-id]').each(function (index, el) {
+ var id = $(el).data('id');
+ // remove all apps that are not in the correct order
+ if ((navEntries[index] && navEntries[index].id !== $(el).data('id'))) {
+ $(el).remove();
+ $('#appmenu li[data-id='+id+']').remove();
+ }
+ });
- if(container.children('li[data-id="''"]').length === 0){
- var li=$('<li></li>');
+ var previousEntry;
+ // add enabled apps to #navigation and #appmenu
+ for (var i = 0; i < navEntries.length; i++) {
+ var entry = navEntries[i];
+ if (container.children('li[data-id="' + + '"]').length === 0) {
+ var li = $('<li></li>');
var img = '<svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32">';
img += '<defs><filter id="invert"><feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0" /></filter></defs>';
img += '<image x="0" y="0" width="32" height="32" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" filter="url(#invert)" xlink:href="' + entry.icon + '" class="app-icon" /></svg>';
- var a=$('<a></a>').attr('href', entry.href);
- var filename=$('<span></span>');
+ var a = $('<a></a>').attr('href', entry.href);
+ var filename = $('<span></span>');
var loading = $('<div class="icon-loading-dark"></div>').css('display', 'none');
@@ -474,33 +491,61 @@ OC.Settings.Apps = OC.Settings.Apps || {
- // append the new app as last item in the list
- // which is the "add apps" entry with the id
- // #apps-management
- $('#apps-management').before(li);
- // scroll the app navigation down
- // so the newly added app is seen
- $('#navigation').animate({
- scrollTop: $('#navigation').height()
- }, 'slow');
+ $('#navigation li[data-id=' + + ']').after(li);
// draw attention to the newly added app entry
// by flashing it twice
- $('#header .menutoggle')
- .animate({opacity: 0.5})
- .animate({opacity: 1})
- .animate({opacity: 0.5})
- .animate({opacity: 1})
- .animate({opacity: 0.75});
+ if(addedApps[]) {
+ $('#header .menutoggle')
+ .animate({opacity: 0.5})
+ .animate({opacity: 1})
+ .animate({opacity: 0.5})
+ .animate({opacity: 1})
+ .animate({opacity: 0.75});
+ }
- }
- container.children('li[data-id]').each(function(index, el) {
- if (!idsToKeep[$(el).data('id')]) {
- $(el).remove();
+ if ($('#appmenu ul').children('li[data-id="' + + '"]').length === 0) {
+ // add apps to #appmenu until it is full
+ if ($('#appmenu li').not('.hidden').length < 8) {
+ var li = $('<li></li>');
+ li.attr('data-id',;
+ var img = '<img src="' + entry.icon + '" class="app-icon">';
+ var a = $('<a></a>').attr('href', entry.href);
+ var filename = $('<span></span>');
+ var loading = $('<div class="icon-loading-dark"></div>').css('display', 'none');
+ filename.text(;
+ a.prepend(filename);
+ a.prepend(loading);
+ a.prepend(img);
+ li.append(a);
+ $('#appmenu li[data-id='+']').after(li);
+ if(addedApps[]) {
+ li.animate({opacity: 0.5})
+ .animate({opacity: 1})
+ .animate({opacity: 0.5})
+ .animate({opacity: 1});
+ }
+ }
- });
+ previousEntry = entry;
+ // do not show apps from #appmenu in #navigation
+ if(i < 7) {
+ $('#navigation li').eq(i).addClass('in-header');
+ } else {
+ $('#navigation li').eq(i).removeClass('in-header');
+ }
+ }
+ if (navEntries.length > 7) {
+ $('#more-apps').show();
+ $('#apps-management').hide();
+ } else {
+ $('#more-apps').hide();
+ $('#apps-management').show();
+ }