diff options
authorThomas Müller <>2015-07-29 18:09:23 +0200
committerThomas Müller <>2015-07-29 23:12:59 +0200
commit114f128fc302cb65a85937e197d2ff2215e8164c (patch)
parentaff11d7a790d5c67b712eb947c9642c32cbc6fdd (diff)
Moving mysql setup code over to Doctrine
5 files changed, 109 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/lib/private/setup.php b/lib/private/setup.php
index 870480feaa0..c862429fd2a 100644
--- a/lib/private/setup.php
+++ b/lib/private/setup.php
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class Setup {
$class = self::$dbSetupClasses[$dbType];
/** @var \OC\Setup\AbstractDatabase $dbSetup */
- $dbSetup = new $class($l, 'db_structure.xml');
+ $dbSetup = new $class($l, 'db_structure.xml', $this->config);
$error = array_merge($error, $dbSetup->validate($options));
// validate the data directory
diff --git a/lib/private/setup/abstractdatabase.php b/lib/private/setup/abstractdatabase.php
index 13daf1782fc..928af0568b5 100644
--- a/lib/private/setup/abstractdatabase.php
+++ b/lib/private/setup/abstractdatabase.php
@@ -22,22 +22,31 @@
namespace OC\Setup;
+use OCP\IConfig;
abstract class AbstractDatabase {
- /**
- * @var \OC_L10N
- */
+ /** @var \OC_L10N */
protected $trans;
+ /** @var string */
protected $dbDefinitionFile;
- protected $dbuser;
- protected $dbpassword;
- protected $dbname;
- protected $dbhost;
- protected $tableprefix;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $dbUser;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $dbPassword;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $dbName;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $dbHost;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $tablePrefix;
+ /** @var IConfig */
+ protected $config;
- public function __construct($trans, $dbDefinitionFile) {
+ public function __construct($trans, $dbDefinitionFile, IConfig $config) {
$this->trans = $trans;
$this->dbDefinitionFile = $dbDefinitionFile;
+ $this->config = $config;
public function validate($config) {
@@ -67,11 +76,11 @@ abstract class AbstractDatabase {
'dbtableprefix' => $dbTablePrefix,
- $this->dbuser = $dbUser;
- $this->dbpassword = $dbPass;
- $this->dbname = $dbName;
- $this->dbhost = $dbHost;
- $this->tableprefix = $dbTablePrefix;
+ $this->dbUser = $dbUser;
+ $this->dbPassword = $dbPass;
+ $this->dbName = $dbName;
+ $this->dbHost = $dbHost;
+ $this->tablePrefix = $dbTablePrefix;
abstract public function setupDatabase($userName);
diff --git a/lib/private/setup/mysql.php b/lib/private/setup/mysql.php
index 9cf102393b8..906b9f1b6c5 100644
--- a/lib/private/setup/mysql.php
+++ b/lib/private/setup/mysql.php
@@ -23,21 +23,19 @@
namespace OC\Setup;
+use OC\DB\ConnectionFactory;
class MySQL extends AbstractDatabase {
public $dbprettyname = 'MySQL/MariaDB';
public function setupDatabase($username) {
//check if the database user has admin right
- $connection = @mysql_connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword);
- if(!$connection) {
- throw new \OC\DatabaseSetupException($this->trans->t('MySQL/MariaDB username and/or password not valid'),
- $this->trans->t('You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator.'));
- }
+ $connection = $this->connect();
//user already specified in config
$oldUser=\OC_Config::getValue('dbuser', false);
//we don't have a dbuser specified in config
- if($this->dbuser!=$oldUser) {
+ if($this->dbUser!=$oldUser) {
//add prefix to the admin username to prevent collisions
$adminUser=substr('oc_'.$username, 0, 16);
@@ -45,18 +43,18 @@ class MySQL extends AbstractDatabase {
while(true) {
//this should be enough to check for admin rights in mysql
$query="SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user='$adminUser'";
- $result = mysql_query($query, $connection);
+ $result = $connection->executeQuery($query);
//current dbuser has admin rights
if($result) {
+ $data = $result->fetchAll();
//new dbuser does not exist
- if(mysql_num_rows($result) === 0) {
+ if(count($data) === 0) {
//use the admin login data for the new database user
- $this->dbuser=$adminUser;
+ $this->dbUser=$adminUser;
//create a random password so we don't need to store the admin password in the config file
- $this->dbpassword=\OC_Util::generateRandomBytes(30);
+ $this->dbPassword=\OC_Util::generateRandomBytes(30);
@@ -73,8 +71,8 @@ class MySQL extends AbstractDatabase {
- 'dbuser' => $this->dbuser,
- 'dbpassword' => $this->dbpassword,
+ 'dbuser' => $this->dbUser,
+ 'dbpassword' => $this->dbPassword,
@@ -83,50 +81,57 @@ class MySQL extends AbstractDatabase {
//fill the database if needed
$query='select count(*) from information_schema.tables'
- ." where table_schema='".$this->dbname."' AND table_name = '".$this->tableprefix."users';";
- $result = mysql_query($query, $connection);
- if($result) {
- $row=mysql_fetch_row($result);
- }
+ ." where table_schema='".$this->dbName."' AND table_name = '".$this->tablePrefix."users';";
+ $result = $connection->executeQuery($query);
+ $row = $result->fetch();
if(!$result or $row[0]==0) {
- mysql_close($connection);
+ /**
+ * @param \OC\DB\Connection $connection
+ */
private function createDatabase($connection) {
- $name = $this->dbname;
- $user = $this->dbuser;
+ $name = $this->dbName;
+ $user = $this->dbUser;
//we cant use OC_BD functions here because we need to connect as the administrative user.
- $result = mysql_query($query, $connection);
- if(!$result) {
- $entry = $this->trans->t('DB Error: "%s"', array(mysql_error($connection))) . '<br />';
- $entry .= $this->trans->t('Offending command was: "%s"', array($query)) . '<br />';
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('setup.mysql', $entry, \OCP\Util::WARN);
- }
- $query="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `$name` . * TO '$user'";
+ $connection->executeUpdate($query);
//this query will fail if there aren't the right permissions, ignore the error
- mysql_query($query, $connection);
+ $query="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `$name` . * TO '$user'";
+ $connection->executeUpdate($query);
+ /**
+ * @param \OC\DB\Connection $connection
+ * @throws \OC\DatabaseSetupException
+ */
private function createDBUser($connection) {
- $name = $this->dbuser;
- $password = $this->dbpassword;
+ $name = $this->dbUser;
+ $password = $this->dbPassword;
// we need to create 2 accounts, one for global use and one for local user. if we don't specify the local one,
// the anonymous user would take precedence when there is one.
$query = "CREATE USER '$name'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$password'";
- $result = mysql_query($query, $connection);
- if (!$result) {
- throw new \OC\DatabaseSetupException($this->trans->t("MySQL/MariaDB user '%s'@'localhost' exists already.", array($name)),
- $this->trans->t("Drop this user from MySQL/MariaDB", array($name)));
- }
+ $connection->executeUpdate($query);
$query = "CREATE USER '$name'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$password'";
- $result = mysql_query($query, $connection);
- if (!$result) {
- throw new \OC\DatabaseSetupException($this->trans->t("MySQL/MariaDB user '%s'@'%%' already exists", array($name)),
- $this->trans->t("Drop this user from MySQL/MariaDB."));
- }
+ $connection->executeUpdate($query);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return \OC\DB\Connection
+ * @throws \OC\DatabaseSetupException
+ */
+ private function connect() {
+ $type = 'mysql';
+ $connectionParams = array(
+ 'host' => $this->dbHost,
+ 'user' => $this->dbUser,
+ 'password' => $this->dbPassword,
+ 'tablePrefix' => $this->tablePrefix,
+ );
+ $cf = new ConnectionFactory();
+ return $cf->getConnection($type, $connectionParams);
diff --git a/lib/private/setup/oci.php b/lib/private/setup/oci.php
index d46d5529da0..1e1eb1ff54e 100644
--- a/lib/private/setup/oci.php
+++ b/lib/private/setup/oci.php
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ class OCI extends AbstractDatabase {
$this->dbtablespace = 'USERS';
// allow empty hostname for oracle
- $this->dbhost = $config['dbhost'];
+ $this->dbHost = $config['dbhost'];
- 'dbhost' => $this->dbhost,
+ 'dbhost' => $this->dbHost,
'dbtablespace' => $this->dbtablespace,
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ class OCI extends AbstractDatabase {
public function setupDatabase($username) {
- $e_host = addslashes($this->dbhost);
- $e_dbname = addslashes($this->dbname);
+ $e_host = addslashes($this->dbHost);
+ $e_dbname = addslashes($this->dbName);
//check if the database user has admin right
if ($e_host == '') {
$easy_connect_string = $e_dbname; // use dbname as easy connect name
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class OCI extends AbstractDatabase {
$easy_connect_string = '//'.$e_host.'/'.$e_dbname;
\OCP\Util::writeLog('setup oracle', 'connect string: ' . $easy_connect_string, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
- $connection = @oci_connect($this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword, $easy_connect_string);
+ $connection = @oci_connect($this->dbUser, $this->dbPassword, $easy_connect_string);
if(!$connection) {
$errorMessage = $this->getLastError();
if ($errorMessage) {
@@ -103,23 +103,23 @@ class OCI extends AbstractDatabase {
//use the admin login data for the new database user
//add prefix to the oracle user name to prevent collisions
- $this->dbuser='oc_'.$username;
+ $this->dbUser='oc_'.$username;
//create a new password so we don't need to store the admin config in the config file
- $this->dbpassword=\OC_Util::generateRandomBytes(30);
+ $this->dbPassword=\OC_Util::generateRandomBytes(30);
//oracle passwords are treated as identifiers:
// must start with alphanumeric char
// needs to be shortened to 30 bytes, as the two " needed to escape the identifier count towards the identifier length.
- $this->dbpassword=substr($this->dbpassword, 0, 30);
+ $this->dbPassword=substr($this->dbPassword, 0, 30);
- 'dbuser' => $this->dbuser,
- 'dbname' => $this->dbname,
- 'dbpassword' => $this->dbpassword,
+ 'dbuser' => $this->dbUser,
+ 'dbname' => $this->dbName,
+ 'dbpassword' => $this->dbPassword,
//create the database not necessary, oracle implies user = schema
@@ -131,26 +131,26 @@ class OCI extends AbstractDatabase {
// connect to the oracle database (schema=$this->dbuser) an check if the schema needs to be filled
- $this->dbuser = \OC_Config::getValue('dbuser');
+ $this->dbUser = \OC_Config::getValue('dbuser');
//$this->dbname = \OC_Config::getValue('dbname');
- $this->dbpassword = \OC_Config::getValue('dbpassword');
+ $this->dbPassword = \OC_Config::getValue('dbpassword');
- $e_host = addslashes($this->dbhost);
- $e_dbname = addslashes($this->dbname);
+ $e_host = addslashes($this->dbHost);
+ $e_dbname = addslashes($this->dbName);
if ($e_host == '') {
$easy_connect_string = $e_dbname; // use dbname as easy connect name
} else {
$easy_connect_string = '//'.$e_host.'/'.$e_dbname;
- $connection = @oci_connect($this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword, $easy_connect_string);
+ $connection = @oci_connect($this->dbUser, $this->dbPassword, $easy_connect_string);
if(!$connection) {
throw new \OC\DatabaseSetupException($this->trans->t('Oracle username and/or password not valid'),
$this->trans->t('You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator.'));
$query = "SELECT count(*) FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = :un";
$stmt = oci_parse($connection, $query);
- $un = $this->tableprefix.'users';
+ $un = $this->tablePrefix.'users';
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':un', $un);
if (!$stmt) {
$entry = $this->trans->t('DB Error: "%s"', array($this->getLastError($connection))) . '<br />';
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ class OCI extends AbstractDatabase {
* @param resource $connection
private function createDBUser($connection) {
- $name = $this->dbuser;
- $password = $this->dbpassword;
+ $name = $this->dbUser;
+ $password = $this->dbPassword;
$query = "SELECT * FROM all_users WHERE USERNAME = :un";
$stmt = oci_parse($connection, $query);
if (!$stmt) {
diff --git a/lib/private/setup/postgresql.php b/lib/private/setup/postgresql.php
index c8fd3b98fe4..319b6676ef8 100644
--- a/lib/private/setup/postgresql.php
+++ b/lib/private/setup/postgresql.php
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ class PostgreSQL extends AbstractDatabase {
public $dbprettyname = 'PostgreSQL';
public function setupDatabase($username) {
- $e_host = addslashes($this->dbhost);
- $e_user = addslashes($this->dbuser);
- $e_password = addslashes($this->dbpassword);
+ $e_host = addslashes($this->dbHost);
+ $e_user = addslashes($this->dbUser);
+ $e_password = addslashes($this->dbPassword);
// Fix database with port connection
if(strpos($e_host, ':')) {
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class PostgreSQL extends AbstractDatabase {
$connection = @pg_connect($connection_string);
if(!$connection) {
// Try if we can connect to the DB with the specified name
- $e_dbname = addslashes($this->dbname);
+ $e_dbname = addslashes($this->dbName);
$connection_string = "host='$e_host' dbname='$e_dbname' user='$e_user' port='$port' password='$e_password'";
$connection = @pg_connect($connection_string);
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class PostgreSQL extends AbstractDatabase {
throw new \OC\DatabaseSetupException($this->trans->t('PostgreSQL username and/or password not valid'),
$this->trans->t('You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator.'));
- $e_user = pg_escape_string($this->dbuser);
+ $e_user = pg_escape_string($this->dbUser);
//check for roles creation rights in postgresql
$query="SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolcreaterole=TRUE AND rolname='$e_user'";
$result = pg_query($connection, $query);
@@ -59,16 +59,16 @@ class PostgreSQL extends AbstractDatabase {
//use the admin login data for the new database user
//add prefix to the postgresql user name to prevent collisions
- $this->dbuser='oc_'.$username;
+ $this->dbUser='oc_'.$username;
//create a new password so we don't need to store the admin config in the config file
- $this->dbpassword=\OC_Util::generateRandomBytes(30);
+ $this->dbPassword=\OC_Util::generateRandomBytes(30);
- 'dbuser' => $this->dbuser,
- 'dbpassword' => $this->dbpassword,
+ 'dbuser' => $this->dbUser,
+ 'dbpassword' => $this->dbPassword,
//create the database
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ class PostgreSQL extends AbstractDatabase {
// connect to the ownCloud database (dbname=$this->dbname) and check if it needs to be filled
- $this->dbuser = \OC_Config::getValue('dbuser');
- $this->dbpassword = \OC_Config::getValue('dbpassword');
+ $this->dbUser = \OC_Config::getValue('dbuser');
+ $this->dbPassword = \OC_Config::getValue('dbpassword');
- $e_host = addslashes($this->dbhost);
- $e_dbname = addslashes($this->dbname);
- $e_user = addslashes($this->dbuser);
- $e_password = addslashes($this->dbpassword);
+ $e_host = addslashes($this->dbHost);
+ $e_dbname = addslashes($this->dbName);
+ $e_user = addslashes($this->dbUser);
+ $e_password = addslashes($this->dbPassword);
// Fix database with port connection
if(strpos($e_host, ':')) {
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class PostgreSQL extends AbstractDatabase {
throw new \OC\DatabaseSetupException($this->trans->t('PostgreSQL username and/or password not valid'),
$this->trans->t('You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator.'));
- $query = "select count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='".$this->tableprefix."users' limit 1";
+ $query = "select count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='".$this->tablePrefix."users' limit 1";
$result = pg_query($connection, $query);
if($result) {
$row = pg_fetch_row($result);
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ class PostgreSQL extends AbstractDatabase {
private function createDatabase($connection) {
//we cant use OC_BD functions here because we need to connect as the administrative user.
- $e_name = pg_escape_string($this->dbname);
- $e_user = pg_escape_string($this->dbuser);
+ $e_name = pg_escape_string($this->dbName);
+ $e_user = pg_escape_string($this->dbUser);
$query = "select datname from pg_database where datname = '$e_name'";
$result = pg_query($connection, $query);
if(!$result) {
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ class PostgreSQL extends AbstractDatabase {
private function createDBUser($connection) {
- $e_name = pg_escape_string($this->dbuser);
- $e_password = pg_escape_string($this->dbpassword);
+ $e_name = pg_escape_string($this->dbUser);
+ $e_password = pg_escape_string($this->dbPassword);
$query = "select * from pg_roles where rolname='$e_name';";
$result = pg_query($connection, $query);
if(!$result) {