diff options
authorArthur Schiwon <>2018-10-31 16:16:51 +0100
committerArthur Schiwon <>2018-10-31 16:16:51 +0100
commit0d1370f2f6602891973b08b8ee1b5da91fddc9a9 (patch)
parent838105877c7b426f5c0e75699df096a80198d39c (diff)
Revert "Populate the mention-notification with the actual message"
This reverts commit d295ff53672d542f3b09ff0becd6a4a20ba1d494.
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/apps/comments/lib/Notification/Notifier.php b/apps/comments/lib/Notification/Notifier.php
index ac97cb6f7c9..ead68840a4f 100644
--- a/apps/comments/lib/Notification/Notifier.php
+++ b/apps/comments/lib/Notification/Notifier.php
@@ -24,12 +24,10 @@
namespace OCA\Comments\Notification;
-use OCP\Comments\IComment;
use OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager;
use OCP\Comments\NotFoundException;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\IURLGenerator;
-use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\IUserManager;
use OCP\L10N\IFactory;
use OCP\Notification\INotification;
@@ -85,9 +83,9 @@ class Notifier implements INotifier {
$l = $this->l10nFactory->get('comments', $languageCode);
$displayName = $comment->getActorId();
$isDeletedActor = $comment->getActorType() === ICommentsManager::DELETED_USER;
- if ($comment->getActorType() === 'users') {
+ if($comment->getActorType() === 'users') {
$commenter = $this->userManager->get($comment->getActorId());
- if ($commenter instanceof IUser) {
+ if(!is_null($commenter)) {
$displayName = $commenter->getDisplayName();
@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ class Notifier implements INotifier {
switch($notification->getSubject()) {
case 'mention':
$parameters = $notification->getSubjectParameters();
- if ($parameters[0] !== 'files') {
+ if($parameters[0] !== 'files') {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported comment object');
$userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($notification->getUser());
@@ -105,41 +103,47 @@ class Notifier implements INotifier {
$node = $nodes[0];
- $path = rtrim($node->getPath(), '/');
- if (strpos($path, '/' . $notification->getUser() . '/files/') === 0) {
- // Remove /user/files/...
- $fullPath = $path;
- list(,,, $path) = explode('/', $fullPath, 4);
- }
- $subjectParameters = [
- 'file' => [
- 'type' => 'file',
- 'id' => $comment->getObjectId(),
- 'name' => $node->getName(),
- 'path' => $path,
- 'link' => $this->url->linkToRouteAbsolute('files.viewcontroller.showFile', ['fileid' => $comment->getObjectId()]),
- ],
- ];
if ($isDeletedActor) {
- $subject = $l->t('You were mentioned on “{file}”, in a comment by a user that has since been deleted');
+ $notification->setParsedSubject($l->t(
+ 'You were mentioned on “%s”, in a comment by a user that has since been deleted',
+ [$node->getName()]
+ ))
+ ->setRichSubject(
+ $l->t('You were mentioned on “{file}”, in a comment by a user that has since been deleted'),
+ [
+ 'file' => [
+ 'type' => 'file',
+ 'id' => $comment->getObjectId(),
+ 'name' => $node->getName(),
+ 'path' => $node->getPath(),
+ 'link' => $this->url->linkToRouteAbsolute('files.viewcontroller.showFile', ['fileid' => $comment->getObjectId()]),
+ ],
+ ]
+ );
} else {
- $subject = $l->t('{user} mentioned you in a comment on “{file}”');
- $subjectParameters['user'] = [
- 'type' => 'user',
- 'id' => $comment->getActorId(),
- 'name' => $displayName,
- ];
+ $notification->setParsedSubject($l->t(
+ '%1$s mentioned you in a comment on “%2$s”',
+ [$displayName, $node->getName()]
+ ))
+ ->setRichSubject(
+ $l->t('{user} mentioned you in a comment on “{file}”'),
+ [
+ 'user' => [
+ 'type' => 'user',
+ 'id' => $comment->getActorId(),
+ 'name' => $displayName,
+ ],
+ 'file' => [
+ 'type' => 'file',
+ 'id' => $comment->getObjectId(),
+ 'name' => $node->getName(),
+ 'path' => $node->getPath(),
+ 'link' => $this->url->linkToRouteAbsolute('files.viewcontroller.showFile', ['fileid' => $comment->getObjectId()]),
+ ],
+ ]
+ );
- list($message, $messageParameters) = $this->commentToRichMessage($comment);
- $notification->setRichSubject($subject, $subjectParameters)
- ->setParsedSubject($this->richToParsed($subject, $subjectParameters))
- ->setRichMessage($message, $messageParameters)
- ->setParsedMessage($this->richToParsed($message, $messageParameters))
- ->setIcon($this->url->getAbsoluteURL($this->url->imagePath('core', 'actions/comment.svg')))
+ $notification->setIcon($this->url->getAbsoluteURL($this->url->imagePath('core', 'actions/comment.svg')))
['id' => $comment->getId()])
@@ -153,66 +157,4 @@ class Notifier implements INotifier {
- public function commentToRichMessage(IComment $comment): array {
- $message = $comment->getMessage();
- $messageParameters = [];
- $mentionTypeCount = [];
- $mentions = $comment->getMentions();
- foreach ($mentions as $mention) {
- if ($mention['type'] === 'user') {
- $user = $this->userManager->get($mention['id']);
- if (!$user instanceof IUser) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (!array_key_exists($mention['type'], $mentionTypeCount)) {
- $mentionTypeCount[$mention['type']] = 0;
- }
- $mentionTypeCount[$mention['type']]++;
- // To keep a limited character set in parameter IDs ([a-zA-Z0-9-])
- // the mention parameter ID does not include the mention ID (which
- // could contain characters like '@' for user IDs) but a one-based
- // index of the mentions of that type.
- $mentionParameterId = 'mention-' . $mention['type'] . $mentionTypeCount[$mention['type']];
- $message = str_replace('@' . $mention['id'], '{' . $mentionParameterId . '}', $message);
- try {
- $displayName = $this->commentsManager->resolveDisplayName($mention['type'], $mention['id']);
- } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) {
- // There is no registered display name resolver for the mention
- // type, so the client decides what to display.
- $displayName = '';
- }
- $messageParameters[$mentionParameterId] = [
- 'type' => $mention['type'],
- 'id' => $mention['id'],
- 'name' => $displayName
- ];
- }
- return [$message, $messageParameters];
- }
- public function richToParsed(string $message, array $parameters): string {
- $placeholders = $replacements = [];
- foreach ($parameters as $placeholder => $parameter) {
- $placeholders[] = '{' . $placeholder . '}';
- if ($parameter['type'] === 'user') {
- $replacements[] = '@' . $parameter['name'];
- } else if ($parameter['type'] === 'file') {
- $replacements[] = $parameter['path'];
- } else {
- $replacements[] = $parameter['name'];
- }
- }
- return str_replace($placeholders, $replacements, $message);
- }