diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2023-08-02 00:53:28 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2023-08-02 00:53:28 +0000
commit0ec6efdf3d162bd855e5bc092fa6f1bf1b9b455d (patch)
parentf6fcaf7582a9b5ca2754b8b0b29ddf86a4d7f9cf (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
300 files changed, 3632 insertions, 3394 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ar.js b/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
index dd85a117c84..4d510f5faa0 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "تنازلياً",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "ترتيب القائمة بحسب {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "قائمة الملفات و المجلدات",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "لم يمكن عرض هذه القائمة بالكامل بسبب إشكالية في الأداء. سيتم عرض الملفات عندما تمر عليها في القائمة",
"Storage informations" : "معلومات التخزين",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} مستخدمة",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% مستخدمة",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "تم حذف المشاركات",
"Pending shares" : "انتظار المشاركات",
"Open folder {name}" : "إفتح المجلد {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "لم يمكن عرض هذه القائمة بالكامل بسبب إشكالية في الأداء. سيتم عرض الملفات عندما تمر عليها في القائمة",
"Search for an account" : "البحث عن حساب",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "لم يتم حذف أي ملفات أو مجلدات بعدُ"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ar.json b/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
index 890828cbb86..5764f72df57 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "تنازلياً",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "ترتيب القائمة بحسب {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "قائمة الملفات و المجلدات",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "لم يمكن عرض هذه القائمة بالكامل بسبب إشكالية في الأداء. سيتم عرض الملفات عندما تمر عليها في القائمة",
"Storage informations" : "معلومات التخزين",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} مستخدمة",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% مستخدمة",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "تم حذف المشاركات",
"Pending shares" : "انتظار المشاركات",
"Open folder {name}" : "إفتح المجلد {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "لم يمكن عرض هذه القائمة بالكامل بسبب إشكالية في الأداء. سيتم عرض الملفات عندما تمر عليها في القائمة",
"Search for an account" : "البحث عن حساب",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "لم يتم حذف أي ملفات أو مجلدات بعدُ"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/bg.js b/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
index 8940af12d26..2fbf4a3b722 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "възходящо",
"descending" : "низходящо",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Сортиране на списъка по {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Този списък не е напълно рендиран поради причини, свързани с производителността. Файловете ще бъдат рендирани, докато навигирате из списъка.",
"Storage informations" : "Хранилище на информация",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} използвано",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% използвано",
@@ -256,6 +255,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Изтрити",
"Pending shares" : "Чакащи споделяния",
"Open folder {name}" : "Отваряне на папка {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Този списък не е напълно рендиран поради причини, свързани с производителността. Файловете ще бъдат рендирани, докато навигирате из списъка.",
"Search for an account" : "Търсене на профил",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Все още няма изтрити файлове или папки"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/bg.json b/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
index 34787cdb138..bb2b01c309a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
@@ -180,7 +180,6 @@
"ascending" : "възходящо",
"descending" : "низходящо",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Сортиране на списъка по {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Този списък не е напълно рендиран поради причини, свързани с производителността. Файловете ще бъдат рендирани, докато навигирате из списъка.",
"Storage informations" : "Хранилище на информация",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} използвано",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% използвано",
@@ -254,6 +253,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Изтрити",
"Pending shares" : "Чакащи споделяния",
"Open folder {name}" : "Отваряне на папка {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Този списък не е напълно рендиран поради причини, свързани с производителността. Файловете ще бъдат рендирани, докато навигирате из списъка.",
"Search for an account" : "Търсене на профил",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Все още няма изтрити файлове или папки"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ca.js b/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
index 812fe93a176..fdef66362b9 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "descendent",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordena la llista per {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Llista de fitxers i carpetes.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Aquesta llista no es mostra completament per raons de rendiment. Es mostraran els fitxers a mesura que navegueu per la llista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informació d'emmagatzematge",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} en ús",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% en ús",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Suprimit",
"Pending shares" : "Pendent",
"Open folder {name}" : "Obre la carpeta {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Aquesta llista no es mostra completament per raons de rendiment. Es mostraran els fitxers a mesura que navegueu per la llista.",
"Search for an account" : "Cerqueu un compte",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Encara no s'ha suprimit cap fitxer o carpeta"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ca.json b/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
index 7b62e802343..823f61d62fe 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "descendent",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordena la llista per {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Llista de fitxers i carpetes.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Aquesta llista no es mostra completament per raons de rendiment. Es mostraran els fitxers a mesura que navegueu per la llista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informació d'emmagatzematge",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} en ús",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% en ús",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Suprimit",
"Pending shares" : "Pendent",
"Open folder {name}" : "Obre la carpeta {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Aquesta llista no es mostra completament per raons de rendiment. Es mostraran els fitxers a mesura que navegueu per la llista.",
"Search for an account" : "Cerqueu un compte",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Encara no s'ha suprimit cap fitxer o carpeta"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/cs.js b/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
index c7903a4cfa6..21a37510438 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "sestupně",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Seřadit seznam podle {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Seznam souborů a složek.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam není vykreslen celý z důvodu nároků na výkon. Soubory budou dokreslovány, jak se budete posouvat seznamem.",
"Storage informations" : "Informace o úložišti",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} využito",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% využito",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Smazaná sdílení",
"Pending shares" : "Čekající sdílení",
"Open folder {name}" : "Otevřít složku {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam není vykreslen celý z důvodu nároků na výkon. Soubory budou dokreslovány, jak se budete posouvat seznamem.",
"Search for an account" : "Hledat účet",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Zatím nebyly smazány žádné soubory či složky"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/cs.json b/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
index 45a9d16618f..a58e920554a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "sestupně",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Seřadit seznam podle {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Seznam souborů a složek.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam není vykreslen celý z důvodu nároků na výkon. Soubory budou dokreslovány, jak se budete posouvat seznamem.",
"Storage informations" : "Informace o úložišti",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} využito",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% využito",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Smazaná sdílení",
"Pending shares" : "Čekající sdílení",
"Open folder {name}" : "Otevřít složku {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam není vykreslen celý z důvodu nároků na výkon. Soubory budou dokreslovány, jak se budete posouvat seznamem.",
"Search for an account" : "Hledat účet",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Zatím nebyly smazány žádné soubory či složky"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de.js b/apps/files/l10n/de.js
index 4ee120d46ee..77a247479d4 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de.js
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "Aufsteigend",
"descending" : "Absteigend",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Liste sortieren nach {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn du durch die Liste navigierst.",
"Storage informations" : "Speicherinformationen",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} verwendet",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% verwendet",
@@ -255,6 +254,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Gelöschte Freigaben",
"Pending shares" : "Ausstehende Freigaben",
"Open folder {name}" : "Ordner {name} öffnen",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn du durch die Liste navigierst.",
"Search for an account" : "Nach einem Konto suchen",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Es wurden noch keine Dateien oder Ordner gelöscht"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de.json b/apps/files/l10n/de.json
index 799fe5c88fd..cbf47e063dd 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de.json
@@ -180,7 +180,6 @@
"ascending" : "Aufsteigend",
"descending" : "Absteigend",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Liste sortieren nach {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn du durch die Liste navigierst.",
"Storage informations" : "Speicherinformationen",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} verwendet",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% verwendet",
@@ -253,6 +252,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Gelöschte Freigaben",
"Pending shares" : "Ausstehende Freigaben",
"Open folder {name}" : "Ordner {name} öffnen",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn du durch die Liste navigierst.",
"Search for an account" : "Nach einem Konto suchen",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Es wurden noch keine Dateien oder Ordner gelöscht"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
index 0c1c5ca0f2f..52fda12f2f6 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "Absteigend",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Liste sortieren nach {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Liste der Dateien und Ordner.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn Sie durch die Liste navigieren.",
"Storage informations" : "Speicherinformationen",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} verwendet",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% verwendet",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Gelöschte Freigaben",
"Pending shares" : "Ausstehende Freigaben",
"Open folder {name}" : "Ordner {name} öffnen",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn Sie durch die Liste navigieren.",
"Search for an account" : "Nach einem Konto suchen",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Es wurden noch keine Dateien oder Ordner gelöscht"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
index fc39b0074d7..84c6da3ac8b 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "Absteigend",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Liste sortieren nach {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Liste der Dateien und Ordner.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn Sie durch die Liste navigieren.",
"Storage informations" : "Speicherinformationen",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} verwendet",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% verwendet",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Gelöschte Freigaben",
"Pending shares" : "Ausstehende Freigaben",
"Open folder {name}" : "Ordner {name} öffnen",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn Sie durch die Liste navigieren.",
"Search for an account" : "Nach einem Konto suchen",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Es wurden noch keine Dateien oder Ordner gelöscht"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
index 90223488901..38f375822c7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "descending",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Sort list by {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "List of files and folders.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list.",
"Storage informations" : "Storage informations",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} used",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% used",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Deleted shares",
"Pending shares" : "Pending shares",
"Open folder {name}" : "Open folder {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list.",
"Search for an account" : "Search for an account",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "No files or folders have been deleted yet"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
index b0146922682..af886dd8c50 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "descending",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Sort list by {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "List of files and folders.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list.",
"Storage informations" : "Storage informations",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} used",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% used",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Deleted shares",
"Pending shares" : "Pending shares",
"Open folder {name}" : "Open folder {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list.",
"Search for an account" : "Search for an account",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "No files or folders have been deleted yet"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.js b/apps/files/l10n/es.js
index 3c314eb67c2..9e4c990705e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.js
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "ascendente",
"descending" : "descendente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenar lista por {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista no se renderiza completa por razones de rendimiento. Los archivos serán renderizados mientras ud. navegue por la lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informaciones de almacenamiento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} utilizados",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% utilizado",
@@ -270,6 +269,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Recursos compartidos eliminados",
"Pending shares" : "Recursos compartidos pendientes",
"Open folder {name}" : "Abrir carpeta {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista no se renderiza completa por razones de rendimiento. Los archivos serán renderizados mientras ud. navegue por la lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Buscar una cuenta",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "No se han borrado archivos o carpetas todavía"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.json b/apps/files/l10n/es.json
index 62b0ef44f48..772ed1ffcf2 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.json
@@ -191,7 +191,6 @@
"ascending" : "ascendente",
"descending" : "descendente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenar lista por {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista no se renderiza completa por razones de rendimiento. Los archivos serán renderizados mientras ud. navegue por la lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informaciones de almacenamiento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} utilizados",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% utilizado",
@@ -268,6 +267,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Recursos compartidos eliminados",
"Pending shares" : "Recursos compartidos pendientes",
"Open folder {name}" : "Abrir carpeta {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista no se renderiza completa por razones de rendimiento. Los archivos serán renderizados mientras ud. navegue por la lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Buscar una cuenta",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "No se han borrado archivos o carpetas todavía"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
index e6e7ece845c..f8c20d4a76d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "descendente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenar lista por {column} ({direction}).",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista de archivos y carpetas. ",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista no se muestra completamente por motivos de rendimiento. Los archivos se mostrarán a medida que navegas por la lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Información de almacenamiento.",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usados.",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usados.",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Comparticiones eliminadas",
"Pending shares" : "Comparticiones pendientes",
"Open folder {name}" : "Abrir carpeta {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista no se muestra completamente por motivos de rendimiento. Los archivos se mostrarán a medida que navegas por la lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Buscar una cuenta",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "No se han eliminado archivos o carpetas todavía."
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
index cc856dae0ab..987b25645ab 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "descendente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenar lista por {column} ({direction}).",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista de archivos y carpetas. ",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista no se muestra completamente por motivos de rendimiento. Los archivos se mostrarán a medida que navegas por la lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Información de almacenamiento.",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usados.",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usados.",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Comparticiones eliminadas",
"Pending shares" : "Comparticiones pendientes",
"Open folder {name}" : "Abrir carpeta {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista no se muestra completamente por motivos de rendimiento. Los archivos se mostrarán a medida que navegas por la lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Buscar una cuenta",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "No se han eliminado archivos o carpetas todavía."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eu.js b/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
index b6cda2d883e..87c80712083 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "goranzkoa",
"descending" : "beheranzkoa",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenatu zerrenda {zutabea} ({norabidea}) arabera",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Zerrenda hau ez da guztiz ikusten errendimendu arrazoiengatik. Fitxategiak zerrendan zehar nabigatzen duten heinean bistaratuko dira.",
"Storage informations" : "Biltegiaren informazioak",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} erabilita",
"{relative}% used" : "%{relative} erabilita",
@@ -270,6 +269,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Ezabatutako partekatzeak",
"Pending shares" : "Zain dauden partekatzeak",
"Open folder {name}" : "Ireki {name} karpeta",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Zerrenda hau ez da guztiz ikusten errendimendu arrazoiengatik. Fitxategiak zerrendan zehar nabigatzen duten heinean bistaratuko dira.",
"Search for an account" : "Bilatu kontu bat",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Oraindik ez da ezabatu fitxategirik edo karpetarik"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eu.json b/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
index 9b78892b128..46be1b2fe63 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
@@ -191,7 +191,6 @@
"ascending" : "goranzkoa",
"descending" : "beheranzkoa",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenatu zerrenda {zutabea} ({norabidea}) arabera",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Zerrenda hau ez da guztiz ikusten errendimendu arrazoiengatik. Fitxategiak zerrendan zehar nabigatzen duten heinean bistaratuko dira.",
"Storage informations" : "Biltegiaren informazioak",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} erabilita",
"{relative}% used" : "%{relative} erabilita",
@@ -268,6 +267,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Ezabatutako partekatzeak",
"Pending shares" : "Zain dauden partekatzeak",
"Open folder {name}" : "Ireki {name} karpeta",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Zerrenda hau ez da guztiz ikusten errendimendu arrazoiengatik. Fitxategiak zerrendan zehar nabigatzen duten heinean bistaratuko dira.",
"Search for an account" : "Bilatu kontu bat",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Oraindik ez da ezabatu fitxategirik edo karpetarik"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fi.js b/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
index 26f20e9e819..1de9eec7918 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
@@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "laskevasti",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Järjestä luettelo sarakkeen {column} mukaan ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Luettelo tiedostoista ja kansioista.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Tätä luetteloa ei ole esitetty täysin suorituskykyyn liittyvistä syistä. Tiedostot esitetään sitä mukaa, kun selaat luetteloa.",
"Storage informations" : "Tallennustilan tietoja",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} käytetty",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative} % käytetty",
@@ -262,6 +261,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Poistetut jaot",
"Pending shares" : "Odottavat jaot",
"Open folder {name}" : "Avaa kansio {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Tätä luetteloa ei ole esitetty täysin suorituskykyyn liittyvistä syistä. Tiedostot esitetään sitä mukaa, kun selaat luetteloa.",
"Search for an account" : "Etsi tiliä",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Tiedostoja tai kansioita ei ole vielä poistettu"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fi.json b/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
index a04bbe03968..d8ba809ff13 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@
"descending" : "laskevasti",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Järjestä luettelo sarakkeen {column} mukaan ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Luettelo tiedostoista ja kansioista.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Tätä luetteloa ei ole esitetty täysin suorituskykyyn liittyvistä syistä. Tiedostot esitetään sitä mukaa, kun selaat luetteloa.",
"Storage informations" : "Tallennustilan tietoja",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} käytetty",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative} % käytetty",
@@ -260,6 +259,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Poistetut jaot",
"Pending shares" : "Odottavat jaot",
"Open folder {name}" : "Avaa kansio {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Tätä luetteloa ei ole esitetty täysin suorituskykyyn liittyvistä syistä. Tiedostot esitetään sitä mukaa, kun selaat luetteloa.",
"Search for an account" : "Etsi tiliä",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Tiedostoja tai kansioita ei ole vielä poistettu"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fr.js b/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
index 71123ffab14..4dda9285b30 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "descendant",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Trier la liste par {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Liste des fichiers et dossiers.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Cette liste n'est pas affichée en totalité pour des raisons de performances. Les fichiers seront affichés au fur et à mesure que vous parcourrez la liste.",
"Storage informations" : "Informations sur le stockage",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} utilisés",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% utilisés",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Partages supprimés",
"Pending shares" : "Partages en attente",
"Open folder {name}" : "Ouvrir le dossier {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Cette liste n'est pas affichée en totalité pour des raisons de performances. Les fichiers seront affichés au fur et à mesure que vous parcourrez la liste.",
"Search for an account" : "Chercher un compte",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Aucun fichier ou dossier n'a encore été supprimé"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fr.json b/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
index 568183c64ff..e10ce49bba4 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "descendant",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Trier la liste par {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Liste des fichiers et dossiers.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Cette liste n'est pas affichée en totalité pour des raisons de performances. Les fichiers seront affichés au fur et à mesure que vous parcourrez la liste.",
"Storage informations" : "Informations sur le stockage",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} utilisés",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% utilisés",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Partages supprimés",
"Pending shares" : "Partages en attente",
"Open folder {name}" : "Ouvrir le dossier {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Cette liste n'est pas affichée en totalité pour des raisons de performances. Les fichiers seront affichés au fur et à mesure que vous parcourrez la liste.",
"Search for an account" : "Chercher un compte",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Aucun fichier ou dossier n'a encore été supprimé"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.js b/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
index 07b74283807..20bc4cc5df9 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "descendente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenar a lista por {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista de ficheiros e cartafoles",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista non se representa de xeito completo por mor do rendemento. Os ficheiros represéntanse mentres navega pola lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Información de almacenamento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usado",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usado",
@@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the previous folder" : "Ir ao cartafol anterior",
"Go back" : "Volver",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir os axustes da aplicación de ficheiros",
- "Files settings" : "Axustes de ficheiros",
+ "Files settings" : "Axustes de Ficheiros",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Non é posíbel acceder ao ficheiro",
"You might not have have permissions to view it, ask the sender to share it" : "É posíbel que non teña permisos para velo, pídalle ao remitente que o comparta",
"Sort favorites first" : "Ordene antes os favoritos",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Comparticións eliminadas",
"Pending shares" : "Comparticións pendentes",
"Open folder {name}" : "Abrir o cartafol {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista non se representa de xeito completo por mor do rendemento. Os ficheiros represéntanse mentres navega pola lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Buscar por unha conta",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Aínda non se eliminou ningún ficheiro nin cartafol"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.json b/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
index a0a410c4dfa..480278e1891 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "descendente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenar a lista por {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista de ficheiros e cartafoles",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista non se representa de xeito completo por mor do rendemento. Os ficheiros represéntanse mentres navega pola lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Información de almacenamento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usado",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usado",
@@ -215,7 +214,7 @@
"Go to the previous folder" : "Ir ao cartafol anterior",
"Go back" : "Volver",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir os axustes da aplicación de ficheiros",
- "Files settings" : "Axustes de ficheiros",
+ "Files settings" : "Axustes de Ficheiros",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Non é posíbel acceder ao ficheiro",
"You might not have have permissions to view it, ask the sender to share it" : "É posíbel que non teña permisos para velo, pídalle ao remitente que o comparta",
"Sort favorites first" : "Ordene antes os favoritos",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Comparticións eliminadas",
"Pending shares" : "Comparticións pendentes",
"Open folder {name}" : "Abrir o cartafol {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista non se representa de xeito completo por mor do rendemento. Os ficheiros represéntanse mentres navega pola lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Buscar por unha conta",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Aínda non se eliminou ningún ficheiro nin cartafol"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hu.js b/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
index 0d10bf5cc5f..1d12e8341d1 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "növekvő",
"descending" : "csökkenő",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Lista rendezése {column} alapján ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ez a lista teljesítménybeli okokból nincs teljes egészében megjelenítve. A fájlok a listában navigálás során jelennek meg, ",
"Storage informations" : "Tárhely-információk",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} felhasználva",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% felhasználva",
@@ -259,6 +258,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Törölt megosztások",
"Pending shares" : "Függőben lévő megosztások",
"Open folder {name}" : "A(z) {name} mappa megnyitása",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ez a lista teljesítménybeli okokból nincs teljes egészében megjelenítve. A fájlok a listában navigálás során jelennek meg, ",
"Search for an account" : "Fiók keresése",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Még nem lettek fájlok vagy mappák törölve"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hu.json b/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
index 2f93addd92d..7ff28ed1e26 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@
"ascending" : "növekvő",
"descending" : "csökkenő",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Lista rendezése {column} alapján ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ez a lista teljesítménybeli okokból nincs teljes egészében megjelenítve. A fájlok a listában navigálás során jelennek meg, ",
"Storage informations" : "Tárhely-információk",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} felhasználva",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% felhasználva",
@@ -257,6 +256,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Törölt megosztások",
"Pending shares" : "Függőben lévő megosztások",
"Open folder {name}" : "A(z) {name} mappa megnyitása",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ez a lista teljesítménybeli okokból nincs teljes egészében megjelenítve. A fájlok a listában navigálás során jelennek meg, ",
"Search for an account" : "Fiók keresése",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Még nem lettek fájlok vagy mappák törölve"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/it.js b/apps/files/l10n/it.js
index cdeb43eb976..30fa51ae800 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/it.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "decrescente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordina la lista per {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista di file e cartelle.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Questa lista non è stata mostrata completamente per ragioni di performances. I file verranno mostrati durante la navigazione della lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informazioni di archiviazione",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usato",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usato",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Condivisioni eliminate",
"Pending shares" : "Condivisioni in corso",
"Open folder {name}" : "Apri la cartella {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Questa lista non è stata mostrata completamente per ragioni di performances. I file verranno mostrati durante la navigazione della lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Cerca un account",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Nessun file o cartella è stato ancora eliminato"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/it.json b/apps/files/l10n/it.json
index 7e5ba4408eb..75da43286e3 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/it.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "decrescente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordina la lista per {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista di file e cartelle.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Questa lista non è stata mostrata completamente per ragioni di performances. I file verranno mostrati durante la navigazione della lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informazioni di archiviazione",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usato",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usato",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Condivisioni eliminate",
"Pending shares" : "Condivisioni in corso",
"Open folder {name}" : "Apri la cartella {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Questa lista non è stata mostrata completamente per ragioni di performances. I file verranno mostrati durante la navigazione della lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Cerca un account",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Nessun file o cartella è stato ancora eliminato"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ko.js b/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
index 74c74d7c013..538e8e5ba17 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "오름차순",
"descending" : "내림차순",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "{column} ({direction})으로 목록 정렬",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "이 목록은 성능 상의 이유로 완전히 표시되지 않았습니다. 목록을 탐색하면 파일이 표시됩니다.",
"Storage informations" : "저장소 정보",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} 사용",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% 사용",
@@ -255,6 +254,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "삭제된 공유",
"Pending shares" : "진행중인 공유",
"Open folder {name}" : "{name} 폴더 열기",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "이 목록은 성능 상의 이유로 완전히 표시되지 않았습니다. 목록을 탐색하면 파일이 표시됩니다.",
"Search for an account" : "계정 검색",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "아직 삭제된 파일이나 폴더가 없습니다."
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ko.json b/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
index aebb8e8fff5..a5248db2479 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
@@ -181,7 +181,6 @@
"ascending" : "오름차순",
"descending" : "내림차순",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "{column} ({direction})으로 목록 정렬",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "이 목록은 성능 상의 이유로 완전히 표시되지 않았습니다. 목록을 탐색하면 파일이 표시됩니다.",
"Storage informations" : "저장소 정보",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} 사용",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% 사용",
@@ -253,6 +252,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "삭제된 공유",
"Pending shares" : "진행중인 공유",
"Open folder {name}" : "{name} 폴더 열기",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "이 목록은 성능 상의 이유로 완전히 표시되지 않았습니다. 목록을 탐색하면 파일이 표시됩니다.",
"Search for an account" : "계정 검색",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "아직 삭제된 파일이나 폴더가 없습니다."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.js b/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
index fa37d3a8d8a..e4760fd1b0e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "rosnąco",
"descending" : "malejąco",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Sortuj listę według {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ta lista nie jest w pełni renderowana ze względu na wydajność. Pliki będą renderowane podczas poruszania się po liście.",
"Storage informations" : "Informacje o przechowywaniu",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "Wykorzystano {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "Wykorzystano {relative}%",
@@ -258,6 +257,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Usunięte udostępnienia",
"Pending shares" : "Oczekujące udostępnienia",
"Open folder {name}" : "Otwórz katalog {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ta lista nie jest w pełni renderowana ze względu na wydajność. Pliki będą renderowane podczas poruszania się po liście.",
"Search for an account" : "Wyszukaj konto",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Żadne pliki ani katalogi nie zostały jeszcze usunięte"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.json b/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
index 214ce755a80..fa33c27f8b1 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@
"ascending" : "rosnąco",
"descending" : "malejąco",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Sortuj listę według {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ta lista nie jest w pełni renderowana ze względu na wydajność. Pliki będą renderowane podczas poruszania się po liście.",
"Storage informations" : "Informacje o przechowywaniu",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "Wykorzystano {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "Wykorzystano {relative}%",
@@ -256,6 +255,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Usunięte udostępnienia",
"Pending shares" : "Oczekujące udostępnienia",
"Open folder {name}" : "Otwórz katalog {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ta lista nie jest w pełni renderowana ze względu na wydajność. Pliki będą renderowane podczas poruszania się po liście.",
"Search for an account" : "Wyszukaj konto",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Żadne pliki ani katalogi nie zostały jeszcze usunięte"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
index f74bbe266da..590c8b8b8a6 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "descendente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Classificar lista por {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista de arquivos e pastas.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista não é totalmente renderizada por motivos de desempenho. Os arquivos serão renderizados conforme você navega pela lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informações de armazenamento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usado",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usado",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Compartilhamentos apagados",
"Pending shares" : "Compartilhamentos pendentes",
"Open folder {name}" : "Abra a pasta {nome}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista não é totalmente renderizada por motivos de desempenho. Os arquivos serão renderizados conforme você navega pela lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Pesquisar uma conta",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Nenhum arquivo ou pasta foi excluído ainda"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 09fb963fae9..5895fc32caf 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "descendente",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Classificar lista por {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista de arquivos e pastas.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista não é totalmente renderizada por motivos de desempenho. Os arquivos serão renderizados conforme você navega pela lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informações de armazenamento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usado",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usado",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Compartilhamentos apagados",
"Pending shares" : "Compartilhamentos pendentes",
"Open folder {name}" : "Abra a pasta {nome}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista não é totalmente renderizada por motivos de desempenho. Os arquivos serão renderizados conforme você navega pela lista.",
"Search for an account" : "Pesquisar uma conta",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Nenhum arquivo ou pasta foi excluído ainda"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ru.js b/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
index 3f8422725bd..85f651bd88c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "нисходящий",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Сортировать список по {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Список файлов и каталогов.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Этот список отображается не полностью из соображений производительности. Файлы будут отображаться по мере перемещения по списку.",
"Storage informations" : "Сведения о хранилище",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "Использовано {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "Использовано {relative}%",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Удалённые общие ресурсы",
"Pending shares" : "Ожидающие общие ресурсы",
"Open folder {name}" : "Открыть папку {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Этот список отображается не полностью из соображений производительности. Файлы будут отображаться по мере перемещения по списку.",
"Search for an account" : "Поиск по учетной записи",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Файлы или папки еще не удалены"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ru.json b/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
index c44a18c401e..11bc64d5256 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "нисходящий",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Сортировать список по {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Список файлов и каталогов.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Этот список отображается не полностью из соображений производительности. Файлы будут отображаться по мере перемещения по списку.",
"Storage informations" : "Сведения о хранилище",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "Использовано {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "Использовано {relative}%",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Удалённые общие ресурсы",
"Pending shares" : "Ожидающие общие ресурсы",
"Open folder {name}" : "Открыть папку {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Этот список отображается не полностью из соображений производительности. Файлы будут отображаться по мере перемещения по списку.",
"Search for an account" : "Поиск по учетной записи",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Файлы или папки еще не удалены"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.js b/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
index b1c3768d2bf..12eceac7f70 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "naraščajoče",
"descending" : "padajoče",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Razvrsti seznam po stolpcu {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam datotek ni v celoti izpisan zaradi zagotavljanja hitrosti in odzivnosti sistema. Predmeti se bodo dopolnjevali ob brskanju.",
"Storage informations" : "Podrobnosti shrambe",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "Zasedeno {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "Zasedeno {relative} %",
@@ -259,6 +258,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Izbrisana mesta souporabe",
"Pending shares" : "Predmeti za souporabo na čakanju",
"Open folder {name}" : "Odpri mapo {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam datotek ni v celoti izpisan zaradi zagotavljanja hitrosti in odzivnosti sistema. Predmeti se bodo dopolnjevali ob brskanju.",
"Search for an account" : "Poišči račun",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Ni še izbrisanih datotek in map"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
index 3e42f64e7e5..b9d80dc05d7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@
"ascending" : "naraščajoče",
"descending" : "padajoče",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Razvrsti seznam po stolpcu {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam datotek ni v celoti izpisan zaradi zagotavljanja hitrosti in odzivnosti sistema. Predmeti se bodo dopolnjevali ob brskanju.",
"Storage informations" : "Podrobnosti shrambe",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "Zasedeno {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "Zasedeno {relative} %",
@@ -257,6 +256,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Izbrisana mesta souporabe",
"Pending shares" : "Predmeti za souporabo na čakanju",
"Open folder {name}" : "Odpri mapo {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam datotek ni v celoti izpisan zaradi zagotavljanja hitrosti in odzivnosti sistema. Predmeti se bodo dopolnjevali ob brskanju.",
"Search for an account" : "Poišči račun",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Ni še izbrisanih datotek in map"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sr.js b/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
index c53b69dff9f..91d2881d702 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "опадајуће",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Поређај листу по {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Листа фајлова и фолдера.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ова листа није у потпуности приказана из разлога перформанси. Фајлови ће се приказивати како се крећете кроз листу.",
"Storage informations" : "Информације о складишту`",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} искоришћено",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% искоришћено",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Обрисана дељења",
"Pending shares" : "Дељења на чекању",
"Open folder {name}" : "Отвори фолдер {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ова листа није у потпуности приказана из разлога перформанси. Фајлови ће се приказивати како се крећете кроз листу.",
"Search for an account" : "Претражите налог",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Још увек није обрисан ниједан фајл или фолдер"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sr.json b/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
index dd02d206b1a..c784e9a86cd 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "опадајуће",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Поређај листу по {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Листа фајлова и фолдера.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ова листа није у потпуности приказана из разлога перформанси. Фајлови ће се приказивати како се крећете кроз листу.",
"Storage informations" : "Информације о складишту`",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} искоришћено",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% искоришћено",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Обрисана дељења",
"Pending shares" : "Дељења на чекању",
"Open folder {name}" : "Отвори фолдер {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ова листа није у потпуности приказана из разлога перформанси. Фајлови ће се приказивати како се крећете кроз листу.",
"Search for an account" : "Претражите налог",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Још увек није обрисан ниједан фајл или фолдер"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sv.js b/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
index 11dbf8df679..43d0bf5c65e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "fallande",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Sortera listan efter {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista över filer och mappar.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Denna lista är inte helt återgiven av prestandaskäl. Filerna kommer att renderas när du navigerar genom listan.",
"Storage informations" : "Lagringsinformation",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} använt",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% använt",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Borttagna delningar",
"Pending shares" : "Väntande delningar",
"Open folder {name}" : "Öppna mappen {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Denna lista är inte helt återgiven av prestandaskäl. Filerna kommer att renderas när du navigerar genom listan.",
"Search for an account" : "Sök efter ett konto",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Inga filer eller mappar har tagits bort än"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sv.json b/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
index 10496226cf7..5272c82c195 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "fallande",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Sortera listan efter {column} ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Lista över filer och mappar.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Denna lista är inte helt återgiven av prestandaskäl. Filerna kommer att renderas när du navigerar genom listan.",
"Storage informations" : "Lagringsinformation",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} använt",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% använt",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Borttagna delningar",
"Pending shares" : "Väntande delningar",
"Open folder {name}" : "Öppna mappen {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Denna lista är inte helt återgiven av prestandaskäl. Filerna kommer att renderas när du navigerar genom listan.",
"Search for an account" : "Sök efter ett konto",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Inga filer eller mappar har tagits bort än"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/tr.js b/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
index 9e0c040d787..9367843f90e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "Azalan",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Listeyi {column} sütununa göre sırala ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Doys ave klasörleri listesi.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Başarım nedeniyle listenin tümü görüntülenmiyor. Listede ilerledikçe dosyalar görüntülenecek.",
"Storage informations" : "Depolama bilgileri",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} kullanılmış",
"{relative}% used" : "%{relative} kullanılmış",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Silinmiş paylaşımlar",
"Pending shares" : "Bekleyen paylaşımlar",
"Open folder {name}" : "{name} klasörünü aç",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Başarım nedeniyle listenin tümü görüntülenmiyor. Listede ilerledikçe dosyalar görüntülenecek.",
"Search for an account" : "Hesap ara",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Henüz silinmiş bir dosya ya da klasör yok"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/tr.json b/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
index 68cc4e839f1..2d06d51803f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "Azalan",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Listeyi {column} sütununa göre sırala ({direction})",
"List of files and folders." : "Doys ave klasörleri listesi.",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Başarım nedeniyle listenin tümü görüntülenmiyor. Listede ilerledikçe dosyalar görüntülenecek.",
"Storage informations" : "Depolama bilgileri",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} kullanılmış",
"{relative}% used" : "%{relative} kullanılmış",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Silinmiş paylaşımlar",
"Pending shares" : "Bekleyen paylaşımlar",
"Open folder {name}" : "{name} klasörünü aç",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Başarım nedeniyle listenin tümü görüntülenmiyor. Listede ilerledikçe dosyalar görüntülenecek.",
"Search for an account" : "Hesap ara",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Henüz silinmiş bir dosya ya da klasör yok"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/uk.js b/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
index 36907e88fba..f33737fd07d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "за зростанням",
"descending" : "за спаданням",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Впорядкувати список за {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Через обмеження, пов'язані з потужністю, список не показується повністю. Файли показуватимуться, щойно ви рухатиметеся списком.",
"Storage informations" : "Інформація про сховище",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} використано",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% використано",
@@ -270,6 +269,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "Більше недоступні",
"Pending shares" : "Запити на доступ",
"Open folder {name}" : "Відкрити каталог {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Через обмеження, пов'язані з потужністю, список не показується повністю. Файли показуватимуться, щойно ви рухатиметеся списком.",
"Search for an account" : "Пошук облікового запису",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Поки жодного каталогу чи файлу не було вилучено"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/uk.json b/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
index 4619376cf68..5381d356da7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
@@ -191,7 +191,6 @@
"ascending" : "за зростанням",
"descending" : "за спаданням",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Впорядкувати список за {column} ({direction})",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Через обмеження, пов'язані з потужністю, список не показується повністю. Файли показуватимуться, щойно ви рухатиметеся списком.",
"Storage informations" : "Інформація про сховище",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} використано",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% використано",
@@ -268,6 +267,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "Більше недоступні",
"Pending shares" : "Запити на доступ",
"Open folder {name}" : "Відкрити каталог {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Через обмеження, пов'язані з потужністю, список не показується повністю. Файли показуватимуться, щойно ви рухатиметеся списком.",
"Search for an account" : "Пошук облікового запису",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "Поки жодного каталогу чи файлу не було вилучено"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 90909db4b19..98bd1a4fbd6 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ascending" : "升序",
"descending" : "降序",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "按 {column} ({direction}) 排序列表",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "因为性能原因,该列表没有完全加载。这些文件将会在您浏览列表的时候加载。",
"Storage informations" : "存储信息",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} 已使用",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% 已使用",
@@ -270,6 +269,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "已删除的共享",
"Pending shares" : "待定共享",
"Open folder {name}" : "打开文件夹 {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "因为性能原因,该列表没有完全加载。这些文件将会在您浏览列表的时候加载。",
"Search for an account" : "搜索一个账户",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "尚未删除任何文件或文件夹"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 3e29c6bdee9..f022c6c31fa 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -191,7 +191,6 @@
"ascending" : "升序",
"descending" : "降序",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "按 {column} ({direction}) 排序列表",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "因为性能原因,该列表没有完全加载。这些文件将会在您浏览列表的时候加载。",
"Storage informations" : "存储信息",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} 已使用",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% 已使用",
@@ -268,6 +267,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "已删除的共享",
"Pending shares" : "待定共享",
"Open folder {name}" : "打开文件夹 {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "因为性能原因,该列表没有完全加载。这些文件将会在您浏览列表的时候加载。",
"Search for an account" : "搜索一个账户",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "尚未删除任何文件或文件夹"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 2f6de35eeb8..f93837a89cb 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "降",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "按 {column} ({direction}) 排序清單",
"List of files and folders." : "檔案與資料夾清單。",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "出於性能考慮,此清單未完全呈現。檔案將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
"Storage informations" : "儲存資訊",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "已使用 {usedQuotaByte} ",
"{relative}% used" : "已使用 {relative}%",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "已刪除的分享",
"Pending shares" : "等待分享",
"Open folder {name}" : "打開資料夾 {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "出於性能考慮,此清單未完全呈現。檔案將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
"Search for an account" : "搜尋賬號",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "尚未刪除任何檔案或資料夾"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 24bad5e6ef3..965b50288d8 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "降",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "按 {column} ({direction}) 排序清單",
"List of files and folders." : "檔案與資料夾清單。",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "出於性能考慮,此清單未完全呈現。檔案將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
"Storage informations" : "儲存資訊",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "已使用 {usedQuotaByte} ",
"{relative}% used" : "已使用 {relative}%",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "已刪除的分享",
"Pending shares" : "等待分享",
"Open folder {name}" : "打開資料夾 {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "出於性能考慮,此清單未完全呈現。檔案將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
"Search for an account" : "搜尋賬號",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "尚未刪除任何檔案或資料夾"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 4f15dec3aa2..8a802701fd8 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"descending" : "遞減",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "按 {column}({direction})排序清單",
"List of files and folders." : "檔案與資料夾清單。",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "出於效能考量,此清單未完全呈現。檔案將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
"Storage informations" : "儲存空間資訊",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "已使用 {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "已使用 {relative}%",
@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted shares" : "已刪除的分享",
"Pending shares" : "等待分享",
"Open folder {name}" : "開啟資料夾 {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "出於效能考量,此清單未完全呈現。檔案將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
"Search for an account" : "搜尋帳號",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "尚未刪除任何檔案或資料夾"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
index f10276c5e87..9e7a58c1d7e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"descending" : "遞減",
"Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "按 {column}({direction})排序清單",
"List of files and folders." : "檔案與資料夾清單。",
- "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "出於效能考量,此清單未完全呈現。檔案將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
"Storage informations" : "儲存空間資訊",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "已使用 {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "已使用 {relative}%",
@@ -269,6 +268,7 @@
"Deleted shares" : "已刪除的分享",
"Pending shares" : "等待分享",
"Open folder {name}" : "開啟資料夾 {name}",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "出於效能考量,此清單未完全呈現。檔案將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
"Search for an account" : "搜尋帳號",
"No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "尚未刪除任何檔案或資料夾"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ar.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/ar.js
index 1384edfa1a6..3ecec92e564 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ar.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "التخزين الخارجي",
- "Personal" : "شخصي",
- "System" : "النظام",
- "Grant access" : "السماح بالنفاذ",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "خطأ في تكوين OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "يرجى تقديم مفتاح تطبيق وكلمة سر صالحة.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "خطأ في تكوين OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "توليد مفاتيح",
- "Error generating key pair" : "خطأ في توليد زوج المفاتيح",
"Type to select user or group." : "أكتب لاختيار مستخدم أو مجموعة",
"(Group)" : "(مجموعة)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "التوافق مع نظام التشفير Mac NFD (بطيء)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "حفظ",
"Saving …" : "جاري الحفظ…",
"Save" : "حفظ",
- "Empty response from the server" : "استجابة فارغة من الخادوم",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "تعذّر الوصول. يُرجى تسجيل الخروج ثم الدخول مرة أخرى لتفعيل نقطة التحميل mount point هذه",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "تعذّر الحصول على المعلومات من الخادوم القصي remote server ـ : {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "تعذّر الحصول على قائمة بنقاط التحميل الخارجية external mount points ـ: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "حدث خطأ في الرسالة: ",
- "External mount error" : "خطأ في نقطة التثبيت (Mount point) الخارجي",
- "external-storage" : "وحدة تخزين خارجية external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "تعذر جلب قائمة \"نقاط تحميل محرك أقراص شبكة وندوز\" Windows network drive mount points: استجابة فارغة من الخادوم",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "الرجاء إدخال معلومات تسجيل الدخول لـ {mount} نقطة التثبيت",
- "Username" : "إسم المستخدم",
- "Password" : "كلمة السر",
- "Credentials saved" : "تم حفظ بيانات الدخول",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "فشل حفظ معلومات تسجيل الدخول",
- "Credentials required" : "يتطلب بيانات الدخول",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "ممنوع من إدارة الحوامل المحلّيّة local mounts",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "تعذّر العثور على وحدة التخزين ذات المُعرِّف \"%d\" ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "فئة آلية المصادقة authentication mechanism class أو الخلفية backend غير صالحة",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "معرف العميل",
"Client secret" : "كلمة سر العميل",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "إسم المستخدم",
+ "Password" : "كلمة السر",
"Tenant name" : "اسم المستأجر",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "عنوان URL للوحدة الطرفية للهوية Identity endpoint",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "لم يتم تمكين أو تنصيب دعم cURL في PHP. لذا، سيتعذّر رفع نقطة التحميل mounting ـ %s. رجاءً، أطلب من مشرفك تنصيبها.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "لم يتم تمكين أو تنصيب دعم FTP في PH. لذا، سيتعذّر رفع نقطة التحميل mounting ـ %s . رجاءً، أطلب من مشرفك تنصيبها.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" لم يتمّ تنصيبها. لذا، سيتعذّر رفع نقطة التحميل mounting ـ %2$s. رجاءً، أطلب من مشرفك تنصيبها.",
+ "External storage" : "التخزين الخارجي",
"External storage support" : "دعم وحدات التخزين الخارجية",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "يُضيف دعماً أساسيّاً للتخزين الخارجي",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "يُمكّن هذا التطبيق المشرفين من تكوين الاتصالات بمُوفّري التخزين الخارجي؛ مثل خوادم FTP، ومخازن عناصر S3 أو SWIFT، و خوادم Nextcloud الأخرى، و خوادم WebDAV و غيرها. يمكن للمشرفين اختيار أنواع التخزين التي يرغبون في تمكينها، ويمكنهم تحميل مواقع التخزين هذه لمستخدمٍ أو لمجموعة مستخدمين أو للنظام بأكمله. سيرى المستخدمون مُجلّدًا جديدًا يظهر في دليل Nextcloud الجذر الخاص بهم والذي يمكنهم الوصول إليه واستخدامه مثل أي مجلد آخر من Nextcloud. \nتتيح وحدة التخزين الخارجية أيضًا للمستخدمين مشاركة الملفات المُخزّنة في هذه المواقع الخارجية. في هذه الحالات، يتم استخدام حيثيات الدخول لمالك الملف عندما يطلب المستلم الملف من وحدة التخزين الخارجية، ممّا يضمن إمكانية وصول المستلم إلى الملف المشترك. \nيمكن تكوين التخزين الخارجي عن طريق واجهة المستخدم الرسومية أو عن طريق سطر الأوامر. يوفر الخيار الثاني للمستخدم المتقدم مزيدًا من المرونة لتكوين حوامل التخزين الخارجية الكبيرة وتحديد أولويات التحميل. \nيتوفر المزيد من المعلومات في وثائق واجهة المستخدم الرسومية للتخزين الخارجي ووثائق ملف تكوين وحدة التخزين الخارجية.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "لم يتم تكوين أي وحدة تخزين خارجية أو أنك لا تملك الصلاحية لتكوينها",
- "Name" : "اسم",
+ "Open in files" : "إفتَح في شاشة الملفات",
+ "External mount error" : "خطأ في نقطة التثبيت (Mount point) الخارجي",
"Storage type" : "نوع التخزين",
+ "Unknown" : "غير معروف",
"Scope" : "النطاق",
+ "Personal" : "شخصي",
+ "System" : "النظام",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "لم يتم تكوين أي وحدة تخزين خارجية أو أنك لا تملك الصلاحية لتكوينها",
"Open documentation" : "فتح الدليل",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "تتيح لك وحدة التخزين الخارجية تحميل خدمات وأجهزة التخزين الخارجية كأجهزة تخزين ثانوية لـ Nextcloud. يمكنك أيضًا السماح للمستخدمين بتحميل خدمات التخزين الخارجية الخاصة بهم.",
"Folder name" : "اسم المجلد",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "كُلّ المستخدمين",
"Advanced settings" : "الإعدادات المتقدمة",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "السماح للمستخدمين بتصعيد mount وحدات تخزين خارجية",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "حيثيّات الدخول الشاملة global credentials يُمكن استخدامها للتحقق من عدة وحدات تخزين خارجية لها نفس الحيثيّات."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "حيثيّات الدخول الشاملة global credentials يُمكن استخدامها للتحقق من عدة وحدات تخزين خارجية لها نفس الحيثيّات.",
+ "Grant access" : "السماح بالنفاذ",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "خطأ في تكوين OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "يرجى تقديم مفتاح تطبيق وكلمة سر صالحة.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "خطأ في تكوين OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "توليد مفاتيح",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "خطأ في توليد زوج المفاتيح",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "استجابة فارغة من الخادوم",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "تعذّر الوصول. يُرجى تسجيل الخروج ثم الدخول مرة أخرى لتفعيل نقطة التحميل mount point هذه",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "تعذّر الحصول على المعلومات من الخادوم القصي remote server ـ : {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "تعذّر الحصول على قائمة بنقاط التحميل الخارجية external mount points ـ: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "حدث خطأ في الرسالة: ",
+ "external-storage" : "وحدة تخزين خارجية external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "تعذر جلب قائمة \"نقاط تحميل محرك أقراص شبكة وندوز\" Windows network drive mount points: استجابة فارغة من الخادوم",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "الرجاء إدخال معلومات تسجيل الدخول لـ {mount} نقطة التثبيت",
+ "Credentials saved" : "تم حفظ بيانات الدخول",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "فشل حفظ معلومات تسجيل الدخول",
+ "Credentials required" : "يتطلب بيانات الدخول",
+ "Name" : "اسم"
"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ar.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/ar.json
index c6551705c91..2fa013f4c5f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ar.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "التخزين الخارجي",
- "Personal" : "شخصي",
- "System" : "النظام",
- "Grant access" : "السماح بالنفاذ",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "خطأ في تكوين OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "يرجى تقديم مفتاح تطبيق وكلمة سر صالحة.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "خطأ في تكوين OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "توليد مفاتيح",
- "Error generating key pair" : "خطأ في توليد زوج المفاتيح",
"Type to select user or group." : "أكتب لاختيار مستخدم أو مجموعة",
"(Group)" : "(مجموعة)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "التوافق مع نظام التشفير Mac NFD (بطيء)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "حفظ",
"Saving …" : "جاري الحفظ…",
"Save" : "حفظ",
- "Empty response from the server" : "استجابة فارغة من الخادوم",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "تعذّر الوصول. يُرجى تسجيل الخروج ثم الدخول مرة أخرى لتفعيل نقطة التحميل mount point هذه",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "تعذّر الحصول على المعلومات من الخادوم القصي remote server ـ : {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "تعذّر الحصول على قائمة بنقاط التحميل الخارجية external mount points ـ: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "حدث خطأ في الرسالة: ",
- "External mount error" : "خطأ في نقطة التثبيت (Mount point) الخارجي",
- "external-storage" : "وحدة تخزين خارجية external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "تعذر جلب قائمة \"نقاط تحميل محرك أقراص شبكة وندوز\" Windows network drive mount points: استجابة فارغة من الخادوم",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "الرجاء إدخال معلومات تسجيل الدخول لـ {mount} نقطة التثبيت",
- "Username" : "إسم المستخدم",
- "Password" : "كلمة السر",
- "Credentials saved" : "تم حفظ بيانات الدخول",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "فشل حفظ معلومات تسجيل الدخول",
- "Credentials required" : "يتطلب بيانات الدخول",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "ممنوع من إدارة الحوامل المحلّيّة local mounts",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "تعذّر العثور على وحدة التخزين ذات المُعرِّف \"%d\" ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "فئة آلية المصادقة authentication mechanism class أو الخلفية backend غير صالحة",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "معرف العميل",
"Client secret" : "كلمة سر العميل",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "إسم المستخدم",
+ "Password" : "كلمة السر",
"Tenant name" : "اسم المستأجر",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "عنوان URL للوحدة الطرفية للهوية Identity endpoint",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "لم يتم تمكين أو تنصيب دعم cURL في PHP. لذا، سيتعذّر رفع نقطة التحميل mounting ـ %s. رجاءً، أطلب من مشرفك تنصيبها.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "لم يتم تمكين أو تنصيب دعم FTP في PH. لذا، سيتعذّر رفع نقطة التحميل mounting ـ %s . رجاءً، أطلب من مشرفك تنصيبها.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" لم يتمّ تنصيبها. لذا، سيتعذّر رفع نقطة التحميل mounting ـ %2$s. رجاءً، أطلب من مشرفك تنصيبها.",
+ "External storage" : "التخزين الخارجي",
"External storage support" : "دعم وحدات التخزين الخارجية",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "يُضيف دعماً أساسيّاً للتخزين الخارجي",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "يُمكّن هذا التطبيق المشرفين من تكوين الاتصالات بمُوفّري التخزين الخارجي؛ مثل خوادم FTP، ومخازن عناصر S3 أو SWIFT، و خوادم Nextcloud الأخرى، و خوادم WebDAV و غيرها. يمكن للمشرفين اختيار أنواع التخزين التي يرغبون في تمكينها، ويمكنهم تحميل مواقع التخزين هذه لمستخدمٍ أو لمجموعة مستخدمين أو للنظام بأكمله. سيرى المستخدمون مُجلّدًا جديدًا يظهر في دليل Nextcloud الجذر الخاص بهم والذي يمكنهم الوصول إليه واستخدامه مثل أي مجلد آخر من Nextcloud. \nتتيح وحدة التخزين الخارجية أيضًا للمستخدمين مشاركة الملفات المُخزّنة في هذه المواقع الخارجية. في هذه الحالات، يتم استخدام حيثيات الدخول لمالك الملف عندما يطلب المستلم الملف من وحدة التخزين الخارجية، ممّا يضمن إمكانية وصول المستلم إلى الملف المشترك. \nيمكن تكوين التخزين الخارجي عن طريق واجهة المستخدم الرسومية أو عن طريق سطر الأوامر. يوفر الخيار الثاني للمستخدم المتقدم مزيدًا من المرونة لتكوين حوامل التخزين الخارجية الكبيرة وتحديد أولويات التحميل. \nيتوفر المزيد من المعلومات في وثائق واجهة المستخدم الرسومية للتخزين الخارجي ووثائق ملف تكوين وحدة التخزين الخارجية.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "لم يتم تكوين أي وحدة تخزين خارجية أو أنك لا تملك الصلاحية لتكوينها",
- "Name" : "اسم",
+ "Open in files" : "إفتَح في شاشة الملفات",
+ "External mount error" : "خطأ في نقطة التثبيت (Mount point) الخارجي",
"Storage type" : "نوع التخزين",
+ "Unknown" : "غير معروف",
"Scope" : "النطاق",
+ "Personal" : "شخصي",
+ "System" : "النظام",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "لم يتم تكوين أي وحدة تخزين خارجية أو أنك لا تملك الصلاحية لتكوينها",
"Open documentation" : "فتح الدليل",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "تتيح لك وحدة التخزين الخارجية تحميل خدمات وأجهزة التخزين الخارجية كأجهزة تخزين ثانوية لـ Nextcloud. يمكنك أيضًا السماح للمستخدمين بتحميل خدمات التخزين الخارجية الخاصة بهم.",
"Folder name" : "اسم المجلد",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "كُلّ المستخدمين",
"Advanced settings" : "الإعدادات المتقدمة",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "السماح للمستخدمين بتصعيد mount وحدات تخزين خارجية",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "حيثيّات الدخول الشاملة global credentials يُمكن استخدامها للتحقق من عدة وحدات تخزين خارجية لها نفس الحيثيّات."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "حيثيّات الدخول الشاملة global credentials يُمكن استخدامها للتحقق من عدة وحدات تخزين خارجية لها نفس الحيثيّات.",
+ "Grant access" : "السماح بالنفاذ",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "خطأ في تكوين OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "يرجى تقديم مفتاح تطبيق وكلمة سر صالحة.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "خطأ في تكوين OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "توليد مفاتيح",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "خطأ في توليد زوج المفاتيح",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "استجابة فارغة من الخادوم",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "تعذّر الوصول. يُرجى تسجيل الخروج ثم الدخول مرة أخرى لتفعيل نقطة التحميل mount point هذه",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "تعذّر الحصول على المعلومات من الخادوم القصي remote server ـ : {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "تعذّر الحصول على قائمة بنقاط التحميل الخارجية external mount points ـ: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "حدث خطأ في الرسالة: ",
+ "external-storage" : "وحدة تخزين خارجية external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "تعذر جلب قائمة \"نقاط تحميل محرك أقراص شبكة وندوز\" Windows network drive mount points: استجابة فارغة من الخادوم",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "الرجاء إدخال معلومات تسجيل الدخول لـ {mount} نقطة التثبيت",
+ "Credentials saved" : "تم حفظ بيانات الدخول",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "فشل حفظ معلومات تسجيل الدخول",
+ "Credentials required" : "يتطلب بيانات الدخول",
+ "Name" : "اسم"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/bg.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/bg.js
index 28ec1d98fd2..197ee7cf76e 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/bg.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Външно хранилище",
- "Personal" : "Личен",
- "System" : "Системен",
- "Grant access" : "Разреши достъпa",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка при конфигурирането на OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Моля да предоставете валиден ключ и тайна на приложението.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка при конфигурирането на OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Генериране на криптографски ключове",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генериране на криптографски ключове",
"Type to select user or group." : "Въвеждане за избор на потребител или група.",
"(Group)" : "(Група)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Съвместимост с кодиране на Mac NFD (бавно)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Запазено",
"Saving …" : "Записване …",
"Save" : "Запис",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Празен отговор от сървъра",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Няма достъп. Моля да излезте и влезте отново, за да активирате тази точка на монтиране",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не можах да получа информацията от отдалечения сървър: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не можах да получа списъка с външни точки за монтиране: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Възникна грешка при съобщението:",
- "External mount error" : "Външна грешка при външно монтиране",
- "external-storage" : "външно хранилище",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не можа да се извлече списък с точки за монтиране на мрежово устройство на Windows: Празен отговор от сървъра",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Моля да въведете идентификационни данни за монтирането {mount}",
- "Username" : "Потребител",
- "Password" : "Парола",
- "Credentials saved" : "Запазване на идентификационни данни",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Неуспешно запазване на идентификационни данни",
- "Credentials required" : "Нужни са идентификационни данни",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Забрана за управление на локални монтажи",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Хранилище с идентификатор \"%d\" не е намерено",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Невалиден сървър или клас на механизма за удостоверяване",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Client ID",
"Client secret" : "Тайна на клиент",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2 /услуга за установяване на самоличност/",
+ "Username" : "Потребител",
+ "Password" : "Парола",
"Tenant name" : "Име на клиент",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL адрес на крайната точка на самоличността",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : " PHP подръжката на cURL не е включена или инсталирана. Монтирането на %s не е възможно. Моля да поискате системния администратор да я инсталира.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : " Поддръжката на FTP в PHP не е включена или инсталирана. Монтирането на %s не е възможно. Моля да поискате системния администратор да я инсталира.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" не е инсталиран. Прикачването на %2$sне е възможно. Моля да поискате от системния администратор да я инсталира.",
+ "External storage" : "Външно хранилище",
"External storage support" : "Поддръжка на външно хранилище",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Добавя основна поддръжка за външно хранилище",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Това приложение позволява на администраторите да конфигурират връзки с външни доставчици на хранилище, като FTP сървъри, S3 или SWIFT хранилища на обекти, други Nextcloud сървъри, WebDAV сървъри и др. Администраторите могат да избират кои типове хранилища да активират и могат да монтират тези места за съхранение за потребител, група или цялата система. Потребителите ще видят, че в основната им директория Nextcloud се появява нова папка, до която те имат достъп и използват като всяка друга папка в Nextcloud. Външното хранилище също така позволява на потребителите да споделят файлове, съхранявани в тези външни местоположения. В тези случаи идентификационните данни за собственика на файла се използват, когато получателят поиска файла от външно хранилище, като по този начин се гарантира, че получателят има достъп до споделения файл.\n\nВъншното хранилище може да бъде конфигурирано с помощта на GUI или в командния ред. Тази втора опция предоставя на напредналия потребител по-голяма гъвкавост за конфигуриране на групови външни монтирания за съхранение и задаване на приоритети за монтиране. Повече информация е налична в документацията за GUI на външното хранилище и документацията за конфигурационния файл на външното хранилище.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Няма конфигурирано външно хранилище или нямате право да го конфигурирате",
- "Name" : "Име",
+ "External mount error" : "Външна грешка при външно монтиране",
"Storage type" : "Тип хранилище",
+ "Unknown" : "Неизвестен",
"Scope" : "Обхват",
+ "Personal" : "Личен",
+ "System" : "Системен",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Няма конфигурирано външно хранилище или нямате право да го конфигурирате",
"Open documentation" : "Отвори документацията",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Външното хранилище ви позволява да монтирате външни услуги и хранилища, както и вторични устройства за съхранение на Nextcloud. Можете също така да позволите на потреби телите да монтират свои собствени външни услуги за съхранение.",
"Folder name" : "Име на папката",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Всички потребители",
"Advanced settings" : "Допълнителни настройки",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Разреши на потребителите да монтират външни хранилища",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобалните идентификационни данни могат да се използват за удостоверяване с множество външни хранилища, които имат едни и същи идентификационни данни."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобалните идентификационни данни могат да се използват за удостоверяване с множество външни хранилища, които имат едни и същи идентификационни данни.",
+ "Grant access" : "Разреши достъпa",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка при конфигурирането на OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Моля да предоставете валиден ключ и тайна на приложението.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка при конфигурирането на OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Генериране на криптографски ключове",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генериране на криптографски ключове",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Празен отговор от сървъра",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Няма достъп. Моля да излезте и влезте отново, за да активирате тази точка на монтиране",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не можах да получа информацията от отдалечения сървър: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не можах да получа списъка с външни точки за монтиране: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Възникна грешка при съобщението:",
+ "external-storage" : "външно хранилище",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не можа да се извлече списък с точки за монтиране на мрежово устройство на Windows: Празен отговор от сървъра",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Моля да въведете идентификационни данни за монтирането {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Запазване на идентификационни данни",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Неуспешно запазване на идентификационни данни",
+ "Credentials required" : "Нужни са идентификационни данни",
+ "Name" : "Име"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/bg.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/bg.json
index f1618a3688e..a3808022dc4 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/bg.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Външно хранилище",
- "Personal" : "Личен",
- "System" : "Системен",
- "Grant access" : "Разреши достъпa",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка при конфигурирането на OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Моля да предоставете валиден ключ и тайна на приложението.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка при конфигурирането на OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Генериране на криптографски ключове",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генериране на криптографски ключове",
"Type to select user or group." : "Въвеждане за избор на потребител или група.",
"(Group)" : "(Група)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Съвместимост с кодиране на Mac NFD (бавно)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Запазено",
"Saving …" : "Записване …",
"Save" : "Запис",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Празен отговор от сървъра",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Няма достъп. Моля да излезте и влезте отново, за да активирате тази точка на монтиране",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не можах да получа информацията от отдалечения сървър: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не можах да получа списъка с външни точки за монтиране: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Възникна грешка при съобщението:",
- "External mount error" : "Външна грешка при външно монтиране",
- "external-storage" : "външно хранилище",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не можа да се извлече списък с точки за монтиране на мрежово устройство на Windows: Празен отговор от сървъра",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Моля да въведете идентификационни данни за монтирането {mount}",
- "Username" : "Потребител",
- "Password" : "Парола",
- "Credentials saved" : "Запазване на идентификационни данни",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Неуспешно запазване на идентификационни данни",
- "Credentials required" : "Нужни са идентификационни данни",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Забрана за управление на локални монтажи",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Хранилище с идентификатор \"%d\" не е намерено",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Невалиден сървър или клас на механизма за удостоверяване",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Client ID",
"Client secret" : "Тайна на клиент",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2 /услуга за установяване на самоличност/",
+ "Username" : "Потребител",
+ "Password" : "Парола",
"Tenant name" : "Име на клиент",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL адрес на крайната точка на самоличността",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : " PHP подръжката на cURL не е включена или инсталирана. Монтирането на %s не е възможно. Моля да поискате системния администратор да я инсталира.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : " Поддръжката на FTP в PHP не е включена или инсталирана. Монтирането на %s не е възможно. Моля да поискате системния администратор да я инсталира.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" не е инсталиран. Прикачването на %2$sне е възможно. Моля да поискате от системния администратор да я инсталира.",
+ "External storage" : "Външно хранилище",
"External storage support" : "Поддръжка на външно хранилище",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Добавя основна поддръжка за външно хранилище",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Това приложение позволява на администраторите да конфигурират връзки с външни доставчици на хранилище, като FTP сървъри, S3 или SWIFT хранилища на обекти, други Nextcloud сървъри, WebDAV сървъри и др. Администраторите могат да избират кои типове хранилища да активират и могат да монтират тези места за съхранение за потребител, група или цялата система. Потребителите ще видят, че в основната им директория Nextcloud се появява нова папка, до която те имат достъп и използват като всяка друга папка в Nextcloud. Външното хранилище също така позволява на потребителите да споделят файлове, съхранявани в тези външни местоположения. В тези случаи идентификационните данни за собственика на файла се използват, когато получателят поиска файла от външно хранилище, като по този начин се гарантира, че получателят има достъп до споделения файл.\n\nВъншното хранилище може да бъде конфигурирано с помощта на GUI или в командния ред. Тази втора опция предоставя на напредналия потребител по-голяма гъвкавост за конфигуриране на групови външни монтирания за съхранение и задаване на приоритети за монтиране. Повече информация е налична в документацията за GUI на външното хранилище и документацията за конфигурационния файл на външното хранилище.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Няма конфигурирано външно хранилище или нямате право да го конфигурирате",
- "Name" : "Име",
+ "External mount error" : "Външна грешка при външно монтиране",
"Storage type" : "Тип хранилище",
+ "Unknown" : "Неизвестен",
"Scope" : "Обхват",
+ "Personal" : "Личен",
+ "System" : "Системен",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Няма конфигурирано външно хранилище или нямате право да го конфигурирате",
"Open documentation" : "Отвори документацията",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Външното хранилище ви позволява да монтирате външни услуги и хранилища, както и вторични устройства за съхранение на Nextcloud. Можете също така да позволите на потреби телите да монтират свои собствени външни услуги за съхранение.",
"Folder name" : "Име на папката",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "Всички потребители",
"Advanced settings" : "Допълнителни настройки",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Разреши на потребителите да монтират външни хранилища",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобалните идентификационни данни могат да се използват за удостоверяване с множество външни хранилища, които имат едни и същи идентификационни данни."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобалните идентификационни данни могат да се използват за удостоверяване с множество външни хранилища, които имат едни и същи идентификационни данни.",
+ "Grant access" : "Разреши достъпa",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка при конфигурирането на OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Моля да предоставете валиден ключ и тайна на приложението.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка при конфигурирането на OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Генериране на криптографски ключове",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генериране на криптографски ключове",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Празен отговор от сървъра",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Няма достъп. Моля да излезте и влезте отново, за да активирате тази точка на монтиране",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не можах да получа информацията от отдалечения сървър: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не можах да получа списъка с външни точки за монтиране: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Възникна грешка при съобщението:",
+ "external-storage" : "външно хранилище",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не можа да се извлече списък с точки за монтиране на мрежово устройство на Windows: Празен отговор от сървъра",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Моля да въведете идентификационни данни за монтирането {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Запазване на идентификационни данни",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Неуспешно запазване на идентификационни данни",
+ "Credentials required" : "Нужни са идентификационни данни",
+ "Name" : "Име"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ca.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/ca.js
index 3f2abfc1d36..b3887f138b8 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ca.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Emmagatzematge extern",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Concedeix accés",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "S'ha produït un error en configurar l'OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Proporcioneu una clau d'aplicació i un secret vàlids.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "S'ha produït un error en configurar l'OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Genera les claus",
- "Error generating key pair" : "S'ha produït un error en generar el parell de claus",
"Type to select user or group." : "Escriviu per a seleccionar un usuari o grup.",
"(Group)" : "(grup)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilitat amb la codificació de Mac NFD (lent)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "S'ha desat",
"Saving …" : "S'està desant…",
"Save" : "Desa",
- "Empty response from the server" : "El servidor ha enviat una resposta buida",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No s'ha pogut accedir. Tanqueu la sessió i torneu a iniciar-la per a activar aquest punt de muntatge",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la informació del servidor remot: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista de punts de muntatge externs: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "S'ha produït un error amb el missatge: ",
- "External mount error" : "Error de muntatge extern",
- "external-storage" : "emmagatzematge-extern",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista de punts de muntatge de la unitat de xarxa del Windows: el servidor ha enviat una resposta buida",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Introduïu les credencials per al muntatge {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nom d'usuari",
- "Password" : "Contrasenya",
- "Credentials saved" : "S'han desat les credencials",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "S'ha produït un error en desar les credencials",
- "Credentials required" : "Calen credencials",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Està prohibit gestionar muntatges locals",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "No s'ha trobat l'emmagatzematge amb l'ID «%d»",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "La classe de rerefons o de mecanisme d'autenticació no és vàlida",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del client",
"Client secret" : "Secret del client",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nom d'usuari",
+ "Password" : "Contrasenya",
"Tenant name" : "Nom de l'inquilí",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL de l'extrem d'identitat",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "La compatibilitat amb cURL del PHP no està habilitada o instal·lat. No es pot muntar %s. Demaneu a l'administrador del sistema que l'instal·li.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "La compatibilitat amb FTP del PHP no està habilitada o instal·lat. No es pot muntar %s. Demaneu a l'administrador del sistema que l'instal·li.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "«%1$s» no està instal·lat. No es pot muntar %2$s. Demaneu a l'administrador del sistema que l'instal·li.",
+ "External storage" : "Emmagatzematge extern",
"External storage support" : "Compatibilitat amb emmagatzematge extern",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Afegeix compatibilitat bàsica amb emmagatzematge extern",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aquesta aplicació permet als administradors configurar les connexions amb proveïdors d'emmagatzematge externs, com ara servidors FTP, magatzems d'objectes S3 o SWIFT, altres servidors del Nextcloud, servidors WebDAV i molt més. Els administradors poden triar quins tipus d'emmagatzematge permeten i poden muntar aquestes ubicacions d'emmagatzematge per a un usuari, un grup o tot el sistema. Els usuaris veuran que apareixerà una nova carpeta en la carpeta arrel del Nextcloud, que podran obrir i utilitzar com qualsevol altra carpeta del Nextcloud. L'emmagatzematge extern també permet als usuaris compartir fitxers emmagatzemats en aquestes ubicacions externes. En aquests casos, s'utilitzen les credencials del propietari del fitxer quan el destinatari sol·licita el fitxer des d'un emmagatzematge extern, de manera que es garanteix que el destinatari pot accedir al fitxer compartit.\n\nL'emmagatzematge extern es pot configurar mitjançant la interfície gràfica d'usuari o des de la línia d'ordres. Aquesta segona opció proporciona als usuaris avançats més flexibilitat per a configurar muntatges d'emmagatzematge extern en massa i establir prioritats de muntatge. Podeu obtenir més informació en la documentació de la GUI d'emmagatzematge extern i la documentació del fitxer de configuració de l'emmagatzematge extern.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No hi ha cap emmagatzematge extern configurat o no teniu permís per a configurar-lo",
- "Name" : "Nom",
+ "Open in files" : "Obre a Fitxers",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de muntatge extern",
"Storage type" : "Tipus d'emmagatzematge",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconegut",
"Scope" : "Abast",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No hi ha cap emmagatzematge extern configurat o no teniu permís per a configurar-lo",
"Open documentation" : "Obre la documentació",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "L'emmagatzematge extern us permet muntar serveis i dispositius d'emmagatzematge externs com a dispositius d'emmagatzematge secundaris del Nextcloud. També podeu permetre que els usuaris muntin els seus propis serveis d'emmagatzematge extern.",
"Folder name" : "Nom de la carpeta",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Tots els usuaris",
"Advanced settings" : "Paràmetres avançats",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permet que els usuaris muntin emmagatzematge extern",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Les credencials globals es poden utilitzar per a autenticar-se amb diversos emmagatzematges externs que tinguin les mateixes credencials."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Les credencials globals es poden utilitzar per a autenticar-se amb diversos emmagatzematges externs que tinguin les mateixes credencials.",
+ "Grant access" : "Concedeix accés",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "S'ha produït un error en configurar l'OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Proporcioneu una clau d'aplicació i un secret vàlids.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "S'ha produït un error en configurar l'OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Genera les claus",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "S'ha produït un error en generar el parell de claus",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "El servidor ha enviat una resposta buida",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No s'ha pogut accedir. Tanqueu la sessió i torneu a iniciar-la per a activar aquest punt de muntatge",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la informació del servidor remot: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista de punts de muntatge externs: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "S'ha produït un error amb el missatge: ",
+ "external-storage" : "emmagatzematge-extern",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista de punts de muntatge de la unitat de xarxa del Windows: el servidor ha enviat una resposta buida",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Introduïu les credencials per al muntatge {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "S'han desat les credencials",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "S'ha produït un error en desar les credencials",
+ "Credentials required" : "Calen credencials",
+ "Name" : "Nom"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ca.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/ca.json
index f2e7f456db8..73c3bd8f43d 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ca.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Emmagatzematge extern",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Concedeix accés",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "S'ha produït un error en configurar l'OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Proporcioneu una clau d'aplicació i un secret vàlids.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "S'ha produït un error en configurar l'OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Genera les claus",
- "Error generating key pair" : "S'ha produït un error en generar el parell de claus",
"Type to select user or group." : "Escriviu per a seleccionar un usuari o grup.",
"(Group)" : "(grup)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilitat amb la codificació de Mac NFD (lent)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "S'ha desat",
"Saving …" : "S'està desant…",
"Save" : "Desa",
- "Empty response from the server" : "El servidor ha enviat una resposta buida",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No s'ha pogut accedir. Tanqueu la sessió i torneu a iniciar-la per a activar aquest punt de muntatge",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la informació del servidor remot: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista de punts de muntatge externs: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "S'ha produït un error amb el missatge: ",
- "External mount error" : "Error de muntatge extern",
- "external-storage" : "emmagatzematge-extern",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista de punts de muntatge de la unitat de xarxa del Windows: el servidor ha enviat una resposta buida",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Introduïu les credencials per al muntatge {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nom d'usuari",
- "Password" : "Contrasenya",
- "Credentials saved" : "S'han desat les credencials",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "S'ha produït un error en desar les credencials",
- "Credentials required" : "Calen credencials",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Està prohibit gestionar muntatges locals",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "No s'ha trobat l'emmagatzematge amb l'ID «%d»",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "La classe de rerefons o de mecanisme d'autenticació no és vàlida",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del client",
"Client secret" : "Secret del client",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nom d'usuari",
+ "Password" : "Contrasenya",
"Tenant name" : "Nom de l'inquilí",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL de l'extrem d'identitat",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "La compatibilitat amb cURL del PHP no està habilitada o instal·lat. No es pot muntar %s. Demaneu a l'administrador del sistema que l'instal·li.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "La compatibilitat amb FTP del PHP no està habilitada o instal·lat. No es pot muntar %s. Demaneu a l'administrador del sistema que l'instal·li.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "«%1$s» no està instal·lat. No es pot muntar %2$s. Demaneu a l'administrador del sistema que l'instal·li.",
+ "External storage" : "Emmagatzematge extern",
"External storage support" : "Compatibilitat amb emmagatzematge extern",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Afegeix compatibilitat bàsica amb emmagatzematge extern",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aquesta aplicació permet als administradors configurar les connexions amb proveïdors d'emmagatzematge externs, com ara servidors FTP, magatzems d'objectes S3 o SWIFT, altres servidors del Nextcloud, servidors WebDAV i molt més. Els administradors poden triar quins tipus d'emmagatzematge permeten i poden muntar aquestes ubicacions d'emmagatzematge per a un usuari, un grup o tot el sistema. Els usuaris veuran que apareixerà una nova carpeta en la carpeta arrel del Nextcloud, que podran obrir i utilitzar com qualsevol altra carpeta del Nextcloud. L'emmagatzematge extern també permet als usuaris compartir fitxers emmagatzemats en aquestes ubicacions externes. En aquests casos, s'utilitzen les credencials del propietari del fitxer quan el destinatari sol·licita el fitxer des d'un emmagatzematge extern, de manera que es garanteix que el destinatari pot accedir al fitxer compartit.\n\nL'emmagatzematge extern es pot configurar mitjançant la interfície gràfica d'usuari o des de la línia d'ordres. Aquesta segona opció proporciona als usuaris avançats més flexibilitat per a configurar muntatges d'emmagatzematge extern en massa i establir prioritats de muntatge. Podeu obtenir més informació en la documentació de la GUI d'emmagatzematge extern i la documentació del fitxer de configuració de l'emmagatzematge extern.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No hi ha cap emmagatzematge extern configurat o no teniu permís per a configurar-lo",
- "Name" : "Nom",
+ "Open in files" : "Obre a Fitxers",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de muntatge extern",
"Storage type" : "Tipus d'emmagatzematge",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconegut",
"Scope" : "Abast",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No hi ha cap emmagatzematge extern configurat o no teniu permís per a configurar-lo",
"Open documentation" : "Obre la documentació",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "L'emmagatzematge extern us permet muntar serveis i dispositius d'emmagatzematge externs com a dispositius d'emmagatzematge secundaris del Nextcloud. També podeu permetre que els usuaris muntin els seus propis serveis d'emmagatzematge extern.",
"Folder name" : "Nom de la carpeta",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Tots els usuaris",
"Advanced settings" : "Paràmetres avançats",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permet que els usuaris muntin emmagatzematge extern",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Les credencials globals es poden utilitzar per a autenticar-se amb diversos emmagatzematges externs que tinguin les mateixes credencials."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Les credencials globals es poden utilitzar per a autenticar-se amb diversos emmagatzematges externs que tinguin les mateixes credencials.",
+ "Grant access" : "Concedeix accés",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "S'ha produït un error en configurar l'OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Proporcioneu una clau d'aplicació i un secret vàlids.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "S'ha produït un error en configurar l'OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Genera les claus",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "S'ha produït un error en generar el parell de claus",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "El servidor ha enviat una resposta buida",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No s'ha pogut accedir. Tanqueu la sessió i torneu a iniciar-la per a activar aquest punt de muntatge",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la informació del servidor remot: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista de punts de muntatge externs: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "S'ha produït un error amb el missatge: ",
+ "external-storage" : "emmagatzematge-extern",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista de punts de muntatge de la unitat de xarxa del Windows: el servidor ha enviat una resposta buida",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Introduïu les credencials per al muntatge {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "S'han desat les credencials",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "S'ha produït un error en desar les credencials",
+ "Credentials required" : "Calen credencials",
+ "Name" : "Nom"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/cs.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/cs.js
index ecf4910b2f9..2b0dbd1238d 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/cs.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Externí úložiště",
- "Personal" : "Osobní",
- "System" : "Systémové",
- "Grant access" : "Udělit přístup",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Chyba při nastavování OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Zadejte platný klíč aplikace a tajné heslo.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Chyba při nastavování OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Vytvořit klíče",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Chyba při vytváření páru klíčů",
"Type to select user or group." : "Uživatele či skupinu vyberete psaním.",
"(Group)" : "(Skupina)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilita s Mac NFD kódováním (pomalé)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Uloženo",
"Saving …" : "Ukládání…",
"Save" : "Uložit",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Prázdná odpověď ze serveru",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nelze připojit. Pro aktivaci tohoto přípojného bodu se odhlaste a znovu přihlaste",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nedaří se obdržet informaci ze vzdáleného serveru: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nelze obdržet seznam vzdálených přípojných bodů: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Došlo k chybě s tímto hlášením:",
- "External mount error" : "Chyba vzdáleného úložiště",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nepodařilo se obdržet seznam síťových úložišť systému Windows: prázdná odpověď serveru",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Zadejte přihlašovací údaje k přípojnému bodu {mount}",
- "Username" : "Uživatelské jméno",
- "Password" : "Heslo",
- "Credentials saved" : "Přihlašovací údaje uloženy",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Uložení přihlašovacích údajů se nezdařilo",
- "Credentials required" : "Vyžadovány přihlašovací údaje",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Odepřeno spravovat místní připojení (mount)",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Úložiště s identifikátorem „%d“ nebylo nalezeno",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Neplatná podpůrná vrstva nebo třída ověřovacího mechanismu",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Identif. klienta",
"Client secret" : "Klientské tajemství",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Uživatelské jméno",
+ "Password" : "Heslo",
"Tenant name" : "Jméno nájemníka",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identifikační koncový bod URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podpora pro cURL není v rámci instalace PHP na vámi využívaném Nextcloud serveru zapnutá či přítomná. %s proto není možné připojit. Požádejte tamního správce systému o nápravu.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podpora pro FTP není v rámci instalace PHP na vámi využívaném Nextcloud serveru zapnutá či přítomná. %s proto není možné připojit. Požádejte tamního správce systému o nápravu.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s“ není nainstalované. Připojení %2$s proto není možné. Požádejte svého správce systémů o instalaci.",
+ "External storage" : "Externí úložiště",
"External storage support" : "Podpora pro externí úložiště",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Přidá základní podporu externí úložiště",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Tato aplikace umožňuje správcům nastavit propojení na poskytovatele vnějších úložišť, jako například FTP servery, S3 nebo SWIFT objektová úložiště, Google Drive, Dropbox, jiné Nextcloud servery, WebDAV servery a další. Správci mohou zvolit které typy úložiště zapnout a mohou je připojit pro uživatele, skupinu nebo celý systém. Uživatelé uvidí novou složku v jejich kořenové Nextcloud složce, do které mohou přistupovat a používat jako kteroukoli jinou Nextcloud složku. Externí úložiště také umožňuje uživatelům sdílet na něm uložené soubory. V takových případech jsou použity přihlašovací údaje vlastníka souboru když si příjemce vyžádá soubor z vnějšího úložiště, čímž je zajištěno že příjemce může přistupovat ke sdílenému souboru.\n\nExterní úložiště je možné nastavit pomocí webového rozhraní nebo z příkazového řádku. Tato druhá možnost poskytuje pokročilému uživateli více přizpůsobivosti pro nastavování vícero připojení vnějších úložišť a nastavení priorit připojování. Další informace jsou k dispozici v dokumentaci k externím úložištím ve webovém rozhraní a dokumentaci k souboru s nastaveními pro externí úložiště.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Není nastavené žádné externí úložiště nebo nemáte oprávnění taková nastavovat",
- "Name" : "Název",
+ "Open in files" : "Otevřít v aplikaci Soubory",
+ "External mount error" : "Chyba vzdáleného úložiště",
"Storage type" : "Typ úložiště",
+ "Unknown" : "Neznámé",
"Scope" : "Rozsah",
+ "Personal" : "Osobní",
+ "System" : "Systémové",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Není nastavené žádné externí úložiště nebo nemáte oprávnění taková nastavovat",
"Open documentation" : "Otevřít dokumentaci",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externí úložiště umožňuje připojit úložiště externích služeb a zařízení jako vedlejší úložná zařízení pro Nextcloud. Je také možné umožnit uživatelům připojovat jejich vlastní externí úložiště.",
"Folder name" : "Název složky",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Všichni uživatelé",
"Advanced settings" : "Pokročilá nastavení",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Povolit uživatelům připojení externího úložiště",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globální přihlašovací údaje je možné použít pro ověření se vůči vícero externím úložištím, která mají stejné přihlašovací údaje."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globální přihlašovací údaje je možné použít pro ověření se vůči vícero externím úložištím, která mají stejné přihlašovací údaje.",
+ "Grant access" : "Udělit přístup",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Chyba při nastavování OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Zadejte platný klíč aplikace a tajné heslo.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Chyba při nastavování OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Vytvořit klíče",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Chyba při vytváření páru klíčů",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Prázdná odpověď ze serveru",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nelze připojit. Pro aktivaci tohoto přípojného bodu se odhlaste a znovu přihlaste",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nedaří se obdržet informaci ze vzdáleného serveru: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nelze obdržet seznam vzdálených přípojných bodů: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Došlo k chybě s tímto hlášením:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nepodařilo se obdržet seznam síťových úložišť systému Windows: prázdná odpověď serveru",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Zadejte přihlašovací údaje k přípojnému bodu {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Přihlašovací údaje uloženy",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Uložení přihlašovacích údajů se nezdařilo",
+ "Credentials required" : "Vyžadovány přihlašovací údaje",
+ "Name" : "Název"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/cs.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/cs.json
index 326ea378745..8ca4660edb5 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/cs.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Externí úložiště",
- "Personal" : "Osobní",
- "System" : "Systémové",
- "Grant access" : "Udělit přístup",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Chyba při nastavování OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Zadejte platný klíč aplikace a tajné heslo.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Chyba při nastavování OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Vytvořit klíče",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Chyba při vytváření páru klíčů",
"Type to select user or group." : "Uživatele či skupinu vyberete psaním.",
"(Group)" : "(Skupina)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilita s Mac NFD kódováním (pomalé)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Uloženo",
"Saving …" : "Ukládání…",
"Save" : "Uložit",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Prázdná odpověď ze serveru",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nelze připojit. Pro aktivaci tohoto přípojného bodu se odhlaste a znovu přihlaste",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nedaří se obdržet informaci ze vzdáleného serveru: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nelze obdržet seznam vzdálených přípojných bodů: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Došlo k chybě s tímto hlášením:",
- "External mount error" : "Chyba vzdáleného úložiště",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nepodařilo se obdržet seznam síťových úložišť systému Windows: prázdná odpověď serveru",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Zadejte přihlašovací údaje k přípojnému bodu {mount}",
- "Username" : "Uživatelské jméno",
- "Password" : "Heslo",
- "Credentials saved" : "Přihlašovací údaje uloženy",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Uložení přihlašovacích údajů se nezdařilo",
- "Credentials required" : "Vyžadovány přihlašovací údaje",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Odepřeno spravovat místní připojení (mount)",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Úložiště s identifikátorem „%d“ nebylo nalezeno",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Neplatná podpůrná vrstva nebo třída ověřovacího mechanismu",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Identif. klienta",
"Client secret" : "Klientské tajemství",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Uživatelské jméno",
+ "Password" : "Heslo",
"Tenant name" : "Jméno nájemníka",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identifikační koncový bod URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podpora pro cURL není v rámci instalace PHP na vámi využívaném Nextcloud serveru zapnutá či přítomná. %s proto není možné připojit. Požádejte tamního správce systému o nápravu.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podpora pro FTP není v rámci instalace PHP na vámi využívaném Nextcloud serveru zapnutá či přítomná. %s proto není možné připojit. Požádejte tamního správce systému o nápravu.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s“ není nainstalované. Připojení %2$s proto není možné. Požádejte svého správce systémů o instalaci.",
+ "External storage" : "Externí úložiště",
"External storage support" : "Podpora pro externí úložiště",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Přidá základní podporu externí úložiště",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Tato aplikace umožňuje správcům nastavit propojení na poskytovatele vnějších úložišť, jako například FTP servery, S3 nebo SWIFT objektová úložiště, Google Drive, Dropbox, jiné Nextcloud servery, WebDAV servery a další. Správci mohou zvolit které typy úložiště zapnout a mohou je připojit pro uživatele, skupinu nebo celý systém. Uživatelé uvidí novou složku v jejich kořenové Nextcloud složce, do které mohou přistupovat a používat jako kteroukoli jinou Nextcloud složku. Externí úložiště také umožňuje uživatelům sdílet na něm uložené soubory. V takových případech jsou použity přihlašovací údaje vlastníka souboru když si příjemce vyžádá soubor z vnějšího úložiště, čímž je zajištěno že příjemce může přistupovat ke sdílenému souboru.\n\nExterní úložiště je možné nastavit pomocí webového rozhraní nebo z příkazového řádku. Tato druhá možnost poskytuje pokročilému uživateli více přizpůsobivosti pro nastavování vícero připojení vnějších úložišť a nastavení priorit připojování. Další informace jsou k dispozici v dokumentaci k externím úložištím ve webovém rozhraní a dokumentaci k souboru s nastaveními pro externí úložiště.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Není nastavené žádné externí úložiště nebo nemáte oprávnění taková nastavovat",
- "Name" : "Název",
+ "Open in files" : "Otevřít v aplikaci Soubory",
+ "External mount error" : "Chyba vzdáleného úložiště",
"Storage type" : "Typ úložiště",
+ "Unknown" : "Neznámé",
"Scope" : "Rozsah",
+ "Personal" : "Osobní",
+ "System" : "Systémové",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Není nastavené žádné externí úložiště nebo nemáte oprávnění taková nastavovat",
"Open documentation" : "Otevřít dokumentaci",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externí úložiště umožňuje připojit úložiště externích služeb a zařízení jako vedlejší úložná zařízení pro Nextcloud. Je také možné umožnit uživatelům připojovat jejich vlastní externí úložiště.",
"Folder name" : "Název složky",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Všichni uživatelé",
"Advanced settings" : "Pokročilá nastavení",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Povolit uživatelům připojení externího úložiště",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globální přihlašovací údaje je možné použít pro ověření se vůči vícero externím úložištím, která mají stejné přihlašovací údaje."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globální přihlašovací údaje je možné použít pro ověření se vůči vícero externím úložištím, která mají stejné přihlašovací údaje.",
+ "Grant access" : "Udělit přístup",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Chyba při nastavování OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Zadejte platný klíč aplikace a tajné heslo.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Chyba při nastavování OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Vytvořit klíče",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Chyba při vytváření páru klíčů",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Prázdná odpověď ze serveru",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nelze připojit. Pro aktivaci tohoto přípojného bodu se odhlaste a znovu přihlaste",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nedaří se obdržet informaci ze vzdáleného serveru: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nelze obdržet seznam vzdálených přípojných bodů: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Došlo k chybě s tímto hlášením:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nepodařilo se obdržet seznam síťových úložišť systému Windows: prázdná odpověď serveru",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Zadejte přihlašovací údaje k přípojnému bodu {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Přihlašovací údaje uloženy",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Uložení přihlašovacích údajů se nezdařilo",
+ "Credentials required" : "Vyžadovány přihlašovací údaje",
+ "Name" : "Název"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/da.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/da.js
index 19bbe6eb462..53992c5171f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/da.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/da.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Eksternt lager",
- "Personal" : "Personligt",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Godkend adgang",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fejl under konfiguration af OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Angiv venligst gyldig app-nøgle og -hemmelighed.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fejl under konfiguration af OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Opret nøgler.",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fejl under oprettelse af nøglepar",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilitet med Mac NFD encoding (langsom)",
"Enable encryption" : "Slå kryptering til",
@@ -27,20 +18,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Gemt",
"Saving …" : "Gemmer…",
"Save" : "Gem",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Svar fra serveren uden data",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kunne ikke forbinde. Log venligst ud og ind igen for at aktivere dette mount point.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få information fra fjern serveren: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kunne ikke få listen over eksterne mount points: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Der var et problem med beskeden:",
- "External mount error" : "Ekstern mount fejl",
- "external-storage" : "Eksternt lager",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kunne ikke få listen over Windows netværk drive mount points: Tomt svar fra serveren",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Indtast venligst brugeroplysningerne for {mount} mount",
- "Username" : "Brugernavn",
- "Password" : "Kodeord",
- "Credentials saved" : "Brugeroplysninger gemt",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Det mislykkedes at gemme brugeroplysninger.",
- "Credentials required" : "Kræver brugeroplysninger ",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Forbudt at administrere lokale mounts",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Lagring med ID \"%d\" ikke fundet",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ugyldig backend eller klasse for godkendelsesmekanisme",
@@ -65,6 +42,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Klient-ID",
"Client secret" : "Klient hemmelighed",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Brugernavn",
+ "Password" : "Kodeord",
"Tenant name" : "Lejernavn",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identificer afslutnings URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL-understøttelsen i PHP er enten ikke aktiveret eller installeret. Monteringen af %s er ikke mulig. Anmod din systemadministrator om at installere det.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP understøttelsen i PHP er enten ikke aktiveret eller installeret. Montering af %s er ikke muligt. Anmod din systemadministrator om at installere det.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" er ikke installeret. Tilslutning af %2$s er ikke muligt. Bed din systemadministrator om at installere det.",
+ "External storage" : "Eksternt lager",
"External storage support" : "Ekstern lager support",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Tilføjer grundlæggende ekstern lagerunderstøttelse",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Denne applikation gør det muligt for administratorer at konfigurere forbindelser til eksterne lagerudbydere, såsom FTP-servere, S3- eller SWIFT-objektlagre, andre Nextcloud-servere, WebDAV-servere og mere. Administratorer kan vælge, hvilke lagertyper der skal aktiveres og kan montere disse lagerplaceringer for en bruger, en gruppe eller hele systemet. Brugere vil se en ny mappe vises i deres rod-Nextcloud-mappe, som de kan få adgang til og bruge som enhver anden Nextcloud-mappe. Ekstern lagring giver også brugere mulighed for at dele filer gemt på disse eksterne steder. I disse tilfælde bruges legitimationsoplysningerne for ejeren af ​​filen, når modtageren anmoder om filen fra eksternt lager, hvorved det sikres, at modtageren kan få adgang til den delte fil.\n\nEksternt lager kan konfigureres ved hjælp af GUI eller på kommandolinjen. Denne anden mulighed giver den avancerede bruger mere fleksibilitet til at konfigurere bulk eksterne lagerbeslag og indstille monteringsprioriteter. Flere oplysninger er tilgængelige i dokumentationen til eksternt lager GUI og dokumentationen til ekstern lagerkonfigurationsfil.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Der er ikke konfigureret eksternt lager, eller du har ikke tilladelse til at konfigurere dem",
- "Name" : "Navn",
+ "External mount error" : "Ekstern mount fejl",
"Storage type" : "Lagertype",
+ "Unknown" : "Ukendt",
"Scope" : "Anvendelsesområde",
+ "Personal" : "Personligt",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Der er ikke konfigureret eksternt lager, eller du har ikke tilladelse til at konfigurere dem",
"Open documentation" : "Åbn dokumentation",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Ekstern lagring giver dig mulighed for at montere eksterne lagringstjenester og -enheder som sekundære Nextcloud-lagringsenheder. Du kan også tillade brugere at montere deres egne eksterne lagertjenester.",
"Folder name" : "Mappenavn",
@@ -136,6 +119,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add storage" : "Tilføj lager",
"Advanced settings" : "Avancerede indstillinger",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Tillad brugere at montere eksternt lager",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale legitimationsoplysninger kan bruges til at godkende med flere eksterne lager, der har de samme legitimationsoplysninger."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale legitimationsoplysninger kan bruges til at godkende med flere eksterne lager, der har de samme legitimationsoplysninger.",
+ "Grant access" : "Godkend adgang",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fejl under konfiguration af OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Angiv venligst gyldig app-nøgle og -hemmelighed.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fejl under konfiguration af OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Opret nøgler.",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fejl under oprettelse af nøglepar",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Svar fra serveren uden data",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kunne ikke forbinde. Log venligst ud og ind igen for at aktivere dette mount point.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få information fra fjern serveren: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kunne ikke få listen over eksterne mount points: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Der var et problem med beskeden:",
+ "external-storage" : "Eksternt lager",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kunne ikke få listen over Windows netværk drive mount points: Tomt svar fra serveren",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Indtast venligst brugeroplysningerne for {mount} mount",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Brugeroplysninger gemt",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Det mislykkedes at gemme brugeroplysninger.",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kræver brugeroplysninger ",
+ "Name" : "Navn"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/da.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/da.json
index 252d1a28a0a..b43f786b701 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/da.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/da.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Eksternt lager",
- "Personal" : "Personligt",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Godkend adgang",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fejl under konfiguration af OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Angiv venligst gyldig app-nøgle og -hemmelighed.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fejl under konfiguration af OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Opret nøgler.",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fejl under oprettelse af nøglepar",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilitet med Mac NFD encoding (langsom)",
"Enable encryption" : "Slå kryptering til",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@
"Saved" : "Gemt",
"Saving …" : "Gemmer…",
"Save" : "Gem",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Svar fra serveren uden data",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kunne ikke forbinde. Log venligst ud og ind igen for at aktivere dette mount point.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få information fra fjern serveren: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kunne ikke få listen over eksterne mount points: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Der var et problem med beskeden:",
- "External mount error" : "Ekstern mount fejl",
- "external-storage" : "Eksternt lager",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kunne ikke få listen over Windows netværk drive mount points: Tomt svar fra serveren",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Indtast venligst brugeroplysningerne for {mount} mount",
- "Username" : "Brugernavn",
- "Password" : "Kodeord",
- "Credentials saved" : "Brugeroplysninger gemt",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Det mislykkedes at gemme brugeroplysninger.",
- "Credentials required" : "Kræver brugeroplysninger ",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Forbudt at administrere lokale mounts",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Lagring med ID \"%d\" ikke fundet",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ugyldig backend eller klasse for godkendelsesmekanisme",
@@ -63,6 +40,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Klient-ID",
"Client secret" : "Klient hemmelighed",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Brugernavn",
+ "Password" : "Kodeord",
"Tenant name" : "Lejernavn",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identificer afslutnings URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -117,13 +96,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL-understøttelsen i PHP er enten ikke aktiveret eller installeret. Monteringen af %s er ikke mulig. Anmod din systemadministrator om at installere det.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP understøttelsen i PHP er enten ikke aktiveret eller installeret. Montering af %s er ikke muligt. Anmod din systemadministrator om at installere det.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" er ikke installeret. Tilslutning af %2$s er ikke muligt. Bed din systemadministrator om at installere det.",
+ "External storage" : "Eksternt lager",
"External storage support" : "Ekstern lager support",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Tilføjer grundlæggende ekstern lagerunderstøttelse",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Denne applikation gør det muligt for administratorer at konfigurere forbindelser til eksterne lagerudbydere, såsom FTP-servere, S3- eller SWIFT-objektlagre, andre Nextcloud-servere, WebDAV-servere og mere. Administratorer kan vælge, hvilke lagertyper der skal aktiveres og kan montere disse lagerplaceringer for en bruger, en gruppe eller hele systemet. Brugere vil se en ny mappe vises i deres rod-Nextcloud-mappe, som de kan få adgang til og bruge som enhver anden Nextcloud-mappe. Ekstern lagring giver også brugere mulighed for at dele filer gemt på disse eksterne steder. I disse tilfælde bruges legitimationsoplysningerne for ejeren af ​​filen, når modtageren anmoder om filen fra eksternt lager, hvorved det sikres, at modtageren kan få adgang til den delte fil.\n\nEksternt lager kan konfigureres ved hjælp af GUI eller på kommandolinjen. Denne anden mulighed giver den avancerede bruger mere fleksibilitet til at konfigurere bulk eksterne lagerbeslag og indstille monteringsprioriteter. Flere oplysninger er tilgængelige i dokumentationen til eksternt lager GUI og dokumentationen til ekstern lagerkonfigurationsfil.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Der er ikke konfigureret eksternt lager, eller du har ikke tilladelse til at konfigurere dem",
- "Name" : "Navn",
+ "External mount error" : "Ekstern mount fejl",
"Storage type" : "Lagertype",
+ "Unknown" : "Ukendt",
"Scope" : "Anvendelsesområde",
+ "Personal" : "Personligt",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Der er ikke konfigureret eksternt lager, eller du har ikke tilladelse til at konfigurere dem",
"Open documentation" : "Åbn dokumentation",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Ekstern lagring giver dig mulighed for at montere eksterne lagringstjenester og -enheder som sekundære Nextcloud-lagringsenheder. Du kan også tillade brugere at montere deres egne eksterne lagertjenester.",
"Folder name" : "Mappenavn",
@@ -134,6 +117,24 @@
"Add storage" : "Tilføj lager",
"Advanced settings" : "Avancerede indstillinger",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Tillad brugere at montere eksternt lager",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale legitimationsoplysninger kan bruges til at godkende med flere eksterne lager, der har de samme legitimationsoplysninger."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale legitimationsoplysninger kan bruges til at godkende med flere eksterne lager, der har de samme legitimationsoplysninger.",
+ "Grant access" : "Godkend adgang",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fejl under konfiguration af OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Angiv venligst gyldig app-nøgle og -hemmelighed.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fejl under konfiguration af OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Opret nøgler.",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fejl under oprettelse af nøglepar",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Svar fra serveren uden data",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kunne ikke forbinde. Log venligst ud og ind igen for at aktivere dette mount point.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få information fra fjern serveren: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kunne ikke få listen over eksterne mount points: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Der var et problem med beskeden:",
+ "external-storage" : "Eksternt lager",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kunne ikke få listen over Windows netværk drive mount points: Tomt svar fra serveren",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Indtast venligst brugeroplysningerne for {mount} mount",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Brugeroplysninger gemt",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Det mislykkedes at gemme brugeroplysninger.",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kræver brugeroplysninger ",
+ "Name" : "Navn"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
index a64cccb57bb..4141a398a0f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Externer Speicher",
- "Personal" : "Persönlich",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Zugriff gewähren",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bitte einen gültigen Anwendungsschlüssel (App-Key) mit Sicherheitsschlüssel (Secret) eingeben.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Schlüssel erzeugen",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Schlüsselpaares",
"Type to select user or group." : "Eingabe, um Benutzer oder Gruppe auszuwählen.",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilität mit MAC NFD-Kodierung (langsam)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Saving …" : "Speichern …",
"Save" : "Speichern",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte abmelden und erneut anmelden, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Die Liste der externen Endpunkte konnte nicht empfangen werden: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
- "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
- "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte gib die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} Speicher an",
- "Username" : "Benutzername",
- "Password" : "Passwort",
- "Credentials saved" : "Anmeldeinformationen gespeichert",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Speichern der Anmeldeinformationen fehlgeschlagen",
- "Credentials required" : "Anmeldeinformationen benötigt",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Das Verwalten lokaler Laufwerke ist nicht erlaubt",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Der Speicher mit der ID „%d“ wurde nicht gefunden",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ungültiger Backend- oder Authentifizierungsmechanismus",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Client-ID",
"Client secret" : "Geheime Zeichenkette des Clients",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Benutzername",
+ "Password" : "Passwort",
"Tenant name" : "Name des Mieters",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identität Endpunkt-URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Die cURL-Unterstützung von PHP ist deaktiviert oder nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wende dich zur Installation an den Systemadministrator.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Die FTP-Unterstützung von PHP ist deaktiviert oder nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wende dich zur Installation an den Systemadministrator.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" ist nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %2$s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wende dich zur Installation an den Administrator.",
+ "External storage" : "Externer Speicher",
"External storage support" : "Unterstützung für externen Speicher",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Fügt grundlegende Unterstützung für externen Speicher hinzu",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "DIese App ermöglicht es Administratoren, Verbindungen zu externen Speicherorten wie FTP-Server, S3 oder SWIFT object stores, andere Nextcloud-Server, WebDAV-Server, usw. herzustellen. Administratoren können auswählen, welche Art von Speicherorten zulässig sind und können dieses Speicher für Nutzer, Gruppen oder das gesamte System einbinden. Nutzer sehen dann einen neuen Ordner in ihrem extcloud-Root-Verzeichnis, auf den sie wie auf jeden anderen Nextcloud-Ordner zugreifen können. Externer Speicher ermöglich es den Nutzern auch, dort gespeicherte Dateien freizugeben. In diesem Fall werden die Zugangsdaten des Dateibesitzers angefordert, wenn der externe Empfänger der Freigabe auf die extern gespeicherten Dateien zugreift, um sicherzustellen, dass der Zugriff auf die Freigabe möglich ist.\n\nExterne Speicherorte können über die grafische Benutzeroberfläche oder über die Kommandozeile eingerichtet werden. Letztere Option ermöglicht es fortgeschrittenen Nutzern einfacher Mehrere Einhäng-Punkte und Einstellungen gleichzeitig zu setzen und zu konfigurieren. Weitere Informationen können in der \"external storage GUI\"-Dokumentation und der \"external storage Configuration File\"-Dokumentation abgerufen werden.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Es ist kein externer Speicher eingerichtet oder du hast keine Berechtigung dies zu tun.",
- "Name" : "Name",
+ "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
"Storage type" : "Speichertyp",
+ "Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"Scope" : "Anwendungsbereich",
+ "Personal" : "Persönlich",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Es ist kein externer Speicher eingerichtet oder du hast keine Berechtigung dies zu tun.",
"Open documentation" : "Dokumentation öffnen",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Die App Externer Speicher erlaubt es, externe Speicherdienste und Geräte als Zweitspeicher-Geräte in Nextcloud einzubinden. Es kann Benutzern erlaubt werden, eigene externe Speicherdienste einzubinden.",
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Alle Benutzer",
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Benutzern erlauben, externen Speicher einzubinden",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale Anmeldeinformationen können zur Anmeldung bei mehreren externen Speichern mit denselben Anmeldeinformationen verwendet werden."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale Anmeldeinformationen können zur Anmeldung bei mehreren externen Speichern mit denselben Anmeldeinformationen verwendet werden.",
+ "Grant access" : "Zugriff gewähren",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bitte einen gültigen Anwendungsschlüssel (App-Key) mit Sicherheitsschlüssel (Secret) eingeben.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Schlüssel erzeugen",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Schlüsselpaares",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte abmelden und erneut anmelden, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Die Liste der externen Endpunkte konnte nicht empfangen werden: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
+ "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte gib die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} Speicher an",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Anmeldeinformationen gespeichert",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Speichern der Anmeldeinformationen fehlgeschlagen",
+ "Credentials required" : "Anmeldeinformationen benötigt",
+ "Name" : "Name"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
index 5f77aa735a2..af212b7f429 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Externer Speicher",
- "Personal" : "Persönlich",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Zugriff gewähren",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bitte einen gültigen Anwendungsschlüssel (App-Key) mit Sicherheitsschlüssel (Secret) eingeben.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Schlüssel erzeugen",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Schlüsselpaares",
"Type to select user or group." : "Eingabe, um Benutzer oder Gruppe auszuwählen.",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilität mit MAC NFD-Kodierung (langsam)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Saving …" : "Speichern …",
"Save" : "Speichern",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte abmelden und erneut anmelden, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Die Liste der externen Endpunkte konnte nicht empfangen werden: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
- "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
- "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte gib die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} Speicher an",
- "Username" : "Benutzername",
- "Password" : "Passwort",
- "Credentials saved" : "Anmeldeinformationen gespeichert",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Speichern der Anmeldeinformationen fehlgeschlagen",
- "Credentials required" : "Anmeldeinformationen benötigt",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Das Verwalten lokaler Laufwerke ist nicht erlaubt",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Der Speicher mit der ID „%d“ wurde nicht gefunden",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ungültiger Backend- oder Authentifizierungsmechanismus",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Client-ID",
"Client secret" : "Geheime Zeichenkette des Clients",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Benutzername",
+ "Password" : "Passwort",
"Tenant name" : "Name des Mieters",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identität Endpunkt-URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Die cURL-Unterstützung von PHP ist deaktiviert oder nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wende dich zur Installation an den Systemadministrator.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Die FTP-Unterstützung von PHP ist deaktiviert oder nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wende dich zur Installation an den Systemadministrator.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" ist nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %2$s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wende dich zur Installation an den Administrator.",
+ "External storage" : "Externer Speicher",
"External storage support" : "Unterstützung für externen Speicher",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Fügt grundlegende Unterstützung für externen Speicher hinzu",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "DIese App ermöglicht es Administratoren, Verbindungen zu externen Speicherorten wie FTP-Server, S3 oder SWIFT object stores, andere Nextcloud-Server, WebDAV-Server, usw. herzustellen. Administratoren können auswählen, welche Art von Speicherorten zulässig sind und können dieses Speicher für Nutzer, Gruppen oder das gesamte System einbinden. Nutzer sehen dann einen neuen Ordner in ihrem extcloud-Root-Verzeichnis, auf den sie wie auf jeden anderen Nextcloud-Ordner zugreifen können. Externer Speicher ermöglich es den Nutzern auch, dort gespeicherte Dateien freizugeben. In diesem Fall werden die Zugangsdaten des Dateibesitzers angefordert, wenn der externe Empfänger der Freigabe auf die extern gespeicherten Dateien zugreift, um sicherzustellen, dass der Zugriff auf die Freigabe möglich ist.\n\nExterne Speicherorte können über die grafische Benutzeroberfläche oder über die Kommandozeile eingerichtet werden. Letztere Option ermöglicht es fortgeschrittenen Nutzern einfacher Mehrere Einhäng-Punkte und Einstellungen gleichzeitig zu setzen und zu konfigurieren. Weitere Informationen können in der \"external storage GUI\"-Dokumentation und der \"external storage Configuration File\"-Dokumentation abgerufen werden.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Es ist kein externer Speicher eingerichtet oder du hast keine Berechtigung dies zu tun.",
- "Name" : "Name",
+ "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
"Storage type" : "Speichertyp",
+ "Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"Scope" : "Anwendungsbereich",
+ "Personal" : "Persönlich",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Es ist kein externer Speicher eingerichtet oder du hast keine Berechtigung dies zu tun.",
"Open documentation" : "Dokumentation öffnen",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Die App Externer Speicher erlaubt es, externe Speicherdienste und Geräte als Zweitspeicher-Geräte in Nextcloud einzubinden. Es kann Benutzern erlaubt werden, eigene externe Speicherdienste einzubinden.",
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "Alle Benutzer",
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Benutzern erlauben, externen Speicher einzubinden",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale Anmeldeinformationen können zur Anmeldung bei mehreren externen Speichern mit denselben Anmeldeinformationen verwendet werden."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale Anmeldeinformationen können zur Anmeldung bei mehreren externen Speichern mit denselben Anmeldeinformationen verwendet werden.",
+ "Grant access" : "Zugriff gewähren",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bitte einen gültigen Anwendungsschlüssel (App-Key) mit Sicherheitsschlüssel (Secret) eingeben.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Schlüssel erzeugen",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Schlüsselpaares",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte abmelden und erneut anmelden, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Die Liste der externen Endpunkte konnte nicht empfangen werden: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
+ "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte gib die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} Speicher an",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Anmeldeinformationen gespeichert",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Speichern der Anmeldeinformationen fehlgeschlagen",
+ "Credentials required" : "Anmeldeinformationen benötigt",
+ "Name" : "Name"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
index 2220a6ce59a..2454eee3970 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Externer Speicher",
- "Personal" : "Persönlich",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Zugriff gestatten",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bitte einen gültigen Anwendungsschlüssel (App-Key) mit Sicherheitsschlüssel (Secret) eingeben.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Schlüssel erzeugen",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Schlüsselpaares",
"Type to select user or group." : "Eingabe, um Benutzer oder Gruppe auszuwählen.",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilität mit MAC NFD-Kodierung (langsam)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Saving …" : "Speichere …",
"Save" : "Speichern",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich ab und wieder an, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Konnte die Liste von externen Speichern nicht laden: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
- "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
- "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte geben Sie die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} Speicher an",
- "Username" : "Benutzername",
- "Password" : "Passwort",
- "Credentials saved" : "Zugangsdaten gespeichert",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Speichern der Zugangsdaten fehlgeschlagen",
- "Credentials required" : "Zugangsdaten benötigt",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Das Verwalten lokaler Laufwerke ist nicht erlaubt",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Der Speicher mit ID \"1 %d\" nicht gefunden",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ungültiger Backend- oder Authentifizierungsmechanismus",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Client-ID",
"Client secret" : "Geheime Zeichenkette des Clients",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Benutzername",
+ "Password" : "Passwort",
"Tenant name" : "Name des Mieters",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identität Endpunkt-URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Die cURL-Unterstützung von PHP ist nicht aktiviert oder installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wenden Sie sich bezüglich Aktivierung oder Installation an Ihren Administrator.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Die FTP-Unterstützung von PHP ist deaktiviert oder nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wenden Sie sich bezüglich Aktivierung oder Installation an Ihren Administrator.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" ist nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %2$s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wenden Sie sich zur Installation an Ihren Administrator.",
+ "External storage" : "Externer Speicher",
"External storage support" : "Unterstützung für externen Speicher",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Fügt grundlegende Unterstützung für externen Speicher hinzu",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "DIese App ermöglicht es Administratoren, Verbindungen zu externen Speicherorten wie FTP-Servern, S3 oder SWIFT object stores, anderen Nextcloud-Servern, WebDAV-Servern usw. herzustellen. Administratoren können auswählen, welche Arten von Speicherorten zulässig sind, und können diese Speicherorte für Benutzer, Gruppen oder das gesamte System einbinden. Benutzer sehen dann einen neuen Ordner in ihrem Nextcloud-Root-Verzeichnis, auf den sie wie auf jeden anderen Nextcloud-Ordner zugreifen können. Externer Speicher ermöglicht es den Benutzern auch, dort gespeicherte Dateien freizugeben. In diesem Fall werden die Zugangsdaten des Dateibesitzers angefordert, wenn der externe Empfänger der Freigabe auf die extern gespeicherten Dateien zugreift, um sicherzustellen, dass der Zugriff auf die Freigabe möglich ist.\n\nExterne Speicherorte können über die grafische Benutzeroberfläche oder über die Kommandozeile eingerichtet werden. Letztere Option ermöglicht es fortgeschrittenen Benutzern, einfacher mehrere Einhängepunkte und Einstellungen gleichzeitig zu setzen und zu konfigurieren. Weitere Informationen können in der Dokumentation für Externen Speicher in der grafischen Oberfläche und der Dokumentationsdatei für die Konfiguration von Externem Speicher abgerufen werden.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Es ist kein externer Speicher eingerichtet oder Sie haben keine Berechtigung diesen einzurichten",
- "Name" : "Name",
+ "Open in files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
+ "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
"Storage type" : "Speichertyp",
+ "Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"Scope" : "Anwendungsbereich",
+ "Personal" : "Persönlich",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Es ist kein externer Speicher eingerichtet oder Sie haben keine Berechtigung diesen einzurichten",
"Open documentation" : "Dokumentation öffnen",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externer Speicher erlaubt es, externe Speicherdienste und Geräte als Zweitspeicher-Geräte in Nextcloud einzubinden. Es kann Benutzern erlaubt werden eigene externe Speicherdienste einzubinden.",
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Alle Benutzer",
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Benutzern erlauben, externen Speicher einzubinden",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale Zugangsdaten können für die Authentifizierung für mehrere externe Speicher verwendet werden, solange sie identische Zugangsdaten benötigen."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale Zugangsdaten können für die Authentifizierung für mehrere externe Speicher verwendet werden, solange sie identische Zugangsdaten benötigen.",
+ "Grant access" : "Zugriff gestatten",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bitte einen gültigen Anwendungsschlüssel (App-Key) mit Sicherheitsschlüssel (Secret) eingeben.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Schlüssel erzeugen",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Schlüsselpaares",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich ab und wieder an, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Konnte die Liste von externen Speichern nicht laden: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
+ "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte geben Sie die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} Speicher an",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Zugangsdaten gespeichert",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Speichern der Zugangsdaten fehlgeschlagen",
+ "Credentials required" : "Zugangsdaten benötigt",
+ "Name" : "Name"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
index 6f13e33cea1..8e51130e02c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Externer Speicher",
- "Personal" : "Persönlich",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Zugriff gestatten",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bitte einen gültigen Anwendungsschlüssel (App-Key) mit Sicherheitsschlüssel (Secret) eingeben.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Schlüssel erzeugen",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Schlüsselpaares",
"Type to select user or group." : "Eingabe, um Benutzer oder Gruppe auszuwählen.",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilität mit MAC NFD-Kodierung (langsam)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Saving …" : "Speichere …",
"Save" : "Speichern",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich ab und wieder an, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Konnte die Liste von externen Speichern nicht laden: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
- "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
- "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte geben Sie die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} Speicher an",
- "Username" : "Benutzername",
- "Password" : "Passwort",
- "Credentials saved" : "Zugangsdaten gespeichert",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Speichern der Zugangsdaten fehlgeschlagen",
- "Credentials required" : "Zugangsdaten benötigt",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Das Verwalten lokaler Laufwerke ist nicht erlaubt",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Der Speicher mit ID \"1 %d\" nicht gefunden",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ungültiger Backend- oder Authentifizierungsmechanismus",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Client-ID",
"Client secret" : "Geheime Zeichenkette des Clients",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Benutzername",
+ "Password" : "Passwort",
"Tenant name" : "Name des Mieters",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identität Endpunkt-URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Die cURL-Unterstützung von PHP ist nicht aktiviert oder installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wenden Sie sich bezüglich Aktivierung oder Installation an Ihren Administrator.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Die FTP-Unterstützung von PHP ist deaktiviert oder nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wenden Sie sich bezüglich Aktivierung oder Installation an Ihren Administrator.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" ist nicht installiert. Das Hinzufügen von %2$s ist nicht möglich. Bitte wenden Sie sich zur Installation an Ihren Administrator.",
+ "External storage" : "Externer Speicher",
"External storage support" : "Unterstützung für externen Speicher",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Fügt grundlegende Unterstützung für externen Speicher hinzu",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "DIese App ermöglicht es Administratoren, Verbindungen zu externen Speicherorten wie FTP-Servern, S3 oder SWIFT object stores, anderen Nextcloud-Servern, WebDAV-Servern usw. herzustellen. Administratoren können auswählen, welche Arten von Speicherorten zulässig sind, und können diese Speicherorte für Benutzer, Gruppen oder das gesamte System einbinden. Benutzer sehen dann einen neuen Ordner in ihrem Nextcloud-Root-Verzeichnis, auf den sie wie auf jeden anderen Nextcloud-Ordner zugreifen können. Externer Speicher ermöglicht es den Benutzern auch, dort gespeicherte Dateien freizugeben. In diesem Fall werden die Zugangsdaten des Dateibesitzers angefordert, wenn der externe Empfänger der Freigabe auf die extern gespeicherten Dateien zugreift, um sicherzustellen, dass der Zugriff auf die Freigabe möglich ist.\n\nExterne Speicherorte können über die grafische Benutzeroberfläche oder über die Kommandozeile eingerichtet werden. Letztere Option ermöglicht es fortgeschrittenen Benutzern, einfacher mehrere Einhängepunkte und Einstellungen gleichzeitig zu setzen und zu konfigurieren. Weitere Informationen können in der Dokumentation für Externen Speicher in der grafischen Oberfläche und der Dokumentationsdatei für die Konfiguration von Externem Speicher abgerufen werden.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Es ist kein externer Speicher eingerichtet oder Sie haben keine Berechtigung diesen einzurichten",
- "Name" : "Name",
+ "Open in files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
+ "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
"Storage type" : "Speichertyp",
+ "Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"Scope" : "Anwendungsbereich",
+ "Personal" : "Persönlich",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Es ist kein externer Speicher eingerichtet oder Sie haben keine Berechtigung diesen einzurichten",
"Open documentation" : "Dokumentation öffnen",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externer Speicher erlaubt es, externe Speicherdienste und Geräte als Zweitspeicher-Geräte in Nextcloud einzubinden. Es kann Benutzern erlaubt werden eigene externe Speicherdienste einzubinden.",
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Alle Benutzer",
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Benutzern erlauben, externen Speicher einzubinden",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale Zugangsdaten können für die Authentifizierung für mehrere externe Speicher verwendet werden, solange sie identische Zugangsdaten benötigen."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale Zugangsdaten können für die Authentifizierung für mehrere externe Speicher verwendet werden, solange sie identische Zugangsdaten benötigen.",
+ "Grant access" : "Zugriff gestatten",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bitte einen gültigen Anwendungsschlüssel (App-Key) mit Sicherheitsschlüssel (Secret) eingeben.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fehler beim Konfigurieren von OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Schlüssel erzeugen",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Schlüsselpaares",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich ab und wieder an, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Konnte die Liste von externen Speichern nicht laden: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
+ "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte geben Sie die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} Speicher an",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Zugangsdaten gespeichert",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Speichern der Zugangsdaten fehlgeschlagen",
+ "Credentials required" : "Zugangsdaten benötigt",
+ "Name" : "Name"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/el.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/el.js
index 65a51b4b6e4..9f6af9c76d3 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/el.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/el.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Εξωτερικός αποθηκευτικός χώρος",
- "Personal" : "Προσωπικός",
- "System" : "Συστήματος",
- "Grant access" : "Παροχή πρόσβασης",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Σφάλμα ρύθμισης του OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Παρακαλούμε δώστε έγκυρο κλειδί εφαρμογής και μυστικό.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Σφάλμα ρύθμισης του OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Δημιουργία κλειδιών",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία ζεύγους κλειδιών",
"(Group)" : "(Ομάδα)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Συμβατότητα με Mac NFD κωδικόποιηση (αργό) ",
"Enable encryption" : "Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Αποθηκεύτηκαν",
"Saving …" : "Αποθηκεύεται ...",
"Save" : "Αποθήκευση",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Κενή απάντηση από τον διακομιστή",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Αδυναμία πρόσβασης. Παρακαλούμε αποσυνδεθείτε και συνδεθείτε ξανά για ενεργοποίηση του σημείου προσάρτησης",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε πληροφορίες απο τον απομακρυσμένο εξυπηρετητή: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε την λίστα εξωτερικών σημείων προσάρτησης: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Υπήρξε σφάλμα στο μήνυμα:",
- "External mount error" : "Σφάλμα εξωτερικής προσάρτησης",
- "external-storage" : "Εξωτερικός-αποθηκευτικός-χώρος",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Αδυναμία λήψης της λίστας των σημείων προσάρτησης δικτύων Windows: Κενή απάντηση από τον διακομιστή",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Παρακαλούμε βάλτε τα διαπιστευτήρια για την {mount} προσάρτηση",
- "Username" : "Όνομα χρήστη",
- "Password" : "Κωδικός πρόσβασης",
- "Credentials saved" : "Τα διαπιστευτήρια αποθηκεύτηκαν",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Αποτυχία αποθήκευσης διαπιστευτηρίων",
- "Credentials required" : "Απαιτούνται διαπιστευτήρια ",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Αποθηκευτικός χώρος με ID \"%d\" δεν βρέθηκε ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Μη έγκυρη κλάση συστήματος ή μηχανισμού πιστοποίησης",
"Invalid mount point" : "Μη έγκυρο σημείο προσάρτησης",
@@ -62,6 +39,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID πελάτη",
"Client secret" : "Μυστικό πελάτη",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Όνομα χρήστη",
+ "Password" : "Κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"Tenant name" : "Όνομα \"ένοικου\"",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL τελικού σημείου ταυτοποίησης",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -112,13 +91,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Η cURL υποστήριξη στην PHP δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη. Η προσάρτηση του %s δεν είναι δυνατή. Παρακαλούμε ζητήστε από τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας να το εγκαταστήσει. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Η FTP υποστήριξη στην PHP δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη ή εγκατεστημένη. Η προσάρτηση του %s δεν είναι δυνατή. Παρακαλούμε ζητήστε τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας να το εγκατασταστήσει. ",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Το \"%1$s\" δεν είναι εγκατεστημένο. Η προσάρτηση του %2$s δεν είναι δυνατή. Παρακαλώ ζητήστε τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός να το εγκαταστήσει. ",
+ "External storage" : "Εξωτερικός αποθηκευτικός χώρος",
"External storage support" : "Υποστήριξη εξωτερικού αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Προσθέτει βασική υποστήριξη εξωτερικού αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Η εφαρμογή επιτρέπει στους διαχειριστές να διαμορφώνουν συνδέσεις σε εξωτερικούς παρόχους αποθηκευτικού χώρου, όπως διακομιστές FTP, S3 ή SWIFT, άλλοι διακομιστές Nextcloud, διακομιστές WebDAV και πολλά άλλα. Οι διαχειριστές μπορούν να επιλέξουν τους τύπους αποθήκευσης που επιτρέπουν και μπορούν να προσαρτήσουν αυτές τις θέσεις αποθήκευσης για έναν χρήστη, μια ομάδα ή ολόκληρο το σύστημα. Οι χρήστες θα εμφανίσουν έναν νέο φάκελο στον κεντρικό τους κατάλογο Nextcloud, τον οποίο μπορούν να έχουν πρόσβαση και να χρησιμοποιήσουν όπως και κάθε άλλο φάκελο Nextcloud. Η εξωτερική αποθήκευση επιτρέπει επίσης στους χρήστες να μοιράζονται αρχεία που είναι αποθηκευμένα σε αυτές τις εξωτερικές τοποθεσίες. Σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις, τα διαπιστευτήρια του κατόχου του αρχείου χρησιμοποιούνται όταν ο παραλήπτης ζητά το αρχείο από εξωτερικό αποθηκευτικό χώρο, εξασφαλίζοντας έτσι ότι ο παραλήπτης μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση στο κοινόχρηστο αρχείο.\n\nΗ εξωτερική αποθήκευση μπορεί να ρυθμιστεί χρησιμοποιώντας το GUI ή στη γραμμή εντολών. Αυτή η δεύτερη επιλογή παρέχει στον προχωρημένο χρήστη περισσότερη ευελιξία για τη διαμόρφωση των μαζικών εξωτερικών χώρων αποθήκευσης και τη ρύθμιση των προτεραιοτήτων αποθήκευσης. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες διατίθενται στην τεκμηρίωση GUI του εξωτερικού χώρου αποθήκευσης και στην τεκμηρίωση του αρχείου διαμόρφωσης εξωτερικής αποθήκευσης.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί καμία εξωτερική αποθήκευση ή δεν έχετε δικαιώματα ρύθμισης",
- "Name" : "Όνομα",
+ "External mount error" : "Σφάλμα εξωτερικής προσάρτησης",
"Storage type" : "Τύπος αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
+ "Unknown" : "Άγνωστο",
"Scope" : "Εύρος",
+ "Personal" : "Προσωπικός",
+ "System" : "Συστήματος",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί καμία εξωτερική αποθήκευση ή δεν έχετε δικαιώματα ρύθμισης",
"Open documentation" : "Άνοιγμα τεκμηρίωσης",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Ο εξωτερικός χώρος αποθήκευσης σάς επιτρέπει να συνδέσετε εξωτερικές υπηρεσίες και συσκευές αποθήκευσης ως δευτερεύουσες συσκευές αποθήκευσης Nextcloud. Μπορείτε επίσης να επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να εγκαταστήσουν τις δικές τους υπηρεσίες εξωτερικής αποθήκευσης.",
"Folder name" : "Όνομα φακέλου",
@@ -130,6 +113,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "'Ολοι οι χρήστες",
"Advanced settings" : "Ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Να επιτρέπεται στους χρήστες η σύνδεση εξωτερικού αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Τα δημόσια διαπιστευτήρια μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τον έλεγχο ταυτότητας με διάφορους εξωτερικούς χώρους αποθήκευσης με ίδια διαπιστευτήρια."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Τα δημόσια διαπιστευτήρια μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τον έλεγχο ταυτότητας με διάφορους εξωτερικούς χώρους αποθήκευσης με ίδια διαπιστευτήρια.",
+ "Grant access" : "Παροχή πρόσβασης",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Σφάλμα ρύθμισης του OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Παρακαλούμε δώστε έγκυρο κλειδί εφαρμογής και μυστικό.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Σφάλμα ρύθμισης του OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Δημιουργία κλειδιών",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία ζεύγους κλειδιών",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Κενή απάντηση από τον διακομιστή",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Αδυναμία πρόσβασης. Παρακαλούμε αποσυνδεθείτε και συνδεθείτε ξανά για ενεργοποίηση του σημείου προσάρτησης",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε πληροφορίες απο τον απομακρυσμένο εξυπηρετητή: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε την λίστα εξωτερικών σημείων προσάρτησης: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Υπήρξε σφάλμα στο μήνυμα:",
+ "external-storage" : "Εξωτερικός-αποθηκευτικός-χώρος",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Αδυναμία λήψης της λίστας των σημείων προσάρτησης δικτύων Windows: Κενή απάντηση από τον διακομιστή",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Παρακαλούμε βάλτε τα διαπιστευτήρια για την {mount} προσάρτηση",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Τα διαπιστευτήρια αποθηκεύτηκαν",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Αποτυχία αποθήκευσης διαπιστευτηρίων",
+ "Credentials required" : "Απαιτούνται διαπιστευτήρια ",
+ "Name" : "Όνομα"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/el.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/el.json
index 6b55b425e5c..329b807d4af 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/el.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/el.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Εξωτερικός αποθηκευτικός χώρος",
- "Personal" : "Προσωπικός",
- "System" : "Συστήματος",
- "Grant access" : "Παροχή πρόσβασης",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Σφάλμα ρύθμισης του OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Παρακαλούμε δώστε έγκυρο κλειδί εφαρμογής και μυστικό.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Σφάλμα ρύθμισης του OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Δημιουργία κλειδιών",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία ζεύγους κλειδιών",
"(Group)" : "(Ομάδα)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Συμβατότητα με Mac NFD κωδικόποιηση (αργό) ",
"Enable encryption" : "Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "Αποθηκεύτηκαν",
"Saving …" : "Αποθηκεύεται ...",
"Save" : "Αποθήκευση",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Κενή απάντηση από τον διακομιστή",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Αδυναμία πρόσβασης. Παρακαλούμε αποσυνδεθείτε και συνδεθείτε ξανά για ενεργοποίηση του σημείου προσάρτησης",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε πληροφορίες απο τον απομακρυσμένο εξυπηρετητή: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε την λίστα εξωτερικών σημείων προσάρτησης: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Υπήρξε σφάλμα στο μήνυμα:",
- "External mount error" : "Σφάλμα εξωτερικής προσάρτησης",
- "external-storage" : "Εξωτερικός-αποθηκευτικός-χώρος",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Αδυναμία λήψης της λίστας των σημείων προσάρτησης δικτύων Windows: Κενή απάντηση από τον διακομιστή",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Παρακαλούμε βάλτε τα διαπιστευτήρια για την {mount} προσάρτηση",
- "Username" : "Όνομα χρήστη",
- "Password" : "Κωδικός πρόσβασης",
- "Credentials saved" : "Τα διαπιστευτήρια αποθηκεύτηκαν",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Αποτυχία αποθήκευσης διαπιστευτηρίων",
- "Credentials required" : "Απαιτούνται διαπιστευτήρια ",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Αποθηκευτικός χώρος με ID \"%d\" δεν βρέθηκε ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Μη έγκυρη κλάση συστήματος ή μηχανισμού πιστοποίησης",
"Invalid mount point" : "Μη έγκυρο σημείο προσάρτησης",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID πελάτη",
"Client secret" : "Μυστικό πελάτη",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Όνομα χρήστη",
+ "Password" : "Κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"Tenant name" : "Όνομα \"ένοικου\"",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL τελικού σημείου ταυτοποίησης",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -110,13 +89,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Η cURL υποστήριξη στην PHP δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη. Η προσάρτηση του %s δεν είναι δυνατή. Παρακαλούμε ζητήστε από τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας να το εγκαταστήσει. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Η FTP υποστήριξη στην PHP δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη ή εγκατεστημένη. Η προσάρτηση του %s δεν είναι δυνατή. Παρακαλούμε ζητήστε τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας να το εγκατασταστήσει. ",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Το \"%1$s\" δεν είναι εγκατεστημένο. Η προσάρτηση του %2$s δεν είναι δυνατή. Παρακαλώ ζητήστε τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός να το εγκαταστήσει. ",
+ "External storage" : "Εξωτερικός αποθηκευτικός χώρος",
"External storage support" : "Υποστήριξη εξωτερικού αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Προσθέτει βασική υποστήριξη εξωτερικού αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Η εφαρμογή επιτρέπει στους διαχειριστές να διαμορφώνουν συνδέσεις σε εξωτερικούς παρόχους αποθηκευτικού χώρου, όπως διακομιστές FTP, S3 ή SWIFT, άλλοι διακομιστές Nextcloud, διακομιστές WebDAV και πολλά άλλα. Οι διαχειριστές μπορούν να επιλέξουν τους τύπους αποθήκευσης που επιτρέπουν και μπορούν να προσαρτήσουν αυτές τις θέσεις αποθήκευσης για έναν χρήστη, μια ομάδα ή ολόκληρο το σύστημα. Οι χρήστες θα εμφανίσουν έναν νέο φάκελο στον κεντρικό τους κατάλογο Nextcloud, τον οποίο μπορούν να έχουν πρόσβαση και να χρησιμοποιήσουν όπως και κάθε άλλο φάκελο Nextcloud. Η εξωτερική αποθήκευση επιτρέπει επίσης στους χρήστες να μοιράζονται αρχεία που είναι αποθηκευμένα σε αυτές τις εξωτερικές τοποθεσίες. Σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις, τα διαπιστευτήρια του κατόχου του αρχείου χρησιμοποιούνται όταν ο παραλήπτης ζητά το αρχείο από εξωτερικό αποθηκευτικό χώρο, εξασφαλίζοντας έτσι ότι ο παραλήπτης μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση στο κοινόχρηστο αρχείο.\n\nΗ εξωτερική αποθήκευση μπορεί να ρυθμιστεί χρησιμοποιώντας το GUI ή στη γραμμή εντολών. Αυτή η δεύτερη επιλογή παρέχει στον προχωρημένο χρήστη περισσότερη ευελιξία για τη διαμόρφωση των μαζικών εξωτερικών χώρων αποθήκευσης και τη ρύθμιση των προτεραιοτήτων αποθήκευσης. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες διατίθενται στην τεκμηρίωση GUI του εξωτερικού χώρου αποθήκευσης και στην τεκμηρίωση του αρχείου διαμόρφωσης εξωτερικής αποθήκευσης.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί καμία εξωτερική αποθήκευση ή δεν έχετε δικαιώματα ρύθμισης",
- "Name" : "Όνομα",
+ "External mount error" : "Σφάλμα εξωτερικής προσάρτησης",
"Storage type" : "Τύπος αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
+ "Unknown" : "Άγνωστο",
"Scope" : "Εύρος",
+ "Personal" : "Προσωπικός",
+ "System" : "Συστήματος",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί καμία εξωτερική αποθήκευση ή δεν έχετε δικαιώματα ρύθμισης",
"Open documentation" : "Άνοιγμα τεκμηρίωσης",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Ο εξωτερικός χώρος αποθήκευσης σάς επιτρέπει να συνδέσετε εξωτερικές υπηρεσίες και συσκευές αποθήκευσης ως δευτερεύουσες συσκευές αποθήκευσης Nextcloud. Μπορείτε επίσης να επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να εγκαταστήσουν τις δικές τους υπηρεσίες εξωτερικής αποθήκευσης.",
"Folder name" : "Όνομα φακέλου",
@@ -128,6 +111,24 @@
"All users" : "'Ολοι οι χρήστες",
"Advanced settings" : "Ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Να επιτρέπεται στους χρήστες η σύνδεση εξωτερικού αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Τα δημόσια διαπιστευτήρια μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τον έλεγχο ταυτότητας με διάφορους εξωτερικούς χώρους αποθήκευσης με ίδια διαπιστευτήρια."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Τα δημόσια διαπιστευτήρια μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τον έλεγχο ταυτότητας με διάφορους εξωτερικούς χώρους αποθήκευσης με ίδια διαπιστευτήρια.",
+ "Grant access" : "Παροχή πρόσβασης",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Σφάλμα ρύθμισης του OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Παρακαλούμε δώστε έγκυρο κλειδί εφαρμογής και μυστικό.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Σφάλμα ρύθμισης του OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Δημιουργία κλειδιών",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία ζεύγους κλειδιών",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Κενή απάντηση από τον διακομιστή",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Αδυναμία πρόσβασης. Παρακαλούμε αποσυνδεθείτε και συνδεθείτε ξανά για ενεργοποίηση του σημείου προσάρτησης",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε πληροφορίες απο τον απομακρυσμένο εξυπηρετητή: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε την λίστα εξωτερικών σημείων προσάρτησης: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Υπήρξε σφάλμα στο μήνυμα:",
+ "external-storage" : "Εξωτερικός-αποθηκευτικός-χώρος",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Αδυναμία λήψης της λίστας των σημείων προσάρτησης δικτύων Windows: Κενή απάντηση από τον διακομιστή",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Παρακαλούμε βάλτε τα διαπιστευτήρια για την {mount} προσάρτηση",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Τα διαπιστευτήρια αποθηκεύτηκαν",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Αποτυχία αποθήκευσης διαπιστευτηρίων",
+ "Credentials required" : "Απαιτούνται διαπιστευτήρια ",
+ "Name" : "Όνομα"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/en_GB.js
index 4739bb50659..9cc4d757f9b 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "External storage",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Grant access",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Error configuring OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Please provide a valid app key and secret.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Error configuring OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generate keys",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Error generating key pair",
"Type to select user or group." : "Type to select user or group.",
"(Group)" : "(Group)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Saved",
"Saving …" : "Saving …",
"Save" : "Save",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Empty response from the server",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "There was an error with message: ",
- "External mount error" : "External mount error",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount",
- "Username" : "Username",
- "Password" : "Password",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credentials saved",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Credentials saving failed",
- "Credentials required" : "Credentials required",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Forbidden to manage local mounts",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Storage with ID \"%d\" not found",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Client ID",
"Client secret" : "Client secret",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Username",
+ "Password" : "Password",
"Tenant name" : "Tenant name",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identity endpoint URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.",
+ "External storage" : "External storage",
"External storage support" : "External storage support",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Adds basic external storage support",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them",
- "Name" : "Name",
+ "Open in files" : "Open in files",
+ "External mount error" : "External mount error",
"Storage type" : "Storage type",
+ "Unknown" : "Unknown",
"Scope" : "Scope",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them",
"Open documentation" : "Open documentation",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services.",
"Folder name" : "Folder name",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "All users",
"Advanced settings" : "Advanced settings",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Allow users to mount external storage",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials.",
+ "Grant access" : "Grant access",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Error configuring OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Please provide a valid app key and secret.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Error configuring OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generate keys",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Error generating key pair",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Empty response from the server",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "There was an error with message: ",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credentials saved",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Credentials saving failed",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credentials required",
+ "Name" : "Name"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/en_GB.json
index a6c90a957ff..c642dfc7fc0 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "External storage",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Grant access",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Error configuring OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Please provide a valid app key and secret.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Error configuring OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generate keys",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Error generating key pair",
"Type to select user or group." : "Type to select user or group.",
"(Group)" : "(Group)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Saved",
"Saving …" : "Saving …",
"Save" : "Save",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Empty response from the server",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "There was an error with message: ",
- "External mount error" : "External mount error",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount",
- "Username" : "Username",
- "Password" : "Password",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credentials saved",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Credentials saving failed",
- "Credentials required" : "Credentials required",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Forbidden to manage local mounts",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Storage with ID \"%d\" not found",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Client ID",
"Client secret" : "Client secret",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Username",
+ "Password" : "Password",
"Tenant name" : "Tenant name",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identity endpoint URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.",
+ "External storage" : "External storage",
"External storage support" : "External storage support",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Adds basic external storage support",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them",
- "Name" : "Name",
+ "Open in files" : "Open in files",
+ "External mount error" : "External mount error",
"Storage type" : "Storage type",
+ "Unknown" : "Unknown",
"Scope" : "Scope",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them",
"Open documentation" : "Open documentation",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services.",
"Folder name" : "Folder name",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "All users",
"Advanced settings" : "Advanced settings",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Allow users to mount external storage",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials.",
+ "Grant access" : "Grant access",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Error configuring OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Please provide a valid app key and secret.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Error configuring OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generate keys",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Error generating key pair",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Empty response from the server",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "There was an error with message: ",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credentials saved",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Credentials saving failed",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credentials required",
+ "Name" : "Name"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/eo.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/eo.js
index a9625273340..f3260a589db 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/eo.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/eo.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Ekstera konservejo",
- "Personal" : "Persona",
- "System" : "Sistemo",
- "Grant access" : "Doni alirpermeson",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Eraro dum agordo de OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bv. doni validan aplikaĵan ŝlosilon kaj sekreton.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Eraro dum agordo de OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generi ŝlosilojn",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Eraro dum generado de ŝlosila paro",
"(Group)" : "(grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kongrueco kun Makintoŝa „NFD“ signara kodoprezento (malrapide)",
"Enable encryption" : "Ŝalti ĉifradon",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Konservita",
"Saving …" : "Konservado...",
"Save" : "Konservi",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Malplena respondo el la servilo",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Aliro ne eblis. Bv. elsaluti kaj re-ensaluti por aktivigi tiun surmetingon",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ne eblis havi informojn el la fora servilo: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ne eblis havi listojn de eksteraj surmetingoj: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Estis eraro kun la jena mesaĝo:",
- "External mount error" : "Eraro de surmetingo ekstera",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ne eblis ricevi liston de surmetingoj el Windows-retdisko: malplena respondo el la servilo",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bv. entajpi la akreditilojn de la surmetingo {mount}",
- "Username" : "Uzantnomo",
- "Password" : "Pasvorto",
- "Credentials saved" : "Akreditiloj konservitaj",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Konservo de akreditiloj malsukcesis",
- "Credentials required" : "Akreditiloj bezonataj",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Konservejo kun identigilo „%d“ ne trovita",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Nevalida interna tipo aŭ aŭtentiga klaso",
"Invalid mount point" : "Nevalida surmetingo",
@@ -62,6 +39,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Klientidentigilo",
"Client secret" : "Klientosekreto",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Uzantnomo",
+ "Password" : "Pasvorto",
"Tenant name" : "Nomo de la loĝanto (angle „tenant“)",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Retadreso de identeca finpunkto (angle „Identity endpoint“)",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -110,13 +89,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Subteno de cURL en PHP ne estas ebligita aŭ instalita. Surmetado de %s ne eblas. Bv. vidi kun via administranto.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Subteno de FTP en PHP ne estas ebligita aŭ instalita. Surmetado de %s ne eblas. Bv. vidi kun via administranto.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s“ ne estas instalita. Surmetado de %2$s ne eblas. Bv. vidi kun via administranto.",
+ "External storage" : "Ekstera konservejo",
"External storage support" : "Subteno de ekstera konservejo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Aldonas bazan subtenon por ekstera konservejo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Tiu aplikaĵo ebligas al administranto agordi konektojn al eksteraj konservejoj, kiel FTP-serviloj, S3- aŭ SWIFT-objektkonservejoj, aliaj Nextcloud-serviloj, WebDAV-serviloj, kaj pli. Administranto ebligas certajn tipojn de konservejo kaj povas surmeti ilin por iu uzanto, iu grupo aŭ ĉiuj. Uzantoj vidos novan dosierujon, kiuj aperos en la radiko de ilia Nextcloud. Ekstera konservejo ankaŭ ebligas al uzantoj kunhavigi dosierojn konservitajn ene. Tiuokaze, akreditiloj de la dosierposedanto uziĝas, kiam la ricevanto petas la dosieron el la ekstera konservejo, por certigi, ke la ricevanto povas aliri la kunhavigitan dosieron.\n\nEkstera konservejo agordiĝas per grafika fasado aŭ komandlinie. Tiu lasta opcio estas pli fleksa por spertulo: amasa agordo de surmetingoj kaj de surmetingaj prioritatoj. Pli da informoj disponeblas en la dokumentaro pri ekstera konservejo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Neniu ekstera konservejo agordita, aŭ vi ne rajtas agordi ĝin.",
- "Name" : "Nomo",
+ "External mount error" : "Eraro de surmetingo ekstera",
"Storage type" : "Konserveja tipo",
+ "Unknown" : "Nekonata",
"Scope" : "Amplekso",
+ "Personal" : "Persona",
+ "System" : "Sistemo",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Neniu ekstera konservejo agordita, aŭ vi ne rajtas agordi ĝin.",
"Open documentation" : "Malfermi la dokumentaron",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Ekstera konservejo ebligas al vi surmeti servojn de ekstera konservejo kaj aparatojn, kiel kromajn konservejojn. Vi povas ankaŭ permesi al uzantoj surmeti ilian proprajn eksterajn konservejojn.",
"Folder name" : "Dosierujnomo",
@@ -127,6 +110,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add storage" : "Aldoni konservejon",
"Advanced settings" : "Altanivela agordo",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permesi al uzantoj surmeti eksteran konservejon",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Ĝeneralaj akreditiloj utilas, kiam pluraj eksteraj konservejoj kunuzas la samajn akreditilojn."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Ĝeneralaj akreditiloj utilas, kiam pluraj eksteraj konservejoj kunuzas la samajn akreditilojn.",
+ "Grant access" : "Doni alirpermeson",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Eraro dum agordo de OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bv. doni validan aplikaĵan ŝlosilon kaj sekreton.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Eraro dum agordo de OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generi ŝlosilojn",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Eraro dum generado de ŝlosila paro",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Malplena respondo el la servilo",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Aliro ne eblis. Bv. elsaluti kaj re-ensaluti por aktivigi tiun surmetingon",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ne eblis havi informojn el la fora servilo: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ne eblis havi listojn de eksteraj surmetingoj: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Estis eraro kun la jena mesaĝo:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ne eblis ricevi liston de surmetingoj el Windows-retdisko: malplena respondo el la servilo",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bv. entajpi la akreditilojn de la surmetingo {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Akreditiloj konservitaj",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Konservo de akreditiloj malsukcesis",
+ "Credentials required" : "Akreditiloj bezonataj",
+ "Name" : "Nomo"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/eo.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/eo.json
index 758fabde6ad..d931d563960 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/eo.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/eo.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Ekstera konservejo",
- "Personal" : "Persona",
- "System" : "Sistemo",
- "Grant access" : "Doni alirpermeson",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Eraro dum agordo de OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bv. doni validan aplikaĵan ŝlosilon kaj sekreton.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Eraro dum agordo de OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generi ŝlosilojn",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Eraro dum generado de ŝlosila paro",
"(Group)" : "(grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kongrueco kun Makintoŝa „NFD“ signara kodoprezento (malrapide)",
"Enable encryption" : "Ŝalti ĉifradon",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "Konservita",
"Saving …" : "Konservado...",
"Save" : "Konservi",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Malplena respondo el la servilo",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Aliro ne eblis. Bv. elsaluti kaj re-ensaluti por aktivigi tiun surmetingon",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ne eblis havi informojn el la fora servilo: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ne eblis havi listojn de eksteraj surmetingoj: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Estis eraro kun la jena mesaĝo:",
- "External mount error" : "Eraro de surmetingo ekstera",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ne eblis ricevi liston de surmetingoj el Windows-retdisko: malplena respondo el la servilo",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bv. entajpi la akreditilojn de la surmetingo {mount}",
- "Username" : "Uzantnomo",
- "Password" : "Pasvorto",
- "Credentials saved" : "Akreditiloj konservitaj",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Konservo de akreditiloj malsukcesis",
- "Credentials required" : "Akreditiloj bezonataj",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Konservejo kun identigilo „%d“ ne trovita",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Nevalida interna tipo aŭ aŭtentiga klaso",
"Invalid mount point" : "Nevalida surmetingo",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Klientidentigilo",
"Client secret" : "Klientosekreto",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Uzantnomo",
+ "Password" : "Pasvorto",
"Tenant name" : "Nomo de la loĝanto (angle „tenant“)",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Retadreso de identeca finpunkto (angle „Identity endpoint“)",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -108,13 +87,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Subteno de cURL en PHP ne estas ebligita aŭ instalita. Surmetado de %s ne eblas. Bv. vidi kun via administranto.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Subteno de FTP en PHP ne estas ebligita aŭ instalita. Surmetado de %s ne eblas. Bv. vidi kun via administranto.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s“ ne estas instalita. Surmetado de %2$s ne eblas. Bv. vidi kun via administranto.",
+ "External storage" : "Ekstera konservejo",
"External storage support" : "Subteno de ekstera konservejo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Aldonas bazan subtenon por ekstera konservejo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Tiu aplikaĵo ebligas al administranto agordi konektojn al eksteraj konservejoj, kiel FTP-serviloj, S3- aŭ SWIFT-objektkonservejoj, aliaj Nextcloud-serviloj, WebDAV-serviloj, kaj pli. Administranto ebligas certajn tipojn de konservejo kaj povas surmeti ilin por iu uzanto, iu grupo aŭ ĉiuj. Uzantoj vidos novan dosierujon, kiuj aperos en la radiko de ilia Nextcloud. Ekstera konservejo ankaŭ ebligas al uzantoj kunhavigi dosierojn konservitajn ene. Tiuokaze, akreditiloj de la dosierposedanto uziĝas, kiam la ricevanto petas la dosieron el la ekstera konservejo, por certigi, ke la ricevanto povas aliri la kunhavigitan dosieron.\n\nEkstera konservejo agordiĝas per grafika fasado aŭ komandlinie. Tiu lasta opcio estas pli fleksa por spertulo: amasa agordo de surmetingoj kaj de surmetingaj prioritatoj. Pli da informoj disponeblas en la dokumentaro pri ekstera konservejo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Neniu ekstera konservejo agordita, aŭ vi ne rajtas agordi ĝin.",
- "Name" : "Nomo",
+ "External mount error" : "Eraro de surmetingo ekstera",
"Storage type" : "Konserveja tipo",
+ "Unknown" : "Nekonata",
"Scope" : "Amplekso",
+ "Personal" : "Persona",
+ "System" : "Sistemo",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Neniu ekstera konservejo agordita, aŭ vi ne rajtas agordi ĝin.",
"Open documentation" : "Malfermi la dokumentaron",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Ekstera konservejo ebligas al vi surmeti servojn de ekstera konservejo kaj aparatojn, kiel kromajn konservejojn. Vi povas ankaŭ permesi al uzantoj surmeti ilian proprajn eksterajn konservejojn.",
"Folder name" : "Dosierujnomo",
@@ -125,6 +108,24 @@
"Add storage" : "Aldoni konservejon",
"Advanced settings" : "Altanivela agordo",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permesi al uzantoj surmeti eksteran konservejon",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Ĝeneralaj akreditiloj utilas, kiam pluraj eksteraj konservejoj kunuzas la samajn akreditilojn."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Ĝeneralaj akreditiloj utilas, kiam pluraj eksteraj konservejoj kunuzas la samajn akreditilojn.",
+ "Grant access" : "Doni alirpermeson",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Eraro dum agordo de OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Bv. doni validan aplikaĵan ŝlosilon kaj sekreton.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Eraro dum agordo de OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generi ŝlosilojn",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Eraro dum generado de ŝlosila paro",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Malplena respondo el la servilo",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Aliro ne eblis. Bv. elsaluti kaj re-ensaluti por aktivigi tiun surmetingon",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ne eblis havi informojn el la fora servilo: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ne eblis havi listojn de eksteraj surmetingoj: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Estis eraro kun la jena mesaĝo:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ne eblis ricevi liston de surmetingoj el Windows-retdisko: malplena respondo el la servilo",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bv. entajpi la akreditilojn de la surmetingo {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Akreditiloj konservitaj",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Konservo de akreditiloj malsukcesis",
+ "Credentials required" : "Akreditiloj bezonataj",
+ "Name" : "Nomo"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es.js
index 18c8108ff12..a9bac412ced 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor facilite una clave de app y una clave secreta válidas.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar claves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Error al generar el par de claves",
"Type to select user or group." : "Teclee para seleccionar un usuario o grupo.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac MFD (lento)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving …" : "Guardando…",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta vacía desde el servidor",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No se ha podido acceder. Por favor, cierra sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No se pudo obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No se puede obtener la lista de los puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Ha habido un error con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento-externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No se ha podido recuperar la lista de puntos de montaje de las unidades de red de Windows: respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor introduzca las credenciales para el punto de montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nombre de usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardados",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Guardado de credenciales fallido",
- "Credentials required" : "Credenciales requeridos",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Prohibido gestionar montajes locales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "No se ha encontrado el almacenamiento con ID \"%d\"",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Sistema o mecanismo de autentificación inválido",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID de Cliente",
"Client secret" : "Cliente secreto",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nombre de usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre del inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identidad de punto final URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte de cURL en PHP no está activado o instalado. No se puede montar %s. Pídale al administrador del sistema que lo instale.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP desde PHP no esta habilitado o instalado. Montar el %s no ha sido posible. Por favor consulta al administrador de tu sistema para que lo instale.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" No está installado. El montaje de %2$s no es posible. Por favor, pide a tu administrador del sistema que lo instale.",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Añade soporte básico de almacenamiento externo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a los administradores configurar conexiones a proveedores externos de almacenamiento, como servidores FTP, almacenamientos de objetos S3 o SWIFT, otros servidores Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV y más. Los administradores pueden elegir qué tipos de almacenamiento activar y pueden montar estas localizaciones de almacenamiento para un usuario, un grupo o el sistema entero. Los usuarios verán aparecer una nueva carpeta en su directorio raíz de Nextcloud, a la que pueden acceder y que pueden usar como cualquier otra carpeta. El almacenamiento externo también permite a los usuarios compartir los archivos almacenados en estas localizaciones externas. En estos casos, se usan las credenciales para el dueño del archivos cuando el receptor pide el archivo del almacenamiento externo, asegurando así que el receptor puede acceder al archivo compartido.\n\nEl almacenamiento externo se puede configurar usando la GUI o con la línea de comandos. La segunda opción proporciona al usuario avanzado más flexibilidad para configurar montajes de almacenamientos externos en bloque y para configurar prioridades de montaje. Más información disponible en la documentación del almacenamiento externo y la documentación del archivo de configuración de almacenamiento externo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado ningún almacenamiento externo o no tienes permiso para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "Open in files" : "Abrir en archivos",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Ámbito",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado ningún almacenamiento externo o no tienes permiso para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "El almacenamiento externo te permite montar servicios y dispositivos de almacenamiento externo como dispositivos de almacenamiento secundarios de Nextcloud. También puedes permitir que los usuarios monten sus propios servicios de almacenamiento externos.",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Todos los usuarios",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuración avanzada",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar un almacenamiento externo",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Se pueden usar credenciales globales para autenticar con múltiples almacenamientos externos que tengan las mismas credenciales."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Se pueden usar credenciales globales para autenticar con múltiples almacenamientos externos que tengan las mismas credenciales.",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor facilite una clave de app y una clave secreta válidas.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar claves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Error al generar el par de claves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta vacía desde el servidor",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No se ha podido acceder. Por favor, cierra sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No se pudo obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No se puede obtener la lista de los puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Ha habido un error con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento-externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No se ha podido recuperar la lista de puntos de montaje de las unidades de red de Windows: respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor introduzca las credenciales para el punto de montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardados",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Guardado de credenciales fallido",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credenciales requeridos",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es.json
index 3b3a5dbd96c..01b3dd5a971 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor facilite una clave de app y una clave secreta válidas.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar claves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Error al generar el par de claves",
"Type to select user or group." : "Teclee para seleccionar un usuario o grupo.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac MFD (lento)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving …" : "Guardando…",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta vacía desde el servidor",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No se ha podido acceder. Por favor, cierra sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No se pudo obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No se puede obtener la lista de los puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Ha habido un error con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento-externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No se ha podido recuperar la lista de puntos de montaje de las unidades de red de Windows: respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor introduzca las credenciales para el punto de montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nombre de usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardados",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Guardado de credenciales fallido",
- "Credentials required" : "Credenciales requeridos",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Prohibido gestionar montajes locales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "No se ha encontrado el almacenamiento con ID \"%d\"",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Sistema o mecanismo de autentificación inválido",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID de Cliente",
"Client secret" : "Cliente secreto",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nombre de usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre del inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identidad de punto final URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte de cURL en PHP no está activado o instalado. No se puede montar %s. Pídale al administrador del sistema que lo instale.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP desde PHP no esta habilitado o instalado. Montar el %s no ha sido posible. Por favor consulta al administrador de tu sistema para que lo instale.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" No está installado. El montaje de %2$s no es posible. Por favor, pide a tu administrador del sistema que lo instale.",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Añade soporte básico de almacenamiento externo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a los administradores configurar conexiones a proveedores externos de almacenamiento, como servidores FTP, almacenamientos de objetos S3 o SWIFT, otros servidores Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV y más. Los administradores pueden elegir qué tipos de almacenamiento activar y pueden montar estas localizaciones de almacenamiento para un usuario, un grupo o el sistema entero. Los usuarios verán aparecer una nueva carpeta en su directorio raíz de Nextcloud, a la que pueden acceder y que pueden usar como cualquier otra carpeta. El almacenamiento externo también permite a los usuarios compartir los archivos almacenados en estas localizaciones externas. En estos casos, se usan las credenciales para el dueño del archivos cuando el receptor pide el archivo del almacenamiento externo, asegurando así que el receptor puede acceder al archivo compartido.\n\nEl almacenamiento externo se puede configurar usando la GUI o con la línea de comandos. La segunda opción proporciona al usuario avanzado más flexibilidad para configurar montajes de almacenamientos externos en bloque y para configurar prioridades de montaje. Más información disponible en la documentación del almacenamiento externo y la documentación del archivo de configuración de almacenamiento externo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado ningún almacenamiento externo o no tienes permiso para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "Open in files" : "Abrir en archivos",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Ámbito",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado ningún almacenamiento externo o no tienes permiso para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "El almacenamiento externo te permite montar servicios y dispositivos de almacenamiento externo como dispositivos de almacenamiento secundarios de Nextcloud. También puedes permitir que los usuarios monten sus propios servicios de almacenamiento externos.",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Todos los usuarios",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuración avanzada",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar un almacenamiento externo",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Se pueden usar credenciales globales para autenticar con múltiples almacenamientos externos que tengan las mismas credenciales."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Se pueden usar credenciales globales para autenticar con múltiples almacenamientos externos que tengan las mismas credenciales.",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor facilite una clave de app y una clave secreta válidas.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar claves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Error al generar el par de claves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta vacía desde el servidor",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No se ha podido acceder. Por favor, cierra sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No se pudo obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No se puede obtener la lista de los puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Ha habido un error con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento-externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No se ha podido recuperar la lista de puntos de montaje de las unidades de red de Windows: respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor introduzca las credenciales para el punto de montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardados",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Guardado de credenciales fallido",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credenciales requeridos",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_419.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_419.js
index 7b6d8860d87..34365240e7c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_419.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_419.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -99,10 +78,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o no tienes permiso para configurarlo",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o no tienes permiso para configurarlo",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -110,6 +93,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_419.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_419.json
index 49ef2bbeed0..2e3236db2e2 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_419.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_419.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -57,6 +34,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -97,10 +76,14 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o no tienes permiso para configurarlo",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o no tienes permiso para configurarlo",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -108,6 +91,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_AR.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_AR.js
index 331a4b26660..f0a4f9fb4a0 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_AR.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_AR.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Favor de proporcionar una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -22,18 +13,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Admin defined" : "Administrador definido",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Favor de ingresar las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nombre de usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -56,6 +35,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Nombre de usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "¡No se encontraron archivos en su búsqueda que hayan sido modificados\n\n en los últimos 7 días! ",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -96,10 +77,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Favor de solicitar a su administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Favor de solicitar a su administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -107,6 +92,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Favor de proporcionar una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Favor de ingresar las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_AR.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_AR.json
index 54e3d021e4e..36246c18dd2 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_AR.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_AR.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Favor de proporcionar una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -20,18 +11,6 @@
"Admin defined" : "Administrador definido",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Favor de ingresar las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nombre de usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -54,6 +33,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Nombre de usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "¡No se encontraron archivos en su búsqueda que hayan sido modificados\n\n en los últimos 7 días! ",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -94,10 +75,14 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Favor de solicitar a su administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Favor de solicitar a su administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -105,6 +90,22 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Favor de proporcionar una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Favor de ingresar las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CL.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CL.js
index 3fd6dc16225..49c706131ca 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CL.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CL.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -102,11 +81,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -115,6 +98,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CL.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CL.json
index 234be317850..3da8a59083c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CL.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CL.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -100,11 +79,15 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -113,6 +96,24 @@
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CO.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CO.js
index 3fd6dc16225..49c706131ca 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CO.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CO.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -102,11 +81,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -115,6 +98,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CO.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CO.json
index 234be317850..3da8a59083c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CO.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CO.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -100,11 +79,15 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -113,6 +96,24 @@
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CR.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CR.js
index 3fd6dc16225..49c706131ca 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CR.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CR.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -102,11 +81,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -115,6 +98,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CR.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CR.json
index 234be317850..3da8a59083c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CR.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_CR.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -100,11 +79,15 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -113,6 +96,24 @@
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_DO.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_DO.js
index 3fd6dc16225..49c706131ca 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_DO.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_DO.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -102,11 +81,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -115,6 +98,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_DO.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_DO.json
index 234be317850..3da8a59083c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_DO.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_DO.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -100,11 +79,15 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -113,6 +96,24 @@
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_EC.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_EC.js
index 33b5e81261d..960a53e71dc 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Type to select user or group." : "Escribe para seleccionar usuario o grupo.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving …" : "Saving …",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Prohibido administrar montajes locales.",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "No está instalado \"%1$s\". No es posible montar %2$s. Por favor, pide a tu administrador de sistema que lo instale.",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Añade soporte básico para almacenamiento externo.",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a los administradores configurar conexiones a proveedores de almacenamiento externo, como servidores FTP, almacenamiento de objetos S3 o SWIFT, otros servidores de Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV, y más. Los administradores pueden elegir qué tipos de almacenamiento habilitar y pueden montar estas ubicaciones de almacenamiento para un usuario, un grupo o todo el sistema. Los usuarios verán aparecer una nueva carpeta en su directorio raíz de Nextcloud, a la que podrán acceder y utilizar como cualquier otra carpeta de Nextcloud. El almacenamiento externo también permite a los usuarios compartir archivos almacenados en estas ubicaciones externas. En estos casos, se utilizan las credenciales del propietario del archivo cuando el destinatario solicita el archivo desde el almacenamiento externo, asegurando así que el destinatario pueda acceder al archivo compartido.\n \n El almacenamiento externo se puede configurar utilizando la interfaz gráfica o mediante la línea de comandos. Esta segunda opción brinda al usuario avanzado más flexibilidad para configurar montajes de almacenamiento externo masivos y establecer prioridades de montaje. Más información está disponible en la documentación de la interfaz gráfica de almacenamiento externo y en la documentación del archivo de configuración de almacenamiento externo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "Open in files" : "Abrir en archivos",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "El almacenamiento externo te permite montar servicios y dispositivos de almacenamiento externo como dispositivos secundarios de almacenamiento de Nextcloud. También puedes permitir a los usuarios montar sus propios servicios de almacenamiento externo.",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Todos los usuarios",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Las credenciales globales se pueden usar para autenticarse con múltiples almacenamientos externos que tienen las mismas credenciales."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Las credenciales globales se pueden usar para autenticarse con múltiples almacenamientos externos que tienen las mismas credenciales.",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_EC.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_EC.json
index 95778f00acc..2cb6fc93b7f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Type to select user or group." : "Escribe para seleccionar usuario o grupo.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving …" : "Saving …",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Prohibido administrar montajes locales.",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "No está instalado \"%1$s\". No es posible montar %2$s. Por favor, pide a tu administrador de sistema que lo instale.",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Añade soporte básico para almacenamiento externo.",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a los administradores configurar conexiones a proveedores de almacenamiento externo, como servidores FTP, almacenamiento de objetos S3 o SWIFT, otros servidores de Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV, y más. Los administradores pueden elegir qué tipos de almacenamiento habilitar y pueden montar estas ubicaciones de almacenamiento para un usuario, un grupo o todo el sistema. Los usuarios verán aparecer una nueva carpeta en su directorio raíz de Nextcloud, a la que podrán acceder y utilizar como cualquier otra carpeta de Nextcloud. El almacenamiento externo también permite a los usuarios compartir archivos almacenados en estas ubicaciones externas. En estos casos, se utilizan las credenciales del propietario del archivo cuando el destinatario solicita el archivo desde el almacenamiento externo, asegurando así que el destinatario pueda acceder al archivo compartido.\n \n El almacenamiento externo se puede configurar utilizando la interfaz gráfica o mediante la línea de comandos. Esta segunda opción brinda al usuario avanzado más flexibilidad para configurar montajes de almacenamiento externo masivos y establecer prioridades de montaje. Más información está disponible en la documentación de la interfaz gráfica de almacenamiento externo y en la documentación del archivo de configuración de almacenamiento externo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "Open in files" : "Abrir en archivos",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "El almacenamiento externo te permite montar servicios y dispositivos de almacenamiento externo como dispositivos secundarios de almacenamiento de Nextcloud. También puedes permitir a los usuarios montar sus propios servicios de almacenamiento externo.",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Todos los usuarios",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Las credenciales globales se pueden usar para autenticarse con múltiples almacenamientos externos que tienen las mismas credenciales."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Las credenciales globales se pueden usar para autenticarse con múltiples almacenamientos externos que tienen las mismas credenciales.",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_GT.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_GT.js
index 3fd6dc16225..49c706131ca 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_GT.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_GT.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -102,11 +81,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -115,6 +98,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_GT.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_GT.json
index 234be317850..3da8a59083c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_GT.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_GT.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -100,11 +79,15 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -113,6 +96,24 @@
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_HN.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_HN.js
index 59c927c73d8..2543acf8cda 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_HN.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_HN.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -99,9 +78,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -109,6 +92,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_HN.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_HN.json
index 4aee71d3680..88c5ded7b11 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_HN.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_HN.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -57,6 +34,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -97,9 +76,13 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -107,6 +90,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_MX.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_MX.js
index b5221886a98..ba11fd916e2 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_MX.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_MX.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -102,13 +81,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Agrega soporte básico para almacenamiento externo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esta aplicación le permite a los adminsitradores configurar las conexiónes a los proveedores de almacenamiento externo, tales como servidores FTP, S3 o almacenamiento de objetos SWIFT, otros servidores de Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV y más. Los administradores pueden elegir qué tipos de almacenamiento habilitar y pueden montar estas ubicaciones de almacenamiento para un usuario, un grupo o para todo el sistema. Los usuarios verán aparecer una nueva carpeta en su directorio raíz de Nextcloud, la cual podrán acceder y usar como cualquier otra carpeta de Nextcloud. El almacenamiento externo también le permite a los usuarios compartir archivos almacenados en estas ubicaciones externas. En estos casos, las credenciales del dueño del archivo son usadas cunado el destinatario solicita el archivo de un almacenamiento externo, asegurando así que el destinatario pueda acceder el archivo compartido.\n\nEl almacenamiento externo puede ser configurado usando el GUI o la línea de comnados. Esta segunda opción le brinda a los usuarios avanzados más flexibilidad para configurar masivamente el montaje del almacenamiento externo y establecer la prioridad de montaje. Hay más información disponible en la documentación de almacenamiento externo GUi y la documentación del Archivo de configuración del almacenamiento externo. ",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -117,6 +100,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_MX.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_MX.json
index 2370eaa17da..6b7c4838c7e 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_MX.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_MX.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -100,13 +79,17 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Agrega soporte básico para almacenamiento externo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esta aplicación le permite a los adminsitradores configurar las conexiónes a los proveedores de almacenamiento externo, tales como servidores FTP, S3 o almacenamiento de objetos SWIFT, otros servidores de Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV y más. Los administradores pueden elegir qué tipos de almacenamiento habilitar y pueden montar estas ubicaciones de almacenamiento para un usuario, un grupo o para todo el sistema. Los usuarios verán aparecer una nueva carpeta en su directorio raíz de Nextcloud, la cual podrán acceder y usar como cualquier otra carpeta de Nextcloud. El almacenamiento externo también le permite a los usuarios compartir archivos almacenados en estas ubicaciones externas. En estos casos, las credenciales del dueño del archivo son usadas cunado el destinatario solicita el archivo de un almacenamiento externo, asegurando así que el destinatario pueda acceder el archivo compartido.\n\nEl almacenamiento externo puede ser configurado usando el GUI o la línea de comnados. Esta segunda opción le brinda a los usuarios avanzados más flexibilidad para configurar masivamente el montaje del almacenamiento externo y establecer la prioridad de montaje. Hay más información disponible en la documentación de almacenamiento externo GUi y la documentación del Archivo de configuración del almacenamiento externo. ",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -115,6 +98,24 @@
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_NI.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_NI.js
index 59c927c73d8..2543acf8cda 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_NI.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_NI.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -99,9 +78,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -109,6 +92,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_NI.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_NI.json
index 4aee71d3680..88c5ded7b11 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_NI.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_NI.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -57,6 +34,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -97,9 +76,13 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -107,6 +90,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PA.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PA.js
index 59c927c73d8..2543acf8cda 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PA.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PA.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -99,9 +78,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -109,6 +92,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PA.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PA.json
index 4aee71d3680..88c5ded7b11 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PA.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PA.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -57,6 +34,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -97,9 +76,13 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -107,6 +90,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PE.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PE.js
index 59c927c73d8..2543acf8cda 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PE.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PE.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -99,9 +78,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -109,6 +92,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PE.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PE.json
index 4aee71d3680..88c5ded7b11 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PE.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PE.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -57,6 +34,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -97,9 +76,13 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -107,6 +90,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PR.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PR.js
index 59c927c73d8..2543acf8cda 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PR.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PR.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -99,9 +78,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -109,6 +92,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PR.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PR.json
index 4aee71d3680..88c5ded7b11 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PR.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PR.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -57,6 +34,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -97,9 +76,13 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -107,6 +90,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PY.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PY.js
index 59c927c73d8..376de6dd099 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PY.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PY.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -99,9 +78,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -109,6 +91,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PY.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PY.json
index 4aee71d3680..5e5c2a8db75 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PY.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_PY.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -57,6 +34,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -97,9 +76,12 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -107,6 +89,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_SV.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_SV.js
index 3fd6dc16225..49c706131ca 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_SV.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_SV.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -102,11 +81,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -115,6 +98,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_SV.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_SV.json
index 234be317850..3da8a59083c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_SV.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_SV.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -100,11 +79,15 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
"External storage support" : "Soporte de almacenamiento externo",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No se ha configurado almacenamiento externo o bien no cuentas con los permisos para configurarlos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -113,6 +96,24 @@
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Haz click para volver a marcar la configuración",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_UY.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_UY.js
index 59c927c73d8..2543acf8cda 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_UY.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_UY.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -99,9 +78,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -109,6 +92,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_UY.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_UY.json
index 4aee71d3680..88c5ded7b11 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/es_UY.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/es_UY.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidad con codificación Mac NFD (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar encripción",
"Enable previews" : "Habilitar vistas previas",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "¿Borrar almacenamiento?",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
- "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
- "Username" : "Usuario",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
- "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "El almacenamiento con ID \"%d\" no fue encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Backend o clase de mecanismo de autenticación inválido ",
"Invalid mount point" : "Punto de montaje inválido",
@@ -57,6 +34,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID del cliente",
"Client secret" : "Secreto del cliente",
+ "Username" : "Usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Tenant name" : "Nombre de inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL del punto de enlace de Identidad",
"Domain" : "Dominio",
@@ -97,9 +76,13 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Tiemo de vida de la solicitud (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para cURL en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "El soporte para FTP en PHP no se encuentra habilitado o instalado. El montaje de %s no es posible. Por favor solicita a tu administador su instalación. ",
- "Name" : "Nombre",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamiento externo",
+ "External mount error" : "Error de montaje externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamiento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir la documentación",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticación",
@@ -107,6 +90,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponible para",
"Add storage" : "Agregar almacenamiento",
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir a los usuarios montar almacenamiento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor proporciona una llave de aplicación y secreto válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Se presentó un error al configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generar llaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Se presentó un error al generar el juego de llaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Respuesta del servidor vacía",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No fue posible accesar. Por favor sal de la sesión y vuelve a entrar para activar este punto de montaje",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la información del servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No fue posible obtener la lista de puntos de montaje externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Se presentó un problema con el mensaje:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamiento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "No fue posible obtener el listado de los puntos de motaje de unidades de red Windows. Respuesta vacía del servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor ingresa las credenciales para el montaje {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciales guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Se ha presentado una falla al guardar las credenciales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Se requieren credenciales",
+ "Name" : "Nombre"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/et_EE.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/et_EE.js
index 15cdc99dcd2..45e411ccb15 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/et_EE.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/et_EE.js
@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Väline andmehoidla",
- "Personal" : "Isiklik",
- "System" : "Süsteem",
- "Grant access" : "Anna ligipääs",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 seadistamise tõrge",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 seadistamise tõrge",
- "Generate keys" : "Loo võtmed",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Viga võtmepaari loomisel",
"Enable encryption" : "Luba krüpteerimine",
"Enable previews" : "Luba eelvaated",
"Enable sharing" : "Luba jagamine",
@@ -21,14 +13,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Salvestatud",
"Saving …" : "Salvestamine …",
"Save" : "Salvesta",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tühi vastus serverilt",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Välise ühenduspunkti hankimine ebaõnnestus: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Sõnumiga tekkis tõrge:",
- "External mount error" : "Välise seostamise tõrge",
- "external-storage" : "väline-salvestuskoht",
- "Username" : "Kasutajanimi",
- "Password" : "Parool",
- "Credentials required" : "Kasutajatunnused on nõutud",
"Invalid mount point" : "Vigane ühenduspunkt",
"Objectstore forbidden" : "Objectstore on keelatud",
"Invalid storage backend \"%s\"" : "Vigane salvestuskoha taustsüsteem \"%s\"",
@@ -45,6 +29,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "Kliendi ID",
"Client secret" : "Kliendi salasõna",
+ "Username" : "Kasutajanimi",
+ "Password" : "Parool",
"Domain" : "Domeen",
"API key" : "API võti",
"RSA public key" : "RSA avalik võti",
@@ -74,15 +60,30 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Username as share" : "Kasutajanimi kui jagamine",
"OpenStack Object Storage" : "OpenStack Object Storage",
"Service name" : "Teenuse nimi",
- "Name" : "Nimi",
+ "External storage" : "Väline andmehoidla",
+ "External mount error" : "Välise seostamise tõrge",
"Storage type" : "Andmehoidla tüüp",
+ "Unknown" : "Teadmata",
"Scope" : "Skoop",
+ "Personal" : "Isiklik",
+ "System" : "Süsteem",
"Open documentation" : "Ava dokumentatsioon",
"Folder name" : "Kausta nimi",
"Authentication" : "Autentimine",
"Configuration" : "Seadistamine",
"Available for" : "Saadaval",
"Add storage" : "Lisa andmehoidla",
- "Advanced settings" : "Lisavalikud"
+ "Advanced settings" : "Lisavalikud",
+ "Grant access" : "Anna ligipääs",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 seadistamise tõrge",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 seadistamise tõrge",
+ "Generate keys" : "Loo võtmed",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Viga võtmepaari loomisel",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tühi vastus serverilt",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Välise ühenduspunkti hankimine ebaõnnestus: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Sõnumiga tekkis tõrge:",
+ "external-storage" : "väline-salvestuskoht",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kasutajatunnused on nõutud",
+ "Name" : "Nimi"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/et_EE.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/et_EE.json
index 00e39aa1e05..f5d4073cd38 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/et_EE.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/et_EE.json
@@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Väline andmehoidla",
- "Personal" : "Isiklik",
- "System" : "Süsteem",
- "Grant access" : "Anna ligipääs",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 seadistamise tõrge",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 seadistamise tõrge",
- "Generate keys" : "Loo võtmed",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Viga võtmepaari loomisel",
"Enable encryption" : "Luba krüpteerimine",
"Enable previews" : "Luba eelvaated",
"Enable sharing" : "Luba jagamine",
@@ -19,14 +11,6 @@
"Saved" : "Salvestatud",
"Saving …" : "Salvestamine …",
"Save" : "Salvesta",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tühi vastus serverilt",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Välise ühenduspunkti hankimine ebaõnnestus: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Sõnumiga tekkis tõrge:",
- "External mount error" : "Välise seostamise tõrge",
- "external-storage" : "väline-salvestuskoht",
- "Username" : "Kasutajanimi",
- "Password" : "Parool",
- "Credentials required" : "Kasutajatunnused on nõutud",
"Invalid mount point" : "Vigane ühenduspunkt",
"Objectstore forbidden" : "Objectstore on keelatud",
"Invalid storage backend \"%s\"" : "Vigane salvestuskoha taustsüsteem \"%s\"",
@@ -43,6 +27,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "Kliendi ID",
"Client secret" : "Kliendi salasõna",
+ "Username" : "Kasutajanimi",
+ "Password" : "Parool",
"Domain" : "Domeen",
"API key" : "API võti",
"RSA public key" : "RSA avalik võti",
@@ -72,15 +58,30 @@
"Username as share" : "Kasutajanimi kui jagamine",
"OpenStack Object Storage" : "OpenStack Object Storage",
"Service name" : "Teenuse nimi",
- "Name" : "Nimi",
+ "External storage" : "Väline andmehoidla",
+ "External mount error" : "Välise seostamise tõrge",
"Storage type" : "Andmehoidla tüüp",
+ "Unknown" : "Teadmata",
"Scope" : "Skoop",
+ "Personal" : "Isiklik",
+ "System" : "Süsteem",
"Open documentation" : "Ava dokumentatsioon",
"Folder name" : "Kausta nimi",
"Authentication" : "Autentimine",
"Configuration" : "Seadistamine",
"Available for" : "Saadaval",
"Add storage" : "Lisa andmehoidla",
- "Advanced settings" : "Lisavalikud"
+ "Advanced settings" : "Lisavalikud",
+ "Grant access" : "Anna ligipääs",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 seadistamise tõrge",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 seadistamise tõrge",
+ "Generate keys" : "Loo võtmed",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Viga võtmepaari loomisel",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tühi vastus serverilt",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Välise ühenduspunkti hankimine ebaõnnestus: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Sõnumiga tekkis tõrge:",
+ "external-storage" : "väline-salvestuskoht",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kasutajatunnused on nõutud",
+ "Name" : "Nimi"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/eu.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/eu.js
index 90e99f0ed88..62120ffb5b3 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/eu.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzea",
- "Personal" : "Pertsonala",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Baimendu sarrera",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errorea OAuth1 konfiguratzean",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Eman baliozko aplikazio-gakoa eta sekretua.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errorea OAuth2 konfiguratzean",
- "Generate keys" : "Sortu gakoak",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Errorea gako bikotea sortzean",
"Type to select user or group." : "Idatzi erabiltzailea edo taldea aukeratzeko.",
"(Group)" : "(Taldea)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD kodeketarekin bateragarritasuna (mantsoa)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Gordeta",
"Saving …" : "Gordetzen …",
"Save" : "Gorde",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Erantzun hutsa zerbitzaritik",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Ezin izan da atzitu. Amaitu saioa eta hasi berriz muntatze-puntu hau aktibatzeko",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ezin izan da urruneko zerbitzaritik informaziorik eskuratu: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ezin izan da kanpoko muntatze-puntuen zerrenda eskuratu: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Errore bat gertatu da mezu honekin:",
- "External mount error" : "Kanpoko muntatzearen errorea",
- "external-storage" : "kanpo-biltegiratzea",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ezin izan da Windows sareko gailuen muntatze-puntuen zerrenda eskuratu: Erantzun hutsa zerbitzaritik",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Sartu {mount} muntatzearen kredentzialak",
- "Username" : "Erabiltzaile-izena",
- "Password" : "Pasahitza",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kredentzialak gordeta",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Kredentzialak gordetzeak huts egin du",
- "Credentials required" : "Kredentzialak behar dira",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Debekatuta dago tokiko muntaketak kudeatzea",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Ez da aurkitu \"%d\" IDa duen biltegiratzea",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Atzeko alde edo autentifikazio mekanismo klase baliogabea",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Bezero ID",
"Client secret" : "Bezeroaren sekretua",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Erabiltzaile-izena",
+ "Password" : "Pasahitza",
"Tenant name" : "Maizterraren izena",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identitate amaiera-puntuaren URLa",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHPren cURL euskarria ez dago gaituta edo instalatuta. Ezin da %s muntatu. Eskatu administratzaileari instalatzeko.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHPren FTP euskarria ez dago gaituta edo instalatuta. Ezin da %s muntatu. Eskatu administratzaileari instalatzeko.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" ez dago instalatuta. Ezin da %2$s muntatu. Eskatu administratzaileari instalatzeko.",
+ "External storage" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzea",
"External storage support" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzearen euskarria",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzearen oinarrizko euskarria gehitzen du",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aplikazio honek aukera ematen die administratzaileei kanpoko biltegiratze hornitzaileetara konexioak konfiguratzeko, hala nola, FTP zerbitzariak, S3 edo SWIFT objektuen biltegiak, beste Nextcloud zerbitzariak, WebDAV zerbitzariak eta gehiago. Administratzaileak aukeratu dezake ze biltegiratze mota gaitu nahi dituen eta biltegiratze kokaleku horiek erabiltzaile batentzat, talde batentzat edo sistema osorako munta ditzake. Erabiltzaileek beren erroko Nextcloud direktorioan karpeta berri bat agertu dela ikusiko dute; bertara sarbidea izango dute eta Nextcloudeko beste edozein karpeta bezala erabil dezakete. Kanpoko biltegiratzeak kanpoko kokaleku horietan gordetako fitxategiak partekatzeko aukera ere ematen die erabiltzaileei. Kasu horietan, hartzaileak kanpoko biltegiratzeko fitxategira sarbidea eskatzen duenean fitxategiaren jabearen kredentzialak erabiltzen dira, modu horretan hartzaileak partekatutako fitxategia atzitu dezakeela ziurtatuz.\n\nKanpoko biltegiratzea GUI edo komando lerro bidez konfigura daiteke. Bigarren aukerak malgutasun handiagoa eskaintzen dio erabiltzaile aurreratuari, kanpoko biltegiratzeen muntatzea multzoka konfiguratzeko eta muntatze lehentasunak ezartzeko. Eskuragarri dago informazio gehiago kanpoko biltegiratzeen GUIaren eta kanpoko biltegiratzearen konfigurazio fitxategiaren dokumentazioetan.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ez dago kanpoko biltegiratzerik konfiguratuta edo ez daukazu baimenik haiek konfiguratzeko",
- "Name" : "Izena",
+ "Open in files" : "Ireki fitxategiak aplikazioan",
+ "External mount error" : "Kanpoko muntatzearen errorea",
"Storage type" : "Biltegiratze mota",
+ "Unknown" : "Ezezaguna",
"Scope" : "Esparrua",
+ "Personal" : "Pertsonala",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ez dago kanpoko biltegiratzerik konfiguratuta edo ez daukazu baimenik haiek konfiguratzeko",
"Open documentation" : "Ireki dokumentazioa",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Kanpoko biltegiratzeak aukera ematen dizu kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak eta gailuak erabiltzeko Nextlcloudeko bigarren mailako biltegiratze gailu bezala. Gainera, aukera eman diezaiekezu erabiltzaileei beren kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzeko.",
"Folder name" : "Karpetaren izena",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Erabiltzaile guztiak",
"Advanced settings" : "Ezarpen aurreratuak",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Baimendu erabiltzaileek kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzea",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Kredentzial globalak erabil daitezke kredentzial berdinak dituzten kanpoko hainbat biltegiratzerekin autentifikatzeko."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Kredentzial globalak erabil daitezke kredentzial berdinak dituzten kanpoko hainbat biltegiratzerekin autentifikatzeko.",
+ "Grant access" : "Baimendu sarrera",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errorea OAuth1 konfiguratzean",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Eman baliozko aplikazio-gakoa eta sekretua.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errorea OAuth2 konfiguratzean",
+ "Generate keys" : "Sortu gakoak",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Errorea gako bikotea sortzean",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Erantzun hutsa zerbitzaritik",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Ezin izan da atzitu. Amaitu saioa eta hasi berriz muntatze-puntu hau aktibatzeko",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ezin izan da urruneko zerbitzaritik informaziorik eskuratu: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ezin izan da kanpoko muntatze-puntuen zerrenda eskuratu: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Errore bat gertatu da mezu honekin:",
+ "external-storage" : "kanpo-biltegiratzea",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ezin izan da Windows sareko gailuen muntatze-puntuen zerrenda eskuratu: Erantzun hutsa zerbitzaritik",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Sartu {mount} muntatzearen kredentzialak",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kredentzialak gordeta",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Kredentzialak gordetzeak huts egin du",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kredentzialak behar dira",
+ "Name" : "Izena"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/eu.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/eu.json
index a3599f18e74..9cb4280a099 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/eu.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzea",
- "Personal" : "Pertsonala",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Baimendu sarrera",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errorea OAuth1 konfiguratzean",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Eman baliozko aplikazio-gakoa eta sekretua.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errorea OAuth2 konfiguratzean",
- "Generate keys" : "Sortu gakoak",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Errorea gako bikotea sortzean",
"Type to select user or group." : "Idatzi erabiltzailea edo taldea aukeratzeko.",
"(Group)" : "(Taldea)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD kodeketarekin bateragarritasuna (mantsoa)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Gordeta",
"Saving …" : "Gordetzen …",
"Save" : "Gorde",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Erantzun hutsa zerbitzaritik",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Ezin izan da atzitu. Amaitu saioa eta hasi berriz muntatze-puntu hau aktibatzeko",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ezin izan da urruneko zerbitzaritik informaziorik eskuratu: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ezin izan da kanpoko muntatze-puntuen zerrenda eskuratu: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Errore bat gertatu da mezu honekin:",
- "External mount error" : "Kanpoko muntatzearen errorea",
- "external-storage" : "kanpo-biltegiratzea",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ezin izan da Windows sareko gailuen muntatze-puntuen zerrenda eskuratu: Erantzun hutsa zerbitzaritik",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Sartu {mount} muntatzearen kredentzialak",
- "Username" : "Erabiltzaile-izena",
- "Password" : "Pasahitza",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kredentzialak gordeta",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Kredentzialak gordetzeak huts egin du",
- "Credentials required" : "Kredentzialak behar dira",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Debekatuta dago tokiko muntaketak kudeatzea",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Ez da aurkitu \"%d\" IDa duen biltegiratzea",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Atzeko alde edo autentifikazio mekanismo klase baliogabea",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Bezero ID",
"Client secret" : "Bezeroaren sekretua",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Erabiltzaile-izena",
+ "Password" : "Pasahitza",
"Tenant name" : "Maizterraren izena",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identitate amaiera-puntuaren URLa",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHPren cURL euskarria ez dago gaituta edo instalatuta. Ezin da %s muntatu. Eskatu administratzaileari instalatzeko.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHPren FTP euskarria ez dago gaituta edo instalatuta. Ezin da %s muntatu. Eskatu administratzaileari instalatzeko.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" ez dago instalatuta. Ezin da %2$s muntatu. Eskatu administratzaileari instalatzeko.",
+ "External storage" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzea",
"External storage support" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzearen euskarria",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzearen oinarrizko euskarria gehitzen du",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aplikazio honek aukera ematen die administratzaileei kanpoko biltegiratze hornitzaileetara konexioak konfiguratzeko, hala nola, FTP zerbitzariak, S3 edo SWIFT objektuen biltegiak, beste Nextcloud zerbitzariak, WebDAV zerbitzariak eta gehiago. Administratzaileak aukeratu dezake ze biltegiratze mota gaitu nahi dituen eta biltegiratze kokaleku horiek erabiltzaile batentzat, talde batentzat edo sistema osorako munta ditzake. Erabiltzaileek beren erroko Nextcloud direktorioan karpeta berri bat agertu dela ikusiko dute; bertara sarbidea izango dute eta Nextcloudeko beste edozein karpeta bezala erabil dezakete. Kanpoko biltegiratzeak kanpoko kokaleku horietan gordetako fitxategiak partekatzeko aukera ere ematen die erabiltzaileei. Kasu horietan, hartzaileak kanpoko biltegiratzeko fitxategira sarbidea eskatzen duenean fitxategiaren jabearen kredentzialak erabiltzen dira, modu horretan hartzaileak partekatutako fitxategia atzitu dezakeela ziurtatuz.\n\nKanpoko biltegiratzea GUI edo komando lerro bidez konfigura daiteke. Bigarren aukerak malgutasun handiagoa eskaintzen dio erabiltzaile aurreratuari, kanpoko biltegiratzeen muntatzea multzoka konfiguratzeko eta muntatze lehentasunak ezartzeko. Eskuragarri dago informazio gehiago kanpoko biltegiratzeen GUIaren eta kanpoko biltegiratzearen konfigurazio fitxategiaren dokumentazioetan.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ez dago kanpoko biltegiratzerik konfiguratuta edo ez daukazu baimenik haiek konfiguratzeko",
- "Name" : "Izena",
+ "Open in files" : "Ireki fitxategiak aplikazioan",
+ "External mount error" : "Kanpoko muntatzearen errorea",
"Storage type" : "Biltegiratze mota",
+ "Unknown" : "Ezezaguna",
"Scope" : "Esparrua",
+ "Personal" : "Pertsonala",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ez dago kanpoko biltegiratzerik konfiguratuta edo ez daukazu baimenik haiek konfiguratzeko",
"Open documentation" : "Ireki dokumentazioa",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Kanpoko biltegiratzeak aukera ematen dizu kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak eta gailuak erabiltzeko Nextlcloudeko bigarren mailako biltegiratze gailu bezala. Gainera, aukera eman diezaiekezu erabiltzaileei beren kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzeko.",
"Folder name" : "Karpetaren izena",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Erabiltzaile guztiak",
"Advanced settings" : "Ezarpen aurreratuak",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Baimendu erabiltzaileek kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzea",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Kredentzial globalak erabil daitezke kredentzial berdinak dituzten kanpoko hainbat biltegiratzerekin autentifikatzeko."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Kredentzial globalak erabil daitezke kredentzial berdinak dituzten kanpoko hainbat biltegiratzerekin autentifikatzeko.",
+ "Grant access" : "Baimendu sarrera",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errorea OAuth1 konfiguratzean",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Eman baliozko aplikazio-gakoa eta sekretua.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errorea OAuth2 konfiguratzean",
+ "Generate keys" : "Sortu gakoak",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Errorea gako bikotea sortzean",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Erantzun hutsa zerbitzaritik",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Ezin izan da atzitu. Amaitu saioa eta hasi berriz muntatze-puntu hau aktibatzeko",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ezin izan da urruneko zerbitzaritik informaziorik eskuratu: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ezin izan da kanpoko muntatze-puntuen zerrenda eskuratu: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Errore bat gertatu da mezu honekin:",
+ "external-storage" : "kanpo-biltegiratzea",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ezin izan da Windows sareko gailuen muntatze-puntuen zerrenda eskuratu: Erantzun hutsa zerbitzaritik",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Sartu {mount} muntatzearen kredentzialak",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kredentzialak gordeta",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Kredentzialak gordetzeak huts egin du",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kredentzialak behar dira",
+ "Name" : "Izena"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/fa.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/fa.js
index c76f410f68e..c52119b0072 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/fa.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/fa.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "حافظه خارجی",
- "Personal" : "شخصی",
- "System" : "سیستم",
- "Grant access" : " مجوز اعطا دسترسی",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "خطا پیکربندی OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "لطفا یک کلید و رمز معتبر برای برنامه فرآهم کنید.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "خطا پیکربندی OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "تولید کلید",
- "Error generating key pair" : "خطا در تولید جفت کلید",
"(Group)" : "(گروه)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "سازگاری با رمزگذاری Mac NFD (کند)",
"Enable encryption" : "فعال کردن رمزگذاری",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "ذخیره شد",
"Saving …" : "ذخیره کردن …",
"Save" : "ذخیره",
- "Empty response from the server" : "خالی از پاسخ سرور",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "دسترسی پیدا نشد. لطفاً برای فعال کردن این نقطه نصب از سیستم خارج شوید و دوباره وارد سیستم شوید",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "اطلاعاتی از سرور راه دور یافت نشد: {code} {type} ",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "لیست نقاط نصب خارجی یافت نشد: {type} ",
- "There was an error with message: " : "خطایی در پیام وجود دارد:",
- "External mount error" : "خظای نصب خارجی",
- "external-storage" : "ذخیره ساز خارجی",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "نمی توان لیست نقاط نصب درایو شبکه Windows را یافت: پاسخ خالی از سرور",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "لطفا مدارکی را برای مانت {mount} وارد کنید",
- "Username" : "نام کاربری",
- "Password" : "گذرواژه",
- "Credentials saved" : "اعتبارنامه ذخیره شد",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "ذخیره اعتبارنامه انجام نشد",
- "Credentials required" : "اعتبارنامه ضروری",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "ذخیره سازی با شناسه  \"%d\"  پیدا نشد",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "کلاس مکانیسم اعتبار پس زمینه یا تأیید اعتبار نامعتبر است",
"Invalid mount point" : "نقطه نصب نامعتبر است",
@@ -62,6 +39,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "شناسه مشتری",
"Client secret" : "رمز مشتری",
"OpenStack v2" : "Open Stack v2",
+ "Username" : "نام کاربری",
+ "Password" : "گذرواژه",
"Tenant name" : "نام مستاجر",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL پایان نامه هویت",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -110,13 +89,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "پشتیبانی cURL در PHP فعال یا نصب نشده است. نصب %s امکان پذیر نیست. لطفاً از سرپرست سیستم خود بخواهید که آن را نصب کند.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "پشتیبانی FTP در PHP فعال یا نصب نشده است. نصب %s امکان پذیر نیست. لطفاً از سرپرست سیستم خود بخواهید که آن را نصب کند.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" نصب نشده است. نصب \"%2$s\" امکان پذیر نیست. لطفاً از سرپرست سیستم خود بخواهید که آن را نصب کند.",
+ "External storage" : "حافظه خارجی",
"External storage support" : "پشتیبانی از ذخیره سازی خارجی",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "پشتیبانی اصلی حافظه خارجی را اضافه می کند",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "این برنامه مدیران را قادر می سازد پیکربندی اتصالات را با ارائه دهندگان ذخیره سازی خارجی ، مانند سرورهای FTP ، فروشگاه های شی S3 یا SWIFT ، سایر سرورهای Nextcloud ، سرورهای WebDAV و موارد دیگر انجام دهند. سرپرستان می توانند انتخاب کنند که کدام نوع ذخیره سازی را فعال کرده و می توانند این مکانهای ذخیره سازی را برای کاربر ، گروه یا کل سیستم سوار کنند. کاربران می بینند که یک پوشه جدید در فهرست ریشه Nextcloud خود ظاهر می شود ، که می توانند مانند سایر پوشه های Nextcloud به آنها دسترسی پیدا کرده و از آن استفاده کنند. حافظه خارجی همچنین به کاربران امکان می دهد فایلهای ذخیره شده در این مکانهای خارجی را به اشتراک بگذارند. در این موارد ، هنگام دریافت درخواست گیرنده پرونده از فضای ذخیره خارجی ، از اعتبارنامه صاحب پرونده استفاده می شود ، از این طریق اطمینان حاصل می شود که گیرنده می تواند به پرونده اشتراکی دسترسی داشته باشد. . این گزینه دوم انعطاف پذیری بیشتری را برای پیکربندی نصب انبارداری های فله ای و تنظیم اولویت های مانیتور به کاربر پیشرفته ارائه می دهد. اطلاعات بیشتر در اسناد GUI فضای ذخیره سازی خارجی و اسناد فایل پیکربندی حافظه خارجی موجود است.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "هیچ فضای ذخیره سازی خارجی پیکربندی نشده است یا اجازه پیکربندی آنها را ندارید.",
- "Name" : "نام",
+ "External mount error" : "خظای نصب خارجی",
"Storage type" : "نوع فضای ذخیره‌سازی",
+ "Unknown" : "ناشناخته",
"Scope" : "حوزه",
+ "Personal" : "شخصی",
+ "System" : "سیستم",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "هیچ فضای ذخیره سازی خارجی پیکربندی نشده است یا اجازه پیکربندی آنها را ندارید.",
"Open documentation" : "مستندات باز",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "فضای ذخیره سازی خارجی شما را قادر می سازد خدمات و دستگاههای ذخیره سازی خارجی را به عنوان دستگاههای ذخیره سازی ثانویه Cloud نصب کنید. همچنین ممکن است به کاربران اجازه دهید خدمات ذخیره سازی خارجی خود را سوار کنند.",
"Folder name" : "نام پوشه",
@@ -127,6 +110,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add storage" : "اضافه کردن حافظه",
"Advanced settings" : "تنظیمات پیشرفته",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "به کاربران اجازه دهید حافظه خارجی را نصب کنند.",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "از اعتبار جهانی می توان برای تأیید اعتبار با چندین انبار خارجی که دارای اعتبار یکسانی هستند استفاده کرد."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "از اعتبار جهانی می توان برای تأیید اعتبار با چندین انبار خارجی که دارای اعتبار یکسانی هستند استفاده کرد.",
+ "Grant access" : " مجوز اعطا دسترسی",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "خطا پیکربندی OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "لطفا یک کلید و رمز معتبر برای برنامه فرآهم کنید.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "خطا پیکربندی OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "تولید کلید",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "خطا در تولید جفت کلید",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "خالی از پاسخ سرور",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "دسترسی پیدا نشد. لطفاً برای فعال کردن این نقطه نصب از سیستم خارج شوید و دوباره وارد سیستم شوید",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "اطلاعاتی از سرور راه دور یافت نشد: {code} {type} ",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "لیست نقاط نصب خارجی یافت نشد: {type} ",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "خطایی در پیام وجود دارد:",
+ "external-storage" : "ذخیره ساز خارجی",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "نمی توان لیست نقاط نصب درایو شبکه Windows را یافت: پاسخ خالی از سرور",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "لطفا مدارکی را برای مانت {mount} وارد کنید",
+ "Credentials saved" : "اعتبارنامه ذخیره شد",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "ذخیره اعتبارنامه انجام نشد",
+ "Credentials required" : "اعتبارنامه ضروری",
+ "Name" : "نام"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/fa.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/fa.json
index b650e9d9119..b8a1bd1b249 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/fa.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/fa.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "حافظه خارجی",
- "Personal" : "شخصی",
- "System" : "سیستم",
- "Grant access" : " مجوز اعطا دسترسی",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "خطا پیکربندی OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "لطفا یک کلید و رمز معتبر برای برنامه فرآهم کنید.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "خطا پیکربندی OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "تولید کلید",
- "Error generating key pair" : "خطا در تولید جفت کلید",
"(Group)" : "(گروه)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "سازگاری با رمزگذاری Mac NFD (کند)",
"Enable encryption" : "فعال کردن رمزگذاری",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "ذخیره شد",
"Saving …" : "ذخیره کردن …",
"Save" : "ذخیره",
- "Empty response from the server" : "خالی از پاسخ سرور",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "دسترسی پیدا نشد. لطفاً برای فعال کردن این نقطه نصب از سیستم خارج شوید و دوباره وارد سیستم شوید",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "اطلاعاتی از سرور راه دور یافت نشد: {code} {type} ",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "لیست نقاط نصب خارجی یافت نشد: {type} ",
- "There was an error with message: " : "خطایی در پیام وجود دارد:",
- "External mount error" : "خظای نصب خارجی",
- "external-storage" : "ذخیره ساز خارجی",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "نمی توان لیست نقاط نصب درایو شبکه Windows را یافت: پاسخ خالی از سرور",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "لطفا مدارکی را برای مانت {mount} وارد کنید",
- "Username" : "نام کاربری",
- "Password" : "گذرواژه",
- "Credentials saved" : "اعتبارنامه ذخیره شد",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "ذخیره اعتبارنامه انجام نشد",
- "Credentials required" : "اعتبارنامه ضروری",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "ذخیره سازی با شناسه  \"%d\"  پیدا نشد",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "کلاس مکانیسم اعتبار پس زمینه یا تأیید اعتبار نامعتبر است",
"Invalid mount point" : "نقطه نصب نامعتبر است",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@
"Client ID" : "شناسه مشتری",
"Client secret" : "رمز مشتری",
"OpenStack v2" : "Open Stack v2",
+ "Username" : "نام کاربری",
+ "Password" : "گذرواژه",
"Tenant name" : "نام مستاجر",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL پایان نامه هویت",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -108,13 +87,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "پشتیبانی cURL در PHP فعال یا نصب نشده است. نصب %s امکان پذیر نیست. لطفاً از سرپرست سیستم خود بخواهید که آن را نصب کند.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "پشتیبانی FTP در PHP فعال یا نصب نشده است. نصب %s امکان پذیر نیست. لطفاً از سرپرست سیستم خود بخواهید که آن را نصب کند.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" نصب نشده است. نصب \"%2$s\" امکان پذیر نیست. لطفاً از سرپرست سیستم خود بخواهید که آن را نصب کند.",
+ "External storage" : "حافظه خارجی",
"External storage support" : "پشتیبانی از ذخیره سازی خارجی",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "پشتیبانی اصلی حافظه خارجی را اضافه می کند",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "این برنامه مدیران را قادر می سازد پیکربندی اتصالات را با ارائه دهندگان ذخیره سازی خارجی ، مانند سرورهای FTP ، فروشگاه های شی S3 یا SWIFT ، سایر سرورهای Nextcloud ، سرورهای WebDAV و موارد دیگر انجام دهند. سرپرستان می توانند انتخاب کنند که کدام نوع ذخیره سازی را فعال کرده و می توانند این مکانهای ذخیره سازی را برای کاربر ، گروه یا کل سیستم سوار کنند. کاربران می بینند که یک پوشه جدید در فهرست ریشه Nextcloud خود ظاهر می شود ، که می توانند مانند سایر پوشه های Nextcloud به آنها دسترسی پیدا کرده و از آن استفاده کنند. حافظه خارجی همچنین به کاربران امکان می دهد فایلهای ذخیره شده در این مکانهای خارجی را به اشتراک بگذارند. در این موارد ، هنگام دریافت درخواست گیرنده پرونده از فضای ذخیره خارجی ، از اعتبارنامه صاحب پرونده استفاده می شود ، از این طریق اطمینان حاصل می شود که گیرنده می تواند به پرونده اشتراکی دسترسی داشته باشد. . این گزینه دوم انعطاف پذیری بیشتری را برای پیکربندی نصب انبارداری های فله ای و تنظیم اولویت های مانیتور به کاربر پیشرفته ارائه می دهد. اطلاعات بیشتر در اسناد GUI فضای ذخیره سازی خارجی و اسناد فایل پیکربندی حافظه خارجی موجود است.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "هیچ فضای ذخیره سازی خارجی پیکربندی نشده است یا اجازه پیکربندی آنها را ندارید.",
- "Name" : "نام",
+ "External mount error" : "خظای نصب خارجی",
"Storage type" : "نوع فضای ذخیره‌سازی",
+ "Unknown" : "ناشناخته",
"Scope" : "حوزه",
+ "Personal" : "شخصی",
+ "System" : "سیستم",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "هیچ فضای ذخیره سازی خارجی پیکربندی نشده است یا اجازه پیکربندی آنها را ندارید.",
"Open documentation" : "مستندات باز",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "فضای ذخیره سازی خارجی شما را قادر می سازد خدمات و دستگاههای ذخیره سازی خارجی را به عنوان دستگاههای ذخیره سازی ثانویه Cloud نصب کنید. همچنین ممکن است به کاربران اجازه دهید خدمات ذخیره سازی خارجی خود را سوار کنند.",
"Folder name" : "نام پوشه",
@@ -125,6 +108,24 @@
"Add storage" : "اضافه کردن حافظه",
"Advanced settings" : "تنظیمات پیشرفته",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "به کاربران اجازه دهید حافظه خارجی را نصب کنند.",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "از اعتبار جهانی می توان برای تأیید اعتبار با چندین انبار خارجی که دارای اعتبار یکسانی هستند استفاده کرد."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "از اعتبار جهانی می توان برای تأیید اعتبار با چندین انبار خارجی که دارای اعتبار یکسانی هستند استفاده کرد.",
+ "Grant access" : " مجوز اعطا دسترسی",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "خطا پیکربندی OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "لطفا یک کلید و رمز معتبر برای برنامه فرآهم کنید.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "خطا پیکربندی OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "تولید کلید",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "خطا در تولید جفت کلید",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "خالی از پاسخ سرور",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "دسترسی پیدا نشد. لطفاً برای فعال کردن این نقطه نصب از سیستم خارج شوید و دوباره وارد سیستم شوید",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "اطلاعاتی از سرور راه دور یافت نشد: {code} {type} ",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "لیست نقاط نصب خارجی یافت نشد: {type} ",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "خطایی در پیام وجود دارد:",
+ "external-storage" : "ذخیره ساز خارجی",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "نمی توان لیست نقاط نصب درایو شبکه Windows را یافت: پاسخ خالی از سرور",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "لطفا مدارکی را برای مانت {mount} وارد کنید",
+ "Credentials saved" : "اعتبارنامه ذخیره شد",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "ذخیره اعتبارنامه انجام نشد",
+ "Credentials required" : "اعتبارنامه ضروری",
+ "Name" : "نام"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/fi.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/fi.js
index ff4679c727c..49ff3177330 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/fi.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Erillinen tallennustila",
- "Personal" : "Henkilökohtainen",
- "System" : "Järjestelmä",
- "Grant access" : "Salli pääsy",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Virhe OAuth1:n asetuksia tehdessä",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Sovellusavain ja salaus ovat virheelliset",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Virhe OAuth2:n asetuksia tehdessä",
- "Generate keys" : "Luo avaimet",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Virhe luotaessa avainparia",
"Type to select user or group." : "Kirjoita valitaksesi käyttäjän tai ryhmän.",
"(Group)" : "(Ryhmä)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Yhteensopivuus Mac NFD -enkoodauksen kanssa (hidas)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Tallennettu",
"Saving …" : "Tallennetaan…",
"Save" : "Tallenna",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tyhjä vastaus palvelimelta",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Käyttö ei onnistunut. Kirjaudu ulos ja takaisin sisään aktivoidaksesi tämän liitoskohdan",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tietojen saaminen etäpalvelimelta epäonnistui: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Erillisten liitospisteiden listauksen noutaminen epäonnistui: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Tapahtui virhe viestillä:",
- "External mount error" : "Erillisen liitosvirhe",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ei voitu noutaa listaa Windows-verkkoasemien liitoskohdista: tyhjä vastaus palvelimelta",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Anna kirjautumistiedot liitokselle {mount}",
- "Username" : "Käyttäjätunnus",
- "Password" : "Salasana",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kirjautumistiedot tallennettu",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Kirjautumistietojen tallentaminen epäonnistui",
- "Credentials required" : "Kirjautumistiedot vaaditaan",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Tallennustilaa tunnisteella \"%d\" ei löytynyt",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Virheellinen tietovarasto tai tunnistautumismekanismin luokka",
"Invalid mount point" : "Virheellinen liitoskohta",
@@ -63,6 +40,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Asiakkaan tunniste",
"Client secret" : "Asiakassalaisuus",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Käyttäjätunnus",
+ "Password" : "Salasana",
"Tenant name" : "Tenant nimi",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Määritä URL-päätepiste",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -113,12 +92,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cULR tuki PHPsta ei ole aktivoitu tai asennettu. Kohteen %s liittäminen ei ole mahdollista. Ota yhteyttä järjestelmänvalvojaan asentaaksesi puuttuvan osan.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP tuki PHPsta ei ole aktivoitu tai asennettu. Kohteen %s liittäminen ei ole mahdollista. Ota yhteyttä järjestelmänvalvojaan asentaaksesi puuttuvan osan.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" on asentamatta. Kohdetta %2$s ei voi liittää. Pyydä järjestemän ylläpitäjää asentamaan puuttuvat osat.",
+ "External storage" : "Erillinen tallennustila",
"External storage support" : "Erillisen tallennustilan tuki",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Lisää perusmuotoisen tuen erillisille tallennustiloille",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Erillistä tallennustilaa ei ole määritelty tai sinulla ei ole oikeuksia määrittää erillisiä tallennustiloja",
- "Name" : "Nimi",
+ "Open in files" : "Avaa tiedostosovelluksessa",
+ "External mount error" : "Erillisen liitosvirhe",
"Storage type" : "Tallennustilan tyyppi",
+ "Unknown" : "Tuntematon",
"Scope" : "Näkyvyysalue",
+ "Personal" : "Henkilökohtainen",
+ "System" : "Järjestelmä",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Erillistä tallennustilaa ei ole määritelty tai sinulla ei ole oikeuksia määrittää erillisiä tallennustiloja",
"Open documentation" : "Avaa dokumentaatio",
"Folder name" : "Kansion nimi",
"Authentication" : "Tunnistautuminen",
@@ -129,6 +113,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Kaikki käyttäjät",
"Advanced settings" : "Lisäasetukset",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Salli käyttäjien liittää erillisiä tallennustiloja",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Yleisiä tunnistetietoja voidaan käyttää useisiin ulkoisiin tallennustiloihin tunnistautumiseen, joissa käytetään samoja tunnistetietoja."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Yleisiä tunnistetietoja voidaan käyttää useisiin ulkoisiin tallennustiloihin tunnistautumiseen, joissa käytetään samoja tunnistetietoja.",
+ "Grant access" : "Salli pääsy",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Virhe OAuth1:n asetuksia tehdessä",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Sovellusavain ja salaus ovat virheelliset",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Virhe OAuth2:n asetuksia tehdessä",
+ "Generate keys" : "Luo avaimet",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Virhe luotaessa avainparia",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tyhjä vastaus palvelimelta",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Käyttö ei onnistunut. Kirjaudu ulos ja takaisin sisään aktivoidaksesi tämän liitoskohdan",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tietojen saaminen etäpalvelimelta epäonnistui: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Erillisten liitospisteiden listauksen noutaminen epäonnistui: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Tapahtui virhe viestillä:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ei voitu noutaa listaa Windows-verkkoasemien liitoskohdista: tyhjä vastaus palvelimelta",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Anna kirjautumistiedot liitokselle {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kirjautumistiedot tallennettu",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Kirjautumistietojen tallentaminen epäonnistui",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kirjautumistiedot vaaditaan",
+ "Name" : "Nimi"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/fi.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/fi.json
index 80b3f75bbd9..31bc0ea875a 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/fi.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Erillinen tallennustila",
- "Personal" : "Henkilökohtainen",
- "System" : "Järjestelmä",
- "Grant access" : "Salli pääsy",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Virhe OAuth1:n asetuksia tehdessä",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Sovellusavain ja salaus ovat virheelliset",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Virhe OAuth2:n asetuksia tehdessä",
- "Generate keys" : "Luo avaimet",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Virhe luotaessa avainparia",
"Type to select user or group." : "Kirjoita valitaksesi käyttäjän tai ryhmän.",
"(Group)" : "(Ryhmä)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Yhteensopivuus Mac NFD -enkoodauksen kanssa (hidas)",
@@ -24,20 +15,6 @@
"Saved" : "Tallennettu",
"Saving …" : "Tallennetaan…",
"Save" : "Tallenna",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tyhjä vastaus palvelimelta",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Käyttö ei onnistunut. Kirjaudu ulos ja takaisin sisään aktivoidaksesi tämän liitoskohdan",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tietojen saaminen etäpalvelimelta epäonnistui: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Erillisten liitospisteiden listauksen noutaminen epäonnistui: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Tapahtui virhe viestillä:",
- "External mount error" : "Erillisen liitosvirhe",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ei voitu noutaa listaa Windows-verkkoasemien liitoskohdista: tyhjä vastaus palvelimelta",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Anna kirjautumistiedot liitokselle {mount}",
- "Username" : "Käyttäjätunnus",
- "Password" : "Salasana",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kirjautumistiedot tallennettu",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Kirjautumistietojen tallentaminen epäonnistui",
- "Credentials required" : "Kirjautumistiedot vaaditaan",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Tallennustilaa tunnisteella \"%d\" ei löytynyt",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Virheellinen tietovarasto tai tunnistautumismekanismin luokka",
"Invalid mount point" : "Virheellinen liitoskohta",
@@ -61,6 +38,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Asiakkaan tunniste",
"Client secret" : "Asiakassalaisuus",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Käyttäjätunnus",
+ "Password" : "Salasana",
"Tenant name" : "Tenant nimi",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Määritä URL-päätepiste",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -111,12 +90,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cULR tuki PHPsta ei ole aktivoitu tai asennettu. Kohteen %s liittäminen ei ole mahdollista. Ota yhteyttä järjestelmänvalvojaan asentaaksesi puuttuvan osan.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP tuki PHPsta ei ole aktivoitu tai asennettu. Kohteen %s liittäminen ei ole mahdollista. Ota yhteyttä järjestelmänvalvojaan asentaaksesi puuttuvan osan.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" on asentamatta. Kohdetta %2$s ei voi liittää. Pyydä järjestemän ylläpitäjää asentamaan puuttuvat osat.",
+ "External storage" : "Erillinen tallennustila",
"External storage support" : "Erillisen tallennustilan tuki",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Lisää perusmuotoisen tuen erillisille tallennustiloille",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Erillistä tallennustilaa ei ole määritelty tai sinulla ei ole oikeuksia määrittää erillisiä tallennustiloja",
- "Name" : "Nimi",
+ "Open in files" : "Avaa tiedostosovelluksessa",
+ "External mount error" : "Erillisen liitosvirhe",
"Storage type" : "Tallennustilan tyyppi",
+ "Unknown" : "Tuntematon",
"Scope" : "Näkyvyysalue",
+ "Personal" : "Henkilökohtainen",
+ "System" : "Järjestelmä",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Erillistä tallennustilaa ei ole määritelty tai sinulla ei ole oikeuksia määrittää erillisiä tallennustiloja",
"Open documentation" : "Avaa dokumentaatio",
"Folder name" : "Kansion nimi",
"Authentication" : "Tunnistautuminen",
@@ -127,6 +111,24 @@
"All users" : "Kaikki käyttäjät",
"Advanced settings" : "Lisäasetukset",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Salli käyttäjien liittää erillisiä tallennustiloja",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Yleisiä tunnistetietoja voidaan käyttää useisiin ulkoisiin tallennustiloihin tunnistautumiseen, joissa käytetään samoja tunnistetietoja."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Yleisiä tunnistetietoja voidaan käyttää useisiin ulkoisiin tallennustiloihin tunnistautumiseen, joissa käytetään samoja tunnistetietoja.",
+ "Grant access" : "Salli pääsy",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Virhe OAuth1:n asetuksia tehdessä",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Sovellusavain ja salaus ovat virheelliset",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Virhe OAuth2:n asetuksia tehdessä",
+ "Generate keys" : "Luo avaimet",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Virhe luotaessa avainparia",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tyhjä vastaus palvelimelta",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Käyttö ei onnistunut. Kirjaudu ulos ja takaisin sisään aktivoidaksesi tämän liitoskohdan",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tietojen saaminen etäpalvelimelta epäonnistui: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Erillisten liitospisteiden listauksen noutaminen epäonnistui: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Tapahtui virhe viestillä:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ei voitu noutaa listaa Windows-verkkoasemien liitoskohdista: tyhjä vastaus palvelimelta",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Anna kirjautumistiedot liitokselle {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kirjautumistiedot tallennettu",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Kirjautumistietojen tallentaminen epäonnistui",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kirjautumistiedot vaaditaan",
+ "Name" : "Nimi"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/fr.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/fr.js
index 77fbae1dec5..ee03d3c96bd 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/fr.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Stockage externe",
- "Personal" : "Personnel",
- "System" : "Système",
- "Grant access" : "Autoriser l'accès",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erreur lors de la configuration de OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Veuillez fournir une clé d'application et un mot de passe valides.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erreur lors de la configuration de OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Générer des clés",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Erreur lors de la génération des clés",
"Type to select user or group." : "Tapez pour sélectionner un utilisateur ou un groupe.",
"(Group)" : "(Groupe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilité avec l'encodage Mac NFD (lent)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Enregistré",
"Saving …" : "Enregistrement ...",
"Save" : "Enregistrer",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Réponse du serveur vide",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossible d'accéder. Veuillez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter pour activer ce point de montage",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossible d'obtenir l'information du serveur distant: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossible de récupérer la liste des points de montage externes : {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Il y a eu une erreur avec le message :",
- "External mount error" : "Erreur de point de montage externe",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Impossible d'aller chercher la liste des points de montage des disques réseaux Windows : Réponse vide du serveur",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Veuillez entrer les identifiants pour le montage {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nom d'utilisateur",
- "Password" : "Mot de passe",
- "Credentials saved" : "Identifiants sauvegardés",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "La sauvegarde des identifiants a échoué",
- "Credentials required" : "Des informations d'identification sont requises",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Interdiction de gérer les montages locaux.",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Stockage avec l'ID \"%d\" non trouvé",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Service ou méthode d'authentification non valable",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID Client",
"Client secret" : "Secret client",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nom d'utilisateur",
+ "Password" : "Mot de passe",
"Tenant name" : "Tenant name",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identity endpoint URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Le support de cURL dans PHP n'est pas activé ou installé. Le montage de %s n'est pas possible. Veuillez demander à votre administrateur système de l'installer.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Le support du FTP dans PHP n'est pas activé ou installé. Le montage de %s n'est pas possible. Merci de demander à votre administrateur de l'installer.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" n'est pas installé. Le montage de %2$s n'est pas possible. Merci de demander à l'administrateur système de l'installer.",
+ "External storage" : "Stockage externe",
"External storage support" : "Support de stockage externe",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Ajoute la prise en charge de base du stockage externe",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Cette application permet aux administrateurs de configurer des connexions à des stockage externes, tels que des serveurs FTP, des magasins d'objets S3 ou SWIFT, d'autres serveurs Nextcloud, des serveurs WebDAV, etc. Les administrateurs peuvent choisir les types de stockage à activer et peuvent monter ces emplacements de stockage pour un utilisateur, un groupe ou l'ensemble du système. Les utilisateurs verront apparaître un nouveau dossier dans leur répertoire racine Nextcloud, auquel ils pourront accéder et utiliser comme n'importe quel autre dossier Nextcloud. Le stockage externe permet également aux utilisateurs de partager des fichiers stockés dans ces emplacements externes. Dans ce cas, les informations d'identification du propriétaire du fichier sont utilisées lorsque le destinataire demande le fichier à partir du stockage externe, garantissant ainsi que le destinataire peut accéder au fichier partagé.\n\nLe stockage externe peut être configuré à l'aide de l'interface graphique ou via l'interface en ligne de commande. Cette deuxième option offre àaux utilisateurs avancés une plus grande flexibilité pour configurer les montages de stockage externes en masse et définir les priorités de montage. D'autres informations sont disponibles dans la documentation de l'interface graphique de stockage externe et la documentation du fichier de configuration de stockage externe.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Aucun stockage externe configuré ou vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de les configurer",
- "Name" : "Nom",
+ "Open in files" : "Ouvrir dans Fichiers",
+ "External mount error" : "Erreur de point de montage externe",
"Storage type" : "Type de stockage",
+ "Unknown" : "Inconnu",
"Scope" : "Portée",
+ "Personal" : "Personnel",
+ "System" : "Système",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Aucun stockage externe configuré ou vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de les configurer",
"Open documentation" : "Voir la documentation",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Le stockage externe vous permet de monter des périphériques et services externes en tant que périphériques de stockage secondaires sous Nextcloud. Vous pouvez aussi autoriser les utilisateurs à monter leurs propres services de stockage externes.",
"Folder name" : "Nom du dossier",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Tous les utilisateurs",
"Advanced settings" : "Paramètres avancés",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Autoriser les utilisateurs à monter des espaces de stockage externes",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Les identifiants globaux peuvent être utilisés pour s'authentifier auprès de multiples stockages externes qui ont les mêmes identifiants."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Les identifiants globaux peuvent être utilisés pour s'authentifier auprès de multiples stockages externes qui ont les mêmes identifiants.",
+ "Grant access" : "Autoriser l'accès",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erreur lors de la configuration de OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Veuillez fournir une clé d'application et un mot de passe valides.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erreur lors de la configuration de OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Générer des clés",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Erreur lors de la génération des clés",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Réponse du serveur vide",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossible d'accéder. Veuillez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter pour activer ce point de montage",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossible d'obtenir l'information du serveur distant: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossible de récupérer la liste des points de montage externes : {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Il y a eu une erreur avec le message :",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Impossible d'aller chercher la liste des points de montage des disques réseaux Windows : Réponse vide du serveur",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Veuillez entrer les identifiants pour le montage {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Identifiants sauvegardés",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "La sauvegarde des identifiants a échoué",
+ "Credentials required" : "Des informations d'identification sont requises",
+ "Name" : "Nom"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/fr.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/fr.json
index 967412aceb0..ac8cfc65136 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/fr.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Stockage externe",
- "Personal" : "Personnel",
- "System" : "Système",
- "Grant access" : "Autoriser l'accès",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erreur lors de la configuration de OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Veuillez fournir une clé d'application et un mot de passe valides.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erreur lors de la configuration de OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Générer des clés",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Erreur lors de la génération des clés",
"Type to select user or group." : "Tapez pour sélectionner un utilisateur ou un groupe.",
"(Group)" : "(Groupe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilité avec l'encodage Mac NFD (lent)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Enregistré",
"Saving …" : "Enregistrement ...",
"Save" : "Enregistrer",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Réponse du serveur vide",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossible d'accéder. Veuillez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter pour activer ce point de montage",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossible d'obtenir l'information du serveur distant: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossible de récupérer la liste des points de montage externes : {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Il y a eu une erreur avec le message :",
- "External mount error" : "Erreur de point de montage externe",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Impossible d'aller chercher la liste des points de montage des disques réseaux Windows : Réponse vide du serveur",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Veuillez entrer les identifiants pour le montage {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nom d'utilisateur",
- "Password" : "Mot de passe",
- "Credentials saved" : "Identifiants sauvegardés",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "La sauvegarde des identifiants a échoué",
- "Credentials required" : "Des informations d'identification sont requises",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Interdiction de gérer les montages locaux.",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Stockage avec l'ID \"%d\" non trouvé",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Service ou méthode d'authentification non valable",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID Client",
"Client secret" : "Secret client",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nom d'utilisateur",
+ "Password" : "Mot de passe",
"Tenant name" : "Tenant name",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identity endpoint URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Le support de cURL dans PHP n'est pas activé ou installé. Le montage de %s n'est pas possible. Veuillez demander à votre administrateur système de l'installer.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Le support du FTP dans PHP n'est pas activé ou installé. Le montage de %s n'est pas possible. Merci de demander à votre administrateur de l'installer.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" n'est pas installé. Le montage de %2$s n'est pas possible. Merci de demander à l'administrateur système de l'installer.",
+ "External storage" : "Stockage externe",
"External storage support" : "Support de stockage externe",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Ajoute la prise en charge de base du stockage externe",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Cette application permet aux administrateurs de configurer des connexions à des stockage externes, tels que des serveurs FTP, des magasins d'objets S3 ou SWIFT, d'autres serveurs Nextcloud, des serveurs WebDAV, etc. Les administrateurs peuvent choisir les types de stockage à activer et peuvent monter ces emplacements de stockage pour un utilisateur, un groupe ou l'ensemble du système. Les utilisateurs verront apparaître un nouveau dossier dans leur répertoire racine Nextcloud, auquel ils pourront accéder et utiliser comme n'importe quel autre dossier Nextcloud. Le stockage externe permet également aux utilisateurs de partager des fichiers stockés dans ces emplacements externes. Dans ce cas, les informations d'identification du propriétaire du fichier sont utilisées lorsque le destinataire demande le fichier à partir du stockage externe, garantissant ainsi que le destinataire peut accéder au fichier partagé.\n\nLe stockage externe peut être configuré à l'aide de l'interface graphique ou via l'interface en ligne de commande. Cette deuxième option offre àaux utilisateurs avancés une plus grande flexibilité pour configurer les montages de stockage externes en masse et définir les priorités de montage. D'autres informations sont disponibles dans la documentation de l'interface graphique de stockage externe et la documentation du fichier de configuration de stockage externe.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Aucun stockage externe configuré ou vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de les configurer",
- "Name" : "Nom",
+ "Open in files" : "Ouvrir dans Fichiers",
+ "External mount error" : "Erreur de point de montage externe",
"Storage type" : "Type de stockage",
+ "Unknown" : "Inconnu",
"Scope" : "Portée",
+ "Personal" : "Personnel",
+ "System" : "Système",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Aucun stockage externe configuré ou vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de les configurer",
"Open documentation" : "Voir la documentation",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Le stockage externe vous permet de monter des périphériques et services externes en tant que périphériques de stockage secondaires sous Nextcloud. Vous pouvez aussi autoriser les utilisateurs à monter leurs propres services de stockage externes.",
"Folder name" : "Nom du dossier",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Tous les utilisateurs",
"Advanced settings" : "Paramètres avancés",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Autoriser les utilisateurs à monter des espaces de stockage externes",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Les identifiants globaux peuvent être utilisés pour s'authentifier auprès de multiples stockages externes qui ont les mêmes identifiants."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Les identifiants globaux peuvent être utilisés pour s'authentifier auprès de multiples stockages externes qui ont les mêmes identifiants.",
+ "Grant access" : "Autoriser l'accès",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erreur lors de la configuration de OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Veuillez fournir une clé d'application et un mot de passe valides.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erreur lors de la configuration de OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Générer des clés",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Erreur lors de la génération des clés",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Réponse du serveur vide",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossible d'accéder. Veuillez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter pour activer ce point de montage",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossible d'obtenir l'information du serveur distant: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossible de récupérer la liste des points de montage externes : {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Il y a eu une erreur avec le message :",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Impossible d'aller chercher la liste des points de montage des disques réseaux Windows : Réponse vide du serveur",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Veuillez entrer les identifiants pour le montage {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Identifiants sauvegardés",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "La sauvegarde des identifiants a échoué",
+ "Credentials required" : "Des informations d'identification sont requises",
+ "Name" : "Nom"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/gl.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/gl.js
index e5917707f7d..0f1aa66adbd 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/gl.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Almacenamento externo",
- "Personal" : "Persoal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Permitir o acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Produciuse un erro ao configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Forneza unha chave de aplicación e o segredo",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Produciuse un erro ao configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Xerar chaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Produciuse un erro ao xerar o par de chaves",
"Type to select user or group." : "Escriba para seleccionar usuario ou grupo.",
"(Group)" : "(grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidade coa codificación Mac MFD (lenta)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Gardado",
"Saving …" : "Gardando…",
"Save" : "Gardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta baleira dende o servidor",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Non é posíbel acceder. Peche a sesión e volva iníciala para activar este punto de montaxe",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Non foi posíbel obter a información do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Non foi posíbel obter a lista dos puntos de montaxe externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "produciuse un erro coa mensaxe:",
- "External mount error" : "Produciuse un erro de montaxe externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Non é posíbel recuperar a lista de unidades en rede e os seus puntos de montaxe de Windows: resposta baleira dende o servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Introduza as credenciais para o punto de montaxe {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nome de usuario",
- "Password" : "Contrasinal",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais gardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Non foi posíbel gardar as credenciais",
- "Credentials required" : "Precísanse as credenciais",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Prohibido xestionar montaxes locais",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Non se atopa o almacenamento co ID «%d» ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Clase de mecanismo de autenticación ou infraestrutura incorrecta",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID de cliente",
"Client secret" : "Segredo do cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nome de usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contrasinal",
"Tenant name" : "Nome do cesionario",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL do punto final de identidade",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A compatibilidade de cURL en PHP non está activada, ou non está instalado. Non é posíbel a montaxe de %s. Consulte coa administración do sistema para instalalo.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A compatibilidade de FTP en PHP non está activada, ou non está instalado. Non é posíbel a montaxe de %s. Consulte coa administración do sistema para instalalo.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "«%1$s» non está instalado. Non é posíbel a montaxe de %2$s. Consulte coa administración do sistema para instalalo.",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamento externo",
"External storage support" : "Compatibilidade de almacenamento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Engade compatibilidade básica de almacenamento externo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esta aplicación permítelle á administración da instancia configurar conexións a provedores externos de almacenamento, como servidores FTP, almacenamento de obxectos S3 ou SWIFT, outros servidores Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV e máis. A administración da instancia pode escoller que tipos de almacenamento activar e pode montar estas localizacións de almacenamento para un usuario, un grupo ou o sistema enteiro. Os usuarios verán aparecer un novo cartafol no seu directorio raíz de Nextcloud, ao que poden acceder e que poden usar como calquera outro cartafol. Almacenamento externo tamén permite aos usuarios compartir os ficheiros almacenados nestas localizacións externas. Nestes casos, úsanse as credenciais para o dono dos ficheiros cando o receptor solicita o ficheiro de almacenamento externo, asegurando así que o receptor poida acceder ao ficheiro compartido.\n\nAlmacenamento externo pódese configurar usando a IGU ou coa liña de ordes. A segunda opción fornece ao usuario avanzado máis flexibilidade para configurar montaxes de almacenamento externo en bloque e para configurar prioridades de montaxe. Ten dispoñíbel máis información na documentación da IGU doalmacenamento externo e na documentación do ficheiro de configuración do almacenamento externo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No foi configurada ningún almacenamento externo ou non ten permiso para configuralos",
- "Name" : "Nome",
+ "Open in files" : "Abrir en ficheiros",
+ "External mount error" : "Produciuse un erro de montaxe externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamento",
+ "Unknown" : "Descoñecido",
"Scope" : "Ámbito",
+ "Personal" : "Persoal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No foi configurada ningún almacenamento externo ou non ten permiso para configuralos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir a documentación",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "A aplicación Almacenamento externo permítelle montar servizos e dispositivos de almacenamento externo como dispositivos de almacenamento secundarios de Nextcloud. Tamén pode permitirlle que os usuarios monten os seus propios servizos de almacenamento externo.",
"Folder name" : "Nome do cartafol",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Todos os usuarios",
"Advanced settings" : "Axustes avanzados",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitirlle aos usuarios montar almacenamento externo",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Poden empregarse credenciais globais para autenticar con múltiples almacenamentos externos que teñan as mesmas credenciais."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Poden empregarse credenciais globais para autenticar con múltiples almacenamentos externos que teñan as mesmas credenciais.",
+ "Grant access" : "Permitir o acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Produciuse un erro ao configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Forneza unha chave de aplicación e o segredo",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Produciuse un erro ao configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Xerar chaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Produciuse un erro ao xerar o par de chaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta baleira dende o servidor",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Non é posíbel acceder. Peche a sesión e volva iníciala para activar este punto de montaxe",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Non foi posíbel obter a información do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Non foi posíbel obter a lista dos puntos de montaxe externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "produciuse un erro coa mensaxe:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Non é posíbel recuperar a lista de unidades en rede e os seus puntos de montaxe de Windows: resposta baleira dende o servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Introduza as credenciais para o punto de montaxe {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais gardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Non foi posíbel gardar as credenciais",
+ "Credentials required" : "Precísanse as credenciais",
+ "Name" : "Nome"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/gl.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/gl.json
index 7fcb64ffd64..ed2c788da3f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/gl.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Almacenamento externo",
- "Personal" : "Persoal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Permitir o acceso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Produciuse un erro ao configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Forneza unha chave de aplicación e o segredo",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Produciuse un erro ao configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Xerar chaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Produciuse un erro ao xerar o par de chaves",
"Type to select user or group." : "Escriba para seleccionar usuario ou grupo.",
"(Group)" : "(grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidade coa codificación Mac MFD (lenta)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Gardado",
"Saving …" : "Gardando…",
"Save" : "Gardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta baleira dende o servidor",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Non é posíbel acceder. Peche a sesión e volva iníciala para activar este punto de montaxe",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Non foi posíbel obter a información do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Non foi posíbel obter a lista dos puntos de montaxe externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "produciuse un erro coa mensaxe:",
- "External mount error" : "Produciuse un erro de montaxe externo",
- "external-storage" : "almacenamento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Non é posíbel recuperar a lista de unidades en rede e os seus puntos de montaxe de Windows: resposta baleira dende o servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Introduza as credenciais para o punto de montaxe {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nome de usuario",
- "Password" : "Contrasinal",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais gardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Non foi posíbel gardar as credenciais",
- "Credentials required" : "Precísanse as credenciais",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Prohibido xestionar montaxes locais",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Non se atopa o almacenamento co ID «%d» ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Clase de mecanismo de autenticación ou infraestrutura incorrecta",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID de cliente",
"Client secret" : "Segredo do cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nome de usuario",
+ "Password" : "Contrasinal",
"Tenant name" : "Nome do cesionario",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL do punto final de identidade",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A compatibilidade de cURL en PHP non está activada, ou non está instalado. Non é posíbel a montaxe de %s. Consulte coa administración do sistema para instalalo.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A compatibilidade de FTP en PHP non está activada, ou non está instalado. Non é posíbel a montaxe de %s. Consulte coa administración do sistema para instalalo.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "«%1$s» non está instalado. Non é posíbel a montaxe de %2$s. Consulte coa administración do sistema para instalalo.",
+ "External storage" : "Almacenamento externo",
"External storage support" : "Compatibilidade de almacenamento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Engade compatibilidade básica de almacenamento externo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esta aplicación permítelle á administración da instancia configurar conexións a provedores externos de almacenamento, como servidores FTP, almacenamento de obxectos S3 ou SWIFT, outros servidores Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV e máis. A administración da instancia pode escoller que tipos de almacenamento activar e pode montar estas localizacións de almacenamento para un usuario, un grupo ou o sistema enteiro. Os usuarios verán aparecer un novo cartafol no seu directorio raíz de Nextcloud, ao que poden acceder e que poden usar como calquera outro cartafol. Almacenamento externo tamén permite aos usuarios compartir os ficheiros almacenados nestas localizacións externas. Nestes casos, úsanse as credenciais para o dono dos ficheiros cando o receptor solicita o ficheiro de almacenamento externo, asegurando así que o receptor poida acceder ao ficheiro compartido.\n\nAlmacenamento externo pódese configurar usando a IGU ou coa liña de ordes. A segunda opción fornece ao usuario avanzado máis flexibilidade para configurar montaxes de almacenamento externo en bloque e para configurar prioridades de montaxe. Ten dispoñíbel máis información na documentación da IGU doalmacenamento externo e na documentación do ficheiro de configuración do almacenamento externo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No foi configurada ningún almacenamento externo ou non ten permiso para configuralos",
- "Name" : "Nome",
+ "Open in files" : "Abrir en ficheiros",
+ "External mount error" : "Produciuse un erro de montaxe externo",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de almacenamento",
+ "Unknown" : "Descoñecido",
"Scope" : "Ámbito",
+ "Personal" : "Persoal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "No foi configurada ningún almacenamento externo ou non ten permiso para configuralos",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir a documentación",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "A aplicación Almacenamento externo permítelle montar servizos e dispositivos de almacenamento externo como dispositivos de almacenamento secundarios de Nextcloud. Tamén pode permitirlle que os usuarios monten os seus propios servizos de almacenamento externo.",
"Folder name" : "Nome do cartafol",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Todos os usuarios",
"Advanced settings" : "Axustes avanzados",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitirlle aos usuarios montar almacenamento externo",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Poden empregarse credenciais globais para autenticar con múltiples almacenamentos externos que teñan as mesmas credenciais."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Poden empregarse credenciais globais para autenticar con múltiples almacenamentos externos que teñan as mesmas credenciais.",
+ "Grant access" : "Permitir o acceso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Produciuse un erro ao configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Forneza unha chave de aplicación e o segredo",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Produciuse un erro ao configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Xerar chaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Produciuse un erro ao xerar o par de chaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta baleira dende o servidor",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Non é posíbel acceder. Peche a sesión e volva iníciala para activar este punto de montaxe",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Non foi posíbel obter a información do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Non foi posíbel obter a lista dos puntos de montaxe externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "produciuse un erro coa mensaxe:",
+ "external-storage" : "almacenamento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Non é posíbel recuperar a lista de unidades en rede e os seus puntos de montaxe de Windows: resposta baleira dende o servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Introduza as credenciais para o punto de montaxe {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais gardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Non foi posíbel gardar as credenciais",
+ "Credentials required" : "Precísanse as credenciais",
+ "Name" : "Nome"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/he.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/he.js
index ac5dc7201c6..9b1b7044ab2 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/he.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/he.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "אחסון חיצוני",
- "Personal" : "אישי",
- "System" : "מערכת",
- "Grant access" : "הענקת גישה",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "שגיאה בתצורת OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "יש לספק מפתח יישום וסוד תקניים.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "שגיאה בתצורת OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "יצירת מפתחות",
- "Error generating key pair" : "שגיאה ביצירת זוג מפתחות",
"(Group)" : "(קבוצה)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "תואם של קידוד Mac NFD (איטי)",
"Enable encryption" : "אפשר הצפנה",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "נשמר",
"Saving …" : "מתבצעת שמירה…",
"Save" : "שמירה",
- "Empty response from the server" : "תגובה ריקה מהשרת",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "לא ניתן לגשת. נא לצאת ולהיכנס שוב כדי להפעיל את נקודת העגינה הזו",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "לא ניתן לקבל את המידע מהשרת המרוחק: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "לא ניתן היה לקבל את רשימת נקודות העיגון החיצוניות: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "התרחשה שגיאה עם הודעה: ",
- "External mount error" : "שגיאת עגינה חיצונית",
- "external-storage" : "אחסון חיצוני",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "לא ניתן לקבל את רשימת נקודות העגינה לכונני רשת ב־Windows: תגובה ריקה מהשרת",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "יש להזין את פרטי הגישה עבור התקן עגינה {mount}",
- "Username" : "שם משתמש",
- "Password" : "סיסמא",
- "Credentials saved" : "פרטי גישה נשמרו",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "שמירת פרטי גישה נכשלה",
- "Credentials required" : "נדרשים פרטי גישה",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "לא נמצא התקן אחסון עם המזהה „%d”",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "צד אחורי או סוג מנגנון אימות לא חוקי",
"Invalid mount point" : "נקודת עגינה לא חוקית",
@@ -62,6 +39,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "זיהוי לקוח",
"Client secret" : "סוד לקוח",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "שם משתמש",
+ "Password" : "סיסמא",
"Tenant name" : "שם דייר",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "זהות נתיב נקודת קצה",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -112,13 +91,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "התמיכה של cURL ב־PHP אינה מופעלת או מותקנת. אין אפשרות לעגן את %s. נא לבקש ממנהל המערכת שלך להתקין אותה.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "התמיכה של FTP ב־PHP אינה מופעלת או מותקנת. אין אפשרות לעגן את %s. נא לבקש ממנהל המערכת שלך להתקין אותה.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s” אינו מותקן. העיגון של %2$s אינו אפשרי. נא לבקש ממנהל המערכת להתקין אותו.",
+ "External storage" : "אחסון חיצוני",
"External storage support" : "תמיכה באחסון חיצוני",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "מוסיף תמיכה באחסון חיצוני בסיסי",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "יישום זה מאפשר למנהלים להגדיר חיבורים לספקי אחסון חיצוניים, כמו שרתי FTP, חנויות אובייקטים S3 או SWIFT, שרתי Nextcloud אחרים, שרתי WebDAV ועוד. מנהלי מערכת יכולים לבחור אילו סוגי אחסון להפעיל, ויכולים להרכיב את מיקומי האחסון הללו עבור משתמש, קבוצה, או לכל המערכת. משתמשים יראו תיקיה חדשה המופיעה בספריית Nextcloud הבסיסית שלהם, אליה הם יכולים לגשת ולהשתמש כמו כל תיקיית Nextcloud אחרת. אחסון חיצוני מאפשר למשתמשים גם לשתף קבצים המאוחסנים במיקומים חיצוניים אלה. במקרים אלה, נעשה שימוש בתעודות בעל הקובץ כאשר הנמען מבקש את הקובץ מאחסון חיצוני, ובכך מבטיח כי הנמען יכול לגשת לקובץ המשותף.\n\nניתן להגדיר אחסון חיצוני באמצעות ה- GUI או בשורת הפקודה. אפשרות השנייה זו מספקת למשתמש המתקדם גמישות רבה יותר לקביעת תצורה של רכיבי אחסון חיצוניים בכמות גדולה וקביעת סדרי עדיפויות ברכיבי אחסון. מידע נוסף זמין בתיעוד GUI לאחסון חיצוני, ובתיעוד קובץ תצורה של אחסון חיצוני.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "לא הוגדר התקן חיצוני או שאין לך הרשאות להגדיר כאלה",
- "Name" : "שם",
+ "External mount error" : "שגיאת עגינה חיצונית",
"Storage type" : "סוג אחסון",
+ "Unknown" : "לא ידוע",
"Scope" : "היקף",
+ "Personal" : "אישי",
+ "System" : "מערכת",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "לא הוגדר התקן חיצוני או שאין לך הרשאות להגדיר כאלה",
"Open documentation" : "פתיחת תיעוד",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "אחסון חיצוני מאפשר לך לעגן שירותי אחסון והתקנים כהתקני אחסון משניים ב־Nextcloud. ישנה גם אפשרות לאפשר למשתמשים לעגן שירותי אחסון חיצוניים משלהם.",
"Folder name" : "שם התיקייה",
@@ -129,6 +112,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add storage" : "הוספת אחסון",
"Advanced settings" : "הגדרות מתקדמות",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "מאפשר למשתמשים לחבר אחסון חיצוני",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "ניתן להשתמש בפרטי גישה גלובליים עם מגוון אמצעי אחסון חיצוניים שיש להם את אותם פרטי הגישה."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "ניתן להשתמש בפרטי גישה גלובליים עם מגוון אמצעי אחסון חיצוניים שיש להם את אותם פרטי הגישה.",
+ "Grant access" : "הענקת גישה",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "שגיאה בתצורת OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "יש לספק מפתח יישום וסוד תקניים.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "שגיאה בתצורת OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "יצירת מפתחות",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "שגיאה ביצירת זוג מפתחות",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "תגובה ריקה מהשרת",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "לא ניתן לגשת. נא לצאת ולהיכנס שוב כדי להפעיל את נקודת העגינה הזו",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "לא ניתן לקבל את המידע מהשרת המרוחק: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "לא ניתן היה לקבל את רשימת נקודות העיגון החיצוניות: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "התרחשה שגיאה עם הודעה: ",
+ "external-storage" : "אחסון חיצוני",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "לא ניתן לקבל את רשימת נקודות העגינה לכונני רשת ב־Windows: תגובה ריקה מהשרת",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "יש להזין את פרטי הגישה עבור התקן עגינה {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "פרטי גישה נשמרו",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "שמירת פרטי גישה נכשלה",
+ "Credentials required" : "נדרשים פרטי גישה",
+ "Name" : "שם"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/he.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/he.json
index e4e0bc80392..bb3ba3ee662 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/he.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/he.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "אחסון חיצוני",
- "Personal" : "אישי",
- "System" : "מערכת",
- "Grant access" : "הענקת גישה",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "שגיאה בתצורת OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "יש לספק מפתח יישום וסוד תקניים.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "שגיאה בתצורת OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "יצירת מפתחות",
- "Error generating key pair" : "שגיאה ביצירת זוג מפתחות",
"(Group)" : "(קבוצה)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "תואם של קידוד Mac NFD (איטי)",
"Enable encryption" : "אפשר הצפנה",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "נשמר",
"Saving …" : "מתבצעת שמירה…",
"Save" : "שמירה",
- "Empty response from the server" : "תגובה ריקה מהשרת",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "לא ניתן לגשת. נא לצאת ולהיכנס שוב כדי להפעיל את נקודת העגינה הזו",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "לא ניתן לקבל את המידע מהשרת המרוחק: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "לא ניתן היה לקבל את רשימת נקודות העיגון החיצוניות: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "התרחשה שגיאה עם הודעה: ",
- "External mount error" : "שגיאת עגינה חיצונית",
- "external-storage" : "אחסון חיצוני",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "לא ניתן לקבל את רשימת נקודות העגינה לכונני רשת ב־Windows: תגובה ריקה מהשרת",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "יש להזין את פרטי הגישה עבור התקן עגינה {mount}",
- "Username" : "שם משתמש",
- "Password" : "סיסמא",
- "Credentials saved" : "פרטי גישה נשמרו",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "שמירת פרטי גישה נכשלה",
- "Credentials required" : "נדרשים פרטי גישה",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "לא נמצא התקן אחסון עם המזהה „%d”",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "צד אחורי או סוג מנגנון אימות לא חוקי",
"Invalid mount point" : "נקודת עגינה לא חוקית",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@
"Client ID" : "זיהוי לקוח",
"Client secret" : "סוד לקוח",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "שם משתמש",
+ "Password" : "סיסמא",
"Tenant name" : "שם דייר",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "זהות נתיב נקודת קצה",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -110,13 +89,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "התמיכה של cURL ב־PHP אינה מופעלת או מותקנת. אין אפשרות לעגן את %s. נא לבקש ממנהל המערכת שלך להתקין אותה.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "התמיכה של FTP ב־PHP אינה מופעלת או מותקנת. אין אפשרות לעגן את %s. נא לבקש ממנהל המערכת שלך להתקין אותה.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s” אינו מותקן. העיגון של %2$s אינו אפשרי. נא לבקש ממנהל המערכת להתקין אותו.",
+ "External storage" : "אחסון חיצוני",
"External storage support" : "תמיכה באחסון חיצוני",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "מוסיף תמיכה באחסון חיצוני בסיסי",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "יישום זה מאפשר למנהלים להגדיר חיבורים לספקי אחסון חיצוניים, כמו שרתי FTP, חנויות אובייקטים S3 או SWIFT, שרתי Nextcloud אחרים, שרתי WebDAV ועוד. מנהלי מערכת יכולים לבחור אילו סוגי אחסון להפעיל, ויכולים להרכיב את מיקומי האחסון הללו עבור משתמש, קבוצה, או לכל המערכת. משתמשים יראו תיקיה חדשה המופיעה בספריית Nextcloud הבסיסית שלהם, אליה הם יכולים לגשת ולהשתמש כמו כל תיקיית Nextcloud אחרת. אחסון חיצוני מאפשר למשתמשים גם לשתף קבצים המאוחסנים במיקומים חיצוניים אלה. במקרים אלה, נעשה שימוש בתעודות בעל הקובץ כאשר הנמען מבקש את הקובץ מאחסון חיצוני, ובכך מבטיח כי הנמען יכול לגשת לקובץ המשותף.\n\nניתן להגדיר אחסון חיצוני באמצעות ה- GUI או בשורת הפקודה. אפשרות השנייה זו מספקת למשתמש המתקדם גמישות רבה יותר לקביעת תצורה של רכיבי אחסון חיצוניים בכמות גדולה וקביעת סדרי עדיפויות ברכיבי אחסון. מידע נוסף זמין בתיעוד GUI לאחסון חיצוני, ובתיעוד קובץ תצורה של אחסון חיצוני.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "לא הוגדר התקן חיצוני או שאין לך הרשאות להגדיר כאלה",
- "Name" : "שם",
+ "External mount error" : "שגיאת עגינה חיצונית",
"Storage type" : "סוג אחסון",
+ "Unknown" : "לא ידוע",
"Scope" : "היקף",
+ "Personal" : "אישי",
+ "System" : "מערכת",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "לא הוגדר התקן חיצוני או שאין לך הרשאות להגדיר כאלה",
"Open documentation" : "פתיחת תיעוד",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "אחסון חיצוני מאפשר לך לעגן שירותי אחסון והתקנים כהתקני אחסון משניים ב־Nextcloud. ישנה גם אפשרות לאפשר למשתמשים לעגן שירותי אחסון חיצוניים משלהם.",
"Folder name" : "שם התיקייה",
@@ -127,6 +110,24 @@
"Add storage" : "הוספת אחסון",
"Advanced settings" : "הגדרות מתקדמות",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "מאפשר למשתמשים לחבר אחסון חיצוני",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "ניתן להשתמש בפרטי גישה גלובליים עם מגוון אמצעי אחסון חיצוניים שיש להם את אותם פרטי הגישה."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "ניתן להשתמש בפרטי גישה גלובליים עם מגוון אמצעי אחסון חיצוניים שיש להם את אותם פרטי הגישה.",
+ "Grant access" : "הענקת גישה",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "שגיאה בתצורת OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "יש לספק מפתח יישום וסוד תקניים.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "שגיאה בתצורת OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "יצירת מפתחות",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "שגיאה ביצירת זוג מפתחות",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "תגובה ריקה מהשרת",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "לא ניתן לגשת. נא לצאת ולהיכנס שוב כדי להפעיל את נקודת העגינה הזו",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "לא ניתן לקבל את המידע מהשרת המרוחק: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "לא ניתן היה לקבל את רשימת נקודות העיגון החיצוניות: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "התרחשה שגיאה עם הודעה: ",
+ "external-storage" : "אחסון חיצוני",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "לא ניתן לקבל את רשימת נקודות העגינה לכונני רשת ב־Windows: תגובה ריקה מהשרת",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "יש להזין את פרטי הגישה עבור התקן עגינה {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "פרטי גישה נשמרו",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "שמירת פרטי גישה נכשלה",
+ "Credentials required" : "נדרשים פרטי גישה",
+ "Name" : "שם"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/hr.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/hr.js
index 437f5299c6a..d9c1abc4801 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/hr.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/hr.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Vanjsko spremište za pohranu",
- "Personal" : "Osobno",
- "System" : "Sustav",
- "Grant access" : "Dodijeli pristup",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Pogreška pri konfiguriranju OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Unesite važeći ključ aplikacije i tajnu.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Pogreška pri konfiguriranju OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generiraj ključeve",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Pogreška pri generiranju parova ključeva",
"(Group)" : "(Grupa)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilnost s kodiranjem Mac NFD (sporo)",
"Enable encryption" : "Omogući šifriranje",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Spremljeno",
"Saving …" : "Spremanje...",
"Save" : "Spremi",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Prazan odgovor poslužitelja",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nije moguće pristupiti. Odjavite se i ponovno se prijavite kako biste aktivirali ovu točku postavljanja",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nisu primljeni podaci s udaljenog poslužitelja: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nije primljen popis vanjskih točaka postavljanja: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Došlo je do pogreške s porukom: ",
- "External mount error" : "Pogreška vanjskog postavljanja",
- "external-storage" : "vanjsko spremište za pohranu",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nije moguće dohvatiti popis točaka postavljanja mrežnog diska u sustavu Windows: prazan odgovor poslužitelja",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Unesite vjerodajnice postav {mount}",
- "Username" : "Korisničko ime",
- "Password" : "Zaporka",
- "Credentials saved" : "Vjerodajnice su spremljene",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Neuspješno spremanje vjerodajnica",
- "Credentials required" : "Potrebne su vjerodajnice",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Pohrana s ID-om „%d” nije pronađena",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Nevažeća klasa pozadine ili mehanizma autentifikacije",
"Invalid mount point" : "Nevažeća točka postavljanja",
@@ -62,6 +39,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID klijenta",
"Client secret" : "Tajni ključ klijenta",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Korisničko ime",
+ "Password" : "Zaporka",
"Tenant name" : "Ime stanara",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL krajnje točke identiteta",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -114,13 +93,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podrška za cURL u PHP-u nije omogućena niti instalirana. Nije moguće postaviti %s. Zatražite od svog administratora sustava da je instalira.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podrška za FTP u PHP-u nije omogućena niti instalirana. Nije moguće postaviti %s. Zatražite od svog administratora sustava da je instalira.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s” nije instaliran. Nije moguće postaviti %2$s. Zatražite od svog administratora sustava da ga instalira.",
+ "External storage" : "Vanjsko spremište za pohranu",
"External storage support" : "Podrška za vanjsku pohranu",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Dodaje osnovnu podršku za vanjsku pohranu",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Ova aplikacija omogućuje administratorima da konfiguriraju veze s vanjskim davateljima prostora za pohranu, kao što su FTP poslužitelji, S3 ili SWIFT trgovine objektima, drugi Nextcloudovi poslužitelji, WebDAV poslužitelji itd. Administratori mogu odabrati koje vrste prostora za pohranu žele omogućiti i mogu postaviti te prostore za pohranu za pojedinog korisnika, grupu ili cijeli sustav. Korisnici će vidjeti svoju novu mapu koja se pojavi u njihovom korijenskom Nextcloudovom direktoriju i mogu joj pristupiti i upotrebljavati je kao i bilo koju drugu mapu u sustavu Nextcloud. Vanjska pohrana također omogućuje korisnicima dijeljenje datoteka pohranjenih na tim vanjskim lokacijama. U tim se slučajevima koristi vjerodajnica vlasnika datoteke kada primatelj zatraži datoteku iz vanjske pohrane, čime se osigurava da primatelj može pristupiti dijeljenoj datoteci.\n\nVanjska pohrana može se konfigurirati s pomoću GUI-ja ili naredbenog retka. Ova druga opcija naprednom korisniku pruža veću fleksibilnost za konfiguriranje skupnoga vanjskog prostora za pohranu i postavljanje prioriteta pri postavljanju pohrane. Više informacija možete pronaći u dokumentaciji GUI-ja vanjske pohrane i dokumentaciji konfiguracijske datoteke za vanjsku pohranu.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nema konfigurirane vanjske pohrane ili nemate dopuštenje za konfiguriranje",
- "Name" : "Naziv",
+ "External mount error" : "Pogreška vanjskog postavljanja",
"Storage type" : "Vrsta pohrane",
+ "Unknown" : "Nepoznata pogreška",
"Scope" : "Opseg",
+ "Personal" : "Osobno",
+ "System" : "Sustav",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nema konfigurirane vanjske pohrane ili nemate dopuštenje za konfiguriranje",
"Open documentation" : "Otvori dokumentaciju",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Vanjska pohrana omogućuje vam postavljanje vanjskih servisa i uređaja za pohranu kao pomoćnih uređaja za pohranu sustava Nextcloud. Također možete omogućiti korisnicima postavljanje vlastitih vanjskih servisa za pohranu.",
"Folder name" : "Naziv mape",
@@ -132,6 +115,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Svi korisnici",
"Advanced settings" : "Napredne postavke",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Dopusti korisnicima postavljanje vanjske pohrane",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globalne vjerodajnice mogu se upotrebljavati za provođenje autentifikacije na više vanjskih pohrana koje imaju iste vjerodajnice."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globalne vjerodajnice mogu se upotrebljavati za provođenje autentifikacije na više vanjskih pohrana koje imaju iste vjerodajnice.",
+ "Grant access" : "Dodijeli pristup",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Pogreška pri konfiguriranju OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Unesite važeći ključ aplikacije i tajnu.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Pogreška pri konfiguriranju OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generiraj ključeve",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Pogreška pri generiranju parova ključeva",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Prazan odgovor poslužitelja",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nije moguće pristupiti. Odjavite se i ponovno se prijavite kako biste aktivirali ovu točku postavljanja",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nisu primljeni podaci s udaljenog poslužitelja: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nije primljen popis vanjskih točaka postavljanja: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Došlo je do pogreške s porukom: ",
+ "external-storage" : "vanjsko spremište za pohranu",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nije moguće dohvatiti popis točaka postavljanja mrežnog diska u sustavu Windows: prazan odgovor poslužitelja",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Unesite vjerodajnice postav {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Vjerodajnice su spremljene",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Neuspješno spremanje vjerodajnica",
+ "Credentials required" : "Potrebne su vjerodajnice",
+ "Name" : "Naziv"
"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/hr.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/hr.json
index c3ce0a81d9f..79d9794d5cf 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/hr.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/hr.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Vanjsko spremište za pohranu",
- "Personal" : "Osobno",
- "System" : "Sustav",
- "Grant access" : "Dodijeli pristup",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Pogreška pri konfiguriranju OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Unesite važeći ključ aplikacije i tajnu.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Pogreška pri konfiguriranju OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generiraj ključeve",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Pogreška pri generiranju parova ključeva",
"(Group)" : "(Grupa)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilnost s kodiranjem Mac NFD (sporo)",
"Enable encryption" : "Omogući šifriranje",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "Spremljeno",
"Saving …" : "Spremanje...",
"Save" : "Spremi",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Prazan odgovor poslužitelja",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nije moguće pristupiti. Odjavite se i ponovno se prijavite kako biste aktivirali ovu točku postavljanja",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nisu primljeni podaci s udaljenog poslužitelja: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nije primljen popis vanjskih točaka postavljanja: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Došlo je do pogreške s porukom: ",
- "External mount error" : "Pogreška vanjskog postavljanja",
- "external-storage" : "vanjsko spremište za pohranu",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nije moguće dohvatiti popis točaka postavljanja mrežnog diska u sustavu Windows: prazan odgovor poslužitelja",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Unesite vjerodajnice postav {mount}",
- "Username" : "Korisničko ime",
- "Password" : "Zaporka",
- "Credentials saved" : "Vjerodajnice su spremljene",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Neuspješno spremanje vjerodajnica",
- "Credentials required" : "Potrebne su vjerodajnice",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Pohrana s ID-om „%d” nije pronađena",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Nevažeća klasa pozadine ili mehanizma autentifikacije",
"Invalid mount point" : "Nevažeća točka postavljanja",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID klijenta",
"Client secret" : "Tajni ključ klijenta",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Korisničko ime",
+ "Password" : "Zaporka",
"Tenant name" : "Ime stanara",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL krajnje točke identiteta",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -112,13 +91,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podrška za cURL u PHP-u nije omogućena niti instalirana. Nije moguće postaviti %s. Zatražite od svog administratora sustava da je instalira.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podrška za FTP u PHP-u nije omogućena niti instalirana. Nije moguće postaviti %s. Zatražite od svog administratora sustava da je instalira.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s” nije instaliran. Nije moguće postaviti %2$s. Zatražite od svog administratora sustava da ga instalira.",
+ "External storage" : "Vanjsko spremište za pohranu",
"External storage support" : "Podrška za vanjsku pohranu",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Dodaje osnovnu podršku za vanjsku pohranu",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Ova aplikacija omogućuje administratorima da konfiguriraju veze s vanjskim davateljima prostora za pohranu, kao što su FTP poslužitelji, S3 ili SWIFT trgovine objektima, drugi Nextcloudovi poslužitelji, WebDAV poslužitelji itd. Administratori mogu odabrati koje vrste prostora za pohranu žele omogućiti i mogu postaviti te prostore za pohranu za pojedinog korisnika, grupu ili cijeli sustav. Korisnici će vidjeti svoju novu mapu koja se pojavi u njihovom korijenskom Nextcloudovom direktoriju i mogu joj pristupiti i upotrebljavati je kao i bilo koju drugu mapu u sustavu Nextcloud. Vanjska pohrana također omogućuje korisnicima dijeljenje datoteka pohranjenih na tim vanjskim lokacijama. U tim se slučajevima koristi vjerodajnica vlasnika datoteke kada primatelj zatraži datoteku iz vanjske pohrane, čime se osigurava da primatelj može pristupiti dijeljenoj datoteci.\n\nVanjska pohrana može se konfigurirati s pomoću GUI-ja ili naredbenog retka. Ova druga opcija naprednom korisniku pruža veću fleksibilnost za konfiguriranje skupnoga vanjskog prostora za pohranu i postavljanje prioriteta pri postavljanju pohrane. Više informacija možete pronaći u dokumentaciji GUI-ja vanjske pohrane i dokumentaciji konfiguracijske datoteke za vanjsku pohranu.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nema konfigurirane vanjske pohrane ili nemate dopuštenje za konfiguriranje",
- "Name" : "Naziv",
+ "External mount error" : "Pogreška vanjskog postavljanja",
"Storage type" : "Vrsta pohrane",
+ "Unknown" : "Nepoznata pogreška",
"Scope" : "Opseg",
+ "Personal" : "Osobno",
+ "System" : "Sustav",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nema konfigurirane vanjske pohrane ili nemate dopuštenje za konfiguriranje",
"Open documentation" : "Otvori dokumentaciju",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Vanjska pohrana omogućuje vam postavljanje vanjskih servisa i uređaja za pohranu kao pomoćnih uređaja za pohranu sustava Nextcloud. Također možete omogućiti korisnicima postavljanje vlastitih vanjskih servisa za pohranu.",
"Folder name" : "Naziv mape",
@@ -130,6 +113,24 @@
"All users" : "Svi korisnici",
"Advanced settings" : "Napredne postavke",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Dopusti korisnicima postavljanje vanjske pohrane",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globalne vjerodajnice mogu se upotrebljavati za provođenje autentifikacije na više vanjskih pohrana koje imaju iste vjerodajnice."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globalne vjerodajnice mogu se upotrebljavati za provođenje autentifikacije na više vanjskih pohrana koje imaju iste vjerodajnice.",
+ "Grant access" : "Dodijeli pristup",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Pogreška pri konfiguriranju OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Unesite važeći ključ aplikacije i tajnu.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Pogreška pri konfiguriranju OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generiraj ključeve",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Pogreška pri generiranju parova ključeva",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Prazan odgovor poslužitelja",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nije moguće pristupiti. Odjavite se i ponovno se prijavite kako biste aktivirali ovu točku postavljanja",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nisu primljeni podaci s udaljenog poslužitelja: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nije primljen popis vanjskih točaka postavljanja: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Došlo je do pogreške s porukom: ",
+ "external-storage" : "vanjsko spremište za pohranu",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nije moguće dohvatiti popis točaka postavljanja mrežnog diska u sustavu Windows: prazan odgovor poslužitelja",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Unesite vjerodajnice postav {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Vjerodajnice su spremljene",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Neuspješno spremanje vjerodajnica",
+ "Credentials required" : "Potrebne su vjerodajnice",
+ "Name" : "Naziv"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/hu.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/hu.js
index 1e15b42ed29..4244bba93ec 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/hu.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Külső tároló",
- "Personal" : "Személyes",
- "System" : "Rendszer",
- "Grant access" : "Hozzáférés megadása",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 beállítási hiba",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Adjon meg egy érvényes alkalmazáskulcsot és titkot.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 beállítási hiba",
- "Generate keys" : "Kulcsok előállítása",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Hiba történt a kulcspár előállítása során",
"Type to select user or group." : "Gépeljen a felhasználó vagy a csoport kiválasztásához.",
"(Group)" : "(Csoport)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilitás a Mac NFD kódolással (lassú)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Mentve",
"Saving …" : "Mentés…",
"Save" : "Mentés",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Üres válasz a kiszolgálótól",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nem férhető hozzá. Próbáljon meg ki- és bejelentkezni a csatolási pont aktiválásához.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nem sikerült lekérdezni az információkat a távoli kiszolgálóról: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nem lehet letölteni a külső csatolási pontok listáját: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Hiba történt ezzel az üzenettel:",
- "External mount error" : "Külső csatolási hiba",
- "external-storage" : "külső tároló",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "A Windows hálózati meghajtó csatolási pontok listája nem tölthető le: üres válasz a kiszolgálótól",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Adja meg a(z) {mount} csatolási pont hitelesítő adatait",
- "Username" : "Felhasználónév",
- "Password" : "Jelszó",
- "Credentials saved" : "Hitelesítő adatok mentve",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Hitelesítő adatok mentése sikertelen",
- "Credentials required" : "Hitelesítő adatok szükségesek",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "A helyi csatolt kötetek kezelése tiltott",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "A(z) „%d” azonosítójú tároló nem található",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Érvénytelen háttérszolgáltatási vagy hitelesítési mechanizmus osztály",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Kliensazonosító",
"Client secret" : "Kliens titka",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Felhasználónév",
+ "Password" : "Jelszó",
"Tenant name" : "Ügyfél neve",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Személyazonosság végpont URL-je",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A PHP cURL támogatása nincs engedélyezve vagy telepítve. A(z) %s csatolása nem lehetséges. Kérje meg a rendszergazdát, hogy telepítse.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A PHP FTP támogatása nincs engedélyezve vagy telepítve. A(z)%s csatolása nem lehetséges. Kérje meg a rendszergazdát, hogy telepítse.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A(z) „%1$s” nincs telepítve. A(z) %2$s csatolása nem lehetséges. Kérje meg a rendszergazdát, hogy telepítse.",
+ "External storage" : "Külső tároló",
"External storage support" : "Külső tároló támogatás",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Külső tároló támogatás hozzáadása",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Ez az alkalmazás lehetővé teszi a rendszergazdák számára, hogy beállítsák a kapcsolatokat a külső tárhely-szolgáltatókkal, például FTP-kiszolgálókkal, S3 vagy SWIFT objektumtárolókkal, más Nextcloud-kiszolgálókkal, WebDAV-kiszolgálókkal és egyebekkel. A rendszergazdák kiválaszthatják, hogy milyen típusú tárolókat engedélyeznek, és csatolhatják ezeket a tárhelyeket egy felhasználó, egy csoport vagy az egész rendszer számára. A felhasználók látni fogják, hogy egy új mappa jelenik meg a Nextcloud gyökérkönyvtárában, amelyet minden más Nextcloud mappához hasonlóan elérhetnek és használhatnak. A külső tárhely lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára a külső helyeken tárolt fájlok megosztását is. Ezekben az esetekben a fájl tulajdonosának hitelesítő adatait akkor használják, amikor a címzett a fájlt külső tárhelyről kéri, ezáltal biztosítva, hogy a címzett hozzáférjen a megosztott fájlhoz.\n\nA külső tároló grafikus felületen vagy a parancssorban konfigurálható. Ez a második lehetőség a haladó felhasználók számára nagyobb rugalmasságot biztosít a tömeges külső tárolók konfigurálásához, és a csatolási prioritások beállításához. További információ a külső tároló GUI dokumentációjában, és a külső tároló konfigurációs fájljának dokumentációjában található.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nincsenek külső tárolók beállítva, vagy nincs hozzáférése a beállításaikhoz",
- "Name" : "Név",
+ "External mount error" : "Külső csatolási hiba",
"Storage type" : "Tároló típusa",
+ "Unknown" : "Ismeretlen",
"Scope" : "Hatókör",
+ "Personal" : "Személyes",
+ "System" : "Rendszer",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nincsenek külső tárolók beállítva, vagy nincs hozzáférése a beállításaikhoz",
"Open documentation" : "Dokumentáció megnyitása",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "A külső tárhely lehetővé teszi külső tárolási szolgáltatások és eszközök másodlagos Nextcloud tárolóeszközként történő csatlakoztatását. Lehetővé teheti a felhasználók számára, hogy saját külső tároló szolgáltatásukat is csatlakoztassák.",
"Folder name" : "Mappa neve",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Összes felhasználó",
"Advanced settings" : "Speciális beállítások",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Külső tárolók csatolásának engedélyezése a felhasználók számára",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "A globális hitelesítő adatokkal azonos külső hitelesítő adatokkal rendelkező külső tárhelyek hitelesíthetők."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "A globális hitelesítő adatokkal azonos külső hitelesítő adatokkal rendelkező külső tárhelyek hitelesíthetők.",
+ "Grant access" : "Hozzáférés megadása",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 beállítási hiba",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Adjon meg egy érvényes alkalmazáskulcsot és titkot.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 beállítási hiba",
+ "Generate keys" : "Kulcsok előállítása",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Hiba történt a kulcspár előállítása során",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Üres válasz a kiszolgálótól",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nem férhető hozzá. Próbáljon meg ki- és bejelentkezni a csatolási pont aktiválásához.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nem sikerült lekérdezni az információkat a távoli kiszolgálóról: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nem lehet letölteni a külső csatolási pontok listáját: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Hiba történt ezzel az üzenettel:",
+ "external-storage" : "külső tároló",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "A Windows hálózati meghajtó csatolási pontok listája nem tölthető le: üres válasz a kiszolgálótól",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Adja meg a(z) {mount} csatolási pont hitelesítő adatait",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Hitelesítő adatok mentve",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Hitelesítő adatok mentése sikertelen",
+ "Credentials required" : "Hitelesítő adatok szükségesek",
+ "Name" : "Név"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/hu.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/hu.json
index 8440eec6979..f69074ede36 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/hu.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Külső tároló",
- "Personal" : "Személyes",
- "System" : "Rendszer",
- "Grant access" : "Hozzáférés megadása",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 beállítási hiba",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Adjon meg egy érvényes alkalmazáskulcsot és titkot.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 beállítási hiba",
- "Generate keys" : "Kulcsok előállítása",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Hiba történt a kulcspár előállítása során",
"Type to select user or group." : "Gépeljen a felhasználó vagy a csoport kiválasztásához.",
"(Group)" : "(Csoport)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilitás a Mac NFD kódolással (lassú)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Mentve",
"Saving …" : "Mentés…",
"Save" : "Mentés",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Üres válasz a kiszolgálótól",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nem férhető hozzá. Próbáljon meg ki- és bejelentkezni a csatolási pont aktiválásához.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nem sikerült lekérdezni az információkat a távoli kiszolgálóról: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nem lehet letölteni a külső csatolási pontok listáját: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Hiba történt ezzel az üzenettel:",
- "External mount error" : "Külső csatolási hiba",
- "external-storage" : "külső tároló",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "A Windows hálózati meghajtó csatolási pontok listája nem tölthető le: üres válasz a kiszolgálótól",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Adja meg a(z) {mount} csatolási pont hitelesítő adatait",
- "Username" : "Felhasználónév",
- "Password" : "Jelszó",
- "Credentials saved" : "Hitelesítő adatok mentve",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Hitelesítő adatok mentése sikertelen",
- "Credentials required" : "Hitelesítő adatok szükségesek",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "A helyi csatolt kötetek kezelése tiltott",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "A(z) „%d” azonosítójú tároló nem található",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Érvénytelen háttérszolgáltatási vagy hitelesítési mechanizmus osztály",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Kliensazonosító",
"Client secret" : "Kliens titka",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Felhasználónév",
+ "Password" : "Jelszó",
"Tenant name" : "Ügyfél neve",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Személyazonosság végpont URL-je",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A PHP cURL támogatása nincs engedélyezve vagy telepítve. A(z) %s csatolása nem lehetséges. Kérje meg a rendszergazdát, hogy telepítse.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A PHP FTP támogatása nincs engedélyezve vagy telepítve. A(z)%s csatolása nem lehetséges. Kérje meg a rendszergazdát, hogy telepítse.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "A(z) „%1$s” nincs telepítve. A(z) %2$s csatolása nem lehetséges. Kérje meg a rendszergazdát, hogy telepítse.",
+ "External storage" : "Külső tároló",
"External storage support" : "Külső tároló támogatás",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Külső tároló támogatás hozzáadása",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Ez az alkalmazás lehetővé teszi a rendszergazdák számára, hogy beállítsák a kapcsolatokat a külső tárhely-szolgáltatókkal, például FTP-kiszolgálókkal, S3 vagy SWIFT objektumtárolókkal, más Nextcloud-kiszolgálókkal, WebDAV-kiszolgálókkal és egyebekkel. A rendszergazdák kiválaszthatják, hogy milyen típusú tárolókat engedélyeznek, és csatolhatják ezeket a tárhelyeket egy felhasználó, egy csoport vagy az egész rendszer számára. A felhasználók látni fogják, hogy egy új mappa jelenik meg a Nextcloud gyökérkönyvtárában, amelyet minden más Nextcloud mappához hasonlóan elérhetnek és használhatnak. A külső tárhely lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára a külső helyeken tárolt fájlok megosztását is. Ezekben az esetekben a fájl tulajdonosának hitelesítő adatait akkor használják, amikor a címzett a fájlt külső tárhelyről kéri, ezáltal biztosítva, hogy a címzett hozzáférjen a megosztott fájlhoz.\n\nA külső tároló grafikus felületen vagy a parancssorban konfigurálható. Ez a második lehetőség a haladó felhasználók számára nagyobb rugalmasságot biztosít a tömeges külső tárolók konfigurálásához, és a csatolási prioritások beállításához. További információ a külső tároló GUI dokumentációjában, és a külső tároló konfigurációs fájljának dokumentációjában található.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nincsenek külső tárolók beállítva, vagy nincs hozzáférése a beállításaikhoz",
- "Name" : "Név",
+ "External mount error" : "Külső csatolási hiba",
"Storage type" : "Tároló típusa",
+ "Unknown" : "Ismeretlen",
"Scope" : "Hatókör",
+ "Personal" : "Személyes",
+ "System" : "Rendszer",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nincsenek külső tárolók beállítva, vagy nincs hozzáférése a beállításaikhoz",
"Open documentation" : "Dokumentáció megnyitása",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "A külső tárhely lehetővé teszi külső tárolási szolgáltatások és eszközök másodlagos Nextcloud tárolóeszközként történő csatlakoztatását. Lehetővé teheti a felhasználók számára, hogy saját külső tároló szolgáltatásukat is csatlakoztassák.",
"Folder name" : "Mappa neve",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "Összes felhasználó",
"Advanced settings" : "Speciális beállítások",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Külső tárolók csatolásának engedélyezése a felhasználók számára",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "A globális hitelesítő adatokkal azonos külső hitelesítő adatokkal rendelkező külső tárhelyek hitelesíthetők."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "A globális hitelesítő adatokkal azonos külső hitelesítő adatokkal rendelkező külső tárhelyek hitelesíthetők.",
+ "Grant access" : "Hozzáférés megadása",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 beállítási hiba",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Adjon meg egy érvényes alkalmazáskulcsot és titkot.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 beállítási hiba",
+ "Generate keys" : "Kulcsok előállítása",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Hiba történt a kulcspár előállítása során",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Üres válasz a kiszolgálótól",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nem férhető hozzá. Próbáljon meg ki- és bejelentkezni a csatolási pont aktiválásához.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nem sikerült lekérdezni az információkat a távoli kiszolgálóról: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nem lehet letölteni a külső csatolási pontok listáját: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Hiba történt ezzel az üzenettel:",
+ "external-storage" : "külső tároló",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "A Windows hálózati meghajtó csatolási pontok listája nem tölthető le: üres válasz a kiszolgálótól",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Adja meg a(z) {mount} csatolási pont hitelesítő adatait",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Hitelesítő adatok mentve",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Hitelesítő adatok mentése sikertelen",
+ "Credentials required" : "Hitelesítő adatok szükségesek",
+ "Name" : "Név"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/id.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/id.js
index cc620498704..115330f0613 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/id.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/id.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Penyimpanan eksternal",
- "Personal" : "Pribadi",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Berikan hak akses",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Silakan berikan kunci dan kerahasiaan aplikasi yang benar.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Hasilkan kunci",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Kesalahan saat menghasilkan pasangan kunci",
"(Group)" : "(Grup)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kecocokan dengan pengkodean Mac NFD (lambat)",
"Enable encryption" : "Aktifkan enkripsi",
@@ -24,18 +15,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Disimpan",
"Saving …" : "Menyimpan ...",
"Save" : "Simpan",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tidak ada respon dari server",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tidak dapat mengambil informasi dari server remote: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Tidak bisa mendapatkan informasi dari mount point eksternal: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Terjadi kesalahan dengan pesan:",
- "External mount error" : "Kesalahan mount eksternal",
- "external-storage" : "penyimpanan-eksternal",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Masukkan kredensial untuk mount {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nama Pengguna",
- "Password" : "Kata sandi",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kredensial tersimpan",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Penyimpanan kredensial gagal",
- "Credentials required" : "Kredensial dibutuhkan",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Beckend atau kelas mekanisme otentikasi salah.",
"Invalid mount point" : "Mount point salah",
"Objectstore forbidden" : "Objectstore terlarang",
@@ -56,6 +35,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID Klien",
"Client secret" : "Rahasia klien",
+ "Username" : "Nama Pengguna",
+ "Password" : "Kata sandi",
"Tenant name" : "Nama tenant",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identitas URL akhir",
"Domain" : "Domain",
@@ -96,9 +77,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Minta waktu habis (detik)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Dukungan cURL di PHP tidak diaktifkan atau terpasang. Mengaitkan %s tidak memungkinkan. Harap tanyakan administrator sistem Anda untuk memasangnya.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Dukungan FTP di PHP tidak diaktifkan atau terpasang. Mengaitkan %s tidak memungkinkan. Harap tanya administrator sistem Anda untuk memasangnya.",
- "Name" : "Nama",
+ "External storage" : "Penyimpanan eksternal",
+ "External mount error" : "Kesalahan mount eksternal",
"Storage type" : "Tipe penyimpanan",
+ "Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"Scope" : "Skop",
+ "Personal" : "Pribadi",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
"Open documentation" : "Buka dokumentasi",
"Folder name" : "Nama folder",
"Authentication" : "Otentikasi",
@@ -106,6 +91,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Tersedia untuk",
"Add storage" : "Tambahkan penyimpanan",
"Advanced settings" : "Pengaturan Lanjutan",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Izinkan pengguna untuk mengaitkan penyimpanan eksternal"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Izinkan pengguna untuk mengaitkan penyimpanan eksternal",
+ "Grant access" : "Berikan hak akses",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Silakan berikan kunci dan kerahasiaan aplikasi yang benar.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Hasilkan kunci",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Kesalahan saat menghasilkan pasangan kunci",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tidak ada respon dari server",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tidak dapat mengambil informasi dari server remote: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Tidak bisa mendapatkan informasi dari mount point eksternal: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Terjadi kesalahan dengan pesan:",
+ "external-storage" : "penyimpanan-eksternal",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Masukkan kredensial untuk mount {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kredensial tersimpan",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Penyimpanan kredensial gagal",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kredensial dibutuhkan",
+ "Name" : "Nama"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/id.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/id.json
index f9d82cc3f81..c23db5dee03 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/id.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/id.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Penyimpanan eksternal",
- "Personal" : "Pribadi",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Berikan hak akses",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Silakan berikan kunci dan kerahasiaan aplikasi yang benar.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Hasilkan kunci",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Kesalahan saat menghasilkan pasangan kunci",
"(Group)" : "(Grup)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kecocokan dengan pengkodean Mac NFD (lambat)",
"Enable encryption" : "Aktifkan enkripsi",
@@ -22,18 +13,6 @@
"Saved" : "Disimpan",
"Saving …" : "Menyimpan ...",
"Save" : "Simpan",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tidak ada respon dari server",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tidak dapat mengambil informasi dari server remote: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Tidak bisa mendapatkan informasi dari mount point eksternal: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Terjadi kesalahan dengan pesan:",
- "External mount error" : "Kesalahan mount eksternal",
- "external-storage" : "penyimpanan-eksternal",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Masukkan kredensial untuk mount {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nama Pengguna",
- "Password" : "Kata sandi",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kredensial tersimpan",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Penyimpanan kredensial gagal",
- "Credentials required" : "Kredensial dibutuhkan",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Beckend atau kelas mekanisme otentikasi salah.",
"Invalid mount point" : "Mount point salah",
"Objectstore forbidden" : "Objectstore terlarang",
@@ -54,6 +33,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID Klien",
"Client secret" : "Rahasia klien",
+ "Username" : "Nama Pengguna",
+ "Password" : "Kata sandi",
"Tenant name" : "Nama tenant",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identitas URL akhir",
"Domain" : "Domain",
@@ -94,9 +75,13 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Minta waktu habis (detik)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Dukungan cURL di PHP tidak diaktifkan atau terpasang. Mengaitkan %s tidak memungkinkan. Harap tanyakan administrator sistem Anda untuk memasangnya.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Dukungan FTP di PHP tidak diaktifkan atau terpasang. Mengaitkan %s tidak memungkinkan. Harap tanya administrator sistem Anda untuk memasangnya.",
- "Name" : "Nama",
+ "External storage" : "Penyimpanan eksternal",
+ "External mount error" : "Kesalahan mount eksternal",
"Storage type" : "Tipe penyimpanan",
+ "Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"Scope" : "Skop",
+ "Personal" : "Pribadi",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
"Open documentation" : "Buka dokumentasi",
"Folder name" : "Nama folder",
"Authentication" : "Otentikasi",
@@ -104,6 +89,22 @@
"Available for" : "Tersedia untuk",
"Add storage" : "Tambahkan penyimpanan",
"Advanced settings" : "Pengaturan Lanjutan",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Izinkan pengguna untuk mengaitkan penyimpanan eksternal"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Izinkan pengguna untuk mengaitkan penyimpanan eksternal",
+ "Grant access" : "Berikan hak akses",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Silakan berikan kunci dan kerahasiaan aplikasi yang benar.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Hasilkan kunci",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Kesalahan saat menghasilkan pasangan kunci",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tidak ada respon dari server",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tidak dapat mengambil informasi dari server remote: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Tidak bisa mendapatkan informasi dari mount point eksternal: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Terjadi kesalahan dengan pesan:",
+ "external-storage" : "penyimpanan-eksternal",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Masukkan kredensial untuk mount {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kredensial tersimpan",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Penyimpanan kredensial gagal",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kredensial dibutuhkan",
+ "Name" : "Nama"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/is.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/is.js
index 07a6b8e4d67..ce3fcf3048f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/is.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Ytri gagnageymsla",
- "Personal" : "Einka",
- "System" : "Kerfi",
- "Grant access" : "Veita aðgengi",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Villa við uppsetningu OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Settu inn gildan forritslykil og leynilykil (secret).",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Villa við uppsetningu OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Útbúa lykla",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Villa við að útbúa nýtt lyklapar",
"(Group)" : "(Hópur)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Samhæfni við Mac NFD kóðun (hægvirkt)",
"Enable encryption" : "Virkja dulritun",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Vistað",
"Saving …" : "Vista …",
"Save" : "Vista",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tómt svar frá þjóni móttekið",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Náði ekki aðgangi. Skráðu þig út og svo aftur inn til að virkja þennan tengipunkt",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Gat ekki lesið upplýsingar frá fjartengda þjóninum: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Gat ekki fengið lista yfir fjartengda tengipunkta: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Það kom upp villa með skilaboðunum: ",
- "External mount error" : "Villa við tengingu í fjartengdu skráakerfi",
- "external-storage" : "ytri-gagnageymsla",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Gat ekki fengið lista yfir tengipunkta Windows-netdrifa, Svar frá þjóni var tómt",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Settu inn auðkenni fyrir {mount} tengipunktinn",
- "Username" : "Notandanafn",
- "Password" : "Lykilorð",
- "Credentials saved" : "Auðkenni vistuð",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Vistun auðkenna tókst ekki",
- "Credentials required" : "Auðkenna krafist",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Geymsla með auðkennið '%d' fannst ekki",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ógildur flokkur bakenda eða auðkenningartækni",
"Invalid mount point" : "Ógildur tengipunktur",
@@ -62,6 +39,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Biðlaraauðkenni",
"Client secret" : "Leynilykill biðlara",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Notandanafn",
+ "Password" : "Lykilorð",
"Tenant name" : "Nafn handhafa (tenant)",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Endapunktur auðkennisslóðar (identity endpoint URL)",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -109,12 +88,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Stuðningur við cURL í PHP er ekki virkjaður eða ekki uppsettur. Tenging %s í skráakerfi er ekki möguleg. Biddu kerfisstjórann þinn um að setja þetta upp.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Stuðningur við FTP í PHP er ekki virkjaður eða ekki uppsettur. Tenging %s í skráakerfi er ekki möguleg. Biddu kerfisstjórann þinn um að setja þetta upp.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" er ekki uppsett. Tenging %2$s í skráakerfi er ekki möguleg. Biddu kerfisstjórann þinn um að setja þetta upp.",
+ "External storage" : "Ytri gagnageymsla",
"External storage support" : "Stuðningur við utanaðkomandi gagnageymslur",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Bætir við grunnstuðningi fyrir utanaðkomandi gagnageymslur",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Engin utanaðkomandi gagnageymsla er uppsett eða að þú hefur ekki heimild til að stilla slíkt",
- "Name" : "Nafn",
+ "External mount error" : "Villa við tengingu í fjartengdu skráakerfi",
"Storage type" : "Tegund gagnageymslu",
+ "Unknown" : "Óþekkt",
"Scope" : "Umfang",
+ "Personal" : "Einka",
+ "System" : "Kerfi",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Engin utanaðkomandi gagnageymsla er uppsett eða að þú hefur ekki heimild til að stilla slíkt",
"Open documentation" : "Opna hjálparskjöl",
"Folder name" : "Nafn möppu",
"Authentication" : "Auðkenning",
@@ -124,6 +107,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add storage" : "Bæta við gagnahirslu",
"All users" : "Allir notendur",
"Advanced settings" : "Ítarlegri valkostir",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Leyfa notendum að tengja ytri gagnageymslur í skráakerfi"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Leyfa notendum að tengja ytri gagnageymslur í skráakerfi",
+ "Grant access" : "Veita aðgengi",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Villa við uppsetningu OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Settu inn gildan forritslykil og leynilykil (secret).",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Villa við uppsetningu OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Útbúa lykla",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Villa við að útbúa nýtt lyklapar",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tómt svar frá þjóni móttekið",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Náði ekki aðgangi. Skráðu þig út og svo aftur inn til að virkja þennan tengipunkt",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Gat ekki lesið upplýsingar frá fjartengda þjóninum: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Gat ekki fengið lista yfir fjartengda tengipunkta: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Það kom upp villa með skilaboðunum: ",
+ "external-storage" : "ytri-gagnageymsla",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Gat ekki fengið lista yfir tengipunkta Windows-netdrifa, Svar frá þjóni var tómt",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Settu inn auðkenni fyrir {mount} tengipunktinn",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Auðkenni vistuð",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Vistun auðkenna tókst ekki",
+ "Credentials required" : "Auðkenna krafist",
+ "Name" : "Nafn"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/is.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/is.json
index a1de7a99a70..9c7886c99bd 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/is.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Ytri gagnageymsla",
- "Personal" : "Einka",
- "System" : "Kerfi",
- "Grant access" : "Veita aðgengi",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Villa við uppsetningu OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Settu inn gildan forritslykil og leynilykil (secret).",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Villa við uppsetningu OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Útbúa lykla",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Villa við að útbúa nýtt lyklapar",
"(Group)" : "(Hópur)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Samhæfni við Mac NFD kóðun (hægvirkt)",
"Enable encryption" : "Virkja dulritun",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "Vistað",
"Saving …" : "Vista …",
"Save" : "Vista",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tómt svar frá þjóni móttekið",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Náði ekki aðgangi. Skráðu þig út og svo aftur inn til að virkja þennan tengipunkt",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Gat ekki lesið upplýsingar frá fjartengda þjóninum: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Gat ekki fengið lista yfir fjartengda tengipunkta: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Það kom upp villa með skilaboðunum: ",
- "External mount error" : "Villa við tengingu í fjartengdu skráakerfi",
- "external-storage" : "ytri-gagnageymsla",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Gat ekki fengið lista yfir tengipunkta Windows-netdrifa, Svar frá þjóni var tómt",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Settu inn auðkenni fyrir {mount} tengipunktinn",
- "Username" : "Notandanafn",
- "Password" : "Lykilorð",
- "Credentials saved" : "Auðkenni vistuð",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Vistun auðkenna tókst ekki",
- "Credentials required" : "Auðkenna krafist",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Geymsla með auðkennið '%d' fannst ekki",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ógildur flokkur bakenda eða auðkenningartækni",
"Invalid mount point" : "Ógildur tengipunktur",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Biðlaraauðkenni",
"Client secret" : "Leynilykill biðlara",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Notandanafn",
+ "Password" : "Lykilorð",
"Tenant name" : "Nafn handhafa (tenant)",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Endapunktur auðkennisslóðar (identity endpoint URL)",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -107,12 +86,16 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Stuðningur við cURL í PHP er ekki virkjaður eða ekki uppsettur. Tenging %s í skráakerfi er ekki möguleg. Biddu kerfisstjórann þinn um að setja þetta upp.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Stuðningur við FTP í PHP er ekki virkjaður eða ekki uppsettur. Tenging %s í skráakerfi er ekki möguleg. Biddu kerfisstjórann þinn um að setja þetta upp.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" er ekki uppsett. Tenging %2$s í skráakerfi er ekki möguleg. Biddu kerfisstjórann þinn um að setja þetta upp.",
+ "External storage" : "Ytri gagnageymsla",
"External storage support" : "Stuðningur við utanaðkomandi gagnageymslur",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Bætir við grunnstuðningi fyrir utanaðkomandi gagnageymslur",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Engin utanaðkomandi gagnageymsla er uppsett eða að þú hefur ekki heimild til að stilla slíkt",
- "Name" : "Nafn",
+ "External mount error" : "Villa við tengingu í fjartengdu skráakerfi",
"Storage type" : "Tegund gagnageymslu",
+ "Unknown" : "Óþekkt",
"Scope" : "Umfang",
+ "Personal" : "Einka",
+ "System" : "Kerfi",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Engin utanaðkomandi gagnageymsla er uppsett eða að þú hefur ekki heimild til að stilla slíkt",
"Open documentation" : "Opna hjálparskjöl",
"Folder name" : "Nafn möppu",
"Authentication" : "Auðkenning",
@@ -122,6 +105,24 @@
"Add storage" : "Bæta við gagnahirslu",
"All users" : "Allir notendur",
"Advanced settings" : "Ítarlegri valkostir",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Leyfa notendum að tengja ytri gagnageymslur í skráakerfi"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Leyfa notendum að tengja ytri gagnageymslur í skráakerfi",
+ "Grant access" : "Veita aðgengi",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Villa við uppsetningu OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Settu inn gildan forritslykil og leynilykil (secret).",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Villa við uppsetningu OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Útbúa lykla",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Villa við að útbúa nýtt lyklapar",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tómt svar frá þjóni móttekið",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Náði ekki aðgangi. Skráðu þig út og svo aftur inn til að virkja þennan tengipunkt",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Gat ekki lesið upplýsingar frá fjartengda þjóninum: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Gat ekki fengið lista yfir fjartengda tengipunkta: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Það kom upp villa með skilaboðunum: ",
+ "external-storage" : "ytri-gagnageymsla",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Gat ekki fengið lista yfir tengipunkta Windows-netdrifa, Svar frá þjóni var tómt",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Settu inn auðkenni fyrir {mount} tengipunktinn",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Auðkenni vistuð",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Vistun auðkenna tókst ekki",
+ "Credentials required" : "Auðkenna krafist",
+ "Name" : "Nafn"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/it.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/it.js
index b53c2eb2ee6..e45d722ba51 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/it.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Archiviazione esterna",
- "Personal" : "Personale",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Concedi l'accesso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errore di configurazione OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Fornisci chiave e segreto dell'applicazione validi.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errore di configurazione OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Genera la chiavi",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Errore durante la generazione della coppia di chiavi",
"Type to select user or group." : "Digita per selezionare utente o gruppo.",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilità con la codifica Mac NFD (lento)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Salvato",
"Saving …" : "Salvataggio…",
"Save" : "Salva",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Risposta vuota dal server",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossibile accedere. Chiudi la sessione e accedi nuovamente per attivare questo punto di mount",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossibile ottenere le informazioni dal server remoto: {code} {tipo}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei punti di mount esterni: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Si è verificato un errore con il messaggio:",
- "External mount error" : "Errore di mount esterno",
- "external-storage" : "archiviazione-esterna",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei punti di mount delle unità di rete Windows: risposta vuota dal server",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Digita le credenziali per montare {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nome utente",
- "Password" : "Password",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenziali salvate",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Salvataggio delle credenziali non riuscito",
- "Credentials required" : "Credenziali richieste",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Gestione dei mount locali proibita",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Archiviazione con ID \"%d\" non trovata",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Motore o classe del meccanismo di autenticazione non valido",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID client",
"Client secret" : "Segreto del client",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nome utente",
+ "Password" : "Password",
"Tenant name" : "Nome tenant",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL endpoint delle identità",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Il supporto cURL di PHP non è abilitato o installato. Impossibile montare %s. Chiedi al tuo amministratore di sistema di installarlo.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Il supporto FTP in PHP non è abilitato o installato. Impossibile montare %s. Chiedi al tuo amministratore di sistema di installarlo.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" non è installato. Impossibile montare %2$s. Chiedi al tuo amministratore di sistema di installarlo.",
+ "External storage" : "Archiviazione esterna",
"External storage support" : "Supporto archiviazioni esterne",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Aggiunge un supporto di base per archiviazioni esterne",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di configurare connessioni a fornitori di archiviazione esterna, come server FTP, archivi di oggetti S3 o SWIFT, altri server Nextcloud, server WebDAV e altro. Gli amministratori possono scegliere quale tipo di archiviazione abilitare e possono montare queste posizioni di archiviazione per un utente, un gruppo o per l'intero sistema. Gli utenti vedranno una nuova cartella apparire nella loro cartella radice di Nextcloud, che possono accedere e utilizzare come qualsiasi altra cartella di Nextcloud. L'archiviazione esterna consente anche agli utenti di condividere file archiviati in queste posizioni esterne. In questi casi, le credenziali del proprietario del file sono utilizzate quando il destinatario richiede il file da archiviazione esterna, assicurando in tal modo che il destinatario possa accedere al file condiviso.\n\nL'archiviazione esterna può essere configurata utilizzando l'interfaccia grafica o la riga di comando. Questa seconda opzione fornisce maggiore flessibilità all'utente avanzato per una configurazione massiva dei punti di mount delle archiviazioni esterne e l'impostazione delle priorità dei punti di mount. Altre informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione dell'interfaccia grafica dell'archiviazione esterna e nella documentazione del file di configurazione delle archiviazioni esterne.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nessuna archiviazione esterna configurata o non hai i permessi per configurarle",
- "Name" : "Nome",
+ "Open in files" : "Apri in file",
+ "External mount error" : "Errore di mount esterno",
"Storage type" : "Tipo di archiviazione",
+ "Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"Scope" : "Ambito",
+ "Personal" : "Personale",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nessuna archiviazione esterna configurata o non hai i permessi per configurarle",
"Open documentation" : "Apri la documentazione",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Archiviazioni esterne ti consente di montare servizi di archiviazione esterna e dispositivi come dispositivi di archiviazione secondari di Nextcloud. Puoi anche permettere agli utenti di montare i propri servizi di archiviazione esterna.",
"Folder name" : "Nome della cartella",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Tutti gli utenti",
"Advanced settings" : "Impostazioni avanzate",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Consenti agli utenti di montare archiviazioni esterne",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Le credenziali globali possono essere utilizzate anche per l'autenticazione con più archiviazioni esterne che hanno le stesse credenziali."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Le credenziali globali possono essere utilizzate anche per l'autenticazione con più archiviazioni esterne che hanno le stesse credenziali.",
+ "Grant access" : "Concedi l'accesso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errore di configurazione OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Fornisci chiave e segreto dell'applicazione validi.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errore di configurazione OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Genera la chiavi",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Errore durante la generazione della coppia di chiavi",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Risposta vuota dal server",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossibile accedere. Chiudi la sessione e accedi nuovamente per attivare questo punto di mount",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossibile ottenere le informazioni dal server remoto: {code} {tipo}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei punti di mount esterni: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Si è verificato un errore con il messaggio:",
+ "external-storage" : "archiviazione-esterna",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei punti di mount delle unità di rete Windows: risposta vuota dal server",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Digita le credenziali per montare {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenziali salvate",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Salvataggio delle credenziali non riuscito",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credenziali richieste",
+ "Name" : "Nome"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/it.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/it.json
index 0f2175a3863..32ce5145b2b 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/it.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Archiviazione esterna",
- "Personal" : "Personale",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Concedi l'accesso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errore di configurazione OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Fornisci chiave e segreto dell'applicazione validi.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errore di configurazione OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Genera la chiavi",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Errore durante la generazione della coppia di chiavi",
"Type to select user or group." : "Digita per selezionare utente o gruppo.",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilità con la codifica Mac NFD (lento)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Salvato",
"Saving …" : "Salvataggio…",
"Save" : "Salva",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Risposta vuota dal server",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossibile accedere. Chiudi la sessione e accedi nuovamente per attivare questo punto di mount",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossibile ottenere le informazioni dal server remoto: {code} {tipo}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei punti di mount esterni: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Si è verificato un errore con il messaggio:",
- "External mount error" : "Errore di mount esterno",
- "external-storage" : "archiviazione-esterna",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei punti di mount delle unità di rete Windows: risposta vuota dal server",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Digita le credenziali per montare {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nome utente",
- "Password" : "Password",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenziali salvate",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Salvataggio delle credenziali non riuscito",
- "Credentials required" : "Credenziali richieste",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Gestione dei mount locali proibita",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Archiviazione con ID \"%d\" non trovata",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Motore o classe del meccanismo di autenticazione non valido",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID client",
"Client secret" : "Segreto del client",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nome utente",
+ "Password" : "Password",
"Tenant name" : "Nome tenant",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL endpoint delle identità",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Il supporto cURL di PHP non è abilitato o installato. Impossibile montare %s. Chiedi al tuo amministratore di sistema di installarlo.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Il supporto FTP in PHP non è abilitato o installato. Impossibile montare %s. Chiedi al tuo amministratore di sistema di installarlo.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" non è installato. Impossibile montare %2$s. Chiedi al tuo amministratore di sistema di installarlo.",
+ "External storage" : "Archiviazione esterna",
"External storage support" : "Supporto archiviazioni esterne",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Aggiunge un supporto di base per archiviazioni esterne",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di configurare connessioni a fornitori di archiviazione esterna, come server FTP, archivi di oggetti S3 o SWIFT, altri server Nextcloud, server WebDAV e altro. Gli amministratori possono scegliere quale tipo di archiviazione abilitare e possono montare queste posizioni di archiviazione per un utente, un gruppo o per l'intero sistema. Gli utenti vedranno una nuova cartella apparire nella loro cartella radice di Nextcloud, che possono accedere e utilizzare come qualsiasi altra cartella di Nextcloud. L'archiviazione esterna consente anche agli utenti di condividere file archiviati in queste posizioni esterne. In questi casi, le credenziali del proprietario del file sono utilizzate quando il destinatario richiede il file da archiviazione esterna, assicurando in tal modo che il destinatario possa accedere al file condiviso.\n\nL'archiviazione esterna può essere configurata utilizzando l'interfaccia grafica o la riga di comando. Questa seconda opzione fornisce maggiore flessibilità all'utente avanzato per una configurazione massiva dei punti di mount delle archiviazioni esterne e l'impostazione delle priorità dei punti di mount. Altre informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione dell'interfaccia grafica dell'archiviazione esterna e nella documentazione del file di configurazione delle archiviazioni esterne.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nessuna archiviazione esterna configurata o non hai i permessi per configurarle",
- "Name" : "Nome",
+ "Open in files" : "Apri in file",
+ "External mount error" : "Errore di mount esterno",
"Storage type" : "Tipo di archiviazione",
+ "Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"Scope" : "Ambito",
+ "Personal" : "Personale",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nessuna archiviazione esterna configurata o non hai i permessi per configurarle",
"Open documentation" : "Apri la documentazione",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Archiviazioni esterne ti consente di montare servizi di archiviazione esterna e dispositivi come dispositivi di archiviazione secondari di Nextcloud. Puoi anche permettere agli utenti di montare i propri servizi di archiviazione esterna.",
"Folder name" : "Nome della cartella",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Tutti gli utenti",
"Advanced settings" : "Impostazioni avanzate",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Consenti agli utenti di montare archiviazioni esterne",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Le credenziali globali possono essere utilizzate anche per l'autenticazione con più archiviazioni esterne che hanno le stesse credenziali."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Le credenziali globali possono essere utilizzate anche per l'autenticazione con più archiviazioni esterne che hanno le stesse credenziali.",
+ "Grant access" : "Concedi l'accesso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errore di configurazione OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Fornisci chiave e segreto dell'applicazione validi.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errore di configurazione OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Genera la chiavi",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Errore durante la generazione della coppia di chiavi",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Risposta vuota dal server",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Impossibile accedere. Chiudi la sessione e accedi nuovamente per attivare questo punto di mount",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Impossibile ottenere le informazioni dal server remoto: {code} {tipo}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei punti di mount esterni: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Si è verificato un errore con il messaggio:",
+ "external-storage" : "archiviazione-esterna",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei punti di mount delle unità di rete Windows: risposta vuota dal server",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Digita le credenziali per montare {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenziali salvate",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Salvataggio delle credenziali non riuscito",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credenziali richieste",
+ "Name" : "Nome"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ja.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/ja.js
index 112b7defe2f..822932a5be8 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ja.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "外部ストレージ",
- "Personal" : "個人",
- "System" : "システム",
- "Grant access" : "アクセスを許可",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1設定エラー",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "有効なアプリのキーとパスワードを入力してください。",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2設定エラー",
- "Generate keys" : "キーを生成",
- "Error generating key pair" : "キーペアの生成エラー",
"Type to select user or group." : "入力してユーザーまたはグループを選択",
"(Group)" : "(グループ)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD エンコード互換 (遅い)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "保存しました",
"Saving …" : "保存中...",
"Save" : "保存",
- "Empty response from the server" : "サーバーから空の応答がありました",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "アクセスできません。ログアウトして、再度このマウントポイントをアクティベートしてください。",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "リモートサーバーから情報を取得できませんでした:{code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "外部マウントポイントのリストを取得できませんでした。: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "メッセージ付きのエラーが発生しました:",
- "External mount error" : "外部マウントエラー",
- "external-storage" : "外部ストレージ",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windowsネットワークドライブのマウントポイントのリストが取得できませんでした: サーバーからのレスポンスは空でした。",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : " {mount} のマウントのために必要な資格情報を入力してください",
- "Username" : "ユーザー名",
- "Password" : "パスワード",
- "Credentials saved" : "資格情報を保存しました",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "資格情報の保存に失敗しました",
- "Credentials required" : "資格情報が必要です",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "ローカルマウントの利用は禁止されています",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "ID \"%d\" のストレージが見つかりません",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "バックエンドまたは認証システムクラスが無効",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "クライアントID",
"Client secret" : "クライアント秘密鍵",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "ユーザー名",
+ "Password" : "パスワード",
"Tenant name" : "テナント名",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "認証エンドポイントURL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHPでのcURLのサポートが有効になっていないか、インストールされていません。 %s のマウントは不可能です。システム管理者にインストールを依頼してください。",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHPのFTPサポートが有効になっていないか、インストールされていません。%s のマウントは不可能です。システム管理者にインストールを依頼してください。",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" はインストールされていません。 %2$s のマウントは不可能です。システム管理者にインストールを依頼してください。",
+ "External storage" : "外部ストレージ",
"External storage support" : "外部ストレージに対応",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "基本的な外部ストレージの対応を追加",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "このアプリケーションを使用すると、管理者は、FTPサーバー、S3またはSWIFTオブジェクトストア、その他のNextcloudサーバー、WebDAVサーバーなどの外部ストレージプロバイダーへの接続を構成できます。管理者は、有効にするストレージの種類を選択し、ユーザー、グループ、またはシステム全体でこれらのストレージの場所をマウントできます。ユーザーはルートのNextcloudディレクトリに新しいフォルダーが表示され、他のNextcloudフォルダーと同様にアクセスして使用できます。外部ストレージを使用すると、ユーザーはこれらの外部ロケーションに格納されたファイルを共有することもできます。このような場合、受信者が外部ストレージからファイルを要求すると、ファイルの所有者の資格情報が使用され、受信者が共有ファイルにアクセスできるようになります。外部ストレージは、GUIまたはコマンドラインを使用して構成できます。この2番目のオプションは、高度なユーザーにバルク外部ストレージマウントの設定とマウント優先度の設定の柔軟性を提供します。詳細については、外部ストレージGUIのマニュアルと外部ストレージConfiguration Fileのマニュアルを参照してください。",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "外部ストレージが設定されていないか、外部ストレージを設定する権限がありません",
- "Name" : "名前",
+ "External mount error" : "外部マウントエラー",
"Storage type" : "ストレージ種別",
+ "Unknown" : "不明",
"Scope" : "スコープ",
+ "Personal" : "個人",
+ "System" : "システム",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "外部ストレージが設定されていないか、外部ストレージを設定する権限がありません",
"Open documentation" : "ドキュメントを開く",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "外部ストレージを使用すると、外部ストレージサービスおよびデバイスをセカンダリのNextcloudストレージデバイスとしてマウントできます。 また、ユーザーが独自の外部ストレージサービスをマウントできるようにすることもできます。",
"Folder name" : "フォルダー名",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "すべてのユーザー",
"Advanced settings" : "詳細設定",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "ユーザーに外部ストレージの接続を許可する",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "グローバル資格情報を使用して、同じ資格情報を持つ複数の外部記憶装置で認証することができます。"
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "グローバル資格情報を使用して、同じ資格情報を持つ複数の外部記憶装置で認証することができます。",
+ "Grant access" : "アクセスを許可",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1設定エラー",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "有効なアプリのキーとパスワードを入力してください。",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2設定エラー",
+ "Generate keys" : "キーを生成",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "キーペアの生成エラー",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "サーバーから空の応答がありました",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "アクセスできません。ログアウトして、再度このマウントポイントをアクティベートしてください。",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "リモートサーバーから情報を取得できませんでした:{code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "外部マウントポイントのリストを取得できませんでした。: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "メッセージ付きのエラーが発生しました:",
+ "external-storage" : "外部ストレージ",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windowsネットワークドライブのマウントポイントのリストが取得できませんでした: サーバーからのレスポンスは空でした。",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : " {mount} のマウントのために必要な資格情報を入力してください",
+ "Credentials saved" : "資格情報を保存しました",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "資格情報の保存に失敗しました",
+ "Credentials required" : "資格情報が必要です",
+ "Name" : "名前"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ja.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/ja.json
index 7c91055bd3e..e77a8f0b96a 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ja.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "外部ストレージ",
- "Personal" : "個人",
- "System" : "システム",
- "Grant access" : "アクセスを許可",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1設定エラー",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "有効なアプリのキーとパスワードを入力してください。",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2設定エラー",
- "Generate keys" : "キーを生成",
- "Error generating key pair" : "キーペアの生成エラー",
"Type to select user or group." : "入力してユーザーまたはグループを選択",
"(Group)" : "(グループ)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD エンコード互換 (遅い)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "保存しました",
"Saving …" : "保存中...",
"Save" : "保存",
- "Empty response from the server" : "サーバーから空の応答がありました",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "アクセスできません。ログアウトして、再度このマウントポイントをアクティベートしてください。",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "リモートサーバーから情報を取得できませんでした:{code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "外部マウントポイントのリストを取得できませんでした。: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "メッセージ付きのエラーが発生しました:",
- "External mount error" : "外部マウントエラー",
- "external-storage" : "外部ストレージ",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windowsネットワークドライブのマウントポイントのリストが取得できませんでした: サーバーからのレスポンスは空でした。",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : " {mount} のマウントのために必要な資格情報を入力してください",
- "Username" : "ユーザー名",
- "Password" : "パスワード",
- "Credentials saved" : "資格情報を保存しました",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "資格情報の保存に失敗しました",
- "Credentials required" : "資格情報が必要です",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "ローカルマウントの利用は禁止されています",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "ID \"%d\" のストレージが見つかりません",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "バックエンドまたは認証システムクラスが無効",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "クライアントID",
"Client secret" : "クライアント秘密鍵",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "ユーザー名",
+ "Password" : "パスワード",
"Tenant name" : "テナント名",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "認証エンドポイントURL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHPでのcURLのサポートが有効になっていないか、インストールされていません。 %s のマウントは不可能です。システム管理者にインストールを依頼してください。",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHPのFTPサポートが有効になっていないか、インストールされていません。%s のマウントは不可能です。システム管理者にインストールを依頼してください。",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" はインストールされていません。 %2$s のマウントは不可能です。システム管理者にインストールを依頼してください。",
+ "External storage" : "外部ストレージ",
"External storage support" : "外部ストレージに対応",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "基本的な外部ストレージの対応を追加",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "このアプリケーションを使用すると、管理者は、FTPサーバー、S3またはSWIFTオブジェクトストア、その他のNextcloudサーバー、WebDAVサーバーなどの外部ストレージプロバイダーへの接続を構成できます。管理者は、有効にするストレージの種類を選択し、ユーザー、グループ、またはシステム全体でこれらのストレージの場所をマウントできます。ユーザーはルートのNextcloudディレクトリに新しいフォルダーが表示され、他のNextcloudフォルダーと同様にアクセスして使用できます。外部ストレージを使用すると、ユーザーはこれらの外部ロケーションに格納されたファイルを共有することもできます。このような場合、受信者が外部ストレージからファイルを要求すると、ファイルの所有者の資格情報が使用され、受信者が共有ファイルにアクセスできるようになります。外部ストレージは、GUIまたはコマンドラインを使用して構成できます。この2番目のオプションは、高度なユーザーにバルク外部ストレージマウントの設定とマウント優先度の設定の柔軟性を提供します。詳細については、外部ストレージGUIのマニュアルと外部ストレージConfiguration Fileのマニュアルを参照してください。",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "外部ストレージが設定されていないか、外部ストレージを設定する権限がありません",
- "Name" : "名前",
+ "External mount error" : "外部マウントエラー",
"Storage type" : "ストレージ種別",
+ "Unknown" : "不明",
"Scope" : "スコープ",
+ "Personal" : "個人",
+ "System" : "システム",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "外部ストレージが設定されていないか、外部ストレージを設定する権限がありません",
"Open documentation" : "ドキュメントを開く",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "外部ストレージを使用すると、外部ストレージサービスおよびデバイスをセカンダリのNextcloudストレージデバイスとしてマウントできます。 また、ユーザーが独自の外部ストレージサービスをマウントできるようにすることもできます。",
"Folder name" : "フォルダー名",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "すべてのユーザー",
"Advanced settings" : "詳細設定",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "ユーザーに外部ストレージの接続を許可する",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "グローバル資格情報を使用して、同じ資格情報を持つ複数の外部記憶装置で認証することができます。"
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "グローバル資格情報を使用して、同じ資格情報を持つ複数の外部記憶装置で認証することができます。",
+ "Grant access" : "アクセスを許可",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1設定エラー",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "有効なアプリのキーとパスワードを入力してください。",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2設定エラー",
+ "Generate keys" : "キーを生成",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "キーペアの生成エラー",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "サーバーから空の応答がありました",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "アクセスできません。ログアウトして、再度このマウントポイントをアクティベートしてください。",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "リモートサーバーから情報を取得できませんでした:{code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "外部マウントポイントのリストを取得できませんでした。: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "メッセージ付きのエラーが発生しました:",
+ "external-storage" : "外部ストレージ",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windowsネットワークドライブのマウントポイントのリストが取得できませんでした: サーバーからのレスポンスは空でした。",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : " {mount} のマウントのために必要な資格情報を入力してください",
+ "Credentials saved" : "資格情報を保存しました",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "資格情報の保存に失敗しました",
+ "Credentials required" : "資格情報が必要です",
+ "Name" : "名前"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ka_GE.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/ka_GE.js
index c9060e25da3..caf3f33a8fb 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ka_GE.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ka_GE.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "ექსტერნალური საცავი",
- "Personal" : "პირადი",
- "System" : "სისტემა",
- "Grant access" : "წვდომის მინიჭება",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1-ის კონფიგურირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "გთხოვთ უზრუნველყოთ სწორი აპლიკაციის გასაღები და საიდუმლო.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2-ის კონფიგურირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
- "Generate keys" : "გასაღებების გენერირება",
- "Error generating key pair" : "გასაღების წყვილის გენერირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD-სთან თავსებადობა (ნელი)",
"Enable encryption" : "შიფრაციის ამოქმედება",
"Enable previews" : "პრევიუების ამოქმედება",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete storage?" : "გავაუქმოთ საცავი?",
"Saved" : "შენახულია",
"Save" : "შენახვა",
- "Empty response from the server" : "სერვერმა დააბრუნა ცარიელი პასუხი",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "წვდომა ვერ მოხერხდა. ამ მონტაჟის წერტილის გასააქტიურებლად გთხოვთ გახვიდეთ და ახლიდან გაიაროთ ავტორიზაცია.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "დისტანციური სერვერიდან ინფორმაციის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "გარე მონტაჟის წერტილების სიის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "წარმოიშვა შეცდომა წერილით:",
- "External mount error" : "გარე მონტაჟის შეცდომა",
- "external-storage" : "გარე-საცავი",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows-ის ქსელის დრაივის მონტაჯის წერტილების სიის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: ცარიელი პასუხი სერვერიდან",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "გთხოვთ {mount} მონტაჟისთვის შეიყვანოთ მონაცემები",
- "Username" : "მომხმარებლის სახელი",
- "Password" : "პაროლი",
- "Credentials saved" : "მონაცემები შენახულია",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "მონაცემების შენახვა ვერ მოხერხდა",
- "Credentials required" : "მონაცემები საჭიროა",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "საცავი ID-ით \"%d\" ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "არასწორი ბექენდი ან აუტენტიფიკაციის მექანიზმის კლასი",
"Invalid mount point" : "არასწორი მონტაჟის წერტილი",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "კლიენტის ID",
"Client secret" : "კლიენტის საიდუმლო",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "მომხმარებლის სახელი",
+ "Password" : "პაროლი",
"Tenant name" : "მოიჯარის სახელი",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "იდენტობის საბოლოო-წერტილის URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -103,11 +82,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "მოთხოვნის დროის ამოწურვა (წამები)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL-ის მხარდაჭერა PHP-ში არაა მოქდენი ან დაყენებული. %s-ის მონტაჟი ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ სთხოვოთ თქვენი სისტემის ადმინისტრატორს მისი დაყენება.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP-ს მხარდაჭერა PHP-ში არაა მოქმედი ან დაყენებული. %s-ის მონტაჟი ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ სთხოვოთ თქვენი სისტემის ადმინისტრატორს მისი დაყენება.",
+ "External storage" : "ექსტერნალური საცავი",
"External storage support" : "გარე საცავის მხარდაჭერა",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "გარე საცავი არაა კონფიგურირებული, ან არ გაქვთ უფლება გაუწიოთ მას კონფიგურაცია",
- "Name" : "სახელი",
+ "External mount error" : "გარე მონტაჟის შეცდომა",
"Storage type" : "საცავის სახეობა",
+ "Unknown" : "უცნობია",
"Scope" : "ფარგლები",
+ "Personal" : "პირადი",
+ "System" : "სისტემა",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "გარე საცავი არაა კონფიგურირებული, ან არ გაქვთ უფლება გაუწიოთ მას კონფიგურაცია",
"Open documentation" : "ღია დოკუმენტაცია",
"Folder name" : "დირექტორიის სახელი",
"Authentication" : "აუტენტიფიკაცია",
@@ -116,6 +99,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "დააწკაპუნეთ კონფიგურაციის ხელახალი შემოწმებისთვის",
"Add storage" : "საცავის დამატება",
"Advanced settings" : "დამატებითი პარამეტრები",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "მივცეთ მომხმარებლებს გარე საცავის მონტაჟის უფლება"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "მივცეთ მომხმარებლებს გარე საცავის მონტაჟის უფლება",
+ "Grant access" : "წვდომის მინიჭება",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1-ის კონფიგურირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "გთხოვთ უზრუნველყოთ სწორი აპლიკაციის გასაღები და საიდუმლო.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2-ის კონფიგურირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
+ "Generate keys" : "გასაღებების გენერირება",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "გასაღების წყვილის გენერირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "სერვერმა დააბრუნა ცარიელი პასუხი",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "წვდომა ვერ მოხერხდა. ამ მონტაჟის წერტილის გასააქტიურებლად გთხოვთ გახვიდეთ და ახლიდან გაიაროთ ავტორიზაცია.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "დისტანციური სერვერიდან ინფორმაციის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "გარე მონტაჟის წერტილების სიის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "წარმოიშვა შეცდომა წერილით:",
+ "external-storage" : "გარე-საცავი",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows-ის ქსელის დრაივის მონტაჯის წერტილების სიის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: ცარიელი პასუხი სერვერიდან",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "გთხოვთ {mount} მონტაჟისთვის შეიყვანოთ მონაცემები",
+ "Credentials saved" : "მონაცემები შენახულია",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "მონაცემების შენახვა ვერ მოხერხდა",
+ "Credentials required" : "მონაცემები საჭიროა",
+ "Name" : "სახელი"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ka_GE.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/ka_GE.json
index f73ddc11a85..ad666dcdd5d 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ka_GE.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ka_GE.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "ექსტერნალური საცავი",
- "Personal" : "პირადი",
- "System" : "სისტემა",
- "Grant access" : "წვდომის მინიჭება",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1-ის კონფიგურირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "გთხოვთ უზრუნველყოთ სწორი აპლიკაციის გასაღები და საიდუმლო.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2-ის კონფიგურირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
- "Generate keys" : "გასაღებების გენერირება",
- "Error generating key pair" : "გასაღების წყვილის გენერირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD-სთან თავსებადობა (ნელი)",
"Enable encryption" : "შიფრაციის ამოქმედება",
"Enable previews" : "პრევიუების ამოქმედება",
@@ -21,20 +12,6 @@
"Delete storage?" : "გავაუქმოთ საცავი?",
"Saved" : "შენახულია",
"Save" : "შენახვა",
- "Empty response from the server" : "სერვერმა დააბრუნა ცარიელი პასუხი",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "წვდომა ვერ მოხერხდა. ამ მონტაჟის წერტილის გასააქტიურებლად გთხოვთ გახვიდეთ და ახლიდან გაიაროთ ავტორიზაცია.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "დისტანციური სერვერიდან ინფორმაციის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "გარე მონტაჟის წერტილების სიის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "წარმოიშვა შეცდომა წერილით:",
- "External mount error" : "გარე მონტაჟის შეცდომა",
- "external-storage" : "გარე-საცავი",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows-ის ქსელის დრაივის მონტაჯის წერტილების სიის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: ცარიელი პასუხი სერვერიდან",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "გთხოვთ {mount} მონტაჟისთვის შეიყვანოთ მონაცემები",
- "Username" : "მომხმარებლის სახელი",
- "Password" : "პაროლი",
- "Credentials saved" : "მონაცემები შენახულია",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "მონაცემების შენახვა ვერ მოხერხდა",
- "Credentials required" : "მონაცემები საჭიროა",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "საცავი ID-ით \"%d\" ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "არასწორი ბექენდი ან აუტენტიფიკაციის მექანიზმის კლასი",
"Invalid mount point" : "არასწორი მონტაჟის წერტილი",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@
"Client ID" : "კლიენტის ID",
"Client secret" : "კლიენტის საიდუმლო",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "მომხმარებლის სახელი",
+ "Password" : "პაროლი",
"Tenant name" : "მოიჯარის სახელი",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "იდენტობის საბოლოო-წერტილის URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -101,11 +80,15 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "მოთხოვნის დროის ამოწურვა (წამები)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL-ის მხარდაჭერა PHP-ში არაა მოქდენი ან დაყენებული. %s-ის მონტაჟი ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ სთხოვოთ თქვენი სისტემის ადმინისტრატორს მისი დაყენება.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP-ს მხარდაჭერა PHP-ში არაა მოქმედი ან დაყენებული. %s-ის მონტაჟი ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ სთხოვოთ თქვენი სისტემის ადმინისტრატორს მისი დაყენება.",
+ "External storage" : "ექსტერნალური საცავი",
"External storage support" : "გარე საცავის მხარდაჭერა",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "გარე საცავი არაა კონფიგურირებული, ან არ გაქვთ უფლება გაუწიოთ მას კონფიგურაცია",
- "Name" : "სახელი",
+ "External mount error" : "გარე მონტაჟის შეცდომა",
"Storage type" : "საცავის სახეობა",
+ "Unknown" : "უცნობია",
"Scope" : "ფარგლები",
+ "Personal" : "პირადი",
+ "System" : "სისტემა",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "გარე საცავი არაა კონფიგურირებული, ან არ გაქვთ უფლება გაუწიოთ მას კონფიგურაცია",
"Open documentation" : "ღია დოკუმენტაცია",
"Folder name" : "დირექტორიის სახელი",
"Authentication" : "აუტენტიფიკაცია",
@@ -114,6 +97,24 @@
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "დააწკაპუნეთ კონფიგურაციის ხელახალი შემოწმებისთვის",
"Add storage" : "საცავის დამატება",
"Advanced settings" : "დამატებითი პარამეტრები",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "მივცეთ მომხმარებლებს გარე საცავის მონტაჟის უფლება"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "მივცეთ მომხმარებლებს გარე საცავის მონტაჟის უფლება",
+ "Grant access" : "წვდომის მინიჭება",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1-ის კონფიგურირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "გთხოვთ უზრუნველყოთ სწორი აპლიკაციის გასაღები და საიდუმლო.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2-ის კონფიგურირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
+ "Generate keys" : "გასაღებების გენერირება",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "გასაღების წყვილის გენერირებისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "სერვერმა დააბრუნა ცარიელი პასუხი",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "წვდომა ვერ მოხერხდა. ამ მონტაჟის წერტილის გასააქტიურებლად გთხოვთ გახვიდეთ და ახლიდან გაიაროთ ავტორიზაცია.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "დისტანციური სერვერიდან ინფორმაციის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "გარე მონტაჟის წერტილების სიის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "წარმოიშვა შეცდომა წერილით:",
+ "external-storage" : "გარე-საცავი",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows-ის ქსელის დრაივის მონტაჯის წერტილების სიის მოპოვება ვერ მოხერხდა: ცარიელი პასუხი სერვერიდან",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "გთხოვთ {mount} მონტაჟისთვის შეიყვანოთ მონაცემები",
+ "Credentials saved" : "მონაცემები შენახულია",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "მონაცემების შენახვა ვერ მოხერხდა",
+ "Credentials required" : "მონაცემები საჭიროა",
+ "Name" : "სახელი"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.js
index a7223ced11f..fe170482bc4 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "외부 저장소",
- "Personal" : "개인",
- "System" : "시스템",
- "Grant access" : "접근 권한 부여",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 설정 오류",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "올바른 앱 키와 비밀 값을 입력하십시오.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 설정 오류",
- "Generate keys" : "키 생성",
- "Error generating key pair" : "키 쌍을 생성하는 중 오류 발생",
"(Group)" : "(그룹)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD 인코딩 호환성 사용(느림)",
"Enable encryption" : "암호화 사용",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "저장됨",
"Saving …" : "저장 중 …",
"Save" : "저장",
- "Empty response from the server" : "서버에서 빈 응답이 돌아옴",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "접속할 수 없습니다. 이 마운트 지점을 활성화하기 위해 로그아웃 후 다시 로그인 해 주세요",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "원격 서버에서 정보를 가져올 수 없음: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "외부 마운트 지점 목록을 가져올 수 없음: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "오류 메시지: ",
- "External mount error" : "외부 마운트 오류",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows 네트워크 드라이브 마운트 지점 목록을 가져올 수 없음: 서버에서 빈 응답이 돌아옴",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} 마운트 인증 정보를 입력하십시오",
- "Username" : "사용자 이름",
- "Password" : "암호",
- "Credentials saved" : "인증 정보 저장됨",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "인증 정보를 저장할 수 없음",
- "Credentials required" : "인증 정보 필요함",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "ID \"%d\"인 공유를 찾을 수 없음",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "백엔드나 인증 방식 클래스가 잘못됨",
"Invalid mount point" : "잘못된 마운트 지점",
@@ -62,6 +39,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "클라이언트 ID",
"Client secret" : "클라이언트 비밀 값",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "사용자 이름",
+ "Password" : "암호",
"Tenant name" : "테넌트 이름",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "아이덴티티 끝점(Endpoint) URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -109,13 +88,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP의 cURL 지원이 비활성화되어 있거나 설치되어 있지 않습니다. %s을(를) 마운트할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 설치를 요청하십시오.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP의 FTP 지원이 비활성화되어 있거나 설치되어 있지 않습니다. %s을(를) 마운트할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 설치를 요청하십시오.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\"이(가) 설치되어 있지 않습니다. \"%2$s\"을(를) 탑재할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 설치를 요청하십시오.",
+ "External storage" : "외부 저장소",
"External storage support" : "외부 저장소 지원",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "기본적인 외부 저장소 지원 추가",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "이 앱을 사용하면 관리자가 FTP 서버, S3 또는 SWIFT 객체 저장소, 다른 Nextcloud 서버, WebDAV 서버 등 외부 저장소 공급자에 연결할 수 있습니다. 관리자는 활성화할 저장소 종류와 저장소 마운트 위치를 사용자, 그룹, 전체 시스템 단위로 설정할 수 있습니다. 사용자의 개별 Nextcloud 루트 디렉터리에 새 폴더가 나타나며, 다른 Nextcloud 폴더처럼 사용할 수 있습니다. 외부 저장소 앱을 사용하여 해당 외부 저장소에 저장된 파일에 접근할 수 있습니다. 이 때 받는 사람이 외부 저장소의 파일을 요청하면 파일 소유자의 인증 정보를 사용하여 해당 파일에 접근할 수 있도록 합니다.\n\n외부 저장소는 GUI나 명령행으로 설정할 수 있습니다. 명령행 옵션을 사용하면 고급 사용자가 대량으로 외부 저장소를 마운트하거나 마운트 우선 순위를 설정하는 등 전문가 설정을 변경할 수 있습니다. 더 많은 정보를 보려면 외부 저장소 GUI 문서와 외부 저장소 설정 파일 문서를 참조하십시오.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "외부 저장소가 구성되지 않았거나 외부 저장소를 구성할 권한이 없습니다.",
- "Name" : "이름",
+ "External mount error" : "외부 마운트 오류",
"Storage type" : "저장소 종류",
+ "Unknown" : "알 수 없음",
"Scope" : "범위",
+ "Personal" : "개인",
+ "System" : "시스템",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "외부 저장소가 구성되지 않았거나 외부 저장소를 구성할 권한이 없습니다.",
"Open documentation" : "문서 열기",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "외부 저장소를 사용하여 외부 저장소 서비스나 장치를 Nextcloud 이차 저장 장치로 마운트할 수 있습니다. 사용자가 개별 외부 저장소 서비스를 마운트할 수 있도록 허용할 수도 있습니다.",
"Folder name" : "폴더 이름",
@@ -126,6 +109,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add storage" : "저장소 추가",
"Advanced settings" : "고급 설정",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "사용자가 외부 저장소를 마운트하도록 허용",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "전역 인증 정보를 사용하여 같은 인증 정보를 사용하는 여러 외부 저장소에 인증할 수 있습니다."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "전역 인증 정보를 사용하여 같은 인증 정보를 사용하는 여러 외부 저장소에 인증할 수 있습니다.",
+ "Grant access" : "접근 권한 부여",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 설정 오류",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "올바른 앱 키와 비밀 값을 입력하십시오.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 설정 오류",
+ "Generate keys" : "키 생성",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "키 쌍을 생성하는 중 오류 발생",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "서버에서 빈 응답이 돌아옴",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "접속할 수 없습니다. 이 마운트 지점을 활성화하기 위해 로그아웃 후 다시 로그인 해 주세요",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "원격 서버에서 정보를 가져올 수 없음: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "외부 마운트 지점 목록을 가져올 수 없음: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "오류 메시지: ",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows 네트워크 드라이브 마운트 지점 목록을 가져올 수 없음: 서버에서 빈 응답이 돌아옴",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} 마운트 인증 정보를 입력하십시오",
+ "Credentials saved" : "인증 정보 저장됨",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "인증 정보를 저장할 수 없음",
+ "Credentials required" : "인증 정보 필요함",
+ "Name" : "이름"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.json
index 89f5851e239..350ce0ae32c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "외부 저장소",
- "Personal" : "개인",
- "System" : "시스템",
- "Grant access" : "접근 권한 부여",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 설정 오류",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "올바른 앱 키와 비밀 값을 입력하십시오.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 설정 오류",
- "Generate keys" : "키 생성",
- "Error generating key pair" : "키 쌍을 생성하는 중 오류 발생",
"(Group)" : "(그룹)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD 인코딩 호환성 사용(느림)",
"Enable encryption" : "암호화 사용",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "저장됨",
"Saving …" : "저장 중 …",
"Save" : "저장",
- "Empty response from the server" : "서버에서 빈 응답이 돌아옴",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "접속할 수 없습니다. 이 마운트 지점을 활성화하기 위해 로그아웃 후 다시 로그인 해 주세요",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "원격 서버에서 정보를 가져올 수 없음: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "외부 마운트 지점 목록을 가져올 수 없음: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "오류 메시지: ",
- "External mount error" : "외부 마운트 오류",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows 네트워크 드라이브 마운트 지점 목록을 가져올 수 없음: 서버에서 빈 응답이 돌아옴",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} 마운트 인증 정보를 입력하십시오",
- "Username" : "사용자 이름",
- "Password" : "암호",
- "Credentials saved" : "인증 정보 저장됨",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "인증 정보를 저장할 수 없음",
- "Credentials required" : "인증 정보 필요함",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "ID \"%d\"인 공유를 찾을 수 없음",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "백엔드나 인증 방식 클래스가 잘못됨",
"Invalid mount point" : "잘못된 마운트 지점",
@@ -60,6 +37,8 @@
"Client ID" : "클라이언트 ID",
"Client secret" : "클라이언트 비밀 값",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "사용자 이름",
+ "Password" : "암호",
"Tenant name" : "테넌트 이름",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "아이덴티티 끝점(Endpoint) URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -107,13 +86,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP의 cURL 지원이 비활성화되어 있거나 설치되어 있지 않습니다. %s을(를) 마운트할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 설치를 요청하십시오.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP의 FTP 지원이 비활성화되어 있거나 설치되어 있지 않습니다. %s을(를) 마운트할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 설치를 요청하십시오.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\"이(가) 설치되어 있지 않습니다. \"%2$s\"을(를) 탑재할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 설치를 요청하십시오.",
+ "External storage" : "외부 저장소",
"External storage support" : "외부 저장소 지원",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "기본적인 외부 저장소 지원 추가",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "이 앱을 사용하면 관리자가 FTP 서버, S3 또는 SWIFT 객체 저장소, 다른 Nextcloud 서버, WebDAV 서버 등 외부 저장소 공급자에 연결할 수 있습니다. 관리자는 활성화할 저장소 종류와 저장소 마운트 위치를 사용자, 그룹, 전체 시스템 단위로 설정할 수 있습니다. 사용자의 개별 Nextcloud 루트 디렉터리에 새 폴더가 나타나며, 다른 Nextcloud 폴더처럼 사용할 수 있습니다. 외부 저장소 앱을 사용하여 해당 외부 저장소에 저장된 파일에 접근할 수 있습니다. 이 때 받는 사람이 외부 저장소의 파일을 요청하면 파일 소유자의 인증 정보를 사용하여 해당 파일에 접근할 수 있도록 합니다.\n\n외부 저장소는 GUI나 명령행으로 설정할 수 있습니다. 명령행 옵션을 사용하면 고급 사용자가 대량으로 외부 저장소를 마운트하거나 마운트 우선 순위를 설정하는 등 전문가 설정을 변경할 수 있습니다. 더 많은 정보를 보려면 외부 저장소 GUI 문서와 외부 저장소 설정 파일 문서를 참조하십시오.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "외부 저장소가 구성되지 않았거나 외부 저장소를 구성할 권한이 없습니다.",
- "Name" : "이름",
+ "External mount error" : "외부 마운트 오류",
"Storage type" : "저장소 종류",
+ "Unknown" : "알 수 없음",
"Scope" : "범위",
+ "Personal" : "개인",
+ "System" : "시스템",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "외부 저장소가 구성되지 않았거나 외부 저장소를 구성할 권한이 없습니다.",
"Open documentation" : "문서 열기",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "외부 저장소를 사용하여 외부 저장소 서비스나 장치를 Nextcloud 이차 저장 장치로 마운트할 수 있습니다. 사용자가 개별 외부 저장소 서비스를 마운트할 수 있도록 허용할 수도 있습니다.",
"Folder name" : "폴더 이름",
@@ -124,6 +107,24 @@
"Add storage" : "저장소 추가",
"Advanced settings" : "고급 설정",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "사용자가 외부 저장소를 마운트하도록 허용",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "전역 인증 정보를 사용하여 같은 인증 정보를 사용하는 여러 외부 저장소에 인증할 수 있습니다."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "전역 인증 정보를 사용하여 같은 인증 정보를 사용하는 여러 외부 저장소에 인증할 수 있습니다.",
+ "Grant access" : "접근 권한 부여",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 설정 오류",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "올바른 앱 키와 비밀 값을 입력하십시오.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 설정 오류",
+ "Generate keys" : "키 생성",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "키 쌍을 생성하는 중 오류 발생",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "서버에서 빈 응답이 돌아옴",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "접속할 수 없습니다. 이 마운트 지점을 활성화하기 위해 로그아웃 후 다시 로그인 해 주세요",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "원격 서버에서 정보를 가져올 수 없음: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "외부 마운트 지점 목록을 가져올 수 없음: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "오류 메시지: ",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows 네트워크 드라이브 마운트 지점 목록을 가져올 수 없음: 서버에서 빈 응답이 돌아옴",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} 마운트 인증 정보를 입력하십시오",
+ "Credentials saved" : "인증 정보 저장됨",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "인증 정보를 저장할 수 없음",
+ "Credentials required" : "인증 정보 필요함",
+ "Name" : "이름"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/lt_LT.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/lt_LT.js
index e85709736f7..33aec3fe954 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Išorinė saugykla",
- "Personal" : "Asmeniniai",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Suteikti prieigą",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Klaida, konfigūruojant OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Prašome naudoti teisingus trečiųjų šalių programinės įrangos identifikacijos numerį ir slaptažodį.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Klaida, konfigūruojant OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generuoti raktus",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Klaida kuriant raktus",
"(Group)" : "(Grupė)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Suderinamumas su Mac NFD kodavimu (lėtai)",
"Enable encryption" : "Įjungti šifravimą",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Įrašyta",
"Saving …" : "Įrašoma …",
"Save" : "Įrašyti",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Negautas atsakymas iš serverio",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Prieiga yra neįmanoma. Pabandykite prisijungti iš naujo.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Neįmanoma gauti informacijos iš serverio: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nepavyko gauti išorinių prijungimo taškų sąrašo: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Klaidos žinutė:",
- "External mount error" : "Išorinio prijungimo klaida",
- "external-storage" : "išorinė-saugykla",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Neįmanoma gauti duomenų sąrašo ir Windows tinkle prijungto disko. Nėra jokio atsakymo.",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Prašome įvesti prisijungimo duomenis skirtus saugyklos {mount} prijungimui",
- "Username" : "Naudotojo vardas",
- "Password" : "Slaptažodis",
- "Credentials saved" : "Prisijungimo duomenys yra išsaugoti",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Nepavyko išsaugoti prisijungimo duomenų",
- "Credentials required" : "Reikalingi prisijungimo duomenys",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Nerasta saugykla su identifikacijos numeriu \"%d\"",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Netinkama programinio kodo klasė realizuoja prisijungimo mechanizmą",
"Invalid mount point" : "Neteisingas prijungimo taškas",
@@ -61,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Kliento ID",
"Client secret" : "Trečiųjų šalių programinės įrangos kliento identifikacijos raktas",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Naudotojo vardas",
+ "Password" : "Slaptažodis",
"Tenant name" : "Laikino valdytojo vardas",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identiteto URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -105,11 +84,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL palaikymas yra neįjungtas arba neįdiegtas į PHP. %s prijungimas neįmanomas. Paprašykite sistemos administratoriaus pagalbos.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP palaikymas yra neįjungtas arba neįdiegtas į PHP. %s prijungimas neįmanomas. Paprašykite sistemos administratoriaus pagalbos.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" nėra įdiegtas. %2$s prijungimas yra neįmanomas. Paprašykite savo sistemos administratoriaus, kad jį įdiegtų.",
+ "External storage" : "Išorinė saugykla",
"External storage support" : "Išorinės saugyklos priežiūra",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nėra sukonfigūruota jokia išorinė saugykla arba jūs neturite leidimo jų konfigūruoti",
- "Name" : "Pavadinimas",
+ "External mount error" : "Išorinio prijungimo klaida",
"Storage type" : "Saugyklos tipas",
+ "Unknown" : "Nežinoma",
"Scope" : "Leidimas",
+ "Personal" : "Asmeniniai",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nėra sukonfigūruota jokia išorinė saugykla arba jūs neturite leidimo jų konfigūruoti",
"Open documentation" : "Atverti dokumentaciją",
"Folder name" : "Aplanko pavadinimas",
"Authentication" : "Prisijungimas",
@@ -119,6 +102,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add storage" : "Pridėti saugyklą",
"All users" : "Visi naudotojai",
"Advanced settings" : "Išplėstiniai nustatymai",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Leisti naudotojams prijungti išorines saugyklas"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Leisti naudotojams prijungti išorines saugyklas",
+ "Grant access" : "Suteikti prieigą",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Klaida, konfigūruojant OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Prašome naudoti teisingus trečiųjų šalių programinės įrangos identifikacijos numerį ir slaptažodį.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Klaida, konfigūruojant OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generuoti raktus",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Klaida kuriant raktus",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Negautas atsakymas iš serverio",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Prieiga yra neįmanoma. Pabandykite prisijungti iš naujo.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Neįmanoma gauti informacijos iš serverio: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nepavyko gauti išorinių prijungimo taškų sąrašo: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Klaidos žinutė:",
+ "external-storage" : "išorinė-saugykla",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Neįmanoma gauti duomenų sąrašo ir Windows tinkle prijungto disko. Nėra jokio atsakymo.",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Prašome įvesti prisijungimo duomenis skirtus saugyklos {mount} prijungimui",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Prisijungimo duomenys yra išsaugoti",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Nepavyko išsaugoti prisijungimo duomenų",
+ "Credentials required" : "Reikalingi prisijungimo duomenys",
+ "Name" : "Pavadinimas"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/lt_LT.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/lt_LT.json
index 99358a211d0..b7374af8be2 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Išorinė saugykla",
- "Personal" : "Asmeniniai",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Suteikti prieigą",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Klaida, konfigūruojant OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Prašome naudoti teisingus trečiųjų šalių programinės įrangos identifikacijos numerį ir slaptažodį.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Klaida, konfigūruojant OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generuoti raktus",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Klaida kuriant raktus",
"(Group)" : "(Grupė)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Suderinamumas su Mac NFD kodavimu (lėtai)",
"Enable encryption" : "Įjungti šifravimą",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "Įrašyta",
"Saving …" : "Įrašoma …",
"Save" : "Įrašyti",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Negautas atsakymas iš serverio",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Prieiga yra neįmanoma. Pabandykite prisijungti iš naujo.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Neįmanoma gauti informacijos iš serverio: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nepavyko gauti išorinių prijungimo taškų sąrašo: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Klaidos žinutė:",
- "External mount error" : "Išorinio prijungimo klaida",
- "external-storage" : "išorinė-saugykla",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Neįmanoma gauti duomenų sąrašo ir Windows tinkle prijungto disko. Nėra jokio atsakymo.",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Prašome įvesti prisijungimo duomenis skirtus saugyklos {mount} prijungimui",
- "Username" : "Naudotojo vardas",
- "Password" : "Slaptažodis",
- "Credentials saved" : "Prisijungimo duomenys yra išsaugoti",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Nepavyko išsaugoti prisijungimo duomenų",
- "Credentials required" : "Reikalingi prisijungimo duomenys",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Nerasta saugykla su identifikacijos numeriu \"%d\"",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Netinkama programinio kodo klasė realizuoja prisijungimo mechanizmą",
"Invalid mount point" : "Neteisingas prijungimo taškas",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Kliento ID",
"Client secret" : "Trečiųjų šalių programinės įrangos kliento identifikacijos raktas",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Naudotojo vardas",
+ "Password" : "Slaptažodis",
"Tenant name" : "Laikino valdytojo vardas",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identiteto URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -103,11 +82,15 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL palaikymas yra neįjungtas arba neįdiegtas į PHP. %s prijungimas neįmanomas. Paprašykite sistemos administratoriaus pagalbos.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP palaikymas yra neįjungtas arba neįdiegtas į PHP. %s prijungimas neįmanomas. Paprašykite sistemos administratoriaus pagalbos.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" nėra įdiegtas. %2$s prijungimas yra neįmanomas. Paprašykite savo sistemos administratoriaus, kad jį įdiegtų.",
+ "External storage" : "Išorinė saugykla",
"External storage support" : "Išorinės saugyklos priežiūra",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nėra sukonfigūruota jokia išorinė saugykla arba jūs neturite leidimo jų konfigūruoti",
- "Name" : "Pavadinimas",
+ "External mount error" : "Išorinio prijungimo klaida",
"Storage type" : "Saugyklos tipas",
+ "Unknown" : "Nežinoma",
"Scope" : "Leidimas",
+ "Personal" : "Asmeniniai",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Nėra sukonfigūruota jokia išorinė saugykla arba jūs neturite leidimo jų konfigūruoti",
"Open documentation" : "Atverti dokumentaciją",
"Folder name" : "Aplanko pavadinimas",
"Authentication" : "Prisijungimas",
@@ -117,6 +100,24 @@
"Add storage" : "Pridėti saugyklą",
"All users" : "Visi naudotojai",
"Advanced settings" : "Išplėstiniai nustatymai",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Leisti naudotojams prijungti išorines saugyklas"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Leisti naudotojams prijungti išorines saugyklas",
+ "Grant access" : "Suteikti prieigą",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Klaida, konfigūruojant OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Prašome naudoti teisingus trečiųjų šalių programinės įrangos identifikacijos numerį ir slaptažodį.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Klaida, konfigūruojant OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generuoti raktus",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Klaida kuriant raktus",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Negautas atsakymas iš serverio",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Prieiga yra neįmanoma. Pabandykite prisijungti iš naujo.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Neįmanoma gauti informacijos iš serverio: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nepavyko gauti išorinių prijungimo taškų sąrašo: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Klaidos žinutė:",
+ "external-storage" : "išorinė-saugykla",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Neįmanoma gauti duomenų sąrašo ir Windows tinkle prijungto disko. Nėra jokio atsakymo.",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Prašome įvesti prisijungimo duomenis skirtus saugyklos {mount} prijungimui",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Prisijungimo duomenys yra išsaugoti",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Nepavyko išsaugoti prisijungimo duomenų",
+ "Credentials required" : "Reikalingi prisijungimo duomenys",
+ "Name" : "Pavadinimas"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/lv.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/lv.js
index 4a82a569a8f..2fc3b21fd72 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/lv.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/lv.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Ārējā krātuve",
- "Personal" : "Personīgi",
- "System" : "Sistēma",
- "Grant access" : "Piešķirt pieeju",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Konfigurēšanas kļūda OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu lietotnes atslēgu un noslēpumu.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Konfigurēšanas kļūda OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Izveidot atslēgas",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Kļūda, ģenerējot atslēgu pāri",
"(Group)" : "(Grupa)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Saderība ar Mac NFD kodēšanu (lēni)",
"Enable encryption" : "Ieslēgt šifrēšanu",
@@ -23,13 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Saglabāts",
"Saving …" : "Saglabā ...",
"Save" : "Saglabāt",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tukša atbilde no servera",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nevarējām iegūt informāciju no attālā servera: {code} {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Radās kļūda ar ziņu:",
- "External mount error" : "Ārējā montēšanas kļūda",
- "external-storage" : "ārējā krātuve",
- "Username" : "Lietotājvārds",
- "Password" : "Parole",
"Invalid mount point" : "Nederīgs montēšanas punkts",
"%s" : "%s",
"Access key" : "Pieejas atslēga",
@@ -39,6 +23,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"App key" : "Lietotnes atslēga",
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "Klienta ID",
+ "Username" : "Lietotājvārds",
+ "Password" : "Parole",
"Domain" : "Domain",
"API key" : "API atslēga",
"Username and password" : "Lietotājvārds un parole",
@@ -66,9 +52,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Show hidden files" : "Rādīt slēptās datnes",
"OpenStack Object Storage" : "OpenStack Object krātuve",
"Service name" : "Servisa nosaukums",
- "Name" : "Nosaukums",
+ "External storage" : "Ārējā krātuve",
+ "External mount error" : "Ārējā montēšanas kļūda",
"Storage type" : "Krātuves tips",
+ "Unknown" : "Nezināms",
"Scope" : "Darbības joma",
+ "Personal" : "Personīgi",
+ "System" : "Sistēma",
"Open documentation" : "Atvērt dokumentāciju",
"Folder name" : "Mapes nosaukums",
"Authentication" : "Autentifikācija",
@@ -76,6 +66,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Pieejams",
"Add storage" : "Pievienot krātuvi",
"Advanced settings" : "Paplašināti iestatījumi",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Atļaut lietotājiem uzstādīt ārējās krātuves"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Atļaut lietotājiem uzstādīt ārējās krātuves",
+ "Grant access" : "Piešķirt pieeju",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Konfigurēšanas kļūda OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu lietotnes atslēgu un noslēpumu.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Konfigurēšanas kļūda OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Izveidot atslēgas",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Kļūda, ģenerējot atslēgu pāri",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tukša atbilde no servera",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nevarējām iegūt informāciju no attālā servera: {code} {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Radās kļūda ar ziņu:",
+ "external-storage" : "ārējā krātuve",
+ "Name" : "Nosaukums"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/lv.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/lv.json
index 527ba944583..c24256d2ff4 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/lv.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/lv.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Ārējā krātuve",
- "Personal" : "Personīgi",
- "System" : "Sistēma",
- "Grant access" : "Piešķirt pieeju",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Konfigurēšanas kļūda OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu lietotnes atslēgu un noslēpumu.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Konfigurēšanas kļūda OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Izveidot atslēgas",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Kļūda, ģenerējot atslēgu pāri",
"(Group)" : "(Grupa)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Saderība ar Mac NFD kodēšanu (lēni)",
"Enable encryption" : "Ieslēgt šifrēšanu",
@@ -21,13 +12,6 @@
"Saved" : "Saglabāts",
"Saving …" : "Saglabā ...",
"Save" : "Saglabāt",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tukša atbilde no servera",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nevarējām iegūt informāciju no attālā servera: {code} {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Radās kļūda ar ziņu:",
- "External mount error" : "Ārējā montēšanas kļūda",
- "external-storage" : "ārējā krātuve",
- "Username" : "Lietotājvārds",
- "Password" : "Parole",
"Invalid mount point" : "Nederīgs montēšanas punkts",
"%s" : "%s",
"Access key" : "Pieejas atslēga",
@@ -37,6 +21,8 @@
"App key" : "Lietotnes atslēga",
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "Klienta ID",
+ "Username" : "Lietotājvārds",
+ "Password" : "Parole",
"Domain" : "Domain",
"API key" : "API atslēga",
"Username and password" : "Lietotājvārds un parole",
@@ -64,9 +50,13 @@
"Show hidden files" : "Rādīt slēptās datnes",
"OpenStack Object Storage" : "OpenStack Object krātuve",
"Service name" : "Servisa nosaukums",
- "Name" : "Nosaukums",
+ "External storage" : "Ārējā krātuve",
+ "External mount error" : "Ārējā montēšanas kļūda",
"Storage type" : "Krātuves tips",
+ "Unknown" : "Nezināms",
"Scope" : "Darbības joma",
+ "Personal" : "Personīgi",
+ "System" : "Sistēma",
"Open documentation" : "Atvērt dokumentāciju",
"Folder name" : "Mapes nosaukums",
"Authentication" : "Autentifikācija",
@@ -74,6 +64,17 @@
"Available for" : "Pieejams",
"Add storage" : "Pievienot krātuvi",
"Advanced settings" : "Paplašināti iestatījumi",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Atļaut lietotājiem uzstādīt ārējās krātuves"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Atļaut lietotājiem uzstādīt ārējās krātuves",
+ "Grant access" : "Piešķirt pieeju",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Konfigurēšanas kļūda OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu lietotnes atslēgu un noslēpumu.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Konfigurēšanas kļūda OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Izveidot atslēgas",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Kļūda, ģenerējot atslēgu pāri",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tukša atbilde no servera",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nevarējām iegūt informāciju no attālā servera: {code} {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Radās kļūda ar ziņu:",
+ "external-storage" : "ārējā krātuve",
+ "Name" : "Nosaukums"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/mk.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/mk.js
index 5c768f258d7..2e50516c2b6 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/mk.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/mk.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Надворешно складиште",
- "Personal" : "Лично",
- "System" : "Систем",
- "Grant access" : "Дозволи пристап",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка во конфигурацијата на OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Внесете валиден клуч на апликацијата и лозинка.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка во конфигурацијата на OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Генерирај клучеви",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генерирање на клучеви",
"(Group)" : "(Група)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Компатибилно со Mac NFD енкрипција (бавно)",
"Enable encryption" : "Овозможи енкрипција",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Снимено",
"Saving …" : "Зачувува ...",
"Save" : "Сними",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Нема одговор од серверот",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Неможе да се пристапи. Ве молиме одјавете се и повторно најавете се за да се активира монтираната точка.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Неможат да се преземат информациите од серверот: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Неможат да се преземе листата на надворешните монтирани точки: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Настана грешка со порака:",
- "External mount error" : "Грешка при надворешно монтирање",
- "external-storage" : "Надворешно складиште",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Неможат да се преземе листата на надворешните монтирани точки: Празен одговор од серверот",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Внесете акредитиви за {mount}",
- "Username" : "Корисничко име",
- "Password" : "Лозинка",
- "Credentials saved" : "Акредитивите се зачувани",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Неуспешно зачувување на акредитивите",
- "Credentials required" : "Акредитивите се задолжителни",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Складиште со ID \"%d\" не е пронајдено",
"Invalid mount point" : "Погрешна точка на монтирање",
"Insufficient data: %s" : "Недоволни податоци: %s",
@@ -55,6 +32,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Клиент ИД",
"Client secret" : "Тајна на клиент",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Корисничко име",
+ "Password" : "Лозинка",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
"Domain" : "Домен",
"API key" : "API key",
@@ -94,11 +73,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Поддршка за cURL во PHP не е овозможена или не е инсталирана. Монтирањето на %s не е возможно. Контактирајте го администраторот.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Поддршка за FTP во PHP не е овозможена или не е инсталирана. Монтирањето на %s не е возможно. Контактирајте го администраторот.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" не е инсалиран. Монтирањето на %2$s не е возможно. Контактирајте го администраторот.",
+ "External storage" : "Надворешно складиште",
"External storage support" : "Поддршка за надворешно складиште",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Немате конфигурирано надворешно складиште или немате дозвола да го конфигурирате",
- "Name" : "Име",
+ "External mount error" : "Грешка при надворешно монтирање",
"Storage type" : "Вид на складиште",
+ "Unknown" : "Непознат",
"Scope" : "Опсег",
+ "Personal" : "Лично",
+ "System" : "Систем",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Немате конфигурирано надворешно складиште или немате дозвола да го конфигурирате",
"Open documentation" : "Отвори ја документацијата",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Надворешното складирање ви овозможува да ги монтирате услугите и уредите за надворешно складирање како секундарни уреди за складирање на Nextcloud. Исто така може да им дозволите на корисниците да монтираат свои услуги за надворешно складирање.",
"Folder name" : "Име на папка",
@@ -110,6 +93,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Сите корисници",
"Advanced settings" : "Напредни параметри",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Дозволи на корисниците да монтираат надворешни складишта",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобалните акредитиви можат да се искористат за пристапување во повеќе надворешни складишта кој користат исти акредитиви."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобалните акредитиви можат да се искористат за пристапување во повеќе надворешни складишта кој користат исти акредитиви.",
+ "Grant access" : "Дозволи пристап",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка во конфигурацијата на OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Внесете валиден клуч на апликацијата и лозинка.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка во конфигурацијата на OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Генерирај клучеви",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генерирање на клучеви",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Нема одговор од серверот",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Неможе да се пристапи. Ве молиме одјавете се и повторно најавете се за да се активира монтираната точка.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Неможат да се преземат информациите од серверот: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Неможат да се преземе листата на надворешните монтирани точки: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Настана грешка со порака:",
+ "external-storage" : "Надворешно складиште",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Неможат да се преземе листата на надворешните монтирани точки: Празен одговор од серверот",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Внесете акредитиви за {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Акредитивите се зачувани",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Неуспешно зачувување на акредитивите",
+ "Credentials required" : "Акредитивите се задолжителни",
+ "Name" : "Име"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/mk.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/mk.json
index 07ada31e69d..73a9f8bbd8f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/mk.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/mk.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Надворешно складиште",
- "Personal" : "Лично",
- "System" : "Систем",
- "Grant access" : "Дозволи пристап",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка во конфигурацијата на OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Внесете валиден клуч на апликацијата и лозинка.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка во конфигурацијата на OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Генерирај клучеви",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генерирање на клучеви",
"(Group)" : "(Група)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Компатибилно со Mac NFD енкрипција (бавно)",
"Enable encryption" : "Овозможи енкрипција",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "Снимено",
"Saving …" : "Зачувува ...",
"Save" : "Сними",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Нема одговор од серверот",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Неможе да се пристапи. Ве молиме одјавете се и повторно најавете се за да се активира монтираната точка.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Неможат да се преземат информациите од серверот: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Неможат да се преземе листата на надворешните монтирани точки: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Настана грешка со порака:",
- "External mount error" : "Грешка при надворешно монтирање",
- "external-storage" : "Надворешно складиште",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Неможат да се преземе листата на надворешните монтирани точки: Празен одговор од серверот",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Внесете акредитиви за {mount}",
- "Username" : "Корисничко име",
- "Password" : "Лозинка",
- "Credentials saved" : "Акредитивите се зачувани",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Неуспешно зачувување на акредитивите",
- "Credentials required" : "Акредитивите се задолжителни",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Складиште со ID \"%d\" не е пронајдено",
"Invalid mount point" : "Погрешна точка на монтирање",
"Insufficient data: %s" : "Недоволни податоци: %s",
@@ -53,6 +30,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Клиент ИД",
"Client secret" : "Тајна на клиент",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Корисничко име",
+ "Password" : "Лозинка",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
"Domain" : "Домен",
"API key" : "API key",
@@ -92,11 +71,15 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Поддршка за cURL во PHP не е овозможена или не е инсталирана. Монтирањето на %s не е возможно. Контактирајте го администраторот.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Поддршка за FTP во PHP не е овозможена или не е инсталирана. Монтирањето на %s не е возможно. Контактирајте го администраторот.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" не е инсалиран. Монтирањето на %2$s не е возможно. Контактирајте го администраторот.",
+ "External storage" : "Надворешно складиште",
"External storage support" : "Поддршка за надворешно складиште",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Немате конфигурирано надворешно складиште или немате дозвола да го конфигурирате",
- "Name" : "Име",
+ "External mount error" : "Грешка при надворешно монтирање",
"Storage type" : "Вид на складиште",
+ "Unknown" : "Непознат",
"Scope" : "Опсег",
+ "Personal" : "Лично",
+ "System" : "Систем",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Немате конфигурирано надворешно складиште или немате дозвола да го конфигурирате",
"Open documentation" : "Отвори ја документацијата",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Надворешното складирање ви овозможува да ги монтирате услугите и уредите за надворешно складирање како секундарни уреди за складирање на Nextcloud. Исто така може да им дозволите на корисниците да монтираат свои услуги за надворешно складирање.",
"Folder name" : "Име на папка",
@@ -108,6 +91,24 @@
"All users" : "Сите корисници",
"Advanced settings" : "Напредни параметри",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Дозволи на корисниците да монтираат надворешни складишта",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобалните акредитиви можат да се искористат за пристапување во повеќе надворешни складишта кој користат исти акредитиви."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобалните акредитиви можат да се искористат за пристапување во повеќе надворешни складишта кој користат исти акредитиви.",
+ "Grant access" : "Дозволи пристап",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка во конфигурацијата на OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Внесете валиден клуч на апликацијата и лозинка.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка во конфигурацијата на OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Генерирај клучеви",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генерирање на клучеви",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Нема одговор од серверот",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Неможе да се пристапи. Ве молиме одјавете се и повторно најавете се за да се активира монтираната точка.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Неможат да се преземат информациите од серверот: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Неможат да се преземе листата на надворешните монтирани точки: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Настана грешка со порака:",
+ "external-storage" : "Надворешно складиште",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Неможат да се преземе листата на надворешните монтирани точки: Празен одговор од серверот",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Внесете акредитиви за {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Акредитивите се зачувани",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Неуспешно зачувување на акредитивите",
+ "Credentials required" : "Акредитивите се задолжителни",
+ "Name" : "Име"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js
index 4f6280ff03f..dc0e9f1973c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Ekstern lagring",
- "Personal" : "Personlig",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Gi tilgang",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Feil ved oppsett av OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Oppgi gyldig appnøkkel og hemmelighet.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Feil ved oppsett av OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generer nøkler",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Feil ved nøkkelgenerering",
"Type to select user or group." : "Skriv for å velge bruker eller gruppe.",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibelt med Mac NFD koding (treg)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Lagret",
"Saving …" : "Lagrer...",
"Save" : "Lagre",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar fra serveren",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Fikk ikke tilgang. Logg ut og inn igjen for å aktivere dette oppkoblingspunktet.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få informasjon fra fjernserveren/ remote server: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over eksterne oppkoblingspunkter: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Det oppsto en feil med melding: ",
- "External mount error" : "Ekstern oppkoblingsfeil",
- "external-storage" : "eksternlagring",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over oppkoblingspunkter for Windowsnettverks-disker: Tomt svar fra serveren",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Legg inn påloggingsdetaljer for {mount}",
- "Username" : "Brukernavn",
- "Password" : "Passord",
- "Credentials saved" : "Påloggingsdetaljer lagret",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Lagring av påloggingsdetaljer mislyktes",
- "Credentials required" : "Påloggingsdetaljer kreves",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Forbudt å administrere lokale monteringer",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Lager med ID \"%d\" ikke funnet",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ugyldig bakende eller type autentiseringsmekanisme",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Klient-ID",
"Client secret" : "Klient-hemmelighet",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Brukernavn",
+ "Password" : "Passord",
"Tenant name" : "Prosjektnavn",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL for identitets-endepunkt",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "<b>Merk:</b> Støtte for cURL i PHP er ikke aktivert eller installert. Oppkobling av %s er ikke mulig. Be systemadministratoren om å installere det.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "<b>Merk:</b> FTP-støtte i PHP er ikke aktivert eller installert. Kan ikke koble opp %s. Ta kontakt med systemadministratoren for å få dette installert.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" er ikke installert. Montering av %2$s er ikke mulig. Spør systemadministratoren om å installere den.",
+ "External storage" : "Ekstern lagring",
"External storage support" : "Støtte for ekstern lagring",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Legger til enkel ekstern lagringsstøtte",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Denne applikasjonen gjør det mulig for administratorer å konfigurere tilkoblinger til eksterne lagringsleverandører, for eksempel FTP-servere, S3- eller SWIFT-objektlagre, andre Nextcloud-servere, WebDAV-servere og mer. Administratorer kan velge hvilke typer lagring som skal aktiveres og kan montere disse lagringsstedene for en bruker, en gruppe eller hele systemet. Brukere vil se en ny mappe vises i deres Nextcloud-rotkatalog, som de kan få tilgang til og bruke som enhver annen Nextcloud-mappe. Ekstern lagring lar også brukere dele filer som er lagret på disse eksterne stedene. I disse tilfellene brukes legitimasjonen for eieren av filen når mottakeren ber om filen fra ekstern lagring, og sikrer dermed at mottakeren får tilgang til den delte filen.\n\nEkstern lagring kan konfigureres ved hjelp av GUI eller på kommandolinjen . Dette andre alternativet gir en avansert bruker mer fleksibilitet for å konfigurere eksterne lagringer og angi monteringsprioriteter, gjerne mange om gangen. Mer informasjon er tilgjengelig i GUI-dokumentasjonen for ekstern lagring og dokumentasjonen for konfigurasjonsfilen for ekstern lagring.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ingen ekstern lagring konfigurert eller at du mangler tillatelse for å konfigurere dem",
- "Name" : "Navn",
+ "External mount error" : "Ekstern oppkoblingsfeil",
"Storage type" : "Lagringstype",
+ "Unknown" : "Ukjent",
"Scope" : "Omfang",
+ "Personal" : "Personlig",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ingen ekstern lagring konfigurert eller at du mangler tillatelse for å konfigurere dem",
"Open documentation" : "Åpne dokumentasjon",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Ekstern lagring lar deg montere eksterne lagringstjenester og enheter som sekundære Nextcloud-lagringsenheter. Du kan også tillate brukere å montere sine egne eksterne lagringstjenester.",
"Folder name" : "Mappenavn",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Alle brukere",
"Advanced settings" : "Avanserte innstillinger",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Tillat at brukere kobler opp eksterne lagre",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale påloggingsdetaljer kan brukes til å autentisere med flere eksterne lagringer som krever de samme påloggingsdetaljer."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale påloggingsdetaljer kan brukes til å autentisere med flere eksterne lagringer som krever de samme påloggingsdetaljer.",
+ "Grant access" : "Gi tilgang",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Feil ved oppsett av OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Oppgi gyldig appnøkkel og hemmelighet.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Feil ved oppsett av OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generer nøkler",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Feil ved nøkkelgenerering",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar fra serveren",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Fikk ikke tilgang. Logg ut og inn igjen for å aktivere dette oppkoblingspunktet.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få informasjon fra fjernserveren/ remote server: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over eksterne oppkoblingspunkter: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Det oppsto en feil med melding: ",
+ "external-storage" : "eksternlagring",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over oppkoblingspunkter for Windowsnettverks-disker: Tomt svar fra serveren",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Legg inn påloggingsdetaljer for {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Påloggingsdetaljer lagret",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Lagring av påloggingsdetaljer mislyktes",
+ "Credentials required" : "Påloggingsdetaljer kreves",
+ "Name" : "Navn"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json
index 9764ff7ac9c..b70d1760c6e 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Ekstern lagring",
- "Personal" : "Personlig",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Gi tilgang",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Feil ved oppsett av OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Oppgi gyldig appnøkkel og hemmelighet.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Feil ved oppsett av OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generer nøkler",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Feil ved nøkkelgenerering",
"Type to select user or group." : "Skriv for å velge bruker eller gruppe.",
"(Group)" : "(Gruppe)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibelt med Mac NFD koding (treg)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Lagret",
"Saving …" : "Lagrer...",
"Save" : "Lagre",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar fra serveren",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Fikk ikke tilgang. Logg ut og inn igjen for å aktivere dette oppkoblingspunktet.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få informasjon fra fjernserveren/ remote server: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over eksterne oppkoblingspunkter: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Det oppsto en feil med melding: ",
- "External mount error" : "Ekstern oppkoblingsfeil",
- "external-storage" : "eksternlagring",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over oppkoblingspunkter for Windowsnettverks-disker: Tomt svar fra serveren",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Legg inn påloggingsdetaljer for {mount}",
- "Username" : "Brukernavn",
- "Password" : "Passord",
- "Credentials saved" : "Påloggingsdetaljer lagret",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Lagring av påloggingsdetaljer mislyktes",
- "Credentials required" : "Påloggingsdetaljer kreves",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Forbudt å administrere lokale monteringer",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Lager med ID \"%d\" ikke funnet",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ugyldig bakende eller type autentiseringsmekanisme",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Klient-ID",
"Client secret" : "Klient-hemmelighet",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Brukernavn",
+ "Password" : "Passord",
"Tenant name" : "Prosjektnavn",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL for identitets-endepunkt",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "<b>Merk:</b> Støtte for cURL i PHP er ikke aktivert eller installert. Oppkobling av %s er ikke mulig. Be systemadministratoren om å installere det.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "<b>Merk:</b> FTP-støtte i PHP er ikke aktivert eller installert. Kan ikke koble opp %s. Ta kontakt med systemadministratoren for å få dette installert.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" er ikke installert. Montering av %2$s er ikke mulig. Spør systemadministratoren om å installere den.",
+ "External storage" : "Ekstern lagring",
"External storage support" : "Støtte for ekstern lagring",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Legger til enkel ekstern lagringsstøtte",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Denne applikasjonen gjør det mulig for administratorer å konfigurere tilkoblinger til eksterne lagringsleverandører, for eksempel FTP-servere, S3- eller SWIFT-objektlagre, andre Nextcloud-servere, WebDAV-servere og mer. Administratorer kan velge hvilke typer lagring som skal aktiveres og kan montere disse lagringsstedene for en bruker, en gruppe eller hele systemet. Brukere vil se en ny mappe vises i deres Nextcloud-rotkatalog, som de kan få tilgang til og bruke som enhver annen Nextcloud-mappe. Ekstern lagring lar også brukere dele filer som er lagret på disse eksterne stedene. I disse tilfellene brukes legitimasjonen for eieren av filen når mottakeren ber om filen fra ekstern lagring, og sikrer dermed at mottakeren får tilgang til den delte filen.\n\nEkstern lagring kan konfigureres ved hjelp av GUI eller på kommandolinjen . Dette andre alternativet gir en avansert bruker mer fleksibilitet for å konfigurere eksterne lagringer og angi monteringsprioriteter, gjerne mange om gangen. Mer informasjon er tilgjengelig i GUI-dokumentasjonen for ekstern lagring og dokumentasjonen for konfigurasjonsfilen for ekstern lagring.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ingen ekstern lagring konfigurert eller at du mangler tillatelse for å konfigurere dem",
- "Name" : "Navn",
+ "External mount error" : "Ekstern oppkoblingsfeil",
"Storage type" : "Lagringstype",
+ "Unknown" : "Ukjent",
"Scope" : "Omfang",
+ "Personal" : "Personlig",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ingen ekstern lagring konfigurert eller at du mangler tillatelse for å konfigurere dem",
"Open documentation" : "Åpne dokumentasjon",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Ekstern lagring lar deg montere eksterne lagringstjenester og enheter som sekundære Nextcloud-lagringsenheter. Du kan også tillate brukere å montere sine egne eksterne lagringstjenester.",
"Folder name" : "Mappenavn",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "Alle brukere",
"Advanced settings" : "Avanserte innstillinger",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Tillat at brukere kobler opp eksterne lagre",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale påloggingsdetaljer kan brukes til å autentisere med flere eksterne lagringer som krever de samme påloggingsdetaljer."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale påloggingsdetaljer kan brukes til å autentisere med flere eksterne lagringer som krever de samme påloggingsdetaljer.",
+ "Grant access" : "Gi tilgang",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Feil ved oppsett av OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Oppgi gyldig appnøkkel og hemmelighet.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Feil ved oppsett av OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generer nøkler",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Feil ved nøkkelgenerering",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar fra serveren",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Fikk ikke tilgang. Logg ut og inn igjen for å aktivere dette oppkoblingspunktet.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få informasjon fra fjernserveren/ remote server: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over eksterne oppkoblingspunkter: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Det oppsto en feil med melding: ",
+ "external-storage" : "eksternlagring",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over oppkoblingspunkter for Windowsnettverks-disker: Tomt svar fra serveren",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Legg inn påloggingsdetaljer for {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Påloggingsdetaljer lagret",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Lagring av påloggingsdetaljer mislyktes",
+ "Credentials required" : "Påloggingsdetaljer kreves",
+ "Name" : "Navn"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/nl.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/nl.js
index 496f61a8665..7f4abb09026 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/nl.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Externe opslag",
- "Personal" : "Persoonlijk",
- "System" : "Systeem",
- "Grant access" : "Sta toegang toe",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fout bij configureren OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Geef een geldige app sleutel en geheime sleutel op.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fout bij configureren OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Genereer sleutels",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fout bij genereren sleutelpaar",
"(Group)" : "(Groep)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibiliteit met Mac NFD encoding (traag)",
"Enable encryption" : "Versleuteling inschakelen",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Bewaard",
"Saving …" : "Opslaan ...",
"Save" : "Bewaren",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Lege reactie van de server",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kon geen toegang krijgen. Log uit en opnieuw in om dit koppelpunt te activeren",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kon geen informatie van de externe server krijgen: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kon geen overzicht met externe koppelpunten krijgen: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Er was een fout met de volgende melding:",
- "External mount error" : "Extern koppelpunt fout",
- "external-storage" : "externe opslag",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kon geen overzicht met Windows netwerk koppelpunten krijgen: Maak de server reactie leeg",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Geef de inloggegevens op voor de {mount} mount",
- "Username" : "Gebruikersnaam",
- "Password" : "Wachtwoord",
- "Credentials saved" : "Inloggegevens opgeslagen",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Opslaan inloggegevens mislukt",
- "Credentials required" : "Inloggegevens vereist",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Niet toegestaan lokale koppelpunten te beheren",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Opslag met ID \"%d\" niet gevonden",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ongeldige backend of authenticatie mechanisme klasse",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Client ID",
"Client secret" : "Client secret",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Gebruikersnaam",
+ "Password" : "Wachtwoord",
"Tenant name" : "Naam tenant",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identiteiten endpoint URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -117,13 +96,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Curl ondersteuning in PHP is niet ingeschakeld of geïnstalleerd. Aankoppelen van %s is niet mogelijk. Vraag je systeembeheerder dit te installeren.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP ondersteuning in PHP is niet ingeschakeld of geïnstalleerd. Aankoppelen van %s is niet mogelijk. Vraag je beheerder dit te installeren.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" is niet geïnstalleerd. Aankoppelen van %2$s is niet mogelijk. Vraag je beheerder om dit te installeren.",
+ "External storage" : "Externe opslag",
"External storage support" : "Externe opslag ondersteuning",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Toevoegen basale ondersteuning voor externe opslag",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Met deze applicatie kunnen beheerders verbindingen met externe opslagproviders configureren, zoals FTP-servers, S3- of SWIFT-objectwinkels, andere Nextcloud-servers, WebDAV-servers en meer. Beheerders kunnen kiezen welke opslagtypen moeten worden ingeschakeld en kunnen deze opslaglocaties koppelen aan een gebruiker, een groep of het hele systeem. Gebruikers zien in hun hoofdmap een nieuwe map verschijnen, die ze kunnen openen en gebruiken zoals elke andere Nextcloud-map. Externe opslag stelt gebruikers ook in staat bestanden te delen die zijn opgeslagen op deze externe locaties. In deze gevallen worden de inloggegevens voor de eigenaar van het bestand gebruikt wanneer de ontvanger ​​vanuit externe opslag het bestand opvraagt, waardoor de ontvanger toegang heeft tot het gedeelde bestand.\n\nExterne opslag kan met behulp van de GUI of via de opdrachtregel worden geconfigureerd. Deze tweede optie biedt de geavanceerde gebruiker meer flexibiliteit bij het configureren van bulk externe opslagaankoppelpunten en het instellen van aankoppel-prioriteiten. Meer informatie is beschikbaar in de GUI-documentatie voor externe opslag en de documentatie voor de configuratie van externe opslag.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Geen externe opslag geconfigureerd of je hebt geen toestemming om deze te configureren",
- "Name" : "Naam",
+ "External mount error" : "Extern koppelpunt fout",
"Storage type" : "Opslagtype",
+ "Unknown" : "Onbekend",
"Scope" : "Scope",
+ "Personal" : "Persoonlijk",
+ "System" : "Systeem",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Geen externe opslag geconfigureerd of je hebt geen toestemming om deze te configureren",
"Open documentation" : "Documentatie openen",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externe opslag laat je externe opslag diensten en apparaten aankoppelen als secundaire Nextcloud opslag. Je kunt ook toestaan dat gebruikers hun eigen externe opslagdiensten aankoppelen.",
"Folder name" : "Mapnaam",
@@ -135,6 +118,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Alle gebruikers",
"Advanced settings" : "Geavanceerde instellingen",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Sta gebruikers toe om een externe opslag aan te koppelen",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale inloggegevens kunnen worden gebruikt met meerdere externe opslagsystemen met dezelfde inloggegevens."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale inloggegevens kunnen worden gebruikt met meerdere externe opslagsystemen met dezelfde inloggegevens.",
+ "Grant access" : "Sta toegang toe",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fout bij configureren OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Geef een geldige app sleutel en geheime sleutel op.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fout bij configureren OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Genereer sleutels",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fout bij genereren sleutelpaar",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Lege reactie van de server",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kon geen toegang krijgen. Log uit en opnieuw in om dit koppelpunt te activeren",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kon geen informatie van de externe server krijgen: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kon geen overzicht met externe koppelpunten krijgen: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Er was een fout met de volgende melding:",
+ "external-storage" : "externe opslag",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kon geen overzicht met Windows netwerk koppelpunten krijgen: Maak de server reactie leeg",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Geef de inloggegevens op voor de {mount} mount",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Inloggegevens opgeslagen",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Opslaan inloggegevens mislukt",
+ "Credentials required" : "Inloggegevens vereist",
+ "Name" : "Naam"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/nl.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/nl.json
index 45076af6e4f..6af467bc8cc 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/nl.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Externe opslag",
- "Personal" : "Persoonlijk",
- "System" : "Systeem",
- "Grant access" : "Sta toegang toe",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fout bij configureren OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Geef een geldige app sleutel en geheime sleutel op.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fout bij configureren OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Genereer sleutels",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fout bij genereren sleutelpaar",
"(Group)" : "(Groep)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibiliteit met Mac NFD encoding (traag)",
"Enable encryption" : "Versleuteling inschakelen",
@@ -24,20 +15,6 @@
"Saved" : "Bewaard",
"Saving …" : "Opslaan ...",
"Save" : "Bewaren",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Lege reactie van de server",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kon geen toegang krijgen. Log uit en opnieuw in om dit koppelpunt te activeren",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kon geen informatie van de externe server krijgen: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kon geen overzicht met externe koppelpunten krijgen: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Er was een fout met de volgende melding:",
- "External mount error" : "Extern koppelpunt fout",
- "external-storage" : "externe opslag",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kon geen overzicht met Windows netwerk koppelpunten krijgen: Maak de server reactie leeg",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Geef de inloggegevens op voor de {mount} mount",
- "Username" : "Gebruikersnaam",
- "Password" : "Wachtwoord",
- "Credentials saved" : "Inloggegevens opgeslagen",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Opslaan inloggegevens mislukt",
- "Credentials required" : "Inloggegevens vereist",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Niet toegestaan lokale koppelpunten te beheren",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Opslag met ID \"%d\" niet gevonden",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ongeldige backend of authenticatie mechanisme klasse",
@@ -62,6 +39,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Client ID",
"Client secret" : "Client secret",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Gebruikersnaam",
+ "Password" : "Wachtwoord",
"Tenant name" : "Naam tenant",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identiteiten endpoint URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -115,13 +94,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Curl ondersteuning in PHP is niet ingeschakeld of geïnstalleerd. Aankoppelen van %s is niet mogelijk. Vraag je systeembeheerder dit te installeren.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP ondersteuning in PHP is niet ingeschakeld of geïnstalleerd. Aankoppelen van %s is niet mogelijk. Vraag je beheerder dit te installeren.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" is niet geïnstalleerd. Aankoppelen van %2$s is niet mogelijk. Vraag je beheerder om dit te installeren.",
+ "External storage" : "Externe opslag",
"External storage support" : "Externe opslag ondersteuning",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Toevoegen basale ondersteuning voor externe opslag",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Met deze applicatie kunnen beheerders verbindingen met externe opslagproviders configureren, zoals FTP-servers, S3- of SWIFT-objectwinkels, andere Nextcloud-servers, WebDAV-servers en meer. Beheerders kunnen kiezen welke opslagtypen moeten worden ingeschakeld en kunnen deze opslaglocaties koppelen aan een gebruiker, een groep of het hele systeem. Gebruikers zien in hun hoofdmap een nieuwe map verschijnen, die ze kunnen openen en gebruiken zoals elke andere Nextcloud-map. Externe opslag stelt gebruikers ook in staat bestanden te delen die zijn opgeslagen op deze externe locaties. In deze gevallen worden de inloggegevens voor de eigenaar van het bestand gebruikt wanneer de ontvanger ​​vanuit externe opslag het bestand opvraagt, waardoor de ontvanger toegang heeft tot het gedeelde bestand.\n\nExterne opslag kan met behulp van de GUI of via de opdrachtregel worden geconfigureerd. Deze tweede optie biedt de geavanceerde gebruiker meer flexibiliteit bij het configureren van bulk externe opslagaankoppelpunten en het instellen van aankoppel-prioriteiten. Meer informatie is beschikbaar in de GUI-documentatie voor externe opslag en de documentatie voor de configuratie van externe opslag.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Geen externe opslag geconfigureerd of je hebt geen toestemming om deze te configureren",
- "Name" : "Naam",
+ "External mount error" : "Extern koppelpunt fout",
"Storage type" : "Opslagtype",
+ "Unknown" : "Onbekend",
"Scope" : "Scope",
+ "Personal" : "Persoonlijk",
+ "System" : "Systeem",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Geen externe opslag geconfigureerd of je hebt geen toestemming om deze te configureren",
"Open documentation" : "Documentatie openen",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externe opslag laat je externe opslag diensten en apparaten aankoppelen als secundaire Nextcloud opslag. Je kunt ook toestaan dat gebruikers hun eigen externe opslagdiensten aankoppelen.",
"Folder name" : "Mapnaam",
@@ -133,6 +116,24 @@
"All users" : "Alle gebruikers",
"Advanced settings" : "Geavanceerde instellingen",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Sta gebruikers toe om een externe opslag aan te koppelen",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale inloggegevens kunnen worden gebruikt met meerdere externe opslagsystemen met dezelfde inloggegevens."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globale inloggegevens kunnen worden gebruikt met meerdere externe opslagsystemen met dezelfde inloggegevens.",
+ "Grant access" : "Sta toegang toe",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Fout bij configureren OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Geef een geldige app sleutel en geheime sleutel op.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Fout bij configureren OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Genereer sleutels",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fout bij genereren sleutelpaar",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Lege reactie van de server",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kon geen toegang krijgen. Log uit en opnieuw in om dit koppelpunt te activeren",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kon geen informatie van de externe server krijgen: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kon geen overzicht met externe koppelpunten krijgen: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Er was een fout met de volgende melding:",
+ "external-storage" : "externe opslag",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kon geen overzicht met Windows netwerk koppelpunten krijgen: Maak de server reactie leeg",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Geef de inloggegevens op voor de {mount} mount",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Inloggegevens opgeslagen",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Opslaan inloggegevens mislukt",
+ "Credentials required" : "Inloggegevens vereist",
+ "Name" : "Naam"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/pl.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/pl.js
index 5eb37550171..e1030655cfa 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/pl.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Magazyn zewnętrzny",
- "Personal" : "Osobiste",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Udziel dostępu",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Błąd konfiguracji OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Podaj prawidłowy klucz aplikacji i tajny klucz.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Błąd konfiguracji OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Wygeneruj klucze",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Błąd podczas generowania pary kluczy",
"Type to select user or group." : "Wpisz, aby wybrać użytkownika lub grupę.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupa)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Zgodność z kodowaniem Mac NFD (powolny)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Zapisano",
"Saving …" : "Zapisywanie…",
"Save" : "Zapisz",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Puste odpowiedzi z serwera",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Brak dostępu. Wyloguj się i zaloguj ponownie, aby aktywować ten punkt montowania",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nie można otrzymać informacji od zdalnego serwera: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nie udało się uzyskać listy zewnętrznych punktów montowania: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Wystąpił błąd o treści:",
- "External mount error" : "Błąd przy montowaniu zewnętrznym",
- "external-storage" : "magazyn zewnętrzny",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nie można pobrać listy punktów montowania dysku sieciowego systemu Windows: Pusta odpowiedź z serwera",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Wprowadź dane uwierzytelniające dla zamontowania {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nazwa użytkownika",
- "Password" : "Hasło",
- "Credentials saved" : "Poświadczenia zapisane",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Zapisywanie poświadczeń nie powiodło się",
- "Credentials required" : "Wymagane poświadczenia",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Zabronione zarządzanie lokalnym montowaniem",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Nie znaleziono magazynu o ID \"%d\"",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Nieprawidłowy mechanizm uwierzytelniania powrotu lub klasy",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID klienta",
"Client secret" : "Tajny klucz klienta",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nazwa użytkownika",
+ "Password" : "Hasło",
"Tenant name" : "Nazwa dzierżawcy",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Adres URL punktu końcowego tożsamości",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Obsługa cURL w PHP jest wyłączona lub nie jest zainstalowana. Zamontowanie %s jest niemożliwe. Proszę poprosić swojego administratora systemu, żeby ją zainstalował.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Obsługa FTP w PHP jest wyłączona lub nie jest zainstalowana. Zamontowanie %s jest niemożliwe. Proszę poprosić swojego administratora systemu, żeby ją zainstalował.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" nie jest zainstalowany. Zamontowanie %2$s jest niemożliwe. Poproś administratora systemu o zainstalowanie.",
+ "External storage" : "Magazyn zewnętrzny",
"External storage support" : "Wsparcie zewnętrznego magazynu",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Dodaje podstawową obsługę magazynów zewnętrznych",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aplikacja umożliwia administratorom konfigurowanie połączeń z zewnętrznymi dostawcami magazynów danych, takimi jak serwery FTP, magazyny obiektów S3 lub SWIFT, serwery Nextcloud, serwery WebDAV i inne. Administratorzy mogą wybrać typy magazynów do włączania, dla użytkownika, grupy lub całego systemu. Po włączeniu, użytkownicy w katalogu głównym Nextcloud zobaczą nowy katalog, do którego mogą uzyskać dostęp i używać jak każdy inny katalog Nextcloud. Magazyn zewnętrzny pozwala użytkownikom udostępniać pliki przechowywane w tych lokalizacjach. W takich przypadkach, gdy adresat/odbiorca zażąda pliku z magazynu zewnętrznego używane są poświadczenia właściciela pliku.\n\nMagazyn zewnętrzny może być konfigurowany za pomocą GUI lub w wierszu poleceń. Ta druga opcja zapewnia zaawansowanemu użytkownikowi większą elastyczność w konfigurowaniu zewnętrznych magazynów i ustawianiu priorytetów montowania. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w dokumentacji GUI oraz dokumentacji pliku konfiguracyjnego magazynów zewnętrznych.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Brak magazynów zewnętrznych lub nie masz uprawnień do ich konfiguracji",
- "Name" : "Nazwa",
+ "External mount error" : "Błąd przy montowaniu zewnętrznym",
"Storage type" : "Typ magazynu",
+ "Unknown" : "Nieznany",
"Scope" : "Zakres",
+ "Personal" : "Osobiste",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Brak magazynów zewnętrznych lub nie masz uprawnień do ich konfiguracji",
"Open documentation" : "Otwórz dokumentację",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Magazyny zewnętrzne umożliwiają podłączanie zewnętrznych usług pamięci masowej i urządzeń jako dodatkowych urządzeń magazynujących Nextcloud. Możesz także zezwolić użytkownikom na montowanie własnych magazynów zewnętrznych.",
"Folder name" : "Nazwa katalogu",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Wszyscy użytkownicy",
"Advanced settings" : "Ustawienia zaawansowane",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Zezwalaj użytkownikom na montowanie magazynów zewnętrznych",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Poświadczenia globalne mogą być używane do uwierzytelniania z wieloma zewnętrznymi magazynami, o ile posiadają takie same poświadczenia."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Poświadczenia globalne mogą być używane do uwierzytelniania z wieloma zewnętrznymi magazynami, o ile posiadają takie same poświadczenia.",
+ "Grant access" : "Udziel dostępu",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Błąd konfiguracji OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Podaj prawidłowy klucz aplikacji i tajny klucz.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Błąd konfiguracji OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Wygeneruj klucze",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Błąd podczas generowania pary kluczy",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Puste odpowiedzi z serwera",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Brak dostępu. Wyloguj się i zaloguj ponownie, aby aktywować ten punkt montowania",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nie można otrzymać informacji od zdalnego serwera: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nie udało się uzyskać listy zewnętrznych punktów montowania: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Wystąpił błąd o treści:",
+ "external-storage" : "magazyn zewnętrzny",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nie można pobrać listy punktów montowania dysku sieciowego systemu Windows: Pusta odpowiedź z serwera",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Wprowadź dane uwierzytelniające dla zamontowania {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Poświadczenia zapisane",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Zapisywanie poświadczeń nie powiodło się",
+ "Credentials required" : "Wymagane poświadczenia",
+ "Name" : "Nazwa"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/pl.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/pl.json
index 45ee1f5a984..a427ad90dca 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/pl.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Magazyn zewnętrzny",
- "Personal" : "Osobiste",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Udziel dostępu",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Błąd konfiguracji OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Podaj prawidłowy klucz aplikacji i tajny klucz.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Błąd konfiguracji OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Wygeneruj klucze",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Błąd podczas generowania pary kluczy",
"Type to select user or group." : "Wpisz, aby wybrać użytkownika lub grupę.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupa)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Zgodność z kodowaniem Mac NFD (powolny)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Zapisano",
"Saving …" : "Zapisywanie…",
"Save" : "Zapisz",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Puste odpowiedzi z serwera",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Brak dostępu. Wyloguj się i zaloguj ponownie, aby aktywować ten punkt montowania",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nie można otrzymać informacji od zdalnego serwera: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nie udało się uzyskać listy zewnętrznych punktów montowania: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Wystąpił błąd o treści:",
- "External mount error" : "Błąd przy montowaniu zewnętrznym",
- "external-storage" : "magazyn zewnętrzny",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nie można pobrać listy punktów montowania dysku sieciowego systemu Windows: Pusta odpowiedź z serwera",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Wprowadź dane uwierzytelniające dla zamontowania {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nazwa użytkownika",
- "Password" : "Hasło",
- "Credentials saved" : "Poświadczenia zapisane",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Zapisywanie poświadczeń nie powiodło się",
- "Credentials required" : "Wymagane poświadczenia",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Zabronione zarządzanie lokalnym montowaniem",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Nie znaleziono magazynu o ID \"%d\"",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Nieprawidłowy mechanizm uwierzytelniania powrotu lub klasy",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID klienta",
"Client secret" : "Tajny klucz klienta",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nazwa użytkownika",
+ "Password" : "Hasło",
"Tenant name" : "Nazwa dzierżawcy",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Adres URL punktu końcowego tożsamości",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Obsługa cURL w PHP jest wyłączona lub nie jest zainstalowana. Zamontowanie %s jest niemożliwe. Proszę poprosić swojego administratora systemu, żeby ją zainstalował.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Obsługa FTP w PHP jest wyłączona lub nie jest zainstalowana. Zamontowanie %s jest niemożliwe. Proszę poprosić swojego administratora systemu, żeby ją zainstalował.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" nie jest zainstalowany. Zamontowanie %2$s jest niemożliwe. Poproś administratora systemu o zainstalowanie.",
+ "External storage" : "Magazyn zewnętrzny",
"External storage support" : "Wsparcie zewnętrznego magazynu",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Dodaje podstawową obsługę magazynów zewnętrznych",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aplikacja umożliwia administratorom konfigurowanie połączeń z zewnętrznymi dostawcami magazynów danych, takimi jak serwery FTP, magazyny obiektów S3 lub SWIFT, serwery Nextcloud, serwery WebDAV i inne. Administratorzy mogą wybrać typy magazynów do włączania, dla użytkownika, grupy lub całego systemu. Po włączeniu, użytkownicy w katalogu głównym Nextcloud zobaczą nowy katalog, do którego mogą uzyskać dostęp i używać jak każdy inny katalog Nextcloud. Magazyn zewnętrzny pozwala użytkownikom udostępniać pliki przechowywane w tych lokalizacjach. W takich przypadkach, gdy adresat/odbiorca zażąda pliku z magazynu zewnętrznego używane są poświadczenia właściciela pliku.\n\nMagazyn zewnętrzny może być konfigurowany za pomocą GUI lub w wierszu poleceń. Ta druga opcja zapewnia zaawansowanemu użytkownikowi większą elastyczność w konfigurowaniu zewnętrznych magazynów i ustawianiu priorytetów montowania. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w dokumentacji GUI oraz dokumentacji pliku konfiguracyjnego magazynów zewnętrznych.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Brak magazynów zewnętrznych lub nie masz uprawnień do ich konfiguracji",
- "Name" : "Nazwa",
+ "External mount error" : "Błąd przy montowaniu zewnętrznym",
"Storage type" : "Typ magazynu",
+ "Unknown" : "Nieznany",
"Scope" : "Zakres",
+ "Personal" : "Osobiste",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Brak magazynów zewnętrznych lub nie masz uprawnień do ich konfiguracji",
"Open documentation" : "Otwórz dokumentację",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Magazyny zewnętrzne umożliwiają podłączanie zewnętrznych usług pamięci masowej i urządzeń jako dodatkowych urządzeń magazynujących Nextcloud. Możesz także zezwolić użytkownikom na montowanie własnych magazynów zewnętrznych.",
"Folder name" : "Nazwa katalogu",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "Wszyscy użytkownicy",
"Advanced settings" : "Ustawienia zaawansowane",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Zezwalaj użytkownikom na montowanie magazynów zewnętrznych",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Poświadczenia globalne mogą być używane do uwierzytelniania z wieloma zewnętrznymi magazynami, o ile posiadają takie same poświadczenia."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Poświadczenia globalne mogą być używane do uwierzytelniania z wieloma zewnętrznymi magazynami, o ile posiadają takie same poświadczenia.",
+ "Grant access" : "Udziel dostępu",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Błąd konfiguracji OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Podaj prawidłowy klucz aplikacji i tajny klucz.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Błąd konfiguracji OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Wygeneruj klucze",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Błąd podczas generowania pary kluczy",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Puste odpowiedzi z serwera",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Brak dostępu. Wyloguj się i zaloguj ponownie, aby aktywować ten punkt montowania",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nie można otrzymać informacji od zdalnego serwera: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nie udało się uzyskać listy zewnętrznych punktów montowania: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Wystąpił błąd o treści:",
+ "external-storage" : "magazyn zewnętrzny",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nie można pobrać listy punktów montowania dysku sieciowego systemu Windows: Pusta odpowiedź z serwera",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Wprowadź dane uwierzytelniające dla zamontowania {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Poświadczenia zapisane",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Zapisywanie poświadczeń nie powiodło się",
+ "Credentials required" : "Wymagane poświadczenia",
+ "Name" : "Nazwa"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js
index aa45b3971ae..db6935baa96 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Armazenamento Externo",
- "Personal" : "Pessoal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Garantir acesso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erro configurando OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor forneça uma chave de aplicativo e segurança válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erro configurando OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Gerar chaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Erro ao gerar o par de chaves",
"Type to select user or group." : "Digite para selecionar usuário ou grupo.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidade com a codificação Mac NFD (lento)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Salvo",
"Saving …" : "Salvando...",
"Save" : "Salvar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia do servidor",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível acessar. Refaça o login para ativar este ponto de montagem",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter as informações do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível obter a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
- "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
- "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não foi possível buscar a lista de pontos de montagem da unidade de rede do Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, insira as credenciais para montar {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nome de Usuário",
- "Password" : "Senha",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais salvas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Erro ao salvar as credenciais",
- "Credentials required" : "Credenciais necessárias",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Proibido gerenciar montagens locais",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "A armazenagem com a ID \"%d\" não foi encontrada",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Plataforma de serviço ou classe de mecanismo de autenticação inválido",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID do Cliente",
"Client secret" : "Segredo do cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nome de Usuário",
+ "Password" : "Senha",
"Tenant name" : "Nome do inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL do destino da identidade",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "O suporte a cURL no PHP não está habilitado ou instalado. A montagem de %s não foi possível. Por favor, solicite a instalação ao administrador do sistema.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "O suporte FTP no PHP não está habilitado ou instalado. A montagem de %s não foi possível. Por favor, solicite a instalação ao administrador do sistema.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" não está instalado. A montagem de %2$s não é possível. Peça ao administrador para instalá-lo.",
+ "External storage" : "Armazenamento Externo",
"External storage support" : "Suporte a armazenamento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Adiciona suporte básico para armazenamento externo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esse aplicativo permite que os administradores configurem conexões com provedores de armazenamento externos, como servidores FTP, armazenamentos de objetos S3 ou SWIFT, outros servidores Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV e muito mais. Os administradores podem escolher quais tipos de armazenamento serão habilitados e podem montar esses locais de armazenamento para um usuário, um grupo ou todo o sistema. Os usuários verão uma nova pasta aparecer no diretório raiz do Nextcloud, que eles podem acessar e usar como qualquer outra pasta. O armazenamento externo também permite que os usuários compartilhem arquivos armazenados nesses locais externos. Nesses casos, as credenciais do proprietário do arquivo são usadas quando o destinatário solicita o arquivo do armazenamento externo, garantindo, assim, que o destinatário possa acessar o arquivo compartilhado.\n\nO armazenamento externo pode ser configurado usando a GUI ou pela linha de comando. Essa segunda opção fornece ao usuário avançado mais flexibilidade para configurar montagens em massa e definir prioridades de montagem. Mais informações estão disponíveis na documentação da GUI de armazenamento externo e na documentação do Arquivo de Configuração de armazenamento externo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Sem armazenamento externo configurado ou você não tem permissão para configurá-los",
- "Name" : "Nome",
+ "Open in files" : "Abrir em arquivos",
+ "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de armazenamento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Pessoal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Sem armazenamento externo configurado ou você não tem permissão para configurá-los",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentação",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "O armazenamento externo permite que você monte serviços e dispositivos como dispositivos de armazenamento secundários Nextcloud. Você também pode permitir que os usuários montem seus próprios serviços de armazenamento externo.",
"Folder name" : "Nome da pasta",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Todos os usuários",
"Advanced settings" : "Configurações avançadas",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir que usuários montem armazenamento externo",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Credenciais globais podem ser usadas para autenticar com vários armazenamentos externos que possuem as mesmas credenciais."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Credenciais globais podem ser usadas para autenticar com vários armazenamentos externos que possuem as mesmas credenciais.",
+ "Grant access" : "Garantir acesso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erro configurando OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor forneça uma chave de aplicativo e segurança válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erro configurando OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Gerar chaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Erro ao gerar o par de chaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia do servidor",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível acessar. Refaça o login para ativar este ponto de montagem",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter as informações do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível obter a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
+ "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não foi possível buscar a lista de pontos de montagem da unidade de rede do Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, insira as credenciais para montar {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais salvas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Erro ao salvar as credenciais",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credenciais necessárias",
+ "Name" : "Nome"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 1e0441edafb..59f594fffe4 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Armazenamento Externo",
- "Personal" : "Pessoal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Garantir acesso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erro configurando OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor forneça uma chave de aplicativo e segurança válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erro configurando OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Gerar chaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Erro ao gerar o par de chaves",
"Type to select user or group." : "Digite para selecionar usuário ou grupo.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidade com a codificação Mac NFD (lento)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Salvo",
"Saving …" : "Salvando...",
"Save" : "Salvar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia do servidor",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível acessar. Refaça o login para ativar este ponto de montagem",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter as informações do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível obter a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
- "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
- "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não foi possível buscar a lista de pontos de montagem da unidade de rede do Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, insira as credenciais para montar {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nome de Usuário",
- "Password" : "Senha",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais salvas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Erro ao salvar as credenciais",
- "Credentials required" : "Credenciais necessárias",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Proibido gerenciar montagens locais",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "A armazenagem com a ID \"%d\" não foi encontrada",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Plataforma de serviço ou classe de mecanismo de autenticação inválido",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID do Cliente",
"Client secret" : "Segredo do cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nome de Usuário",
+ "Password" : "Senha",
"Tenant name" : "Nome do inquilino",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL do destino da identidade",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "O suporte a cURL no PHP não está habilitado ou instalado. A montagem de %s não foi possível. Por favor, solicite a instalação ao administrador do sistema.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "O suporte FTP no PHP não está habilitado ou instalado. A montagem de %s não foi possível. Por favor, solicite a instalação ao administrador do sistema.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" não está instalado. A montagem de %2$s não é possível. Peça ao administrador para instalá-lo.",
+ "External storage" : "Armazenamento Externo",
"External storage support" : "Suporte a armazenamento externo",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Adiciona suporte básico para armazenamento externo",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Esse aplicativo permite que os administradores configurem conexões com provedores de armazenamento externos, como servidores FTP, armazenamentos de objetos S3 ou SWIFT, outros servidores Nextcloud, servidores WebDAV e muito mais. Os administradores podem escolher quais tipos de armazenamento serão habilitados e podem montar esses locais de armazenamento para um usuário, um grupo ou todo o sistema. Os usuários verão uma nova pasta aparecer no diretório raiz do Nextcloud, que eles podem acessar e usar como qualquer outra pasta. O armazenamento externo também permite que os usuários compartilhem arquivos armazenados nesses locais externos. Nesses casos, as credenciais do proprietário do arquivo são usadas quando o destinatário solicita o arquivo do armazenamento externo, garantindo, assim, que o destinatário possa acessar o arquivo compartilhado.\n\nO armazenamento externo pode ser configurado usando a GUI ou pela linha de comando. Essa segunda opção fornece ao usuário avançado mais flexibilidade para configurar montagens em massa e definir prioridades de montagem. Mais informações estão disponíveis na documentação da GUI de armazenamento externo e na documentação do Arquivo de Configuração de armazenamento externo.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Sem armazenamento externo configurado ou você não tem permissão para configurá-los",
- "Name" : "Nome",
+ "Open in files" : "Abrir em arquivos",
+ "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de armazenamento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"Scope" : "Alcance",
+ "Personal" : "Pessoal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Sem armazenamento externo configurado ou você não tem permissão para configurá-los",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentação",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "O armazenamento externo permite que você monte serviços e dispositivos como dispositivos de armazenamento secundários Nextcloud. Você também pode permitir que os usuários montem seus próprios serviços de armazenamento externo.",
"Folder name" : "Nome da pasta",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Todos os usuários",
"Advanced settings" : "Configurações avançadas",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir que usuários montem armazenamento externo",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Credenciais globais podem ser usadas para autenticar com vários armazenamentos externos que possuem as mesmas credenciais."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Credenciais globais podem ser usadas para autenticar com vários armazenamentos externos que possuem as mesmas credenciais.",
+ "Grant access" : "Garantir acesso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erro configurando OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor forneça uma chave de aplicativo e segurança válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erro configurando OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Gerar chaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Erro ao gerar o par de chaves",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia do servidor",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível acessar. Refaça o login para ativar este ponto de montagem",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter as informações do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível obter a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
+ "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não foi possível buscar a lista de pontos de montagem da unidade de rede do Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, insira as credenciais para montar {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais salvas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Erro ao salvar as credenciais",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credenciais necessárias",
+ "Name" : "Nome"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_PT.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_PT.js
index 6b69f842d48..661f61a49c4 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_PT.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_PT.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Armazenamento Externo",
- "Personal" : "Pessoal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acesso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erro ao configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor, indique um código e segredo de app válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erro ao configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Gerar chaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Erro ao gerar chave par",
"(Group)" : "(Grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidade com a codificação NFD Mac (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Activar encriptação",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving …" : "A guardar...",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia a partir do servidor",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível aceder. Por favor faça logout e volte-se a autenticar para activar este ponto de montagem.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter informação do servidor remoto: {código}{tipo}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível conseguir a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
- "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
- "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não fo possível obter lista de pontos de montagem de rede Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, introduza as credenciais para {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nome de utilizador",
- "Password" : "Palavra-passe",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Falha ao guardar as credenciais",
- "Credentials required" : "Credenciais necessárias",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Armazenamento com ID \"%d\" não encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Parâmetros do mecanismo de autenticação inválidos",
"Invalid mount point" : "Ponto de montagem inválido",
@@ -61,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "Id. do Cliente",
"Client secret" : "Segredo do cliente\\\\",
+ "Username" : "Nome de utilizador",
+ "Password" : "Palavra-passe",
"Tenant name" : "Nome do locatário",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identidade URL endpoint",
"Domain" : "Domínio",
@@ -102,10 +81,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Pedido expira (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "O suporte cURL em PHP não está activo ou instalado. Não é possível montar %s. Por favor peça ao seu administrador de sistema que o instale.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "O suporteF TP em PHP não está activo ou instalado. Não é possível montar %s. Por favor peça ao seu administrador de sistema que o instale.",
+ "External storage" : "Armazenamento Externo",
"External storage support" : "Suporte para armazenamento externo",
- "Name" : "Nome",
+ "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de Armazenamento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"Scope" : "Âmbito",
+ "Personal" : "Pessoal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentação",
"Folder name" : "Nome da pasta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticação",
@@ -113,6 +96,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "Disponível para ",
"Add storage" : "Adicionar armazenamento",
"Advanced settings" : "Definições avançadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir que os utilizadores montem armazenamento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir que os utilizadores montem armazenamento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acesso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erro ao configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor, indique um código e segredo de app válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erro ao configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Gerar chaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Erro ao gerar chave par",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia a partir do servidor",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível aceder. Por favor faça logout e volte-se a autenticar para activar este ponto de montagem.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter informação do servidor remoto: {código}{tipo}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível conseguir a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
+ "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não fo possível obter lista de pontos de montagem de rede Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, introduza as credenciais para {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Falha ao guardar as credenciais",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credenciais necessárias",
+ "Name" : "Nome"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_PT.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_PT.json
index c5bf3263da1..403637ea139 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_PT.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_PT.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Armazenamento Externo",
- "Personal" : "Pessoal",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Conceder acesso",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erro ao configurar OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor, indique um código e segredo de app válidos.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erro ao configurar OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Gerar chaves",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Erro ao gerar chave par",
"(Group)" : "(Grupo)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Compatibilidade com a codificação NFD Mac (lenta)",
"Enable encryption" : "Activar encriptação",
@@ -23,20 +14,6 @@
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving …" : "A guardar...",
"Save" : "Guardar",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia a partir do servidor",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível aceder. Por favor faça logout e volte-se a autenticar para activar este ponto de montagem.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter informação do servidor remoto: {código}{tipo}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível conseguir a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
- "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
- "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não fo possível obter lista de pontos de montagem de rede Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, introduza as credenciais para {mount}",
- "Username" : "Nome de utilizador",
- "Password" : "Palavra-passe",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais guardadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Falha ao guardar as credenciais",
- "Credentials required" : "Credenciais necessárias",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Armazenamento com ID \"%d\" não encontrado",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Parâmetros do mecanismo de autenticação inválidos",
"Invalid mount point" : "Ponto de montagem inválido",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "Id. do Cliente",
"Client secret" : "Segredo do cliente\\\\",
+ "Username" : "Nome de utilizador",
+ "Password" : "Palavra-passe",
"Tenant name" : "Nome do locatário",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identidade URL endpoint",
"Domain" : "Domínio",
@@ -100,10 +79,14 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Pedido expira (segundos)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "O suporte cURL em PHP não está activo ou instalado. Não é possível montar %s. Por favor peça ao seu administrador de sistema que o instale.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "O suporteF TP em PHP não está activo ou instalado. Não é possível montar %s. Por favor peça ao seu administrador de sistema que o instale.",
+ "External storage" : "Armazenamento Externo",
"External storage support" : "Suporte para armazenamento externo",
- "Name" : "Nome",
+ "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
"Storage type" : "Tipo de Armazenamento",
+ "Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"Scope" : "Âmbito",
+ "Personal" : "Pessoal",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentação",
"Folder name" : "Nome da pasta",
"Authentication" : "Autenticação",
@@ -111,6 +94,24 @@
"Available for" : "Disponível para ",
"Add storage" : "Adicionar armazenamento",
"Advanced settings" : "Definições avançadas",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir que os utilizadores montem armazenamento externo"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permitir que os utilizadores montem armazenamento externo",
+ "Grant access" : "Conceder acesso",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Erro ao configurar OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Por favor, indique um código e segredo de app válidos.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Erro ao configurar OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Gerar chaves",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Erro ao gerar chave par",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia a partir do servidor",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível aceder. Por favor faça logout e volte-se a autenticar para activar este ponto de montagem.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter informação do servidor remoto: {código}{tipo}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível conseguir a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
+ "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não fo possível obter lista de pontos de montagem de rede Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, introduza as credenciais para {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credenciais guardadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Falha ao guardar as credenciais",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credenciais necessárias",
+ "Name" : "Nome"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ro.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/ro.js
index 342fc7cea34..0edaf6bd9d1 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ro.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ro.js
@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Stocare externă",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Permite accesul",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Eroare la configurarea OAuth1",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Eroare la configurarea OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generează chei",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Eroarea la generarea cheilor",
"Enable encryption" : "Activează criptarea",
"Enable previews" : "Activează previzualizările",
"Enable sharing" : "Activează partajarea",
@@ -21,14 +13,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Salvat",
"Saving …" : "Se salvează",
"Save" : "Salvează",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Răspuns nul de la server",
- "There was an error with message: " : "A apărut o eroare cu mesajul:",
- "external-storage" : "Stocare externă",
- "Username" : "Nume utilizator",
- "Password" : "Parolă",
- "Credentials saved" : "Detalii de autentificare salvate",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Salvarea detaliilor de autentificare a eșuat",
- "Credentials required" : "Detalii de autentificare necesare",
"Insufficient data: %s" : "Date insuficiente: %s",
"%s" : "%s",
"Access key" : "Cheie de acces",
@@ -41,6 +25,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID client",
"Client secret" : "Secret client",
+ "Username" : "Nume utilizator",
+ "Password" : "Parolă",
"Tenant name" : "Nume titular",
"Domain" : "Domeniu",
"API key" : "Cheie API",
@@ -67,15 +53,30 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Partajează",
"Show hidden files" : "Arată fișierele ascunse",
"Service name" : "Nume serviciu",
- "Name" : "Nume",
+ "External storage" : "Stocare externă",
"Storage type" : "Tip stocare",
+ "Unknown" : "Necunoscut",
"Scope" : "Scop",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
"Open documentation" : "Deschide documentația",
"Folder name" : "Denumire director",
"Authentication" : "Autentificare",
"Configuration" : "Configurație",
"Available for" : "Disponibil pentru",
"Add storage" : "Adauga stocare",
- "Advanced settings" : "Setări avansate"
+ "Advanced settings" : "Setări avansate",
+ "Grant access" : "Permite accesul",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Eroare la configurarea OAuth1",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Eroare la configurarea OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generează chei",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Eroarea la generarea cheilor",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Răspuns nul de la server",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "A apărut o eroare cu mesajul:",
+ "external-storage" : "Stocare externă",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Detalii de autentificare salvate",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Salvarea detaliilor de autentificare a eșuat",
+ "Credentials required" : "Detalii de autentificare necesare",
+ "Name" : "Nume"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ro.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/ro.json
index e10272bc46f..f7b2e221378 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ro.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ro.json
@@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Stocare externă",
- "Personal" : "Personal",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Permite accesul",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Eroare la configurarea OAuth1",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Eroare la configurarea OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generează chei",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Eroarea la generarea cheilor",
"Enable encryption" : "Activează criptarea",
"Enable previews" : "Activează previzualizările",
"Enable sharing" : "Activează partajarea",
@@ -19,14 +11,6 @@
"Saved" : "Salvat",
"Saving …" : "Se salvează",
"Save" : "Salvează",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Răspuns nul de la server",
- "There was an error with message: " : "A apărut o eroare cu mesajul:",
- "external-storage" : "Stocare externă",
- "Username" : "Nume utilizator",
- "Password" : "Parolă",
- "Credentials saved" : "Detalii de autentificare salvate",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Salvarea detaliilor de autentificare a eșuat",
- "Credentials required" : "Detalii de autentificare necesare",
"Insufficient data: %s" : "Date insuficiente: %s",
"%s" : "%s",
"Access key" : "Cheie de acces",
@@ -39,6 +23,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID client",
"Client secret" : "Secret client",
+ "Username" : "Nume utilizator",
+ "Password" : "Parolă",
"Tenant name" : "Nume titular",
"Domain" : "Domeniu",
"API key" : "Cheie API",
@@ -65,15 +51,30 @@
"Share" : "Partajează",
"Show hidden files" : "Arată fișierele ascunse",
"Service name" : "Nume serviciu",
- "Name" : "Nume",
+ "External storage" : "Stocare externă",
"Storage type" : "Tip stocare",
+ "Unknown" : "Necunoscut",
"Scope" : "Scop",
+ "Personal" : "Personal",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
"Open documentation" : "Deschide documentația",
"Folder name" : "Denumire director",
"Authentication" : "Autentificare",
"Configuration" : "Configurație",
"Available for" : "Disponibil pentru",
"Add storage" : "Adauga stocare",
- "Advanced settings" : "Setări avansate"
+ "Advanced settings" : "Setări avansate",
+ "Grant access" : "Permite accesul",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Eroare la configurarea OAuth1",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Eroare la configurarea OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generează chei",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Eroarea la generarea cheilor",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Răspuns nul de la server",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "A apărut o eroare cu mesajul:",
+ "external-storage" : "Stocare externă",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Detalii de autentificare salvate",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Salvarea detaliilor de autentificare a eșuat",
+ "Credentials required" : "Detalii de autentificare necesare",
+ "Name" : "Nume"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ru.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/ru.js
index 7da31de0a7e..ce6fe1fcbe7 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ru.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Внешнее хранилище",
- "Personal" : "Личное",
- "System" : "Система",
- "Grant access" : "Предоставить доступ",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Ошибка настройки OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Укажите верные ключ и секрет приложения.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Ошибка настройки OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Создать ключи",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Ошибка создания пары ключей",
"Type to select user or group." : "Введите имя пользователя или группы.",
"(Group)" : "(Группа)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Совместимость с кодировкой Mac NFD (медленно)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Сохранено",
"Saving …" : "Сохранение ...",
"Save" : "Сохранить",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Получен пустой ответ сервера",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не удалось получить доступ. Для активации этой точки подключения выйдите и снова войдите в систему",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не удалось получить информацию от удалённого сервера: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не удалось получить список внешних точек монтирования: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Произошла ошибка:",
- "External mount error" : "Ошибка внешнего подключения",
- "external-storage" : "внешнее-хранилище",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не удалось получить список точек подключения сетевых дисков Windows: пустой ответ от сервера",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Укажите учётные данные для точки подключения «{mount}»",
- "Username" : "Имя пользователя",
- "Password" : "Пароль",
- "Credentials saved" : "Учётные данные сохранены",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Ошибка сохранения учётных данных",
- "Credentials required" : "Требуются учётные данные",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Запрещено изменять параметры подключения файловых систем",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Хранилище с идентификатором «%d» не найдено",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Недопустимый механизм или класс авторизации",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Идентификатор клиента",
"Client secret" : "Клиентский ключ ",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Имя пользователя",
+ "Password" : "Пароль",
"Tenant name" : "Имя арендатора",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Удостоверение конечной точки URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Поддержка cURL в PHP не включена и/или не установлена, монтирование %s невозможно. Обратитесь к вашему системному администратору.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Поддержка FTP в PHP не включена и/или не установлена, монтирование %s невозможно. Обратитесь к вашему системному администратору.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Модуль «%1$s» не установлен, монтирование «%2$s» невозможно. Обратитесь к своему системному администратору.",
+ "External storage" : "Внешнее хранилище",
"External storage support" : "Поддержка внешних хранилищ",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Базовая поддержка внешних хранилищ",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Это приложение позволяет администраторам настраивать подключения к провайдерам внешних хранилищ, таким как FTP-серверы, хранилища объектов S3 или SWIFT, другие серверы Nextcloud, серверы WebDAV и т. Д. Администраторы могут выбирать типы хранилищ для использования и монтировать эти места хранения для пользователя, группы или всей системы. Пользователи увидят, что в их корневой директории Nextcloud появилась новая папка, которую они могут использовать, как и любую другую папку Nextcloud. Внешние хранилища также позволяют пользователям обмениваться файлами, хранящимися в них. В этих случаях учетные данные для владельца файла используются, когда получатель запрашивает файл из внешнего хранилища, тем самым гарантируя, что получатель может получить доступ к общему файлу. Внешнее хранилище можно настроить с помощью GUI или в командной строке. Второй вариант предоставляет продвинутому пользователю большую гибкость для настройки внешнего хранилища и установки приоритетов монтирования. Дополнительная информация доступна в документации по GUI внешного хранилища и документации файла конфигурации внешнего хранилища.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Нет настроенного внешнего хранилища или у вас нет прав доступа для их настройки",
- "Name" : "Имя",
+ "External mount error" : "Ошибка внешнего подключения",
"Storage type" : "Тип хранилища",
+ "Unknown" : "Неизвестно",
"Scope" : "Область",
+ "Personal" : "Личное",
+ "System" : "Система",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Нет настроенного внешнего хранилища или у вас нет прав доступа для их настройки",
"Open documentation" : "Открыть документацию",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Внешнее хранилище позволяет подключать внешние устройства хранения и устройства в качестве вторичных устройств хранения Nextcloud. Вы также можете разрешить пользователям устанавливать собственные внешние службы хранения.",
"Folder name" : "Имя папки",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Все пользователи",
"Advanced settings" : "Расширенные настройки",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Разрешить пользователями подключать внешние хранилища",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобальные учетные данные могут использоваться для аутентификации с несколькими внешними хранилищами, которые имеют одинаковые учетные данные."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобальные учетные данные могут использоваться для аутентификации с несколькими внешними хранилищами, которые имеют одинаковые учетные данные.",
+ "Grant access" : "Предоставить доступ",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Ошибка настройки OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Укажите верные ключ и секрет приложения.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Ошибка настройки OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Создать ключи",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Ошибка создания пары ключей",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Получен пустой ответ сервера",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не удалось получить доступ. Для активации этой точки подключения выйдите и снова войдите в систему",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не удалось получить информацию от удалённого сервера: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не удалось получить список внешних точек монтирования: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Произошла ошибка:",
+ "external-storage" : "внешнее-хранилище",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не удалось получить список точек подключения сетевых дисков Windows: пустой ответ от сервера",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Укажите учётные данные для точки подключения «{mount}»",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Учётные данные сохранены",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Ошибка сохранения учётных данных",
+ "Credentials required" : "Требуются учётные данные",
+ "Name" : "Имя"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ru.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/ru.json
index d24da6658a1..233140b815e 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ru.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Внешнее хранилище",
- "Personal" : "Личное",
- "System" : "Система",
- "Grant access" : "Предоставить доступ",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Ошибка настройки OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Укажите верные ключ и секрет приложения.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Ошибка настройки OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Создать ключи",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Ошибка создания пары ключей",
"Type to select user or group." : "Введите имя пользователя или группы.",
"(Group)" : "(Группа)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Совместимость с кодировкой Mac NFD (медленно)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Сохранено",
"Saving …" : "Сохранение ...",
"Save" : "Сохранить",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Получен пустой ответ сервера",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не удалось получить доступ. Для активации этой точки подключения выйдите и снова войдите в систему",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не удалось получить информацию от удалённого сервера: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не удалось получить список внешних точек монтирования: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Произошла ошибка:",
- "External mount error" : "Ошибка внешнего подключения",
- "external-storage" : "внешнее-хранилище",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не удалось получить список точек подключения сетевых дисков Windows: пустой ответ от сервера",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Укажите учётные данные для точки подключения «{mount}»",
- "Username" : "Имя пользователя",
- "Password" : "Пароль",
- "Credentials saved" : "Учётные данные сохранены",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Ошибка сохранения учётных данных",
- "Credentials required" : "Требуются учётные данные",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Запрещено изменять параметры подключения файловых систем",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Хранилище с идентификатором «%d» не найдено",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Недопустимый механизм или класс авторизации",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Идентификатор клиента",
"Client secret" : "Клиентский ключ ",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Имя пользователя",
+ "Password" : "Пароль",
"Tenant name" : "Имя арендатора",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Удостоверение конечной точки URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Поддержка cURL в PHP не включена и/или не установлена, монтирование %s невозможно. Обратитесь к вашему системному администратору.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Поддержка FTP в PHP не включена и/или не установлена, монтирование %s невозможно. Обратитесь к вашему системному администратору.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Модуль «%1$s» не установлен, монтирование «%2$s» невозможно. Обратитесь к своему системному администратору.",
+ "External storage" : "Внешнее хранилище",
"External storage support" : "Поддержка внешних хранилищ",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Базовая поддержка внешних хранилищ",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Это приложение позволяет администраторам настраивать подключения к провайдерам внешних хранилищ, таким как FTP-серверы, хранилища объектов S3 или SWIFT, другие серверы Nextcloud, серверы WebDAV и т. Д. Администраторы могут выбирать типы хранилищ для использования и монтировать эти места хранения для пользователя, группы или всей системы. Пользователи увидят, что в их корневой директории Nextcloud появилась новая папка, которую они могут использовать, как и любую другую папку Nextcloud. Внешние хранилища также позволяют пользователям обмениваться файлами, хранящимися в них. В этих случаях учетные данные для владельца файла используются, когда получатель запрашивает файл из внешнего хранилища, тем самым гарантируя, что получатель может получить доступ к общему файлу. Внешнее хранилище можно настроить с помощью GUI или в командной строке. Второй вариант предоставляет продвинутому пользователю большую гибкость для настройки внешнего хранилища и установки приоритетов монтирования. Дополнительная информация доступна в документации по GUI внешного хранилища и документации файла конфигурации внешнего хранилища.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Нет настроенного внешнего хранилища или у вас нет прав доступа для их настройки",
- "Name" : "Имя",
+ "External mount error" : "Ошибка внешнего подключения",
"Storage type" : "Тип хранилища",
+ "Unknown" : "Неизвестно",
"Scope" : "Область",
+ "Personal" : "Личное",
+ "System" : "Система",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Нет настроенного внешнего хранилища или у вас нет прав доступа для их настройки",
"Open documentation" : "Открыть документацию",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Внешнее хранилище позволяет подключать внешние устройства хранения и устройства в качестве вторичных устройств хранения Nextcloud. Вы также можете разрешить пользователям устанавливать собственные внешние службы хранения.",
"Folder name" : "Имя папки",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "Все пользователи",
"Advanced settings" : "Расширенные настройки",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Разрешить пользователями подключать внешние хранилища",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобальные учетные данные могут использоваться для аутентификации с несколькими внешними хранилищами, которые имеют одинаковые учетные данные."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобальные учетные данные могут использоваться для аутентификации с несколькими внешними хранилищами, которые имеют одинаковые учетные данные.",
+ "Grant access" : "Предоставить доступ",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Ошибка настройки OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Укажите верные ключ и секрет приложения.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Ошибка настройки OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Создать ключи",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Ошибка создания пары ключей",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Получен пустой ответ сервера",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не удалось получить доступ. Для активации этой точки подключения выйдите и снова войдите в систему",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не удалось получить информацию от удалённого сервера: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не удалось получить список внешних точек монтирования: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Произошла ошибка:",
+ "external-storage" : "внешнее-хранилище",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не удалось получить список точек подключения сетевых дисков Windows: пустой ответ от сервера",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Укажите учётные данные для точки подключения «{mount}»",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Учётные данные сохранены",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Ошибка сохранения учётных данных",
+ "Credentials required" : "Требуются учётные данные",
+ "Name" : "Имя"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sc.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/sc.js
index f815765c51f..e867ebadea8 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sc.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Archiviatzione de foras",
- "Personal" : "Personale",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Permite s'atzessu",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errore de cunfiguratzione OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Fruni una crae bàlida e segreta.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errore de cunfiguratzione OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Gènera craes",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Errore creende sa croba de craes",
"(Group)" : "(Grupu)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : " Compatibilidade cun sa codìfica Mac NFD (lentu)",
"Enable encryption" : "Ativa tzifradura",
@@ -24,20 +15,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Sarvadu",
"Saving …" : "Sarvende ...",
"Save" : "Sarva",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Risposta bòida dae su serbidore",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No at fatu a atzèdere. Essi·nche e torra·nche a intrare pro ativare su puntu de montàgiu",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No at fatu a otènnere is informatziones dae su serbidore remotu: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No at fatu a otènnere sa lista de is puntos de montàgiu de foras: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "B'at àpidu un'errore cun su messàgiu:",
- "External mount error" : "Errore de montàgiu esternu",
- "external-storage" : "archiviatzione-de foras",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : " No at fatu a otènnere s'elencu de is puntos de montàgiu de is unidades de rete. Windows: risposta bòida dae su serbidore",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Inserta·nche is credentziales pro montare {mount} ",
- "Username" : "Nùmene utente",
- "Password" : "Crae",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credentziales sarvadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "No at fatu a sarvare is credentziales",
- "Credentials required" : "Credentziales rechertas",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Archiviatzione cun ID \"%d\" no agatadu",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Su motore o sa casta de su mecanìsmu non balent",
"Invalid mount point" : "Puntu de montàgiu imbàlidu",
@@ -61,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID cliente",
"Client secret" : "Segretu de su cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nùmene utente",
+ "Password" : "Crae",
"Tenant name" : "Nùmene de tenant",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Puntu finale URL de is identidades",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -113,13 +92,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Su suportu cURL in PHP no est ativadu o installadu. Non faghet a montare %s. Dimanda a s'amministratzione de sistema pro dd'installare.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Su suportu FTP in PHP no est ativadu o installadu. Non faghet a montare %s. Dimanda a s'amministratzione de sistema pro dd'installare.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" no est installadu. Non faghet a montare%2$s. Dimanda a s'amministratzione de sistema pro dd'installare.",
+ "External storage" : "Archiviatzione de foras",
"External storage support" : "Suportu archiviatzione de foras",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Agiunghet suportu de base pro archiviatziones de foras",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Custa aplicatzione permitit a s'amministratzione de cunfigurare is connessiones a frunidores de archiviatzione de foras, comente serbidores FTP, S3 o archìvios de ogetos SWIFT, àteros serbidores Nextcloud, serbidores WebDAV, e àteru. S'amministratzione podet seberare sa genia de archiviatzione de ativare e montare is archiviatziones pro un'utente, unu grupu, o totu su sistema. Is utentes ant a bìdere chi s'at a mustrare una cartella noa in sa cartella sorgente Nextcloud issoro, in sa chi podent intrare e impreare comente is àteras cartellas de Nextcloud. S'archiviatzione esterna permitit puru de cumpartzire archìvios in custos ispàtzios de foras. In custos casos, is credentziales de chie est mere de s'archìviu sunt impreadas cando sa persone destinatària rechedet s'archìviu dae archiviatzione de foras, segurende·si chi sa persone destinatària potzat tènnere atzessu.\n\nS'archiviatzione de foras si podet cuunfigurare cun GUI o sa lìnia de cumandu. Custu sèberu de duos frunit prus flessibilidade a s'utèntzia avantzada pro una cunfiguratzione massiva de is puntos de montàgiu de is archiviatziones de foras e s'impostatzione de is prioridades de is puntos de montàgiu. Àteras informatziones a disponimentu in s'archiviatzione esterna de sa documentatzione GUI e in sa documentatzione de is archìvios de cunfiguratzione de is archiviatziones de foras.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Peruna archiviatzione de foras cunfigurada o non tenes is permissos pro ddas cunfigurare",
- "Name" : "Nùmene",
+ "External mount error" : "Errore de montàgiu esternu",
"Storage type" : "Genia de archiviatzione",
+ "Unknown" : "Disconnotu",
"Scope" : "Àmbitu",
+ "Personal" : "Personale",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Peruna archiviatzione de foras cunfigurada o non tenes is permissos pro ddas cunfigurare",
"Open documentation" : "Aberi sa documentatzione",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "S'archiviatzione de foras ti permitit de montare servìtzios de archiviatzione de foras e dispositivos che a dispositivos de archiviatzione secondàrios de Nextcloud. Podes permìtere a is utentes de montare is sevìtzios de archiviatzione de foras issoro.",
"Folder name" : "Nùmene de sa cartella",
@@ -131,6 +114,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Totu is utentes",
"Advanced settings" : "Impostatziones avantzadas",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permiti a is utentes de montare archiviatziones de foras",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Is credentziales globales si podent impreare puru pro s'autenticatzione cun prus archiviatziones de foras chi tenent is matessi credentziales."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Is credentziales globales si podent impreare puru pro s'autenticatzione cun prus archiviatziones de foras chi tenent is matessi credentziales.",
+ "Grant access" : "Permite s'atzessu",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errore de cunfiguratzione OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Fruni una crae bàlida e segreta.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errore de cunfiguratzione OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Gènera craes",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Errore creende sa croba de craes",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Risposta bòida dae su serbidore",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No at fatu a atzèdere. Essi·nche e torra·nche a intrare pro ativare su puntu de montàgiu",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No at fatu a otènnere is informatziones dae su serbidore remotu: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No at fatu a otènnere sa lista de is puntos de montàgiu de foras: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "B'at àpidu un'errore cun su messàgiu:",
+ "external-storage" : "archiviatzione-de foras",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : " No at fatu a otènnere s'elencu de is puntos de montàgiu de is unidades de rete. Windows: risposta bòida dae su serbidore",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Inserta·nche is credentziales pro montare {mount} ",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credentziales sarvadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "No at fatu a sarvare is credentziales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credentziales rechertas",
+ "Name" : "Nùmene"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sc.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/sc.json
index bfe43521f8f..3cb270db7bc 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sc.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Archiviatzione de foras",
- "Personal" : "Personale",
- "System" : "Sistema",
- "Grant access" : "Permite s'atzessu",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errore de cunfiguratzione OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Fruni una crae bàlida e segreta.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errore de cunfiguratzione OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Gènera craes",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Errore creende sa croba de craes",
"(Group)" : "(Grupu)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : " Compatibilidade cun sa codìfica Mac NFD (lentu)",
"Enable encryption" : "Ativa tzifradura",
@@ -22,20 +13,6 @@
"Saved" : "Sarvadu",
"Saving …" : "Sarvende ...",
"Save" : "Sarva",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Risposta bòida dae su serbidore",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No at fatu a atzèdere. Essi·nche e torra·nche a intrare pro ativare su puntu de montàgiu",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No at fatu a otènnere is informatziones dae su serbidore remotu: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No at fatu a otènnere sa lista de is puntos de montàgiu de foras: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "B'at àpidu un'errore cun su messàgiu:",
- "External mount error" : "Errore de montàgiu esternu",
- "external-storage" : "archiviatzione-de foras",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : " No at fatu a otènnere s'elencu de is puntos de montàgiu de is unidades de rete. Windows: risposta bòida dae su serbidore",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Inserta·nche is credentziales pro montare {mount} ",
- "Username" : "Nùmene utente",
- "Password" : "Crae",
- "Credentials saved" : "Credentziales sarvadas",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "No at fatu a sarvare is credentziales",
- "Credentials required" : "Credentziales rechertas",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Archiviatzione cun ID \"%d\" no agatadu",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Su motore o sa casta de su mecanìsmu non balent",
"Invalid mount point" : "Puntu de montàgiu imbàlidu",
@@ -59,6 +36,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID cliente",
"Client secret" : "Segretu de su cliente",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Nùmene utente",
+ "Password" : "Crae",
"Tenant name" : "Nùmene de tenant",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Puntu finale URL de is identidades",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -111,13 +90,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Su suportu cURL in PHP no est ativadu o installadu. Non faghet a montare %s. Dimanda a s'amministratzione de sistema pro dd'installare.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Su suportu FTP in PHP no est ativadu o installadu. Non faghet a montare %s. Dimanda a s'amministratzione de sistema pro dd'installare.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" no est installadu. Non faghet a montare%2$s. Dimanda a s'amministratzione de sistema pro dd'installare.",
+ "External storage" : "Archiviatzione de foras",
"External storage support" : "Suportu archiviatzione de foras",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Agiunghet suportu de base pro archiviatziones de foras",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Custa aplicatzione permitit a s'amministratzione de cunfigurare is connessiones a frunidores de archiviatzione de foras, comente serbidores FTP, S3 o archìvios de ogetos SWIFT, àteros serbidores Nextcloud, serbidores WebDAV, e àteru. S'amministratzione podet seberare sa genia de archiviatzione de ativare e montare is archiviatziones pro un'utente, unu grupu, o totu su sistema. Is utentes ant a bìdere chi s'at a mustrare una cartella noa in sa cartella sorgente Nextcloud issoro, in sa chi podent intrare e impreare comente is àteras cartellas de Nextcloud. S'archiviatzione esterna permitit puru de cumpartzire archìvios in custos ispàtzios de foras. In custos casos, is credentziales de chie est mere de s'archìviu sunt impreadas cando sa persone destinatària rechedet s'archìviu dae archiviatzione de foras, segurende·si chi sa persone destinatària potzat tènnere atzessu.\n\nS'archiviatzione de foras si podet cuunfigurare cun GUI o sa lìnia de cumandu. Custu sèberu de duos frunit prus flessibilidade a s'utèntzia avantzada pro una cunfiguratzione massiva de is puntos de montàgiu de is archiviatziones de foras e s'impostatzione de is prioridades de is puntos de montàgiu. Àteras informatziones a disponimentu in s'archiviatzione esterna de sa documentatzione GUI e in sa documentatzione de is archìvios de cunfiguratzione de is archiviatziones de foras.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Peruna archiviatzione de foras cunfigurada o non tenes is permissos pro ddas cunfigurare",
- "Name" : "Nùmene",
+ "External mount error" : "Errore de montàgiu esternu",
"Storage type" : "Genia de archiviatzione",
+ "Unknown" : "Disconnotu",
"Scope" : "Àmbitu",
+ "Personal" : "Personale",
+ "System" : "Sistema",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Peruna archiviatzione de foras cunfigurada o non tenes is permissos pro ddas cunfigurare",
"Open documentation" : "Aberi sa documentatzione",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "S'archiviatzione de foras ti permitit de montare servìtzios de archiviatzione de foras e dispositivos che a dispositivos de archiviatzione secondàrios de Nextcloud. Podes permìtere a is utentes de montare is sevìtzios de archiviatzione de foras issoro.",
"Folder name" : "Nùmene de sa cartella",
@@ -129,6 +112,24 @@
"All users" : "Totu is utentes",
"Advanced settings" : "Impostatziones avantzadas",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Permiti a is utentes de montare archiviatziones de foras",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Is credentziales globales si podent impreare puru pro s'autenticatzione cun prus archiviatziones de foras chi tenent is matessi credentziales."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Is credentziales globales si podent impreare puru pro s'autenticatzione cun prus archiviatziones de foras chi tenent is matessi credentziales.",
+ "Grant access" : "Permite s'atzessu",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Errore de cunfiguratzione OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Fruni una crae bàlida e segreta.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Errore de cunfiguratzione OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Gènera craes",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Errore creende sa croba de craes",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Risposta bòida dae su serbidore",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "No at fatu a atzèdere. Essi·nche e torra·nche a intrare pro ativare su puntu de montàgiu",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "No at fatu a otènnere is informatziones dae su serbidore remotu: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "No at fatu a otènnere sa lista de is puntos de montàgiu de foras: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "B'at àpidu un'errore cun su messàgiu:",
+ "external-storage" : "archiviatzione-de foras",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : " No at fatu a otènnere s'elencu de is puntos de montàgiu de is unidades de rete. Windows: risposta bòida dae su serbidore",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Inserta·nche is credentziales pro montare {mount} ",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Credentziales sarvadas",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "No at fatu a sarvare is credentziales",
+ "Credentials required" : "Credentziales rechertas",
+ "Name" : "Nùmene"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.js
index 8d1b3593d47..43d5afbf914 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Externé úložisko",
- "Personal" : "Osobné",
- "System" : "Systém",
- "Grant access" : "Povoliť prístup",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Chyba konfigurovania OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Zadajte prosím platný aplikačný kľúč a heslo (secret).",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Chyba konfigurovania OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Vytvoriť kľúče",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Chyba pri vytváraní dvojice kľúčov",
"(Group)" : "(Skupina)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilita s Mac NFD enkódovaním (pomalé)",
"Enable encryption" : "Povoliť šifrovanie",
@@ -27,20 +18,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Uložené",
"Saving …" : "Ukladá sa...",
"Save" : "Uložiť",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Prázdna odpoveď zo servera",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nedá sa pripojiť. Pre aktiváciu tohto prípojného bodu sa prosím odhláste a znovu prihláste",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Zo vzdialeného servera sa nedá získať informácia: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nedá sa získať zoznam externých prípojných bodov: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Nastala chyba s týmto hlásením:",
- "External mount error" : "Chyba externého úložiska",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nedá sa získať zoznam sieťových úložísk systému Windows: prázdna odpoveď zo servera",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Zadajte prosím prihlasovacie údaje k prípojnému bodu {mount}",
- "Username" : "Používateľské meno",
- "Password" : "Heslo",
- "Credentials saved" : "Prihlasovacie údaje uložené",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Uloženie prihlasovacích údajov zlyhalo",
- "Credentials required" : "Vyžadované prihlasovacie údaje",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Zakázané spravovať lokálne pripojenia",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Úložisko s ID \"%d\" sa nenašlo",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Neplatný backend, prípadne trieda mechanizmu autentifikácie",
@@ -65,6 +42,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Client ID",
"Client secret" : "Heslo klienta",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Používateľské meno",
+ "Password" : "Heslo",
"Tenant name" : "Meno nájomcu",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Endpoint URL identita",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Nie je povolená alebo nainštalovaná cURL podpora v PHP. Pripojenie %s nie je možné. Požiadajte svojho správcu, aby doplnil podporu.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Nie je povolená alebo nainštalovaná FTP podpora v PHP. Pripojenie %s nie je možné. Požiadajte svojho správcu, aby doplnil podporu.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Nie je nainštalované \"%1$s\". Pripojenie %2$s nie je možné. Požiadajte svojho správcu o inštaláciu.",
+ "External storage" : "Externé úložisko",
"External storage support" : "Podpora externého úložiska",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Pridáva základnú podporu externého úložiska",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Táto aplikácia umožňuje správcom nastaviť prepojenia na poskytovateľov externých úložísk, ako napríklad servery FTP, S3 alebo SWIFT objektové úložiská, Google Disk, Dropbox, iné Nextclodu servery, WebDAV servery a pod. Správci môžu zvoliť, ktoré typy úložísk zapnúť a prípadne ich pripojiť pre používateľov, skupiny alebo celý systém. Používatelia uvidia nový priečinok v ich koreňovom Nextcloud priečinku, do ktorého môžu pristupovať a používať ako akýkoľvek iný priečinok v Nextcloude. Používatelia tiež môžu z týchto externých úložísk sprístupňovať v ňom uložené súbory. V takých prípadoch sa použíjú prihlasovacie údaje vlastníka súboru keď si príjemca vyžiada súbor z externého úložiska, čím je zaistené, že príjemca môže pristupovať k sprístupnenému súboru.\n\nExterné úložisko je možné nastaviť pomocou web rozhrania alebo z príkazového riadku. Druhá možnosť poskytuje skúsenejším správcom väčšie možnosti prispôsobenia pre nastavenie viac typov pripojení externých úložísk a nastavenia priorít pre pripájanie. Viac informácií je k dispozícii v dokumentácii k externým úložiskám vo web rozhraní a dokumentácii k súboru s nastaveniami pre externé úložiská.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Žiadne externé úložisko nie je nakonfigurované alebo nemáte práva ich konfigurovať",
- "Name" : "Názov",
+ "External mount error" : "Chyba externého úložiska",
"Storage type" : "Typ úložiska",
+ "Unknown" : "Neznámy",
"Scope" : "Rozsah",
+ "Personal" : "Osobné",
+ "System" : "Systém",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Žiadne externé úložisko nie je nakonfigurované alebo nemáte práva ich konfigurovať",
"Open documentation" : "Otvoriť dokumentáciu",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externé úložisko umožňuje pripojiť služby externých úložísk a zariadení ako sekundárne zariadenia na ukladanie pre Nextcloud. Môžete tiež umožniť používateľom pripájať ich vlastné služby externých úložísk.",
"Folder name" : "Názov priečinka",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Všetci užívatelia",
"Advanced settings" : "Rozšírené nastavenia",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Povoliť používateľom pripojiť externé úložiská",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globálne prihlasovacie údaje je možné použiť pre overenie s viacerými externými úložiskami, ktoré majú rovnaké prihlasovacie údaje."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globálne prihlasovacie údaje je možné použiť pre overenie s viacerými externými úložiskami, ktoré majú rovnaké prihlasovacie údaje.",
+ "Grant access" : "Povoliť prístup",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Chyba konfigurovania OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Zadajte prosím platný aplikačný kľúč a heslo (secret).",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Chyba konfigurovania OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Vytvoriť kľúče",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Chyba pri vytváraní dvojice kľúčov",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Prázdna odpoveď zo servera",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nedá sa pripojiť. Pre aktiváciu tohto prípojného bodu sa prosím odhláste a znovu prihláste",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Zo vzdialeného servera sa nedá získať informácia: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nedá sa získať zoznam externých prípojných bodov: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Nastala chyba s týmto hlásením:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nedá sa získať zoznam sieťových úložísk systému Windows: prázdna odpoveď zo servera",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Zadajte prosím prihlasovacie údaje k prípojnému bodu {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Prihlasovacie údaje uložené",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Uloženie prihlasovacích údajov zlyhalo",
+ "Credentials required" : "Vyžadované prihlasovacie údaje",
+ "Name" : "Názov"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.json
index 0409908fa10..77e23107895 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Externé úložisko",
- "Personal" : "Osobné",
- "System" : "Systém",
- "Grant access" : "Povoliť prístup",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Chyba konfigurovania OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Zadajte prosím platný aplikačný kľúč a heslo (secret).",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Chyba konfigurovania OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Vytvoriť kľúče",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Chyba pri vytváraní dvojice kľúčov",
"(Group)" : "(Skupina)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilita s Mac NFD enkódovaním (pomalé)",
"Enable encryption" : "Povoliť šifrovanie",
@@ -25,20 +16,6 @@
"Saved" : "Uložené",
"Saving …" : "Ukladá sa...",
"Save" : "Uložiť",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Prázdna odpoveď zo servera",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nedá sa pripojiť. Pre aktiváciu tohto prípojného bodu sa prosím odhláste a znovu prihláste",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Zo vzdialeného servera sa nedá získať informácia: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nedá sa získať zoznam externých prípojných bodov: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Nastala chyba s týmto hlásením:",
- "External mount error" : "Chyba externého úložiska",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nedá sa získať zoznam sieťových úložísk systému Windows: prázdna odpoveď zo servera",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Zadajte prosím prihlasovacie údaje k prípojnému bodu {mount}",
- "Username" : "Používateľské meno",
- "Password" : "Heslo",
- "Credentials saved" : "Prihlasovacie údaje uložené",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Uloženie prihlasovacích údajov zlyhalo",
- "Credentials required" : "Vyžadované prihlasovacie údaje",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Zakázané spravovať lokálne pripojenia",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Úložisko s ID \"%d\" sa nenašlo",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Neplatný backend, prípadne trieda mechanizmu autentifikácie",
@@ -63,6 +40,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Client ID",
"Client secret" : "Heslo klienta",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Používateľské meno",
+ "Password" : "Heslo",
"Tenant name" : "Meno nájomcu",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Endpoint URL identita",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -117,13 +96,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Nie je povolená alebo nainštalovaná cURL podpora v PHP. Pripojenie %s nie je možné. Požiadajte svojho správcu, aby doplnil podporu.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Nie je povolená alebo nainštalovaná FTP podpora v PHP. Pripojenie %s nie je možné. Požiadajte svojho správcu, aby doplnil podporu.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Nie je nainštalované \"%1$s\". Pripojenie %2$s nie je možné. Požiadajte svojho správcu o inštaláciu.",
+ "External storage" : "Externé úložisko",
"External storage support" : "Podpora externého úložiska",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Pridáva základnú podporu externého úložiska",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Táto aplikácia umožňuje správcom nastaviť prepojenia na poskytovateľov externých úložísk, ako napríklad servery FTP, S3 alebo SWIFT objektové úložiská, Google Disk, Dropbox, iné Nextclodu servery, WebDAV servery a pod. Správci môžu zvoliť, ktoré typy úložísk zapnúť a prípadne ich pripojiť pre používateľov, skupiny alebo celý systém. Používatelia uvidia nový priečinok v ich koreňovom Nextcloud priečinku, do ktorého môžu pristupovať a používať ako akýkoľvek iný priečinok v Nextcloude. Používatelia tiež môžu z týchto externých úložísk sprístupňovať v ňom uložené súbory. V takých prípadoch sa použíjú prihlasovacie údaje vlastníka súboru keď si príjemca vyžiada súbor z externého úložiska, čím je zaistené, že príjemca môže pristupovať k sprístupnenému súboru.\n\nExterné úložisko je možné nastaviť pomocou web rozhrania alebo z príkazového riadku. Druhá možnosť poskytuje skúsenejším správcom väčšie možnosti prispôsobenia pre nastavenie viac typov pripojení externých úložísk a nastavenia priorít pre pripájanie. Viac informácií je k dispozícii v dokumentácii k externým úložiskám vo web rozhraní a dokumentácii k súboru s nastaveniami pre externé úložiská.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Žiadne externé úložisko nie je nakonfigurované alebo nemáte práva ich konfigurovať",
- "Name" : "Názov",
+ "External mount error" : "Chyba externého úložiska",
"Storage type" : "Typ úložiska",
+ "Unknown" : "Neznámy",
"Scope" : "Rozsah",
+ "Personal" : "Osobné",
+ "System" : "Systém",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Žiadne externé úložisko nie je nakonfigurované alebo nemáte práva ich konfigurovať",
"Open documentation" : "Otvoriť dokumentáciu",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externé úložisko umožňuje pripojiť služby externých úložísk a zariadení ako sekundárne zariadenia na ukladanie pre Nextcloud. Môžete tiež umožniť používateľom pripájať ich vlastné služby externých úložísk.",
"Folder name" : "Názov priečinka",
@@ -135,6 +118,24 @@
"All users" : "Všetci užívatelia",
"Advanced settings" : "Rozšírené nastavenia",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Povoliť používateľom pripojiť externé úložiská",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globálne prihlasovacie údaje je možné použiť pre overenie s viacerými externými úložiskami, ktoré majú rovnaké prihlasovacie údaje."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globálne prihlasovacie údaje je možné použiť pre overenie s viacerými externými úložiskami, ktoré majú rovnaké prihlasovacie údaje.",
+ "Grant access" : "Povoliť prístup",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Chyba konfigurovania OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Zadajte prosím platný aplikačný kľúč a heslo (secret).",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Chyba konfigurovania OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Vytvoriť kľúče",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Chyba pri vytváraní dvojice kľúčov",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Prázdna odpoveď zo servera",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nedá sa pripojiť. Pre aktiváciu tohto prípojného bodu sa prosím odhláste a znovu prihláste",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Zo vzdialeného servera sa nedá získať informácia: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Nedá sa získať zoznam externých prípojných bodov: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Nastala chyba s týmto hlásením:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Nedá sa získať zoznam sieťových úložísk systému Windows: prázdna odpoveď zo servera",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Zadajte prosím prihlasovacie údaje k prípojnému bodu {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Prihlasovacie údaje uložené",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Uloženie prihlasovacích údajov zlyhalo",
+ "Credentials required" : "Vyžadované prihlasovacie údaje",
+ "Name" : "Názov"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.js
index 425cb1368dc..60ae906d373 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Zunanja shramba",
- "Personal" : "Osebno",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Odobri dostop",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Napaka nastavljanja OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Vpisati je treba veljaven ključ programa in kodo PIN.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Napaka nastavljanja OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Ustvari ključe",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Prišlo je do napake med ustvarjanjem para ključev",
"Type to select user or group." : "Vpišite niz za izbor uporabnika ali skupine.",
"(Group)" : "(skupina)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : " Usklajenost s šifriranjem Mac NFD (počasno)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Shranjeno",
"Saving …" : "Poteka shranjevanje ...",
"Save" : "Shrani",
- "Empty response from the server" : "S strežnika je prejet odziv brez vsebine.",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Dostop ni mogoč. Za priklop točke se odjavite in ponovno prijavite.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti podrobnosti z oddaljenega strežnika: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti seznama zunanjih priklopnih točk: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Prišlo je do napake s sporočilom:",
- "External mount error" : "Notranja napaka priklopa",
- "external-storage" : "zunanja-shramba",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti seznama omrežnih priklopnih točk Windows: ni odziva s strežnika.",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Vpišite poverila za priklopno točko {mount}",
- "Username" : "Uporabniško ime",
- "Password" : "Geslo",
- "Credentials saved" : "Poverila so shranjena",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Shranjevanje poveril je spodletelo",
- "Credentials required" : "Zahtevana so poverila",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Ni ustreznih dovoljenj za urejanje krajevnih priklopnih točk",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Shrambe z ID »%d« ni mogoče najti.",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Neveljaven ozadnji program oziroma razred mehanizma overitve",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ID odjemalca",
"Client secret" : "Skrivni ključ odjemalca",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Uporabniško ime",
+ "Password" : "Geslo",
"Tenant name" : "Ime uporabnika",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Naslov URL končne točke istovetnosti",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podpora za cURL prek PHP ni omogočena ali nameščena. Priklapljanje %s zato ni mogoče. Stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema, da namesti ustrezne pakete.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podpora za FTP prek PHP ni omogočena ali nameščena. Priklapljanje %s zato ni mogoče. Stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema, da namesti ustrezne pakete.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Paket »%1$s« ni nameščen. Priklapljanje %2$s zato ni mogoče. Stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema, da namesti ustrezne pakete.",
+ "External storage" : "Zunanja shramba",
"External storage support" : "Podpora zunanji dhrambi",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Doda osnovno zunanjo podporo shrambe",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Program omogoča skrbnikom nastavljanje zunanjih shramb in ponudnikov, kot so strežniki FTP, shrambe S3 ali SWIFT, drugih strežnikov Nextcloud, strežnikov WebDAV in še mnogo več. Skrbniki lahko določijo, katere vrste pomnilnikov bodo omogočili in jih odprli za uporabnika, skupino ali za celoten sistem. Uporabniki bodo v svojem korenskem imeniku Nextcloud videli novo dodano mapo, do katere lahko dostopajo enako kot do drugih map Nextcloud. Zunanji pomnilnik uporabnikom omogoča tudi skupno rabo datotek, shranjenih na zunanjih naslovih. V teh primerih se poverilnice lastnika datoteke uporabijo, ko prejemnik datoteko zahteva iz zunanjega pomnilnika, to zagotovi, da lahko prejemnik dostopa do vseh datoteke v skupni rabi.\n\nZunanji pomnilnik je mogoče povezati prek spletnega vmesnika ali prek ukazne vrstice. Slednja možnost omogoča zahtevnejšim uporabnikom večjo prilagodljivost paketnega nastavljanja zunanjih nosilcev za shranjevanje in določanje prednosti namestitve in uporabe. Več podrobnosti je zbranih v dokumentaciji spletnega vmesnika za zunanji pomnilnik in dokumentaciji o nastavitvenih datotekah zunanjega pomnilnika.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ni nastavljene zunanje shrambe oziroma ni ustreznih dovoljenj za uporabo.",
- "Name" : "Ime",
+ "External mount error" : "Notranja napaka priklopa",
"Storage type" : "Vrsta shrambe",
+ "Unknown" : "Neznano",
"Scope" : "Obseg",
+ "Personal" : "Osebno",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ni nastavljene zunanje shrambe oziroma ni ustreznih dovoljenj za uporabo.",
"Open documentation" : "Odpri dokumentacijo-",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Zunanja shramba omogoča uporabo in priklop zunanjih storitev za shranjevanje in povezane naprave kot dodatna skladišča Nextcloud. Dovoliti je mogoče tudi priklapljanje uporabniških zunanjih shramb v skupno okolje.",
"Folder name" : "Ime mape",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Vsi uporabniki",
"Advanced settings" : "Napredne nastavitve",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Dovoli uporabnikom priklapljanje zunanje shrambe",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Splošna poverila je mogoče uporabiti za overitev z več zunanjimi shrambami, ki uporabljajo enaka poverila."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Splošna poverila je mogoče uporabiti za overitev z več zunanjimi shrambami, ki uporabljajo enaka poverila.",
+ "Grant access" : "Odobri dostop",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Napaka nastavljanja OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Vpisati je treba veljaven ključ programa in kodo PIN.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Napaka nastavljanja OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Ustvari ključe",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Prišlo je do napake med ustvarjanjem para ključev",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "S strežnika je prejet odziv brez vsebine.",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Dostop ni mogoč. Za priklop točke se odjavite in ponovno prijavite.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti podrobnosti z oddaljenega strežnika: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti seznama zunanjih priklopnih točk: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Prišlo je do napake s sporočilom:",
+ "external-storage" : "zunanja-shramba",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti seznama omrežnih priklopnih točk Windows: ni odziva s strežnika.",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Vpišite poverila za priklopno točko {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Poverila so shranjena",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Shranjevanje poveril je spodletelo",
+ "Credentials required" : "Zahtevana so poverila",
+ "Name" : "Ime"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.json
index 248029b32f7..e6cacfb7a07 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Zunanja shramba",
- "Personal" : "Osebno",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Odobri dostop",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Napaka nastavljanja OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Vpisati je treba veljaven ključ programa in kodo PIN.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Napaka nastavljanja OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Ustvari ključe",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Prišlo je do napake med ustvarjanjem para ključev",
"Type to select user or group." : "Vpišite niz za izbor uporabnika ali skupine.",
"(Group)" : "(skupina)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : " Usklajenost s šifriranjem Mac NFD (počasno)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Shranjeno",
"Saving …" : "Poteka shranjevanje ...",
"Save" : "Shrani",
- "Empty response from the server" : "S strežnika je prejet odziv brez vsebine.",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Dostop ni mogoč. Za priklop točke se odjavite in ponovno prijavite.",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti podrobnosti z oddaljenega strežnika: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti seznama zunanjih priklopnih točk: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Prišlo je do napake s sporočilom:",
- "External mount error" : "Notranja napaka priklopa",
- "external-storage" : "zunanja-shramba",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti seznama omrežnih priklopnih točk Windows: ni odziva s strežnika.",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Vpišite poverila za priklopno točko {mount}",
- "Username" : "Uporabniško ime",
- "Password" : "Geslo",
- "Credentials saved" : "Poverila so shranjena",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Shranjevanje poveril je spodletelo",
- "Credentials required" : "Zahtevana so poverila",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Ni ustreznih dovoljenj za urejanje krajevnih priklopnih točk",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Shrambe z ID »%d« ni mogoče najti.",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Neveljaven ozadnji program oziroma razred mehanizma overitve",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ID odjemalca",
"Client secret" : "Skrivni ključ odjemalca",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Uporabniško ime",
+ "Password" : "Geslo",
"Tenant name" : "Ime uporabnika",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Naslov URL končne točke istovetnosti",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podpora za cURL prek PHP ni omogočena ali nameščena. Priklapljanje %s zato ni mogoče. Stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema, da namesti ustrezne pakete.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Podpora za FTP prek PHP ni omogočena ali nameščena. Priklapljanje %s zato ni mogoče. Stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema, da namesti ustrezne pakete.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Paket »%1$s« ni nameščen. Priklapljanje %2$s zato ni mogoče. Stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema, da namesti ustrezne pakete.",
+ "External storage" : "Zunanja shramba",
"External storage support" : "Podpora zunanji dhrambi",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Doda osnovno zunanjo podporo shrambe",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Program omogoča skrbnikom nastavljanje zunanjih shramb in ponudnikov, kot so strežniki FTP, shrambe S3 ali SWIFT, drugih strežnikov Nextcloud, strežnikov WebDAV in še mnogo več. Skrbniki lahko določijo, katere vrste pomnilnikov bodo omogočili in jih odprli za uporabnika, skupino ali za celoten sistem. Uporabniki bodo v svojem korenskem imeniku Nextcloud videli novo dodano mapo, do katere lahko dostopajo enako kot do drugih map Nextcloud. Zunanji pomnilnik uporabnikom omogoča tudi skupno rabo datotek, shranjenih na zunanjih naslovih. V teh primerih se poverilnice lastnika datoteke uporabijo, ko prejemnik datoteko zahteva iz zunanjega pomnilnika, to zagotovi, da lahko prejemnik dostopa do vseh datoteke v skupni rabi.\n\nZunanji pomnilnik je mogoče povezati prek spletnega vmesnika ali prek ukazne vrstice. Slednja možnost omogoča zahtevnejšim uporabnikom večjo prilagodljivost paketnega nastavljanja zunanjih nosilcev za shranjevanje in določanje prednosti namestitve in uporabe. Več podrobnosti je zbranih v dokumentaciji spletnega vmesnika za zunanji pomnilnik in dokumentaciji o nastavitvenih datotekah zunanjega pomnilnika.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ni nastavljene zunanje shrambe oziroma ni ustreznih dovoljenj za uporabo.",
- "Name" : "Ime",
+ "External mount error" : "Notranja napaka priklopa",
"Storage type" : "Vrsta shrambe",
+ "Unknown" : "Neznano",
"Scope" : "Obseg",
+ "Personal" : "Osebno",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ni nastavljene zunanje shrambe oziroma ni ustreznih dovoljenj za uporabo.",
"Open documentation" : "Odpri dokumentacijo-",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Zunanja shramba omogoča uporabo in priklop zunanjih storitev za shranjevanje in povezane naprave kot dodatna skladišča Nextcloud. Dovoliti je mogoče tudi priklapljanje uporabniških zunanjih shramb v skupno okolje.",
"Folder name" : "Ime mape",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "Vsi uporabniki",
"Advanced settings" : "Napredne nastavitve",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Dovoli uporabnikom priklapljanje zunanje shrambe",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Splošna poverila je mogoče uporabiti za overitev z več zunanjimi shrambami, ki uporabljajo enaka poverila."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Splošna poverila je mogoče uporabiti za overitev z več zunanjimi shrambami, ki uporabljajo enaka poverila.",
+ "Grant access" : "Odobri dostop",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Napaka nastavljanja OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Vpisati je treba veljaven ključ programa in kodo PIN.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Napaka nastavljanja OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Ustvari ključe",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Prišlo je do napake med ustvarjanjem para ključev",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "S strežnika je prejet odziv brez vsebine.",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Dostop ni mogoč. Za priklop točke se odjavite in ponovno prijavite.",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti podrobnosti z oddaljenega strežnika: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti seznama zunanjih priklopnih točk: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Prišlo je do napake s sporočilom:",
+ "external-storage" : "zunanja-shramba",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Ni mogoče pridobiti seznama omrežnih priklopnih točk Windows: ni odziva s strežnika.",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Vpišite poverila za priklopno točko {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Poverila so shranjena",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Shranjevanje poveril je spodletelo",
+ "Credentials required" : "Zahtevana so poverila",
+ "Name" : "Ime"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sq.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/sq.js
index a254518f06f..5a6337ad5a5 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sq.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sq.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Depozitë e jashtme",
- "Personal" : "Personale",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Akordoji hyrje",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Gabim gjatë formësimit të OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Ju lutemi jepni një kyç dhe një të fshehtë aplikacioni të vlefshme.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Gabim gjatë formësimit të OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Prodho kyçe",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Gabim gjatë prodhimit të çiftit të kyçeve",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Pëerputhshmëri me kodim Mac NFD (e ngadaltë)",
"Enable encryption" : "Aktivizoni fshehtëzim",
"Enable previews" : "Aktivizoni paraparje",
@@ -22,20 +13,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Admin defined" : "Përcaktuar nga përgjegjësi",
"Saved" : "U ruajt",
"Save" : "Ruaje",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Përgjigje e zbrazët prej serverit",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nuk mund të ketë akses. Ju lutemi, dilni dhe hyni që të aktivizohet kjo pikë montimi",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nuk u morën dot të dhëna nga shërbyesi në largësi: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "S’u mor dot lista e pikave të jashtme të montimit: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Pati një gabim me këtë mesazh:",
- "External mount error" : "Gabim i jashtëm montimi",
- "external-storage" : "ruajtje-jashtme",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "S’u mor dot lista e pikave të montimit Windows network drive: përgjigje e zbrazët nga shërbyesi",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Ju lutemi, jepni kredencialet për pikën e montimit {mount}",
- "Username" : "Emër përdoruesi",
- "Password" : "Fjalëkalim",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kredencialet u ruajtën",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Ruajtja e kredencialeve dështoi",
- "Credentials required" : "Lypsen kredenciale",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Ruajtja me ID \"%d\" nuk u gjet",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Mekanizëm shërbimi ose klasë mekanizmi mirëfilltësimi e palvefshme",
"Invalid mount point" : "Pikë montimi e pavlefshme",
@@ -58,6 +35,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID klienti",
"Client secret" : "E fshehtë klienti",
+ "Username" : "Emër përdoruesi",
+ "Password" : "Fjalëkalim",
"Tenant name" : "Emër qiraxhiu",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identifiko pikëmbarimin URL",
"Domain" : "Përkatësi",
@@ -98,10 +77,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Kohë skadimi kërkese (sekonda)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Mbështetja e cURL në PHP nuk është e instaluar ose e aktivizuar. Lidhja e %s nuk është e mundur. Ju lutemi kërkojini administratorin të sistemit tuaj që ta instaloj.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Mbështetja e FTP në PHP nuk është e aktivizuar ose instaluar.Lidhja e %s nuk është e mundur.Ju lutem kërkojini administratorit të sistemit tuaj që ta instalojë.",
+ "External storage" : "Depozitë e jashtme",
"External storage support" : "Suport i kujtesë së jashtme",
- "Name" : "Emër",
+ "External mount error" : "Gabim i jashtëm montimi",
"Storage type" : "Lloj depozite",
+ "Unknown" : "I panjohur",
"Scope" : "Shtrirje",
+ "Personal" : "Personale",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
"Open documentation" : "Dokumentacion i hapur",
"Folder name" : "Emër dosjeje",
"Authentication" : "Mirëfilltësim",
@@ -109,6 +92,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "E gatshme për",
"Add storage" : "Shtoni depozitë",
"Advanced settings" : "Rregullime të mëtejshme",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Lejoju përdoruesve të montojnë depozita të jashtme"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Lejoju përdoruesve të montojnë depozita të jashtme",
+ "Grant access" : "Akordoji hyrje",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Gabim gjatë formësimit të OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Ju lutemi jepni një kyç dhe një të fshehtë aplikacioni të vlefshme.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Gabim gjatë formësimit të OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Prodho kyçe",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Gabim gjatë prodhimit të çiftit të kyçeve",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Përgjigje e zbrazët prej serverit",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nuk mund të ketë akses. Ju lutemi, dilni dhe hyni që të aktivizohet kjo pikë montimi",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nuk u morën dot të dhëna nga shërbyesi në largësi: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "S’u mor dot lista e pikave të jashtme të montimit: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Pati një gabim me këtë mesazh:",
+ "external-storage" : "ruajtje-jashtme",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "S’u mor dot lista e pikave të montimit Windows network drive: përgjigje e zbrazët nga shërbyesi",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Ju lutemi, jepni kredencialet për pikën e montimit {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kredencialet u ruajtën",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Ruajtja e kredencialeve dështoi",
+ "Credentials required" : "Lypsen kredenciale",
+ "Name" : "Emër"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sq.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/sq.json
index f46e68a4ff2..0315106776f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sq.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sq.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Depozitë e jashtme",
- "Personal" : "Personale",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Akordoji hyrje",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Gabim gjatë formësimit të OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Ju lutemi jepni një kyç dhe një të fshehtë aplikacioni të vlefshme.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Gabim gjatë formësimit të OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Prodho kyçe",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Gabim gjatë prodhimit të çiftit të kyçeve",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Pëerputhshmëri me kodim Mac NFD (e ngadaltë)",
"Enable encryption" : "Aktivizoni fshehtëzim",
"Enable previews" : "Aktivizoni paraparje",
@@ -20,20 +11,6 @@
"Admin defined" : "Përcaktuar nga përgjegjësi",
"Saved" : "U ruajt",
"Save" : "Ruaje",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Përgjigje e zbrazët prej serverit",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nuk mund të ketë akses. Ju lutemi, dilni dhe hyni që të aktivizohet kjo pikë montimi",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nuk u morën dot të dhëna nga shërbyesi në largësi: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "S’u mor dot lista e pikave të jashtme të montimit: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Pati një gabim me këtë mesazh:",
- "External mount error" : "Gabim i jashtëm montimi",
- "external-storage" : "ruajtje-jashtme",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "S’u mor dot lista e pikave të montimit Windows network drive: përgjigje e zbrazët nga shërbyesi",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Ju lutemi, jepni kredencialet për pikën e montimit {mount}",
- "Username" : "Emër përdoruesi",
- "Password" : "Fjalëkalim",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kredencialet u ruajtën",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Ruajtja e kredencialeve dështoi",
- "Credentials required" : "Lypsen kredenciale",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Ruajtja me ID \"%d\" nuk u gjet",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Mekanizëm shërbimi ose klasë mekanizmi mirëfilltësimi e palvefshme",
"Invalid mount point" : "Pikë montimi e pavlefshme",
@@ -56,6 +33,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "ID klienti",
"Client secret" : "E fshehtë klienti",
+ "Username" : "Emër përdoruesi",
+ "Password" : "Fjalëkalim",
"Tenant name" : "Emër qiraxhiu",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identifiko pikëmbarimin URL",
"Domain" : "Përkatësi",
@@ -96,10 +75,14 @@
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "Kohë skadimi kërkese (sekonda)",
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Mbështetja e cURL në PHP nuk është e instaluar ose e aktivizuar. Lidhja e %s nuk është e mundur. Ju lutemi kërkojini administratorin të sistemit tuaj që ta instaloj.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Mbështetja e FTP në PHP nuk është e aktivizuar ose instaluar.Lidhja e %s nuk është e mundur.Ju lutem kërkojini administratorit të sistemit tuaj që ta instalojë.",
+ "External storage" : "Depozitë e jashtme",
"External storage support" : "Suport i kujtesë së jashtme",
- "Name" : "Emër",
+ "External mount error" : "Gabim i jashtëm montimi",
"Storage type" : "Lloj depozite",
+ "Unknown" : "I panjohur",
"Scope" : "Shtrirje",
+ "Personal" : "Personale",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
"Open documentation" : "Dokumentacion i hapur",
"Folder name" : "Emër dosjeje",
"Authentication" : "Mirëfilltësim",
@@ -107,6 +90,24 @@
"Available for" : "E gatshme për",
"Add storage" : "Shtoni depozitë",
"Advanced settings" : "Rregullime të mëtejshme",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Lejoju përdoruesve të montojnë depozita të jashtme"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Lejoju përdoruesve të montojnë depozita të jashtme",
+ "Grant access" : "Akordoji hyrje",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Gabim gjatë formësimit të OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Ju lutemi jepni një kyç dhe një të fshehtë aplikacioni të vlefshme.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Gabim gjatë formësimit të OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Prodho kyçe",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Gabim gjatë prodhimit të çiftit të kyçeve",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Përgjigje e zbrazët prej serverit",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Nuk mund të ketë akses. Ju lutemi, dilni dhe hyni që të aktivizohet kjo pikë montimi",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Nuk u morën dot të dhëna nga shërbyesi në largësi: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "S’u mor dot lista e pikave të jashtme të montimit: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Pati një gabim me këtë mesazh:",
+ "external-storage" : "ruajtje-jashtme",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "S’u mor dot lista e pikave të montimit Windows network drive: përgjigje e zbrazët nga shërbyesi",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Ju lutemi, jepni kredencialet për pikën e montimit {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kredencialet u ruajtën",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Ruajtja e kredencialeve dështoi",
+ "Credentials required" : "Lypsen kredenciale",
+ "Name" : "Emër"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sr.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/sr.js
index 28d763769aa..925e2910325 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sr.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Спољашње складиште",
- "Personal" : "Лично",
- "System" : "Систем",
- "Grant access" : "Одобри приступ",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка у подешавању OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Наведите исправан апликативни кључ и тајну.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка у подешавању OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Генериши кључеве",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генерисању пара кључева",
"Type to select user or group." : "Куцајте да изаберете корисника или групу.",
"(Group)" : "(група)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Компатибилност са NFD кодирањем (споро)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Сачувано",
"Saving …" : "Чувам…",
"Save" : "Сачувај",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Празан одговор са сервера",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не могу да приступим. Одјавите се и пријавите поново да активирате ову тачку монтирања",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не могу да дохватим информације са удаљеног сервера: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не могу да дохватим листу спољних тачака монтирања: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Догодила се грешка уз поруку:",
- "External mount error" : "Спољна грешка при монтирању",
- "external-storage" : "спољашње-складиште",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не могу да добавим листу тачака монтирања Виндоуз мрежних дискова: празан одговор са сервера",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Унесите акредитиве за {mount} тачку монтирања",
- "Username" : "Корисничко име",
- "Password" : "Лозинка",
- "Credentials saved" : "Акредитиви снимљени",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Снимање акредитива није успело",
- "Credentials required" : "Потребни акредитиви",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Забрањено је управљање локалним монтирањима",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Складиште са идентификацијом \"%d\" није пронађено",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Неисправан позадински механизам или начин провере идентитета",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "ИД клијента",
"Client secret" : "Тајна клијента",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Корисничко име",
+ "Password" : "Лозинка",
"Tenant name" : "Име OpenStack тенанта",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "УРЛ идентитета",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL подршка за PHP није омогућена или инсталирана. Монтирање %s није могуће. Затражите од вашег администратора система да је инсталира.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP подршка за PHP није омогућена или инсталирана. Монтирање %s није могуће. Затражите од вашег администратора система да је инсталира.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s“ није инсталиран. Монтирање %2$s није могуће. Затражите од вашег администратора система да га инсталира.",
+ "External storage" : "Спољашње складиште",
"External storage support" : "Подршка за спољашње складиште",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Додаје основу подршку за спољна складишта",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Ова апликација омогућава администраторима да подесе конекције на спољашња складишта, као што су FTP сервери, S3 или SWIFT објектна складишта, други Некстклауд сервери, WebDAV сервери и још много других. Администратори могу да одаберу које типове складишта желе да омогуће и могу да монтирају локације ових складишта посебно за корисника, за групу или за цео систем. Корисници ће видети нову фасциклу која ће се појавити у кореном директоријуму, којој могу да приступају и да је користе као и било коју другу Некстклауд фасциклу. Спољашња складишта такође омогућавају корисницима и да деле фајлове смештене на овим спољашњим локацијама. У овим случајевима, када неко затражи приступ фајлу из спољашњег складишта користе се акредитиви власника фајла, омогућавајући тако да прималац може да приступи дељеном фајлу.\n\nСпољашње складиште се може конфигурисати графички или командном линијом. Друга опција пружа више флексибилности напредним корисницима када треба монтирати велики број складишта и подесити велики број приоритета монтирања. Више информација је доступно у GUI документацији спољашњег складишта и у документацији Конфигурационог Фајла спољашњег складишта.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Нема конфигурисаних спољашњих складишта или немате потребне дозволе да их конфигуришете",
- "Name" : "Назив",
+ "Open in files" : "Отвори у фајловима",
+ "External mount error" : "Спољна грешка при монтирању",
"Storage type" : "Тип складишта",
+ "Unknown" : "Непознато",
"Scope" : "Опсег",
+ "Personal" : "Лично",
+ "System" : "Систем",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Нема конфигурисаних спољашњих складишта или немате потребне дозволе да их конфигуришете",
"Open documentation" : "Отвори документацију",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Спољно складиште Вам омогућава да монтирате сервисе и уређаје који нуде спољна складишта, и да се виде као Некстклауд уређају за складиштење. Такође можете дозволити корисницима да сами монтирају њихова сопствене сервисе спољних складишта.",
"Folder name" : "Назив фасцикле",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Сви корисници",
"Advanced settings" : "Напредне поставке",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Дозволи корисницима да монтирају спољашња складишта",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобални акредитиви се могу користити за пријављивање на више спољних складишта које примају исте акредитиве."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобални акредитиви се могу користити за пријављивање на више спољних складишта које примају исте акредитиве.",
+ "Grant access" : "Одобри приступ",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка у подешавању OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Наведите исправан апликативни кључ и тајну.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка у подешавању OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Генериши кључеве",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генерисању пара кључева",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Празан одговор са сервера",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не могу да приступим. Одјавите се и пријавите поново да активирате ову тачку монтирања",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не могу да дохватим информације са удаљеног сервера: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не могу да дохватим листу спољних тачака монтирања: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Догодила се грешка уз поруку:",
+ "external-storage" : "спољашње-складиште",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не могу да добавим листу тачака монтирања Виндоуз мрежних дискова: празан одговор са сервера",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Унесите акредитиве за {mount} тачку монтирања",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Акредитиви снимљени",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Снимање акредитива није успело",
+ "Credentials required" : "Потребни акредитиви",
+ "Name" : "Назив"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sr.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/sr.json
index eaf9da7fc6a..5b37f4c06e6 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sr.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Спољашње складиште",
- "Personal" : "Лично",
- "System" : "Систем",
- "Grant access" : "Одобри приступ",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка у подешавању OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Наведите исправан апликативни кључ и тајну.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка у подешавању OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Генериши кључеве",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генерисању пара кључева",
"Type to select user or group." : "Куцајте да изаберете корисника или групу.",
"(Group)" : "(група)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Компатибилност са NFD кодирањем (споро)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Сачувано",
"Saving …" : "Чувам…",
"Save" : "Сачувај",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Празан одговор са сервера",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не могу да приступим. Одјавите се и пријавите поново да активирате ову тачку монтирања",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не могу да дохватим информације са удаљеног сервера: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не могу да дохватим листу спољних тачака монтирања: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Догодила се грешка уз поруку:",
- "External mount error" : "Спољна грешка при монтирању",
- "external-storage" : "спољашње-складиште",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не могу да добавим листу тачака монтирања Виндоуз мрежних дискова: празан одговор са сервера",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Унесите акредитиве за {mount} тачку монтирања",
- "Username" : "Корисничко име",
- "Password" : "Лозинка",
- "Credentials saved" : "Акредитиви снимљени",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Снимање акредитива није успело",
- "Credentials required" : "Потребни акредитиви",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Забрањено је управљање локалним монтирањима",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Складиште са идентификацијом \"%d\" није пронађено",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Неисправан позадински механизам или начин провере идентитета",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "ИД клијента",
"Client secret" : "Тајна клијента",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Корисничко име",
+ "Password" : "Лозинка",
"Tenant name" : "Име OpenStack тенанта",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "УРЛ идентитета",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL подршка за PHP није омогућена или инсталирана. Монтирање %s није могуће. Затражите од вашег администратора система да је инсталира.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP подршка за PHP није омогућена или инсталирана. Монтирање %s није могуће. Затражите од вашег администратора система да је инсталира.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "„%1$s“ није инсталиран. Монтирање %2$s није могуће. Затражите од вашег администратора система да га инсталира.",
+ "External storage" : "Спољашње складиште",
"External storage support" : "Подршка за спољашње складиште",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Додаје основу подршку за спољна складишта",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Ова апликација омогућава администраторима да подесе конекције на спољашња складишта, као што су FTP сервери, S3 или SWIFT објектна складишта, други Некстклауд сервери, WebDAV сервери и још много других. Администратори могу да одаберу које типове складишта желе да омогуће и могу да монтирају локације ових складишта посебно за корисника, за групу или за цео систем. Корисници ће видети нову фасциклу која ће се појавити у кореном директоријуму, којој могу да приступају и да је користе као и било коју другу Некстклауд фасциклу. Спољашња складишта такође омогућавају корисницима и да деле фајлове смештене на овим спољашњим локацијама. У овим случајевима, када неко затражи приступ фајлу из спољашњег складишта користе се акредитиви власника фајла, омогућавајући тако да прималац може да приступи дељеном фајлу.\n\nСпољашње складиште се може конфигурисати графички или командном линијом. Друга опција пружа више флексибилности напредним корисницима када треба монтирати велики број складишта и подесити велики број приоритета монтирања. Више информација је доступно у GUI документацији спољашњег складишта и у документацији Конфигурационог Фајла спољашњег складишта.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Нема конфигурисаних спољашњих складишта или немате потребне дозволе да их конфигуришете",
- "Name" : "Назив",
+ "Open in files" : "Отвори у фајловима",
+ "External mount error" : "Спољна грешка при монтирању",
"Storage type" : "Тип складишта",
+ "Unknown" : "Непознато",
"Scope" : "Опсег",
+ "Personal" : "Лично",
+ "System" : "Систем",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Нема конфигурисаних спољашњих складишта или немате потребне дозволе да их конфигуришете",
"Open documentation" : "Отвори документацију",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Спољно складиште Вам омогућава да монтирате сервисе и уређаје који нуде спољна складишта, и да се виде као Некстклауд уређају за складиштење. Такође можете дозволити корисницима да сами монтирају њихова сопствене сервисе спољних складишта.",
"Folder name" : "Назив фасцикле",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Сви корисници",
"Advanced settings" : "Напредне поставке",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Дозволи корисницима да монтирају спољашња складишта",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобални акредитиви се могу користити за пријављивање на више спољних складишта које примају исте акредитиве."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Глобални акредитиви се могу користити за пријављивање на више спољних складишта које примају исте акредитиве.",
+ "Grant access" : "Одобри приступ",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Грешка у подешавању OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Наведите исправан апликативни кључ и тајну.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Грешка у подешавању OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Генериши кључеве",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Грешка при генерисању пара кључева",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Празан одговор са сервера",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не могу да приступим. Одјавите се и пријавите поново да активирате ову тачку монтирања",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не могу да дохватим информације са удаљеног сервера: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не могу да дохватим листу спољних тачака монтирања: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Догодила се грешка уз поруку:",
+ "external-storage" : "спољашње-складиште",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Не могу да добавим листу тачака монтирања Виндоуз мрежних дискова: празан одговор са сервера",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Унесите акредитиве за {mount} тачку монтирања",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Акредитиви снимљени",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Снимање акредитива није успело",
+ "Credentials required" : "Потребни акредитиви",
+ "Name" : "Назив"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sv.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/sv.js
index 769f351410d..a00bb7d13c3 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sv.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Extern lagring",
- "Personal" : "Privat",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Bevilja åtkomst",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Misslyckades konfigurera OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Ange en giltig applikationsnyckel och hemlig fras.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Misslyckades konfigurera OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generera nycklar",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fel vid generering av nyckelpar",
"Type to select user or group." : "Skriv för att välja användare eller grupp.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupp)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilitet med Mac NFD kodning (slö)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Sparad",
"Saving …" : "Sparar ...",
"Save" : "Spara",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar från servern",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kunde inte ansluta. Försök logga ut och in igen för att aktivera denna monteringspunkt",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Det gick inte att få informationen från fjärrservern: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kunde inte hämta listan för externa monteringspunkter: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Det fanns ett fel med meddelande:",
- "External mount error" : "Fel vid extern montering",
- "external-storage" : "extern-lagring",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kunde inte hämta lista med Windows nätverksmonteringspunkter: Tomt svar från servern",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Ange uppgifterna för {mount} montering",
- "Username" : "Användarnamn",
- "Password" : "Lösenord",
- "Credentials saved" : "Sparade uppgifter",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Misslyckades med att spara uppgifterna",
- "Credentials required" : "Uppgifter krävs",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Förbjudet att hantera lokala monteringar",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Lagringsutrymme med ID \"%d\" hittades inte",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ogiltig backend eller autentiseringsmekanism-klass",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Klient ID",
"Client secret" : "Klienthemlighet",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Användarnamn",
+ "Password" : "Lösenord",
"Tenant name" : "Namn på arrendator",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identitet endpoint-webbadress",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL-stödet i PHP är inte aktiverat eller installerat. Montering av %s är inte möjlig. Vänligen be din systemadministratör att installera den.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP-stöd i PHP är inte aktiverat eller har inte installerats. Montering av %s är inte möjlig. Be din systemadministratör om installation.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" är inte installerad. Montering av %2$s är inte möjlig. Be din systemadministratör att installera den.",
+ "External storage" : "Extern lagring",
"External storage support" : "Stöd för extern lagring",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Lägger till grundläggande stöd för extern lagring",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Appen ger administratörer möjlighet att konfigurera kopplingar till extern lagring, ftp-servrar, S3- eller SWIFT-objektlager, andra Nextcloud-servrar, WebDAV-servrar, eller andra typer. Administratörerna kan välja vilka typer av lagring som ska tillåtas, för en användare, en grupp, eller hela systemet. Användare kommer att se en ny folder i sin Nextcloud-rotkatalog. den kan användas precis som andra foldrar. Extern lagring ger också möjlighet att dela filerna på den externa lagringen. Då används den lokala användarens användaruppgifter när de filerna används av externa användare.\n\nExtern lagring kan konfigureras i GUI:t eller på kommandoraden. Det senare alternativet ger mer flexibilitet för monteringspunkter för bulk-lagring. Mer information finns i GUI-dokumentationen och i dokumentationen för extern lagrings-konfigurationsfilen.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ingen extern lagring konfigurerad eller så har du inte behörighet att konfigurera dem",
- "Name" : "Namn",
+ "Open in files" : "Öppna i filer",
+ "External mount error" : "Fel vid extern montering",
"Storage type" : "Lagringstyp",
+ "Unknown" : "Okänd",
"Scope" : "Sammanhang",
+ "Personal" : "Privat",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ingen extern lagring konfigurerad eller så har du inte behörighet att konfigurera dem",
"Open documentation" : "Öppna dokumentationen",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externt lagringsutrymme gör det möjligt att montera externa lagringstjänster och enheter som sekundära Nextcloud-lagringsenheter. Du kan också tillåta användare att montera sina egna externa lagringstjänster.",
"Folder name" : "Mappnamn",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Alla användare",
"Advanced settings" : "Avancerade inställningar",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Tillåt användare att montera extern lagring",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globala användaruppgifter kan användas för att autentisera med flera externa lagrings-instanser som använder samma användaruppgifter."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globala användaruppgifter kan användas för att autentisera med flera externa lagrings-instanser som använder samma användaruppgifter.",
+ "Grant access" : "Bevilja åtkomst",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Misslyckades konfigurera OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Ange en giltig applikationsnyckel och hemlig fras.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Misslyckades konfigurera OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generera nycklar",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fel vid generering av nyckelpar",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar från servern",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kunde inte ansluta. Försök logga ut och in igen för att aktivera denna monteringspunkt",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Det gick inte att få informationen från fjärrservern: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kunde inte hämta listan för externa monteringspunkter: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Det fanns ett fel med meddelande:",
+ "external-storage" : "extern-lagring",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kunde inte hämta lista med Windows nätverksmonteringspunkter: Tomt svar från servern",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Ange uppgifterna för {mount} montering",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Sparade uppgifter",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Misslyckades med att spara uppgifterna",
+ "Credentials required" : "Uppgifter krävs",
+ "Name" : "Namn"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sv.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/sv.json
index 4ad385b851d..cdce6c11ae6 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sv.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Extern lagring",
- "Personal" : "Privat",
- "System" : "System",
- "Grant access" : "Bevilja åtkomst",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Misslyckades konfigurera OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Ange en giltig applikationsnyckel och hemlig fras.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Misslyckades konfigurera OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Generera nycklar",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Fel vid generering av nyckelpar",
"Type to select user or group." : "Skriv för att välja användare eller grupp.",
"(Group)" : "(Grupp)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilitet med Mac NFD kodning (slö)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Sparad",
"Saving …" : "Sparar ...",
"Save" : "Spara",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar från servern",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kunde inte ansluta. Försök logga ut och in igen för att aktivera denna monteringspunkt",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Det gick inte att få informationen från fjärrservern: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kunde inte hämta listan för externa monteringspunkter: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Det fanns ett fel med meddelande:",
- "External mount error" : "Fel vid extern montering",
- "external-storage" : "extern-lagring",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kunde inte hämta lista med Windows nätverksmonteringspunkter: Tomt svar från servern",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Ange uppgifterna för {mount} montering",
- "Username" : "Användarnamn",
- "Password" : "Lösenord",
- "Credentials saved" : "Sparade uppgifter",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Misslyckades med att spara uppgifterna",
- "Credentials required" : "Uppgifter krävs",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Förbjudet att hantera lokala monteringar",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Lagringsutrymme med ID \"%d\" hittades inte",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Ogiltig backend eller autentiseringsmekanism-klass",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Klient ID",
"Client secret" : "Klienthemlighet",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Användarnamn",
+ "Password" : "Lösenord",
"Tenant name" : "Namn på arrendator",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Identitet endpoint-webbadress",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "cURL-stödet i PHP är inte aktiverat eller installerat. Montering av %s är inte möjlig. Vänligen be din systemadministratör att installera den.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "FTP-stöd i PHP är inte aktiverat eller har inte installerats. Montering av %s är inte möjlig. Be din systemadministratör om installation.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" är inte installerad. Montering av %2$s är inte möjlig. Be din systemadministratör att installera den.",
+ "External storage" : "Extern lagring",
"External storage support" : "Stöd för extern lagring",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Lägger till grundläggande stöd för extern lagring",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Appen ger administratörer möjlighet att konfigurera kopplingar till extern lagring, ftp-servrar, S3- eller SWIFT-objektlager, andra Nextcloud-servrar, WebDAV-servrar, eller andra typer. Administratörerna kan välja vilka typer av lagring som ska tillåtas, för en användare, en grupp, eller hela systemet. Användare kommer att se en ny folder i sin Nextcloud-rotkatalog. den kan användas precis som andra foldrar. Extern lagring ger också möjlighet att dela filerna på den externa lagringen. Då används den lokala användarens användaruppgifter när de filerna används av externa användare.\n\nExtern lagring kan konfigureras i GUI:t eller på kommandoraden. Det senare alternativet ger mer flexibilitet för monteringspunkter för bulk-lagring. Mer information finns i GUI-dokumentationen och i dokumentationen för extern lagrings-konfigurationsfilen.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ingen extern lagring konfigurerad eller så har du inte behörighet att konfigurera dem",
- "Name" : "Namn",
+ "Open in files" : "Öppna i filer",
+ "External mount error" : "Fel vid extern montering",
"Storage type" : "Lagringstyp",
+ "Unknown" : "Okänd",
"Scope" : "Sammanhang",
+ "Personal" : "Privat",
+ "System" : "System",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Ingen extern lagring konfigurerad eller så har du inte behörighet att konfigurera dem",
"Open documentation" : "Öppna dokumentationen",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Externt lagringsutrymme gör det möjligt att montera externa lagringstjänster och enheter som sekundära Nextcloud-lagringsenheter. Du kan också tillåta användare att montera sina egna externa lagringstjänster.",
"Folder name" : "Mappnamn",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Alla användare",
"Advanced settings" : "Avancerade inställningar",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Tillåt användare att montera extern lagring",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globala användaruppgifter kan användas för att autentisera med flera externa lagrings-instanser som använder samma användaruppgifter."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globala användaruppgifter kan användas för att autentisera med flera externa lagrings-instanser som använder samma användaruppgifter.",
+ "Grant access" : "Bevilja åtkomst",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Misslyckades konfigurera OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Ange en giltig applikationsnyckel och hemlig fras.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Misslyckades konfigurera OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Generera nycklar",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Fel vid generering av nyckelpar",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar från servern",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Kunde inte ansluta. Försök logga ut och in igen för att aktivera denna monteringspunkt",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Det gick inte att få informationen från fjärrservern: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Kunde inte hämta listan för externa monteringspunkter: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Det fanns ett fel med meddelande:",
+ "external-storage" : "extern-lagring",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Kunde inte hämta lista med Windows nätverksmonteringspunkter: Tomt svar från servern",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Ange uppgifterna för {mount} montering",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Sparade uppgifter",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Misslyckades med att spara uppgifterna",
+ "Credentials required" : "Uppgifter krävs",
+ "Name" : "Namn"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/th.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/th.js
index 8c97ef8f70d..4a515fd9df1 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/th.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/th.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "พื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก",
- "Personal" : "ส่วนตัว",
- "System" : "ระบบ",
- "Grant access" : "อนุญาตให้เข้าถึง",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการกำหนดค่า OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "โปรดระบุคีย์และรหัสลับของแอปให้ถูกต้อง",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการกำหนดค่า OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "สร้างคีย์",
- "Error generating key pair" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการสร้างคู่ของคีย์",
"Enable encryption" : "เปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัส",
"Enable previews" : "เปิดใช้งานการแสดงตัวอย่าง",
"Enable sharing" : "เปิดให้สามารถแชร์ได้",
@@ -20,17 +11,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "บันทึกแล้ว",
"Saving …" : "กำลังบันทึก …",
"Save" : "บันทึก",
- "Empty response from the server" : "การตอบสนองจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ว่างเปล่า",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "ไม่สามารถรับรายชื่อของจุดเชื่อมต่อภายนอก: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "มีข้อผิดพลาดพร้อมข้อความ:",
- "External mount error" : "ข้อผิดพลาดจุดเชื่อมต่อภายนอก",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "กรุณากรอกข้อมูลประจำตัวสำหรับจุดเชื่อมต่อ {mount} ",
- "Username" : "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
- "Password" : "รหัสผ่าน",
- "Credentials saved" : "บันทึกข้อมูลประจำตัวแล้ว",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "บันทึกข้อมูลประจำตัวล้มเหลว",
- "Credentials required" : "จำเป็นต้องระบุข้อมูลประจำตัว",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "แบ็กเอนด์หรือกลไกการรับรองความถูกต้องไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Invalid mount point" : "จุดเชื่อมต่อไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Objectstore forbidden" : "ที่เก็บวัตถุไม่ได้รับอนุญาต",
@@ -51,6 +31,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "รหัสไคลเอ็นต์",
"Client secret" : "ข้อมูลลับไคลเอ็นต์",
+ "Username" : "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
+ "Password" : "รหัสผ่าน",
"Tenant name" : "ชื่อผู้เช่า",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "ตัวตนของ URL ปลายทาง",
"Domain" : "โดเมน",
@@ -87,9 +69,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OpenStack Object Storage" : "ที่เก็บวัตถุ OpenStack",
"Service name" : "ชื่อบริการ",
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "หมดเวลาคำขอ (วินาที)",
- "Name" : "ชื่อ",
+ "External storage" : "พื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก",
+ "External mount error" : "ข้อผิดพลาดจุดเชื่อมต่อภายนอก",
"Storage type" : "ชนิดการจัดเก็บข้อมูล",
+ "Unknown" : "ไม่ทราบ",
"Scope" : "ขอบเขต",
+ "Personal" : "ส่วนตัว",
+ "System" : "ระบบ",
"Open documentation" : "เปิดเอกสารประกอบ",
"Folder name" : "ชื่อโฟลเดอร์",
"Authentication" : "การรับรองความถูกต้อง",
@@ -97,6 +83,21 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "ใช้ได้สำหรับ",
"Add storage" : "เพิ่มพื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูล",
"Advanced settings" : "การตั้งค่าขั้นสูง",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ติดตั้งการจัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ติดตั้งการจัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก",
+ "Grant access" : "อนุญาตให้เข้าถึง",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการกำหนดค่า OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "โปรดระบุคีย์และรหัสลับของแอปให้ถูกต้อง",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการกำหนดค่า OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "สร้างคีย์",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการสร้างคู่ของคีย์",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "การตอบสนองจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ว่างเปล่า",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "ไม่สามารถรับรายชื่อของจุดเชื่อมต่อภายนอก: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "มีข้อผิดพลาดพร้อมข้อความ:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "กรุณากรอกข้อมูลประจำตัวสำหรับจุดเชื่อมต่อ {mount} ",
+ "Credentials saved" : "บันทึกข้อมูลประจำตัวแล้ว",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "บันทึกข้อมูลประจำตัวล้มเหลว",
+ "Credentials required" : "จำเป็นต้องระบุข้อมูลประจำตัว",
+ "Name" : "ชื่อ"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/th.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/th.json
index 46d190ea459..a54793ad2ba 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/th.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/th.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "พื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก",
- "Personal" : "ส่วนตัว",
- "System" : "ระบบ",
- "Grant access" : "อนุญาตให้เข้าถึง",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการกำหนดค่า OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "โปรดระบุคีย์และรหัสลับของแอปให้ถูกต้อง",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการกำหนดค่า OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "สร้างคีย์",
- "Error generating key pair" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการสร้างคู่ของคีย์",
"Enable encryption" : "เปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัส",
"Enable previews" : "เปิดใช้งานการแสดงตัวอย่าง",
"Enable sharing" : "เปิดให้สามารถแชร์ได้",
@@ -18,17 +9,6 @@
"Saved" : "บันทึกแล้ว",
"Saving …" : "กำลังบันทึก …",
"Save" : "บันทึก",
- "Empty response from the server" : "การตอบสนองจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ว่างเปล่า",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "ไม่สามารถรับรายชื่อของจุดเชื่อมต่อภายนอก: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "มีข้อผิดพลาดพร้อมข้อความ:",
- "External mount error" : "ข้อผิดพลาดจุดเชื่อมต่อภายนอก",
- "external-storage" : "external-storage",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "กรุณากรอกข้อมูลประจำตัวสำหรับจุดเชื่อมต่อ {mount} ",
- "Username" : "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
- "Password" : "รหัสผ่าน",
- "Credentials saved" : "บันทึกข้อมูลประจำตัวแล้ว",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "บันทึกข้อมูลประจำตัวล้มเหลว",
- "Credentials required" : "จำเป็นต้องระบุข้อมูลประจำตัว",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "แบ็กเอนด์หรือกลไกการรับรองความถูกต้องไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Invalid mount point" : "จุดเชื่อมต่อไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Objectstore forbidden" : "ที่เก็บวัตถุไม่ได้รับอนุญาต",
@@ -49,6 +29,8 @@
"OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
"Client ID" : "รหัสไคลเอ็นต์",
"Client secret" : "ข้อมูลลับไคลเอ็นต์",
+ "Username" : "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
+ "Password" : "รหัสผ่าน",
"Tenant name" : "ชื่อผู้เช่า",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "ตัวตนของ URL ปลายทาง",
"Domain" : "โดเมน",
@@ -85,9 +67,13 @@
"OpenStack Object Storage" : "ที่เก็บวัตถุ OpenStack",
"Service name" : "ชื่อบริการ",
"Request timeout (seconds)" : "หมดเวลาคำขอ (วินาที)",
- "Name" : "ชื่อ",
+ "External storage" : "พื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก",
+ "External mount error" : "ข้อผิดพลาดจุดเชื่อมต่อภายนอก",
"Storage type" : "ชนิดการจัดเก็บข้อมูล",
+ "Unknown" : "ไม่ทราบ",
"Scope" : "ขอบเขต",
+ "Personal" : "ส่วนตัว",
+ "System" : "ระบบ",
"Open documentation" : "เปิดเอกสารประกอบ",
"Folder name" : "ชื่อโฟลเดอร์",
"Authentication" : "การรับรองความถูกต้อง",
@@ -95,6 +81,21 @@
"Available for" : "ใช้ได้สำหรับ",
"Add storage" : "เพิ่มพื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูล",
"Advanced settings" : "การตั้งค่าขั้นสูง",
- "Allow users to mount external storage" : "อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ติดตั้งการจัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก"
+ "Allow users to mount external storage" : "อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ติดตั้งการจัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก",
+ "Grant access" : "อนุญาตให้เข้าถึง",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการกำหนดค่า OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "โปรดระบุคีย์และรหัสลับของแอปให้ถูกต้อง",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการกำหนดค่า OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "สร้างคีย์",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "ข้อผิดพลาดในการสร้างคู่ของคีย์",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "การตอบสนองจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ว่างเปล่า",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "ไม่สามารถรับรายชื่อของจุดเชื่อมต่อภายนอก: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "มีข้อผิดพลาดพร้อมข้อความ:",
+ "external-storage" : "external-storage",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "กรุณากรอกข้อมูลประจำตัวสำหรับจุดเชื่อมต่อ {mount} ",
+ "Credentials saved" : "บันทึกข้อมูลประจำตัวแล้ว",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "บันทึกข้อมูลประจำตัวล้มเหลว",
+ "Credentials required" : "จำเป็นต้องระบุข้อมูลประจำตัว",
+ "Name" : "ชื่อ"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js
index 096d592e1ee..0f3efdf7f74 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Dış depolama",
- "Personal" : "Kişisel",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Erişim ver",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 yapılandırması sorunu",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Lütfen geçerli bir uygulama anahtarı ve parola yazın.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 yapılandırması sorunu",
- "Generate keys" : "Anahtarları üret",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Anahtar çifti üretilirken sorun çıktı",
"Type to select user or group." : "Kullanıcı ya da grup seçmek için yazın. ",
"(Group)" : "(Grup)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD şifrelemesiyle uyumlu (yavaş)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Kaydedildi",
"Saving …" : "Kaydediliyor …",
"Save" : "Kaydet",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Erişilemedi. Lütfen bu bağlama noktasını etkinleştirmek için oturumunuzu kapatıp yeniden açın",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Uzak sunucudan bilgi alınamadı: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Dış bağlama noktalarının listesi alınamadı: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Şu ileti ile bir sorun çıktı:",
- "External mount error" : "Dış bağlama sorunu",
- "external-storage" : "dış depolama",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows ağ sürücüsü bağlama nokta listesi alınamadı: Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} bağlaması için kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini yazın",
- "Username" : "Kullanıcı adı",
- "Password" : "Parola",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kaydedildi",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kaydedilemedi",
- "Credentials required" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri gerekli",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Yerel bağlantıları yönetme izni verilmemiş",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "\"%d\" kodlu depolama bulunamadı",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Arka yüz ya da kimlik doğrulama yöntemi sınıfı geçersiz",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "İstemci kimliği",
"Client secret" : "İstemci parolası",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Kullanıcı adı",
+ "Password" : "Parola",
"Tenant name" : "Kiracı adı",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Kimlik arka uç noktası adresi",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP cURL desteği kurulmamış ya da etkinleştirilmemiş. %s bağlanamaz. Lütfen kurması için BT yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP FTP desteği kuurlmamış ya da etkinleştirilmemiş. %s bağlanamaz. Lütfen kurması için BT yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" kurulmamış. %2$s\" bağlanamaz. Lütfen kurulum için BT yöneticinizle görüşün.",
+ "External storage" : "Dış depolama",
"External storage support" : "Dış depolama desteği",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Temel dış depolama desteği ekler",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Bu uygulama yöneticilerin FTP sunucular, S3 ya da SWIFT nesne mağazaları, diğer Nextcloud sunucuları ve WebDAV sunucuları gibi çeşitli dış depolama hizmeti sağlayıcıları ile bağlantı kurmasını sağlar. Yöneticiler etkinleştirmek istedikleri depolama türünü seçebilir ve bu depolama konumlarını belirli bir kullanıcı, bir grup ya da tüm sistem için ekleyebilir. Kullanıcılar bağlanan depolamayı kök Nextcloud klasörü altında yeni bir klasör olarak görebilir ve diğer Nextcloud klasörleri gibi erişebilir. Dış depolama, bu konumlarda depolanan dosyaların kullanıcılar tarafından paylaşılmasına da izin verir. Bu durumda alıcıların dış dosyaya erişebileceğinden emin olmak için yapılan dosya erişimi isteklerinde, dosya sahibinin kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kullanılır.\n\nDış depolama yapılandırması grafik arayüzden ya da komut satırından yapılabilir. Komut satırı seçeneğinde, uzman kullanıcılar için toplu dış depolama bağlama ve bağlama noktası öncelikleri gibi esnek yapılandırma seçenekleri bulunur. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için dış depolama grafik arayüzü belgeleri ile dış depolama yapılandırma dosyası belgelerine bakabilirsiniz.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Bir dış depolama yapılandırılmamış ya da yapılandırma izniniz yok",
- "Name" : "Ad",
+ "Open in files" : "Dosyalar uygulamasında aç",
+ "External mount error" : "Dış bağlama sorunu",
"Storage type" : "Depolama türü",
+ "Unknown" : "Bilinmiyor",
"Scope" : "Kapsam",
+ "Personal" : "Kişisel",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Bir dış depolama yapılandırılmamış ya da yapılandırma izniniz yok",
"Open documentation" : "Belgeleri aç",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Dış depolama özelliği, dış depolama hizmet ve aygıtlarını ikincil Nextcloud depolama aygıtları olarak ekleyebilmenizi sağlar. Ayrıca kullanıcıların kendi dış depolama aygıtlarını ekleyebilmesine izin verebilirsiniz.",
"Folder name" : "Klasör adı",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Tüm kullanıcılar",
"Advanced settings" : "Gelişmiş ayarlar",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Kullanıcılar dış depolama bağlayabilsin",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Aynı kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini kullanan bir çok dış depolama aygıtına genel kimlik doğrulama bilgileri ile erişebilirsiniz."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Aynı kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini kullanan bir çok dış depolama aygıtına genel kimlik doğrulama bilgileri ile erişebilirsiniz.",
+ "Grant access" : "Erişim ver",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 yapılandırması sorunu",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Lütfen geçerli bir uygulama anahtarı ve parola yazın.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 yapılandırması sorunu",
+ "Generate keys" : "Anahtarları üret",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Anahtar çifti üretilirken sorun çıktı",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Erişilemedi. Lütfen bu bağlama noktasını etkinleştirmek için oturumunuzu kapatıp yeniden açın",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Uzak sunucudan bilgi alınamadı: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Dış bağlama noktalarının listesi alınamadı: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Şu ileti ile bir sorun çıktı:",
+ "external-storage" : "dış depolama",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows ağ sürücüsü bağlama nokta listesi alınamadı: Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} bağlaması için kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini yazın",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kaydedildi",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kaydedilemedi",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri gerekli",
+ "Name" : "Ad"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json
index b73ea64e962..18790cb0711 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Dış depolama",
- "Personal" : "Kişisel",
- "System" : "Sistem",
- "Grant access" : "Erişim ver",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 yapılandırması sorunu",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Lütfen geçerli bir uygulama anahtarı ve parola yazın.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 yapılandırması sorunu",
- "Generate keys" : "Anahtarları üret",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Anahtar çifti üretilirken sorun çıktı",
"Type to select user or group." : "Kullanıcı ya da grup seçmek için yazın. ",
"(Group)" : "(Grup)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Mac NFD şifrelemesiyle uyumlu (yavaş)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Kaydedildi",
"Saving …" : "Kaydediliyor …",
"Save" : "Kaydet",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Erişilemedi. Lütfen bu bağlama noktasını etkinleştirmek için oturumunuzu kapatıp yeniden açın",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Uzak sunucudan bilgi alınamadı: {code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Dış bağlama noktalarının listesi alınamadı: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Şu ileti ile bir sorun çıktı:",
- "External mount error" : "Dış bağlama sorunu",
- "external-storage" : "dış depolama",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows ağ sürücüsü bağlama nokta listesi alınamadı: Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} bağlaması için kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini yazın",
- "Username" : "Kullanıcı adı",
- "Password" : "Parola",
- "Credentials saved" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kaydedildi",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kaydedilemedi",
- "Credentials required" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri gerekli",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Yerel bağlantıları yönetme izni verilmemiş",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "\"%d\" kodlu depolama bulunamadı",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Arka yüz ya da kimlik doğrulama yöntemi sınıfı geçersiz",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "İstemci kimliği",
"Client secret" : "İstemci parolası",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Kullanıcı adı",
+ "Password" : "Parola",
"Tenant name" : "Kiracı adı",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "Kimlik arka uç noktası adresi",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP cURL desteği kurulmamış ya da etkinleştirilmemiş. %s bağlanamaz. Lütfen kurması için BT yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP FTP desteği kuurlmamış ya da etkinleştirilmemiş. %s bağlanamaz. Lütfen kurması için BT yöneticinizle görüşün.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" kurulmamış. %2$s\" bağlanamaz. Lütfen kurulum için BT yöneticinizle görüşün.",
+ "External storage" : "Dış depolama",
"External storage support" : "Dış depolama desteği",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Temel dış depolama desteği ekler",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Bu uygulama yöneticilerin FTP sunucular, S3 ya da SWIFT nesne mağazaları, diğer Nextcloud sunucuları ve WebDAV sunucuları gibi çeşitli dış depolama hizmeti sağlayıcıları ile bağlantı kurmasını sağlar. Yöneticiler etkinleştirmek istedikleri depolama türünü seçebilir ve bu depolama konumlarını belirli bir kullanıcı, bir grup ya da tüm sistem için ekleyebilir. Kullanıcılar bağlanan depolamayı kök Nextcloud klasörü altında yeni bir klasör olarak görebilir ve diğer Nextcloud klasörleri gibi erişebilir. Dış depolama, bu konumlarda depolanan dosyaların kullanıcılar tarafından paylaşılmasına da izin verir. Bu durumda alıcıların dış dosyaya erişebileceğinden emin olmak için yapılan dosya erişimi isteklerinde, dosya sahibinin kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kullanılır.\n\nDış depolama yapılandırması grafik arayüzden ya da komut satırından yapılabilir. Komut satırı seçeneğinde, uzman kullanıcılar için toplu dış depolama bağlama ve bağlama noktası öncelikleri gibi esnek yapılandırma seçenekleri bulunur. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için dış depolama grafik arayüzü belgeleri ile dış depolama yapılandırma dosyası belgelerine bakabilirsiniz.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Bir dış depolama yapılandırılmamış ya da yapılandırma izniniz yok",
- "Name" : "Ad",
+ "Open in files" : "Dosyalar uygulamasında aç",
+ "External mount error" : "Dış bağlama sorunu",
"Storage type" : "Depolama türü",
+ "Unknown" : "Bilinmiyor",
"Scope" : "Kapsam",
+ "Personal" : "Kişisel",
+ "System" : "Sistem",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Bir dış depolama yapılandırılmamış ya da yapılandırma izniniz yok",
"Open documentation" : "Belgeleri aç",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Dış depolama özelliği, dış depolama hizmet ve aygıtlarını ikincil Nextcloud depolama aygıtları olarak ekleyebilmenizi sağlar. Ayrıca kullanıcıların kendi dış depolama aygıtlarını ekleyebilmesine izin verebilirsiniz.",
"Folder name" : "Klasör adı",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Tüm kullanıcılar",
"Advanced settings" : "Gelişmiş ayarlar",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Kullanıcılar dış depolama bağlayabilsin",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Aynı kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini kullanan bir çok dış depolama aygıtına genel kimlik doğrulama bilgileri ile erişebilirsiniz."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Aynı kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini kullanan bir çok dış depolama aygıtına genel kimlik doğrulama bilgileri ile erişebilirsiniz.",
+ "Grant access" : "Erişim ver",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 yapılandırması sorunu",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Lütfen geçerli bir uygulama anahtarı ve parola yazın.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 yapılandırması sorunu",
+ "Generate keys" : "Anahtarları üret",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Anahtar çifti üretilirken sorun çıktı",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Erişilemedi. Lütfen bu bağlama noktasını etkinleştirmek için oturumunuzu kapatıp yeniden açın",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Uzak sunucudan bilgi alınamadı: {code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Dış bağlama noktalarının listesi alınamadı: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Şu ileti ile bir sorun çıktı:",
+ "external-storage" : "dış depolama",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows ağ sürücüsü bağlama nokta listesi alınamadı: Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} bağlaması için kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini yazın",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kaydedildi",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kaydedilemedi",
+ "Credentials required" : "Kimlik doğrulama bilgileri gerekli",
+ "Name" : "Ad"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/uk.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/uk.js
index 16f029d1aed..ba4f6c5b3c0 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/uk.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "Зовнішнє сховище",
- "Personal" : "Особисте",
- "System" : "Система",
- "Grant access" : "Дозволити доступ",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Помилка з конфігуруванням OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Будь ласка, надайте дійсний ключ застосунку та пароль.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Помилка налаштування OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Створити ключі",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Помилка створення ключової пари",
"Type to select user or group." : "Почніть друкувати, щоб вибрати користувача або групу.",
"(Group)" : "(група)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Сумісність із кодуванням Mac NFD (повільно)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "Збережено",
"Saving …" : "Збереження ..",
"Save" : "Зберегти",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Отримано порожню відповідь від сервера",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не вдалося отримати доступ. Будь ласка, вийдіть із системи та знову ввійдіть, щоб активувати цю точку монтування",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не вдалося отримати інформацію з віддаленого сервера: {код} {тип}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не вдалося отримати список зовнішніх точок підключення: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Сповіщення про помилку:",
- "External mount error" : "Помилка з приєднанням зовнішнього ресурсу",
- "external-storage" : "зовнішнє сховище",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Неможливо отримати список точок монтування диску мережі Windows: отримано порожню відповідь від сервера",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Будь ласка, зазначте дані авторизації для монтування {mount}",
- "Username" : "Ім'я користувача",
- "Password" : "Пароль",
- "Credentials saved" : "Дані авторизації збережено",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Помилка зі збереженням даних авторизації",
- "Credentials required" : "Потрібно зазначити дані авторизації",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Заборонено керувати місцевими кріпленнями",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Сховище з ідентифікатором \"%d\" не знайдено",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Недійсний бекенд серверу або клас методу авторизації",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "Ідентифікатор клієнта",
"Client secret" : "Ключ клієнта",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Ім'я користувача",
+ "Password" : "Пароль",
"Tenant name" : "Ім'я орендаря",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL кінцевої точки ідентифікації",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Підтримку cURL у PHP не ввімкнено або не встановлено. Монтаж %s неможливий. Будь ласка, попросіть свого системного адміністратора встановити його.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Підтримку FTP у PHP не увімкнено або не встановлено. Під'єднання%s неможлие. Будь ласка, попросіть вашого системного адміністратора зробити відповідні налаштування.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" не встановлено. Монтаж %2$s неможливий. Будь ласка, попросіть свого системного адміністратора встановити його.",
+ "External storage" : "Зовнішнє сховище",
"External storage support" : "Підтримка зовнішньої пам'яті",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Додає базову підтримку зовнішньої пам’яті",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Цей застосунок дозволяє адміністраторам налаштовувати підключення до зовнішніх постачальників сховищ, таких як сервери FTP, сховища об’єктів S3 або SWIFT, інші сервери Nextcloud, сервери WebDAV тощо. Адміністратори можуть вибрати, які типи сховищ увімкнути, і можуть монтувати ці місця зберігання для користувача, групи або всієї системи. Користувачі побачать новий каталог, яка з’явиться в кореневому каталозі Nextcloud, до якої вони зможуть отримати доступ і використовувати як будь-який інший каталог Nextcloud. Зовнішнє сховище також дозволяє користувачам ділитися файлами, що зберігаються в цих зовнішніх місцях. У цих випадках облікові дані для власника файлу використовуються, коли одержувач запитує файл із зовнішнього сховища, таким чином гарантуючи, що одержувач може отримати доступ до спільного файлу. \n\nЗовнішнє сховище можна налаштувати за допомогою графічного інтерфейсу користувача або в командному рядку. Цей другий параметр надає досвідченому користувачеві більшу гнучкість у налаштуванні масових підключень зовнішніх накопичувачів і встановлення пріоритетів підключення. Більше інформації доступно в документація графічного інтерфейсу зовнішнього сховища та документація файлу конфігурації зовнішнього сховища.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Зовнішнє сховище не налаштовано або ви не маєте дозволу на їх налаштування",
- "Name" : "Ім'я",
+ "Open in files" : "Відкрити у файлах",
+ "External mount error" : "Помилка з приєднанням зовнішнього ресурсу",
"Storage type" : "Тип сховища",
+ "Unknown" : "Невідомо",
"Scope" : "Область",
+ "Personal" : "Особисте",
+ "System" : "Система",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Зовнішнє сховище не налаштовано або ви не маєте дозволу на їх налаштування",
"Open documentation" : "Відкрити документацію",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Зовнішня пам’ять дає змогу підключати зовнішні служби зберігання та пристрої як додаткові пристрої зберігання даних Nextcloud. Ви також можете дозволити користувачам монтувати власні зовнішні служби зберігання.",
"Folder name" : "Назва каталогу",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "Всі користувачі",
"Advanced settings" : "Розширені",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Дозволити користувачам монтувати зовнішні сховища",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Універсальні облікові дані можна використовувати для авторизації з кількома зовнішніми сховищами, які мають тотодні облікові дані."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Універсальні облікові дані можна використовувати для авторизації з кількома зовнішніми сховищами, які мають тотодні облікові дані.",
+ "Grant access" : "Дозволити доступ",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Помилка з конфігуруванням OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Будь ласка, надайте дійсний ключ застосунку та пароль.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Помилка налаштування OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Створити ключі",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Помилка створення ключової пари",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Отримано порожню відповідь від сервера",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не вдалося отримати доступ. Будь ласка, вийдіть із системи та знову ввійдіть, щоб активувати цю точку монтування",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не вдалося отримати інформацію з віддаленого сервера: {код} {тип}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не вдалося отримати список зовнішніх точок підключення: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Сповіщення про помилку:",
+ "external-storage" : "зовнішнє сховище",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Неможливо отримати список точок монтування диску мережі Windows: отримано порожню відповідь від сервера",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Будь ласка, зазначте дані авторизації для монтування {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Дані авторизації збережено",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Помилка зі збереженням даних авторизації",
+ "Credentials required" : "Потрібно зазначити дані авторизації",
+ "Name" : "Ім'я"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/uk.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/uk.json
index f03f9ab96e8..f2d4fbd6d59 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/uk.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "Зовнішнє сховище",
- "Personal" : "Особисте",
- "System" : "Система",
- "Grant access" : "Дозволити доступ",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Помилка з конфігуруванням OAuth1",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Будь ласка, надайте дійсний ключ застосунку та пароль.",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Помилка налаштування OAuth2",
- "Generate keys" : "Створити ключі",
- "Error generating key pair" : "Помилка створення ключової пари",
"Type to select user or group." : "Почніть друкувати, щоб вибрати користувача або групу.",
"(Group)" : "(група)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Сумісність із кодуванням Mac NFD (повільно)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "Збережено",
"Saving …" : "Збереження ..",
"Save" : "Зберегти",
- "Empty response from the server" : "Отримано порожню відповідь від сервера",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не вдалося отримати доступ. Будь ласка, вийдіть із системи та знову ввійдіть, щоб активувати цю точку монтування",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не вдалося отримати інформацію з віддаленого сервера: {код} {тип}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не вдалося отримати список зовнішніх точок підключення: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "Сповіщення про помилку:",
- "External mount error" : "Помилка з приєднанням зовнішнього ресурсу",
- "external-storage" : "зовнішнє сховище",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Неможливо отримати список точок монтування диску мережі Windows: отримано порожню відповідь від сервера",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Будь ласка, зазначте дані авторизації для монтування {mount}",
- "Username" : "Ім'я користувача",
- "Password" : "Пароль",
- "Credentials saved" : "Дані авторизації збережено",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "Помилка зі збереженням даних авторизації",
- "Credentials required" : "Потрібно зазначити дані авторизації",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "Заборонено керувати місцевими кріпленнями",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "Сховище з ідентифікатором \"%d\" не знайдено",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Недійсний бекенд серверу або клас методу авторизації",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "Ідентифікатор клієнта",
"Client secret" : "Ключ клієнта",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "Ім'я користувача",
+ "Password" : "Пароль",
"Tenant name" : "Ім'я орендаря",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "URL кінцевої точки ідентифікації",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Підтримку cURL у PHP не ввімкнено або не встановлено. Монтаж %s неможливий. Будь ласка, попросіть свого системного адміністратора встановити його.",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Підтримку FTP у PHP не увімкнено або не встановлено. Під'єднання%s неможлие. Будь ласка, попросіть вашого системного адміністратора зробити відповідні налаштування.",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%1$s\" не встановлено. Монтаж %2$s неможливий. Будь ласка, попросіть свого системного адміністратора встановити його.",
+ "External storage" : "Зовнішнє сховище",
"External storage support" : "Підтримка зовнішньої пам'яті",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Додає базову підтримку зовнішньої пам’яті",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Цей застосунок дозволяє адміністраторам налаштовувати підключення до зовнішніх постачальників сховищ, таких як сервери FTP, сховища об’єктів S3 або SWIFT, інші сервери Nextcloud, сервери WebDAV тощо. Адміністратори можуть вибрати, які типи сховищ увімкнути, і можуть монтувати ці місця зберігання для користувача, групи або всієї системи. Користувачі побачать новий каталог, яка з’явиться в кореневому каталозі Nextcloud, до якої вони зможуть отримати доступ і використовувати як будь-який інший каталог Nextcloud. Зовнішнє сховище також дозволяє користувачам ділитися файлами, що зберігаються в цих зовнішніх місцях. У цих випадках облікові дані для власника файлу використовуються, коли одержувач запитує файл із зовнішнього сховища, таким чином гарантуючи, що одержувач може отримати доступ до спільного файлу. \n\nЗовнішнє сховище можна налаштувати за допомогою графічного інтерфейсу користувача або в командному рядку. Цей другий параметр надає досвідченому користувачеві більшу гнучкість у налаштуванні масових підключень зовнішніх накопичувачів і встановлення пріоритетів підключення. Більше інформації доступно в документація графічного інтерфейсу зовнішнього сховища та документація файлу конфігурації зовнішнього сховища.",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Зовнішнє сховище не налаштовано або ви не маєте дозволу на їх налаштування",
- "Name" : "Ім'я",
+ "Open in files" : "Відкрити у файлах",
+ "External mount error" : "Помилка з приєднанням зовнішнього ресурсу",
"Storage type" : "Тип сховища",
+ "Unknown" : "Невідомо",
"Scope" : "Область",
+ "Personal" : "Особисте",
+ "System" : "Система",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "Зовнішнє сховище не налаштовано або ви не маєте дозволу на їх налаштування",
"Open documentation" : "Відкрити документацію",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Зовнішня пам’ять дає змогу підключати зовнішні служби зберігання та пристрої як додаткові пристрої зберігання даних Nextcloud. Ви також можете дозволити користувачам монтувати власні зовнішні служби зберігання.",
"Folder name" : "Назва каталогу",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "Всі користувачі",
"Advanced settings" : "Розширені",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Дозволити користувачам монтувати зовнішні сховища",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Універсальні облікові дані можна використовувати для авторизації з кількома зовнішніми сховищами, які мають тотодні облікові дані."
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Універсальні облікові дані можна використовувати для авторизації з кількома зовнішніми сховищами, які мають тотодні облікові дані.",
+ "Grant access" : "Дозволити доступ",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Помилка з конфігуруванням OAuth1",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Будь ласка, надайте дійсний ключ застосунку та пароль.",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Помилка налаштування OAuth2",
+ "Generate keys" : "Створити ключі",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "Помилка створення ключової пари",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "Отримано порожню відповідь від сервера",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Не вдалося отримати доступ. Будь ласка, вийдіть із системи та знову ввійдіть, щоб активувати цю точку монтування",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Не вдалося отримати інформацію з віддаленого сервера: {код} {тип}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Не вдалося отримати список зовнішніх точок підключення: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "Сповіщення про помилку:",
+ "external-storage" : "зовнішнє сховище",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Неможливо отримати список точок монтування диску мережі Windows: отримано порожню відповідь від сервера",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Будь ласка, зазначте дані авторизації для монтування {mount}",
+ "Credentials saved" : "Дані авторизації збережено",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "Помилка зі збереженням даних авторизації",
+ "Credentials required" : "Потрібно зазначити дані авторизації",
+ "Name" : "Ім'я"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_CN.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 2fe6c483975..f6ec8251281 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "外部存储",
- "Personal" : "个人",
- "System" : "系统",
- "Grant access" : "授权",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 配置错误",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "请提供有效的 app key 和密钥。",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 配置错误",
- "Generate keys" : "生成密钥",
- "Error generating key pair" : "生成密钥对错误",
"Type to select user or group." : "输入以选择用户或群组。",
"(Group)" : "(群组)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "兼用 Mac NFD 编码(慢)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "已保存",
"Saving …" : "正在保存 …",
"Save" : "保存",
- "Empty response from the server" : "服务器响应为空",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "无法访问。 请登出并再次登录以激活此挂载点",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "无法从远程服务器获取信息:{code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "无法获取外部挂载点列表:{type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "错误信息:",
- "External mount error" : "外部挂载错误",
- "external-storage" : "外部存储",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "无法获取 Windows 网络磁盘挂载点列表:服务器未响应",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "请输入 {mount} 挂载点的证书",
- "Username" : "用户名",
- "Password" : "密码",
- "Credentials saved" : "凭据已保存",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "证书保存失败",
- "Credentials required" : "需要凭据",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "禁止管理本地挂载",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "未找到 ID 为“%d”的存储",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "无效的后端或认证类型",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "客户端 ID",
"Client secret" : "客户端 secret",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "用户名",
+ "Password" : "密码",
"Tenant name" : "租户名称",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "身份识别 URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "没有安装或启用 PHP 中的 cURL 支持。无法挂载 %s。请联系您的系统管理员安装。",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "没有安装或启用 PHP 中的 FTP 支持。无法挂载 %s。请联系您的系统管理员安装。",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "“%1$s” 未安装。无法挂载 %2$s。请联系管理员安装。",
+ "External storage" : "外部存储",
"External storage support" : "外部存储支持",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "添加基本的外部存储支持",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "此应用为管理员提供了配置连接外部存储服务的功能,例如如 FTP 服务器、S3 或 SWIFT 对象存储、其他的 NextCloud 服务器、WebDAV 服务器等。管理员可以选择要启用的存储类型,并可以为用户、组或整个系统挂载这些存储服务。用户会在自己的 NextCloud 目录中看到全局挂载的外部存储,可以像其他任何 NextCloud 文件夹一样访问和使用这个文件夹。用户可以共享存储在这些外部位置中的文件。在这种情况下,当接收方从外部存储请求文件时,将使用文件所有者的凭据,从而确保接收方能够访问共享文件。\n\n可以使用 GUI 或命令行配置外部存储。命令行方式为高级用户配置大容量外部存储挂载和设置挂载优先级提供了更大的灵活性。更多信息可在外部存储 GUI 文档和外部存储配置文档中查阅。",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未设置外部存储或者没有权限",
- "Name" : "名称",
+ "External mount error" : "外部挂载错误",
"Storage type" : "存储类型",
+ "Unknown" : "未知",
"Scope" : "适用范围",
+ "Personal" : "个人",
+ "System" : "系统",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未设置外部存储或者没有权限",
"Open documentation" : "打开文档",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "外部存储插件允许挂载外部的存储服务作为 Nextcloud 的辅助存储设备。您可以设置是否允许挂载用户自己的外部存储服务。",
"Folder name" : "目录名称",
@@ -139,6 +122,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "所有用户",
"Advanced settings" : "高级选项",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "允许用户挂载外部存储",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全局凭据可用于使用具有相同凭据的多个外部存储进行身份验证。"
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全局凭据可用于使用具有相同凭据的多个外部存储进行身份验证。",
+ "Grant access" : "授权",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 配置错误",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "请提供有效的 app key 和密钥。",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 配置错误",
+ "Generate keys" : "生成密钥",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "生成密钥对错误",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "服务器响应为空",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "无法访问。 请登出并再次登录以激活此挂载点",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "无法从远程服务器获取信息:{code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "无法获取外部挂载点列表:{type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "错误信息:",
+ "external-storage" : "外部存储",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "无法获取 Windows 网络磁盘挂载点列表:服务器未响应",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "请输入 {mount} 挂载点的证书",
+ "Credentials saved" : "凭据已保存",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "证书保存失败",
+ "Credentials required" : "需要凭据",
+ "Name" : "名称"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_CN.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 21fc31fede0..c111d355e47 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "外部存储",
- "Personal" : "个人",
- "System" : "系统",
- "Grant access" : "授权",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 配置错误",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "请提供有效的 app key 和密钥。",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 配置错误",
- "Generate keys" : "生成密钥",
- "Error generating key pair" : "生成密钥对错误",
"Type to select user or group." : "输入以选择用户或群组。",
"(Group)" : "(群组)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "兼用 Mac NFD 编码(慢)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "已保存",
"Saving …" : "正在保存 …",
"Save" : "保存",
- "Empty response from the server" : "服务器响应为空",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "无法访问。 请登出并再次登录以激活此挂载点",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "无法从远程服务器获取信息:{code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "无法获取外部挂载点列表:{type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "错误信息:",
- "External mount error" : "外部挂载错误",
- "external-storage" : "外部存储",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "无法获取 Windows 网络磁盘挂载点列表:服务器未响应",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "请输入 {mount} 挂载点的证书",
- "Username" : "用户名",
- "Password" : "密码",
- "Credentials saved" : "凭据已保存",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "证书保存失败",
- "Credentials required" : "需要凭据",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "禁止管理本地挂载",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "未找到 ID 为“%d”的存储",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "无效的后端或认证类型",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "客户端 ID",
"Client secret" : "客户端 secret",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "用户名",
+ "Password" : "密码",
"Tenant name" : "租户名称",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "身份识别 URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,17 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "没有安装或启用 PHP 中的 cURL 支持。无法挂载 %s。请联系您的系统管理员安装。",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "没有安装或启用 PHP 中的 FTP 支持。无法挂载 %s。请联系您的系统管理员安装。",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "“%1$s” 未安装。无法挂载 %2$s。请联系管理员安装。",
+ "External storage" : "外部存储",
"External storage support" : "外部存储支持",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "添加基本的外部存储支持",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "此应用为管理员提供了配置连接外部存储服务的功能,例如如 FTP 服务器、S3 或 SWIFT 对象存储、其他的 NextCloud 服务器、WebDAV 服务器等。管理员可以选择要启用的存储类型,并可以为用户、组或整个系统挂载这些存储服务。用户会在自己的 NextCloud 目录中看到全局挂载的外部存储,可以像其他任何 NextCloud 文件夹一样访问和使用这个文件夹。用户可以共享存储在这些外部位置中的文件。在这种情况下,当接收方从外部存储请求文件时,将使用文件所有者的凭据,从而确保接收方能够访问共享文件。\n\n可以使用 GUI 或命令行配置外部存储。命令行方式为高级用户配置大容量外部存储挂载和设置挂载优先级提供了更大的灵活性。更多信息可在外部存储 GUI 文档和外部存储配置文档中查阅。",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未设置外部存储或者没有权限",
- "Name" : "名称",
+ "External mount error" : "外部挂载错误",
"Storage type" : "存储类型",
+ "Unknown" : "未知",
"Scope" : "适用范围",
+ "Personal" : "个人",
+ "System" : "系统",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未设置外部存储或者没有权限",
"Open documentation" : "打开文档",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "外部存储插件允许挂载外部的存储服务作为 Nextcloud 的辅助存储设备。您可以设置是否允许挂载用户自己的外部存储服务。",
"Folder name" : "目录名称",
@@ -137,6 +120,24 @@
"All users" : "所有用户",
"Advanced settings" : "高级选项",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "允许用户挂载外部存储",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全局凭据可用于使用具有相同凭据的多个外部存储进行身份验证。"
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全局凭据可用于使用具有相同凭据的多个外部存储进行身份验证。",
+ "Grant access" : "授权",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "OAuth1 配置错误",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "请提供有效的 app key 和密钥。",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "OAuth2 配置错误",
+ "Generate keys" : "生成密钥",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "生成密钥对错误",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "服务器响应为空",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "无法访问。 请登出并再次登录以激活此挂载点",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "无法从远程服务器获取信息:{code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "无法获取外部挂载点列表:{type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "错误信息:",
+ "external-storage" : "外部存储",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "无法获取 Windows 网络磁盘挂载点列表:服务器未响应",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "请输入 {mount} 挂载点的证书",
+ "Credentials saved" : "凭据已保存",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "证书保存失败",
+ "Credentials required" : "需要凭据",
+ "Name" : "名称"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 8bcc83bdabb..2b03929a793 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "外部儲存",
- "Personal" : "個人",
- "System" : "系統",
- "Grant access" : "允許存取",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "設定 OAuth1 時發生錯誤",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "請提供有效的應用程式密鑰及密碼",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "設定 OAuth2 時發生錯誤",
- "Generate keys" : "產生密鑰",
- "Error generating key pair" : "產生密鑰對錯誤",
"Type to select user or group." : "輸入以選取使用者或群組。",
"(Group)" : "(群組)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "與 Mac 的 NFD 編碼格式相容(較慢)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "已儲存",
"Saving …" : "儲存中 ...",
"Save" : "儲存",
- "Empty response from the server" : "伺服器没有回應",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "無法存取,請登出後重新登入來啟動這個掛載點。",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "無法從遠程伺服器上獲取資料:{code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "無法得到外部掛載點的列表: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "錯誤信息﹕",
- "External mount error" : "外部掛載錯誤",
- "external-storage" : "外部儲存",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "無法取得 Windows 網路磁碟掛載點清單:伺服器無回應。",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "請輸入身分驗證來進行掛載(掛載來源)",
- "Username" : "用戶名稱",
- "Password" : "密碼",
- "Credentials saved" : "已儲存身分驗證",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "身分驗證儲存失敗",
- "Credentials required" : "需要身分驗證訊息",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "禁止管理近端掛載",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "沒有找到用戶 \"%d\" 的儲存空間 ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "無效的後端處理或是驗證方式",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "客戶端ID",
"Client secret" : "客戶端密碼",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "用戶名稱",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
"Tenant name" : "租戶/專案名稱",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "身分識別終端點 URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP中的cURL支援既未啟用也未安裝。無法安裝 %s。請要求您的系統管理員進行安裝。",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP中的FTP支持既未啟用也未安裝。無法安裝 %s。請要求您的系統管理員進行安裝。",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "未安裝 “%1$s”。無法安裝 %2$s。請要求系統管理員進行安裝。",
+ "External storage" : "外部儲存",
"External storage support" : "外部儲存支援",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "增加了基本的外部存儲支援",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "該應用程序使管理員能夠配置與外部存儲提供程序的連接,例如 FTP 伺服器,S3或SWIFT對象存儲,其他 Nextcloud 伺服器,WebDAV 伺服器等。管理員可以選擇要啟用的存儲類型,並可以為用戶,群組或整個系統安裝這些存儲位置。用戶將看到一個新資料夾出現在其根 Nextcloud 目錄中,他們可以像存取其他 Nextcloud 資料夾一樣存取和使用該資料夾。外部存儲還允許用戶共享存儲在這些外部位置中的檔案。在這些情況下,當收件人從外部存儲設備索取檔案時,將使用檔案所有者的憑據,從而確保收件人可以訪問共享文件。\n\n可以使用 GUI 或在命令行中配置外部存儲。第二個選項為高級用戶提供了更大的靈活性,用於配置大容量外部存儲安裝和設置安裝優先級。外部存儲 GUI 文檔和外部存儲配置文檔中提供了更多信息。",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未配置外部存儲,或者您無權配置它們",
- "Name" : "名稱",
+ "Open in files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中打開",
+ "External mount error" : "外部掛載錯誤",
"Storage type" : "儲存類型",
+ "Unknown" : "不詳",
"Scope" : "範圍",
+ "Personal" : "個人",
+ "System" : "系統",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未配置外部存儲,或者您無權配置它們",
"Open documentation" : "開啟說明文件",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "外部存儲使您可以將外部存儲服務和設備掛載為次要的Nextcloud存儲設備。您還可以允許用戶安裝他們自己的外部存儲服務。",
"Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "所有用戶",
"Advanced settings" : "進階設定",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "允許用戶能自行掛載外部儲存",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全球身分驗證可用於驗證與有相同身分驗證的多個外部存儲器。"
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全球身分驗證可用於驗證與有相同身分驗證的多個外部存儲器。",
+ "Grant access" : "允許存取",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "設定 OAuth1 時發生錯誤",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "請提供有效的應用程式密鑰及密碼",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "設定 OAuth2 時發生錯誤",
+ "Generate keys" : "產生密鑰",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "產生密鑰對錯誤",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "伺服器没有回應",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "無法存取,請登出後重新登入來啟動這個掛載點。",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "無法從遠程伺服器上獲取資料:{code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "無法得到外部掛載點的列表: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "錯誤信息﹕",
+ "external-storage" : "外部儲存",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "無法取得 Windows 網路磁碟掛載點清單:伺服器無回應。",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "請輸入身分驗證來進行掛載(掛載來源)",
+ "Credentials saved" : "已儲存身分驗證",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "身分驗證儲存失敗",
+ "Credentials required" : "需要身分驗證訊息",
+ "Name" : "名稱"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_HK.json
index fb0a656f7b5..fd9f7f8f05e 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "外部儲存",
- "Personal" : "個人",
- "System" : "系統",
- "Grant access" : "允許存取",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "設定 OAuth1 時發生錯誤",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "請提供有效的應用程式密鑰及密碼",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "設定 OAuth2 時發生錯誤",
- "Generate keys" : "產生密鑰",
- "Error generating key pair" : "產生密鑰對錯誤",
"Type to select user or group." : "輸入以選取使用者或群組。",
"(Group)" : "(群組)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "與 Mac 的 NFD 編碼格式相容(較慢)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "已儲存",
"Saving …" : "儲存中 ...",
"Save" : "儲存",
- "Empty response from the server" : "伺服器没有回應",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "無法存取,請登出後重新登入來啟動這個掛載點。",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "無法從遠程伺服器上獲取資料:{code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "無法得到外部掛載點的列表: {type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "錯誤信息﹕",
- "External mount error" : "外部掛載錯誤",
- "external-storage" : "外部儲存",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "無法取得 Windows 網路磁碟掛載點清單:伺服器無回應。",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "請輸入身分驗證來進行掛載(掛載來源)",
- "Username" : "用戶名稱",
- "Password" : "密碼",
- "Credentials saved" : "已儲存身分驗證",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "身分驗證儲存失敗",
- "Credentials required" : "需要身分驗證訊息",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "禁止管理近端掛載",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "沒有找到用戶 \"%d\" 的儲存空間 ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "無效的後端處理或是驗證方式",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "客戶端ID",
"Client secret" : "客戶端密碼",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "用戶名稱",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
"Tenant name" : "租戶/專案名稱",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "身分識別終端點 URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP中的cURL支援既未啟用也未安裝。無法安裝 %s。請要求您的系統管理員進行安裝。",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP中的FTP支持既未啟用也未安裝。無法安裝 %s。請要求您的系統管理員進行安裝。",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "未安裝 “%1$s”。無法安裝 %2$s。請要求系統管理員進行安裝。",
+ "External storage" : "外部儲存",
"External storage support" : "外部儲存支援",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "增加了基本的外部存儲支援",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "該應用程序使管理員能夠配置與外部存儲提供程序的連接,例如 FTP 伺服器,S3或SWIFT對象存儲,其他 Nextcloud 伺服器,WebDAV 伺服器等。管理員可以選擇要啟用的存儲類型,並可以為用戶,群組或整個系統安裝這些存儲位置。用戶將看到一個新資料夾出現在其根 Nextcloud 目錄中,他們可以像存取其他 Nextcloud 資料夾一樣存取和使用該資料夾。外部存儲還允許用戶共享存儲在這些外部位置中的檔案。在這些情況下,當收件人從外部存儲設備索取檔案時,將使用檔案所有者的憑據,從而確保收件人可以訪問共享文件。\n\n可以使用 GUI 或在命令行中配置外部存儲。第二個選項為高級用戶提供了更大的靈活性,用於配置大容量外部存儲安裝和設置安裝優先級。外部存儲 GUI 文檔和外部存儲配置文檔中提供了更多信息。",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未配置外部存儲,或者您無權配置它們",
- "Name" : "名稱",
+ "Open in files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中打開",
+ "External mount error" : "外部掛載錯誤",
"Storage type" : "儲存類型",
+ "Unknown" : "不詳",
"Scope" : "範圍",
+ "Personal" : "個人",
+ "System" : "系統",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未配置外部存儲,或者您無權配置它們",
"Open documentation" : "開啟說明文件",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "外部存儲使您可以將外部存儲服務和設備掛載為次要的Nextcloud存儲設備。您還可以允許用戶安裝他們自己的外部存儲服務。",
"Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "所有用戶",
"Advanced settings" : "進階設定",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "允許用戶能自行掛載外部儲存",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全球身分驗證可用於驗證與有相同身分驗證的多個外部存儲器。"
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全球身分驗證可用於驗證與有相同身分驗證的多個外部存儲器。",
+ "Grant access" : "允許存取",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "設定 OAuth1 時發生錯誤",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "請提供有效的應用程式密鑰及密碼",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "設定 OAuth2 時發生錯誤",
+ "Generate keys" : "產生密鑰",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "產生密鑰對錯誤",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "伺服器没有回應",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "無法存取,請登出後重新登入來啟動這個掛載點。",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "無法從遠程伺服器上獲取資料:{code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "無法得到外部掛載點的列表: {type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "錯誤信息﹕",
+ "external-storage" : "外部儲存",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "無法取得 Windows 網路磁碟掛載點清單:伺服器無回應。",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "請輸入身分驗證來進行掛載(掛載來源)",
+ "Credentials saved" : "已儲存身分驗證",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "身分驗證儲存失敗",
+ "Credentials required" : "需要身分驗證訊息",
+ "Name" : "名稱"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 52261eebb94..2ab5737b065 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
- "External storage" : "外部儲存空間",
- "Personal" : "個人",
- "System" : "系統",
- "Grant access" : "授予存取權",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "設定 OAuth1 時發生錯誤",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "請提供有效的應用程式金鑰及密碼。",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "設定 OAuth2 時發生錯誤",
- "Generate keys" : "生成金鑰",
- "Error generating key pair" : "生成金鑰對時發生錯誤",
"Type to select user or group." : "輸入以選取使用者或群組。",
"(Group)" : "(群組)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "與 Mac 的 NFD 編碼相容(較慢)",
@@ -28,20 +19,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved" : "已儲存",
"Saving …" : "正在儲存……",
"Save" : "儲存",
- "Empty response from the server" : "伺服器回應為空",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "無法存取。請登出並重新登入以啟用此掛載點",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "無法從遠端伺服器取得資訊:{code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "無法得到外部掛載點的列表:{type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "錯誤訊息:",
- "External mount error" : "外部掛載錯誤",
- "external-storage" : "外部儲存空間",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "無法擷取 Windows 網路磁碟掛載點列表:來自伺服器的空回應",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "請輸入 {mount} 掛載的帳號密碼",
- "Username" : "使用者名稱",
- "Password" : "密碼",
- "Credentials saved" : "已儲存認證資訊",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "認證資訊儲存失敗",
- "Credentials required" : "需要認證資訊",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "禁止管理本機掛載",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "沒有找到 ID 為「%d」的儲存空間 ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "無效的後端或認證機制類別",
@@ -66,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Client ID" : "客戶端 ID",
"Client secret" : "客戶端密碼",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "使用者名稱",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
"Tenant name" : "租戶名稱",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "身份識別端點 URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -121,13 +100,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP 的 cURL 支援未啟用或安裝。無法掛載 %s。請要求您的系統管理員安裝它。",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP 的 FTP 支援未啟用或安裝。無法掛載 %s。請要求您的系統管理員安裝它。",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "「%1$s」未安裝。無法掛載 %2$s。請要求您的系統管理員安裝它。",
+ "External storage" : "外部儲存空間",
"External storage support" : "外部儲存空間支援",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "新增基本的外部儲存空間支援",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "此應用程式讓管理員可以設定到外部儲存空間提供者的連線,如 FTP 伺服器、S3 或 SWIFT 物件儲存、其他 Nextcloud 伺服器、WebDAV 伺服器與更多。管理員可以選擇要啟用的儲存空間類型,並可以為使用者、群組或整個系統掛載這些儲存位置。使用者將會在他們的 Nextcloud 根目錄看到一個新的資料夾,他們可以像其他 Nextcloud 資料夾那樣存取並使用該資料夾。外部儲存空間也允許使用者分享儲存在這些外部空間的檔案。在這種情況下,當收件者從外部儲存空間請求檔案時,將使用檔案擁有者的憑證來確保收件者可以存取被分享的檔案。\n\n可以使用圖形使用者介面或命令列設定外部儲存空間。後者提供了進階使用者更大的彈性,可用於設定大容量儲存空間的掛載並設定掛載屬性。更多資訊可在外部儲存空間圖形化使用者介面的文件與外部儲存空間設定檔文件中檢視。",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未設定外部儲存空間,或您沒有權限設定它們",
- "Name" : "名稱",
+ "Open in files" : "在檔案中開啟",
+ "External mount error" : "外部掛載錯誤",
"Storage type" : "儲存空間類型",
+ "Unknown" : "未知",
"Scope" : "範圍",
+ "Personal" : "個人",
+ "System" : "系統",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未設定外部儲存空間,或您沒有權限設定它們",
"Open documentation" : "開啟文件",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "外部儲存空間讓您可以掛載外部儲存空間服務與裝置來作為次要的 Nextcloud 儲存裝置。您也可以允許使用者掛載他們自己的儲存服務。",
"Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
@@ -139,6 +123,24 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All users" : "所有使用者",
"Advanced settings" : "進階設定",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "允許使用者自行掛載外部儲存空間",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全域憑證可用於驗證多個有相同憑證的外部儲存空間。"
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全域憑證可用於驗證多個有相同憑證的外部儲存空間。",
+ "Grant access" : "授予存取權",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "設定 OAuth1 時發生錯誤",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "請提供有效的應用程式金鑰及密碼。",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "設定 OAuth2 時發生錯誤",
+ "Generate keys" : "生成金鑰",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "生成金鑰對時發生錯誤",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "伺服器回應為空",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "無法存取。請登出並重新登入以啟用此掛載點",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "無法從遠端伺服器取得資訊:{code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "無法得到外部掛載點的列表:{type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "錯誤訊息:",
+ "external-storage" : "外部儲存空間",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "無法擷取 Windows 網路磁碟掛載點列表:來自伺服器的空回應",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "請輸入 {mount} 掛載的帳號密碼",
+ "Credentials saved" : "已儲存認證資訊",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "認證資訊儲存失敗",
+ "Credentials required" : "需要認證資訊",
+ "Name" : "名稱"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 80dc2bc758c..acc16bc9394 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
{ "translations": {
- "External storage" : "外部儲存空間",
- "Personal" : "個人",
- "System" : "系統",
- "Grant access" : "授予存取權",
- "Error configuring OAuth1" : "設定 OAuth1 時發生錯誤",
- "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "請提供有效的應用程式金鑰及密碼。",
- "Error configuring OAuth2" : "設定 OAuth2 時發生錯誤",
- "Generate keys" : "生成金鑰",
- "Error generating key pair" : "生成金鑰對時發生錯誤",
"Type to select user or group." : "輸入以選取使用者或群組。",
"(Group)" : "(群組)",
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "與 Mac 的 NFD 編碼相容(較慢)",
@@ -26,20 +17,6 @@
"Saved" : "已儲存",
"Saving …" : "正在儲存……",
"Save" : "儲存",
- "Empty response from the server" : "伺服器回應為空",
- "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "無法存取。請登出並重新登入以啟用此掛載點",
- "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "無法從遠端伺服器取得資訊:{code} {type}",
- "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "無法得到外部掛載點的列表:{type}",
- "There was an error with message: " : "錯誤訊息:",
- "External mount error" : "外部掛載錯誤",
- "external-storage" : "外部儲存空間",
- "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "無法擷取 Windows 網路磁碟掛載點列表:來自伺服器的空回應",
- "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "請輸入 {mount} 掛載的帳號密碼",
- "Username" : "使用者名稱",
- "Password" : "密碼",
- "Credentials saved" : "已儲存認證資訊",
- "Credentials saving failed" : "認證資訊儲存失敗",
- "Credentials required" : "需要認證資訊",
"Forbidden to manage local mounts" : "禁止管理本機掛載",
"Storage with ID \"%d\" not found" : "沒有找到 ID 為「%d」的儲存空間 ",
"Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "無效的後端或認證機制類別",
@@ -64,6 +41,8 @@
"Client ID" : "客戶端 ID",
"Client secret" : "客戶端密碼",
"OpenStack v2" : "OpenStack v2",
+ "Username" : "使用者名稱",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
"Tenant name" : "租戶名稱",
"Identity endpoint URL" : "身份識別端點 URL",
"OpenStack v3" : "OpenStack v3",
@@ -119,13 +98,18 @@
"The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP 的 cURL 支援未啟用或安裝。無法掛載 %s。請要求您的系統管理員安裝它。",
"The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "PHP 的 FTP 支援未啟用或安裝。無法掛載 %s。請要求您的系統管理員安裝它。",
"\"%1$s\" is not installed. Mounting of %2$s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "「%1$s」未安裝。無法掛載 %2$s。請要求您的系統管理員安裝它。",
+ "External storage" : "外部儲存空間",
"External storage support" : "外部儲存空間支援",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "新增基本的外部儲存空間支援",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "此應用程式讓管理員可以設定到外部儲存空間提供者的連線,如 FTP 伺服器、S3 或 SWIFT 物件儲存、其他 Nextcloud 伺服器、WebDAV 伺服器與更多。管理員可以選擇要啟用的儲存空間類型,並可以為使用者、群組或整個系統掛載這些儲存位置。使用者將會在他們的 Nextcloud 根目錄看到一個新的資料夾,他們可以像其他 Nextcloud 資料夾那樣存取並使用該資料夾。外部儲存空間也允許使用者分享儲存在這些外部空間的檔案。在這種情況下,當收件者從外部儲存空間請求檔案時,將使用檔案擁有者的憑證來確保收件者可以存取被分享的檔案。\n\n可以使用圖形使用者介面或命令列設定外部儲存空間。後者提供了進階使用者更大的彈性,可用於設定大容量儲存空間的掛載並設定掛載屬性。更多資訊可在外部儲存空間圖形化使用者介面的文件與外部儲存空間設定檔文件中檢視。",
- "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未設定外部儲存空間,或您沒有權限設定它們",
- "Name" : "名稱",
+ "Open in files" : "在檔案中開啟",
+ "External mount error" : "外部掛載錯誤",
"Storage type" : "儲存空間類型",
+ "Unknown" : "未知",
"Scope" : "範圍",
+ "Personal" : "個人",
+ "System" : "系統",
+ "No external storage configured or you don't have the permission to configure them" : "未設定外部儲存空間,或您沒有權限設定它們",
"Open documentation" : "開啟文件",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "外部儲存空間讓您可以掛載外部儲存空間服務與裝置來作為次要的 Nextcloud 儲存裝置。您也可以允許使用者掛載他們自己的儲存服務。",
"Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
@@ -137,6 +121,24 @@
"All users" : "所有使用者",
"Advanced settings" : "進階設定",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "允許使用者自行掛載外部儲存空間",
- "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全域憑證可用於驗證多個有相同憑證的外部儲存空間。"
+ "Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "全域憑證可用於驗證多個有相同憑證的外部儲存空間。",
+ "Grant access" : "授予存取權",
+ "Error configuring OAuth1" : "設定 OAuth1 時發生錯誤",
+ "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "請提供有效的應用程式金鑰及密碼。",
+ "Error configuring OAuth2" : "設定 OAuth2 時發生錯誤",
+ "Generate keys" : "生成金鑰",
+ "Error generating key pair" : "生成金鑰對時發生錯誤",
+ "Empty response from the server" : "伺服器回應為空",
+ "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "無法存取。請登出並重新登入以啟用此掛載點",
+ "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "無法從遠端伺服器取得資訊:{code} {type}",
+ "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "無法得到外部掛載點的列表:{type}",
+ "There was an error with message: " : "錯誤訊息:",
+ "external-storage" : "外部儲存空間",
+ "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "無法擷取 Windows 網路磁碟掛載點列表:來自伺服器的空回應",
+ "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "請輸入 {mount} 掛載的帳號密碼",
+ "Credentials saved" : "已儲存認證資訊",
+ "Credentials saving failed" : "認證資訊儲存失敗",
+ "Credentials required" : "需要認證資訊",
+ "Name" : "名稱"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.js
index 849d212f58e..f3d9c0650c5 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "صلاحية هذه المشاركة إنتَهَت للتَّوّ.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "تمّت مشاركته معك من قِبَل {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["قبول المشاركات","قبول المشاركة","قبول المشاركات","قبول المشاركات","قبول المشاركات","إقبَل المشاركات"],
- "Open in files" : "إفتَح في شاشة الملفات",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["رفض المشاركات","رفض المشاركة","رفض المشاركات","رفض المشاركات","رفض المشاركات","أرفُض المشاركات"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["استعادة المشاركات","استعادة المشاركة","استعادة المشاركات","استعادة المشاركات","استعادة المشاركات","إستعادة المشاركات"],
"Link to a file" : "رابط إلى ملف",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.json
index 17b51b474f3..7fa278ce21c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "صلاحية هذه المشاركة إنتَهَت للتَّوّ.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "تمّت مشاركته معك من قِبَل {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["قبول المشاركات","قبول المشاركة","قبول المشاركات","قبول المشاركات","قبول المشاركات","إقبَل المشاركات"],
- "Open in files" : "إفتَح في شاشة الملفات",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["رفض المشاركات","رفض المشاركة","رفض المشاركات","رفض المشاركات","رفض المشاركات","أرفُض المشاركات"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["استعادة المشاركات","استعادة المشاركة","استعادة المشاركات","استعادة المشاركات","استعادة المشاركات","إستعادة المشاركات"],
"Link to a file" : "رابط إلى ملف",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.js
index 7c8b539d5c2..a9bbb2f9e82 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "aquest element compartit acaba de caducar.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} l'ha compartit amb vós",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Accepta l'element compartit","Accepta els elements compartits"],
- "Open in files" : "Obre a Fitxers",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rebutja l'element compartit","Rebutja els elements compartits"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaura l'element compartit","Restaura els elements compartits"],
"Link to a file" : "Enllaç a un fitxer",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.json
index a67ff3b2481..6076cee82b6 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "aquest element compartit acaba de caducar.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} l'ha compartit amb vós",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Accepta l'element compartit","Accepta els elements compartits"],
- "Open in files" : "Obre a Fitxers",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rebutja l'element compartit","Rebutja els elements compartits"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaura l'element compartit","Restaura els elements compartits"],
"Link to a file" : "Enllaç a un fitxer",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.js
index 9671dee86da..cbb1d65dab1 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "platnost tohoto sdílení právě skončila.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "S vámi sdílí {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Přijmout sdílení","Přijmout sdílení","Přijmout sdílení","Přijmout sdílení"],
- "Open in files" : "Otevřít v aplikaci Soubory",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Odmítnout sdílení","Odmítnout sdílení","Odmítnout sdílení","Odmítnout sdílení"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Obnovit sdílení","Obnovit sdílení","Obnovit sdílení","Obnovit sdílení"],
"Link to a file" : "Odkaz na soubor",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.json
index add2a80d2cb..6d4d503b89b 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "platnost tohoto sdílení právě skončila.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "S vámi sdílí {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Přijmout sdílení","Přijmout sdílení","Přijmout sdílení","Přijmout sdílení"],
- "Open in files" : "Otevřít v aplikaci Soubory",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Odmítnout sdílení","Odmítnout sdílení","Odmítnout sdílení","Odmítnout sdílení"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Obnovit sdílení","Obnovit sdílení","Obnovit sdílení","Obnovit sdílení"],
"Link to a file" : "Odkaz na soubor",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
index ef5743df8c1..9157a76887f 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "Diese Freigabe ist gerade abgelaufen.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} hat diese mit Ihnen geteilt",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Freigabe akzeptieren","Freigaben akzeptieren"],
- "Open in files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Freigabe ablehnen","Freigaben ablehnen"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Freigabe wiederherstellen","Freigaben wiederherstellen"],
"Link to a file" : "Mit einer Datei verknüpfen",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
index 1a2037f57fc..ac51bf16af4 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "Diese Freigabe ist gerade abgelaufen.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} hat diese mit Ihnen geteilt",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Freigabe akzeptieren","Freigaben akzeptieren"],
- "Open in files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Freigabe ablehnen","Freigaben ablehnen"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Freigabe wiederherstellen","Freigaben wiederherstellen"],
"Link to a file" : "Mit einer Datei verknüpfen",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.js
index e7b4828436b..369611ef669 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "this share just expired.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Shared with you by {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Accept share","Accept shares"],
- "Open in files" : "Open in files",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Reject share","Reject shares"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restore share","Restore shares"],
"Link to a file" : "Link to a file",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.json
index 4ac2353e214..6e4b457b2f6 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "this share just expired.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Shared with you by {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Accept share","Accept shares"],
- "Open in files" : "Open in files",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Reject share","Reject shares"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restore share","Restore shares"],
"Link to a file" : "Link to a file",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.js
index 7577033d045..7dabf67154f 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "este recurso compartido acaba de caducar.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Aceptar recurso compartido","Aceptar recursos compartidos","Aceptar recursos compartidos"],
- "Open in files" : "Abrir en archivos",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rechazar recurso compartido","Rechazar recursos compartidos","Rechazar recursos compartidos"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar recurso compartido","Restaurar recursos compartidos","Restaurar recursos compartidos"],
"Link to a file" : "Enlace al archivo",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.json
index c7ab8bdc1f7..ab3fcc46642 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "este recurso compartido acaba de caducar.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Aceptar recurso compartido","Aceptar recursos compartidos","Aceptar recursos compartidos"],
- "Open in files" : "Abrir en archivos",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rechazar recurso compartido","Rechazar recursos compartidos","Rechazar recursos compartidos"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar recurso compartido","Restaurar recursos compartidos","Restaurar recursos compartidos"],
"Link to a file" : "Enlace al archivo",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.js
index 82e69ae07dc..fe5e5b663bc 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "esta compartición acaba de expirar.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Aceptar compartición","Aceptar comparticiones","Aceptar comparticiones"],
- "Open in files" : "Abrir en archivos",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rechazar compartición","Rechazar comparticiones","Rechazar comparticiones"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar compartición","Restaurar comparticiones","Restaurar comparticiones"],
"Link to a file" : "Enlazar a un archivo",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.json
index 3db689d8e4d..5599f207f35 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "esta compartición acaba de expirar.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Aceptar compartición","Aceptar comparticiones","Aceptar comparticiones"],
- "Open in files" : "Abrir en archivos",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rechazar compartición","Rechazar comparticiones","Rechazar comparticiones"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar compartición","Restaurar comparticiones","Restaurar comparticiones"],
"Link to a file" : "Enlazar a un archivo",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.js
index 69b775e4ff0..32c857cb315 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "partekatze hau oraintxe iraungi da.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} erabiltzaileak zurekin partekatua",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Onartu partekatzea","Onartu partekatzeak"],
- "Open in files" : "Ireki fitxategiak aplikazioan",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Ukatu partekatzea","Ukatu partekatzeak"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Berrezarri partekatzea","Berrezarri partekatzeak"],
"Link to a file" : "Esteka fitxategi batera",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.json
index 5a9f30c1306..eabb47ed947 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "partekatze hau oraintxe iraungi da.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} erabiltzaileak zurekin partekatua",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Onartu partekatzea","Onartu partekatzeak"],
- "Open in files" : "Ireki fitxategiak aplikazioan",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Ukatu partekatzea","Ukatu partekatzeak"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Berrezarri partekatzea","Berrezarri partekatzeak"],
"Link to a file" : "Esteka fitxategi batera",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.js
index 1791f542f3c..391fd2ff3c2 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.js
@@ -200,7 +200,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "tämä jako vanheni juuri.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} jakoi tämän kanssasi",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Hyväksy jako","Hyväksy jaot"],
- "Open in files" : "Avaa tiedostosovelluksessa",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Hylkää jako","Hylkää jaot"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Palauta jako","Palauta jaot"],
"Link to a file" : "Linkki tiedostoon",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.json
index 9c2cec4dd95..74290f416ce 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.json
@@ -198,7 +198,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "tämä jako vanheni juuri.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} jakoi tämän kanssasi",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Hyväksy jako","Hyväksy jaot"],
- "Open in files" : "Avaa tiedostosovelluksessa",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Hylkää jako","Hylkää jaot"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Palauta jako","Palauta jaot"],
"Link to a file" : "Linkki tiedostoon",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.js
index 661ec5090ed..3849371cb93 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "ce partage vient d'expirer",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Partagé avec vous par {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Accepter le partage","Accepter les partages","Accepter les partages"],
- "Open in files" : "Ouvrir dans Fichiers",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Refuser le partage","Refuser les partages","Refuser les partages"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurer le partage","Restaurer les partages","Restaurer les partages"],
"Link to a file" : "Relier à un fichier",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.json
index 044c299ea21..e676a4ff348 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "ce partage vient d'expirer",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Partagé avec vous par {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Accepter le partage","Accepter les partages","Accepter les partages"],
- "Open in files" : "Ouvrir dans Fichiers",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Refuser le partage","Refuser les partages","Refuser les partages"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurer le partage","Restaurer les partages","Restaurer les partages"],
"Link to a file" : "Relier à un fichier",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.js
index bb0827bf7d6..6c4a516099b 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "ven de caducar esta compartición",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido con Vde. por {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Aceptar a compartición","Aceptar as comparticións"],
- "Open in files" : "Abrir en ficheiros",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rexeitar a compartición","Rexeitar as comparticións"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar a compartición","Restaurar as comparticións"],
"Link to a file" : "Ligazón a un ficheiro",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.json
index cbcf8e15a6f..e351fbed6dd 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "ven de caducar esta compartición",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido con Vde. por {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Aceptar a compartición","Aceptar as comparticións"],
- "Open in files" : "Abrir en ficheiros",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rexeitar a compartición","Rexeitar as comparticións"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar a compartición","Restaurar as comparticións"],
"Link to a file" : "Ligazón a un ficheiro",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
index fdfe7c08cc8..27746f9fce0 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "questa condivisione è appena scaduta.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Condiviso con te da {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Accetta condivisione","Accetta condivisioni","Accetta condivisioni"],
- "Open in files" : "Apri in file",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rifiuta condivisione","Rifiuta condivisioni","Rifiuta condivisioni"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Ripristina condivisione","Ripristina condivisioni","Ripristina condivisioni"],
"Link to a file" : "Collega a un file",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
index 4626d909879..9d55ac342e0 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "questa condivisione è appena scaduta.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Condiviso con te da {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Accetta condivisione","Accetta condivisioni","Accetta condivisioni"],
- "Open in files" : "Apri in file",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rifiuta condivisione","Rifiuta condivisioni","Rifiuta condivisioni"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Ripristina condivisione","Ripristina condivisioni","Ripristina condivisioni"],
"Link to a file" : "Collega a un file",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
index f6d5e940a6c..80f92c8da34 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "esse compartilhamento acabou de expirar.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartilhado com você por {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Aceitar compartilhamentos","Aceitar compartilhamentos","Aceitar compartilhamentos"],
- "Open in files" : "Abrir em arquivos",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rejeitar compartilhamentos","Rejeitar compartilhamentos","Rejeitar compartilhamentos"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar compartilhamentos","Restaurar compartilhamentos","Restaurar compartilhamentos"],
"Link to a file" : "Criar link para um arquivo",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 84fd784f272..e4b32609193 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "esse compartilhamento acabou de expirar.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartilhado com você por {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Aceitar compartilhamentos","Aceitar compartilhamentos","Aceitar compartilhamentos"],
- "Open in files" : "Abrir em arquivos",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Rejeitar compartilhamentos","Rejeitar compartilhamentos","Rejeitar compartilhamentos"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar compartilhamentos","Restaurar compartilhamentos","Restaurar compartilhamentos"],
"Link to a file" : "Criar link para um arquivo",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.js
index 3f66aea0ea1..7f70beaaa24 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "ово дељење је управо истекло.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} је поделио са Вама",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Прихвати дељење","Прихвати дељењa","Прихвати дељењa"],
- "Open in files" : "Отвори у фајловима",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Одбиј дељење","Одбиј дељења","Одбиј дељења"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Обнови дељење","Обнови дељења","Обнови дељења"],
"Link to a file" : "Веза ка фајлу",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.json
index 5639a7221c1..48d8b3f8cf9 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "ово дељење је управо истекло.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} је поделио са Вама",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Прихвати дељење","Прихвати дељењa","Прихвати дељењa"],
- "Open in files" : "Отвори у фајловима",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Одбиј дељење","Одбиј дељења","Одбиј дељења"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Обнови дељење","Обнови дељења","Обнови дељења"],
"Link to a file" : "Веза ка фајлу",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.js
index 6e1e93e76d9..32e3ffd17a1 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "denna delning har just gått ut.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Delad med dig av {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Acceptera delning","Acceptera delningar"],
- "Open in files" : "Öppna i filer",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Avvisa delning","Avvisa delningar"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Återställ delning","Återställ delningar"],
"Link to a file" : "Länka till en fil",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.json
index 95a65a2f2a5..bf7485bc2e8 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "denna delning har just gått ut.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Delad med dig av {owner}",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Acceptera delning","Acceptera delningar"],
- "Open in files" : "Öppna i filer",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Avvisa delning","Avvisa delningar"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Återställ delning","Återställ delningar"],
"Link to a file" : "Länka till en fil",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.js
index 882b228bd00..b7b8208737a 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "bu paylaşımın geçerlilik süresi dolmuş.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} tarafından sizinle paylaşılmış",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Paylaşımı kabul et","Paylaşımları kabul et"],
- "Open in files" : "Dosyalar uygulamasında aç",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Paylaşımı reddet","Paylaşımları reddet"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Paylaşımı geri yükle","Paylaşımları geri yükle"],
"Link to a file" : "Bir dosya bağlantısı",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.json
index 8a22033feb6..c600619a7cc 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "bu paylaşımın geçerlilik süresi dolmuş.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} tarafından sizinle paylaşılmış",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Paylaşımı kabul et","Paylaşımları kabul et"],
- "Open in files" : "Dosyalar uygulamasında aç",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Paylaşımı reddet","Paylaşımları reddet"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Paylaşımı geri yükle","Paylaşımları geri yükle"],
"Link to a file" : "Bir dosya bağlantısı",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.js
index 6d904e0f5fb..b3112b21ffd 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "термін дії спільного доступу вичерпано.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} поділився з вами",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Прийняти запит на спільний ресурс","Прийняти запит на спільні ресурси","Прийняти запит на спільні ресурси","Схвалити запит на спільні ресурси"],
- "Open in files" : "Відкрити у файлах",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Скасувати запит на спільний ресурс","Скасувати запит на спільні ресурси","Скасувати запит на спільні ресурси","Скасувати запит на спільні ресурси"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Відновити спільний ресурс","Відновити спільні ресурси","Відновити спільні ресурси","Відновити спільні ресурси"],
"Link to a file" : "Посилання на файл",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.json
index 174ecf431f1..a3c8d0a84f5 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "термін дії спільного доступу вичерпано.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} поділився з вами",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["Прийняти запит на спільний ресурс","Прийняти запит на спільні ресурси","Прийняти запит на спільні ресурси","Схвалити запит на спільні ресурси"],
- "Open in files" : "Відкрити у файлах",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["Скасувати запит на спільний ресурс","Скасувати запит на спільні ресурси","Скасувати запит на спільні ресурси","Скасувати запит на спільні ресурси"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Відновити спільний ресурс","Відновити спільні ресурси","Відновити спільні ресурси","Відновити спільні ресурси"],
"Link to a file" : "Посилання на файл",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.js
index ca2b493bacd..537c5195483 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "此分享剛過期。",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} 已經和您分享",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["接受分享"],
- "Open in files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中打開",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["拒絕分享"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["還原分享"],
"Link to a file" : "連結到一個檔案",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 8c179f2921c..ed04a3e4666 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "此分享剛過期。",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} 已經和您分享",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["接受分享"],
- "Open in files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中打開",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["拒絕分享"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["還原分享"],
"Link to a file" : "連結到一個檔案",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
index c739edc699e..56933c2ae0e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"this share just expired." : "此分享剛過期。",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} 已經和您分享",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["接受分享"],
- "Open in files" : "在檔案中開啟",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["拒絕分享"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["還原分享"],
"Link to a file" : "檔案連結",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 6fe76285344..5e735c1f630 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"this share just expired." : "此分享剛過期。",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} 已經和您分享",
"_Accept share_::_Accept shares_" : ["接受分享"],
- "Open in files" : "在檔案中開啟",
"_Reject share_::_Reject shares_" : ["拒絕分享"],
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["還原分享"],
"Link to a file" : "檔案連結",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ar.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ar.js
index 4535a868ec5..67eac7ab761 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ar.js
@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "تم تسجيل cron.php في خدمة webcron لاستدعاء cron.php كل 5 دقائق عبر HTTP. حالة الاستخدام: مثيل صغير جدًا Very small instance (1-5 مستخدمين حسب الاستخدام).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (يُوصى به)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "إستعمل خدمة إدارة المهام الخلفية cron لاستدعاء الملف cron.php مرة كل 5 دقائق.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "يلزم تنفيذ cron.php بواسطة مستخدم النظام system user ـ\"{user}\".",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "إمتداد PHP POSIX لازمٌ. لمزيد المعلومات، أنظُر {linkstart} توثيق PHPـ {linkend}.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "تعذّر تحديث وضعية مهمة خلفية background job mode",
"Profile" : "الملف الشخصي",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "تمكين أو تعطيل ملف التعريف الشخصي profile افتراضيًا للمستخدمين الجدد.",
@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Updates" : "التحديثات",
"App bundles" : "حِزَم التطبيقات App bundles",
"Featured apps" : "تطبيقات مُميّزة",
+ "Supported apps" : "التطبيقات المدعومة",
"Show to everyone" : "أعرُض على الكل",
"Show to logged in users only" : "أعرُض على المستخدمين الداخلين",
"Hide" : "إخفاء",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ar.json b/apps/settings/l10n/ar.json
index d5b88a179c2..73e0e549e82 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ar.json
@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "تم تسجيل cron.php في خدمة webcron لاستدعاء cron.php كل 5 دقائق عبر HTTP. حالة الاستخدام: مثيل صغير جدًا Very small instance (1-5 مستخدمين حسب الاستخدام).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (يُوصى به)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "إستعمل خدمة إدارة المهام الخلفية cron لاستدعاء الملف cron.php مرة كل 5 دقائق.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "يلزم تنفيذ cron.php بواسطة مستخدم النظام system user ـ\"{user}\".",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "إمتداد PHP POSIX لازمٌ. لمزيد المعلومات، أنظُر {linkstart} توثيق PHPـ {linkend}.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "تعذّر تحديث وضعية مهمة خلفية background job mode",
"Profile" : "الملف الشخصي",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "تمكين أو تعطيل ملف التعريف الشخصي profile افتراضيًا للمستخدمين الجدد.",
@@ -452,6 +454,7 @@
"Updates" : "التحديثات",
"App bundles" : "حِزَم التطبيقات App bundles",
"Featured apps" : "تطبيقات مُميّزة",
+ "Supported apps" : "التطبيقات المدعومة",
"Show to everyone" : "أعرُض على الكل",
"Show to logged in users only" : "أعرُض على المستخدمين الداخلين",
"Hide" : "إخفاء",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/bg.js b/apps/settings/l10n/bg.js
index 26c5ac2be82..7b2ce8d88c6 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/bg.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php е регистриран в услуга на webcron за извикване на cron.php на всеки 5 минути през HTTP. Случай на употреба: Много малък екземпляр (1–5 потребители в зависимост от употребата).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (препоръчително)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Използвайте системната услуга cron, за да извикате файла cron.php на всеки 5 минути.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Cron.php трябва да се изпълни от системният потребител \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Не може да се актуализира фонов режим на работа",
"Profile" : "Профил",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/bg.json b/apps/settings/l10n/bg.json
index 7f190dd2a3d..98bffe938e7 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/bg.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php е регистриран в услуга на webcron за извикване на cron.php на всеки 5 минути през HTTP. Случай на употреба: Много малък екземпляр (1–5 потребители в зависимост от употребата).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (препоръчително)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Използвайте системната услуга cron, за да извикате файла cron.php на всеки 5 минути.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Cron.php трябва да се изпълни от системният потребител \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Не може да се актуализира фонов режим на работа",
"Profile" : "Профил",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/br.js b/apps/settings/l10n/br.js
index af883df48ce..06365c7a9bd 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/br.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/br.js
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copied!" : "Eilet eo !",
"Copy" : "Eilañ",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "N'eo ket posupl eilan ar ger-tremen meziant. Eilit anezhan gant an dorn.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Implijit sevichoù ar sistem cron evit gervel restr cron.php pep 5 munutenn.",
"Enable" : "Aotreañ",
"Server-side encryption" : "Sifradur ar servijour-goztez",
"Server-side encryption makes it possible to encrypt files which are uploaded to this server. This comes with limitations like a performance penalty, so enable this only if needed." : "Sifradur kostez-srvijour aotre ar sifrañ restroù a vez pellkarget war ar servijour. Bevennet eo an ober, evel ur mont en dro gorekoc'h, n'a implijit se nemet m'az o peus ezhomm neuze.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/br.json b/apps/settings/l10n/br.json
index 6b4ae6818a4..a3387dda24c 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/br.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/br.json
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@
"Copied!" : "Eilet eo !",
"Copy" : "Eilañ",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "N'eo ket posupl eilan ar ger-tremen meziant. Eilit anezhan gant an dorn.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Implijit sevichoù ar sistem cron evit gervel restr cron.php pep 5 munutenn.",
"Enable" : "Aotreañ",
"Server-side encryption" : "Sifradur ar servijour-goztez",
"Server-side encryption makes it possible to encrypt files which are uploaded to this server. This comes with limitations like a performance penalty, so enable this only if needed." : "Sifradur kostez-srvijour aotre ar sifrañ restroù a vez pellkarget war ar servijour. Bevennet eo an ober, evel ur mont en dro gorekoc'h, n'a implijit se nemet m'az o peus ezhomm neuze.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ca.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ca.js
index 2cf80e0b456..57266a0a748 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ca.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php està registrat en un servei webcron per cridar a cron.php cada 5 minuts per HTTP. Cas d'ús: instància molt petita (1-5 usuaris segons l'ús).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (recomanat)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Utilitza el servei cron del sistema per cridar el fitxer cron.php cada 5 minuts.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "El cron.php l'ha d'executar l'usuari del sistema \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "No s'ha pogut actualitzar el mode de tasca en segon pla",
"Profile" : "Perfil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ca.json b/apps/settings/l10n/ca.json
index fa352eefab5..9f3295d8720 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ca.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php està registrat en un servei webcron per cridar a cron.php cada 5 minuts per HTTP. Cas d'ús: instància molt petita (1-5 usuaris segons l'ús).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (recomanat)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Utilitza el servei cron del sistema per cridar el fitxer cron.php cada 5 minuts.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "El cron.php l'ha d'executar l'usuari del sistema \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "No s'ha pogut actualitzar el mode de tasca en segon pla",
"Profile" : "Perfil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/cs.js b/apps/settings/l10n/cs.js
index 93afb01f8ce..2de266f08d1 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/cs.js
@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php je zaregistrován u služby webcron aby přes HTTP volala cron.php každých 5 minut. Příklad použití: velmi malá instance (1-5 uživatelů, v závislosti na vytížení).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (doporučeno)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Použít systémový plánovač (cron) pro volání souboru cron.php každých 5 minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Je třeba, aby cron.php bylo spouštěno s právy systémového uživatele „{user}“.",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Je zapotřebí rozšíření PHP pro POSIX. Podrobnosti viz {linkstart}dokumentace k PHP{linkend}.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat režim úlohy běžící na pozadí",
"Profile" : "Profil",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Profily nově vytvářených uživatelů ve výchozím stavu zpřístupňovat nebo nezpřístupňovat.",
@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Updates" : "Aktualizace",
"App bundles" : "Sady aplikací",
"Featured apps" : "Doporučené aplikace",
+ "Supported apps" : "Podporované aplikace",
"Show to everyone" : "Ukázat všem",
"Show to logged in users only" : "Ukázat pouze přihlášeným uživatelům",
"Hide" : "Skrýt",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/cs.json b/apps/settings/l10n/cs.json
index 3ece9673817..ea32f7a6ce0 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/cs.json
@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php je zaregistrován u služby webcron aby přes HTTP volala cron.php každých 5 minut. Příklad použití: velmi malá instance (1-5 uživatelů, v závislosti na vytížení).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (doporučeno)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Použít systémový plánovač (cron) pro volání souboru cron.php každých 5 minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Je třeba, aby cron.php bylo spouštěno s právy systémového uživatele „{user}“.",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Je zapotřebí rozšíření PHP pro POSIX. Podrobnosti viz {linkstart}dokumentace k PHP{linkend}.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat režim úlohy běžící na pozadí",
"Profile" : "Profil",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Profily nově vytvářených uživatelů ve výchozím stavu zpřístupňovat nebo nezpřístupňovat.",
@@ -452,6 +454,7 @@
"Updates" : "Aktualizace",
"App bundles" : "Sady aplikací",
"Featured apps" : "Doporučené aplikace",
+ "Supported apps" : "Podporované aplikace",
"Show to everyone" : "Ukázat všem",
"Show to logged in users only" : "Ukázat pouze přihlášeným uživatelům",
"Hide" : "Skrýt",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/da.js b/apps/settings/l10n/da.js
index e2b5ae1518c..f64382d0600 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/da.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/da.js
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php er registreret hos en webcron-tjeneste til at kalde cron.php hvert 5. minut over HTTP. Use case: Meget lille instans (1-5 brugere afhængigt af brugen).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Anbefalet)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Brug systemets cron-tjeneste til at ringe til cron.php-filen hvert 5. minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Cron.php skal eksekveres af systembrugeren \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Kan ikke opdatere baggrundsjobtilstand",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/da.json b/apps/settings/l10n/da.json
index d286dd8debe..0ddd46f7586 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/da.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/da.json
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php er registreret hos en webcron-tjeneste til at kalde cron.php hvert 5. minut over HTTP. Use case: Meget lille instans (1-5 brugere afhængigt af brugen).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Anbefalet)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Brug systemets cron-tjeneste til at ringe til cron.php-filen hvert 5. minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Cron.php skal eksekveres af systembrugeren \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Kan ikke opdatere baggrundsjobtilstand",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de.js b/apps/settings/l10n/de.js
index 8270f541d53..a467a6cf3b2 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php ist bei einem Webcron-Dienst registriert, um cron.php alle 5 Minuten über HTTP aufzurufen. Anwendungsfall: Sehr kleine Instanz (1–5 Benutzer je nach Nutzung).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Empfohlen)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Den System-Cron-Dienst verwenden, um die Datei cron.php alle 5 Minuten aufzurufen.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Die cron.php muss durch den Systembenutzer \"{user}\" ausgeführt werden.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Hintergrund-Job-Modus kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de.json b/apps/settings/l10n/de.json
index 9511097b6fe..8755e460ca1 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php ist bei einem Webcron-Dienst registriert, um cron.php alle 5 Minuten über HTTP aufzurufen. Anwendungsfall: Sehr kleine Instanz (1–5 Benutzer je nach Nutzung).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Empfohlen)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Den System-Cron-Dienst verwenden, um die Datei cron.php alle 5 Minuten aufzurufen.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Die cron.php muss durch den Systembenutzer \"{user}\" ausgeführt werden.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Hintergrund-Job-Modus kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
index 23d8598e4e3..4feee96a0d7 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php ist bei einem Webcron-Dienst registriert, um cron.php alle 5 Minuten über HTTP aufzurufen. Anwendungsfall: Sehr kleine Instanz (1–5 Benutzer je nach Nutzung).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Empfohlen)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Den System-Cron-Dienst verwenden, um die Datei cron.php alle 5 Minuten aufzurufen.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Die cron.php muss durch den Systembenutzer \"{user}\" ausgeführt werden.",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Die PHP-POSIX-Erweiterung ist erforderlich. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in der {linkstart}PHP-Dokumentation{linkend}.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Hintergrund-Aufgaben-Modus kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Profile" : "Profil",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Profil für neue Benutzer standardmäßig aktivieren oder deaktivieren.",
@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Updates" : "Aktualisierungen",
"App bundles" : "App-Pakete",
"Featured apps" : "Vorgestellte Apps",
+ "Supported apps" : "Unterstützte Apps",
"Show to everyone" : "Jedem anzeigen",
"Show to logged in users only" : "Nur angemeldeten Benutzern anzeigen",
"Hide" : "Ausblenden",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
index c8763908bab..8c5e76eff34 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php ist bei einem Webcron-Dienst registriert, um cron.php alle 5 Minuten über HTTP aufzurufen. Anwendungsfall: Sehr kleine Instanz (1–5 Benutzer je nach Nutzung).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Empfohlen)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Den System-Cron-Dienst verwenden, um die Datei cron.php alle 5 Minuten aufzurufen.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Die cron.php muss durch den Systembenutzer \"{user}\" ausgeführt werden.",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Die PHP-POSIX-Erweiterung ist erforderlich. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in der {linkstart}PHP-Dokumentation{linkend}.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Hintergrund-Aufgaben-Modus kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Profile" : "Profil",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Profil für neue Benutzer standardmäßig aktivieren oder deaktivieren.",
@@ -452,6 +454,7 @@
"Updates" : "Aktualisierungen",
"App bundles" : "App-Pakete",
"Featured apps" : "Vorgestellte Apps",
+ "Supported apps" : "Unterstützte Apps",
"Show to everyone" : "Jedem anzeigen",
"Show to logged in users only" : "Nur angemeldeten Benutzern anzeigen",
"Hide" : "Ausblenden",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/el.js b/apps/settings/l10n/el.js
index fb7c4dbfac6..27857fdcd27 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/el.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/el.js
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "Το cron.php είναι εγγεγραμμένο σε μια υπηρεσία webcron για να καλεί το cron.php κάθε 5 λεπτά μέσω HTTP. Περίπτωση χρήσης: Πολύ μικρή εγκατάσταση (1–5 χρήστες ανάλογα με τη χρήση).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Συνιστάται)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Χρησιμοποιήστε την cron υπηρεσία του συστήματος για να καλέσετε το cron.php αρχείο κάθε 5 λεπτά.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Το cron.php πρέπει να εκτελεστεί από τον χρήστη του συστήματος, \"{user}\".",
"Profile" : "Προφίλ",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Ενεργοποίηση ή απενεργοποίηση προφίλ από προεπιλογή για νέους χρήστες.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/el.json b/apps/settings/l10n/el.json
index dd156017d75..93d7d0bb2fb 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/el.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/el.json
@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "Το cron.php είναι εγγεγραμμένο σε μια υπηρεσία webcron για να καλεί το cron.php κάθε 5 λεπτά μέσω HTTP. Περίπτωση χρήσης: Πολύ μικρή εγκατάσταση (1–5 χρήστες ανάλογα με τη χρήση).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Συνιστάται)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Χρησιμοποιήστε την cron υπηρεσία του συστήματος για να καλέσετε το cron.php αρχείο κάθε 5 λεπτά.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Το cron.php πρέπει να εκτελεστεί από τον χρήστη του συστήματος, \"{user}\".",
"Profile" : "Προφίλ",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Ενεργοποίηση ή απενεργοποίηση προφίλ από προεπιλογή για νέους χρήστες.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/eo.js b/apps/settings/l10n/eo.js
index b14bc7dfe1f..7a74eb071c8 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/eo.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/eo.js
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copied!" : "Kopiita!",
"Copy" : "Kopii",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Ne eblis kopii la aplikaĵan pasvorton. Bv. kopii ĝin permane.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Uzu la sisteman „cron“-servon por voki cron.php ĉiujn 5 minutojn.",
"Enable" : "Ŝalti",
"Server-side encryption" : "Ĉeservila ĉifrado",
"Server-side encryption makes it possible to encrypt files which are uploaded to this server. This comes with limitations like a performance penalty, so enable this only if needed." : "Ĉeservila ĉifrado elbigas ĉifri ĉiujn alŝutitajn dosierojn al la servilo. Tio havas kelkajn limigojn kiel pli malbonan rendimenton, do ŝaltu tion nur se necese.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/eo.json b/apps/settings/l10n/eo.json
index 46b1b4ebc47..8c7c8fd3fd7 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/eo.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/eo.json
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@
"Copied!" : "Kopiita!",
"Copy" : "Kopii",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Ne eblis kopii la aplikaĵan pasvorton. Bv. kopii ĝin permane.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Uzu la sisteman „cron“-servon por voki cron.php ĉiujn 5 minutojn.",
"Enable" : "Ŝalti",
"Server-side encryption" : "Ĉeservila ĉifrado",
"Server-side encryption makes it possible to encrypt files which are uploaded to this server. This comes with limitations like a performance penalty, so enable this only if needed." : "Ĉeservila ĉifrado elbigas ĉifri ĉiujn alŝutitajn dosierojn al la servilo. Tio havas kelkajn limigojn kiel pli malbonan rendimenton, do ŝaltu tion nur se necese.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/es.js b/apps/settings/l10n/es.js
index 54eb95b368a..40c70ff0454 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/es.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php se registra en un servicio webcron para llamar a cron.php cada 5 minutos a través de HTTP. Caso de uso: Instancia muy pequeña (1-5 usuarios dependiendo del uso).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Recomendado)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Usa el servicio cron del sistema para llamar al archivo cron.php cada 5 minutos.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "El archivo cron.php debe ser ejecutado por el usuario de sistema \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "No se puede actualizar el modo de trabajo en segundo plano",
"Profile" : "Perfil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/es.json b/apps/settings/l10n/es.json
index 43f6dd0e28b..f12d3fbeedb 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/es.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php se registra en un servicio webcron para llamar a cron.php cada 5 minutos a través de HTTP. Caso de uso: Instancia muy pequeña (1-5 usuarios dependiendo del uso).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Recomendado)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Usa el servicio cron del sistema para llamar al archivo cron.php cada 5 minutos.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "El archivo cron.php debe ser ejecutado por el usuario de sistema \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "No se puede actualizar el modo de trabajo en segundo plano",
"Profile" : "Perfil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/eu.js b/apps/settings/l10n/eu.js
index c8fc76a6aa1..e72e1389283 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/eu.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php webcron zerbitzu batean erregistratuta dago HTTP bidez 5 minuturo cron.php deitzeko. Erabilera kasua: oso instantzia txikia (1-5 erabiltzaile erabileraren arabera).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Gomendatuta)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Sistemaren cron zerbitzua erabili cron.php-ri 5 minutuan behin deitzeko.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Cron.php sistemaren erabiltzaileak \"{user}\" exekutatu behar du.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Ezin izan da atzeko planoko lan-modua eguneratu",
"Profile" : "Profila",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/eu.json b/apps/settings/l10n/eu.json
index aff89d7f623..f88fc017bf1 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/eu.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php webcron zerbitzu batean erregistratuta dago HTTP bidez 5 minuturo cron.php deitzeko. Erabilera kasua: oso instantzia txikia (1-5 erabiltzaile erabileraren arabera).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Gomendatuta)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Sistemaren cron zerbitzua erabili cron.php-ri 5 minutuan behin deitzeko.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Cron.php sistemaren erabiltzaileak \"{user}\" exekutatu behar du.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Ezin izan da atzeko planoko lan-modua eguneratu",
"Profile" : "Profila",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/fa.js b/apps/settings/l10n/fa.js
index 94bfda3b12e..f5e21bc21f4 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/fa.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/fa.js
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "وب‌کرون",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "پروندهٔ cron.php ثبت شده در یک خدمت webcron برای فراخوانی هر ۵ دقیقه یک بار روی HTTP. مناسب بار ینمونه‌های بسیار کوچک ( تا ۵ کاربر بسته به استفاده).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "کرون (پیشنهادی)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "برای تماس با پرونده cron.php هر 5 دقیقه یکبار از سرویس cron system استفاده کنید.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "پروندهٔ cron.php باید به دست کاربر سامانه‌ای {user} قابل اجرا باشد.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "ناتوان در به‌روز رسانی حالت کار پس‌زمینه",
"Profile" : "نمایه",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/fa.json b/apps/settings/l10n/fa.json
index b6ebf175987..db0c7863443 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/fa.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/fa.json
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@
"Webcron" : "وب‌کرون",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "پروندهٔ cron.php ثبت شده در یک خدمت webcron برای فراخوانی هر ۵ دقیقه یک بار روی HTTP. مناسب بار ینمونه‌های بسیار کوچک ( تا ۵ کاربر بسته به استفاده).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "کرون (پیشنهادی)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "برای تماس با پرونده cron.php هر 5 دقیقه یکبار از سرویس cron system استفاده کنید.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "پروندهٔ cron.php باید به دست کاربر سامانه‌ای {user} قابل اجرا باشد.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "ناتوان در به‌روز رسانی حالت کار پس‌زمینه",
"Profile" : "نمایه",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/fi.js b/apps/settings/l10n/fi.js
index 9a60dc1c00a..36a880f8be3 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/fi.js
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Last job execution ran {time}. Something seems wrong." : "Viimeisimmän työn suoritus {time}. Jokin vaikuttaa olevan pielessä.",
"Last job ran {relativeTime}." : "Viimeisin työ ajettiin {relativeTime}.",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (suositeltu)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Käytä järjestelmän cron-palvelua cron.php-skriptin suorittamiseen 5 minuutin välein",
"Profile" : "Profiili",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Käytä tai poista käytöstä profiili oletusarvoisesti uusille käyttäjille.",
"Enable" : "Käytä",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/fi.json b/apps/settings/l10n/fi.json
index 18ce927f564..e44cf00624e 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/fi.json
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@
"Last job execution ran {time}. Something seems wrong." : "Viimeisimmän työn suoritus {time}. Jokin vaikuttaa olevan pielessä.",
"Last job ran {relativeTime}." : "Viimeisin työ ajettiin {relativeTime}.",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (suositeltu)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Käytä järjestelmän cron-palvelua cron.php-skriptin suorittamiseen 5 minuutin välein",
"Profile" : "Profiili",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Käytä tai poista käytöstä profiili oletusarvoisesti uusille käyttäjille.",
"Enable" : "Käytä",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/fr.js b/apps/settings/l10n/fr.js
index b41ad151232..c3653388b87 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/fr.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php est enregistré dans un service webcron pour appeler cron.php toutes les 5 minutes via HTTP. Cas d'utilisation : Très petite instance (1-5 utilisateurs selon l'utilisation).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Recommandé)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Utiliser le service cron du système pour appeler le fichier cron.php toutes les 5 minutes.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Le script cron.php doit être exécuté par l'utilisateur système \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Impossible de mettre à jour le mode d'exécution des tâches de fond",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/fr.json b/apps/settings/l10n/fr.json
index 0348dc010fb..d18ed588412 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/fr.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php est enregistré dans un service webcron pour appeler cron.php toutes les 5 minutes via HTTP. Cas d'utilisation : Très petite instance (1-5 utilisateurs selon l'utilisation).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Recommandé)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Utiliser le service cron du système pour appeler le fichier cron.php toutes les 5 minutes.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Le script cron.php doit être exécuté par l'utilisateur système \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Impossible de mettre à jour le mode d'exécution des tâches de fond",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
index d8856ebf2c4..4fcaaae9913 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php está rexistrado nun servizo webcron para chamar a cron.php cada 5 minutos a través de HTTP. Caso de uso: instancia moi pequena (de 1 a 5 usuarios segundo o uso).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Recomendado)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Use o servizo «cron» do sistema para chamar ao ficheiro cron.php cada 5 minutos.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "O cron.php debe ser executado polo usuario do sistema «{user}».",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Precisase a extensión POSIX de PHP. Vexa a {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para obter máis detalles. ",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Non é posíbel actualizar o modo de traballo en segundo plano",
"Profile" : "Perfil",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Activar ou desactivar o perfil predeterminado para os novos usuarios.",
@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Updates" : "Actualizacións",
"App bundles" : "Paquetes de aplicacións",
"Featured apps" : "Aplicacións destacadas",
+ "Supported apps" : "Aplicacións compatíbeis",
"Show to everyone" : "Amosar a todos",
"Show to logged in users only" : "Amosar só aos usuarios que accederon",
"Hide" : "Agochar",
@@ -497,11 +500,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You need to enable the File sharing App." : "Debe activar a aplicación Compartir ficheiros.",
"As admin you can fine-tune the sharing behavior. Please see the documentation for more information." : "Como administrador pode facer axustes finos do comportamento ao compartir. Lea a documentación para obter máis información.",
"Allow apps to use the Share API" : "Permitir que as aplicacións empreguen a API para compartir",
- "Set default expiration date for shares" : "Estabeleza a data de caducidade predeterminada das comparticións",
+ "Set default expiration date for shares" : "Definir a data de caducidade predeterminada das comparticións",
"Expire after" : "Caduca após",
"day(s)" : "día(s)",
"Enforce expiration date" : "Impor a data de caducidade",
- "Set default expiration date for shares to other servers" : "Estabelecer a data de caducidade predeterminada para as comparticións con outros servidores",
+ "Set default expiration date for shares to other servers" : "Definir a data de caducidade predeterminada para as comparticións con outros servidores",
"Allow users to share via link and emails" : "Permitir que os usuarios compartan a través de ligazóns e correos-e",
"Allow public uploads" : "Permitir os envíos públicos",
"Always ask for a password" : "Pedir sempre un contrasinal",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
index 232bc84a11c..121fb7b28bc 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php está rexistrado nun servizo webcron para chamar a cron.php cada 5 minutos a través de HTTP. Caso de uso: instancia moi pequena (de 1 a 5 usuarios segundo o uso).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Recomendado)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Use o servizo «cron» do sistema para chamar ao ficheiro cron.php cada 5 minutos.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "O cron.php debe ser executado polo usuario do sistema «{user}».",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "Precisase a extensión POSIX de PHP. Vexa a {linkstart}documentación de PHP{linkend} para obter máis detalles. ",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Non é posíbel actualizar o modo de traballo en segundo plano",
"Profile" : "Perfil",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Activar ou desactivar o perfil predeterminado para os novos usuarios.",
@@ -452,6 +454,7 @@
"Updates" : "Actualizacións",
"App bundles" : "Paquetes de aplicacións",
"Featured apps" : "Aplicacións destacadas",
+ "Supported apps" : "Aplicacións compatíbeis",
"Show to everyone" : "Amosar a todos",
"Show to logged in users only" : "Amosar só aos usuarios que accederon",
"Hide" : "Agochar",
@@ -495,11 +498,11 @@
"You need to enable the File sharing App." : "Debe activar a aplicación Compartir ficheiros.",
"As admin you can fine-tune the sharing behavior. Please see the documentation for more information." : "Como administrador pode facer axustes finos do comportamento ao compartir. Lea a documentación para obter máis información.",
"Allow apps to use the Share API" : "Permitir que as aplicacións empreguen a API para compartir",
- "Set default expiration date for shares" : "Estabeleza a data de caducidade predeterminada das comparticións",
+ "Set default expiration date for shares" : "Definir a data de caducidade predeterminada das comparticións",
"Expire after" : "Caduca após",
"day(s)" : "día(s)",
"Enforce expiration date" : "Impor a data de caducidade",
- "Set default expiration date for shares to other servers" : "Estabelecer a data de caducidade predeterminada para as comparticións con outros servidores",
+ "Set default expiration date for shares to other servers" : "Definir a data de caducidade predeterminada para as comparticións con outros servidores",
"Allow users to share via link and emails" : "Permitir que os usuarios compartan a través de ligazóns e correos-e",
"Allow public uploads" : "Permitir os envíos públicos",
"Always ask for a password" : "Pedir sempre un contrasinal",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/he.js b/apps/settings/l10n/he.js
index 6c695d68667..de8c985f824 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/he.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/he.js
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copied!" : "הועתק!",
"Copy" : "העתקה",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "לא ניתן להעתיק את הססמה של היישומון. נא להעתיק אותה ידנית.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "להשתמש בשירות ה־cron של המערכת כדי לקרוא לקובץ cron.php כל 5 דקות.",
"Profile" : "פרופיל",
"Enable" : "הפעלה",
"Server-side encryption" : "הצפנת צד שרת",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/he.json b/apps/settings/l10n/he.json
index 698219b3984..dd76047aa0e 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/he.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/he.json
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@
"Copied!" : "הועתק!",
"Copy" : "העתקה",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "לא ניתן להעתיק את הססמה של היישומון. נא להעתיק אותה ידנית.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "להשתמש בשירות ה־cron של המערכת כדי לקרוא לקובץ cron.php כל 5 דקות.",
"Profile" : "פרופיל",
"Enable" : "הפעלה",
"Server-side encryption" : "הצפנת צד שרת",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/hr.js b/apps/settings/l10n/hr.js
index b4eed155314..9bd70563473 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/hr.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/hr.js
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copied!" : "Kopirano!",
"Copy" : "Kopiraj",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Kopiranje zaporke aplikacije nije uspjelo. Kopirajte je ručno.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Koristite se sistemskim servisom cron za pozivanje datoteke cron.php svakih 5 minuta.",
"Profile" : "Profil",
"Enable" : "Omogući",
"Server-side encryption" : "Šifriranje na poslužitelju",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/hr.json b/apps/settings/l10n/hr.json
index c682511571d..17bb80f3a68 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/hr.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/hr.json
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@
"Copied!" : "Kopirano!",
"Copy" : "Kopiraj",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Kopiranje zaporke aplikacije nije uspjelo. Kopirajte je ručno.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Koristite se sistemskim servisom cron za pozivanje datoteke cron.php svakih 5 minuta.",
"Profile" : "Profil",
"Enable" : "Omogući",
"Server-side encryption" : "Šifriranje na poslužitelju",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/hu.js b/apps/settings/l10n/hu.js
index dc6b1051810..f23bdc714be 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/hu.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "A cron.php egy webcron szolgáltatásnál van regisztrálva, hogy 5 percenkenként meghívja a cron.php-t. Használati eset: Nagyon kis példány (1-5 felhasználó, használattól függően).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (ajánlott)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "A rendszer cron szolgáltatás használata a cron.php fájl 5 percenként meghívásához.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "A cron.php-t „{user}” rendszerfelhasználónak kell végrehajtania.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "A háttérfeladat módja nem frissíthető",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/hu.json b/apps/settings/l10n/hu.json
index 4415ce56c75..1dd0f581ce0 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/hu.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "A cron.php egy webcron szolgáltatásnál van regisztrálva, hogy 5 percenkenként meghívja a cron.php-t. Használati eset: Nagyon kis példány (1-5 felhasználó, használattól függően).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (ajánlott)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "A rendszer cron szolgáltatás használata a cron.php fájl 5 percenként meghívásához.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "A cron.php-t „{user}” rendszerfelhasználónak kell végrehajtania.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "A háttérfeladat módja nem frissíthető",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/is.js b/apps/settings/l10n/is.js
index 9192f1c565b..5262177f7c3 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/is.js
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copied!" : "Afritað!",
"Copy" : "Afrita",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Tókst ekki að afrita lykilorð forritsins. Afritaðu það handvirkt.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Nota cron-þjónustu kerfisins til að kalla á cron.php skrána á 5 mínútna fresti.",
"Profile" : "Notandasnið",
"Enable" : "Virkja",
"Server-side encryption" : "Dulritun á þjóni",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/is.json b/apps/settings/l10n/is.json
index 3ac17306a94..640544b3a84 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/is.json
@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"Copied!" : "Afritað!",
"Copy" : "Afrita",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Tókst ekki að afrita lykilorð forritsins. Afritaðu það handvirkt.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Nota cron-þjónustu kerfisins til að kalla á cron.php skrána á 5 mínútna fresti.",
"Profile" : "Notandasnið",
"Enable" : "Virkja",
"Server-side encryption" : "Dulritun á þjóni",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/it.js b/apps/settings/l10n/it.js
index b25dd348374..ceeeb18bffd 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/it.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php è registrato in un servizio webcron per invocare cron.php ogni 5 minuti via HTTP. Caso d'uso: istanza molto piccola (1–5 utenti a seconda dell'utilizzo).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Consigliato)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Usa il servizio cron di sistema per invocare il file cron.php ogni 5 minuti.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Il cron.php deve essere eseguito dall'utente di sistema \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Impossibile aggiornare la modalità delle operazioni in background",
"Profile" : "Profilo",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/it.json b/apps/settings/l10n/it.json
index 91519a4b8a6..68dbb833883 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/it.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php è registrato in un servizio webcron per invocare cron.php ogni 5 minuti via HTTP. Caso d'uso: istanza molto piccola (1–5 utenti a seconda dell'utilizzo).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Consigliato)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Usa il servizio cron di sistema per invocare il file cron.php ogni 5 minuti.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Il cron.php deve essere eseguito dall'utente di sistema \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Impossibile aggiornare la modalità delle operazioni in background",
"Profile" : "Profilo",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ja.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ja.js
index 6051b45f945..d22fc9c2d82 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ja.js
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.phpは、HTTP越しに5分おきにcron.phpを読み出すWebcronサービスにより登録されています。使用例: 極小なインスタンス(利用率に依存する1〜5ユーザー程度)の場合。",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (推奨)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "システムのcronサービスを利用して、5分ごとにcron.phpファイルを実行します。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php はシステムユーザー \"{user}\" で実行する必要があります。",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "バックグラウンドジョブモードが更新できませんでした",
"Profile" : "プロフィール",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ja.json b/apps/settings/l10n/ja.json
index 0bf0b7018f0..3dbcb8ee35c 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ja.json
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.phpは、HTTP越しに5分おきにcron.phpを読み出すWebcronサービスにより登録されています。使用例: 極小なインスタンス(利用率に依存する1〜5ユーザー程度)の場合。",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (推奨)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "システムのcronサービスを利用して、5分ごとにcron.phpファイルを実行します。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php はシステムユーザー \"{user}\" で実行する必要があります。",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "バックグラウンドジョブモードが更新できませんでした",
"Profile" : "プロフィール",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.js b/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.js
index acf46650726..b46e5decfb7 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "„Webcron“",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "„cron.php“ yra registruojamas „webcron“ tarnyboje, kad kas 5 minutes per HTTP būtų iškviečiamas failas „cron.php“. Naudojimo atvejis: Labai mažas egzempliorius (priklausomai nuo našumo, 1–5 naudotojai).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "„Cron“ (Rekomenduojama)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Naudokite sistemos cron paslaugą, kad kas 5 minutes iškviestumėte cron.php failą.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Failą „cron.php“ turi vykdyti sistemos naudotojas „{user}“.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nepavyko atnaujinti foninių užduočių veiksenos",
"Profile" : "Profilis",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.json b/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.json
index e13327cae97..c55823a20c7 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"Webcron" : "„Webcron“",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "„cron.php“ yra registruojamas „webcron“ tarnyboje, kad kas 5 minutes per HTTP būtų iškviečiamas failas „cron.php“. Naudojimo atvejis: Labai mažas egzempliorius (priklausomai nuo našumo, 1–5 naudotojai).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "„Cron“ (Rekomenduojama)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Naudokite sistemos cron paslaugą, kad kas 5 minutes iškviestumėte cron.php failą.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Failą „cron.php“ turi vykdyti sistemos naudotojas „{user}“.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nepavyko atnaujinti foninių užduočių veiksenos",
"Profile" : "Profilis",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/mk.js b/apps/settings/l10n/mk.js
index 1cc59542a32..ddb8b3cab30 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/mk.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/mk.js
@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php треба да се регистрира на webcron сервис за да ја повикува процедурата секој 5 минути преку HTTP. Се користи за помали истанци (1-5 корисника во зависност на искористувањето).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Препорачано)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Го користи системскиот Cron сервис и го повикува cron.php секој 5 минути.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php е потребно да биде извршен од системски корисник \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Не може да се ажурира режимот на работа во позадина",
"Profile" : "Профил",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/mk.json b/apps/settings/l10n/mk.json
index 2cb0c870448..3303a0dcfab 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/mk.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/mk.json
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php треба да се регистрира на webcron сервис за да ја повикува процедурата секој 5 минути преку HTTP. Се користи за помали истанци (1-5 корисника во зависност на искористувањето).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Препорачано)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Го користи системскиот Cron сервис и го повикува cron.php секој 5 минути.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php е потребно да биде извршен од системски корисник \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Не може да се ажурира режимот на работа во позадина",
"Profile" : "Профил",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/nl.js b/apps/settings/l10n/nl.js
index af1a9d90ca7..36a4a9675fa 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/nl.js
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"AJAX" : "AJAX",
"Execute one task with each page loaded. Use case: Single user instance." : "Een taak uitvoeren bij het laden van iedere pagina. Use case: voor een enkele gebruiker.",
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Gebruik de systeemcron service om cron.php elke 5 minuten aan te roepen.",
"Profile" : "Profiel",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Profiel standaard in- of uitschakelen voor nieuwe gebruikers.",
"Enable" : "Inschakelen",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/nl.json b/apps/settings/l10n/nl.json
index 597111f0e6f..400ae517a36 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/nl.json
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
"AJAX" : "AJAX",
"Execute one task with each page loaded. Use case: Single user instance." : "Een taak uitvoeren bij het laden van iedere pagina. Use case: voor een enkele gebruiker.",
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Gebruik de systeemcron service om cron.php elke 5 minuten aan te roepen.",
"Profile" : "Profiel",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Profiel standaard in- of uitschakelen voor nieuwe gebruikers.",
"Enable" : "Inschakelen",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/pl.js b/apps/settings/l10n/pl.js
index 1e573654469..219e8f1841b 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/pl.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php jest zarejestrowany w usłudze webcron i wywołuje cron.php co 5 minut przez HTTP. Przypadek użycia: Bardzo mała instancja (1–5 użytkowników w zależności od zastosowania).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (zalecane)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Użyj usługi systemowej cron, aby wywoływać plik cron.php co 5 minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Plik cron.php musi zostać wykonany przez użytkownika systemowego \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nie można zaktualizować trybu zadania w tle",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/pl.json b/apps/settings/l10n/pl.json
index a2975909f44..e35db49a7a3 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/pl.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php jest zarejestrowany w usłudze webcron i wywołuje cron.php co 5 minut przez HTTP. Przypadek użycia: Bardzo mała instancja (1–5 użytkowników w zależności od zastosowania).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (zalecane)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Użyj usługi systemowej cron, aby wywoływać plik cron.php co 5 minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Plik cron.php musi zostać wykonany przez użytkownika systemowego \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nie można zaktualizować trybu zadania w tle",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 3a46e2b22e3..14e2f3b002b 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php é registrado em um serviço webcron para chamar cron.php a cada 5 minutos por HTTP. Caso de uso: instância muito pequena (1–5 usuários dependendo do uso).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Recomendado)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Use o serviço cron do sistema para chamar o arquivo cron.php a cada 5 minutos.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "O cron.php precisa ser executado pelo usuário do sistema \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Não foi possível atualizar o modo de trabalho em segundo plano",
"Profile" : "Perfil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
index a8fa91a9481..28d9a57a774 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php é registrado em um serviço webcron para chamar cron.php a cada 5 minutos por HTTP. Caso de uso: instância muito pequena (1–5 usuários dependendo do uso).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Recomendado)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Use o serviço cron do sistema para chamar o arquivo cron.php a cada 5 minutos.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "O cron.php precisa ser executado pelo usuário do sistema \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Não foi possível atualizar o modo de trabalho em segundo plano",
"Profile" : "Perfil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ru.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ru.js
index 60ee5704cd1..759a29016f6 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ru.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "Использовать службу webcron для запуска зарегистрированного файла «cron.php» каждые 5 минут с использованием протокола HTTPS. Вариант использования: сервер для количества пользователей от одного до пяти.",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (рекомендуется)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Использовать системный cron для вызова файла cron.php каждые 5 минут.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Файл «cron.php» должен исполняться с использованием учётной записи «{user}».",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Не удалось изменить режим запуска фоновых задач",
"Profile" : "Профиль",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ru.json b/apps/settings/l10n/ru.json
index 2f3d5ff2bc9..0e6ce7fc782 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ru.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "Использовать службу webcron для запуска зарегистрированного файла «cron.php» каждые 5 минут с использованием протокола HTTPS. Вариант использования: сервер для количества пользователей от одного до пяти.",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (рекомендуется)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Использовать системный cron для вызова файла cron.php каждые 5 минут.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Файл «cron.php» должен исполняться с использованием учётной записи «{user}».",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Не удалось изменить режим запуска фоновых задач",
"Profile" : "Профиль",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sc.js b/apps/settings/l10n/sc.js
index 111ffb236a4..76936f065a3 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sc.js
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copied!" : "Copiadu!",
"Copy" : "Còpia",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "No at fatu a copiare sa crae. Copia·dda a manu.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Imprea su servìtziu cron de sistema pro cramare s'archìviu cron.php cada 5 minutos.",
"Profile" : "Profilu",
"Enable" : "Ativa",
"Server-side encryption" : "Tzifradura ladu serbidore",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sc.json b/apps/settings/l10n/sc.json
index 5dcacfc1284..7aa284a8069 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sc.json
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
"Copied!" : "Copiadu!",
"Copy" : "Còpia",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "No at fatu a copiare sa crae. Copia·dda a manu.",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Imprea su servìtziu cron de sistema pro cramare s'archìviu cron.php cada 5 minutos.",
"Profile" : "Profilu",
"Enable" : "Ativa",
"Server-side encryption" : "Tzifradura ladu serbidore",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sk.js b/apps/settings/l10n/sk.js
index f0a88001956..cf92105507c 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sk.js
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php je zaregistrovaný v službe webcron, aby každých 5 minút volal cron.php cez HTTP. Prípad použitia: Veľmi malá inštancia (1–5 používateľov v závislosti od použitia).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Odporúčané)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Použiť systémový plánovač (cron) pre spustenie súboru cron.php každých 5 minút.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Je potrebné, aby cron.php bol spustený systémovým používateľom \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať režim úlohy na pozadí",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sk.json b/apps/settings/l10n/sk.json
index 7b7e6097f41..953f1de2b1b 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sk.json
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php je zaregistrovaný v službe webcron, aby každých 5 minút volal cron.php cez HTTP. Prípad použitia: Veľmi malá inštancia (1–5 používateľov v závislosti od použitia).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Odporúčané)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Použiť systémový plánovač (cron) pre spustenie súboru cron.php každých 5 minút.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Je potrebné, aby cron.php bol spustený systémovým používateľom \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať režim úlohy na pozadí",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sl.js b/apps/settings/l10n/sl.js
index 68e2d9a8ddd..74c5399e38f 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sl.js
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "Osveževanje z datoteko cron.php omogoča storitev webcron in sicer vsakih 5 minut po protokolu HTTP. Možnost je uporabna za manše število uporabnikov (1–5 udeležencev z nezahtevnim načinom rabe okolja).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (priporočeno)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Uporabljena je sistemska storitev »cron«, ki vzpostavi povezavo z datoteko cron.php vsakih 5 minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Datoteka cron.php mora biti izvedena za sistemskega uporabnika »{user}«.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Ni mogoče posodobiti načina poslov v ozadju.",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sl.json b/apps/settings/l10n/sl.json
index 7016b454c90..45b1a418569 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sl.json
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "Osveževanje z datoteko cron.php omogoča storitev webcron in sicer vsakih 5 minut po protokolu HTTP. Možnost je uporabna za manše število uporabnikov (1–5 udeležencev z nezahtevnim načinom rabe okolja).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (priporočeno)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Uporabljena je sistemska storitev »cron«, ki vzpostavi povezavo z datoteko cron.php vsakih 5 minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "Datoteka cron.php mora biti izvedena za sistemskega uporabnika »{user}«.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Ni mogoče posodobiti načina poslov v ozadju.",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sr.js b/apps/settings/l10n/sr.js
index 45cccd32959..7c323502501 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sr.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php се регуструје у webcron сервису тако да се cron.php позива преко HTTP сваких 5 минута. Случај употребе: врло мала инстанца (1–5 корисника, у зависности од употребе).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Препоручено)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Користите системски крон сервис за позивање cron.php фајла сваких 5 минута.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php мора да изврши системски корисник „{user}.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Режим позадинског посла не може да се ажурира",
"Profile" : "Профил",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sr.json b/apps/settings/l10n/sr.json
index 7c294c8ce40..e6b34e44116 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sr.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php се регуструје у webcron сервису тако да се cron.php позива преко HTTP сваких 5 минута. Случај употребе: врло мала инстанца (1–5 корисника, у зависности од употребе).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Препоручено)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Користите системски крон сервис за позивање cron.php фајла сваких 5 минута.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php мора да изврши системски корисник „{user}.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Режим позадинског посла не може да се ажурира",
"Profile" : "Профил",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sv.js b/apps/settings/l10n/sv.js
index d03aca2d90a..8a4fd157154 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sv.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php är registrerad på en webcron-tjänst för att anropa cron.php var 5:e minut över HTTP. Användningsfall: Mycket liten instans (1–5 användare beroende på användning).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Rekommenderad)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Använd systemets cron-tjänst för att anropa cron.php var 5: e minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php måste köras av systemanvändaren \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Det gick inte att uppdatera bakgrundsjobbläget",
"Profile" : "Profil",
@@ -450,6 +451,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Updates" : "Uppdateringar",
"App bundles" : "App-paket",
"Featured apps" : "Utvalda appar",
+ "Supported apps" : "Appar som stöds",
"Show to everyone" : "Visa för alla",
"Show to logged in users only" : "Visa endast för inloggade användare",
"Hide" : "Dölj",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sv.json b/apps/settings/l10n/sv.json
index 7e21a45fb10..93b3468a2bb 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sv.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php är registrerad på en webcron-tjänst för att anropa cron.php var 5:e minut över HTTP. Användningsfall: Mycket liten instans (1–5 användare beroende på användning).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (Rekommenderad)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "Använd systemets cron-tjänst för att anropa cron.php var 5: e minut.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php måste köras av systemanvändaren \"{user}\".",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Det gick inte att uppdatera bakgrundsjobbläget",
"Profile" : "Profil",
@@ -448,6 +449,7 @@
"Updates" : "Uppdateringar",
"App bundles" : "App-paket",
"Featured apps" : "Utvalda appar",
+ "Supported apps" : "Appar som stöds",
"Show to everyone" : "Visa för alla",
"Show to logged in users only" : "Visa endast för inloggade användare",
"Hide" : "Dölj",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/tr.js b/apps/settings/l10n/tr.js
index 87c90475323..60f47172198 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/tr.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "İnternet zamanlanmış görevi",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php, HTTP üzerinden her 5 dakikada bir cron.php sayfasını çağıran bir internet zamanlanmış görevi hizmetinde kayıtlıdır. Kullanım şekli: Çok küçük kopya (kullanıma bağlı olarak 1–5 kullanıcı).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (önerilen)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "5 dakikada bir cron.php dosyasının çağrılması için sistem cron hizmeti kullanılsın.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php dosyası \"{user}\" sistem kullanıcısı tarafından yürütülmelidir.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Arka plan görevi kipi güncellenemedi",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/tr.json b/apps/settings/l10n/tr.json
index 00917ba1635..59fc03e96f1 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/tr.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "İnternet zamanlanmış görevi",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php, HTTP üzerinden her 5 dakikada bir cron.php sayfasını çağıran bir internet zamanlanmış görevi hizmetinde kayıtlıdır. Kullanım şekli: Çok küçük kopya (kullanıma bağlı olarak 1–5 kullanıcı).",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (önerilen)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "5 dakikada bir cron.php dosyasının çağrılması için sistem cron hizmeti kullanılsın.",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php dosyası \"{user}\" sistem kullanıcısı tarafından yürütülmelidir.",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Arka plan görevi kipi güncellenemedi",
"Profile" : "Profil",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_CN.js b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 7a559b84fa5..e7c06a3168b 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php 注册在一个 webcron 服务上,每 5 分钟通过 HTTP 调用 cron.php。使用场景:非常小的实例(1-5 个用户,取决于使用情况)。",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron(推荐)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "使用系统定时任务服务每5分钟执行一次cron.php文件。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php 需要由系统用户“{user}”执行。",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "无法更新后台任务模式",
"Profile" : "个人资料",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_CN.json b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 1dc1dedbad5..567d5aaea9f 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php 注册在一个 webcron 服务上,每 5 分钟通过 HTTP 调用 cron.php。使用场景:非常小的实例(1-5 个用户,取决于使用情况)。",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron(推荐)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "使用系统定时任务服务每5分钟执行一次cron.php文件。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php 需要由系统用户“{user}”执行。",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "无法更新后台任务模式",
"Profile" : "个人资料",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 64b73e1d2d9..39b18e4ee53 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php 註冊了一個 webcron 服務,該服務將通過 HTTP 每 5 分鐘執行一次 cron.php。 用例:非常小的實例(1-5 個用戶,具體取決於使用情況)。",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron(推薦)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "使用系統 cron 每5分鐘執行 cron.php。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php 必須由系統用戶「{user}」執行。",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "您需要 PHP POSIX 擴充元件。請查閱 {linkstart}PHP 說明文件{linkend} 以取得更多資訊。",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "無法更新後台作業模式",
"Profile" : "個人設定",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "默認情況下為新用戶啟用或停用個人檔案。",
@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Updates" : "更新",
"App bundles" : "應用程式套裝",
"Featured apps" : "精選應用程式",
+ "Supported apps" : "支援的應用程式",
"Show to everyone" : "顯示给所有人",
"Show to logged in users only" : "僅顯示給登錄用戶",
"Hide" : "隱藏",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 6612fb14e69..78ab1c7c710 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php 註冊了一個 webcron 服務,該服務將通過 HTTP 每 5 分鐘執行一次 cron.php。 用例:非常小的實例(1-5 個用戶,具體取決於使用情況)。",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron(推薦)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "使用系統 cron 每5分鐘執行 cron.php。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php 必須由系統用戶「{user}」執行。",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "您需要 PHP POSIX 擴充元件。請查閱 {linkstart}PHP 說明文件{linkend} 以取得更多資訊。",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "無法更新後台作業模式",
"Profile" : "個人設定",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "默認情況下為新用戶啟用或停用個人檔案。",
@@ -452,6 +454,7 @@
"Updates" : "更新",
"App bundles" : "應用程式套裝",
"Featured apps" : "精選應用程式",
+ "Supported apps" : "支援的應用程式",
"Show to everyone" : "顯示给所有人",
"Show to logged in users only" : "僅顯示給登錄用戶",
"Hide" : "隱藏",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
index c234d73607d..8dab233ddea 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php 在 webcron 服務中註冊,每五分鐘透過 HTTP 呼叫一次 cron.php。使用情境:非常小的站台(一到五個使用者,取決於使用量)。",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron(建議)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "使用系統 cron 每5分鐘呼叫 cron.php。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php 必須由系統使用者「{user}」執行。",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "PHP POSIX 擴充元件是必須的。請檢視 {linkstart}PHP 文件{linkend}以取得更多資訊。",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "無法更新背景工作模式",
"Profile" : "個人檔案",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "預設情況下為新使用者啟用或停用個人檔案",
@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Updates" : "更新",
"App bundles" : "應用程式套裝",
"Featured apps" : "精選應用程式",
+ "Supported apps" : "支援的應用程式",
"Show to everyone" : "對所有人顯示",
"Show to logged in users only" : "僅對已登入的使用者顯示",
"Hide" : "隱藏",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 25d409ae48b..cb62f7029bc 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@
"Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php 在 webcron 服務中註冊,每五分鐘透過 HTTP 呼叫一次 cron.php。使用情境:非常小的站台(一到五個使用者,取決於使用量)。",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron(建議)",
+ "Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "使用系統 cron 每5分鐘呼叫 cron.php。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"{user}\"." : "cron.php 必須由系統使用者「{user}」執行。",
+ "The PHP POSIX extension is required. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details." : "PHP POSIX 擴充元件是必須的。請檢視 {linkstart}PHP 文件{linkend}以取得更多資訊。",
"Unable to update background job mode" : "無法更新背景工作模式",
"Profile" : "個人檔案",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "預設情況下為新使用者啟用或停用個人檔案",
@@ -452,6 +454,7 @@
"Updates" : "更新",
"App bundles" : "應用程式套裝",
"Featured apps" : "精選應用程式",
+ "Supported apps" : "支援的應用程式",
"Show to everyone" : "對所有人顯示",
"Show to logged in users only" : "僅對已登入的使用者顯示",
"Hide" : "隱藏",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.js b/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 599b8696303..46a13757b7b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "点击下方按钮来重置您的密码。如果您并没有请求密码重置,请忽略这封邮件。",
"Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "点击下方链接重置您的密码。如果您没有请求重置密码,请忽略本邮件。",
"Reset your password" : "重置您的密码",
+ "Requested task type does not exist" : "请求的任务类型不存在",
+ "Necessary language model provider is not available" : "无必要的语言模型提供程序",
+ "Task not found" : "找不到任务",
"Internal error" : "内部错误",
"No translation provider available" : "没有可用的翻译提供程序",
"Could not detect language" : "无法检测语言",
@@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "内存缓存未配置。为了提升性能,请尽量配置内存缓存。更多信息请参见{linkstart}文档↗{linkend}。",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "PHP找不到合适的随机性来源,出于安全原因,这是强烈不推荐的。 更多信息可以在{linkstart}文档↗{linkend}中找到。",
"You are currently running PHP {version}. Upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of {linkstart}performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group ↗{linkend} as soon as your distribution supports it." : "您当前正在运行 PHP 版本 {version}。我们建议您在您的操作系统发行版支持PHP新版本的时候进行升级,以获得{linkstart}来自 PHP 官方的性能和安全更新↗{linkend}。",
+ "PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to {linkstart}one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group ↗{linkend} as soon as possible." : "Nextcloud 27已弃用PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28可能需要PHP 8.1或更高版本。请尽快升级至一个 {linkstart}PHP Group ↗{linkend}提供官方支持的版本。",
"The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "反向代理头部配置错误,或者您正在通过可信的代理访问 Nextcloud。如果您不是通过可信代理访问 Nextcloud,那这是一个安全问题,它可能允许攻击者通过伪装其IP地址以访问 Nextcloud。更多信息请查看{linkstart}文档↗{linkend}。",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the {linkstart}memcached wiki about both modules ↗{linkend}." : "Memcached 被配置为分布式缓存,但安装了错误的 PHP 模块 \"memcache\"。\\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached 只支持 \"memcached\" 不支持 \"memcache\"。见 {linkstart} 有关两者的 memcached 维基 ↗{linkend}.",
"Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in the {linkstart1}documentation ↗{linkend}. ({linkstart2}List of invalid files…{linkend} / {linkstart3}Rescan…{linkend})" : "一些文件未通过完整性检查。有关如何解决这一问题的进一步信息可在 {linkstart1}文档 ↗{linkend}中找到。({linkstart2}无效文件列表 ...{linkend} / {linkstart3}重新扫描 ...{linkend})",
@@ -167,6 +171,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your connection is not secure" : "您的连接不安全",
"Passwordless authentication is only available over a secure connection." : "无密码身份验证仅在安全连接上可用。",
"Reset password" : "重置密码",
+ "If this account exists, a password reset message has been sent to its email address. If you do not receive it, verify your email address and/or account name, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administration for help." : "如果此账户存在,一封密码重置邮件已发送到其电子邮件地址。如果您未收到,请验证您的电子邮件地址和/或账户名称,并检查您的垃圾邮件文件夹,或向您的本地管理员求助。",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "未能成功发送重置邮件,请联系管理员。",
"Password cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "无法更改密码,请联系管理员。",
"Back to login" : "返回登录",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.json b/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
index e168db0283f..b0c718920c0 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "点击下方按钮来重置您的密码。如果您并没有请求密码重置,请忽略这封邮件。",
"Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "点击下方链接重置您的密码。如果您没有请求重置密码,请忽略本邮件。",
"Reset your password" : "重置您的密码",
+ "Requested task type does not exist" : "请求的任务类型不存在",
+ "Necessary language model provider is not available" : "无必要的语言模型提供程序",
+ "Task not found" : "找不到任务",
"Internal error" : "内部错误",
"No translation provider available" : "没有可用的翻译提供程序",
"Could not detect language" : "无法检测语言",
@@ -90,6 +93,7 @@
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "内存缓存未配置。为了提升性能,请尽量配置内存缓存。更多信息请参见{linkstart}文档↗{linkend}。",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "PHP找不到合适的随机性来源,出于安全原因,这是强烈不推荐的。 更多信息可以在{linkstart}文档↗{linkend}中找到。",
"You are currently running PHP {version}. Upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of {linkstart}performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group ↗{linkend} as soon as your distribution supports it." : "您当前正在运行 PHP 版本 {version}。我们建议您在您的操作系统发行版支持PHP新版本的时候进行升级,以获得{linkstart}来自 PHP 官方的性能和安全更新↗{linkend}。",
+ "PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to {linkstart}one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group ↗{linkend} as soon as possible." : "Nextcloud 27已弃用PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28可能需要PHP 8.1或更高版本。请尽快升级至一个 {linkstart}PHP Group ↗{linkend}提供官方支持的版本。",
"The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "反向代理头部配置错误,或者您正在通过可信的代理访问 Nextcloud。如果您不是通过可信代理访问 Nextcloud,那这是一个安全问题,它可能允许攻击者通过伪装其IP地址以访问 Nextcloud。更多信息请查看{linkstart}文档↗{linkend}。",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the {linkstart}memcached wiki about both modules ↗{linkend}." : "Memcached 被配置为分布式缓存,但安装了错误的 PHP 模块 \"memcache\"。\\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached 只支持 \"memcached\" 不支持 \"memcache\"。见 {linkstart} 有关两者的 memcached 维基 ↗{linkend}.",
"Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in the {linkstart1}documentation ↗{linkend}. ({linkstart2}List of invalid files…{linkend} / {linkstart3}Rescan…{linkend})" : "一些文件未通过完整性检查。有关如何解决这一问题的进一步信息可在 {linkstart1}文档 ↗{linkend}中找到。({linkstart2}无效文件列表 ...{linkend} / {linkstart3}重新扫描 ...{linkend})",
@@ -165,6 +169,7 @@
"Your connection is not secure" : "您的连接不安全",
"Passwordless authentication is only available over a secure connection." : "无密码身份验证仅在安全连接上可用。",
"Reset password" : "重置密码",
+ "If this account exists, a password reset message has been sent to its email address. If you do not receive it, verify your email address and/or account name, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administration for help." : "如果此账户存在,一封密码重置邮件已发送到其电子邮件地址。如果您未收到,请验证您的电子邮件地址和/或账户名称,并检查您的垃圾邮件文件夹,或向您的本地管理员求助。",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "未能成功发送重置邮件,请联系管理员。",
"Password cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "无法更改密码,请联系管理员。",
"Back to login" : "返回登录",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/gl.js b/lib/l10n/gl.js
index d837885ae19..ac51b2fec1f 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/gl.js
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Non é posíbel compartir ficheiros con permisos de eliminación",
"Files cannot be shared with create permissions" : "Non é posíbel compartir ficheiros con permisos de creación",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Xa pasou a data de caducidade",
- "_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Non é posíbel estabelecer a data de caducidade máis alo de %n día no futuro","Non é posíbel estabelecer a data de caducidade máis alo de %n días no futuro"],
+ "_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Non é posíbel definir a data de caducidade máis alo de %n día no futuro","Non é posíbel definir a data de caducidade máis alo de %n días no futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Só se permite compartir cos membros do grupo",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with user %s" : "Fallou a compartición de %s por mor de que este elemento xa foi compartido co usuario %s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/gl.json b/lib/l10n/gl.json
index c463d3ab3a2..5d2887654d7 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/gl.json
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Non é posíbel compartir ficheiros con permisos de eliminación",
"Files cannot be shared with create permissions" : "Non é posíbel compartir ficheiros con permisos de creación",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Xa pasou a data de caducidade",
- "_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Non é posíbel estabelecer a data de caducidade máis alo de %n día no futuro","Non é posíbel estabelecer a data de caducidade máis alo de %n días no futuro"],
+ "_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Non é posíbel definir a data de caducidade máis alo de %n día no futuro","Non é posíbel definir a data de caducidade máis alo de %n días no futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Só se permite compartir cos membros do grupo",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with user %s" : "Fallou a compartición de %s por mor de que este elemento xa foi compartido co usuario %s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",