diff options
authorRobin Appelman <>2023-03-31 18:58:59 +0200
committerRobin Appelman <>2023-04-17 16:23:52 +0200
commit60cf0c8f5fc5d61f926765f95ff40625349ec787 (patch)
parente63720b7140d15cd4c0b080c57c226d9a2dda8a6 (diff)
add command for getting fileinfo for debugging
Signed-off-by: Robin Appelman <>
6 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_external/lib/Config/ExternalMountPoint.php b/apps/files_external/lib/Config/ExternalMountPoint.php
index 090e1c77cdf..07475f961f9 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/lib/Config/ExternalMountPoint.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/lib/Config/ExternalMountPoint.php
@@ -40,4 +40,8 @@ class ExternalMountPoint extends MountPoint {
public function getMountType() {
return ($this->storageConfig->getAuthMechanism() instanceof SessionCredentials) ? 'external-session' : 'external';
+ public function getStorageConfig(): StorageConfig {
+ return $this->storageConfig;
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/lib/SharedMount.php b/apps/files_sharing/lib/SharedMount.php
index 1e0b2d921e3..943f14dc2bd 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/lib/SharedMount.php
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/lib/SharedMount.php
@@ -254,6 +254,13 @@ class SharedMount extends MountPoint implements MoveableMount {
+ * @return \OCP\Share\IShare[]
+ */
+ public function getGroupedShares(): array {
+ return $this->groupedShares;
+ }
+ /**
* Get the file id of the root of the storage
* @return int
diff --git a/core/Command/Info/File.php b/core/Command/Info/File.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..15aa885e2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/Command/Info/File.php
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+namespace OC\Core\Command\Info;
+use OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage;
+use OCA\Circles\MountManager\CircleMount;
+use OCA\Files_External\Config\ExternalMountPoint;
+use OCA\Files_Sharing\SharedMount;
+use OCA\GroupFolders\Mount\GroupMountPoint;
+use OCP\Constants;
+use OCP\Files\Config\IUserMountCache;
+use OCP\Files\FileInfo;
+use OCP\Files\Folder;
+use OCP\Files\IHomeStorage;
+use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
+use OCP\Files\Mount\IMountPoint;
+use OCP\Files\Node;
+use OCP\Files\NotFoundException;
+use OCP\IL10N;
+use OCP\L10N\IFactory;
+use OCP\Share\IShare;
+use OCP\Util;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
+class File extends Command {
+ private IRootFolder $rootFolder;
+ private IUserMountCache $userMountCache;
+ private IL10N $l10n;
+ public function __construct(IRootFolder $rootFolder, IUserMountCache $userMountCache, IFactory $l10nFactory) {
+ $this->rootFolder = $rootFolder;
+ $this->userMountCache = $userMountCache;
+ $this->l10n = $l10nFactory->get("core");
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ protected function configure() {
+ $this
+ ->setName('info:file')
+ ->setDescription('get information for a file')
+ ->addArgument('file', InputArgument::REQUIRED, "File id or path")
+ ->addOption('children', 'c', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "List children of folders");
+ }
+ public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int {
+ $fileInput = $input->getArgument('file');
+ $showChildren = $input->getOption('children');
+ $node = $this->getNode($fileInput);
+ if (!$node) {
+ $output->writeln("<error>file $fileInput not found</error>");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $output->writeln($node->getName());
+ $output->writeln(" fileid: " . $node->getId());
+ $output->writeln(" mimetype: " . $node->getMimetype());
+ $output->writeln(" modified: " . (string)$this->l10n->l("datetime", $node->getMTime()));
+ $output->writeln(" size: " . Util::humanFileSize($node->getSize()));
+ $output->writeln(" " . ($node->isEncrypted() ? "encrypted" : "not encrypted"));
+ if ($node instanceof Folder) {
+ $children = $node->getDirectoryListing();
+ if ($showChildren) {
+ $output->writeln(" children: " . count($children) . ":");
+ foreach ($children as $child) {
+ $output->writeln(" - " . $child->getName());
+ }
+ } else {
+ $output->writeln(" children: " . count($children) . " (--children to list)");
+ }
+ }
+ $this->outputStorageDetails($node->getMountPoint(), $node, $output);
+ $filesPerUser = $this->getFilesByUser($node);
+ $output->writeln("");
+ $output->writeln("The following users have access to the file");
+ $output->writeln("");
+ foreach ($filesPerUser as $user => $files) {
+ $output->writeln("$user:");
+ foreach ($files as $userFile) {
+ $output->writeln(" " . $userFile->getPath() . ": " . $this->formatPermissions($userFile->getType(), $userFile->getPermissions()));
+ $mount = $userFile->getMountPoint();
+ $output->writeln(" " . $this->formatMountType($mount));
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private function getNode(string $fileInput): ?Node {
+ if (is_numeric($fileInput)) {
+ $mounts = $this->userMountCache->getMountsForFileId((int)$fileInput);
+ if (!$mounts) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $mount = $mounts[0];
+ $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($mount->getUser()->getUID());
+ $nodes = $userFolder->getById((int)$fileInput);
+ if (!$nodes) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $nodes[0];
+ } else {
+ try {
+ return $this->rootFolder->get($fileInput);
+ } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param FileInfo $file
+ * @return array<string, Node[]>
+ * @throws \OCP\Files\NotPermittedException
+ * @throws \OC\User\NoUserException
+ */
+ private function getFilesByUser(FileInfo $file): array {
+ $id = $file->getId();
+ if (!$id) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ $mounts = $this->userMountCache->getMountsForFileId($id);
+ $result = [];
+ foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
+ if (isset($result[$mount->getUser()->getUID()])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($mount->getUser()->getUID());
+ $result[$mount->getUser()->getUID()] = $userFolder->getById($id);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ private function formatPermissions(string $type, int $permissions): string {
+ if ($permissions == Constants::PERMISSION_ALL || ($type === 'file' && $permissions == (Constants::PERMISSION_ALL - Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE))) {
+ return "full permissions";
+ }
+ $perms = [];
+ $allPerms = [Constants::PERMISSION_READ => "read", Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE => "update", Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE => "create", Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE => "delete", Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE => "share"];
+ foreach ($allPerms as $perm => $name) {
+ if (($permissions & $perm) === $perm) {
+ $perms[] = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ return implode(", ", $perms);
+ }
+ private function formatMountType(IMountPoint $mountPoint): string {
+ $storage = $mountPoint->getStorage();
+ if ($storage && $storage->instanceOfStorage(IHomeStorage::class)) {
+ return "home storage";
+ } elseif ($mountPoint instanceof SharedMount) {
+ $share = $mountPoint->getShare();
+ $shares = $mountPoint->getGroupedShares();
+ $sharedBy = array_map(function (IShare $share) {
+ $shareType = $this->formatShareType($share);
+ if ($shareType) {
+ return $share->getSharedBy() . " (via " . $shareType . " " . $share->getSharedWith() . ")";
+ } else {
+ return $share->getSharedBy();
+ }
+ }, $shares);
+ $description = "shared by " . implode(', ', $sharedBy);
+ if ($share->getSharedBy() !== $share->getShareOwner()) {
+ $description .= " owned by " . $share->getShareOwner();
+ }
+ return $description;
+ } elseif ($mountPoint instanceof GroupMountPoint) { /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedClass */
+ return "groupfolder " . $mountPoint->getFolderId();
+ } elseif ($mountPoint instanceof ExternalMountPoint) {
+ return "external storage " . $mountPoint->getStorageConfig()->getId();
+ } elseif ($mountPoint instanceof CircleMount) {
+ return "circle";
+ }
+ return get_class($mountPoint);
+ }
+ private function formatShareType(IShare $share): ?string {
+ switch ($share->getShareType()) {
+ case IShare::TYPE_GROUP:
+ return "group";
+ case IShare::TYPE_CIRCLE:
+ return "circle";
+ case IShare::TYPE_DECK:
+ return "deck";
+ case IShare::TYPE_ROOM:
+ return "room";
+ case IShare::TYPE_USER:
+ return null;
+ default:
+ return "Unknown (".$share->getShareType().")";
+ }
+ }
+ private function outputStorageDetails(IMountPoint $mountPoint, Node $node, OutputInterface $output): void {
+ $storage = $mountPoint->getStorage();
+ if (!$storage) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$storage->instanceOfStorage(IHomeStorage::class)) {
+ $output->writeln(" mounted at: " . $mountPoint->getMountPoint());
+ }
+ if ($storage->instanceOfStorage(ObjectStoreStorage::class)) {
+ /** @var ObjectStoreStorage $storage */
+ $objectStoreId = $storage->getObjectStore()->getStorageId();
+ $parts = explode(':', $objectStoreId);
+ $bucket = array_pop($parts);
+ $output->writeln(" bucket: " . $bucket);
+ if ($node instanceof \OC\Files\Node\File) {
+ $output->writeln(" object id: " . $storage->getURN($node->getId()));
+ try {
+ $fh = $node->fopen('r');
+ if (!$fh) {
+ throw new NotFoundException();
+ }
+ $stat = fstat($fh);
+ fclose($fh);
+ if ($stat['size'] !== $node->getSize()) {
+ $output->writeln(" <error>warning: object had a size of " . $stat['size'] . " but cache entry has a size of " . $node->getSize() . "</error>. This should have been automatically repaired");
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $output->writeln(" <error>warning: object not found in bucket</error>");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$storage->file_exists($node->getInternalPath())) {
+ $output->writeln(" <error>warning: file not found in storage</error>");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($mountPoint instanceof ExternalMountPoint) {
+ $storageConfig = $mountPoint->getStorageConfig();
+ $output->writeln(" external storage id: " . $storageConfig->getId());
+ $output->writeln(" external type: " . $storageConfig->getBackend()->getText());
+ } elseif ($mountPoint instanceof GroupMountPoint) { /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedClass */
+ $output->writeln(" groupfolder id: " . $mountPoint->getFolderId());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/core/register_command.php b/core/register_command.php
index 3c099519808..4aac7fbf8ce 100644
--- a/core/register_command.php
+++ b/core/register_command.php
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ if (\OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('installed', false)) {
$application->add(new OC\Core\Command\Config\System\GetConfig(\OC::$server->getSystemConfig()));
$application->add(new OC\Core\Command\Config\System\SetConfig(\OC::$server->getSystemConfig()));
+ $application->add(\OC::$server->get(OC\Core\Command\Info\File::class));
$application->add(new OC\Core\Command\Db\ConvertType(\OC::$server->getConfig(), new \OC\DB\ConnectionFactory(\OC::$server->getSystemConfig())));
$application->add(new OC\Core\Command\Db\ConvertMysqlToMB4(\OC::$server->getConfig(), \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection(), \OC::$server->getURLGenerator(), \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)));
$application->add(new OC\Core\Command\Db\ConvertFilecacheBigInt(\OC::$server->get(\OC\DB\Connection::class)));
diff --git a/lib/composer/composer/autoload_classmap.php b/lib/composer/composer/autoload_classmap.php
index a269b440df6..a28312d3001 100644
--- a/lib/composer/composer/autoload_classmap.php
+++ b/lib/composer/composer/autoload_classmap.php
@@ -941,6 +941,7 @@ return array(
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Group\\Info' => $baseDir . '/core/Command/Group/Info.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Group\\ListCommand' => $baseDir . '/core/Command/Group/ListCommand.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Group\\RemoveUser' => $baseDir . '/core/Command/Group/RemoveUser.php',
+ 'OC\\Core\\Command\\Info\\File' => $baseDir . '/core/Command/Info/File.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Integrity\\CheckApp' => $baseDir . '/core/Command/Integrity/CheckApp.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Integrity\\CheckCore' => $baseDir . '/core/Command/Integrity/CheckCore.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Integrity\\SignApp' => $baseDir . '/core/Command/Integrity/SignApp.php',
diff --git a/lib/composer/composer/autoload_static.php b/lib/composer/composer/autoload_static.php
index bfc0f2c88ac..56f9628e856 100644
--- a/lib/composer/composer/autoload_static.php
+++ b/lib/composer/composer/autoload_static.php
@@ -974,6 +974,7 @@ class ComposerStaticInit749170dad3f5e7f9ca158f5a9f04f6a2
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Group\\Info' => __DIR__ . '/../../..' . '/core/Command/Group/Info.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Group\\ListCommand' => __DIR__ . '/../../..' . '/core/Command/Group/ListCommand.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Group\\RemoveUser' => __DIR__ . '/../../..' . '/core/Command/Group/RemoveUser.php',
+ 'OC\\Core\\Command\\Info\\File' => __DIR__ . '/../../..' . '/core/Command/Info/File.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Integrity\\CheckApp' => __DIR__ . '/../../..' . '/core/Command/Integrity/CheckApp.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Integrity\\CheckCore' => __DIR__ . '/../../..' . '/core/Command/Integrity/CheckCore.php',
'OC\\Core\\Command\\Integrity\\SignApp' => __DIR__ . '/../../..' . '/core/Command/Integrity/SignApp.php',