diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2021-02-28 02:19:54 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2021-02-28 02:19:54 +0000
commit24d5afb1b1434557e8d1d6f21fe0c4dfe9f7563a (patch)
parent65b0511d79d1c095bc1131b42a795165b4170e5b (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
28 files changed, 148 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/apps/admin_audit/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/admin_audit/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 699f1af96d8..49ba70ac516 100644
--- a/apps/admin_audit/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/admin_audit/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auditing / Logging" : "稽核 / 記錄",
- "Provides logging abilities for Nextcloud such as logging file accesses or otherwise sensitive actions." : "提供 Nextcloud 的記錄功能,例如記錄檔存取或其他敏感操作。"
+ "Provides logging abilities for Nextcloud such as logging file accesses or otherwise sensitive actions." : "提供 Nextcloud 的記錄功能,例如記錄檔案存取或其他敏感操作。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/admin_audit/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/admin_audit/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 20e615aa666..bebabc1e271 100644
--- a/apps/admin_audit/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/admin_audit/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ "translations": {
"Auditing / Logging" : "稽核 / 記錄",
- "Provides logging abilities for Nextcloud such as logging file accesses or otherwise sensitive actions." : "提供 Nextcloud 的記錄功能,例如記錄檔存取或其他敏感操作。"
+ "Provides logging abilities for Nextcloud such as logging file accesses or otherwise sensitive actions." : "提供 Nextcloud 的記錄功能,例如記錄檔案存取或其他敏感操作。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/dav/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/dav/l10n/zh_HK.js
index f184cc0cd5a..8b63df91be3 100644
--- a/apps/dav/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/dav/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"There was an error updating your attendance status." : "更新您的參與狀況時發生錯誤",
"Please contact the organizer directly." : "請直接聯繫絡主辦人",
"Are you accepting the invitation?" : "接受邀請嗎?",
- "Tentative" : "測試的",
+ "Tentative" : "暫定",
"Save" : "儲存",
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "您的參與狀況成功更新",
"Calendar server" : "日曆伺服器",
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hence they will not be available immediately after enabling but will show up after some time." : "因此,它們在啟用後不會立即可用,但會在一段時間後顯示出来。",
"Send notifications for events" : "發送活動通知",
"Notifications are sent via background jobs, so these must occur often enough." : "通告將透過後台任務發送,所以任務的頻率要足夠高。",
- "Enable notifications for events via push" : "啟用推送事件通知",
+ "Enable notifications for events via push" : "啟用推送活動通知",
"Hello %s," : "%s您好,",
"The meeting »%1$s« with %2$s was canceled." : "與 %2$s 的會議 %1$s 取消了。",
"The meeting »%1$s« with %2$s was updated." : "與 %2$s 的會議 %1$s 有變動。",
diff --git a/apps/dav/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/dav/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 9928e6ba7a8..eba178fe22f 100644
--- a/apps/dav/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/dav/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"There was an error updating your attendance status." : "更新您的參與狀況時發生錯誤",
"Please contact the organizer directly." : "請直接聯繫絡主辦人",
"Are you accepting the invitation?" : "接受邀請嗎?",
- "Tentative" : "測試的",
+ "Tentative" : "暫定",
"Save" : "儲存",
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "您的參與狀況成功更新",
"Calendar server" : "日曆伺服器",
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
"Hence they will not be available immediately after enabling but will show up after some time." : "因此,它們在啟用後不會立即可用,但會在一段時間後顯示出来。",
"Send notifications for events" : "發送活動通知",
"Notifications are sent via background jobs, so these must occur often enough." : "通告將透過後台任務發送,所以任務的頻率要足夠高。",
- "Enable notifications for events via push" : "啟用推送事件通知",
+ "Enable notifications for events via push" : "啟用推送活動通知",
"Hello %s," : "%s您好,",
"The meeting »%1$s« with %2$s was canceled." : "與 %2$s 的會議 %1$s 取消了。",
"The meeting »%1$s« with %2$s was updated." : "與 %2$s 的會議 %1$s 有變動。",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 28bc07fbe85..bb706a1cd28 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Please repeat the new recovery password" : "請您再輸入新的還原密碼",
"Password successfully changed." : "成功變更密碼。",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." : "無法變更密碼,或許是輸入的舊密碼不正確。",
- "Recovery Key disabled" : "還原金鑰停用",
- "Recovery Key enabled" : "還原金鑰啟用",
- "Could not enable the recovery key, please try again or contact your administrator" : "無法啟用還原金鑰功能,請重試或聯絡系統管理員",
- "Could not update the private key password." : "無法更新私人金鑰密碼",
+ "Recovery Key disabled" : "還原密鑰停用",
+ "Recovery Key enabled" : "還原密鑰啟用",
+ "Could not enable the recovery key, please try again or contact your administrator" : "無法啟用還原密鑰功能,請重試或聯絡系統管理員",
+ "Could not update the private key password." : "無法更新私人密鑰密碼",
"The old password was not correct, please try again." : "舊密碼不正確,請再試一次",
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "目前登入的密碼不正確,請再試一次",
- "Private key password successfully updated." : "私人金鑰密碼已成功更新。",
+ "Private key password successfully updated." : "私人密鑰密碼已成功更新。",
"Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "無效的加密應用程序私鑰。請在您的個人設定中更新您的私鑰密碼,以恢復對加密文件的訪問。",
"Encryption App is enabled, but your keys are not initialized. Please log-out and log-in again." : "已啟用加密應用,但是你的加密密鑰沒有初始化。請重新登出並登入系統一次。",
"Please enable server side encryption in the admin settings in order to use the encryption module." : "請啟用管理員設定中的伺服器端加密,以使用加密模組。",
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "用於伺服器端加密的一次性密碼",
"Can not decrypt this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "無法解密這個檔案,也許這是分享的檔案。請詢問檔案所有人重新分享檔案給您。",
"Can not read this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "無法檢視這個檔案,或許這是分享的檔案,請詢問這個檔案的擁有者並請他重新分享給您。",
- "Default encryption module" : "預設加密模組",
- "Default encryption module for server-side encryption" : "伺服器端的預設加密模組",
+ "Default encryption module" : "默認加密模組",
+ "Default encryption module for server-side encryption" : "伺服器端的默認加密模組",
"In order to use this encryption module you need to enable server-side\n\t\tencryption in the admin settings. Once enabled this module will encrypt\n\t\tall your files transparently. The encryption is based on AES 256 keys.\n\t\tThe module won't touch existing files, only new files will be encrypted\n\t\tafter server-side encryption was enabled. It is also not possible to\n\t\tdisable the encryption again and switch back to a unencrypted system.\n\t\tPlease read the documentation to know all implications before you decide\n\t\tto enable server-side encryption." : "為了使用此加密模組,您需要啟用伺服器端\n管理員設置中的加密設定。 啟用後,該模組將加密您的所有之後傳輸的檔案。 此加密方式使用AES 256密鑰。\n該模組不會觸及已存在的檔案,只會加密新處理的檔案\n啟用伺服器端加密後。 也不可能\n再次停用加密,然後切換回未加密的系統。\n在決定啟用服務器端加密之前,請閱讀文檔以了解所有含義。",
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "嗨,請看這裡,\n\n系管理員啟用了伺服器端的加密功能,您的檔案將會使用密碼 '%s' 加密\n\n請從網頁登入,到 'basic encryption module' 設置您的個人設定並透過更新加密密碼,將這個組密碼設定在 'old log-in password' 以及您的目前登入密碼\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "這個分享將會於 %s 過期",
@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Disable recovery key" : "關閉還原密鑰",
"The recovery key is an extra encryption key that is used to encrypt files. It allows recovery of a user's files if the user forgets his or her password." : "加密密鑰是另一種加密檔案方式,當使用者忘記密碼時,可以用還原密鑰來還原檔案",
"Recovery key password" : "還原密鑰密碼",
- "Repeat recovery key password" : "再輸入還原金鑰密碼一次",
+ "Repeat recovery key password" : "再輸入還原密鑰密碼一次",
"Change recovery key password:" : "更新還原密鑰密碼:",
"Old recovery key password" : "舊的還原密鑰密碼",
- "New recovery key password" : "新的還原金鑰密碼",
- "Repeat new recovery key password" : "再輸入新的還原金鑰密碼一次",
+ "New recovery key password" : "新的還原密鑰密碼",
+ "Repeat new recovery key password" : "再輸入新的還原密鑰密碼一次",
"Change Password" : "變更密碼",
"Basic encryption module" : "基本加密模組",
- "Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "您的私人金鑰密碼不符合您的登入密碼",
- "Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "設定您的舊私人金鑰密碼到您現在的登入密碼:",
+ "Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "您的私人密鑰密碼不符合您的登入密碼",
+ "Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "設定您的舊私人密鑰密碼到您現在的登入密碼:",
" If you don't remember your old password you can ask your administrator to recover your files." : "如果您忘記舊密碼,可以請求管理員協助取回檔案。",
"Old log-in password" : "舊登入密碼",
"Current log-in password" : "目前的登入密碼",
- "Update Private Key Password" : "更新私人金鑰密碼",
- "Enable password recovery:" : "啟用密碼還原:",
+ "Update Private Key Password" : "更新私人密鑰密碼",
+ "Enable password recovery:" : "啟用密碼還原﹕",
"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files in case of password loss" : "啟用這個選項將會允許您因忘記密碼但需要存取您的加密檔案",
"Enabled" : "已啓用",
"Disabled" : "已停用"
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 8fdba622e88..f2302588c31 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
"Please repeat the new recovery password" : "請您再輸入新的還原密碼",
"Password successfully changed." : "成功變更密碼。",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." : "無法變更密碼,或許是輸入的舊密碼不正確。",
- "Recovery Key disabled" : "還原金鑰停用",
- "Recovery Key enabled" : "還原金鑰啟用",
- "Could not enable the recovery key, please try again or contact your administrator" : "無法啟用還原金鑰功能,請重試或聯絡系統管理員",
- "Could not update the private key password." : "無法更新私人金鑰密碼",
+ "Recovery Key disabled" : "還原密鑰停用",
+ "Recovery Key enabled" : "還原密鑰啟用",
+ "Could not enable the recovery key, please try again or contact your administrator" : "無法啟用還原密鑰功能,請重試或聯絡系統管理員",
+ "Could not update the private key password." : "無法更新私人密鑰密碼",
"The old password was not correct, please try again." : "舊密碼不正確,請再試一次",
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "目前登入的密碼不正確,請再試一次",
- "Private key password successfully updated." : "私人金鑰密碼已成功更新。",
+ "Private key password successfully updated." : "私人密鑰密碼已成功更新。",
"Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "無效的加密應用程序私鑰。請在您的個人設定中更新您的私鑰密碼,以恢復對加密文件的訪問。",
"Encryption App is enabled, but your keys are not initialized. Please log-out and log-in again." : "已啟用加密應用,但是你的加密密鑰沒有初始化。請重新登出並登入系統一次。",
"Please enable server side encryption in the admin settings in order to use the encryption module." : "請啟用管理員設定中的伺服器端加密,以使用加密模組。",
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "用於伺服器端加密的一次性密碼",
"Can not decrypt this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "無法解密這個檔案,也許這是分享的檔案。請詢問檔案所有人重新分享檔案給您。",
"Can not read this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "無法檢視這個檔案,或許這是分享的檔案,請詢問這個檔案的擁有者並請他重新分享給您。",
- "Default encryption module" : "預設加密模組",
- "Default encryption module for server-side encryption" : "伺服器端的預設加密模組",
+ "Default encryption module" : "默認加密模組",
+ "Default encryption module for server-side encryption" : "伺服器端的默認加密模組",
"In order to use this encryption module you need to enable server-side\n\t\tencryption in the admin settings. Once enabled this module will encrypt\n\t\tall your files transparently. The encryption is based on AES 256 keys.\n\t\tThe module won't touch existing files, only new files will be encrypted\n\t\tafter server-side encryption was enabled. It is also not possible to\n\t\tdisable the encryption again and switch back to a unencrypted system.\n\t\tPlease read the documentation to know all implications before you decide\n\t\tto enable server-side encryption." : "為了使用此加密模組,您需要啟用伺服器端\n管理員設置中的加密設定。 啟用後,該模組將加密您的所有之後傳輸的檔案。 此加密方式使用AES 256密鑰。\n該模組不會觸及已存在的檔案,只會加密新處理的檔案\n啟用伺服器端加密後。 也不可能\n再次停用加密,然後切換回未加密的系統。\n在決定啟用服務器端加密之前,請閱讀文檔以了解所有含義。",
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "嗨,請看這裡,\n\n系管理員啟用了伺服器端的加密功能,您的檔案將會使用密碼 '%s' 加密\n\n請從網頁登入,到 'basic encryption module' 設置您的個人設定並透過更新加密密碼,將這個組密碼設定在 'old log-in password' 以及您的目前登入密碼\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "這個分享將會於 %s 過期",
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@
"Disable recovery key" : "關閉還原密鑰",
"The recovery key is an extra encryption key that is used to encrypt files. It allows recovery of a user's files if the user forgets his or her password." : "加密密鑰是另一種加密檔案方式,當使用者忘記密碼時,可以用還原密鑰來還原檔案",
"Recovery key password" : "還原密鑰密碼",
- "Repeat recovery key password" : "再輸入還原金鑰密碼一次",
+ "Repeat recovery key password" : "再輸入還原密鑰密碼一次",
"Change recovery key password:" : "更新還原密鑰密碼:",
"Old recovery key password" : "舊的還原密鑰密碼",
- "New recovery key password" : "新的還原金鑰密碼",
- "Repeat new recovery key password" : "再輸入新的還原金鑰密碼一次",
+ "New recovery key password" : "新的還原密鑰密碼",
+ "Repeat new recovery key password" : "再輸入新的還原密鑰密碼一次",
"Change Password" : "變更密碼",
"Basic encryption module" : "基本加密模組",
- "Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "您的私人金鑰密碼不符合您的登入密碼",
- "Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "設定您的舊私人金鑰密碼到您現在的登入密碼:",
+ "Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "您的私人密鑰密碼不符合您的登入密碼",
+ "Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "設定您的舊私人密鑰密碼到您現在的登入密碼:",
" If you don't remember your old password you can ask your administrator to recover your files." : "如果您忘記舊密碼,可以請求管理員協助取回檔案。",
"Old log-in password" : "舊登入密碼",
"Current log-in password" : "目前的登入密碼",
- "Update Private Key Password" : "更新私人金鑰密碼",
- "Enable password recovery:" : "啟用密碼還原:",
+ "Update Private Key Password" : "更新私人密鑰密碼",
+ "Enable password recovery:" : "啟用密碼還原﹕",
"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files in case of password loss" : "啟用這個選項將會允許您因忘記密碼但需要存取您的加密檔案",
"Enabled" : "已啓用",
"Disabled" : "已停用"
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 167124d8477..c38495900ee 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
- "Shared with %1$s" : "與 %1$s 分享",
- "Shared with {email}" : "用 {email} 分享",
- "Shared with %1$s by %2$s" : "由 %2$s 分享給 %1$s",
- "Shared with {email} by {actor}" : "由 {actor} 通過 {email} 分享",
+ "Shared with %1$s" : "已與 %1$s 分享",
+ "Shared with {email}" : "已與 {email} 分享",
+ "Shared with %1$s by %2$s" : "%2$s 已與 %1$s 分享了",
+ "Shared with {email} by {actor}" : "{actor} 已與 {email} 分享了",
"Unshared from %1$s" : "%1$s 取消了分享",
"Unshared from {email}" : "通過 {email} 取消了分享",
"Unshared from %1$s by %2$s" : "%1$s 通過 %2$s 取消了分享",
"Unshared from {email} by {actor}" : "{actor} 通過 {email} 取消了分享",
- "Password for mail share sent to %1$s" : "發送給%1$s的郵件分享的密碼",
+ "Password for mail share sent to %1$s" : "發送給%1$s的郵件分享密碼",
"Password for mail share sent to {email}" : "郵件分享的密碼已發送給 {email}",
- "Password for mail share sent to you" : "發送給您的郵件分享的密碼",
+ "Password for mail share sent to you" : "發送給您的郵件分享密碼",
"You shared %1$s with %2$s by mail" : "您通過郵件把 %1$s 分享給了 %2$s",
"You shared {file} with {email} by mail" : "您通過電郵 {email} 分享了 {file} ",
"%3$s shared %1$s with %2$s by mail" : "%3$s 通過電郵將 %1$s 分享給了 %2$s",
@@ -29,25 +29,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to send share by email" : "通過電郵發送分享失敗",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s«",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s«。",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "點擊下面的按鈕打開它。",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "點擊下面的按鈕以打開它。",
"Open »%s«" : "打開 »%s«",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 透過 %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.\nYou should have already received a separate mail with a link to access it.\n" : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s«。\n訪問鏈接已另外以郵件方式發送到您的郵箱。\n",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you. You should have already received a separate mail with a link to access it." : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s«。訪問鏈接已另外以郵件方式發送到您的郵箱。",
"Password to access »%1$s« shared to you by %2$s" : "%2$s 與您分享了的訪問 »%1$s« 的密碼",
- "Password to access »%s«" : "訪問 »%s« 的密碼",
+ "Password to access »%s«" : "存取 »%s« 的密碼",
"It is protected with the following password:" : "其已被以下密碼保護:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s« 並希望添加:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s« 並希望添加",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« 在與您分享的檔案中添加了備註",
"You just shared »%1$s« with %2$s. The share was already sent to the recipient. Due to the security policies defined by the administrator of %3$s each share needs to be protected by password and it is not allowed to send the password directly to the recipient. Therefore you need to forward the password manually to the recipient." : "您剛剛與 %2$s 分享了 »%1$s«。此共享已發送給收件人。根據管理員定義的安全策略 %3$s,每個共享都需要受密碼保護,並且不允許直接向收件人發送密碼。因此,您需要將密碼手動轉發給收件人。",
- "Password to access »%1$s« shared by you with %2$s" : "您與 %2$s 分享了的訪問 »%1$s« 的密碼",
+ "Password to access »%1$s« shared by you with %2$s" : "您與 %2$s 分享了存取 »%1$s« 的密碼",
"This is the password:" : "這是密碼:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "您可以隨時在分享對話框中選擇不同的密碼。",
"Could not find share" : "沒有發現分享",
"Share by mail" : "通過郵件分享",
- "Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "分享提供程序,可讓您通過郵件分享文件",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許用戶通過輸入電郵地址來分享指向檔案或資料夾的個性化連結。",
+ "Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "分享提供程序,可讓您通過郵件分享檔案",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "使用戶可以通過輸入電郵地址來分享指向檔案或資料夾的個性化連結。",
"Send password by mail" : "通過電郵發送密碼",
"Enforce password protection" : "強制密碼保護",
"Reply to initiator" : "回覆發起人"
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 7deb7ccdfef..478ef651bf0 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
{ "translations": {
- "Shared with %1$s" : "與 %1$s 分享",
- "Shared with {email}" : "用 {email} 分享",
- "Shared with %1$s by %2$s" : "由 %2$s 分享給 %1$s",
- "Shared with {email} by {actor}" : "由 {actor} 通過 {email} 分享",
+ "Shared with %1$s" : "已與 %1$s 分享",
+ "Shared with {email}" : "已與 {email} 分享",
+ "Shared with %1$s by %2$s" : "%2$s 已與 %1$s 分享了",
+ "Shared with {email} by {actor}" : "{actor} 已與 {email} 分享了",
"Unshared from %1$s" : "%1$s 取消了分享",
"Unshared from {email}" : "通過 {email} 取消了分享",
"Unshared from %1$s by %2$s" : "%1$s 通過 %2$s 取消了分享",
"Unshared from {email} by {actor}" : "{actor} 通過 {email} 取消了分享",
- "Password for mail share sent to %1$s" : "發送給%1$s的郵件分享的密碼",
+ "Password for mail share sent to %1$s" : "發送給%1$s的郵件分享密碼",
"Password for mail share sent to {email}" : "郵件分享的密碼已發送給 {email}",
- "Password for mail share sent to you" : "發送給您的郵件分享的密碼",
+ "Password for mail share sent to you" : "發送給您的郵件分享密碼",
"You shared %1$s with %2$s by mail" : "您通過郵件把 %1$s 分享給了 %2$s",
"You shared {file} with {email} by mail" : "您通過電郵 {email} 分享了 {file} ",
"%3$s shared %1$s with %2$s by mail" : "%3$s 通過電郵將 %1$s 分享給了 %2$s",
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@
"Failed to send share by email" : "通過電郵發送分享失敗",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s«",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s«。",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "點擊下面的按鈕打開它。",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "點擊下面的按鈕以打開它。",
"Open »%s«" : "打開 »%s«",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 透過 %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.\nYou should have already received a separate mail with a link to access it.\n" : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s«。\n訪問鏈接已另外以郵件方式發送到您的郵箱。\n",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you. You should have already received a separate mail with a link to access it." : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s«。訪問鏈接已另外以郵件方式發送到您的郵箱。",
"Password to access »%1$s« shared to you by %2$s" : "%2$s 與您分享了的訪問 »%1$s« 的密碼",
- "Password to access »%s«" : "訪問 »%s« 的密碼",
+ "Password to access »%s«" : "存取 »%s« 的密碼",
"It is protected with the following password:" : "其已被以下密碼保護:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s« 並希望添加:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s 與您分享了 »%2$s« 並希望添加",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« 在與您分享的檔案中添加了備註",
"You just shared »%1$s« with %2$s. The share was already sent to the recipient. Due to the security policies defined by the administrator of %3$s each share needs to be protected by password and it is not allowed to send the password directly to the recipient. Therefore you need to forward the password manually to the recipient." : "您剛剛與 %2$s 分享了 »%1$s«。此共享已發送給收件人。根據管理員定義的安全策略 %3$s,每個共享都需要受密碼保護,並且不允許直接向收件人發送密碼。因此,您需要將密碼手動轉發給收件人。",
- "Password to access »%1$s« shared by you with %2$s" : "您與 %2$s 分享了的訪問 »%1$s« 的密碼",
+ "Password to access »%1$s« shared by you with %2$s" : "您與 %2$s 分享了存取 »%1$s« 的密碼",
"This is the password:" : "這是密碼:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "您可以隨時在分享對話框中選擇不同的密碼。",
"Could not find share" : "沒有發現分享",
"Share by mail" : "通過郵件分享",
- "Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "分享提供程序,可讓您通過郵件分享文件",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許用戶通過輸入電郵地址來分享指向檔案或資料夾的個性化連結。",
+ "Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "分享提供程序,可讓您通過郵件分享檔案",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "使用戶可以通過輸入電郵地址來分享指向檔案或資料夾的個性化連結。",
"Send password by mail" : "通過電郵發送密碼",
"Enforce password protection" : "強制密碼保護",
"Reply to initiator" : "回覆發起人"
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/cs.js b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/cs.js
index 6cf18618fe9..a51eac83235 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/cs.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Je k dispozici {version}. Přečtěte informace o tom, jak aktualizovat.",
"Channel updated" : "Kanál aktualizován",
+ "Web updater is disabled" : "Nástroj pro aktualizaci přes webové rozhraní je vypnutý",
"Update notifications" : "Upozorňování na aktualizace",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Aktualizační server nebyl %d dní dosažitelný pro kontrolu aktualizací.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Podívejte se po chybách v záznamu událostí Nextcloud a serveru.",
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Apps with available updates" : "Aplikace s dostupnými aktualizacemi",
"Open updater" : "Otevřít nástroj pro aktualizaci",
"Download now" : "Stáhnout nyní",
+ "Please use the command line updater to update." : "Aktualizujte přes příkazový řádek.",
"What's new?" : "Co je nového?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "Kontrola aktualizací ještě neskončila. Načtěte stránku znovu.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Používáte nejnovější verzi.",
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/cs.json b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/cs.json
index 00633fb1557..d26416490c1 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/cs.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "Je k dispozici {version}. Přečtěte informace o tom, jak aktualizovat.",
"Channel updated" : "Kanál aktualizován",
+ "Web updater is disabled" : "Nástroj pro aktualizaci přes webové rozhraní je vypnutý",
"Update notifications" : "Upozorňování na aktualizace",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "Aktualizační server nebyl %d dní dosažitelný pro kontrolu aktualizací.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Podívejte se po chybách v záznamu událostí Nextcloud a serveru.",
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
"Apps with available updates" : "Aplikace s dostupnými aktualizacemi",
"Open updater" : "Otevřít nástroj pro aktualizaci",
"Download now" : "Stáhnout nyní",
+ "Please use the command line updater to update." : "Aktualizujte přes příkazový řádek.",
"What's new?" : "Co je nového?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "Kontrola aktualizací ještě neskončila. Načtěte stránku znovu.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Používáte nejnovější verzi.",
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/es.js b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/es.js
index db832fd0362..0810beca273 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/es.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} está disponible. Obtenga más información sobre cómo actualizar.",
"Channel updated" : "Canal actualizado",
+ "Web updater is disabled" : "El actualizador web está desactivado",
"Update notifications" : "Actualizar notificaciones",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "No se ha podido contactar con el servidor de actualizaciones desde hace %d días para comprobar nuevas actualizaciones.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor, revisa los archivos de registro de Nextcloud y del servidor en busca de errores.",
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Apps with available updates" : "Apps con actualizaciones disponibles",
"Open updater" : "Abrir el actualizador",
"Download now" : "Descargar ahora",
+ "Please use the command line updater to update." : "Por favor, utilice el actualizador de línea de comandos para actualizar.",
"What's new?" : "¿Qué novedades hay?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "La comprobación de actuliazaciones no ha finalizado aún. Por favor, recarga la página.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Su versión está actualizada.",
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/es.json b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/es.json
index cc34d9f01cc..10e9adcb9a5 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/es.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} está disponible. Obtenga más información sobre cómo actualizar.",
"Channel updated" : "Canal actualizado",
+ "Web updater is disabled" : "El actualizador web está desactivado",
"Update notifications" : "Actualizar notificaciones",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "No se ha podido contactar con el servidor de actualizaciones desde hace %d días para comprobar nuevas actualizaciones.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Por favor, revisa los archivos de registro de Nextcloud y del servidor en busca de errores.",
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
"Apps with available updates" : "Apps con actualizaciones disponibles",
"Open updater" : "Abrir el actualizador",
"Download now" : "Descargar ahora",
+ "Please use the command line updater to update." : "Por favor, utilice el actualizador de línea de comandos para actualizar.",
"What's new?" : "¿Qué novedades hay?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "La comprobación de actuliazaciones no ha finalizado aún. Por favor, recarga la página.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Su versión está actualizada.",
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/nl.js b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/nl.js
index a51f0fc9018..7944847b4a4 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/nl.js
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Apps with available updates" : "Apps met beschikbare updates",
"Open updater" : "Open updater",
"Download now" : "Download nu",
+ "Please use the command line updater to update." : "Gebruik de commandoregel updater, om bij te werken.",
"What's new?" : "Wat is nieuw?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "De updatecontrole is niet afgerond. Ververs de pagina.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Je versie is up-to-date.",
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/nl.json b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/nl.json
index b1967e07809..a67cc163867 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/nl.json
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
"Apps with available updates" : "Apps met beschikbare updates",
"Open updater" : "Open updater",
"Download now" : "Download nu",
+ "Please use the command line updater to update." : "Gebruik de commandoregel updater, om bij te werken.",
"What's new?" : "Wat is nieuw?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "De updatecontrole is niet afgerond. Ververs de pagina.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Je versie is up-to-date.",
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 3fc4ec98f50..eb52f8e28b2 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} está disponível. Obtenha mais informações sobre como atualizar.",
"Channel updated" : "Canal atualizado",
+ "Web updater is disabled" : "O updater da Web está desativado",
"Update notifications" : "Notificações de atualização",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "O servidor de atualização não foi encontrado já há %d dias para verificar por novas atualizações.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Verifique se há erros nos arquivos de log do servidor e do Nextcloud ",
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Apps with available updates" : "Aplicativos com atualizações disponíveis",
"Open updater" : "Abrir atualizador",
"Download now" : "Baixar agora",
+ "Please use the command line updater to update." : "Por favor, use o updater da linha de comando para atualizar.",
"What's new?" : "O que há de novo?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "A verificação de atualização ainda não acabou. Atualize a página.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Sua versão está atualizada.",
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 723ac312ddd..bffc9011cb2 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "{version} está disponível. Obtenha mais informações sobre como atualizar.",
"Channel updated" : "Canal atualizado",
+ "Web updater is disabled" : "O updater da Web está desativado",
"Update notifications" : "Notificações de atualização",
"The update server could not be reached since %d days to check for new updates." : "O servidor de atualização não foi encontrado já há %d dias para verificar por novas atualizações.",
"Please check the Nextcloud and server log files for errors." : "Verifique se há erros nos arquivos de log do servidor e do Nextcloud ",
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
"Apps with available updates" : "Aplicativos com atualizações disponíveis",
"Open updater" : "Abrir atualizador",
"Download now" : "Baixar agora",
+ "Please use the command line updater to update." : "Por favor, use o updater da linha de comando para atualizar.",
"What's new?" : "O que há de novo?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "A verificação de atualização ainda não acabou. Atualize a página.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Sua versão está atualizada.",
diff --git a/apps/user_status/l10n/fi.js b/apps/user_status/l10n/fi.js
index e41031cbf17..162b3384865 100644
--- a/apps/user_status/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/user_status/l10n/fi.js
@@ -8,9 +8,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vacationing" : "Lomailemassa",
"Working remotely" : "Etätyössä",
"User status" : "Käyttäjän tilatieto",
+ "Clear status message after" : "Tyhjennä tilaviesti, kun on kulunut",
"What's your status?" : "Mikä on tilatietosi?",
"Set status" : "Aseta tilatieto",
+ "Online status" : "Online-tila",
"Status message" : "Tilaviesti",
+ "Clear status message" : "Tyhjennä tilaviesti",
+ "Set status message" : "Aseta tilaviesti",
"There was an error saving the status" : "Tilatiedon tallentamisessa tapahtui virhe",
"There was an error clearing the status" : "Tilatietoa tyhjentäessä tapahtui virhe",
"No recent status changes" : "Ei viimeisimpiä tilatietomuutoksia",
@@ -20,12 +24,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Don't clear" : "Älä tyhjennä",
"Today" : "Tänään",
"This week" : "Tällä viikolla",
+ "Online" : "Paikalla",
"Invisible" : "Näkymätön",
+ "Offline" : "Poissa",
"There was an error saving the new status" : "Uuden tilatiedon tallentamisessa tapahtui virhe",
"30 minutes" : "30 minuuttia",
"1 hour" : "1 tunti",
"4 hours" : "4 tuntia",
"Mute all notifications" : "Mykistä kaikki ilmoitukset",
+ "Appear offline" : "Näytä olevan poissa",
"Clear status after" : "Tyhjennä tilatieto"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/user_status/l10n/fi.json b/apps/user_status/l10n/fi.json
index cb9e73c9ba7..50edbea7fce 100644
--- a/apps/user_status/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/user_status/l10n/fi.json
@@ -6,9 +6,13 @@
"Vacationing" : "Lomailemassa",
"Working remotely" : "Etätyössä",
"User status" : "Käyttäjän tilatieto",
+ "Clear status message after" : "Tyhjennä tilaviesti, kun on kulunut",
"What's your status?" : "Mikä on tilatietosi?",
"Set status" : "Aseta tilatieto",
+ "Online status" : "Online-tila",
"Status message" : "Tilaviesti",
+ "Clear status message" : "Tyhjennä tilaviesti",
+ "Set status message" : "Aseta tilaviesti",
"There was an error saving the status" : "Tilatiedon tallentamisessa tapahtui virhe",
"There was an error clearing the status" : "Tilatietoa tyhjentäessä tapahtui virhe",
"No recent status changes" : "Ei viimeisimpiä tilatietomuutoksia",
@@ -18,12 +22,15 @@
"Don't clear" : "Älä tyhjennä",
"Today" : "Tänään",
"This week" : "Tällä viikolla",
+ "Online" : "Paikalla",
"Invisible" : "Näkymätön",
+ "Offline" : "Poissa",
"There was an error saving the new status" : "Uuden tilatiedon tallentamisessa tapahtui virhe",
"30 minutes" : "30 minuuttia",
"1 hour" : "1 tunti",
"4 hours" : "4 tuntia",
"Mute all notifications" : "Mykistä kaikki ilmoitukset",
+ "Appear offline" : "Näytä olevan poissa",
"Clear status after" : "Tyhjennä tilatieto"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/user_status/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/user_status/l10n/zh_HK.js
index b709cba2390..7fbbbc07c0e 100644
--- a/apps/user_status/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/user_status/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"In a meeting" : "會議中",
"Commuting" : "通勤中",
"Out sick" : "生病",
- "Vacationing" : "休假",
+ "Vacationing" : "休假中",
"Working remotely" : "遠地工作",
"User status" : "用戶狀態",
- "Clear status message after" : "清空狀態訊息於...之後",
- "What's your status?" : "您現在的狀態?",
+ "Clear status message after" : "繼此之後清空狀態訊息",
+ "What's your status?" : "你目前的狀態?",
"Set status" : "設定狀態",
"Online status" : "線上狀態",
"Status message" : "狀態訊息",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Do not disturb" : "請勿打擾",
"{status}, {timestamp}" : "{status},{timestamp}",
"Don't clear" : "不要清空",
- "Today" : "今天",
+ "Today" : "今日",
"This week" : "本星期",
"Online" : "在線",
"Invisible" : "隱藏",
diff --git a/apps/user_status/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/user_status/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 266a54d39fa..eb6524ff03a 100644
--- a/apps/user_status/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/user_status/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
"In a meeting" : "會議中",
"Commuting" : "通勤中",
"Out sick" : "生病",
- "Vacationing" : "休假",
+ "Vacationing" : "休假中",
"Working remotely" : "遠地工作",
"User status" : "用戶狀態",
- "Clear status message after" : "清空狀態訊息於...之後",
- "What's your status?" : "您現在的狀態?",
+ "Clear status message after" : "繼此之後清空狀態訊息",
+ "What's your status?" : "你目前的狀態?",
"Set status" : "設定狀態",
"Online status" : "線上狀態",
"Status message" : "狀態訊息",
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"Do not disturb" : "請勿打擾",
"{status}, {timestamp}" : "{status},{timestamp}",
"Don't clear" : "不要清空",
- "Today" : "今天",
+ "Today" : "今日",
"This week" : "本星期",
"Online" : "在線",
"Invisible" : "隱藏",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi.js b/core/l10n/fi.js
index b7eef51315d..369f4d0cb2f 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/core/l10n/fi.js
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud-palvelin",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Jotkin linkkijakosi on poistettu",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Tietoturvaongelman vuoksi jouduimme poistaa joitakin linkkijakojasi. Lue lisätietoja linkin kautta.",
+ "The user limit of this instance is reached." : "Tämän instanssin käyttäjäraja on täynnä.",
"Preparing update" : "Valmistellaan päivitystä",
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Repair step:" : "Korjausvaihe:",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi.json b/core/l10n/fi.json
index 8f29f3b8fd5..fc98655584e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/core/l10n/fi.json
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud-palvelin",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Jotkin linkkijakosi on poistettu",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Tietoturvaongelman vuoksi jouduimme poistaa joitakin linkkijakojasi. Lue lisätietoja linkin kautta.",
+ "The user limit of this instance is reached." : "Tämän instanssin käyttäjäraja on täynnä.",
"Preparing update" : "Valmistellaan päivitystä",
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Repair step:" : "Korjausvaihe:",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sc.js b/core/l10n/sc.js
index 03f91f6e2bf..f4e22428164 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/core/l10n/sc.js
@@ -107,6 +107,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Ddoe at àpidu un'errore in su controllu de sa cunfiguratzione de su serbidore",
"For more details see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Pro àteros detàllios càstia sa <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentatzione</a>.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. It is strongly recommended that you configure your web server so that the data directory is no longer accessible, or move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "Est probàbile chi sa cartella de datos e is archìvios tuos siant atzessìbiles dae internet. S'archìviu .htaccess no est funtzionende. Est cussigiadu meda a cunfigurare su serbidore internet, de manera chi sa cartella de datos no siat prus atzessìbile, o a dda tramudare a foras de s'archìviu de orìgine de su serbidore internet.",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not set to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." : "S'intestatzione HTTP \"{intestatzione}\" no est impostada in \"{abetadu}\". Custu est un'arriscu possìbile de seguresa o privadesa, tando est cussigiadu a arrangiare cust'impostatzione de cunsighèntzia.",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not set to \"{expected}\". Some features might not work correctly, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." : "S'intestatzione HTTP \"{intestatzione}\" no est impostada in \"{abetadu}\". Calicunu elementu diat pòdere no funtzionare in sa manera curreta, tando est cussigiadu a arrangiare cust'impostatzione de cunsighèntzia.",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header doesn't contain \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." : "S'intestatzione HTTP \"{intestatzione}\" no cuntenet \"{abetadu}\". Custu est un'arriscu possìbile de seguresa o privadesa, tando est cussigiadu a arrangiare cust'impostatzione de cunsighèntzia.",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not set to \"{val1}\", \"{val2}\", \"{val3}\", \"{val4}\" or \"{val5}\". This can leak referer information. See the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{link}\">W3C Recommendation ↗</a>." : "S'intestatzione HTTP \"{intestatzione}\" no est impostada cun \"{val1}\", \"{val2}\", \"{val3}\", \"{val4}\" o \"{val5}\". Custu podet fàghere essire informatziones de s'orìgine. Càstia sa <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{link}\">Racumandatzione ↗</a>.",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not set to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security, it is recommended to enable HSTS as described in the <a href=\"{docUrl}\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">security tips ↗</a>." : "S'intestu HTTP \"Seguresa-Strinta-deTràmuda\" no est impostada pro a su mancu \"{segundos}\" segundos. Pro megiorare sa seguresa, est cussigiadu a ativare HSST comente descritu in is <a href=\"{docUrl}\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">impòsitos de seguresa ↗</a>.",
"unknown text" : "testu disconnotu",
"Hello world!" : "Salude mundu!",
"sunny" : "solianu",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sc.json b/core/l10n/sc.json
index da59cc66471..48a56fa2c95 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/core/l10n/sc.json
@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@
"Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Ddoe at àpidu un'errore in su controllu de sa cunfiguratzione de su serbidore",
"For more details see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Pro àteros detàllios càstia sa <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentatzione</a>.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. It is strongly recommended that you configure your web server so that the data directory is no longer accessible, or move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "Est probàbile chi sa cartella de datos e is archìvios tuos siant atzessìbiles dae internet. S'archìviu .htaccess no est funtzionende. Est cussigiadu meda a cunfigurare su serbidore internet, de manera chi sa cartella de datos no siat prus atzessìbile, o a dda tramudare a foras de s'archìviu de orìgine de su serbidore internet.",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not set to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." : "S'intestatzione HTTP \"{intestatzione}\" no est impostada in \"{abetadu}\". Custu est un'arriscu possìbile de seguresa o privadesa, tando est cussigiadu a arrangiare cust'impostatzione de cunsighèntzia.",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not set to \"{expected}\". Some features might not work correctly, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." : "S'intestatzione HTTP \"{intestatzione}\" no est impostada in \"{abetadu}\". Calicunu elementu diat pòdere no funtzionare in sa manera curreta, tando est cussigiadu a arrangiare cust'impostatzione de cunsighèntzia.",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header doesn't contain \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." : "S'intestatzione HTTP \"{intestatzione}\" no cuntenet \"{abetadu}\". Custu est un'arriscu possìbile de seguresa o privadesa, tando est cussigiadu a arrangiare cust'impostatzione de cunsighèntzia.",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not set to \"{val1}\", \"{val2}\", \"{val3}\", \"{val4}\" or \"{val5}\". This can leak referer information. See the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{link}\">W3C Recommendation ↗</a>." : "S'intestatzione HTTP \"{intestatzione}\" no est impostada cun \"{val1}\", \"{val2}\", \"{val3}\", \"{val4}\" o \"{val5}\". Custu podet fàghere essire informatziones de s'orìgine. Càstia sa <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{link}\">Racumandatzione ↗</a>.",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not set to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security, it is recommended to enable HSTS as described in the <a href=\"{docUrl}\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">security tips ↗</a>." : "S'intestu HTTP \"Seguresa-Strinta-deTràmuda\" no est impostada pro a su mancu \"{segundos}\" segundos. Pro megiorare sa seguresa, est cussigiadu a ativare HSST comente descritu in is <a href=\"{docUrl}\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">impòsitos de seguresa ↗</a>.",
"unknown text" : "testu disconnotu",
"Hello world!" : "Salude mundu!",
"sunny" : "solianu",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_HK.js b/core/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 490d3c26a6f..028f205cbe7 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Please select a file." : "請選取一個檔案",
"File is too big" : "檔案太大",
- "The selected file is not an image." : "選取的檔案不是圖片檔",
+ "The selected file is not an image." : "選取的檔案不是圖像檔",
"The selected file cannot be read." : "選取的檔案無法讀取",
"Invalid file provided" : "提供的檔案無效",
- "No image or file provided" : "未提供圖片或檔案",
+ "No image or file provided" : "未提供圖像或檔案",
"Unknown filetype" : "未知的檔案類型",
- "Invalid image" : "圖片無效",
+ "Invalid image" : "圖像無效",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "發生錯誤,請聯絡管理員。",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "沒有臨時用的大頭貼,請再試一次",
"No crop data provided" : "未設定剪裁",
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your login token is invalid or has expired" : "您的登入權杖無效或已過期",
"Password reset is disabled" : "密碼重設已停用",
"Couldn't reset password because the token is invalid" : "重設密碼權杖無效,重設失敗",
- "Couldn't reset password because the token is expired" : "無法重設密碼,因為 token 過期",
+ "Couldn't reset password because the token is expired" : "無法重設密碼,因為權杖過期",
"%s password reset" : "%s 密碼重設",
"Password reset" : "密碼重設",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "點選下方的按鈕來重設您的密碼。若您沒有要求重設密碼,請不用理會此電子郵件。",
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The PHP module \"fileinfo\" is missing. It is strongly recommended to enable this module to get the best results with MIME type detection." : "未偵測到 PHP 模組 'fileinfo'。強烈建議啟用這個模組,以取得最好的 MIME 檔案類型偵測支援。",
"Transactional file locking is disabled, this might lead to issues with race conditions. Enable \"filelocking.enabled\" in config.php to avoid these problems. See the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation ↗</a> for more information." : "事務型文件鎖定的功能已經取消,這可能會造成競態條件,請在 config.php 中啟用 \"filelocking.enabled\" 以避免出現這樣的問題,請參考<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">說明文件 ↗</a> 來了解更多的資訊。",
"If your installation is not installed at the root of the domain and uses system cron, there can be issues with the URL generation. To avoid these problems, please set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the webroot path of your installation (suggestion: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\")" : "如果您的安裝路徑不在網域的最上層,並且使用 cron 作為排程器,URL 的生成可能會有問題,為了避免這樣的狀況,請您在 config.php 檔案裡設定 overwrite.cli.url 為您安裝的 webroot 路徑。(建議值:\"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\")",
- "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "你並未設置手機國際冠碼。設置後使用者在個人檔案設定手機號碼時不必再輸入國際冠碼。若要這樣做,請新增「default_phone_region」於設定檔,允許的國家及地區請參閱 {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} 清單。",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "你並未設置手機國際冠碼。設置後用戶在個人檔案設定手機號碼時不必再輸入國際冠碼。若要這樣做,請新增「default_phone_region」於設定檔,允許的國家及地區請參閱 {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} 清單。",
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:" : " 無法透過 CLI 來執行排程工作,發生以下技術性錯誤:",
"Last background job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong." : "上次背景工作是於 {relativeTime} 前執行,似乎很久沒有執行了,有點問題",
"Check the background job settings" : "請檢查背景工作的設定",
- "This server has no working Internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the Internet to enjoy all features." : "伺服器沒有網際網路連線(無法與多個端點取得聯繫),有些功能,像是外部儲存、應用程式更新版通知將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送 email 通知可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the Internet to enjoy all features." : "此伺服器沒有網際網路連線(無法與多個端點取得聯繫),有些功能,例如外部儲存、應用程式更新版通知等等將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送通知電郵可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available. Further information can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "您沒有設定記憶體快取 (memcache),如果可以,請完成設定來提升效能。更多資訊請查閱<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">說明文件</a>",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "PHP無法取得合適的亂數產生源。為了安全性考量,不建議如此做。更多資訊參考<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>",
"You are currently running PHP {version}. Upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group</a> as soon as your distribution supports it." : "您目前正運行 PHP {version} ,我們建議您升級 PHP 到您的發行版所支援的最新版本,以獲得 <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{phpLink}\">PHP 開發團隊提供的效能與安全性更新</a>。",
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The \"{header}\" HTTP header doesn't contain \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." : "目前 HTTP 的 {header} 標頭設定並不包防 \"{expected}\" ,這是一個潛在的安全性和隱私風險,建議調整此項設定。",
"The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not set to \"{val1}\", \"{val2}\", \"{val3}\", \"{val4}\" or \"{val5}\". This can leak referer information. See the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{link}\">W3C Recommendation ↗</a>." : "目前 HTTP 的 {header} 標頭設定並不是 \"{val1}\", \"{val2}\", \"{val3}\", \"{val4}\" 或 \"{val5}\",這將會洩漏一些訊息。<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{link}\">請參考 W3C建議文件</a>。",
"The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not set to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security, it is recommended to enable HSTS as described in the <a href=\"{docUrl}\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">security tips ↗</a>." : "HTTP \"Strict-Transport-Security\" 標頭並未被設定持續至少 {seconds} 秒。為了提高安全性,我們在<a href=\"{docUrl}\" rel=\"noreferrer\">安全建議</a>中有詳述並建議啟用 HSTS。",
- "Accessing site insecurely via HTTP. You are strongly advised to set up your server to require HTTPS instead, as described in the <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips ↗</a>." : "您正在透過不安全的 HTTP 存取網站,強烈建議您設定您的伺服器啟用 HTTPS ,更多資訊請查閱<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全建議</a>。",
+ "Accessing site insecurely via HTTP. You are strongly advised to set up your server to require HTTPS instead, as described in the <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips ↗</a>." : "您正在透過不安全的 HTTP 存取網站,強烈建議您設定您的伺服器啟用 HTTPS ,更多資訊請查閱<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全建議 ↗</a>。",
"unknown text" : "文字不詳",
"Hello world!" : "哈囉,世界!",
"sunny" : "晴朗的",
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Wrong username or password." : "錯誤的用戶名稱 或 密碼",
"User disabled" : "用戶已遭停用",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "您的 IP 多次嘗試登入無效,下一次登入將會被延時 30 秒。",
- "Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "你的帳號尚未設定免密碼登入。",
+ "Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "你的賬號尚未設定免密碼登入。",
"Passwordless authentication is not supported in your browser." : "你使用的瀏覽器不支援無密碼身份驗證。",
"Passwordless authentication is only available over a secure connection." : "無密碼身份驗證僅支援經加密的連線。",
"Reset password" : "重設密碼",
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Security warning" : "安全性警告",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." : "您的資料目錄看起來可以被公開存取,因為 .htaccess 設定檔並未生效。",
"For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">documentation</a>." : "閱讀<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">說明文件</a>來瞭解如何正確設定您的伺服器",
- "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "新增<strong>管理者帳號</strong>",
+ "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "新增<strong>管理者賬號</strong>",
"Username" : "用戶名稱",
"Show password" : "顯示密碼",
"Storage & database" : "儲存空間和資料庫",
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"It looks like you are trying to reinstall your Nextcloud. However the file CAN_INSTALL is missing from your config directory. Please create the file CAN_INSTALL in your config folder to continue." : "您似乎正在嘗試重新安裝您的Nextcloud。然而,檔案 CAN_INSTALL 並未在您的config目錄中。請在您的config目錄中建立 CAN_INSTALL檔以繼續。",
"Could not remove CAN_INSTALL from the config folder. Please remove this file manually." : "無法從您的 config 目錄中移除 CAN_INSTALL 檔案。請手動移除他。",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "這個應用程式需要啟用 Javascript 才能正常運作,請{linkstart}啟用Javascript{linkend}然後重新整理頁面。",
- "Get your own free account" : "取得免費帳號",
+ "Get your own free account" : "取得免費賬號",
"Skip to main content" : "跳到主內容",
"Skip to navigation of app" : "跳到應用程式導覽",
"More apps" : "更多應用程式",
@@ -320,30 +320,30 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Contacts menu" : "聯絡人選單",
"Settings menu" : "設定選單",
"Confirm your password" : "確認密碼",
- "Connect to your account" : "連結您的帳號",
- "Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "請登入後再授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 帳號",
- "If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "若你並未嘗試在新的裝置登入你的帳戶,有什麼人證在嘗試登入你的帳戶並存取你的個人資料。大多數情況你並不用作任何應對,但也可通知你的系統管理員。",
+ "Connect to your account" : "連結您的賬號",
+ "Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "請登入後再授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 賬號",
+ "If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "若你並未嘗試在新的裝置登入你的賬戶,有什麼人證在嘗試登入你的賬戶並存取你的個人資料。大多數情況你並不用作任何應對,但也可通知你的系統管理員。",
"App token" : "應用程式權杖",
"Grant access" : "允許存取",
"Alternative log in using app token" : "使用應用程式權杖來登入",
- "Account access" : "帳戶存取",
- "You are about to grant %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "您將授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 帳戶",
- "Account connected" : "帳戶已連結",
+ "Account access" : "賬戶存取",
+ "You are about to grant %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "您將授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 賬戶",
+ "Account connected" : "賬戶已連結",
"Your client should now be connected!" : "客戶端應該已完成連線",
"You can close this window." : "可以關閉此視窗",
"This share is password-protected" : "此分享受密碼保護",
"The password is wrong. Try again." : "密碼錯誤,請重試",
"Two-factor authentication" : "雙因素驗證",
- "Enhanced security is enabled for your account. Choose a second factor for authentication:" : "您的帳號已啟用進階安全機制,請選擇一個兩步驗證方法:",
+ "Enhanced security is enabled for your account. Choose a second factor for authentication:" : "您的賬號已啟用進階安全機制,請選擇一個兩步驗證方法:",
"Could not load at least one of your enabled two-factor auth methods. Please contact your admin." : "無法載入任何一個二階認證方法,請聯絡管理員",
- "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Contact your admin for assistance." : "雙重認證已被強制要求啟用,您的帳號目前還沒設定。請聯絡管理員。",
- "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Please continue to setup two-factor authentication." : "雙因驗證已被強制要求啟用,您的帳戶目前還沒設定。請設定您的雙因驗證。",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Contact your admin for assistance." : "雙重認證已被強制要求啟用,您的賬號目前還沒設定。請聯絡管理員。",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Please continue to setup two-factor authentication." : "雙因驗證已被強制要求啟用,您的賬戶目前還沒設定。請設定您的雙因驗證。",
"Set up two-factor authentication" : "設定雙因素驗證",
- "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Use one of your backup codes to log in or contact your admin for assistance." : "雙重認證已被強制要求啟用,您的帳號目前還沒設定。請使用一個備用碼來登入或聯絡管理員。",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Use one of your backup codes to log in or contact your admin for assistance." : "雙重認證已被強制要求啟用,您的賬號目前還沒設定。請使用一個備用碼來登入或聯絡管理員。",
"Use backup code" : "使用備用認證碼",
"Cancel login" : "取消登入",
"Setup two-factor authentication" : "設定雙因素驗證",
- "Enhanced security is enforced for your account. Choose which provider to set up:" : "您的帳號已啟用進階安全機制,請選擇一個供應者:",
+ "Enhanced security is enforced for your account. Choose which provider to set up:" : "您的賬號已啟用進階安全機制,請選擇一個供應者:",
"Error while validating your second factor" : "驗證二階段因子發生錯誤",
"Access through untrusted domain" : "經由不可信任的域名存取。",
"Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator, edit the \"trusted_domains\" setting in config/config.php like the example in config.sample.php." : "請聯絡您的管理員。如果您就是管理員,請模仿 config.sample.php 範例編輯 config/config.php 的「trusted_domains」設定。",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_HK.json b/core/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 03308b54eda..2702ac05d92 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
{ "translations": {
"Please select a file." : "請選取一個檔案",
"File is too big" : "檔案太大",
- "The selected file is not an image." : "選取的檔案不是圖片檔",
+ "The selected file is not an image." : "選取的檔案不是圖像檔",
"The selected file cannot be read." : "選取的檔案無法讀取",
"Invalid file provided" : "提供的檔案無效",
- "No image or file provided" : "未提供圖片或檔案",
+ "No image or file provided" : "未提供圖像或檔案",
"Unknown filetype" : "未知的檔案類型",
- "Invalid image" : "圖片無效",
+ "Invalid image" : "圖像無效",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "發生錯誤,請聯絡管理員。",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "沒有臨時用的大頭貼,請再試一次",
"No crop data provided" : "未設定剪裁",
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"Your login token is invalid or has expired" : "您的登入權杖無效或已過期",
"Password reset is disabled" : "密碼重設已停用",
"Couldn't reset password because the token is invalid" : "重設密碼權杖無效,重設失敗",
- "Couldn't reset password because the token is expired" : "無法重設密碼,因為 token 過期",
+ "Couldn't reset password because the token is expired" : "無法重設密碼,因為權杖過期",
"%s password reset" : "%s 密碼重設",
"Password reset" : "密碼重設",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "點選下方的按鈕來重設您的密碼。若您沒有要求重設密碼,請不用理會此電子郵件。",
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@
"The PHP module \"fileinfo\" is missing. It is strongly recommended to enable this module to get the best results with MIME type detection." : "未偵測到 PHP 模組 'fileinfo'。強烈建議啟用這個模組,以取得最好的 MIME 檔案類型偵測支援。",
"Transactional file locking is disabled, this might lead to issues with race conditions. Enable \"filelocking.enabled\" in config.php to avoid these problems. See the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation ↗</a> for more information." : "事務型文件鎖定的功能已經取消,這可能會造成競態條件,請在 config.php 中啟用 \"filelocking.enabled\" 以避免出現這樣的問題,請參考<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">說明文件 ↗</a> 來了解更多的資訊。",
"If your installation is not installed at the root of the domain and uses system cron, there can be issues with the URL generation. To avoid these problems, please set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the webroot path of your installation (suggestion: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\")" : "如果您的安裝路徑不在網域的最上層,並且使用 cron 作為排程器,URL 的生成可能會有問題,為了避免這樣的狀況,請您在 config.php 檔案裡設定 overwrite.cli.url 為您安裝的 webroot 路徑。(建議值:\"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\")",
- "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "你並未設置手機國際冠碼。設置後使用者在個人檔案設定手機號碼時不必再輸入國際冠碼。若要這樣做,請新增「default_phone_region」於設定檔,允許的國家及地區請參閱 {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} 清單。",
+ "Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "你並未設置手機國際冠碼。設置後用戶在個人檔案設定手機號碼時不必再輸入國際冠碼。若要這樣做,請新增「default_phone_region」於設定檔,允許的國家及地區請參閱 {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} 清單。",
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:" : " 無法透過 CLI 來執行排程工作,發生以下技術性錯誤:",
"Last background job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong." : "上次背景工作是於 {relativeTime} 前執行,似乎很久沒有執行了,有點問題",
"Check the background job settings" : "請檢查背景工作的設定",
- "This server has no working Internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the Internet to enjoy all features." : "伺服器沒有網際網路連線(無法與多個端點取得聯繫),有些功能,像是外部儲存、應用程式更新版通知將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送 email 通知可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the Internet to enjoy all features." : "此伺服器沒有網際網路連線(無法與多個端點取得聯繫),有些功能,例如外部儲存、應用程式更新版通知等等將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送通知電郵可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available. Further information can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "您沒有設定記憶體快取 (memcache),如果可以,請完成設定來提升效能。更多資訊請查閱<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">說明文件</a>",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "PHP無法取得合適的亂數產生源。為了安全性考量,不建議如此做。更多資訊參考<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>",
"You are currently running PHP {version}. Upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group</a> as soon as your distribution supports it." : "您目前正運行 PHP {version} ,我們建議您升級 PHP 到您的發行版所支援的最新版本,以獲得 <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{phpLink}\">PHP 開發團隊提供的效能與安全性更新</a>。",
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
"The \"{header}\" HTTP header doesn't contain \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly." : "目前 HTTP 的 {header} 標頭設定並不包防 \"{expected}\" ,這是一個潛在的安全性和隱私風險,建議調整此項設定。",
"The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not set to \"{val1}\", \"{val2}\", \"{val3}\", \"{val4}\" or \"{val5}\". This can leak referer information. See the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{link}\">W3C Recommendation ↗</a>." : "目前 HTTP 的 {header} 標頭設定並不是 \"{val1}\", \"{val2}\", \"{val3}\", \"{val4}\" 或 \"{val5}\",這將會洩漏一些訊息。<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{link}\">請參考 W3C建議文件</a>。",
"The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not set to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security, it is recommended to enable HSTS as described in the <a href=\"{docUrl}\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">security tips ↗</a>." : "HTTP \"Strict-Transport-Security\" 標頭並未被設定持續至少 {seconds} 秒。為了提高安全性,我們在<a href=\"{docUrl}\" rel=\"noreferrer\">安全建議</a>中有詳述並建議啟用 HSTS。",
- "Accessing site insecurely via HTTP. You are strongly advised to set up your server to require HTTPS instead, as described in the <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips ↗</a>." : "您正在透過不安全的 HTTP 存取網站,強烈建議您設定您的伺服器啟用 HTTPS ,更多資訊請查閱<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全建議</a>。",
+ "Accessing site insecurely via HTTP. You are strongly advised to set up your server to require HTTPS instead, as described in the <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips ↗</a>." : "您正在透過不安全的 HTTP 存取網站,強烈建議您設定您的伺服器啟用 HTTPS ,更多資訊請查閱<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全建議 ↗</a>。",
"unknown text" : "文字不詳",
"Hello world!" : "哈囉,世界!",
"sunny" : "晴朗的",
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"Wrong username or password." : "錯誤的用戶名稱 或 密碼",
"User disabled" : "用戶已遭停用",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "您的 IP 多次嘗試登入無效,下一次登入將會被延時 30 秒。",
- "Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "你的帳號尚未設定免密碼登入。",
+ "Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "你的賬號尚未設定免密碼登入。",
"Passwordless authentication is not supported in your browser." : "你使用的瀏覽器不支援無密碼身份驗證。",
"Passwordless authentication is only available over a secure connection." : "無密碼身份驗證僅支援經加密的連線。",
"Reset password" : "重設密碼",
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
"Security warning" : "安全性警告",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." : "您的資料目錄看起來可以被公開存取,因為 .htaccess 設定檔並未生效。",
"For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">documentation</a>." : "閱讀<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">說明文件</a>來瞭解如何正確設定您的伺服器",
- "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "新增<strong>管理者帳號</strong>",
+ "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "新增<strong>管理者賬號</strong>",
"Username" : "用戶名稱",
"Show password" : "顯示密碼",
"Storage & database" : "儲存空間和資料庫",
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"It looks like you are trying to reinstall your Nextcloud. However the file CAN_INSTALL is missing from your config directory. Please create the file CAN_INSTALL in your config folder to continue." : "您似乎正在嘗試重新安裝您的Nextcloud。然而,檔案 CAN_INSTALL 並未在您的config目錄中。請在您的config目錄中建立 CAN_INSTALL檔以繼續。",
"Could not remove CAN_INSTALL from the config folder. Please remove this file manually." : "無法從您的 config 目錄中移除 CAN_INSTALL 檔案。請手動移除他。",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "這個應用程式需要啟用 Javascript 才能正常運作,請{linkstart}啟用Javascript{linkend}然後重新整理頁面。",
- "Get your own free account" : "取得免費帳號",
+ "Get your own free account" : "取得免費賬號",
"Skip to main content" : "跳到主內容",
"Skip to navigation of app" : "跳到應用程式導覽",
"More apps" : "更多應用程式",
@@ -318,30 +318,30 @@
"Contacts menu" : "聯絡人選單",
"Settings menu" : "設定選單",
"Confirm your password" : "確認密碼",
- "Connect to your account" : "連結您的帳號",
- "Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "請登入後再授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 帳號",
- "If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "若你並未嘗試在新的裝置登入你的帳戶,有什麼人證在嘗試登入你的帳戶並存取你的個人資料。大多數情況你並不用作任何應對,但也可通知你的系統管理員。",
+ "Connect to your account" : "連結您的賬號",
+ "Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "請登入後再授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 賬號",
+ "If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "若你並未嘗試在新的裝置登入你的賬戶,有什麼人證在嘗試登入你的賬戶並存取你的個人資料。大多數情況你並不用作任何應對,但也可通知你的系統管理員。",
"App token" : "應用程式權杖",
"Grant access" : "允許存取",
"Alternative log in using app token" : "使用應用程式權杖來登入",
- "Account access" : "帳戶存取",
- "You are about to grant %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "您將授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 帳戶",
- "Account connected" : "帳戶已連結",
+ "Account access" : "賬戶存取",
+ "You are about to grant %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "您將授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 賬戶",
+ "Account connected" : "賬戶已連結",
"Your client should now be connected!" : "客戶端應該已完成連線",
"You can close this window." : "可以關閉此視窗",
"This share is password-protected" : "此分享受密碼保護",
"The password is wrong. Try again." : "密碼錯誤,請重試",
"Two-factor authentication" : "雙因素驗證",
- "Enhanced security is enabled for your account. Choose a second factor for authentication:" : "您的帳號已啟用進階安全機制,請選擇一個兩步驗證方法:",
+ "Enhanced security is enabled for your account. Choose a second factor for authentication:" : "您的賬號已啟用進階安全機制,請選擇一個兩步驗證方法:",
"Could not load at least one of your enabled two-factor auth methods. Please contact your admin." : "無法載入任何一個二階認證方法,請聯絡管理員",
- "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Contact your admin for assistance." : "雙重認證已被強制要求啟用,您的帳號目前還沒設定。請聯絡管理員。",
- "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Please continue to setup two-factor authentication." : "雙因驗證已被強制要求啟用,您的帳戶目前還沒設定。請設定您的雙因驗證。",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Contact your admin for assistance." : "雙重認證已被強制要求啟用,您的賬號目前還沒設定。請聯絡管理員。",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Please continue to setup two-factor authentication." : "雙因驗證已被強制要求啟用,您的賬戶目前還沒設定。請設定您的雙因驗證。",
"Set up two-factor authentication" : "設定雙因素驗證",
- "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Use one of your backup codes to log in or contact your admin for assistance." : "雙重認證已被強制要求啟用,您的帳號目前還沒設定。請使用一個備用碼來登入或聯絡管理員。",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Use one of your backup codes to log in or contact your admin for assistance." : "雙重認證已被強制要求啟用,您的賬號目前還沒設定。請使用一個備用碼來登入或聯絡管理員。",
"Use backup code" : "使用備用認證碼",
"Cancel login" : "取消登入",
"Setup two-factor authentication" : "設定雙因素驗證",
- "Enhanced security is enforced for your account. Choose which provider to set up:" : "您的帳號已啟用進階安全機制,請選擇一個供應者:",
+ "Enhanced security is enforced for your account. Choose which provider to set up:" : "您的賬號已啟用進階安全機制,請選擇一個供應者:",
"Error while validating your second factor" : "驗證二階段因子發生錯誤",
"Access through untrusted domain" : "經由不可信任的域名存取。",
"Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator, edit the \"trusted_domains\" setting in config/config.php like the example in config.sample.php." : "請聯絡您的管理員。如果您就是管理員,請模仿 config.sample.php 範例編輯 config/config.php 的「trusted_domains」設定。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/zh_HK.js b/lib/l10n/zh_HK.js
index ff1ada5cce0..31c033c440f 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unknown filetype" : "不詳的檔案類型",
"Invalid image" : "無效的圖片",
"Avatar image is not square" : "頭像不是正方形",
- "today" : "今天",
+ "today" : "今日",
"tomorrow" : "明天",
"yesterday" : "昨天",
"_in %n day_::_in %n days_" : ["在 %n 天內"],
diff --git a/lib/l10n/zh_HK.json b/lib/l10n/zh_HK.json
index ed5112c4b69..5b28c6cf5a2 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"Unknown filetype" : "不詳的檔案類型",
"Invalid image" : "無效的圖片",
"Avatar image is not square" : "頭像不是正方形",
- "today" : "今天",
+ "today" : "今日",
"tomorrow" : "明天",
"yesterday" : "昨天",
"_in %n day_::_in %n days_" : ["在 %n 天內"],