diff options
authorMorris Jobke <>2019-04-18 16:15:33 +0200
committerGitHub <>2019-04-18 16:15:33 +0200
commit9f9b89fcc7f90b6c36075316b70e2f7fa26cb2c3 (patch)
parent02306df774bbbb5183324b4a44a73319c247df23 (diff)
parentc7df809465a41652ae984bb9b2fbcc81f8f065c6 (diff)
Merge pull request #14572 from nextcloud/techdebt/noid/cleanup-legacy-share.php-from-unused-code
Cleanup legacy Share.php from unused code
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 504 deletions
diff --git a/lib/private/Share/Share.php b/lib/private/Share/Share.php
index e96079a8d68..a09dd2b565f 100644
--- a/lib/private/Share/Share.php
+++ b/lib/private/Share/Share.php
@@ -105,11 +105,13 @@ class Share extends Constants {
* @param int $limit Number of items to return (optional) Returns all by default
* @param boolean $includeCollections (optional)
* @return mixed Return depends on format
+ * @deprecated TESTS ONLY - this methods is only used by tests
+ * called like this:
+ * \OC\Share\Share::getItemsSharedWith('folder'); (apps/files_sharing/tests/UpdaterTest.php)
- public static function getItemsSharedWith($itemType, $format = self::FORMAT_NONE,
- $parameters = null, $limit = -1, $includeCollections = false) {
- return self::getItems($itemType, null, self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups, \OC_User::getUser(), null, $format,
- $parameters, $limit, $includeCollections);
+ public static function getItemsSharedWith() {
+ return self::getItems('folder', null, self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups, \OC_User::getUser(), null, self::FORMAT_NONE,
+ null, -1, false);
@@ -321,124 +323,33 @@ class Share extends Constants {
* @param int $permissions CRUDS
* @param string $itemSourceName
* @param \DateTime|null $expirationDate
- * @param bool|null $passwordChanged
* @return boolean|string Returns true on success or false on failure, Returns token on success for links
* @throws \OC\HintException when the share type is remote and the shareWith is invalid
* @throws \Exception
* @since 5.0.0 - parameter $itemSourceName was added in 6.0.0, parameter $expirationDate was added in 7.0.0, parameter $passwordChanged added in 9.0.0
* @deprecated 14.0.0 TESTS ONLY - this methods is as of 2018-06 only used by tests
+ * called like this:
+ * \OC\Share\Share::shareItem('test', 1, \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $otherUserId, \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ);
- public static function shareItem($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $permissions, $itemSourceName = null, \DateTime $expirationDate = null, $passwordChanged = null) {
+ public static function shareItem($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $permissions) {
$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
- $l = \OC::$server->getL10N('lib');
if ($backend->isShareTypeAllowed($shareType) === false) {
- $message = 'Sharing %s failed, because the backend does not allow shares from type %i';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %s failed, because the backend does not allow shares from type %i', array($itemSourceName, $shareType));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareType), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ $message = 'Sharing failed, because the backend does not allow shares from type %i';
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $shareType));
$uidOwner = \OC_User::getUser();
- $shareWithinGroupOnly = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_only_share_with_group_members', 'no') === 'yes';
- if (is_null($itemSourceName)) {
- $itemSourceName = $itemSource;
- }
- $itemName = $itemSourceName;
- // check if file can be shared
- if ($itemType === 'file' or $itemType === 'folder') {
- $path = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getPath($itemSource);
- $itemName = $path;
- // verify that the file exists before we try to share it
- if (!$path) {
- $message = 'Sharing %s failed, because the file does not exist';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %s failed, because the file does not exist', array($itemSourceName));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- // verify that the user has share permission
- if (!\OC\Files\Filesystem::isSharable($path) || \OCP\Util::isSharingDisabledForUser()) {
- $message = 'You are not allowed to share %s';
- $message_t = $l->t('You are not allowed to share %s', [$path]);
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $path), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- }
- //verify that we don't share a folder which already contains a share mount point
- if ($itemType === 'folder') {
- $path = '/' . $uidOwner . '/files' . \OC\Files\Filesystem::getPath($itemSource) . '/';
- $mountManager = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getMountManager();
- $mounts = $mountManager->findIn($path);
- foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
- if ($mount->getStorage()->instanceOfStorage('\OCA\Files_Sharing\ISharedStorage')) {
- $message = 'Sharing "' . $itemSourceName . '" failed, because it contains files shared with you!';
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', $message, ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message);
- }
- }
- }
- // single file shares should never have delete permissions
- if ($itemType === 'file') {
- $permissions = (int)$permissions & ~\OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE;
- }
- //Validate expirationDate
- if ($expirationDate !== null) {
- try {
- /*
- * Reuse the validateExpireDate.
- * We have to pass time() since the second arg is the time
- * the file was shared, since it is not shared yet we just use
- * the current time.
- */
- $expirationDate = self::validateExpireDate($expirationDate->format('Y-m-d'), time(), $itemType, $itemSource);
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- throw new \OC\HintException($e->getMessage(), $e->getMessage(), 404);
- }
- }
// Verify share type and sharing conditions are met
if ($shareType === self::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
if ($shareWith == $uidOwner) {
- $message = 'Sharing %s failed, because you can not share with yourself';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %s failed, because you can not share with yourself', [$itemName]);
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ $message = 'Sharing failed, because you can not share with yourself';
+ throw new \Exception($message);
if (!\OC::$server->getUserManager()->userExists($shareWith)) {
- $message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the user %2$s does not exist';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because the user %2$s does not exist', array($itemSourceName, $shareWith));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- if ($shareWithinGroupOnly) {
- $userManager = \OC::$server->getUserManager();
- $groupManager = \OC::$server->getGroupManager();
- $userOwner = $userManager->get($uidOwner);
- $userShareWith = $userManager->get($shareWith);
- $groupsOwner = [];
- $groupsShareWith = [];
- if ($userOwner) {
- $groupsOwner = $groupManager->getUserGroupIds($userOwner);
- }
- if ($userShareWith) {
- $groupsShareWith = $groupManager->getUserGroupIds($userShareWith);
- }
- $inGroup = array_intersect($groupsOwner, $groupsShareWith);
- if (empty($inGroup)) {
- $message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the user '
- .'%2$s is not a member of any groups that %3$s is a member of';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because the user %2$s is not a member of any groups that %3$s is a member of', array($itemName, $shareWith, $uidOwner));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemName, $shareWith, $uidOwner), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
+ $message = 'Sharing failed, because the user %s does not exist';
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $shareWith));
// Check if the item source is already shared with the user, either from the same owner or a different user
if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups,
@@ -447,10 +358,8 @@ class Share extends Constants {
// owner and is not a user share, this use case is for increasing
// permissions for a specific user
if ($checkExists['uid_owner'] != $uidOwner || $checkExists['share_type'] == $shareType) {
- $message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with %2$s';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with %2$s', array($itemSourceName, $shareWith));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ $message = 'Sharing failed, because this item is already shared with %s';
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $shareWith));
if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER,
@@ -459,188 +368,14 @@ class Share extends Constants {
// owner and is not a user share, this use case is for increasing
// permissions for a specific user
if ($checkExists['uid_owner'] != $uidOwner || $checkExists['share_type'] == $shareType) {
- $message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s', array($itemSourceName, $shareWith));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith), ILogger::ERROR);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- }
- } else if ($shareType === self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
- if (!\OC::$server->getGroupManager()->groupExists($shareWith)) {
- $message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the group %2$s does not exist';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because the group %2$s does not exist', array($itemSourceName, $shareWith));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- if ($shareWithinGroupOnly) {
- $group = \OC::$server->getGroupManager()->get($shareWith);
- $user = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->get($uidOwner);
- if (!$group || !$user || !$group->inGroup($user)) {
- $message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because '
- . '%2$s is not a member of the group %3$s';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because %2$s is not a member of the group %3$s', array($itemSourceName, $uidOwner, $shareWith));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $uidOwner, $shareWith), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- }
- // Check if the item source is already shared with the group, either from the same owner or a different user
- // The check for each user in the group is done inside the put() function
- if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $shareWith,
- null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, true, true)) {
- if ($checkExists['share_with'] === $shareWith && $checkExists['share_type'] === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
- $message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with %2$s';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with %2$s', array($itemSourceName, $shareWith));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ $message = 'Sharing failed, because this item is already shared with user %s';
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $shareWith));
- // Convert share with into an array with the keys group and users
- $group = $shareWith;
- $shareWith = array();
- $shareWith['group'] = $group;
- $groupObject = \OC::$server->getGroupManager()->get($group);
- $userIds = [];
- if ($groupObject) {
- $users = $groupObject->searchUsers('', -1, 0);
- foreach ($users as $user) {
- $userIds[] = $user->getUID();
- }
- }
- $shareWith['users'] = array_diff($userIds, array($uidOwner));
- } else if ($shareType === self::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
- $updateExistingShare = false;
- if (\OC::$server->getConfig()->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_links', 'yes') == 'yes') {
- // IF the password is changed via the old ajax endpoint verify it before deleting the old share
- if ($passwordChanged === true) {
- self::verifyPassword($shareWith);
- }
- // when updating a link share
- // FIXME Don't delete link if we update it
- if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, null,
- $uidOwner, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1)) {
- // remember old token
- $oldToken = $checkExists['token'];
- $oldPermissions = $checkExists['permissions'];
- //delete the old share
- Helper::delete($checkExists['id']);
- $updateExistingShare = true;
- }
- if ($passwordChanged === null) {
- // Generate hash of password - same method as user passwords
- if (is_string($shareWith) && $shareWith !== '') {
- self::verifyPassword($shareWith);
- $shareWith = \OC::$server->getHasher()->hash($shareWith);
- } else {
- // reuse the already set password, but only if we change permissions
- // otherwise the user disabled the password protection
- if ($checkExists && (int)$permissions !== (int)$oldPermissions) {
- $shareWith = $checkExists['share_with'];
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ($passwordChanged === true) {
- if (is_string($shareWith) && $shareWith !== '') {
- self::verifyPassword($shareWith);
- $shareWith = \OC::$server->getHasher()->hash($shareWith);
- }
- } else if ($updateExistingShare) {
- $shareWith = $checkExists['share_with'];
- }
- }
- if (\OCP\Util::isPublicLinkPasswordRequired() && empty($shareWith)) {
- $message = 'You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed';
- $message_t = $l->t('You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed');
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', $message, ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- if ($updateExistingShare === false &&
- self::isDefaultExpireDateEnabled() &&
- empty($expirationDate)) {
- $expirationDate = Helper::calcExpireDate();
- }
- // Generate token
- if (isset($oldToken)) {
- $token = $oldToken;
- } else {
- $token = \OC::$server->getSecureRandom()->generate(self::TOKEN_LENGTH,
- \OCP\Security\ISecureRandom::CHAR_HUMAN_READABLE
- );
- }
- $result = self::put($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions,
- null, $token, $itemSourceName, $expirationDate);
- if ($result) {
- return $token;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- $message = 'Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed', array($itemSourceName));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- } else if ($shareType === self::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE) {
- /*
- * Check if file is not already shared with the remote user
- */
- if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE,
- $shareWith, $uidOwner, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, true, true)) {
- $message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with %2$s';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with %2$s', array($itemSourceName, $shareWith));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- // don't allow federated shares if source and target server are the same
- list($user, $remote) = Helper::splitUserRemote($shareWith);
- $currentServer = self::removeProtocolFromUrl(\OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->getAbsoluteURL('/'));
- $currentUser = \OC::$server->getUserSession()->getUser()->getUID();
- if (Helper::isSameUserOnSameServer($user, $remote, $currentUser, $currentServer)) {
- $message = 'Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user.';
- $message_t = $l->t('Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user');
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', $message, ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- $token = \OC::$server->getSecureRandom()->generate(self::TOKEN_LENGTH, \OCP\Security\ISecureRandom::CHAR_LOWER . \OCP\Security\ISecureRandom::CHAR_UPPER .
- \OCP\Security\ISecureRandom::CHAR_DIGITS);
- $shareWith = $user . '@' . $remote;
- $shareId = self::put($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, null, $token, $itemSourceName);
- $send = false;
- if ($shareId) {
- $send = self::sendRemoteShare($token, $shareWith, $itemSourceName, $shareId, $uidOwner);
- }
- if ($send === false) {
- $currentUser = \OC::$server->getUserSession()->getUser()->getUID();
- self::unshare($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $currentUser);
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable.', array($itemSourceName, $shareWith));
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- return $send;
- } else {
- // Future share types need to include their own conditions
- $message = 'Share type %1$s is not valid for %2$s';
- $message_t = $l->t('Share type %1$s is not valid for %2$s', array($shareType, $itemSource));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $shareType, $itemSource), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
// Put the item into the database
- $result = self::put($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, null, null, $itemSourceName, $expirationDate);
+ $result = self::put('test', $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions);
return $result ? true : false;
@@ -709,54 +444,6 @@ class Share extends Constants {
- * validate expiration date if it meets all constraints
- *
- * @param string $expireDate well formatted date string, e.g. "DD-MM-YYYY"
- * @param string $shareTime timestamp when the file was shared
- * @param string $itemType
- * @param string $itemSource
- * @return \DateTime validated date
- * @throws \Exception when the expire date is in the past or further in the future then the enforced date
- */
- private static function validateExpireDate($expireDate, $shareTime, $itemType, $itemSource) {
- $l = \OC::$server->getL10N('lib');
- $date = new \DateTime($expireDate);
- $today = new \DateTime('now');
- // if the user doesn't provide a share time we need to get it from the database
- // fall-back mode to keep API stable, because the $shareTime parameter was added later
- $defaultExpireDateEnforced = \OCP\Util::isDefaultExpireDateEnforced();
- if ($defaultExpireDateEnforced && $shareTime === null) {
- $items = self::getItemShared($itemType, $itemSource);
- $firstItem = reset($items);
- $shareTime = (int)$firstItem['stime'];
- }
- if ($defaultExpireDateEnforced) {
- // initialize max date with share time
- $maxDate = new \DateTime();
- $maxDate->setTimestamp($shareTime);
- $maxDays = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_expire_after_n_days', '7');
- $maxDate->add(new \DateInterval('P' . $maxDays . 'D'));
- if ($date > $maxDate) {
- $warning = 'Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than ' . $maxDays . ' after they have been shared';
- $warning_t = $l->t('Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than %s after they have been shared', array($maxDays));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', $warning, ILogger::WARN);
- throw new \Exception($warning_t);
- }
- }
- if ($date < $today) {
- $message = 'Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past';
- $message_t = $l->t('Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past');
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', $message, ILogger::WARN);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
- }
- return $date;
- }
- /**
* Checks whether a share has expired, calls unshareItem() if yes.
* @param array $item Share data (usually database row)
* @return boolean True if item was expired, false otherwise.
@@ -916,6 +603,9 @@ class Share extends Constants {
* @param boolean $includeCollections Include collection item types (optional)
* @param boolean $includeOwner include owner in the list of users the item is shared with (optional)
* @return array
+ * @deprecated TESTS ONLY - this methods is only used by tests
+ * called like this:
+ * \OC\Share\Share::getSharedItemsOwners($this->user, $this->type, true)
public static function getSharedItemsOwners($user, $type, $includeCollections = false, $includeOwner = false) {
// First, we find out if $type is part of a collection (and if that collection is part of
@@ -1431,22 +1121,21 @@ class Share extends Constants {
* @param string $shareWith User or group the item is being shared with
* @param string $uidOwner User that is the owner of shared item
* @param int $permissions CRUDS permissions
- * @param boolean|array $parentFolder Parent folder target (optional)
- * @param string $token (optional)
- * @param string $itemSourceName name of the source item (optional)
- * @param \DateTime $expirationDate (optional)
* @throws \Exception
* @return mixed id of the new share or false
+ * @deprecated TESTS ONLY - this methods is only used by tests
+ * called like this:
+ * self::put('test', $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions);
private static function put($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner,
- $permissions, $parentFolder = null, $token = null, $itemSourceName = null, \DateTime $expirationDate = null) {
+ $permissions) {
$queriesToExecute = array();
$suggestedItemTarget = null;
$groupFileTarget = $fileTarget = $suggestedFileTarget = $filePath = '';
$groupItemTarget = $itemTarget = $fileSource = $parent = 0;
- $result = self::checkReshare($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, $itemSourceName, $expirationDate);
+ $result = self::checkReshare('test', $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, null, null);
if(!empty($result)) {
$parent = $result['parent'];
$itemSource = $result['itemSource'];
@@ -1457,54 +1146,9 @@ class Share extends Constants {
$isGroupShare = false;
- if ($shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
- $isGroupShare = true;
- if (isset($shareWith['users'])) {
- $users = $shareWith['users'];
- } else {
- $group = \OC::$server->getGroupManager()->get($shareWith['group']);
- if ($group) {
- $users = $group->searchUsers('', -1, 0);
- $userIds = [];
- foreach ($users as $user) {
- $userIds[] = $user->getUID();
- }
- $users = $userIds;
- } else {
- $users = [];
- }
- }
- // remove current user from list
- if (in_array(\OCP\User::getUser(), $users)) {
- unset($users[array_search(\OCP\User::getUser(), $users)]);
- }
- $groupItemTarget = Helper::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource,
- $shareType, $shareWith['group'], $uidOwner, $suggestedItemTarget);
- $groupFileTarget = Helper::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource,
- $shareType, $shareWith['group'], $uidOwner, $filePath);
- // add group share to table and remember the id as parent
- $queriesToExecute['groupShare'] = array(
- 'itemType' => $itemType,
- 'itemSource' => $itemSource,
- 'itemTarget' => $groupItemTarget,
- 'shareType' => $shareType,
- 'shareWith' => $shareWith['group'],
- 'uidOwner' => $uidOwner,
- 'permissions' => $permissions,
- 'shareTime' => time(),
- 'fileSource' => $fileSource,
- 'fileTarget' => $groupFileTarget,
- 'token' => $token,
- 'parent' => $parent,
- 'expiration' => $expirationDate,
- );
- } else {
$users = array($shareWith);
$itemTarget = Helper::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner,
- }
$run = true;
$error = '';
@@ -1515,14 +1159,14 @@ class Share extends Constants {
'uidOwner' => $uidOwner,
'permissions' => $permissions,
'fileSource' => $fileSource,
- 'expiration' => $expirationDate,
- 'token' => $token,
+ 'expiration' => null,
+ 'token' => null,
'run' => &$run,
'error' => &$error
- $preHookData['itemTarget'] = $isGroupShare ? $groupItemTarget : $itemTarget;
- $preHookData['shareWith'] = $isGroupShare ? $shareWith['group'] : $shareWith;
+ $preHookData['itemTarget'] = $itemTarget;
+ $preHookData['shareWith'] = $shareWith;
\OC_Hook::emit(\OCP\Share::class, 'pre_shared', $preHookData);
@@ -1534,37 +1178,19 @@ class Share extends Constants {
$sourceId = ($itemType === 'file' || $itemType === 'folder') ? $fileSource : $itemSource;
$sourceExists = self::getItemSharedWithBySource($itemType, $sourceId, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, true, $user);
- $userShareType = $isGroupShare ? self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique : $shareType;
+ $userShareType = $shareType;
if ($sourceExists && $sourceExists['item_source'] === $itemSource) {
$fileTarget = $sourceExists['file_target'];
$itemTarget = $sourceExists['item_target'];
- // for group shares we don't need a additional entry if the target is the same
- if($isGroupShare && $groupItemTarget === $itemTarget) {
- continue;
- }
- } elseif(!$sourceExists && !$isGroupShare) {
+ } elseif(!$sourceExists) {
$itemTarget = Helper::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $userShareType, $user,
$uidOwner, $suggestedItemTarget, $parent);
if (isset($fileSource)) {
- if ($parentFolder) {
- if ($parentFolder === true) {
- $fileTarget = Helper::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $userShareType, $user,
- $uidOwner, $suggestedFileTarget, $parent);
- if ($fileTarget != $groupFileTarget) {
- $parentFolders[$user]['folder'] = $fileTarget;
- }
- } else if (isset($parentFolder[$user])) {
- $fileTarget = $parentFolder[$user]['folder'].$itemSource;
- $parent = $parentFolder[$user]['id'];
- }
- } else {
$fileTarget = Helper::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $userShareType,
$user, $uidOwner, $suggestedFileTarget, $parent);
- }
} else {
$fileTarget = null;
@@ -1601,20 +1227,14 @@ class Share extends Constants {
'shareTime' => time(),
'fileSource' => $fileSource,
'fileTarget' => $fileTarget,
- 'token' => $token,
+ 'token' => null,
'parent' => $parent,
- 'expiration' => $expirationDate,
+ 'expiration' => null,
$id = false;
- if ($isGroupShare) {
- $id = self::insertShare($queriesToExecute['groupShare']);
- // Save this id, any extra rows for this group share will need to reference it
- $parent = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->lastInsertId('*PREFIX*share');
- unset($queriesToExecute['groupShare']);
- }
foreach ($queriesToExecute as $shareQuery) {
$shareQuery['parent'] = $parent;
@@ -1630,8 +1250,8 @@ class Share extends Constants {
'permissions' => $permissions,
'fileSource' => $fileSource,
'id' => $parent,
- 'token' => $token,
- 'expirationDate' => $expirationDate,
+ 'token' => null,
+ 'expirationDate' => null,
$postHookData['shareWith'] = $isGroupShare ? $shareWith['group'] : $shareWith;
@@ -1653,11 +1273,13 @@ class Share extends Constants {
* @param int $permissions
* @param string|null $itemSourceName
* @param null|\DateTime $expirationDate
+ * @deprecated TESTS ONLY - this methods is only used by tests
+ * called like this:
+ * self::checkReshare('test', $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, null, null);
private static function checkReshare($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, $itemSourceName, $expirationDate) {
$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
- $l = \OC::$server->getL10N('lib');
$result = array();
$column = ($itemType === 'file' || $itemType === 'folder') ? 'file_source' : 'item_source';
@@ -1665,12 +1287,9 @@ class Share extends Constants {
$checkReshare = self::getItemSharedWithBySource($itemType, $itemSource, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, true);
if ($checkReshare) {
// Check if attempting to share back to owner
- if ($checkReshare['uid_owner'] == $shareWith && $shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
+ if ($checkReshare['uid_owner'] == $shareWith) {
$message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the user %2$s is the original sharer';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing failed, because the user %s is the original sharer', [$shareWith]);
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith));
@@ -1679,10 +1298,7 @@ class Share extends Constants {
if (self::isResharingAllowed() && (int)$checkReshare['permissions'] & \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE) {
if (~(int)$checkReshare['permissions'] & $permissions) {
$message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %2$s';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %2$s', array($itemSourceName, $uidOwner));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $uidOwner), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $uidOwner));
} else {
// TODO Don't check if inside folder
$result['parent'] = $checkReshare['id'];
@@ -1711,10 +1327,7 @@ class Share extends Constants {
} else {
$message = 'Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed', array($itemSourceName));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSourceName), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSourceName));
} else {
$result['parent'] = null;
@@ -1725,24 +1338,15 @@ class Share extends Constants {
if (!$backend->isValidSource($itemSource, $uidOwner)) {
$message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the sharing backend for '
.'%2$s could not find its source';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %1$s failed, because the sharing backend for %2$s could not find its source', array($itemSource, $itemType));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSource, $itemType), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSource, $itemType));
if ($backend instanceof \OCP\Share_Backend_File_Dependent) {
$result['filePath'] = $backend->getFilePath($itemSource, $uidOwner);
- if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
- $result['fileSource'] = $itemSource;
- } else {
$meta = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($result['filePath']);
$result['fileSource'] = $meta['fileid'];
- }
if ($result['fileSource'] == -1) {
$message = 'Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache';
- $message_t = $l->t('Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache', array($itemSource));
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('OCP\Share', sprintf($message, $itemSource), ILogger::DEBUG);
- throw new \Exception($message_t);
+ throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSource));
} else {
$result['filePath'] = null;
@@ -1995,48 +1599,6 @@ class Share extends Constants {
- * send server-to-server share to remote server
- *
- * @param string $token
- * @param string $shareWith
- * @param string $name
- * @param int $remote_id
- * @param string $owner
- * @return bool
- */
- private static function sendRemoteShare($token, $shareWith, $name, $remote_id, $owner) {
- list($user, $remote) = Helper::splitUserRemote($shareWith);
- if ($user && $remote) {
- $url = $remote;
- $local = \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->getAbsoluteURL('/');
- $fields = array(
- 'shareWith' => $user,
- 'token' => $token,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'remoteId' => $remote_id,
- 'owner' => $owner,
- 'remote' => $local,
- );
- $url = self::removeProtocolFromUrl($url);
- $result = self::tryHttpPostToShareEndpoint($url, '', $fields);
- $status = json_decode($result['result'], true);
- if ($result['success'] && ($status['ocs']['meta']['statuscode'] === 100 || $status['ocs']['meta']['statuscode'] === 200)) {
- \OC_Hook::emit(\OCP\Share::class, 'federated_share_added', ['server' => $remote]);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
* send server-to-server unshare to remote server
* @param string $remote url
@@ -2093,23 +1655,4 @@ class Share extends Constants {
return false;
- /**
- * @param string $password
- * @throws \Exception
- */
- private static function verifyPassword($password) {
- $accepted = true;
- $message = '';
- \OCP\Util::emitHook('\OC\Share', 'verifyPassword', [
- 'password' => $password,
- 'accepted' => &$accepted,
- 'message' => &$message
- ]);
- if (!$accepted) {
- throw new \Exception($message);
- }
- }