diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2024-07-13 00:19:46 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2024-07-13 00:19:46 +0000
commit4b296c750a89878e11fe610a69f706c192155f30 (patch)
parent7773f1b3793f1b454dfb9eb8937b7ac18313e92f (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
254 files changed, 1952 insertions, 1164 deletions
diff --git a/apps/comments/l10n/sk.js b/apps/comments/l10n/sk.js
index 2ed1cd3d236..8670188cf08 100644
--- a/apps/comments/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/comments/l10n/sk.js
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"An error occurred while trying to delete the comment" : "Vyskytla sa chyba pri mazaní komentára",
"An error occurred while trying to create the comment" : "Vyskytla sa chyba pri vytváraní komentára",
"You were mentioned on \"{file}\", in a comment by a user that has since been deleted" : "Boli ste spomenutý v \"{file}\", v komentári používateľom ktorý bol už vymazaný",
- "Write a message …" : "Napísať správu …",
+ "Write a message …" : "Píšte správu …",
"\"@\" for mentions, \":\" for emoji, \"/\" for smart picker" : "\"@\" pre spomienky, \":\" pre emotikony, \"/\" pre inteligentný výber",
"_%n unread comment_::_%n unread comments_" : ["%n neprečítaný komentár","%n neprečítaných komentárov","%n neprečítaných komentárov","%n neprečítaných komentárov"]
diff --git a/apps/comments/l10n/sk.json b/apps/comments/l10n/sk.json
index 198711424cb..26b25c647ef 100644
--- a/apps/comments/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/comments/l10n/sk.json
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"An error occurred while trying to delete the comment" : "Vyskytla sa chyba pri mazaní komentára",
"An error occurred while trying to create the comment" : "Vyskytla sa chyba pri vytváraní komentára",
"You were mentioned on \"{file}\", in a comment by a user that has since been deleted" : "Boli ste spomenutý v \"{file}\", v komentári používateľom ktorý bol už vymazaný",
- "Write a message …" : "Napísať správu …",
+ "Write a message …" : "Píšte správu …",
"\"@\" for mentions, \":\" for emoji, \"/\" for smart picker" : "\"@\" pre spomienky, \":\" pre emotikony, \"/\" pre inteligentný výber",
"_%n unread comment_::_%n unread comments_" : ["%n neprečítaný komentár","%n neprečítaných komentárov","%n neprečítaných komentárov","%n neprečítaných komentárov"]
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.js b/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
index 35910091094..c788159328a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open the files app settings" : "Odpri nastavitve programa Datoteke",
"Files settings" : "Nastavitve datotek",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Do datoteke dostop ni mogoč",
- "Open in files" : "Open in Files",
+ "Open in files" : "Odpri datoteko v mapi",
"Sort favorites first" : "Razvrsti najprej priljubljene",
"Show hidden files" : "Pokaži skrite datoteke",
"Crop image previews" : "Obreži slike predogleda",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
index 3df8bd65379..6b092d8427d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
"Open the files app settings" : "Odpri nastavitve programa Datoteke",
"Files settings" : "Nastavitve datotek",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Do datoteke dostop ni mogoč",
- "Open in files" : "Open in Files",
+ "Open in files" : "Odpri datoteko v mapi",
"Sort favorites first" : "Razvrsti najprej priljubljene",
"Show hidden files" : "Pokaži skrite datoteke",
"Crop image previews" : "Obreži slike predogleda",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.js
index a3616944a3b..e20dfb0bf00 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.js
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Doda osnovno zunanjo podporo shrambe",
"Enter missing credentials" : "Vpiši manjkajoča poverila",
"New configuration successfully saved" : "Nove nastavitve so uspešno shranjene",
- "There was an error with this external storage." : "Prišlo je do napake z zunanjo shrambo",
+ "There was an error with this external storage." : "Prišlo je do napake zunanje shrambe.",
"Open in Files" : "Odpri v mapi",
"External mount error" : "Notranja napaka priklopa",
"Storage type" : "Vrsta shrambe",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.json
index c51dde72492..dd8de075f7a 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sl.json
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Doda osnovno zunanjo podporo shrambe",
"Enter missing credentials" : "Vpiši manjkajoča poverila",
"New configuration successfully saved" : "Nove nastavitve so uspešno shranjene",
- "There was an error with this external storage." : "Prišlo je do napake z zunanjo shrambo",
+ "There was an error with this external storage." : "Prišlo je do napake zunanje shrambe.",
"Open in Files" : "Odpri v mapi",
"External mount error" : "Notranja napaka priklopa",
"Storage type" : "Vrsta shrambe",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.js
index a7b5bbc3e12..e89ded76eaf 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "يجب أن تمتلك المشاركة أذونات الإنشاء CREATE و القراءة READ على الأقل",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "يجب أن تمتلك المشاركة إذن القراءة READ إذا كانت أذونات UPDATE أو DELETE مُعيّنة ",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"عملية إرسال كلمة المرور بواسطة تطبيق نكست كلاود للمحادثة Talk\" من أجل مشاركة ملف أو مُجلّد لم تُنفّذ بسبب أن التطبيق غير مُفعّل",
+ "Wrong password" : "كلمة المرور غير صحيحة",
"shared by %s" : "تمّت مشاركته مِن قبل %s",
"Download all files" : "تنزيل كافة الملفات",
"Direct link" : "رابط مباشر",
@@ -115,6 +116,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "قبول",
"Decline" : "رفض",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "يُمكِّن هذا التطبيق الأشخاص من مشاركة الملفات داخل نكست كلاود. عند تمكينه، يُمكِّن المشرف تحديد المجموعات التي يمكنها مشاركة الملفات. يمكن للأشخاص المعنيين بعد ذلك مشاركة الملفات والمجلدات مع حسابات ومجموعات أخرى داخل نكست كلاود. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، إذا قام المشرف بتمكين ميزة رابط المشاركة، فيمكن استخدام رابط خارجي لمشاركة الملفات مع أشخاص آخرين خارج نكست كلاود. يمكن للمشرفين أيضًا فرض كلمات المرور و تواريخ انتهاء الصلاحية و تمكين المشاركة من خادوم إلى خادوم عبر روابط المشاركة؛ بالإضافة إلى المشاركة من الأجهزة المحمولة. بالمقابل، يؤدي تعطيل التطبيق إلى إزالة الملفات والمجلدات المشتركة على الخادوم لدي جميع مستلمي المشاركة، و كذلك على عملاء المزامنة و تطبيقات الأجهزة المحمولة. \nللمزيد من المعلومات، أنظُر توثيق نكست كلاود.",
+ "Expiration date" : "تاريخ إنتهاء صلاحية المشاركة",
+ "Set a password" : "تعيين كلمة المرور",
+ "Password" : "كلمة المرور",
+ "Share link" : "رابط المشاركة",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "نسخ الرابط إلى الحافظة",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "تمّ نسخ الرابط إلى الحافظة",
+ "Select" : "حدِّد",
+ "Cancel" : "إلغاء",
+ "Continue" : "مُتابعة",
+ "Close" : "إغلاق",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "خطأ في إنشاء المشاركة: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "خطأ في إنشاء المشاركة",
"Sharing" : "المشاركة",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "إقبَل المشاركات من حسابات و مجموعات أخرى بشكل تلقائي ",
"Error while toggling options" : "خطأ أثناء تبديل الخيارات",
@@ -149,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية (إلزامي)",
"Enter a date" : "أدخِل تاريخاً",
"Create share" : "إنشاء مشاركة",
- "Cancel" : "إلغاء",
"Customize link" : "خصِّص الرابط",
"Generate QR code" : "توليد كود \"كيو آر\" QR",
"Add another link" : "أضِف رابطاً آخر",
@@ -159,7 +171,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "مشاركة البريد ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "رابط المشاركة ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "رابط المشاركة ({index})",
- "Share link" : "رابط المشاركة",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "إجراءات لـ \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "إنسَخ الرابط العام لـ \"{title}\" إلى الحافظة",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "خطأ؛ يرجى إدخال كلمة المرور الصحيحة أو تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية",
@@ -168,7 +179,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "خيارات المشاركة السريعة. الاختيار الحالي هو \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "للعرض فقط",
"Can edit" : "يمكنه التعديل",
- "File drop" : "اسقاط الملف",
"Custom permissions" : "أذُونَات مخصصة",
"Search for share recipients" : "البحث عن مُستَلِمِي المشاركة",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "لا توجد توصيات. إبدأ الكتابة.",
@@ -192,12 +202,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "الإعدادات المتقدمة",
"Share label" : "لاصق label المشاركة",
"Set password" : "تعيين كلمة المرور",
- "Password" : "كلمة المرور",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "صلاحية كلمة المرور تنتهي في {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "كلمة المرور إنتهت صلاحيتها",
"Video verification" : "التحقُّق من الفيديو",
"Set expiration date" : "تعيين تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
- "Expiration date" : "تاريخ إنتهاء صلاحية المشاركة",
"Hide download" : "إخفاء التنزيل",
"Allow download" : "إسمَح بالتنزيل",
"Note to recipient" : "ملاحظة للمستلم",
@@ -234,8 +242,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "تمّت مشاركته من قِبَل {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "أعرُض خيارات المشاركة",
"Link to a file" : "رابط إلى ملف",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "خطأ في إنشاء المشاركة: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "خطأ في إنشاء المشاركة",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "خطأ في تعديل المشاركة: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "خطأ في تحديث المشاركة",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "الملف \"{path}\" تمّ إلغاء مشاركته",
@@ -302,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "أذونات مُجمّعة",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "صالحٌ فقط للمستخدمين الذين لديهم حق الوصول إلى هذا المجلد",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "صالحٌ فقط للمستخدمين الذين لديهم حق الوصول إلى هذا الملف",
+ "File drop" : "اسقاط الملف",
"Circle" : "الدائرة ",
"Update" : "تحديث",
"Share with " : "شَارِك مع",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.json
index 254409a6c29..db0ffceaa70 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ar.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "يجب أن تمتلك المشاركة أذونات الإنشاء CREATE و القراءة READ على الأقل",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "يجب أن تمتلك المشاركة إذن القراءة READ إذا كانت أذونات UPDATE أو DELETE مُعيّنة ",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"عملية إرسال كلمة المرور بواسطة تطبيق نكست كلاود للمحادثة Talk\" من أجل مشاركة ملف أو مُجلّد لم تُنفّذ بسبب أن التطبيق غير مُفعّل",
+ "Wrong password" : "كلمة المرور غير صحيحة",
"shared by %s" : "تمّت مشاركته مِن قبل %s",
"Download all files" : "تنزيل كافة الملفات",
"Direct link" : "رابط مباشر",
@@ -113,6 +114,18 @@
"Accept" : "قبول",
"Decline" : "رفض",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "يُمكِّن هذا التطبيق الأشخاص من مشاركة الملفات داخل نكست كلاود. عند تمكينه، يُمكِّن المشرف تحديد المجموعات التي يمكنها مشاركة الملفات. يمكن للأشخاص المعنيين بعد ذلك مشاركة الملفات والمجلدات مع حسابات ومجموعات أخرى داخل نكست كلاود. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، إذا قام المشرف بتمكين ميزة رابط المشاركة، فيمكن استخدام رابط خارجي لمشاركة الملفات مع أشخاص آخرين خارج نكست كلاود. يمكن للمشرفين أيضًا فرض كلمات المرور و تواريخ انتهاء الصلاحية و تمكين المشاركة من خادوم إلى خادوم عبر روابط المشاركة؛ بالإضافة إلى المشاركة من الأجهزة المحمولة. بالمقابل، يؤدي تعطيل التطبيق إلى إزالة الملفات والمجلدات المشتركة على الخادوم لدي جميع مستلمي المشاركة، و كذلك على عملاء المزامنة و تطبيقات الأجهزة المحمولة. \nللمزيد من المعلومات، أنظُر توثيق نكست كلاود.",
+ "Expiration date" : "تاريخ إنتهاء صلاحية المشاركة",
+ "Set a password" : "تعيين كلمة المرور",
+ "Password" : "كلمة المرور",
+ "Share link" : "رابط المشاركة",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "نسخ الرابط إلى الحافظة",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "تمّ نسخ الرابط إلى الحافظة",
+ "Select" : "حدِّد",
+ "Cancel" : "إلغاء",
+ "Continue" : "مُتابعة",
+ "Close" : "إغلاق",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "خطأ في إنشاء المشاركة: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "خطأ في إنشاء المشاركة",
"Sharing" : "المشاركة",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "إقبَل المشاركات من حسابات و مجموعات أخرى بشكل تلقائي ",
"Error while toggling options" : "خطأ أثناء تبديل الخيارات",
@@ -147,7 +160,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية (إلزامي)",
"Enter a date" : "أدخِل تاريخاً",
"Create share" : "إنشاء مشاركة",
- "Cancel" : "إلغاء",
"Customize link" : "خصِّص الرابط",
"Generate QR code" : "توليد كود \"كيو آر\" QR",
"Add another link" : "أضِف رابطاً آخر",
@@ -157,7 +169,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "مشاركة البريد ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "رابط المشاركة ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "رابط المشاركة ({index})",
- "Share link" : "رابط المشاركة",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "إجراءات لـ \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "إنسَخ الرابط العام لـ \"{title}\" إلى الحافظة",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "خطأ؛ يرجى إدخال كلمة المرور الصحيحة أو تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية",
@@ -166,7 +177,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "خيارات المشاركة السريعة. الاختيار الحالي هو \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "للعرض فقط",
"Can edit" : "يمكنه التعديل",
- "File drop" : "اسقاط الملف",
"Custom permissions" : "أذُونَات مخصصة",
"Search for share recipients" : "البحث عن مُستَلِمِي المشاركة",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "لا توجد توصيات. إبدأ الكتابة.",
@@ -190,12 +200,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "الإعدادات المتقدمة",
"Share label" : "لاصق label المشاركة",
"Set password" : "تعيين كلمة المرور",
- "Password" : "كلمة المرور",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "صلاحية كلمة المرور تنتهي في {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "كلمة المرور إنتهت صلاحيتها",
"Video verification" : "التحقُّق من الفيديو",
"Set expiration date" : "تعيين تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
- "Expiration date" : "تاريخ إنتهاء صلاحية المشاركة",
"Hide download" : "إخفاء التنزيل",
"Allow download" : "إسمَح بالتنزيل",
"Note to recipient" : "ملاحظة للمستلم",
@@ -232,8 +240,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "تمّت مشاركته من قِبَل {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "أعرُض خيارات المشاركة",
"Link to a file" : "رابط إلى ملف",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "خطأ في إنشاء المشاركة: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "خطأ في إنشاء المشاركة",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "خطأ في تعديل المشاركة: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "خطأ في تحديث المشاركة",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "الملف \"{path}\" تمّ إلغاء مشاركته",
@@ -300,6 +306,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "أذونات مُجمّعة",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "صالحٌ فقط للمستخدمين الذين لديهم حق الوصول إلى هذا المجلد",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "صالحٌ فقط للمستخدمين الذين لديهم حق الوصول إلى هذا الملف",
+ "File drop" : "اسقاط الملف",
"Circle" : "الدائرة ",
"Update" : "تحديث",
"Share with " : "شَارِك مع",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ast.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ast.js
index 80ff7bc44f9..f03d814feaa 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ast.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ast.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "L'elementu compartíu ha tener polo menos los permisos READ o CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "L'elementu compartíu ha tener el permisu READ si s'afitaron los permisos UPDATE o DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Nun se pudo unviar la contraseña per Talk pa compartir un ficheru o una carpeta porque esta aplicación nun ta activada.",
+ "Wrong password" : "La contraseña ye incorreuta",
"shared by %s" : "elementu compartíu por %s",
"Download all files" : "Baxar tolos ficheros",
"Direct link" : "Enllaz direutu",
@@ -115,6 +116,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Refugar",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a les persones compartir ficheros en Nextcloud. Si s'activa, l'alministración pue escoyer los grupos que pue compartir ficheros. Les persones con permisu puen compartir ficheros y carpetes con otres persones y grupos de Nextclouod. Amás, si l'alministración activa la función de compartir enllaces, puen usase enllaces esternos pa compartir ficheros con otres persones fuera de Nextcloud. L'alministración tamién pue aplicar contraseñes, dates de caducidá y activar l'usu compartíu ente sirvidores pente enllaces d'usu compartíu, amás de l'usu compartíu dende preseos móviles.\nSi se desactiva la función, desaníciense los ficheros y carpetes compartíos del sirvidor pa tolos destinatarios y tamién pa los veceros de sincronización y les aplicaciones pa móviles. Tienes más información disponible na documentación de Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidá",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir l'enllaz",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar nel cartafueyu",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "L'enllaz copióse nel cartafueyu",
+ "Select" : "Seleicionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
+ "Continue" : "Siguir",
+ "Close" : "Zarrar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hebo un error al crear la compartición: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Hebo un error al crear la compartición",
"Sharing" : "Compartición",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceptar elementos compartíos d'otres cuentes y grupos por defeutu",
"Error while toggling options" : "Hebo un error mentanto s'alternaba les opciones",
@@ -149,7 +161,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de caducidá (obligatoria)",
"Enter a date" : "Introduz una data",
"Create share" : "Crear l'elementu compartíu",
- "Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar l'enllaz",
"Generate QR code" : "Xenerar un códigu QR",
"Add another link" : "Amestar otru enllaz",
@@ -159,7 +170,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Unviar l'elementu compartíu per corréu electrónicu ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartir l'enllaz ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartir l'enllaz ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir l'enllaz",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Aiciones pa: {title}",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar l'enllaz públicu de «{title}» nel cartafueyu",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, introduz la contraseña y/o la data de caducidá correutos",
@@ -168,7 +178,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opciones de compartición rápida, la opción seleicionada anguaño ye «selectedOption}»",
"View only" : "Ver namás",
"Can edit" : "Pue editar",
- "File drop" : "Suelta de ficheros",
"Custom permissions" : "Personlizar los permisos",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios del elementu compartíu",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Nun hai nenguna recomendación. Comienza a escribir",
@@ -192,12 +201,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Configuración avanzada",
"Share label" : "Etiqueta d'usu compartíu",
"Set password" : "Afitar la contraseña",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "La contraseña caduca: {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "La contraseña caducó",
"Video verification" : "Verificación per videu",
"Set expiration date" : "Afitar la data de caducidá",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidá",
"Hide download" : "Anubrir la descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir la descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota al destinatariu",
@@ -234,8 +241,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Elementu compartíu por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Amosar les opciones de compartición",
"Link to a file" : "Enllaciar a un ficheru",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hebo un error al crear la compartición: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Hebo un error al crear la compartición",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hebo un error al anovar la compartición: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Hebo un error la compartición",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "El camín «{path}» dexó compartise",
@@ -302,6 +307,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos agrupaos",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Namás funciona pa los usuarios con accesu a esta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Namás funciona pa los usuarios con accesu a esti ficheru",
+ "File drop" : "Suelta de ficheros",
"Circle" : "Círculu",
"Update" : "Anovar",
"Share with " : "Compartir con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ast.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ast.json
index 18401927c46..4ba5add1ccb 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ast.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ast.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "L'elementu compartíu ha tener polo menos los permisos READ o CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "L'elementu compartíu ha tener el permisu READ si s'afitaron los permisos UPDATE o DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Nun se pudo unviar la contraseña per Talk pa compartir un ficheru o una carpeta porque esta aplicación nun ta activada.",
+ "Wrong password" : "La contraseña ye incorreuta",
"shared by %s" : "elementu compartíu por %s",
"Download all files" : "Baxar tolos ficheros",
"Direct link" : "Enllaz direutu",
@@ -113,6 +114,17 @@
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Refugar",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a les persones compartir ficheros en Nextcloud. Si s'activa, l'alministración pue escoyer los grupos que pue compartir ficheros. Les persones con permisu puen compartir ficheros y carpetes con otres persones y grupos de Nextclouod. Amás, si l'alministración activa la función de compartir enllaces, puen usase enllaces esternos pa compartir ficheros con otres persones fuera de Nextcloud. L'alministración tamién pue aplicar contraseñes, dates de caducidá y activar l'usu compartíu ente sirvidores pente enllaces d'usu compartíu, amás de l'usu compartíu dende preseos móviles.\nSi se desactiva la función, desaníciense los ficheros y carpetes compartíos del sirvidor pa tolos destinatarios y tamién pa los veceros de sincronización y les aplicaciones pa móviles. Tienes más información disponible na documentación de Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidá",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir l'enllaz",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar nel cartafueyu",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "L'enllaz copióse nel cartafueyu",
+ "Select" : "Seleicionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
+ "Continue" : "Siguir",
+ "Close" : "Zarrar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hebo un error al crear la compartición: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Hebo un error al crear la compartición",
"Sharing" : "Compartición",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceptar elementos compartíos d'otres cuentes y grupos por defeutu",
"Error while toggling options" : "Hebo un error mentanto s'alternaba les opciones",
@@ -147,7 +159,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de caducidá (obligatoria)",
"Enter a date" : "Introduz una data",
"Create share" : "Crear l'elementu compartíu",
- "Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar l'enllaz",
"Generate QR code" : "Xenerar un códigu QR",
"Add another link" : "Amestar otru enllaz",
@@ -157,7 +168,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Unviar l'elementu compartíu per corréu electrónicu ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartir l'enllaz ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartir l'enllaz ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir l'enllaz",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Aiciones pa: {title}",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar l'enllaz públicu de «{title}» nel cartafueyu",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, introduz la contraseña y/o la data de caducidá correutos",
@@ -166,7 +176,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opciones de compartición rápida, la opción seleicionada anguaño ye «selectedOption}»",
"View only" : "Ver namás",
"Can edit" : "Pue editar",
- "File drop" : "Suelta de ficheros",
"Custom permissions" : "Personlizar los permisos",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios del elementu compartíu",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Nun hai nenguna recomendación. Comienza a escribir",
@@ -190,12 +199,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Configuración avanzada",
"Share label" : "Etiqueta d'usu compartíu",
"Set password" : "Afitar la contraseña",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "La contraseña caduca: {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "La contraseña caducó",
"Video verification" : "Verificación per videu",
"Set expiration date" : "Afitar la data de caducidá",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidá",
"Hide download" : "Anubrir la descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir la descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota al destinatariu",
@@ -232,8 +239,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Elementu compartíu por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Amosar les opciones de compartición",
"Link to a file" : "Enllaciar a un ficheru",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hebo un error al crear la compartición: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Hebo un error al crear la compartición",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hebo un error al anovar la compartición: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Hebo un error la compartición",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "El camín «{path}» dexó compartise",
@@ -300,6 +305,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos agrupaos",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Namás funciona pa los usuarios con accesu a esta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Namás funciona pa los usuarios con accesu a esti ficheru",
+ "File drop" : "Suelta de ficheros",
"Circle" : "Círculu",
"Update" : "Anovar",
"Share with " : "Compartir con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/bg.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/bg.js
index cd980df2025..616d6eb21d4 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/bg.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Споделянето трябва да има права поне за ЧЕТЕНЕ или СЪЗДАВАНЕ",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Споделянето трябва да има право за ЧЕТЕНЕ ако е зададено право за ОБНОВЯВАНЕ или за ИЗТРИВАНЕ",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Изпращането на паролата от Nextcloud Talk“ за споделяне на файл или папка не беше успешно, тъй като Nextcloud Talk не е активиран.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Грешна парола",
"shared by %s" : "споделено от %s",
"Download all files" : "Изтегли всички файлове",
"Direct link" : "Директна връзка",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Получихте {share} за група {group} като споделяне от {user}",
"Accept" : "Приемане",
"Decline" : "Отхвърляне",
+ "Expiration date" : "Валидност",
+ "Set a password" : "Задаване на парола",
+ "Password" : "Парола",
+ "Share link" : "Връзка за споделяне",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копиране в клипборда",
+ "Send link via email" : "Сподели връзка с имейл",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Връзката е копирана в клипборда",
+ "Select" : "Избери",
+ "Cancel" : "Отказ",
+ "Continue" : "Продължаване",
+ "Close" : "Затваряне",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето",
"Sharing" : "Споделяне",
"Error while toggling options" : "Грешка при превключване на опциите",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Задаване на папка по подразбиране за приети споделяния",
@@ -142,7 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Дата на изтичане (приложена)",
"Enter a date" : "Въведи дата",
"Create share" : "Създаване на споделяне",
- "Cancel" : "Отказ",
"Add another link" : "Добави още една връзка",
"Create a new share link" : "Създаване на нова връзка за споделяне",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} чрез {initiator}",
@@ -150,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Споделяне на поща ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Споделяне на връзка ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Споделяне на връзка ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Връзка за споделяне",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Действия за „{title}“",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Копиране на публичната връзка на „{title}“ в клипборда",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Грешка, моля да въведете правилната парола и / или срок на годност",
@@ -158,7 +170,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето",
"View only" : "Само изглед",
"Can edit" : "Може да се редактира",
- "File drop" : "Пускане/Преместване/ на файл",
"Custom permissions" : "Персонализиране на права",
"Search for share recipients" : "Търсене на получатели на споделяне",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Няма препоръки. Започнете да пишете.",
@@ -179,12 +190,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow editing" : "Разреши редактиране",
"Advanced settings" : "Допълнителни настройки",
"Share label" : " Споделяне на етикет",
- "Password" : "Парола",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Паролата изтича {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Паролата е изтекла",
"Video verification" : "Видео потвърждение",
"Set expiration date" : "Срок на валидност",
- "Expiration date" : "Валидност",
"Hide download" : "Скрий свалянето",
"Allow download" : "Позволяване на изтегляне/сваляне/",
"Note to recipient" : "Бележка за получателя",
@@ -203,8 +212,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Споделено с Вас от {owner}.",
"Shared" : "Споделен",
"Link to a file" : "Линк към файл",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка приактуализиране на споделянето: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Грешка при актуализиране на споделянето",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Файл „{path}“ не е споделен",
@@ -259,6 +266,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Пакет от права",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Работи само за потребители, които имат достъп до тази папка",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Работи само за потребители, които имат достъп до този файл",
+ "File drop" : "Пускане/Преместване/ на файл",
"Circle" : "Кръг",
"Update" : "Обновяване",
"No other users with access found" : "Няма намерени други потребители с достъп",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/bg.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/bg.json
index 900ebfdd6d5..f0b9926209e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/bg.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Споделянето трябва да има права поне за ЧЕТЕНЕ или СЪЗДАВАНЕ",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Споделянето трябва да има право за ЧЕТЕНЕ ако е зададено право за ОБНОВЯВАНЕ или за ИЗТРИВАНЕ",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Изпращането на паролата от Nextcloud Talk“ за споделяне на файл или папка не беше успешно, тъй като Nextcloud Talk не е активиран.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Грешна парола",
"shared by %s" : "споделено от %s",
"Download all files" : "Изтегли всички файлове",
"Direct link" : "Директна връзка",
@@ -110,6 +111,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Получихте {share} за група {group} като споделяне от {user}",
"Accept" : "Приемане",
"Decline" : "Отхвърляне",
+ "Expiration date" : "Валидност",
+ "Set a password" : "Задаване на парола",
+ "Password" : "Парола",
+ "Share link" : "Връзка за споделяне",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копиране в клипборда",
+ "Send link via email" : "Сподели връзка с имейл",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Връзката е копирана в клипборда",
+ "Select" : "Избери",
+ "Cancel" : "Отказ",
+ "Continue" : "Продължаване",
+ "Close" : "Затваряне",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето",
"Sharing" : "Споделяне",
"Error while toggling options" : "Грешка при превключване на опциите",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Задаване на папка по подразбиране за приети споделяния",
@@ -140,7 +154,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Дата на изтичане (приложена)",
"Enter a date" : "Въведи дата",
"Create share" : "Създаване на споделяне",
- "Cancel" : "Отказ",
"Add another link" : "Добави още една връзка",
"Create a new share link" : "Създаване на нова връзка за споделяне",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} чрез {initiator}",
@@ -148,7 +161,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Споделяне на поща ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Споделяне на връзка ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Споделяне на връзка ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Връзка за споделяне",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Действия за „{title}“",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Копиране на публичната връзка на „{title}“ в клипборда",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Грешка, моля да въведете правилната парола и / или срок на годност",
@@ -156,7 +168,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето",
"View only" : "Само изглед",
"Can edit" : "Може да се редактира",
- "File drop" : "Пускане/Преместване/ на файл",
"Custom permissions" : "Персонализиране на права",
"Search for share recipients" : "Търсене на получатели на споделяне",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Няма препоръки. Започнете да пишете.",
@@ -177,12 +188,10 @@
"Allow editing" : "Разреши редактиране",
"Advanced settings" : "Допълнителни настройки",
"Share label" : " Споделяне на етикет",
- "Password" : "Парола",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Паролата изтича {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Паролата е изтекла",
"Video verification" : "Видео потвърждение",
"Set expiration date" : "Срок на валидност",
- "Expiration date" : "Валидност",
"Hide download" : "Скрий свалянето",
"Allow download" : "Позволяване на изтегляне/сваляне/",
"Note to recipient" : "Бележка за получателя",
@@ -201,8 +210,6 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Споделено с Вас от {owner}.",
"Shared" : "Споделен",
"Link to a file" : "Линк към файл",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при създаване на споделянето",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка приактуализиране на споделянето: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Грешка при актуализиране на споделянето",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Файл „{path}“ не е споделен",
@@ -257,6 +264,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Пакет от права",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Работи само за потребители, които имат достъп до тази папка",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Работи само за потребители, които имат достъп до този файл",
+ "File drop" : "Пускане/Преместване/ на файл",
"Circle" : "Кръг",
"Update" : "Обновяване",
"No other users with access found" : "Няма намерени други потребители с достъп",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.js
index 2a15aabdbc0..e75e45f4772 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "L'element compartit ha de tenir almenys permisos de lectura o creació",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "L'element compartit ha de tenir permís de lectura si s'ha establert permís d'actualització o supressió",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "No s'ha pogut enviar la contrasenya per Converses del Nextcloud per a compartir un fitxer o una carpeta perquè l'aplicació Converses del Nextcloud no està habilitada.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contrasenya incorrecta",
"shared by %s" : "compartit per %s",
"Download all files" : "Baixa tots els fitxers",
"Direct link" : "Enllaç directe",
@@ -115,6 +116,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Accepta",
"Decline" : "Rebutja",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Aquesta aplicació permet a les persones compartir fitxers en el Nextcloud. Si està habilitada, l'administrador pot triar quins grups poden compartir fitxers. Les persones amb permís poden compartir fitxers i carpetes amb altres comptes i grups del Nextcloud. A més, si l'administrador activa la característica de compartir enllaços, es poden utilitzar enllaços externs per a compartir fitxers amb altres comptes fora del Nextcloud. Els administradors també poden aplicar contrasenyes, dates de caducitat i habilitar l'ús compartit entre servidors mitjançant enllaços d'ús compartit, així com l'ús compartit des de dispositius mòbils.\nSi inhabiliteu la característica, se suprimiran els fitxers i les carpetes compartides del servidor per a tots els destinataris i també per als clients de sincronització i les aplicacions per a mòbils. Podeu trobar més informació en la documentació del Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data de caducitat",
+ "Set a password" : "Configura una contrasenya",
+ "Password" : "Contrasenya",
+ "Share link" : "Comparteix un enllaç",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copia-ho al porta-retalls",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Enllaç copiat al porta-retalls",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Tanca",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "S'ha produït un error en crear l'element compartit: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "S'ha produït un error en crear l'element compartit",
"Sharing" : "Ús compartit",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Accepta els elements compartits d'altres comptes i grups per defecte",
"Error while toggling options" : "S'ha produït un error en canviar les opcions",
@@ -149,7 +161,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de venciment (obligatori)",
"Enter a date" : "Introduïu una data",
"Create share" : "Crea l'element compartit",
- "Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
"Customize link" : "Personalitza l'enllaç",
"Generate QR code" : "Genera un codi QR",
"Add another link" : "Afegeix un altre enllaç",
@@ -159,7 +170,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Comparteix per correu ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Comparteix un enllaç ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Comparteix un enllaç ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Comparteix un enllaç",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Accions per a «{title}»",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copia l'enllaç públic de «{title}» al porta-retalls",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "S'ha produït un error, introduïu la contrasenya o la data de caducitat adequada",
@@ -168,7 +178,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opcions ràpides d'ús compartit, l'opció seleccionada actualment és «{selectedOption}»",
"View only" : "Només visualitació",
"Can edit" : "Pot editar",
- "File drop" : "Pujada de fitxers",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalitzats",
"Search for share recipients" : "Cerqueu destinataris de l'element compartit",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No hi ha cap recomanació. Comenceu a escriure.",
@@ -192,12 +201,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Paràmetres avançats",
"Share label" : "Etiqueta d'ús compartit",
"Set password" : "Estableix una contrasenya",
- "Password" : "Contrasenya",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "La contrasenya caduca el {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "La contrasenya ha caducat",
"Video verification" : "Verificació de vídeo",
"Set expiration date" : "Estableix la data de caducitat",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de caducitat",
"Hide download" : "Amaga la baixada",
"Allow download" : "Permet la baixada",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota per al destinatari",
@@ -234,8 +241,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartit per {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostra les opcions d'ús compartit",
"Link to a file" : "Enllaç a un fitxer",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "S'ha produït un error en crear l'element compartit: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "S'ha produït un error en crear l'element compartit",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "S'ha produït un error en actualitzar l'element compartit: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "S'ha produït un error en actualitzar l'element compartit",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "El fitxer «{path}» s'ha deixat de compartir",
@@ -302,6 +307,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos agrupats",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Només funciona per als usuaris amb accés a aquesta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Només funciona per als usuaris amb accés a aquest fitxer",
+ "File drop" : "Pujada de fitxers",
"Circle" : "Cercle",
"Update" : "Actualitza",
"Share with " : "Comparteix amb",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.json
index 7cd8632f60a..fcc7e6d96ce 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ca.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "L'element compartit ha de tenir almenys permisos de lectura o creació",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "L'element compartit ha de tenir permís de lectura si s'ha establert permís d'actualització o supressió",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "No s'ha pogut enviar la contrasenya per Converses del Nextcloud per a compartir un fitxer o una carpeta perquè l'aplicació Converses del Nextcloud no està habilitada.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contrasenya incorrecta",
"shared by %s" : "compartit per %s",
"Download all files" : "Baixa tots els fitxers",
"Direct link" : "Enllaç directe",
@@ -113,6 +114,17 @@
"Accept" : "Accepta",
"Decline" : "Rebutja",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Aquesta aplicació permet a les persones compartir fitxers en el Nextcloud. Si està habilitada, l'administrador pot triar quins grups poden compartir fitxers. Les persones amb permís poden compartir fitxers i carpetes amb altres comptes i grups del Nextcloud. A més, si l'administrador activa la característica de compartir enllaços, es poden utilitzar enllaços externs per a compartir fitxers amb altres comptes fora del Nextcloud. Els administradors també poden aplicar contrasenyes, dates de caducitat i habilitar l'ús compartit entre servidors mitjançant enllaços d'ús compartit, així com l'ús compartit des de dispositius mòbils.\nSi inhabiliteu la característica, se suprimiran els fitxers i les carpetes compartides del servidor per a tots els destinataris i també per als clients de sincronització i les aplicacions per a mòbils. Podeu trobar més informació en la documentació del Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data de caducitat",
+ "Set a password" : "Configura una contrasenya",
+ "Password" : "Contrasenya",
+ "Share link" : "Comparteix un enllaç",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copia-ho al porta-retalls",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Enllaç copiat al porta-retalls",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Tanca",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "S'ha produït un error en crear l'element compartit: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "S'ha produït un error en crear l'element compartit",
"Sharing" : "Ús compartit",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Accepta els elements compartits d'altres comptes i grups per defecte",
"Error while toggling options" : "S'ha produït un error en canviar les opcions",
@@ -147,7 +159,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de venciment (obligatori)",
"Enter a date" : "Introduïu una data",
"Create share" : "Crea l'element compartit",
- "Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
"Customize link" : "Personalitza l'enllaç",
"Generate QR code" : "Genera un codi QR",
"Add another link" : "Afegeix un altre enllaç",
@@ -157,7 +168,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Comparteix per correu ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Comparteix un enllaç ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Comparteix un enllaç ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Comparteix un enllaç",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Accions per a «{title}»",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copia l'enllaç públic de «{title}» al porta-retalls",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "S'ha produït un error, introduïu la contrasenya o la data de caducitat adequada",
@@ -166,7 +176,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opcions ràpides d'ús compartit, l'opció seleccionada actualment és «{selectedOption}»",
"View only" : "Només visualitació",
"Can edit" : "Pot editar",
- "File drop" : "Pujada de fitxers",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalitzats",
"Search for share recipients" : "Cerqueu destinataris de l'element compartit",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No hi ha cap recomanació. Comenceu a escriure.",
@@ -190,12 +199,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Paràmetres avançats",
"Share label" : "Etiqueta d'ús compartit",
"Set password" : "Estableix una contrasenya",
- "Password" : "Contrasenya",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "La contrasenya caduca el {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "La contrasenya ha caducat",
"Video verification" : "Verificació de vídeo",
"Set expiration date" : "Estableix la data de caducitat",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de caducitat",
"Hide download" : "Amaga la baixada",
"Allow download" : "Permet la baixada",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota per al destinatari",
@@ -232,8 +239,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartit per {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostra les opcions d'ús compartit",
"Link to a file" : "Enllaç a un fitxer",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "S'ha produït un error en crear l'element compartit: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "S'ha produït un error en crear l'element compartit",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "S'ha produït un error en actualitzar l'element compartit: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "S'ha produït un error en actualitzar l'element compartit",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "El fitxer «{path}» s'ha deixat de compartir",
@@ -300,6 +305,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos agrupats",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Només funciona per als usuaris amb accés a aquesta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Només funciona per als usuaris amb accés a aquest fitxer",
+ "File drop" : "Pujada de fitxers",
"Circle" : "Cercle",
"Update" : "Actualitza",
"Share with " : "Comparteix amb",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.js
index 4a7f5c1c7a7..9e98733e8ba 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Je třeba, aby sdílení mělo alespoň oprávnění pro ČÍST nebo VYTVÁŘET",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Pokud je nastaveno oprávnění AKTUALIZOVAT nebo MAZAT je třeba, aby sdílení mělo oprávnění ČÍST",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Zaslání hesla prostřednictvím Nextcloud Talk“ pro sdílení souboru či složky se nezdařilo protože Nextcloud Talk není zapnuté.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Nesprávné heslo",
"shared by %s" : "sdílí %s",
"Download all files" : "Stáhnout všechny soubory",
"Direct link" : "Přímý odkaz",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Obdrželi jste {share} do skupiny {group} jako sdílení od {user}",
"Accept" : "Přijmout",
"Decline" : "Odmítnout",
+ "Expiration date" : "Datum skončení platnosti",
+ "Set a password" : "Nastavit heslo",
+ "Password" : "Heslo",
+ "Share link" : "Odkaz pro sdílení",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Zkopírovat do schránky",
+ "Send link via email" : "Odeslat odkaz přes email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Odkaz zkopírován do schánky",
+ "Select" : "Vybrat",
+ "Cancel" : "Storno",
+ "Continue" : "Pokračovat",
+ "Close" : "Zavřít",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení",
"Sharing" : "Sdílení",
"Error while toggling options" : "Chyba při přepínání voleb",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastavit výchozí složku pro přijatá sdílení",
@@ -143,7 +157,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Datum skončení platnosti (vynuceno)",
"Enter a date" : "Zadejte datum",
"Create share" : "Vytvořit sdílení",
- "Cancel" : "Storno",
"Customize link" : "Přizpůsobit odkaz",
"Add another link" : "Přidat další odkaz",
"Create a new share link" : "Vytvořit nový odkaz pro sdílení",
@@ -152,7 +165,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Sdílení e-mailem ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Odkaz na sdílení ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Odkaz na sdílení ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Odkaz pro sdílení",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Akce pro „{title}",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Zkopírovat veřejný odkaz na „{title}“ do schránky",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Chyba – zadejte správné heslo a/nebo datum skončení platnosti",
@@ -160,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení",
"View only" : "Pouze prohlížet",
"Can edit" : "Může upravovat",
- "File drop" : "Předání souboru",
"Custom permissions" : "Uživatelsky určená oprávnění",
"Search for share recipients" : "Vyhledat příjemce sdílení",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Žádná doporučení. Pište",
@@ -183,12 +194,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Pokročilá nastavení",
"Share label" : "Štítek sdílení",
"Set password" : "Nastavit heslo",
- "Password" : "Heslo",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Platnost hesla skončí {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Platnost hesla skončila",
"Video verification" : "Ověřování pomocí videa",
"Set expiration date" : "Nastavit datum skončení platnosti",
- "Expiration date" : "Datum skončení platnosti",
"Hide download" : "Skrýt stahování",
"Allow download" : "Umožnit stahování",
"Note to recipient" : "Poznámka pro příjemce",
@@ -222,8 +231,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Nasdílel(a) {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Zobrazit předvolby pro sdílení",
"Link to a file" : "Odkaz na soubor",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba při aktualizaci sdílení: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Chyba při aktualizaci sdílení",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Sdílení souboru „{path}“ bylo zrušeno",
@@ -290,6 +297,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Předvolená oprávnění",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funguje pouze pro uživatele, kteří mají přístup k této složce",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funguje pouze pro uživatele, kteří mají přístup k tomuto souboru",
+ "File drop" : "Předání souboru",
"Circle" : "Okruh",
"Update" : "Aktualizovat",
"Share with " : "Sdílet s",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.json
index a4c55628fbc..e30c0e20ef1 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Je třeba, aby sdílení mělo alespoň oprávnění pro ČÍST nebo VYTVÁŘET",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Pokud je nastaveno oprávnění AKTUALIZOVAT nebo MAZAT je třeba, aby sdílení mělo oprávnění ČÍST",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Zaslání hesla prostřednictvím Nextcloud Talk“ pro sdílení souboru či složky se nezdařilo protože Nextcloud Talk není zapnuté.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Nesprávné heslo",
"shared by %s" : "sdílí %s",
"Download all files" : "Stáhnout všechny soubory",
"Direct link" : "Přímý odkaz",
@@ -110,6 +111,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Obdrželi jste {share} do skupiny {group} jako sdílení od {user}",
"Accept" : "Přijmout",
"Decline" : "Odmítnout",
+ "Expiration date" : "Datum skončení platnosti",
+ "Set a password" : "Nastavit heslo",
+ "Password" : "Heslo",
+ "Share link" : "Odkaz pro sdílení",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Zkopírovat do schránky",
+ "Send link via email" : "Odeslat odkaz přes email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Odkaz zkopírován do schánky",
+ "Select" : "Vybrat",
+ "Cancel" : "Storno",
+ "Continue" : "Pokračovat",
+ "Close" : "Zavřít",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení",
"Sharing" : "Sdílení",
"Error while toggling options" : "Chyba při přepínání voleb",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastavit výchozí složku pro přijatá sdílení",
@@ -141,7 +155,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Datum skončení platnosti (vynuceno)",
"Enter a date" : "Zadejte datum",
"Create share" : "Vytvořit sdílení",
- "Cancel" : "Storno",
"Customize link" : "Přizpůsobit odkaz",
"Add another link" : "Přidat další odkaz",
"Create a new share link" : "Vytvořit nový odkaz pro sdílení",
@@ -150,7 +163,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Sdílení e-mailem ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Odkaz na sdílení ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Odkaz na sdílení ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Odkaz pro sdílení",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Akce pro „{title}",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Zkopírovat veřejný odkaz na „{title}“ do schránky",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Chyba – zadejte správné heslo a/nebo datum skončení platnosti",
@@ -158,7 +170,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení",
"View only" : "Pouze prohlížet",
"Can edit" : "Může upravovat",
- "File drop" : "Předání souboru",
"Custom permissions" : "Uživatelsky určená oprávnění",
"Search for share recipients" : "Vyhledat příjemce sdílení",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Žádná doporučení. Pište",
@@ -181,12 +192,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Pokročilá nastavení",
"Share label" : "Štítek sdílení",
"Set password" : "Nastavit heslo",
- "Password" : "Heslo",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Platnost hesla skončí {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Platnost hesla skončila",
"Video verification" : "Ověřování pomocí videa",
"Set expiration date" : "Nastavit datum skončení platnosti",
- "Expiration date" : "Datum skončení platnosti",
"Hide download" : "Skrýt stahování",
"Allow download" : "Umožnit stahování",
"Note to recipient" : "Poznámka pro příjemce",
@@ -220,8 +229,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Nasdílel(a) {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Zobrazit předvolby pro sdílení",
"Link to a file" : "Odkaz na soubor",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Chyba při vytváření sdílení",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba při aktualizaci sdílení: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Chyba při aktualizaci sdílení",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Sdílení souboru „{path}“ bylo zrušeno",
@@ -288,6 +295,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Předvolená oprávnění",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funguje pouze pro uživatele, kteří mají přístup k této složce",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funguje pouze pro uživatele, kteří mají přístup k tomuto souboru",
+ "File drop" : "Předání souboru",
"Circle" : "Okruh",
"Update" : "Aktualizovat",
"Share with " : "Sdílet s",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/da.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/da.js
index 089e92f2e0a..9168274dc92 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/da.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/da.js
@@ -99,12 +99,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not lock node" : "Kunne ikke låse node",
"Could not lock path" : "Stien kunne ikke låses",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Forkert eller manglende opdateringsparameter",
+ "Wrong password" : "Forkert adgangskode",
"shared by %s" : "delt af %s",
"Direct link" : "Direkte link",
"Share API is disabled" : "Delings-API er slået fra",
"File sharing" : "Fildeling",
"Accept" : "Accepter",
"Decline" : "Afvis",
+ "Expiration date" : "Udløbsdato",
+ "Set a password" : "Indstil en adgangskode",
+ "Password" : "Kodeord",
+ "Share link" : "Del link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopier til udklipsholder",
+ "Send link via email" : "Send link via e-mail",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link kopieret til udklipsholder",
+ "Select" : "Vælg",
+ "Cancel" : "Annullér",
+ "Continue" : "Videre",
+ "Close" : "Luk",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Fejl ved skabelse af delt drev",
"Sharing" : "Deling",
"Reset" : "Nulstil",
"Invalid path selected" : "Ugyldig sti valgt.",
@@ -121,13 +134,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password protection" : "Adgangskodebeskyttelse",
"Enter a password" : "Indtast en adgangskode",
"Enter a date" : "Indtast en dato",
- "Cancel" : "Annullér",
"Add another link" : "Tilføj et link mere",
"Create a new share link" : "Opret et nyt delingslink",
- "Share link" : "Del link",
"View only" : "Kun visning",
"Can edit" : "Kan redigere",
- "File drop" : "Fil drop",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ingen anbefalinger. Begynd at skrive.",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Gendeling er ikke tilladt",
"Searching …" : "Søger ...",
@@ -140,9 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow editing" : "Tillad redigering",
"Advanced settings" : "Avancerede indstillinger",
"Set password" : "Sæt password",
- "Password" : "Kodeord",
"Set expiration date" : "Angiv udløbsdato",
- "Expiration date" : "Udløbsdato",
"Hide download" : "Skjul download",
"Note to recipient" : "Note til modtager",
"Read" : "Læst",
@@ -155,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Delt med dig {owner}",
"Open in Files" : "Vis i filer",
"Shared" : "Delt",
- "Error creating the share" : "Fejl ved skabelse af delt drev",
"Shared by" : "Delt af",
"Shared with" : "Delt med",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Delt med dig og grupp {group} af {owner}",
@@ -198,6 +205,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Upload" : "Send",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Virker kun for brugere med adgang til denne folder",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Virker kun for brugere med adgang til denne fil",
+ "File drop" : "Fil drop",
"Circle" : "Cirkel",
"Update" : "Opdatér",
"Share with " : "Del med",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/da.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/da.json
index f70529b9657..d99ae7aa50e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/da.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/da.json
@@ -97,12 +97,25 @@
"Could not lock node" : "Kunne ikke låse node",
"Could not lock path" : "Stien kunne ikke låses",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Forkert eller manglende opdateringsparameter",
+ "Wrong password" : "Forkert adgangskode",
"shared by %s" : "delt af %s",
"Direct link" : "Direkte link",
"Share API is disabled" : "Delings-API er slået fra",
"File sharing" : "Fildeling",
"Accept" : "Accepter",
"Decline" : "Afvis",
+ "Expiration date" : "Udløbsdato",
+ "Set a password" : "Indstil en adgangskode",
+ "Password" : "Kodeord",
+ "Share link" : "Del link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopier til udklipsholder",
+ "Send link via email" : "Send link via e-mail",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link kopieret til udklipsholder",
+ "Select" : "Vælg",
+ "Cancel" : "Annullér",
+ "Continue" : "Videre",
+ "Close" : "Luk",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Fejl ved skabelse af delt drev",
"Sharing" : "Deling",
"Reset" : "Nulstil",
"Invalid path selected" : "Ugyldig sti valgt.",
@@ -119,13 +132,10 @@
"Password protection" : "Adgangskodebeskyttelse",
"Enter a password" : "Indtast en adgangskode",
"Enter a date" : "Indtast en dato",
- "Cancel" : "Annullér",
"Add another link" : "Tilføj et link mere",
"Create a new share link" : "Opret et nyt delingslink",
- "Share link" : "Del link",
"View only" : "Kun visning",
"Can edit" : "Kan redigere",
- "File drop" : "Fil drop",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ingen anbefalinger. Begynd at skrive.",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Gendeling er ikke tilladt",
"Searching …" : "Søger ...",
@@ -138,9 +148,7 @@
"Allow editing" : "Tillad redigering",
"Advanced settings" : "Avancerede indstillinger",
"Set password" : "Sæt password",
- "Password" : "Kodeord",
"Set expiration date" : "Angiv udløbsdato",
- "Expiration date" : "Udløbsdato",
"Hide download" : "Skjul download",
"Note to recipient" : "Note til modtager",
"Read" : "Læst",
@@ -153,7 +161,6 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Delt med dig {owner}",
"Open in Files" : "Vis i filer",
"Shared" : "Delt",
- "Error creating the share" : "Fejl ved skabelse af delt drev",
"Shared by" : "Delt af",
"Shared with" : "Delt med",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Delt med dig og grupp {group} af {owner}",
@@ -196,6 +203,7 @@
"Upload" : "Send",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Virker kun for brugere med adgang til denne folder",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Virker kun for brugere med adgang til denne fil",
+ "File drop" : "Fil drop",
"Circle" : "Cirkel",
"Update" : "Opdatér",
"Share with " : "Del med",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
index f5d8ff0fca3..39d49cbaaf6 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Freigabe muss mindestens Lese- oder Erstell-Rechte haben",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Die Freigabe muss das Recht Lesen haben, wenn das Recht für Aktualisieren oder Löschen gesetzt ist",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Senden des Passwortes über Nextcloud Talk\" zum Teilen einer Datei gescheitert, da Nextcloud Talk nicht verfügbar ist.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Falsches Passwort",
"shared by %s" : "von %s geteilt",
"Download all files" : "Alle Dateien herunterladen",
"Direct link" : "Direkter Link",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Du hast {share} zur Gruppe {group} als Freigabe von {user} empfangen",
"Accept" : "Akzeptieren",
"Decline" : "Ablehnen",
+ "Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
+ "Set a password" : "Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).",
+ "Password" : "Passwort",
+ "Share link" : "Link teilen",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
+ "Send link via email" : "Link als E-Mail verschicken",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
+ "Select" : "Auswählen",
+ "Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
+ "Close" : "Schließen",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"Sharing" : "Teilen",
"Error while toggling options" : "Fehler beim Umschalten der Optionen",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Standardordner für akzeptierte Freigaben wählen",
@@ -145,7 +159,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Ablaufdatum (erzwungen)",
"Enter a date" : "Datum eingeben",
"Create share" : "Freigabe erstellen",
- "Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Customize link" : "Freigabelink anpassen",
"Add another link" : "Weiteren Link hinzufügen",
"Create a new share link" : "Neuen Freigabe-Link erstellen",
@@ -154,7 +167,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail teilen ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Link teilen ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Link teilen ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Link teilen",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Aktionen für \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Öffentlichen Link von \"{title}\" in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Fehler. Bitte gib das richtige Passwort und/oder Ablaufdatum ein.",
@@ -162,7 +174,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"View only" : "Nur anzeigen",
"Can edit" : "Kann bearbeiten",
- "File drop" : "Dateiablage",
"Custom permissions" : "Benutzerdefinierte Berechtigungen",
"Search for share recipients" : "Nach Freigabe-Empfängern suchen",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Keine Empfehlungen. Beginne mit der Eingabe.",
@@ -185,12 +196,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Set password" : "Passwort setzen",
- "Password" : "Passwort",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Passwort läuft um {passwordExpirationTime} ab",
"Password expired" : "Passwort abgelaufen",
"Video verification" : "Videoüberprüfung",
"Set expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum setzen",
- "Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
"Hide download" : "Download verbergen",
"Allow download" : "Download erlauben",
"Note to recipient" : "Notiz an Empfänger",
@@ -218,8 +227,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Geteilt von {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Freigabeoptionen anzeigen",
"Link to a file" : "Mit einer Datei verknüpfen",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Freigabe",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Freigabe für die Datei \"{path}\" wurde entfernt.",
@@ -286,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Gebündelte Berechtigungen",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diesen Ordner haben",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diese Datei haben",
+ "File drop" : "Dateiablage",
"Circle" : "Kreis",
"Update" : "Aktualisieren",
"Share with " : "Teilen mit",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
index e89f7fb9c9d..37503c5fb64 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Freigabe muss mindestens Lese- oder Erstell-Rechte haben",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Die Freigabe muss das Recht Lesen haben, wenn das Recht für Aktualisieren oder Löschen gesetzt ist",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Senden des Passwortes über Nextcloud Talk\" zum Teilen einer Datei gescheitert, da Nextcloud Talk nicht verfügbar ist.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Falsches Passwort",
"shared by %s" : "von %s geteilt",
"Download all files" : "Alle Dateien herunterladen",
"Direct link" : "Direkter Link",
@@ -110,6 +111,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Du hast {share} zur Gruppe {group} als Freigabe von {user} empfangen",
"Accept" : "Akzeptieren",
"Decline" : "Ablehnen",
+ "Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
+ "Set a password" : "Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).",
+ "Password" : "Passwort",
+ "Share link" : "Link teilen",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
+ "Send link via email" : "Link als E-Mail verschicken",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
+ "Select" : "Auswählen",
+ "Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
+ "Close" : "Schließen",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"Sharing" : "Teilen",
"Error while toggling options" : "Fehler beim Umschalten der Optionen",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Standardordner für akzeptierte Freigaben wählen",
@@ -143,7 +157,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Ablaufdatum (erzwungen)",
"Enter a date" : "Datum eingeben",
"Create share" : "Freigabe erstellen",
- "Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Customize link" : "Freigabelink anpassen",
"Add another link" : "Weiteren Link hinzufügen",
"Create a new share link" : "Neuen Freigabe-Link erstellen",
@@ -152,7 +165,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail teilen ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Link teilen ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Link teilen ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Link teilen",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Aktionen für \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Öffentlichen Link von \"{title}\" in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Fehler. Bitte gib das richtige Passwort und/oder Ablaufdatum ein.",
@@ -160,7 +172,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"View only" : "Nur anzeigen",
"Can edit" : "Kann bearbeiten",
- "File drop" : "Dateiablage",
"Custom permissions" : "Benutzerdefinierte Berechtigungen",
"Search for share recipients" : "Nach Freigabe-Empfängern suchen",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Keine Empfehlungen. Beginne mit der Eingabe.",
@@ -183,12 +194,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Set password" : "Passwort setzen",
- "Password" : "Passwort",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Passwort läuft um {passwordExpirationTime} ab",
"Password expired" : "Passwort abgelaufen",
"Video verification" : "Videoüberprüfung",
"Set expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum setzen",
- "Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
"Hide download" : "Download verbergen",
"Allow download" : "Download erlauben",
"Note to recipient" : "Notiz an Empfänger",
@@ -216,8 +225,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Geteilt von {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Freigabeoptionen anzeigen",
"Link to a file" : "Mit einer Datei verknüpfen",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Freigabe",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Freigabe für die Datei \"{path}\" wurde entfernt.",
@@ -284,6 +291,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Gebündelte Berechtigungen",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diesen Ordner haben",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diese Datei haben",
+ "File drop" : "Dateiablage",
"Circle" : "Kreis",
"Update" : "Aktualisieren",
"Share with " : "Teilen mit",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
index e5819d62496..ce3f249c0ee 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Freigabe muss mindestens LESEN- oder ERSTELLEN-Rechte haben",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Die Freigabe muss das Recht LESEN haben, wenn das Recht AKTUALISIEREN oder LÖSCHEN gesetzt ist",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Senden des Passwortes über Nextcloud Talk\" zum Teilen einer Datei gescheitert, da Nextcloud Talk nicht verfügbar ist.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Falsches Passwort",
"shared by %s" : "von %s geteilt",
"Download all files" : "Alle Dateien herunterladen",
"Direct link" : "Direkter Link",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Akzeptieren",
"Decline" : "Ablehnen",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Personen, Dateien innerhalb von Nextcloud zu teilen. Wenn aktiviert, kann die Administration wählen, welche Gruppen Dateien teilen können. Die entsprechenden Personen können dann Dateien und Ordner mit anderen Personen und Gruppen innerhalb von Nextcloud teilen. Wenn der Administrator die Funktion zum Teilen von Links aktiviert, kann ein externer Link verwendet werden, um Dateien mit anderen Personen außerhalb von Nextcloud zu teilen. Administratoren können auch Passwörter und Ablaufdaten erzwingen und die Freigabe von Server zu Server über Freigabelinks sowie die Freigabe von mobilen Geräten aus aktivieren.\nWenn Sie die Funktion deaktivieren, werden freigegebene Dateien und Ordner auf dem Server für alle Freigabeempfänger und auch auf den Sync-Clients und mobilen Apps entfernt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Nextcloud-Dokumentation.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
+ "Set a password" : "Passwort setzen",
+ "Password" : "Passwort",
+ "Share link" : "Link teilen",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
+ "Send link via email" : "Link als E-Mail verschicken",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
+ "Select" : "Auswählen",
+ "Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
+ "Close" : "Schließen",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"Sharing" : "Teilen",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Freigaben von anderen Konten und Gruppen standardmäßig annehmen",
"Error while toggling options" : "Fehler beim Umschalten der Optionen",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Ablaufdatum (erzwungen)",
"Enter a date" : "Datum eingeben",
"Create share" : "Freigabe erstellen",
- "Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Customize link" : "Link anpassen",
"Generate QR code" : "QR-Code erzeugen",
"Add another link" : "Weiteren Link hinzufügen",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail-Freigabe ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Link teilen ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Link teilen ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Link teilen",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Aktionen für \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Öffentlichen Link von \"{title}\" in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Fehler. Bitte gebe das richtige Passwort und/oder Ablaufdatum ein",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Schnelle Freigabeoptionen, aktuell ausgewählt ist \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Nur anzeigen",
"Can edit" : "Kann bearbeiten",
- "File drop" : "Dateiablage",
"Custom permissions" : "Benutzerdefinierte Berechtigungen",
"Search for share recipients" : "Nach Freigabeempfängern suchen",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Keine Empfehlungen. Beginnen Sie mit der Eingabe.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Set password" : "Passwort festlegen",
- "Password" : "Passwort",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Passwort läuft ab um {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Passwort abgelaufen",
"Video verification" : "Videoüberprüfung",
"Set expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum setzen",
- "Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
"Hide download" : "Download verbergen",
"Allow download" : "Download erlauben",
"Note to recipient" : "Notiz an Empfänger",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Geteilt von {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Freigabeoptionen anzeigen",
"Link to a file" : "Mit einer Datei verknüpfen",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Freigabe",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Freigabe für die Datei \"{path}\" wurde entfernt",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Gebündelte Berechtigungen",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diesen Ordner haben",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diese Datei haben",
+ "File drop" : "Dateiablage",
"Circle" : "Kreis",
"Update" : "Aktualisieren",
"Share with " : "Teilen mit ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
index 892b55e3992..fcbf5c8da2e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Freigabe muss mindestens LESEN- oder ERSTELLEN-Rechte haben",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Die Freigabe muss das Recht LESEN haben, wenn das Recht AKTUALISIEREN oder LÖSCHEN gesetzt ist",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Senden des Passwortes über Nextcloud Talk\" zum Teilen einer Datei gescheitert, da Nextcloud Talk nicht verfügbar ist.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Falsches Passwort",
"shared by %s" : "von %s geteilt",
"Download all files" : "Alle Dateien herunterladen",
"Direct link" : "Direkter Link",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Akzeptieren",
"Decline" : "Ablehnen",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Diese App ermöglicht es Personen, Dateien innerhalb von Nextcloud zu teilen. Wenn aktiviert, kann die Administration wählen, welche Gruppen Dateien teilen können. Die entsprechenden Personen können dann Dateien und Ordner mit anderen Personen und Gruppen innerhalb von Nextcloud teilen. Wenn der Administrator die Funktion zum Teilen von Links aktiviert, kann ein externer Link verwendet werden, um Dateien mit anderen Personen außerhalb von Nextcloud zu teilen. Administratoren können auch Passwörter und Ablaufdaten erzwingen und die Freigabe von Server zu Server über Freigabelinks sowie die Freigabe von mobilen Geräten aus aktivieren.\nWenn Sie die Funktion deaktivieren, werden freigegebene Dateien und Ordner auf dem Server für alle Freigabeempfänger und auch auf den Sync-Clients und mobilen Apps entfernt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Nextcloud-Dokumentation.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
+ "Set a password" : "Passwort setzen",
+ "Password" : "Passwort",
+ "Share link" : "Link teilen",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
+ "Send link via email" : "Link als E-Mail verschicken",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
+ "Select" : "Auswählen",
+ "Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
+ "Close" : "Schließen",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"Sharing" : "Teilen",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Freigaben von anderen Konten und Gruppen standardmäßig annehmen",
"Error while toggling options" : "Fehler beim Umschalten der Optionen",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Ablaufdatum (erzwungen)",
"Enter a date" : "Datum eingeben",
"Create share" : "Freigabe erstellen",
- "Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Customize link" : "Link anpassen",
"Generate QR code" : "QR-Code erzeugen",
"Add another link" : "Weiteren Link hinzufügen",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail-Freigabe ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Link teilen ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Link teilen ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Link teilen",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Aktionen für \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Öffentlichen Link von \"{title}\" in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Fehler. Bitte gebe das richtige Passwort und/oder Ablaufdatum ein",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Schnelle Freigabeoptionen, aktuell ausgewählt ist \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Nur anzeigen",
"Can edit" : "Kann bearbeiten",
- "File drop" : "Dateiablage",
"Custom permissions" : "Benutzerdefinierte Berechtigungen",
"Search for share recipients" : "Nach Freigabeempfängern suchen",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Keine Empfehlungen. Beginnen Sie mit der Eingabe.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Set password" : "Passwort festlegen",
- "Password" : "Passwort",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Passwort läuft ab um {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Passwort abgelaufen",
"Video verification" : "Videoüberprüfung",
"Set expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum setzen",
- "Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
"Hide download" : "Download verbergen",
"Allow download" : "Download erlauben",
"Note to recipient" : "Notiz an Empfänger",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Geteilt von {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Freigabeoptionen anzeigen",
"Link to a file" : "Mit einer Datei verknüpfen",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Freigabe",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Freigabe für die Datei \"{path}\" wurde entfernt",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Gebündelte Berechtigungen",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diesen Ordner haben",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diese Datei haben",
+ "File drop" : "Dateiablage",
"Circle" : "Kreis",
"Update" : "Aktualisieren",
"Share with " : "Teilen mit ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.js
index 45820a44b64..cc1d7b6b57e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.js
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Λάθος ή καμία παράμετρος αναβάθμισης δεν δόθηκε",
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Το κοινόχρηστο πρέπει να έχει τουλάχιστον άδεια για ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΗ ή ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΑ",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Το κοινόχρηστο πρέπει να έχει άδεια ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΗ αν οριστεί άδεια ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ ή ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΗ",
+ "Wrong password" : "Λάθος κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"shared by %s" : "Διαμοιράστηκε από 1 %s",
"Download all files" : "Λήψη όλων των αρχείων",
"Direct link" : "Άμεσος σύνδεσμος",
@@ -109,6 +110,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Λάβατε το {share} ομάδας {group} ως κοινή χρήση από τον {user}",
"Accept" : "Αποδοχή",
"Decline" : "Απόρριψη",
+ "Expiration date" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
+ "Set a password" : "Ορισμός συνθηματικού",
+ "Password" : "Συνθηματικό",
+ "Share link" : "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο",
+ "Send link via email" : "Αποστολή συνδέσμου μέσω email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Ο σύνδεσμος αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο",
+ "Select" : "Επιλογή",
+ "Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
+ "Continue" : "Συνεχίστε",
+ "Close" : "Κλείσιμο",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία της κοινής χρήσης: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Σφάλμα κατά την δημιουργία κοινόχρηστου",
"Sharing" : "Διαμοιρασμός",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Αποδοχή κοινόχρηστων από άλλους λογαριασμούς και ομάδες από προεπιλογή",
"Error while toggling options" : "Σφάλμα κατά την εναλλαγή επιλογών",
@@ -142,7 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης (υποχρεωτικά)",
"Enter a date" : "Προσθέστε ημερομηνία",
"Create share" : "Δημιουργήστε κοινή χρήση",
- "Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
"Customize link" : "Προσαρμογή συνδέσμου",
"Generate QR code" : "Δημιουργία QR code",
"Add another link" : "Προσθήκη άλλου συνδέσμου",
@@ -150,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} από {initiator}",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε μέσω συνδέσμου {initiator}",
"Share link ({label})" : "Σύνδεσμος κοινής χρήσης ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Ενέργειες για \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Αντιγραφή του δημόσιου συνδέσμου \"{title}\" στο πρόχειρο",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Σφάλμα, παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον σωστό κωδικό πρόσβασης και/ή ημερομηνία λήξης",
@@ -158,7 +170,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία κοινόχρηστου",
"View only" : "Μόνο για προβολή",
"Can edit" : "Δυνατότητα επεξεργασίας",
- "File drop" : "Απόθεση αρχείου",
"Custom permissions" : "Προσαρμοσμένα δικαιώματα",
"Search for share recipients" : "Αναζήτηση για παραλήπτες διαμοιρασμού",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Δεν υπάρχουν συστάσεις. Αρχίστε να πληκτρολογείτε.",
@@ -179,11 +190,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους",
"Share label" : "Ετικέτα διαμοιρασμού",
"Set password" : "Ορισμός κωδικού πρόσβασης",
- "Password" : "Συνθηματικό",
"Password expired" : "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης έληξε",
"Video verification" : "Επαλήθευση βίντεο",
"Set expiration date" : "Ορισμός ημερομηνίας λήξης",
- "Expiration date" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
"Hide download" : "Απόκρυψη λήψης",
"Allow download" : "Να επιτρέπεται η λήψη",
"Note to recipient" : "Σημείωση προς τον παραλήπτη",
@@ -213,8 +222,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared" : "Κοινόχρηστα",
"Show sharing options" : "Εμφάνιση επιλογών κοινής χρήσης",
"Link to a file" : "Σύνδεσμος σε αρχείο",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία της κοινής χρήσης: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Σφάλμα κατά την δημιουργία κοινόχρηστου",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία της κοινής χρήσης: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Σφάλμα κατά την ενημέρωση του κοινόχρηστου",
"Shared by" : "Διαμοιράστηκε από",
@@ -276,6 +283,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Ομαδοποιημένα δικαιώματα",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Δουλεύει μόνο για χρήστες με πρόσβαση σε αυτό το φάκελο",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Δουλεύει μόνο για χρήστες με πρόσβαση στο αρχείο",
+ "File drop" : "Απόθεση αρχείου",
"Circle" : "Κύκλος",
"Update" : "Ενημέρωση",
"Share with " : "Κοινή χρήση με",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.json
index 4457f5b3d77..78a50f24be3 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.json
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Λάθος ή καμία παράμετρος αναβάθμισης δεν δόθηκε",
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Το κοινόχρηστο πρέπει να έχει τουλάχιστον άδεια για ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΗ ή ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΑ",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Το κοινόχρηστο πρέπει να έχει άδεια ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΗ αν οριστεί άδεια ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ ή ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΗ",
+ "Wrong password" : "Λάθος κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"shared by %s" : "Διαμοιράστηκε από 1 %s",
"Download all files" : "Λήψη όλων των αρχείων",
"Direct link" : "Άμεσος σύνδεσμος",
@@ -107,6 +108,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Λάβατε το {share} ομάδας {group} ως κοινή χρήση από τον {user}",
"Accept" : "Αποδοχή",
"Decline" : "Απόρριψη",
+ "Expiration date" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
+ "Set a password" : "Ορισμός συνθηματικού",
+ "Password" : "Συνθηματικό",
+ "Share link" : "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο",
+ "Send link via email" : "Αποστολή συνδέσμου μέσω email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Ο σύνδεσμος αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο",
+ "Select" : "Επιλογή",
+ "Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
+ "Continue" : "Συνεχίστε",
+ "Close" : "Κλείσιμο",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία της κοινής χρήσης: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Σφάλμα κατά την δημιουργία κοινόχρηστου",
"Sharing" : "Διαμοιρασμός",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Αποδοχή κοινόχρηστων από άλλους λογαριασμούς και ομάδες από προεπιλογή",
"Error while toggling options" : "Σφάλμα κατά την εναλλαγή επιλογών",
@@ -140,7 +154,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης (υποχρεωτικά)",
"Enter a date" : "Προσθέστε ημερομηνία",
"Create share" : "Δημιουργήστε κοινή χρήση",
- "Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
"Customize link" : "Προσαρμογή συνδέσμου",
"Generate QR code" : "Δημιουργία QR code",
"Add another link" : "Προσθήκη άλλου συνδέσμου",
@@ -148,7 +161,6 @@
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} από {initiator}",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε μέσω συνδέσμου {initiator}",
"Share link ({label})" : "Σύνδεσμος κοινής χρήσης ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Ενέργειες για \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Αντιγραφή του δημόσιου συνδέσμου \"{title}\" στο πρόχειρο",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Σφάλμα, παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον σωστό κωδικό πρόσβασης και/ή ημερομηνία λήξης",
@@ -156,7 +168,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία κοινόχρηστου",
"View only" : "Μόνο για προβολή",
"Can edit" : "Δυνατότητα επεξεργασίας",
- "File drop" : "Απόθεση αρχείου",
"Custom permissions" : "Προσαρμοσμένα δικαιώματα",
"Search for share recipients" : "Αναζήτηση για παραλήπτες διαμοιρασμού",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Δεν υπάρχουν συστάσεις. Αρχίστε να πληκτρολογείτε.",
@@ -177,11 +188,9 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους",
"Share label" : "Ετικέτα διαμοιρασμού",
"Set password" : "Ορισμός κωδικού πρόσβασης",
- "Password" : "Συνθηματικό",
"Password expired" : "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης έληξε",
"Video verification" : "Επαλήθευση βίντεο",
"Set expiration date" : "Ορισμός ημερομηνίας λήξης",
- "Expiration date" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
"Hide download" : "Απόκρυψη λήψης",
"Allow download" : "Να επιτρέπεται η λήψη",
"Note to recipient" : "Σημείωση προς τον παραλήπτη",
@@ -211,8 +220,6 @@
"Shared" : "Κοινόχρηστα",
"Show sharing options" : "Εμφάνιση επιλογών κοινής χρήσης",
"Link to a file" : "Σύνδεσμος σε αρχείο",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία της κοινής χρήσης: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Σφάλμα κατά την δημιουργία κοινόχρηστου",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία της κοινής χρήσης: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Σφάλμα κατά την ενημέρωση του κοινόχρηστου",
"Shared by" : "Διαμοιράστηκε από",
@@ -274,6 +281,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Ομαδοποιημένα δικαιώματα",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Δουλεύει μόνο για χρήστες με πρόσβαση σε αυτό το φάκελο",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Δουλεύει μόνο για χρήστες με πρόσβαση στο αρχείο",
+ "File drop" : "Απόθεση αρχείου",
"Circle" : "Κύκλος",
"Update" : "Ενημέρωση",
"Share with " : "Κοινή χρήση με",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.js
index bb3e48f901b..03e8fd90aee 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Incorrect password",
"shared by %s" : "shared by %s",
"Download all files" : "Download all files",
"Direct link" : "Direct link",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Accept",
"Decline" : "Decline",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
+ "Set a password" : "Set a password",
+ "Password" : "Password",
+ "Share link" : "Share link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copy to clipboard",
+ "Send link via email" : "Send link via email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link copied to clipboard",
+ "Select" : "Select",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancel",
+ "Continue" : "Continue",
+ "Close" : "Close",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error creating the share",
"Sharing" : "Sharing",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error while toggling options",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Expiration date (enforced)",
"Enter a date" : "Enter a date",
"Create share" : "Create share",
- "Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Customize link" : "Customise link",
"Generate QR code" : "Generate QR code",
"Add another link" : "Add another link",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail share ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Share link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Share link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Share link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Actions for \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "View only",
"Can edit" : "Can edit",
- "File drop" : "File drop",
"Custom permissions" : "Custom permissions",
"Search for share recipients" : "Search for share recipients",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No recommendations. Start typing.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Advanced settings",
"Share label" : "Share label",
"Set password" : "Set password",
- "Password" : "Password",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Password expired",
"Video verification" : "Video verification",
"Set expiration date" : "Set expiration date",
- "Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
"Hide download" : "Hide download",
"Allow download" : "Allow download",
"Note to recipient" : "Note to recipient",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Shared by {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Show sharing options",
"Link to a file" : "Link to a file",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error creating the share",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error updating the share: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error updating the share",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "File \"{path}\" has been unshared",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Bundled permissions",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Only works for users with access to this folder",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Only works for users with access to this file",
+ "File drop" : "File drop",
"Circle" : "Circle",
"Update" : "Update",
"Share with " : "Share with ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.json
index 300d2d647af..ef9d0c0025d 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Incorrect password",
"shared by %s" : "shared by %s",
"Download all files" : "Download all files",
"Direct link" : "Direct link",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Accept",
"Decline" : "Decline",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
+ "Set a password" : "Set a password",
+ "Password" : "Password",
+ "Share link" : "Share link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copy to clipboard",
+ "Send link via email" : "Send link via email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link copied to clipboard",
+ "Select" : "Select",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancel",
+ "Continue" : "Continue",
+ "Close" : "Close",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error creating the share",
"Sharing" : "Sharing",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error while toggling options",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Expiration date (enforced)",
"Enter a date" : "Enter a date",
"Create share" : "Create share",
- "Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Customize link" : "Customise link",
"Generate QR code" : "Generate QR code",
"Add another link" : "Add another link",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail share ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Share link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Share link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Share link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Actions for \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "View only",
"Can edit" : "Can edit",
- "File drop" : "File drop",
"Custom permissions" : "Custom permissions",
"Search for share recipients" : "Search for share recipients",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No recommendations. Start typing.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Advanced settings",
"Share label" : "Share label",
"Set password" : "Set password",
- "Password" : "Password",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Password expired",
"Video verification" : "Video verification",
"Set expiration date" : "Set expiration date",
- "Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
"Hide download" : "Hide download",
"Allow download" : "Allow download",
"Note to recipient" : "Note to recipient",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Shared by {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Show sharing options",
"Link to a file" : "Link to a file",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error creating the share",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error updating the share: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error updating the share",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "File \"{path}\" has been unshared",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Bundled permissions",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Only works for users with access to this folder",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Only works for users with access to this file",
+ "File drop" : "File drop",
"Circle" : "Circle",
"Update" : "Update",
"Share with " : "Share with ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eo.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eo.js
index d15cc2eb8f7..4adaa299b7e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eo.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eo.js
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Not a directory" : "Ne estas dosierujo",
"Could not lock path" : "Ne eblis ŝlosi vojon",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Neniu aŭ neĝusta ĝisdatiga parametro donita",
+ "Wrong password" : "Neĝusta pasvorto",
"shared by %s" : "kunhavigita de %s",
"Download all files" : "Elŝuti ĉiujn dosierojn",
"Direct link" : "Direkta ligilo",
@@ -99,6 +100,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Vi ricevis „{share}“ al grupo {group} kiel kunhavon el {user}",
"Accept" : "Akcepti",
"Decline" : "Malakcepti",
+ "Expiration date" : "Limdato",
+ "Share link" : "Kunhavigi ligilon",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopii tondejen",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Ligilo kopiita al tondujo",
+ "Select" : "Elekti",
+ "Cancel" : "Nuligi",
+ "Continue" : "Daŭrigi",
+ "Close" : "Malfermi",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Eraro dum kreo de la kunhavigo",
"Sharing" : "Kunhavigo",
"Reset" : "Restarigi",
"Unknown error" : "Nekonata eraro",
@@ -120,11 +130,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter a password" : "Entajpu pasvorton",
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Limdato (efektiva)",
"Enter a date" : "Entajpu daton",
- "Cancel" : "Nuligi",
"Add another link" : "Aldoni plian ligilon",
"Create a new share link" : "Krei novan kunhavan ligilon",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Kunhavata per ligilo de {initiator}",
- "Share link" : "Kunhavigi ligilon",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Eraro; entajpu ĝustan pasvorton aŭ limdaton",
"Can edit" : "Povas redakti",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Neniu propono. Ektajpu.",
@@ -140,7 +148,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow editing" : "Permesi modifon",
"Advanced settings" : "Altanivela agordo",
"Set expiration date" : "Uzi limdaton",
- "Expiration date" : "Limdato",
"Hide download" : "Kaŝi elŝuton",
"Note to recipient" : "Noto por la ricevonto",
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Entajpu noton por la ricevonto",
@@ -154,7 +161,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Kunhavigita kun vi de {owner}",
"Shared" : "Kunhavigita",
"Link to a file" : "Ligilo al dosiero",
- "Error creating the share" : "Eraro dum kreo de la kunhavigo",
"Error updating the share" : "Eraro dum ĝisdatigo de la kunhavigo",
"Shared by" : "Kunhavigita de",
"Shared with" : "Kunhavigita kun",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eo.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eo.json
index ee6a2d5c91c..a08e58c1087 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eo.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eo.json
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
"Not a directory" : "Ne estas dosierujo",
"Could not lock path" : "Ne eblis ŝlosi vojon",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Neniu aŭ neĝusta ĝisdatiga parametro donita",
+ "Wrong password" : "Neĝusta pasvorto",
"shared by %s" : "kunhavigita de %s",
"Download all files" : "Elŝuti ĉiujn dosierojn",
"Direct link" : "Direkta ligilo",
@@ -97,6 +98,15 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Vi ricevis „{share}“ al grupo {group} kiel kunhavon el {user}",
"Accept" : "Akcepti",
"Decline" : "Malakcepti",
+ "Expiration date" : "Limdato",
+ "Share link" : "Kunhavigi ligilon",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopii tondejen",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Ligilo kopiita al tondujo",
+ "Select" : "Elekti",
+ "Cancel" : "Nuligi",
+ "Continue" : "Daŭrigi",
+ "Close" : "Malfermi",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Eraro dum kreo de la kunhavigo",
"Sharing" : "Kunhavigo",
"Reset" : "Restarigi",
"Unknown error" : "Nekonata eraro",
@@ -118,11 +128,9 @@
"Enter a password" : "Entajpu pasvorton",
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Limdato (efektiva)",
"Enter a date" : "Entajpu daton",
- "Cancel" : "Nuligi",
"Add another link" : "Aldoni plian ligilon",
"Create a new share link" : "Krei novan kunhavan ligilon",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Kunhavata per ligilo de {initiator}",
- "Share link" : "Kunhavigi ligilon",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Eraro; entajpu ĝustan pasvorton aŭ limdaton",
"Can edit" : "Povas redakti",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Neniu propono. Ektajpu.",
@@ -138,7 +146,6 @@
"Allow editing" : "Permesi modifon",
"Advanced settings" : "Altanivela agordo",
"Set expiration date" : "Uzi limdaton",
- "Expiration date" : "Limdato",
"Hide download" : "Kaŝi elŝuton",
"Note to recipient" : "Noto por la ricevonto",
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Entajpu noton por la ricevonto",
@@ -152,7 +159,6 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Kunhavigita kun vi de {owner}",
"Shared" : "Kunhavigita",
"Link to a file" : "Ligilo al dosiero",
- "Error creating the share" : "Eraro dum kreo de la kunhavigo",
"Error updating the share" : "Eraro dum ĝisdatigo de la kunhavigo",
"Shared by" : "Kunhavigita de",
"Shared with" : "Kunhavigita kun",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.js
index 18fff474aa5..63dd8ec09ea 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "El recurso compartido debe tener al menos el permiso de LECTURA o CREACIÓN",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "El recurso compartido debe tener el permiso de LECTURA si el permiso de ACTUALIZAR o ELIMINAR está activado.",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"El envío de la contraseña por Nextcloud Talk\" para compartir un archivo o carpeta falló porque Nextcloud Talk no está habilitado.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contraseña incorrecta",
"shared by %s" : "compartido por %s",
"Download all files" : "Descargar todos los archivos",
"Direct link" : "Enlace directo",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Declinar",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a los usuarios compartir archivos dentro de Nextcloud. Si se activa, el administrador puede elegir qué grupos pueden compartir archivos. Los usuarios aplicables pueden entonces compartir archivos y carpetas con otros usuarios y grupos dentro de Nextcloud. Además, si el administrador activa la característica de enlace compartido, se puede usar un enlace externo para compartir archivos con otros usuarios fuera de Nextcloud. Los administradores pueden obligar a usar contraseñas o fechas de caducidad y activar el compartir de servidor a servidor vía enlaces compartidos, así como compartir desde dispositivos móviles.\nQuitar esta característica elimina los archivos compartidos y las carpetas en el servidor, para todos los receptores, y también los clientes de sincronización y móviles. Más información disponible en la Documentación de Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Fecha de caducidad",
+ "Set a password" : "Configura una contraseña",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar al portapapeles",
+ "Send link via email" : "Enviar el link por email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Enlace copiado al portapapeles",
+ "Select" : "Seleccionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Cerrar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error quitando el recurso compartido",
"Sharing" : "Compartir",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceptar recursos compartidos de otras cuentas y grupos por defecto",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error cambiar las opciones",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Fecha de caducidad (impuesta)",
"Enter a date" : "Introduzca una fecha",
"Create share" : "Crear un recurso compartido",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar enlace",
"Generate QR code" : "Generar código QR",
"Add another link" : "Añadir otro enlace",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartir correo ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartir enlace ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartir enlace ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Acciones para \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar enlace público de \"{title}\" al portapapeles",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, por favor, introduce la contraseña y/o fecha de caducidad adecuada",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opciones rápidas de compartir, la seleccionada actualmente es \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Solo lectura",
"Can edit" : "Puede editar",
- "File drop" : "Entrega de archivos",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalizados",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios del compartido",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No hay recomendaciones. Comience a escribir.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Configuración avanzada",
"Share label" : "Compartir etiqueta",
"Set password" : "Crear contraseña",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "La contraseña caduca el {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Contraseña caducada",
"Video verification" : "Verificación por vídeo",
"Set expiration date" : "Fijar fecha de caducidad",
- "Expiration date" : "Fecha de caducidad",
"Hide download" : "Ocultar descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota para el destinatario",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartido por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostrar opciones de compartir",
"Link to a file" : "Enlace al archivo",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error quitando el recurso compartido",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al actualizar el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error actualizando el recurso compartido",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "El archivo \"{path}\" se dejó de compartir",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos agrupados",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Sólo funciona para usuarios con acceso a esta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Sólo funciona para usuarios con acceso a este archivo",
+ "File drop" : "Entrega de archivos",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Share with " : "Compartir con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.json
index e58b5be5820..00485584e19 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "El recurso compartido debe tener al menos el permiso de LECTURA o CREACIÓN",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "El recurso compartido debe tener el permiso de LECTURA si el permiso de ACTUALIZAR o ELIMINAR está activado.",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"El envío de la contraseña por Nextcloud Talk\" para compartir un archivo o carpeta falló porque Nextcloud Talk no está habilitado.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contraseña incorrecta",
"shared by %s" : "compartido por %s",
"Download all files" : "Descargar todos los archivos",
"Direct link" : "Enlace directo",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Declinar",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Esta aplicación permite a los usuarios compartir archivos dentro de Nextcloud. Si se activa, el administrador puede elegir qué grupos pueden compartir archivos. Los usuarios aplicables pueden entonces compartir archivos y carpetas con otros usuarios y grupos dentro de Nextcloud. Además, si el administrador activa la característica de enlace compartido, se puede usar un enlace externo para compartir archivos con otros usuarios fuera de Nextcloud. Los administradores pueden obligar a usar contraseñas o fechas de caducidad y activar el compartir de servidor a servidor vía enlaces compartidos, así como compartir desde dispositivos móviles.\nQuitar esta característica elimina los archivos compartidos y las carpetas en el servidor, para todos los receptores, y también los clientes de sincronización y móviles. Más información disponible en la Documentación de Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Fecha de caducidad",
+ "Set a password" : "Configura una contraseña",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar al portapapeles",
+ "Send link via email" : "Enviar el link por email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Enlace copiado al portapapeles",
+ "Select" : "Seleccionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Cerrar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error quitando el recurso compartido",
"Sharing" : "Compartir",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceptar recursos compartidos de otras cuentas y grupos por defecto",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error cambiar las opciones",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Fecha de caducidad (impuesta)",
"Enter a date" : "Introduzca una fecha",
"Create share" : "Crear un recurso compartido",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar enlace",
"Generate QR code" : "Generar código QR",
"Add another link" : "Añadir otro enlace",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartir correo ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartir enlace ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartir enlace ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Acciones para \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar enlace público de \"{title}\" al portapapeles",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, por favor, introduce la contraseña y/o fecha de caducidad adecuada",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opciones rápidas de compartir, la seleccionada actualmente es \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Solo lectura",
"Can edit" : "Puede editar",
- "File drop" : "Entrega de archivos",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalizados",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios del compartido",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No hay recomendaciones. Comience a escribir.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Configuración avanzada",
"Share label" : "Compartir etiqueta",
"Set password" : "Crear contraseña",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "La contraseña caduca el {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Contraseña caducada",
"Video verification" : "Verificación por vídeo",
"Set expiration date" : "Fijar fecha de caducidad",
- "Expiration date" : "Fecha de caducidad",
"Hide download" : "Ocultar descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota para el destinatario",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartido por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostrar opciones de compartir",
"Link to a file" : "Enlace al archivo",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error quitando el recurso compartido",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al actualizar el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error actualizando el recurso compartido",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "El archivo \"{path}\" se dejó de compartir",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos agrupados",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Sólo funciona para usuarios con acceso a esta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Sólo funciona para usuarios con acceso a este archivo",
+ "File drop" : "Entrega de archivos",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Share with " : "Compartir con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.js
index 450885f0bb9..15ab144e7e4 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "La compartición debe tener al menos permisos de LECTURA o CREACIÓN",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "La compartición debe tener permisos de LECTURA si se establecen permisos de ACTUALIZACIÓN o ELIMINACIÓN",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Error al enviar la contraseña por Nextcloud Talk\" al compartir un archivo o carpeta porque Nextcloud Talk no está habilitado.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contraseña incorrecta",
"shared by %s" : "compartido por %s",
"Download all files" : "Descargar todos los archivos",
"Direct link" : "Enlace directo",
@@ -112,6 +113,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Recibiste {share} como compartición de {user} al grupo {group}",
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Declinar",
+ "Expiration date" : "Fecha de expiración",
+ "Set a password" : "Establecer una contraseña",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar al portapapeles",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Enlace copiado al portapapeles",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Cerrar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear la compartición: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error al crear la compartición",
"Sharing" : "Compartiendo",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error al cambiar las opciones",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Establecer carpeta predeterminada para comparticiones aceptadas",
@@ -142,7 +153,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Fecha de vencimiento (exigida)",
"Enter a date" : "Ingresa una fecha",
"Create share" : "Crear compartición",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Add another link" : "Agregar otro enlace",
"Create a new share link" : "Crear un nuevo enlace compartido",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} por {initiator}",
@@ -150,14 +160,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartir por correo electrónico ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Enlace compartido ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Enlace compartido ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Acciones para \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar enlace público de \"{title}\" al portapapeles",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, por favor ingresa una contraseña y/o fecha de vencimiento adecuadas",
"Link share created" : "Enlace compartido creado",
"Error while creating the share" : "Error al crear la compartición",
"View only" : "Solo vista",
- "File drop" : "Soltar archivo",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalizados",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios de la compartición",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No hay recomendaciones. Comienza a escribir.",
@@ -182,7 +190,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password expired" : "Contraseña expirada",
"Video verification" : "Verificación de video",
"Set expiration date" : "Establecer fecha de expiración",
- "Expiration date" : "Fecha de expiración",
"Hide download" : "Ocultar descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota para el destinatario",
@@ -204,8 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar compartición","Restaurar comparticiones","Restaurar comparticiones"],
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Link to a file" : "Enlazar a un archivo",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear la compartición: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error al crear la compartición",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al actualizar la compartición: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error al actualizar la compartición",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "El archivo \"{path}\" ha dejado de compartirse",
@@ -272,6 +277,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos integrados",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Solo funciona para usuarios con acceso a esta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Solo funciona para usuarios con acceso a este archivo",
+ "File drop" : "Soltar archivo",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"No other users with access found" : "No se encontraron otros usuarios con acceso",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.json
index 775f97601d4..a6e0f825d09 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "La compartición debe tener al menos permisos de LECTURA o CREACIÓN",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "La compartición debe tener permisos de LECTURA si se establecen permisos de ACTUALIZACIÓN o ELIMINACIÓN",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Error al enviar la contraseña por Nextcloud Talk\" al compartir un archivo o carpeta porque Nextcloud Talk no está habilitado.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contraseña incorrecta",
"shared by %s" : "compartido por %s",
"Download all files" : "Descargar todos los archivos",
"Direct link" : "Enlace directo",
@@ -110,6 +111,16 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Recibiste {share} como compartición de {user} al grupo {group}",
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Declinar",
+ "Expiration date" : "Fecha de expiración",
+ "Set a password" : "Establecer una contraseña",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar al portapapeles",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Enlace copiado al portapapeles",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Cerrar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear la compartición: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error al crear la compartición",
"Sharing" : "Compartiendo",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error al cambiar las opciones",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Establecer carpeta predeterminada para comparticiones aceptadas",
@@ -140,7 +151,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Fecha de vencimiento (exigida)",
"Enter a date" : "Ingresa una fecha",
"Create share" : "Crear compartición",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Add another link" : "Agregar otro enlace",
"Create a new share link" : "Crear un nuevo enlace compartido",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} por {initiator}",
@@ -148,14 +158,12 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartir por correo electrónico ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Enlace compartido ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Enlace compartido ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Acciones para \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar enlace público de \"{title}\" al portapapeles",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, por favor ingresa una contraseña y/o fecha de vencimiento adecuadas",
"Link share created" : "Enlace compartido creado",
"Error while creating the share" : "Error al crear la compartición",
"View only" : "Solo vista",
- "File drop" : "Soltar archivo",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalizados",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios de la compartición",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No hay recomendaciones. Comienza a escribir.",
@@ -180,7 +188,6 @@
"Password expired" : "Contraseña expirada",
"Video verification" : "Verificación de video",
"Set expiration date" : "Establecer fecha de expiración",
- "Expiration date" : "Fecha de expiración",
"Hide download" : "Ocultar descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota para el destinatario",
@@ -202,8 +209,6 @@
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restaurar compartición","Restaurar comparticiones","Restaurar comparticiones"],
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Link to a file" : "Enlazar a un archivo",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear la compartición: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error al crear la compartición",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al actualizar la compartición: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error al actualizar la compartición",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "El archivo \"{path}\" ha dejado de compartirse",
@@ -270,6 +275,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos integrados",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Solo funciona para usuarios con acceso a esta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Solo funciona para usuarios con acceso a este archivo",
+ "File drop" : "Soltar archivo",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"No other users with access found" : "No se encontraron otros usuarios con acceso",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_MX.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_MX.js
index c586909bfe0..fd4f1c235ac 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_MX.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_MX.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "El recurso compartido debe tener al menos el permiso de LECTURA o CREACIÓN",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "El recurso compartido debe tener el permiso de LECTURA si el permiso de ACTUALIZAR o ELIMINAR está configurado",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Enviar la contraseña por Nextcloud Talk\" para compartir un archivo o carpeta falló porque Nextcloud Talk no está habilitado.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contraseña incorrecta",
"shared by %s" : "compartido por %s",
"Download all files" : "Descargar todos los archivos",
"Direct link" : "Liga directa",
@@ -114,6 +115,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Ha recibido {share} para el grupo {group} como un recurso compartido por {user}",
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Rechazar",
+ "Expiration date" : "Fecha de expiración",
+ "Set a password" : "Establecer una contraseña",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir liga",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar al portapapeles",
+ "Send link via email" : "Enviar la liga por correo electrónico",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Enlace copiado al portapapeles",
+ "Select" : "Seleccionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Cerrar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido",
"Sharing" : "Compartiendo",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceptar recursos compartidos de otros usuarios y grupos por defecto",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error al alternar las opciones",
@@ -148,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Fecha de caducidad (impuesta)",
"Enter a date" : "Ingrese una fecha",
"Create share" : "Crear recurso compartido",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar enlace",
"Generate QR code" : "Generar código QR",
"Add another link" : "Añadir otro enlace",
@@ -158,7 +171,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartir correo ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartir enlace ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartir enlace ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Acciones para \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar enlace público de \"{title}\" al portapapeles",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, por favor ingrese una contraseña y/o fecha de caducidad adecuadas",
@@ -167,7 +179,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opciones rápidas de compartir, la seleccionada actualmente es \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Sólo lectura",
"Can edit" : "Puede editar",
- "File drop" : "Soltar archivo",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalizados",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios del recurso compartido",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Sin recomendaciones. Empiece a escribir.",
@@ -191,12 +202,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
"Share label" : "Etiqueta del recurso compartido",
"Set password" : "Establecer contraseña",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "La contraseña caduca el {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Contraseña caduca",
"Video verification" : "Verificación de video",
"Set expiration date" : "Establece la fecha de expiración",
- "Expiration date" : "Fecha de expiración",
"Hide download" : "Ocultar descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota al destinatario",
@@ -233,8 +242,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartido por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostrar opciones de compartir",
"Link to a file" : "Enlazar a un archivo",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al actualizar el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error al actualizar el recurso compartido",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Se dejó de compartir el archivo \"{path}\"",
@@ -301,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos integrados",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Sólo funciona para usuarios con acceso a esta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Sólo funciona para usuarios con acceso a este archivo",
+ "File drop" : "Soltar archivo",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Share with " : "Compartir con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_MX.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_MX.json
index ffd6b76f0ba..d5ff29d1b1c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_MX.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/es_MX.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "El recurso compartido debe tener al menos el permiso de LECTURA o CREACIÓN",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "El recurso compartido debe tener el permiso de LECTURA si el permiso de ACTUALIZAR o ELIMINAR está configurado",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Enviar la contraseña por Nextcloud Talk\" para compartir un archivo o carpeta falló porque Nextcloud Talk no está habilitado.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contraseña incorrecta",
"shared by %s" : "compartido por %s",
"Download all files" : "Descargar todos los archivos",
"Direct link" : "Liga directa",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Ha recibido {share} para el grupo {group} como un recurso compartido por {user}",
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Rechazar",
+ "Expiration date" : "Fecha de expiración",
+ "Set a password" : "Establecer una contraseña",
+ "Password" : "Contraseña",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir liga",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar al portapapeles",
+ "Send link via email" : "Enviar la liga por correo electrónico",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Enlace copiado al portapapeles",
+ "Select" : "Seleccionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Cerrar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido",
"Sharing" : "Compartiendo",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceptar recursos compartidos de otros usuarios y grupos por defecto",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error al alternar las opciones",
@@ -146,7 +160,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Fecha de caducidad (impuesta)",
"Enter a date" : "Ingrese una fecha",
"Create share" : "Crear recurso compartido",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar enlace",
"Generate QR code" : "Generar código QR",
"Add another link" : "Añadir otro enlace",
@@ -156,7 +169,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartir correo ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartir enlace ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartir enlace ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Acciones para \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar enlace público de \"{title}\" al portapapeles",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, por favor ingrese una contraseña y/o fecha de caducidad adecuadas",
@@ -165,7 +177,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opciones rápidas de compartir, la seleccionada actualmente es \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Sólo lectura",
"Can edit" : "Puede editar",
- "File drop" : "Soltar archivo",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalizados",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios del recurso compartido",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Sin recomendaciones. Empiece a escribir.",
@@ -189,12 +200,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Configuraciones avanzadas",
"Share label" : "Etiqueta del recurso compartido",
"Set password" : "Establecer contraseña",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "La contraseña caduca el {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Contraseña caduca",
"Video verification" : "Verificación de video",
"Set expiration date" : "Establece la fecha de expiración",
- "Expiration date" : "Fecha de expiración",
"Hide download" : "Ocultar descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota al destinatario",
@@ -231,8 +240,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartido por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostrar opciones de compartir",
"Link to a file" : "Enlazar a un archivo",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error al crear el recurso compartido",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error al actualizar el recurso compartido: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error al actualizar el recurso compartido",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Se dejó de compartir el archivo \"{path}\"",
@@ -299,6 +306,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos integrados",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Sólo funciona para usuarios con acceso a esta carpeta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Sólo funciona para usuarios con acceso a este archivo",
+ "File drop" : "Soltar archivo",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Share with " : "Compartir con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.js
index 92d5fec78a3..7b50f034319 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Partekatzeak gutxienez IRAKURRI edo SORTU egiteko baimenak behar ditu",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Partekatzeak IRAKURRI egiteko baimenak behar ditu, EGUNERATU edo EZABATU baimenak baldin badauzka",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Nextcloud Talk-ek pasahitza bidaltzeak\" huts egin du ez dagoelako Nextcloud Talk gaituta fitxategi edo karpeta bat partekatzeko.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Pasahitz okerra",
"shared by %s" : "%s erabiltzaileak partekatua",
"Download all files" : "Deskargatu fitxategi guztiak",
"Direct link" : "Esteka zuzena",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Onartu",
"Decline" : "Uko egin",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Aplikazio honek Nextcloud-en fitxategiak partekatzeko aukera ematen du. Gaituta badago, administratzaileak aukeratu dezake zein taldek parteka ditzaketen fitxategiak. Ondoren, baimendutako pertsonek fitxategiak eta karpetak parteka ditzakete Nextcloud-eko beste kontu eta talde batzuekin. Gainera, administratzaileak partekatzeko estekaren funtzioa gaitzen badu, kanpoko esteka bat erabil daiteke fitxategiak Nextcloud-etik kanpoko beste pertsonekin partekatzeko. Administratzaileek ere ezar ditzakete pasahitzak eta iraungitze-datak, bai eta gaitu zerbitzaritik zerbitzarira fitxategiak esteken bidez partekatzea, baita gailu mugikorretatik partekatzea ere.\nFuntzioa desaktibatuz gero, zerbitzarian partekatutako fitxategiak eta karpetak kentzen dira partekatutako hartzaile guztientzat, baita sinkronizazio-bezeroetan eta mugikorreko aplikazioetan ere. Informazio gehiago eskuragarri dago Nextcloud Dokumentazioan.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Iraungitze-data",
+ "Set a password" : "Ezarri pasahitz bat",
+ "Password" : "Pasahitza",
+ "Share link" : "Partekatu esteka",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiatu arbelera",
+ "Send link via email" : "Bidali esteka posta elektronikoz",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Arbelara kopiatutako esteka",
+ "Select" : "Hautatu",
+ "Cancel" : "Utzi",
+ "Continue" : "Jarraitu",
+ "Close" : "Itxi",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errorea partekatzea sortzean: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Errorea partekatzea sortzean",
"Sharing" : "Partekatzea",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Onartu beste kontu eta talde batzuetako partekatzeak modu lehenetsian",
"Error while toggling options" : "Errorea aukerak aldatzean",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Iraungitze-data (betearazita)",
"Enter a date" : "Sartu data bat",
"Create share" : "Sortu partekatzea",
- "Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Customize link" : "Pertsonalizatu esteka",
"Generate QR code" : "Sortu QR kodea",
"Add another link" : "Gehitu beste esteka bat",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Posta partekatzea ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Partekatu ({label}) eskeka",
"Share link ({index})" : "Partekatu ({index}) esteka",
- "Share link" : "Partekatu esteka",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "\"{title}\"-ren ekintzak",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopiatu \"{title}\"-ren esteka publikoa arbelean",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Errorea, sartu dagokion pasahitza edo/eta iraungitze-data",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Partekatzeko aukera bizkorrak, une honetan hautatutakoa \"{selectedOption}\" da",
"View only" : "Ikustea soilik",
"Can edit" : "Editatu dezake",
- "File drop" : "Fitxategiak jaregin",
"Custom permissions" : "Baimen pertsonalizatuak",
"Search for share recipients" : "Bilatu partekatze-hartzaileak",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Gomendiorik ez. Hasi idazten.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Ezarpen aurreratuak",
"Share label" : "Partekatu etiketa",
"Set password" : "Pasahitza ezarri",
- "Password" : "Pasahitza",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Pasahitza {passwordExpirationTime} iraungiko da",
"Password expired" : "Pasahitza iraungi da",
"Video verification" : "Bideo egiaztapena",
"Set expiration date" : "Ezarri iraungitze-data",
- "Expiration date" : "Iraungitze-data",
"Hide download" : "Ezkutatu deskarga",
"Allow download" : "Baimendu deskarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Oharra hartzailearentzat",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName}-(e)k partekatuta",
"Show sharing options" : "Erakutsi partekatzeko aukerak",
"Link to a file" : "Esteka fitxategi batera",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errorea partekatzea sortzean: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Errorea partekatzea sortzean",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : " Errorea partekatzea eguneratzean {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Errorea partekatzea eguneratzen",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "\"{path}\" fitxategiaren partekatzea eten da",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Baimen multzoak",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Karpeta atzitu dezaketen erabiltzaileentzat bakarrik funtzionatzen du",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Fitxategi hau atzitu dezaketen erabiltzaileentzat bakarrik funtzionatzen du",
+ "File drop" : "Fitxategiak jaregin",
"Circle" : "Zirkulua",
"Update" : "Eguneratu",
"Share with " : "Partekatu honekin",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.json
index bf4cfad66e0..75bc90df95a 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/eu.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Partekatzeak gutxienez IRAKURRI edo SORTU egiteko baimenak behar ditu",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Partekatzeak IRAKURRI egiteko baimenak behar ditu, EGUNERATU edo EZABATU baimenak baldin badauzka",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Nextcloud Talk-ek pasahitza bidaltzeak\" huts egin du ez dagoelako Nextcloud Talk gaituta fitxategi edo karpeta bat partekatzeko.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Pasahitz okerra",
"shared by %s" : "%s erabiltzaileak partekatua",
"Download all files" : "Deskargatu fitxategi guztiak",
"Direct link" : "Esteka zuzena",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Onartu",
"Decline" : "Uko egin",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Aplikazio honek Nextcloud-en fitxategiak partekatzeko aukera ematen du. Gaituta badago, administratzaileak aukeratu dezake zein taldek parteka ditzaketen fitxategiak. Ondoren, baimendutako pertsonek fitxategiak eta karpetak parteka ditzakete Nextcloud-eko beste kontu eta talde batzuekin. Gainera, administratzaileak partekatzeko estekaren funtzioa gaitzen badu, kanpoko esteka bat erabil daiteke fitxategiak Nextcloud-etik kanpoko beste pertsonekin partekatzeko. Administratzaileek ere ezar ditzakete pasahitzak eta iraungitze-datak, bai eta gaitu zerbitzaritik zerbitzarira fitxategiak esteken bidez partekatzea, baita gailu mugikorretatik partekatzea ere.\nFuntzioa desaktibatuz gero, zerbitzarian partekatutako fitxategiak eta karpetak kentzen dira partekatutako hartzaile guztientzat, baita sinkronizazio-bezeroetan eta mugikorreko aplikazioetan ere. Informazio gehiago eskuragarri dago Nextcloud Dokumentazioan.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Iraungitze-data",
+ "Set a password" : "Ezarri pasahitz bat",
+ "Password" : "Pasahitza",
+ "Share link" : "Partekatu esteka",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiatu arbelera",
+ "Send link via email" : "Bidali esteka posta elektronikoz",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Arbelara kopiatutako esteka",
+ "Select" : "Hautatu",
+ "Cancel" : "Utzi",
+ "Continue" : "Jarraitu",
+ "Close" : "Itxi",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errorea partekatzea sortzean: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Errorea partekatzea sortzean",
"Sharing" : "Partekatzea",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Onartu beste kontu eta talde batzuetako partekatzeak modu lehenetsian",
"Error while toggling options" : "Errorea aukerak aldatzean",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Iraungitze-data (betearazita)",
"Enter a date" : "Sartu data bat",
"Create share" : "Sortu partekatzea",
- "Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Customize link" : "Pertsonalizatu esteka",
"Generate QR code" : "Sortu QR kodea",
"Add another link" : "Gehitu beste esteka bat",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Posta partekatzea ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Partekatu ({label}) eskeka",
"Share link ({index})" : "Partekatu ({index}) esteka",
- "Share link" : "Partekatu esteka",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "\"{title}\"-ren ekintzak",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopiatu \"{title}\"-ren esteka publikoa arbelean",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Errorea, sartu dagokion pasahitza edo/eta iraungitze-data",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Partekatzeko aukera bizkorrak, une honetan hautatutakoa \"{selectedOption}\" da",
"View only" : "Ikustea soilik",
"Can edit" : "Editatu dezake",
- "File drop" : "Fitxategiak jaregin",
"Custom permissions" : "Baimen pertsonalizatuak",
"Search for share recipients" : "Bilatu partekatze-hartzaileak",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Gomendiorik ez. Hasi idazten.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Ezarpen aurreratuak",
"Share label" : "Partekatu etiketa",
"Set password" : "Pasahitza ezarri",
- "Password" : "Pasahitza",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Pasahitza {passwordExpirationTime} iraungiko da",
"Password expired" : "Pasahitza iraungi da",
"Video verification" : "Bideo egiaztapena",
"Set expiration date" : "Ezarri iraungitze-data",
- "Expiration date" : "Iraungitze-data",
"Hide download" : "Ezkutatu deskarga",
"Allow download" : "Baimendu deskarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Oharra hartzailearentzat",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName}-(e)k partekatuta",
"Show sharing options" : "Erakutsi partekatzeko aukerak",
"Link to a file" : "Esteka fitxategi batera",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errorea partekatzea sortzean: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Errorea partekatzea sortzean",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : " Errorea partekatzea eguneratzean {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Errorea partekatzea eguneratzen",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "\"{path}\" fitxategiaren partekatzea eten da",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Baimen multzoak",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Karpeta atzitu dezaketen erabiltzaileentzat bakarrik funtzionatzen du",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Fitxategi hau atzitu dezaketen erabiltzaileentzat bakarrik funtzionatzen du",
+ "File drop" : "Fitxategiak jaregin",
"Circle" : "Zirkulua",
"Update" : "Eguneratu",
"Share with " : "Partekatu honekin",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fa.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fa.js
index dafe9c943ba..fee1936b76d 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fa.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fa.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled.",
+ "Wrong password" : "کلمه عبور اشتباه",
"shared by %s" : "اشتراک گذاری شده به میزان %s",
"Download all files" : "دانلود همه فایل ها",
"Direct link" : "لینک مستقیم",
@@ -112,6 +113,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "شما {اشتراک} را به گروه {گروه} به عنوان سهم {user }دریافت کردید",
"Accept" : "پذیرفتن",
"Decline" : "کاهش می یابد",
+ "Expiration date" : "تاریخ انقضا",
+ "Set a password" : "رمزعبور تنظیم کنید",
+ "Password" : "گذرواژه",
+ "Share link" : "Share link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "کپی به کلیپ بورد",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "پیوند در حافظه موقت کپی شده",
+ "Select" : "گزینش<br>",
+ "Cancel" : "لغو",
+ "Continue" : "ادامه",
+ "Close" : "بسته",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "خطایی در ایجاد اشتراک",
"Sharing" : "اشتراک گذاری",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error while toggling options",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "انتخاب پوشه ی پیش فرض برای اشتراک گذاری های پذیرفته شده",
@@ -142,7 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "تاریخ انقضا (اجباری)",
"Enter a date" : "تاریخ را وارد کنید",
"Create share" : "ساختن اشتراک",
- "Cancel" : "لغو",
"Add another link" : "پیوند دیگری اضافه کنید",
"Create a new share link" : "پیوند اشتراک گذاری جدیدی ایجاد کنید",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} by {initiator}",
@@ -150,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail share ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Share link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Share link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Share link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Actions for \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "خطا ، لطفاً رمز عبور مناسب و یا تاریخ انقضا را وارد کنید",
@@ -158,7 +169,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Error while creating the share",
"View only" : "تنها مشاهده",
"Can edit" : "توانایی ویرایش",
- "File drop" : "انداختن پرونده",
"Custom permissions" : "Custom permissions",
"Search for share recipients" : "Search for share recipients",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "هیچ توصیه ای نیست شروع به تایپ کنید.",
@@ -180,12 +190,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "تنظیمات پیشرفته",
"Share label" : "Share label",
"Set password" : "تنظیم گذرواژه",
- "Password" : "گذرواژه",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Password expired",
"Video verification" : "تأیید صحت ویدیو",
"Set expiration date" : "تنظیم تاریخ انقضا",
- "Expiration date" : "تاریخ انقضا",
"Hide download" : "پنهان کردن بارگیری",
"Allow download" : "Allow download",
"Note to recipient" : "یادداشت برای گیرنده",
@@ -208,8 +216,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restore share","Restore shares"],
"Shared" : "به اشتراک گزاشته شده ",
"Link to a file" : "پیوند به یک پرونده",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "خطایی در ایجاد اشتراک",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error updating the share: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "خطایی در به روزرسانی اشتراک",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "File \"{path}\" has been unshared",
@@ -276,6 +282,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Bundled permissions",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "فقط برای کاربران دارای دسترسی به این پوشه کار می کند",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "فقط برای کاربران با دسترسی به این پرونده کار می کند",
+ "File drop" : "انداختن پرونده",
"Circle" : "حلقه",
"Update" : "به‌روز رسانی",
"No other users with access found" : "هیچ کاربر دیگری با دسترسی یافت نشد",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fa.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fa.json
index 0d12f18497f..6792df14c1d 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fa.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fa.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled.",
+ "Wrong password" : "کلمه عبور اشتباه",
"shared by %s" : "اشتراک گذاری شده به میزان %s",
"Download all files" : "دانلود همه فایل ها",
"Direct link" : "لینک مستقیم",
@@ -110,6 +111,18 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "شما {اشتراک} را به گروه {گروه} به عنوان سهم {user }دریافت کردید",
"Accept" : "پذیرفتن",
"Decline" : "کاهش می یابد",
+ "Expiration date" : "تاریخ انقضا",
+ "Set a password" : "رمزعبور تنظیم کنید",
+ "Password" : "گذرواژه",
+ "Share link" : "Share link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "کپی به کلیپ بورد",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "پیوند در حافظه موقت کپی شده",
+ "Select" : "گزینش<br>",
+ "Cancel" : "لغو",
+ "Continue" : "ادامه",
+ "Close" : "بسته",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "خطایی در ایجاد اشتراک",
"Sharing" : "اشتراک گذاری",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error while toggling options",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "انتخاب پوشه ی پیش فرض برای اشتراک گذاری های پذیرفته شده",
@@ -140,7 +153,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "تاریخ انقضا (اجباری)",
"Enter a date" : "تاریخ را وارد کنید",
"Create share" : "ساختن اشتراک",
- "Cancel" : "لغو",
"Add another link" : "پیوند دیگری اضافه کنید",
"Create a new share link" : "پیوند اشتراک گذاری جدیدی ایجاد کنید",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} by {initiator}",
@@ -148,7 +160,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail share ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Share link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Share link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Share link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Actions for \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "خطا ، لطفاً رمز عبور مناسب و یا تاریخ انقضا را وارد کنید",
@@ -156,7 +167,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Error while creating the share",
"View only" : "تنها مشاهده",
"Can edit" : "توانایی ویرایش",
- "File drop" : "انداختن پرونده",
"Custom permissions" : "Custom permissions",
"Search for share recipients" : "Search for share recipients",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "هیچ توصیه ای نیست شروع به تایپ کنید.",
@@ -178,12 +188,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "تنظیمات پیشرفته",
"Share label" : "Share label",
"Set password" : "تنظیم گذرواژه",
- "Password" : "گذرواژه",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Password expired",
"Video verification" : "تأیید صحت ویدیو",
"Set expiration date" : "تنظیم تاریخ انقضا",
- "Expiration date" : "تاریخ انقضا",
"Hide download" : "پنهان کردن بارگیری",
"Allow download" : "Allow download",
"Note to recipient" : "یادداشت برای گیرنده",
@@ -206,8 +214,6 @@
"_Restore share_::_Restore shares_" : ["Restore share","Restore shares"],
"Shared" : "به اشتراک گزاشته شده ",
"Link to a file" : "پیوند به یک پرونده",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "خطایی در ایجاد اشتراک",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error updating the share: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "خطایی در به روزرسانی اشتراک",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "File \"{path}\" has been unshared",
@@ -274,6 +280,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Bundled permissions",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "فقط برای کاربران دارای دسترسی به این پوشه کار می کند",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "فقط برای کاربران با دسترسی به این پرونده کار می کند",
+ "File drop" : "انداختن پرونده",
"Circle" : "حلقه",
"Update" : "به‌روز رسانی",
"No other users with access found" : "هیچ کاربر دیگری با دسترسی یافت نشد",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.js
index 6eea1c550ab..1188354a3d6 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.js
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not lock path" : "Polun lukitseminen ei onnistunut",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Päivitettävä parametri puuttuu tai on väärin",
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Jaolla tulee olla vähintään luku- tai kirjoitusoikeus",
+ "Wrong password" : "Väärä salasana",
"shared by %s" : "käyttäjän %s jakama",
"Download all files" : "Lataa kaikki tiedostot",
"Direct link" : "Suora linkki",
@@ -108,6 +109,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Vastaanotit jaon {share} ryhmään {group} käyttäjältä {user}",
"Accept" : "Hyväksy",
"Decline" : "Kieltäydy",
+ "Expiration date" : "Vanhenemispäivä",
+ "Set a password" : "Aseta salasana",
+ "Password" : "Salasana",
+ "Share link" : "Jaa linkki",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopioi leikepöydälle",
+ "Send link via email" : "Lähetä linkki sähköpostitse",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Linkki kopioitu leikepöydälle",
+ "Select" : "Valitse",
+ "Cancel" : "Peruuta",
+ "Continue" : "Jatka",
+ "Close" : "Sulje",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Virhe luotaessa jakoa: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Virhe jakoa luotaessa",
"Sharing" : "Jakaminen",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Hyväksy jaot muilta tileiltä ja ryhmiltä oletusarvoisesti",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Aseta oletuskansio hyväksytyille jaoille",
@@ -139,7 +153,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Vanhenemispäivä (pakotettu)",
"Enter a date" : "Syötä päivämäärä",
"Create share" : "Luo jako",
- "Cancel" : "Peruuta",
"Customize link" : "Mukauta linkkiä",
"Generate QR code" : "Luo QR-koodi",
"Add another link" : "Lisää toinen linkki",
@@ -148,7 +161,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Sähköpostijako ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Jaa linkki ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Jaa linkki ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Jaa linkki",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Toiminnot kohteelle \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopioi kohteen \"{title}\" julkinen linkki leikepöydälle",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Virhe, lisää kelvollinen salasana ja/tai päättymispäivä",
@@ -156,7 +168,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Virhe jakoa luotaessa",
"View only" : "Vain katselu",
"Can edit" : "Voi muokata",
- "File drop" : "Tiedoston pudotus",
"Custom permissions" : "Mukautetut oikeudet",
"Search for share recipients" : "Etsi jaon vastaanottajia",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ei suosituksia. Aloita kirjoittaminen.",
@@ -178,12 +189,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Lisäasetukset",
"Share label" : "Jaon nimi",
"Set password" : "Aseta salasana",
- "Password" : "Salasana",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Salasana vanhenee {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Salasana vanheni",
"Video verification" : "Videovarmistus",
"Set expiration date" : "Aseta vanhenemispäivä",
- "Expiration date" : "Vanhenemispäivä",
"Hide download" : "Piilota lataus",
"Allow download" : "Salli lataus",
"Note to recipient" : "Huomio vastaanottajalle",
@@ -216,8 +225,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Jakanut {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Näytä jakamisen valinnat",
"Link to a file" : "Linkki tiedostoon",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Virhe luotaessa jakoa: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Virhe jakoa luotaessa",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Virhe päivittäessä jakoa: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Virhe jakoa päivittäessä",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Tiedoston \"{path}\" jakaminen on lopetettu",
@@ -278,6 +285,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Upload" : "Lähetä",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Toimii vain käyttäjille, joilla on oikeus tähän kansioon",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Toimii vain käyttäjille, joilla on käyttöoikeus tähän tiedostoon",
+ "File drop" : "Tiedoston pudotus",
"Circle" : "Piiri",
"Update" : "Päivitä",
"No other users with access found" : "Ei löytynyt muita käyttäjiä, joilla olisi käyttöoikeus",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.json
index 5ea61c2e675..8f7cb74c4a5 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fi.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"Could not lock path" : "Polun lukitseminen ei onnistunut",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Päivitettävä parametri puuttuu tai on väärin",
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Jaolla tulee olla vähintään luku- tai kirjoitusoikeus",
+ "Wrong password" : "Väärä salasana",
"shared by %s" : "käyttäjän %s jakama",
"Download all files" : "Lataa kaikki tiedostot",
"Direct link" : "Suora linkki",
@@ -106,6 +107,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Vastaanotit jaon {share} ryhmään {group} käyttäjältä {user}",
"Accept" : "Hyväksy",
"Decline" : "Kieltäydy",
+ "Expiration date" : "Vanhenemispäivä",
+ "Set a password" : "Aseta salasana",
+ "Password" : "Salasana",
+ "Share link" : "Jaa linkki",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopioi leikepöydälle",
+ "Send link via email" : "Lähetä linkki sähköpostitse",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Linkki kopioitu leikepöydälle",
+ "Select" : "Valitse",
+ "Cancel" : "Peruuta",
+ "Continue" : "Jatka",
+ "Close" : "Sulje",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Virhe luotaessa jakoa: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Virhe jakoa luotaessa",
"Sharing" : "Jakaminen",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Hyväksy jaot muilta tileiltä ja ryhmiltä oletusarvoisesti",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Aseta oletuskansio hyväksytyille jaoille",
@@ -137,7 +151,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Vanhenemispäivä (pakotettu)",
"Enter a date" : "Syötä päivämäärä",
"Create share" : "Luo jako",
- "Cancel" : "Peruuta",
"Customize link" : "Mukauta linkkiä",
"Generate QR code" : "Luo QR-koodi",
"Add another link" : "Lisää toinen linkki",
@@ -146,7 +159,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Sähköpostijako ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Jaa linkki ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Jaa linkki ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Jaa linkki",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Toiminnot kohteelle \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopioi kohteen \"{title}\" julkinen linkki leikepöydälle",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Virhe, lisää kelvollinen salasana ja/tai päättymispäivä",
@@ -154,7 +166,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Virhe jakoa luotaessa",
"View only" : "Vain katselu",
"Can edit" : "Voi muokata",
- "File drop" : "Tiedoston pudotus",
"Custom permissions" : "Mukautetut oikeudet",
"Search for share recipients" : "Etsi jaon vastaanottajia",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ei suosituksia. Aloita kirjoittaminen.",
@@ -176,12 +187,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Lisäasetukset",
"Share label" : "Jaon nimi",
"Set password" : "Aseta salasana",
- "Password" : "Salasana",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Salasana vanhenee {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Salasana vanheni",
"Video verification" : "Videovarmistus",
"Set expiration date" : "Aseta vanhenemispäivä",
- "Expiration date" : "Vanhenemispäivä",
"Hide download" : "Piilota lataus",
"Allow download" : "Salli lataus",
"Note to recipient" : "Huomio vastaanottajalle",
@@ -214,8 +223,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Jakanut {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Näytä jakamisen valinnat",
"Link to a file" : "Linkki tiedostoon",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Virhe luotaessa jakoa: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Virhe jakoa luotaessa",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Virhe päivittäessä jakoa: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Virhe jakoa päivittäessä",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Tiedoston \"{path}\" jakaminen on lopetettu",
@@ -276,6 +283,7 @@
"Upload" : "Lähetä",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Toimii vain käyttäjille, joilla on oikeus tähän kansioon",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Toimii vain käyttäjille, joilla on käyttöoikeus tähän tiedostoon",
+ "File drop" : "Tiedoston pudotus",
"Circle" : "Piiri",
"Update" : "Päivitä",
"No other users with access found" : "Ei löytynyt muita käyttäjiä, joilla olisi käyttöoikeus",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.js
index 389fe4ae782..be9b2610c0c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Le partage nécessite de disposer à minima des permissions de LECTURE et de CREATION",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Le partage doit disposer de l'autorisation LECTURE si l'autorisation METTRE À JOUR ou SUPPRIMER est définie",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"L'envoi du mot de passe par Nextcloud Talk\" pour partager un fichier a échoué car Nextcloud Talk n'est pas activé",
+ "Wrong password" : "Mot de passe incorrect",
"shared by %s" : "partagé par %s",
"Download all files" : "Télécharger tous les fichiers",
"Direct link" : "Lien direct",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Accepter",
"Decline" : "Décliner",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Cette application permet aux personnes de partager des fichiers dans Nextcloud. Si cette option est activée, l'administrateur peut choisir quels groupes peuvent partager des fichiers. Les personnes concernées peuvent ensuite partager des fichiers et des dossiers avec d'autres comptes et groupes au sein de Nextcloud. De plus, si l'administrateur active la fonction de lien de partage, un lien externe peut être utilisé pour partager des fichiers avec d'autres personnes en dehors de Nextcloud. Les administrateurs peuvent également faire respecter les mots de passe, les dates d'expiration et permettre le partage de serveur à serveur via des liens de partage, aussi bien que le partage à partir d'appareils mobiles.\nDésactiver cette fonction supprime les fichiers et dossiers partagés sur le serveur pour tous les destinataires de partage, ainsi que sur les clients de synchronisation et les applications mobiles. Plus d'informations sont disponibles dans la documentation Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Date d’expiration",
+ "Set a password" : "Saisissez un mot de passe",
+ "Password" : "Mot de passe",
+ "Share link" : "Lien de partage",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
+ "Send link via email" : "Envoyer le lien par mail",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Lien copié dans le presse-papier",
+ "Select" : "Sélectionner",
+ "Cancel" : "Annuler",
+ "Continue" : "Continuer",
+ "Close" : "Fermer",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erreur à la création du partage : {errorMessage} ",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Erreur lors de la création du partage",
"Sharing" : "Partage",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Accepter les partages des autres comptes et groupes par défaut",
"Error while toggling options" : "Erreur pendant le choix des options",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Date d’expiration (forcée)",
"Enter a date" : "Saisissez une date",
"Create share" : "Créer un partage",
- "Cancel" : "Annuler",
"Customize link" : "Personnaliser le lien",
"Generate QR code" : "Générer un QR code",
"Add another link" : "Ajouter un autre lien",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Partager par e-mail ({label}) ",
"Share link ({label})" : "Lien de partage ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Lien de partage ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Lien de partage",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Actions pour \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copier le lien public de \"{title}\" dans le presse-papiers",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Erreur. Merci d'entrer un mot de passe valide et/ou une date d'expiration",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Options de partage rapide, l'option actuellement sélectionnée est « {selectedOption} »",
"View only" : "Afficher seulement",
"Can edit" : "Peut modifier",
- "File drop" : "Dépôt de fichier",
"Custom permissions" : "Permissions personnalisées",
"Search for share recipients" : "Recherche de destinataires de partages",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Aucune recommandation. Commencez à écrire.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Paramètres avancés",
"Share label" : "Libellé du partage",
"Set password" : "Définir un mot de passe",
- "Password" : "Mot de passe",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Le mot de passe expire {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Mot de passe expiré",
"Video verification" : "Vérification vidéo",
"Set expiration date" : "Définir une date d'expiration",
- "Expiration date" : "Date d’expiration",
"Hide download" : "Masquer le téléchargement",
"Allow download" : "Autoriser le téléchargement",
"Note to recipient" : "Note au destinataire",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Partagé par {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Afficher les options de partage",
"Link to a file" : "Relier à un fichier",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erreur à la création du partage : {errorMessage} ",
- "Error creating the share" : "Erreur lors de la création du partage",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erreur à la mise à jour du partage\\: {errorMessage} ",
"Error updating the share" : "Erreur lors de la mise à jour du partage",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Le partage du fichier \"{path}\" a été retiré",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Autorisations groupées",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Fonctionne uniquement pour les utilisateurs ayant accès à ce dossier",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Fonctionne uniquement pour les utilisateurs ayant accès à ce fichier",
+ "File drop" : "Dépôt de fichier",
"Circle" : "Cercle",
"Update" : "Mise à jour",
"Share with " : "Partager avec ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.json
index 62c089f25c1..35821fdd864 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/fr.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Le partage nécessite de disposer à minima des permissions de LECTURE et de CREATION",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Le partage doit disposer de l'autorisation LECTURE si l'autorisation METTRE À JOUR ou SUPPRIMER est définie",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"L'envoi du mot de passe par Nextcloud Talk\" pour partager un fichier a échoué car Nextcloud Talk n'est pas activé",
+ "Wrong password" : "Mot de passe incorrect",
"shared by %s" : "partagé par %s",
"Download all files" : "Télécharger tous les fichiers",
"Direct link" : "Lien direct",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Accepter",
"Decline" : "Décliner",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Cette application permet aux personnes de partager des fichiers dans Nextcloud. Si cette option est activée, l'administrateur peut choisir quels groupes peuvent partager des fichiers. Les personnes concernées peuvent ensuite partager des fichiers et des dossiers avec d'autres comptes et groupes au sein de Nextcloud. De plus, si l'administrateur active la fonction de lien de partage, un lien externe peut être utilisé pour partager des fichiers avec d'autres personnes en dehors de Nextcloud. Les administrateurs peuvent également faire respecter les mots de passe, les dates d'expiration et permettre le partage de serveur à serveur via des liens de partage, aussi bien que le partage à partir d'appareils mobiles.\nDésactiver cette fonction supprime les fichiers et dossiers partagés sur le serveur pour tous les destinataires de partage, ainsi que sur les clients de synchronisation et les applications mobiles. Plus d'informations sont disponibles dans la documentation Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Date d’expiration",
+ "Set a password" : "Saisissez un mot de passe",
+ "Password" : "Mot de passe",
+ "Share link" : "Lien de partage",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
+ "Send link via email" : "Envoyer le lien par mail",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Lien copié dans le presse-papier",
+ "Select" : "Sélectionner",
+ "Cancel" : "Annuler",
+ "Continue" : "Continuer",
+ "Close" : "Fermer",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erreur à la création du partage : {errorMessage} ",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Erreur lors de la création du partage",
"Sharing" : "Partage",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Accepter les partages des autres comptes et groupes par défaut",
"Error while toggling options" : "Erreur pendant le choix des options",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Date d’expiration (forcée)",
"Enter a date" : "Saisissez une date",
"Create share" : "Créer un partage",
- "Cancel" : "Annuler",
"Customize link" : "Personnaliser le lien",
"Generate QR code" : "Générer un QR code",
"Add another link" : "Ajouter un autre lien",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Partager par e-mail ({label}) ",
"Share link ({label})" : "Lien de partage ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Lien de partage ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Lien de partage",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Actions pour \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copier le lien public de \"{title}\" dans le presse-papiers",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Erreur. Merci d'entrer un mot de passe valide et/ou une date d'expiration",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Options de partage rapide, l'option actuellement sélectionnée est « {selectedOption} »",
"View only" : "Afficher seulement",
"Can edit" : "Peut modifier",
- "File drop" : "Dépôt de fichier",
"Custom permissions" : "Permissions personnalisées",
"Search for share recipients" : "Recherche de destinataires de partages",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Aucune recommandation. Commencez à écrire.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Paramètres avancés",
"Share label" : "Libellé du partage",
"Set password" : "Définir un mot de passe",
- "Password" : "Mot de passe",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Le mot de passe expire {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Mot de passe expiré",
"Video verification" : "Vérification vidéo",
"Set expiration date" : "Définir une date d'expiration",
- "Expiration date" : "Date d’expiration",
"Hide download" : "Masquer le téléchargement",
"Allow download" : "Autoriser le téléchargement",
"Note to recipient" : "Note au destinataire",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Partagé par {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Afficher les options de partage",
"Link to a file" : "Relier à un fichier",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erreur à la création du partage : {errorMessage} ",
- "Error creating the share" : "Erreur lors de la création du partage",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erreur à la mise à jour du partage\\: {errorMessage} ",
"Error updating the share" : "Erreur lors de la mise à jour du partage",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Le partage du fichier \"{path}\" a été retiré",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Autorisations groupées",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Fonctionne uniquement pour les utilisateurs ayant accès à ce dossier",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Fonctionne uniquement pour les utilisateurs ayant accès à ce fichier",
+ "File drop" : "Dépôt de fichier",
"Circle" : "Cercle",
"Update" : "Mise à jour",
"Share with " : "Partager avec ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ga.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ga.js
index 0fe2a75b9a8..98850b0151e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ga.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ga.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Caithfidh ceadanna READ nó CREATE a bheith ag sciar ar a laghad",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Ní mór cead READ a bheith ag sciar má shocraítear cead UPDATE nó DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Theip ar \"an focal faire a sheoladh ag Nextcloud Talk\" chun comhad nó fillteán a roinnt toisc nach bhfuil Nextcloud Talk cumasaithe.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Pasfhocal mícheart",
"shared by %s" : "roinnte ag %s",
"Download all files" : "Gach comhaid a íoslódáil",
"Direct link" : "Nasc díreach",
@@ -115,6 +116,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Glac",
"Decline" : "Meath",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Cuireann an feidhmchlár seo ar chumas daoine comhaid a roinnt laistigh de Nextcloud. Má tá sé cumasaithe, is féidir leis an riarthóir a roghnú cé na grúpaí ar féidir leo comhaid a roinnt. Is féidir leis na daoine infheidhme comhaid agus fillteáin a roinnt ansin le cuntais agus grúpaí eile laistigh de Nextcloud. Ina theannta sin, má chumasaíonn an riarthóir an ghné nasc comhroinnte, is féidir nasc seachtrach a úsáid chun comhaid a roinnt le daoine eile lasmuigh de Nextcloud. Is féidir le riarthóirí pasfhocail, dátaí éaga a fhorfheidhmiú freisin, agus roinnt freastalaí a chumasú trí naisc scaireanna, chomh maith le comhroinnt ó ghléasanna soghluaiste.\nMá mhúchtar an ghné, baintear comhaid agus fillteáin roinnte ar an bhfreastalaí do gach faighteoir scaireanna, agus freisin ar na cliaint sioncronaithe agus aipeanna móibíleacha. Tá tuilleadh eolais ar fáil sa Doiciméadúchán Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Dáta éaga",
+ "Password" : "Pasfhocal",
+ "Share link" : "Comhroinn nasc",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Cóipeáil chuig an ngearrthaisce",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Cóipeáladh an nasc chuig an ngearrthaisce",
+ "Select" : "Roghnaigh",
+ "Cancel" : "Cealaigh",
+ "Continue" : "Lean ar aghaidh",
+ "Close" : "Dún",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Earráid agus an sciar á cruthú: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Earráid agus an sciar á cruthú",
"Sharing" : "Roinnt",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Glac le scaireanna ó chuntais agus ó ghrúpaí eile de réir réamhshocraithe",
"Error while toggling options" : "Earráid agus roghanna á scoránú",
@@ -149,7 +161,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Dáta éaga (curtha i bhfeidhm)",
"Enter a date" : "Cuir isteach dáta",
"Create share" : "Cruthaigh sciar",
- "Cancel" : "Cealaigh",
"Customize link" : "Saincheap nasc",
"Generate QR code" : "Gin cód QR",
"Add another link" : "Cuir nasc eile leis",
@@ -159,7 +170,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Comhroinnt ríomhphoist ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Roinn nasc ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Roinn nasc ({ index})",
- "Share link" : "Comhroinn nasc",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Gníomhartha le haghaidh \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Cóipeáil nasc poiblí de \"{title}\" chuig an ngearrthaisce",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Earráid, cuir isteach pasfhocal ceart agus/nó dáta éaga le do thoil",
@@ -168,7 +178,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Roghanna scaireanna tapa, is é \"{selectedOption}\" an rogha reatha",
"View only" : "Amharc amháin",
"Can edit" : "Is féidir eagarthóireacht a dhéanamh",
- "File drop" : "Titim comhad",
"Custom permissions" : "Ceadanna saincheaptha",
"Search for share recipients" : "Cuardaigh faighteoirí scaireanna",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Gan moltaí. Tosaigh ag clóscríobh.",
@@ -192,12 +201,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Ardsocruithe",
"Share label" : "Comhroinn lipéad",
"Set password" : "Socraigh pasfhocal",
- "Password" : "Pasfhocal",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Téann pasfhocal in éag {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Pasfhocal imithe in éag",
"Video verification" : "Fíorú físeán",
"Set expiration date" : "Socraigh dáta éaga",
- "Expiration date" : "Dáta éaga",
"Hide download" : "Folaigh íoslódáil",
"Allow download" : "Ceadaigh íoslódáil",
"Note to recipient" : "Nóta don fhaighteoir",
@@ -234,8 +241,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Roinnte ag {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Taispeáin roghanna comhroinnte",
"Link to a file" : "Nasc chuig comhad",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Earráid agus an sciar á cruthú: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Earráid agus an sciar á cruthú",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Earráid agus an sciar á nuashonrú: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Earráid agus an sciar á nuashonrú",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Comhad \"{path}\" díroinnte",
@@ -302,6 +307,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Ceadanna cuachta",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Ní oibríonn sé ach d’úsáideoirí a bhfuil rochtain acu ar an bhfillteán seo",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Ní oibríonn ach d’úsáideoirí a bhfuil rochtain acu ar an gcomhad seo",
+ "File drop" : "Titim comhad",
"Circle" : "Ciorcal",
"Update" : "Nuashonrú",
"Share with " : "Roinn le",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ga.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ga.json
index 42c07b05ba8..f5a50a7a770 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ga.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ga.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Caithfidh ceadanna READ nó CREATE a bheith ag sciar ar a laghad",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Ní mór cead READ a bheith ag sciar má shocraítear cead UPDATE nó DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Theip ar \"an focal faire a sheoladh ag Nextcloud Talk\" chun comhad nó fillteán a roinnt toisc nach bhfuil Nextcloud Talk cumasaithe.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Pasfhocal mícheart",
"shared by %s" : "roinnte ag %s",
"Download all files" : "Gach comhaid a íoslódáil",
"Direct link" : "Nasc díreach",
@@ -113,6 +114,17 @@
"Accept" : "Glac",
"Decline" : "Meath",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Cuireann an feidhmchlár seo ar chumas daoine comhaid a roinnt laistigh de Nextcloud. Má tá sé cumasaithe, is féidir leis an riarthóir a roghnú cé na grúpaí ar féidir leo comhaid a roinnt. Is féidir leis na daoine infheidhme comhaid agus fillteáin a roinnt ansin le cuntais agus grúpaí eile laistigh de Nextcloud. Ina theannta sin, má chumasaíonn an riarthóir an ghné nasc comhroinnte, is féidir nasc seachtrach a úsáid chun comhaid a roinnt le daoine eile lasmuigh de Nextcloud. Is féidir le riarthóirí pasfhocail, dátaí éaga a fhorfheidhmiú freisin, agus roinnt freastalaí a chumasú trí naisc scaireanna, chomh maith le comhroinnt ó ghléasanna soghluaiste.\nMá mhúchtar an ghné, baintear comhaid agus fillteáin roinnte ar an bhfreastalaí do gach faighteoir scaireanna, agus freisin ar na cliaint sioncronaithe agus aipeanna móibíleacha. Tá tuilleadh eolais ar fáil sa Doiciméadúchán Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Dáta éaga",
+ "Password" : "Pasfhocal",
+ "Share link" : "Comhroinn nasc",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Cóipeáil chuig an ngearrthaisce",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Cóipeáladh an nasc chuig an ngearrthaisce",
+ "Select" : "Roghnaigh",
+ "Cancel" : "Cealaigh",
+ "Continue" : "Lean ar aghaidh",
+ "Close" : "Dún",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Earráid agus an sciar á cruthú: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Earráid agus an sciar á cruthú",
"Sharing" : "Roinnt",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Glac le scaireanna ó chuntais agus ó ghrúpaí eile de réir réamhshocraithe",
"Error while toggling options" : "Earráid agus roghanna á scoránú",
@@ -147,7 +159,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Dáta éaga (curtha i bhfeidhm)",
"Enter a date" : "Cuir isteach dáta",
"Create share" : "Cruthaigh sciar",
- "Cancel" : "Cealaigh",
"Customize link" : "Saincheap nasc",
"Generate QR code" : "Gin cód QR",
"Add another link" : "Cuir nasc eile leis",
@@ -157,7 +168,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Comhroinnt ríomhphoist ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Roinn nasc ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Roinn nasc ({ index})",
- "Share link" : "Comhroinn nasc",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Gníomhartha le haghaidh \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Cóipeáil nasc poiblí de \"{title}\" chuig an ngearrthaisce",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Earráid, cuir isteach pasfhocal ceart agus/nó dáta éaga le do thoil",
@@ -166,7 +176,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Roghanna scaireanna tapa, is é \"{selectedOption}\" an rogha reatha",
"View only" : "Amharc amháin",
"Can edit" : "Is féidir eagarthóireacht a dhéanamh",
- "File drop" : "Titim comhad",
"Custom permissions" : "Ceadanna saincheaptha",
"Search for share recipients" : "Cuardaigh faighteoirí scaireanna",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Gan moltaí. Tosaigh ag clóscríobh.",
@@ -190,12 +199,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Ardsocruithe",
"Share label" : "Comhroinn lipéad",
"Set password" : "Socraigh pasfhocal",
- "Password" : "Pasfhocal",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Téann pasfhocal in éag {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Pasfhocal imithe in éag",
"Video verification" : "Fíorú físeán",
"Set expiration date" : "Socraigh dáta éaga",
- "Expiration date" : "Dáta éaga",
"Hide download" : "Folaigh íoslódáil",
"Allow download" : "Ceadaigh íoslódáil",
"Note to recipient" : "Nóta don fhaighteoir",
@@ -232,8 +239,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Roinnte ag {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Taispeáin roghanna comhroinnte",
"Link to a file" : "Nasc chuig comhad",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Earráid agus an sciar á cruthú: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Earráid agus an sciar á cruthú",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Earráid agus an sciar á nuashonrú: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Earráid agus an sciar á nuashonrú",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Comhad \"{path}\" díroinnte",
@@ -300,6 +305,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Ceadanna cuachta",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Ní oibríonn sé ach d’úsáideoirí a bhfuil rochtain acu ar an bhfillteán seo",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Ní oibríonn ach d’úsáideoirí a bhfuil rochtain acu ar an gcomhad seo",
+ "File drop" : "Titim comhad",
"Circle" : "Ciorcal",
"Update" : "Nuashonrú",
"Share with " : "Roinn le",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.js
index 658e85ffffb..bbc18165f5d 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Compartir debe ter polo menos permisos de LER ou CREAR",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "A compartición debe ter permiso de LECTURA se está estabelecido o permiso ACTUALIZAR ou ELIMINAR",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Produciuse un erro ao «enviar o contrasinal mediante Nextcloud Talk» para compartir un ficheiro ou cartafol porque Nextcloud Talk non está activado.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contrasinal erróneo",
"shared by %s" : "compartido por %s",
"Download all files" : "Descargar todos os ficheiros",
"Direct link" : "Ligazón directa",
@@ -115,6 +116,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Declinar",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Esta aplicación permítelle á xente compartir ficheiros dentro de Nextcloud. Se o activa, a administración do sitio pode escoller que grupos poden compartir ficheiros. As persoas implicadas poderán compartir ficheiros e cartafoles con outras contas e grupos dentro de Nextcloud. Ademais, se a administración activa a característica de ligazón compartida, pode empregarse unha ligazón externa para compartir ficheiros con outras persoas fora de Nextcloud. A administración pode impor o uso de contrasinais ou datas de caducidade e activar a compartición de servidor a servidor mediante ligazóns compartidas, así como compartir dende dispositivos móbiles.\nDesactivar esta característica retira os ficheiros compartidos e os cartafoles do servidor, para todos os receptores, e tamén dos clientes de sincronización e móbiles. Atopará máis información na documentación de Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidade",
+ "Set a password" : "Estabelecer un contrasinal",
+ "Password" : "Contrasinal",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir ligazón",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar no portapapeis.",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "A ligazón foi copiada no portapapeis.",
+ "Select" : "Seleccionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Pechar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a compartición: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a compartición",
"Sharing" : "Compartindo",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceptar comparticións doutras contas e grupos de xeito predeterminado",
"Error while toggling options" : "Produciuse un erro ao alternar as opcións",
@@ -149,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de caducidade (obrigada)",
"Enter a date" : "Introduza unha data",
"Create share" : "Crear elemento compartido",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar a ligazón",
"Generate QR code" : "Xerar un código QR",
"Add another link" : "Engadir outra ligazón",
@@ -159,7 +171,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartir correo ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartir a ligazón ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartir a ligazón ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir ligazón",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Accións para «{title}»",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar a ligazón pública de «{title}» no portapapeis",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Erro, introduza un contrasinal ou unha data de caducidade correctos",
@@ -168,7 +179,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opcións compartir de forma rápida, a selección actual é \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Só ver",
"Can edit" : "Pode editar",
- "File drop" : "Soltar o ficheiro",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalizados",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios de comparticións",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Non hai recomendacións. Comece a escribir.",
@@ -192,12 +202,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Axustes avanzados",
"Share label" : "Compartir a etiqueta",
"Set password" : "Estabelecer o contrasinal",
- "Password" : "Contrasinal",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "O contrasinal caduca o {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "O contrasinal caducou",
"Video verification" : "Verificación de vídeo",
"Set expiration date" : "Estabelecer a data de caducidade",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidade",
"Hide download" : "Agochar a descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir a descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota para o destinatario",
@@ -234,8 +242,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartido por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Amosar as opcións de compartición",
"Link to a file" : "Ligazón a un ficheiro",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a compartición: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a compartición",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar a compartición: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar a compartición",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Foi retirado o ficheiro compartido «{path}».",
@@ -302,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos agrupados",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Só funciona para usuarios con acceso a este cartafol",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Só funciona para usuarios con acceso a este ficheiro",
+ "File drop" : "Soltar o ficheiro",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Share with " : "Compartir con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.json
index b7c9980c242..c7a1ac10aba 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/gl.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Compartir debe ter polo menos permisos de LER ou CREAR",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "A compartición debe ter permiso de LECTURA se está estabelecido o permiso ACTUALIZAR ou ELIMINAR",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Produciuse un erro ao «enviar o contrasinal mediante Nextcloud Talk» para compartir un ficheiro ou cartafol porque Nextcloud Talk non está activado.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Contrasinal erróneo",
"shared by %s" : "compartido por %s",
"Download all files" : "Descargar todos os ficheiros",
"Direct link" : "Ligazón directa",
@@ -113,6 +114,18 @@
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Declinar",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Esta aplicación permítelle á xente compartir ficheiros dentro de Nextcloud. Se o activa, a administración do sitio pode escoller que grupos poden compartir ficheiros. As persoas implicadas poderán compartir ficheiros e cartafoles con outras contas e grupos dentro de Nextcloud. Ademais, se a administración activa a característica de ligazón compartida, pode empregarse unha ligazón externa para compartir ficheiros con outras persoas fora de Nextcloud. A administración pode impor o uso de contrasinais ou datas de caducidade e activar a compartición de servidor a servidor mediante ligazóns compartidas, así como compartir dende dispositivos móbiles.\nDesactivar esta característica retira os ficheiros compartidos e os cartafoles do servidor, para todos os receptores, e tamén dos clientes de sincronización e móbiles. Atopará máis información na documentación de Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidade",
+ "Set a password" : "Estabelecer un contrasinal",
+ "Password" : "Contrasinal",
+ "Share link" : "Compartir ligazón",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar no portapapeis.",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "A ligazón foi copiada no portapapeis.",
+ "Select" : "Seleccionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Pechar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a compartición: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a compartición",
"Sharing" : "Compartindo",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceptar comparticións doutras contas e grupos de xeito predeterminado",
"Error while toggling options" : "Produciuse un erro ao alternar as opcións",
@@ -147,7 +160,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de caducidade (obrigada)",
"Enter a date" : "Introduza unha data",
"Create share" : "Crear elemento compartido",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar a ligazón",
"Generate QR code" : "Xerar un código QR",
"Add another link" : "Engadir outra ligazón",
@@ -157,7 +169,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartir correo ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartir a ligazón ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartir a ligazón ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Compartir ligazón",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Accións para «{title}»",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copiar a ligazón pública de «{title}» no portapapeis",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Erro, introduza un contrasinal ou unha data de caducidade correctos",
@@ -166,7 +177,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opcións compartir de forma rápida, a selección actual é \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Só ver",
"Can edit" : "Pode editar",
- "File drop" : "Soltar o ficheiro",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisos personalizados",
"Search for share recipients" : "Buscar destinatarios de comparticións",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Non hai recomendacións. Comece a escribir.",
@@ -190,12 +200,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Axustes avanzados",
"Share label" : "Compartir a etiqueta",
"Set password" : "Estabelecer o contrasinal",
- "Password" : "Contrasinal",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "O contrasinal caduca o {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "O contrasinal caducou",
"Video verification" : "Verificación de vídeo",
"Set expiration date" : "Estabelecer a data de caducidade",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidade",
"Hide download" : "Agochar a descarga",
"Allow download" : "Permitir a descarga",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota para o destinatario",
@@ -232,8 +240,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartido por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Amosar as opcións de compartición",
"Link to a file" : "Ligazón a un ficheiro",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a compartición: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear a compartición",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar a compartición: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar a compartición",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Foi retirado o ficheiro compartido «{path}».",
@@ -300,6 +306,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisos agrupados",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Só funciona para usuarios con acceso a este cartafol",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Só funciona para usuarios con acceso a este ficheiro",
+ "File drop" : "Soltar o ficheiro",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Share with " : "Compartir con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/he.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/he.js
index 722bc31cf70..54f6638a6ca 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/he.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/he.js
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not lock node" : "לא היה ניתן לנעול את הצומת",
"Could not lock path" : "לא ניתן היה לנעול נתיב",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "משתנה עדכון שניתן שגוי או לא קיים",
+ "Wrong password" : "ססמה שגויה",
"shared by %s" : "שותף על ידי %s",
"Download all files" : "הורדת כל הקבצים",
"Direct link" : "קישור ישיר",
@@ -101,6 +102,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "קיבלת {share} לקבוצה {group} כשיתוף על ידי {user}",
"Accept" : "קבלה",
"Decline" : "דחייה",
+ "Expiration date" : "מועד תפוגה",
+ "Set a password" : "הגדרת ססמה",
+ "Password" : "ססמה",
+ "Share link" : "שיתוף קישור",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "העתקה ללוח הגזירים",
+ "Send link via email" : "שליחת קישור באמצעות דואר אלקטרוני",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "הקישור הועתק ללוח הגזירים",
+ "Select" : "בחר",
+ "Cancel" : "ביטול",
+ "Continue" : "להמשך",
+ "Close" : "סגירה",
+ "Error creating the share" : "יצירת השיתוף נכשלה",
"Sharing" : "שיתוף",
"Reset" : "איפוס",
"Invalid path selected" : "הנתיב שנבחר שגוי",
@@ -126,13 +139,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "תאריך תפוגה (נאכף)",
"Enter a date" : "נא למלא תאריך",
"Create share" : "צור שיתוף",
- "Cancel" : "ביטול",
"Add another link" : "הוספת קישור נוסף",
"Create a new share link" : "יצירת קישור שיתוף חדש",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} באמצעות {initiator}",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "שותף דרך קישור על ידי {initiator}",
"Share link ({label})" : "שתף קישור ({label})",
- "Share link" : "שיתוף קישור",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "שגיאה, נא למלא ססמה ו/או תאריך תפוגה כראוי",
"View only" : "לצפיה בלבד",
"Can edit" : "ניתן לערוך",
@@ -152,10 +163,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow editing" : "לאפשר עריכה",
"Advanced settings" : "הגדרות מתקדמות",
"Share label" : "שתף תווית",
- "Password" : "ססמה",
"Video verification" : "אימות וידאו",
"Set expiration date" : "הגדרת תאריך תפוגה",
- "Expiration date" : "מועד תפוגה",
"Hide download" : "הסתרת הורדה",
"Note to recipient" : "מסר לנמען",
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "נא להוסיף הערה למקבלי השיתוף",
@@ -172,7 +181,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "שותף אתך על ידי {owner}",
"Shared" : "משותף",
"Link to a file" : "קישור לקובץ",
- "Error creating the share" : "יצירת השיתוף נכשלה",
"Error updating the share" : "שגיאה בעדכון השיתוף",
"Shared by" : "שותף על־ידי",
"Shared with" : "משותף עם",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/he.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/he.json
index 6ce36f0bd01..22529af77c2 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/he.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/he.json
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
"Could not lock node" : "לא היה ניתן לנעול את הצומת",
"Could not lock path" : "לא ניתן היה לנעול נתיב",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "משתנה עדכון שניתן שגוי או לא קיים",
+ "Wrong password" : "ססמה שגויה",
"shared by %s" : "שותף על ידי %s",
"Download all files" : "הורדת כל הקבצים",
"Direct link" : "קישור ישיר",
@@ -99,6 +100,18 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "קיבלת {share} לקבוצה {group} כשיתוף על ידי {user}",
"Accept" : "קבלה",
"Decline" : "דחייה",
+ "Expiration date" : "מועד תפוגה",
+ "Set a password" : "הגדרת ססמה",
+ "Password" : "ססמה",
+ "Share link" : "שיתוף קישור",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "העתקה ללוח הגזירים",
+ "Send link via email" : "שליחת קישור באמצעות דואר אלקטרוני",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "הקישור הועתק ללוח הגזירים",
+ "Select" : "בחר",
+ "Cancel" : "ביטול",
+ "Continue" : "להמשך",
+ "Close" : "סגירה",
+ "Error creating the share" : "יצירת השיתוף נכשלה",
"Sharing" : "שיתוף",
"Reset" : "איפוס",
"Invalid path selected" : "הנתיב שנבחר שגוי",
@@ -124,13 +137,11 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "תאריך תפוגה (נאכף)",
"Enter a date" : "נא למלא תאריך",
"Create share" : "צור שיתוף",
- "Cancel" : "ביטול",
"Add another link" : "הוספת קישור נוסף",
"Create a new share link" : "יצירת קישור שיתוף חדש",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} באמצעות {initiator}",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "שותף דרך קישור על ידי {initiator}",
"Share link ({label})" : "שתף קישור ({label})",
- "Share link" : "שיתוף קישור",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "שגיאה, נא למלא ססמה ו/או תאריך תפוגה כראוי",
"View only" : "לצפיה בלבד",
"Can edit" : "ניתן לערוך",
@@ -150,10 +161,8 @@
"Allow editing" : "לאפשר עריכה",
"Advanced settings" : "הגדרות מתקדמות",
"Share label" : "שתף תווית",
- "Password" : "ססמה",
"Video verification" : "אימות וידאו",
"Set expiration date" : "הגדרת תאריך תפוגה",
- "Expiration date" : "מועד תפוגה",
"Hide download" : "הסתרת הורדה",
"Note to recipient" : "מסר לנמען",
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "נא להוסיף הערה למקבלי השיתוף",
@@ -170,7 +179,6 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "שותף אתך על ידי {owner}",
"Shared" : "משותף",
"Link to a file" : "קישור לקובץ",
- "Error creating the share" : "יצירת השיתוף נכשלה",
"Error updating the share" : "שגיאה בעדכון השיתוף",
"Shared by" : "שותף על־ידי",
"Shared with" : "משותף עם",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hr.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hr.js
index c8804482837..7148068d412 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hr.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hr.js
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not lock path" : "Put nije moguće zaključati",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Pogrešan parametar ili nije dodan parametar ažuriranja",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Slanje zaporke putem aplikacije Nextcloud Talk“ radi dijeljenja datoteke ili mape nije uspjelo jer Nextcloud Talk nije omogućen.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Pogrešna zaporka",
"shared by %s" : "dijeli %s",
"Download all files" : "Preuzmi sve datoteke",
"Direct link" : "Izravna poveznica",
@@ -105,6 +106,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Primili ste {share} grupi {group} kao dijeljenje od {user}",
"Accept" : "Prihvati",
"Decline" : "Odbij",
+ "Expiration date" : "Datum isteka",
+ "Set a password" : "Postavi zaporku",
+ "Password" : "Zaporka",
+ "Share link" : "Dijeli poveznicu",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiraj u međuspremnik",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Poveznica je kopirana u međuspremnik",
+ "Select" : "Odaberi",
+ "Cancel" : "Odustani",
+ "Continue" : "Nastavi",
+ "Close" : "Zatvori",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Pogreška pri stvaranju dijeljenja: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Pogreška pri stvaranju dijeljenja",
"Sharing" : "Dijeljenje",
"Reset" : "Resetiraj",
"Invalid path selected" : "Odabran nevažeći put",
@@ -130,18 +143,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Datum isteka (provedeno)",
"Enter a date" : "Unesi datum",
"Create share" : "Stvori dijeljenje",
- "Cancel" : "Odustani",
"Add another link" : "Dodaj drugu poveznicu",
"Create a new share link" : "Stvori novu poveznicu dijeljenja",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} od {initiator}",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Dijeli {initiator} putem poveznice",
"Mail share ({label})" : "Dijeljenje poštom ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Poveznica dijeljenja ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Dijeli poveznicu",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Pogreška, unesite točnu zaporku i/ili datum isteka",
"View only" : "Samo za gledanje",
"Can edit" : "Uređivanje moguće",
- "File drop" : "Povlačenje datoteke",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Nema preporuka. Započnite unos.",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ponovno dijeljenje nije dopušteno",
"Name or email …" : "Ime ili adresa e-pošte…",
@@ -159,10 +169,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow editing" : "Dopusti uređivanje",
"Advanced settings" : "Napredne postavke",
"Share label" : "oznaka za dijeljenje",
- "Password" : "Zaporka",
"Video verification" : "Provjera videozapisa",
"Set expiration date" : "Postavi datum isteka",
- "Expiration date" : "Datum isteka",
"Hide download" : "Sakrij preuzimanje",
"Note to recipient" : "Obavijest primatelju",
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Unesite bilješku za primatelja dijeljenja",
@@ -181,8 +189,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "S vama podijelio {owner}",
"Shared" : "Dijeljeno",
"Link to a file" : "Poveži s datotekom",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Pogreška pri stvaranju dijeljenja: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Pogreška pri stvaranju dijeljenja",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Pogreška pri ažuriranju dijeljenja: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Pogreška pri ažuriranju dijeljenja",
"Shared by" : "Podijeljeno od",
@@ -231,6 +237,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Upload" : "Otpremi",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Samo za korisnike koji smiju pristupiti ovoj mapi",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Samo za korisnike koji smiju pristupiti ovoj datoteci",
+ "File drop" : "Povlačenje datoteke",
"Circle" : "Krug",
"Update" : "Ažuriraj",
"No other users with access found" : "Nije pronađen nijedan drugi korisnik s omogućenim pristupom",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hr.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hr.json
index 518ce8a2e63..93d5b847716 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hr.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hr.json
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
"Could not lock path" : "Put nije moguće zaključati",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Pogrešan parametar ili nije dodan parametar ažuriranja",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Slanje zaporke putem aplikacije Nextcloud Talk“ radi dijeljenja datoteke ili mape nije uspjelo jer Nextcloud Talk nije omogućen.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Pogrešna zaporka",
"shared by %s" : "dijeli %s",
"Download all files" : "Preuzmi sve datoteke",
"Direct link" : "Izravna poveznica",
@@ -103,6 +104,18 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Primili ste {share} grupi {group} kao dijeljenje od {user}",
"Accept" : "Prihvati",
"Decline" : "Odbij",
+ "Expiration date" : "Datum isteka",
+ "Set a password" : "Postavi zaporku",
+ "Password" : "Zaporka",
+ "Share link" : "Dijeli poveznicu",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiraj u međuspremnik",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Poveznica je kopirana u međuspremnik",
+ "Select" : "Odaberi",
+ "Cancel" : "Odustani",
+ "Continue" : "Nastavi",
+ "Close" : "Zatvori",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Pogreška pri stvaranju dijeljenja: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Pogreška pri stvaranju dijeljenja",
"Sharing" : "Dijeljenje",
"Reset" : "Resetiraj",
"Invalid path selected" : "Odabran nevažeći put",
@@ -128,18 +141,15 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Datum isteka (provedeno)",
"Enter a date" : "Unesi datum",
"Create share" : "Stvori dijeljenje",
- "Cancel" : "Odustani",
"Add another link" : "Dodaj drugu poveznicu",
"Create a new share link" : "Stvori novu poveznicu dijeljenja",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} od {initiator}",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Dijeli {initiator} putem poveznice",
"Mail share ({label})" : "Dijeljenje poštom ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Poveznica dijeljenja ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Dijeli poveznicu",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Pogreška, unesite točnu zaporku i/ili datum isteka",
"View only" : "Samo za gledanje",
"Can edit" : "Uređivanje moguće",
- "File drop" : "Povlačenje datoteke",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Nema preporuka. Započnite unos.",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ponovno dijeljenje nije dopušteno",
"Name or email …" : "Ime ili adresa e-pošte…",
@@ -157,10 +167,8 @@
"Allow editing" : "Dopusti uređivanje",
"Advanced settings" : "Napredne postavke",
"Share label" : "oznaka za dijeljenje",
- "Password" : "Zaporka",
"Video verification" : "Provjera videozapisa",
"Set expiration date" : "Postavi datum isteka",
- "Expiration date" : "Datum isteka",
"Hide download" : "Sakrij preuzimanje",
"Note to recipient" : "Obavijest primatelju",
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Unesite bilješku za primatelja dijeljenja",
@@ -179,8 +187,6 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "S vama podijelio {owner}",
"Shared" : "Dijeljeno",
"Link to a file" : "Poveži s datotekom",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Pogreška pri stvaranju dijeljenja: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Pogreška pri stvaranju dijeljenja",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Pogreška pri ažuriranju dijeljenja: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Pogreška pri ažuriranju dijeljenja",
"Shared by" : "Podijeljeno od",
@@ -229,6 +235,7 @@
"Upload" : "Otpremi",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Samo za korisnike koji smiju pristupiti ovoj mapi",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Samo za korisnike koji smiju pristupiti ovoj datoteci",
+ "File drop" : "Povlačenje datoteke",
"Circle" : "Krug",
"Update" : "Ažuriraj",
"No other users with access found" : "Nije pronađen nijedan drugi korisnik s omogućenim pristupom",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hu.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hu.js
index ac02cec5ced..d9c74f0d984 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hu.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "A megosztásnak legalább OLVASÁSI és LÉTREHOZÁSI engedéllyel kell rendelkeznie",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "A megosztásnak OLVASÁSI jogosultsággal kell rendelkeznie, ha a FRISSÍTÉSI vagy TÖRLÉSI jogosultság meg van adva",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "A „Jelszó kiküldése a Nextcloud Beszélgetéssel” nem sikerült a fájlnál vagy mappánál, mert a Nextcloud Beszélgetés nem engedélyezett.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Hibás jelszó",
"shared by %s" : "megosztotta: %s",
"Download all files" : "Összes fájl letöltése",
"Direct link" : "Közvetlen hivatkozás",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "A(z) {share} megosztást a(z) {group} csoportba kapta {user} felhasználótól.",
"Accept" : "Elfogadás",
"Decline" : "Elutasítás",
+ "Expiration date" : "Lejárati dátum",
+ "Set a password" : "Jelszó beállítása",
+ "Password" : "Jelszó",
+ "Share link" : "Megosztási hivatkozás",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Másolás a vágólapra",
+ "Send link via email" : "Hivatkozás küldése levélben",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Hivatkozás a vágólapra másolva",
+ "Select" : "Kiválasztás",
+ "Cancel" : "Mégse",
+ "Continue" : "Folytatás",
+ "Close" : "Bezárás",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hiba történt a megosztás létrehozása során: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Megosztás létrehozása sikertelen",
"Sharing" : "Megosztás",
"Error while toggling options" : "Hiba a beállítások módosításakor",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Alapértelmezett mappa beállítása az elfogadott megosztásokhoz",
@@ -143,7 +157,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Lejárati idő (megkövetelve)",
"Enter a date" : "Adjon meg egy dátumot",
"Create share" : "Megosztás létrehozása",
- "Cancel" : "Mégse",
"Customize link" : "Hivatkozás testreszabása",
"Add another link" : "További hivatkozás hozzáadása",
"Create a new share link" : "Új megosztási hivatkozás létrehozása",
@@ -152,7 +165,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "E-mail megosztás ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Megosztási hivatkozás ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Megosztási hivatkozás ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Megosztási hivatkozás",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "A(z) „{title}” műveletei",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "A(z) „{title}” nyilvános hivatkozás másolása a vágólapra",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Hiba, írja be a megfelelő jelszót vagy lejárati dátumot",
@@ -160,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Hiba a megosztás létrehozása során",
"View only" : "Csak megtekintés",
"Can edit" : "Szerkesztheti",
- "File drop" : "Fájllerakat",
"Custom permissions" : "Egyéni jogosultságok",
"Search for share recipients" : "Megosztás résztvevőinek keresése",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Nincs javaslat. Kezdjen gépelni.",
@@ -183,12 +194,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Speciális beállítások",
"Share label" : "Megosztás címkéje",
"Set password" : "Jelszó beállítása",
- "Password" : "Jelszó",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "A jelszó lejárati ideje: {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "A jelszó lejárt",
"Video verification" : "Videós ellenőrzés",
"Set expiration date" : "Lejárati idő beállítása",
- "Expiration date" : "Lejárati dátum",
"Hide download" : "Letöltés elrejtése",
"Allow download" : "Letöltés engedélyezése",
"Note to recipient" : "Jegyzet a címzettnek",
@@ -216,8 +225,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Megosztotta: {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Megosztási beállítások megjelenítése",
"Link to a file" : "Hivatkozás egy fájlhoz",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hiba történt a megosztás létrehozása során: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Megosztás létrehozása sikertelen",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hiba történt a megosztás frissítése során: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Hiba történt a megosztás frissítése során",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "A(z) „{path}” fájl megosztása leállítva",
@@ -284,6 +291,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Összetartozó jogosultságok",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Csak azoknál a felhasználóknál működik, akiknek hozzáférésük van ehhez a mappához",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Csak azoknál a felhasználóknál működik, akiknek hozzáférésük van ehhez a fájlhoz",
+ "File drop" : "Fájllerakat",
"Circle" : "Kör",
"Update" : "Frissítés",
"Share with " : "Megosztás vele:",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hu.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hu.json
index 4d1f3d61922..6b13d886e0b 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/hu.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "A megosztásnak legalább OLVASÁSI és LÉTREHOZÁSI engedéllyel kell rendelkeznie",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "A megosztásnak OLVASÁSI jogosultsággal kell rendelkeznie, ha a FRISSÍTÉSI vagy TÖRLÉSI jogosultság meg van adva",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "A „Jelszó kiküldése a Nextcloud Beszélgetéssel” nem sikerült a fájlnál vagy mappánál, mert a Nextcloud Beszélgetés nem engedélyezett.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Hibás jelszó",
"shared by %s" : "megosztotta: %s",
"Download all files" : "Összes fájl letöltése",
"Direct link" : "Közvetlen hivatkozás",
@@ -110,6 +111,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "A(z) {share} megosztást a(z) {group} csoportba kapta {user} felhasználótól.",
"Accept" : "Elfogadás",
"Decline" : "Elutasítás",
+ "Expiration date" : "Lejárati dátum",
+ "Set a password" : "Jelszó beállítása",
+ "Password" : "Jelszó",
+ "Share link" : "Megosztási hivatkozás",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Másolás a vágólapra",
+ "Send link via email" : "Hivatkozás küldése levélben",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Hivatkozás a vágólapra másolva",
+ "Select" : "Kiválasztás",
+ "Cancel" : "Mégse",
+ "Continue" : "Folytatás",
+ "Close" : "Bezárás",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hiba történt a megosztás létrehozása során: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Megosztás létrehozása sikertelen",
"Sharing" : "Megosztás",
"Error while toggling options" : "Hiba a beállítások módosításakor",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Alapértelmezett mappa beállítása az elfogadott megosztásokhoz",
@@ -141,7 +155,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Lejárati idő (megkövetelve)",
"Enter a date" : "Adjon meg egy dátumot",
"Create share" : "Megosztás létrehozása",
- "Cancel" : "Mégse",
"Customize link" : "Hivatkozás testreszabása",
"Add another link" : "További hivatkozás hozzáadása",
"Create a new share link" : "Új megosztási hivatkozás létrehozása",
@@ -150,7 +163,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "E-mail megosztás ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Megosztási hivatkozás ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Megosztási hivatkozás ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Megosztási hivatkozás",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "A(z) „{title}” műveletei",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "A(z) „{title}” nyilvános hivatkozás másolása a vágólapra",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Hiba, írja be a megfelelő jelszót vagy lejárati dátumot",
@@ -158,7 +170,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Hiba a megosztás létrehozása során",
"View only" : "Csak megtekintés",
"Can edit" : "Szerkesztheti",
- "File drop" : "Fájllerakat",
"Custom permissions" : "Egyéni jogosultságok",
"Search for share recipients" : "Megosztás résztvevőinek keresése",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Nincs javaslat. Kezdjen gépelni.",
@@ -181,12 +192,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Speciális beállítások",
"Share label" : "Megosztás címkéje",
"Set password" : "Jelszó beállítása",
- "Password" : "Jelszó",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "A jelszó lejárati ideje: {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "A jelszó lejárt",
"Video verification" : "Videós ellenőrzés",
"Set expiration date" : "Lejárati idő beállítása",
- "Expiration date" : "Lejárati dátum",
"Hide download" : "Letöltés elrejtése",
"Allow download" : "Letöltés engedélyezése",
"Note to recipient" : "Jegyzet a címzettnek",
@@ -214,8 +223,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Megosztotta: {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Megosztási beállítások megjelenítése",
"Link to a file" : "Hivatkozás egy fájlhoz",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hiba történt a megosztás létrehozása során: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Megosztás létrehozása sikertelen",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Hiba történt a megosztás frissítése során: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Hiba történt a megosztás frissítése során",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "A(z) „{path}” fájl megosztása leállítva",
@@ -282,6 +289,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Összetartozó jogosultságok",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Csak azoknál a felhasználóknál működik, akiknek hozzáférésük van ehhez a mappához",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Csak azoknál a felhasználóknál működik, akiknek hozzáférésük van ehhez a fájlhoz",
+ "File drop" : "Fájllerakat",
"Circle" : "Kör",
"Update" : "Frissítés",
"Share with " : "Megosztás vele:",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.js
index 0a175ea0079..ba7dbf1bedc 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Sameign verður að hafa að minnsta kosti LESA eða ÚTBÚA heimildir",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Sameign verður að hafa LESA heimild ef UPPFÆRA eða EYÐA heimildir eru veittar",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Deiling með því að senda lykilorð með Nextcloud Talk til að deila skrá eða möppu mistókst því að Nextcloud Talk er ekki virkt.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Rangt lykilorð",
"shared by %s" : "Deilt af %s",
"Download all files" : "Sækja allar skrár",
"Direct link" : "Beinn tengill",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Þú tókst við {share} fyrir hópinn {group} sem sameign frá {user}",
"Accept" : "Samþykkja",
"Decline" : "Hafna",
+ "Expiration date" : "Gildir til",
+ "Set a password" : "Setja lykilorð",
+ "Password" : "Lykilorð",
+ "Share link" : "Tengill á sameign",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Afrita á klippispjald",
+ "Send link via email" : "Senda tengil með tölvupósti",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Tengill afritaður á klippispjald",
+ "Select" : "Velja",
+ "Cancel" : "Hætta við",
+ "Continue" : "Halda áfram",
+ "Close" : "Loka",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Villa kom upp við að búa til sameignina: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Villa við að búa til sameignina",
"Sharing" : "Deiling",
"Error while toggling options" : "Villa við að víxla valkostum",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Stilltu sjáfgefna möppu fyrir samþykktar sameignir",
@@ -143,7 +157,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Gildistími (nauðsynlegur)",
"Enter a date" : "Settu inn dagsetningu",
"Create share" : "Búa til sameign",
- "Cancel" : "Hætta við",
"Customize link" : "Sérsníða tengil",
"Add another link" : "Bæta við öðrum tengli",
"Create a new share link" : "Búa til nýjan tengil á sameign",
@@ -152,7 +165,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Deilt með tölvupósti ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Tengill á sameign ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Tengill á sameign ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Tengill á sameign",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Aðgerðir fyrir \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Afrita opinberan tengil \"{title}\" á klippispjald",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Villa, settu inn alvöru lykilorð og/eða gildisdagsetningu",
@@ -160,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Villa kom upp við að búa til sameignina",
"View only" : "Einungis skoða",
"Can edit" : "Getur breytt",
- "File drop" : "Slepping skráa",
"Custom permissions" : "Sérsniðnar heimildir",
"Search for share recipients" : "Leita að viðtakendum sameignar",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Engar tillögur. Byrjaðu að skrifa.",
@@ -183,12 +194,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Ítarlegri valkostir",
"Share label" : "Merking á sameign",
"Set password" : "Stilltu lykilorð",
- "Password" : "Lykilorð",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Lykilorð rennur út {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Lykilorð er útrunnið",
"Video verification" : "Sannvottun í myndskeiði",
"Set expiration date" : "Setja gildistíma",
- "Expiration date" : "Gildir til",
"Hide download" : "Fela niðurhal",
"Allow download" : "Leyfa niðurhal",
"Note to recipient" : "Minnispunktur til viðtakanda",
@@ -216,8 +225,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Deilt af {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Birta valkostir deilingar",
"Link to a file" : "Tengill í skrá",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Villa kom upp við að búa til sameignina: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Villa við að búa til sameignina",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Villa kom upp við að uppfæra sameignina: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Villa við að uppfæra sameignina",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Skráin \"{path}\" hefur verið tekin úr deilingu",
@@ -284,6 +291,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Meðfylgjandi heimildir",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Virkar bara fyrir notendur sem hafa aðgang að þessari möppu",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Virkar bara fyrir notendur sem hafa aðgang að þessari skrá",
+ "File drop" : "Slepping skráa",
"Circle" : "Hringur",
"Update" : "Uppfæra",
"Share with " : "Deila með ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.json
index 8b57dc95104..a41871ba590 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Sameign verður að hafa að minnsta kosti LESA eða ÚTBÚA heimildir",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Sameign verður að hafa LESA heimild ef UPPFÆRA eða EYÐA heimildir eru veittar",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Deiling með því að senda lykilorð með Nextcloud Talk til að deila skrá eða möppu mistókst því að Nextcloud Talk er ekki virkt.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Rangt lykilorð",
"shared by %s" : "Deilt af %s",
"Download all files" : "Sækja allar skrár",
"Direct link" : "Beinn tengill",
@@ -110,6 +111,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Þú tókst við {share} fyrir hópinn {group} sem sameign frá {user}",
"Accept" : "Samþykkja",
"Decline" : "Hafna",
+ "Expiration date" : "Gildir til",
+ "Set a password" : "Setja lykilorð",
+ "Password" : "Lykilorð",
+ "Share link" : "Tengill á sameign",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Afrita á klippispjald",
+ "Send link via email" : "Senda tengil með tölvupósti",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Tengill afritaður á klippispjald",
+ "Select" : "Velja",
+ "Cancel" : "Hætta við",
+ "Continue" : "Halda áfram",
+ "Close" : "Loka",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Villa kom upp við að búa til sameignina: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Villa við að búa til sameignina",
"Sharing" : "Deiling",
"Error while toggling options" : "Villa við að víxla valkostum",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Stilltu sjáfgefna möppu fyrir samþykktar sameignir",
@@ -141,7 +155,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Gildistími (nauðsynlegur)",
"Enter a date" : "Settu inn dagsetningu",
"Create share" : "Búa til sameign",
- "Cancel" : "Hætta við",
"Customize link" : "Sérsníða tengil",
"Add another link" : "Bæta við öðrum tengli",
"Create a new share link" : "Búa til nýjan tengil á sameign",
@@ -150,7 +163,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Deilt með tölvupósti ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Tengill á sameign ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Tengill á sameign ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Tengill á sameign",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Aðgerðir fyrir \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Afrita opinberan tengil \"{title}\" á klippispjald",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Villa, settu inn alvöru lykilorð og/eða gildisdagsetningu",
@@ -158,7 +170,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Villa kom upp við að búa til sameignina",
"View only" : "Einungis skoða",
"Can edit" : "Getur breytt",
- "File drop" : "Slepping skráa",
"Custom permissions" : "Sérsniðnar heimildir",
"Search for share recipients" : "Leita að viðtakendum sameignar",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Engar tillögur. Byrjaðu að skrifa.",
@@ -181,12 +192,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Ítarlegri valkostir",
"Share label" : "Merking á sameign",
"Set password" : "Stilltu lykilorð",
- "Password" : "Lykilorð",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Lykilorð rennur út {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Lykilorð er útrunnið",
"Video verification" : "Sannvottun í myndskeiði",
"Set expiration date" : "Setja gildistíma",
- "Expiration date" : "Gildir til",
"Hide download" : "Fela niðurhal",
"Allow download" : "Leyfa niðurhal",
"Note to recipient" : "Minnispunktur til viðtakanda",
@@ -214,8 +223,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Deilt af {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Birta valkostir deilingar",
"Link to a file" : "Tengill í skrá",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Villa kom upp við að búa til sameignina: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Villa við að búa til sameignina",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Villa kom upp við að uppfæra sameignina: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Villa við að uppfæra sameignina",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Skráin \"{path}\" hefur verið tekin úr deilingu",
@@ -282,6 +289,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Meðfylgjandi heimildir",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Virkar bara fyrir notendur sem hafa aðgang að þessari möppu",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Virkar bara fyrir notendur sem hafa aðgang að þessari skrá",
+ "File drop" : "Slepping skráa",
"Circle" : "Hringur",
"Update" : "Uppfæra",
"Share with " : "Deila með ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
index 66111f03a80..ea697b4b834 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "La condivisione deve disporre almeno delle autorizzazioni READ o CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "La condivisione deve disporre dell'autorizzazione READ se l'autorizzazione è impostata su UPDATE o DELETE.",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Invio della password da Nextcloud Talk\" per condividere un file o una cartella non è riuscito poiché Nextcloud Talk non è attivato.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Password errata",
"shared by %s" : "condiviso da %s",
"Download all files" : "Scarica tutti i file",
"Direct link" : "Collegamento diretto",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Accetta",
"Decline" : "Rifiuta",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli utenti di condividere file all'interno di Nextcloud. Se abilitata, l'amministratore può scegliere quali gruppi possono condividere file. Gli utenti ai quali si applica possono quindi condividere file e cartelle con altri utenti e gruppi all'interno di Nextcloud. In aggiunta, se l'amministratore abilita la funzionalità dei collegamenti di condivisione, un collegamento esterno può essere utilizzato per condividere file con altri utenti all'esterno di Nextcloud. Gli amministratori possono inoltre forzare le password, le date di scadenza e abilitare la condivisione tra server tramite collegamenti di condivisione, così come la condivisione da dispositivi mobili.\nLa disattivazione della funzionalità rimuove i file e le cartelle condivisi sul server per tutti i destinatari della condivisione, e anche sui client di sincronizzazione e sulle applicazioni mobili. Altre informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione di Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data di scadenza",
+ "Set a password" : "Imposta una password",
+ "Password" : "Password",
+ "Share link" : "Condividi collegamento",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copia negli appunti",
+ "Send link via email" : "Invia collegamento tramite email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Collegamento copiato negli appunti",
+ "Select" : "Seleziona",
+ "Cancel" : "Annulla",
+ "Continue" : "Continua",
+ "Close" : "Chiudi",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore durante la creazione della condivisione: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Errore durante la creazione della condivisione",
"Sharing" : "Condivisione",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Accetta condivisioni da altri account e gruppi per impostazione predefinita",
"Error while toggling options" : "Errore durante il cambio delle opzioni",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data di scadenza (applicata)",
"Enter a date" : "Digita una data",
"Create share" : "Crea condivisione",
- "Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Customize link" : "Personalizza il collegamento",
"Generate QR code" : "Genera codice QR",
"Add another link" : "Aggiungi un altro collegamento",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Condivisione email ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Condividi collegamento ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Condividi collegamento ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Condividi collegamento",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Azioni per \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copia il collegamento pubblico di \"{title}\" negli appunti",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Errore, digita la password corretta e/o la data di scadenza",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opzioni di condivisione rapida, l'attuale selezionata è \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Sola lettura",
"Can edit" : "Può modificare",
- "File drop" : "Elimina file",
"Custom permissions" : "Autorizzazioni personalizzate",
"Search for share recipients" : "Cerca i destinatari della condivisione",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Nessun consiglio. Inizia a digitare.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Impostazioni avanzate",
"Share label" : "Condividi etichetta",
"Set password" : "Imposta password",
- "Password" : "Password",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Scadenza password {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Password scaduta",
"Video verification" : "Verifica video",
"Set expiration date" : "Imposta data di scadenza",
- "Expiration date" : "Data di scadenza",
"Hide download" : "Nascondi scaricamento",
"Allow download" : "Consenti scaricamento",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota al destinatario",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Condiviso da {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostra le opzioni di condivisione",
"Link to a file" : "Collega a un file",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore durante la creazione della condivisione: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Errore durante la creazione della condivisione",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore durante l'aggiornamento della condivisione: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Errore durante l'aggiornamento della condivisione",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "La condivisione del file \"{path}\" è stata rimossa",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Permessi raggruppati",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funziona solo per gli utenti con accesso a questa cartella",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funziona solo per gli utenti con accesso a questo file",
+ "File drop" : "Elimina file",
"Circle" : "Cerchia",
"Update" : "Aggiorna",
"Share with " : "Condividi con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
index 3ade4f59fc4..e6f45a2f4f6 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "La condivisione deve disporre almeno delle autorizzazioni READ o CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "La condivisione deve disporre dell'autorizzazione READ se l'autorizzazione è impostata su UPDATE o DELETE.",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Invio della password da Nextcloud Talk\" per condividere un file o una cartella non è riuscito poiché Nextcloud Talk non è attivato.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Password errata",
"shared by %s" : "condiviso da %s",
"Download all files" : "Scarica tutti i file",
"Direct link" : "Collegamento diretto",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Accetta",
"Decline" : "Rifiuta",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli utenti di condividere file all'interno di Nextcloud. Se abilitata, l'amministratore può scegliere quali gruppi possono condividere file. Gli utenti ai quali si applica possono quindi condividere file e cartelle con altri utenti e gruppi all'interno di Nextcloud. In aggiunta, se l'amministratore abilita la funzionalità dei collegamenti di condivisione, un collegamento esterno può essere utilizzato per condividere file con altri utenti all'esterno di Nextcloud. Gli amministratori possono inoltre forzare le password, le date di scadenza e abilitare la condivisione tra server tramite collegamenti di condivisione, così come la condivisione da dispositivi mobili.\nLa disattivazione della funzionalità rimuove i file e le cartelle condivisi sul server per tutti i destinatari della condivisione, e anche sui client di sincronizzazione e sulle applicazioni mobili. Altre informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione di Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data di scadenza",
+ "Set a password" : "Imposta una password",
+ "Password" : "Password",
+ "Share link" : "Condividi collegamento",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copia negli appunti",
+ "Send link via email" : "Invia collegamento tramite email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Collegamento copiato negli appunti",
+ "Select" : "Seleziona",
+ "Cancel" : "Annulla",
+ "Continue" : "Continua",
+ "Close" : "Chiudi",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore durante la creazione della condivisione: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Errore durante la creazione della condivisione",
"Sharing" : "Condivisione",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Accetta condivisioni da altri account e gruppi per impostazione predefinita",
"Error while toggling options" : "Errore durante il cambio delle opzioni",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data di scadenza (applicata)",
"Enter a date" : "Digita una data",
"Create share" : "Crea condivisione",
- "Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Customize link" : "Personalizza il collegamento",
"Generate QR code" : "Genera codice QR",
"Add another link" : "Aggiungi un altro collegamento",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Condivisione email ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Condividi collegamento ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Condividi collegamento ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Condividi collegamento",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Azioni per \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copia il collegamento pubblico di \"{title}\" negli appunti",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Errore, digita la password corretta e/o la data di scadenza",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opzioni di condivisione rapida, l'attuale selezionata è \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Sola lettura",
"Can edit" : "Può modificare",
- "File drop" : "Elimina file",
"Custom permissions" : "Autorizzazioni personalizzate",
"Search for share recipients" : "Cerca i destinatari della condivisione",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Nessun consiglio. Inizia a digitare.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Impostazioni avanzate",
"Share label" : "Condividi etichetta",
"Set password" : "Imposta password",
- "Password" : "Password",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Scadenza password {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Password scaduta",
"Video verification" : "Verifica video",
"Set expiration date" : "Imposta data di scadenza",
- "Expiration date" : "Data di scadenza",
"Hide download" : "Nascondi scaricamento",
"Allow download" : "Consenti scaricamento",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota al destinatario",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Condiviso da {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostra le opzioni di condivisione",
"Link to a file" : "Collega a un file",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore durante la creazione della condivisione: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Errore durante la creazione della condivisione",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore durante l'aggiornamento della condivisione: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Errore durante l'aggiornamento della condivisione",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "La condivisione del file \"{path}\" è stata rimossa",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Permessi raggruppati",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funziona solo per gli utenti con accesso a questa cartella",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funziona solo per gli utenti con accesso a questo file",
+ "File drop" : "Elimina file",
"Circle" : "Cerchia",
"Update" : "Aggiorna",
"Share with " : "Condividi con",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ja.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ja.js
index 9a1de079b09..c0127f837e6 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ja.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "共有には少なくとも 読み込み または 作成の権限が必要です",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "更新 または 削除権限が設定されている場合、共有者は 読み込み権限を持っている必要があります。",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Nextcloud Talkが有効になっていないため、ファイルまたはフォルダーを共有するための「NextcloudTalkによるパスワードの送信」ができませんでした。",
+ "Wrong password" : "パスワードが間違っています",
"shared by %s" : "%s が共有",
"Download all files" : "すべてのファイルをダウンロード",
"Direct link" : "リンク",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "承諾",
"Decline" : "拒否",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "このアプリケーションを使うと、Nextcloud 内でファイルを共有することができます。 有効にすると、管理者はファイルを共有できるグループを選択できます。 該当する人々は、Nextcloud 内の他のアカウントやグループとファイルやフォルダを共有できます。 さらに、管理者が共有リンク機能を有効にすると、外部リンクを使用してNextcloud 外の他の人々とファイルを共有することができます。 管理者は、パスワード、有効期限の日付を設定し、共有リンクを介したサーバ間の共有やモバイルデバイスからの共有を可能にすることもできます。\nこの機能をオフにすると、サーバ上のすべての共有受信者の共有ファイルとフォルダが削除され、 同期クライアントやモバイルアプリ上でも削除されます。詳細は Nextcloud ドキュメントをご覧ください。",
+ "Expiration date" : "有効期限",
+ "Set a password" : "パスワードを設定",
+ "Password" : "パスワード",
+ "Share link" : "URLで共有",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "クリップボードにコピー",
+ "Send link via email" : "メールでリンクを送信",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "クリップボードにリンクをコピーしました",
+ "Select" : "選択",
+ "Cancel" : "キャンセル",
+ "Continue" : "続ける",
+ "Close" : "閉じる",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "共有の作成中にエラーが発生しました: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "共有の作成中にエラーが発生しました",
"Sharing" : "共有",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "他のアカウントやグループからの共有をデフォルトで受け入れる",
"Error while toggling options" : "オプションの切り替え中にエラーが発生しました",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "有効期限(強制)",
"Enter a date" : "日付を入力してください",
"Create share" : "共有を作成",
- "Cancel" : "キャンセル",
"Customize link" : "共有のカスタマイズ",
"Generate QR code" : "QRコードを生成",
"Add another link" : "別のリンクを追加",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "メール共有 ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "リンク共有 ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "リンク共有 ({index})",
- "Share link" : "URLで共有",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "\"{title}\"のアクション",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "\"{title}\" の公開リンクをクリップボードにコピー",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "エラー、正しいパスワードおよび/または有効期限を入力してください",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "クイック共有オプション、現在の選択されているのは \"{selectedOption}\" です",
"View only" : "閲覧のみ",
"Can edit" : "編集可能",
- "File drop" : "ファイルを転送",
"Custom permissions" : "カスタム権限",
"Search for share recipients" : "共有の受信者を検索",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "推奨事項はありません。 入力を開始します。",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "詳細設定",
"Share label" : "共有ラベル",
"Set password" : "パスワード設定",
- "Password" : "パスワード",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "パスワードの有効期限は、{passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "パスワード期限切れ",
"Video verification" : "ビデオ通話によるパスワード通知",
"Set expiration date" : "有効期限を設定",
- "Expiration date" : "有効期限",
"Hide download" : "ダウンロードを隠す",
"Allow download" : "ダウンロードを許可",
"Note to recipient" : "受取人への注意",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName} が共有済み",
"Show sharing options" : "共有オプションを表示",
"Link to a file" : "ファイルへリンク",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "共有の作成中にエラーが発生しました: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "共有の作成中にエラーが発生しました",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "共有の更新中にエラーが発生しました: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "共有の更新中にエラー",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "ファイルパス \"{path}\" が共有解除されました",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "バンドルされているパーミッション",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "このフォルダーにアクセスできるユーザーにのみ機能します",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "このファイルへのアクセス権を持つユーザーに対してのみ機能します",
+ "File drop" : "ファイルを転送",
"Circle" : "サークル",
"Update" : "更新",
"Share with " : "共有先",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ja.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ja.json
index 77f85eb1fd8..b9582b02d97 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ja.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "共有には少なくとも 読み込み または 作成の権限が必要です",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "更新 または 削除権限が設定されている場合、共有者は 読み込み権限を持っている必要があります。",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Nextcloud Talkが有効になっていないため、ファイルまたはフォルダーを共有するための「NextcloudTalkによるパスワードの送信」ができませんでした。",
+ "Wrong password" : "パスワードが間違っています",
"shared by %s" : "%s が共有",
"Download all files" : "すべてのファイルをダウンロード",
"Direct link" : "リンク",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "承諾",
"Decline" : "拒否",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "このアプリケーションを使うと、Nextcloud 内でファイルを共有することができます。 有効にすると、管理者はファイルを共有できるグループを選択できます。 該当する人々は、Nextcloud 内の他のアカウントやグループとファイルやフォルダを共有できます。 さらに、管理者が共有リンク機能を有効にすると、外部リンクを使用してNextcloud 外の他の人々とファイルを共有することができます。 管理者は、パスワード、有効期限の日付を設定し、共有リンクを介したサーバ間の共有やモバイルデバイスからの共有を可能にすることもできます。\nこの機能をオフにすると、サーバ上のすべての共有受信者の共有ファイルとフォルダが削除され、 同期クライアントやモバイルアプリ上でも削除されます。詳細は Nextcloud ドキュメントをご覧ください。",
+ "Expiration date" : "有効期限",
+ "Set a password" : "パスワードを設定",
+ "Password" : "パスワード",
+ "Share link" : "URLで共有",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "クリップボードにコピー",
+ "Send link via email" : "メールでリンクを送信",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "クリップボードにリンクをコピーしました",
+ "Select" : "選択",
+ "Cancel" : "キャンセル",
+ "Continue" : "続ける",
+ "Close" : "閉じる",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "共有の作成中にエラーが発生しました: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "共有の作成中にエラーが発生しました",
"Sharing" : "共有",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "他のアカウントやグループからの共有をデフォルトで受け入れる",
"Error while toggling options" : "オプションの切り替え中にエラーが発生しました",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "有効期限(強制)",
"Enter a date" : "日付を入力してください",
"Create share" : "共有を作成",
- "Cancel" : "キャンセル",
"Customize link" : "共有のカスタマイズ",
"Generate QR code" : "QRコードを生成",
"Add another link" : "別のリンクを追加",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "メール共有 ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "リンク共有 ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "リンク共有 ({index})",
- "Share link" : "URLで共有",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "\"{title}\"のアクション",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "\"{title}\" の公開リンクをクリップボードにコピー",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "エラー、正しいパスワードおよび/または有効期限を入力してください",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "クイック共有オプション、現在の選択されているのは \"{selectedOption}\" です",
"View only" : "閲覧のみ",
"Can edit" : "編集可能",
- "File drop" : "ファイルを転送",
"Custom permissions" : "カスタム権限",
"Search for share recipients" : "共有の受信者を検索",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "推奨事項はありません。 入力を開始します。",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "詳細設定",
"Share label" : "共有ラベル",
"Set password" : "パスワード設定",
- "Password" : "パスワード",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "パスワードの有効期限は、{passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "パスワード期限切れ",
"Video verification" : "ビデオ通話によるパスワード通知",
"Set expiration date" : "有効期限を設定",
- "Expiration date" : "有効期限",
"Hide download" : "ダウンロードを隠す",
"Allow download" : "ダウンロードを許可",
"Note to recipient" : "受取人への注意",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName} が共有済み",
"Show sharing options" : "共有オプションを表示",
"Link to a file" : "ファイルへリンク",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "共有の作成中にエラーが発生しました: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "共有の作成中にエラーが発生しました",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "共有の更新中にエラーが発生しました: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "共有の更新中にエラー",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "ファイルパス \"{path}\" が共有解除されました",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "バンドルされているパーミッション",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "このフォルダーにアクセスできるユーザーにのみ機能します",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "このファイルへのアクセス権を持つユーザーに対してのみ機能します",
+ "File drop" : "ファイルを転送",
"Circle" : "サークル",
"Update" : "更新",
"Share with " : "共有先",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ka.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ka.js
index 3dd8703e43f..6aa3cacd662 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ka.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ka.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Wrong password",
"shared by %s" : "shared by %s",
"Download all files" : "Download all files",
"Direct link" : "Direct link",
@@ -112,6 +113,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}",
"Accept" : "Accept",
"Decline" : "Decline",
+ "Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
+ "Password" : "Password",
+ "Share link" : "Share link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copy to clipboard",
+ "Select" : "Select",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancel",
+ "Continue" : "Continue",
+ "Close" : "Close",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error creating the share",
"Sharing" : "Sharing",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error while toggling options",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Set default folder for accepted shares",
@@ -143,7 +154,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Expiration date (enforced)",
"Enter a date" : "Enter a date",
"Create share" : "Create share",
- "Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Customize link" : "Customize link",
"Add another link" : "Add another link",
"Create a new share link" : "Create a new share link",
@@ -152,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail share ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Share link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Share link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Share link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Actions for \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date",
@@ -160,7 +169,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Error while creating the share",
"View only" : "View only",
"Can edit" : "Can edit",
- "File drop" : "File drop",
"Custom permissions" : "Custom permissions",
"Search for share recipients" : "Search for share recipients",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No recommendations. Start typing.",
@@ -183,12 +191,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Advanced settings",
"Share label" : "Share label",
"Set password" : "Set password",
- "Password" : "Password",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Password expired",
"Video verification" : "Video verification",
"Set expiration date" : "Set expiration date",
- "Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
"Hide download" : "Hide download",
"Allow download" : "Allow download",
"Note to recipient" : "Note to recipient",
@@ -221,8 +227,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Shared by {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Show sharing options",
"Link to a file" : "Link to a file",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error creating the share",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error updating the share: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error updating the share",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "File \"{path}\" has been unshared",
@@ -289,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Bundled permissions",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Only works for users with access to this folder",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Only works for users with access to this file",
+ "File drop" : "File drop",
"Circle" : "Circle",
"Update" : "Update",
"Share with " : "Share with ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ka.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ka.json
index dc1385f8d2a..1b8a8f199b2 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ka.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ka.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Wrong password",
"shared by %s" : "shared by %s",
"Download all files" : "Download all files",
"Direct link" : "Direct link",
@@ -110,6 +111,16 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}",
"Accept" : "Accept",
"Decline" : "Decline",
+ "Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
+ "Password" : "Password",
+ "Share link" : "Share link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copy to clipboard",
+ "Select" : "Select",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancel",
+ "Continue" : "Continue",
+ "Close" : "Close",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Error creating the share",
"Sharing" : "Sharing",
"Error while toggling options" : "Error while toggling options",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Set default folder for accepted shares",
@@ -141,7 +152,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Expiration date (enforced)",
"Enter a date" : "Enter a date",
"Create share" : "Create share",
- "Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Customize link" : "Customize link",
"Add another link" : "Add another link",
"Create a new share link" : "Create a new share link",
@@ -150,7 +160,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail share ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Share link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Share link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Share link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Actions for \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date",
@@ -158,7 +167,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Error while creating the share",
"View only" : "View only",
"Can edit" : "Can edit",
- "File drop" : "File drop",
"Custom permissions" : "Custom permissions",
"Search for share recipients" : "Search for share recipients",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "No recommendations. Start typing.",
@@ -181,12 +189,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Advanced settings",
"Share label" : "Share label",
"Set password" : "Set password",
- "Password" : "Password",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Password expired",
"Video verification" : "Video verification",
"Set expiration date" : "Set expiration date",
- "Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
"Hide download" : "Hide download",
"Allow download" : "Allow download",
"Note to recipient" : "Note to recipient",
@@ -219,8 +225,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Shared by {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Show sharing options",
"Link to a file" : "Link to a file",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Error creating the share",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Error updating the share: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Error updating the share",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "File \"{path}\" has been unshared",
@@ -287,6 +291,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Bundled permissions",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Only works for users with access to this folder",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Only works for users with access to this file",
+ "File drop" : "File drop",
"Circle" : "Circle",
"Update" : "Update",
"Share with " : "Share with ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.js
index 24f6edbb76f..1775b3f7c48 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "공유에는 읽기와 생성 권한이 꼭 필요합니다.",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "공유에 업데이트와 삭제 권한이 설정되어 있다면 읽기 권한이 꼭 필요합니다.",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Nextcloud 토크가 활성화되어 있지 않기 때문에, 파일 및 폴더 공유를 위한 \"Nextcloud 토크에 암호 보내기\"가 실패했습니다.",
+ "Wrong password" : "잘못된 암호",
"shared by %s" : "%s에 의해 공유됨",
"Download all files" : "모든 파일 다운로드",
"Direct link" : "직접 링크",
@@ -114,6 +115,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "{user}님의 공유로 {group}그룹에서 {share}(을)를 받았습니다.",
"Accept" : "수락",
"Decline" : "거절",
+ "Expiration date" : "만료 날짜",
+ "Set a password" : "암호 설정",
+ "Password" : "암호",
+ "Share link" : "링크 공유",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "클립보드로 복사",
+ "Send link via email" : "이메일로 링크 보내기",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "링크가 클립보드로 복사됨",
+ "Select" : "선택",
+ "Cancel" : "취소",
+ "Continue" : "계속",
+ "Close" : "닫기",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생",
"Sharing" : "공유",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "다른 계정 및 그룹으로부터의 공유를 기본적으로 허용",
"Error while toggling options" : "옵션을 켜는 중 오류 발생",
@@ -146,7 +160,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "만료일 (강제됨)",
"Enter a date" : "날짜 입력",
"Create share" : "공유 만들기",
- "Cancel" : "취소",
"Customize link" : "링크 맞춤설정",
"Generate QR code" : "QR코드 생성",
"Add another link" : "다른 링크 추가",
@@ -155,7 +168,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "메일 공유 ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "링크 공유 ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "링크 공유 ({index})",
- "Share link" : "링크 공유",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "\"{title}\"에 대한 작업",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "\"{title}\"의 공개 링크를 클립보드에 복사",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "오류, 적절한 암호와 만료일을 입력하세요.",
@@ -163,7 +175,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생",
"View only" : "읽기 전용",
"Can edit" : "수정할 수 있음",
- "File drop" : "업로드만 허용",
"Custom permissions" : "사용자 지정 권한",
"Search for share recipients" : "공유 받는이 검색",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "추천 없음. 타이핑을 시작하십시오",
@@ -185,12 +196,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "고급 설정",
"Share label" : "공유 이름",
"Set password" : "비밀번호 설정",
- "Password" : "암호",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "암호가 {passwordExpirationTime}에 만료됨",
"Password expired" : "암호 만료됨",
"Video verification" : "화상 인증",
"Set expiration date" : "만료기한 설정",
- "Expiration date" : "만료 날짜",
"Hide download" : "다운로드 숨기기",
"Allow download" : "다운로드 허용",
"Note to recipient" : "받는이에게 메모",
@@ -225,8 +234,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName}이 변경함",
"Show sharing options" : "공유 옵션 표시",
"Link to a file" : "파일로 향한 링크",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "공유를 업데이트 하는 중 오류 발생: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "공유를 업데이트 하는 중 오류 발생",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "\"{path}\" 파일의 공유가 취소됨",
@@ -293,6 +300,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "번들 권한",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "이 폴더의 접근 권한이 있는 사용자만 사용 가능",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "이 파일에 접근할 수 있는 사용자에게만 작동",
+ "File drop" : "업로드만 허용",
"Circle" : "서클",
"Update" : "업데이트",
"Share with " : "공유 받는이:",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.json
index bfeb331227d..60b5e3fa85c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "공유에는 읽기와 생성 권한이 꼭 필요합니다.",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "공유에 업데이트와 삭제 권한이 설정되어 있다면 읽기 권한이 꼭 필요합니다.",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Nextcloud 토크가 활성화되어 있지 않기 때문에, 파일 및 폴더 공유를 위한 \"Nextcloud 토크에 암호 보내기\"가 실패했습니다.",
+ "Wrong password" : "잘못된 암호",
"shared by %s" : "%s에 의해 공유됨",
"Download all files" : "모든 파일 다운로드",
"Direct link" : "직접 링크",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "{user}님의 공유로 {group}그룹에서 {share}(을)를 받았습니다.",
"Accept" : "수락",
"Decline" : "거절",
+ "Expiration date" : "만료 날짜",
+ "Set a password" : "암호 설정",
+ "Password" : "암호",
+ "Share link" : "링크 공유",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "클립보드로 복사",
+ "Send link via email" : "이메일로 링크 보내기",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "링크가 클립보드로 복사됨",
+ "Select" : "선택",
+ "Cancel" : "취소",
+ "Continue" : "계속",
+ "Close" : "닫기",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생",
"Sharing" : "공유",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "다른 계정 및 그룹으로부터의 공유를 기본적으로 허용",
"Error while toggling options" : "옵션을 켜는 중 오류 발생",
@@ -144,7 +158,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "만료일 (강제됨)",
"Enter a date" : "날짜 입력",
"Create share" : "공유 만들기",
- "Cancel" : "취소",
"Customize link" : "링크 맞춤설정",
"Generate QR code" : "QR코드 생성",
"Add another link" : "다른 링크 추가",
@@ -153,7 +166,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "메일 공유 ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "링크 공유 ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "링크 공유 ({index})",
- "Share link" : "링크 공유",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "\"{title}\"에 대한 작업",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "\"{title}\"의 공개 링크를 클립보드에 복사",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "오류, 적절한 암호와 만료일을 입력하세요.",
@@ -161,7 +173,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생",
"View only" : "읽기 전용",
"Can edit" : "수정할 수 있음",
- "File drop" : "업로드만 허용",
"Custom permissions" : "사용자 지정 권한",
"Search for share recipients" : "공유 받는이 검색",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "추천 없음. 타이핑을 시작하십시오",
@@ -183,12 +194,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "고급 설정",
"Share label" : "공유 이름",
"Set password" : "비밀번호 설정",
- "Password" : "암호",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "암호가 {passwordExpirationTime}에 만료됨",
"Password expired" : "암호 만료됨",
"Video verification" : "화상 인증",
"Set expiration date" : "만료기한 설정",
- "Expiration date" : "만료 날짜",
"Hide download" : "다운로드 숨기기",
"Allow download" : "다운로드 허용",
"Note to recipient" : "받는이에게 메모",
@@ -223,8 +232,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName}이 변경함",
"Show sharing options" : "공유 옵션 표시",
"Link to a file" : "파일로 향한 링크",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "공유를 만드는 중 오류 발생",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "공유를 업데이트 하는 중 오류 발생: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "공유를 업데이트 하는 중 오류 발생",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "\"{path}\" 파일의 공유가 취소됨",
@@ -291,6 +298,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "번들 권한",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "이 폴더의 접근 권한이 있는 사용자만 사용 가능",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "이 파일에 접근할 수 있는 사용자에게만 작동",
+ "File drop" : "업로드만 허용",
"Circle" : "서클",
"Update" : "업데이트",
"Share with " : "공유 받는이:",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lt_LT.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lt_LT.js
index 49c4e09c47b..9e96ede4254 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not lock node" : "Nepavyko užrakinti mazgo",
"Could not lock path" : "Nepavyko užrakinti kelio",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Neperduoti atnaujinimo parametrai",
+ "Wrong password" : "Neteisingas slaptažodis",
"shared by %s" : "bendrina %s",
"Download all files" : "Atsisiųsti visus failus ",
"Direct link" : "Tiesioginė nuoroda",
@@ -107,6 +108,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Jūs gavote bendrinimą {share} prie grupės {group}, kuriuo pasidalino {user}",
"Accept" : "Priimti",
"Decline" : "Atmesti",
+ "Expiration date" : "Pabaigos data",
+ "Set a password" : "Nustatyti slaptažodį",
+ "Password" : "Slaptažodis",
+ "Share link" : "Bendrinimo nuoroda",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopijuoti į iškarpinę",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Nuoroda nukopijuota į iškarpinę",
+ "Select" : "Žymėti",
+ "Cancel" : "Atsisakyti",
+ "Continue" : "Tęsti",
+ "Close" : "Užverti",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Klaida kuriant viešinį: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Klaida kuriant viešinį",
"Sharing" : "Bendrinimas",
"Error while toggling options" : "Klaida perjungiant parinktis",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Nustatykite numatytąjį priimtų viešinių aplanką",
@@ -136,12 +149,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Galiojimo pabaigos data (nustatyta)",
"Enter a date" : "Įveskite datą",
"Create share" : "Sukurti viešinį",
- "Cancel" : "Atsisakyti",
"Add another link" : "Pridėti kitą nuorodą",
"Create a new share link" : "Sukurti naują bendrinimo nuorodą",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "{initiator} bendrina per nuorodą",
"Share link ({label})" : "Bendrinimo nuoroda ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Bendrinimo nuoroda",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Įvyko klaida, įveskite teisingą slaptažodį ir/ar galiojimo datą",
"View only" : "Tik peržiūrėti",
"Can edit" : "Gali taisyti",
@@ -160,12 +171,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow editing" : "Leisti redaguoti",
"Advanced settings" : "Išplėstiniai nustatymai",
"Share label" : "Viešinio etiketė",
- "Password" : "Slaptažodis",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Slaptažodis galioja iki {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Slaptažodis nebegalioja",
"Video verification" : "Video patikrinimas",
"Set expiration date" : "Nustatyti galiojimo pabaigos datą",
- "Expiration date" : "Pabaigos data",
"Hide download" : "Slėpti atsisiuntimą",
"Allow download" : "Leisti atsisiųsti",
"Note to recipient" : "Pastaba gavėjui",
@@ -185,8 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} pasidalino su jumis",
"Shared" : "Bendrinama",
"Link to a file" : "Nuoroda į failą",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Klaida kuriant viešinį: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Klaida kuriant viešinį",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Klaida atnaujinant viešinį: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Klaida atnaujinant viešinį",
"Shared by" : "Bendrina",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lt_LT.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lt_LT.json
index ce01aaf4d07..07dc642c3a7 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
"Could not lock node" : "Nepavyko užrakinti mazgo",
"Could not lock path" : "Nepavyko užrakinti kelio",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Neperduoti atnaujinimo parametrai",
+ "Wrong password" : "Neteisingas slaptažodis",
"shared by %s" : "bendrina %s",
"Download all files" : "Atsisiųsti visus failus ",
"Direct link" : "Tiesioginė nuoroda",
@@ -105,6 +106,18 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Jūs gavote bendrinimą {share} prie grupės {group}, kuriuo pasidalino {user}",
"Accept" : "Priimti",
"Decline" : "Atmesti",
+ "Expiration date" : "Pabaigos data",
+ "Set a password" : "Nustatyti slaptažodį",
+ "Password" : "Slaptažodis",
+ "Share link" : "Bendrinimo nuoroda",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopijuoti į iškarpinę",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Nuoroda nukopijuota į iškarpinę",
+ "Select" : "Žymėti",
+ "Cancel" : "Atsisakyti",
+ "Continue" : "Tęsti",
+ "Close" : "Užverti",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Klaida kuriant viešinį: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Klaida kuriant viešinį",
"Sharing" : "Bendrinimas",
"Error while toggling options" : "Klaida perjungiant parinktis",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Nustatykite numatytąjį priimtų viešinių aplanką",
@@ -134,12 +147,10 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Galiojimo pabaigos data (nustatyta)",
"Enter a date" : "Įveskite datą",
"Create share" : "Sukurti viešinį",
- "Cancel" : "Atsisakyti",
"Add another link" : "Pridėti kitą nuorodą",
"Create a new share link" : "Sukurti naują bendrinimo nuorodą",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "{initiator} bendrina per nuorodą",
"Share link ({label})" : "Bendrinimo nuoroda ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Bendrinimo nuoroda",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Įvyko klaida, įveskite teisingą slaptažodį ir/ar galiojimo datą",
"View only" : "Tik peržiūrėti",
"Can edit" : "Gali taisyti",
@@ -158,12 +169,10 @@
"Allow editing" : "Leisti redaguoti",
"Advanced settings" : "Išplėstiniai nustatymai",
"Share label" : "Viešinio etiketė",
- "Password" : "Slaptažodis",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Slaptažodis galioja iki {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Slaptažodis nebegalioja",
"Video verification" : "Video patikrinimas",
"Set expiration date" : "Nustatyti galiojimo pabaigos datą",
- "Expiration date" : "Pabaigos data",
"Hide download" : "Slėpti atsisiuntimą",
"Allow download" : "Leisti atsisiųsti",
"Note to recipient" : "Pastaba gavėjui",
@@ -183,8 +192,6 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} pasidalino su jumis",
"Shared" : "Bendrinama",
"Link to a file" : "Nuoroda į failą",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Klaida kuriant viešinį: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Klaida kuriant viešinį",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Klaida atnaujinant viešinį: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Klaida atnaujinant viešinį",
"Shared by" : "Bendrina",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lv.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lv.js
index 0506bba1409..12c3e1ccc4c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lv.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lv.js
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not lock node" : "Nevarēja bloķēt",
"Could not lock path" : "Nevarēja bloķēt ceļu",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Nepareizs atjaunināšanas parametrs vai tas nav norādīts",
+ "Wrong password" : "Nepareiza parole",
"shared by %s" : "Koplietoja %s",
"Download all files" : "Lejupielādēt visas datnes",
"Direct link" : "Tiešā saite",
@@ -101,6 +102,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Jūs saņēmāt koplietotu {share} grupai {group} no {user}",
"Accept" : "Pieņemt",
"Decline" : "Noraidīt",
+ "Expiration date" : "Termiņa datums",
+ "Password" : "Parole",
+ "Share link" : "Koplietot saiti",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopēt starpliktuvē",
+ "Send link via email" : "Sūtīt saiti e-pastā",
+ "Select" : "Atzīmēt",
+ "Cancel" : "Atcelt",
+ "Continue" : "Turpināt",
+ "Close" : "Aizvērt",
"Sharing" : "Koplietošana",
"Reset" : "Atiestatīt",
"Unknown error" : "Nezināma kļūda",
@@ -115,12 +125,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password protection" : "Password protection",
"Enter a password" : "Enter a password",
"Enter a date" : "Ievadiet datumu",
- "Cancel" : "Atcelt",
"Customize link" : "Pielāgot saiti",
"Add another link" : "Pievienot citu saiti",
"Create a new share link" : "Izveidojiet jaunu kopīgošanas saiti",
"Share link ({label})" : "Kopīgot saiti ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Koplietot saiti",
"Can edit" : "Var labot",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Atkārtota koplietošana nav atļauta",
"Name or email …" : "Vārds vai e-pasts ...",
@@ -136,10 +144,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow editing" : "Atļaut labošanu",
"Advanced settings" : "Paplašināti iestatījumi",
"Set password" : "Iestatīt paroli",
- "Password" : "Parole",
"Video verification" : "Video verifikācija",
"Set expiration date" : "Uzstādīt beigu termiņu",
- "Expiration date" : "Termiņa datums",
"Hide download" : "Slēpt lejupielādi",
"Note to recipient" : "Piezīme saņēmējam",
"Read" : "Lasīt",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lv.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lv.json
index 05c21a91189..ef68852faf7 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lv.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/lv.json
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
"Could not lock node" : "Nevarēja bloķēt",
"Could not lock path" : "Nevarēja bloķēt ceļu",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Nepareizs atjaunināšanas parametrs vai tas nav norādīts",
+ "Wrong password" : "Nepareiza parole",
"shared by %s" : "Koplietoja %s",
"Download all files" : "Lejupielādēt visas datnes",
"Direct link" : "Tiešā saite",
@@ -99,6 +100,15 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Jūs saņēmāt koplietotu {share} grupai {group} no {user}",
"Accept" : "Pieņemt",
"Decline" : "Noraidīt",
+ "Expiration date" : "Termiņa datums",
+ "Password" : "Parole",
+ "Share link" : "Koplietot saiti",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopēt starpliktuvē",
+ "Send link via email" : "Sūtīt saiti e-pastā",
+ "Select" : "Atzīmēt",
+ "Cancel" : "Atcelt",
+ "Continue" : "Turpināt",
+ "Close" : "Aizvērt",
"Sharing" : "Koplietošana",
"Reset" : "Atiestatīt",
"Unknown error" : "Nezināma kļūda",
@@ -113,12 +123,10 @@
"Password protection" : "Password protection",
"Enter a password" : "Enter a password",
"Enter a date" : "Ievadiet datumu",
- "Cancel" : "Atcelt",
"Customize link" : "Pielāgot saiti",
"Add another link" : "Pievienot citu saiti",
"Create a new share link" : "Izveidojiet jaunu kopīgošanas saiti",
"Share link ({label})" : "Kopīgot saiti ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Koplietot saiti",
"Can edit" : "Var labot",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Atkārtota koplietošana nav atļauta",
"Name or email …" : "Vārds vai e-pasts ...",
@@ -134,10 +142,8 @@
"Allow editing" : "Atļaut labošanu",
"Advanced settings" : "Paplašināti iestatījumi",
"Set password" : "Iestatīt paroli",
- "Password" : "Parole",
"Video verification" : "Video verifikācija",
"Set expiration date" : "Uzstādīt beigu termiņu",
- "Expiration date" : "Termiņa datums",
"Hide download" : "Slēpt lejupielādi",
"Note to recipient" : "Piezīme saņēmējam",
"Read" : "Lasīt",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/mk.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/mk.js
index 762efeb9ac8..1bd4043fb70 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/mk.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/mk.js
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Споделувањето мора барем да има дозволи за ЧИТАЊЕ или СОДАВАЊЕ",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Споделувањето мора да има дозвола за ЧИТАЊЕ ако е поставена дозвола за АЖУРИРАЊЕ или БРИШЕЊЕ",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Испраќањето на лозинката преку Talk“ за споделување датотека или папка не успеа бидејќи Talk не е овозможен.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Погрешна лозинка",
"shared by %s" : "споделено од %s",
"Download all files" : "Преземи ги сите датотеки",
"Direct link" : "Директен линк",
@@ -111,6 +112,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Примивте {share} во групата {group} како споделување од {user}",
"Accept" : "Прифати",
"Decline" : "Одбиј",
+ "Expiration date" : "Рок на траење",
+ "Password" : "Лозинка",
+ "Share link" : "Сподели линк",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копирај во клипборд",
+ "Select" : "Избери",
+ "Cancel" : "Откажи",
+ "Continue" : "Продолжи",
+ "Close" : "Затвори",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување",
"Sharing" : "Споделување",
"Error while toggling options" : "Грешка при префрлање опции",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Постави стандардна папка за прифатените споделувања",
@@ -142,7 +153,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Рок на траење (enforced)",
"Enter a date" : "Внесете датум",
"Create share" : "Ново споделување",
- "Cancel" : "Откажи",
"Customize link" : "Прилагоди линк",
"Add another link" : "Додади линк",
"Create a new share link" : "Креирајте нов линк за споделување",
@@ -151,7 +161,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Споделено преку е-пошта ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Сподели линк ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Сподели линк ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Сподели линк",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Акции за \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Копирај јавен линк во клипборд за \"{title}\"",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Грешка, внесете лозинка и/или рок на траење",
@@ -159,7 +168,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување",
"View only" : "Само за гледање",
"Can edit" : "Може да се уредува",
- "File drop" : "Повлечи и прикачи",
"Custom permissions" : "Прилагодени дозволи",
"Search for share recipients" : "Пребарај за примачи на споделувањето",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Нема препораки. Започнете со пишување.",
@@ -180,12 +188,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Напредни параметри",
"Share label" : "Ознака на споделувањето",
"Set password" : "Постави лозинка",
- "Password" : "Лозинка",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Лозинката истекува на {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Лозинката е истечена",
"Video verification" : "Верификација со видео",
"Set expiration date" : "Постави рок на траење",
- "Expiration date" : "Рок на траење",
"Hide download" : "Сокриј преземање",
"Allow download" : "Дозволи преземање",
"Note to recipient" : "Белешка до примачот",
@@ -213,8 +219,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Споделено од {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Прикажи параметри за споделување",
"Link to a file" : "Линк до датотеката",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при ажурирање на споделувањето: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Грешка при ажурирање на споделувањето",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Датотеката \"{path}\" повеќе не се споделува",
@@ -281,6 +285,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Пакет дозволи",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Функционира само за корисници со пристап до оваа папка",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Функционира само за корисници со пристап до оваа датотека",
+ "File drop" : "Повлечи и прикачи",
"Circle" : "Круг",
"Update" : "Ажурирај",
"Share with " : "Сподели со",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/mk.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/mk.json
index 0eeab092d26..f067657b924 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/mk.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/mk.json
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Споделувањето мора барем да има дозволи за ЧИТАЊЕ или СОДАВАЊЕ",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Споделувањето мора да има дозвола за ЧИТАЊЕ ако е поставена дозвола за АЖУРИРАЊЕ или БРИШЕЊЕ",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Испраќањето на лозинката преку Talk“ за споделување датотека или папка не успеа бидејќи Talk не е овозможен.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Погрешна лозинка",
"shared by %s" : "споделено од %s",
"Download all files" : "Преземи ги сите датотеки",
"Direct link" : "Директен линк",
@@ -109,6 +110,16 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Примивте {share} во групата {group} како споделување од {user}",
"Accept" : "Прифати",
"Decline" : "Одбиј",
+ "Expiration date" : "Рок на траење",
+ "Password" : "Лозинка",
+ "Share link" : "Сподели линк",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копирај во клипборд",
+ "Select" : "Избери",
+ "Cancel" : "Откажи",
+ "Continue" : "Продолжи",
+ "Close" : "Затвори",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување",
"Sharing" : "Споделување",
"Error while toggling options" : "Грешка при префрлање опции",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Постави стандардна папка за прифатените споделувања",
@@ -140,7 +151,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Рок на траење (enforced)",
"Enter a date" : "Внесете датум",
"Create share" : "Ново споделување",
- "Cancel" : "Откажи",
"Customize link" : "Прилагоди линк",
"Add another link" : "Додади линк",
"Create a new share link" : "Креирајте нов линк за споделување",
@@ -149,7 +159,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Споделено преку е-пошта ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Сподели линк ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Сподели линк ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Сподели линк",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Акции за \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Копирај јавен линк во клипборд за \"{title}\"",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Грешка, внесете лозинка и/или рок на траење",
@@ -157,7 +166,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување",
"View only" : "Само за гледање",
"Can edit" : "Може да се уредува",
- "File drop" : "Повлечи и прикачи",
"Custom permissions" : "Прилагодени дозволи",
"Search for share recipients" : "Пребарај за примачи на споделувањето",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Нема препораки. Започнете со пишување.",
@@ -178,12 +186,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Напредни параметри",
"Share label" : "Ознака на споделувањето",
"Set password" : "Постави лозинка",
- "Password" : "Лозинка",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Лозинката истекува на {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Лозинката е истечена",
"Video verification" : "Верификација со видео",
"Set expiration date" : "Постави рок на траење",
- "Expiration date" : "Рок на траење",
"Hide download" : "Сокриј преземање",
"Allow download" : "Дозволи преземање",
"Note to recipient" : "Белешка до примачот",
@@ -211,8 +217,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Споделено од {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Прикажи параметри за споделување",
"Link to a file" : "Линк до датотеката",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при креирање на споделување",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Грешка при ажурирање на споделувањето: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Грешка при ажурирање на споделувањето",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Датотеката \"{path}\" повеќе не се споделува",
@@ -279,6 +283,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Пакет дозволи",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Функционира само за корисници со пристап до оваа папка",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Функционира само за корисници со пристап до оваа датотека",
+ "File drop" : "Повлечи и прикачи",
"Circle" : "Круг",
"Update" : "Ажурирај",
"Share with " : "Сподели со",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.js
index 10177b86fe7..cfd54fead14 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Deling må minst ha READ- eller CREATE-tillatelser",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Del må ha READ-tillatelse hvis UPDATE eller DELETE-tillatelse er angitt",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Sende passordet av Nextcloud Talk\" for deling av en fil eller mappe mislyktes fordi Nextcloud Talk ikke er aktivert.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Feil passord",
"shared by %s" : "delt av %s",
"Download all files" : "Last ned alle filer",
"Direct link" : "Direkte lenke",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Aksepter",
"Decline" : "Avslå",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Denne applikasjonen lar personer dele filer i Nextcloud. Hvis aktivert, kan administrator velge hvilke grupper som kan dele filer. De aktuelle personene kan deretter dele filer og mapper med andre kontoer og grupper i Nextcloud. I tillegg, hvis administrator aktiverer delingslenke-funksjonen, kan en ekstern lenke brukes til å dele filer med andre personer utenfor Nextcloud. Administratorer kan også håndheve passord, utløpsdatoer og aktivere server-til-server-deling via delingslenker, samt deling fra mobile enheter.\nHvis du slår av funksjonen, fjernes delte filer og mapper på serveren for alle delingsmottakere, og også på synkroniseringsklienter og mobilapper. Mer informasjon er tilgjengelig i Nextcloud-dokumentasjonen.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Utløpsdato",
+ "Set a password" : "Sett et passord",
+ "Password" : "PassordP",
+ "Share link" : "Share link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiert til utklippstavlen",
+ "Send link via email" : "Send lenke via e-post",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Lenke kopiert til utklippstavlen",
+ "Select" : "Velg",
+ "Cancel" : "Avbryt",
+ "Continue" : "Fortsett",
+ "Close" : "Lukk",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Feil ved opprettelse av delingen: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Feil ved oppretting av deling",
"Sharing" : "Deling",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aksepter som standard delte ressurser fra andre kontoer og grupper",
"Error while toggling options" : "Feil under veksling av alternativer",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Utløpsdato (håndhevet)",
"Enter a date" : "Skriv inn dato",
"Create share" : "Opprett deling",
- "Cancel" : "Avbryt",
"Customize link" : "Tilpass lenke",
"Generate QR code" : "Generer QR-kode",
"Add another link" : "Legg til en lenke til",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Deling via e-post ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Del lenke ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Del lenke ({indeks})",
- "Share link" : "Share link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Valg for \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopier den offentlige lenken til \"{title}\" til utklippstavlen",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Feil, vennligst skriv inn riktig passord og/eller utløpsdato",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Alternativer for hurtigdeling, gjeldende valgte er \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Kun se",
"Can edit" : "Kan endre",
- "File drop" : "Filkasse",
"Custom permissions" : "Egendefinerte tillatelser",
"Search for share recipients" : "Søk etter delingsmottakere",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ingen forslag. Start skriving.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Avanserte innstillinger",
"Share label" : "Delingsmerkelapper",
"Set password" : "Velg passord",
- "Password" : "PassordP",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Passordet utløper {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Passordet er utløpt",
"Video verification" : "Videobekreftelse",
"Set expiration date" : "Sett utløpsdato",
- "Expiration date" : "Utløpsdato",
"Hide download" : "Gjem nedlasting",
"Allow download" : "Tillat nedlasting",
"Note to recipient" : "Melding til mottaker",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Delt av {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Vis alternativer for deling",
"Link to a file" : "Lenke til en fil",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Feil ved opprettelse av delingen: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Feil ved oppretting av deling",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Feil ved oppdatering av delingen: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Feil under oppdatering av delingen",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Deling av filen \"{path}\" er opphevd",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Medfølgende tillatelser",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Virker kun for brukere med tilgang til mappen",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Virker kun for brukere med tilgang til denne filen",
+ "File drop" : "Filkasse",
"Circle" : "Sirkel",
"Update" : "Oppdater",
"Share with " : "Del med",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.json
index 6840e5534a0..50076e248fa 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Deling må minst ha READ- eller CREATE-tillatelser",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Del må ha READ-tillatelse hvis UPDATE eller DELETE-tillatelse er angitt",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Sende passordet av Nextcloud Talk\" for deling av en fil eller mappe mislyktes fordi Nextcloud Talk ikke er aktivert.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Feil passord",
"shared by %s" : "delt av %s",
"Download all files" : "Last ned alle filer",
"Direct link" : "Direkte lenke",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Aksepter",
"Decline" : "Avslå",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Denne applikasjonen lar personer dele filer i Nextcloud. Hvis aktivert, kan administrator velge hvilke grupper som kan dele filer. De aktuelle personene kan deretter dele filer og mapper med andre kontoer og grupper i Nextcloud. I tillegg, hvis administrator aktiverer delingslenke-funksjonen, kan en ekstern lenke brukes til å dele filer med andre personer utenfor Nextcloud. Administratorer kan også håndheve passord, utløpsdatoer og aktivere server-til-server-deling via delingslenker, samt deling fra mobile enheter.\nHvis du slår av funksjonen, fjernes delte filer og mapper på serveren for alle delingsmottakere, og også på synkroniseringsklienter og mobilapper. Mer informasjon er tilgjengelig i Nextcloud-dokumentasjonen.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Utløpsdato",
+ "Set a password" : "Sett et passord",
+ "Password" : "PassordP",
+ "Share link" : "Share link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiert til utklippstavlen",
+ "Send link via email" : "Send lenke via e-post",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Lenke kopiert til utklippstavlen",
+ "Select" : "Velg",
+ "Cancel" : "Avbryt",
+ "Continue" : "Fortsett",
+ "Close" : "Lukk",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Feil ved opprettelse av delingen: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Feil ved oppretting av deling",
"Sharing" : "Deling",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aksepter som standard delte ressurser fra andre kontoer og grupper",
"Error while toggling options" : "Feil under veksling av alternativer",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Utløpsdato (håndhevet)",
"Enter a date" : "Skriv inn dato",
"Create share" : "Opprett deling",
- "Cancel" : "Avbryt",
"Customize link" : "Tilpass lenke",
"Generate QR code" : "Generer QR-kode",
"Add another link" : "Legg til en lenke til",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Deling via e-post ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Del lenke ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Del lenke ({indeks})",
- "Share link" : "Share link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Valg for \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopier den offentlige lenken til \"{title}\" til utklippstavlen",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Feil, vennligst skriv inn riktig passord og/eller utløpsdato",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Alternativer for hurtigdeling, gjeldende valgte er \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Kun se",
"Can edit" : "Kan endre",
- "File drop" : "Filkasse",
"Custom permissions" : "Egendefinerte tillatelser",
"Search for share recipients" : "Søk etter delingsmottakere",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ingen forslag. Start skriving.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Avanserte innstillinger",
"Share label" : "Delingsmerkelapper",
"Set password" : "Velg passord",
- "Password" : "PassordP",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Passordet utløper {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Passordet er utløpt",
"Video verification" : "Videobekreftelse",
"Set expiration date" : "Sett utløpsdato",
- "Expiration date" : "Utløpsdato",
"Hide download" : "Gjem nedlasting",
"Allow download" : "Tillat nedlasting",
"Note to recipient" : "Melding til mottaker",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Delt av {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Vis alternativer for deling",
"Link to a file" : "Lenke til en fil",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Feil ved opprettelse av delingen: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Feil ved oppretting av deling",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Feil ved oppdatering av delingen: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Feil under oppdatering av delingen",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Deling av filen \"{path}\" er opphevd",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Medfølgende tillatelser",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Virker kun for brukere med tilgang til mappen",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Virker kun for brukere med tilgang til denne filen",
+ "File drop" : "Filkasse",
"Circle" : "Sirkel",
"Update" : "Oppdater",
"Share with " : "Del med",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.js
index 0e01c010f25..c9c1955fe1c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.js
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not lock path" : "Kan pad niet blokkeren",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Verkeerde of geen update parameter opgegeven",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Het wachtwoord verzenden via Nextcloud Talk\" voor het delen van een bestand of map is mislukt omdat Nextcloud Talk niet is ingeschakeld.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Onjuist wachtwoord",
"shared by %s" : "Gedeeld door %s",
"Download all files" : "Download alle bestanden",
"Direct link" : "Directe link",
@@ -109,6 +110,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Je ontving {share} aan groep {group} als een share van {user}",
"Accept" : "Accepteren",
"Decline" : "Afwijzen",
+ "Expiration date" : "Vervaldatum",
+ "Set a password" : "Instellen wachtwoord",
+ "Password" : "Wachtwoord",
+ "Share link" : "Delen link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiëren naar het klembord",
+ "Send link via email" : "Versturen link via e-mail",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link gekopieerd naar het klembord",
+ "Select" : "Selecteer",
+ "Cancel" : "Annuleren",
+ "Continue" : "Doorgaan",
+ "Close" : "Sluit",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fout bij aanmaken share: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Fout tijdens aanmaken share",
"Sharing" : "Delen",
"Error while toggling options" : "Fout bij het wisselen van opties",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Stel standaard map in voor geaccepteerde shares",
@@ -139,18 +153,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Vervaldatum (afgedwongen)",
"Enter a date" : "Voeg een datum toe",
"Create share" : "Creëren share",
- "Cancel" : "Annuleren",
"Add another link" : "Nog een link toevoegen ",
"Create a new share link" : "Creëer een nieuwe deellink",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} door {initiator}",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Gedeeld via link door {initiator}",
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail share ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Link delen ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Delen link",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Fout. geef een geldig wachtwoord op en/of een vervaldatum",
"View only" : "Alleen bekijken",
"Can edit" : "Kan bewerken",
- "File drop" : "Bestandsopslag",
"Custom permissions" : "Aangepaste machtigingen",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Geen aanbevelingen. Begin te typen.",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Verder delen niet toegestaan",
@@ -170,12 +181,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Geavanceerde instellingen",
"Share label" : "Deel het label",
"Set password" : "Instellen wachtwoord",
- "Password" : "Wachtwoord",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Wachtwoord vervalt {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Wachtwoord is vervallen",
"Video verification" : "Video verificatie",
"Set expiration date" : "Stel vervaldatum in",
- "Expiration date" : "Vervaldatum",
"Hide download" : "Verberg download",
"Allow download" : "Downloaden toestaan",
"Note to recipient" : "Notitie voor ontvanger",
@@ -195,8 +204,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Met je gedeeld door {owner}",
"Shared" : "Gedeeld",
"Link to a file" : "Link naar een bestand",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fout bij aanmaken share: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Fout tijdens aanmaken share",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fout bij aanpassen van de share: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Fout tijdens bijwerken share",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Bestand \"{path}\" is niet meer gedeeld",
@@ -247,6 +254,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Upload" : "Uploaden",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Dit werkt alleen voor gebruikers met toegang tot deze map",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Dit werkt alleen voor gebruikers met toegang tot dit bestand",
+ "File drop" : "Bestandsopslag",
"Circle" : "Kring",
"Update" : "Update",
"No other users with access found" : "Geen andere gebruikers met toegang gevonden",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.json
index 36a413f74c9..c2c20aa9e6e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.json
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
"Could not lock path" : "Kan pad niet blokkeren",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Verkeerde of geen update parameter opgegeven",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Het wachtwoord verzenden via Nextcloud Talk\" voor het delen van een bestand of map is mislukt omdat Nextcloud Talk niet is ingeschakeld.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Onjuist wachtwoord",
"shared by %s" : "Gedeeld door %s",
"Download all files" : "Download alle bestanden",
"Direct link" : "Directe link",
@@ -107,6 +108,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Je ontving {share} aan groep {group} als een share van {user}",
"Accept" : "Accepteren",
"Decline" : "Afwijzen",
+ "Expiration date" : "Vervaldatum",
+ "Set a password" : "Instellen wachtwoord",
+ "Password" : "Wachtwoord",
+ "Share link" : "Delen link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiëren naar het klembord",
+ "Send link via email" : "Versturen link via e-mail",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link gekopieerd naar het klembord",
+ "Select" : "Selecteer",
+ "Cancel" : "Annuleren",
+ "Continue" : "Doorgaan",
+ "Close" : "Sluit",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fout bij aanmaken share: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Fout tijdens aanmaken share",
"Sharing" : "Delen",
"Error while toggling options" : "Fout bij het wisselen van opties",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Stel standaard map in voor geaccepteerde shares",
@@ -137,18 +151,15 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Vervaldatum (afgedwongen)",
"Enter a date" : "Voeg een datum toe",
"Create share" : "Creëren share",
- "Cancel" : "Annuleren",
"Add another link" : "Nog een link toevoegen ",
"Create a new share link" : "Creëer een nieuwe deellink",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} door {initiator}",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Gedeeld via link door {initiator}",
"Mail share ({label})" : "Mail share ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Link delen ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Delen link",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Fout. geef een geldig wachtwoord op en/of een vervaldatum",
"View only" : "Alleen bekijken",
"Can edit" : "Kan bewerken",
- "File drop" : "Bestandsopslag",
"Custom permissions" : "Aangepaste machtigingen",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Geen aanbevelingen. Begin te typen.",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Verder delen niet toegestaan",
@@ -168,12 +179,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Geavanceerde instellingen",
"Share label" : "Deel het label",
"Set password" : "Instellen wachtwoord",
- "Password" : "Wachtwoord",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Wachtwoord vervalt {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Wachtwoord is vervallen",
"Video verification" : "Video verificatie",
"Set expiration date" : "Stel vervaldatum in",
- "Expiration date" : "Vervaldatum",
"Hide download" : "Verberg download",
"Allow download" : "Downloaden toestaan",
"Note to recipient" : "Notitie voor ontvanger",
@@ -193,8 +202,6 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Met je gedeeld door {owner}",
"Shared" : "Gedeeld",
"Link to a file" : "Link naar een bestand",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fout bij aanmaken share: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Fout tijdens aanmaken share",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fout bij aanpassen van de share: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Fout tijdens bijwerken share",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Bestand \"{path}\" is niet meer gedeeld",
@@ -245,6 +252,7 @@
"Upload" : "Uploaden",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Dit werkt alleen voor gebruikers met toegang tot deze map",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Dit werkt alleen voor gebruikers met toegang tot dit bestand",
+ "File drop" : "Bestandsopslag",
"Circle" : "Kring",
"Update" : "Update",
"No other users with access found" : "Geen andere gebruikers met toegang gevonden",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pl.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pl.js
index 04c9b704ccc..12eb21b84ce 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pl.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Udostępnienie musi mieć co najmniej uprawnienia do ODCZYTU lub TWORZENIA",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Udostępnienie musi mieć uprawnienie do ODCZYTU, jeśli ustawiono uprawnienie do AKTUALIZACJI lub USUWANIA",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Wysyłanie hasła przez Nextcloud Talk\" w celu udostępnienia pliku lub katalogu nie powiodło się, ponieważ usługa Nextcloud Talk jest wyłączona.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Złe hasło",
"shared by %s" : "udostępnione przez %s",
"Download all files" : "Pobierz wszystkie pliki",
"Direct link" : "Bezpośredni link",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Akceptuj",
"Decline" : "Odrzuć",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Aplikacja umożliwia ludziom udostępnianie plików w Nextcloud. Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, administrator może wybrać, które grupy mogą udostępniać pliki. Odpowiedni ludzie mogą następnie udostępniać pliki i katalogi innym kontom i grupom w Nextcloud. Ponadto, jeśli administrator włączy funkcję udostępniania przez odnośnik, można użyć zewnętrznego odnośnika do udostępniania plików innym ludziom poza Nextcloud. Administratorzy mogą również wymuszać hasła, daty wygaśnięcia i udostępnienia między serwerami za pośrednictwem odnośników udostępnienia, a także udostępnienia z urządzeń mobilnych.\nWyłączenie tej funkcji powoduje usunięcie udostępnionych plików i katalogów na serwerze dla wszystkich odbiorców, a także klientów synchronizacji i aplikacji mobilnych. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w dokumentacji Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data wygaśnięcia",
+ "Set a password" : "Ustaw hasło",
+ "Password" : "Hasło",
+ "Share link" : "Udostępnij link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiuj do schowka",
+ "Send link via email" : "Wyślij link mailem",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link skopiowany do schowka",
+ "Select" : "Wybierz",
+ "Cancel" : "Anuluj",
+ "Continue" : "Kontynuuj",
+ "Close" : "Zamknij",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępnienia: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępnienia",
"Sharing" : "Udostępnianie",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Domyślnie akceptuj współdzielenie z innych kont i grup",
"Error while toggling options" : "Błąd podczas przełączania opcji",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data ważności (wymuszona)",
"Enter a date" : "Podaj datę",
"Create share" : "Utwórz udostępnienie",
- "Cancel" : "Anuluj",
"Customize link" : "Dostosuj link",
"Add another link" : "Dodaj kolejny link",
"Create a new share link" : "Utwórz nowy link udostępnienia",
@@ -156,7 +169,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Udostępnij pocztę ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Udostępnij link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Udostępnij link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Udostępnij link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Akcje dla \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopiuj link publiczny dla \"{title}\" do schowka",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Błąd, wprowadź prawidłowe hasło i/lub datę ważności",
@@ -164,7 +176,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępniania",
"View only" : "Tylko podgląd",
"Can edit" : "Może modyfikować",
- "File drop" : "Upuść plik",
"Custom permissions" : "Uprawnienia niestandardowe",
"Search for share recipients" : "Szukaj odbiorców udostępnienia",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Brak rekomendacji. Możesz napisać.",
@@ -188,12 +199,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Ustawienia zaawansowane",
"Share label" : "Udostępnij etykietę",
"Set password" : "Ustaw hasło",
- "Password" : "Hasło",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Hasło wygasa {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Hasło wygasło",
"Video verification" : "Weryfikacja wideo",
"Set expiration date" : "Ustaw datę wygaśnięcia",
- "Expiration date" : "Data wygaśnięcia",
"Hide download" : "Ukryj pobieranie",
"Allow download" : "Zezwól na pobieranie",
"Note to recipient" : "Informacja dla odbiorcy",
@@ -222,8 +231,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Udostępnione przez {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Pokaż opcje udostępniania",
"Link to a file" : "Link do pliku",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępnienia: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępnienia",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Błąd podczas aktualizacji udostępnienia: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Błąd podczas aktualizacji udostępnienia",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Zatrzymane udostępnienie dla pliku \"{path}\"",
@@ -290,6 +297,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Uprawnienia w pakiecie",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Działa tylko dla użytkowników mającym dostęp do tego katalogu",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Działa tylko dla użytkowników mającym dostęp do tego pliku",
+ "File drop" : "Upuść plik",
"Circle" : "Krąg",
"Update" : "Aktualizuj",
"Share with " : "Udostępnij dla",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pl.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pl.json
index c24ec3c2f9e..113b31b9a0c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pl.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Udostępnienie musi mieć co najmniej uprawnienia do ODCZYTU lub TWORZENIA",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Udostępnienie musi mieć uprawnienie do ODCZYTU, jeśli ustawiono uprawnienie do AKTUALIZACJI lub USUWANIA",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Wysyłanie hasła przez Nextcloud Talk\" w celu udostępnienia pliku lub katalogu nie powiodło się, ponieważ usługa Nextcloud Talk jest wyłączona.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Złe hasło",
"shared by %s" : "udostępnione przez %s",
"Download all files" : "Pobierz wszystkie pliki",
"Direct link" : "Bezpośredni link",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Akceptuj",
"Decline" : "Odrzuć",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Aplikacja umożliwia ludziom udostępnianie plików w Nextcloud. Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, administrator może wybrać, które grupy mogą udostępniać pliki. Odpowiedni ludzie mogą następnie udostępniać pliki i katalogi innym kontom i grupom w Nextcloud. Ponadto, jeśli administrator włączy funkcję udostępniania przez odnośnik, można użyć zewnętrznego odnośnika do udostępniania plików innym ludziom poza Nextcloud. Administratorzy mogą również wymuszać hasła, daty wygaśnięcia i udostępnienia między serwerami za pośrednictwem odnośników udostępnienia, a także udostępnienia z urządzeń mobilnych.\nWyłączenie tej funkcji powoduje usunięcie udostępnionych plików i katalogów na serwerze dla wszystkich odbiorców, a także klientów synchronizacji i aplikacji mobilnych. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w dokumentacji Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data wygaśnięcia",
+ "Set a password" : "Ustaw hasło",
+ "Password" : "Hasło",
+ "Share link" : "Udostępnij link",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiuj do schowka",
+ "Send link via email" : "Wyślij link mailem",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link skopiowany do schowka",
+ "Select" : "Wybierz",
+ "Cancel" : "Anuluj",
+ "Continue" : "Kontynuuj",
+ "Close" : "Zamknij",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępnienia: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępnienia",
"Sharing" : "Udostępnianie",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Domyślnie akceptuj współdzielenie z innych kont i grup",
"Error while toggling options" : "Błąd podczas przełączania opcji",
@@ -145,7 +159,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data ważności (wymuszona)",
"Enter a date" : "Podaj datę",
"Create share" : "Utwórz udostępnienie",
- "Cancel" : "Anuluj",
"Customize link" : "Dostosuj link",
"Add another link" : "Dodaj kolejny link",
"Create a new share link" : "Utwórz nowy link udostępnienia",
@@ -154,7 +167,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Udostępnij pocztę ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Udostępnij link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Udostępnij link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Udostępnij link",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Akcje dla \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopiuj link publiczny dla \"{title}\" do schowka",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Błąd, wprowadź prawidłowe hasło i/lub datę ważności",
@@ -162,7 +174,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępniania",
"View only" : "Tylko podgląd",
"Can edit" : "Może modyfikować",
- "File drop" : "Upuść plik",
"Custom permissions" : "Uprawnienia niestandardowe",
"Search for share recipients" : "Szukaj odbiorców udostępnienia",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Brak rekomendacji. Możesz napisać.",
@@ -186,12 +197,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Ustawienia zaawansowane",
"Share label" : "Udostępnij etykietę",
"Set password" : "Ustaw hasło",
- "Password" : "Hasło",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Hasło wygasa {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Hasło wygasło",
"Video verification" : "Weryfikacja wideo",
"Set expiration date" : "Ustaw datę wygaśnięcia",
- "Expiration date" : "Data wygaśnięcia",
"Hide download" : "Ukryj pobieranie",
"Allow download" : "Zezwól na pobieranie",
"Note to recipient" : "Informacja dla odbiorcy",
@@ -220,8 +229,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Udostępnione przez {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Pokaż opcje udostępniania",
"Link to a file" : "Link do pliku",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępnienia: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Błąd podczas tworzenia udostępnienia",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Błąd podczas aktualizacji udostępnienia: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Błąd podczas aktualizacji udostępnienia",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Zatrzymane udostępnienie dla pliku \"{path}\"",
@@ -288,6 +295,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Uprawnienia w pakiecie",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Działa tylko dla użytkowników mającym dostęp do tego katalogu",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Działa tylko dla użytkowników mającym dostęp do tego pliku",
+ "File drop" : "Upuść plik",
"Circle" : "Krąg",
"Update" : "Aktualizuj",
"Share with " : "Udostępnij dla",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
index c2f13784c8b..041e8838c43 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "O compartilhamento deve ter pelo menos permissões de LER ou CRIAR",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "O compartilhamento deve ter permissão de LEITURA se a permissão ATUALIZAÇÃO ou EXCLUSÃO estiver definida",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "O \"envio da senha pelo Bate Papo Nextcloud\" para compartilhar um arquivo ou pasta falhou porque o Bate Papo Nextcloud não está habilitado. ",
+ "Wrong password" : "Senha incorreta",
"shared by %s" : "compartilhado por %s",
"Download all files" : "Baixar todos os arquivos",
"Direct link" : "Link direto",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Aceitar",
"Decline" : "Recusar",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Este aplicativo permite que as pessoas compartilhem arquivos dentro do Nextcloud. Se ativado, o administrador pode escolher quais grupos podem compartilhar arquivos. As pessoas aplicáveis ​​podem então compartilhar arquivos e pastas com outras contas e grupos dentro do Nextcloud. Além disso, se o administrador ativar o recurso de compartilhamento de link, um link externo poderá ser usado para compartilhar arquivos com outras pessoas fora do Nextcloud. Os administradores também podem impor senhas, datas de expiração e permitir o compartilhamento de servidor para servidor por meio de links de compartilhamento, bem como compartilhamento de dispositivos móveis. \nDesativar o recurso remove arquivos e pastas compartilhados no servidor para todos os destinatários de compartilhamento e também nos clientes de sincronização e aplicativos móveis. Mais informações estão disponíveis na documentação do Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Expiração",
+ "Set a password" : "Definir uma senha",
+ "Password" : "Senha",
+ "Share link" : "Link de compartilhamento",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar para área de transferência",
+ "Send link via email" : "Enviar link por email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link copiado para a área de transferência",
+ "Select" : "Selecionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Fechar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erro ao criar o compartilhamento: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Erro ao criar o compartilhamento",
"Sharing" : "Compartilhando",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceitar compartilhamentos de outras contas e grupos por padrão",
"Error while toggling options" : "Erro ao alternar opções",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de vencimento (imposta)",
"Enter a date" : "Digite uma data",
"Create share" : "Criar compartilhamento",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar o link",
"Generate QR code" : "Gerar código QR",
"Add another link" : "Adicionar um novo link",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartilhar por e-mail ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartilhar link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartilhar link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Link de compartilhamento",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Ações para \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copie o link público de \"{title}\" para a área de transferência",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Erro, digite a senha correta e/ou a data de validade",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opções de compartilhamento rápido, o selecionado atualmente é \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Somente visualização ",
"Can edit" : "Pode editar",
- "File drop" : "Baixar Arquivo ",
"Custom permissions" : "Permissões personalizadas",
"Search for share recipients" : "Pesquisar destinatários de compartilhamento",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Sem recomendações. Inicie a digitação.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Configurações avançadas",
"Share label" : "Compartilhar etiqueta",
"Set password" : "Configurar senha",
- "Password" : "Senha",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "A senha expira em {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Senha expirada",
"Video verification" : "Verificação de vídeo",
"Set expiration date" : "Definir data de vencimento",
- "Expiration date" : "Expiração",
"Hide download" : "Ocultar download",
"Allow download" : "Permitir baixar",
"Note to recipient" : "Observação ao destinatário",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartilhado por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostrar opções de compartilhamento",
"Link to a file" : "Criar link para um arquivo",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erro ao criar o compartilhamento: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Erro ao criar o compartilhamento",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erro ao atualizar o compartilhamento: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Erro ao atualizar o compartilhamento",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "O arquivo \"{path}\" não foi compartilhado",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Permissões agrupadas",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funciona apenas para usuários com acesso a esta pasta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funciona apenas para usuários com acesso a este arquivo",
+ "File drop" : "Baixar Arquivo ",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Atualizar",
"Share with " : "Compartilhar com",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
index f38126408d6..e9112b65494 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "O compartilhamento deve ter pelo menos permissões de LER ou CRIAR",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "O compartilhamento deve ter permissão de LEITURA se a permissão ATUALIZAÇÃO ou EXCLUSÃO estiver definida",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "O \"envio da senha pelo Bate Papo Nextcloud\" para compartilhar um arquivo ou pasta falhou porque o Bate Papo Nextcloud não está habilitado. ",
+ "Wrong password" : "Senha incorreta",
"shared by %s" : "compartilhado por %s",
"Download all files" : "Baixar todos os arquivos",
"Direct link" : "Link direto",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Aceitar",
"Decline" : "Recusar",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Este aplicativo permite que as pessoas compartilhem arquivos dentro do Nextcloud. Se ativado, o administrador pode escolher quais grupos podem compartilhar arquivos. As pessoas aplicáveis ​​podem então compartilhar arquivos e pastas com outras contas e grupos dentro do Nextcloud. Além disso, se o administrador ativar o recurso de compartilhamento de link, um link externo poderá ser usado para compartilhar arquivos com outras pessoas fora do Nextcloud. Os administradores também podem impor senhas, datas de expiração e permitir o compartilhamento de servidor para servidor por meio de links de compartilhamento, bem como compartilhamento de dispositivos móveis. \nDesativar o recurso remove arquivos e pastas compartilhados no servidor para todos os destinatários de compartilhamento e também nos clientes de sincronização e aplicativos móveis. Mais informações estão disponíveis na documentação do Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Expiração",
+ "Set a password" : "Definir uma senha",
+ "Password" : "Senha",
+ "Share link" : "Link de compartilhamento",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar para área de transferência",
+ "Send link via email" : "Enviar link por email",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Link copiado para a área de transferência",
+ "Select" : "Selecionar",
+ "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Continue" : "Continuar",
+ "Close" : "Fechar",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erro ao criar o compartilhamento: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Erro ao criar o compartilhamento",
"Sharing" : "Compartilhando",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Aceitar compartilhamentos de outras contas e grupos por padrão",
"Error while toggling options" : "Erro ao alternar opções",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de vencimento (imposta)",
"Enter a date" : "Digite uma data",
"Create share" : "Criar compartilhamento",
- "Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Customize link" : "Personalizar o link",
"Generate QR code" : "Gerar código QR",
"Add another link" : "Adicionar um novo link",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Compartilhar por e-mail ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Compartilhar link ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Compartilhar link ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Link de compartilhamento",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Ações para \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Copie o link público de \"{title}\" para a área de transferência",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Erro, digite a senha correta e/ou a data de validade",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Opções de compartilhamento rápido, o selecionado atualmente é \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Somente visualização ",
"Can edit" : "Pode editar",
- "File drop" : "Baixar Arquivo ",
"Custom permissions" : "Permissões personalizadas",
"Search for share recipients" : "Pesquisar destinatários de compartilhamento",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Sem recomendações. Inicie a digitação.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Configurações avançadas",
"Share label" : "Compartilhar etiqueta",
"Set password" : "Configurar senha",
- "Password" : "Senha",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "A senha expira em {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Senha expirada",
"Video verification" : "Verificação de vídeo",
"Set expiration date" : "Definir data de vencimento",
- "Expiration date" : "Expiração",
"Hide download" : "Ocultar download",
"Allow download" : "Permitir baixar",
"Note to recipient" : "Observação ao destinatário",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Compartilhado por {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Mostrar opções de compartilhamento",
"Link to a file" : "Criar link para um arquivo",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erro ao criar o compartilhamento: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Erro ao criar o compartilhamento",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Erro ao atualizar o compartilhamento: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Erro ao atualizar o compartilhamento",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "O arquivo \"{path}\" não foi compartilhado",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Permissões agrupadas",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funciona apenas para usuários com acesso a esta pasta",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funciona apenas para usuários com acesso a este arquivo",
+ "File drop" : "Baixar Arquivo ",
"Circle" : "Círculo",
"Update" : "Atualizar",
"Share with " : "Compartilhar com",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ro.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ro.js
index 33179fe9965..94642d3a8c2 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ro.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ro.js
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Partajarea trebuie să aibă cel puțin permisiunea READ sau CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Partajarea trebuie să aibă permisiunea READ dacă este setată permisiunea UPDATE sau DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Trimiterea parolei de către Nextcloud Talk\" pentru partajarea unui fișier sau folder a eșuat deoarece Nextcloud Talk nu este activat.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Parolă greșită",
"shared by %s" : "partajat de %s",
"Download all files" : "Descarcă toate fișierele",
"Direct link" : "Legătură directă",
@@ -111,6 +112,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Ați primit {share} la grupul {group} ca partajare de către {user}",
"Accept" : "Accept",
"Decline" : "Refuză",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data expirării",
+ "Password" : "Parolă",
+ "Share link" : "Partajează link-ul",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiază în clipboard",
+ "Send link via email" : "Trimite link via email",
+ "Select" : "Selectează",
+ "Cancel" : "Anulează",
+ "Continue" : "Continuă",
+ "Close" : "Închide",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Eroare la crearea partajării",
"Sharing" : "Partajare",
"Error while toggling options" : "Eroare la comutarea opțiunilor",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Stabiliți folderul implicit pentru partajările acceptate",
@@ -131,12 +142,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password protection" : "Password protection",
"Enter a password" : "Enter a password",
"Enter a date" : "Introdu data",
- "Cancel" : "Anulează",
"Add another link" : "Adaugă un alt link",
- "Share link" : "Partajează link-ul",
"View only" : "Numai se vizualizează",
"Can edit" : "Poate edita",
- "File drop" : "Aducere fișier",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisiuni particularizate",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Repartajarea nu este permisă",
"Searching …" : "Căutare ...",
@@ -149,9 +157,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow upload and editing" : "Permite încărcarea și editarea",
"Allow editing" : "Permite editarea",
"Advanced settings" : "Setări avansate",
- "Password" : "Parolă",
"Set expiration date" : "Specifică data expirării",
- "Expiration date" : "Data expirării",
"Hide download" : "Ascunde descărcarea",
"Note to recipient" : "Notă către destinatar",
"Read" : "Citit",
@@ -161,7 +167,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Partajat cu tine de {owner}",
"Open in Files" : "Deschide în Fișiere",
"Shared" : "Partajat",
- "Error creating the share" : "Eroare la crearea partajării",
"Shared by" : "impartite in ",
"Shared with" : "Partajat cu",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Partajat cu tine si cu grupul {group} de {owner}",
@@ -204,6 +209,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File drop (upload only)" : "Aruncă fișierul (numai încărcare)",
"Upload" : "Încărcare",
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisiuni încorporate",
+ "File drop" : "Aducere fișier",
"Circle" : "Cerc",
"Update" : "Actualizare",
"No entries found in this folder" : "Niciun element găsit în acest director",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ro.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ro.json
index fe636ba9da3..699c6d410aa 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ro.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ro.json
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Partajarea trebuie să aibă cel puțin permisiunea READ sau CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Partajarea trebuie să aibă permisiunea READ dacă este setată permisiunea UPDATE sau DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Trimiterea parolei de către Nextcloud Talk\" pentru partajarea unui fișier sau folder a eșuat deoarece Nextcloud Talk nu este activat.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Parolă greșită",
"shared by %s" : "partajat de %s",
"Download all files" : "Descarcă toate fișierele",
"Direct link" : "Legătură directă",
@@ -109,6 +110,16 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Ați primit {share} la grupul {group} ca partajare de către {user}",
"Accept" : "Accept",
"Decline" : "Refuză",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data expirării",
+ "Password" : "Parolă",
+ "Share link" : "Partajează link-ul",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Copiază în clipboard",
+ "Send link via email" : "Trimite link via email",
+ "Select" : "Selectează",
+ "Cancel" : "Anulează",
+ "Continue" : "Continuă",
+ "Close" : "Închide",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Eroare la crearea partajării",
"Sharing" : "Partajare",
"Error while toggling options" : "Eroare la comutarea opțiunilor",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Stabiliți folderul implicit pentru partajările acceptate",
@@ -129,12 +140,9 @@
"Password protection" : "Password protection",
"Enter a password" : "Enter a password",
"Enter a date" : "Introdu data",
- "Cancel" : "Anulează",
"Add another link" : "Adaugă un alt link",
- "Share link" : "Partajează link-ul",
"View only" : "Numai se vizualizează",
"Can edit" : "Poate edita",
- "File drop" : "Aducere fișier",
"Custom permissions" : "Permisiuni particularizate",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Repartajarea nu este permisă",
"Searching …" : "Căutare ...",
@@ -147,9 +155,7 @@
"Allow upload and editing" : "Permite încărcarea și editarea",
"Allow editing" : "Permite editarea",
"Advanced settings" : "Setări avansate",
- "Password" : "Parolă",
"Set expiration date" : "Specifică data expirării",
- "Expiration date" : "Data expirării",
"Hide download" : "Ascunde descărcarea",
"Note to recipient" : "Notă către destinatar",
"Read" : "Citit",
@@ -159,7 +165,6 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Partajat cu tine de {owner}",
"Open in Files" : "Deschide în Fișiere",
"Shared" : "Partajat",
- "Error creating the share" : "Eroare la crearea partajării",
"Shared by" : "impartite in ",
"Shared with" : "Partajat cu",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Partajat cu tine si cu grupul {group} de {owner}",
@@ -202,6 +207,7 @@
"File drop (upload only)" : "Aruncă fișierul (numai încărcare)",
"Upload" : "Încărcare",
"Bundled permissions" : "Permisiuni încorporate",
+ "File drop" : "Aducere fișier",
"Circle" : "Cerc",
"Update" : "Actualizare",
"No entries found in this folder" : "Niciun element găsit în acest director",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.js
index fe607fe77cf..1732a764e40 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Общий ресурс должен, по крайней мере, иметь разрешения READ или CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Общий ресурс должен иметь разрешение READ, если установлено разрешение UPDATE или DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Не удалось отправить пароль для доступа, так как приложение Nextcloud Talk отключено.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Неверный пароль",
"shared by %s" : "доступ предоставлен пользователем %s",
"Download all files" : "Скачать все файлы",
"Direct link" : "Прямая ссылка",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Вы получили от {user} доступ к ресурсу {share}, предназначенный группе {group}",
"Accept" : "Принять",
"Decline" : "Отклонить",
+ "Expiration date" : "Срок действия",
+ "Set a password" : "Задать пароль",
+ "Password" : "Пароль",
+ "Share link" : "Общий доступ по ссылке",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копировать в буфер обмена",
+ "Send link via email" : "Отправить ссылку по электронной почте",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена",
+ "Select" : "Выбрать",
+ "Cancel" : "Отменить",
+ "Continue" : "Продолжить",
+ "Close" : "Закрыть",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Не удалось создать общий ресурс: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Ошибка создания общего доступа",
"Sharing" : "Общий доступ",
"Error while toggling options" : "Ошибка изменения параметров",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Задать папку для принятых опубликованных ресурсов",
@@ -143,7 +157,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Срок действия (требуется системой)",
"Enter a date" : "Введите дату",
"Create share" : "Создать общий ресурс",
- "Cancel" : "Отменить",
"Customize link" : "Индивидуальная ссылка",
"Add another link" : "Добавить другую ссылку",
"Create a new share link" : "Создать ссылку доступа",
@@ -152,7 +165,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Отправка почты ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Ссылка общего доступа ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Ссылка общего доступа ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Общий доступ по ссылке",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Действия над «{title}»",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Скопировать общедоступную ссылку для доступа к «{title}» в буфер обмена",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Введите действительный пароль и/или дату истечения",
@@ -160,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Не удалось создать общий ресурс",
"View only" : "Для просмотра",
"Can edit" : "Можно редактировать",
- "File drop" : "Принимать файлы",
"Custom permissions" : "Пользовательские права доступа",
"Search for share recipients" : "Найти больше получателей общего ресурса",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Рекомендации отсутствуют, начните вводить символы",
@@ -183,12 +194,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Расширенные параметры",
"Share label" : "Метка общего доступа",
"Set password" : "Задать пароль",
- "Password" : "Пароль",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Срок действия пароля истекает {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Срок действия пароля истёк",
"Video verification" : "Подтверждение по видесвязи",
"Set expiration date" : "Установить срок действия",
- "Expiration date" : "Срок действия",
"Hide download" : "Скрыть загрузку",
"Allow download" : "Разрешить скачивать",
"Note to recipient" : "Примечание для получателя",
@@ -221,8 +230,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Доступно пользователю {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Показать опции доступа",
"Link to a file" : "Ссылка на файл",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Не удалось создать общий ресурс: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Ошибка создания общего доступа",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Не удалось изменить общий ресурс: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Ошибка изменения параметров общего доступа",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Закрыт общий доступ к файлу «{path}»",
@@ -289,6 +296,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Связанные права доступа",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Только для пользователей с доступом к этой папке",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Только для пользователей с доступом к этому файлу",
+ "File drop" : "Принимать файлы",
"Circle" : "Круг",
"Update" : "Изменение",
"Share with " : "Поделиться",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.json
index 8c2f20eab3a..2b2e061751f 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Общий ресурс должен, по крайней мере, иметь разрешения READ или CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Общий ресурс должен иметь разрешение READ, если установлено разрешение UPDATE или DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Не удалось отправить пароль для доступа, так как приложение Nextcloud Talk отключено.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Неверный пароль",
"shared by %s" : "доступ предоставлен пользователем %s",
"Download all files" : "Скачать все файлы",
"Direct link" : "Прямая ссылка",
@@ -110,6 +111,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Вы получили от {user} доступ к ресурсу {share}, предназначенный группе {group}",
"Accept" : "Принять",
"Decline" : "Отклонить",
+ "Expiration date" : "Срок действия",
+ "Set a password" : "Задать пароль",
+ "Password" : "Пароль",
+ "Share link" : "Общий доступ по ссылке",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копировать в буфер обмена",
+ "Send link via email" : "Отправить ссылку по электронной почте",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена",
+ "Select" : "Выбрать",
+ "Cancel" : "Отменить",
+ "Continue" : "Продолжить",
+ "Close" : "Закрыть",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Не удалось создать общий ресурс: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Ошибка создания общего доступа",
"Sharing" : "Общий доступ",
"Error while toggling options" : "Ошибка изменения параметров",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Задать папку для принятых опубликованных ресурсов",
@@ -141,7 +155,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Срок действия (требуется системой)",
"Enter a date" : "Введите дату",
"Create share" : "Создать общий ресурс",
- "Cancel" : "Отменить",
"Customize link" : "Индивидуальная ссылка",
"Add another link" : "Добавить другую ссылку",
"Create a new share link" : "Создать ссылку доступа",
@@ -150,7 +163,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Отправка почты ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Ссылка общего доступа ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Ссылка общего доступа ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Общий доступ по ссылке",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Действия над «{title}»",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Скопировать общедоступную ссылку для доступа к «{title}» в буфер обмена",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Введите действительный пароль и/или дату истечения",
@@ -158,7 +170,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Не удалось создать общий ресурс",
"View only" : "Для просмотра",
"Can edit" : "Можно редактировать",
- "File drop" : "Принимать файлы",
"Custom permissions" : "Пользовательские права доступа",
"Search for share recipients" : "Найти больше получателей общего ресурса",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Рекомендации отсутствуют, начните вводить символы",
@@ -181,12 +192,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Расширенные параметры",
"Share label" : "Метка общего доступа",
"Set password" : "Задать пароль",
- "Password" : "Пароль",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Срок действия пароля истекает {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Срок действия пароля истёк",
"Video verification" : "Подтверждение по видесвязи",
"Set expiration date" : "Установить срок действия",
- "Expiration date" : "Срок действия",
"Hide download" : "Скрыть загрузку",
"Allow download" : "Разрешить скачивать",
"Note to recipient" : "Примечание для получателя",
@@ -219,8 +228,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Доступно пользователю {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Показать опции доступа",
"Link to a file" : "Ссылка на файл",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Не удалось создать общий ресурс: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Ошибка создания общего доступа",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Не удалось изменить общий ресурс: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Ошибка изменения параметров общего доступа",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Закрыт общий доступ к файлу «{path}»",
@@ -287,6 +294,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Связанные права доступа",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Только для пользователей с доступом к этой папке",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Только для пользователей с доступом к этому файлу",
+ "File drop" : "Принимать файлы",
"Circle" : "Круг",
"Update" : "Изменение",
"Share with " : "Поделиться",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sc.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sc.js
index 0dd75733351..99d7d5cba0c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sc.js
@@ -107,6 +107,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "As retzidu {share} a su grupu {group} cumpartzidu dae {user}",
"Accept" : "Atzeta",
"Decline" : "Refuda",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data de iscadèntzia",
+ "Set a password" : "Imposta una crae",
+ "Password" : "Crae",
+ "Share link" : "Cumpartzi ligòngiu",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Còpia in is punta de billete",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Ligòngiu copiadu in punta de billete",
+ "Select" : "Seletziona",
+ "Cancel" : "Annulla",
+ "Close" : "Serra",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore in sa creatzione de sa cumpartzidura: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Errore in sa creatzione de sa cumpartzidura",
"Sharing" : "Cumpartzidura",
"Reset" : "Torra a impostare",
"Invalid path selected" : "Percursu seletzionadu non bàlidu",
@@ -133,7 +144,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de iscadèntzia (posta)",
"Enter a date" : "Inserta una data",
"Create share" : "Crea cumpartzidura",
- "Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Customize link" : "Personaliza su ligòngiu",
"Add another link" : "Agiunghe un'àteru ligòngiu",
"Create a new share link" : "Crea unu ligòngiu de cumpartzidura nou",
@@ -141,7 +151,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Cumpartzidu cun ligòngiu dae {initiator}",
"Mail share ({label})" : "Cumpartzidura cun posta eletrònica ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Cumpartzi ligòngiu ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Cumpartzi ligòngiu",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Errore, inserta una crae giusta e/o sa data de iscadèntzia",
"View only" : "Isceti in visualizatzione",
"Can edit" : "Podet modificare",
@@ -164,10 +173,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Cunfiguratziones avantzadas",
"Share label" : "Cumpartzi eticheta",
"Set password" : "Imposta sa crae",
- "Password" : "Crae",
"Video verification" : "Verìfica vìdeu",
"Set expiration date" : "Imposta data de iscadèntzia",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de iscadèntzia",
"Hide download" : "Cua iscarrigamentu",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota a sa persone destinatària",
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Inserta una nota pro sa persone destinatària",
@@ -186,8 +193,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open in Files" : "Aberi in Archìvios",
"Shared" : "Cumpartzidu",
"Link to a file" : "Ligòngiu a archìviu",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore in sa creatzione de sa cumpartzidura: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Errore in sa creatzione de sa cumpartzidura",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore in s'agiornamentu de sa cumpartzidura: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Errore in s'agiornamentu de sa cumpatzidura",
"Shared by" : "Cumpartzidu dae",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sc.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sc.json
index 62c9b2ad8d2..18f3c638050 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sc.json
@@ -105,6 +105,17 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "As retzidu {share} a su grupu {group} cumpartzidu dae {user}",
"Accept" : "Atzeta",
"Decline" : "Refuda",
+ "Expiration date" : "Data de iscadèntzia",
+ "Set a password" : "Imposta una crae",
+ "Password" : "Crae",
+ "Share link" : "Cumpartzi ligòngiu",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Còpia in is punta de billete",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Ligòngiu copiadu in punta de billete",
+ "Select" : "Seletziona",
+ "Cancel" : "Annulla",
+ "Close" : "Serra",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore in sa creatzione de sa cumpartzidura: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Errore in sa creatzione de sa cumpartzidura",
"Sharing" : "Cumpartzidura",
"Reset" : "Torra a impostare",
"Invalid path selected" : "Percursu seletzionadu non bàlidu",
@@ -131,7 +142,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Data de iscadèntzia (posta)",
"Enter a date" : "Inserta una data",
"Create share" : "Crea cumpartzidura",
- "Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Customize link" : "Personaliza su ligòngiu",
"Add another link" : "Agiunghe un'àteru ligòngiu",
"Create a new share link" : "Crea unu ligòngiu de cumpartzidura nou",
@@ -139,7 +149,6 @@
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "Cumpartzidu cun ligòngiu dae {initiator}",
"Mail share ({label})" : "Cumpartzidura cun posta eletrònica ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Cumpartzi ligòngiu ({label})",
- "Share link" : "Cumpartzi ligòngiu",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Errore, inserta una crae giusta e/o sa data de iscadèntzia",
"View only" : "Isceti in visualizatzione",
"Can edit" : "Podet modificare",
@@ -162,10 +171,8 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Cunfiguratziones avantzadas",
"Share label" : "Cumpartzi eticheta",
"Set password" : "Imposta sa crae",
- "Password" : "Crae",
"Video verification" : "Verìfica vìdeu",
"Set expiration date" : "Imposta data de iscadèntzia",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de iscadèntzia",
"Hide download" : "Cua iscarrigamentu",
"Note to recipient" : "Nota a sa persone destinatària",
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Inserta una nota pro sa persone destinatària",
@@ -184,8 +191,6 @@
"Open in Files" : "Aberi in Archìvios",
"Shared" : "Cumpartzidu",
"Link to a file" : "Ligòngiu a archìviu",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore in sa creatzione de sa cumpartzidura: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Errore in sa creatzione de sa cumpartzidura",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Errore in s'agiornamentu de sa cumpartzidura: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Errore in s'agiornamentu de sa cumpatzidura",
"Shared by" : "Cumpartzidu dae",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.js
index 0fcb0df4b4c..7b6509600b4 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Zdieľanie musí mať aspoň povolenia READ alebo CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Ak je nastavené oprávnenie UPDATE alebo DELETE, zdieľanie musí mať povolenie READ.",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Odoslanie hesla cez Nextcloud Talk / Rozhovor/\" pre zdieľanie súboru alebo priečinka zlyhalo, pretože Nextcloud Talk /Rozhovor/ nie je zapnutý.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Nesprávne heslo",
"shared by %s" : "Sprístupnil %s",
"Download all files" : "Stiahnuť všetky súbory",
"Direct link" : "Priama linka",
@@ -115,6 +116,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Prijať",
"Decline" : "Zahodiť",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Táto aplikácia umožňuje ľuďom si navzájom sprístupňovať súbory v rámci Nextcloud. Ak je zapnutá, správca môže zvoliť, ktoré skupiny môžu súbory sprístupňovať ostatným. Príslušní ľudia potom môžu tieto súbory a priečinky sprístupňovať ostatným účtom a skupinám v rámci Nextcloud. Navyše, ak správca zapne funkciu sprístupňovania pomocou odkazu, je možné súbory sprístupňovať aj mimo Nextcloud a to pomocou externého odkazu (linku). Správcovia tiež môžu vynútiť používanie hesiel, dátumov expirácie a povoliť sprístupňovanie server-server pomocou zdieľaných odkazov, ako aj sprístupňovanie z mobilných zariadení.\nVypnutím tejto funkcie odoberie sprístupnené súbory a priečinky na serveri pre všetkých príjemcov sprístupnenia, a taktiež aj na synchronizačných klientoch a mobilných aplikáciách. Viac informácií je k dispozícii v dokumentácii Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Dátum vypršania",
+ "Set a password" : "Nastavte si heslo",
+ "Password" : "Heslo",
+ "Share link" : "Sprístupniť odkaz",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Skopírovať do schránky",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Odkaz bol skopírovaný do schránky",
+ "Select" : "Vybrať",
+ "Cancel" : "Zrušiť",
+ "Continue" : "Pokračovať",
+ "Close" : "Zatvoriť",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba pri vytváraní zdieľania: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Chyba pri vytváraní zdieľania",
"Sharing" : "Sprístupnenie",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Predvolene prijať sprístupnené položky z iných účtov a skupín.",
"Error while toggling options" : "Chyba pri prepínaní možností",
@@ -149,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Dátum ukončenia platnosti (vynútené)",
"Enter a date" : "Zadajte dátum",
"Create share" : "Vytvoriť sprístupnenie",
- "Cancel" : "Zrušiť",
"Customize link" : "Prispôsobiť odkaz",
"Generate QR code" : "Vygenerovať QR kód",
"Add another link" : "Pridať ďalší odkaz",
@@ -159,7 +171,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Zdieľanie mailu ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Odkaz na zdieľanie ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Zdieľať odkaz ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Sprístupniť odkaz",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Akcie pre \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopírovať verejný odkaz \"{title}\" do schránky",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Chyba, zadajte správne heslo a/alebo dátum ukončenia platnosti",
@@ -168,7 +179,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Rýchle možnosti zdieľania, aktuálne je vybrané \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Iba pre čítanie",
"Can edit" : "Môže upravovať",
- "File drop" : "Vložiť súbor",
"Custom permissions" : "Vlastné oprávnenia",
"Search for share recipients" : "Vyhľadanie ďalších účastníkov zdieľania",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Žiadne odporúčania. Píšte.",
@@ -192,12 +202,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Rozšírené nastavenia",
"Share label" : "Štítok zdieľania",
"Set password" : "Nastaviť heslo",
- "Password" : "Heslo",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Heslo expiruje za {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Heslo expirovalo",
"Video verification" : "Overovanie pomocou videa",
"Set expiration date" : "Nastaviť dátum expirácie",
- "Expiration date" : "Dátum vypršania",
"Hide download" : "Skryť sťahovanie",
"Allow download" : "Povoliť sťahovanie",
"Note to recipient" : "Poznámka pre príjemcu",
@@ -234,8 +242,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Zdiľané od {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Zobraziť možnosti zdieľania",
"Link to a file" : "Odkaz na súbor",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba pri vytváraní zdieľania: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Chyba pri vytváraní zdieľania",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba pri úprave zdieľania: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Pri aktualizácii zdieľania sa vyskytla chyba",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Pre súbor \"{path}\" bolo zrušené zdieľanie.",
@@ -302,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Združené práva",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funguje len pre používateľov s prístupom k tomuto priečinku",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funguje iba pre pužívateľov, ktorí majú prístup k tomuto súboru",
+ "File drop" : "Vložiť súbor",
"Circle" : "Kruh",
"Update" : "Aktualizovať",
"Share with " : "Zdieľať s ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.json
index 2556f2bc2f9..063ce3bcff8 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Zdieľanie musí mať aspoň povolenia READ alebo CREATE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Ak je nastavené oprávnenie UPDATE alebo DELETE, zdieľanie musí mať povolenie READ.",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Odoslanie hesla cez Nextcloud Talk / Rozhovor/\" pre zdieľanie súboru alebo priečinka zlyhalo, pretože Nextcloud Talk /Rozhovor/ nie je zapnutý.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Nesprávne heslo",
"shared by %s" : "Sprístupnil %s",
"Download all files" : "Stiahnuť všetky súbory",
"Direct link" : "Priama linka",
@@ -113,6 +114,18 @@
"Accept" : "Prijať",
"Decline" : "Zahodiť",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Táto aplikácia umožňuje ľuďom si navzájom sprístupňovať súbory v rámci Nextcloud. Ak je zapnutá, správca môže zvoliť, ktoré skupiny môžu súbory sprístupňovať ostatným. Príslušní ľudia potom môžu tieto súbory a priečinky sprístupňovať ostatným účtom a skupinám v rámci Nextcloud. Navyše, ak správca zapne funkciu sprístupňovania pomocou odkazu, je možné súbory sprístupňovať aj mimo Nextcloud a to pomocou externého odkazu (linku). Správcovia tiež môžu vynútiť používanie hesiel, dátumov expirácie a povoliť sprístupňovanie server-server pomocou zdieľaných odkazov, ako aj sprístupňovanie z mobilných zariadení.\nVypnutím tejto funkcie odoberie sprístupnené súbory a priečinky na serveri pre všetkých príjemcov sprístupnenia, a taktiež aj na synchronizačných klientoch a mobilných aplikáciách. Viac informácií je k dispozícii v dokumentácii Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Dátum vypršania",
+ "Set a password" : "Nastavte si heslo",
+ "Password" : "Heslo",
+ "Share link" : "Sprístupniť odkaz",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Skopírovať do schránky",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Odkaz bol skopírovaný do schránky",
+ "Select" : "Vybrať",
+ "Cancel" : "Zrušiť",
+ "Continue" : "Pokračovať",
+ "Close" : "Zatvoriť",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba pri vytváraní zdieľania: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Chyba pri vytváraní zdieľania",
"Sharing" : "Sprístupnenie",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Predvolene prijať sprístupnené položky z iných účtov a skupín.",
"Error while toggling options" : "Chyba pri prepínaní možností",
@@ -147,7 +160,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Dátum ukončenia platnosti (vynútené)",
"Enter a date" : "Zadajte dátum",
"Create share" : "Vytvoriť sprístupnenie",
- "Cancel" : "Zrušiť",
"Customize link" : "Prispôsobiť odkaz",
"Generate QR code" : "Vygenerovať QR kód",
"Add another link" : "Pridať ďalší odkaz",
@@ -157,7 +169,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Zdieľanie mailu ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Odkaz na zdieľanie ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Zdieľať odkaz ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Sprístupniť odkaz",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Akcie pre \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopírovať verejný odkaz \"{title}\" do schránky",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Chyba, zadajte správne heslo a/alebo dátum ukončenia platnosti",
@@ -166,7 +177,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Rýchle možnosti zdieľania, aktuálne je vybrané \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Iba pre čítanie",
"Can edit" : "Môže upravovať",
- "File drop" : "Vložiť súbor",
"Custom permissions" : "Vlastné oprávnenia",
"Search for share recipients" : "Vyhľadanie ďalších účastníkov zdieľania",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Žiadne odporúčania. Píšte.",
@@ -190,12 +200,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Rozšírené nastavenia",
"Share label" : "Štítok zdieľania",
"Set password" : "Nastaviť heslo",
- "Password" : "Heslo",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Heslo expiruje za {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Heslo expirovalo",
"Video verification" : "Overovanie pomocou videa",
"Set expiration date" : "Nastaviť dátum expirácie",
- "Expiration date" : "Dátum vypršania",
"Hide download" : "Skryť sťahovanie",
"Allow download" : "Povoliť sťahovanie",
"Note to recipient" : "Poznámka pre príjemcu",
@@ -232,8 +240,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Zdiľané od {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Zobraziť možnosti zdieľania",
"Link to a file" : "Odkaz na súbor",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba pri vytváraní zdieľania: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Chyba pri vytváraní zdieľania",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Chyba pri úprave zdieľania: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Pri aktualizácii zdieľania sa vyskytla chyba",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Pre súbor \"{path}\" bolo zrušené zdieľanie.",
@@ -300,6 +306,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Združené práva",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Funguje len pre používateľov s prístupom k tomuto priečinku",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Funguje iba pre pužívateľov, ktorí majú prístup k tomuto súboru",
+ "File drop" : "Vložiť súbor",
"Circle" : "Kruh",
"Update" : "Aktualizovať",
"Share with " : "Zdieľať s ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sl.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sl.js
index 274aa7a961a..af5e0447e96 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sl.js
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not lock path" : "Poti ni mogoče zakleniti",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Parameter posodobitve ni podan, ali pa je navedena napačna vrednost",
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Mestu souporabe mora biti dodeljeno vsaj dovoljenje BRANJE in USTVARJANJE",
+ "Wrong password" : "Napačno geslo",
"shared by %s" : "souporaba: %s",
"Download all files" : "Prejmi vse datoteke",
"Direct link" : "Neposredna povezava",
@@ -110,6 +111,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "{user} vam omogoča souporabo {share} prek skupine {group}",
"Accept" : "Sprejmi",
"Decline" : "Zavrni",
+ "Expiration date" : "Datum preteka",
+ "Set a password" : "Nastavi geslo",
+ "Password" : "Geslo",
+ "Share link" : "Povezava za souporabo",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiraj v odložišče",
+ "Send link via email" : "Pošlji povezavo prek elektronske pošte",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Povezava je kopirana v odložišče",
+ "Select" : "Izbor",
+ "Cancel" : "Prekliči",
+ "Continue" : "Nadaljuj",
+ "Close" : "Zapri",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Napaka pri ustvarjanju mesta souporabe: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Napaka ustvarjanja mesta souporabe",
"Sharing" : "Souporaba",
"Error while toggling options" : "Prišlo je do napake med preklapljanjem možnosti",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Izbor privzete mape za sprejemanje map v souporabi",
@@ -140,14 +154,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Datum preteka (vsiljeno)",
"Enter a date" : "Vpis datuma ...",
"Create share" : "Ustvari predmet souporabe",
- "Cancel" : "Prekliči",
"Add another link" : "Dodaj novo povezavo",
"Create a new share link" : "Ustvari novo povezavo za souporabo",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "{initiator} omogoči souporabo prek povezave",
"Mail share ({label})" : "Souporaba prek elektronske pošte ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Souporaba povezave ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Souporaba povezave ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Povezava za souporabo",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Dejanja za »{title}«",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopiraj javno povezavo do mape »{title}« v odložišče",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Napaka. Vpisati je treba pravo geslo ali datum preteka",
@@ -155,7 +167,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Napaka ustvarjanja mesta souporabe",
"View only" : "Le ogled",
"Can edit" : "Lahko ureja",
- "File drop" : "Poteg datotek v mapo",
"Custom permissions" : "Dovoljenja po meri",
"Search for share recipients" : "Iskanje prejemnikov mesta souporabe",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ni priporočil; začnite vpisovati",
@@ -176,12 +187,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow editing" : "Dovoli urejanje",
"Advanced settings" : "Napredne nastavitve",
"Share label" : "Naziv mesta souporabe",
- "Password" : "Geslo",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Geslo preteče {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Geslo je preteklo",
"Video verification" : "Video overitev",
"Set expiration date" : "Nastavi datum preteka",
- "Expiration date" : "Datum preteka",
"Hide download" : "Skrij prejem",
"Allow download" : "Dovoli prejem datotek",
"Note to recipient" : "Sporočilo za prejemnika",
@@ -201,8 +210,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open in Files" : "Odpri v mapi",
"Shared" : "V souporabi",
"Link to a file" : "Povezava do datoteke",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Napaka pri ustvarjanju mesta souporabe: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Napaka ustvarjanja mesta souporabe",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Napaka pri posodabljanju mesta souporabe: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Napaka posodabljanja mesta souporabe",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Souporaba datoteke »{path}« je odstranjena",
@@ -257,6 +264,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Paket dovoljenj",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Možnost deluje le za uporabnike, ki imajo dostop do te mape",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Deluje le za uporabnike z dostopom do te datoteke",
+ "File drop" : "Poteg datotek v mapo",
"Circle" : "Krog",
"Update" : "Posodobi",
"No other users with access found" : "Ni najdenih drugih uporabnikov z dostopom",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sl.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sl.json
index a05973c5349..4dac68de167 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sl.json
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
"Could not lock path" : "Poti ni mogoče zakleniti",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Parameter posodobitve ni podan, ali pa je navedena napačna vrednost",
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Mestu souporabe mora biti dodeljeno vsaj dovoljenje BRANJE in USTVARJANJE",
+ "Wrong password" : "Napačno geslo",
"shared by %s" : "souporaba: %s",
"Download all files" : "Prejmi vse datoteke",
"Direct link" : "Neposredna povezava",
@@ -108,6 +109,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "{user} vam omogoča souporabo {share} prek skupine {group}",
"Accept" : "Sprejmi",
"Decline" : "Zavrni",
+ "Expiration date" : "Datum preteka",
+ "Set a password" : "Nastavi geslo",
+ "Password" : "Geslo",
+ "Share link" : "Povezava za souporabo",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiraj v odložišče",
+ "Send link via email" : "Pošlji povezavo prek elektronske pošte",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Povezava je kopirana v odložišče",
+ "Select" : "Izbor",
+ "Cancel" : "Prekliči",
+ "Continue" : "Nadaljuj",
+ "Close" : "Zapri",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Napaka pri ustvarjanju mesta souporabe: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Napaka ustvarjanja mesta souporabe",
"Sharing" : "Souporaba",
"Error while toggling options" : "Prišlo je do napake med preklapljanjem možnosti",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Izbor privzete mape za sprejemanje map v souporabi",
@@ -138,14 +152,12 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Datum preteka (vsiljeno)",
"Enter a date" : "Vpis datuma ...",
"Create share" : "Ustvari predmet souporabe",
- "Cancel" : "Prekliči",
"Add another link" : "Dodaj novo povezavo",
"Create a new share link" : "Ustvari novo povezavo za souporabo",
"Shared via link by {initiator}" : "{initiator} omogoči souporabo prek povezave",
"Mail share ({label})" : "Souporaba prek elektronske pošte ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Souporaba povezave ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Souporaba povezave ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Povezava za souporabo",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Dejanja za »{title}«",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopiraj javno povezavo do mape »{title}« v odložišče",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Napaka. Vpisati je treba pravo geslo ali datum preteka",
@@ -153,7 +165,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Napaka ustvarjanja mesta souporabe",
"View only" : "Le ogled",
"Can edit" : "Lahko ureja",
- "File drop" : "Poteg datotek v mapo",
"Custom permissions" : "Dovoljenja po meri",
"Search for share recipients" : "Iskanje prejemnikov mesta souporabe",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ni priporočil; začnite vpisovati",
@@ -174,12 +185,10 @@
"Allow editing" : "Dovoli urejanje",
"Advanced settings" : "Napredne nastavitve",
"Share label" : "Naziv mesta souporabe",
- "Password" : "Geslo",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Geslo preteče {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Geslo je preteklo",
"Video verification" : "Video overitev",
"Set expiration date" : "Nastavi datum preteka",
- "Expiration date" : "Datum preteka",
"Hide download" : "Skrij prejem",
"Allow download" : "Dovoli prejem datotek",
"Note to recipient" : "Sporočilo za prejemnika",
@@ -199,8 +208,6 @@
"Open in Files" : "Odpri v mapi",
"Shared" : "V souporabi",
"Link to a file" : "Povezava do datoteke",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Napaka pri ustvarjanju mesta souporabe: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Napaka ustvarjanja mesta souporabe",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Napaka pri posodabljanju mesta souporabe: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Napaka posodabljanja mesta souporabe",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Souporaba datoteke »{path}« je odstranjena",
@@ -255,6 +262,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Paket dovoljenj",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Možnost deluje le za uporabnike, ki imajo dostop do te mape",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Deluje le za uporabnike z dostopom do te datoteke",
+ "File drop" : "Poteg datotek v mapo",
"Circle" : "Krog",
"Update" : "Posodobi",
"No other users with access found" : "Ni najdenih drugih uporabnikov z dostopom",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.js
index bcd971033f9..b067bc3376d 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Deljenje mora da ima bar dozvole ČITANJE ili KREIRANJE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Deljenje mora da ima dozvolu za ČITANJE ako je podešena dozvola UPDATE ili DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Slanje lozinke putem Nextcloud Talk-a“ za deljenje datoteke ili fascikle nije uspelo jer Nextcloud Talk nije omogućen.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Погрешна лозинка",
"shared by %s" : "поделио %s",
"Download all files" : "Преузми све фајлове",
"Direct link" : "Директна веза",
@@ -115,6 +116,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Прихвати",
"Decline" : "Одбиј",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Ова апликација омогућава људима да деле фајлове унутар Nextcloud инстанце. Када се укључи, админ може да одабере које групе могу да деле фајлове. Ти људи затим могу да деле фолдере и фајлове са осталим налозима и групама унутар Nextcloud инстанце. Уз то, ако админ укључи и могућност дељења линка, за дељење са корисницима ван Nextcloud инстанце може да се употреби спољни линк. Админи такође могу да форсирају лозинке, датум истека и да омогуће дељење између сервера преко линкова дељења, као и дељење са мобилних уређаја.\nИскључивањем ове могућности искључује се дељење фајлова и фолдера и на серверу са свим примаоцима дељења, као и на клијентима за синхорнизацију и мобилним апликацијама. Више информација можете наћи у Nextcloud документацији.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Датум истека",
+ "Set a password" : "Постави лозинку",
+ "Password" : "Лозинка",
+ "Share link" : "Веза дељења",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копирај у оставу",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Веза копирана у оставу",
+ "Select" : "Обележи",
+ "Cancel" : "Одустани",
+ "Continue" : "Настави",
+ "Close" : "Затвори",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Greška pri pravljenju deljenja: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при прављењу дељења",
"Sharing" : "Дељење",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Подразумевано прихвати дељења са осталих налога и група",
"Error while toggling options" : "Greška pri prebacivanju opcija",
@@ -149,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Захтевано постављање датума истека",
"Enter a date" : "Унеси датум",
"Create share" : "Kreirajte deljenje",
- "Cancel" : "Одустани",
"Customize link" : "Прилагоди линк",
"Generate QR code" : "Генериши QR кôд",
"Add another link" : "Додај још једну везу",
@@ -159,7 +171,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Deljenje pošte ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Подели везу ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Дели линк ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Веза дељења",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Акције за „{title}",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Копирај јавни линк за „{title}” у клипборд",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Грешка, унесите исправну лозинку и/или датум истицања",
@@ -168,7 +179,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Брзе опције дељења, тренутно је изабрана „{selectedOption}”",
"View only" : "Само преглед",
"Can edit" : "Може да уређује",
- "File drop" : "Место за упуштање фајлова",
"Custom permissions" : "Произвољне дозволе",
"Search for share recipients" : "Претрага прималаца дељења",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Нема препорука. Започните куцање.",
@@ -192,12 +202,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Напредне поставке",
"Share label" : "Подели ознаки",
"Set password" : "Постави лозинку",
- "Password" : "Лозинка",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Lozinka ističe {passvordEkpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Lozinka istekla",
"Video verification" : "Видео потврда",
"Set expiration date" : "Постави датум истека",
- "Expiration date" : "Датум истека",
"Hide download" : "Сакриј преузимање",
"Allow download" : "Дозволи преузимање",
"Note to recipient" : "Белешка примаоцу",
@@ -234,8 +242,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Поделио {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Прикажи опције дељења",
"Link to a file" : "Веза ка фајлу",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Greška pri pravljenju deljenja: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при прављењу дељења",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Greška pri ažuriranju deljenja: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Грешка при ажурирању дељења",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Фајл „{path}” се више не дели",
@@ -302,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Прикупљене дозволе",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Радиће само за кориснике са приступом овој фасцикли",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Радиће само за кориснике са приступом овом фајлу",
+ "File drop" : "Место за упуштање фајлова",
"Circle" : "Круг",
"Update" : "Ажурирај",
"Share with " : "Подели са",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.json
index fd45ab7a9c0..6b1b511cee7 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Deljenje mora da ima bar dozvole ČITANJE ili KREIRANJE",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Deljenje mora da ima dozvolu za ČITANJE ako je podešena dozvola UPDATE ili DELETE",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "„Slanje lozinke putem Nextcloud Talk-a“ za deljenje datoteke ili fascikle nije uspelo jer Nextcloud Talk nije omogućen.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Погрешна лозинка",
"shared by %s" : "поделио %s",
"Download all files" : "Преузми све фајлове",
"Direct link" : "Директна веза",
@@ -113,6 +114,18 @@
"Accept" : "Прихвати",
"Decline" : "Одбиј",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Ова апликација омогућава људима да деле фајлове унутар Nextcloud инстанце. Када се укључи, админ може да одабере које групе могу да деле фајлове. Ти људи затим могу да деле фолдере и фајлове са осталим налозима и групама унутар Nextcloud инстанце. Уз то, ако админ укључи и могућност дељења линка, за дељење са корисницима ван Nextcloud инстанце може да се употреби спољни линк. Админи такође могу да форсирају лозинке, датум истека и да омогуће дељење између сервера преко линкова дељења, као и дељење са мобилних уређаја.\nИскључивањем ове могућности искључује се дељење фајлова и фолдера и на серверу са свим примаоцима дељења, као и на клијентима за синхорнизацију и мобилним апликацијама. Више информација можете наћи у Nextcloud документацији.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Датум истека",
+ "Set a password" : "Постави лозинку",
+ "Password" : "Лозинка",
+ "Share link" : "Веза дељења",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копирај у оставу",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Веза копирана у оставу",
+ "Select" : "Обележи",
+ "Cancel" : "Одустани",
+ "Continue" : "Настави",
+ "Close" : "Затвори",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Greška pri pravljenju deljenja: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при прављењу дељења",
"Sharing" : "Дељење",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Подразумевано прихвати дељења са осталих налога и група",
"Error while toggling options" : "Greška pri prebacivanju opcija",
@@ -147,7 +160,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Захтевано постављање датума истека",
"Enter a date" : "Унеси датум",
"Create share" : "Kreirajte deljenje",
- "Cancel" : "Одустани",
"Customize link" : "Прилагоди линк",
"Generate QR code" : "Генериши QR кôд",
"Add another link" : "Додај још једну везу",
@@ -157,7 +169,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Deljenje pošte ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Подели везу ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Дели линк ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Веза дељења",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Акције за „{title}",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Копирај јавни линк за „{title}” у клипборд",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Грешка, унесите исправну лозинку и/или датум истицања",
@@ -166,7 +177,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Брзе опције дељења, тренутно је изабрана „{selectedOption}”",
"View only" : "Само преглед",
"Can edit" : "Може да уређује",
- "File drop" : "Место за упуштање фајлова",
"Custom permissions" : "Произвољне дозволе",
"Search for share recipients" : "Претрага прималаца дељења",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Нема препорука. Започните куцање.",
@@ -190,12 +200,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Напредне поставке",
"Share label" : "Подели ознаки",
"Set password" : "Постави лозинку",
- "Password" : "Лозинка",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Lozinka ističe {passvordEkpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Lozinka istekla",
"Video verification" : "Видео потврда",
"Set expiration date" : "Постави датум истека",
- "Expiration date" : "Датум истека",
"Hide download" : "Сакриј преузимање",
"Allow download" : "Дозволи преузимање",
"Note to recipient" : "Белешка примаоцу",
@@ -232,8 +240,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Поделио {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Прикажи опције дељења",
"Link to a file" : "Веза ка фајлу",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Greška pri pravljenju deljenja: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Грешка при прављењу дељења",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Greška pri ažuriranju deljenja: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Грешка при ажурирању дељења",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Фајл „{path}” се више не дели",
@@ -300,6 +306,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Прикупљене дозволе",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Радиће само за кориснике са приступом овој фасцикли",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Радиће само за кориснике са приступом овом фајлу",
+ "File drop" : "Место за упуштање фајлова",
"Circle" : "Круг",
"Update" : "Ажурирај",
"Share with " : "Подели са",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.js
index 53e60691bd2..bba67cf3783 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Delningen måste åtminstone ha LÄS- eller SKAPA-behörighet",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Delningen måste ha LÄS-behörighet om ÄNDRA- eller RADERA-behörighet är inställd",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Skicka lösenord via Nextcloud Talk\" för att dela en fil eller mapp misslyckades eftersom Nextcloud Talk inte är aktiverat.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Fel lösenord",
"shared by %s" : "delad av %s",
"Download all files" : "Hämta alla filer",
"Direct link" : "Direktlänk",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Acceptera",
"Decline" : "Avböj",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Denna applikation gör det möjligt för användare att dela filer inom Nextcloud. Om aktiverad kan administratören välja vilka grupper som kan dela filer. De tillämpliga användarna kan sedan dela filer och mappar med andra användare och grupper inom Nextcloud. Dessutom, om administratören aktiverar funktionen dela länk, kan en extern länk användas för att dela filer med andra användare utanför Nextcloud. Administratörer kan också tvinga lösenord, utgångsdatum och aktivera server till serverdelning via delningslänkar samt dela från mobila enheter.\nOm du stänger av funktionen tar du bort delade filer och mappar på servern för alla delmottagare och även på synkroniseringsklienterna och mobilapparna. Mer information finns i dokumentationen för Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Utgångsdatum",
+ "Set a password" : "Sätt ett lösenord",
+ "Password" : "Lösenord",
+ "Share link" : "Dela länk",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiera till urklipp",
+ "Send link via email" : "Skicka länk via e-post",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Länken kopierad till urklipp",
+ "Select" : "Välj",
+ "Cancel" : "Avbryt",
+ "Continue" : "Fortsätt",
+ "Close" : "Stäng",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Kunde inte skapa delningen: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Kunde inte skapa delning",
"Sharing" : "Delning",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Acceptera delningar från andra konton och grupper som standard",
"Error while toggling options" : "Fel vid ändring av inställningar",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Förfallodatum (obligatorisk)",
"Enter a date" : "Ange datum",
"Create share" : "Skapa delning",
- "Cancel" : "Avbryt",
"Customize link" : "Anpassa länk",
"Generate QR code" : "Generera QR-kod",
"Add another link" : "Lägg till en annan länk",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "E-postdelning ({labe})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Dela länk ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Dela länk ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Dela länk",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Åtgärder för \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopiera publika länken för \"{title}\" till urklipp",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Fel, ange korrekt lösenord och/eller utgångsdatum",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Snabbdelningsalternativ, det nuvarande valda är \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Skrivskyddat läge",
"Can edit" : "Kan ändra",
- "File drop" : "Göm fillista",
"Custom permissions" : "Anpassade behörigheter",
"Search for share recipients" : "Sök efter delningsmottagare",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Inga rekommendationer. Börja skriva.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Avancerade inställningar",
"Share label" : "Delningsetikett",
"Set password" : "Ange lösenord",
- "Password" : "Lösenord",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Lösenordet går ut {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Lösenordet har gått ut",
"Video verification" : "Video-verifiering",
"Set expiration date" : "Välj utgångsdatum",
- "Expiration date" : "Utgångsdatum",
"Hide download" : "Dölj hämtning",
"Allow download" : "Tillåt nedladdning",
"Note to recipient" : "Notering till mottagare",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Delad av {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Visa delningsalternativ",
"Link to a file" : "Länka till en fil",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Kunde inte skapa delningen: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Kunde inte skapa delning",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Kunde inte uppdatera delningen: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Kunde inte uppdatera delning",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Fil \"{path}\" har slutat att delas",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Medföljande behörigheter",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Fungerar bara för användare med åtkomst till den här mappen",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Fungerar bara för användare med åtkomst till den här mappen",
+ "File drop" : "Göm fillista",
"Circle" : "Cirkel",
"Update" : "Uppdatera",
"Share with " : "Dela med",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.json
index 8b7e27ef1e8..432ed393c18 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sv.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Delningen måste åtminstone ha LÄS- eller SKAPA-behörighet",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Delningen måste ha LÄS-behörighet om ÄNDRA- eller RADERA-behörighet är inställd",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Skicka lösenord via Nextcloud Talk\" för att dela en fil eller mapp misslyckades eftersom Nextcloud Talk inte är aktiverat.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Fel lösenord",
"shared by %s" : "delad av %s",
"Download all files" : "Hämta alla filer",
"Direct link" : "Direktlänk",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Acceptera",
"Decline" : "Avböj",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Denna applikation gör det möjligt för användare att dela filer inom Nextcloud. Om aktiverad kan administratören välja vilka grupper som kan dela filer. De tillämpliga användarna kan sedan dela filer och mappar med andra användare och grupper inom Nextcloud. Dessutom, om administratören aktiverar funktionen dela länk, kan en extern länk användas för att dela filer med andra användare utanför Nextcloud. Administratörer kan också tvinga lösenord, utgångsdatum och aktivera server till serverdelning via delningslänkar samt dela från mobila enheter.\nOm du stänger av funktionen tar du bort delade filer och mappar på servern för alla delmottagare och även på synkroniseringsklienterna och mobilapparna. Mer information finns i dokumentationen för Nextcloud.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Utgångsdatum",
+ "Set a password" : "Sätt ett lösenord",
+ "Password" : "Lösenord",
+ "Share link" : "Dela länk",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiera till urklipp",
+ "Send link via email" : "Skicka länk via e-post",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Länken kopierad till urklipp",
+ "Select" : "Välj",
+ "Cancel" : "Avbryt",
+ "Continue" : "Fortsätt",
+ "Close" : "Stäng",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Kunde inte skapa delningen: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Kunde inte skapa delning",
"Sharing" : "Delning",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Acceptera delningar från andra konton och grupper som standard",
"Error while toggling options" : "Fel vid ändring av inställningar",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Förfallodatum (obligatorisk)",
"Enter a date" : "Ange datum",
"Create share" : "Skapa delning",
- "Cancel" : "Avbryt",
"Customize link" : "Anpassa länk",
"Generate QR code" : "Generera QR-kod",
"Add another link" : "Lägg till en annan länk",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "E-postdelning ({labe})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Dela länk ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Dela länk ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Dela länk",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Åtgärder för \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Kopiera publika länken för \"{title}\" till urklipp",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Fel, ange korrekt lösenord och/eller utgångsdatum",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Snabbdelningsalternativ, det nuvarande valda är \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Skrivskyddat läge",
"Can edit" : "Kan ändra",
- "File drop" : "Göm fillista",
"Custom permissions" : "Anpassade behörigheter",
"Search for share recipients" : "Sök efter delningsmottagare",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Inga rekommendationer. Börja skriva.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Avancerade inställningar",
"Share label" : "Delningsetikett",
"Set password" : "Ange lösenord",
- "Password" : "Lösenord",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Lösenordet går ut {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Lösenordet har gått ut",
"Video verification" : "Video-verifiering",
"Set expiration date" : "Välj utgångsdatum",
- "Expiration date" : "Utgångsdatum",
"Hide download" : "Dölj hämtning",
"Allow download" : "Tillåt nedladdning",
"Note to recipient" : "Notering till mottagare",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Delad av {ownerDisplayName}",
"Show sharing options" : "Visa delningsalternativ",
"Link to a file" : "Länka till en fil",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Kunde inte skapa delningen: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Kunde inte skapa delning",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Kunde inte uppdatera delningen: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Kunde inte uppdatera delning",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Fil \"{path}\" har slutat att delas",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Medföljande behörigheter",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Fungerar bara för användare med åtkomst till den här mappen",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Fungerar bara för användare med åtkomst till den här mappen",
+ "File drop" : "Göm fillista",
"Circle" : "Cirkel",
"Update" : "Uppdatera",
"Share with " : "Dela med",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.js
index e232ff255b9..faadeaacdb4 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Paylaşım için en az OKUMA ve OLUŞTURMA izinleri olmalıdır",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "UPDATE ya da DELETE izinleri verilmiş ise paylaşıma READ izni verilmelidir",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Nextcloud Talk etkinleştirilmemiş olduğundan, paylaşım parolası Nextcloud Talk ile gönderilemedi.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Parola yanlış",
"shared by %s" : "%s tarafından paylaşıldı",
"Download all files" : "Tüm dosyaları indir",
"Direct link" : "Doğrudan bağlantı",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "Kabul et",
"Decline" : "Reddet",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Bu uygulama kişilerin Nextcloud üzerinde dosya paylaşabilmesini sağlar. Etkinleştirildiğinde, yöneticiler dosya paylaşabilecek grupları belirleyebilir. Seçilmiş gruplardaki kişiler Nextcloud üzerindeki diğer kişi ve gruplar ile dosya ve klasör paylaşabilir. Ek olarak, yönetici bağlantı paylaşımı özelliğini etkinleştirmiş ise, Nextcloud üzerinde olmayan kişiler ile dosya paylaşımı bağlantıları kullanılabilir. Yöneticiler ayrıca parola ve geçerlilik sonu tarihi kullanılmasını zorunlu kılmanın yanında, paylaşım bağlantıları ile sunucudan sunucuya paylaşım ve mobil aygıtlar ile paylaşım gibi özellikleri etkinleştirebilir.\nBu özellik devre dışı bırakıldığında, sunucu, eşitleme istemcileri ve mobil uygulamalar üzerinden alıcılar ile paylaşılmış dosya ve klasörler kaldırılır. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için Nextcloud belgelerine bakabilirsiniz.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Geçerlilik sonu tarihi",
+ "Set a password" : "Bir parola ayarlayın",
+ "Password" : "Parola",
+ "Share link" : "Paylaşım bağlantısı",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Panoya kopyala",
+ "Send link via email" : "Bağlantıyı e-posta ile gönder",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Bağlantı panoya kopyalandı",
+ "Select" : "Seçin",
+ "Cancel" : "İptal",
+ "Continue" : "Sürdür",
+ "Close" : "Kapat",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Paylaşım oluşturulurken sorun çıktı: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Paylaşım oluşturulurken sorun çıktı",
"Sharing" : "Paylaşım",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Diğer hesaplardan ve gruplardan gelen paylaşımlar varsayılan olarak kabul edilsin",
"Error while toggling options" : "Seçenekler değiştirilirken sorun çıktı ",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Geçerlilik sonu tarihi (dayatılmış)",
"Enter a date" : "Bir tarih yazın",
"Create share" : "Paylaşım ekle",
- "Cancel" : "İptal",
"Customize link" : "Bağlantıyı özelleştir",
"Generate QR code" : "QR kodu oluştur",
"Add another link" : "Başka bir bağlantı ekle",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "E-posta ile paylaş ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Bağlantı ile paylaş ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Paylaşım bağlantısı ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Paylaşım bağlantısı",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "\"{title}\" işlemleri",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Herkese açık \"{title}\" bağlantısını panoya kopyala",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Hata. Lütfen uygun bir parola ya da geçerlilik sonu tarihi yazın",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Hızlı paylaşım seçenekleri, geçerli seçim \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Yalnızca görüntüleme",
"Can edit" : "Düzenleyebilir",
- "File drop" : "Dosya bırakma",
"Custom permissions" : "Özel izinler",
"Search for share recipients" : "Paylaşım alıcıları ara",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Herhangi bir öneri yok. Yazmaya başlayın.",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Gelişmiş ayarlar",
"Share label" : "Paylaşım etiketi",
"Set password" : "Parola ayarla",
- "Password" : "Parola",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Parolanın geçerlilik süresi sonu {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Parolanın geçerlilik süresi dolmuş",
"Video verification" : "Görüntü doğrulaması",
"Set expiration date" : "Geçerlilik sonu tarihini ayarla",
- "Expiration date" : "Geçerlilik sonu tarihi",
"Hide download" : "İndirme gizlensin",
"Allow download" : "İndirilebilsin",
"Note to recipient" : "Alıcıya not",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName} tarafından paylaşılmış",
"Show sharing options" : "Paylaşım seçeneklerini görüntüle",
"Link to a file" : "Bir dosya bağlantısı",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Paylaşım oluşturulurken sorun çıktı: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Paylaşım oluşturulurken sorun çıktı",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Paylaşım güncellenirken sorun çıktı: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Paylaşım güncellenirken sorun çıktı",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "\"{path}\" dosyası paylaşımdan kaldırıldı",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Bağlı izinler",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Yalnızca bu klasöre erişebilen kullanıcılar için geçerlidir",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Yalnızca bu dosyaya erişebilen kullanıcılar için geçerlidir",
+ "File drop" : "Dosya bırakma",
"Circle" : "Takım",
"Update" : "Güncelle",
"Share with " : "Şunlarla paylaş",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.json
index 163c5d0c0cb..9d14c9bd89e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/tr.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Paylaşım için en az OKUMA ve OLUŞTURMA izinleri olmalıdır",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "UPDATE ya da DELETE izinleri verilmiş ise paylaşıma READ izni verilmelidir",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Nextcloud Talk etkinleştirilmemiş olduğundan, paylaşım parolası Nextcloud Talk ile gönderilemedi.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Parola yanlış",
"shared by %s" : "%s tarafından paylaşıldı",
"Download all files" : "Tüm dosyaları indir",
"Direct link" : "Doğrudan bağlantı",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "Kabul et",
"Decline" : "Reddet",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Bu uygulama kişilerin Nextcloud üzerinde dosya paylaşabilmesini sağlar. Etkinleştirildiğinde, yöneticiler dosya paylaşabilecek grupları belirleyebilir. Seçilmiş gruplardaki kişiler Nextcloud üzerindeki diğer kişi ve gruplar ile dosya ve klasör paylaşabilir. Ek olarak, yönetici bağlantı paylaşımı özelliğini etkinleştirmiş ise, Nextcloud üzerinde olmayan kişiler ile dosya paylaşımı bağlantıları kullanılabilir. Yöneticiler ayrıca parola ve geçerlilik sonu tarihi kullanılmasını zorunlu kılmanın yanında, paylaşım bağlantıları ile sunucudan sunucuya paylaşım ve mobil aygıtlar ile paylaşım gibi özellikleri etkinleştirebilir.\nBu özellik devre dışı bırakıldığında, sunucu, eşitleme istemcileri ve mobil uygulamalar üzerinden alıcılar ile paylaşılmış dosya ve klasörler kaldırılır. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için Nextcloud belgelerine bakabilirsiniz.",
+ "Expiration date" : "Geçerlilik sonu tarihi",
+ "Set a password" : "Bir parola ayarlayın",
+ "Password" : "Parola",
+ "Share link" : "Paylaşım bağlantısı",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Panoya kopyala",
+ "Send link via email" : "Bağlantıyı e-posta ile gönder",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Bağlantı panoya kopyalandı",
+ "Select" : "Seçin",
+ "Cancel" : "İptal",
+ "Continue" : "Sürdür",
+ "Close" : "Kapat",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Paylaşım oluşturulurken sorun çıktı: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Paylaşım oluşturulurken sorun çıktı",
"Sharing" : "Paylaşım",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Diğer hesaplardan ve gruplardan gelen paylaşımlar varsayılan olarak kabul edilsin",
"Error while toggling options" : "Seçenekler değiştirilirken sorun çıktı ",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Geçerlilik sonu tarihi (dayatılmış)",
"Enter a date" : "Bir tarih yazın",
"Create share" : "Paylaşım ekle",
- "Cancel" : "İptal",
"Customize link" : "Bağlantıyı özelleştir",
"Generate QR code" : "QR kodu oluştur",
"Add another link" : "Başka bir bağlantı ekle",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "E-posta ile paylaş ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Bağlantı ile paylaş ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Paylaşım bağlantısı ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Paylaşım bağlantısı",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "\"{title}\" işlemleri",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Herkese açık \"{title}\" bağlantısını panoya kopyala",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Hata. Lütfen uygun bir parola ya da geçerlilik sonu tarihi yazın",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Hızlı paylaşım seçenekleri, geçerli seçim \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Yalnızca görüntüleme",
"Can edit" : "Düzenleyebilir",
- "File drop" : "Dosya bırakma",
"Custom permissions" : "Özel izinler",
"Search for share recipients" : "Paylaşım alıcıları ara",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Herhangi bir öneri yok. Yazmaya başlayın.",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Gelişmiş ayarlar",
"Share label" : "Paylaşım etiketi",
"Set password" : "Parola ayarla",
- "Password" : "Parola",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Parolanın geçerlilik süresi sonu {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Parolanın geçerlilik süresi dolmuş",
"Video verification" : "Görüntü doğrulaması",
"Set expiration date" : "Geçerlilik sonu tarihini ayarla",
- "Expiration date" : "Geçerlilik sonu tarihi",
"Hide download" : "İndirme gizlensin",
"Allow download" : "İndirilebilsin",
"Note to recipient" : "Alıcıya not",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName} tarafından paylaşılmış",
"Show sharing options" : "Paylaşım seçeneklerini görüntüle",
"Link to a file" : "Bir dosya bağlantısı",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Paylaşım oluşturulurken sorun çıktı: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Paylaşım oluşturulurken sorun çıktı",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Paylaşım güncellenirken sorun çıktı: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Paylaşım güncellenirken sorun çıktı",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "\"{path}\" dosyası paylaşımdan kaldırıldı",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Bağlı izinler",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Yalnızca bu klasöre erişebilen kullanıcılar için geçerlidir",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Yalnızca bu dosyaya erişebilen kullanıcılar için geçerlidir",
+ "File drop" : "Dosya bırakma",
"Circle" : "Takım",
"Update" : "Güncelle",
"Share with " : "Şunlarla paylaş",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.js
index 35432a19508..29fa1ebb287 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Спільний доступ має щонайменше мати дозволи READ (читання) або CREATE (створення)",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Для спільного доступу потрібно щонайменше призначити дозволи READ (читання) або CREATE (створення)",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Не вдалося надіслати пароль для спільного доступу до файлу чи каталогу з використанням Nextcloud Talk, оскільки цей застосунок вимкнено.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Недійсний пароль",
"shared by %s" : "поділилися %s",
"Download all files" : "Звантажити всі файли",
"Direct link" : "Пряме посилання",
@@ -114,6 +115,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "(user) надав(-ла) вам доступ до спільного ресурсу {share} в групі {group}",
"Accept" : "Прийняти",
"Decline" : "Відхилити",
+ "Expiration date" : "Термін дії",
+ "Set a password" : "Встановити пароль",
+ "Password" : "Пароль",
+ "Share link" : "Посилання на спільний доступ",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копіювати до буферу обміну",
+ "Send link via email" : "Надіслати посилання електронною поштою",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Посилання скопійовано в буфер обміну",
+ "Select" : "Вибрати",
+ "Cancel" : "Скасувати",
+ "Continue" : "Продовжити",
+ "Close" : "Закрити",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Помилка під час створення спільного ресурсу: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Помилка під час створення спільного ресурсу",
"Sharing" : "Спільне",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Типово приймати пропозиції спільного доступу від інших користувачів та груп",
"Error while toggling options" : "Помилка під час зміни параметрів",
@@ -148,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Термін дії (обов'язково)",
"Enter a date" : "Зазначте дату",
"Create share" : "Створити спільний ресурс",
- "Cancel" : "Скасувати",
"Customize link" : "Власне посилання",
"Generate QR code" : "Створити QR-код",
"Add another link" : "Додати інше посилання",
@@ -158,7 +171,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Спільний доступ через пошту ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Поділитися посиланням ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Поділитися посиланням ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Посилання на спільний доступ",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Дія для \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Копіювати публічне посилання \"{title}\" до буферу пам'яти",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Помилка. Будь ласка, зазначте правильний пароль та/або термін дії",
@@ -167,7 +179,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Швидкі параметри спільного доступу, зараз вибрано \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Лише перегляд",
"Can edit" : "Можна редагувати",
- "File drop" : "Відкинути файл",
"Custom permissions" : "Спеціальні дозволи",
"Search for share recipients" : "Виберіть отримувачів",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Відсутні рекомендації. Будь ласка, додайте.",
@@ -191,12 +202,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Розширені",
"Share label" : "Мітка спільного ресурсу",
"Set password" : "Встановити пароль",
- "Password" : "Пароль",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Термін дії пароля {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Термін дії пароля вичерпано",
"Video verification" : "Відеоперевірка",
"Set expiration date" : "Встановити термін дії",
- "Expiration date" : "Термін дії",
"Hide download" : "Приховати звантаження",
"Allow download" : "Дозволити звантаження",
"Note to recipient" : "Примітка для одержувача",
@@ -233,8 +242,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName} надав(-ла) доступ",
"Show sharing options" : "Показати налаштування спільного доступу",
"Link to a file" : "Посилання на файл",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Помилка під час створення спільного ресурсу: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Помилка під час створення спільного ресурсу",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Помилка під час оновлення спільного ресурсу: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Помилка оновлення спільного ресурсу",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Файл \"{path} вилучено зі спільного доступу",
@@ -301,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Збірні дозволи",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Стосується користувачів, які мають доступ до цього каталогу",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Стосується користувачів, які мають доступ до цього файлу",
+ "File drop" : "Відкинути файл",
"Circle" : "Коло",
"Update" : "Оновлювати",
"Share with " : "Поділитися з ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.json
index 34a064c79d1..db448092962 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Спільний доступ має щонайменше мати дозволи READ (читання) або CREATE (створення)",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Для спільного доступу потрібно щонайменше призначити дозволи READ (читання) або CREATE (створення)",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "Не вдалося надіслати пароль для спільного доступу до файлу чи каталогу з використанням Nextcloud Talk, оскільки цей застосунок вимкнено.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Недійсний пароль",
"shared by %s" : "поділилися %s",
"Download all files" : "Звантажити всі файли",
"Direct link" : "Пряме посилання",
@@ -112,6 +113,19 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "(user) надав(-ла) вам доступ до спільного ресурсу {share} в групі {group}",
"Accept" : "Прийняти",
"Decline" : "Відхилити",
+ "Expiration date" : "Термін дії",
+ "Set a password" : "Встановити пароль",
+ "Password" : "Пароль",
+ "Share link" : "Посилання на спільний доступ",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Копіювати до буферу обміну",
+ "Send link via email" : "Надіслати посилання електронною поштою",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "Посилання скопійовано в буфер обміну",
+ "Select" : "Вибрати",
+ "Cancel" : "Скасувати",
+ "Continue" : "Продовжити",
+ "Close" : "Закрити",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Помилка під час створення спільного ресурсу: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Помилка під час створення спільного ресурсу",
"Sharing" : "Спільне",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "Типово приймати пропозиції спільного доступу від інших користувачів та груп",
"Error while toggling options" : "Помилка під час зміни параметрів",
@@ -146,7 +160,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Термін дії (обов'язково)",
"Enter a date" : "Зазначте дату",
"Create share" : "Створити спільний ресурс",
- "Cancel" : "Скасувати",
"Customize link" : "Власне посилання",
"Generate QR code" : "Створити QR-код",
"Add another link" : "Додати інше посилання",
@@ -156,7 +169,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Спільний доступ через пошту ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Поділитися посиланням ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Поділитися посиланням ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Посилання на спільний доступ",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Дія для \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Копіювати публічне посилання \"{title}\" до буферу пам'яти",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Помилка. Будь ласка, зазначте правильний пароль та/або термін дії",
@@ -165,7 +177,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "Швидкі параметри спільного доступу, зараз вибрано \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "Лише перегляд",
"Can edit" : "Можна редагувати",
- "File drop" : "Відкинути файл",
"Custom permissions" : "Спеціальні дозволи",
"Search for share recipients" : "Виберіть отримувачів",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Відсутні рекомендації. Будь ласка, додайте.",
@@ -189,12 +200,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Розширені",
"Share label" : "Мітка спільного ресурсу",
"Set password" : "Встановити пароль",
- "Password" : "Пароль",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Термін дії пароля {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Термін дії пароля вичерпано",
"Video verification" : "Відеоперевірка",
"Set expiration date" : "Встановити термін дії",
- "Expiration date" : "Термін дії",
"Hide download" : "Приховати звантаження",
"Allow download" : "Дозволити звантаження",
"Note to recipient" : "Примітка для одержувача",
@@ -231,8 +240,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "{ownerDisplayName} надав(-ла) доступ",
"Show sharing options" : "Показати налаштування спільного доступу",
"Link to a file" : "Посилання на файл",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Помилка під час створення спільного ресурсу: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Помилка під час створення спільного ресурсу",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Помилка під час оновлення спільного ресурсу: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Помилка оновлення спільного ресурсу",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Файл \"{path} вилучено зі спільного доступу",
@@ -299,6 +306,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Збірні дозволи",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Стосується користувачів, які мають доступ до цього каталогу",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Стосується користувачів, які мають доступ до цього файлу",
+ "File drop" : "Відкинути файл",
"Circle" : "Коло",
"Update" : "Оновлювати",
"Share with " : "Поділитися з ",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/vi.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/vi.js
index 033d6a0b961..e79061c4711 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/vi.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/vi.js
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Chia sẻ ít nhất phải có quyền ĐỌC hoặc TẠO",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Chia sẻ phải có quyền ĐỌC nếu quyền CẬP NHẬT hoặc XÓA được đặt",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Gửi mật khẩu bằng Nextcloud Talk\" để chia sẻ tệp hoặc thư mục không thành công do Nextcloud Talk chưa được bật.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Mật khẩu không chính xác",
"shared by %s" : "Được chia sẻ bởi %s",
"Download all files" : "Tải xuống tất cả các tập tin",
"Direct link" : "Liên kết trực tiêp",
@@ -112,6 +113,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Bạn đã nhận được {share} để nhóm {group} dưới dạng lượt chia sẻ của {user}",
"Accept" : "Chấp nhận",
"Decline" : "Từ chối",
+ "Expiration date" : "Ngày kết thúc",
+ "Set a password" : "Đặt mật khẩu",
+ "Password" : "Mật khẩu",
+ "Share link" : "Chia sẽ liên kết",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Sao chép vào clipboard",
+ "Select" : "Chọn",
+ "Cancel" : "Hủy bỏ",
+ "Continue" : "Tiếp tục",
+ "Close" : "Đóng",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ",
"Sharing" : "Chia sẻ",
"Error while toggling options" : "Lỗi khi chuyển đổi tùy chọn",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Đặt thư mục mặc định cho các chia sẻ được chấp nhận",
@@ -143,7 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Ngày hết hạn (bắt buộc)",
"Enter a date" : "Nhập ngày",
"Create share" : "Tạo chia sẻ",
- "Cancel" : "Hủy bỏ",
"Customize link" : "Tùy chỉnh liên kết",
"Add another link" : "Thêm một liên kết khác",
"Create a new share link" : "Tạo liên kết chia sẻ mới",
@@ -152,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "Chia sẻ thư ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Chia sẻ liên kết ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Chia sẻ liên kết ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Chia sẽ liên kết",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Hành động cho \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Sao chép liên kết công khai của \"{title}\" vào bộ nhớ tạm",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Lỗi, vui lòng nhập đúng mật khẩu và/hoặc ngày hết hạn",
@@ -160,7 +170,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while creating the share" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ",
"View only" : "Chỉ xem",
"Can edit" : "Có thể chỉnh sửa",
- "File drop" : "Thả file",
"Custom permissions" : "Quyền tùy chỉnh",
"Search for share recipients" : "Tìm kiếm người nhận chia sẻ",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Không có khuyến nghị. Bắt đầu gõ.",
@@ -183,12 +192,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "Cài đặt nâng cao",
"Share label" : "Chia sẻ nhãn",
"Set password" : "Đặt mật khẩu",
- "Password" : "Mật khẩu",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Mật khẩu hết hạn {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Mật khẩu quá hạn",
"Video verification" : "Xác minh video",
"Set expiration date" : "Đặt ngày hết hạn",
- "Expiration date" : "Ngày kết thúc",
"Hide download" : "Ẩn tải xuống",
"Allow download" : "Cho phép tải xuống",
"Note to recipient" : "Ghi chú cho người nhận",
@@ -215,8 +222,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared" : "Chia sẻ",
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Được chia sẻ bởi {ownerDisplayName}",
"Link to a file" : "Liên kết đến một tập tin",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Lỗi cập nhật phần chia sẻ: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Lỗi cập nhật chia sẻ",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Tệp \"{path}\" đã không được chia sẻ",
@@ -283,6 +288,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "Quyền đi kèm",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Chỉ hoạt động đối với người dùng có quyền truy cập vào thư mục này",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Chỉ hoạt động đối với người dùng có quyền truy cập vào tệp này",
+ "File drop" : "Thả file",
"Circle" : "Vòng kết nối",
"Update" : "Cập nhật",
"Share with " : "Chia sẽ với",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/vi.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/vi.json
index 5cc79daa0c7..241f3e9efbe 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/vi.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/vi.json
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "Chia sẻ ít nhất phải có quyền ĐỌC hoặc TẠO",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "Chia sẻ phải có quyền ĐỌC nếu quyền CẬP NHẬT hoặc XÓA được đặt",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "\"Gửi mật khẩu bằng Nextcloud Talk\" để chia sẻ tệp hoặc thư mục không thành công do Nextcloud Talk chưa được bật.",
+ "Wrong password" : "Mật khẩu không chính xác",
"shared by %s" : "Được chia sẻ bởi %s",
"Download all files" : "Tải xuống tất cả các tập tin",
"Direct link" : "Liên kết trực tiêp",
@@ -110,6 +111,17 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Bạn đã nhận được {share} để nhóm {group} dưới dạng lượt chia sẻ của {user}",
"Accept" : "Chấp nhận",
"Decline" : "Từ chối",
+ "Expiration date" : "Ngày kết thúc",
+ "Set a password" : "Đặt mật khẩu",
+ "Password" : "Mật khẩu",
+ "Share link" : "Chia sẽ liên kết",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "Sao chép vào clipboard",
+ "Select" : "Chọn",
+ "Cancel" : "Hủy bỏ",
+ "Continue" : "Tiếp tục",
+ "Close" : "Đóng",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ: {errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ",
"Sharing" : "Chia sẻ",
"Error while toggling options" : "Lỗi khi chuyển đổi tùy chọn",
"Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Đặt thư mục mặc định cho các chia sẻ được chấp nhận",
@@ -141,7 +153,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Ngày hết hạn (bắt buộc)",
"Enter a date" : "Nhập ngày",
"Create share" : "Tạo chia sẻ",
- "Cancel" : "Hủy bỏ",
"Customize link" : "Tùy chỉnh liên kết",
"Add another link" : "Thêm một liên kết khác",
"Create a new share link" : "Tạo liên kết chia sẻ mới",
@@ -150,7 +161,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "Chia sẻ thư ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "Chia sẻ liên kết ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "Chia sẻ liên kết ({index})",
- "Share link" : "Chia sẽ liên kết",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "Hành động cho \"{title}\"",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "Sao chép liên kết công khai của \"{title}\" vào bộ nhớ tạm",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Lỗi, vui lòng nhập đúng mật khẩu và/hoặc ngày hết hạn",
@@ -158,7 +168,6 @@
"Error while creating the share" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ",
"View only" : "Chỉ xem",
"Can edit" : "Có thể chỉnh sửa",
- "File drop" : "Thả file",
"Custom permissions" : "Quyền tùy chỉnh",
"Search for share recipients" : "Tìm kiếm người nhận chia sẻ",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Không có khuyến nghị. Bắt đầu gõ.",
@@ -181,12 +190,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "Cài đặt nâng cao",
"Share label" : "Chia sẻ nhãn",
"Set password" : "Đặt mật khẩu",
- "Password" : "Mật khẩu",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "Mật khẩu hết hạn {passwordExpirationTime}",
"Password expired" : "Mật khẩu quá hạn",
"Video verification" : "Xác minh video",
"Set expiration date" : "Đặt ngày hết hạn",
- "Expiration date" : "Ngày kết thúc",
"Hide download" : "Ẩn tải xuống",
"Allow download" : "Cho phép tải xuống",
"Note to recipient" : "Ghi chú cho người nhận",
@@ -213,8 +220,6 @@
"Shared" : "Chia sẻ",
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Được chia sẻ bởi {ownerDisplayName}",
"Link to a file" : "Liên kết đến một tập tin",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ: {errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "Lỗi khi tạo chia sẻ",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Lỗi cập nhật phần chia sẻ: {errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "Lỗi cập nhật chia sẻ",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "Tệp \"{path}\" đã không được chia sẻ",
@@ -281,6 +286,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "Quyền đi kèm",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Chỉ hoạt động đối với người dùng có quyền truy cập vào thư mục này",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Chỉ hoạt động đối với người dùng có quyền truy cập vào tệp này",
+ "File drop" : "Thả file",
"Circle" : "Vòng kết nối",
"Update" : "Cập nhật",
"Share with " : "Chia sẽ với",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_CN.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 8b5f4b0c12b..65cf22ee55b 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "分享至少具有 READ 或 CREATE 权限",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "分享如果设置了 UPDATE 或 DELETE 权限,则必须具有 READ 权限",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "“通过 Nextcloud 通话应用发送密码”共享文件或文件夹失败了,因为未启用Nextcloud 通话应用",
+ "Wrong password" : "密码错误",
"shared by %s" : "共享者 %s",
"Download all files" : "下载所有文件",
"Direct link" : "直接链接",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "拒绝",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "该应用程序允许用户在 Nextcloud 内部共享文件。启用该应用程序,管理员能够选择哪个群组可以分享文件。然后,适用用户能够分享文件和文件夹给其他用户和群组。除此之外,如果管理员启用共享链接功能,用户能够通过外部链接将文件分享给 Nextcloud 以外的用户。同时,管理员可以强制用户分享时设置密码,分享时效,并且可以启用服务端通过链接分享或从移动设备分享功能。\n关闭此功能,所有共享接收者的服务器上共享的文件和文件夹将被移除,同时也会在同步客户端和移动应用程序上移除。更多信息可查阅 Nextcloud 说明文档。",
+ "Expiration date" : "过期日期 ",
+ "Set a password" : "设置一个密码",
+ "Password" : "密码",
+ "Share link" : "共享链接",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "复制到剪贴板",
+ "Send link via email" : "通过邮件发送链接",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "链接已复制到剪贴板",
+ "Select" : "选择",
+ "Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Continue" : "继续",
+ "Close" : "关闭",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "创建共享失败:{errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "创建共享时出错",
"Sharing" : "共享",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "默认允许其他账户和群组的分享",
"Error while toggling options" : "切换选项时出错",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "过期日期(强制)",
"Enter a date" : "输入日期",
"Create share" : "创建共享",
- "Cancel" : "取消",
"Customize link" : "自定义链接",
"Generate QR code" : "生成二维码",
"Add another link" : "添加其他链接",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "邮件分享({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "分享链接({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "分享链接({index})",
- "Share link" : "共享链接",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "“{title}”的动作",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "将“{title}”的公开链接复制到剪贴板",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "错误,请输入正确的密码和/或过期日期",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "快速分享选项,当前选择为 “{selectedOption}”",
"View only" : "仅查看",
"Can edit" : "可以编辑",
- "File drop" : "文件拖放",
"Custom permissions" : "自定义权限",
"Search for share recipients" : "查找共享参与者",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "没有建议。开始输入。",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "高级选项",
"Share label" : "分享标签",
"Set password" : "设置密码",
- "Password" : "密码",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "密码于 {passwordExpirationTime} 过期",
"Password expired" : "密码已过期",
"Video verification" : "视频验证",
"Set expiration date" : "设置过期日期",
- "Expiration date" : "过期日期 ",
"Hide download" : "隐藏下载",
"Allow download" : "允许下载",
"Note to recipient" : "接收人备注",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "由 {ownerDisplayName} 分享",
"Show sharing options" : "显示共享选项",
"Link to a file" : "链接到文件",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "创建共享失败:{errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "创建共享时出错",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "更新共享失败:{errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "更新共享时出错",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "文件“{path}”已取消共享",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "权限包",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "仅适用于有权限访问此文件夹的用户",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "仅适用于有权限访问此文件的用户",
+ "File drop" : "文件拖放",
"Circle" : "圈子",
"Update" : "更新",
"Share with " : "分享给",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_CN.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_CN.json
index ae46c7d54c5..df0bfbd1f9c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "分享至少具有 READ 或 CREATE 权限",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "分享如果设置了 UPDATE 或 DELETE 权限,则必须具有 READ 权限",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "“通过 Nextcloud 通话应用发送密码”共享文件或文件夹失败了,因为未启用Nextcloud 通话应用",
+ "Wrong password" : "密码错误",
"shared by %s" : "共享者 %s",
"Download all files" : "下载所有文件",
"Direct link" : "直接链接",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "拒绝",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "该应用程序允许用户在 Nextcloud 内部共享文件。启用该应用程序,管理员能够选择哪个群组可以分享文件。然后,适用用户能够分享文件和文件夹给其他用户和群组。除此之外,如果管理员启用共享链接功能,用户能够通过外部链接将文件分享给 Nextcloud 以外的用户。同时,管理员可以强制用户分享时设置密码,分享时效,并且可以启用服务端通过链接分享或从移动设备分享功能。\n关闭此功能,所有共享接收者的服务器上共享的文件和文件夹将被移除,同时也会在同步客户端和移动应用程序上移除。更多信息可查阅 Nextcloud 说明文档。",
+ "Expiration date" : "过期日期 ",
+ "Set a password" : "设置一个密码",
+ "Password" : "密码",
+ "Share link" : "共享链接",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "复制到剪贴板",
+ "Send link via email" : "通过邮件发送链接",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "链接已复制到剪贴板",
+ "Select" : "选择",
+ "Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Continue" : "继续",
+ "Close" : "关闭",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "创建共享失败:{errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "创建共享时出错",
"Sharing" : "共享",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "默认允许其他账户和群组的分享",
"Error while toggling options" : "切换选项时出错",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "过期日期(强制)",
"Enter a date" : "输入日期",
"Create share" : "创建共享",
- "Cancel" : "取消",
"Customize link" : "自定义链接",
"Generate QR code" : "生成二维码",
"Add another link" : "添加其他链接",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "邮件分享({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "分享链接({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "分享链接({index})",
- "Share link" : "共享链接",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "“{title}”的动作",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "将“{title}”的公开链接复制到剪贴板",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "错误,请输入正确的密码和/或过期日期",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "快速分享选项,当前选择为 “{selectedOption}”",
"View only" : "仅查看",
"Can edit" : "可以编辑",
- "File drop" : "文件拖放",
"Custom permissions" : "自定义权限",
"Search for share recipients" : "查找共享参与者",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "没有建议。开始输入。",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "高级选项",
"Share label" : "分享标签",
"Set password" : "设置密码",
- "Password" : "密码",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "密码于 {passwordExpirationTime} 过期",
"Password expired" : "密码已过期",
"Video verification" : "视频验证",
"Set expiration date" : "设置过期日期",
- "Expiration date" : "过期日期 ",
"Hide download" : "隐藏下载",
"Allow download" : "允许下载",
"Note to recipient" : "接收人备注",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "由 {ownerDisplayName} 分享",
"Show sharing options" : "显示共享选项",
"Link to a file" : "链接到文件",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "创建共享失败:{errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "创建共享时出错",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "更新共享失败:{errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "更新共享时出错",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "文件“{path}”已取消共享",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "权限包",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "仅适用于有权限访问此文件夹的用户",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "仅适用于有权限访问此文件的用户",
+ "File drop" : "文件拖放",
"Circle" : "圈子",
"Update" : "更新",
"Share with " : "分享给",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.js
index f28bf21bd73..c1f8e7cc287 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "分享必須至少具有 READ 或 CREATE 權限",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "如果設置了 UPDATE 或 DELETE 權限,則分享必須具有 READ 權限",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "“通過 Nextcloud Talk 發送密碼”共享檔案或資料夾失敗,因為 Nextcloud Talk 未啟用。",
+ "Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
"shared by %s" : "分享自 %s",
"Download all files" : "下載所有檔案",
"Direct link" : "直接連結",
@@ -115,6 +116,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "婉拒",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "該應用程序使用戶可以在Nextcloud中共享檔案。如果啟用,管理員可以選擇可以共享文件的群組。然後,適用的用戶可以與Nextcloud中的其他帳戶和群組共享檔案和資料夾。此外,如果管理員啟用了共享連結功能,則可以使用外部連結與Nextcloud之外的其他用戶分享檔案。管理員還可以實施密碼,有效期,並允許通過分享檔案進行伺服器到伺服器的分享以及從流動裝置進行分享。\n關閉此功能將刪除伺服器上所有分享收件人以及同步客戶端和流動應用程序上的分享了檔案和資料夾。Nextcloud文檔中提供了更多信息。",
+ "Expiration date" : "到期日",
+ "Set a password" : "設定密碼",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
+ "Share link" : "分享連結",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "複製到剪貼板",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "已複製連結至剪貼板",
+ "Select" : "選擇",
+ "Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Continue" : "繼續",
+ "Close" : "關閉",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "創建分享出錯:{errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "創建分享出錯",
"Sharing" : "分享",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "預設接受其他帳戶與群組的分享",
"Error while toggling options" : "切換選項時出錯",
@@ -149,7 +162,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "屆滿日期(強制)",
"Enter a date" : "輸入日期",
"Create share" : "創建分享",
- "Cancel" : "取消",
"Customize link" : "自訂連結",
"Generate QR code" : "生成 QR Code",
"Add another link" : "加入另一個連結",
@@ -159,7 +171,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "分享郵件({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "分享連結({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "分享連結({index})",
- "Share link" : "分享連結",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "“{title}” 的操作",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "將 “{title}” 的公共連結複製到剪貼板",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "錯誤,請輸入正確的密碼和/或有效期",
@@ -168,7 +179,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "快速分享選項,目前已選擇 \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "僅檢視",
"Can edit" : "可編輯",
- "File drop" : "檔案拖放",
"Custom permissions" : "自訂權限",
"Search for share recipients" : "搜尋分享參與者",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "沒有建議。開始輸入。",
@@ -192,12 +202,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "進階設定",
"Share label" : "分享標籤",
"Set password" : "設置密碼",
- "Password" : "密碼",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "密碼於 {passwordExpirationTime} 到期",
"Password expired" : "密碼已過期",
"Video verification" : "視像驗證",
"Set expiration date" : "設定到期日",
- "Expiration date" : "到期日",
"Hide download" : "隱藏下載",
"Allow download" : "允許下載",
"Note to recipient" : "給接收者的訊息",
@@ -234,8 +242,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "由 {ownerDisplayName} 分享",
"Show sharing options" : "顯示分享選項",
"Link to a file" : "連結到一個檔案",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "創建分享出錯:{errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "創建分享出錯",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "更新分享出錯:{errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "更新分享出錯",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "檔案 “{path}” 已取消共享",
@@ -302,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "權限包",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "只對可以存取此資料夾的用戶生效",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "僅適用於有權存取此檔案的用戶",
+ "File drop" : "檔案拖放",
"Circle" : "社交圈子",
"Update" : "更新",
"Share with " : "分享給",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 48dea96bb7e..e7c26e2752f 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "分享必須至少具有 READ 或 CREATE 權限",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "如果設置了 UPDATE 或 DELETE 權限,則分享必須具有 READ 權限",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "“通過 Nextcloud Talk 發送密碼”共享檔案或資料夾失敗,因為 Nextcloud Talk 未啟用。",
+ "Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
"shared by %s" : "分享自 %s",
"Download all files" : "下載所有檔案",
"Direct link" : "直接連結",
@@ -113,6 +114,18 @@
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "婉拒",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "該應用程序使用戶可以在Nextcloud中共享檔案。如果啟用,管理員可以選擇可以共享文件的群組。然後,適用的用戶可以與Nextcloud中的其他帳戶和群組共享檔案和資料夾。此外,如果管理員啟用了共享連結功能,則可以使用外部連結與Nextcloud之外的其他用戶分享檔案。管理員還可以實施密碼,有效期,並允許通過分享檔案進行伺服器到伺服器的分享以及從流動裝置進行分享。\n關閉此功能將刪除伺服器上所有分享收件人以及同步客戶端和流動應用程序上的分享了檔案和資料夾。Nextcloud文檔中提供了更多信息。",
+ "Expiration date" : "到期日",
+ "Set a password" : "設定密碼",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
+ "Share link" : "分享連結",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "複製到剪貼板",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "已複製連結至剪貼板",
+ "Select" : "選擇",
+ "Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Continue" : "繼續",
+ "Close" : "關閉",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "創建分享出錯:{errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "創建分享出錯",
"Sharing" : "分享",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "預設接受其他帳戶與群組的分享",
"Error while toggling options" : "切換選項時出錯",
@@ -147,7 +160,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "屆滿日期(強制)",
"Enter a date" : "輸入日期",
"Create share" : "創建分享",
- "Cancel" : "取消",
"Customize link" : "自訂連結",
"Generate QR code" : "生成 QR Code",
"Add another link" : "加入另一個連結",
@@ -157,7 +169,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "分享郵件({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "分享連結({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "分享連結({index})",
- "Share link" : "分享連結",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "“{title}” 的操作",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "將 “{title}” 的公共連結複製到剪貼板",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "錯誤,請輸入正確的密碼和/或有效期",
@@ -166,7 +177,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "快速分享選項,目前已選擇 \"{selectedOption}\"",
"View only" : "僅檢視",
"Can edit" : "可編輯",
- "File drop" : "檔案拖放",
"Custom permissions" : "自訂權限",
"Search for share recipients" : "搜尋分享參與者",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "沒有建議。開始輸入。",
@@ -190,12 +200,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "進階設定",
"Share label" : "分享標籤",
"Set password" : "設置密碼",
- "Password" : "密碼",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "密碼於 {passwordExpirationTime} 到期",
"Password expired" : "密碼已過期",
"Video verification" : "視像驗證",
"Set expiration date" : "設定到期日",
- "Expiration date" : "到期日",
"Hide download" : "隱藏下載",
"Allow download" : "允許下載",
"Note to recipient" : "給接收者的訊息",
@@ -232,8 +240,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "由 {ownerDisplayName} 分享",
"Show sharing options" : "顯示分享選項",
"Link to a file" : "連結到一個檔案",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "創建分享出錯:{errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "創建分享出錯",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "更新分享出錯:{errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "更新分享出錯",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "檔案 “{path}” 已取消共享",
@@ -300,6 +306,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "權限包",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "只對可以存取此資料夾的用戶生效",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "僅適用於有權存取此檔案的用戶",
+ "File drop" : "檔案拖放",
"Circle" : "社交圈子",
"Update" : "更新",
"Share with " : "分享給",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
index c954f5709a2..b399393a24b 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "分享必須至少有 READ 或 CREATE 權限",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "若設定了 UPDATE 或 DELETE 權限,則分享必須有 READ 權限",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "「透過 Nextcloud Talk 傳送密碼」分享檔案或資料夾失敗,因為未啟用 Nextcloud Talk。",
+ "Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
"shared by %s" : "分享自 %s",
"Download all files" : "下載所有檔案",
"Direct link" : "直接連結",
@@ -115,6 +116,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "回絕",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "此應用程式讓使用者可以在 Nextcloud 中分享檔案。若啟用,管理員可以選擇哪些群組可以分享檔案。應用程式使用者可以與其他在 Nextcloud 中的使用者與群組分享檔案與資料夾。此外,如果管理員啟用了分享連結的功能,則可以使用外部連結與 Nextcloud 之外的使用者分享檔案。管理員也可以啟用密碼、到期日以及啟用透過分享連結的伺服器到伺服器分享,並可從行動裝置分享。\n將此功能關閉會移除伺服器上、同步客戶端與行動應用程式所有的分享收件者,以及檔案與資料夾。更多資訊請見 Nextcloud 文件。",
+ "Expiration date" : "到期日",
+ "Set a password" : "設定密碼",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
+ "Share link" : "分享連結",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "複製到剪貼簿",
+ "Send link via email" : "透過 email 寄送連結",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "已複製連結至剪貼簿",
+ "Select" : "選取",
+ "Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Continue" : "繼續",
+ "Close" : "關閉",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "建立分享時發生錯誤:{errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "建立分享時發生錯誤",
"Sharing" : "分享",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "預設接受其他帳號與群組的分享",
"Error while toggling options" : "切換選項時發生錯誤",
@@ -149,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "到期日(強制)",
"Enter a date" : "輸入日期",
"Create share" : "建立分享",
- "Cancel" : "取消",
"Customize link" : "自訂連結",
"Generate QR code" : "產生 QR code",
"Add another link" : "新增其他連結",
@@ -159,7 +172,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Mail share ({label})" : "郵件分享 ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "分享連結 ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "分享連結˙ ({index})",
- "Share link" : "分享連結",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "「{title}」的動作",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "將「{title}」的公開連結複製到剪貼簿",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "錯誤,請輸入正確的密碼及/或到期日",
@@ -168,7 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "快速分享選項,目前已選取「{selectedOption}」",
"View only" : "僅檢視",
"Can edit" : "可以編輯",
- "File drop" : "檔案投放",
"Custom permissions" : "自訂權限",
"Search for share recipients" : "搜尋分享參與者",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "沒有建議。開始輸入。",
@@ -192,12 +203,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Advanced settings" : "進階設定",
"Share label" : "分享標籤",
"Set password" : "設定密碼",
- "Password" : "密碼",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "密碼於 {passwordExpirationTime} 到期",
"Password expired" : "密碼已過期",
"Video verification" : "視訊驗證",
"Set expiration date" : "設定到期日",
- "Expiration date" : "到期日",
"Hide download" : "隱藏下載",
"Allow download" : "允許下載",
"Note to recipient" : "給收件者的訊息",
@@ -234,8 +243,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "由 {ownerDisplayName} 分享",
"Show sharing options" : "顯示分享選項",
"Link to a file" : "檔案連結",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "建立分享時發生錯誤:{errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "建立分享時發生錯誤",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "更新分享時發生錯誤:{errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "更新分享時發生錯誤:",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "檔案「{path}」已取消分享",
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bundled permissions" : "權限套裝",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "僅對可存取此資料夾的使用者有效",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "僅對可存取此檔案的使用者有效",
+ "File drop" : "檔案投放",
"Circle" : "圈子",
"Update" : "更新",
"Share with " : "分享者",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
index ec0db6aed17..2b30187127a 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"Share must at least have READ or CREATE permissions" : "分享必須至少有 READ 或 CREATE 權限",
"Share must have READ permission if UPDATE or DELETE permission is set" : "若設定了 UPDATE 或 DELETE 權限,則分享必須有 READ 權限",
"\"Sending the password by Nextcloud Talk\" for sharing a file or folder failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled." : "「透過 Nextcloud Talk 傳送密碼」分享檔案或資料夾失敗,因為未啟用 Nextcloud Talk。",
+ "Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
"shared by %s" : "分享自 %s",
"Download all files" : "下載所有檔案",
"Direct link" : "直接連結",
@@ -113,6 +114,19 @@
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "回絕",
"This application enables people to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable people can then share files and folders with other accounts and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other people outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "此應用程式讓使用者可以在 Nextcloud 中分享檔案。若啟用,管理員可以選擇哪些群組可以分享檔案。應用程式使用者可以與其他在 Nextcloud 中的使用者與群組分享檔案與資料夾。此外,如果管理員啟用了分享連結的功能,則可以使用外部連結與 Nextcloud 之外的使用者分享檔案。管理員也可以啟用密碼、到期日以及啟用透過分享連結的伺服器到伺服器分享,並可從行動裝置分享。\n將此功能關閉會移除伺服器上、同步客戶端與行動應用程式所有的分享收件者,以及檔案與資料夾。更多資訊請見 Nextcloud 文件。",
+ "Expiration date" : "到期日",
+ "Set a password" : "設定密碼",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
+ "Share link" : "分享連結",
+ "Copy to clipboard" : "複製到剪貼簿",
+ "Send link via email" : "透過 email 寄送連結",
+ "Link copied to clipboard" : "已複製連結至剪貼簿",
+ "Select" : "選取",
+ "Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Continue" : "繼續",
+ "Close" : "關閉",
+ "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "建立分享時發生錯誤:{errorMessage}",
+ "Error creating the share" : "建立分享時發生錯誤",
"Sharing" : "分享",
"Accept shares from other accounts and groups by default" : "預設接受其他帳號與群組的分享",
"Error while toggling options" : "切換選項時發生錯誤",
@@ -147,7 +161,6 @@
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "到期日(強制)",
"Enter a date" : "輸入日期",
"Create share" : "建立分享",
- "Cancel" : "取消",
"Customize link" : "自訂連結",
"Generate QR code" : "產生 QR code",
"Add another link" : "新增其他連結",
@@ -157,7 +170,6 @@
"Mail share ({label})" : "郵件分享 ({label})",
"Share link ({label})" : "分享連結 ({label})",
"Share link ({index})" : "分享連結˙ ({index})",
- "Share link" : "分享連結",
"Actions for \"{title}\"" : "「{title}」的動作",
"Copy public link of \"{title}\" to clipboard" : "將「{title}」的公開連結複製到剪貼簿",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "錯誤,請輸入正確的密碼及/或到期日",
@@ -166,7 +178,6 @@
"Quick share options, the current selected is \"{selectedOption}\"" : "快速分享選項,目前已選取「{selectedOption}」",
"View only" : "僅檢視",
"Can edit" : "可以編輯",
- "File drop" : "檔案投放",
"Custom permissions" : "自訂權限",
"Search for share recipients" : "搜尋分享參與者",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "沒有建議。開始輸入。",
@@ -190,12 +201,10 @@
"Advanced settings" : "進階設定",
"Share label" : "分享標籤",
"Set password" : "設定密碼",
- "Password" : "密碼",
"Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}" : "密碼於 {passwordExpirationTime} 到期",
"Password expired" : "密碼已過期",
"Video verification" : "視訊驗證",
"Set expiration date" : "設定到期日",
- "Expiration date" : "到期日",
"Hide download" : "隱藏下載",
"Allow download" : "允許下載",
"Note to recipient" : "給收件者的訊息",
@@ -232,8 +241,6 @@
"Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "由 {ownerDisplayName} 分享",
"Show sharing options" : "顯示分享選項",
"Link to a file" : "檔案連結",
- "Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "建立分享時發生錯誤:{errorMessage}",
- "Error creating the share" : "建立分享時發生錯誤",
"Error updating the share: {errorMessage}" : "更新分享時發生錯誤:{errorMessage}",
"Error updating the share" : "更新分享時發生錯誤:",
"File \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "檔案「{path}」已取消分享",
@@ -300,6 +307,7 @@
"Bundled permissions" : "權限套裝",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "僅對可存取此資料夾的使用者有效",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "僅對可存取此檔案的使用者有效",
+ "File drop" : "檔案投放",
"Circle" : "圈子",
"Update" : "更新",
"Share with " : "分享者",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ar.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ar.js
index 36d1194b301..7eaaa629c7d 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ar.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "تعذر إرسال البريد الإلكتروني. تحقق من سجل حركات log خادوم بريدك mail server",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "حدث خطأ أثناء إرسال البريد الإلكتروني. برجى مراجعة الإعدادات. (خطأ: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "يلزمك تعيين حساب إيميلك قبل أن تتمكن من إرسال إيميلات تجريبية. إذهب إلى %s لأجل ذلك.",
+ "Recently active" : "نشِطة مؤخّراً",
"Disabled accounts" : "حسابات موقوفة",
"Invalid account" : "حساب غير صالح",
"Invalid mail address" : "عنوان البريد الإلكتروني غير صحيح",
@@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading categories" : "تحميل الفئات",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "توثيق المطورين ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "النسخة {version}, {license}-مُرخَّصَة",
+ "All accounts" : "كل الحسابات",
"Admins" : "المُشرِفون",
"Account group: {group}" : "مجموعة الحساب: {group}",
"Account management" : "إدارة الحساب",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ar.json b/apps/settings/l10n/ar.json
index 47c7a77a5f5..c0858b839b7 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ar.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "تعذر إرسال البريد الإلكتروني. تحقق من سجل حركات log خادوم بريدك mail server",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "حدث خطأ أثناء إرسال البريد الإلكتروني. برجى مراجعة الإعدادات. (خطأ: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "يلزمك تعيين حساب إيميلك قبل أن تتمكن من إرسال إيميلات تجريبية. إذهب إلى %s لأجل ذلك.",
+ "Recently active" : "نشِطة مؤخّراً",
"Disabled accounts" : "حسابات موقوفة",
"Invalid account" : "حساب غير صالح",
"Invalid mail address" : "عنوان البريد الإلكتروني غير صحيح",
@@ -685,6 +686,7 @@
"Loading categories" : "تحميل الفئات",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "توثيق المطورين ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "النسخة {version}, {license}-مُرخَّصَة",
+ "All accounts" : "كل الحسابات",
"Admins" : "المُشرِفون",
"Account group: {group}" : "مجموعة الحساب: {group}",
"Account management" : "إدارة الحساب",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
index 035d3c18b3d..bf80e9f4d25 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "E-Mail konnte nicht versandt werden. Prüfen Sie Ihr E-Mail-Server-Protokoll",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Beim Senden der E-Mail ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen. (Fehler: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Sie müssen Ihre Konto-E-Mail-Adresse festlegen, bevor Sie Test-E-Mails senden können. Gehen Sie dazu zu %s.",
+ "Recently active" : "Kürzlich aktiv",
"Disabled accounts" : "Deaktivierte Konten",
"Invalid account" : "Ungültiges Konto",
"Invalid mail address" : "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
@@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading categories" : "Lade Kategorien",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Entwickler-Dokumentation ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Version {version}, {license}-lizensiert",
+ "All accounts" : "Alle Konten",
"Admins" : "Administration",
"Account group: {group}" : "Kontengruppe: {group}",
"Account management" : "Kontoverwaltung",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
index 95e83a1e726..6555da8611d 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "E-Mail konnte nicht versandt werden. Prüfen Sie Ihr E-Mail-Server-Protokoll",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Beim Senden der E-Mail ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen. (Fehler: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Sie müssen Ihre Konto-E-Mail-Adresse festlegen, bevor Sie Test-E-Mails senden können. Gehen Sie dazu zu %s.",
+ "Recently active" : "Kürzlich aktiv",
"Disabled accounts" : "Deaktivierte Konten",
"Invalid account" : "Ungültiges Konto",
"Invalid mail address" : "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
@@ -685,6 +686,7 @@
"Loading categories" : "Lade Kategorien",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Entwickler-Dokumentation ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Version {version}, {license}-lizensiert",
+ "All accounts" : "Alle Konten",
"Admins" : "Administration",
"Account group: {group}" : "Kontengruppe: {group}",
"Account management" : "Kontoverwaltung",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/fr.js b/apps/settings/l10n/fr.js
index 77ec0e6d738..2a9745224c7 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/fr.js
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid SMTP password." : "Mot de passe SMTP incorrect.",
"Email setting test" : "Test des paramètres de messagerie",
"Well done, %s!" : "Bien joué, %s !",
- "If you received this email, the email configuration seems to be correct." : "Si vous avez reçu cet e-mail, la configuration de l'adresse e-mail semble être correcte.",
+ "If you received this email, the email configuration seems to be correct." : "Si vous avez reçu cet e-mail, la configuration de l'e-mail semble être correcte.",
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "L'e-mail n'a pu être envoyé. Vérifiez le journal du serveur de messagerie",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Une erreur est survenue lors de l’envoi de l'e-mail. Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres. (Erreur : %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Vous devez définir l'e-mail de votre compte avant de pouvoir envoyer des e-mails de test. Allez à %s pour cela.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/fr.json b/apps/settings/l10n/fr.json
index ece7053d4b2..c813d0edcc2 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/fr.json
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"Invalid SMTP password." : "Mot de passe SMTP incorrect.",
"Email setting test" : "Test des paramètres de messagerie",
"Well done, %s!" : "Bien joué, %s !",
- "If you received this email, the email configuration seems to be correct." : "Si vous avez reçu cet e-mail, la configuration de l'adresse e-mail semble être correcte.",
+ "If you received this email, the email configuration seems to be correct." : "Si vous avez reçu cet e-mail, la configuration de l'e-mail semble être correcte.",
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "L'e-mail n'a pu être envoyé. Vérifiez le journal du serveur de messagerie",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Une erreur est survenue lors de l’envoi de l'e-mail. Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres. (Erreur : %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Vous devez définir l'e-mail de votre compte avant de pouvoir envoyer des e-mails de test. Allez à %s pour cela.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ga.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ga.js
index ce303b7d4bd..e56e546052a 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ga.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ga.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Níorbh fhéidir ríomhphost a sheoladh. Seiceáil do logáil freastalaí ríomhphoist",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Tharla fadhb agus an ríomhphost á sheoladh. Athbhreithnigh do shocruithe le do thoil. (Earráid: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Ní mór duit ríomhphost do chuntais a shocrú sula mbeidh tú in ann ríomhphoist tástála a sheoladh. Téigh go %s chuige sin.",
+ "Recently active" : "Gníomhach le déanaí",
"Disabled accounts" : "Cuntais faoi mhíchumas",
"Invalid account" : "Cuntas neamhbhailí",
"Invalid mail address" : "Seoladh ríomhphoist neamhbhailí",
@@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading categories" : "Catagóirí á lódáil",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Doiciméadú forbróra ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Leagan {version}, {license}-cheadúnaithe",
+ "All accounts" : "Gach cuntas",
"Admins" : "Riarthóirí",
"Account group: {group}" : "Grúpa cuntais: {group}",
"Account management" : "Bainistíocht cuntais",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ga.json b/apps/settings/l10n/ga.json
index e75b8b9eb3a..b1090bc3ab4 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ga.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ga.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Níorbh fhéidir ríomhphost a sheoladh. Seiceáil do logáil freastalaí ríomhphoist",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Tharla fadhb agus an ríomhphost á sheoladh. Athbhreithnigh do shocruithe le do thoil. (Earráid: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Ní mór duit ríomhphost do chuntais a shocrú sula mbeidh tú in ann ríomhphoist tástála a sheoladh. Téigh go %s chuige sin.",
+ "Recently active" : "Gníomhach le déanaí",
"Disabled accounts" : "Cuntais faoi mhíchumas",
"Invalid account" : "Cuntas neamhbhailí",
"Invalid mail address" : "Seoladh ríomhphoist neamhbhailí",
@@ -685,6 +686,7 @@
"Loading categories" : "Catagóirí á lódáil",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Doiciméadú forbróra ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Leagan {version}, {license}-cheadúnaithe",
+ "All accounts" : "Gach cuntas",
"Admins" : "Riarthóirí",
"Account group: {group}" : "Grúpa cuntais: {group}",
"Account management" : "Bainistíocht cuntais",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
index aed186ac2d9..34efcdb8fd2 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Non foi posíbel enviar o correo. Comprobe o rexistro do servidor de correo",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Ocorreu un problema ao enviar o correo. Revise os seus axustes. (Erro: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "É necesario configurar o correo da súa conta antes de poder enviar correos de proba. Vaia a %s para iso.",
+ "Recently active" : "Activo recentemente",
"Disabled accounts" : "Contas desactivadas",
"Invalid account" : "Conta incorrecta",
"Invalid mail address" : "Enderezo de correo incorrecto",
@@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading categories" : "Cargando categorías",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Documentación para desenvolvedores ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Versión {version}, con licenza {license}",
+ "All accounts" : "Todas as contas",
"Admins" : "Administración",
"Account group: {group}" : "Grupo de contas: {group}",
"Account management" : "Xestión de contas",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
index 080a0f520b3..7a786273d20 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Non foi posíbel enviar o correo. Comprobe o rexistro do servidor de correo",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Ocorreu un problema ao enviar o correo. Revise os seus axustes. (Erro: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "É necesario configurar o correo da súa conta antes de poder enviar correos de proba. Vaia a %s para iso.",
+ "Recently active" : "Activo recentemente",
"Disabled accounts" : "Contas desactivadas",
"Invalid account" : "Conta incorrecta",
"Invalid mail address" : "Enderezo de correo incorrecto",
@@ -685,6 +686,7 @@
"Loading categories" : "Cargando categorías",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Documentación para desenvolvedores ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Versión {version}, con licenza {license}",
+ "All accounts" : "Todas as contas",
"Admins" : "Administración",
"Account group: {group}" : "Grupo de contas: {group}",
"Account management" : "Xestión de contas",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ja.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ja.js
index f3394bedcf3..b2b3888b1b1 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ja.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "メールが送信できませんでした。メールサーバーのログを確認してください",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "メールの送信中に問題が発生しました。設定を確認してください。 (Error: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "テストメールを送信する前に、あなたのアカウントのメールを設定する必要があります。%s に移動して設定してください。",
+ "Recently active" : "最近の活動",
"Disabled accounts" : "無効なアカウント",
"Invalid account" : "無効なアカウント",
"Invalid mail address" : "無効なメールアドレスです",
@@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading categories" : "カテゴリーの読み込み中",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "開発者向けドキュメント ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "バージョン{version}, {license}ライセンス",
+ "All accounts" : "全てのアカウント",
"Admins" : "管理者",
"Account group: {group}" : "アカウントグループ: {group}",
"Account management" : "アカウント管理",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ja.json b/apps/settings/l10n/ja.json
index ad6806c825b..e0e66a89d0a 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ja.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "メールが送信できませんでした。メールサーバーのログを確認してください",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "メールの送信中に問題が発生しました。設定を確認してください。 (Error: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "テストメールを送信する前に、あなたのアカウントのメールを設定する必要があります。%s に移動して設定してください。",
+ "Recently active" : "最近の活動",
"Disabled accounts" : "無効なアカウント",
"Invalid account" : "無効なアカウント",
"Invalid mail address" : "無効なメールアドレスです",
@@ -685,6 +686,7 @@
"Loading categories" : "カテゴリーの読み込み中",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "開発者向けドキュメント ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "バージョン{version}, {license}ライセンス",
+ "All accounts" : "全てのアカウント",
"Admins" : "管理者",
"Account group: {group}" : "アカウントグループ: {group}",
"Account management" : "アカウント管理",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sr.js b/apps/settings/l10n/sr.js
index 6d811cf58cf..53677837783 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sr.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Не могу да пошаљем Е-пошта. Погледајте записнике сервера е-поште",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Појавио се проблем приликом слања е-поште. Проверите ваше поставке. (Грешка: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Пре слања тест и-мејлова морате најпре да поставите и-мејл адресу вашег налога. Посетите %s и поставите је.",
+ "Recently active" : "Недавно активно",
"Disabled accounts" : "Искључени налози",
"Invalid account" : "Неисправан налог",
"Invalid mail address" : "Неисправна е-адреса",
@@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading categories" : "Учитавају се категорије",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Програмерска документација ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Верзија {version}, {license}-лиценцирано",
+ "All accounts" : "Сви налози",
"Admins" : "Администратори",
"Account group: {group}" : "Група налога: {group}",
"Account management" : "Управљање налозима",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sr.json b/apps/settings/l10n/sr.json
index 6fedd3dab0e..69796cafff8 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sr.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Не могу да пошаљем Е-пошта. Погледајте записнике сервера е-поште",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Појавио се проблем приликом слања е-поште. Проверите ваше поставке. (Грешка: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Пре слања тест и-мејлова морате најпре да поставите и-мејл адресу вашег налога. Посетите %s и поставите је.",
+ "Recently active" : "Недавно активно",
"Disabled accounts" : "Искључени налози",
"Invalid account" : "Неисправан налог",
"Invalid mail address" : "Неисправна е-адреса",
@@ -685,6 +686,7 @@
"Loading categories" : "Учитавају се категорије",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Програмерска документација ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Верзија {version}, {license}-лиценцирано",
+ "All accounts" : "Сви налози",
"Admins" : "Администратори",
"Account group: {group}" : "Група налога: {group}",
"Account management" : "Управљање налозима",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sv.js b/apps/settings/l10n/sv.js
index 785ddd670bb..56dbcb104c9 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sv.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "E-post kunde inte skickas. Titta i din e-postserverlogg",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Ett problem uppstod när e-post försökte skickas. Kontrollera dina inställningar. (Fel: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Du måste ställa in epostadressen på kontot innan du kan skicka testmail. Gå till %s för att göra det.",
+ "Recently active" : "Nyligen aktiv",
"Disabled accounts" : "Inaktiverade konton",
"Invalid account" : "Felaktigt konto",
"Invalid mail address" : "Ogiltig e-postadress",
@@ -143,6 +144,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Missing optional column \"%s\" in table \"%s\"." : "Saknar valfri kolumn \"%s\" i tabellen \"%s\".",
"The database is missing some optional columns. Due to the fact that adding columns on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically when they can be optional. By running \"occ db:add-missing-columns\" those missing columns could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the columns are added some features might improve responsiveness or usability." : "Databasen saknar några valfria kolumner. Eftersom att lägga till sådana i stora tabeller kan ta en del tid, har det inte gjorts automatiskt. Genom att köra kommandot \"occ db:add-missing-columns\" läggs de saknade kolumnerna till utan att instansen behöver stoppas. Att lägga till de valfria kolumnerna kan förbättra svarstid eller användbarhet.",
"Database missing indices" : "Databasen saknar index",
+ "Missing indices:" : "Saknade index:",
+ "\"%s\" in table \"%s\"" : "\"%s\" i tabell \"%s\"",
"Database missing primary keys" : "Databasen saknar primärnycklar",
"Missing primary key on table \"%s\"." : "Saknar primärnyckel på tabellen \"%s\".",
"The database is missing some primary keys. Due to the fact that adding primary keys on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" those missing primary keys could be added manually while the instance keeps running." : "Databasen saknar några primärnycklar. Eftersom att lägga till sådana i stora tabeller kan ta en del tid, har det inte gjorts automatiskt. Genom att köra kommandot \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" läggs de saknade primärnycklarna till utan att instansen behöver stoppas.",
@@ -178,6 +181,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Overwrite CLI URL" : "Skriv över CLI-URL",
"PHP default charset" : "PHP standardteckenuppsättning",
"PHP set_time_limit" : "PHP set_time_limit",
+ "The function is available." : "Funktionen är tillgänglig.",
"The PHP function \"set_time_limit\" is not available. This could result in scripts being halted mid-execution, breaking your installation. Enabling this function is strongly recommended." : "PHP-funktionen \"set_time_limit\" är inte tillgänglig. Detta kan leda till att skript stoppas i mitten av utförandet och bryter din installation. Aktivering av denna funktion rekommenderas starkt.",
"Supported" : "Stöds",
"Your PHP does not have FreeType support, resulting in breakage of profile pictures and the settings interface." : "Din PHP har inte FreeType-stöd, vilket resulterar i brott i profilbilder och inställningsgränssnittet.",
@@ -572,6 +576,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading categories" : "Laddar kategorier",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Utvecklardokumentation ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Version {version}, {license}-licensierad",
+ "All accounts" : "Alla konton",
"Admins" : "Administratörer",
"Account group: {group}" : "Kontogrupp: {group}",
"Account management" : "Kontohantering",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sv.json b/apps/settings/l10n/sv.json
index 508d227364e..5b0eca751d3 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sv.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "E-post kunde inte skickas. Titta i din e-postserverlogg",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Ett problem uppstod när e-post försökte skickas. Kontrollera dina inställningar. (Fel: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Du måste ställa in epostadressen på kontot innan du kan skicka testmail. Gå till %s för att göra det.",
+ "Recently active" : "Nyligen aktiv",
"Disabled accounts" : "Inaktiverade konton",
"Invalid account" : "Felaktigt konto",
"Invalid mail address" : "Ogiltig e-postadress",
@@ -141,6 +142,8 @@
"Missing optional column \"%s\" in table \"%s\"." : "Saknar valfri kolumn \"%s\" i tabellen \"%s\".",
"The database is missing some optional columns. Due to the fact that adding columns on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically when they can be optional. By running \"occ db:add-missing-columns\" those missing columns could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the columns are added some features might improve responsiveness or usability." : "Databasen saknar några valfria kolumner. Eftersom att lägga till sådana i stora tabeller kan ta en del tid, har det inte gjorts automatiskt. Genom att köra kommandot \"occ db:add-missing-columns\" läggs de saknade kolumnerna till utan att instansen behöver stoppas. Att lägga till de valfria kolumnerna kan förbättra svarstid eller användbarhet.",
"Database missing indices" : "Databasen saknar index",
+ "Missing indices:" : "Saknade index:",
+ "\"%s\" in table \"%s\"" : "\"%s\" i tabell \"%s\"",
"Database missing primary keys" : "Databasen saknar primärnycklar",
"Missing primary key on table \"%s\"." : "Saknar primärnyckel på tabellen \"%s\".",
"The database is missing some primary keys. Due to the fact that adding primary keys on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" those missing primary keys could be added manually while the instance keeps running." : "Databasen saknar några primärnycklar. Eftersom att lägga till sådana i stora tabeller kan ta en del tid, har det inte gjorts automatiskt. Genom att köra kommandot \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" läggs de saknade primärnycklarna till utan att instansen behöver stoppas.",
@@ -176,6 +179,7 @@
"Overwrite CLI URL" : "Skriv över CLI-URL",
"PHP default charset" : "PHP standardteckenuppsättning",
"PHP set_time_limit" : "PHP set_time_limit",
+ "The function is available." : "Funktionen är tillgänglig.",
"The PHP function \"set_time_limit\" is not available. This could result in scripts being halted mid-execution, breaking your installation. Enabling this function is strongly recommended." : "PHP-funktionen \"set_time_limit\" är inte tillgänglig. Detta kan leda till att skript stoppas i mitten av utförandet och bryter din installation. Aktivering av denna funktion rekommenderas starkt.",
"Supported" : "Stöds",
"Your PHP does not have FreeType support, resulting in breakage of profile pictures and the settings interface." : "Din PHP har inte FreeType-stöd, vilket resulterar i brott i profilbilder och inställningsgränssnittet.",
@@ -570,6 +574,7 @@
"Loading categories" : "Laddar kategorier",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "Utvecklardokumentation ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "Version {version}, {license}-licensierad",
+ "All accounts" : "Alla konton",
"Admins" : "Administratörer",
"Account group: {group}" : "Kontogrupp: {group}",
"Account management" : "Kontohantering",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 9a426bce5e2..54c751a2a53 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "無法傳送郵件。請檢查您的郵件伺服器紀錄檔",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "傳送郵件時發生問題。請檢查您的設定。(錯誤:%s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "您必須先設定您的帳號電子郵件,然後才能傳送測試用的電子郵件。前往 %s 進行設定。",
+ "Recently active" : "最近活躍",
"Disabled accounts" : "已停用帳號",
"Invalid account" : "無效的帳號",
"Invalid mail address" : "無效的電子郵件地址",
@@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading categories" : "正在載入分類",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "開發者文件 ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "版本 {version},授權條款:{license}",
+ "All accounts" : "所有帳號",
"Admins" : "管理者",
"Account group: {group}" : "帳號群組:{group}",
"Account management" : "帳號管理",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
index e3b588f93fc..079b16b7e60 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "無法傳送郵件。請檢查您的郵件伺服器紀錄檔",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "傳送郵件時發生問題。請檢查您的設定。(錯誤:%s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "您必須先設定您的帳號電子郵件,然後才能傳送測試用的電子郵件。前往 %s 進行設定。",
+ "Recently active" : "最近活躍",
"Disabled accounts" : "已停用帳號",
"Invalid account" : "無效的帳號",
"Invalid mail address" : "無效的電子郵件地址",
@@ -685,6 +686,7 @@
"Loading categories" : "正在載入分類",
"Developer documentation ↗" : "開發者文件 ↗",
"Version {version}, {license}-licensed" : "版本 {version},授權條款:{license}",
+ "All accounts" : "所有帳號",
"Admins" : "管理者",
"Account group: {group}" : "帳號群組:{group}",
"Account management" : "帳號管理",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ar.js b/lib/l10n/ar.js
index 2ba892dd468..8268f296544 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ar.js
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"seconds ago" : "منذ ثواني",
"Empty file" : "ملفٌ فارغٌ",
"Module with ID: %s does not exist. Please enable it in your apps settings or contact your administrator." : "الوحدة module ذات الرقم ID ـ : %s غير موجودة. رجاءً، فعّلها في إعدادات التطبيقات لديك، أو اتصل بمشرف نظامك.",
+ "Invalid filename extension \"%1$s\"" : "إمتداد الملف غير صحيح \"%1$s\"",
"File already exists" : "الملف موجود مسبقاً",
"Invalid path" : "مسار غير صالح !",
"Failed to create file from template" : "تعذّر إنشاء ملفٍ من قالبٍ",
@@ -139,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "يجب أن تقوم الواجهة الخلفية للمشاركة (Sharing backend) %s بتطبيق الواجهة OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "لم يتم العثور على الواجهة الخلفية (Sharing backend) %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "مشاركة الخلفية لـ %s غير موجود",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s شارك »%2$s« معك",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s شَارَكَ »%2$s« معك.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "اضغط على الزر الذي تحته ليتم فتحه.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "فتح »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s عبر %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s شارك »%2$s« معك و يرغب في إضافة:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s شارك »%2$s« معك و يرغب في إضافة",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« أضاف ملاحظة لملفٍ سلفت مشاركته معك",
- "Open »%s«" : "فتح »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s عبر %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "أنت غير مسموح لك أن تشارك %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "لا يمكن زيادة أذونات %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "لا يمكن مشاركة ملفات بأذونات حذفٍ",
@@ -152,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر من %n أيام في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر من %n يوم في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر %n من أيام في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر %n من أيام في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر %n من أيام في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر %n من أيام في المستقبل"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "النشر مسموح فقط مع أعضاء المجموعة.",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "فشلت مشاركة %s؛ لأن هذا العنصر سبقت مشاركته مع الحساب %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s شارك »%2$s« معك",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s شَارَكَ »%2$s« معك.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "اضغط على الزر الذي تحته ليتم فتحه.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "المشاركة المطلوبة لم تعد موجودةً",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "المشاركة المطلوبة آتية من مستخدم معطل.",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "تعذر إنشاء المستخدم بسبب تجاوز الحد الأقصى لعدد المستخدمين المسموح به. يرجى الرجوع إلى الإشعارات لمزيد من التفاصيل.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ar.json b/lib/l10n/ar.json
index a59cc24d508..21fb4642987 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ar.json
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
"seconds ago" : "منذ ثواني",
"Empty file" : "ملفٌ فارغٌ",
"Module with ID: %s does not exist. Please enable it in your apps settings or contact your administrator." : "الوحدة module ذات الرقم ID ـ : %s غير موجودة. رجاءً، فعّلها في إعدادات التطبيقات لديك، أو اتصل بمشرف نظامك.",
+ "Invalid filename extension \"%1$s\"" : "إمتداد الملف غير صحيح \"%1$s\"",
"File already exists" : "الملف موجود مسبقاً",
"Invalid path" : "مسار غير صالح !",
"Failed to create file from template" : "تعذّر إنشاء ملفٍ من قالبٍ",
@@ -137,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "يجب أن تقوم الواجهة الخلفية للمشاركة (Sharing backend) %s بتطبيق الواجهة OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "لم يتم العثور على الواجهة الخلفية (Sharing backend) %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "مشاركة الخلفية لـ %s غير موجود",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s شارك »%2$s« معك",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s شَارَكَ »%2$s« معك.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "اضغط على الزر الذي تحته ليتم فتحه.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "فتح »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s عبر %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s شارك »%2$s« معك و يرغب في إضافة:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s شارك »%2$s« معك و يرغب في إضافة",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« أضاف ملاحظة لملفٍ سلفت مشاركته معك",
- "Open »%s«" : "فتح »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s عبر %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "أنت غير مسموح لك أن تشارك %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "لا يمكن زيادة أذونات %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "لا يمكن مشاركة ملفات بأذونات حذفٍ",
@@ -150,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر من %n أيام في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر من %n يوم في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر %n من أيام في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر %n من أيام في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر %n من أيام في المستقبل","لا يمكن تعيين تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لأكثر %n من أيام في المستقبل"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "النشر مسموح فقط مع أعضاء المجموعة.",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "فشلت مشاركة %s؛ لأن هذا العنصر سبقت مشاركته مع الحساب %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s شارك »%2$s« معك",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s شَارَكَ »%2$s« معك.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "اضغط على الزر الذي تحته ليتم فتحه.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "المشاركة المطلوبة لم تعد موجودةً",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "المشاركة المطلوبة آتية من مستخدم معطل.",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "تعذر إنشاء المستخدم بسبب تجاوز الحد الأقصى لعدد المستخدمين المسموح به. يرجى الرجوع إلى الإشعارات لمزيد من التفاصيل.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ast.js b/lib/l10n/ast.js
index 5934af02312..2458e0abc25 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ast.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ast.js
@@ -139,19 +139,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend de compartición «%s» ha implmentar la interfaz OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Nun s'atopó'l backend de compartición «%s»",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Nun s'atopó'l backend de compartición pa: %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió «%2$s» contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió «%2$s» contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Calca nel botón p'abrilo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s per %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartío «%2$s» contigo y quier amestar:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartío «%2$s» contigo y quier amestar",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "«%s» amestó una nota a un ficheru compartío contigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s per %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nun tienes permisu pa compartir «%s»",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nun se pue amentar los permisos de: %s",
"Files cannot be shared with create permissions" : "Los ficheros nun se pue compartir colos permisos de creación",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La data de caducidá ta nel pasáu",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Nun se pue afitar una data de caducidá de más de %n día nel futuru","Nun se pue afitar una data de caducidá de más de %n díes nel futuru"],
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió «%2$s» contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió «%2$s» contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Calca nel botón p'abrilo.",
"Sunday" : "Domingu",
"Monday" : "Llunes",
"Tuesday" : "Martes",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ast.json b/lib/l10n/ast.json
index f764f2e7fb4..1d04657bf7b 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ast.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ast.json
@@ -137,19 +137,19 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend de compartición «%s» ha implmentar la interfaz OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Nun s'atopó'l backend de compartición «%s»",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Nun s'atopó'l backend de compartición pa: %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió «%2$s» contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió «%2$s» contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Calca nel botón p'abrilo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s per %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartío «%2$s» contigo y quier amestar:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartío «%2$s» contigo y quier amestar",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "«%s» amestó una nota a un ficheru compartío contigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s per %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nun tienes permisu pa compartir «%s»",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nun se pue amentar los permisos de: %s",
"Files cannot be shared with create permissions" : "Los ficheros nun se pue compartir colos permisos de creación",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La data de caducidá ta nel pasáu",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Nun se pue afitar una data de caducidá de más de %n día nel futuru","Nun se pue afitar una data de caducidá de más de %n díes nel futuru"],
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió «%2$s» contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió «%2$s» contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Calca nel botón p'abrilo.",
"Sunday" : "Domingu",
"Monday" : "Llunes",
"Tuesday" : "Martes",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/bg.js b/lib/l10n/bg.js
index 6b3475b5ebe..05f6007d3fd 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/bg.js
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Споделянето на сървърния %s трябва да поддържа OCP\\Share_Backend интерфейс.",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Споделянето на сървърния %s не е открито.",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Споделянето на сървъра за %s не е открито.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Щракнете върху бутона по-долу, за да го отворите.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Отвори »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s чрез %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас и иска да добави:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас и иска да добави",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« добави бележка към файл, споделен с вас ",
- "Open »%s«" : "Отвори »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s чрез %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Не ти е разрешено да споделяш %s.",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Не могат да се увеличат права на %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Файловете не могат да се споделят с права за изтриване",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Срокът на валидност е изтекъл",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Не може да се зададе срок на валидност повече от %n дни в бъдещето","Не може да се зададе срок на валидност повече от %n дни в бъдещето"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Споделянето е разрешено само с членове на групата",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Щракнете върху бутона по-долу, за да го отворите.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Исканото споделяне вече не съществува",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Потребителят не е създаден, тъй като е достигнат лимитът на потребителите. Проверете вашите известия, за да научите повече.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Невъзможно откриване на категорията \"%s\".",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/bg.json b/lib/l10n/bg.json
index 374e35811bc..7f6fbf74a66 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/bg.json
@@ -123,11 +123,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Споделянето на сървърния %s трябва да поддържа OCP\\Share_Backend интерфейс.",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Споделянето на сървърния %s не е открито.",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Споделянето на сървъра за %s не е открито.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Щракнете върху бутона по-долу, за да го отворите.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Отвори »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s чрез %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас и иска да добави:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас и иска да добави",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« добави бележка към файл, споделен с вас ",
- "Open »%s«" : "Отвори »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s чрез %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Не ти е разрешено да споделяш %s.",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Не могат да се увеличат права на %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Файловете не могат да се споделят с права за изтриване",
@@ -135,9 +138,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Срокът на валидност е изтекъл",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Не може да се зададе срок на валидност повече от %n дни в бъдещето","Не може да се зададе срок на валидност повече от %n дни в бъдещето"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Споделянето е разрешено само с членове на групата",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« с вас.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Щракнете върху бутона по-долу, за да го отворите.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Исканото споделяне вече не съществува",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Потребителят не е създаден, тъй като е достигнат лимитът на потребителите. Проверете вашите известия, за да научите повече.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Невъзможно откриване на категорията \"%s\".",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ca.js b/lib/l10n/ca.js
index 1f769f8d5da..1ddb1444f9d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ca.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El rerefons d'ús compartit %s ha d'implementar la interfície OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No s'ha trobat el rerefons d'ús compartit %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No s'ha trobat el rerefons d'ús compartit per a %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Feu clic en el botó següent per a obrir-ho.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Obre «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s mitjançant %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós i vol afegir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós i vol afegir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s ha afegit una nota a un fitxer compartit amb vós",
- "Open »%s«" : "Obre «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s mitjançant %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No podeu compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No es poden augmentar els permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "No es poden compartir fitxers amb permisos de supressió",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No es pot establir la data de caducitat més d'%n dia en el futur","No es pot establir la data de caducitat més de %n dies en el futur"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Només es permet l'ús compartit amb membres del grup",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "No s'ha pogut compartir %s perquè l'element ja està compartit amb el compte %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Feu clic en el botó següent per a obrir-ho.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "L'element compartit sol·licitat ja no existeix",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "L'element compartit sol·licitat prové d'un usuari inhabilitat",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "No s'ha creat l'usuari perquè s'ha assolit el límit d'usuaris. Consulteu les notificacions per a obtenir més informació.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ca.json b/lib/l10n/ca.json
index 0fae3a52dff..f58db73adb7 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ca.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El rerefons d'ús compartit %s ha d'implementar la interfície OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No s'ha trobat el rerefons d'ús compartit %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No s'ha trobat el rerefons d'ús compartit per a %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Feu clic en el botó següent per a obrir-ho.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Obre «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s mitjançant %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós i vol afegir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós i vol afegir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s ha afegit una nota a un fitxer compartit amb vós",
- "Open »%s«" : "Obre «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s mitjançant %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No podeu compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No es poden augmentar els permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "No es poden compartir fitxers amb permisos de supressió",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No es pot establir la data de caducitat més d'%n dia en el futur","No es pot establir la data de caducitat més de %n dies en el futur"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Només es permet l'ús compartit amb membres del grup",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "No s'ha pogut compartir %s perquè l'element ja està compartit amb el compte %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha compartit «%2$s» amb vós.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Feu clic en el botó següent per a obrir-ho.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "L'element compartit sol·licitat ja no existeix",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "L'element compartit sol·licitat prové d'un usuari inhabilitat",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "No s'ha creat l'usuari perquè s'ha assolit el límit d'usuaris. Consulteu les notificacions per a obtenir més informació.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/cs.js b/lib/l10n/cs.js
index 5cbf3c27cca..c2d7c3a6bd4 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/cs.js
@@ -127,11 +127,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Je třeba, aby podpůrná vrstva pro sdílení %s implementovala rozhraní OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Podpůrná vrstva pro sdílení %s nenalezena",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Úložiště sdílení pro %s nenalezeno",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vám sdílí „%2$s“",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vám nasdílel(a) „%2$s“.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Pro otevření klikněte na tlačítko níže.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Otevřít „%s“",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prostřednictvím %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s sdílí „%2$s“ a dodává:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s sdílí „%2$s“ a dodává",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "„%s“ dodává poznámku k nasdílenému souboru ",
- "Open »%s«" : "Otevřít „%s“",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prostřednictvím %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nemáte povoleno sdílet %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nelze navýšit oprávnění u %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Soubory nelze sdílet s oprávněními k odstranění",
@@ -139,9 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Datum skončení platnosti je v minulosti",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %n den do budoucnosti","Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %n dny do budoucnosti","Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %n dnů do budoucnosti","Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %n dny do budoucnosti"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Je povoleno pouze sdílení s členy skupiny",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vám sdílí „%2$s“",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vám nasdílel(a) „%2$s“.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Pro otevření klikněte na tlačítko níže.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Požadované sdílení už neexistuje",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Požadované sdílení pochází od vypnutého uživatelského účtu",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Uživatel nebyl vytvořen protože bylo dosaženo limitu počtu uživatelů. Více se dozvíte v upozorněních.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/cs.json b/lib/l10n/cs.json
index 9e92ea1f773..7ba1650135a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/cs.json
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Je třeba, aby podpůrná vrstva pro sdílení %s implementovala rozhraní OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Podpůrná vrstva pro sdílení %s nenalezena",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Úložiště sdílení pro %s nenalezeno",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vám sdílí „%2$s“",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vám nasdílel(a) „%2$s“.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Pro otevření klikněte na tlačítko níže.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Otevřít „%s“",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prostřednictvím %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s sdílí „%2$s“ a dodává:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s sdílí „%2$s“ a dodává",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "„%s“ dodává poznámku k nasdílenému souboru ",
- "Open »%s«" : "Otevřít „%s“",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prostřednictvím %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nemáte povoleno sdílet %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nelze navýšit oprávnění u %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Soubory nelze sdílet s oprávněními k odstranění",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Datum skončení platnosti je v minulosti",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %n den do budoucnosti","Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %n dny do budoucnosti","Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %n dnů do budoucnosti","Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %n dny do budoucnosti"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Je povoleno pouze sdílení s členy skupiny",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vám sdílí „%2$s“",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vám nasdílel(a) „%2$s“.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Pro otevření klikněte na tlačítko níže.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Požadované sdílení už neexistuje",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Požadované sdílení pochází od vypnutého uživatelského účtu",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Uživatel nebyl vytvořen protože bylo dosaženo limitu počtu uživatelů. Více se dozvíte v upozorněních.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/cy_GB.js b/lib/l10n/cy_GB.js
index e0d95f7e155..df2ca892223 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/cy_GB.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/cy_GB.js
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Address" : "Cyfeiriad",
"About" : "Ynghylch",
"Set an admin password." : "Gosod cyfrinair y gweinyddwr.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliciwch ar y botwm isod i'w agor.",
"Open »%s«" : "Agor »%s«",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s trwy %2$s",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliciwch ar y botwm isod i'w agor.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Methu canfod categori \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Sul",
"Monday" : "Llun",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/cy_GB.json b/lib/l10n/cy_GB.json
index d864483751d..29fdffb54ce 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/cy_GB.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/cy_GB.json
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
"Address" : "Cyfeiriad",
"About" : "Ynghylch",
"Set an admin password." : "Gosod cyfrinair y gweinyddwr.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliciwch ar y botwm isod i'w agor.",
"Open »%s«" : "Agor »%s«",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s trwy %2$s",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliciwch ar y botwm isod i'w agor.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Methu canfod categori \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Sul",
"Monday" : "Llun",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/da.js b/lib/l10n/da.js
index bdf723587c9..d04278bf7ef 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/da.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/da.js
@@ -131,11 +131,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Delingsbackend'en %s skal implementere grænsefladen OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Delingsbackend'en %s blev ikke fundet",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Delingsbackend'en for %s blev ikke fundet",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klik på knappen nedenunder for at åbne.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Åbn »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig og vil gerne tilføje:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig og vil gerne tilføje",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« tilføjede en note til en fil delt med dig",
- "Open »%s«" : "Åbn »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Du har ikke tilladelse til at dele %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kan give yderigere rettigheder til %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Filer kan ikke deles med rettigheder til at slette",
@@ -143,9 +146,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Udløbsdatoen ligger tilbage i tid",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Udløbsdato kan ikke sættes mere end %n dag ud i fremtiden","Udløbsdato kan ikke sættes mere end %n dage ud i fremtiden"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Deling er kun tilladt med gruppemedlemmer",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klik på knappen nedenunder for at åbne.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Det delte emne eksisterer ikke længere",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Brugeren blev ikke oprettet, fordi brugergrænsen er nået. Tjek dine notifikationer for at få flere oplysninger.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Kunne ikke finde kategorien \"%s\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/da.json b/lib/l10n/da.json
index 0bf343e50ce..24473414eb5 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/da.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/da.json
@@ -129,11 +129,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Delingsbackend'en %s skal implementere grænsefladen OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Delingsbackend'en %s blev ikke fundet",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Delingsbackend'en for %s blev ikke fundet",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klik på knappen nedenunder for at åbne.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Åbn »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig og vil gerne tilføje:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig og vil gerne tilføje",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« tilføjede en note til en fil delt med dig",
- "Open »%s«" : "Åbn »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Du har ikke tilladelse til at dele %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kan give yderigere rettigheder til %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Filer kan ikke deles med rettigheder til at slette",
@@ -141,9 +144,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Udløbsdatoen ligger tilbage i tid",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Udløbsdato kan ikke sættes mere end %n dag ud i fremtiden","Udløbsdato kan ikke sættes mere end %n dage ud i fremtiden"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Deling er kun tilladt med gruppemedlemmer",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klik på knappen nedenunder for at åbne.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Det delte emne eksisterer ikke længere",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Brugeren blev ikke oprettet, fordi brugergrænsen er nået. Tjek dine notifikationer for at få flere oplysninger.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Kunne ikke finde kategorien \"%s\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/de.js b/lib/l10n/de.js
index b385adc26cf..988d94ae4cf 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/de.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/de.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Freigabe-Backend %s muss in der OCP\\Share_Backend - Schnittstelle implementiert werden",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Freigabe-Backend %s nicht gefunden",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Freigabe-Backend für %s nicht gefunden",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicke zum Öffnen auf die untere Schaltfläche.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "»%s« öffnen",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s über %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$shat » %2$s«  mit dir geteilt und möchte folgendes hinzufügen:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$shat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt und möchte folgendes hinzufügen",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« hat eine Bemerkung zu einer mit dir geteilten Datei hinzugefügt",
- "Open »%s«" : "»%s« öffnen",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s über %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Du bist nicht berechtigt, %s zu teilen.",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kann die Berechtigungen von %s nicht erhöhen",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Dateien mit Lösch-Berechtigungen können nicht geteilt werden",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Das Ablaufdatum liegt in der Vergangenheit.",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Das Ablaufdatum kann nicht mehr als %n Tag in der Zukunft liegen","Das Ablaufdatum kann nicht mehr als %n Tage in der Zukunft liegen"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Teilen ist nur mit Gruppenmitgliedern erlaubt",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicke zum Öffnen auf die untere Schaltfläche.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Die angeforderte Freigabe existiert nicht mehr",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Die angeforderte Freigabe stammt von einem deaktivierten Benutzer",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Der Benutzer wurde nicht erstellt, da das Benutzerlimit erreicht wurde. Überprüfe deine Benachrichtigungen, um mehr zu erfahren.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/de.json b/lib/l10n/de.json
index 49ed179a13a..02496dfc760 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/de.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/de.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Freigabe-Backend %s muss in der OCP\\Share_Backend - Schnittstelle implementiert werden",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Freigabe-Backend %s nicht gefunden",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Freigabe-Backend für %s nicht gefunden",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicke zum Öffnen auf die untere Schaltfläche.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "»%s« öffnen",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s über %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$shat » %2$s«  mit dir geteilt und möchte folgendes hinzufügen:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$shat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt und möchte folgendes hinzufügen",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« hat eine Bemerkung zu einer mit dir geteilten Datei hinzugefügt",
- "Open »%s«" : "»%s« öffnen",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s über %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Du bist nicht berechtigt, %s zu teilen.",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kann die Berechtigungen von %s nicht erhöhen",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Dateien mit Lösch-Berechtigungen können nicht geteilt werden",
@@ -149,9 +152,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Das Ablaufdatum liegt in der Vergangenheit.",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Das Ablaufdatum kann nicht mehr als %n Tag in der Zukunft liegen","Das Ablaufdatum kann nicht mehr als %n Tage in der Zukunft liegen"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Teilen ist nur mit Gruppenmitgliedern erlaubt",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit dir geteilt.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicke zum Öffnen auf die untere Schaltfläche.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Die angeforderte Freigabe existiert nicht mehr",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Die angeforderte Freigabe stammt von einem deaktivierten Benutzer",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Der Benutzer wurde nicht erstellt, da das Benutzerlimit erreicht wurde. Überprüfe deine Benachrichtigungen, um mehr zu erfahren.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/de_DE.js b/lib/l10n/de_DE.js
index d7a622296ad..56bd51e1176 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Freigabe-Backend %s muss in der OCP\\Share_Backend - Schnittstelle implementiert werden",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Freigabe-Backend %s nicht gefunden",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Freigabe-Backend für %s nicht gefunden",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicken Sie zum Öffnen auf die untere Schaltfläche.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "»%s« öffnen",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s über %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s hat » %2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt und möchte folgendes hinzufügen:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt und möchte folgendes hinzufügen",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« hat eine Bemerkung zu einer mit Ihnen geteilten Datei hinzugefügt",
- "Open »%s«" : "»%s« öffnen",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s über %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Die Freigabe von %s ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kann die Berechtigungen von %s nicht erhöhen",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Dateien mit Lösch-Berechtigungen können nicht geteilt werden",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Das Ablaufdatum kann nicht mehr als %n Tag in der Zukunft liegen","Das Ablaufdatum kann nicht mehr als %n Tage in der Zukunft liegen"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Teilen ist nur mit Gruppenmitgliedern erlaubt",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Freigeben von %s ist fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element schon mit dem Konto %s geteilt wurde",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicken Sie zum Öffnen auf die untere Schaltfläche.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Die angeforderte Freigabe existiert nicht mehr",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Die angeforderte Freigabe stammt von einem deaktivierten Benutzer",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Der Benutzer wurde nicht erstellt, da das Benutzerlimit erreicht wurde. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Benachrichtigungen, um mehr zu erfahren.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/de_DE.json b/lib/l10n/de_DE.json
index 01c83dcb9a4..3bbd391408e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Freigabe-Backend %s muss in der OCP\\Share_Backend - Schnittstelle implementiert werden",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Freigabe-Backend %s nicht gefunden",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Freigabe-Backend für %s nicht gefunden",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicken Sie zum Öffnen auf die untere Schaltfläche.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "»%s« öffnen",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s über %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s hat » %2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt und möchte folgendes hinzufügen:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt und möchte folgendes hinzufügen",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« hat eine Bemerkung zu einer mit Ihnen geteilten Datei hinzugefügt",
- "Open »%s«" : "»%s« öffnen",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s über %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Die Freigabe von %s ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kann die Berechtigungen von %s nicht erhöhen",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Dateien mit Lösch-Berechtigungen können nicht geteilt werden",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Das Ablaufdatum kann nicht mehr als %n Tag in der Zukunft liegen","Das Ablaufdatum kann nicht mehr als %n Tage in der Zukunft liegen"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Teilen ist nur mit Gruppenmitgliedern erlaubt",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Freigeben von %s ist fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element schon mit dem Konto %s geteilt wurde",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s hat »%2$s« mit Ihnen geteilt.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicken Sie zum Öffnen auf die untere Schaltfläche.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Die angeforderte Freigabe existiert nicht mehr",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Die angeforderte Freigabe stammt von einem deaktivierten Benutzer",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Der Benutzer wurde nicht erstellt, da das Benutzerlimit erreicht wurde. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Benachrichtigungen, um mehr zu erfahren.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/el.js b/lib/l10n/el.js
index 4f1563acfe3..33e78345638 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/el.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/el.js
@@ -120,11 +120,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Το σύστημα διαμοιρασμού %s πρέπει να υλοποιεί την διεπαφή OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Το σύστημα διαμοιρασμού %s δεν βρέθηκε",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Το σύστημα διαμοιρασμού για το %s δεν βρέθηκε",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "Ο/η %1$s διαμοιράστηκε το »%2$s« με εσάς.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "Ο/η %1$s διαμοιράστηκε »%2$s« με εσάς.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Κάντε κλικ στο παρακάτω κουμπί για να το ανοίξετε.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Άνοιγμα »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s μέσω %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "Ο %1$s διαμοιράστηκε το »%2$s« με εσάς και θέλει να προσθέσει:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "Ο %1$s διαμοιράστηκε το »%2$s« με εσάς και θέλει να προσθέσει",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "Ο »%s« πρόσθεσε μια σημείωση στο κοινόχρηστο αρχείο",
- "Open »%s«" : "Άνοιγμα »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s μέσω %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Δεν σας επιτρέπεται ο διαμοιρασμός %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Αδυναμία αύξησης των δικαιωμάτων του/της %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η κοινή χρήση αρχείων με δικαιώματα διαγραφής",
@@ -132,9 +135,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Η ημερομηνία λήξης είναι στο παρελθόν",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Δεν είναι δυνατός ο ορισμός ημερομηνίας λήξης για περισσότερο από %n ημέρα στο μέλλον","Δεν είναι δυνατός ο ορισμός ημερομηνίας λήξης για περισσότερες από %n ημέρες στο μέλλον"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Η κοινή χρήση επιτρέπεται μόνο με μέλη της ομάδας",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "Ο/η %1$s διαμοιράστηκε το »%2$s« με εσάς.",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "Ο/η %1$s διαμοιράστηκε »%2$s« με εσάς.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Κάντε κλικ στο παρακάτω κουμπί για να το ανοίξετε.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Το διαμοιρασμένο που ζητήθηκε δεν υπάρχει πλέον",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κατηγορίας \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Κυριακή",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/el.json b/lib/l10n/el.json
index 3740c86af9c..6625272bef8 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/el.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/el.json
@@ -118,11 +118,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Το σύστημα διαμοιρασμού %s πρέπει να υλοποιεί την διεπαφή OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Το σύστημα διαμοιρασμού %s δεν βρέθηκε",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Το σύστημα διαμοιρασμού για το %s δεν βρέθηκε",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "Ο/η %1$s διαμοιράστηκε το »%2$s« με εσάς.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "Ο/η %1$s διαμοιράστηκε »%2$s« με εσάς.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Κάντε κλικ στο παρακάτω κουμπί για να το ανοίξετε.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Άνοιγμα »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s μέσω %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "Ο %1$s διαμοιράστηκε το »%2$s« με εσάς και θέλει να προσθέσει:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "Ο %1$s διαμοιράστηκε το »%2$s« με εσάς και θέλει να προσθέσει",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "Ο »%s« πρόσθεσε μια σημείωση στο κοινόχρηστο αρχείο",
- "Open »%s«" : "Άνοιγμα »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s μέσω %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Δεν σας επιτρέπεται ο διαμοιρασμός %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Αδυναμία αύξησης των δικαιωμάτων του/της %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η κοινή χρήση αρχείων με δικαιώματα διαγραφής",
@@ -130,9 +133,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Η ημερομηνία λήξης είναι στο παρελθόν",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Δεν είναι δυνατός ο ορισμός ημερομηνίας λήξης για περισσότερο από %n ημέρα στο μέλλον","Δεν είναι δυνατός ο ορισμός ημερομηνίας λήξης για περισσότερες από %n ημέρες στο μέλλον"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Η κοινή χρήση επιτρέπεται μόνο με μέλη της ομάδας",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "Ο/η %1$s διαμοιράστηκε το »%2$s« με εσάς.",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "Ο/η %1$s διαμοιράστηκε »%2$s« με εσάς.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Κάντε κλικ στο παρακάτω κουμπί για να το ανοίξετε.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Το διαμοιρασμένο που ζητήθηκε δεν υπάρχει πλέον",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κατηγορίας \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Κυριακή",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/en_GB.js b/lib/l10n/en_GB.js
index 431a95685a6..1e6ba9e28be 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Sharing backend %s not found",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Sharing backend for %s not found",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Click the button below to open it.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Open »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« added a note to a file shared with you",
- "Open »%s«" : "Open »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "You are not allowed to share %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Cannot increase permissions of %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Files cannot be shared with delete permissions",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future","Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sharing is only allowed with group members",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Click the button below to open it.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "The requested share does not exist any more",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "The requested share comes from a disabled user",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/en_GB.json b/lib/l10n/en_GB.json
index a30a8f24f99..bf5df2aae50 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Sharing backend %s not found",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Sharing backend for %s not found",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Click the button below to open it.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Open »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« added a note to a file shared with you",
- "Open »%s«" : "Open »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "You are not allowed to share %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Cannot increase permissions of %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Files cannot be shared with delete permissions",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future","Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sharing is only allowed with group members",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Click the button below to open it.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "The requested share does not exist any more",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "The requested share comes from a disabled user",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/eo.js b/lib/l10n/eo.js
index 08f27c21544..12f9a73c80b 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/eo.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/eo.js
@@ -101,17 +101,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Kunhava interna servo %s devas realigi la interfacon „OCP\\Share_Backend“",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Kunhava interna servo %s ne troviĝas",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Kunhava interna servo por %s ne troviĝas",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Alklaku la butonon ĉi-sube por malfermi ĝin.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Malfermi „%s“",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s pere de %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi kaj volas aldoni:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi kaj volas aldoni",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "„%s“ aldonis noton al dosiero kunhavigita kun vi",
- "Open »%s«" : "Malfermi „%s“",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s pere de %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Vi ne permesatas kunhavigi %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ne eblas pliigi permesojn de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Limdato troviĝas en la estinteco",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Alklaku la butonon ĉi-sube por malfermi ĝin.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "La petita kunhavo ne plu ekzistas",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Ne troviĝis kategorio „%s“",
"Sunday" : "dimanĉo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/eo.json b/lib/l10n/eo.json
index ac09fd8f60c..d1ee6520449 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/eo.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/eo.json
@@ -99,17 +99,17 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Kunhava interna servo %s devas realigi la interfacon „OCP\\Share_Backend“",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Kunhava interna servo %s ne troviĝas",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Kunhava interna servo por %s ne troviĝas",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Alklaku la butonon ĉi-sube por malfermi ĝin.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Malfermi „%s“",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s pere de %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi kaj volas aldoni:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi kaj volas aldoni",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "„%s“ aldonis noton al dosiero kunhavigita kun vi",
- "Open »%s«" : "Malfermi „%s“",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s pere de %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Vi ne permesatas kunhavigi %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ne eblas pliigi permesojn de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Limdato troviĝas en la estinteco",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s kunhavigis „%2$s“ kun vi.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Alklaku la butonon ĉi-sube por malfermi ĝin.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "La petita kunhavo ne plu ekzistas",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Ne troviĝis kategorio „%s“",
"Sunday" : "dimanĉo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es.js b/lib/l10n/es.js
index 694c2fbba1b..04b378cd6f4 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El motor compartido %s debe implementar la interfaz OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "El motor compartido %s no se ha encontrado",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Motor compartido para %s no encontrado",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz clic en el botón de abajo para abrirlo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s« ",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s vía %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo y quiere añadir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo y quiere añadir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "«%s» ha añadido una nota a un archivo compartido contigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s« ",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s vía %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Usted no está autorizado para compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Los archivos no se pueden compartir con permisos de borrado",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n día en el futuro.","No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro.","No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro."],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sólo está permitido compartir a los integrantes del grupo",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "No se pudo compartir %s porque este elemento ya está compartido con el usuario %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz clic en el botón de abajo para abrirlo.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "El recurso compartido solicitado proviene de un usuario deshabilitado",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "El usuario no fue creado ya que el límite de usuarios fue alcanzado. Compruebe sus notificaciones para aprender más.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es.json b/lib/l10n/es.json
index 0342379063c..f379951e9be 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El motor compartido %s debe implementar la interfaz OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "El motor compartido %s no se ha encontrado",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Motor compartido para %s no encontrado",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz clic en el botón de abajo para abrirlo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s« ",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s vía %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo y quiere añadir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo y quiere añadir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "«%s» ha añadido una nota a un archivo compartido contigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s« ",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s vía %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Usted no está autorizado para compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Los archivos no se pueden compartir con permisos de borrado",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n día en el futuro.","No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro.","No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro."],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sólo está permitido compartir a los integrantes del grupo",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "No se pudo compartir %s porque este elemento ya está compartido con el usuario %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha compartido «%2$s» contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz clic en el botón de abajo para abrirlo.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "El recurso compartido solicitado proviene de un usuario deshabilitado",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "El usuario no fue creado ya que el límite de usuarios fue alcanzado. Compruebe sus notificaciones para aprender más.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_419.js b/lib/l10n/es_419.js
index 7893a4e8cbf..37607ddae6b 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_419.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_419.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_419.json b/lib/l10n/es_419.json
index acdf3cc2912..ad6e7de5768 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_419.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_419.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_AR.js b/lib/l10n/es_AR.js
index 8ce89ae0b30..6f13afee82c 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_AR.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_AR.js
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haga click en el botón de abajo para abrirlo.",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tiene permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración ya ha pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haga click en el botón de abajo para abrirlo.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
"Monday" : "Lunes",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_AR.json b/lib/l10n/es_AR.json
index 29230048ce2..8a094e33a52 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_AR.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_AR.json
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haga click en el botón de abajo para abrirlo.",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tiene permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración ya ha pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haga click en el botón de abajo para abrirlo.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
"Monday" : "Lunes",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_CL.js b/lib/l10n/es_CL.js
index 2c9154891ba..420a6dc46f5 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_CL.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_CL.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_CL.json b/lib/l10n/es_CL.json
index 971af5dcaca..de57351a1ff 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_CL.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_CL.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_CO.js b/lib/l10n/es_CO.js
index ff14f116080..6404762d485 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_CO.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_CO.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_CO.json b/lib/l10n/es_CO.json
index 95abef41e28..6b6fa6911b4 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_CO.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_CO.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_CR.js b/lib/l10n/es_CR.js
index e8e718f8075..c01abbe98fa 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_CR.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_CR.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_CR.json b/lib/l10n/es_CR.json
index e57214530c3..851ed88d1a6 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_CR.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_CR.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_DO.js b/lib/l10n/es_DO.js
index 65148359502..c3be74e670d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_DO.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_DO.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_DO.json b/lib/l10n/es_DO.json
index 4e59308ed19..8a747ccb490 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_DO.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_DO.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_EC.js b/lib/l10n/es_EC.js
index 2ab0a9ab900..f1f033a2af6 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -127,11 +127,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s a través de %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo y quiere añadir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo y quiere añadir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« añadió una nota a un archivo compartido contigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s a través de %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "No se pueden compartir archivos con permisos de eliminación",
@@ -139,9 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No se puede establecer una fecha de caducidad más de %n día en el futuro","No se puede establecer una fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro","No se puede establecer una fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Solo se permite compartir con miembros del grupo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "No se creó el usuario porque se ha alcanzado el límite de usuarios. Consulta tus notificaciones para obtener más información.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_EC.json b/lib/l10n/es_EC.json
index 3786cca60f3..99782fd6a5a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s a través de %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo y quiere añadir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo y quiere añadir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« añadió una nota a un archivo compartido contigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s a través de %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "No se pueden compartir archivos con permisos de eliminación",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No se puede establecer una fecha de caducidad más de %n día en el futuro","No se puede establecer una fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro","No se puede establecer una fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Solo se permite compartir con miembros del grupo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "No se creó el usuario porque se ha alcanzado el límite de usuarios. Consulta tus notificaciones para obtener más información.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_GT.js b/lib/l10n/es_GT.js
index 0e0a08c7b68..9cce418a632 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_GT.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_GT.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_GT.json b/lib/l10n/es_GT.json
index 01dd1bc0325..03ee015248c 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_GT.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_GT.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_HN.js b/lib/l10n/es_HN.js
index 8588f1d6c06..aece48c35c1 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_HN.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_HN.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_HN.json b/lib/l10n/es_HN.json
index 1c366c42cdd..d0a84725240 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_HN.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_HN.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_MX.js b/lib/l10n/es_MX.js
index 0ec8bb368df..4fa0d2efb9c 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_MX.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_MX.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s vía %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo y quiere añadir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo y quiere añadir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« añadió una nota a un archivo compartido contigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s vía %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "No se pueden compartir archivos con permisos de eliminación",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n día en el futuro","No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro","No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sólo está permitido compartir a los miembros del grupo",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "No se pudo compartir %s porque este elemento ya está compartido con el usuario %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "El recurso compartido solicitado proviene de un usuario deshabilitado",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "No se creó el usuario porque se ha alcanzado el límite de usuarios. Consulta tus notificaciones para obtener más información.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_MX.json b/lib/l10n/es_MX.json
index cfc14d941d6..b0d11f79ffb 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_MX.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_MX.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s vía %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo y quiere añadir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo y quiere añadir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« añadió una nota a un archivo compartido contigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s vía %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "No se pueden compartir archivos con permisos de eliminación",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n día en el futuro","No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro","No se puede fijar la fecha de caducidad más de %n días en el futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sólo está permitido compartir a los miembros del grupo",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "No se pudo compartir %s porque este elemento ya está compartido con el usuario %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartió »%2$s« contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "El recurso compartido solicitado proviene de un usuario deshabilitado",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "No se creó el usuario porque se ha alcanzado el límite de usuarios. Consulta tus notificaciones para obtener más información.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_NI.js b/lib/l10n/es_NI.js
index a80facf727e..d150e701574 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_NI.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_NI.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_NI.json b/lib/l10n/es_NI.json
index d65402fe4c7..b75ac0213a2 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_NI.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_NI.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_PA.js b/lib/l10n/es_PA.js
index 6e39b9a214c..26a57ddf452 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_PA.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_PA.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_PA.json b/lib/l10n/es_PA.json
index 36e2259537b..3b9e4d78865 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_PA.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_PA.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_PE.js b/lib/l10n/es_PE.js
index f7ffd1c3f41..48e06b60b9d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_PE.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_PE.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_PE.json b/lib/l10n/es_PE.json
index fcd935d5056..27f725fee45 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_PE.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_PE.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_PR.js b/lib/l10n/es_PR.js
index f15c4f330f6..72c8e7f99a2 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_PR.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_PR.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_PR.json b/lib/l10n/es_PR.json
index a1bfdf46421..65b25271ede 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_PR.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_PR.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_PY.js b/lib/l10n/es_PY.js
index 45e55c94842..e5d5459d1e6 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_PY.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_PY.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_PY.json b/lib/l10n/es_PY.json
index 7b7be7c2c0c..db1b42456fb 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_PY.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_PY.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_SV.js b/lib/l10n/es_SV.js
index c2be2e33b1f..735c194e11e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_SV.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_SV.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_SV.json b/lib/l10n/es_SV.json
index cc04eb09ed1..a9d1f4cc4a9 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_SV.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_SV.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_UY.js b/lib/l10n/es_UY.js
index 69e5fbdb88a..27db13fc771 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_UY.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_UY.js
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_UY.json b/lib/l10n/es_UY.json
index 04ab10474e4..97cbb5d3f2b 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_UY.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_UY.json
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "El backend %s que comparte debe implementar la interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte %s ",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "No fue encontrado el Backend que comparte para %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tienes permitido compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No se pueden incrementar los permisos de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La fecha de expiración se encuentra en el pasado",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Haz click en el botón inferior para abrirlo. ",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "El recurso compartido solicitado ya no existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No fue posible encontrar la categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/et_EE.js b/lib/l10n/et_EE.js
index 6dd8f28688d..eca2dc1715f 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/et_EE.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/et_EE.js
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Jagamise tagarakend %s peab kasutusele võtma OCP\\Share_Backend liidese",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Jagamise tagarakendit %s ei leitud",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Jagamise tagarakendit %s jaoks ei leitud",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Vajuta allolevat nuppu, et see avada.",
"Open »%s«" : "Ava »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Sul pole lubatud %s jagada",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ei saa %s õigusi suurendada",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Aegumise kuupäev on minevikus",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Vajuta allolevat nuppu, et see avada.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Soovitud jagamist enam ei eksisteeri",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Ei leia kategooriat \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Pühapäev",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/et_EE.json b/lib/l10n/et_EE.json
index fd09305df0c..9852bbaa4ef 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/et_EE.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/et_EE.json
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Jagamise tagarakend %s peab kasutusele võtma OCP\\Share_Backend liidese",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Jagamise tagarakendit %s ei leitud",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Jagamise tagarakendit %s jaoks ei leitud",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Vajuta allolevat nuppu, et see avada.",
"Open »%s«" : "Ava »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Sul pole lubatud %s jagada",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ei saa %s õigusi suurendada",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Aegumise kuupäev on minevikus",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Vajuta allolevat nuppu, et see avada.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Soovitud jagamist enam ei eksisteeri",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Ei leia kategooriat \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Pühapäev",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/eu.js b/lib/l10n/eu.js
index c2c246335e6..ee23a2dff8a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/eu.js
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"seconds ago" : "duela segundo batzuk",
"Empty file" : "Fitxategi hutsa",
"Module with ID: %s does not exist. Please enable it in your apps settings or contact your administrator." : "%s IDa duen modulua ez da existitzen. Gaitu zure aplikazioen ezarpenetan edo jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin.",
+ "Invalid filename extension \"%1$s\"" : "\"%1$s\" fitxategi luzapen baliogabea",
"File already exists" : "Badago izen bereko fitxategi bat",
"Invalid path" : "Bide-izen baliogabea",
"Failed to create file from template" : "Fitxategi berria txantiloitik sortzeak huts egin du",
@@ -139,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "%s partekatze motorrak OCP\\Share_Backend interfazea inplementatu behar du ",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ez da %s partekatze motorra aurkitu",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ez da %s(e)rako partekatze motorrik aurkitu",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Egin klik beheko botoian hura irekitzeko.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Ireki »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%2$s bidez, %1$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin eta hau gehitu nahi du:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin eta hau gehitu nahi du",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« erabiltzaileak ohar bat gehitu du partekatu dizun fitxategi batean",
- "Open »%s«" : "Ireki »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%2$s bidez, %1$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Ez duzu %s partekatzeko baimenik",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ezin dira %s(r)en baimenak handitu",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Fitxategiak ezin dira ezabatze baimenarekin partekatu",
@@ -152,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Ezin da iraungitze-data etorkizunean %n egun baino gehiagora jarri","Ezin da iraungitze-data etorkizunean %n egun baino gehiagora jarri"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Taldeko kideekin bakarrik parteka daiteke",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "%s partekatzeak huts egin du, dagoeneko %s kontuarekin partekatuta dagoelako",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Egin klik beheko botoian hura irekitzeko.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Eskatutako partekatzea ez da existitzen dagoeneko",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Eskatutako partekatzea desgaitutako erabiltzaile batengatik dator",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Ezin izan da erabiltzailea sortu, erabiltzaile muga gainditu delako. Egiaztatu zure jakinarazpenak gehiago jakiteko.",
@@ -297,11 +298,33 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Generated reply" : "Sortutako erantzuna",
"The generated text from the assistant" : "Laguntzaileak sortutako testua",
"Chat" : "Chat",
+ "Chat with the assistant" : "Hitz egin txat bidez laguntzailarekin",
+ "Define rules and assumptions that the assistant should follow during the conversation." : "Definitu elkarrizketan zehar txat laguntzaileak jarraitu beharko lituzkeen arau eta suposizioak.",
+ "Chat message" : "Txat mezua",
+ "Chat history" : "Txat historia",
+ "The history of chat messages before the current message, starting with a message by the user" : "Uneko mezuaren aurreko txat mezuen historia, erabiltzailearen mezu batetik hasita",
+ "Response message" : "Erantzun mezua",
+ "The generated response as part of the conversation" : "Sorturiko erantzuna, elkarrizketaren zati gisa",
+ "Formalize text" : "Formaldu testua",
+ "Takes a text and makes it sound more formal" : "Testu bat hartzen du eta doinu formalagoa ematen dio.",
+ "Write a text that you want the assistant to formalize" : "Idatz ezazu laguntzaileak formaltzea nahi duzun testu bat",
+ "Formalized text" : "Formaldutako testua",
+ "The formalized text" : "Formaldutako testua",
"Generate a headline" : "Sortu izenburu bat",
"Generates a possible headline for a text." : "Testu baten izenburu posiblea sortzen du.",
"Original text" : "Jatorrizko testua",
"The original text to generate a headline for" : "Izenburu bat sortzeko jatorrizko testua",
"The generated headline" : "Sortutako izenburua",
+ "Reformulate text" : "Birformulatu testua",
+ "Takes a text and reformulates it" : "Testu bat hartu eta birformulatu egiten du",
+ "Write a text that you want the assistant to reformulate" : "Idatz ezazu laguntzaileak birformulatzea nahi duzun testu bat",
+ "Reformulated text" : "Birformulatutako testua",
+ "The reformulated text, written by the assistant" : "Birformulaturiko testua, laguntzaileak idatzia",
+ "Simplify text" : "Sinpletu testua",
+ "Takes a text and simplifies it" : "Testu bat hartu eta sinpletu egiten du",
+ "Write a text that you want the assistant to simplify" : "Idatz ezazu laguntzaileak sinpletzea nahi duzun testu bat",
+ "Simplified text" : "Sinpletutako testua",
+ "The simplified text" : "Sinpletutako testua",
"Summarize" : "Laburtu",
"Summarizes a text" : "Laburtu testu bat",
"The original text to summarize" : "Laburtu beharreko jatorrizko testua",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/eu.json b/lib/l10n/eu.json
index 4073f422450..cca34f59719 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/eu.json
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
"seconds ago" : "duela segundo batzuk",
"Empty file" : "Fitxategi hutsa",
"Module with ID: %s does not exist. Please enable it in your apps settings or contact your administrator." : "%s IDa duen modulua ez da existitzen. Gaitu zure aplikazioen ezarpenetan edo jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin.",
+ "Invalid filename extension \"%1$s\"" : "\"%1$s\" fitxategi luzapen baliogabea",
"File already exists" : "Badago izen bereko fitxategi bat",
"Invalid path" : "Bide-izen baliogabea",
"Failed to create file from template" : "Fitxategi berria txantiloitik sortzeak huts egin du",
@@ -137,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "%s partekatze motorrak OCP\\Share_Backend interfazea inplementatu behar du ",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ez da %s partekatze motorra aurkitu",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ez da %s(e)rako partekatze motorrik aurkitu",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Egin klik beheko botoian hura irekitzeko.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Ireki »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%2$s bidez, %1$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin eta hau gehitu nahi du:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin eta hau gehitu nahi du",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« erabiltzaileak ohar bat gehitu du partekatu dizun fitxategi batean",
- "Open »%s«" : "Ireki »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%2$s bidez, %1$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Ez duzu %s partekatzeko baimenik",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ezin dira %s(r)en baimenak handitu",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Fitxategiak ezin dira ezabatze baimenarekin partekatu",
@@ -150,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Ezin da iraungitze-data etorkizunean %n egun baino gehiagora jarri","Ezin da iraungitze-data etorkizunean %n egun baino gehiagora jarri"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Taldeko kideekin bakarrik parteka daiteke",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "%s partekatzeak huts egin du, dagoeneko %s kontuarekin partekatuta dagoelako",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Egin klik beheko botoian hura irekitzeko.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Eskatutako partekatzea ez da existitzen dagoeneko",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Eskatutako partekatzea desgaitutako erabiltzaile batengatik dator",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Ezin izan da erabiltzailea sortu, erabiltzaile muga gainditu delako. Egiaztatu zure jakinarazpenak gehiago jakiteko.",
@@ -295,11 +296,33 @@
"Generated reply" : "Sortutako erantzuna",
"The generated text from the assistant" : "Laguntzaileak sortutako testua",
"Chat" : "Chat",
+ "Chat with the assistant" : "Hitz egin txat bidez laguntzailarekin",
+ "Define rules and assumptions that the assistant should follow during the conversation." : "Definitu elkarrizketan zehar txat laguntzaileak jarraitu beharko lituzkeen arau eta suposizioak.",
+ "Chat message" : "Txat mezua",
+ "Chat history" : "Txat historia",
+ "The history of chat messages before the current message, starting with a message by the user" : "Uneko mezuaren aurreko txat mezuen historia, erabiltzailearen mezu batetik hasita",
+ "Response message" : "Erantzun mezua",
+ "The generated response as part of the conversation" : "Sorturiko erantzuna, elkarrizketaren zati gisa",
+ "Formalize text" : "Formaldu testua",
+ "Takes a text and makes it sound more formal" : "Testu bat hartzen du eta doinu formalagoa ematen dio.",
+ "Write a text that you want the assistant to formalize" : "Idatz ezazu laguntzaileak formaltzea nahi duzun testu bat",
+ "Formalized text" : "Formaldutako testua",
+ "The formalized text" : "Formaldutako testua",
"Generate a headline" : "Sortu izenburu bat",
"Generates a possible headline for a text." : "Testu baten izenburu posiblea sortzen du.",
"Original text" : "Jatorrizko testua",
"The original text to generate a headline for" : "Izenburu bat sortzeko jatorrizko testua",
"The generated headline" : "Sortutako izenburua",
+ "Reformulate text" : "Birformulatu testua",
+ "Takes a text and reformulates it" : "Testu bat hartu eta birformulatu egiten du",
+ "Write a text that you want the assistant to reformulate" : "Idatz ezazu laguntzaileak birformulatzea nahi duzun testu bat",
+ "Reformulated text" : "Birformulatutako testua",
+ "The reformulated text, written by the assistant" : "Birformulaturiko testua, laguntzaileak idatzia",
+ "Simplify text" : "Sinpletu testua",
+ "Takes a text and simplifies it" : "Testu bat hartu eta sinpletu egiten du",
+ "Write a text that you want the assistant to simplify" : "Idatz ezazu laguntzaileak sinpletzea nahi duzun testu bat",
+ "Simplified text" : "Sinpletutako testua",
+ "The simplified text" : "Sinpletutako testua",
"Summarize" : "Laburtu",
"Summarizes a text" : "Laburtu testu bat",
"The original text to summarize" : "Laburtu beharreko jatorrizko testua",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fa.js b/lib/l10n/fa.js
index 542c6586c45..bf7a9a8080e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fa.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/fa.js
@@ -127,11 +127,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "به اشتراک گذاشتن باطن باید رابط OCP \\ Share_Backend %sرا پیاده سازی کند",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "به اشتراک گذاشتن باطن%s یافت نشد",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "به اشتراک گذاشتن باطن برای%s یافت نشد",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته » %2$s« با شما",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته » %2$s« با شما",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "برای باز کردن آن روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "باز کن »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s از طریق %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته شده »%2$s« با شماست و می خواهد اضافه کند:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته شده »%2$s« با شماست و می خواهد اضافه کند:",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« یادداشتی را به پرونده ای که با شما به اشتراک گذاشته شده است اضافه کرد",
- "Open »%s«" : "باز کن »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s از طریق %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "شما مجاز به اشتراک گذاری نیستید%s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Cannot increase permissions of %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Files cannot be shared with delete permissions",
@@ -139,9 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "تاریخ انقضا در گذشته است",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future","Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sharing is only allowed with group members",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته » %2$s« با شما",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته » %2$s« با شما",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "برای باز کردن آن روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "سهم درخواست شده دیگر وجود ندارد",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "دسته بندی %s یافت نشد",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fa.json b/lib/l10n/fa.json
index dbe6e2d586c..49b273643f2 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fa.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/fa.json
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "به اشتراک گذاشتن باطن باید رابط OCP \\ Share_Backend %sرا پیاده سازی کند",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "به اشتراک گذاشتن باطن%s یافت نشد",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "به اشتراک گذاشتن باطن برای%s یافت نشد",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته » %2$s« با شما",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته » %2$s« با شما",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "برای باز کردن آن روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "باز کن »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s از طریق %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته شده »%2$s« با شماست و می خواهد اضافه کند:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته شده »%2$s« با شماست و می خواهد اضافه کند:",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« یادداشتی را به پرونده ای که با شما به اشتراک گذاشته شده است اضافه کرد",
- "Open »%s«" : "باز کن »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s از طریق %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "شما مجاز به اشتراک گذاری نیستید%s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Cannot increase permissions of %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Files cannot be shared with delete permissions",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "تاریخ انقضا در گذشته است",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future","Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sharing is only allowed with group members",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته » %2$s« با شما",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s به اشتراک گذاشته » %2$s« با شما",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "برای باز کردن آن روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "سهم درخواست شده دیگر وجود ندارد",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "دسته بندی %s یافت نشد",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fi.js b/lib/l10n/fi.js
index b785e91b3cf..3caaae3633b 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/fi.js
@@ -112,11 +112,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Set an admin password." : "Aseta ylläpitäjän salasana.",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Jakamisen taustaosaa %s ei löytynyt",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Jakamisen taustaosaa kohteelle %s ei löytynyt",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Napsauta alla olevaa painiketta avataksesi sen.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Avaa »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s palvelun %2$s kautta",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi ja haluaa lisätä:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi ja haluaa lisätä",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« lisäsi huomion jakamaasi tiedostoon",
- "Open »%s«" : "Avaa »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s palvelun %2$s kautta",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Oikeutesi eivät riitä kohteen %s jakamiseen.",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kohteen %s käyttöoikeuksien lisääminen ei onnistu",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Tiedostoja ei voi jakaa poistamisoikeuksilla",
@@ -124,9 +127,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Vanhenemispäivä on menneisyydessä",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Vanhenemispäivän voi asettaa korkeintaan %n päivään tulevaisuuteen","Vanhenemispäivän voi asettaa korkeintaan %n päivään tulevaisuuteen"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Jakaminen on sallittu vain ryhmäjäsenten kesken",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Napsauta alla olevaa painiketta avataksesi sen.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Pyydettyä jakoa ei ole enää olemassa",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Käyttäjää ei luotu, koska käyttäjäraja on tullut täyteen. Tarkista ilmoitukset saadaksesi lisätietoja.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Luokkaa \"%s\" ei löytynyt",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fi.json b/lib/l10n/fi.json
index 7786c7b3be2..8f15dd06a9e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/fi.json
@@ -110,11 +110,14 @@
"Set an admin password." : "Aseta ylläpitäjän salasana.",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Jakamisen taustaosaa %s ei löytynyt",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Jakamisen taustaosaa kohteelle %s ei löytynyt",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Napsauta alla olevaa painiketta avataksesi sen.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Avaa »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s palvelun %2$s kautta",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi ja haluaa lisätä:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi ja haluaa lisätä",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« lisäsi huomion jakamaasi tiedostoon",
- "Open »%s«" : "Avaa »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s palvelun %2$s kautta",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Oikeutesi eivät riitä kohteen %s jakamiseen.",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kohteen %s käyttöoikeuksien lisääminen ei onnistu",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Tiedostoja ei voi jakaa poistamisoikeuksilla",
@@ -122,9 +125,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Vanhenemispäivä on menneisyydessä",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Vanhenemispäivän voi asettaa korkeintaan %n päivään tulevaisuuteen","Vanhenemispäivän voi asettaa korkeintaan %n päivään tulevaisuuteen"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Jakaminen on sallittu vain ryhmäjäsenten kesken",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s jakoi kohteen »%2$s« kanssasi.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Napsauta alla olevaa painiketta avataksesi sen.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Pyydettyä jakoa ei ole enää olemassa",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Käyttäjää ei luotu, koska käyttäjäraja on tullut täyteen. Tarkista ilmoitukset saadaksesi lisätietoja.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Luokkaa \"%s\" ei löytynyt",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fr.js b/lib/l10n/fr.js
index b68be80d289..3e0fa3e83c2 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/fr.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Le service de partage %s doit implémenter l'interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Service de partage %s non trouvé",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Le service de partage pour %s est introuvable",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour l'ouvrir",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Ouvrir « %s »",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous et souhaite ajouter :",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous et souhaite ajouter",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s a ajouté une note à un fichier partagé avec vous",
- "Open »%s«" : "Ouvrir « %s »",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à partager %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Impossible d'augmenter les permissions de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Les fichiers ne peuvent pas être partagés avec les autorisations de suppression",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Impossible de définir la date d'expiration à dans plus de %n jour","Impossible de définir la date d'expiration à dans plus de %n jours","Impossible de définir la date d'expiration à dans plus de %n jours"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Le partage n'est que possible qu'avec les membres du groupe",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Impossible de partager %s car il est déjà partagé avec le compte %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour l'ouvrir",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Le partage demandé n'existe plus",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Le partage demandé provient d'un utilisateur désactivé",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "L'utilisateur n'a pas été créé car la limite du nombre d'utilisateurs a été atteinte. Consultez vos notifications pour en savoir plus.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fr.json b/lib/l10n/fr.json
index e95c602e29d..71ad2e821e0 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/fr.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Le service de partage %s doit implémenter l'interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Service de partage %s non trouvé",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Le service de partage pour %s est introuvable",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour l'ouvrir",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Ouvrir « %s »",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous et souhaite ajouter :",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous et souhaite ajouter",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s a ajouté une note à un fichier partagé avec vous",
- "Open »%s«" : "Ouvrir « %s »",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à partager %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Impossible d'augmenter les permissions de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Les fichiers ne peuvent pas être partagés avec les autorisations de suppression",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Impossible de définir la date d'expiration à dans plus de %n jour","Impossible de définir la date d'expiration à dans plus de %n jours","Impossible de définir la date d'expiration à dans plus de %n jours"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Le partage n'est que possible qu'avec les membres du groupe",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Impossible de partager %s car il est déjà partagé avec le compte %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s a partagé « %2$s » avec vous.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour l'ouvrir",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Le partage demandé n'existe plus",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Le partage demandé provient d'un utilisateur désactivé",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "L'utilisateur n'a pas été créé car la limite du nombre d'utilisateurs a été atteinte. Consultez vos notifications pour en savoir plus.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ga.js b/lib/l10n/ga.js
index fb04acc78c6..94618cba130 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ga.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ga.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Má tá inneall %s á roinnt ní mór an comhéadan OCP\\Share_Backend a chur i bhfeidhm",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ní bhfuarthas inneall comhroinnte %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ní bhfuarthas inneall roinnte le haghaidh %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "Roinn %1$s »%2$s« leat",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "Roinn %1$s »%2$s« leat.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliceáil ar an gcnaipe thíos chun é a oscailt.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Oscail »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s trí %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« added a note to a file shared with you",
- "Open »%s«" : "Oscail »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s trí %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Níl cead agat %s a roinnt",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ní féidir ceadanna %s a mhéadú",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Ní féidir comhaid a roinnt le ceadanna scriosta",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future","Ní féidir dáta éaga níos mó ná %n lá a shocrú amach anseo","Ní féidir dáta éaga níos mó ná %n lá a shocrú amach anseo","Ní féidir dáta éaga níos mó ná %n lá a shocrú amach anseo","Ní féidir dáta éaga níos mó ná %n lá a shocrú amach anseo"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Ní cheadaítear comhroinnt ach le baill an ghrúpa",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Theip ar chomhroinnt %s, toisc go bhfuil an mhír seo roinnte cheana féin leis an gcuntas %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "Roinn %1$s »%2$s« leat",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "Roinn %1$s »%2$s« leat.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliceáil ar an gcnaipe thíos chun é a oscailt.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Níl an sciar iarrtha ann a thuilleadh",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Tagann an sciar iarrtha ó úsáideoir díchumasaithe",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Níor cruthaíodh an t-úsáideoir toisc go bhfuil an teorainn úsáideora bainte amach. Seiceáil d'fhógraí chun tuilleadh a fhoghlaim.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ga.json b/lib/l10n/ga.json
index b968037e117..896ddcedd39 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ga.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ga.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Má tá inneall %s á roinnt ní mór an comhéadan OCP\\Share_Backend a chur i bhfeidhm",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ní bhfuarthas inneall comhroinnte %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ní bhfuarthas inneall roinnte le haghaidh %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "Roinn %1$s »%2$s« leat",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "Roinn %1$s »%2$s« leat.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliceáil ar an gcnaipe thíos chun é a oscailt.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Oscail »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s trí %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« added a note to a file shared with you",
- "Open »%s«" : "Oscail »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s trí %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Níl cead agat %s a roinnt",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ní féidir ceadanna %s a mhéadú",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Ní féidir comhaid a roinnt le ceadanna scriosta",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future","Ní féidir dáta éaga níos mó ná %n lá a shocrú amach anseo","Ní féidir dáta éaga níos mó ná %n lá a shocrú amach anseo","Ní féidir dáta éaga níos mó ná %n lá a shocrú amach anseo","Ní féidir dáta éaga níos mó ná %n lá a shocrú amach anseo"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Ní cheadaítear comhroinnt ach le baill an ghrúpa",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Theip ar chomhroinnt %s, toisc go bhfuil an mhír seo roinnte cheana féin leis an gcuntas %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "Roinn %1$s »%2$s« leat",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "Roinn %1$s »%2$s« leat.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Cliceáil ar an gcnaipe thíos chun é a oscailt.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Níl an sciar iarrtha ann a thuilleadh",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Tagann an sciar iarrtha ó úsáideoir díchumasaithe",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Níor cruthaíodh an t-úsáideoir toisc go bhfuil an teorainn úsáideora bainte amach. Seiceáil d'fhógraí chun tuilleadh a fhoghlaim.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/gl.js b/lib/l10n/gl.js
index 3224d0bc344..9891aa7970d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/gl.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "A infraestrutura de compartición %s ten que implementar a interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Non se atopou a infraestrutura de compartición %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Non se atopou a infraestrutura de compartición para %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Prema no botón de embaixo para abrilo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s mediante %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde. e quere engadir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde. e quere engadir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "«%s» engadiu unha nota a un ficheiro compartido con Vde.",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s mediante %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Non ten permiso para compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Non é posíbel incrementar os permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Non é posíbel compartir ficheiros con permisos de eliminación",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Non é posíbel estabelecer a data de caducidade máis alo de %n día no futuro","Non é posíbel estabelecer a data de caducidade máis alo de %n días no futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Só se permite compartir cos membros do grupo",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Produciuse un fallo ao compartir %s, porque este elemento xa se comparte coa conta %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Prema no botón de embaixo para abrilo.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "A compartición solicitada xa non existe",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "A compartición solicitada procede dun usuario desactivado",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Non se creou o usuario porque acadouse o límite de usuarios. Consulte as súas notificacións para obter máis información.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/gl.json b/lib/l10n/gl.json
index e522ae061b8..2842ee36c59 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/gl.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "A infraestrutura de compartición %s ten que implementar a interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Non se atopou a infraestrutura de compartición %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Non se atopou a infraestrutura de compartición para %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Prema no botón de embaixo para abrilo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s mediante %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde. e quere engadir:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde. e quere engadir",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "«%s» engadiu unha nota a un ficheiro compartido con Vde.",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s mediante %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Non ten permiso para compartir %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Non é posíbel incrementar os permisos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Non é posíbel compartir ficheiros con permisos de eliminación",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Non é posíbel estabelecer a data de caducidade máis alo de %n día no futuro","Non é posíbel estabelecer a data de caducidade máis alo de %n días no futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Só se permite compartir cos membros do grupo",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Produciuse un fallo ao compartir %s, porque este elemento xa se comparte coa conta %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartiu «%2$s» con Vde.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Prema no botón de embaixo para abrilo.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "A compartición solicitada xa non existe",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "A compartición solicitada procede dun usuario desactivado",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Non se creou o usuario porque acadouse o límite de usuarios. Consulte as súas notificacións para obter máis información.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/he.js b/lib/l10n/he.js
index 638133a4cb7..22ecab683f0 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/he.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/he.js
@@ -78,17 +78,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "צד אחורי לשיתוף %s חייב ליישם את ממשק OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "צד אחורי לשיתוף %s לא נמצא",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "צד אחורי לשיתוף של %s לא נמצא",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%2$s שותף אתך על ידי %1$s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "„%2$s” שותף אתך על ידי %1$s.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "יש ללחוץ על הכפתור להלן כדי לפתוח אותו.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "פתיחת „%s”",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s דרך %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s שיתף » %2$s« איתך, ורוצה להוסיף:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$sשיתף »%2$s« איתך, ורוצה להוסיף:",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "התווספה הערה על קובץ ששותף את על ידי „%s”",
- "Open »%s«" : "פתיחת „%s”",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s דרך %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "אינך רשאי/ת לשתף %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "לא ניתן להוסיף על ההרשאות של %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "תאריך תפוגה הנו בעבר",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%2$s שותף אתך על ידי %1$s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "„%2$s” שותף אתך על ידי %1$s.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "יש ללחוץ על הכפתור להלן כדי לפתוח אותו.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "השיתוף המבוקש אינו קיים עוד",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "לא ניתן למצוא את הקטגוריה „%s“",
"Sunday" : "יום ראשון",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/he.json b/lib/l10n/he.json
index 835495c69da..72dd02f91bb 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/he.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/he.json
@@ -76,17 +76,17 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "צד אחורי לשיתוף %s חייב ליישם את ממשק OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "צד אחורי לשיתוף %s לא נמצא",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "צד אחורי לשיתוף של %s לא נמצא",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%2$s שותף אתך על ידי %1$s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "„%2$s” שותף אתך על ידי %1$s.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "יש ללחוץ על הכפתור להלן כדי לפתוח אותו.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "פתיחת „%s”",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s דרך %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s שיתף » %2$s« איתך, ורוצה להוסיף:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$sשיתף »%2$s« איתך, ורוצה להוסיף:",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "התווספה הערה על קובץ ששותף את על ידי „%s”",
- "Open »%s«" : "פתיחת „%s”",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s דרך %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "אינך רשאי/ת לשתף %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "לא ניתן להוסיף על ההרשאות של %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "תאריך תפוגה הנו בעבר",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%2$s שותף אתך על ידי %1$s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "„%2$s” שותף אתך על ידי %1$s.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "יש ללחוץ על הכפתור להלן כדי לפתוח אותו.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "השיתוף המבוקש אינו קיים עוד",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "לא ניתן למצוא את הקטגוריה „%s“",
"Sunday" : "יום ראשון",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/hr.js b/lib/l10n/hr.js
index 41eb551ff3a..ed0a309d76d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/hr.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/hr.js
@@ -115,11 +115,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Pozadina za dijeljenje %s mora implementirati sučelje OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Pozadina za dijeljenje %s nije pronađena",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Pozadina za dijeljenje za %s nije pronađena",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite gumb u nastavku za otvaranje.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Otvori »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s putem %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama i želi dodati:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama i želi dodati",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« je dodao bilješku datoteci koju dijeli s vama",
- "Open »%s«" : "Otvori »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s putem %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nije vam dopušteno dijeliti %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nije moguće povećati dopuštenja za %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Datoteke se ne mogu dijeliti s dopuštenjima za brisanje",
@@ -127,9 +130,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Datum isteka je u prošlosti",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Ne može se postaviti datum isteka više od %n dan u budućnosti","Ne može se postaviti datum isteka više od %n dana u budućnosti","Ne može se postaviti datum isteka više od %n dana u budućnosti"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Dijeljenje je dopušteno samo članovima grupe",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite gumb u nastavku za otvaranje.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Zatraženo dijeljenje više ne postoji",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Kategorija „%s” nije pronađena",
"Sunday" : "Nedjelja",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/hr.json b/lib/l10n/hr.json
index 68bd254549a..229ba43bae6 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/hr.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/hr.json
@@ -113,11 +113,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Pozadina za dijeljenje %s mora implementirati sučelje OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Pozadina za dijeljenje %s nije pronađena",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Pozadina za dijeljenje za %s nije pronađena",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite gumb u nastavku za otvaranje.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Otvori »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s putem %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama i želi dodati:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama i želi dodati",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« je dodao bilješku datoteci koju dijeli s vama",
- "Open »%s«" : "Otvori »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s putem %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nije vam dopušteno dijeliti %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nije moguće povećati dopuštenja za %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Datoteke se ne mogu dijeliti s dopuštenjima za brisanje",
@@ -125,9 +128,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Datum isteka je u prošlosti",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Ne može se postaviti datum isteka više od %n dan u budućnosti","Ne može se postaviti datum isteka više od %n dana u budućnosti","Ne može se postaviti datum isteka više od %n dana u budućnosti"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Dijeljenje je dopušteno samo članovima grupe",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite gumb u nastavku za otvaranje.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Zatraženo dijeljenje više ne postoji",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Kategorija „%s” nije pronađena",
"Sunday" : "Nedjelja",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/hu.js b/lib/l10n/hu.js
index 2a2c5ad2e46..840a6663c50 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/hu.js
@@ -127,11 +127,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "A(z) %s megosztási alrendszernek meg kell valósítania az OCP\\Share_Backend interfészt",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "A(z) %s megosztási alrendszer nem található",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "A(z) %s megosztási alrendszere nem található",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kattintson a lenti gombra a megnyitáshoz.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "A(z) „%s” megnyitása",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s – %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”, és hozzá akarja adni:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”, és hozzá akarja adni",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "„%s” megjegyzést fűzött az Önnel megosztott fájlhoz",
- "Open »%s«" : "A(z) „%s” megnyitása",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s – %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nincs jogosultsága a(z) %s megosztásához",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "A(z) %s engedélyei nem bővíthetők",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "A fájlok nem oszthatók meg törlési jogosultsággal",
@@ -139,9 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "A lejárati dátum már elmúlt",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Nem állítható be %n napnál távolabbi lejárati dátum","Nem állítható be %n napnál távolabbi lejárati dátum"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "A megosztás csak a csoport tagjaival engedélyezett",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kattintson a lenti gombra a megnyitáshoz.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "A kért megosztás már nem létezik",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "A kért megosztás letiltott felhasználótól származik",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "A felhasználó nem jött létre, mert elérte a felhasználókorlátot. Nézze meg az értesítéseit, hogy többet tudjon meg.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/hu.json b/lib/l10n/hu.json
index 3d093e8f44e..b8307559ebe 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/hu.json
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "A(z) %s megosztási alrendszernek meg kell valósítania az OCP\\Share_Backend interfészt",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "A(z) %s megosztási alrendszer nem található",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "A(z) %s megosztási alrendszere nem található",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kattintson a lenti gombra a megnyitáshoz.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "A(z) „%s” megnyitása",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s – %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”, és hozzá akarja adni:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”, és hozzá akarja adni",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "„%s” megjegyzést fűzött az Önnel megosztott fájlhoz",
- "Open »%s«" : "A(z) „%s” megnyitása",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s – %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nincs jogosultsága a(z) %s megosztásához",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "A(z) %s engedélyei nem bővíthetők",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "A fájlok nem oszthatók meg törlési jogosultsággal",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "A lejárati dátum már elmúlt",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Nem állítható be %n napnál távolabbi lejárati dátum","Nem állítható be %n napnál távolabbi lejárati dátum"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "A megosztás csak a csoport tagjaival engedélyezett",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s megosztotta Önnel: „%2$s”.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kattintson a lenti gombra a megnyitáshoz.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "A kért megosztás már nem létezik",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "A kért megosztás letiltott felhasználótól származik",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "A felhasználó nem jött létre, mert elérte a felhasználókorlátot. Nézze meg az értesítéseit, hogy többet tudjon meg.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/is.js b/lib/l10n/is.js
index 9aaca441e53..65458cb7b09 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/is.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/is.js
@@ -127,11 +127,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Deilingarbakendinn %s verður að vera settur upp fyrir viðmótið OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Deilingarbakendinn %s fannst ekki",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Deilingarbakendi fyrir %s fannst ekki",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Smelltu á hnappinn hér fyrir neðan til að opna það.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Opna »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s með %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér og vill bæta við:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér og vill bæta við",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« bætti minnispunkti við skrá sem deilt er með þér",
- "Open »%s«" : "Opna »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s með %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Þú hefur ekki heimild til að deila %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Get ekki aukið aðgangsheimildir %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Ekki er hægt að deila skrá með eyða-heimildum",
@@ -139,9 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Gildistíminn er þegar runninn út",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Ekki er hægt að setja lokadagsetningu meira en %n dag fram í tímann","Ekki er hægt að setja lokadagsetningu meira en %n daga fram í tímann"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Deiling er aðeins leyfð með meðlimum hópsins",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Smelltu á hnappinn hér fyrir neðan til að opna það.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Umbeðin sameign er ekki lengur til",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Umbeðin sameign kemur frá notanda sem er óvirkur",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Notandinn var ekki búinn til þar sem takmörkum á fjölda notenda var náð. Skoðaðu tilkynningarnar þínar til að sjá meira.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/is.json b/lib/l10n/is.json
index 863bd801d7a..e760848429e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/is.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/is.json
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Deilingarbakendinn %s verður að vera settur upp fyrir viðmótið OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Deilingarbakendinn %s fannst ekki",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Deilingarbakendi fyrir %s fannst ekki",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Smelltu á hnappinn hér fyrir neðan til að opna það.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Opna »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s með %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér og vill bæta við:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér og vill bæta við",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« bætti minnispunkti við skrá sem deilt er með þér",
- "Open »%s«" : "Opna »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s með %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Þú hefur ekki heimild til að deila %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Get ekki aukið aðgangsheimildir %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Ekki er hægt að deila skrá með eyða-heimildum",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Gildistíminn er þegar runninn út",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Ekki er hægt að setja lokadagsetningu meira en %n dag fram í tímann","Ekki er hægt að setja lokadagsetningu meira en %n daga fram í tímann"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Deiling er aðeins leyfð með meðlimum hópsins",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s deildi »%2$s« með þér.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Smelltu á hnappinn hér fyrir neðan til að opna það.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Umbeðin sameign er ekki lengur til",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Umbeðin sameign kemur frá notanda sem er óvirkur",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Notandinn var ekki búinn til þar sem takmörkum á fjölda notenda var náð. Skoðaðu tilkynningarnar þínar til að sjá meira.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/it.js b/lib/l10n/it.js
index 9a9727cee20..f132e67a2d8 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/it.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/it.js
@@ -128,11 +128,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Il motore di condivisione %s deve implementare l'interfaccia OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Motore di condivisione %s non trovato",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Motore di condivisione di %s non trovato",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Fai clic sul pulsante sotto per aprirlo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Apri «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s tramite %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te e vuole aggiungere:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te e vuole aggiungere",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "«%s» ha aggiunto una nota a un file condiviso con te",
- "Open »%s«" : "Apri «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s tramite %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Non ti è consentito condividere %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Impossibile aumentare i permessi di %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "I file non possono essere condivisi con permessi di eliminazione",
@@ -140,9 +143,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La data di scadenza è nel passato",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Impossibile impostare la data di scadenza a più di %n giorni nel futuro","Impossibile impostare la data di scadenza a più di %n giorni nel futuro","Impossibile impostare la data di scadenza a più di %n giorni nel futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "La condivisione è consentita solo con i membri del gruppo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Fai clic sul pulsante sotto per aprirlo.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "La condivisione richiesta non esiste più",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "La condivisione richiesta proviene da un utente disabilitato",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "L'utente non è stato creato perché il limite è stato raggiunto. Controlla le notifiche per maggiori informazioni.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/it.json b/lib/l10n/it.json
index b17cc0afe92..4a2087d145a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/it.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/it.json
@@ -126,11 +126,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Il motore di condivisione %s deve implementare l'interfaccia OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Motore di condivisione %s non trovato",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Motore di condivisione di %s non trovato",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Fai clic sul pulsante sotto per aprirlo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Apri «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s tramite %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te e vuole aggiungere:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te e vuole aggiungere",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "«%s» ha aggiunto una nota a un file condiviso con te",
- "Open »%s«" : "Apri «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s tramite %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Non ti è consentito condividere %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Impossibile aumentare i permessi di %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "I file non possono essere condivisi con permessi di eliminazione",
@@ -138,9 +141,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "La data di scadenza è nel passato",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Impossibile impostare la data di scadenza a più di %n giorni nel futuro","Impossibile impostare la data di scadenza a più di %n giorni nel futuro","Impossibile impostare la data di scadenza a più di %n giorni nel futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "La condivisione è consentita solo con i membri del gruppo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s ha condiviso «%2$s» con te.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Fai clic sul pulsante sotto per aprirlo.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "La condivisione richiesta non esiste più",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "La condivisione richiesta proviene da un utente disabilitato",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "L'utente non è stato creato perché il limite è stato raggiunto. Controlla le notifiche per maggiori informazioni.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ja.js b/lib/l10n/ja.js
index 5c749c404f1..e0b997d1043 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ja.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "%s のバックエンドの共有には、OCP\\Share_Backend インターフェースを実装しなければなりません。",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "共有バックエンド %s が見つかりません",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s のための共有バックエンドが見つかりません",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s は »%2$s« をあなたと共有しました",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$sが あなたと »%2$s« を共有しました。",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "開くには下のボタンをクリック",
+ "Open »%s«" : "»%s«を開く",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s さんが »%2$s« にノートを追加しました。",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« があなたと共有しているファイルにノートを追加しました。 ",
- "Open »%s«" : "»%s«を開く",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "%s を共有することを許可されていません。",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "%sの権限を追加できません ",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "削除権限付きでファイルを共有できません",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["%n 日以上先の有効期限は設定できません "],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "共有はグループメンバーにのみ許可されます",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "このアイテム %s はすでにアカウント %s と共有されているため、共有に失敗しました",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s は »%2$s« をあなたと共有しました",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$sが あなたと »%2$s« を共有しました。",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "開くには下のボタンをクリック",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "この共有はもう存在しません。",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "要求された共有は無効化されたユーザーからのものです。",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "登録可能なユーザー数の上限に達したため、ユーザーは作成されませんでした。詳細については通知をご確認ください。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ja.json b/lib/l10n/ja.json
index 369d7ac0953..21632ea8def 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ja.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "%s のバックエンドの共有には、OCP\\Share_Backend インターフェースを実装しなければなりません。",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "共有バックエンド %s が見つかりません",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s のための共有バックエンドが見つかりません",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s は »%2$s« をあなたと共有しました",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$sが あなたと »%2$s« を共有しました。",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "開くには下のボタンをクリック",
+ "Open »%s«" : "»%s«を開く",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s さんが »%2$s« にノートを追加しました。",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« があなたと共有しているファイルにノートを追加しました。 ",
- "Open »%s«" : "»%s«を開く",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "%s を共有することを許可されていません。",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "%sの権限を追加できません ",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "削除権限付きでファイルを共有できません",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["%n 日以上先の有効期限は設定できません "],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "共有はグループメンバーにのみ許可されます",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "このアイテム %s はすでにアカウント %s と共有されているため、共有に失敗しました",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s は »%2$s« をあなたと共有しました",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$sが あなたと »%2$s« を共有しました。",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "開くには下のボタンをクリック",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "この共有はもう存在しません。",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "要求された共有は無効化されたユーザーからのものです。",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "登録可能なユーザー数の上限に達したため、ユーザーは作成されませんでした。詳細については通知をご確認ください。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ka.js b/lib/l10n/ka.js
index e70b0ba4aaf..323dca90b10 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ka.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ka.js
@@ -127,11 +127,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Sharing backend %s not found",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Sharing backend for %s not found",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Click the button below to open it.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Open »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« added a note to a file shared with you",
- "Open »%s«" : "Open »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "You are not allowed to share %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Cannot increase permissions of %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Files cannot be shared with delete permissions",
@@ -139,9 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Expiration date is in the past",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future","Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sharing is only allowed with group members",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Click the button below to open it.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "The requested share does not exist anymore",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "The requested share comes from a disabled user",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ka.json b/lib/l10n/ka.json
index 8c21f0716f9..c7427423cf0 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ka.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ka.json
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Sharing backend %s not found",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Sharing backend for %s not found",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Click the button below to open it.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Open »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« added a note to a file shared with you",
- "Open »%s«" : "Open »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "You are not allowed to share %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Cannot increase permissions of %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Files cannot be shared with delete permissions",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Expiration date is in the past",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future","Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sharing is only allowed with group members",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Click the button below to open it.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "The requested share does not exist anymore",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "The requested share comes from a disabled user",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ka_GE.js b/lib/l10n/ka_GE.js
index 2f840751e49..04c1418177d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ka_GE.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ka_GE.js
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "გაზიარების ბექენდმა %s-მ მოქმედებაში უნდა მოიყვანოს ინტეფეისი OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "გაზიარების ბექენდი %s ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "გაზიარების ბექენდი %s-თვის ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "გასახსნელად დააჭირეთ ქვემოთ მყოფ ღილაკს.",
"Open »%s«" : "გახნსნა »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "თქვენ არ გაქვთ უფლება გააზიაროთ %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "%s-ის უფლებების გაზრდა ვერ ხერხდება",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "ვადის ამოწურვის თარიღი წარსულშია",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "გასახსნელად დააჭირეთ ქვემოთ მყოფ ღილაკს.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "მოთხოვნილი გაზიარება მეტი აღარ არსებობს",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "\"%s\" კატეგორიის მოძებნა ვერ მოხერხდა",
"Sunday" : "კვირა",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ka_GE.json b/lib/l10n/ka_GE.json
index 8a72816e10f..d2c7efc1c8a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ka_GE.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ka_GE.json
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "გაზიარების ბექენდმა %s-მ მოქმედებაში უნდა მოიყვანოს ინტეფეისი OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "გაზიარების ბექენდი %s ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "გაზიარების ბექენდი %s-თვის ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "გასახსნელად დააჭირეთ ქვემოთ მყოფ ღილაკს.",
"Open »%s«" : "გახნსნა »%s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "თქვენ არ გაქვთ უფლება გააზიაროთ %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "%s-ის უფლებების გაზრდა ვერ ხერხდება",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "ვადის ამოწურვის თარიღი წარსულშია",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "გასახსნელად დააჭირეთ ქვემოთ მყოფ ღილაკს.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "მოთხოვნილი გაზიარება მეტი აღარ არსებობს",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "\"%s\" კატეგორიის მოძებნა ვერ მოხერხდა",
"Sunday" : "კვირა",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ko.js b/lib/l10n/ko.js
index 3d87dcd1bc8..a31ab0f574a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ko.js
@@ -130,11 +130,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "공유 백엔드 %s에서 OCP\\Share_Backend 인터페이스를 구현해야 함",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "공유 백엔드 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없음",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s의 공유 백엔드를 찾을 수 없음",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "아래 단추를 눌러서 열 수 있습니다.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "%s 열기",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s(%2$s 경유)",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s님이 %2$s을(를) 당신과 공유하며, 다음을 추가하고자 함:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s님이 %2$s을(를) 당신과 공유하며 다음을 추가하고자 함",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s님이 당신과 공유한 파일에 메모를 추가함",
- "Open »%s«" : "%s 열기",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s(%2$s 경유)",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "%s을(를) 공유할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "%s의 권한을 늘릴 수 없습니다.",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "파일을 삭제 권한으로 공유할 수 없습니다",
@@ -143,9 +146,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["만료 날짜는 최대 %s일까지 설정할 수 있습니다"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "같은 그룹 사용자에게만 공유할 수 있습니다",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "%s을(를) 공유할 수 없습니다. 이 항목을 이미 %s 계정과 공유하고 있습니다",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "아래 단추를 눌러서 열 수 있습니다.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "요청한 공유가 더 이상 존재하지 않습니다",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "요청한 공유가 비활성화된 사용자로부터 수신되었습니다",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "사용자 수 제한에 도달하여 사용자를 만들 수 없습니다. 더 자세한 정보는 알림을 참조하십시오.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ko.json b/lib/l10n/ko.json
index a716aa6d7b7..65f4f7400fc 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ko.json
@@ -128,11 +128,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "공유 백엔드 %s에서 OCP\\Share_Backend 인터페이스를 구현해야 함",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "공유 백엔드 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없음",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s의 공유 백엔드를 찾을 수 없음",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "아래 단추를 눌러서 열 수 있습니다.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "%s 열기",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s(%2$s 경유)",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s님이 %2$s을(를) 당신과 공유하며, 다음을 추가하고자 함:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s님이 %2$s을(를) 당신과 공유하며 다음을 추가하고자 함",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s님이 당신과 공유한 파일에 메모를 추가함",
- "Open »%s«" : "%s 열기",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s(%2$s 경유)",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "%s을(를) 공유할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "%s의 권한을 늘릴 수 없습니다.",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "파일을 삭제 권한으로 공유할 수 없습니다",
@@ -141,9 +144,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["만료 날짜는 최대 %s일까지 설정할 수 있습니다"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "같은 그룹 사용자에게만 공유할 수 있습니다",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "%s을(를) 공유할 수 없습니다. 이 항목을 이미 %s 계정과 공유하고 있습니다",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "아래 단추를 눌러서 열 수 있습니다.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "요청한 공유가 더 이상 존재하지 않습니다",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "요청한 공유가 비활성화된 사용자로부터 수신되었습니다",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "사용자 수 제한에 도달하여 사용자를 만들 수 없습니다. 더 자세한 정보는 알림을 참조하십시오.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/lt_LT.js b/lib/l10n/lt_LT.js
index a6ad68fc69d..cdf9dacb3fb 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -93,17 +93,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"For the best results, please consider using a GNU/Linux server instead." : "Geriausiems rezultatams, apsvarstykite galimybę, vietoj šio, naudoti GNU/Linux serverį",
"Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "Pašalinkite savo php.ini faile open_basedir nustatymą arba persijunkite į 64-bitų PHP.",
"Set an admin password." : "Nustatyti administratoriaus slaptažodį.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Norėdami atverti failą, spustelėkite mygtuką žemiau.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Atverti \"%s\"",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s per %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis ir parašė pastabą:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis ir parašė pastabą",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "„%s“ parašė pastabą su jumis pasidalintam failui",
- "Open »%s«" : "Atverti \"%s\"",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s per %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Jums neleidžiama bendrinti %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Negalima pridėti papildomų %s leidimų",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Bendrinimo pabaigos data yra praėjęs laikas",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Norėdami atverti failą, spustelėkite mygtuką žemiau.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Pageidaujamas bendrinimas daugiau neegzistuoja.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Nepavyko rasti kategorijos „%s“",
"Sunday" : "Sekmadienis",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/lt_LT.json b/lib/l10n/lt_LT.json
index ff35352d8ea..7ed2421f99d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -91,17 +91,17 @@
"For the best results, please consider using a GNU/Linux server instead." : "Geriausiems rezultatams, apsvarstykite galimybę, vietoj šio, naudoti GNU/Linux serverį",
"Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "Pašalinkite savo php.ini faile open_basedir nustatymą arba persijunkite į 64-bitų PHP.",
"Set an admin password." : "Nustatyti administratoriaus slaptažodį.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Norėdami atverti failą, spustelėkite mygtuką žemiau.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Atverti \"%s\"",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s per %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis ir parašė pastabą:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis ir parašė pastabą",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "„%s“ parašė pastabą su jumis pasidalintam failui",
- "Open »%s«" : "Atverti \"%s\"",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s per %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Jums neleidžiama bendrinti %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Negalima pridėti papildomų %s leidimų",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Bendrinimo pabaigos data yra praėjęs laikas",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Norėdami atverti failą, spustelėkite mygtuką žemiau.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Pageidaujamas bendrinimas daugiau neegzistuoja.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Nepavyko rasti kategorijos „%s“",
"Sunday" : "Sekmadienis",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/mk.js b/lib/l10n/mk.js
index 52097244e45..4d4cdd139bc 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/mk.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/mk.js
@@ -126,11 +126,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "За позадинското споделување %s мора се имплементира интерфејсот OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Не е пронајдено позадинско споделување %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Не е пронајдено позадинско споделување за %s.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« со вас",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« со вас.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Кликнете на копчето подолу за да ја отворите.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Отвори »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s преку %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s ја сподели папката »%2$s« и додаде:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s ја сподели папката »%2$s« и додаде",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« додаде белешка до датотеката што ја сподели со вас",
- "Open »%s«" : "Отвори »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s преку %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Не сте овластени да ја споделите %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Неможат да се зголемат дозволите на %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Датотеки неможат да бидат споделени со дозвола за бришење",
@@ -138,9 +141,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Рокот на траење е во минато време",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Неможе да се постави рок на траење повеќе од 1 ден","Неможе да се постави рок на траење повеќе од %s дена"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Споделувањето е овозможено само со членови на групата",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« со вас",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« со вас.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Кликнете на копчето подолу за да ја отворите.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Споделувањето не постои повеќе",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Корисникот не е креиран затоа што максималниот број на корисници е достигнат. Проверете ги вашите известувања за да дознаете повеќе.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Не можам да најдам категорија „%s“",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/mk.json b/lib/l10n/mk.json
index bf37e27837d..bc14733627e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/mk.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/mk.json
@@ -124,11 +124,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "За позадинското споделување %s мора се имплементира интерфејсот OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Не е пронајдено позадинско споделување %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Не е пронајдено позадинско споделување за %s.",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« со вас",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« со вас.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Кликнете на копчето подолу за да ја отворите.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Отвори »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s преку %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s ја сподели папката »%2$s« и додаде:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s ја сподели папката »%2$s« и додаде",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« додаде белешка до датотеката што ја сподели со вас",
- "Open »%s«" : "Отвори »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s преку %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Не сте овластени да ја споделите %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Неможат да се зголемат дозволите на %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Датотеки неможат да бидат споделени со дозвола за бришење",
@@ -136,9 +139,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Рокот на траење е во минато време",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Неможе да се постави рок на траење повеќе од 1 ден","Неможе да се постави рок на траење повеќе од %s дена"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Споделувањето е овозможено само со членови на групата",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« со вас",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s сподели »%2$s« со вас.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Кликнете на копчето подолу за да ја отворите.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Споделувањето не постои повеќе",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Корисникот не е креиран затоа што максималниот број на корисници е достигнат. Проверете ги вашите известувања за да дознаете повеќе.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Не можам да најдам категорија „%s“",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/nb.js b/lib/l10n/nb.js
index 0ecf18e41ce..7da69502197 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/nb.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Delings-server %s må implementere grensesnittet OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Delings-server %s ikke funnet",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Delings-server for %s ikke funnet",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klikk på knappen nedenfor for å åpne den.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Åpne »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg og vil legge til:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg og vil legge til",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« la til en melding til en fil delt med deg",
- "Open »%s«" : "Åpne »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Du har ikke lov til å dele %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kan ikke øke tillatelser for %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Filer kan ikke deles med slett-rettigheter",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Kan ikke sette utløpsdato mer enn %n dag i fremtiden","Kan ikke sette utløpsdato mer enn %n dager i fremtiden"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Deling er kun tillatt med gruppemedlemmer",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Deling av %s feilet, fordi dette elementet er allerede delt med kontoen %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klikk på knappen nedenfor for å åpne den.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Forespurt ressurs finnes ikke lenger",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Den forespurte delingen kommer fra en deaktivert bruker",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Brukeren ble ikke opprettet fordi brukergrensen er nådd. Sjekk varslene dine for å finne ut mer.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/nb.json b/lib/l10n/nb.json
index d21d59afd7d..c15f810b158 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/nb.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Delings-server %s må implementere grensesnittet OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Delings-server %s ikke funnet",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Delings-server for %s ikke funnet",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klikk på knappen nedenfor for å åpne den.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Åpne »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg og vil legge til:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg og vil legge til",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« la til en melding til en fil delt med deg",
- "Open »%s«" : "Åpne »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Du har ikke lov til å dele %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kan ikke øke tillatelser for %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Filer kan ikke deles med slett-rettigheter",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Kan ikke sette utløpsdato mer enn %n dag i fremtiden","Kan ikke sette utløpsdato mer enn %n dager i fremtiden"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Deling er kun tillatt med gruppemedlemmer",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Deling av %s feilet, fordi dette elementet er allerede delt med kontoen %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med deg.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klikk på knappen nedenfor for å åpne den.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Forespurt ressurs finnes ikke lenger",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Den forespurte delingen kommer fra en deaktivert bruker",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Brukeren ble ikke opprettet fordi brukergrensen er nådd. Sjekk varslene dine for å finne ut mer.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/nl.js b/lib/l10n/nl.js
index ef3a156cdd7..c85c35b4610 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/nl.js
@@ -120,11 +120,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "De gedeelde achtergrond %s moet de OCP\\Share_Backend interface implementeren",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "De gedeelde backend %s is niet gevonden",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "De gedeelde backend voor %s is niet gevonden",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klik de onderstaande button om te openen.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Open \"%s\"",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou en wil toevoegen:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou en wil toevoegen",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "\"%s\" voegde een notitie toe aan een bestand dat met jou is gedeeld",
- "Open »%s«" : "Open \"%s\"",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Je bent niet bevoegd om %s te delen",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kan de machtiging van %s niet verhogen.",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Bestanden kunnen niet worden gedeeld met verwijdermachtigingen",
@@ -132,9 +135,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "De vervaldatum ligt in het verleden",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Kan de vervaldatum niet meer dan %s dag in de toekomst instellen","Kan de vervaldatum niet meer dan %s dagen in de toekomst instellen"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Delen kan alleen met groepsleden",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klik de onderstaande button om te openen.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "De toegang tot de gedeelde folder bestaat niet meer",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Kan categorie \"%s\" niet vinden",
"Sunday" : "Zondag",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/nl.json b/lib/l10n/nl.json
index f7031f69b6f..38060f205a4 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/nl.json
@@ -118,11 +118,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "De gedeelde achtergrond %s moet de OCP\\Share_Backend interface implementeren",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "De gedeelde backend %s is niet gevonden",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "De gedeelde backend voor %s is niet gevonden",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klik de onderstaande button om te openen.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Open \"%s\"",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou en wil toevoegen:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou en wil toevoegen",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "\"%s\" voegde een notitie toe aan een bestand dat met jou is gedeeld",
- "Open »%s«" : "Open \"%s\"",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Je bent niet bevoegd om %s te delen",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kan de machtiging van %s niet verhogen.",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Bestanden kunnen niet worden gedeeld met verwijdermachtigingen",
@@ -130,9 +133,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "De vervaldatum ligt in het verleden",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Kan de vervaldatum niet meer dan %s dag in de toekomst instellen","Kan de vervaldatum niet meer dan %s dagen in de toekomst instellen"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Delen kan alleen met groepsleden",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s deelde \"%2$s\" met jou.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klik de onderstaande button om te openen.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "De toegang tot de gedeelde folder bestaat niet meer",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Kan categorie \"%s\" niet vinden",
"Sunday" : "Zondag",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pl.js b/lib/l10n/pl.js
index 257732e4ba8..2c36065d71d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/pl.js
@@ -132,11 +132,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Zaplecze do udostępniania %s musi implementować interfejs OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Zaplecze %s do udostępniania nie zostało znalezione",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Zaplecze do udostępniania dla %s nie zostało znalezione",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s«",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s«.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknij przycisk poniżej, aby otworzyć.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Otwórz »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s przez %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s« i chce dodać: ",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : " %1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s« i chce dodać",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« dodał notatkę do udostępnionego dla Ciebie pliku",
- "Open »%s«" : "Otwórz »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s przez %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nie możesz udostępnić %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nie można zwiększyć uprawnień %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Pliki nie mogą zostać udostępnione z prawem do usuwania",
@@ -144,9 +147,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Data ważności już minęła",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Nie można utworzyć daty wygaśnięcia na %n dzień do przodu","Nie można utworzyć daty wygaśnięcia na %n dni do przodu","Nie można utworzyć daty wygaśnięcia na %n dni do przodu","Nie można utworzyć daty wygaśnięcia na %n dni do przodu"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Udostępnianie jest dozwolone tylko członkom grupy",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s«",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s«.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknij przycisk poniżej, aby otworzyć.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Żądane udostępnienie już nie istnieje",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Żądane udostępnienie pochodzi od wyłączonego użytkownika",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Użytkownik nie został utworzony, ponieważ osiągnięto limit użytkowników. Sprawdź swoje powiadomienia, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pl.json b/lib/l10n/pl.json
index d9def29a0b3..7074b47534e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/pl.json
@@ -130,11 +130,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Zaplecze do udostępniania %s musi implementować interfejs OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Zaplecze %s do udostępniania nie zostało znalezione",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Zaplecze do udostępniania dla %s nie zostało znalezione",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s«",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s«.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknij przycisk poniżej, aby otworzyć.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Otwórz »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s przez %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s« i chce dodać: ",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : " %1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s« i chce dodać",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« dodał notatkę do udostępnionego dla Ciebie pliku",
- "Open »%s«" : "Otwórz »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s przez %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nie możesz udostępnić %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nie można zwiększyć uprawnień %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Pliki nie mogą zostać udostępnione z prawem do usuwania",
@@ -142,9 +145,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Data ważności już minęła",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Nie można utworzyć daty wygaśnięcia na %n dzień do przodu","Nie można utworzyć daty wygaśnięcia na %n dni do przodu","Nie można utworzyć daty wygaśnięcia na %n dni do przodu","Nie można utworzyć daty wygaśnięcia na %n dni do przodu"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Udostępnianie jest dozwolone tylko członkom grupy",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s«",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s udostępnił Tobie »%2$s«.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknij przycisk poniżej, aby otworzyć.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Żądane udostępnienie już nie istnieje",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Żądane udostępnienie pochodzi od wyłączonego użytkownika",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Użytkownik nie został utworzony, ponieważ osiągnięto limit użytkowników. Sprawdź swoje powiadomienia, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.js b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 8b402228100..197b06231cd 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "A plataforma de compartilhamento %s deve implementar a interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Plataforma de serviço de compartilhamento %s não encontrada",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Plataforma de compartilhamento para %s não foi encontrada",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Clique no botão abaixo para abri-lo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você e quer adicionar:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você e quer adicionar",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« adicionou uma anotação num arquivo compartilhado com você",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Você não tem permissão para compartilhar %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Não foi possível aumentar as permissões de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Arquivos não podem ser compartilhados com permissões de exclusão",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Não foi possível definir a data de expiração superior que %n dias no futuro","Não foi possível definir a data de expiração superior que %n dias no futuro","Não foi possível definir a data de expiração superior que %n dias no futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "O compartilhamento só é permitido com membros do grupo ",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Falha no compartilhamento %s porque este item já está compartilhado com a conta %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Clique no botão abaixo para abri-lo.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "O compartilhamento solicitado não existe mais",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "O compartilhamento solicitado vem de um usuário desabilitado",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "O usuário não foi criado porque o limite de usuários foi atingido. Confira suas notificações para saber mais.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.json b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 694c5939010..80ae26c4097 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "A plataforma de compartilhamento %s deve implementar a interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Plataforma de serviço de compartilhamento %s não encontrada",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Plataforma de compartilhamento para %s não foi encontrada",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Clique no botão abaixo para abri-lo.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você e quer adicionar:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você e quer adicionar",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« adicionou uma anotação num arquivo compartilhado com você",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Você não tem permissão para compartilhar %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Não foi possível aumentar as permissões de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Arquivos não podem ser compartilhados com permissões de exclusão",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Não foi possível definir a data de expiração superior que %n dias no futuro","Não foi possível definir a data de expiração superior que %n dias no futuro","Não foi possível definir a data de expiração superior que %n dias no futuro"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "O compartilhamento só é permitido com membros do grupo ",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Falha no compartilhamento %s porque este item já está compartilhado com a conta %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s compartilhou »%2$s« com você.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Clique no botão abaixo para abri-lo.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "O compartilhamento solicitado não existe mais",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "O compartilhamento solicitado vem de um usuário desabilitado",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "O usuário não foi criado porque o limite de usuários foi atingido. Confira suas notificações para saber mais.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.js b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.js
index ecb3338c5d9..78f6186c52b 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.js
@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Ao partilhar a interface %s deve implementar a interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Não foi encontrada a partilha da interface %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Não foi encontrada a partilha da interface para %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Clicar no botão abaixo para abrir.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« consigo e quer adicionar:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« consigo e quer adicionar:",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« adicionou uma nota a um ficheiro partilhado consigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Não está autorizado a partilhar %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Não é possível aumentar as permissões de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "A data de expiração está no passado",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Clicar no botão abaixo para abrir.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "A partilha requisitada já não existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Não foi encontrado a categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.json b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.json
index 3329cec21f1..3a7f621baac 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.json
@@ -96,17 +96,17 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Ao partilhar a interface %s deve implementar a interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Não foi encontrada a partilha da interface %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Não foi encontrada a partilha da interface para %s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« contigo",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« contigo.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Clicar no botão abaixo para abrir.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« consigo e quer adicionar:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« consigo e quer adicionar:",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« adicionou uma nota a um ficheiro partilhado consigo",
- "Open »%s«" : "Abrir »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Não está autorizado a partilhar %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Não é possível aumentar as permissões de %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "A data de expiração está no passado",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« contigo",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s partilhado »%2$s« contigo.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Clicar no botão abaixo para abrir.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "A partilha requisitada já não existe",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Não foi encontrado a categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domingo",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ro.js b/lib/l10n/ro.js
index fe3632f0a60..1f98df7d2f3 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ro.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ro.js
@@ -124,11 +124,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Backend-ul de partajare %s trebuie să implementeze interfața OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Backend-ul de partajare %s nu există",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Backend-ul de partajare pentru %s nu a fost găsit",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s a partajat »%2$s« cu tine",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$sa partajat »%2$s« cu tine.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Apasă pe butonul de jos pentru a deschide.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Deschide »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$sprin %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s a partajat »%2$s« cu tine și vrea să adauge:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s a partajat »%2$s« cu tine și vrea să adauge",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s« a adaugat un comentariu la un fișier partajat cu tine",
- "Open »%s«" : "Deschide »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$sprin %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nu există permisiunea de partajare %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nu se pot extinde permisiunile pentru %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Fișierele nu pot fi partajate cu permisiunea de ștergere",
@@ -136,9 +139,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Data expirării este în trecut",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Data expirării nu poate fi mai mult de %n zi în viitor","Data expirării nu poate fi mai mult de %n zile în viitor","Data expirării nu poate fi mai mult de %n zile în viitor"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Partajarea este permisă doar cu membrii grupului",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s a partajat »%2$s« cu tine",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$sa partajat »%2$s« cu tine.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Apasă pe butonul de jos pentru a deschide.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Partajarea solicitată nu mai există",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Partajarea solicitată provine de la un utilizator dezactivat",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Utilizatorul nu a fost creat deoarece s-a atins limita acestui număr. Verificați notificările pentru a afla mai mult.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ro.json b/lib/l10n/ro.json
index 79df1604536..526c7e7ce3f 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ro.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ro.json
@@ -122,11 +122,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Backend-ul de partajare %s trebuie să implementeze interfața OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Backend-ul de partajare %s nu există",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Backend-ul de partajare pentru %s nu a fost găsit",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s a partajat »%2$s« cu tine",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$sa partajat »%2$s« cu tine.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Apasă pe butonul de jos pentru a deschide.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Deschide »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$sprin %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s a partajat »%2$s« cu tine și vrea să adauge:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s a partajat »%2$s« cu tine și vrea să adauge",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s« a adaugat un comentariu la un fișier partajat cu tine",
- "Open »%s«" : "Deschide »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$sprin %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nu există permisiunea de partajare %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nu se pot extinde permisiunile pentru %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Fișierele nu pot fi partajate cu permisiunea de ștergere",
@@ -134,9 +137,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Data expirării este în trecut",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Data expirării nu poate fi mai mult de %n zi în viitor","Data expirării nu poate fi mai mult de %n zile în viitor","Data expirării nu poate fi mai mult de %n zile în viitor"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Partajarea este permisă doar cu membrii grupului",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s a partajat »%2$s« cu tine",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$sa partajat »%2$s« cu tine.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Apasă pe butonul de jos pentru a deschide.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Partajarea solicitată nu mai există",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Partajarea solicitată provine de la un utilizator dezactivat",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Utilizatorul nu a fost creat deoarece s-a atins limita acestui număr. Verificați notificările pentru a afla mai mult.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ru.js b/lib/l10n/ru.js
index 3356ce7f7a6..7581ad766e1 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/ru.js
@@ -127,11 +127,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Бэкенд общего доступа %s должен реализовывать интерфейс OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Механизм предоставления общего доступа %s не найден",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Не найден механизм предоставления общего доступа для %s ",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s»",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s».",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Нажмите расположенную ниже кнопку для перехода к полученному общему ресурсу.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Открыть «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s через %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s» и хочет добавить:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s» и хочет добавить",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s добавил(а) примечание к файлу, к которому вам открыт доступ",
- "Open »%s«" : "Открыть «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s через %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Вам не разрешено делиться %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Не удалось повысить права доступа %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Права на удаление файлов не позволяют открывать общий доступ к ним",
@@ -139,9 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Дата окончания срока действия уже прошла",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Срок окончания не может быть более %n дня","Срок окончания не может быть более %n дней","Срок окончания не может быть более %n дней","Срок окончания не может быть более %n дней"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Разрешено публиковать только для участников группы",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s»",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s».",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Нажмите расположенную ниже кнопку для перехода к полученному общему ресурсу.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Запрошенный общий ресурс более не существует.",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Запрос на общий доступ поступает от отключенного пользователя",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Пользователь не был создан, достигнуто ограничение количества пользователей. Для получения дополнительных сведений проверьте уведомления.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ru.json b/lib/l10n/ru.json
index 5460e5c5ccc..531adca8f4a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/ru.json
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Бэкенд общего доступа %s должен реализовывать интерфейс OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Механизм предоставления общего доступа %s не найден",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Не найден механизм предоставления общего доступа для %s ",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s»",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s».",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Нажмите расположенную ниже кнопку для перехода к полученному общему ресурсу.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Открыть «%s»",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s через %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s» и хочет добавить:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s» и хочет добавить",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s добавил(а) примечание к файлу, к которому вам открыт доступ",
- "Open »%s«" : "Открыть «%s»",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s через %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Вам не разрешено делиться %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Не удалось повысить права доступа %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Права на удаление файлов не позволяют открывать общий доступ к ним",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Дата окончания срока действия уже прошла",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Срок окончания не может быть более %n дня","Срок окончания не может быть более %n дней","Срок окончания не может быть более %n дней","Срок окончания не может быть более %n дней"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Разрешено публиковать только для участников группы",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s»",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s предоставил(а) вам доступ к «%2$s».",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Нажмите расположенную ниже кнопку для перехода к полученному общему ресурсу.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Запрошенный общий ресурс более не существует.",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Запрос на общий доступ поступает от отключенного пользователя",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Пользователь не был создан, достигнуто ограничение количества пользователей. Для получения дополнительных сведений проверьте уведомления.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sc.js b/lib/l10n/sc.js
index 2719ffd8f04..bb3873074d1 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/sc.js
@@ -106,11 +106,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Su motore de cumpartzidura %s depet cumpletare s'interfache OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Motore de cumpartzidura%s no agatadu",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Motore de cumpartzidura pro %s no agatadu",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Incarca su butone a suta pro dd'abèrrere.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Aberi »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cun %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s« cun tegus e bolet agiùnghere:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s« cun tegus e bolet agiùnghere",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« at agiuntu una nota a un'archìviu cumpartzidu cun tegus",
- "Open »%s«" : "Aberi »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cun %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tenes su permissu de cumpartzire %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No faghet a crèschere is permissos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "No faghet a cumpartzire archìvios cun permissos de cantzelladura",
@@ -118,9 +121,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Sa data de iscadèntzia est giai passada",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No faghet a impostare sa data de iscadèntzia a prus de %n die in su benidore","No faghet a impostare sa data de iscadèntzia a prus de %n dies in su benidore"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sa cumpartzidura est permìtida isceti cun is partetzipantes de su grupu",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Incarca su butone a suta pro dd'abèrrere.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Sa cumpartzidura pedida no b'est prus",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No at fatu a agatare sa categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domìnigu",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sc.json b/lib/l10n/sc.json
index 6b2121dba23..60018049ece 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/sc.json
@@ -104,11 +104,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Su motore de cumpartzidura %s depet cumpletare s'interfache OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Motore de cumpartzidura%s no agatadu",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Motore de cumpartzidura pro %s no agatadu",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Incarca su butone a suta pro dd'abèrrere.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Aberi »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cun %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s« cun tegus e bolet agiùnghere:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s« cun tegus e bolet agiùnghere",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« at agiuntu una nota a un'archìviu cumpartzidu cun tegus",
- "Open »%s«" : "Aberi »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cun %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "No tenes su permissu de cumpartzire %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "No faghet a crèschere is permissos de %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "No faghet a cumpartzire archìvios cun permissos de cantzelladura",
@@ -116,9 +119,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Sa data de iscadèntzia est giai passada",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["No faghet a impostare sa data de iscadèntzia a prus de %n die in su benidore","No faghet a impostare sa data de iscadèntzia a prus de %n dies in su benidore"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Sa cumpartzidura est permìtida isceti cun is partetzipantes de su grupu",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Incarca su butone a suta pro dd'abèrrere.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Sa cumpartzidura pedida no b'est prus",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "No at fatu a agatare sa categoria \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Domìnigu",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sk.js b/lib/l10n/sk.js
index f41b1c41932..ec57ab6bcf5 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/sk.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Backend pre sprístupnenie %s musí implementovať rozhranie OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Backend sprístupnenia %s nebol nájdený",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Backend sprístupnenia pre %s nebol nájdený",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s«",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s«.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Pre otvorenie klienta kliknite na tlačítko nižšie.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Otvoriť »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cez %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s« s poznámkou:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s« s poznámkou",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« pridal poznámku k súboru ktorý s Vami zdieľa",
- "Open »%s«" : "Otvoriť »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cez %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nemôžete sprístupniť %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nie je možné navýšiť oprávnenia pre %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Súbory nie je možné sprístupňovať s oprávneniami na odstránenie",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Nie je možné nastaviť dátum konca platnosti viac ako %s deň v budúcnosti","Nie je možné nastaviť dátum konca platnosti viac ako %s dní v budúcnosti","Nie je možné nastaviť dátum konca platnosti viac ako %s dní v budúcnosti","Nie je možné nastaviť dátum konca platnosti viac ako %s dní v budúcnosti"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Zdieľanie je možné iba s členmi skupiny",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Zdieľanie %s zlyhalo, pretože táto položka už je užívateľovi %s zozdieľaná.",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s«",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s«.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Pre otvorenie klienta kliknite na tlačítko nižšie.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Požadované sprístupnenie už neexistuje",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Požadované zdieľanie pochádza od zakázaného užívateľa.",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Bol dosiahnutý limit používateľov a používateľ nebol vytvorený. Pozrite sa do upozornení pre viac informácií.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sk.json b/lib/l10n/sk.json
index 6687e1c04c6..d2508412c0d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/sk.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Backend pre sprístupnenie %s musí implementovať rozhranie OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Backend sprístupnenia %s nebol nájdený",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Backend sprístupnenia pre %s nebol nájdený",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s«",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s«.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Pre otvorenie klienta kliknite na tlačítko nižšie.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Otvoriť »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cez %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s« s poznámkou:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s« s poznámkou",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« pridal poznámku k súboru ktorý s Vami zdieľa",
- "Open »%s«" : "Otvoriť »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cez %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nemôžete sprístupniť %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nie je možné navýšiť oprávnenia pre %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Súbory nie je možné sprístupňovať s oprávneniami na odstránenie",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Nie je možné nastaviť dátum konca platnosti viac ako %s deň v budúcnosti","Nie je možné nastaviť dátum konca platnosti viac ako %s dní v budúcnosti","Nie je možné nastaviť dátum konca platnosti viac ako %s dní v budúcnosti","Nie je možné nastaviť dátum konca platnosti viac ako %s dní v budúcnosti"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Zdieľanie je možné iba s členmi skupiny",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Zdieľanie %s zlyhalo, pretože táto položka už je užívateľovi %s zozdieľaná.",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s«",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vám sprístupnil »%2$s«.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Pre otvorenie klienta kliknite na tlačítko nižšie.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Požadované sprístupnenie už neexistuje",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Požadované zdieľanie pochádza od zakázaného užívateľa.",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Bol dosiahnutý limit používateľov a používateľ nebol vytvorený. Pozrite sa do upozornení pre viac informácií.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sl.js b/lib/l10n/sl.js
index ae4a674a702..4352c455f30 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/sl.js
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Souporaba ozadnjega programa %s mora vsebovati tudi vmesnik OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ozadnjega programa %s za souporabo ni mogoče najti",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ozadnjega programa za souporabo za %s ni mogoče najti",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite na gumb za odpiranje.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Odpri »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prek %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s« in želi dodati:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s« in želi dodati",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« doda opombo k datoteki v souporabi",
- "Open »%s«" : "Odpri »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prek %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Omogočanje souporabe %s brez ustreznih dovoljenj ni mogoče.",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ni mogoče povečati dovoljen %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Souporaba datotek z nastavljenim dovoljenjem za brisanje ni mogoča",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Datum preteka je že mimo!",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Datuma pretaka ni mogoče nastaviti za več kot %n dan v prihodnost.","Datuma pretaka ni mogoče nastaviti za več kot %n dneva v prihodnost.","Datuma pretaka ni mogoče nastaviti za več kot %n dni v prihodnost.","Datuma pretaka ni mogoče nastaviti za več kot %n dni v prihodnost."],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Souporaba je dovoljena le med člani skupine",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite na gumb za odpiranje.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Podano mesto souporabe ne obstaja več",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Kategorije »%s« ni mogoče najti.",
"Sunday" : "nedelja",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sl.json b/lib/l10n/sl.json
index e75d3b2f853..82f0cd9d628 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/sl.json
@@ -123,11 +123,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Souporaba ozadnjega programa %s mora vsebovati tudi vmesnik OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ozadnjega programa %s za souporabo ni mogoče najti",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ozadnjega programa za souporabo za %s ni mogoče najti",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite na gumb za odpiranje.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Odpri »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prek %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s« in želi dodati:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s« in želi dodati",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« doda opombo k datoteki v souporabi",
- "Open »%s«" : "Odpri »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prek %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Omogočanje souporabe %s brez ustreznih dovoljenj ni mogoče.",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Ni mogoče povečati dovoljen %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Souporaba datotek z nastavljenim dovoljenjem za brisanje ni mogoča",
@@ -135,9 +138,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Datum preteka je že mimo!",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Datuma pretaka ni mogoče nastaviti za več kot %n dan v prihodnost.","Datuma pretaka ni mogoče nastaviti za več kot %n dneva v prihodnost.","Datuma pretaka ni mogoče nastaviti za več kot %n dni v prihodnost.","Datuma pretaka ni mogoče nastaviti za več kot %n dni v prihodnost."],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Souporaba je dovoljena le med člani skupine",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite na gumb za odpiranje.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Podano mesto souporabe ne obstaja več",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Kategorije »%s« ni mogoče najti.",
"Sunday" : "nedelja",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sq.js b/lib/l10n/sq.js
index 5e894f52fd5..0e00357fb68 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sq.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/sq.js
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Mekanizmi i shërbimit për ndarje %s duhet të sendërtojë ndërfaqen OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "S’u gjet mekanizmi i shërbimit për ndarje %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "S’u gjet mekanizmi i shërbimit për ndarje për %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliko butonin më poshtë për të hapur atë.",
"Open »%s«" : "Hap»1 %s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nuk ju lejohet ta ndani %s me të tjerët",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "S’mund të shtohen lejet për %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Data e skadimit bie në të kaluarën",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliko butonin më poshtë për të hapur atë.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Ndarja e kërkuar nuk ekziston më",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "S’u gjet kategori \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "E Dielë",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sq.json b/lib/l10n/sq.json
index 556a42bc4ae..97743086248 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sq.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/sq.json
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Mekanizmi i shërbimit për ndarje %s duhet të sendërtojë ndërfaqen OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "S’u gjet mekanizmi i shërbimit për ndarje %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "S’u gjet mekanizmi i shërbimit për ndarje për %s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliko butonin më poshtë për të hapur atë.",
"Open »%s«" : "Hap»1 %s«",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Nuk ju lejohet ta ndani %s me të tjerët",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "S’mund të shtohen lejet për %s",
"Expiration date is in the past" : "Data e skadimit bie në të kaluarën",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Kliko butonin më poshtë për të hapur atë.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Ndarja e kërkuar nuk ekziston më",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "S’u gjet kategori \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "E Dielë",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sr.js b/lib/l10n/sr.js
index c369c1ad8d8..5ada7ed76f3 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/sr.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Позадина дељења %s мора користити корисничко окружење OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Позадина за дељење %s није пронађена",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Позадина за дељење за %s није пронађена",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Кликните дугме испод да га отворите.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Отвори „%s“",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s преко %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама и жели да дода:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама и жели да дода",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "\"%s\" је додао белешку на фајл који дели са Вама",
- "Open »%s«" : "Отвори „%s“",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s преко %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Није вам дозвољено да делите %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Не могу да повећам привилегије за %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Фајлови не могу да се деле са дозволама за брисање",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Датум истека не може да се постави више од %n дан у будућност","Датум истека не може да се постави више од %n дана у будућност","Датум истека не може да се постави више од %n дана у будућност"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Дељење је дозвољено само са члановима групе",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Дељење %s није успело зато што се ова ставка већ дели са налогом %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Кликните дугме испод да га отворите.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Захтевано дељење више не постоји",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Захтевано дељење долази од искљученог корисника",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Корисник није креиран јер је достигнуто ограничење броја корисника. За више детаља, погледајте своја обавештења.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sr.json b/lib/l10n/sr.json
index 60c27124e1b..980b27d256f 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/sr.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Позадина дељења %s мора користити корисничко окружење OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Позадина за дељење %s није пронађена",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Позадина за дељење за %s није пронађена",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Кликните дугме испод да га отворите.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Отвори „%s“",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s преко %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама и жели да дода:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама и жели да дода",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "\"%s\" је додао белешку на фајл који дели са Вама",
- "Open »%s«" : "Отвори „%s“",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s преко %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Није вам дозвољено да делите %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Не могу да повећам привилегије за %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Фајлови не могу да се деле са дозволама за брисање",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Датум истека не може да се постави више од %n дан у будућност","Датум истека не може да се постави више од %n дана у будућност","Датум истека не може да се постави више од %n дана у будућност"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Дељење је дозвољено само са члановима групе",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Дељење %s није успело зато што се ова ставка већ дели са налогом %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s је поделио „%2$s“ са Вама.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Кликните дугме испод да га отворите.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Захтевано дељење више не постоји",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Захтевано дељење долази од искљученог корисника",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Корисник није креиран јер је достигнуто ограничење броја корисника. За више детаља, погледајте своја обавештења.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sv.js b/lib/l10n/sv.js
index 3a4fed3e462..9d5a29f0bb8 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/sv.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Delningsgränssnittet %s måste implementera gränssnittet OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Delningsgränssnittet %s hittades inte",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Delningsgränssnittet för %s hittades inte",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicka på knappen nedan för att öppna det.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Öppna »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig och vill lägga till:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig och vill lägga till",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« la till en kommentar till en fil delad med dig",
- "Open »%s«" : "Öppna »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Du tillåts inte att dela %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kan inte höja behörigheter av %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Filer kan inte delas med rättighet att radera",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Kan inte sätta ett utgångsdatum längre fram än %n dag","Kan inte sätta ett utgångsdatum längre fram än %n dagar"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Delning är endast tillåten med gruppmedlemmar",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Delning av %s misslyckades, eftersom det här objektet redan delas med kontot %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicka på knappen nedan för att öppna det.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Den begärda delningen finns inte mer",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Den begärda delningen kommer från en inaktiverad användare",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Användaren skapades inte eftersom användargränsen har nåtts. Kontrollera dina aviseringar för att läsa mer.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sv.json b/lib/l10n/sv.json
index ae727c7959f..8291f60252f 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/sv.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Delningsgränssnittet %s måste implementera gränssnittet OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Delningsgränssnittet %s hittades inte",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Delningsgränssnittet för %s hittades inte",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicka på knappen nedan för att öppna det.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Öppna »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig och vill lägga till:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig och vill lägga till",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« la till en kommentar till en fil delad med dig",
- "Open »%s«" : "Öppna »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s via %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Du tillåts inte att dela %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Kan inte höja behörigheter av %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Filer kan inte delas med rättighet att radera",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Kan inte sätta ett utgångsdatum längre fram än %n dag","Kan inte sätta ett utgångsdatum längre fram än %n dagar"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Delning är endast tillåten med gruppmedlemmar",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Delning av %s misslyckades, eftersom det här objektet redan delas med kontot %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delade »%2$s« med dig.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Klicka på knappen nedan för att öppna det.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Den begärda delningen finns inte mer",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Den begärda delningen kommer från en inaktiverad användare",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Användaren skapades inte eftersom användargränsen har nåtts. Kontrollera dina aviseringar för att läsa mer.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/tr.js b/lib/l10n/tr.js
index be4afe13455..ca9f6277d69 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/tr.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Paylaşım arka ucu %s OCP\\Share_Backend arayüzünü desteklemeli",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "%s paylaşım arka ucu bulunamadı",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s için paylaşım arka ucu bulunamadı",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s, sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s, sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Açmak için aşağıdaki düğmeye tıklayın.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "»%s« aç",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s, %2$s aracılığıyla",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı ve eklemenizi istiyor:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı ve eklemenizi istiyor",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« sizinle paylaştığı bir dosyaya bir not ekledi",
- "Open »%s«" : "»%s« aç",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s, %2$s aracılığıyla",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "%s ögesini paylaşma izniniz yok",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "%s izinleri yükseltilemedi",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Silme izni ile dosya paylaşılamaz",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Paylaşımların geçerlilik süreleri, gelecekte %n günden fazla olamaz","Paylaşımların geçerlilik süreleri, gelecekte %n günden fazla olamaz"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Paylaşım yalnızca grup üyeleri ile yapılabilir",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "%s paylaşılamadı. Bu öge zaten %s hesabı ile paylaşılmış",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s, sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s, sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Açmak için aşağıdaki düğmeye tıklayın.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Erişilmek istenilen paylaşım artık yok",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Erişilmek istenilen paylaşım devre dışı bırakılmış bir kullanıcıdan geliyor",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Kullanıcı sayısı sınırına ulaşıldığından kullanıcı eklenemedi. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için bildirimlerinize bakın.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/tr.json b/lib/l10n/tr.json
index f018957c3a5..11151583388 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/tr.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Paylaşım arka ucu %s OCP\\Share_Backend arayüzünü desteklemeli",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "%s paylaşım arka ucu bulunamadı",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s için paylaşım arka ucu bulunamadı",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s, sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s, sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı.",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Açmak için aşağıdaki düğmeye tıklayın.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "»%s« aç",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s, %2$s aracılığıyla",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı ve eklemenizi istiyor:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı ve eklemenizi istiyor",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« sizinle paylaştığı bir dosyaya bir not ekledi",
- "Open »%s«" : "»%s« aç",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s, %2$s aracılığıyla",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "%s ögesini paylaşma izniniz yok",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "%s izinleri yükseltilemedi",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Silme izni ile dosya paylaşılamaz",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Paylaşımların geçerlilik süreleri, gelecekte %n günden fazla olamaz","Paylaşımların geçerlilik süreleri, gelecekte %n günden fazla olamaz"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Paylaşım yalnızca grup üyeleri ile yapılabilir",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "%s paylaşılamadı. Bu öge zaten %s hesabı ile paylaşılmış",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s, sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s, sizinle »%2$s« ögesini paylaştı.",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Açmak için aşağıdaki düğmeye tıklayın.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Erişilmek istenilen paylaşım artık yok",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Erişilmek istenilen paylaşım devre dışı bırakılmış bir kullanıcıdan geliyor",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Kullanıcı sayısı sınırına ulaşıldığından kullanıcı eklenemedi. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için bildirimlerinize bakın.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/uk.js b/lib/l10n/uk.js
index d45cabb70c2..b708c0b3c80 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/uk.js
@@ -139,11 +139,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Бекенд спільного доступу %s повинен реалізовувати інтерфейс OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Бекенд спільного доступу %s не знайдено",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Бекенд спільного доступу для %s не знайдено",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\"",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\".",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Щоб відкрити файл, натисніть кнопку нижче.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Відкрити %s",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s через %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\" та хоче додати:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\" та хоче додати",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "\"%s\" додано примітку до файлу у спільному доступі",
- "Open »%s«" : "Відкрити %s",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s через %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Вам заборонено поширювати %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Не вдалося підвищити дозволи для %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Не можна надавати у спільний доступ файли з дозволами на вилучення",
@@ -152,9 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Неможливо встановити дату закінчення більше ніж %n день у майбутньому","Неможливо встановити дату закінчення більше ніж %n днів у майбутньому","Неможливо встановити дату закінчення більше ніж %n днів у майбутньому","Неможливо встановити дату закінчення більше ніж %n днів у майбутньому"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Спільний доступ дозволений лише для учасників групи",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Не вдалося надати у спільний доступ%s, оскільки цей ресурс вже у спільному доступі з обліковим записом %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\"",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\".",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Щоб відкрити файл, натисніть кнопку нижче.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Запитуваний спільний ресурс більше недоступний",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Отримано запит на спільний доступ від неактивного користувача",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Користувача не створено, оскільки досягнуто обмеження на кількість користувачів. Перевірте сповіщення для докладної інформації.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/uk.json b/lib/l10n/uk.json
index 15c4bdd2ec2..976206f0071 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/uk.json
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "Бекенд спільного доступу %s повинен реалізовувати інтерфейс OCP\\Share_Backend",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Бекенд спільного доступу %s не знайдено",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Бекенд спільного доступу для %s не знайдено",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\"",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\".",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Щоб відкрити файл, натисніть кнопку нижче.",
+ "Open »%s«" : "Відкрити %s",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s через %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\" та хоче додати:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\" та хоче додати",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "\"%s\" додано примітку до файлу у спільному доступі",
- "Open »%s«" : "Відкрити %s",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s через %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Вам заборонено поширювати %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Не вдалося підвищити дозволи для %s",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "Не можна надавати у спільний доступ файли з дозволами на вилучення",
@@ -150,9 +153,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["Неможливо встановити дату закінчення більше ніж %n день у майбутньому","Неможливо встановити дату закінчення більше ніж %n днів у майбутньому","Неможливо встановити дату закінчення більше ніж %n днів у майбутньому","Неможливо встановити дату закінчення більше ніж %n днів у майбутньому"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "Спільний доступ дозволений лише для учасників групи",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "Не вдалося надати у спільний доступ%s, оскільки цей ресурс вже у спільному доступі з обліковим записом %s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\"",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s надав(-ла) доступ до \"%2$s\".",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Щоб відкрити файл, натисніть кнопку нижче.",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "Запитуваний спільний ресурс більше недоступний",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "Отримано запит на спільний доступ від неактивного користувача",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "Користувача не створено, оскільки досягнуто обмеження на кількість користувачів. Перевірте сповіщення для докладної інформації.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/vi.js b/lib/l10n/vi.js
index 44dbf8cb018..11dec3c6127 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/vi.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/vi.js
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Additional settings" : "Cài đặt bổ sung",
"Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "Hãy xóa thiết lập open_basedir tại tập tin cấu hình php.ini hoặc chuyển sang dùng PHP 64-bit.",
"Set an admin password." : "Thiết lập mật khẩu quản trị",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Bấm vào nút bên dưới để mở nó.",
"Open »%s«" : "Mở »%s«",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s thông qua %2$s",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Bấm vào nút bên dưới để mở nó.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "không thể tìm thấy mục \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Chủ nhật",
"Monday" : "Thứ 2",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/vi.json b/lib/l10n/vi.json
index a620296c74b..5db8b7e14cc 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/vi.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/vi.json
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
"Additional settings" : "Cài đặt bổ sung",
"Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "Hãy xóa thiết lập open_basedir tại tập tin cấu hình php.ini hoặc chuyển sang dùng PHP 64-bit.",
"Set an admin password." : "Thiết lập mật khẩu quản trị",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "Bấm vào nút bên dưới để mở nó.",
"Open »%s«" : "Mở »%s«",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s thông qua %2$s",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "Bấm vào nút bên dưới để mở nó.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" : "không thể tìm thấy mục \"%s\"",
"Sunday" : "Chủ nhật",
"Monday" : "Thứ 2",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/zh_CN.js b/lib/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 05489afa022..54293a27d71 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -127,11 +127,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "共享后端 %s 必须实现 OCP\\Share_Backend 接口",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "%s 的共享后端未找到",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s 的共享后端未找到",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«。",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "点击下方按钮可打开它。",
+ "Open »%s«" : "打开 »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 通过 %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s 与您共享了 »%2$s« 并希望添加:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s 与您共享了 »%2$s« 并希望添加",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« 在与您共享的文件中添加了备注",
- "Open »%s«" : "打开 »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 通过 %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "您无权共享 %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "无法提升 %s 的权限",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "不能带删除权限分享文件",
@@ -139,9 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expiration date is in the past" : "到期日期已过",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["允许设置的最远截止期是从今天算起的 %n-1 天之后"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "只允许与群组成员共享",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«。",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "点击下方按钮可打开它。",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "当前请求的共享已经不存在",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "请求的分享来自一个被禁用的用户",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "由于已达用户数量上限,用户未创建。请检查通知以了解详情。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/zh_CN.json b/lib/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 4c4c20208f1..e288d28a231 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -125,11 +125,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "共享后端 %s 必须实现 OCP\\Share_Backend 接口",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "%s 的共享后端未找到",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s 的共享后端未找到",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«。",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "点击下方按钮可打开它。",
+ "Open »%s«" : "打开 »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 通过 %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s 与您共享了 »%2$s« 并希望添加:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s 与您共享了 »%2$s« 并希望添加",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« 在与您共享的文件中添加了备注",
- "Open »%s«" : "打开 »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 通过 %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "您无权共享 %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "无法提升 %s 的权限",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "不能带删除权限分享文件",
@@ -137,9 +140,6 @@
"Expiration date is in the past" : "到期日期已过",
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["允许设置的最远截止期是从今天算起的 %n-1 天之后"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "只允许与群组成员共享",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«。",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "点击下方按钮可打开它。",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "当前请求的共享已经不存在",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "请求的分享来自一个被禁用的用户",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "由于已达用户数量上限,用户未创建。请检查通知以了解详情。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/zh_HK.js b/lib/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 68d914616e3..bf5bb7925d4 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "分享後端 %s 必須實作 OCP\\Share_Backend 界面",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "找不到分享後端 %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "找不到 %s 的分享後端",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "點下方連結開啟",
+ "Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 由 %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s ,且想要加入:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s ,且想要加入",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s 在與您分享的檔案中加入了註解",
- "Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 由 %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "你無權分享 %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "無法增加 %s 的權限",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "無法分享具有刪除權限的檔案",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["到期日不能設定為 %n 天以後的日期"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "僅允許在群組成員中共享",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "分享 %s 失敗,因為此項目已與帳戶 %s 分享",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "點下方連結開啟",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "該分享已經不存在",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "請求的分享來自已停用的用戶",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "未創建用戶因為已達到用戶上限。請查看您的通知以了解更多信息。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/zh_HK.json b/lib/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 0e0867af60d..0000381c5fc 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "分享後端 %s 必須實作 OCP\\Share_Backend 界面",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "找不到分享後端 %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "找不到 %s 的分享後端",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "點下方連結開啟",
+ "Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 由 %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s ,且想要加入:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s ,且想要加入",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s 在與您分享的檔案中加入了註解",
- "Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 由 %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "你無權分享 %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "無法增加 %s 的權限",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "無法分享具有刪除權限的檔案",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["到期日不能設定為 %n 天以後的日期"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "僅允許在群組成員中共享",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "分享 %s 失敗,因為此項目已與帳戶 %s 分享",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "點下方連結開啟",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "該分享已經不存在",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "請求的分享來自已停用的用戶",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "未創建用戶因為已達到用戶上限。請查看您的通知以了解更多信息。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/zh_TW.js b/lib/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 17a52ab0cc7..e37bef8e56e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "分享後端 %s 必須實作 OCP\\Share_Backend 界面",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "找不到分享後端 %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "找不到 %s 的分享後端",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "點下方連結開啟",
+ "Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 由 %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s ,且想要加入:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s ,且想要加入",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s 在與您分享的檔案中加入了註解",
- "Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 由 %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "你不被允許分享 %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "無法增加 %s 的權限",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "無法分享具有刪除權限的檔案",
@@ -153,9 +156,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["無法設定到期日超過未來%n天"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "僅允許與群組成員分享",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "分享 %s 失敗,因為此項目已與帳號 %s 分享",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "點下方連結開啟",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "該分享已經不存在",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "請求的分享來自已停用的使用者",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "未建立使用者,因為已達使用者上限。請檢查您的通知以取得更多資訊。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/zh_TW.json b/lib/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 6cb64203d57..02f728229e6 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -138,11 +138,14 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "分享後端 %s 必須實作 OCP\\Share_Backend 界面",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "找不到分享後端 %s",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "找不到 %s 的分享後端",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
+ "Click the button below to open it." : "點下方連結開啟",
+ "Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
+ "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 由 %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s ,且想要加入:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s ,且想要加入",
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "%s 在與您分享的檔案中加入了註解",
- "Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
- "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s 由 %2$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "你不被允許分享 %s",
"Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "無法增加 %s 的權限",
"Files cannot be shared with delete permissions" : "無法分享具有刪除權限的檔案",
@@ -151,9 +154,6 @@
"_Cannot set expiration date more than %n day in the future_::_Cannot set expiration date more than %n days in the future_" : ["無法設定到期日超過未來%n天"],
"Sharing is only allowed with group members" : "僅允許與群組成員分享",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %s" : "分享 %s 失敗,因為此項目已與帳號 %s 分享",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
- "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 與您分享了 %2$s",
- "Click the button below to open it." : "點下方連結開啟",
"The requested share does not exist anymore" : "該分享已經不存在",
"The requested share comes from a disabled user" : "請求的分享來自已停用的使用者",
"The user was not created because the user limit has been reached. Check your notifications to learn more." : "未建立使用者,因為已達使用者上限。請檢查您的通知以取得更多資訊。",