diff options
authorRobin <robin@Amaya.(none)>2010-05-07 22:50:59 +0200
committerRobin <robin@Amaya.(none)>2010-05-07 22:50:59 +0200
commit565410d8e266b4d0391b10d15339f700dcb1f789 (patch)
parentede1c64eddeb3abdde5b67da03be906bfba1b4cc (diff)
use an abstraction for file system functions to allow premisions and multiply storage backends
8 files changed, 656 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/files/get_files.php b/files/get_files.php
index 21866dbf636..1481bb6f84b 100755
--- a/files/get_files.php
+++ b/files/get_files.php
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function return_bytes($val) {
header('Content-type: application/xml');
diff --git a/files/open_file.php b/files/open_file.php
index 933efa51e1e..e1b82dcd37b 100755
--- a/files/open_file.php
+++ b/files/open_file.php
@@ -24,40 +24,19 @@
-function get_mime_type($filename, $mimePath = '../etc') {
- $fileext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);
- if (empty($fileext)) return (false);
- $regex = "/^([\w\+\-\.\/]+)\s+(\w+\s)*($fileext\s)/i";
- $lines = file("$mimePath/mime.types");
- foreach($lines as $line) {
- if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#') continue; // skip comments
- $line = rtrim($line) . " ";
- if (!preg_match($regex, $line, $matches)) continue; // no match to the extension
- return ($matches[1]);
- }
- return (false); // no match at all
if(strstr($file,'..') or strstr($dir,'..')){
-// $ftype='application/octet-stream';
-// $finfo=new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
-// $fres=@$finfo->file($filename);
-// if (is_string($fres) && !empty($fres)) {
-// $ftype = $fres;
-// }
-// echo $ftype;
-// die();
header('Content-Type: '.$ftype);
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
-header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename));
+header('Content-Length: ' . OC_FILESYSTEM::filesize($filename));
?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/HTTP/WebDAV/Server.php b/inc/HTTP/WebDAV/Server.php
index c81b9c90b9d..cf8adb31f5c 100755
--- a/inc/HTTP/WebDAV/Server.php
+++ b/inc/HTTP/WebDAV/Server.php
@@ -1255,7 +1255,6 @@ class HTTP_WebDAV_Server
$options["stream"] = fopen("php://input", "r");
$stat = $this->PUT($options);
diff --git a/inc/HTTP/WebDAV/Server/Filesystem.php b/inc/HTTP/WebDAV/Server/Filesystem.php
index 013be1c4efc..69ef7b30187 100755
--- a/inc/HTTP/WebDAV/Server/Filesystem.php
+++ b/inc/HTTP/WebDAV/Server/Filesystem.php
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
function PROPFIND(&$options, &$files)
// get absolute fs path to requested resource
- $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"];
+ $fspath = $options["path"];
// sanity check
if (!file_exists($fspath)) {
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@
$files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo($options["path"]);
// information for contained resources requested?
- if (!empty($options["depth"]) && is_dir($fspath) && is_readable($fspath)) {
+ if (!empty($options["depth"]) && OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($fspath) && OC_FILESYSTEM::is_readable($fspath)) {
// make sure path ends with '/'
$options["path"] = $this->_slashify($options["path"]);
// try to open directory
- $handle = @opendir($fspath);
+ $handle = @OC_FILESYSTEM::opendir($fspath);
if ($handle) {
// ok, now get all its contents
@@ -153,39 +153,39 @@
function fileinfo($path)
// map URI path to filesystem path
- $fspath = $this->base . $path;
+ $fspath =$path;
// create result array
$info = array();
// TODO remove slash append code when base clase is able to do it itself
- $info["path"] = is_dir($fspath) ? $this->_slashify($path) : $path;
+ $info["path"] = OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($fspath) ? $this->_slashify($path) : $path;
$info["props"] = array();
// no special beautified displayname here ...
$info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("displayname", strtoupper($path));
// creation and modification time
- $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("creationdate", filectime($fspath));
- $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getlastmodified", filemtime($fspath));
+ $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("creationdate", OC_FILESYSTEM::filectime($fspath));
+ $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getlastmodified", OC_FILESYSTEM::filemtime($fspath));
// Microsoft extensions: last access time and 'hidden' status
- $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("lastaccessed", fileatime($fspath));
+ $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("lastaccessed", OC_FILESYSTEM::fileatime($fspath));
$info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("ishidden", ('.' === substr(basename($fspath), 0, 1)));
// type and size (caller already made sure that path exists)
- if (is_dir($fspath)) {
+ if ( OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($fspath)) {
// directory (WebDAV collection)
$info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("resourcetype", "collection");
$info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", "httpd/unix-directory");
} else {
// plain file (WebDAV resource)
$info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("resourcetype", "");
- if (is_readable($fspath)) {
+ if ( OC_FILESYSTEM::is_readable($fspath)) {
$info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", $this->_mimetype($fspath));
} else {
$info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", "application/x-non-readable");
- $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontentlength", filesize($fspath));
+ $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontentlength", OC_FILESYSTEM::filesize($fspath));
// get additional properties from database
@@ -251,62 +251,7 @@
function _mimetype($fspath)
- if (@is_dir($fspath)) {
- // directories are easy
- return "httpd/unix-directory";
- } else if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) {
- // use mime magic extension if available
- $mime_type = mime_content_type($fspath);
- } else if ($this->_can_execute("file")) {
- // it looks like we have a 'file' command,
- // lets see it it does have mime support
- $fp = popen("file -i '$fspath' 2>/dev/null", "r");
- $reply = fgets($fp);
- pclose($fp);
- // popen will not return an error if the binary was not found
- // and find may not have mime support using "-i"
- // so we test the format of the returned string
- // the reply begins with the requested filename
- if (!strncmp($reply, "$fspath: ", strlen($fspath)+2)) {
- $reply = substr($reply, strlen($fspath)+2);
- // followed by the mime type (maybe including options)
- if (preg_match('|^[[:alnum:]_-]+/[[:alnum:]_-]+;?.*|', $reply, $matches)) {
- $mime_type = $matches[0];
- }
- }
- }
- if (empty($mime_type)) {
- // Fallback solution: try to guess the type by the file extension
- // TODO: add more ...
- // TODO: it has been suggested to delegate mimetype detection
- // to apache but this has at least three issues:
- // - works only with apache
- // - needs file to be within the document tree
- // - requires apache mod_magic
- // TODO: can we use the registry for this on Windows?
- // OTOH if the server is Windos the clients are likely to
- // be Windows, too, and tend do ignore the Content-Type
- // anyway (overriding it with information taken from
- // the registry)
- // TODO: have a seperate PEAR class for mimetype detection?
- switch (strtolower(strrchr(basename($fspath), "."))) {
- case ".html":
- $mime_type = "text/html";
- break;
- case ".gif":
- $mime_type = "image/gif";
- break;
- case ".jpg":
- $mime_type = "image/jpeg";
- break;
- default:
- $mime_type = "application/octet-stream";
- break;
- }
- }
+ return OC_FILESYSTEM::getMimeType($fspath);
return $mime_type;
@@ -320,10 +265,10 @@
function HEAD(&$options)
// get absolute fs path to requested resource
- $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"];
+ $fspath = $options["path"];
// sanity check
- if (!file_exists($fspath)) return false;
+ if (! OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($fspath)) return false;
// detect resource type
$options['mimetype'] = $this->_mimetype($fspath);
@@ -332,10 +277,10 @@
// see rfc2518, section 13.7
// some clients seem to treat this as a reverse rule
// requiering a Last-Modified header if the getlastmodified header was set
- $options['mtime'] = filemtime($fspath);
+ $options['mtime'] = OC_FILESYSTEM::filemtime($fspath);
// detect resource size
- $options['size'] = filesize($fspath);
+ $options['size'] = OC_FILESYSTEM::filesize($fspath);
return true;
@@ -348,11 +293,11 @@
function GET(&$options)
- // get absolute fs path to requested resource
- $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"];
+ // get absolute fs path to requested resource)
+ $fspath = $options["path"];
+ error_log("get '$fspath'");
// is this a collection?
- if (is_dir($fspath)) {
+ if (OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($fspath)) {
return $this->GetDir($fspath, $options);
@@ -362,7 +307,7 @@
// no need to check result here, it is handled by the base class
- $options['stream'] = fopen($fspath, "r");
+ $options['stream'] = OC_FILESYSTEM::fopen($fspath, "r");
return true;
@@ -387,11 +332,11 @@
// fixed width directory column format
$format = "%15s %-19s %-s\n";
- if (!is_readable($fspath)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::is_readable($fspath)) {
return false;
- $handle = opendir($fspath);
+ $handle = OC_FILESYSTEM::opendir($fspath);
if (!$handle) {
return false;
@@ -432,26 +377,25 @@
function PUT(&$options)
- $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"];
+ $fspath = $options["path"];
$dir = dirname($fspath);
- if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($dir) || !OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($dir)) {
return "409 Conflict"; // TODO right status code for both?
- $options["new"] = ! file_exists($fspath);
+ $options["new"] = ! OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($fspath);
- if ($options["new"] && !is_writeable($dir)) {
+ if ($options["new"] && !OC_FILESYSTEM::is_writeable($dir)) {
return "403 Forbidden";
- if (!$options["new"] && !is_writeable($fspath)) {
+ if (!$options["new"] && !OC_FILESYSTEM::is_writeable($fspath)) {
return "403 Forbidden";
- if (!$options["new"] && is_dir($fspath)) {
+ if (!$options["new"] && OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($fspath)) {
return "403 Forbidden";
- $fp = fopen($fspath, "w");
+ $fp = OC_FILESYSTEM::fopen($fspath, "w");
return $fp;
@@ -465,19 +409,19 @@
function MKCOL($options)
- $path = $this->base .$options["path"];
+ $path = $options["path"];
$parent = dirname($path);
$name = basename($path);
- if (!file_exists($parent)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($parent)) {
return "409 Conflict";
- if (!is_dir($parent)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($parent)) {
return "403 Forbidden";
- if ( file_exists($parent."/".$name) ) {
+ if ( OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($parent."/".$name) ) {
return "405 Method not allowed";
@@ -485,7 +429,7 @@
return "415 Unsupported media type";
- $stat = mkdir($parent."/".$name, 0777);
+ $stat = OC_FILESYSTEM::mkdir($parent."/".$name, 0777);
if (!$stat) {
return "403 Forbidden";
@@ -502,18 +446,20 @@
function DELETE($options)
- $path = $this->base . "/" .$options["path"];
+ $path =$options["path"];
- if (!file_exists($path)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($path)) {
return "404 Not found";
- if (is_dir($path)) {
+ if (OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($path)) {
$query = "DELETE FROM properties WHERE path LIKE '".$this->_slashify($options["path"])."%'";
- System::rm(array("-rf, $path"));
+// System::rm(array("-rf, $path"));
+ error_log('delTree');
+ OC_FILESYSTEM::delTree($path);
} else {
- unlink($path);
+ OC_FILESYSTEM::unlink($path);
$query = "DELETE FROM properties WHERE path = '$options[path]'";
@@ -552,12 +498,12 @@
return "502 bad gateway";
- $source = $this->base . $options["path"];
- if (!file_exists($source)) {
+ $source = $options["path"];
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($source)) {
return "404 Not found";
- if (is_dir($source)) { // resource is a collection
+ if (OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($source)) { // resource is a collection
switch ($options["depth"]) {
case "infinity": // valid
@@ -572,24 +518,24 @@
- $dest = $this->base . $options["dest"];
+ $dest = $options["dest"];
$destdir = dirname($dest);
- if (!file_exists($destdir) || !is_dir($destdir)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($destdir) || !OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($destdir)) {
return "409 Conflict";
- $new = !file_exists($dest);
+ $new = !OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($dest);
$existing_col = false;
if (!$new) {
- if ($del && is_dir($dest)) {
+ if ($del && OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($dest)) {
if (!$options["overwrite"]) {
return "412 precondition failed";
$dest .= basename($source);
- if (file_exists($dest)) {
+ if (OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($dest)) {
$options["dest"] .= basename($source);
} else {
$new = true;
@@ -610,7 +556,7 @@
if ($del) {
- if (!rename($source, $dest)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::rename($source, $dest)) {
return "500 Internal server error";
$destpath = $this->_unslashify($options["dest"]);
@@ -626,8 +572,8 @@
WHERE path = '".$options["path"]."'";
} else {
- if (is_dir($source)) {
- $files = System::find($source);
+ if (OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($source)) {
+ $files = OC_FILESYSTEM::find($source);
$files = array_reverse($files);
} else {
$files = array($source);
@@ -639,26 +585,26 @@
foreach ($files as $file) {
- if (is_dir($file)) {
+ if (OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($file)) {
$file = $this->_slashify($file);
$destfile = str_replace($source, $dest, $file);
- if (is_dir($file)) {
- if (!file_exists($destfile)) {
- if (!is_writeable(dirname($destfile))) {
+ if (OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($file)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($destfile)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::is_writeable(dirname($destfile))) {
return "403 Forbidden";
- if (!mkdir($destfile)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::mkdir($destfile)) {
return "409 Conflict";
- } else if (!is_dir($destfile)) {
+ } else if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($destfile)) {
return "409 Conflict";
} else {
- if (!copy($file, $destfile)) {
+ if (!OC_FILESYSTEM::copy($file, $destfile)) {
return "409 Conflict";
@@ -712,7 +658,7 @@
function LOCK(&$options)
// get absolute fs path to requested resource
- $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"];
+ $fspath = $options["path"];
// TODO recursive locks on directories not supported yet
// makes litmus test "32. lock_collection" fail
@@ -731,7 +677,7 @@
if (is_array($row)) {
- $query = "UPDATE locks SET expires = '$options[timeout]', modified = ".time()." $where";
+ $query = "UPDATE `locks` SET `expires` = '$options[timeout]', `modified` = ".time()." $where";
$options['owner'] = $row['owner'];
@@ -744,14 +690,14 @@
- $query = "INSERT INTO locks
- SET token = '$options[locktoken]'
- , path = '$options[path]'
- , created = ".time()."
- , modified = ".time()."
- , owner = '$options[owner]'
- , expires = '$options[timeout]'
- , exclusivelock = " .($options['scope'] === "exclusive" ? "1" : "0")
+ $query = "INSERT INTO `locks`
+ SET `token` = '$options[locktoken]'
+ , `path` = '$options[path]'
+ , `created` = ".time()."
+ , `modified` = ".time()."
+ , `owner` = '$options[owner]'
+ , `expires` = '$options[timeout]'
+ , `exclusivelock` = " .($options['scope'] === "exclusive" ? "1" : "0")
@@ -783,15 +729,13 @@
function checkLock($path)
$result = false;
- $query = "SELECT owner, token, created, modified, expires, exclusivelock
+ $query = "SELECT *
FROM locks
WHERE path = '$path'
- $res = OC_DB::query($query);
+ $res = OC_DB::select($query);
if ($res) {
- $row = OC_DB::fetch_assoc($res);
+ $row=$res[0];
if ($row) {
diff --git a/inc/lib_base.php b/inc/lib_base.php
index a2827787b18..fe8134b68e6 100755
--- a/inc/lib_base.php
+++ b/inc/lib_base.php
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ if(isset($CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL) and $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL){
// load core libs
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ if(OC_USER::isLoggedIn()){
+ $rootStorage=new OC_FILESTORAGE_LOCAL(array('datadir'=>$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY));
+ OC_FILESYSTEM::mount($rootStorage,'/');
// load plugins
diff --git a/inc/lib_files.php b/inc/lib_files.php
index 9bd349bfd06..f00f235d749 100755
--- a/inc/lib_files.php
+++ b/inc/lib_files.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
class OC_FILES {
+ static $tmpFiles=array();
* show a web GUI filebrowser
@@ -44,28 +44,32 @@ class OC_FILES {
* @param dir $directory
public static function getdirectorycontent($directory){
+ if(strpos($directory,$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY)===0){
+ $directory=substr($directory,strlen($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY));
+ }
- if (is_dir($directory)) {
- if ($dh = opendir($directory)) {
+ if (OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($directory)) {
+ if ($dh = OC_FILESYSTEM::opendir($directory)) {
while (($filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
- if($filename<>'.' and $filename<>'..'){
- $file=array();
- $filesfound=true;
- $file['name']=$filename;
- $file['directory']=$directory;
- $stat=stat($directory.'/'.$filename);
- $file=array_merge($file,$stat);
- $file['mime']=OC_FILES::getMimeType($directory .'/'. $filename);
- $file['type']=filetype($directory .'/'. $filename);
- if($file['type']=='dir'){
- $dirs[$file['name']]=$file;
- }else{
- $files[$file['name']]=$file;
- }
+ if($filename<>'.' and $filename<>'..' and substr($filename,0,1)!='.'){
+ $file=array();
+ $filesfound=true;
+ $file['name']=$filename;
+ $file['directory']=$directory;
+ $stat=OC_FILESYSTEM::stat($directory.'/'.$filename);
+ $file=array_merge($file,$stat);
+ $file['mime']=OC_FILES::getMimeType($directory .'/'. $filename);
+ $file['type']=OC_FILESYSTEM::filetype($directory .'/'. $filename);
+ if($file['type']=='dir'){
+ $dirs[$file['name']]=$file;
+ }else{
+ $files[$file['name']]=$file;
+ }
@@ -90,10 +94,6 @@ class OC_FILES {
* @param file $file
public static function get($dir,$files){
- if(strstr($files,'..') or strstr($dir,'..')){
- die();
- }
@@ -104,39 +104,45 @@ class OC_FILES {
exit("cannot open <$filename>\n");
foreach($files as $file){
- $file=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY.'/'.$dir.'/'.$file;
- if(is_file($file)){
- $zip->addFile($file,basename($file));
- }elseif(is_dir($file)){
+ $file=$dir.'/'.$file;
+ if(OC_FILESYSTEM::is_file($file)){
+ $tmpFile=OC_FILESYSTEM::toTmpFile($file);
+ self::$tmpFiles[]=$tmpFile;
+ $zip->addFile($tmpFile,basename($file));
+ }elseif(OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($file)){
- }elseif(is_dir($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY.'/'.$dir.'/'.$files)){
+ }elseif(OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($dir.'/'.$files)){
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$filename = sys_get_temp_dir()."/";
if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!==TRUE) {
exit("cannot open <$filename>\n");
- $file=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY.'/'.$dir.'/'.$files;
+ $file=$dir.'/'.$files;
- $filename=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY.'/'.$dir.'/'.$files;
+ $filename=$dir.'/'.$files;
- header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
- header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($filename));
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename));
+ if(!$zip){
+ $filename=OC_FILESYSTEM::toTmpFile($filename);
+ }
- if($zip){
- unlink($filename);
+ unlink($filename);
+ foreach(self::$tmpFiles as $tmpFile){
+ if(file_exists($tmpFile) and is_file($tmpFile)){
+ unlink($tmpFile);
+ }
@@ -149,11 +155,10 @@ class OC_FILES {
* @param file $target
public static function move($sourceDir,$source,$targetDir,$target){
- if(OC_USER::isLoggedIn() and strpos($sourceDir,'..')===false and strpos($source,'..')===false and strpos($targetDir,'..')===false and strpos($target,'..')===false){
- $targetFile=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY.'/'.$targetDir.'/'.$target;
- $sourceFile=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY.'/'.$sourceDir.'/'.$source;
- rename($sourceFile,$targetFile);
+ if(OC_USER::isLoggedIn()){
+ $targetFile=$targetDir.'/'.$target;
+ $sourceFile=$sourceDir.'/'.$source;
+ OC_FILESYSTEM::rename($sourceFile,$targetFile);
@@ -165,13 +170,12 @@ class OC_FILES {
* @param type $type
public static function newfile($dir,$name,$type){
- if(OC_USER::isLoggedIn() and strpos($dir,'..')===false and strpos($name,'..')===false){
- $file=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY.'/'.$dir.'/'.$name;
+ if(OC_USER::isLoggedIn()){
+ $file=$dir.'/'.$name;
- mkdir($file);
+ OC_FILESYSTEM::mkdir($file);
- $fileHandle=fopen($file, 'w') or die("can't open file");
+ $fileHandle=OC_FILESYSTEM::fopen($file, 'w') or die("can't open file");
@@ -184,13 +188,12 @@ class OC_FILES {
* @param file $name
public static function delete($dir,$file){
- if(OC_USER::isLoggedIn() and strpos($dir,'..')===false){
- $file=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY.'/'.$dir.'/'.$file;
- if(is_file($file)){
- unlink($file);
- }elseif(is_dir($file)){
- rmdir($file);
+ if(OC_USER::isLoggedIn()){
+ $file=$dir.'/'.$file;
+ if(OC_FILESYSTEM::is_file($file)){
+ OC_FILESYSTEM::unlink($file);
+ }elseif(OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($file)){
+ OC_FILESYSTEM::delTree($file);
@@ -198,108 +201,11 @@ class OC_FILES {
* try to detect the mime type of a file
- * @param string file path
+ * @param string path
* @return string guessed mime type
- function getMimeType($fspath){
- if (@is_dir($fspath)) {
- // directories are easy
- return "httpd/unix-directory";
- } else if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) {
- // use mime magic extension if available
- $mime_type = mime_content_type($fspath);
- } else if (OC_FILES::canExecute("file")) {
- // it looks like we have a 'file' command,
- // lets see it it does have mime support
- $fp = popen("file -i '$fspath' 2>/dev/null", "r");
- $reply = fgets($fp);
- pclose($fp);
- // popen will not return an error if the binary was not found
- // and find may not have mime support using "-i"
- // so we test the format of the returned string
- // the reply begins with the requested filename
- if (!strncmp($reply, "$fspath: ", strlen($fspath)+2)) {
- $reply = substr($reply, strlen($fspath)+2);
- // followed by the mime type (maybe including options)
- if (preg_match('/^[[:alnum:]_-]+/[[:alnum:]_-]+;?.*/', $reply, $matches)) {
- $mime_type = $matches[0];
- }
- }
- }
- if (empty($mime_type)) {
- // Fallback solution: try to guess the type by the file extension
- // TODO: add more ...
- switch (strtolower(strrchr(basename($fspath), "."))) {
- case ".html":
- $mime_type = "text/html";
- break;
- case ".txt":
- $mime_type = "text/plain";
- break;
- case ".css":
- $mime_type = "text/css";
- break;
- case ".gif":
- $mime_type = "image/gif";
- break;
- case ".jpg":
- $mime_type = "image/jpeg";
- break;
- case ".jpg":
- $mime_type = "png/jpeg";
- break;
- default:
- $mime_type = "application/octet-stream";
- break;
- }
- }
- return $mime_type;
- }
- /**
- * detect if a given program is found in the search PATH
- *
- * helper function used by _mimetype() to detect if the
- * external 'file' utility is available
- *
- * @param string program name
- * @param string optional search path, defaults to $PATH
- * @return bool true if executable program found in path
- */
- function canExecute($name, $path = false)
- {
- // path defaults to PATH from environment if not set
- if ($path === false) {
- $path = getenv("PATH");
- }
- // check method depends on operating system
- if (!strncmp(PHP_OS, "WIN", 3)) {
- // on Windows an appropriate COM or EXE file needs to exist
- $exts = array(".exe", ".com");
- $check_fn = "file_exists";
- } else {
- // anywhere else we look for an executable file of that name
- $exts = array("");
- $check_fn = "is_executable";
- }
- // now check the directories in the path for the program
- foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $path) as $dir) {
- // skip invalid path entries
- if (!file_exists($dir)) continue;
- if (!is_dir($dir)) continue;
- // and now look for the file
- foreach ($exts as $ext) {
- if ($check_fn("$dir/$name".$ext)) return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
+ function getMimeType($path){
+ return OC_FILESYSTEM::getMimeType($path);
@@ -312,9 +218,11 @@ function zipAddDir($dir,$zip,$internalDir=''){
foreach($files as $file){
- if(is_file($file)){
- $zip->addFile($file,$internalDir.$filename);
- }elseif(is_dir($file)){
+ if(OC_FILESYSTEM::is_file($file)){
+ $tmpFile=OC_FILESYSTEM::toTmpFile($file);
+ OC_FILES::$tmpFiles[]=$tmpFile;
+ $zip->addFile($tmpFile,$internalDir.$filename);
+ }elseif(OC_FILESYSTEM::is_dir($file)){
diff --git a/inc/lib_filesystem.php b/inc/lib_filesystem.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..cdfd0f11035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/lib_filesystem.php
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+* ownCloud
+* @author Frank Karlitschek
+* @copyright 2010 Frank Karlitschek
+* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+ * Class for abstraction of filesystem functions
+ * This class won't call any filesystem functions for itself but but will pass them to the correct OC_FILESTORAGE object
+ * this class should also handle all the file premission related stuff
+ */
+ static private $storages=array();
+ /**
+ * check if the current users has the right premissions to read a file
+ * @param string path
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ static private function canRead(){
+ return true;//dummy untill premissions are correctly implemented, also the correcty value because for now users are locked in their seperate data dir and can read/write everything in there
+ }
+ /**
+ * check if the current users has the right premissions to write a file
+ * @param string path
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ static private function canWrite(){
+ return true;//dummy untill premissions are correctly implemented, also the correcty value because for now users are locked in their seperate data dir and can read/write everything in there
+ }
+ /**
+ * mount an OC_FILESTORAGE in our virtual filesystem
+ * @param OC_FILESTORAGE storage
+ * @param string mountpoint
+ */
+ static public function mount($storage,$mountpoint){
+ if(substr($mountpoint,0,1)!=='/'){
+ $mountpoint='/'.$mountpoint;
+ }
+ self::$storages[$mountpoint]=$storage;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get the storage object for a path
+ * @param string path
+ * @return OC_FILESTORAGE
+ */
+ static private function getStorage($path){
+ $mountpoint=self::getMountPoint($path);
+ if($mountpoint){
+ return self::$storages[$mountpoint];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * get the mountpoint of the storage object for a path
+ * @param string path
+ * @return string
+ */
+ static private function getMountPoint($path){
+ if(!$path){
+ $path='/';
+ }
+ if(substr($path,0,1)!=='/'){
+ $path='/'.$path;
+ }
+ $foundMountPoint='';
+ foreach(self::$storages as $mountpoint=>$storage){
+ if($mountpoint==$path){
+ return $mountpoint;
+ }
+ if(strpos($path,$mountpoint)===0 and strlen($mountpoint)>strlen($foundMountPoint)){
+ $foundMountPoint=$mountpoint;
+ }
+ }
+ return $foundMountPoint;
+ }
+ static public function mkdir($path){
+ $parent=substr($path,0,strrpos($path,'/'));
+ if(self::canWrite($parent) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->mkdir(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function rmdir($path){
+ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->rmdir(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function opendir($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->opendir(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function is_dir($path){
+ if($path=='/'){
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->is_dir(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function is_file($path){
+ if($path=='/'){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->is_file(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function stat($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->stat(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function filetype($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->filetype(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function filesize($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->filesize(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function readfile($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->readfile(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function is_readable($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->is_readable(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static public function is_writeable($path){
+ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->is_writeable(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static public function file_exists($path){
+ if($path=='/'){
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->file_exists(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static public function filectime($path){
+ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->filectime(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function filemtime($path){
+ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->filemtime(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function fileatime($path){
+ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->fileatime(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function file_get_contents($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->file_get_contents(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function file_put_contents($path){
+ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->file_put_contents(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function unlink($path){
+ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->unlink(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function rename($path1,$path2){
+ if(self::canWrite($path1) and self::canWrite($path2)){
+ $mp1=self::getMountPoint($path1);
+ $mp2=self::getMountPoint($path2);
+ if($mp1==$mp2){
+ if($storage=self::getStorage($path1)){
+ return $storage->rename(substr($path1,strlen($mp1)),substr($path2,strlen($mp2)));
+ }
+ }elseif($storage1=self::getStorage($path1) and $storage2=self::getStorage($path2)){
+ $tmpFile=$storage1->toTmpFile(substr($path1,strlen($mp1)));
+ $result=$storage2->fromTmpFile($tmpFile,substr($path2,strlen($mp2)));
+ $storage1->unlink(substr($path1,strlen($mp1)));
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static public function copy($path1,$path2){
+ if(self::canRead($path1) and self::canWrite($path2)){
+ $mp1=self::getMountPoint($path1);
+ $mp2=self::getMountPoint($path2);
+ if($mp1==$mp2){
+ if($storage=self::getStorage($path1)){
+ return $storage->copy(substr($path1,strlen($mp1)),substr($path2,strlen($mp2)));
+ }
+ }elseif($storage1=self::getStorage($path1) and $storage2=self::getStorage($path2)){
+ $tmpFile=$storage1->toTmpFile(substr($path1,strlen($mp1)));
+ return $storage2->fromTmpFile($tmpFile,substr($path2,strlen($mp2)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static public function fopen($path,$mode){
+ $allowed=((strpos($path,'r')===false and strpos($path,'r+')!==false and self::canRead) or self::canWrite($path));
+ if($allowed){
+ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->fopen(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))),$mode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static public function toTmpFile($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->toTmpFile(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function fromTmpFile($tmpFile,$path){
+ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->fromTmpFile($tmpFile,substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function getMimeType($path){
+ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->getMimeType(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function delTree($path){
+ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->delTree(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ static public function find($path){
+ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){
+ return $storage->find(substr($path,strlen(self::getMountPoint($path))));
+ }
+ }
+ * Privde a common interface to all different storage options
+ */
+interface OC_FILESTORAGE{
+ public function __construct($parameters);
+ public function mkdir($path);
+ public function rmdir($path);
+ public function opendir($path);
+ public function is_dir($path);
+ public function is_file($path);
+ public function stat($path);
+ public function filetype($path);
+ public function filesize($path);
+ public function is_readable($path);
+ public function is_writeable($path);
+ public function file_exists($path);
+ public function readfile($path);
+ public function filectime($path);
+ public function filemtime($path);
+ public function fileatime($path);
+ public function file_get_contents($path);
+ public function file_put_contents($path);
+ public function unlink($path);
+ public function rename($path1,$path2);
+ public function copy($path1,$path2);
+ public function fopen($path,$mode);
+ public function toTmpFile($path);//copy the file to a temporary file, used for cross-storage file actions
+ public function fromTmpFile($tmpPath,$path);//copy a file from a temporary file, used for cross-storage file actions
+ public function getMimeType($path);
+ public function delTree($path);
+ public function find($path);
+ * for local filestore, we only have to map the paths
+ */
+ private $datadir;
+ public function __construct($arguments){
+ $this->datadir=$arguments['datadir'];
+ if(substr($this->datadir,-1)!=='/'){
+ $this->datadir.='/';
+ }
+ }
+ public function mkdir($path){
+ return mkdir($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function rmdir($path){
+ return rmdir($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function opendir($path){
+ return opendir($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function is_dir($path){
+ return is_dir($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function is_file($path){
+ return is_file($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function stat($path){
+ return stat($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function filetype($path){
+ return filetype($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function filesize($path){
+ return filesize($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function is_readable($path){
+ return is_readable($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function is_writeable($path){
+ return is_writeable($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function file_exists($path){
+ return file_exists($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function readfile($path){
+ return readfile($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function filectime($path){
+ return filectime($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function filemtime($path){
+ return filemtime($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function fileatime($path){
+ return fileatime($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function file_get_contents($path){
+ return file_get_contents($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function file_put_contents($path){
+ return file_put_contents($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function unlink($path){
+ return unlink($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
+ public function rename($path1,$path2){
+ return rename($this->datadir.$path1,$this->datadir.$path2);
+ }
+ public function copy($path1,$path2){
+ return copy($this->datadir.$path1,$this->datadir.$path2);
+ }
+ public function fopen($path,$mode){
+ return fopen($this->datadir.$path,$mode);
+ }
+ public function getMimeType($fspath){
+ if (@is_dir($this->datadir.$fspath)) {
+ // directories are easy
+ return "httpd/unix-directory";
+ } else if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) {
+ // use mime magic extension if available
+ $mime_type = mime_content_type($this->datadir.$fspath);
+ } else if (self::canExecute("file")) {
+ // it looks like we have a 'file' command,
+ // lets see it it does have mime support
+ $fp = popen("file -i '$fspath' 2>/dev/null", "r");
+ $reply = fgets($fp);
+ pclose($fp);
+ // popen will not return an error if the binary was not found
+ // and find may not have mime support using "-i"
+ // so we test the format of the returned string
+ // the reply begins with the requested filename
+ if (!strncmp($reply, "$fspath: ", strlen($fspath)+2)) {
+ $reply = substr($reply, strlen($fspath)+2);
+ // followed by the mime type (maybe including options)
+ if (preg_match('/^[[:alnum:]_-]+/[[:alnum:]_-]+;?.*/', $reply, $matches)) {
+ $mime_type = $matches[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($mime_type)) {
+ // Fallback solution: try to guess the type by the file extension
+ // TODO: add more ...
+ switch (strtolower(strrchr(basename($fspath), "."))) {
+ case ".html":
+ $mime_type = "text/html";
+ break;
+ case ".txt":
+ $mime_type = "text/plain";
+ break;
+ case ".css":
+ $mime_type = "text/css";
+ break;
+ case ".gif":
+ $mime_type = "image/gif";
+ break;
+ case ".jpg":
+ $mime_type = "image/jpeg";
+ break;
+ case ".jpeg":
+ $mime_type = "image/jpeg";
+ break;
+ case ".png":
+ $mime_type = "image/png";
+ break;
+ default:
+ $mime_type = "application/octet-stream";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $mime_type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * detect if a given program is found in the search PATH
+ *
+ * helper function used by _mimetype() to detect if the
+ * external 'file' utility is available
+ *
+ * @param string program name
+ * @param string optional search path, defaults to $PATH
+ * @return bool true if executable program found in path
+ */
+ private function canExecute($name, $path = false)
+ {
+ // path defaults to PATH from environment if not set
+ if ($path === false) {
+ $path = getenv("PATH");
+ }
+ // check method depends on operating system
+ if (!strncmp(PHP_OS, "WIN", 3)) {
+ // on Windows an appropriate COM or EXE file needs to exist
+ $exts = array(".exe", ".com");
+ $check_fn = "file_exists";
+ } else {
+ // anywhere else we look for an executable file of that name
+ $exts = array("");
+ $check_fn = "is_executable";
+ }
+ // now check the directories in the path for the program
+ foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $path) as $dir) {
+ // skip invalid path entries
+ if (!file_exists($dir)) continue;
+ if (!is_dir($dir)) continue;
+ // and now look for the file
+ foreach ($exts as $ext) {
+ if ($check_fn("$dir/$name".$ext)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function toTmpFile($path){
+ $tmpFolder=sys_get_temp_dir();
+ $filename=tempnam($tmpFolder,'OC_TEMP_FILE_'.substr($path,strrpos($path,'.')));
+ copy($this->datadir.$path,$filename);
+ return $filename;
+ }
+ public function fromTmpFile($tmpFile,$path){
+ copy($tmpFile,$this->datadir.$path);
+ unlink($tmpFile);
+ }
+ public function delTree($dir) {
+ $dirRelative=$dir;
+ $dir=$this->datadir.$dir;
+ if (!file_exists($dir)) return true;
+ if (!is_dir($dir) || is_link($dir)) return unlink($dir);
+ foreach (scandir($dir) as $item) {
+ if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue;
+ if(is_file($dir.'/'.$item)){
+ unlink($dir.'/'.$item);
+ }elseif(is_dir($dir.'/'.$item)){
+ if (!$this->delTree($dirRelative. "/" . $item)){
+ return false;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ return rmdir($dir);
+ }
+ public function find($path){
+ return System::find($this->datadir.$path);
+ }
diff --git a/webdav/owncloud.php b/webdav/owncloud.php
index 289105a4f1a..76a3adf9ae9 100755
--- a/webdav/owncloud.php
+++ b/webdav/owncloud.php
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ if(OC_USER::login($user,$passwd)){
+ $rootStorage=new OC_FILESTORAGE_LOCAL(array('datadir'=>$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY));
+ OC_FILESYSTEM::mount($rootStorage,'/');
$server = new HTTP_WebDAV_Server_Filesystem();
$server->db_name = $CONFIG_DBNAME;