path: root/apps/calendar/l10n
diff options
authorRobin Appelman <>2012-05-09 12:41:01 +0200
committerRobin Appelman <>2012-05-09 12:41:01 +0200
commit588b51d88ac6ba9d4a6b2ee80aa7ee8bad88547f (patch)
treee4cc00ab89fd11d0a3b199fef741431499fd33d3 /apps/calendar/l10n
parent000d7ba97535f470f30be44e02140401b24b43e2 (diff)
update translations
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/calendar/l10n')
43 files changed, 1619 insertions, 732 deletions
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ar.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ar.php
index 13df7c7b5fd..679f1102853 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ar.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ar.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "جدول زمني خاطئ",
"New Timezone:" => "التوقيت الجديد",
"Timezone changed" => "تم تغيير المنطقة الزمنية",
"Invalid request" => "طلب غير مفهوم",
"Calendar" => "الجدول الزمني",
-"Wrong calendar" => "جدول زمني خاطئ",
"Birthday" => "عيد ميلاد",
"Business" => "عمل",
"Call" => "إتصال",
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "حسب يوم السنه",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "حسب رقم الاسبوع",
"by day and month" => "حسب اليوم و الشهر",
-"Not an array" => "ليس صفيف",
"Date" => "تاريخ",
"Cal." => "تقويم",
"All day" => "كل النهار",
+"New Calendar" => "جدول زمني جديد",
"Missing fields" => "خانات خالية من المعلومات",
"Title" => "عنوان",
"From Date" => "من تاريخ",
@@ -79,27 +79,7 @@
"Today" => "اليوم",
"Calendars" => "الجداول الزمنية",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "لم يتم قراءة الملف بنجاح.",
-"Sun." => "أحد",
-"Mon." => "أثن.",
-"Tue." => "ثلا.",
-"Wed." => "أرب.",
-"Thu." => "خمي.",
-"Fri." => "جمع.",
-"Sat." => "سبت",
-"Jan." => "ك2",
-"Feb." => "شبا.",
-"Mar." => "اذار",
-"Apr." => "نيس.",
-"May." => "أيا.",
-"Jun." => "حزي.",
-"Jul." => "تمو.",
-"Aug." => "آب",
-"Sep." => "أيل.",
-"Oct." => "ت1",
-"Nov." => "ت2",
-"Dec." => "ك1",
"Choose active calendars" => "إختر الجدول الزمني الرئيسي",
-"New Calendar" => "جدول زمني جديد",
"CalDav Link" => "وصلة CalDav",
"Download" => "تحميل",
"Edit" => "تعديل",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "تصدير المعلومات",
"Title of the Event" => "عنوان الحدث",
"Category" => "فئة",
-"Select category" => "اختر الفئة",
"All Day Event" => "حدث في يوم كامل",
"From" => "من",
"To" => "إلى",
"Advanced options" => "خيارات متقدمة",
+"Location" => "مكان",
+"Location of the Event" => "مكان الحدث",
+"Description" => "مواصفات",
+"Description of the Event" => "وصف الحدث",
"Repeat" => "إعادة",
"Advanced" => "تعديلات متقدمه",
"Select weekdays" => "اختر ايام الاسبوع",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "المده الفاصله",
"End" => "نهايه",
"occurrences" => "الاحداث",
-"Location" => "مكان",
-"Location of the Event" => "مكان الحدث",
-"Description" => "مواصفات",
-"Description of the Event" => "وصف الحدث",
"Import a calendar file" => "أدخل ملف التقويم",
"Please choose the calendar" => "الرجاء إختر الجدول الزمني",
"create a new calendar" => "انشاء جدول زمني جديد",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "تم ادخال الجدول الزمني بنجاح",
"Close Dialog" => "أغلق الحوار",
"Create a new event" => "إضافة حدث جديد",
+"Select category" => "اختر الفئة",
"Timezone" => "المنطقة الزمنية",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "راقب دائما تغير التقويم الزمني",
"Timeformat" => "شكل الوقت",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/bg_BG.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/bg_BG.php
index 47610dcf67a..e4f73d24a9a 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/bg_BG.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/bg_BG.php
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
"All Day Event" => "Целодневно събитие",
"From" => "От",
"To" => "До",
-"Repeat" => "Повтори",
"Location" => "Локация",
"Location of the Event" => "Локация",
"Description" => "Описание",
"Description of the Event" => "Описание",
+"Repeat" => "Повтори",
"Create a new event" => "Ново събитие",
"Timezone" => "Часова зона"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ca.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ca.php
index 3b74e3da64c..50e9c1fc56e 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ca.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ca.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Calendari erroni",
"New Timezone:" => "Nova zona horària:",
"Timezone changed" => "La zona horària ha canviat",
"Invalid request" => "Sol.licitud no vàlida",
"Calendar" => "Calendari",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Calendari erroni",
"Birthday" => "Aniversari",
"Business" => "Feina",
"Call" => "Trucada",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "per ahir(s)",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "per número(s) de la setmana",
"by day and month" => "per dia del mes",
-"Not an array" => "No és una sèrie",
"Date" => "Data",
"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Tot el dia",
@@ -80,30 +79,11 @@
"Today" => "Avui",
"Calendars" => "Calendaris",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "S'ha produït un error en analitzar el fitxer.",
-"Sun." => "dg.",
-"Mon." => "dl.",
-"Tue." => "dt.",
-"Wed." => "dc.",
-"Thu." => "dj.",
-"Fri." => "dv.",
-"Sat." => "ds.",
-"Jan." => "gen.",
-"Feb." => "febr.",
-"Mar." => "març",
-"Apr." => "abr.",
-"May." => "maig",
-"Jun." => "juny",
-"Jul." => "jul.",
-"Aug." => "ag.",
-"Sep." => "set.",
-"Oct." => "oct.",
-"Nov." => "nov.",
-"Dec." => "des.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Seleccioneu calendaris actius",
"CalDav Link" => "Enllaç CalDav",
"Download" => "Baixa",
"Edit" => "Edita",
-"Delete" => "Esborra",
+"Delete" => "Suprimeix",
"New calendar" => "Calendari nou",
"Edit calendar" => "Edita el calendari",
"Displayname" => "Mostra el nom",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Exporta",
"Title of the Event" => "Títol de l'esdeveniment",
"Category" => "Categoria",
-"Select category" => "Seleccioneu categoria",
"All Day Event" => "Esdeveniment de tot el dia",
"From" => "Des de",
"To" => "Fins a",
"Advanced options" => "Opcions avançades",
+"Location" => "Ubicació",
+"Location of the Event" => "Ubicació de l'esdeveniment",
+"Description" => "Descripció",
+"Description of the Event" => "Descripció de l'esdeveniment",
"Repeat" => "Repetició",
"Advanced" => "Avançat",
"Select weekdays" => "Dies de la setmana seleccionats",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "Interval",
"End" => "Final",
"occurrences" => "aparicions",
-"Location" => "Ubicació",
-"Location of the Event" => "Ubicació de l'esdeveniment",
-"Description" => "Descripció",
-"Description of the Event" => "Descripció de l'esdeveniment",
"Import a calendar file" => "Importa un fitxer de calendari",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Escolliu el calendari",
"create a new calendar" => "crea un nou calendari",
@@ -146,10 +125,11 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "El calendari s'ha importat amb èxit",
"Close Dialog" => "Tanca el diàleg",
"Create a new event" => "Crea un nou esdeveniment",
+"Select category" => "Seleccioneu categoria",
"Timezone" => "Zona horària",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Comprova sempre en els canvis de zona horària",
"Timeformat" => "Format de temps",
-"24h" => "24",
+"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Adreça de sincronització del calendari CalDAV:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php
index a5d7bfcddff..5149aea8fe5 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Nesprávný kalendář",
"New Timezone:" => "Nová časová zóna:",
"Timezone changed" => "Časová zóna byla změněna",
"Invalid request" => "Chybný požadavek",
"Calendar" => "Kalendář",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Nesprávný kalendář",
"Birthday" => "Narozeniny",
-"Business" => "Pracovní",
-"Call" => "Volat",
+"Business" => "Obchodní",
+"Call" => "Hovor",
"Clients" => "Klienti",
"Deliverer" => "Doručovatel",
"Holidays" => "Prázdniny",
"Ideas" => "Nápady",
"Journey" => "Cesta",
-"Jubilee" => "Jubileum",
+"Jubilee" => "Výročí",
"Meeting" => "Schůzka",
"Other" => "Další",
"Personal" => "Osobní",
"Projects" => "Projekty",
"Questions" => "Dotazy",
-"Work" => "Práce",
+"Work" => "Pracovní",
"Does not repeat" => "Neopakuje se",
"Daily" => "Denně",
"Weekly" => "Týdně",
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"last" => "poslední",
"January" => "Leden",
"February" => "Únor",
-"March" => "Břeyen",
+"March" => "Březen",
"April" => "Duben",
"May" => "Květen",
"June" => "Červen",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "po dni (dnech)",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "podle čísel týdnů",
"by day and month" => "podle dne a měsíce",
-"Not an array" => "Není zařazeno",
"Date" => "Datum",
"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Celý den",
@@ -80,33 +79,14 @@
"Today" => "dnes",
"Calendars" => "Kalendáře",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Chyba při převodu souboru",
-"Sun." => "Ne",
-"Mon." => "Po",
-"Tue." => "Út",
-"Wed." => "St",
-"Thu." => "Čt",
-"Fri." => "Pá",
-"Sat." => "So",
-"Jan." => "Led.",
-"Feb." => "Úno.",
-"Mar." => "Bře.",
-"Apr." => "Dub.",
-"May." => "Kvě.",
-"Jun." => "Čer.",
-"Jul." => "Čec.",
-"Aug." => "Srp.",
-"Sep." => "Zář.",
-"Oct." => "Říj.",
-"Nov." => "Lis.",
-"Dec." => "Pro.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Vybrat aktivní kalendář",
-"CalDav Link" => "Odkaz CalDav",
+"CalDav Link" => "CalDav odkaz",
"Download" => "Stáhnout",
"Edit" => "Editovat",
"Delete" => "Odstranit",
"New calendar" => "Nový kalendář",
"Edit calendar" => "Editovat kalendář",
-"Displayname" => "Zobrazené jméno",
+"Displayname" => "Zobrazované jméno",
"Active" => "Aktivní",
"Calendar color" => "Barva kalendáře",
"Save" => "Uložit",
@@ -116,12 +96,15 @@
"Export" => "Export",
"Title of the Event" => "Název události",
"Category" => "Kategorie",
-"Select category" => "Vyberte kategorii",
"All Day Event" => "Celodenní událost",
"From" => "od",
"To" => "do",
"Advanced options" => "Pokročilé volby",
-"Repeat" => "Opakovat",
+"Location" => "Umístění",
+"Location of the Event" => "Místo konání události",
+"Description" => "Popis",
+"Description of the Event" => "Popis události",
+"Repeat" => "Opakování",
"Advanced" => "Pokročilé",
"Select weekdays" => "Vybrat dny v týdnu",
"Select days" => "Vybrat dny",
@@ -133,23 +116,20 @@
"Interval" => "Interval",
"End" => "Konec",
"occurrences" => "výskyty",
-"Location" => "Umístění",
-"Location of the Event" => "Místo konání události",
-"Description" => "Popis",
-"Description of the Event" => "Popis události",
"Import a calendar file" => "Importovat soubor kalendáře",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Zvolte prosím kalendář",
"create a new calendar" => "vytvořit nový kalendář",
"Name of new calendar" => "Název nového kalendáře",
"Import" => "Import",
"Importing calendar" => "Kalendář se importuje",
-"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalendář byl importován úspěšně",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalendář byl úspěšně importován",
"Close Dialog" => "Zavřít dialog",
"Create a new event" => "Vytvořit novou událost",
+"Select category" => "Vyberte kategorii",
"Timezone" => "Časové pásmo",
-"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Zkontrolujte vždy změny časového pásma",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Vždy kontrolavat, zda nedošlo ke změně časového pásma",
"Timeformat" => "Formát času",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
-"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Adresa pro synchronizaci kalendáře CalDAV:"
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Adresa pro synchronizaci kalendáře pomocí CalDAV:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/da.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/da.php
index c50a1db1d57..5154ef10963 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/da.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/da.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Forkert kalender",
"New Timezone:" => "Ny tidszone:",
"Timezone changed" => "Tidszone ændret",
"Invalid request" => "Ugyldig forespørgsel",
"Calendar" => "Kalender",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Forkert kalender",
"Birthday" => "Fødselsdag",
"Business" => "Forretning",
"Call" => "Ring",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "efter dag(e) i året",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "efter ugenummer/-numre",
"by day and month" => "efter dag og måned",
-"Not an array" => "Ikke en array",
"Date" => "Dato",
"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Hele dagen",
@@ -80,25 +79,6 @@
"Today" => "I dag",
"Calendars" => "Kalendere",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Der opstod en fejl under gennemlæsning af filen.",
-"Sun." => "Søn.",
-"Mon." => "Man.",
-"Tue." => "Tir.",
-"Wed." => "Ons.",
-"Thu." => "Tor.",
-"Fri." => "Fre.",
-"Sat." => "Lør.",
-"Jan." => "Jan.",
-"Feb." => "Feb.",
-"Mar." => "Mar.",
-"Apr." => "Apr.",
-"May." => "Maj.",
-"Jun." => "Jun.",
-"Jul." => "Jul.",
-"Aug." => "Aug.",
-"Sep." => "Sept.",
-"Oct." => "Okt.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Dec.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Vælg aktive kalendere",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav-link",
"Download" => "Hent",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Eksporter",
"Title of the Event" => "Titel på begivenheden",
"Category" => "Kategori",
-"Select category" => "Vælg kategori",
"All Day Event" => "Heldagsarrangement",
"From" => "Fra",
"To" => "Til",
"Advanced options" => "Avancerede indstillinger",
+"Location" => "Sted",
+"Location of the Event" => "Placering af begivenheden",
+"Description" => "Beskrivelse",
+"Description of the Event" => "Beskrivelse af begivenheden",
"Repeat" => "Gentag",
"Advanced" => "Avanceret",
"Select weekdays" => "Vælg ugedage",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "Interval",
"End" => "Afslutning",
"occurrences" => "forekomster",
-"Location" => "Sted",
-"Location of the Event" => "Placering af begivenheden",
-"Description" => "Beskrivelse",
-"Description of the Event" => "Beskrivelse af begivenheden",
"Import a calendar file" => "Importer en kalenderfil",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Vælg venligst kalender",
"create a new calendar" => "opret en ny kalender",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalender importeret korrekt",
"Close Dialog" => "Luk dialog",
"Create a new event" => "Opret en ny begivenhed",
+"Select category" => "Vælg kategori",
"Timezone" => "Tidszone",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Check altid efter ændringer i tidszone",
"Timeformat" => "Tidsformat",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/de.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/de.php
index 736294e0f05..47d8145e12d 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/de.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/de.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Falscher Kalender",
"New Timezone:" => "Neue Zeitzone:",
"Timezone changed" => "Zeitzone geändert",
"Invalid request" => "Anfragefehler",
"Calendar" => "Kalender",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Falscher Kalender",
"Birthday" => "Geburtstag",
"Business" => "Geschäftlich",
"Call" => "Anruf",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "an einem Tag des Jahres",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "an einer Wochennummer",
"by day and month" => "an einer Tag und Monats Kombination",
-"Not an array" => "Kein Feld",
"Date" => "Datum",
"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Ganztags",
@@ -80,25 +79,6 @@
"Today" => "Heute",
"Calendars" => "Kalender",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Fehler beim Einlesen der Datei.",
-"Sun." => "So",
-"Mon." => "Mo",
-"Tue." => "Di",
-"Wed." => "Mi",
-"Thu." => "Do",
-"Fri." => "Fr",
-"Sat." => "Sa",
-"Jan." => "Jan",
-"Feb." => "Feb",
-"Mar." => "März",
-"Apr." => "Apr",
-"May." => "Mai",
-"Jun." => "Juni",
-"Jul." => "Juli",
-"Aug." => "Aug",
-"Sep." => "Sep",
-"Oct." => "Okt",
-"Nov." => "Nov",
-"Dec." => "Dez",
"Choose active calendars" => "Aktive Kalender wählen",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDAV-Link",
"Download" => "Herunterladen",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Exportieren",
"Title of the Event" => "Name",
"Category" => "Kategorie",
-"Select category" => "Kategorie auswählen",
"All Day Event" => "Ganztägiges Ereignis",
"From" => "von",
"To" => "bis",
"Advanced options" => "Erweiterte Optionen",
+"Location" => "Ort",
+"Location of the Event" => "Ort",
+"Description" => "Beschreibung",
+"Description of the Event" => "Beschreibung",
"Repeat" => "wiederholen",
"Advanced" => "Erweitert",
"Select weekdays" => "Wochentage auswählen",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "Intervall",
"End" => "Ende",
"occurrences" => "Vorkommen",
-"Location" => "Ort",
-"Location of the Event" => "Ort",
-"Description" => "Beschreibung",
-"Description of the Event" => "Beschreibung",
"Import a calendar file" => "Kalender Datei Importieren",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Bitte wählen Sie den Kalender.",
"create a new calendar" => "Neuen Kalender anlegen",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalender erfolgreich importiert",
"Close Dialog" => "Dialog schließen",
"Create a new event" => "Neues Ereignis",
+"Select category" => "Kategorie auswählen",
"Timezone" => "Zeitzone",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "immer die Zeitzone überprüfen",
"Timeformat" => "Zeitformat",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/el.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/el.php
index af465beeed6..53eaf452a4d 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/el.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/el.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Λάθος ημερολόγιο",
"New Timezone:" => "Νέα ζώνη ώρας:",
"Timezone changed" => "Η ζώνη ώρας άλλαξε",
"Invalid request" => "Μη έγκυρο αίτημα",
"Calendar" => "Ημερολόγιο",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Λάθος ημερολόγιο",
"Birthday" => "Γενέθλια",
"Business" => "Επιχείρηση",
"Call" => "Κλήση",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "κατά ημέρα(ες) του έτους",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "κατά εβδομάδα(ες)",
"by day and month" => "κατά ημέρα και μήνα",
-"Not an array" => "Δεν είναι μια σειρά",
"Date" => "Ημερομηνία",
"Cal." => "Ημερ.",
"All day" => "Ολοήμερο",
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@
"From Time" => "Από Ώρα",
"To Date" => "Έως Ημερομηνία",
"To Time" => "Έως Ώρα",
-"The event ends before it starts" => "Το γεγονός ολοκληρώνεται πριν από την έναρξή του",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "Το συμβάν ολοκληρώνεται πριν από την έναρξή του",
"There was a database fail" => "Υπήρξε σφάλμα στη βάση δεδομένων",
"Week" => "Εβδομάδα",
"Month" => "Μήνας",
@@ -80,25 +79,6 @@
"Today" => "Σήμερα",
"Calendars" => "Ημερολόγια",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Υπήρξε μια αποτυχία, κατά την αξιολόγηση του αρχείου.",
-"Sun." => "Κυρ.",
-"Mon." => "Δευτ.",
-"Tue." => "Τρι.",
-"Wed." => "Τετ.",
-"Thu." => "Πέμ.",
-"Fri." => "Παρ.",
-"Sat." => "Σαβ.",
-"Jan." => "Ιαν.",
-"Feb." => "Φεβ.",
-"Mar." => "Μαρ.",
-"Apr." => "Απρ.",
-"May." => "Μάϊ.",
-"Jun." => "Ιον.",
-"Jul." => "Ιολ.",
-"Aug." => "Αύγ.",
-"Sep." => "Σεπ.",
-"Oct." => "Οκτ.",
-"Nov." => "Νοε.",
-"Dec." => "Δεκ.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Επιλέξτε τα ενεργά ημερολόγια",
"CalDav Link" => "Σύνδεση CalDAV",
"Download" => "Λήψη",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Εξαγωγή",
"Title of the Event" => "Τίτλος συμβάντος",
"Category" => "Κατηγορία",
-"Select category" => "Επιλέξτε κατηγορία",
"All Day Event" => "Ολοήμερο συμβάν",
"From" => "Από",
"To" => "Έως",
"Advanced options" => "Επιλογές για προχωρημένους",
+"Location" => "Τοποθεσία",
+"Location of the Event" => "Τοποθεσία συμβάντος",
+"Description" => "Περιγραφή",
+"Description of the Event" => "Περιγραφή του συμβάντος",
"Repeat" => "Επαναλαμβανόμενο",
"Advanced" => "Για προχωρημένους",
"Select weekdays" => "Επιλογή ημερών εβδομάδας",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "Διάστημα",
"End" => "Τέλος",
"occurrences" => "περιστατικά",
-"Location" => "Τοποθεσία",
-"Location of the Event" => "Τοποθεσία συμβάντος",
-"Description" => "Περιγραφή",
-"Description of the Event" => "Περιγραφή του συμβάντος",
"Import a calendar file" => "Εισαγωγή αρχείου ημερολογίου",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε το ημερολόγιο",
"create a new calendar" => "δημιουργία νέου ημερολογίου",
@@ -146,8 +125,9 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Το ημερολόγιο εισήχθει επιτυχώς",
"Close Dialog" => "Κλείσιμο Διαλόγου",
"Create a new event" => "Δημιουργήστε ένα νέο συμβάν",
+"Select category" => "Επιλέξτε κατηγορία",
"Timezone" => "Ζώνη ώρας",
-"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Έλεγοχς πάντα για τις αλλαγές της ζώνης ώρας",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Έλεγχος πάντα για τις αλλαγές της ζώνης ώρας",
"Timeformat" => "Μορφή ώρας",
"24h" => "24ω",
"12h" => "12ω",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/eo.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/eo.php
index 7c1cc97b9ee..3b65ef63dd0 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/eo.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/eo.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Malĝusta kalendaro",
"New Timezone:" => "Nova horzono:",
"Timezone changed" => "La horozono estas ŝanĝita",
"Invalid request" => "Nevalida peto",
"Calendar" => "Kalendaro",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Malĝusta kalendaro",
"Birthday" => "Naskiĝotago",
"Business" => "Negoco",
"Call" => "Voko",
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "laŭ jartago(j)",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "laŭ semajnnumero(j)",
"by day and month" => "laŭ tago kaj monato",
-"Not an array" => "Ĉi tio ne estas tabeltipa",
"Date" => "Dato",
"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "La tuta tago",
+"New Calendar" => "Nova kalendaro",
"Missing fields" => "Mankas iuj kampoj",
"Title" => "Titolo",
"From Date" => "ekde la dato",
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Kalendaroj",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Malsukceso okazis dum analizo de la dosiero.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Elektu aktivajn kalendarojn",
-"New Calendar" => "Nova kalendaro",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav-a ligilo",
"Download" => "Elŝuti",
"Edit" => "Redakti",
@@ -97,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Elporti",
"Title of the Event" => "Okazaĵotitolo",
"Category" => "Kategorio",
-"Select category" => "Elekti kategorion",
"All Day Event" => "La tuta tago",
"From" => "Ekde",
"To" => "Ĝis",
"Advanced options" => "Altnivela agordo",
+"Location" => "Loko",
+"Location of the Event" => "Okazaĵoloko",
+"Description" => "Priskribo",
+"Description of the Event" => "Okazaĵopriskribo",
"Repeat" => "Ripeti",
"Advanced" => "Altnivelo",
"Select weekdays" => "Elekti semajntagojn",
@@ -114,13 +116,16 @@
"Interval" => "Intervalo",
"End" => "Fino",
"occurrences" => "aperoj",
-"Location" => "Loko",
-"Location of the Event" => "Okazaĵoloko",
-"Description" => "Priskribo",
-"Description of the Event" => "Okazaĵopriskribo",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Enporti kalendarodosieron",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Bonvolu elekti kalendaron",
+"create a new calendar" => "Krei novan kalendaron",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Nomo de la nova kalendaro",
"Import" => "Enporti",
+"Importing calendar" => "Kalendaro estas enportata",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "La kalendaro enportiĝis sukcese",
+"Close Dialog" => "Fermi la dialogon",
"Create a new event" => "Krei okazaĵon",
+"Select category" => "Elekti kategorion",
"Timezone" => "Horozono",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Ĉiam kontroli ĉu la horzono ŝanĝiĝis",
"Timeformat" => "Tempoformo",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/es.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/es.php
index 100ffc4b220..e667ee10b81 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/es.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/es.php
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Calendario incorrecto",
"New Timezone:" => "Nueva zona horaria:",
"Timezone changed" => "Zona horaria cambiada",
"Invalid request" => "Petición no válida",
"Calendar" => "Calendario",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Calendario incorrecto",
"Birthday" => "Cumpleaños",
"Business" => "Negocios",
-"Call" => "LLamada",
+"Call" => "Llamada",
"Clients" => "Clientes",
"Deliverer" => "Entrega",
-"Holidays" => "Feriados",
+"Holidays" => "Festivos",
"Ideas" => "Ideas",
"Journey" => "Viaje",
"Jubilee" => "Aniversario",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "por día(s) del año",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "por número(s) de semana",
"by day and month" => "por día y mes",
-"Not an array" => "No es una serie",
"Date" => "Fecha",
"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Todo el día",
@@ -73,32 +72,13 @@
"To Date" => "Hasta la fecha",
"To Time" => "Hasta la hora",
"The event ends before it starts" => "El evento termina antes de que comience",
-"There was a database fail" => "Hubo un error en la base de datos",
+"There was a database fail" => "Se ha producido un error en la base de datos",
"Week" => "Semana",
"Month" => "Mes",
"List" => "Lista",
"Today" => "Hoy",
"Calendars" => "Calendarios",
-"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Hubo un fallo al analizar el archivo.",
-"Sun." => "Dom.",
-"Mon." => "Lun.",
-"Tue." => "Mar.",
-"Wed." => "Mié.",
-"Thu." => "Jue.",
-"Fri." => "Vie.",
-"Sat." => "Sáb.",
-"Jan." => "Ene.",
-"Feb." => "Feb.",
-"Mar." => "Mar.",
-"Apr." => "Abr.",
-"May." => "May.",
-"Jun." => "Jun.",
-"Jul." => "Jul.",
-"Aug." => "Ago.",
-"Sep." => "Sep.",
-"Oct." => "Oct.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Dic.",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Se ha producido un fallo al analizar el archivo.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Elige los calendarios activos",
"CalDav Link" => "Enlace a CalDav",
"Download" => "Descargar",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Exportar",
"Title of the Event" => "Título del evento",
"Category" => "Categoría",
-"Select category" => "Seleccionar categoría",
"All Day Event" => "Todo el día",
"From" => "Desde",
"To" => "Hasta",
"Advanced options" => "Opciones avanzadas",
+"Location" => "Lugar",
+"Location of the Event" => "Lugar del evento",
+"Description" => "Descripción",
+"Description of the Event" => "Descripción del evento",
"Repeat" => "Repetir",
"Advanced" => "Avanzado",
"Select weekdays" => "Seleccionar días de la semana",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "Intervalo",
"End" => "Fin",
"occurrences" => "ocurrencias",
-"Location" => "Lugar",
-"Location of the Event" => "Lugar del Evento",
-"Description" => "Descripción",
-"Description of the Event" => "Descripción del evento",
"Import a calendar file" => "Importar un archivo de calendario",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Elija el calendario",
"create a new calendar" => "Crear un nuevo calendario",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendario importado exitosamente",
"Close Dialog" => "Cerrar diálogo",
"Create a new event" => "Crear un nuevo evento",
+"Select category" => "Seleccionar categoría",
"Timezone" => "Zona horaria",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Comprobar siempre por cambios en la zona horaria",
"Timeformat" => "Formato de hora",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/et_EE.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/et_EE.php
index 7bff7bf42e7..d80bf9edef8 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/et_EE.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/et_EE.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Vale kalender",
"New Timezone:" => "Uus ajavöönd:",
"Timezone changed" => "Ajavöönd on muudetud",
"Invalid request" => "Vigane päring",
"Calendar" => "Kalender",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Vale kalender",
"Birthday" => "Sünnipäev",
"Business" => "Äri",
"Call" => "Helista",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "aasta päeva(de) järgi",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "nädala numbri(te) järgi",
"by day and month" => "kuu ja päeva järgi",
-"Not an array" => "Pole andmemassiiv",
"Date" => "Kuupäev",
"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Kogu päev",
@@ -80,25 +79,6 @@
"Today" => "Täna",
"Calendars" => "Kalendrid",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Faili parsimisel tekkis viga.",
-"Sun." => "Püh.",
-"Mon." => "Esm.",
-"Tue." => "Teisip.",
-"Wed." => "Kolmap.",
-"Thu." => "Meljap.",
-"Fri." => "Reede",
-"Sat." => "Laup.",
-"Jan." => "Jan.",
-"Feb." => "Veebr.",
-"Mar." => "Mär.",
-"Apr." => "Apr.",
-"May." => "Mai",
-"Jun." => "Jun.",
-"Jul." => "Jul.",
-"Aug." => "Aug.",
-"Sep." => "Sept.",
-"Oct." => "Okt.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Dets.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Vali aktiivsed kalendrid",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Link",
"Download" => "Lae alla",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Ekspordi",
"Title of the Event" => "Sündmuse pealkiri",
"Category" => "Kategooria",
-"Select category" => "Salvesta kategooria",
"All Day Event" => "Kogu päeva sündmus",
"From" => "Alates",
"To" => "Kuni",
"Advanced options" => "Lisavalikud",
+"Location" => "Asukoht",
+"Location of the Event" => "Sündmuse toimumiskoht",
+"Description" => "Kirjeldus",
+"Description of the Event" => "Sündmuse kirjeldus",
"Repeat" => "Korda",
"Advanced" => "Täpsem",
"Select weekdays" => "Vali nädalapäevad",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "Intervall",
"End" => "Lõpp",
"occurrences" => "toimumiskordi",
-"Location" => "Asukoht",
-"Location of the Event" => "Sündmuse toimumiskoht",
-"Description" => "Kirjeldus",
-"Description of the Event" => "Sündmuse kirjeldus",
"Import a calendar file" => "Impordi kalendrifail",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Palun vali kalender",
"create a new calendar" => "loo uus kalender",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalender on imporditud",
"Close Dialog" => "Sulge dialoogiaken",
"Create a new event" => "Loo sündmus",
+"Select category" => "Salvesta kategooria",
"Timezone" => "Ajavöönd",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Kontrolli alati muudatusi ajavööndis",
"Timeformat" => "Aja vorming",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/eu.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/eu.php
index be5b3f2203d..2cfcbcdb347 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/eu.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/eu.php
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
-"Timezone changed" => "Ordu-zona aldatuta",
-"Invalid request" => "Baligabeko eskaera",
-"Calendar" => "Egutegia",
"Wrong calendar" => "Egutegi okerra",
+"New Timezone:" => "Ordu-zonalde berria",
+"Timezone changed" => "Ordu-zonaldea aldatuta",
+"Invalid request" => "Baliogabeko eskaera",
+"Calendar" => "Egutegia",
"Birthday" => "Jaioteguna",
"Business" => "Negozioa",
"Call" => "Deia",
@@ -25,8 +26,44 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "Bi-Astero",
"Monthly" => "Hilabetero",
"Yearly" => "Urtero",
-"Not an array" => "Ez da bektore bat",
+"never" => "inoiz",
+"by date" => "dataren arabera",
+"by monthday" => "hileko egunaren arabera",
+"by weekday" => "asteko egunaren arabera",
+"Monday" => "Astelehena",
+"Tuesday" => "Asteartea",
+"Wednesday" => "Asteazkena",
+"Thursday" => "Osteguna",
+"Friday" => "Ostirala",
+"Saturday" => "Larunbata",
+"Sunday" => "Igandea",
+"events week of month" => "gertaeraren hilabeteko astea",
+"first" => "lehenengoa",
+"second" => "bigarrean",
+"third" => "hirugarrena",
+"fourth" => "laugarrena",
+"fifth" => "bostgarrena",
+"last" => "azkena",
+"January" => "Urtarrila",
+"February" => "Otsaila",
+"March" => "Martxoa",
+"April" => "Apirila",
+"May" => "Maiatza",
+"June" => "Ekaina",
+"July" => "Uztaila",
+"August" => "Abuztua",
+"September" => "Iraila",
+"October" => "Urria",
+"November" => "Azaroa",
+"December" => "Abendua",
+"by events date" => "gertaeren dataren arabera",
+"by yearday(s)" => "urteko egunaren arabera",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "aste zenbaki(ar)en arabera",
+"by day and month" => "eguna eta hilabetearen arabera",
+"Date" => "Data",
+"Cal." => "Eg.",
"All day" => "Egun guztia",
+"New Calendar" => "Egutegi berria",
"Missing fields" => "Eremuak faltan",
"Title" => "Izenburua",
"From Date" => "Hasierako Data",
@@ -34,7 +71,7 @@
"To Date" => "Bukaerako Data",
"To Time" => "Bukaerako Ordua",
"The event ends before it starts" => "Gertaera hasi baino lehen bukatzen da",
-"There was a database fail" => "Datu baseak huts egin du",
+"There was a database fail" => "Datu-baseak huts egin du",
"Week" => "Astea",
"Month" => "Hilabetea",
"List" => "Zerrenda",
@@ -42,8 +79,7 @@
"Calendars" => "Egutegiak",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Huts bat egon da, fitxategia aztertzen zen bitartea.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Aukeratu egutegi aktiboak",
-"New Calendar" => "Egutegi berria",
-"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Lotura",
+"CalDav Link" => "CalDav lotura",
"Download" => "Deskargatu",
"Edit" => "Editatu",
"Delete" => "Ezabatu",
@@ -59,20 +95,38 @@
"Export" => "Exportatu",
"Title of the Event" => "Gertaeraren izenburua",
"Category" => "Kategoria",
-"Select category" => "Aukeratu kategoria",
"All Day Event" => "Egun osoko gertaera",
"From" => "Hasiera",
"To" => "Bukaera",
"Advanced options" => "Aukera aurreratuak",
-"Repeat" => "Errepikatu",
"Location" => "Kokalekua",
"Location of the Event" => "Gertaeraren kokalekua",
"Description" => "Deskribapena",
"Description of the Event" => "Gertaeraren deskribapena",
+"Repeat" => "Errepikatu",
+"Advanced" => "Aurreratua",
+"Select weekdays" => "Hautatu asteko egunak",
+"Select days" => "Hautatu egunak",
+"and the events day of year." => "eta gertaeraren urteko eguna.",
+"and the events day of month." => "eta gertaeraren hilabeteko eguna.",
+"Select months" => "Hautatu hilabeteak",
+"Select weeks" => "Hautatu asteak",
+"and the events week of year." => "eta gertaeraren urteko astea.",
+"Interval" => "Tartea",
+"End" => "Amaiera",
+"occurrences" => "errepikapenak",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Inportatu egutegi fitxategi bat",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Mesedez aukeratu egutegia",
+"create a new calendar" => "sortu egutegi berria",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Egutegi berriaren izena",
"Import" => "Importatu",
+"Importing calendar" => "Egutegia inportatzen",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Egutegia ongi inportatu da",
+"Close Dialog" => "Itxi lehioa",
"Create a new event" => "Sortu gertaera berria",
-"Timezone" => "Ordu-zona",
+"Select category" => "Aukeratu kategoria",
+"Timezone" => "Ordu-zonaldea",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Egiaztatu beti ordu-zonalde aldaketen bila",
"Timeformat" => "Ordu formatua",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/fr.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/fr.php
index 36ce1ad875c..29cd978068c 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/fr.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/fr.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Mauvais calendrier",
"New Timezone:" => "Nouveau fuseau horaire :",
"Timezone changed" => "Fuseau horaire modifié",
"Invalid request" => "Requête invalide",
"Calendar" => "Calendrier",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Mauvais calendrier",
"Birthday" => "Anniversaire",
"Business" => "Professionnel",
"Call" => "Appel",
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@
"Friday" => "Vendredi",
"Saturday" => "Samedi",
"Sunday" => "Dimanche",
+"events week of month" => "événements du mois par semaine",
"first" => "premier",
-"second" => "second",
+"second" => "deuxième",
"third" => "troisième",
"fourth" => "quatrième",
"fifth" => "cinquième",
@@ -60,10 +61,10 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "par jour(s) de l'année",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "par numéro de semaine(s)",
"by day and month" => "par jour et mois",
-"Not an array" => "Ce n'est pas un tableau",
"Date" => "Date",
"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Journée entière",
+"New Calendar" => "Nouveau Calendrier",
"Missing fields" => "Champs manquants",
"Title" => "Titre",
"From Date" => "De la date",
@@ -78,27 +79,7 @@
"Today" => "Aujourd'hui",
"Calendars" => "Calendriers",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Une erreur est survenue pendant la lecture du fichier.",
-"Sun." => "Dim.",
-"Mon." => "Lun.",
-"Tue." => "Mar.",
-"Wed." => "Mer.",
-"Thu." => "Jeu.",
-"Fri." => "Ven.",
-"Sat." => "Sam.",
-"Jan." => "Jan.",
-"Feb." => "Fév.",
-"Mar." => "Mar.",
-"Apr." => "Avr.",
-"May." => "Mai.",
-"Jun." => "Jui.",
-"Jul." => "Jit.",
-"Aug." => "Aou.",
-"Sep." => "Sep.",
-"Oct." => "Oct.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Déc.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Choix des calendriers actifs",
-"New Calendar" => "Nouveau Calendrier",
"CalDav Link" => "Lien CalDav",
"Download" => "Télécharger",
"Edit" => "Éditer",
@@ -115,24 +96,26 @@
"Export" => "Exporter",
"Title of the Event" => "Titre de l'événement",
"Category" => "Catégorie",
-"Select category" => "Sélectionner une catégorie",
"All Day Event" => "Journée entière",
"From" => "De",
"To" => "À",
"Advanced options" => "Options avancées",
+"Location" => "Emplacement",
+"Location of the Event" => "Emplacement de l'événement",
+"Description" => "Description",
+"Description of the Event" => "Description de l'événement",
"Repeat" => "Répétition",
"Advanced" => "Avancé",
"Select weekdays" => "Sélection des jours de la semaine",
"Select days" => "Sélection des jours",
+"and the events day of year." => "et les événements de l'année par jour.",
+"and the events day of month." => "et les événements du mois par jour.",
"Select months" => "Sélection des mois",
"Select weeks" => "Sélection des semaines",
+"and the events week of year." => "et les événements de l'année par semaine.",
"Interval" => "Intervalle",
"End" => "Fin",
"occurrences" => "occurrences",
-"Location" => "Emplacement",
-"Location of the Event" => "Emplacement de l'événement",
-"Description" => "Description",
-"Description of the Event" => "Description de l'événement",
"Import a calendar file" => "Importer un fichier de calendriers",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Choisissez le calendrier svp",
"create a new calendar" => "Créer un nouveau calendrier",
@@ -142,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendrier importé avec succès",
"Close Dialog" => "Fermer la fenêtre",
"Create a new event" => "Créer un nouvel événement",
+"Select category" => "Sélectionner une catégorie",
"Timezone" => "Fuseau horaire",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Toujours vérifier d'éventuels changements de fuseau horaire",
"Timeformat" => "Format de l'heure",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/gl.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/gl.php
index 6b74a04f923..7c747be26f4 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/gl.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/gl.php
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Calendario equivocado",
"New Timezone:" => "Novo fuso horario:",
"Timezone changed" => "Fuso horario trocado",
"Invalid request" => "Petición non válida",
"Calendar" => "Calendario",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Calendario equivocado",
-"Birthday" => "Cumpleanos",
+"Birthday" => "Aniversario",
"Business" => "Traballo",
"Call" => "Chamada",
"Clients" => "Clientes",
@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@
"Holidays" => "Vacacións",
"Ideas" => "Ideas",
"Journey" => "Viaxe",
-"Jubilee" => "Aniversario",
+"Jubilee" => "Aniversario especial",
"Meeting" => "Reunión",
"Other" => "Outro",
-"Personal" => "Personal",
+"Personal" => "Persoal",
"Projects" => "Proxectos",
"Questions" => "Preguntas",
"Work" => "Traballo",
"Does not repeat" => "Non se repite",
"Daily" => "A diario",
"Weekly" => "Semanalmente",
-"Every Weekday" => "Tódalas semanas",
+"Every Weekday" => "Todas as semanas",
"Bi-Weekly" => "Cada dúas semanas",
-"Monthly" => "Mensualmente",
+"Monthly" => "Mensual",
"Yearly" => "Anual",
"never" => "nunca",
"by occurrences" => "por acontecementos",
@@ -56,52 +56,32 @@
"September" => "Setembro",
"October" => "Outubro",
"November" => "Novembro",
-"December" => "Nadal",
+"December" => "Decembro",
"by events date" => "por data dos eventos",
"by yearday(s)" => "por dia(s) do ano",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "por número(s) de semana",
"by day and month" => "por día e mes",
-"Not an array" => "Non é un conxunto",
"Date" => "Data",
"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Todo o dia",
"New Calendar" => "Novo calendario",
"Missing fields" => "Faltan campos",
"Title" => "Título",
-"From Date" => "Desde Data",
-"From Time" => "Desde Hora",
-"To Date" => "a Data",
-"To Time" => "a Hora",
+"From Date" => "Desde a data",
+"From Time" => "Desde a hora",
+"To Date" => "á data",
+"To Time" => "á hora",
"The event ends before it starts" => "O evento remata antes de iniciarse",
-"There was a database fail" => "Houbo un erro na base de datos",
+"There was a database fail" => "Produciuse un erro na base de datos",
"Week" => "Semana",
"Month" => "Mes",
"List" => "Lista",
"Today" => "Hoxe",
"Calendars" => "Calendarios",
-"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Houbo un erro ao procesar o ficheiro",
-"Sun." => "Dom.",
-"Mon." => "Lun.",
-"Tue." => "Mar.",
-"Wed." => "Mer.",
-"Thu." => "Xov.",
-"Fri." => "Ven.",
-"Sat." => "Sáb.",
-"Jan." => "Xan.",
-"Feb." => "Feb.",
-"Mar." => "Mar.",
-"Apr." => "Abr.",
-"May." => "Mai.",
-"Jun." => "Xuñ.",
-"Jul." => "Xul.",
-"Aug." => "Ago.",
-"Sep." => "Set.",
-"Oct." => "Out.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Nad.",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Produciuse un erro ao procesar o ficheiro",
"Choose active calendars" => "Escolla os calendarios activos",
"CalDav Link" => "Ligazón CalDav",
-"Download" => "Baixar",
+"Download" => "Descargar",
"Edit" => "Editar",
"Delete" => "Borrar",
"New calendar" => "Novo calendario",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Exportar",
"Title of the Event" => "Título do evento",
"Category" => "Categoría",
-"Select category" => "Seleccionar categoría",
-"All Day Event" => "Evento para todo o día",
+"All Day Event" => "Eventos do día",
"From" => "Desde",
-"To" => "Para",
+"To" => "a",
"Advanced options" => "Opcións avanzadas",
+"Location" => "Localización",
+"Location of the Event" => "Localización do evento",
+"Description" => "Descrición",
+"Description of the Event" => "Descrición do evento",
"Repeat" => "Repetir",
"Advanced" => "Avanzado",
"Select weekdays" => "Seleccionar días da semana",
@@ -128,28 +111,25 @@
"and the events day of year." => "e día dos eventos no ano.",
"and the events day of month." => "e día dos eventos no mes.",
"Select months" => "Seleccione meses",
-"Select weeks" => "Seleccione semanas",
+"Select weeks" => "Seleccionar semanas",
"and the events week of year." => "e semana dos eventos no ano.",
"Interval" => "Intervalo",
"End" => "Fin",
"occurrences" => "acontecementos",
-"Location" => "Localización",
-"Location of the Event" => "Localización do evento",
-"Description" => "Descripción",
-"Description of the Event" => "Descripción do evento",
-"Import a calendar file" => "Importar ficheiro de calendario",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importar un ficheiro de calendario",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Por favor, seleccione o calendario",
"create a new calendar" => "crear un novo calendario",
"Name of new calendar" => "Nome do novo calendario",
"Import" => "Importar",
"Importing calendar" => "Importar calendario",
-"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendario importado con éxito",
-"Close Dialog" => "Pechar cadro",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendario importado correctamente",
+"Close Dialog" => "Pechar diálogo",
"Create a new event" => "Crear un novo evento",
+"Select category" => "Seleccionar categoría",
"Timezone" => "Fuso horario",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Comprobar sempre cambios de fuso horario",
"Timeformat" => "Formato de hora",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
-"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Dirección de sincronización do calendario CalDAV:"
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Enderezo de sincronización do calendario CalDAV:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/he.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/he.php
index a399a9ff676..d8bd1c5f002 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/he.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/he.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "לוח שנה לא נכון",
"Timezone changed" => "אזור זמן השתנה",
"Invalid request" => "בקשה לא חוקית",
"Calendar" => "ח שנה",
-"Wrong calendar" => "לוח שנה לא נכון",
"Birthday" => "יום הולדת",
"Business" => "עסקים",
"Call" => "שיחה",
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "דו שבועי",
"Monthly" => "חודשי",
"Yearly" => "שנתי",
-"Not an array" => "לא מערך",
"All day" => "היום",
+"New Calendar" => "לוח שנה חדש",
"Title" => "כותרת",
"Week" => "שבוע",
"Month" => "חודש",
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
"Calendars" => "לוחות שנה",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "אירעה שגיאה בעת פענוח הקובץ.",
"Choose active calendars" => "בחר לוחות שנה פעילים",
-"New Calendar" => "לוח שנה חדש",
"CalDav Link" => "קישור CalDav",
"Download" => "הורדה",
"Edit" => "עריכה",
@@ -52,16 +51,16 @@
"Export" => "יצוא",
"Title of the Event" => "כותרת האירוע",
"Category" => "קטגוריה",
-"Select category" => "בחר קטגוריה",
"All Day Event" => "אירוע של כל היום",
"From" => "מאת",
"To" => "עבור",
-"Repeat" => "חזרה",
"Location" => "מיקום",
"Location of the Event" => "מיקום האירוע",
"Description" => "תיאור",
"Description of the Event" => "תיאור האירוע",
+"Repeat" => "חזרה",
"Import" => "יבוא",
"Create a new event" => "יצירת אירוע חדש",
+"Select category" => "בחר קטגוריה",
"Timezone" => "אזור זמן"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/hr.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/hr.php
index 1778511edee..2b2efacd31e 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/hr.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/hr.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Pogrešan kalendar",
"Timezone changed" => "Vremenska zona promijenjena",
"Invalid request" => "Neispravan zahtjev",
"Calendar" => "Kalendar",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Pogrešan kalendar",
"Birthday" => "Rođendan",
"Business" => "Poslovno",
"Call" => "Poziv",
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "Dvotjedno",
"Monthly" => "Mjesečno",
"Yearly" => "Godišnje",
-"Not an array" => "Nije niz",
"All day" => "Cijeli dan",
+"New Calendar" => "Novi Kalendar",
"Missing fields" => "Nedostaju polja",
"Title" => "Naslov",
"From Date" => "Datum Od",
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Kalendari",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Pogreška pri čitanju datoteke.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Odaberite aktive kalendare",
-"New Calendar" => "Novi Kalendar",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Poveznica",
"Download" => "Spremi lokalno",
"Edit" => "Uredi",
@@ -59,19 +58,19 @@
"Export" => "Izvoz",
"Title of the Event" => "Naslov Događaja",
"Category" => "Kategorija",
-"Select category" => "Odabir kategorije",
"All Day Event" => "Cjelodnevni događaj",
"From" => "Od",
"To" => "Za",
"Advanced options" => "Napredne mogućnosti",
-"Repeat" => "Ponavljanje",
"Location" => "Lokacija",
"Location of the Event" => "Lokacija Događaja",
"Description" => "Opis",
"Description of the Event" => "Opis događaja",
+"Repeat" => "Ponavljanje",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Odaberite kalendar",
"Import" => "Uvoz",
"Create a new event" => "Unesi novi događaj",
+"Select category" => "Odabir kategorije",
"Timezone" => "Vremenska zona",
"Timeformat" => "Format vremena",
"24h" => "24h",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/hu_HU.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/hu_HU.php
index 3c52551abb3..5afc24305e7 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/hu_HU.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/hu_HU.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Hibás naptár",
"Timezone changed" => "Időzóna megváltozott",
"Invalid request" => "Érvénytelen kérés",
"Calendar" => "Naptár",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Hibás naptár",
"Birthday" => "Születésap",
"Business" => "Üzlet",
"Call" => "Hívás",
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "Kéthetente",
"Monthly" => "Havi",
"Yearly" => "Évi",
-"Not an array" => "Nem egy tömb",
"All day" => "Egész nap",
+"New Calendar" => "Új naptár",
"Missing fields" => "Hiányzó mezők",
"Title" => "Cím",
"From Date" => "Napjától",
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Naptárak",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Probléma volt a fájl elemzése közben.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Aktív naptár kiválasztása",
-"New Calendar" => "Új naptár",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDAV link",
"Download" => "Letöltés",
"Edit" => "Szerkesztés",
@@ -59,17 +58,17 @@
"Export" => "Export",
"Title of the Event" => "Az esemény címe",
"Category" => "Kategória",
-"Select category" => "Kategória kiválasztása",
"All Day Event" => "Egész napos esemény",
"Advanced options" => "Haladó beállítások",
-"Repeat" => "Ismétlés",
"Location" => "Hely",
"Location of the Event" => "Az esemény helyszíne",
"Description" => "Leírás",
"Description of the Event" => "Az esemény leírása",
+"Repeat" => "Ismétlés",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Válassz naptárat",
"Import" => "Importálás",
"Create a new event" => "Új esemény létrehozása",
+"Select category" => "Kategória kiválasztása",
"Timezone" => "Időzóna",
"Timeformat" => "Időformátum",
"24h" => "24h",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ia.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ia.php
index 547c96e5a07..89f8ad20342 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ia.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ia.php
@@ -1,27 +1,86 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"New Timezone:" => "Nove fuso horari",
+"Invalid request" => "Requesta invalide.",
"Calendar" => "Calendario",
+"Call" => "Appello",
+"Meeting" => "Incontro",
+"Other" => "Altere",
+"Personal" => "Personal",
"Projects" => "Projectos",
+"Questions" => "Demandas",
"Work" => "Travalio",
+"never" => "nunquam",
+"by date" => "per data",
+"Monday" => "Lunedi",
+"Tuesday" => "Martedi",
+"Wednesday" => "Mercuridi",
+"Thursday" => "Jovedi",
+"Friday" => "Venerdi",
+"Saturday" => "Sabbato",
+"Sunday" => "Dominica",
+"first" => "prime",
+"second" => "secunde",
+"third" => "tertie",
+"last" => "ultime",
+"January" => "januario",
+"February" => "Februario",
+"March" => "Martio",
+"April" => "April",
+"May" => "Mai",
+"June" => "Junio",
+"July" => "Julio",
+"August" => "Augusto",
+"September" => "Septembre",
+"October" => "Octobre",
+"November" => "Novembre",
+"December" => "Decembre",
+"Date" => "Data",
"All day" => "Omne die",
+"New Calendar" => "Nove calendario",
"Title" => "Titulo",
+"From Date" => "Data de initio",
+"From Time" => "Hora de initio",
+"To Date" => "Data de fin",
+"To Time" => "Hora de fin",
"Week" => "Septimana",
"Month" => "Mense",
"List" => "Lista",
"Today" => "Hodie",
"Calendars" => "Calendarios",
"Choose active calendars" => "Selectionar calendarios active",
-"New Calendar" => "Nove calendario",
"Download" => "Discarga",
"Edit" => "Modificar",
"Delete" => "Deler",
+"New calendar" => "Nove calendario",
"Edit calendar" => "Modificar calendario",
"Active" => "Active",
"Calendar color" => "Color de calendario",
"Save" => "Salveguardar",
"Submit" => "Inviar",
"Cancel" => "Cancellar",
-"Select category" => "Selectionar categoria",
+"Edit an event" => "Modificar evento",
+"Export" => "Exportar",
+"Title of the Event" => "Titulo del evento.",
+"Category" => "Categoria",
"From" => "Ab",
"To" => "A",
-"Description" => "Description"
+"Advanced options" => "Optiones avantiate",
+"Location" => "Loco",
+"Location of the Event" => "Loco del evento.",
+"Description" => "Description",
+"Description of the Event" => "Description del evento",
+"Repeat" => "Repeter",
+"Advanced" => "Avantiate",
+"Select months" => "Seliger menses",
+"Select weeks" => "Seliger septimanas",
+"Interval" => "Intervallo",
+"End" => "Fin",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importar un file de calendario",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Selige el calendario",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Nomine del calendario",
+"Import" => "Importar",
+"Close Dialog" => "Clauder dialogo",
+"Create a new event" => "Crear un nove evento",
+"Select category" => "Selectionar categoria",
+"Timezone" => "Fuso horari"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/id.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/id.php
index a52891813c9..ac0734abba4 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/id.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/id.php
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
"All Day Event" => "Agenda di Semua Hari",
"From" => "Dari",
"To" => "Ke",
-"Repeat" => "Ulangi",
"Location" => "Lokasi",
"Location of the Event" => "Lokasi Agenda",
"Description" => "Deskripsi",
"Description of the Event" => "Deskripsi dari Agenda",
+"Repeat" => "Ulangi",
"Create a new event" => "Buat agenda baru",
"Timezone" => "Zonawaktu"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/it.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/it.php
index cb125043593..fc43d5faed3 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/it.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/it.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Calendario sbagliato",
"New Timezone:" => "Nuovo fuso orario:",
"Timezone changed" => "Fuso orario cambiato",
"Invalid request" => "Richiesta non valida",
"Calendar" => "Calendario",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Calendario sbagliato",
"Birthday" => "Compleanno",
"Business" => "Azienda",
"Call" => "Chiama",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"Does not repeat" => "Non ripetere",
"Daily" => "Giornaliero",
"Weekly" => "Settimanale",
-"Every Weekday" => "Ogni settimana",
+"Every Weekday" => "Ogni giorno della settimana",
"Bi-Weekly" => "Ogni due settimane",
"Monthly" => "Mensile",
"Yearly" => "Annuale",
@@ -61,94 +61,74 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "per giorno/i dell'anno",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "per numero/i settimana",
"by day and month" => "per giorno e mese",
-"Not an array" => "Non è un array",
"Date" => "Data",
"Cal." => "Cal.",
-"All day" => "Tutti i giorni",
+"All day" => "Tutti il giorno",
+"New Calendar" => "Nuovo calendario",
"Missing fields" => "Campi mancanti",
"Title" => "Titolo",
"From Date" => "Dal giorno",
-"From Time" => "Ora inizio",
-"To Date" => "al giorno",
-"To Time" => "Ora fine",
+"From Time" => "Ora iniziale",
+"To Date" => "Al giorno",
+"To Time" => "Ora finale",
"The event ends before it starts" => "L'evento finisce prima d'iniziare",
-"There was a database fail" => "C'è stato un errore col database",
+"There was a database fail" => "Si è verificato un errore del database",
"Week" => "Settimana",
"Month" => "Mese",
-"List" => "Lista",
+"List" => "Elenco",
"Today" => "Oggi",
"Calendars" => "Calendari",
-"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "C'è stato un errore nel parsing del file.",
-"Sun." => "Dom.",
-"Mon." => "Lun.",
-"Tue." => "Mar.",
-"Wed." => "Mer.",
-"Thu." => "Gio.",
-"Fri." => "Ven.",
-"Sat." => "Sab.",
-"Jan." => "Gen.",
-"Feb." => "Feb.",
-"Mar." => "Mar.",
-"Apr." => "Apr.",
-"May." => "Mag.",
-"Jun." => "Giu.",
-"Jul." => "Lug.",
-"Aug." => "Ago.",
-"Sep." => "Set.",
-"Oct." => "Ott.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Dic.",
-"Choose active calendars" => "Selezionare calendari attivi",
-"New Calendar" => "Nuovo Calendario",
-"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Link",
-"Download" => "Download",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Si è verificato un errore durante l'analisi del file.",
+"Choose active calendars" => "Scegli i calendari attivi",
+"CalDav Link" => "Collegamento CalDav",
+"Download" => "Scarica",
"Edit" => "Modifica",
"Delete" => "Elimina",
"New calendar" => "Nuovo calendario",
"Edit calendar" => "Modifica calendario",
-"Displayname" => "Mostra nome",
+"Displayname" => "Nome visualizzato",
"Active" => "Attivo",
"Calendar color" => "Colore calendario",
"Save" => "Salva",
"Submit" => "Invia",
"Cancel" => "Annulla",
-"Edit an event" => "Modifica evento",
+"Edit an event" => "Modifica un evento",
"Export" => "Esporta",
-"Title of the Event" => "Titolo evento",
+"Title of the Event" => "Titolo dell'evento",
"Category" => "Categoria",
-"Select category" => "Seleziona categoria",
-"All Day Event" => "Tutti gli eventi del giorno",
+"All Day Event" => "Evento che occupa tutta la giornata",
"From" => "Da",
"To" => "A",
"Advanced options" => "Opzioni avanzate",
+"Location" => "Luogo",
+"Location of the Event" => "Luogo dell'evento",
+"Description" => "Descrizione",
+"Description of the Event" => "Descrizione dell'evento",
"Repeat" => "Ripeti",
"Advanced" => "Avanzato",
"Select weekdays" => "Seleziona i giorni della settimana",
"Select days" => "Seleziona i giorni",
-"and the events day of year." => "e il giorno dell'anno degli eventi",
-"and the events day of month." => "e il giorno del mese degli eventi",
+"and the events day of year." => "e il giorno dell'anno degli eventi.",
+"and the events day of month." => "e il giorno del mese degli eventi.",
"Select months" => "Seleziona i mesi",
"Select weeks" => "Seleziona le settimane",
-"and the events week of year." => "e la settimana dell'anno degli eventi",
+"and the events week of year." => "e la settimana dell'anno degli eventi.",
"Interval" => "Intervallo",
"End" => "Fine",
"occurrences" => "occorrenze",
-"Location" => "Luogo",
-"Location of the Event" => "Luogo evento",
-"Description" => "Descrizione",
-"Description of the Event" => "Descrizione evento",
-"Import a calendar file" => "Importa un file calendario",
-"Please choose the calendar" => "Per favore scegli il calendario",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importa un file di calendario",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Scegli il calendario",
"create a new calendar" => "Crea un nuovo calendario",
"Name of new calendar" => "Nome del nuovo calendario",
"Import" => "Importa",
-"Importing calendar" => "Sto importando il calendario",
-"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendario importato con successo",
+"Importing calendar" => "Importazione del calendario in corso",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendario importato correttamente",
"Close Dialog" => "Chiudi la finestra di dialogo",
-"Create a new event" => "Crea evento",
+"Create a new event" => "Crea un nuovo evento",
+"Select category" => "Seleziona una categoria",
"Timezone" => "Fuso orario",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Controlla sempre i cambiamenti di fuso orario",
-"Timeformat" => "Formato ora",
+"Timeformat" => "Formato orario",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Indirizzo sincronizzazione calendario CalDAV:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php
index 0645f6a2a2c..d4a4b5f0185 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "誤ったカレンダーです",
"New Timezone:" => "新しいタイムゾーン:",
"Timezone changed" => "タイムゾーンが変更されました",
"Invalid request" => "無効なリクエストです",
"Calendar" => "カレンダー",
-"Wrong calendar" => "誤ったカレンダーです",
"Birthday" => "誕生日",
"Business" => "ビジネス",
"Call" => "電話をかける",
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "日番号で指定",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "週番号で指定",
"by day and month" => "月と日で指定",
-"Not an array" => "配列ではありません",
"Date" => "日付",
"Cal." => "カレンダー",
"All day" => "終日",
+"New Calendar" => "新しくカレンダーを作成する",
"Missing fields" => "項目がありません",
"Title" => "タイトル",
"From Date" => "開始日",
@@ -79,27 +79,7 @@
"Today" => "今日",
"Calendars" => "カレンダー",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "ファイルを構文解析する際に失敗しました",
-"Sun." => "日",
-"Mon." => "月",
-"Tue." => "火",
-"Wed." => "水",
-"Thu." => "木",
-"Fri." => "金",
-"Sat." => "土",
-"Jan." => "1月",
-"Feb." => "2月",
-"Mar." => "3月",
-"Apr." => "4月",
-"May." => "5月",
-"Jun." => "6月",
-"Jul." => "7月",
-"Aug." => "8月",
-"Sep." => "9月",
-"Oct." => "10月",
-"Nov." => "11月",
-"Dec." => "12月",
"Choose active calendars" => "アクティブなカレンダーを選択してください",
-"New Calendar" => "新しくカレンダーを作成する",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDavへのリンク",
"Download" => "ダウンロード",
"Edit" => "編集",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "エクスポート",
"Title of the Event" => "イベントのタイトル",
"Category" => "カテゴリー",
-"Select category" => "カテゴリーを選択してください",
"All Day Event" => "終日イベント",
"From" => "開始",
"To" => "終了",
"Advanced options" => "詳細設定",
+"Location" => "場所",
+"Location of the Event" => "イベントの場所",
+"Description" => "メモ",
+"Description of the Event" => "イベントのメモ",
"Repeat" => "繰り返す",
"Advanced" => "詳細設定",
"Select weekdays" => "曜日を指定",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "周期",
"End" => "繰り返す期間",
"occurrences" => "回繰り返す",
-"Location" => "場所",
-"Location of the Event" => "イベントの場所",
-"Description" => "メモ",
-"Description of the Event" => "イベントのメモ",
"Import a calendar file" => "カレンダーファイルをインポート",
"Please choose the calendar" => "カレンダーを選択してください",
"create a new calendar" => "新規カレンダーの作成",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "カレンダーの取り込みに成功しました",
"Close Dialog" => "閉じる",
"Create a new event" => "新しいイベントを作成する",
+"Select category" => "カテゴリーを選択してください",
"Timezone" => "タイムゾーン",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "タイムゾーン変更を常に確認する",
"Timeformat" => "時刻のフォーマット",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ko.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ko.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b22ef0156a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ko.php
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "잘못된 달력",
+"New Timezone:" => "새로운 시간대 설정",
+"Timezone changed" => "시간대 변경됨",
+"Invalid request" => "잘못된 요청",
+"Calendar" => "달력",
+"Birthday" => "생일",
+"Business" => "사업",
+"Call" => "통화",
+"Clients" => "클라이언트",
+"Deliverer" => "배송",
+"Holidays" => "공휴일",
+"Ideas" => "생각",
+"Journey" => "여행",
+"Jubilee" => "기념일",
+"Meeting" => "미팅",
+"Other" => "기타",
+"Personal" => "개인",
+"Projects" => "프로젝트",
+"Questions" => "질문",
+"Work" => "작업",
+"Does not repeat" => "반복 없음",
+"Daily" => "매일",
+"Weekly" => "매주",
+"Every Weekday" => "매주 특정 요일",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "2주마다",
+"Monthly" => "매월",
+"Yearly" => "매년",
+"never" => "전혀",
+"by occurrences" => "번 이후",
+"by date" => "날짜",
+"by monthday" => "월",
+"by weekday" => "주",
+"Monday" => "월요일",
+"Tuesday" => "화요일",
+"Wednesday" => "수요일",
+"Thursday" => "목요일",
+"Friday" => "금요일",
+"Saturday" => "토요일",
+"Sunday" => "일요일",
+"events week of month" => "이달의 한 주 일정",
+"first" => "첫번째",
+"second" => "두번째",
+"third" => "세번째",
+"fourth" => "네번째",
+"fifth" => "다섯번째",
+"last" => "마지막",
+"January" => "1월",
+"February" => "2월",
+"March" => "3월",
+"April" => "4월",
+"May" => "5월",
+"June" => "6월",
+"July" => "7월",
+"August" => "8월",
+"September" => "9월",
+"October" => "10월",
+"November" => "11월",
+"December" => "12월",
+"by events date" => "이벤트 날짜 순",
+"by yearday(s)" => "날짜 번호 순",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "주 번호 순",
+"by day and month" => "날짜 순",
+"Date" => "날짜",
+"Cal." => "달력",
+"All day" => "매일",
+"New Calendar" => "새로운 달력",
+"Missing fields" => "기입란이 비어있습니다",
+"Title" => "제목",
+"From Date" => "시작날짜",
+"From Time" => "시작시간",
+"To Date" => "마침 날짜",
+"To Time" => "마침 시간",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "마침일정이 시작일정 보다 빠릅니다. ",
+"There was a database fail" => "데이터베이스 에러입니다.",
+"Week" => "주",
+"Month" => "달",
+"List" => "목록",
+"Today" => "오늘",
+"Calendars" => "달력",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "파일을 처리하는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다.",
+"Choose active calendars" => "활성 달력 선택",
+"CalDav Link" => "CalDav 링크",
+"Download" => "다운로드",
+"Edit" => "편집",
+"Delete" => "삭제",
+"New calendar" => "새로운 달력",
+"Edit calendar" => "달력 편집",
+"Displayname" => "표시 이름",
+"Active" => "활성",
+"Calendar color" => "달력 색상",
+"Save" => "저장",
+"Submit" => "보내기",
+"Cancel" => "취소",
+"Edit an event" => "이벤트 편집",
+"Export" => "출력",
+"Title of the Event" => "이벤트 제목",
+"Category" => "분류",
+"All Day Event" => "종일 이벤트",
+"From" => "시작",
+"To" => "끝",
+"Advanced options" => "고급 설정",
+"Location" => "위치",
+"Location of the Event" => "이벤트 위치",
+"Description" => "설명",
+"Description of the Event" => "이벤트 설명",
+"Repeat" => "반복",
+"Advanced" => "고급",
+"Select weekdays" => "요일 선택",
+"Select days" => "날짜 선택",
+"and the events day of year." => "그리고 이 해의 일정",
+"and the events day of month." => "그리고 이 달의 일정",
+"Select months" => "달 선택",
+"Select weeks" => "주 선택",
+"and the events week of year." => "그리고 이 해의 주간 일정",
+"Interval" => "간격",
+"End" => "끝",
+"occurrences" => "번 이후",
+"Import a calendar file" => "달력 파일 가져오기",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "달력을 선택해 주세요",
+"create a new calendar" => "새 달력 만들기",
+"Name of new calendar" => "새 달력 이름",
+"Import" => "입력",
+"Importing calendar" => "달력 입력",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "달력 입력을 성공적으로 마쳤습니다.",
+"Close Dialog" => "대화 마침",
+"Create a new event" => "새 이벤트 만들기",
+"Select category" => "선택 카테고리",
+"Timezone" => "시간대",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "항상 시간대 변경 확인하기",
+"Timeformat" => "시간 형식 설정",
+"24h" => "24시간",
+"12h" => "12시간",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "달력 CalDav 동기화 주소"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/lb.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/lb.php
index 08b8d88f2a2..23e94d1cd12 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/lb.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/lb.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Falschen Kalenner",
"Timezone changed" => "Zäitzon geännert",
"Invalid request" => "Ongülteg Requête",
"Calendar" => "Kalenner",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Falschen Kalenner",
"Birthday" => "Gebuertsdag",
"Business" => "Geschäftlech",
"Call" => "Uruff",
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "All zweet Woch",
"Monthly" => "All Mount",
"Yearly" => "All Joer",
-"Not an array" => "Keen array",
"All day" => "All Dag",
+"New Calendar" => "Neien Kalenner",
"Missing fields" => "Felder déi feelen",
"Title" => "Titel",
"From Date" => "Vun Datum",
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Kalenneren",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Feeler beim lueden vum Fichier.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Wiel aktiv Kalenneren aus",
-"New Calendar" => "Neien Kalenner",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Link",
"Download" => "Eroflueden",
"Edit" => "Editéieren",
@@ -59,19 +58,19 @@
"Export" => "Export",
"Title of the Event" => "Titel vum Evenement",
"Category" => "Kategorie",
-"Select category" => "Kategorie auswielen",
"All Day Event" => "Ganz-Dag Evenement",
"From" => "Vun",
"To" => "Fir",
"Advanced options" => "Avancéiert Optiounen",
-"Repeat" => "Widderhuelen",
"Location" => "Uert",
"Location of the Event" => "Uert vum Evenement",
"Description" => "Beschreiwung",
"Description of the Event" => "Beschreiwung vum Evenement",
+"Repeat" => "Widderhuelen",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Wiel den Kalenner aus",
"Import" => "Import",
"Create a new event" => "En Evenement maachen",
+"Select category" => "Kategorie auswielen",
"Timezone" => "Zäitzon",
"Timeformat" => "Zäit Format",
"24h" => "24h",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php
index 7cc74887f75..3edf7b54691 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php
@@ -1,17 +1,24 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Ne tas kalendorius",
+"New Timezone:" => "Nauja laiko juosta:",
"Timezone changed" => "Laiko zona pakeista",
"Invalid request" => "Klaidinga užklausa",
"Calendar" => "Kalendorius",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Ne tas kalendorius",
"Birthday" => "Gimtadienis",
"Business" => "Verslas",
"Call" => "Skambučiai",
"Clients" => "Klientai",
+"Deliverer" => "Vykdytojas",
"Holidays" => "Išeiginės",
"Ideas" => "Idėjos",
"Journey" => "Kelionė",
"Jubilee" => "Jubiliejus",
"Meeting" => "Susitikimas",
+"Other" => "Kiti",
+"Personal" => "Asmeniniai",
+"Projects" => "Projektai",
+"Questions" => "Klausimai",
+"Work" => "Darbas",
"Does not repeat" => "Nekartoti",
"Daily" => "Kasdien",
"Weekly" => "Kiekvieną savaitę",
@@ -19,10 +26,37 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "Kas dvi savaites",
"Monthly" => "Kiekvieną mėnesį",
"Yearly" => "Kiekvienais metais",
-"Not an array" => "Ne masyvas",
+"never" => "niekada",
+"by date" => "pagal datą",
+"by monthday" => "pagal mėnesio dieną",
+"by weekday" => "pagal savaitės dieną",
+"Monday" => "Pirmadienis",
+"Tuesday" => "Antradienis",
+"Wednesday" => "Trečiadienis",
+"Thursday" => "Ketvirtadienis",
+"Friday" => "Penktadienis",
+"Saturday" => "Šeštadienis",
+"Sunday" => "Sekmadienis",
+"January" => "Sausis",
+"February" => "Vasaris",
+"March" => "Kovas",
+"April" => "Balandis",
+"May" => "Gegužė",
+"June" => "Birželis",
+"July" => "Liepa",
+"August" => "Rugpjūtis",
+"September" => "Rugsėjis",
+"October" => "Spalis",
+"November" => "Lapkritis",
+"December" => "Gruodis",
+"Date" => "Data",
+"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Visa diena",
+"New Calendar" => "Naujas kalendorius",
"Missing fields" => "Trūkstami laukai",
"Title" => "Pavadinimas",
+"From Date" => "Nuo datos",
+"From Time" => "Nuo laiko",
"To Date" => "Iki datos",
"To Time" => "Iki laiko",
"The event ends before it starts" => "Įvykis baigiasi anksčiau nei jis prasideda",
@@ -34,7 +68,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Kalendoriai",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Apdorojant failą įvyko klaida.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Pasirinkite naudojamus kalendorius",
-"New Calendar" => "Naujas kalendorius",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav adresas",
"Download" => "Atsisiųsti",
"Edit" => "Keisti",
@@ -43,6 +76,7 @@
"Edit calendar" => "Taisyti kalendorių",
"Displayname" => "Pavadinimas",
"Active" => "Naudojamas",
+"Calendar color" => "Kalendoriaus spalva",
"Save" => "Išsaugoti",
"Submit" => "Išsaugoti",
"Cancel" => "Atšaukti",
@@ -50,20 +84,31 @@
"Export" => "Eksportuoti",
"Title of the Event" => "Įvykio pavadinimas",
"Category" => "Kategorija",
-"Select category" => "Pasirinkite kategoriją",
"All Day Event" => "Visos dienos įvykis",
"From" => "Nuo",
"To" => "Iki",
"Advanced options" => "Papildomi nustatymai",
-"Repeat" => "Kartoti",
"Location" => "Vieta",
"Location of the Event" => "Įvykio vieta",
"Description" => "Aprašymas",
"Description of the Event" => "Įvykio aprašymas",
+"Repeat" => "Kartoti",
+"Select weekdays" => "Pasirinkite savaitės dienas",
+"Select days" => "Pasirinkite dienas",
+"Interval" => "Intervalas",
+"End" => "Pabaiga",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importuoti kalendoriaus failą",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Pasirinkite kalendorių",
+"create a new calendar" => "sukurti naują kalendorių",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Naujo kalendoriaus pavadinimas",
"Import" => "Importuoti",
+"Importing calendar" => "Importuojamas kalendorius",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalendorius sėkmingai importuotas",
+"Close Dialog" => "Uždaryti",
"Create a new event" => "Sukurti naują įvykį",
+"Select category" => "Pasirinkite kategoriją",
"Timezone" => "Laiko juosta",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Visada tikrinti laiko zonos pasikeitimus",
"Timeformat" => "Laiko formatas",
"24h" => "24val",
"12h" => "12val",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/mk.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/mk.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..784adfc8f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/mk.php
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Погрешен календар",
+"New Timezone:" => "Нова временска зона:",
+"Timezone changed" => "Временската зона е променета",
+"Invalid request" => "Неправилно барање",
+"Calendar" => "Календар",
+"Birthday" => "Роденден",
+"Business" => "Деловно",
+"Call" => "Повикај",
+"Clients" => "Клиенти",
+"Deliverer" => "Доставувач",
+"Holidays" => "Празници",
+"Ideas" => "Идеи",
+"Journey" => "Патување",
+"Jubilee" => "Јубилеј",
+"Meeting" => "Состанок",
+"Other" => "Останато",
+"Personal" => "Лично",
+"Projects" => "Проекти",
+"Questions" => "Прашања",
+"Work" => "Работа",
+"Does not repeat" => "Не се повторува",
+"Daily" => "Дневно",
+"Weekly" => "Седмично",
+"Every Weekday" => "Секој работен ден",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "Дво-седмично",
+"Monthly" => "Месечно",
+"Yearly" => "Годишно",
+"never" => "никогаш",
+"by occurrences" => "по настан",
+"by date" => "по датум",
+"by monthday" => "по ден во месецот",
+"by weekday" => "по работен ден",
+"Monday" => "Понеделник",
+"Tuesday" => "Вторник",
+"Wednesday" => "Среда",
+"Thursday" => "Четврток",
+"Friday" => "Петок",
+"Saturday" => "Сабота",
+"Sunday" => "Недела",
+"first" => "прв",
+"second" => "втор",
+"third" => "трет",
+"fourth" => "четврт",
+"fifth" => "пет",
+"last" => "последен",
+"January" => "Јануари",
+"February" => "Февруари",
+"March" => "Март",
+"April" => "Април",
+"May" => "Мај",
+"June" => "Јуни",
+"July" => "Јули",
+"August" => "Август",
+"September" => "Септември",
+"October" => "Октомври",
+"November" => "Ноември",
+"December" => "Декември",
+"by events date" => "по датумот на настанот",
+"by yearday(s)" => "по вчерашните",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "по број на седмицата",
+"by day and month" => "по ден и месец",
+"Date" => "Датум",
+"Cal." => "Кал.",
+"All day" => "Цел ден",
+"New Calendar" => "Нов календар",
+"Missing fields" => "Полиња кои недостасуваат",
+"Title" => "Наслов",
+"From Date" => "Од датум",
+"From Time" => "Од време",
+"To Date" => "До датум",
+"To Time" => "До време",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "Овој настан завршува пред за почне",
+"There was a database fail" => "Имаше проблем со базата",
+"Week" => "Седмица",
+"Month" => "Месец",
+"List" => "Листа",
+"Today" => "Денеска",
+"Calendars" => "Календари",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Имаше проблем при парсирање на датотеката.",
+"Choose active calendars" => "Избери активни календари",
+"CalDav Link" => "Врска за CalDav",
+"Download" => "Преземи",
+"Edit" => "Уреди",
+"Delete" => "Избриши",
+"New calendar" => "Нов календар",
+"Edit calendar" => "Уреди календар",
+"Displayname" => "Име за приказ",
+"Active" => "Активен",
+"Calendar color" => "Боја на календарот",
+"Save" => "Сними",
+"Submit" => "Прати",
+"Cancel" => "Откажи",
+"Edit an event" => "Уреди настан",
+"Export" => "Извези",
+"Title of the Event" => "Наслов на настанот",
+"Category" => "Категорија",
+"All Day Event" => "Целодневен настан",
+"From" => "Од",
+"To" => "До",
+"Advanced options" => "Напредни опции",
+"Location" => "Локација",
+"Location of the Event" => "Локација на настанот",
+"Description" => "Опис",
+"Description of the Event" => "Опис на настанот",
+"Repeat" => "Повтори",
+"Advanced" => "Напредно",
+"Select weekdays" => "Избери работни денови",
+"Select days" => "Избери денови",
+"Select months" => "Избери месеци",
+"Select weeks" => "Избери седмици",
+"Interval" => "интервал",
+"End" => "Крај",
+"occurrences" => "повторувања",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Внеси календар од датотека ",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Ве молам изберете го календарот",
+"create a new calendar" => "создади нов календар",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Име на новиот календар",
+"Import" => "Увези",
+"Importing calendar" => "Увезување на календар",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Календарот беше успешно увезен",
+"Close Dialog" => "Затвори дијалог",
+"Create a new event" => "Создади нов настан",
+"Select category" => "Избери категорија",
+"Timezone" => "Временска зона",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Секогаш провери за промени на временската зона",
+"Timeformat" => "Формат на времето",
+"24h" => "24ч",
+"12h" => "12ч",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "CalDAV календар адресата за синхронизација:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ms_MY.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ms_MY.php
index 663cc6a6468..2cb3ac41c30 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ms_MY.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ms_MY.php
@@ -1,7 +1,24 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Silap kalendar",
+"New Timezone:" => "Timezone Baru",
"Timezone changed" => "Zon waktu diubah",
"Invalid request" => "Permintaan tidak sah",
"Calendar" => "Kalendar",
+"Birthday" => "Hari lahir",
+"Business" => "Perniagaan",
+"Call" => "Panggilan",
+"Clients" => "Klien",
+"Deliverer" => "Penghantar",
+"Holidays" => "Cuti",
+"Ideas" => "Idea",
+"Journey" => "Perjalanan",
+"Jubilee" => "Jubli",
+"Meeting" => "Perjumpaan",
+"Other" => "Lain",
+"Personal" => "Peribadi",
+"Projects" => "Projek",
+"Questions" => "Soalan",
+"Work" => "Kerja",
"Does not repeat" => "Tidak berulang",
"Daily" => "Harian",
"Weekly" => "Mingguan",
@@ -9,32 +26,110 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "Dua kali seminggu",
"Monthly" => "Bulanan",
"Yearly" => "Tahunan",
+"never" => "jangan",
+"by occurrences" => "dari kekerapan",
+"by date" => "dari tarikh",
+"by monthday" => "dari haribulan",
+"by weekday" => "dari hari minggu",
+"Monday" => "Isnin",
+"Tuesday" => "Selasa",
+"Wednesday" => "Rabu",
+"Thursday" => "Khamis",
+"Friday" => "Jumaat",
+"Saturday" => "Sabtu",
+"Sunday" => "Ahad",
+"events week of month" => "event minggu dari bulan",
+"first" => "pertama",
+"second" => "kedua",
+"third" => "ketiga",
+"fourth" => "keempat",
+"fifth" => "kelima",
+"last" => "akhir",
+"January" => "Januari",
+"February" => "Februari",
+"March" => "Mac",
+"April" => "April",
+"May" => "Mei",
+"June" => "Jun",
+"July" => "Julai",
+"August" => "Ogos",
+"September" => "September",
+"October" => "Oktober",
+"November" => "November",
+"December" => "Disember",
+"by events date" => "dari tarikh event",
+"by yearday(s)" => "dari tahun",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "dari nombor minggu",
+"by day and month" => "dari hari dan bulan",
+"Date" => "Tarikh",
+"Cal." => "Kalendar",
"All day" => "Sepanjang hari",
+"New Calendar" => "Kalendar baru",
+"Missing fields" => "Ruangan tertinggal",
"Title" => "Tajuk",
+"From Date" => "Dari tarikh",
+"From Time" => "Masa Dari",
+"To Date" => "Sehingga kini",
+"To Time" => "Semasa",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "Peristiwa berakhir sebelum bermula",
+"There was a database fail" => "Terdapat kegagalan pada pengkalan data",
"Week" => "Minggu",
"Month" => "Bulan",
+"List" => "Senarai",
"Today" => "Hari ini",
"Calendars" => "Kalendar",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Berlaku kegagalan ketika penguraian fail. ",
"Choose active calendars" => "Pilih kalendar yang aktif",
+"CalDav Link" => "Pautan CalDav",
"Download" => "Muat turun",
"Edit" => "Edit",
+"Delete" => "Hapus",
+"New calendar" => "Kalendar baru",
"Edit calendar" => "Edit kalendar",
"Displayname" => "Paparan nama",
"Active" => "Aktif",
"Calendar color" => "Warna kalendar",
+"Save" => "Simpan",
"Submit" => "Hantar",
+"Cancel" => "Batal",
"Edit an event" => "Edit agenda",
+"Export" => "Export",
"Title of the Event" => "Tajuk agenda",
"Category" => "kategori",
"All Day Event" => "Agenda di sepanjang hari ",
"From" => "Dari",
"To" => "ke",
-"Repeat" => "Ulang",
+"Advanced options" => "Pilihan maju",
"Location" => "Lokasi",
"Location of the Event" => "Lokasi agenda",
"Description" => "Huraian",
"Description of the Event" => "Huraian agenda",
+"Repeat" => "Ulang",
+"Advanced" => "Maju",
+"Select weekdays" => "Pilih hari minggu",
+"Select days" => "Pilih hari",
+"and the events day of year." => "dan hari event dalam tahun.",
+"and the events day of month." => "dan hari event dalam bulan.",
+"Select months" => "Pilih bulan",
+"Select weeks" => "Pilih minggu",
+"and the events week of year." => "dan event mingguan dalam setahun.",
+"Interval" => "Tempoh",
+"End" => "Tamat",
+"occurrences" => "Peristiwa",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Import fail kalendar",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Sila pilih kalendar",
+"create a new calendar" => "Cipta kalendar baru",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Nama kalendar baru",
+"Import" => "Import",
+"Importing calendar" => "Import kalendar",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalendar berjaya diimport",
+"Close Dialog" => "Tutup dialog",
"Create a new event" => "Buat agenda baru",
-"Timezone" => "Zon waktu"
+"Select category" => "Pilih kategori",
+"Timezone" => "Zon waktu",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Sentiasa mengemaskini perubahan zon masa",
+"Timeformat" => "Timeformat",
+"24h" => "24h",
+"12h" => "12h",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Kelendar CalDAV mengemaskini alamat:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/nb_NO.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/nb_NO.php
index e7ecf47b6ed..216794f4304 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/nb_NO.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/nb_NO.php
@@ -1,38 +1,133 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Feil kalender",
+"New Timezone:" => "Ny tidssone:",
"Timezone changed" => "Tidssone endret",
"Invalid request" => "Ugyldig forespørsel",
"Calendar" => "Kalender",
+"Birthday" => "Bursdag",
+"Business" => "Forretninger",
+"Clients" => "Kunder",
+"Holidays" => "Ferie",
+"Ideas" => "Ideér",
+"Journey" => "Reise",
+"Jubilee" => "Jubileum",
+"Meeting" => "Møte",
+"Other" => "Annet",
+"Personal" => "ersonlig",
+"Projects" => "Prosjekter",
+"Questions" => "Spørsmål",
+"Work" => "Arbeid",
"Does not repeat" => "Gjentas ikke",
"Daily" => "Daglig",
"Weekly" => "Ukentlig",
"Every Weekday" => "Hver ukedag",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "Annenhver uke",
"Monthly" => "Månedlig",
"Yearly" => "Årlig",
+"never" => "aldri",
+"by occurrences" => "etter hyppighet",
+"by date" => "etter dato",
+"by monthday" => "etter dag i måned",
+"by weekday" => "etter ukedag",
+"Monday" => "Mandag",
+"Tuesday" => "Tirsdag",
+"Wednesday" => "Onsdag",
+"Thursday" => "Torsdag",
+"Friday" => "Fredag",
+"Saturday" => "Lørdag",
+"Sunday" => "Søndag",
+"events week of month" => "begivenhetens uke denne måneden",
+"first" => "første",
+"second" => "andre",
+"third" => "tredje",
+"fourth" => "fjerde",
+"fifth" => "femte",
+"last" => "siste",
+"January" => "Januar",
+"February" => "Februar",
+"March" => "Mars",
+"April" => "April",
+"May" => "Mai",
+"June" => "Juni",
+"July" => "Juli",
+"August" => "August",
+"September" => "September",
+"October" => "Oktober",
+"November" => "November",
+"December" => "Desember",
+"by events date" => "etter hendelsenes dato",
+"by yearday(s)" => "etter dag i året",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "etter ukenummer/-numre",
+"by day and month" => "etter dag og måned",
+"Date" => "Dato",
+"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Hele dagen ",
+"New Calendar" => "Ny kalender",
+"Missing fields" => "Manglende felt",
"Title" => "Tittel",
+"From Date" => "Fra dato",
+"From Time" => "Fra tidspunkt",
+"To Date" => "Til dato",
+"To Time" => "Til tidspunkt",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "En hendelse kan ikke slutte før den har begynt.",
+"There was a database fail" => "Det oppstod en databasefeil.",
"Week" => "Uke",
"Month" => "ned",
+"List" => "Liste",
"Today" => "I dag",
"Calendars" => "Kalendre",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Det oppstod en feil under åpningen av filen.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Velg en aktiv kalender",
+"CalDav Link" => "CalDav-lenke",
"Download" => "Last ned",
"Edit" => "Endre",
+"Delete" => "Slett",
+"New calendar" => "Ny kalender",
"Edit calendar" => "Rediger kalender",
"Displayname" => "Visningsnavn",
"Active" => "Aktiv",
"Calendar color" => "Kalenderfarge",
+"Save" => "Lagre",
"Submit" => "Lagre",
+"Cancel" => "Avbryt",
"Edit an event" => "Rediger en hendelse",
+"Export" => "Eksporter",
"Title of the Event" => "Hendelsestittel",
"Category" => "Kategori",
"All Day Event" => "Hele dagen-hendelse",
"From" => "Fra",
"To" => "Til",
-"Repeat" => "Gjenta",
+"Advanced options" => "Avanserte innstillinger",
"Location" => "Sted",
"Location of the Event" => "Hendelsessted",
"Description" => "Beskrivelse",
"Description of the Event" => "Hendelesebeskrivelse",
+"Repeat" => "Gjenta",
+"Advanced" => "Avansert",
+"Select weekdays" => "Velg ukedager",
+"Select days" => "Velg dager",
+"and the events day of year." => "og hendelsenes dag i året.",
+"and the events day of month." => "og hendelsenes dag i måneden.",
+"Select months" => "Velg måneder",
+"Select weeks" => "Velg uker",
+"and the events week of year." => "og hendelsenes uke i året.",
+"Interval" => "Intervall",
+"End" => "Slutt",
+"occurrences" => "forekomster",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importer en kalenderfil",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Vennligst velg kalenderen",
+"create a new calendar" => "Lag en ny kalender",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Navn på ny kalender:",
+"Import" => "Importer",
+"Importing calendar" => "Importerer kalender",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalenderen ble importert uten feil",
+"Close Dialog" => "Lukk dialog",
"Create a new event" => "Opprett en ny hendelse",
-"Timezone" => "Tidssone"
+"Select category" => "Velg kategori",
+"Timezone" => "Tidssone",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Se alltid etter endringer i tidssone",
+"Timeformat" => "Tidsformat:",
+"24h" => "24 t",
+"12h" => "12 t",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Kalender CalDAV synkroniseringsadresse"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/nl.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/nl.php
index e80694d610e..948dcf13c60 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/nl.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/nl.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Verkeerde kalender",
"New Timezone:" => "Nieuwe tijdszone:",
"Timezone changed" => "Tijdzone is veranderd",
"Invalid request" => "Ongeldige aanvraag",
"Calendar" => "Kalender",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Verkeerde kalender",
"Birthday" => "Verjaardag",
"Business" => "Zakelijk",
"Call" => "Bellen",
@@ -60,9 +60,10 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "volgens jaardag(en)",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "volgens weeknummer(s)",
"by day and month" => "per dag en maand",
-"Not an array" => "Geen array",
"Date" => "Datum",
+"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Hele dag",
+"New Calendar" => "Nieuwe Kalender",
"Missing fields" => "missende velden",
"Title" => "Titel",
"From Date" => "Begindatum",
@@ -77,27 +78,7 @@
"Today" => "Vandaag",
"Calendars" => "Kalenders",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verwerken van het bestand.",
-"Sun." => "Zo.",
-"Mon." => "Ma.",
-"Tue." => "Di.",
-"Wed." => "Woe.",
-"Thu." => "Do.",
-"Fri." => "Vrij.",
-"Sat." => "Zat.",
-"Jan." => "Jan.",
-"Feb." => "Feb.",
-"Mar." => "Maart",
-"Apr." => "April",
-"May." => "Mei",
-"Jun." => "Jun.",
-"Jul." => "Jul.",
-"Aug." => "Aug.",
-"Sep." => "Sept.",
-"Oct." => "Okt.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Dec.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Kies actieve kalenders",
-"New Calendar" => "Nieuwe Kalender",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Link",
"Download" => "Download",
"Edit" => "Bewerken",
@@ -114,26 +95,33 @@
"Export" => "Exporteren",
"Title of the Event" => "Titel van de afspraak",
"Category" => "Categorie",
-"Select category" => "Kies een categorie",
"All Day Event" => "Hele dag",
"From" => "Van",
"To" => "Aan",
"Advanced options" => "Geavanceerde opties",
+"Location" => "Locatie",
+"Location of the Event" => "Locatie van de afspraak",
+"Description" => "Beschrijving",
+"Description of the Event" => "Beschrijving van het evenement",
"Repeat" => "Herhalen",
"Advanced" => "Geavanceerd",
"Select weekdays" => "Selecteer weekdagen",
"Select days" => "Selecteer dagen",
"Select months" => "Selecteer maanden",
"Select weeks" => "Selecteer weken",
+"Interval" => "Interval",
"End" => "Einde",
"occurrences" => "gebeurtenissen",
-"Location" => "Locatie",
-"Location of the Event" => "Locatie van de afspraak",
-"Description" => "Beschrijving",
-"Description of the Event" => "Beschrijving van het evenement",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importeer een agenda bestand",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Kies de kalender",
+"create a new calendar" => "Maak een nieuw agenda",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Naam van de nieuwe agenda",
"Import" => "Importeer",
+"Importing calendar" => "Importeer agenda",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Agenda succesvol geïmporteerd",
+"Close Dialog" => "Sluit venster",
"Create a new event" => "Maak een nieuwe afspraak",
+"Select category" => "Kies een categorie",
"Timezone" => "Tijdzone",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Controleer altijd op aanpassingen van de tijdszone",
"Timeformat" => "Tijdformaat",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/nn_NO.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/nn_NO.php
index be1c7a02940..79119e8100b 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/nn_NO.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/nn_NO.php
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Feil kalender",
+"New Timezone:" => "Ny tidssone:",
"Timezone changed" => "Endra tidssone",
"Invalid request" => "Ugyldig førespurnad",
"Calendar" => "Kalender",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Feil kalender",
"Birthday" => "Bursdag",
"Business" => "Forretning",
"Call" => "Telefonsamtale",
@@ -25,9 +26,53 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "Annakvar veke",
"Monthly" => "Kvar månad",
"Yearly" => "Kvart år",
-"Not an array" => "Ikkje ein matrise",
+"never" => "aldri",
+"by occurrences" => "av førekomstar",
+"by date" => "av dato",
+"by monthday" => "av månadsdag",
+"by weekday" => "av vekedag",
+"Monday" => "Måndag",
+"Tuesday" => "Tysdag",
+"Wednesday" => "Onsdag",
+"Thursday" => "Torsdag",
+"Friday" => "Fredag",
+"Saturday" => "Laurdag",
+"Sunday" => "Søndag",
+"events week of month" => "hendingas veke av månad",
+"first" => "første",
+"second" => "andre",
+"third" => "tredje",
+"fourth" => "fjerde",
+"fifth" => "femte",
+"last" => "siste",
+"January" => "Januar",
+"February" => "Februar",
+"March" => "Mars",
+"April" => "April",
+"May" => "Mai",
+"June" => "Juni",
+"July" => "Juli",
+"August" => "August",
+"September" => "September",
+"October" => "Oktober",
+"November" => "November",
+"December" => "Desember",
+"by events date" => "av hendingsdato",
+"by yearday(s)" => "av årsdag(ar)",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "av vekenummer",
+"by day and month" => "av dag og månad",
+"Date" => "Dato",
+"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Heile dagen",
+"New Calendar" => "Ny kalender",
+"Missing fields" => "Manglande felt",
"Title" => "Tittel",
+"From Date" => "Frå dato",
+"From Time" => "Frå tid",
+"To Date" => "Til dato",
+"To Time" => "Til tid",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "Hendinga endar før den startar",
+"There was a database fail" => "Det oppstod ein databasefeil",
"Week" => "Veke",
"Month" => "Månad",
"List" => "Liste",
@@ -35,7 +80,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Kalendarar",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Feil ved tolking av fila.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Vel aktive kalendarar",
-"New Calendar" => "Ny kalender",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav-lenkje",
"Download" => "Last ned",
"Edit" => "Endra",
@@ -49,17 +93,43 @@
"Submit" => "Lagra",
"Cancel" => "Avbryt",
"Edit an event" => "Endra ein hending",
+"Export" => "Eksporter",
"Title of the Event" => "Tittel på hendinga",
"Category" => "Kategori",
-"Select category" => "Vel kategori",
"All Day Event" => "Heildagshending",
"From" => "Frå",
"To" => "Til",
-"Repeat" => "Gjenta",
+"Advanced options" => "Avanserte alternativ",
"Location" => "Stad",
"Location of the Event" => "Stad for hendinga",
"Description" => "Skildring",
"Description of the Event" => "Skildring av hendinga",
+"Repeat" => "Gjenta",
+"Advanced" => "Avansert",
+"Select weekdays" => "Vel vekedagar",
+"Select days" => "Vel dagar",
+"and the events day of year." => "og hendingane dag for år.",
+"and the events day of month." => "og hendingane dag for månad.",
+"Select months" => "Vel månedar",
+"Select weeks" => "Vel veker",
+"and the events week of year." => "og hendingane veke av året.",
+"Interval" => "Intervall",
+"End" => "Ende",
+"occurrences" => "førekomstar",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importer ei kalenderfil",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Venlegast vel kalenderen",
+"create a new calendar" => "Lag ny kalender",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Namn for ny kalender",
+"Import" => "Importer",
+"Importing calendar" => "Importerar kalender",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalender importert utan feil",
+"Close Dialog" => "Steng dialog",
"Create a new event" => "Opprett ei ny hending",
-"Timezone" => "Tidssone"
+"Select category" => "Vel kategori",
+"Timezone" => "Tidssone",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Sjekk alltid for endringar i tidssona",
+"Timeformat" => "Tidsformat",
+"24h" => "24t",
+"12h" => "12t",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Kalender CalDAV synkroniseringsadresse:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/pl.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/pl.php
index a654c878d3c..520c67d4240 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/pl.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/pl.php
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Nieprawidłowy kalendarz",
"New Timezone:" => "Nowa strefa czasowa:",
-"Timezone changed" => "Strefa czasowa została zmieniona",
+"Timezone changed" => "Zmieniono strefę czasową",
"Invalid request" => "Nieprawidłowe żądanie",
"Calendar" => "Kalendarz",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Zły kalendarz",
"Birthday" => "Urodziny",
-"Business" => "Interes",
-"Call" => "Rozmowa",
+"Business" => "Interesy",
+"Call" => "Rozmowy",
"Clients" => "Klienci",
-"Deliverer" => "Przesyłka",
+"Deliverer" => "Dostawcy",
"Holidays" => "Święta",
"Ideas" => "Pomysły",
-"Journey" => "Podróż",
-"Jubilee" => "Jubileusz",
-"Meeting" => "Spotkanie",
+"Journey" => "Podróże",
+"Jubilee" => "Jubileusze",
+"Meeting" => "Spotkania",
"Other" => "Inne",
-"Personal" => "Osobisty",
+"Personal" => "Osobiste",
"Projects" => "Projekty",
"Questions" => "Pytania",
-"Work" => "Praca",
-"Does not repeat" => "Nie powtarza się",
+"Work" => "Zawodowe",
+"Does not repeat" => "Brak",
"Daily" => "Codziennie",
"Weekly" => "Tygodniowo",
-"Every Weekday" => "Każdy dzień tygodnia",
+"Every Weekday" => "Każdego dnia tygodnia",
"Bi-Weekly" => "Dwa razy w tygodniu",
"Monthly" => "Miesięcznie",
"Yearly" => "Rocznie",
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
"Friday" => "Piątek",
"Saturday" => "Sobota",
"Sunday" => "Niedziela",
+"events week of month" => "wydarzenia miesiąca",
"first" => "pierwszy",
"second" => "drugi",
"third" => "trzeci",
@@ -59,13 +60,14 @@
"by events date" => "po datach wydarzeń",
"by yearday(s)" => "po dniach roku",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "po tygodniach",
-"Not an array" => "Nie ma w tablicy",
+"by day and month" => "przez dzień i miesiąc",
"Date" => "Data",
"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Cały dzień",
+"New Calendar" => "Nowy kalendarz",
"Missing fields" => "Brakujące pola",
-"Title" => "Tytuł",
-"From Date" => "Od dnia",
+"Title" => "Nazwa",
+"From Date" => "Od daty",
"From Time" => "Od czasu",
"To Date" => "Do daty",
"To Time" => "Do czasu",
@@ -76,50 +78,33 @@
"List" => "Lista",
"Today" => "Dzisiaj",
"Calendars" => "Kalendarze",
-"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Nastąpił problem przy parsowaniu pliku..",
-"Sun." => "Nie.",
-"Mon." => "Poń.",
-"Tue." => "Wto.",
-"Wed." => "Śro.",
-"Thu." => "Czw.",
-"Fri." => "Pią.",
-"Sat." => "So.",
-"Jan." => "Sty.",
-"Feb." => "Lut.",
-"Mar." => "Mar.",
-"Apr." => "Kwi.",
-"May." => "Maj",
-"Jun." => "Cze.",
-"Jul." => "Lip.",
-"Aug." => "Sie.",
-"Sep." => "Wrz.",
-"Oct." => "Paź.",
-"Nov." => "Lis.",
-"Dec." => "Gru.",
-"Choose active calendars" => "Wybierz aktywne kalendarze",
-"New Calendar" => "Nowy kalendarz",
-"CalDav Link" => "Link do CalDAV",
-"Download" => "Pobierz",
-"Edit" => "Edytuj",
-"Delete" => "Usuń",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Nie udało się przetworzyć pliku.",
+"Choose active calendars" => "Wybór aktywnych kalendarzy",
+"CalDav Link" => "Wyświetla odnośnik CalDAV",
+"Download" => "Pobiera kalendarz",
+"Edit" => "Edytuje kalendarz",
+"Delete" => "Usuwa kalendarz",
"New calendar" => "Nowy kalendarz",
-"Edit calendar" => "Edycja kalendarza",
-"Displayname" => "Displayname",
+"Edit calendar" => "Edytowanie kalendarza",
+"Displayname" => "Wyświetlana nazwa",
"Active" => "Aktywny",
-"Calendar color" => "Kalendarz kolor",
+"Calendar color" => "Kolor",
"Save" => "Zapisz",
"Submit" => "Prześlij",
"Cancel" => "Anuluj",
-"Edit an event" => "Edycja zdarzenia",
+"Edit an event" => "Edytowanie wydarzenia",
"Export" => "Wyeksportuj",
-"Title of the Event" => "Tytuł zdarzenia",
+"Title of the Event" => "Nazwa wydarzenia",
"Category" => "Kategoria",
-"Select category" => "Wybierz kategorię",
-"All Day Event" => "Całodniowe wydarzenie",
-"From" => "Z",
+"All Day Event" => "Wydarzenie całodniowe",
+"From" => "Od",
"To" => "Do",
"Advanced options" => "Opcje zaawansowane",
-"Repeat" => "Powtórz",
+"Location" => "Lokalizacja",
+"Location of the Event" => "Lokalizacja wydarzenia",
+"Description" => "Opis",
+"Description of the Event" => "Opis wydarzenia",
+"Repeat" => "Powtarzanie",
"Advanced" => "Zaawansowane",
"Select weekdays" => "Wybierz dni powszechne",
"Select days" => "Wybierz dni",
@@ -128,16 +113,19 @@
"Select months" => "Wybierz miesiące",
"Select weeks" => "Wybierz tygodnie",
"and the events week of year." => "oraz wydarzenia roku.",
-"Interval" => "Przedział",
+"Interval" => "Interwał",
"End" => "Koniec",
"occurrences" => "wystąpienia",
-"Location" => "Lokalizacja",
-"Location of the Event" => "Lokalizacja zdarzenia",
-"Description" => "Opis",
-"Description of the Event" => "Opis zdarzenia",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Zaimportuj plik kalendarza",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Proszę wybrać kalendarz",
+"create a new calendar" => "stwórz nowy kalendarz",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Nazwa kalendarza",
"Import" => "Import",
-"Create a new event" => "Stwórz nowe wydarzenie",
+"Importing calendar" => "Importuje kalendarz",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Zaimportowano kalendarz",
+"Close Dialog" => "Zamknij okno",
+"Create a new event" => "Tworzenie nowego wydarzenia",
+"Select category" => "Wybierz kategorię",
"Timezone" => "Strefa czasowa",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Zawsze sprawdzaj zmiany strefy czasowej",
"Timeformat" => "Format czasu",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/pt_BR.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/pt_BR.php
index 324a85aa136..c89c1a9ffe2 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/pt_BR.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/pt_BR.php
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Calendário incorreto",
+"New Timezone:" => "Novo fuso horário",
"Timezone changed" => "Fuso horário alterado",
"Invalid request" => "Pedido inválido",
"Calendar" => "Calendário",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Calendário incorreto",
"Birthday" => "Aniversário",
"Business" => "Negócio",
"Call" => "Chamada",
@@ -25,8 +26,45 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "De duas em duas semanas",
"Monthly" => "Mensal",
"Yearly" => "Anual",
-"Not an array" => "Não é um array",
+"never" => "nunca",
+"by occurrences" => "por ocorrências",
+"by date" => "por data",
+"by monthday" => "por dia do mês",
+"by weekday" => "por dia da semana",
+"Monday" => "Segunda-feira",
+"Tuesday" => "Terça-feira",
+"Wednesday" => "Quarta-feira",
+"Thursday" => "Quinta-feira",
+"Friday" => "Sexta-feira",
+"Saturday" => "Sábado",
+"Sunday" => "Domingo",
+"events week of month" => "semana do evento no mês",
+"first" => "primeiro",
+"second" => "segundo",
+"third" => "terceiro",
+"fourth" => "quarto",
+"fifth" => "quinto",
+"last" => "último",
+"January" => "Janeiro",
+"February" => "Fevereiro",
+"March" => "Março",
+"April" => "Abril",
+"May" => "Maio",
+"June" => "Junho",
+"July" => "Julho",
+"August" => "Agosto",
+"September" => "Setembro",
+"October" => "Outubro",
+"November" => "Novembro",
+"December" => "Dezembro",
+"by events date" => "eventos por data",
+"by yearday(s)" => "por dia(s) do ano",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "por número(s) da semana",
+"by day and month" => "por dia e mês",
+"Date" => "Data",
+"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Todo o dia",
+"New Calendar" => "Novo Calendário",
"Missing fields" => "Campos incompletos",
"Title" => "Título",
"From Date" => "Desde a Data",
@@ -42,7 +80,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Calendários",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Houve uma falha, ao analisar o arquivo.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Escolha calendários ativos",
-"New Calendar" => "Novo Calendário",
"CalDav Link" => "Link para CalDav",
"Download" => "Baixar",
"Edit" => "Editar",
@@ -59,20 +96,38 @@
"Export" => "Exportar",
"Title of the Event" => "Título do evento",
"Category" => "Categoria",
-"Select category" => "Selecionar categoria",
"All Day Event" => "Evento de dia inteiro",
"From" => "De",
"To" => "Para",
"Advanced options" => "Opções avançadas",
-"Repeat" => "Repetir",
"Location" => "Local",
"Location of the Event" => "Local do evento",
"Description" => "Descrição",
"Description of the Event" => "Descrição do Evento",
+"Repeat" => "Repetir",
+"Advanced" => "Avançado",
+"Select weekdays" => "Selecionar dias da semana",
+"Select days" => "Selecionar dias",
+"and the events day of year." => "e o dia do evento no ano.",
+"and the events day of month." => "e o dia do evento no mês.",
+"Select months" => "Selecionar meses",
+"Select weeks" => "Selecionar semanas",
+"and the events week of year." => "e a semana do evento no ano.",
+"Interval" => "Intervalo",
+"End" => "Final",
+"occurrences" => "ocorrências",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importar um arquivo de calendário",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Por favor, escolha o calendário",
+"create a new calendar" => "criar um novo calendário",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Nome do novo calendário",
"Import" => "Importar",
+"Importing calendar" => "Importar calendário",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendário importado com sucesso",
+"Close Dialog" => "Fechar caixa de diálogo",
"Create a new event" => "Criar um novo evento",
+"Select category" => "Selecionar categoria",
"Timezone" => "Fuso horário",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Verificar sempre mudanças no fuso horário",
"Timeformat" => "Formato da Hora",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/pt_PT.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/pt_PT.php
index fd6ba7b9a60..867a10a70b3 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/pt_PT.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/pt_PT.php
@@ -1,8 +1,135 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Calendário errado",
+"New Timezone:" => "Nova zona horária",
+"Timezone changed" => "Zona horária alterada",
+"Invalid request" => "Pedido inválido",
"Calendar" => "Calendário",
+"Birthday" => "Dia de anos",
+"Business" => "Negócio",
+"Call" => "Telefonar",
+"Clients" => "Clientes",
+"Deliverer" => "Entregar",
+"Holidays" => "Férias",
+"Ideas" => "Ideias",
+"Journey" => "Jornada",
+"Jubilee" => "Jublieu",
+"Meeting" => "Encontro",
+"Other" => "Outro",
+"Personal" => "Pessoal",
+"Projects" => "Projetos",
+"Questions" => "Perguntas",
+"Work" => "Trabalho",
+"Does not repeat" => "Não repete",
+"Daily" => "Diário",
+"Weekly" => "Semanal",
+"Every Weekday" => "Todos os dias da semana",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "Bi-semanal",
+"Monthly" => "Mensal",
+"Yearly" => "Anual",
+"never" => "nunca",
+"by occurrences" => "por ocorrências",
+"by date" => "por data",
+"by monthday" => "por dia do mês",
+"by weekday" => "por dia da semana",
+"Monday" => "Segunda",
+"Tuesday" => "Terça",
+"Wednesday" => "Quarta",
+"Thursday" => "Quinta",
+"Friday" => "Sexta",
+"Saturday" => "Sábado",
+"Sunday" => "Domingo",
+"events week of month" => "Eventos da semana do mês",
+"first" => "primeiro",
+"second" => "segundo",
+"third" => "terçeiro",
+"fourth" => "quarto",
+"fifth" => "quinto",
+"last" => "último",
+"January" => "Janeiro",
+"February" => "Fevereiro",
+"March" => "Março",
+"April" => "Abril",
+"May" => "Maio",
+"June" => "Junho",
+"July" => "Julho",
+"August" => "Agosto",
+"September" => "Setembro",
+"October" => "Outubro",
+"November" => "Novembro",
+"December" => "Dezembro",
+"by events date" => "por data de evento",
+"by yearday(s)" => "por dia(s) do ano",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "por número(s) da semana",
+"by day and month" => "por dia e mês",
+"Date" => "Data",
+"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Todo o dia",
+"New Calendar" => "Novo calendário",
+"Missing fields" => "Falta campos",
+"Title" => "Título",
+"From Date" => "Da data",
+"From Time" => "Da hora",
+"To Date" => "Para data",
+"To Time" => "Para hora",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "O evento acaba antes de começar",
+"There was a database fail" => "Houve uma falha de base de dados",
"Week" => "Semana",
"Month" => "Mês",
+"List" => "Lista",
"Today" => "Hoje",
-"Calendars" => "Calendários"
+"Calendars" => "Calendários",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Houve uma falha durante a análise do ficheiro",
+"Choose active calendars" => "Escolhe calendários ativos",
+"CalDav Link" => "Endereço CalDav",
+"Download" => "Transferir",
+"Edit" => "Editar",
+"Delete" => "Apagar",
+"New calendar" => "Novo calendário",
+"Edit calendar" => "Editar calendário",
+"Displayname" => "Nome de exibição",
+"Active" => "Ativo",
+"Calendar color" => "Cor do calendário",
+"Save" => "Guardar",
+"Submit" => "Submeter",
+"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
+"Edit an event" => "Editar um evento",
+"Export" => "Exportar",
+"Title of the Event" => "Título do evento",
+"Category" => "Categoria",
+"All Day Event" => "Evento de dia inteiro",
+"From" => "De",
+"To" => "Para",
+"Advanced options" => "Opções avançadas",
+"Location" => "Localização",
+"Location of the Event" => "Localização do evento",
+"Description" => "Descrição",
+"Description of the Event" => "Descrição do evento",
+"Repeat" => "Repetir",
+"Advanced" => "Avançado",
+"Select weekdays" => "Seleciona os dias da semana",
+"Select days" => "Seleciona os dias",
+"and the events day of year." => "e o dia de eventos do ano.",
+"and the events day of month." => "e o dia de eventos do mês.",
+"Select months" => "Seleciona os meses",
+"Select weeks" => "Seleciona as semanas",
+"and the events week of year." => "e a semana de eventos do ano.",
+"Interval" => "Intervalo",
+"End" => "Fim",
+"occurrences" => "ocorrências",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importar um ficheiro de calendário",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Por favor escolhe o calendário",
+"create a new calendar" => "criar novo calendário",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Nome do novo calendário",
+"Import" => "Importar",
+"Importing calendar" => "A importar calendário",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendário importado com sucesso",
+"Close Dialog" => "Fechar diálogo",
+"Create a new event" => "Criar novo evento",
+"Select category" => "Selecionar categoria",
+"Timezone" => "Zona horária",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Verificar sempre por alterações na zona horária",
+"Timeformat" => "Formato da hora",
+"24h" => "24h",
+"12h" => "12h",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Endereço de sincronização CalDav do calendário"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ro.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ro.php
index 026c251e53c..f2b7707186a 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ro.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ro.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Calendar greșit",
"New Timezone:" => "Fus orar nou:",
-"Timezone changed" => "A fost schimbat fusul orar",
+"Timezone changed" => "Fus orar schimbat",
"Invalid request" => "Cerere eronată",
"Calendar" => "Calendar",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Calendar greșit",
"Birthday" => "Zi de naștere",
"Business" => "Afaceri",
"Call" => "Sună",
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
"Projects" => "Proiecte",
"Questions" => "Întrebări",
"Work" => "Servici",
-"Does not repeat" => "Nu se repetă",
+"Does not repeat" => "Nerepetabil",
"Daily" => "Zilnic",
"Weekly" => "Săptămânal",
-"Every Weekday" => "În fiecare săptămână",
-"Bi-Weekly" => "Din două în două săptămâni",
+"Every Weekday" => "În fiecare zii a săptămânii",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "La fiecare două săptămâni",
"Monthly" => "Lunar",
"Yearly" => "Anual",
"never" => "niciodată",
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"Friday" => "Vineri",
"Saturday" => "Sâmbătă",
"Sunday" => "Duminică",
-"events week of month" => "evenimentele săptămânii din luna.",
+"events week of month" => "evenimentele săptămânii din luna",
"first" => "primul",
"second" => "al doilea",
"third" => "al treilea",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "după ziua(zilele) anului",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "după numărul săptămânii",
"by day and month" => "după zi și lună",
-"Not an array" => "Not an array",
"Date" => "Data",
"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Toată ziua",
@@ -80,35 +79,16 @@
"Today" => "Astăzi",
"Calendars" => "Calendare",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "A fost întâmpinată o eroare în procesarea fișierului",
-"Sun." => "D",
-"Mon." => "L",
-"Tue." => "M",
-"Wed." => "M",
-"Thu." => "J",
-"Fri." => "V",
-"Sat." => "S",
-"Jan." => "Ian.",
-"Feb." => "Feb.",
-"Mar." => "Mar.",
-"Apr." => "Apr.",
-"May." => "Mai.",
-"Jun." => "Iun.",
-"Jul." => "Iul.",
-"Aug." => "Aug.",
-"Sep." => "Sept.",
-"Oct." => "Oct.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Dec.",
-"Choose active calendars" => "Alege activitățile din calendar",
-"CalDav Link" => "Link CalDav",
+"Choose active calendars" => "Alege calendarele active",
+"CalDav Link" => "Legătură CalDav",
"Download" => "Descarcă",
"Edit" => "Modifică",
"Delete" => "Șterge",
"New calendar" => "Calendar nou",
-"Edit calendar" => "Modifcă acest calendar",
-"Displayname" => "Nume",
+"Edit calendar" => "Modifică calendarul",
+"Displayname" => "Nume afișat",
"Active" => "Activ",
-"Calendar color" => "Culoare calendar",
+"Calendar color" => "Culoarea calendarului",
"Save" => "Salveză",
"Submit" => "Trimite",
"Cancel" => "Anulează",
@@ -116,27 +96,26 @@
"Export" => "Exportă",
"Title of the Event" => "Numele evenimentului",
"Category" => "Categorie",
-"Select category" => "Alege categoria",
"All Day Event" => "Toată ziua",
"From" => "De la",
"To" => "Către",
"Advanced options" => "Opțiuni avansate",
+"Location" => "Locație",
+"Location of the Event" => "Locația evenimentului",
+"Description" => "Descriere",
+"Description of the Event" => "Descrierea evenimentului",
"Repeat" => "Repetă",
"Advanced" => "Avansat",
"Select weekdays" => "Selectează zilele săptămânii",
"Select days" => "Selectează zilele",
-"and the events day of year." => "și evenimentele zilei.",
-"and the events day of month." => "și evenimentele zilei din lună.",
+"and the events day of year." => "și evenimentele de zi cu zi ale anului.",
+"and the events day of month." => "și evenimentele de zi cu zi ale lunii.",
"Select months" => "Selectează lunile",
"Select weeks" => "Selectează săptămânile",
-"and the events week of year." => "și evenimentele săptămânii.",
+"and the events week of year." => "și evenimentele săptămânale ale anului.",
"Interval" => "Interval",
"End" => "Sfârșit",
"occurrences" => "repetiții",
-"Location" => "Localizare",
-"Location of the Event" => "Localizarea evenimentului",
-"Description" => "Descriere",
-"Description of the Event" => "Descrierea evenimentului",
"Import a calendar file" => "Importă un calendar",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Alegeți calendarul",
"create a new calendar" => "crează un calendar nou",
@@ -145,10 +124,11 @@
"Importing calendar" => "Importă calendar",
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendarul a fost importat cu succes",
"Close Dialog" => "Închide",
-"Create a new event" => "Crează un evenimetn nou",
+"Create a new event" => "Crează un eveniment nou",
+"Select category" => "Selecteză categoria",
"Timezone" => "Fus orar",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Verifică mereu pentru schimbări ale fusului orar",
-"Timeformat" => "Format de timp",
+"Timeformat" => "Forma de afișare a orei",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Adresa pentru sincronizarea calendarului CalDAV"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ru.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ru.php
index 675fcecf18c..ff33dd66632 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ru.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ru.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Неверный календарь",
"New Timezone:" => "Новый часовой пояс:",
"Timezone changed" => "Часовой пояс изменён",
"Invalid request" => "Неверный запрос",
"Calendar" => "Календарь",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Неверный календарь",
"Birthday" => "День рождения",
"Business" => "Бизнес",
"Call" => "Звонить",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "по дням недели",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "по номерам недели",
"by day and month" => "по дню и месяцу",
-"Not an array" => "Не массив",
"Date" => "Дата",
"Cal." => "Кал.",
"All day" => "Весь день",
@@ -80,25 +79,6 @@
"Today" => "Сегодня",
"Calendars" => "Календари",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Не удалось обработать файл.",
-"Sun." => "Вс.",
-"Mon." => "Пн.",
-"Tue." => "Вт.",
-"Wed." => "Ср.",
-"Thu." => "Чт.",
-"Fri." => "Пт.",
-"Sat." => "Сб.",
-"Jan." => "Янв.",
-"Feb." => "Фев.",
-"Mar." => "Мар.",
-"Apr." => "Сен.",
-"May." => "Май.",
-"Jun." => "Июн.",
-"Jul." => "Июл.",
-"Aug." => "Авг.",
-"Sep." => "Сен.",
-"Oct." => "Окт.",
-"Nov." => "Ноя.",
-"Dec." => "Дек.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Выберите активные календари",
"CalDav Link" => "Ссылка для CalDav",
"Download" => "Скачать",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "Экспортировать",
"Title of the Event" => "Название событие",
"Category" => "Категория",
-"Select category" => "Выбрать категорию",
"All Day Event" => "Событие на весь день",
"From" => "От",
"To" => "До",
"Advanced options" => "Дополнительные параметры",
+"Location" => "Место",
+"Location of the Event" => "Место события",
+"Description" => "Описание",
+"Description of the Event" => "Описание события",
"Repeat" => "Повтор",
"Advanced" => "Дополнительно",
"Select weekdays" => "Выбрать дни недели",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "Интервал",
"End" => "Окончание",
"occurrences" => "повторений",
-"Location" => "Место",
-"Location of the Event" => "Место события",
-"Description" => "Описание",
-"Description of the Event" => "Описание события",
"Import a calendar file" => "Импортировать календарь из файла",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Пожалуйста, выберите календарь",
"create a new calendar" => "Создать новый календарь",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Календарь успешно импортирован",
"Close Dialog" => "Закрыть Сообщение",
"Create a new event" => "Создать новое событие",
+"Select category" => "Выбрать категорию",
"Timezone" => "Часовой пояс",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Всегда проверяйте изменение часового пояса",
"Timeformat" => "Формат времени",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/sk_SK.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/sk_SK.php
index 6023a7af139..3455c2bc75f 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/sk_SK.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/sk_SK.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Zlý kalendár",
"New Timezone:" => "Nová časová zóna:",
"Timezone changed" => "Časové pásmo zmenené",
"Invalid request" => "Neplatná požiadavka",
"Calendar" => "Kalendár",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Zlý kalendár",
"Birthday" => "Narodeniny",
"Business" => "Podnikanie",
"Call" => "Hovor",
@@ -22,13 +22,15 @@
"Does not repeat" => "Neopakovať",
"Daily" => "Denne",
"Weekly" => "Týždenne",
-"Every Weekday" => "Každý výkend",
+"Every Weekday" => "Každý deň v týždni",
"Bi-Weekly" => "Každý druhý týždeň",
"Monthly" => "Mesačne",
"Yearly" => "Ročne",
"never" => "nikdy",
"by occurrences" => "podľa výskytu",
"by date" => "podľa dátumu",
+"by monthday" => "podľa dňa v mesiaci",
+"by weekday" => "podľa dňa v týždni",
"Monday" => "Pondelok",
"Tuesday" => "Utorok",
"Wednesday" => "Streda",
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
"Friday" => "Piatok",
"Saturday" => "Sobota",
"Sunday" => "Nedeľa",
+"events week of month" => "týždenné udalosti v mesiaci",
"first" => "prvý",
"second" => "druhý",
"third" => "tretí",
@@ -55,17 +58,19 @@
"November" => "November",
"December" => "December",
"by events date" => "podľa dátumu udalosti",
+"by yearday(s)" => "po dňoch",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "podľa čísel týždňov",
"by day and month" => "podľa dňa a mesiaca",
-"Not an array" => "Nie je pole",
"Date" => "Dátum",
+"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Celý deň",
"New Calendar" => "Nový kalendár",
"Missing fields" => "Nevyplnené položky",
"Title" => "Nadpis",
-"From Date" => "Od Dátumu",
-"From Time" => "Od Času",
-"To Date" => "Do Dátumu",
-"To Time" => "Do Času",
+"From Date" => "Od dátumu",
+"From Time" => "Od času",
+"To Date" => "Do dátumu",
+"To Time" => "Do času",
"The event ends before it starts" => "Udalosť končí ešte pred tým než začne",
"There was a database fail" => "Nastala chyba databázy",
"Week" => "Týždeň",
@@ -74,25 +79,6 @@
"Today" => "Dnes",
"Calendars" => "Kalendáre",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Nastala chyba počas parsovania súboru.",
-"Sun." => "Ned.",
-"Mon." => "Pon.",
-"Tue." => "Ut.",
-"Wed." => "Str.",
-"Thu." => "Štv.",
-"Fri." => "Pia.",
-"Sat." => "So.",
-"Jan." => "Jan.",
-"Feb." => "Feb.",
-"Mar." => "Mar.",
-"Apr." => "Apr.",
-"May." => "Máj",
-"Jun." => "Jún",
-"Jul." => "Júl",
-"Aug." => "Aug.",
-"Sep." => "Sep.",
-"Oct." => "Okt.",
-"Nov." => "Nov.",
-"Dec." => "Dec.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Zvoľte aktívne kalendáre",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav odkaz",
"Download" => "Stiahnuť",
@@ -108,25 +94,28 @@
"Cancel" => "Zrušiť",
"Edit an event" => "Upraviť udalosť",
"Export" => "Exportovať",
-"Title of the Event" => "Nadpis Udalosti",
+"Title of the Event" => "Nadpis udalosti",
"Category" => "Kategória",
-"Select category" => "Vybrať kategóriu",
"All Day Event" => "Celodenná udalosť",
"From" => "Od",
"To" => "Do",
"Advanced options" => "Pokročilé možnosti",
+"Location" => "Poloha",
+"Location of the Event" => "Poloha udalosti",
+"Description" => "Popis",
+"Description of the Event" => "Popis udalosti",
"Repeat" => "Opakovať",
"Advanced" => "Pokročilé",
+"Select weekdays" => "Do času",
"Select days" => "Vybrať dni",
+"and the events day of year." => "a denné udalosti v roku.",
+"and the events day of month." => "a denné udalosti v mesiaci.",
"Select months" => "Vybrať mesiace",
"Select weeks" => "Vybrať týždne",
+"and the events week of year." => "a týždenné udalosti v roku.",
"Interval" => "Interval",
"End" => "Koniec",
"occurrences" => "výskyty",
-"Location" => "Poloha",
-"Location of the Event" => "Poloha Udalosti",
-"Description" => "Popis",
-"Description of the Event" => "Popis Udalosti",
"Import a calendar file" => "Importovať súbor kalendára",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Prosím zvoľte kalendár",
"create a new calendar" => "vytvoriť nový kalendár",
@@ -134,9 +123,11 @@
"Import" => "Importovať",
"Importing calendar" => "Importujem kalendár",
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalendár úspešne importovaný",
-"Close Dialog" => "Zatvoriť Dialóg",
+"Close Dialog" => "Zatvoriť dialóg",
"Create a new event" => "Vytvoriť udalosť",
+"Select category" => "Vybrať kategóriu",
"Timezone" => "Časová zóna",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Vždy kontroluj zmeny časového pásma",
"Timeformat" => "Formát času",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/sl.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/sl.php
index 753a31ac665..f20f5026dc5 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/sl.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/sl.php
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
-"Timezone changed" => "Časovna Cona spremenjena",
-"Invalid request" => "Neveljavna zahteva",
-"Calendar" => "Kolendar",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Napačen Kolendar",
-"Birthday" => "Rojstni Dan",
+"Wrong calendar" => "Napačen koledar",
+"New Timezone:" => "Nov časovni pas:",
+"Timezone changed" => "Časovni pas je bil spremenjen",
+"Invalid request" => "Neveljaven zahtevek",
+"Calendar" => "Koledar",
+"Birthday" => "Rojstni dan",
"Business" => "Poslovno",
"Call" => "Pokliči",
"Clients" => "Stranke",
@@ -22,11 +23,48 @@
"Daily" => "Dnevno",
"Weekly" => "Tedensko",
"Every Weekday" => "Vsak dan v tednu",
-"Bi-Weekly" => "Dvakrat Tedensko",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "Dvakrat tedensko",
"Monthly" => "Mesečno",
"Yearly" => "Letno",
-"Not an array" => "Not an array",
+"never" => "nikoli",
+"by occurrences" => "po številu dogodkov",
+"by date" => "po datumu",
+"by monthday" => "po dnevu v mesecu",
+"by weekday" => "po dnevu v tednu",
+"Monday" => "ponedeljek",
+"Tuesday" => "torek",
+"Wednesday" => "sreda",
+"Thursday" => "četrtek",
+"Friday" => "petek",
+"Saturday" => "sobota",
+"Sunday" => "nedelja",
+"events week of month" => "dogodki tedna v mesecu",
+"first" => "prvi",
+"second" => "drugi",
+"third" => "tretji",
+"fourth" => "četrti",
+"fifth" => "peti",
+"last" => "zadnji",
+"January" => "januar",
+"February" => "februar",
+"March" => "marec",
+"April" => "april",
+"May" => "maj",
+"June" => "junij",
+"July" => "julij",
+"August" => "avgust",
+"September" => "september",
+"October" => "oktober",
+"November" => "november",
+"December" => "december",
+"by events date" => "po datumu dogodka",
+"by yearday(s)" => "po številu let",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "po tednu v letu",
+"by day and month" => "po dnevu in mesecu",
+"Date" => "Datum",
+"Cal." => "Kol.",
"All day" => "Cel dan",
+"New Calendar" => "Nov koledar",
"Missing fields" => "Mankajoča polja",
"Title" => "Naslov",
"From Date" => "od Datum",
@@ -34,47 +72,64 @@
"To Date" => "do Datum",
"To Time" => "do Čas",
"The event ends before it starts" => "Dogodek se konča preden se začne",
-"There was a database fail" => "Napaka v podatkovni bazi. Kontaktirajte Administratorja",
+"There was a database fail" => "Napaka v podatkovni zbirki",
"Week" => "Teden",
"Month" => "Mesec",
"List" => "Seznam",
"Today" => "Danes",
-"Calendars" => "Kolendarji",
+"Calendars" => "Koledarji",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Pri razčlenjevanju datoteke je prišlo do napake.",
-"Choose active calendars" => "Izberi aktivni Kolendar",
-"New Calendar" => "Nov Kolendar",
-"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Povezava",
-"Download" => "Naloži dol",
+"Choose active calendars" => "Izberite aktivne koledarje",
+"CalDav Link" => "CalDav povezava",
+"Download" => "Prenesi",
"Edit" => "Uredi",
"Delete" => "Izbriši",
-"New calendar" => "Nov Kolendar",
-"Edit calendar" => "Uredi Kolendar",
-"Displayname" => "Prikazano Ime",
+"New calendar" => "Nov koledar",
+"Edit calendar" => "Uredi koledar",
+"Displayname" => "Ime za prikaz",
"Active" => "Aktivno",
-"Calendar color" => "Barva Kolendarja",
+"Calendar color" => "Barva koledarja",
"Save" => "Shrani",
"Submit" => "Potrdi",
"Cancel" => "Prekliči",
-"Edit an event" => "Uredi Dogodek",
+"Edit an event" => "Uredi dogodek",
"Export" => "Izvozi",
-"Title of the Event" => "Naslov",
+"Title of the Event" => "Naslov dogodka",
"Category" => "Kategorija",
-"Select category" => "Izberi Kategorijo",
-"All Day Event" => "Celodnevni Dogodek",
+"All Day Event" => "Celodnevni dogodek",
"From" => "Od",
-"To" => "Za",
-"Advanced options" => "Napredne Možnosti",
-"Repeat" => "Ponovi",
-"Location" => "Lokacija",
-"Location of the Event" => "Lokacija dogodka",
+"To" => "Do",
+"Advanced options" => "Napredne možnosti",
+"Location" => "Kraj",
+"Location of the Event" => "Kraj dogodka",
"Description" => "Opis",
-"Description of the Event" => "Opis Dogodka",
-"Please choose the calendar" => "Izberi kolendar",
+"Description of the Event" => "Opis dogodka",
+"Repeat" => "Ponovi",
+"Advanced" => "Napredno",
+"Select weekdays" => "Izberite dneve v tednu",
+"Select days" => "Izberite dneve",
+"and the events day of year." => "in dnevu dogodka v letu.",
+"and the events day of month." => "in dnevu dogodka v mesecu.",
+"Select months" => "Izberite mesece",
+"Select weeks" => "Izberite tedne",
+"and the events week of year." => "in tednu dogodka v letu.",
+"Interval" => "Časovni razmik",
+"End" => "Konec",
+"occurrences" => "ponovitev",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Uvozi datoteko koledarja",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Izberi koledar",
+"create a new calendar" => "Ustvari nov koledar",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Ime novega koledarja",
"Import" => "Uvozi",
+"Importing calendar" => "Uvažam koledar",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Koledar je bil uspešno uvožen",
+"Close Dialog" => "Zapri dialog",
"Create a new event" => "Ustvari nov dogodek",
-"Timezone" => "Časovna Cona",
-"Timeformat" => "Časovni format",
+"Select category" => "Izberi kategorijo",
+"Timezone" => "Časovni pas",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Vedno preveri za spremembe časovnega pasu",
+"Timeformat" => "Zapis časa",
"24h" => "24ur",
"12h" => "12ur",
-"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Kolendarjev CalDAV sinhronizacijski naslov"
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "CalDAV sinhronizacijski naslov koledarja:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/sr.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/sr.php
index f006c9ec8e6..5798c66e0ab 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/sr.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/sr.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Погрешан календар",
"Timezone changed" => "Временска зона је промењена",
"Invalid request" => "Неисправан захтев",
"Calendar" => "Календар",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Погрешан календар",
"Birthday" => "Рођендан",
"Business" => "Посао",
"Call" => "Позив",
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "двонедељно",
"Monthly" => "месечно",
"Yearly" => "годишње",
-"Not an array" => "Није област",
"All day" => "Цео дан",
+"New Calendar" => "Нови календар",
"Title" => "Наслов",
"Week" => "Недеља",
"Month" => "Месец",
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Календари",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "дошло је до грешке при расчлањивању фајла.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Изаберите активне календаре",
-"New Calendar" => "Нови календар",
"CalDav Link" => "КалДав веза",
"Download" => "Преузми",
"Edit" => "Уреди",
@@ -51,15 +50,15 @@
"Edit an event" => "Уреди догађај",
"Title of the Event" => "Наслов догађаја",
"Category" => "Категорија",
-"Select category" => "Изаберите категорију",
"All Day Event" => "Целодневни догађај",
"From" => "Од",
"To" => "До",
-"Repeat" => "Понављај",
"Location" => "Локација",
"Location of the Event" => "Локација догађаја",
"Description" => "Опис",
"Description of the Event" => "Опис догађаја",
+"Repeat" => "Понављај",
"Create a new event" => "Направи нови догађај",
+"Select category" => "Изаберите категорију",
"Timezone" => "Временска зона"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/sr@latin.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/sr@latin.php
index ea0181919d9..c261f903f76 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/sr@latin.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/sr@latin.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Pogrešan kalendar",
"Timezone changed" => "Vremenska zona je promenjena",
"Invalid request" => "Neispravan zahtev",
"Calendar" => "Kalendar",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Pogrešan kalendar",
"Birthday" => "Rođendan",
"Business" => "Posao",
"Call" => "Poziv",
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "dvonedeljno",
"Monthly" => "mesečno",
"Yearly" => "godišnje",
-"Not an array" => "Nije oblast",
"All day" => "Ceo dan",
+"New Calendar" => "Novi kalendar",
"Title" => "Naslov",
"Week" => "Nedelja",
"Month" => "Mesec",
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Kalendari",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "došlo je do greške pri rasčlanjivanju fajla.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Izaberite aktivne kalendare",
-"New Calendar" => "Novi kalendar",
"CalDav Link" => "KalDav veza",
"Download" => "Preuzmi",
"Edit" => "Uredi",
@@ -51,15 +50,15 @@
"Edit an event" => "Uredi događaj",
"Title of the Event" => "Naslov događaja",
"Category" => "Kategorija",
-"Select category" => "Izaberite kategoriju",
"All Day Event" => "Celodnevni događaj",
"From" => "Od",
"To" => "Do",
-"Repeat" => "Ponavljaj",
"Location" => "Lokacija",
"Location of the Event" => "Lokacija događaja",
"Description" => "Opis",
"Description of the Event" => "Opis događaja",
+"Repeat" => "Ponavljaj",
"Create a new event" => "Napravi novi događaj",
+"Select category" => "Izaberite kategoriju",
"Timezone" => "Vremenska zona"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/sv.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/sv.php
index 8923395a34d..ee19c6b7374 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/sv.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/sv.php
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Fel kalender",
+"New Timezone:" => "Ny tidszon:",
"Timezone changed" => "Tidszon ändrad",
"Invalid request" => "Ogiltig begäran",
"Calendar" => "Kalender",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Fel kalender",
"Birthday" => "Födelsedag",
"Business" => "Företag",
"Call" => "Ringa",
@@ -25,8 +26,45 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "Varannan vecka",
"Monthly" => "Varje månad",
"Yearly" => "Årligen",
-"Not an array" => "ingen rad",
+"never" => "aldrig",
+"by occurrences" => "efter händelser",
+"by date" => "efter datum",
+"by monthday" => "efter dag i månaden",
+"by weekday" => "efter veckodag",
+"Monday" => "Måndag",
+"Tuesday" => "Tisdag",
+"Wednesday" => "Onsdag",
+"Thursday" => "Torsdag",
+"Friday" => "Fredag",
+"Saturday" => "Lördag",
+"Sunday" => "Söndag",
+"events week of month" => "händelse vecka av månad",
+"first" => "första",
+"second" => "andra",
+"third" => "tredje",
+"fourth" => "fjärde",
+"fifth" => "femte",
+"last" => "sist",
+"January" => "Januari",
+"February" => "Februari",
+"March" => "Mars",
+"April" => "April",
+"May" => "Maj",
+"June" => "Juni",
+"July" => "Juli",
+"August" => "Augusti",
+"September" => "September",
+"October" => "Oktober",
+"November" => "November",
+"December" => "December",
+"by events date" => "efter händelsedatum",
+"by yearday(s)" => "efter årsdag(ar)",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "efter veckonummer",
+"by day and month" => "efter dag och månad",
+"Date" => "Datum",
+"Cal." => "Kal.",
"All day" => "Hela dagen",
+"New Calendar" => "Ny kalender",
"Missing fields" => "Saknade fält",
"Title" => "Rubrik",
"From Date" => "Från datum",
@@ -42,7 +80,6 @@
"Calendars" => "Kalendrar",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Det blev ett fel medan filen analyserades.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Välj aktiva kalendrar",
-"New Calendar" => "Ny kalender",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDAV-länk",
"Download" => "Ladda ner",
"Edit" => "Redigera",
@@ -59,20 +96,38 @@
"Export" => "Exportera",
"Title of the Event" => "Rubrik för händelsen",
"Category" => "Kategori",
-"Select category" => "Välj kategori",
"All Day Event" => "Hela dagen",
"From" => "Från",
"To" => "Till",
"Advanced options" => "Avancerade alternativ",
-"Repeat" => "Upprepa",
"Location" => "Plats",
"Location of the Event" => "Platsen för händelsen",
"Description" => "Beskrivning",
"Description of the Event" => "Beskrivning av händelse",
+"Repeat" => "Upprepa",
+"Advanced" => "Avancerad",
+"Select weekdays" => "Välj veckodagar",
+"Select days" => "Välj dagar",
+"and the events day of year." => "och händelsedagen för året.",
+"and the events day of month." => "och händelsedagen för månaden.",
+"Select months" => "Välj månader",
+"Select weeks" => "Välj veckor",
+"and the events week of year." => "och händelsevecka för året.",
+"Interval" => "Hur ofta",
+"End" => "Slut",
+"occurrences" => "Händelser",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Importera en kalenderfil",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Välj kalender",
+"create a new calendar" => "skapa en ny kalender",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Namn på ny kalender",
"Import" => "Importera",
+"Importing calendar" => "Importerar kalender",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalender importerades utan problem",
+"Close Dialog" => "Stäng ",
"Create a new event" => "Skapa en ny händelse",
+"Select category" => "Välj kategori",
"Timezone" => "Tidszon",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Kontrollera alltid ändringar i tidszon.",
"Timeformat" => "Tidsformat",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/th_TH.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/th_TH.php
index 60f4701211f..7dda3943b6f 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/th_TH.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/th_TH.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "ปฏิทินไม่ถูกต้อง",
"New Timezone:" => "สร้างโซนเวลาใหม่:",
"Timezone changed" => "โซนเวลาถูกเปลี่ยนแล้ว",
"Invalid request" => "คำร้องขอไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Calendar" => "ปฏิทิน",
-"Wrong calendar" => "ปฏิทินไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Birthday" => "วันเกิด",
"Business" => "ธุรกิจ",
"Call" => "โทรติดต่อ",
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "ของเมื่อวานนี้",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "จากหมายเลขของสัปดาห์",
"by day and month" => "ตามวันและเดือน",
-"Not an array" => "ไม่ใช่อาเรย์",
"Date" => "วันที่",
"Cal." => "คำนวณ",
"All day" => "ทั้งวัน",
+"New Calendar" => "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่",
"Missing fields" => "ช่องฟิลด์เกิดการสูญหาย",
"Title" => "ชื่อกิจกรรม",
"From Date" => "จากวันที่",
@@ -79,27 +79,7 @@
"Today" => "วันนี้",
"Calendars" => "ปฏิทิน",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "เกิดความล้มเหลวในการแยกไฟล์",
-"Sun." => "อา.",
-"Mon." => "จ.",
-"Tue." => "อ.",
-"Wed." => "พ.",
-"Thu." => "พฤ.",
-"Fri." => "ศ.",
-"Sat." => "ส.",
-"Jan." => "ม.ค.",
-"Feb." => "ก.พ.",
-"Mar." => "มี.ค.",
-"Apr." => "เม.ย.",
-"May." => "พ.ค.",
-"Jun." => "มิ.ย.",
-"Jul." => "ก.ค.",
-"Aug." => "ส.ค.",
-"Sep." => "ก.ย.",
-"Oct." => "ต.ค.",
-"Nov." => "พ.ย.",
-"Dec." => "ธ.ค.",
"Choose active calendars" => "เลือกปฏิทินที่ต้องการใช้งาน",
-"New Calendar" => "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่",
"CalDav Link" => "ลิงค์ CalDav",
"Download" => "ดาวน์โหลด",
"Edit" => "แก้ไข",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "ส่งออกข้อมูล",
"Title of the Event" => "ชื่อของกิจกรรม",
"Category" => "หมวดหมู่",
-"Select category" => "เลือกหมวดหมู่",
"All Day Event" => "เป็นกิจกรรมตลอดทั้งวัน",
"From" => "จาก",
"To" => "ถึง",
"Advanced options" => "ตัวเลือกขั้นสูง",
+"Location" => "สถานที่",
+"Location of the Event" => "สถานที่จัดกิจกรรม",
+"Description" => "คำอธิบาย",
+"Description of the Event" => "คำอธิบายเกี่ยวกับกิจกรรม",
"Repeat" => "ทำซ้ำ",
"Advanced" => "ขั้นสูง",
"Select weekdays" => "เลือกสัปดาห์",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "ช่วงเวลา",
"End" => "สิ้นสุด",
"occurrences" => "จำนวนที่ปรากฏ",
-"Location" => "สถานที่",
-"Location of the Event" => "สถานที่จัดกิจกรรม",
-"Description" => "คำอธิบาย",
-"Description of the Event" => "คำอธิบายเกี่ยวกับกิจกรรม",
"Import a calendar file" => "นำเข้าไฟล์ปฏิทิน",
"Please choose the calendar" => "กรณาเลือกปฏิทิน",
"create a new calendar" => "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "ปฏิทินถูกนำเข้าข้อมูลเรียบร้อยแล้ว",
"Close Dialog" => "ปิดกล่องข้อความโต้ตอบ",
"Create a new event" => "สร้างกิจกรรมใหม่",
+"Select category" => "เลือกหมวดหมู่",
"Timezone" => "โซนเวลา",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "ตรวจสอบการเปลี่ยนแปลงโซนเวลาอยู่เสมอ",
"Timeformat" => "รูปแบบการแสดงเวลา",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/tr.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/tr.php
index 6a46c239c7d..aa72c76ebab 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/tr.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/tr.php
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "Yanlış takvim",
+"New Timezone:" => "Yeni Zamandilimi:",
"Timezone changed" => "Zaman dilimi değiştirildi",
"Invalid request" => "Geçersiz istek",
"Calendar" => "Takvim",
-"Wrong calendar" => "Yanlış takvim",
"Birthday" => "Doğum günü",
"Business" => "İş",
"Call" => "Arama",
@@ -25,8 +26,44 @@
"Bi-Weekly" => "İki haftada bir",
"Monthly" => "Aylık",
"Yearly" => "Yıllı",
-"Not an array" => "Bir dizi değil",
+"never" => "asla",
+"by occurrences" => "sıklığa göre",
+"by date" => "tarihe göre",
+"by monthday" => "ay günlerine göre",
+"by weekday" => "hafta günlerine göre",
+"Monday" => "Pazartesi",
+"Tuesday" => "Salı",
+"Wednesday" => "Çarşamba",
+"Thursday" => "Perşembe",
+"Friday" => "Cuma",
+"Saturday" => "Cumartesi",
+"Sunday" => "Pazar",
+"first" => "birinci",
+"second" => "ikinci",
+"third" => "üçüncü",
+"fourth" => "dördüncü",
+"fifth" => "beşinci",
+"last" => "sonuncu",
+"January" => "Ocak",
+"February" => "Şubat",
+"March" => "Mart",
+"April" => "Nisan",
+"May" => "Mayıs",
+"June" => "Haziran",
+"July" => "Temmuz",
+"August" => "Ağustos",
+"September" => "Eylül",
+"October" => "Ekim",
+"November" => "Kasım",
+"December" => "Aralık",
+"by events date" => "olay tarihine göre",
+"by yearday(s)" => "yıl gün(ler)ine göre",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "hafta sayı(lar)ına göre",
+"by day and month" => "gün ve aya göre",
+"Date" => "Tarih",
+"Cal." => "Takv.",
"All day" => "Tüm gün",
+"New Calendar" => "Yeni Takvim",
"Missing fields" => "Eksik alanlar",
"Title" => "Başlık",
"From Date" => "Bu Tarihten",
@@ -42,14 +79,13 @@
"Calendars" => "Takvimler",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Dosya okunurken başarısızlık oldu.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Aktif takvimleri seçin",
-"New Calendar" => "Yeni Takvim",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Bağlantısı",
"Download" => "İndir",
"Edit" => "Düzenle",
"Delete" => "Sil",
"New calendar" => "Yeni takvim",
"Edit calendar" => "Takvimi düzenle",
-"Displayname" => "Görünümadı",
+"Displayname" => "Görünüm adı",
"Active" => "Aktif",
"Calendar color" => "Takvim rengi",
"Save" => "Kaydet",
@@ -59,19 +95,27 @@
"Export" => "Dışa aktar",
"Title of the Event" => "Olayın Başlığı",
"Category" => "Kategori",
-"Select category" => "Kategori seçin",
"All Day Event" => "Tüm Gün Olay",
"From" => "Kimden",
"To" => "Kime",
"Advanced options" => "Gelişmiş opsiyonlar",
-"Repeat" => "Tekrar",
"Location" => "Konum",
"Location of the Event" => "Olayın Konumu",
"Description" => "Açıklama",
"Description of the Event" => "Olayın Açıklaması",
+"Repeat" => "Tekrar",
+"Advanced" => "Gelişmiş",
+"Select weekdays" => "Hafta günlerini seçin",
+"Select days" => "Günleri seçin",
+"Select months" => "Ayları seç",
+"Select weeks" => "Haftaları seç",
+"Interval" => "Aralık",
+"End" => "Son",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Lütfen takvimi seçin",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Yeni takvimin adı",
"Import" => "İçe Al",
"Create a new event" => "Yeni olay oluştur",
+"Select category" => "Kategori seçin",
"Timezone" => "Zaman dilimi",
"Timeformat" => "Saat biçimi",
"24h" => "24s",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/uk.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/uk.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..892896742da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/uk.php
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"New Timezone:" => "Новий часовий пояс",
+"Timezone changed" => "Часовий пояс змінено",
+"Calendar" => "Календар",
+"Birthday" => "День народження",
+"Business" => "Справи",
+"Call" => "Подзвонити",
+"Clients" => "Клієнти",
+"Holidays" => "Свята",
+"Ideas" => "Ідеї",
+"Journey" => "Поїздка",
+"Jubilee" => "Ювілей",
+"Meeting" => "Зустріч",
+"Other" => "Інше",
+"Personal" => "Особисте",
+"Projects" => "Проекти",
+"Questions" => "Запитання",
+"Work" => "Робота",
+"Does not repeat" => "Не повторювати",
+"Daily" => "Щоденно",
+"Weekly" => "Щотижня",
+"Every Weekday" => "По будням",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "Кожні дві неділі",
+"Monthly" => "Щомісяця",
+"Yearly" => "Щорічно",
+"never" => "ніколи",
+"Monday" => "Понеділок",
+"Tuesday" => "Вівторок",
+"Wednesday" => "Середа",
+"Thursday" => "Четвер",
+"Friday" => "П'ятниця",
+"Saturday" => "Субота",
+"Sunday" => "Неділя",
+"first" => "перший",
+"second" => "другий",
+"third" => "третій",
+"fourth" => "четвертий",
+"fifth" => "п'ятий",
+"last" => "останній",
+"January" => "Січень",
+"February" => "Лютий",
+"March" => "Березень",
+"April" => "Квітень",
+"May" => "Травень",
+"June" => "Червень",
+"July" => "Липень",
+"August" => "Серпень",
+"September" => "Вересень",
+"October" => "Жовтень",
+"November" => "Листопад",
+"December" => "Грудень",
+"Date" => "Дата",
+"Cal." => "Кал.",
+"All day" => "Увесь день",
+"New Calendar" => "новий Календар",
+"Title" => "Назва",
+"Week" => "Тиждень",
+"Month" => "Місяць",
+"List" => "Список",
+"Today" => "Сьогодні",
+"Calendars" => "Календарі",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Сталася помилка при обробці файлу",
+"Choose active calendars" => "Вибрати активні календарі",
+"Download" => "Завантажити",
+"Edit" => "Редагувати",
+"New calendar" => "Новий календар",
+"Edit calendar" => "Редагувати календар",
+"Active" => "Активний",
+"Calendar color" => "Колір календаря",
+"Title of the Event" => "Назва події",
+"Category" => "Категорія",
+"From" => "З",
+"To" => "По",
+"Location" => "Місце",
+"Location of the Event" => "Місце події",
+"Description" => "Опис",
+"Description of the Event" => "Опис події",
+"Repeat" => "Повторювати",
+"Import a calendar file" => "Імпортувати файл календаря",
+"create a new calendar" => "створити новий календар",
+"Name of new calendar" => "Назва нового календаря",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "Календар успішно імпортовано",
+"Create a new event" => "Створити нову подію",
+"Timezone" => "Часовий пояс",
+"Timeformat" => "Формат часу",
+"24h" => "24г",
+"12h" => "12г",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Адреса синхронізації календаря CalDAV:"
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_CN.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_CN.php
index bed47610b90..8cd909cc7f8 100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_CN.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_CN.php
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "错误的日历",
"New Timezone:" => "新时区:",
"Timezone changed" => "时区已修改",
"Invalid request" => "非法请求",
"Calendar" => "日历",
-"Wrong calendar" => "错误的日历",
"Birthday" => "生日",
"Business" => "商务",
"Call" => "呼叫",
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"by yearday(s)" => "按每年的某天",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "按星期数",
"by day and month" => "按天和月份",
-"Not an array" => "不是一个数组",
"Date" => "日期",
"Cal." => "日历",
"All day" => "全天",
@@ -80,25 +79,6 @@
"Today" => "今天",
"Calendars" => "日历",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "解析文件失败",
-"Sun." => "周日",
-"Mon." => "周一",
-"Tue." => "周二",
-"Wed." => "周三",
-"Thu." => "周四",
-"Fri." => "周五",
-"Sat." => "周六",
-"Jan." => "1月",
-"Feb." => "2月",
-"Mar." => "3月",
-"Apr." => "4月",
-"May." => "5月",
-"Jun." => "6月",
-"Jul." => "7月",
-"Aug." => "8月",
-"Sep." => "9月",
-"Oct." => "10月",
-"Nov." => "11月",
-"Dec." => "12月",
"Choose active calendars" => "选择活动日历",
"CalDav Link" => "CalDav 链接",
"Download" => "下载",
@@ -116,11 +96,14 @@
"Export" => "导出",
"Title of the Event" => "事件标题",
"Category" => "分类",
-"Select category" => "选择分类",
"All Day Event" => "全天事件",
"From" => "自",
"To" => "至",
"Advanced options" => "高级选项",
+"Location" => "地点",
+"Location of the Event" => "事件地点",
+"Description" => "描述",
+"Description of the Event" => "事件描述",
"Repeat" => "重复",
"Advanced" => "高级",
"Select weekdays" => "选择星期中的某天",
@@ -133,10 +116,6 @@
"Interval" => "间隔",
"End" => "结束",
"occurrences" => "次",
-"Location" => "地点",
-"Location of the Event" => "事件地点",
-"Description" => "描述",
-"Description of the Event" => "事件描述",
"Import a calendar file" => "导入日历文件",
"Please choose the calendar" => "请选择日历",
"create a new calendar" => "创建新日历",
@@ -146,6 +125,7 @@
"Calendar imported successfully" => "导入日历成功",
"Close Dialog" => "关闭对话框",
"Create a new event" => "创建新事件",
+"Select category" => "选择分类",
"Timezone" => "时区",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "选中则总是按照时区变化",
"Timeformat" => "时间格式",
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_TW.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_TW.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b8fc790cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_TW.php
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Wrong calendar" => "錯誤日曆",
+"New Timezone:" => "新時區:",
+"Timezone changed" => "時區已變更",
+"Invalid request" => "無效請求",
+"Calendar" => "日曆",
+"Birthday" => "生日",
+"Business" => "商業",
+"Call" => "呼叫",
+"Clients" => "客戶",
+"Deliverer" => "遞送者",
+"Holidays" => "節日",
+"Ideas" => "主意",
+"Journey" => "旅行",
+"Jubilee" => "周年慶",
+"Meeting" => "會議",
+"Other" => "其他",
+"Personal" => "個人",
+"Projects" => "計畫",
+"Questions" => "問題",
+"Work" => "工作",
+"Does not repeat" => "不重覆",
+"Daily" => "每日",
+"Weekly" => "每週",
+"Every Weekday" => "每週末",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "每雙週",
+"Monthly" => "每月",
+"Yearly" => "每年",
+"never" => "絕不",
+"by occurrences" => "由事件",
+"by date" => "由日期",
+"by weekday" => "由平日",
+"Monday" => "週一",
+"Tuesday" => "週二",
+"Wednesday" => "週三",
+"Thursday" => "週四",
+"Friday" => "週五",
+"Saturday" => "週六",
+"Sunday" => "週日",
+"first" => "第一",
+"second" => "第二",
+"third" => "第三",
+"fourth" => "第四",
+"fifth" => "第五",
+"last" => "最後",
+"January" => "一月",
+"February" => "二月",
+"March" => "三月",
+"April" => "四月",
+"May" => "五月",
+"June" => "六月",
+"July" => "七月",
+"August" => "八月",
+"September" => "九月",
+"October" => "十月",
+"November" => "十一月",
+"December" => "十二月",
+"by events date" => "由事件日期",
+"by weeknumber(s)" => "由週數",
+"by day and month" => "由日與月",
+"Date" => "日期",
+"All day" => "整天",
+"New Calendar" => "新日曆",
+"Missing fields" => "遺失欄位",
+"Title" => "標題",
+"From Date" => "自日期",
+"From Time" => "至時間",
+"To Date" => "至日期",
+"To Time" => "至時間",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "事件的結束在開始之前",
+"There was a database fail" => "資料庫錯誤",
+"Week" => "週",
+"Month" => "月",
+"List" => "清單",
+"Today" => "今日",
+"Calendars" => "日曆",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "解析檔案時失敗。",
+"Choose active calendars" => "選擇一個作用中的日曆",
+"CalDav Link" => "CalDav 聯結",
+"Download" => "下載",
+"Edit" => "編輯",
+"Delete" => "刪除",
+"New calendar" => "新日曆",
+"Edit calendar" => "編輯日曆",
+"Displayname" => "顯示名稱",
+"Active" => "作用中",
+"Calendar color" => "日曆顏色",
+"Save" => "儲存",
+"Submit" => "提出",
+"Cancel" => "取消",
+"Edit an event" => "編輯事件",
+"Export" => "匯出",
+"Title of the Event" => "事件標題",
+"Category" => "分類",
+"All Day Event" => "全天事件",
+"From" => "自",
+"To" => "至",
+"Advanced options" => "進階選項",
+"Location" => "位置",
+"Location of the Event" => "事件位置",
+"Description" => "描述",
+"Description of the Event" => "事件描述",
+"Repeat" => "重覆",
+"Advanced" => "進階",
+"Select weekdays" => "選擇平日",
+"Select days" => "選擇日",
+"Select months" => "選擇月",
+"Select weeks" => "選擇週",
+"Interval" => "間隔",
+"End" => "結束",
+"occurrences" => "事件",
+"Import a calendar file" => "匯入日曆檔案",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "請選擇日曆",
+"create a new calendar" => "建立新日曆",
+"Name of new calendar" => "新日曆名稱",
+"Import" => "匯入",
+"Importing calendar" => "匯入日曆",
+"Calendar imported successfully" => "已成功匯入日曆",
+"Close Dialog" => "關閉對話",
+"Create a new event" => "建立一個新事件",
+"Select category" => "選擇分類",
+"Timezone" => "時區",
+"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "總是檢查是否變更了時區",
+"Timeformat" => "日期格式",
+"24h" => "24小時制",
+"12h" => "12小時制",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "CalDAV 的日曆同步地址:"