path: root/apps/comments/tests/js
diff options
authorJohn Molakvoæ (skjnldsv) <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>2020-10-16 22:50:01 +0200
committerJohn Molakvoæ (skjnldsv) <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>2020-10-20 13:58:07 +0200
commitafa737652247365838832837ae4ce20bca039ad9 (patch)
tree60ac835aec72cab0756ef207554dba984f37f05d /apps/comments/tests/js
parente7f5516b4d04c16ed2c12dcc9c9c5f34d9f1f73b (diff)
Cleanup old comments tab
Signed-off-by: John Molakvoæ (skjnldsv) <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/comments/tests/js')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 836 deletions
diff --git a/apps/comments/tests/js/commentscollectionSpec.js b/apps/comments/tests/js/commentscollectionSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f41a272f67..00000000000
--- a/apps/comments/tests/js/commentscollectionSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016
- *
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License comment 3
- * or later.
- *
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- *
- */
-describe('OCA.Comments.CommentCollection', function() {
- var CommentCollection = OCA.Comments.CommentCollection;
- var collection, syncStub;
- var comment1, comment2, comment3;
- beforeEach(function() {
- syncStub = sinon.stub(CommentCollection.prototype, 'sync');
- collection = new CommentCollection();
- collection.setObjectId(5);
- comment1 = {
- id: 1,
- actorType: 'users',
- actorId: 'user1',
- actorDisplayName: 'User One',
- objectType: 'files',
- objectId: 5,
- message: 'First',
- creationDateTime: Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 0)
- };
- comment2 = {
- id: 2,
- actorType: 'users',
- actorId: 'user2',
- actorDisplayName: 'User Two',
- objectType: 'files',
- objectId: 5,
- message: 'Second\nNewline',
- creationDateTime: Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 0, 0)
- };
- comment3 = {
- id: 3,
- actorType: 'users',
- actorId: 'user3',
- actorDisplayName: 'User Three',
- objectType: 'files',
- objectId: 5,
- message: 'Third',
- creationDateTime: Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 5, 0, 0)
- };
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- syncStub.restore();
- });
- it('fetches the next page', function() {
- collection._limit = 2;
- collection.fetchNext();
- expect(syncStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(syncStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual('REPORT');
- var options = syncStub.lastCall.args[2];
- expect(options.remove).toEqual(false);
- var parser = new DOMParser();
- var doc = parser.parseFromString(options.data, "application/xml");
- expect(doc.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://owncloud.org/ns', 'limit')[0].textContent).toEqual('3');
- expect(doc.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://owncloud.org/ns', 'offset')[0].textContent).toEqual('0');
- syncStub.yieldTo('success', [comment1, comment2, comment3]);
- expect(collection.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(collection.hasMoreResults()).toEqual(true);
- collection.fetchNext();
- expect(syncStub.calledTwice).toEqual(true);
- options = syncStub.lastCall.args[2];
- doc = parser.parseFromString(options.data, "application/xml");
- expect(doc.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://owncloud.org/ns', 'limit')[0].textContent).toEqual('3');
- expect(doc.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://owncloud.org/ns', 'offset')[0].textContent).toEqual('2');
- syncStub.yieldTo('success', [comment3]);
- expect(collection.length).toEqual(3);
- expect(collection.hasMoreResults()).toEqual(false);
- collection.fetchNext();
- // no further requests
- expect(syncStub.calledTwice).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('resets page counted when calling reset', function() {
- collection.fetchNext();
- syncStub.yieldTo('success', [comment1]);
- expect(collection.hasMoreResults()).toEqual(false);
- collection.reset();
- expect(collection.hasMoreResults()).toEqual(true);
- });
- describe('resetting read marker', function() {
- var updateStub;
- var clock;
- beforeEach(function() {
- updateStub = sinon.stub(OCA.Comments.CommentSummaryModel.prototype, 'save');
- clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9));
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- updateStub.restore();
- clock.restore();
- });
- it('resets read marker to the default date', function() {
- var successStub = sinon.stub();
- collection.updateReadMarker(null, {
- success: successStub
- });
- expect(updateStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(updateStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual({
- readMarker: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9)).toUTCString()
- });
- updateStub.yieldTo('success');
- expect(successStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('resets read marker to the given date', function() {
- var successStub = sinon.stub();
- collection.updateReadMarker(new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), {
- success: successStub
- });
- expect(updateStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(updateStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual({
- readMarker: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)).toUTCString()
- });
- updateStub.yieldTo('success');
- expect(successStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/comments/tests/js/commentstabviewSpec.js b/apps/comments/tests/js/commentstabviewSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd1353cc43d..00000000000
--- a/apps/comments/tests/js/commentstabviewSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
-* ownCloud
-* @author Vincent Petry
-* @copyright 2016 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
-* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-* comment 3 of the License, or any later comment.
-* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-* License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-describe('OCA.Comments.CommentsTabView tests', function() {
- var view, fileInfoModel;
- var fetchStub;
- var avatarStub;
- var testComments;
- var clock;
- /**
- * Creates a dummy message with the given length
- *
- * @param {int} len length
- * @return {string} message
- */
- function createMessageWithLength(len) {
- var bigMessage = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- bigMessage += 'a';
- }
- return bigMessage;
- }
- beforeEach(function() {
- clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9));
- fetchStub = sinon.stub(OCA.Comments.CommentCollection.prototype, 'fetchNext');
- avatarStub = sinon.stub($.fn, 'avatar');
- view = new OCA.Comments.CommentsTabView();
- fileInfoModel = new OCA.Files.FileInfoModel({
- id: 5,
- name: 'One.txt',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- permissions: 31,
- path: '/subdir',
- size: 123456789,
- etag: 'abcdefg',
- mtime: Date.UTC(2016, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- });
- view.render();
- var comment1 = new OCA.Comments.CommentModel({
- id: 1,
- actorType: 'users',
- actorId: 'user1',
- actorDisplayName: 'User One',
- objectType: 'files',
- objectId: 5,
- message: 'First',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 0)).toUTCString()
- });
- var comment2 = new OCA.Comments.CommentModel({
- id: 2,
- actorType: 'users',
- actorId: 'user2',
- actorDisplayName: 'User Two',
- objectType: 'files',
- objectId: 5,
- message: 'Second\nNewline',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 0, 0)).toUTCString()
- });
- var comment3 = new OCA.Comments.CommentModel({
- id: 3,
- actorId: 'anotheruser',
- actorDisplayName: 'Another User',
- actorType: 'users',
- verb: 'comment',
- message: 'Hail to thee, @macbeth. Yours faithfully, @banquo',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9)).toUTCString(),
- mentions: {
- 0: {
- mentionDisplayName: "Thane of Cawdor",
- mentionId: "macbeth",
- mentionTye: "user"
- },
- 1: {
- mentionDisplayName: "Lord Banquo",
- mentionId: "banquo",
- mentionTye: "user"
- }
- }
- });
- testComments = [comment1, comment2, comment3];
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- view.remove();
- view = undefined;
- fetchStub.restore();
- avatarStub.restore();
- clock.restore();
- });
- describe('rendering', function() {
- it('reloads matching comments when setting file info model', function() {
- view.setFileInfo(fileInfoModel);
- expect(fetchStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('renders loading icon while fetching comments', function() {
- view.setFileInfo(fileInfoModel);
- view.collection.trigger('request');
- expect(view.$el.find('.loading').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(view.$el.find('.comments li').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('renders comments', function() {
- view.setFileInfo(fileInfoModel);
- view.collection.set(testComments);
- var $comments = view.$el.find('.comments>li');
- expect($comments.length).toEqual(3);
- var $item = $comments.eq(0);
- expect($item.find('.author').text()).toEqual('User One');
- expect($item.find('.date').text()).toEqual('seconds ago');
- expect($item.find('.message').text()).toEqual('First');
- $item = $comments.eq(1);
- expect($item.find('.author').text()).toEqual('User Two');
- expect($item.find('.date').text()).toEqual('5 minutes ago');
- expect($item.find('.message').html()).toEqual('Second<br>Newline');
- });
- it('renders comments from deleted user differently', function() {
- testComments[0].set('actorType', 'deleted_users', {silent: true});
- view.collection.set(testComments);
- var $item = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- expect($item.find('.author').text()).toEqual('[Deleted user]');
- expect($item.find('.avatar').attr('data-username')).not.toBeDefined();
- });
- it('renders mentioned user id to avatar and displayname', function() {
- view.collection.set(testComments);
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=3] .message');
- expect($comment.length).toEqual(1);
- expect($comment.find('.avatar[data-user=macbeth]').length).toEqual(1);
- expect($comment.find('strong:first').text()).toEqual('Thane of Cawdor');
- expect($comment.find('.avatar[data-user=macbeth] ~ .contactsmenu-popover').length).toEqual(1);
- expect($comment.find('.avatar[data-user=banquo]').length).toEqual(1);
- expect($comment.find('.avatar[data-user=banquo] ~ strong').text()).toEqual('Lord Banquo');
- expect($comment.find('.avatar[data-user=banquo] ~ .contactsmenu-popover').length).toEqual(1);
- });
- });
- describe('more comments', function() {
- var hasMoreResultsStub;
- beforeEach(function() {
- view.collection.set(testComments);
- hasMoreResultsStub = sinon.stub(OCA.Comments.CommentCollection.prototype, 'hasMoreResults');
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- hasMoreResultsStub.restore();
- });
- it('shows "More comments" button when more comments are available', function() {
- hasMoreResultsStub.returns(true);
- view.collection.trigger('sync');
- expect(view.$el.find('.showMore').hasClass('hidden')).toEqual(false);
- });
- it('does not show "More comments" button when more comments are available', function() {
- hasMoreResultsStub.returns(false);
- view.collection.trigger('sync');
- expect(view.$el.find('.showMore').hasClass('hidden')).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('fetches and appends the next page when clicking the "More" button', function() {
- hasMoreResultsStub.returns(true);
- expect(fetchStub.notCalled).toEqual(true);
- view.$el.find('.showMore').trigger('click');
- expect(fetchStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('appends comment to the list when added to collection', function() {
- var comment4 = new OCA.Comments.CommentModel({
- id: 4,
- actorType: 'users',
- actorId: 'user3',
- actorDisplayName: 'User Three',
- objectType: 'files',
- objectId: 5,
- message: 'Third',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 5, 0, 0)).toUTCString()
- });
- view.collection.add(comment4);
- expect(view.$el.find('.comments>li').length).toEqual(4);
- var $item = view.$el.find('.comments>li').eq(3);
- expect($item.find('.author').text()).toEqual('User Three');
- expect($item.find('.date').text()).toEqual('5 hours ago');
- expect($item.find('.message').html()).toEqual('Third');
- });
- });
- describe('posting comments', function() {
- var createStub;
- var currentUserStub;
- var $newCommentForm;
- beforeEach(function() {
- view.collection.set(testComments);
- createStub = sinon.stub(OCA.Comments.CommentCollection.prototype, 'create');
- currentUserStub = sinon.stub(OC, 'getCurrentUser');
- currentUserStub.returns({
- uid: 'testuser',
- displayName: 'Test User'
- });
- $newCommentForm = view.$el.find('.newCommentForm');
- // Required for the absolute selector used to find the new comment
- // after a successful creation in _onSubmitSuccess.
- $('#testArea').append(view.$el);
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- createStub.restore();
- currentUserStub.restore();
- });
- it('creates a new comment when clicking post button', function() {
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').text('New message');
- $newCommentForm.submit();
- expect(createStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(createStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual({
- actorId: 'testuser',
- actorDisplayName: 'Test User',
- actorType: 'users',
- verb: 'comment',
- message: 'New message',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9)).toUTCString()
- });
- });
- it('creates a new comment when typing enter', function() {
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').text('New message');
- var keydownEvent = new $.Event('keydown', {keyCode: 13});
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').trigger(keydownEvent);
- expect(createStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(createStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual({
- actorId: 'testuser',
- actorDisplayName: 'Test User',
- actorType: 'users',
- verb: 'comment',
- message: 'New message',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9)).toUTCString()
- });
- expect(keydownEvent.isDefaultPrevented()).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('creates a new mention when typing enter in the autocomplete popover', function() {
- var autoCompleteStub = sinon.stub(view, '_onAutoComplete');
- autoCompleteStub.callsArgWith(1, [{"id":"userId", "label":"User Name", "source":"users"}]);
- // Force the autocomplete to be initialized
- view._initAutoComplete($newCommentForm.find('.message'));
- // PhantomJS does not seem to handle typing in a contenteditable, so
- // some tricks are needed to show the autocomplete popover.
- //
- // Instead of sending key events to type "@u" the characters are
- // programatically set in the input field.
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').text('Mention to @u');
- // When focusing on the input field the caret is not guaranteed to
- // be at the end; instead of calling "focus()" on the input field
- // the caret is explicitly set at the end of the input field, that
- // is, after "@u".
- var range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNodeContents($newCommentForm.find('.message')[0]);
- range.collapse(false);
- var selection = window.getSelection();
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(range);
- // As PhantomJS does not handle typing in a contenteditable the key
- // typed here is in practice ignored by At.js, but despite that it
- // will cause the popover to be shown.
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').trigger(new $.Event('keydown', {keyCode: 's'}));
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').trigger(new $.Event('keyup', {keyCode: 's'}));
- expect(autoCompleteStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- var keydownEvent = new $.Event('keydown', {keyCode: 13});
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').trigger(keydownEvent);
- expect(createStub.calledOnce).toEqual(false);
- expect($newCommentForm.find('.message').html()).toContain('Mention to <span');
- expect($newCommentForm.find('.message').html()).toContain('<span class="avatar"');
- expect($newCommentForm.find('.message').html()).toContain('<strong>User Name</strong>');
- expect($newCommentForm.find('.message').text()).not.toContain('@');
- // In this case the default behaviour is prevented by the
- // "onKeydown" event handler of At.js.
- expect(keydownEvent.isDefaultPrevented()).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('creates a new line when typing shift+enter', function() {
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').text('New message');
- var keydownEvent = new $.Event('keydown', {keyCode: 13, shiftKey: true});
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').trigger(keydownEvent);
- expect(createStub.calledOnce).toEqual(false);
- // PhantomJS does not seem to handle typing in a contenteditable, so
- // instead of looking for a new line the best that can be done is
- // checking that the default behaviour would have been executed.
- expect($newCommentForm.find('.message').text()).toContain('New message');
- expect(keydownEvent.isDefaultPrevented()).toEqual(false);
- });
- it('creates a new comment with mentions when clicking post button', function() {
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').text('New message @anotheruser');
- $newCommentForm.submit();
- var createStubExpectedData = {
- actorId: 'testuser',
- actorDisplayName: 'Test User',
- actorType: 'users',
- verb: 'comment',
- message: 'New message @anotheruser',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9)).toUTCString()
- };
- expect(createStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(createStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual(createStubExpectedData);
- var model = new OCA.Comments.CommentModel(_.extend({id: 4}, createStubExpectedData));
- var fetchStub = sinon.stub(model, 'fetch');
- // simulate the fact that create adds the model to the collection
- view.collection.add(model, {at: 0});
- createStub.yieldTo('success', model);
- expect(fetchStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- // simulate the fact that fetch sets the attribute
- model.set('mentions', {
- 0: {
- mentionDisplayName: "Another User",
- mentionId: "anotheruser",
- mentionTye: "user"
- }
- });
- fetchStub.yieldTo('success', model);
- // comment was added to the list
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=4]');
- expect($comment.length).toEqual(1);
- var $message = $comment.find('.message');
- expect($message.html()).toContain('New message');
- expect($message.find('.avatar').length).toEqual(1);
- expect($message.find('.avatar[data-user=anotheruser]').length).toEqual(1);
- expect($message.find('.avatar[data-user=anotheruser] ~ strong').text()).toEqual('Another User');
- expect($message.find('.avatar[data-user=anotheruser] ~ .contactsmenu-popover').length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('does not create a comment if the field is empty', function() {
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').val(' ');
- $newCommentForm.submit();
- expect(createStub.notCalled).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('does not create a comment if the field length is too large', function() {
- var bigMessage = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < view._commentMaxLength * 2; i++) {
- bigMessage += 'a';
- }
- $newCommentForm.find('.message').val(bigMessage);
- $newCommentForm.submit();
- expect(createStub.notCalled).toEqual(true);
- });
- describe('limit indicator', function() {
- var tooltipStub;
- var $message;
- var $submitButton;
- beforeEach(function() {
- tooltipStub = sinon.stub($.fn, 'tooltip');
- $message = $newCommentForm.find('.message');
- $submitButton = $newCommentForm.find('.submit');
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- tooltipStub.restore();
- });
- it('does not displays tooltip when limit is far away', function() {
- $message.val(createMessageWithLength(3));
- $message.trigger('change');
- expect(tooltipStub.calledWith('show')).toEqual(false);
- expect($submitButton.prop('disabled')).toEqual(false);
- expect($message.hasClass('error')).toEqual(false);
- });
- it('displays tooltip when limit is almost reached', function() {
- $message.text(createMessageWithLength(view._commentMaxLength - 2));
- $message.trigger('change');
- expect(tooltipStub.calledWith('show')).toEqual(true);
- expect($submitButton.prop('disabled')).toEqual(false);
- expect($message.hasClass('error')).toEqual(false);
- });
- it('displays tooltip and disabled button when limit is exceeded', function() {
- $message.text(createMessageWithLength(view._commentMaxLength + 2));
- $message.trigger('change');
- expect(tooltipStub.calledWith('show')).toEqual(true);
- expect($submitButton.prop('disabled')).toEqual(true);
- expect($message.hasClass('error')).toEqual(true);
- });
- });
- });
- describe('editing comments', function() {
- var saveStub;
- var fetchStub;
- var currentUserStub;
- beforeEach(function() {
- saveStub = sinon.stub(OCA.Comments.CommentModel.prototype, 'save');
- fetchStub = sinon.stub(OCA.Comments.CommentModel.prototype, 'fetch');
- currentUserStub = sinon.stub(OC, 'getCurrentUser');
- currentUserStub.returns({
- uid: 'testuser',
- displayName: 'Test User'
- });
- view.collection.add({
- id: 1,
- actorId: 'testuser',
- actorDisplayName: 'Test User',
- actorType: 'users',
- verb: 'comment',
- message: 'New message',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9)).toUTCString()
- });
- view.collection.add({
- id: 2,
- actorId: 'anotheruser',
- actorDisplayName: 'Another User',
- actorType: 'users',
- verb: 'comment',
- message: 'New message from another user',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9)).toUTCString(),
- });
- view.collection.add({
- id: 3,
- actorId: 'testuser',
- actorDisplayName: 'Test User',
- actorType: 'users',
- verb: 'comment',
- message: 'Hail to thee, @macbeth. Yours faithfully, @banquo',
- creationDateTime: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 3, 10, 5, 9)).toUTCString(),
- mentions: {
- 0: {
- mentionDisplayName: "Thane of Cawdor",
- mentionId: "macbeth",
- mentionTye: "user"
- },
- 1: {
- mentionDisplayName: "Lord Banquo",
- mentionId: "banquo",
- mentionTye: "user"
- }
- }
- });
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- saveStub.restore();
- fetchStub.restore();
- currentUserStub.restore();
- });
- it('shows edit link for owner comments', function() {
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- expect($comment.length).toEqual(1);
- $comment.find('.action.more').trigger('click');
- expect($comment.find('.action.edit').length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('does not show edit link for other user\'s comments', function() {
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=2]');
- expect($comment.length).toEqual(1);
- $comment.find('.action.more').trigger('click');
- expect($comment.find('.action.edit').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('shows edit form when clicking edit', function() {
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- $comment.find('.action.more').trigger('click');
- $comment.find('.action.edit').trigger('click');
- expect($comment.hasClass('hidden')).toEqual(true);
- var $formRow = view.$el.find('.newCommentRow.comment[data-id=1]');
- expect($formRow.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('saves message and updates comment item when clicking save', function() {
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- $comment.find('.action.more').trigger('click');
- $comment.find('.action.edit').trigger('click');
- var $formRow = view.$el.find('.newCommentRow.comment[data-id=1]');
- expect($formRow.length).toEqual(1);
- $formRow.find('div.message').text('modified message');
- $formRow.find('form').submit();
- expect(saveStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(saveStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual({
- message: 'modified message'
- });
- var model = view.collection.get(1);
- // simulate the fact that save sets the attribute
- model.set('message', 'modified\nmessage');
- saveStub.yieldTo('success', model);
- view.collection.get(model);
- expect(fetchStub.called).toEqual(true);
- fetchStub.yieldTo('success', model);
- // original comment element is visible again
- expect($comment.hasClass('hidden')).toEqual(false);
- // and its message was updated
- expect($comment.find('.message').html()).toEqual('modified<br>message');
- // form row is gone
- $formRow = view.$el.find('.newCommentRow.comment[data-id=1]');
- expect($formRow.length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('saves message and updates comment item with mentions when clicking save', function() {
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=3]');
- $comment.find('.action.more').trigger('click');
- $comment.find('.action.edit').trigger('click');
- var $formRow = view.$el.find('.newCommentRow.comment[data-id=3]');
- expect($formRow.length).toEqual(1);
- $formRow.find('div.message').text('modified\nmessage @anotheruser');
- $formRow.find('form').submit();
- expect(saveStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(saveStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual({
- message: 'modified\nmessage @anotheruser'
- });
- var model = view.collection.get(3);
- // simulate the fact that save sets the attribute
- model.set('message', 'modified\nmessage @anotheruser');
- saveStub.yieldTo('success', model);
- expect(fetchStub.called).toEqual(true);
- // simulate the fact that fetch sets the attribute
- model.set('mentions', {
- 0: {
- mentionDisplayName: "Another User",
- mentionId: "anotheruser",
- mentionTye: "user"
- }
- });
- fetchStub.yieldTo('success', model);
- // original comment element is visible again
- expect($comment.hasClass('hidden')).toEqual(false);
- // and its message was updated
- var $message = $comment.find('.message');
- expect($message.html()).toContain('modified<br>message');
- expect($message.find('.avatar').length).toEqual(1);
- expect($message.find('.avatar[data-user=anotheruser]').length).toEqual(1);
- expect($message.find('.avatar[data-user=anotheruser] ~ strong').text()).toEqual('Another User');
- expect($message.find('.avatar[data-user=anotheruser] ~ .contactsmenu-popover').length).toEqual(1);
- // form row is gone
- $formRow = view.$el.find('.newCommentRow.comment[data-id=3]');
- expect($formRow.length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('restores original comment when cancelling', function() {
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- $comment.find('.action.more').trigger('click');
- $comment.find('.action.edit').trigger('click');
- var $formRow = view.$el.find('.newCommentRow.comment[data-id=1]');
- expect($formRow.length).toEqual(1);
- $formRow.find('textarea').val('modified\nmessage');
- $formRow.find('.cancel').trigger('click');
- expect(saveStub.notCalled).toEqual(true);
- // original comment element is visible again
- expect($comment.hasClass('hidden')).toEqual(false);
- // and its message was not updated
- expect($comment.find('.message').html()).toEqual('New message');
- // form row is gone
- $formRow = view.$el.find('.newCommentRow.comment[data-id=1]');
- expect($formRow.length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('destroys model when clicking delete', function() {
- var destroyStub = sinon.stub(OCA.Comments.CommentModel.prototype, 'destroy');
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- $comment.find('.action.more').trigger('click');
- $comment.find('.action.delete').trigger('click');
- expect(destroyStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(destroyStub.thisValues[0].id).toEqual(1);
- destroyStub.yieldTo('success');
- // original comment element is gone
- $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- expect($comment.length).toEqual(0);
- destroyStub.restore();
- });
- it('does not submit comment if the field is empty', function() {
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- $comment.find('.action.edit').trigger('click');
- $comment.find('.message').val(' ');
- $comment.find('form').submit();
- expect(saveStub.notCalled).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('does not submit comment if the field length is too large', function() {
- var $comment = view.$el.find('.comment[data-id=1]');
- $comment.find('.action.edit').trigger('click');
- $comment.find('.message').val(createMessageWithLength(view._commentMaxLength * 2));
- $comment.find('form').submit();
- expect(saveStub.notCalled).toEqual(true);
- });
- });
- describe('read marker', function() {
- var updateMarkerStub;
- beforeEach(function() {
- updateMarkerStub = sinon.stub(OCA.Comments.CommentCollection.prototype, 'updateReadMarker');
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- updateMarkerStub.restore();
- });
- it('resets the read marker after REPORT', function() {
- testComments[0].set('isUnread', true, {silent: true});
- testComments[1].set('isUnread', true, {silent: true});
- view.collection.set(testComments);
- view.collection.trigger('sync', 'REPORT');
- expect(updateMarkerStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- expect(updateMarkerStub.lastCall.args[0]).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it('does not reset the read marker if there was no unread comments', function() {
- view.collection.set(testComments);
- view.collection.trigger('sync', 'REPORT');
- expect(updateMarkerStub.notCalled).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('does not reset the read marker when posting comments', function() {
- testComments[0].set('isUnread', true, {silent: true});
- testComments[1].set('isUnread', true, {silent: true});
- view.collection.set(testComments);
- view.collection.trigger('sync', 'POST');
- expect(updateMarkerStub.notCalled).toEqual(true);
- });
- });