path: root/apps/comments
diff options
authorVincent Petry <>2016-02-03 13:00:55 +0100
committerVincent Petry <>2016-02-03 13:00:55 +0100
commit8bb1437e240ce47e04f7bcb7dc3a56ef6b5d892b (patch)
tree9b484c1f7102cebd96995c29efd11fbbad870e64 /apps/comments
parent621f54da514af548bf900f7a1c64af046f53b86d (diff)
Add file row indicator for unread comments
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/comments')
3 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/comments/css/comments.css b/apps/comments/css/comments.css
index c1624dcc57b..5e247aaeb71 100644
--- a/apps/comments/css/comments.css
+++ b/apps/comments/css/comments.css
@@ -49,3 +49,7 @@
position: absolute;
right: 0;
+ .action-comment>img {
+ margin-right: 5px;
diff --git a/apps/comments/js/filesplugin.js b/apps/comments/js/filesplugin.js
index c8d91e0ede3..bf6bb05146b 100644
--- a/apps/comments/js/filesplugin.js
+++ b/apps/comments/js/filesplugin.js
@@ -8,7 +8,15 @@
+/* global Handlebars */
(function() {
+ '<a class="action action-comment permanent" title="{{countMessage}}" href="#">' +
+ '<img class="svg" src="{{iconUrl}}"/>' +
+ '{{count}}' +
+ '</a>';
OCA.Comments = _.extend({}, OCA.Comments);
if (!OCA.Comments) {
@@ -26,12 +34,88 @@
+ _formatCommentCount: function(count) {
+ if (!this._commentsUnreadTemplate) {
+ this._commentsUnreadTemplate = Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE_COMMENTS_UNREAD);
+ }
+ return this._commentsUnreadTemplate({
+ count: count,
+ countMessage: t('comments', '{count} unread comments', {count: count}),
+ iconUrl: OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/comment')
+ });
+ },
attach: function(fileList) {
+ var self = this;
if (this.allowedLists.indexOf( < 0) {
fileList.registerTabView(new OCA.Comments.CommentsTabView('commentsTabView'));
+ var NS_OC = '';
+ var oldGetWebdavProperties = fileList._getWebdavProperties;
+ fileList._getWebdavProperties = function() {
+ var props = oldGetWebdavProperties.apply(this, arguments);
+ props.push('{' + NS_OC + '}comments-unread');
+ return props;
+ };
+ fileList.filesClient.addFileInfoParser(function(response) {
+ var data = {};
+ var props = response.propStat[0].properties;
+ var commentsUnread = props['{' + NS_OC + '}comments-unread'];
+ if (!_.isUndefined(commentsUnread) && commentsUnread !== '') {
+ data.commentsUnread = parseInt(commentsUnread, 10);
+ }
+ return data;
+ });
+ fileList.$el.addClass('has-comments');
+ var oldCreateRow = fileList._createRow;
+ fileList._createRow = function(fileData) {
+ var $tr = oldCreateRow.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (fileData.commentsUnread) {
+ $tr.attr('data-comments-unread', fileData.commentsUnread);
+ }
+ return $tr;
+ };
+ // register "comment" action for reading comments
+ fileList.fileActions.registerAction({
+ name: 'Comment',
+ displayName: t('comments', 'Comment'),
+ mime: 'all',
+ permissions: OC.PERMISSION_READ,
+ type: OCA.Files.FileActions.TYPE_INLINE,
+ render: function(actionSpec, isDefault, context) {
+ var $file = context.$file;
+ var unreadComments = $'comments-unread');
+ if (unreadComments) {
+ var $actionLink = $(self._formatCommentCount(unreadComments));
+ context.$file.find('>span.fileactions').append($actionLink);
+ return $actionLink;
+ }
+ return '';
+ },
+ actionHandler: function(fileName, context) {
+ context.$file.find('.action-comment').tooltip('hide');
+ // open sidebar in comments section
+ context.fileList.showDetailsView(fileName, 'commentsTabView');
+ }
+ });
+ // add attribute to "elementToFile"
+ var oldElementToFile = fileList.elementToFile;
+ fileList.elementToFile = function($el) {
+ var fileInfo = oldElementToFile.apply(this, arguments);
+ var commentsUnread = $'comments-unread');
+ if (commentsUnread) {
+ fileInfo.commentsUnread = commentsUnread;
+ }
+ return fileInfo;
+ };
diff --git a/apps/comments/tests/js/filespluginSpec.js b/apps/comments/tests/js/filespluginSpec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..78becc5af09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/comments/tests/js/filespluginSpec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Vincent Petry <>
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
+ * or later.
+ *
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ *
+ */
+describe('OCA.Comments.FilesPlugin tests', function() {
+ var fileList;
+ var testFiles;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ var $content = $('<div id="content"></div>');
+ $('#testArea').append($content);
+ // dummy file list
+ var $div = $(
+ '<div>' +
+ '<table id="filestable">' +
+ '<thead></thead>' +
+ '<tbody id="fileList"></tbody>' +
+ '</table>' +
+ '</div>');
+ $('#content').append($div);
+ fileList = new OCA.Files.FileList($div);
+ OCA.Comments.FilesPlugin.attach(fileList);
+ testFiles = [{
+ id: 1,
+ type: 'file',
+ name: 'One.txt',
+ path: '/subdir',
+ mimetype: 'text/plain',
+ size: 12,
+ permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL,
+ etag: 'abc',
+ shareOwner: 'User One',
+ isShareMountPoint: false,
+ commentsUnread: 3
+ }];
+ });
+ afterEach(function() {
+ fileList.destroy();
+ fileList = null;
+ });
+ describe('Comment icon', function() {
+ it('does not render icon when no unread comments available', function() {
+ testFiles[0].commentsUnread = 0;
+ fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
+ var $tr = fileList.findFileEl('One.txt');
+ expect($tr.find('.action-comment').length).toEqual(0);
+ });
+ it('renders comment icon and extra data', function() {
+ var $action, $tr;
+ fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
+ $tr = fileList.findFileEl('One.txt');
+ $action = $tr.find('.action-comment');
+ expect($action.length).toEqual(1);
+ expect($action.hasClass('permanent')).toEqual(true);
+ expect($tr.attr('data-comments-unread')).toEqual('3');
+ });
+ it('clicking icon opens sidebar', function() {
+ var sidebarStub = sinon.stub(fileList, 'showDetailsView');
+ var $action, $tr;
+ fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
+ $tr = fileList.findFileEl('One.txt');
+ $action = $tr.find('.action-comment');
+ $;
+ expect(sidebarStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
+ expect(sidebarStub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual('One.txt');
+ expect(sidebarStub.lastCall.args[1]).toEqual('commentsTabView');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('elementToFile', function() {
+ it('returns comment count', function() {
+ fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
+ var $tr = fileList.findFileEl('One.txt');
+ var data = fileList.elementToFile($tr);
+ expect(data.commentsUnread).toEqual(3);
+ });
+ it('does not set comment count when not set', function() {
+ delete testFiles[0].commentsUnread;
+ fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
+ var $tr = fileList.findFileEl('One.txt');
+ var data = fileList.elementToFile($tr);
+ expect(data.commentsUnread).not.toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('does not set comment count when zero', function() {
+ testFiles[0].commentsUnread = 0;
+ fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
+ var $tr = fileList.findFileEl('One.txt');
+ var data = fileList.elementToFile($tr);
+ expect(data.commentsUnread).not.toBeDefined();
+ });
+ });