path: root/apps/dashboard
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2024-02-15 00:20:09 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2024-02-15 00:20:09 +0000
commit82a3d2b5c188b485841abae9228c25de87bed3c9 (patch)
treed993e7442773b3e0b92c80f9c8fa08fec5053ad2 /apps/dashboard
parent9345af7af7a6550542dd941a99130be4caaf0fe4 (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/dashboard')
6 files changed, 6 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/dashboard/l10n/ar.js b/apps/dashboard/l10n/ar.js
index c5d15095aac..a5b118bd40b 100644
--- a/apps/dashboard/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/dashboard/l10n/ar.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Dashboard" : "الرئيسية",
"Dashboard app" : "تطبيق الصفحة الرئيسية",
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an overview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages, incoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! People can add the widgets they like and change the background to their liking." : "ابدأ يومك على اطِّلاع. \n\nتُعدُّ لوحة المعلومات dashboard في نكست كلاود هي نقطة البداية لليوم. إذ هي تُوفِّر لك نظرة عامة على مواعيدك القادمة و رسائل بريدك العاجلة و رسائل الدردشة و التذاكر الواردة و أحدث التغريدات و غير ذلك الكثير! يُمكِن للمستخدِم إضافة الأدوات التي يحبها و تغيير الخلفية حسب رغبته.",
"\"{title} icon\"" : "\"{title} أيقونة\"",
"Customize" : "تعديل",
"Edit widgets" : "تعديل الودجات",
diff --git a/apps/dashboard/l10n/ar.json b/apps/dashboard/l10n/ar.json
index dfd92c6627d..8d252a33e58 100644
--- a/apps/dashboard/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/dashboard/l10n/ar.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Dashboard" : "الرئيسية",
"Dashboard app" : "تطبيق الصفحة الرئيسية",
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an overview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages, incoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! People can add the widgets they like and change the background to their liking." : "ابدأ يومك على اطِّلاع. \n\nتُعدُّ لوحة المعلومات dashboard في نكست كلاود هي نقطة البداية لليوم. إذ هي تُوفِّر لك نظرة عامة على مواعيدك القادمة و رسائل بريدك العاجلة و رسائل الدردشة و التذاكر الواردة و أحدث التغريدات و غير ذلك الكثير! يُمكِن للمستخدِم إضافة الأدوات التي يحبها و تغيير الخلفية حسب رغبته.",
"\"{title} icon\"" : "\"{title} أيقونة\"",
"Customize" : "تعديل",
"Edit widgets" : "تعديل الودجات",
diff --git a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sr.js b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sr.js
index 6b41a1cf428..506a6ea0f91 100644
--- a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sr.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Dashboard" : "Контролна табла",
"Dashboard app" : "Апликација контролне табле",
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an overview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages, incoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! People can add the widgets they like and change the background to their liking." : "Започните свој дан информацијама\n\nNextcloud Контролна табла је почетна тачка вашег дана, она вам даје преглед наредних састанака, хитних и-мејлова, чет порука, придошлих тикета, најновијих твитова и још пуно тога! Људи могу да додају виџете који им се свиђају и да по жељи измене позадину.",
"\"{title} icon\"" : "„{title} икона”",
"Customize" : "Прилагођавање",
"Edit widgets" : "Уређивање виџета",
diff --git a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sr.json b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sr.json
index f7cdaa8e296..0b77624e554 100644
--- a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sr.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Dashboard" : "Контролна табла",
"Dashboard app" : "Апликација контролне табле",
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an overview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages, incoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! People can add the widgets they like and change the background to their liking." : "Започните свој дан информацијама\n\nNextcloud Контролна табла је почетна тачка вашег дана, она вам даје преглед наредних састанака, хитних и-мејлова, чет порука, придошлих тикета, најновијих твитова и још пуно тога! Људи могу да додају виџете који им се свиђају и да по жељи измене позадину.",
"\"{title} icon\"" : "„{title} икона”",
"Customize" : "Прилагођавање",
"Edit widgets" : "Уређивање виџета",
diff --git a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sv.js b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sv.js
index a3f0d8bc99e..d08a10e5f04 100644
--- a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sv.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Dashboard" : "Dashboard",
"Dashboard app" : "Dashboard app",
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an overview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages, incoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! People can add the widgets they like and change the background to their liking." : "Börja din dag informerad\n\nNextcloud Dashboard är din startpunkt för dagen och ger dig en översikt över dina kommande möten, brådskande e-postmeddelanden, chattmeddelanden, inkommande ärenden, senaste tweets och mycket mer! Användare kan lägga till widgetar de gillar och anpassa bakgrunden efter deras tycke.",
"\"{title} icon\"" : "\"{title}-ikon\"",
"Customize" : "Anpassa",
"Edit widgets" : "Ändra widgetar",
diff --git a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sv.json b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sv.json
index 24d2002f473..a5855e1ab54 100644
--- a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sv.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Dashboard" : "Dashboard",
"Dashboard app" : "Dashboard app",
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an overview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages, incoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! People can add the widgets they like and change the background to their liking." : "Börja din dag informerad\n\nNextcloud Dashboard är din startpunkt för dagen och ger dig en översikt över dina kommande möten, brådskande e-postmeddelanden, chattmeddelanden, inkommande ärenden, senaste tweets och mycket mer! Användare kan lägga till widgetar de gillar och anpassa bakgrunden efter deras tycke.",
"\"{title} icon\"" : "\"{title}-ikon\"",
"Customize" : "Anpassa",
"Edit widgets" : "Ändra widgetar",