path: root/apps/files/js/file-upload.js
diff options
authorVincent Petry <>2015-12-16 17:35:53 +0100
committerRoeland Jago Douma <>2016-10-24 21:45:00 +0200
commit59c5be1cc572793a8d50e87ab589e1cc4cf2ed12 (patch)
tree97b096fee075115bac45d69f2e0da7af5ffb41f2 /apps/files/js/file-upload.js
parent4d01f23978549c2a33e9fdfdc3b9308cc9dc1078 (diff)
Use Webdav PUT for uploads in the web browser
- uses PUT method with jquery.fileupload for regular and public file lists - for IE and browsers that don't support it, use POST with iframe transport - implemented Sabre plugin to handle iframe transport and redirect the embedded PUT request to the proper handler - added RFC5995 POST to file collection with "add-member" property to make it possible to auto-rename conflicting file names - remove obsolete ajax/upload.php and obsolete ajax routes Signed-off-by: Roeland Jago Douma <>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files/js/file-upload.js')
1 files changed, 562 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/js/file-upload.js b/apps/files/js/file-upload.js
index 56ea384c9e0..0d45623ce65 100644
--- a/apps/files/js/file-upload.js
+++ b/apps/files/js/file-upload.js
@@ -18,83 +18,448 @@
* - TODO music upload button
-/* global jQuery, oc_requesttoken, humanFileSize, FileList */
+/* global jQuery, humanFileSize */
- * Function that will allow us to know if Ajax uploads are supported
- * @link
- * also see article @link
+ * File upload object
+ *
+ * @class OC.FileUpload
+ * @classdesc
+ *
+ * Represents a file upload
+ *
+ * @param {OC.Uploader} uploader uploader
+ * @param {Object} data blueimp data
-function supportAjaxUploadWithProgress() {
- return supportFileAPI() && supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() && supportFormData();
- // Is the File API supported?
- function supportFileAPI() {
- var fi = document.createElement('INPUT');
- fi.type = 'file';
- return 'files' in fi;
- }
+OC.FileUpload = function(uploader, data) {
+ this.uploader = uploader;
+ = data;
+OC.FileUpload.prototype = {
- // Are progress events supported?
- function supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() {
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- return !! (xhr && ('upload' in xhr) && ('onprogress' in xhr.upload));
- }
+ /**
+ * Upload element
+ *
+ * @type Object
+ */
+ $uploadEl: null,
- // Is FormData supported?
- function supportFormData() {
- return !! window.FormData;
- }
+ /**
+ * Target folder
+ *
+ * @type string
+ */
+ _targetFolder: '',
- * Add form data into the given form data
- *
- * @param {Array|Object} formData form data which can either be an array or an object
- * @param {Object} newData key-values to add to the form data
- *
- * @return updated form data
- */
-function addFormData(formData, newData) {
- // in IE8, formData is an array instead of object
- if (_.isArray(formData)) {
- _.each(newData, function(value, key) {
- formData.push({name: key, value: value});
+ /**
+ * @type int
+ */
+ _conflictMode: OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_DETECT,
+ /**
+ * New name from server after autorename
+ *
+ * @type String
+ */
+ _newName: null,
+ /**
+ * Returns the file to be uploaded
+ *
+ * @return {File} file
+ */
+ getFile: function() {
+ return[0];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return the final filename.
+ * Either this is the original file name or the file name
+ * after an autorename.
+ *
+ * @return {String} file name
+ */
+ getFileName: function() {
+ // in case of autorename
+ if (this._newName) {
+ return this._newName;
+ }
+ if (this._conflictMode === OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_AUTORENAME) {
+ var locationUrl = this.getResponseHeader('Content-Location');
+ if (locationUrl) {
+ this._newName = decodeURIComponent(OC.basename(locationUrl));
+ return this._newName;
+ }
+ }
+ return this.getFile().name;
+ },
+ setTargetFolder: function(targetFolder) {
+ this._targetFolder = targetFolder;
+ },
+ getTargetFolder: function() {
+ return this._targetFolder;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get full path for the target file, including relative path,
+ * without the file name.
+ *
+ * @return {String} full path
+ */
+ getFullPath: function() {
+ return OC.joinPaths(this._targetFolder, this.getFile().relativePath || '');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set conflict resolution mode.
+ * See CONFLICT_MODE_* constants.
+ */
+ setConflictMode: function(mode) {
+ this._conflictMode = mode;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the upload is in progress
+ *
+ * @return {bool}
+ */
+ isPending: function() {
+ return === 'pending';
+ },
+ deleteUpload: function() {
+ delete;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Submit the upload
+ */
+ submit: function() {
+ var data =;
+ var file = this.getFile();
+ // it was a folder upload, so make sure the parent directory exists alrady
+ var folderPromise;
+ if (file.relativePath) {
+ folderPromise = this.uploader.ensureFolderExists(this.getFullPath());
+ } else {
+ folderPromise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
+ }
+ if (this.uploader.fileList) {
+ = this.uploader.fileList.getUploadUrl(, this.getFullPath());
+ }
+ if (! {
+ = {};
+ }
+ // webdav without multipart
+ = false;
+ = 'PUT';
+ delete['If-None-Match'];
+ if (this._conflictMode === OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_DETECT) {
+['If-None-Match'] = '*';
+ } else if (this._conflictMode === OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_AUTORENAME) {
+ // POST to parent folder, with slug
+ = 'POST';
+ = this.uploader.fileList.getUploadUrl('&' +, this.getFullPath());
+ }
+ if (file.lastModified) {
+ // preserve timestamp
+['X-OC-Mtime'] = file.lastModified / 1000;
+ }
+ if (!this.uploader.isXHRUpload()) {
+ data.formData = [];
+ // pass headers as parameters
+ data.formData.push({name: 'headers', value: JSON.stringify(});
+ data.formData.push({name: 'requesttoken', value: OC.requestToken});
+ if (data.type === 'POST') {
+ // still add the method to the URL
+ data.url += '?_method=POST';
+ }
+ }
+ // wait for creation of the required directory before uploading
+ folderPromise.then(function() {
+ data.submit();
+ }, function() {
+ data.abort();
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Abort the upload
+ */
+ abort: function() {
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the server response
+ *
+ * @return {Object} response
+ */
+ getResponse: function() {
+ var response =;
+ if (typeof response.result !== 'string') {
+ //fetch response from iframe
+ response = $.parseJSON(response.result[0].body.innerText);
+ if (!response) {
+ // likely due to internal server error
+ response = {status: 500};
+ }
+ } else {
+ response = response.result;
+ }
+ return response;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the status code from the response
+ *
+ * @return {int} status code
+ */
+ getResponseStatus: function() {
+ if (this.uploader.isXHRUpload()) {
+ var xhr =;
+ if (xhr) {
+ return xhr.status;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ return this.getResponse().status;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the response header by name
+ *
+ * @param {String} headerName header name
+ * @return {Array|String} response header value(s)
+ */
+ getResponseHeader: function(headerName) {
+ headerName = headerName.toLowerCase();
+ if (this.uploader.isXHRUpload()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var headers = this.getResponse().headers;
+ if (!headers) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var value = _.find(headers, function(value, key) {
+ return key.toLowerCase() === headerName;
- } else {
- formData = _.extend(formData, newData);
+ if (_.isArray(value) && value.length === 1) {
+ return value[0];
+ }
+ return value;
- return formData;
* keeps track of uploads in progress and implements callbacks for the conflicts dialog
* @namespace
-OC.Upload = {
+OC.Uploader = function() {
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+OC.Uploader.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * @type Array<OC.FileUpload>
+ */
_uploads: [],
- * deletes the jqHXR object from a data selection
- * @param {object} data
+ * List of directories known to exist.
+ *
+ * Key is the fullpath and value is boolean, true meaning that the directory
+ * was already created so no need to create it again.
+ */
+ _knownDirs: {},
+ /**
+ * @type OCA.Files.FileList
+ */
+ fileList: null,
+ /**
+ * @type OC.Files.Client
+ */
+ filesClient: null,
+ /**
+ * Function that will allow us to know if Ajax uploads are supported
+ * @link
+ * also see article @link
+ */
+ _supportAjaxUploadWithProgress: function() {
+ return supportFileAPI() && supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() && supportFormData();
+ // Is the File API supported?
+ function supportFileAPI() {
+ var fi = document.createElement('INPUT');
+ fi.type = 'file';
+ return 'files' in fi;
+ }
+ // Are progress events supported?
+ function supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() {
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ return !! (xhr && ('upload' in xhr) && ('onprogress' in xhr.upload));
+ }
+ // Is FormData supported?
+ function supportFormData() {
+ return !! window.FormData;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns whether an XHR upload will be used
+ *
+ * @return {bool} true if XHR upload will be used,
+ * false for iframe upload
- deleteUpload:function(data) {
- delete data.jqXHR;
+ isXHRUpload: function () {
+ return !this.fileUploadParam.forceIframeTransport &&
+ ((!this.fileUploadParam.multipart && $.support.xhrFileUpload) ||
+ $.support.xhrFormDataFileUpload);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Makes sure that the upload folder and its parents exists
+ *
+ * @param {String} fullPath full path
+ * @return {Promise} promise that resolves when all parent folders
+ * were created
+ */
+ ensureFolderExists: function(fullPath) {
+ if (!fullPath || fullPath === '/') {
+ return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
+ }
+ // remove trailing slash
+ if (fullPath.charAt(fullPath.length - 1) === '/') {
+ fullPath = fullPath.substr(0, fullPath.length - 1);
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ var promise = this._knownDirs[fullPath];
+ if (this.fileList) {
+ // assume the current folder exists
+ this._knownDirs[this.fileList.getCurrentDirectory()] = $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
+ }
+ if (!promise) {
+ var deferred = new $.Deferred();
+ promise = deferred.promise();
+ this._knownDirs[fullPath] = promise;
+ // make sure all parents already exist
+ var parentPath = OC.dirname(fullPath);
+ var parentPromise = this._knownDirs[parentPath];
+ if (!parentPromise) {
+ parentPromise = this.ensureFolderExists(parentPath);
+ }
+ parentPromise.then(function() {
+ self.filesClient.createDirectory(fullPath).always(function(status) {
+ // 405 is expected if the folder already exists
+ if ((status >= 200 && status < 300) || status === 405) {
+ self.$uploadEl.trigger($.Event('fileuploadcreatedfolder'), fullPath);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ return;
+ }
+ OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('files', 'Could not create folder "{dir}"', {dir: fullPath}));
+ deferred.reject();
+ });
+ }, function() {
+ deferred.reject();
+ });
+ }
+ return promise;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Submit the given uploads
+ *
+ * @param {Array} array of uploads to start
+ */
+ submitUploads: function(uploads) {
+ var self = this;
+ _.each(uploads, function(upload) {
+ upload.submit();
+ self._uploads[] = upload;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Show conflict for the given file object
+ *
+ * @param {OC.FileUpload} file upload object
+ */
+ showConflict: function(fileUpload) {
+ //show "file already exists" dialog
+ var self = this;
+ var file = fileUpload.getFile();
+ // retrieve more info about this file
+ this.filesClient.getFileInfo(fileUpload.getFullPath()).then(function(status, fileInfo) {
+ var original = fileInfo;
+ var replacement = file;
+ OC.dialogs.fileexists(fileUpload, original, replacement, self);
+ });
* cancels all uploads
cancelUploads:function() {
this.log('canceling uploads');
- jQuery.each(this._uploads, function(i, jqXHR) {
- jqXHR.abort();
+ jQuery.each(this._uploads, function(i, upload) {
+ upload.abort();
- this._uploads = [];
+ this.clear();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Clear uploads
+ */
+ clear: function() {
+ this._uploads = {};
+ this._knownDirs = {};
- rememberUpload:function(jqXHR) {
- if (jqXHR) {
- this._uploads.push(jqXHR);
+ /**
+ * Returns an upload by id
+ *
+ * @param {int} data uploadId
+ * @return {OC.FileUpload} file upload
+ */
+ getUpload: function(data) {
+ if (_.isString(data)) {
+ return this._uploads[data];
+ } else if (data.uploadId) {
+ return this._uploads[data.uploadId];
+ return null;
showUploadCancelMessage: _.debounce(function() {
OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('files', 'Upload cancelled.'), {timeout: 10});
}, 500),
@@ -106,8 +471,8 @@ OC.Upload = {
isProcessing:function() {
var count = 0;
- jQuery.each(this._uploads, function(i, data) {
- if (data.state() === 'pending') {
+ jQuery.each(this._uploads, function(i, upload) {
+ if (upload.isPending()) {
@@ -115,9 +480,8 @@ OC.Upload = {
* callback for the conflicts dialog
- * @param {object} data
- onCancel:function(data) {
+ onCancel:function() {
@@ -147,43 +511,29 @@ OC.Upload = {
* handle skipping an upload
- * @param {object} data
+ * @param {OC.FileUpload} upload
- onSkip:function(data) {
- this.log('skip', null, data);
- this.deleteUpload(data);
+ onSkip:function(upload) {
+ this.log('skip', null, upload);
+ upload.deleteUpload();
* handle replacing a file on the server with an uploaded file
- * @param {object} data
+ * @param {FileUpload} data
- onReplace:function(data) {
- this.log('replace', null, data);
- if ( {
-'resolution', 'replace');
- } else {
- if (!data.formData) {
- data.formData = {};
- }
- addFormData(data.formData, {resolution: 'replace'});
- }
- data.submit();
+ onReplace:function(upload) {
+ this.log('replace', null, upload);
+ upload.setConflictMode(OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_OVERWRITE);
+ upload.submit();
* handle uploading a file and letting the server decide a new name
- * @param {object} data
+ * @param {object} upload
- onAutorename:function(data) {
- this.log('autorename', null, data);
- if ( {
-'resolution', 'autorename');
- } else {
- if (!data.formData) {
- data.formData = {};
- }
- addFormData(data.formData, {resolution: 'autorename'});
- }
- data.submit();
+ onAutorename:function(upload) {
+ this.log('autorename', null, upload);
+ upload.setConflictMode(OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_AUTORENAME);
+ upload.submit();
_trace:false, //TODO implement log handler for JS per class?
log:function(caption, e, data) {
@@ -205,11 +555,20 @@ OC.Upload = {
* @param {function} callbacks.onCancel
checkExistingFiles: function (selection, callbacks) {
- var fileList = FileList;
+ var fileList = this.fileList;
var conflicts = [];
// only keep non-conflicting uploads
selection.uploads = _.filter(selection.uploads, function(upload) {
- var fileInfo = fileList.findFile(upload.files[0].name);
+ var file = upload.getFile();
+ if (file.relativePath) {
+ // can't check in subfolder contents
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!fileList) {
+ // no list to check against
+ return true;
+ }
+ var fileInfo = fileList.findFile(;
if (fileInfo) {
// original
@@ -225,9 +584,9 @@ OC.Upload = {
if (conflicts.length) {
// wait for template loading
- OC.dialogs.fileexists(null, null, null, OC.Upload).done(function() {
+ OC.dialogs.fileexists(null, null, null, this).done(function() {
_.each(conflicts, function(conflictData) {
- OC.dialogs.fileexists(conflictData[1], conflictData[0], conflictData[1].files[0], OC.Upload);
+ OC.dialogs.fileexists(conflictData[1], conflictData[0], conflictData[1].getFile(), this);
@@ -240,15 +599,26 @@ OC.Upload = {
_hideProgressBar: function() {
+ var self = this;
$('#uploadprogresswrapper .stop').fadeOut();
$('#uploadprogressbar').fadeOut(function() {
- $('#file_upload_start').trigger(new $.Event('resized'));
+ self.$uploadEl.trigger(new $.Event('resized'));
_showProgressBar: function() {
- $('#file_upload_start').trigger(new $.Event('resized'));
+ this.$uploadEl.trigger(new $.Event('resized'));
+ },
+ on: function() {
+ // forward events to upload element
+ this.$uploadEl.on.apply(this.$uploadEl, arguments);
+ },
+ off: function() {
+ // forward events to upload element
+ this.$$uploadEl, arguments);
@@ -269,12 +639,34 @@ OC.Upload = {
return ($tr.attr('data-mounttype') === 'shared-root' && $tr.attr('data-mime') !== 'httpd/unix-directory');
- init: function() {
+ /**
+ * Initialize the upload object
+ *
+ * @param {Object} $uploadEl upload element
+ * @param {Object} options
+ * @param {OCA.Files.FileList} [options.fileList] file list object
+ * @param {OC.Files.Client} [options.filesClient] files client object
+ * @param {Object} [options.dropZone] drop zone for drag and drop upload
+ */
+ init: function($uploadEl, options) {
var self = this;
- if ( $('#file_upload_start').exists() ) {
- var file_upload_param = {
- dropZone: $('#app-content'), // restrict dropZone to app-content div
- pasteZone: null,
+ options = options || {};
+ this.fileList = options.fileList;
+ this.filesClient = options.filesClient || OC.Files.getClient();
+ $uploadEl = $($uploadEl);
+ this.$uploadEl = $uploadEl;
+ if ($uploadEl.exists()) {
+ $('#uploadprogresswrapper .stop').on('click', function() {
+ this.cancelUploads();
+ });
+ this.fileUploadParam = {
+ type: 'PUT',
+ dropZone: options.dropZone, // restrict dropZone to content div
autoUpload: false,
sequentialUploads: true,
//singleFileUploads is on by default, so the data.files array will always have length 1
@@ -295,9 +687,13 @@ OC.Upload = {
* @returns {boolean}
add: function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('add', e, data);
+ self.log('add', e, data);
var that = $(this), freeSpace;
+ var upload = new OC.FileUpload(self, data);
+ // can't link directly due to jQuery not liking cyclic deps on its ajax object
+ data.uploadId = _.uniqueId('file-upload');
// we need to collect all data upload objects before
// starting the upload so we can check their existence
// and set individual conflict actions. Unfortunately,
@@ -317,16 +713,17 @@ OC.Upload = {
biggestFileBytes: 0
+ // TODO: move originalFiles to a separate container, maybe inside OC.Upload
var selection = data.originalFiles.selection;
// add uploads
if ( selection.uploads.length < selection.filesToUpload ) {
// remember upload
- selection.uploads.push(data);
+ selection.uploads.push(upload);
//examine file
- var file = data.files[0];
+ var file = upload.getFile();
try {
// FIXME: not so elegant... need to refactor that method to return a value
@@ -336,9 +733,14 @@ OC.Upload = {
data.errorThrown = errorMessage;
+ if (data.targetDir) {
+ upload.setTargetFolder(data.targetDir);
+ delete data.targetDir;
+ }
// in case folder drag and drop is not supported file will point to a directory
- if ( ! file.type && file.size%4096 === 0 && file.size <= 102400) {
+ if ( ! file.type && file.size % 4096 === 0 && file.size <= 102400) {
var dirUploadFailure = false;
try {
var reader = new FileReader();
@@ -390,7 +792,7 @@ OC.Upload = {
// end upload for whole selection on error
if (data.errorThrown) {
- // trigger fileupload fail
+ // trigger fileupload fail handler
var fu ='blueimp-fileupload') ||'fileupload');
fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
return false; //don't upload anything
@@ -405,9 +807,7 @@ OC.Upload = {
var callbacks = {
onNoConflicts: function (selection) {
- $.each(selection.uploads, function(i, upload) {
- upload.submit();
- });
+ self.submitUploads(selection.uploads);
onSkipConflicts: function (selection) {
//TODO mark conflicting files as toskip
@@ -425,7 +825,7 @@ OC.Upload = {
- OC.Upload.checkExistingFiles(selection, callbacks);
+ self.checkExistingFiles(selection, callbacks);
@@ -436,106 +836,54 @@ OC.Upload = {
* @param {object} e
start: function(e) {
- OC.Upload.log('start', e, null);
+ self.log('start', e, null);
//hide the tooltip otherwise it covers the progress bar
- submit: function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.rememberUpload(data);
- if (!data.formData) {
- data.formData = {};
- }
- var fileDirectory = '';
- if(typeof data.files[0].relativePath !== 'undefined') {
- fileDirectory = data.files[0].relativePath;
- }
- var params = {
- requesttoken: oc_requesttoken,
- dir: data.targetDir || FileList.getCurrentDirectory(),
- file_directory: fileDirectory,
- };
- if (data.files[0].isReceivedShare) {
- params.isReceivedShare = true;
- }
- addFormData(data.formData, params);
- },
fail: function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('fail', e, data);
- if (typeof data.textStatus !== 'undefined' && data.textStatus !== 'success' ) {
- if (data.textStatus === 'abort') {
- OC.Upload.showUploadCancelMessage();
- } else {
- // HTTP connection problem
- var message = t('files', 'Error uploading file "{fileName}": {message}', {
- fileName: escapeHTML(data.files[0].name),
- message: data.errorThrown
- }, undefined, {escape: false});
-, {timeout: 0, type: 'error'});
- if (data.result) {
- var result = JSON.parse(data.result);
- if (result && result[0] && result[0].data && result[0].data.code === 'targetnotfound') {
- // abort upload of next files if any
- OC.Upload.cancelUploads();
- }
- }
- }
+ var upload = self.getUpload(data);
+ var status = upload.getResponseStatus();
+ self.log('fail', e, upload);
+ if (data.textStatus === 'abort') {
+ self.showUploadCancelMessage();
+ } else if (status === 412) {
+ // file already exists
+ self.showConflict(upload);
+ } else if (status === 404) {
+ // target folder does not exist any more
+ OC.Notification.showTemporary(
+ t('files', 'Target folder "{dir}" does not exist any more', {dir: upload.getFullPath()})
+ );
+ self.cancelUploads();
+ } else if (status === 507) {
+ // not enough space
+ OC.Notification.showTemporary(
+ t('files', 'Not enough free space')
+ );
+ self.cancelUploads();
+ } else {
+ // HTTP connection problem or other error
+ OC.Notification.showTemporary(data.errorThrown, {timeout: 10});
- OC.Upload.deleteUpload(data);
+ upload.deleteUpload();
* called for every successful upload
* @param {object} e
* @param {object} data
- done: function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('done', e, data);
- // handle different responses (json or body from iframe for ie)
- var response;
- if (typeof data.result === 'string') {
- response = data.result;
- } else {
- //fetch response from iframe
- response = data.result[0].body.innerText;
- }
- var result = JSON.parse(response);
+ done:function(e, data) {
+ var upload = self.getUpload(data);
+ var that = $(this);
+ self.log('done', e, upload);
- delete data.jqXHR;
- var fu = $(this).data('blueimp-fileupload') || $(this).data('fileupload');
- if (result.status === 'error' && &&{
- data.textStatus = 'servererror';
- data.errorThrown =;
- fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
- } else if (typeof result[0] === 'undefined') {
- data.textStatus = 'servererror';
- data.errorThrown = t('files', 'Could not get result from server.');
- fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
- } else if (result[0].status === 'readonly') {
- var original = result[0];
- var replacement = data.files[0];
- OC.dialogs.fileexists(data, original, replacement, OC.Upload);
- } else if (result[0].status === 'existserror') {
- //show "file already exists" dialog
- var original = result[0];
- var replacement = data.files[0];
- OC.dialogs.fileexists(data, original, replacement, OC.Upload);
- } else if (result[0].status !== 'success') {
- //delete data.jqXHR;
- data.textStatus = 'servererror';
- data.errorThrown = result[0].data.message; // error message has been translated on server
+ var status = upload.getResponseStatus();
+ if (status < 200 || status >= 300) {
+ // trigger fail handler
+ var fu ='blueimp-fileupload') ||'fileupload');
fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
- } else { // Successful upload
- // Checking that the uploaded file is the last one and contained in the current directory
- if (data.files[0] === data.originalFiles[data.originalFiles.length - 1] &&
- result[0].directory === FileList.getCurrentDirectory()) {
- // Scroll to the last uploaded file and highlight all of them
- var fileList = _.pluck(data.originalFiles, 'name');
- FileList.highlightFiles(fileList);
- }
+ return;
@@ -544,15 +892,14 @@ OC.Upload = {
* @param {object} data
stop: function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('stop', e, data);
+ self.log('stop', e, data);
// initialize jquery fileupload (blueimp)
- var fileupload = $('#file_upload_start').fileupload(file_upload_param);
- window.file_upload_param = fileupload;
+ var fileupload = this.$uploadEl.fileupload(this.fileUploadParam);
- if (supportAjaxUploadWithProgress()) {
+ if (this._supportAjaxUploadWithProgress()) {
//remaining time
var lastUpdate = new Date().getMilliseconds();
var lastSize = 0;
@@ -561,11 +908,12 @@ OC.Upload = {
var bufferIndex = 0;
var bufferTotal = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < bufferSize;i++){
- buffer[i] = 0;
+ buffer[i] = 0;
// add progress handlers
fileupload.on('fileuploadadd', function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('progress handle fileuploadadd', e, data);
+ self.log('progress handle fileuploadadd', e, data);
//show cancel button
//if (data.dataType !== 'iframe') { //FIXME when is iframe used? only for ie?
// $('#uploadprogresswrapper .stop').show();
@@ -573,7 +921,7 @@ OC.Upload = {
// add progress handlers
fileupload.on('fileuploadstart', function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('progress handle fileuploadstart', e, data);
+ self.log('progress handle fileuploadstart', e, data);
$('#uploadprogresswrapper .stop').show();
$('#uploadprogresswrapper .label').show();
$('#uploadprogressbar').progressbar({value: 0});
@@ -584,14 +932,14 @@ OC.Upload = {
+ t('files', '...')
+ '</span></em>');
$('#uploadprogressbar').tipsy({gravity:'n', fade:true, live:true});
- OC.Upload._showProgressBar();
+ self._showProgressBar();
fileupload.on('fileuploadprogress', function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('progress handle fileuploadprogress', e, data);
+ self.log('progress handle fileuploadprogress', e, data);
//TODO progressbar in row
fileupload.on('fileuploadprogressall', function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('progress handle fileuploadprogressall', e, data);
+ self.log('progress handle fileuploadprogressall', e, data);
var progress = (data.loaded / * 100;
var thisUpdate = new Date().getMilliseconds();
var diffUpdate = (thisUpdate - lastUpdate)/1000; // eg. 2s
@@ -608,14 +956,14 @@ OC.Upload = {
var smoothRemainingSeconds = (bufferTotal / bufferSize); //seconds
var date = new Date(smoothRemainingSeconds * 1000);
var timeStringDesktop = "";
- var timeStringMobile = "";
+ var timeStringMobile = "";
if(date.getUTCHours() > 0){
- timeStringDesktop = t('files', '{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} hour{plural_s} left' , {
+ timeStringDesktop = t('files', '{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} hour{plural_s} left' , {
minutes: ('0' + date.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2),
seconds: ('0' + date.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2),
plural_s: ( smoothRemainingSeconds === 3600 ? "": "s") // 1 hour = 1*60m*60s = 3600s
- });
+ });
timeStringMobile = t('files', '{hours}:{minutes}h' , {
minutes: ('0' + date.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2),
@@ -626,12 +974,12 @@ OC.Upload = {
minutes: date.getUTCMinutes(),
seconds: ('0' + date.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2),
plural_s: (smoothRemainingSeconds === 60 ? "": "s") // 1 minute = 1*60s = 60s
- });
+ });
timeStringMobile = t('files', '{minutes}:{seconds}m' , {
minutes: date.getUTCMinutes(),
seconds: ('0' + date.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2)
- } else if(date.getUTCSeconds() > 0){
+ } else if(date.getUTCSeconds() > 0){
timeStringDesktop = t('files', '{seconds} second{plural_s} left' , {
seconds: date.getUTCSeconds(),
plural_s: (smoothRemainingSeconds === 1 ? "": "s") // 1 second = 1s = 1s
@@ -653,14 +1001,16 @@ OC.Upload = {
$('#uploadprogressbar').progressbar('value', progress);
fileupload.on('fileuploadstop', function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('progress handle fileuploadstop', e, data);
- OC.Upload._hideProgressBar();
+ self.log('progress handle fileuploadstop', e, data);
+ self.clear();
+ self._hideProgressBar();
fileupload.on('fileuploadfail', function(e, data) {
- OC.Upload.log('progress handle fileuploadfail', e, data);
+ self.log('progress handle fileuploadfail', e, data);
//if user pressed cancel hide upload progress bar and cancel button
if (data.errorThrown === 'abort') {
- OC.Upload._hideProgressBar();
+ self._hideProgressBar();
var disableDropState = function() {
@@ -715,36 +1065,20 @@ OC.Upload = {
- $.assocArraySize = function(obj) {
- //
- var size = 0, key;
- for (key in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- size++;
- }
- }
- return size;
- };
// warn user not to leave the page while upload is in progress
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(e) {
- if (OC.Upload.isProcessing()) {
+ if (self.isProcessing()) {
return t('files', 'File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload.');
//add multiply file upload attribute to all browsers except konqueror (which crashes when it's used)
if ( === -1) {
- $('#file_upload_start').attr('multiple', 'multiple');
+ this.$uploadEl.attr('multiple', 'multiple');
- window.file_upload_param = file_upload_param;
- return file_upload_param;
+ return this.fileUploadParam;
-$(document).ready(function() {
- OC.Upload.init();