path: root/apps/files/l10n/bs.js
diff options
authorJenkins for ownCloud <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>2015-11-13 01:57:12 -0500
committerJenkins for ownCloud <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>2015-11-13 01:57:12 -0500
commit1e9203cdef7009ef129f0f3e3db6a326d3f4db12 (patch)
tree19b0d88cc413d3e141be6edbff59cd5cadef99f6 /apps/files/l10n/bs.js
parentaff4aed43ccea159dae796e89e2684f967af7fa2 (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files/l10n/bs.js')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/bs.js b/apps/files/l10n/bs.js
index 6ca6ebe90c5..b084f2eb3be 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/bs.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/bs.js
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorites" : "Favoriti",
"Home" : "Kuća",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
+ "Upload cancelled." : "Učitavanje je prekinuto.",
"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "Nemoguće učitati {filename} jer je ili direktorij ili ima 0 bajta",
"Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}" : "Ukupna veličina datoteke {size1} prelazi ograničenje unosa {size2}",
"Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "Nedovoljno slobodnog prostora, vi učitavate {size1} a samo je {size2} preostalo",
- "Upload cancelled." : "Učitavanje je prekinuto.",
"Could not get result from server." : "Nemoguće dobiti rezultat od servera.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "Učitavanje datoteke je u toku. Napuštanje stranice prekinut će učitavanje.",
"Actions" : "Radnje",
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "Vaš prostor za pohranu je skoro pun ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Favorited" : "Favorizovano",
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
- "Upload" : "Učitaj",
"Text file" : "Tekstualna datoteka",
"Folder" : "Direktorij",
"New folder" : "Novi direktorij",
+ "Upload" : "Učitaj",
"%s could not be renamed as it has been deleted" : "%s nije moguće preimenovati jer je izbrisan",
"%s could not be renamed" : "%s nije moguće preimenovati",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Učitaj (max. %s)",