path: root/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2024-06-05 09:56:05 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2024-06-05 09:56:05 +0000
commit94bc020d073011eec8e1f084e9521356574e42f7 (patch)
treed762a8d08a6e0cd2a338f4b32c49b45498654259 /apps/files/l10n/sl.json
parent90a9191fc96d77811779a8b79339143211cae0c0 (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files/l10n/sl.json')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
index 1be6da12ec8..325a1fd1f10 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Zahteva za prenos lastništva je poslana",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Ni mogoče prenesti lastništva datotek in map, katerih niste lastnik",
"Select file or folder to link to" : "Izbor datoteke ali mape za povezavo",
+ "Choose file" : "Izbor datotek",
"Choose {file}" : "Izberite datoteko {file}",
"Loading current folder" : "Poteka nalaganje trenutne mape",
"No files in here" : "V mapi ni datotek",
@@ -228,6 +229,7 @@
"Enable the grid view" : "Omogoči mrežni pogled",
"Additional settings" : "Dodatne nastavitve",
"WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
+ "WebDAV URL" : "Naslov URL WebDAV",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiraj v odložišče",
"Use this address to access your Files via WebDAV" : "Uporabite ta naslov za dostop do datotek z uporabo WebDAV",
"If you have enabled 2FA, you must create and use a new app password by clicking here." : "Če je omogočen sistem dvostopenjskega overjanja 2FA, je treba ustvariti in uporabiti novo geslo programa s klikom na to mesto.",
@@ -242,12 +244,19 @@
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nove datoteke iz predloge ni mogoče ustvariti",
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbriši",
"Delete files" : "Izbriši datoteki",
+ "Delete folders" : "Izbriši mape",
+ "Confirm deletion" : "Potrdi brisanje",
"Cancel" : "Prekliči",
+ "Deletion cancelled" : "Brisanje je bilo preklicano",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ciljno mesto ni mapa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ta datoteka oziroma mapa je že v določeni mapi",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Mape ali datoteke ni mogoče premakniti samo vase oziroma v podmapo same sebe",
+ "(copy)" : "(kopija)",
+ "(copy %n)" : "(kopija %n)",
+ "Move cancelled" : "Premikanje je bilo preklicano",
"A file or folder with that name already exists in this folder" : "Datoteka oziroma mapa s tem imenom v tej mapi že obstaja",
"The file does not exist anymore" : "Datoteka ne obstaja več",
+ "Choose destination" : "Izbor ciljnega mesta",
"Copy to {target}" : "Kopiraj na {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Premakni na {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Opravilo kopiranje in premikanja je preklicano",
@@ -259,7 +268,10 @@
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Ni mogoče začeti mape predlog",
"Create new templates folder" : "Ustvari novo začasno mapo",
"Templates" : "Predloge",
+ "New template folder" : "Nova mapa predlog",
"Some files could not be moved" : "Nekaterih datotek ni mogoče premakniti",
+ "Files moved successfully" : "Datoteke so uspešno premaknjene",
+ "Upload cancelled" : "Pošiljanje je bilo preklicano",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} mapa","{folderCount} mapi","{folderCount} mape","{folderCount} map"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} datoteka","{fileCount} datoteki","{fileCount} datoteke","{fileCount} datotek"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 datoteka in {folderCount} mapa","1 datoteka in {folderCount} mapi","1 datoteka in {folderCount} mape","1 datoteka in {folderCount} map"],
@@ -270,6 +282,7 @@
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Datoteke ali mape, ki so označene kot priljubljene, bodo zbrane na tem mestu.",
"All files" : "Vse datoteke",
"List of your files and folders." : "Seznam datotek in map.",
+ "Personal Files" : "Osebne datoteke",
"List of recently modified files and folders." : "Seznam nedavno spremenjenih datotek in map.",
"No recently modified files" : "Ni nedavno spremenjenih datotek",
"Files and folders you recently modified will show up here." : "Nedavno spremenjene datoteke ali mape, bodo zbrane na tem mestu.",