path: root/apps/files
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2023-04-13 02:27:50 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2023-04-13 02:27:50 +0000
commitb1abc57c07a61b5a0557395d86c3e31486a96c23 (patch)
tree2b4c7ebc010da92c4c290eb9ca085ec3706839c9 /apps/files
parentf37b29eb2da66c66fd3752209c9e552948e35ca1 (diff)
Fix(l10n): 馃敔 Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files')
4 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.js b/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
index d878a948928..73aba5f076b 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
@@ -166,7 +166,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} has completed." : "Completouse a transferencia da propiedade de {path} cara a {user}.",
"in %s" : "en %s",
"File Management" : "Xesti贸n de ficheiros",
+ "Reload current directory" : "Recarga o directorio actual",
+ "Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vaia ao directorio \"{dir}\".",
+ "Select the row for {displayName}" : "Selecciona a fila para {displayName}",
+ "Open folder {name}" : "Abrir cartafol {name}",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Descargar ficheiro {name}",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A acci贸n \"{displayName}\" executouse correctamente",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A acci贸n \"{displayName}\" fallou",
+ "Total rows summary" : "Resumo total de filas",
"Select all" : "Seleccionar todo",
+ "Unselect all" : "Deselecciona todo",
+ "\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "Fallou \"{displayName}\" nalg煤ns elementos",
+ "\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "A acci贸n por lotes \"{displayName}\" executouse correctamente",
+ "ascending" : "ascendente",
+ "descending" : "descendente",
+ "Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenar a lista por {column} ({direction})",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista non se presenta completamente por motivos de rendemento. Os ficheiros mostraranse mentres navegues pola lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informaci贸n de almacenamento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usado",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usado",
@@ -184,7 +199,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Enviouse solicitude de transferencia da propiedade",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Non se pode transferir a propiedade dun ficheiro ou cartafol do que non eres propietario",
"Select file or folder to link to" : "Seleccione o ficheiro ou cartafol ao que quere enlazar",
+ "Loading current folder" : "Cargando cartafol actual",
"No files in here" : "Aqu铆 non hai ficheiros",
+ "No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "A铆nda non se eliminou ning煤n ficheiro nin cartafol",
+ "Go to the previous folder" : "Vaia ao cartafol anterior",
"Go back" : "Volver",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abre a configuraci贸n da aplicaci贸n de ficheiros",
"Files settings" : "Axustes de ficheiros",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.json b/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
index 1654e50a0e9..43c0579d6af 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
@@ -164,7 +164,22 @@
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} has completed." : "Completouse a transferencia da propiedade de {path} cara a {user}.",
"in %s" : "en %s",
"File Management" : "Xesti贸n de ficheiros",
+ "Reload current directory" : "Recarga o directorio actual",
+ "Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vaia ao directorio \"{dir}\".",
+ "Select the row for {displayName}" : "Selecciona a fila para {displayName}",
+ "Open folder {name}" : "Abrir cartafol {name}",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Descargar ficheiro {name}",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A acci贸n \"{displayName}\" executouse correctamente",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A acci贸n \"{displayName}\" fallou",
+ "Total rows summary" : "Resumo total de filas",
"Select all" : "Seleccionar todo",
+ "Unselect all" : "Deselecciona todo",
+ "\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "Fallou \"{displayName}\" nalg煤ns elementos",
+ "\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "A acci贸n por lotes \"{displayName}\" executouse correctamente",
+ "ascending" : "ascendente",
+ "descending" : "descendente",
+ "Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Ordenar a lista por {column} ({direction})",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Esta lista non se presenta completamente por motivos de rendemento. Os ficheiros mostraranse mentres navegues pola lista.",
"Storage informations" : "Informaci贸n de almacenamento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usado",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usado",
@@ -182,7 +197,10 @@
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Enviouse solicitude de transferencia da propiedade",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Non se pode transferir a propiedade dun ficheiro ou cartafol do que non eres propietario",
"Select file or folder to link to" : "Seleccione o ficheiro ou cartafol ao que quere enlazar",
+ "Loading current folder" : "Cargando cartafol actual",
"No files in here" : "Aqu铆 non hai ficheiros",
+ "No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "A铆nda non se eliminou ning煤n ficheiro nin cartafol",
+ "Go to the previous folder" : "Vaia ao cartafol anterior",
"Go back" : "Volver",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abre a configuraci贸n da aplicaci贸n de ficheiros",
"Files settings" : "Axustes de ficheiros",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.js b/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
index a1a58b00844..8b95b597072 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
@@ -166,7 +166,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} has completed." : "Przeniesienie w艂asno艣ci {path} z {user} zosta艂o zako艅czone.",
"in %s" : "w %s",
"File Management" : "Zarz膮dzanie plikami",
+ "Reload current directory" : "Prze艂aduj bie偶膮cy katalog",
+ "Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Przejd藕 do katalogu \"{dir}\"",
+ "Select the row for {displayName}" : "Wybierz wiersz dla {displayName}",
+ "Open folder {name}" : "Otw贸rz katalog {name}",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Pobierz plik {name}",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" zosta艂a wykonana pomy艣lnie",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" nie powiod艂a si臋",
+ "Total rows summary" : "Podsumowanie wszystkich wierszy",
"Select all" : "Wybierz wszystko",
+ "Unselect all" : "Odznacz wszystko",
+ "\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "\"{displayName}\" nie powiod艂o si臋 w przypadku niekt贸rych element贸w",
+ "\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "Akcja wsadowa \"{displayName}\" zosta艂a wykonana pomy艣lnie",
+ "ascending" : "rosn膮co",
+ "descending" : "malej膮co",
+ "Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Sortuj list臋 wed艂ug {column} ({direction})",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ta lista nie jest w pe艂ni renderowana ze wzgl臋du na wydajno艣膰. Pliki b臋d膮 renderowane podczas poruszania si臋 po li艣cie.",
"Storage informations" : "Informacje o przechowywaniu",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "Wykorzystano {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "Wykorzystano {relative}%",
@@ -184,7 +199,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Wys艂ano 偶膮danie przeniesienia w艂asno艣ci",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Nie mo偶na przenie艣膰 prawa w艂asno艣ci do pliku lub katalogu, kt贸rego nie jeste艣 w艂a艣cicielem",
"Select file or folder to link to" : "Wybierz plik lub katalog do linku",
+ "Loading current folder" : "艁adowanie bie偶膮cego katalogu",
"No files in here" : "Brak plik贸w",
+ "No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "呕adne pliki ani katalogi nie zosta艂y jeszcze usuni臋te",
+ "Go to the previous folder" : "Przejd藕 do poprzedniego katalogu",
"Go back" : "Wstecz",
"Open the files app settings" : "Otw贸rz ustawienia aplikacji plik贸w",
"Files settings" : "Ustawienia Plik贸w",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.json b/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
index 21ed1a6d38f..a328550c24a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
@@ -164,7 +164,22 @@
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} has completed." : "Przeniesienie w艂asno艣ci {path} z {user} zosta艂o zako艅czone.",
"in %s" : "w %s",
"File Management" : "Zarz膮dzanie plikami",
+ "Reload current directory" : "Prze艂aduj bie偶膮cy katalog",
+ "Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Przejd藕 do katalogu \"{dir}\"",
+ "Select the row for {displayName}" : "Wybierz wiersz dla {displayName}",
+ "Open folder {name}" : "Otw贸rz katalog {name}",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Pobierz plik {name}",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" zosta艂a wykonana pomy艣lnie",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" nie powiod艂a si臋",
+ "Total rows summary" : "Podsumowanie wszystkich wierszy",
"Select all" : "Wybierz wszystko",
+ "Unselect all" : "Odznacz wszystko",
+ "\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "\"{displayName}\" nie powiod艂o si臋 w przypadku niekt贸rych element贸w",
+ "\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "Akcja wsadowa \"{displayName}\" zosta艂a wykonana pomy艣lnie",
+ "ascending" : "rosn膮co",
+ "descending" : "malej膮co",
+ "Sort list by {column} ({direction})" : "Sortuj list臋 wed艂ug {column} ({direction})",
+ "This list is not fully rendered for performances reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Ta lista nie jest w pe艂ni renderowana ze wzgl臋du na wydajno艣膰. Pliki b臋d膮 renderowane podczas poruszania si臋 po li艣cie.",
"Storage informations" : "Informacje o przechowywaniu",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "Wykorzystano {usedQuotaByte}",
"{relative}% used" : "Wykorzystano {relative}%",
@@ -182,7 +197,10 @@
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Wys艂ano 偶膮danie przeniesienia w艂asno艣ci",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Nie mo偶na przenie艣膰 prawa w艂asno艣ci do pliku lub katalogu, kt贸rego nie jeste艣 w艂a艣cicielem",
"Select file or folder to link to" : "Wybierz plik lub katalog do linku",
+ "Loading current folder" : "艁adowanie bie偶膮cego katalogu",
"No files in here" : "Brak plik贸w",
+ "No files or folders have been deleted yet" : "呕adne pliki ani katalogi nie zosta艂y jeszcze usuni臋te",
+ "Go to the previous folder" : "Przejd藕 do poprzedniego katalogu",
"Go back" : "Wstecz",
"Open the files app settings" : "Otw贸rz ustawienia aplikacji plik贸w",
"Files settings" : "Ustawienia Plik贸w",