path: root/apps/files
diff options
authorJohn Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>2024-02-01 19:35:07 +0100
committernextcloud-command <nextcloud-command@users.noreply.github.com>2024-02-07 07:57:23 +0000
commit6e0499461dbcd2a9c43ef0d407e037e6c5f27a81 (patch)
tree9dbc26a6b43cdf01448a8c5088002937db0a22a5 /apps/files
parent97cd038cf20c5015d9dfecd0e9283367391358d2 (diff)
chore(files): move shared FileEntry and FileEntryGrid into a mixin
Signed-off-by: John Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files')
4 files changed, 425 insertions, 727 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry.vue b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry.vue
index dc41e5b8b93..274656f5d70 100644
--- a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry.vue
+++ b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry.vue
@@ -96,37 +96,17 @@
<script lang="ts">
-import type { PropType } from 'vue'
-import { extname, join } from 'path'
-import { FileType, formatFileSize, Permission, Folder, File as NcFile, NodeStatus, Node, View } from '@nextcloud/files'
-import { Upload, getUploader } from '@nextcloud/upload'
-import { showError, showSuccess } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
-import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n'
-import { vOnClickOutside } from '@vueuse/components'
+import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
+import { formatFileSize } from '@nextcloud/files'
import moment from '@nextcloud/moment'
-import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'
-import Vue, { defineComponent } from 'vue'
-import { action as sidebarAction } from '../actions/sidebarAction.ts'
-import { getDragAndDropPreview } from '../utils/dragUtils.ts'
-import { handleCopyMoveNodeTo } from '../actions/moveOrCopyAction.ts'
-import { hashCode } from '../utils/hashUtils.ts'
-import { MoveCopyAction } from '../actions/moveOrCopyActionUtils.ts'
-import { useActionsMenuStore } from '../store/actionsmenu.ts'
-import { useDragAndDropStore } from '../store/dragging.ts'
-import { useFilesStore } from '../store/files.ts'
-import { useRenamingStore } from '../store/renaming.ts'
-import { useSelectionStore } from '../store/selection.ts'
+import FileEntryMixin from './FileEntryMixin.ts'
import NcDateTime from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcDateTime.js'
import CustomElementRender from './CustomElementRender.vue'
import FileEntryActions from './FileEntry/FileEntryActions.vue'
import FileEntryCheckbox from './FileEntry/FileEntryCheckbox.vue'
import FileEntryName from './FileEntry/FileEntryName.vue'
import FileEntryPreview from './FileEntry/FileEntryPreview.vue'
-import logger from '../logger.js'
-Vue.directive('onClickOutside', vOnClickOutside)
export default defineComponent({
name: 'FileEntry',
@@ -140,6 +120,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
+ mixins: [
+ FileEntryMixin,
+ ],
props: {
isMtimeAvailable: {
type: Boolean,
@@ -149,46 +133,12 @@ export default defineComponent({
type: Boolean,
default: false,
- source: {
- type: [Folder, NcFile, Node] as PropType<Node>,
- required: true,
- },
- nodes: {
- type: Array as PropType<Node[]>,
- required: true,
- },
- filesListWidth: {
- type: Number,
- default: 0,
- },
compact: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
- setup() {
- const actionsMenuStore = useActionsMenuStore()
- const draggingStore = useDragAndDropStore()
- const filesStore = useFilesStore()
- const renamingStore = useRenamingStore()
- const selectionStore = useSelectionStore()
- return {
- actionsMenuStore,
- draggingStore,
- filesStore,
- renamingStore,
- selectionStore,
- }
- },
- data() {
- return {
- loading: '',
- dragover: false,
- }
- },
computed: {
* Conditionally add drag and drop listeners
@@ -210,9 +160,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
drop: this.onDrop,
- currentView(): View {
- return this.$navigation.active as View
- },
columns() {
// Hide columns if the list is too small
if (this.filesListWidth < 512 || this.compact) {
@@ -221,42 +168,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
return this.currentView?.columns || []
- currentDir() {
- // Remove any trailing slash but leave root slash
- return (this.$route?.query?.dir?.toString() || '/').replace(/^(.+)\/$/, '$1')
- },
- currentFileId() {
- return this.$route.params?.fileid || this.$route.query?.fileid || null
- },
- fileid() {
- return this.source?.fileid
- },
- uniqueId() {
- return hashCode(this.source.source)
- },
- isLoading() {
- return this.source.status === NodeStatus.LOADING
- },
- extension() {
- if (this.source.attributes?.displayName) {
- return extname(this.source.attributes.displayName)
- }
- return this.source.extension || ''
- },
- displayName() {
- const ext = this.extension
- const name = (this.source.attributes.displayName
- || this.source.basename)
- // Strip extension from name if defined
- return !ext ? name : name.slice(0, 0 - ext.length)
- },
size() {
const size = parseInt(this.source.size, 10) || 0
if (typeof size !== 'number' || size < 0) {
- return t('files', 'Pending')
+ return this.t('files', 'Pending')
return formatFileSize(size, true)
@@ -296,285 +211,9 @@ export default defineComponent({
return ''
- draggingFiles() {
- return this.draggingStore.dragging
- },
- selectedFiles() {
- return this.selectionStore.selected
- },
- isSelected() {
- return this.fileid && this.selectedFiles.includes(this.fileid)
- },
- isRenaming() {
- return this.renamingStore.renamingNode === this.source
- },
- isRenamingSmallScreen() {
- return this.isRenaming && this.filesListWidth < 512
- },
- isActive() {
- return this.fileid?.toString?.() === this.currentFileId?.toString?.()
- },
- canDrag() {
- if (this.isRenaming) {
- return false
- }
- const canDrag = (node: Node): boolean => {
- return (node?.permissions & Permission.UPDATE) !== 0
- }
- // If we're dragging a selection, we need to check all files
- if (this.selectedFiles.length > 0) {
- const nodes = this.selectedFiles.map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
- return nodes.every(canDrag)
- }
- return canDrag(this.source)
- },
- canDrop() {
- if (this.source.type !== FileType.Folder) {
- return false
- }
- // If the current folder is also being dragged, we can't drop it on itself
- if (this.fileid && this.draggingFiles.includes(this.fileid)) {
- return false
- }
- return (this.source.permissions & Permission.CREATE) !== 0
- },
- openedMenu: {
- get() {
- return this.actionsMenuStore.opened === this.uniqueId.toString()
- },
- set(opened) {
- // Only reset when opening a new menu
- if (opened) {
- // Reset any right click position override on close
- // Wait for css animation to be done
- const root = this.$root.$el as HTMLElement
- root.style.removeProperty('--mouse-pos-x')
- root.style.removeProperty('--mouse-pos-y')
- }
- this.actionsMenuStore.opened = opened ? this.uniqueId.toString() : null
- },
- },
- },
- watch: {
- /**
- * When the source changes, reset the preview
- * and fetch the new one.
- */
- source() {
- this.resetState()
- },
- },
- beforeDestroy() {
- this.resetState()
methods: {
- resetState() {
- // Reset loading state
- this.loading = ''
- this.$refs.preview.reset()
- // Close menu
- this.openedMenu = false
- },
- // Open the actions menu on right click
- onRightClick(event) {
- // If already opened, fallback to default browser
- if (this.openedMenu) {
- return
- }
- const root = this.$root.$el as HTMLElement
- const contentRect = root.getBoundingClientRect()
- // Using Math.min/max to prevent the menu from going out of the AppContent
- // 200 = max width of the menu
- root.style.setProperty('--mouse-pos-x', Math.max(contentRect.left, Math.min(event.clientX, event.clientX - 200)) + 'px')
- root.style.setProperty('--mouse-pos-y', Math.max(contentRect.top, event.clientY - contentRect.top) + 'px')
- // If the clicked row is in the selection, open global menu
- const isMoreThanOneSelected = this.selectedFiles.length > 1
- this.actionsMenuStore.opened = this.isSelected && isMoreThanOneSelected ? 'global' : this.uniqueId.toString()
- // Prevent any browser defaults
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopPropagation()
- },
- execDefaultAction(event) {
- if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- event.preventDefault()
- window.open(generateUrl('/f/{fileId}', { fileId: this.fileid }))
- return false
- }
- this.$refs.actions.execDefaultAction(event)
- },
- openDetailsIfAvailable(event) {
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopPropagation()
- if (sidebarAction?.enabled?.([this.source], this.currentView)) {
- sidebarAction.exec(this.source, this.currentView, this.currentDir)
- }
- },
- onDragOver(event: DragEvent) {
- this.dragover = this.canDrop
- if (!this.canDrop) {
- event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'
- return
- }
- // Handle copy/move drag and drop
- if (event.ctrlKey) {
- event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'
- } else {
- event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'
- }
- },
- onDragLeave(event: DragEvent) {
- // Counter bubbling, make sure we're ending the drag
- // only when we're leaving the current element
- const currentTarget = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement
- if (currentTarget?.contains(event.relatedTarget as HTMLElement)) {
- return
- }
- this.dragover = false
- },
- async onDragStart(event: DragEvent) {
- event.stopPropagation()
- if (!this.canDrag || !this.fileid) {
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopPropagation()
- return
- }
- logger.debug('Drag started', { event })
- // Make sure that we're not dragging a file like the preview
- event.dataTransfer?.clearData?.()
- // Reset any renaming
- this.renamingStore.$reset()
- // Dragging set of files, if we're dragging a file
- // that is already selected, we use the entire selection
- if (this.selectedFiles.includes(this.fileid)) {
- this.draggingStore.set(this.selectedFiles)
- } else {
- this.draggingStore.set([this.fileid])
- }
- const nodes = this.draggingStore.dragging
- .map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
- const image = await getDragAndDropPreview(nodes)
- event.dataTransfer?.setDragImage(image, -10, -10)
- },
- onDragEnd() {
- this.draggingStore.reset()
- this.dragover = false
- logger.debug('Drag ended')
- },
- async onDrop(event: DragEvent) {
- // skip if native drop like text drag and drop from files names
- if (!this.draggingFiles && !event.dataTransfer?.files?.length) {
- return
- }
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopPropagation()
- // If another button is pressed, cancel it
- // This allows cancelling the drag with the right click
- if (!this.canDrop || event.button !== 0) {
- return
- }
- const isCopy = event.ctrlKey
- this.dragover = false
- logger.debug('Dropped', { event, selection: this.draggingFiles })
- // Check whether we're uploading files
- if (event.dataTransfer?.files
- && event.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
- const uploader = getUploader()
- // Check whether the uploader is in the same folder
- // This should never happen™
- if (!uploader.destination.path.startsWith(uploader.destination.path)) {
- logger.error('The current uploader destination is not the same as the current folder')
- showError(t('files', 'An error occurred while uploading. Please try again later.'))
- return
- }
- logger.debug(`Uploading files to ${this.source.path}`)
- const queue = [] as Promise<Upload>[]
- for (const file of event.dataTransfer.files) {
- // Because the uploader destination is properly set to the current folder
- // we can just use the basename as the relative path.
- queue.push(uploader.upload(join(this.source.basename, file.name), file))
- }
- const results = await Promise.allSettled(queue)
- const errors = results.filter(result => result.status === 'rejected')
- if (errors.length > 0) {
- logger.error('Error while uploading files', { errors })
- showError(t('files', 'Some files could not be uploaded'))
- return
- }
- logger.debug('Files uploaded successfully')
- showSuccess(t('files', 'Files uploaded successfully'))
- return
- }
- const nodes = this.draggingFiles.map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
- nodes.forEach(async (node: Node) => {
- Vue.set(node, 'status', NodeStatus.LOADING)
- try {
- // TODO: resolve potential conflicts prior and force overwrite
- await handleCopyMoveNodeTo(node, this.source, isCopy ? MoveCopyAction.COPY : MoveCopyAction.MOVE)
- } catch (error) {
- logger.error('Error while moving file', { error })
- if (isCopy) {
- showError(t('files', 'Could not copy {file}. {message}', { file: node.basename, message: error.message || '' }))
- } else {
- showError(t('files', 'Could not move {file}. {message}', { file: node.basename, message: error.message || '' }))
- }
- } finally {
- Vue.set(node, 'status', undefined)
- }
- })
- // Reset selection after we dropped the files
- // if the dropped files are within the selection
- if (this.draggingFiles.some(fileid => this.selectedFiles.includes(fileid))) {
- logger.debug('Dropped selection, resetting select store...')
- this.selectionStore.reset()
- }
- },
- t,
diff --git a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry/FileEntryActions.vue b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry/FileEntryActions.vue
index d9d8cefdbad..c46990e971b 100644
--- a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry/FileEntryActions.vue
+++ b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry/FileEntryActions.vue
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
<style lang="scss">
// Allow right click to define the position of the menu
// only if defined
-.app-content[style*="mouse-pos-x"] .v-popper__popper {
+[style*="mouse-pos-x"] .v-popper__popper {
transform: translate3d(var(--mouse-pos-x), var(--mouse-pos-y), 0px) !important;
// If the menu is too close to the bottom, we move it up
diff --git a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntryGrid.vue b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntryGrid.vue
index 30a5e2d94e3..1d10f3d2948 100644
--- a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntryGrid.vue
+++ b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntryGrid.vue
@@ -73,34 +73,13 @@
<script lang="ts">
-import type { PropType } from 'vue'
+import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
-import { extname, join } from 'path'
-import { FileType, Permission, Folder, File as NcFile, NodeStatus, Node, View } from '@nextcloud/files'
-import { Upload, getUploader } from '@nextcloud/upload'
-import { showError, showSuccess } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
-import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n'
-import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'
-import { vOnClickOutside } from '@vueuse/components'
-import Vue, { defineComponent } from 'vue'
-import { action as sidebarAction } from '../actions/sidebarAction.ts'
-import { getDragAndDropPreview } from '../utils/dragUtils.ts'
-import { handleCopyMoveNodeTo } from '../actions/moveOrCopyAction.ts'
-import { hashCode } from '../utils/hashUtils.ts'
-import { MoveCopyAction } from '../actions/moveOrCopyActionUtils.ts'
-import { useActionsMenuStore } from '../store/actionsmenu.ts'
-import { useDragAndDropStore } from '../store/dragging.ts'
-import { useFilesStore } from '../store/files.ts'
-import { useRenamingStore } from '../store/renaming.ts'
-import { useSelectionStore } from '../store/selection.ts'
+import FileEntryMixin from './FileEntryMixin.ts'
import FileEntryActions from './FileEntry/FileEntryActions.vue'
import FileEntryCheckbox from './FileEntry/FileEntryCheckbox.vue'
import FileEntryName from './FileEntry/FileEntryName.vue'
import FileEntryPreview from './FileEntry/FileEntryPreview.vue'
-import logger from '../logger.js'
-Vue.directive('onClickOutside', vOnClickOutside)
export default defineComponent({
name: 'FileEntryGrid',
@@ -112,345 +91,16 @@ export default defineComponent({
- inheritAttrs: false,
- props: {
- source: {
- type: [Folder, NcFile, Node] as PropType<Node>,
- required: true,
- },
- nodes: {
- type: Array as PropType<Node[]>,
- required: true,
- },
- filesListWidth: {
- type: Number,
- default: 0,
- },
- },
+ mixins: [
+ FileEntryMixin,
+ ],
- setup() {
- const actionsMenuStore = useActionsMenuStore()
- const draggingStore = useDragAndDropStore()
- const filesStore = useFilesStore()
- const renamingStore = useRenamingStore()
- const selectionStore = useSelectionStore()
- return {
- actionsMenuStore,
- draggingStore,
- filesStore,
- renamingStore,
- selectionStore,
- }
- },
+ inheritAttrs: false,
data() {
return {
- loading: '',
- dragover: false,
+ gridMode: true,
- computed: {
- currentView(): View {
- return this.$navigation.active as View
- },
- currentDir() {
- // Remove any trailing slash but leave root slash
- return (this.$route?.query?.dir?.toString() || '/').replace(/^(.+)\/$/, '$1')
- },
- currentFileId() {
- return this.$route.params?.fileid || this.$route.query?.fileid || null
- },
- fileid() {
- return this.source?.fileid
- },
- uniqueId() {
- return hashCode(this.source.source)
- },
- isLoading() {
- return this.source.status === NodeStatus.LOADING
- },
- extension() {
- if (this.source.attributes?.displayName) {
- return extname(this.source.attributes.displayName)
- }
- return this.source.extension || ''
- },
- displayName() {
- const ext = this.extension
- const name = (this.source.attributes.displayName
- || this.source.basename)
- // Strip extension from name if defined
- return !ext ? name : name.slice(0, 0 - ext.length)
- },
- draggingFiles() {
- return this.draggingStore.dragging
- },
- selectedFiles() {
- return this.selectionStore.selected
- },
- isSelected() {
- return this.fileid && this.selectedFiles.includes(this.fileid)
- },
- isRenaming() {
- return this.renamingStore.renamingNode === this.source
- },
- isActive() {
- return this.fileid?.toString?.() === this.currentFileId?.toString?.()
- },
- canDrag() {
- const canDrag = (node: Node): boolean => {
- return (node?.permissions & Permission.UPDATE) !== 0
- }
- // If we're dragging a selection, we need to check all files
- if (this.selectedFiles.length > 0) {
- const nodes = this.selectedFiles.map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
- return nodes.every(canDrag)
- }
- return canDrag(this.source)
- },
- canDrop() {
- if (this.source.type !== FileType.Folder) {
- return false
- }
- // If the current folder is also being dragged, we can't drop it on itself
- if (this.fileid && this.draggingFiles.includes(this.fileid)) {
- return false
- }
- return (this.source.permissions & Permission.CREATE) !== 0
- },
- openedMenu: {
- get() {
- return this.actionsMenuStore.opened === this.uniqueId.toString()
- },
- set(opened) {
- // Only reset when opening a new menu
- if (opened) {
- // Reset any right click position override on close
- // Wait for css animation to be done
- const root = this.$root.$el as HTMLElement
- root.style.removeProperty('--mouse-pos-x')
- root.style.removeProperty('--mouse-pos-y')
- }
- this.actionsMenuStore.opened = opened ? this.uniqueId.toString() : null
- },
- },
- },
- watch: {
- /**
- * When the source changes, reset the preview
- * and fetch the new one.
- */
- source() {
- this.resetState()
- },
- },
- beforeDestroy() {
- this.resetState()
- },
- methods: {
- resetState() {
- // Reset loading state
- this.loading = ''
- this.$refs.preview.reset()
- // Close menu
- this.openedMenu = false
- },
- // Open the actions menu on right click
- onRightClick(event) {
- // If already opened, fallback to default browser
- if (this.openedMenu) {
- return
- }
- // If the clicked row is in the selection, open global menu
- const isMoreThanOneSelected = this.selectedFiles.length > 1
- this.actionsMenuStore.opened = this.isSelected && isMoreThanOneSelected ? 'global' : this.uniqueId
- // Prevent any browser defaults
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopPropagation()
- },
- execDefaultAction(event) {
- if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- event.preventDefault()
- window.open(generateUrl('/f/{fileId}', { fileId: this.fileid }))
- return false
- }
- this.$refs.actions.execDefaultAction(event)
- },
- openDetailsIfAvailable(event) {
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopPropagation()
- if (sidebarAction?.enabled?.([this.source], this.currentView)) {
- sidebarAction.exec(this.source, this.currentView, this.currentDir)
- }
- },
- onDragOver(event: DragEvent) {
- this.dragover = this.canDrop
- if (!this.canDrop) {
- event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'
- return
- }
- // Handle copy/move drag and drop
- if (event.ctrlKey) {
- event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'
- } else {
- event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'
- }
- },
- onDragLeave(event: DragEvent) {
- // Counter bubbling, make sure we're ending the drag
- // only when we're leaving the current element
- const currentTarget = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement
- if (currentTarget?.contains(event.relatedTarget as HTMLElement)) {
- return
- }
- this.dragover = false
- },
- async onDragStart(event: DragEvent) {
- event.stopPropagation()
- if (!this.canDrag || !this.fileid) {
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopPropagation()
- return
- }
- logger.debug('Drag started', { event })
- // Make sure that we're not dragging a file like the preview
- event.dataTransfer?.clearData?.()
- // Reset any renaming
- this.renamingStore.$reset()
- // Dragging set of files, if we're dragging a file
- // that is already selected, we use the entire selection
- if (this.selectedFiles.includes(this.fileid)) {
- this.draggingStore.set(this.selectedFiles)
- } else {
- this.draggingStore.set([this.fileid])
- }
- const nodes = this.draggingStore.dragging
- .map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
- const image = await getDragAndDropPreview(nodes)
- event.dataTransfer?.setDragImage(image, -10, -10)
- },
- onDragEnd() {
- this.draggingStore.reset()
- this.dragover = false
- logger.debug('Drag ended')
- },
- async onDrop(event: DragEvent) {
- // skip if native drop like text drag and drop from files names
- if (!this.draggingFiles && !event.dataTransfer?.files?.length) {
- return
- }
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopPropagation()
- // If another button is pressed, cancel it
- // This allows cancelling the drag with the right click
- if (!this.canDrop || event.button !== 0) {
- return
- }
- const isCopy = event.ctrlKey
- this.dragover = false
- logger.debug('Dropped', { event, selection: this.draggingFiles })
- // Check whether we're uploading files
- if (event.dataTransfer?.files
- && event.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
- const uploader = getUploader()
- // Check whether the uploader is in the same folder
- // This should never happen™
- if (!uploader.destination.path.startsWith(uploader.destination.path)) {
- logger.error('The current uploader destination is not the same as the current folder')
- showError(t('files', 'An error occurred while uploading. Please try again later.'))
- return
- }
- logger.debug(`Uploading files to ${this.source.path}`)
- const queue = [] as Promise<Upload>[]
- for (const file of event.dataTransfer.files) {
- // Because the uploader destination is properly set to the current folder
- // we can just use the basename as the relative path.
- queue.push(uploader.upload(join(this.source.basename, file.name), file))
- }
- const results = await Promise.allSettled(queue)
- const errors = results.filter(result => result.status === 'rejected')
- if (errors.length > 0) {
- logger.error('Error while uploading files', { errors })
- showError(t('files', 'Some files could not be uploaded'))
- return
- }
- logger.debug('Files uploaded successfully')
- showSuccess(t('files', 'Files uploaded successfully'))
- return
- }
- const nodes = this.draggingFiles.map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
- nodes.forEach(async (node: Node) => {
- Vue.set(node, 'status', NodeStatus.LOADING)
- try {
- // TODO: resolve potential conflicts prior and force overwrite
- await handleCopyMoveNodeTo(node, this.source, isCopy ? MoveCopyAction.COPY : MoveCopyAction.MOVE)
- } catch (error) {
- logger.error('Error while moving file', { error })
- if (isCopy) {
- showError(t('files', 'Could not copy {file}. {message}', { file: node.basename, message: error.message || '' }))
- } else {
- showError(t('files', 'Could not move {file}. {message}', { file: node.basename, message: error.message || '' }))
- }
- } finally {
- Vue.set(node, 'status', undefined)
- }
- })
- // Reset selection after we dropped the files
- // if the dropped files are within the selection
- if (this.draggingFiles.some(fileid => this.selectedFiles.includes(fileid))) {
- logger.debug('Dropped selection, resetting select store...')
- this.selectionStore.reset()
- }
- },
- t,
- },
diff --git a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntryMixin.ts b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntryMixin.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..68320c80733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntryMixin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 John Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>
+ *
+ * @author John Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>
+ *
+ * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+import type { PropType } from 'vue'
+import { extname, join } from 'path'
+import { FileType, Permission, Folder, File as NcFile, NodeStatus, Node, View } from '@nextcloud/files'
+import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'
+import { showError, showSuccess } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
+import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n'
+import { Upload, getUploader } from '@nextcloud/upload'
+import { vOnClickOutside } from '@vueuse/components'
+import Vue, { defineComponent } from 'vue'
+import { useActionsMenuStore } from '../store/actionsmenu.ts'
+import { useDragAndDropStore } from '../store/dragging.ts'
+import { useFilesStore } from '../store/files.ts'
+import { useRenamingStore } from '../store/renaming.ts'
+import { useSelectionStore } from '../store/selection.ts'
+import { action as sidebarAction } from '../actions/sidebarAction.ts'
+import { getDragAndDropPreview } from '../utils/dragUtils.ts'
+import { handleCopyMoveNodeTo } from '../actions/moveOrCopyAction.ts'
+import { hashCode } from '../utils/hashUtils.ts'
+import { MoveCopyAction } from '../actions/moveOrCopyActionUtils.ts'
+import logger from '../logger.js'
+Vue.directive('onClickOutside', vOnClickOutside)
+export default defineComponent({
+ props: {
+ source: {
+ type: [Folder, NcFile, Node] as PropType<Node>,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ nodes: {
+ type: Array as PropType<Node[]>,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ filesListWidth: {
+ type: Number,
+ default: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ setup() {
+ const actionsMenuStore = useActionsMenuStore()
+ const draggingStore = useDragAndDropStore()
+ const filesStore = useFilesStore()
+ const renamingStore = useRenamingStore()
+ const selectionStore = useSelectionStore()
+ return {
+ actionsMenuStore,
+ draggingStore,
+ filesStore,
+ renamingStore,
+ selectionStore,
+ }
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ loading: '',
+ dragover: false,
+ gridMode: false,
+ }
+ },
+ computed: {
+ currentView(): View {
+ return this.$navigation.active as View
+ },
+ currentDir() {
+ // Remove any trailing slash but leave root slash
+ return (this.$route?.query?.dir?.toString() || '/').replace(/^(.+)\/$/, '$1')
+ },
+ currentFileId() {
+ return this.$route.params?.fileid || this.$route.query?.fileid || null
+ },
+ fileid() {
+ return this.source?.fileid
+ },
+ uniqueId() {
+ return hashCode(this.source.source)
+ },
+ isLoading() {
+ return this.source.status === NodeStatus.LOADING
+ },
+ extension() {
+ if (this.source.attributes?.displayName) {
+ return extname(this.source.attributes.displayName)
+ }
+ return this.source.extension || ''
+ },
+ displayName() {
+ const ext = this.extension
+ const name = (this.source.attributes.displayName
+ || this.source.basename)
+ // Strip extension from name if defined
+ return !ext ? name : name.slice(0, 0 - ext.length)
+ },
+ draggingFiles() {
+ return this.draggingStore.dragging
+ },
+ selectedFiles() {
+ return this.selectionStore.selected
+ },
+ isSelected() {
+ return this.fileid && this.selectedFiles.includes(this.fileid)
+ },
+ isRenaming() {
+ return this.renamingStore.renamingNode === this.source
+ },
+ isRenamingSmallScreen() {
+ return this.isRenaming && this.filesListWidth < 512
+ },
+ isActive() {
+ return this.fileid?.toString?.() === this.currentFileId?.toString?.()
+ },
+ canDrag() {
+ if (this.isRenaming) {
+ return false
+ }
+ const canDrag = (node: Node): boolean => {
+ return (node?.permissions & Permission.UPDATE) !== 0
+ }
+ // If we're dragging a selection, we need to check all files
+ if (this.selectedFiles.length > 0) {
+ const nodes = this.selectedFiles.map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
+ return nodes.every(canDrag)
+ }
+ return canDrag(this.source)
+ },
+ canDrop() {
+ if (this.source.type !== FileType.Folder) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // If the current folder is also being dragged, we can't drop it on itself
+ if (this.fileid && this.draggingFiles.includes(this.fileid)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return (this.source.permissions & Permission.CREATE) !== 0
+ },
+ openedMenu: {
+ get() {
+ return this.actionsMenuStore.opened === this.uniqueId.toString()
+ },
+ set(opened) {
+ // Only reset when opening a new menu
+ if (opened) {
+ // Reset any right click position override on close
+ // Wait for css animation to be done
+ const root = this.$root.$el as HTMLElement
+ root.style.removeProperty('--mouse-pos-x')
+ root.style.removeProperty('--mouse-pos-y')
+ }
+ this.actionsMenuStore.opened = opened ? this.uniqueId.toString() : null
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ watch: {
+ /**
+ * When the source changes, reset the preview
+ * and fetch the new one.
+ */
+ source() {
+ this.resetState()
+ },
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ this.resetState()
+ },
+ methods: {
+ resetState() {
+ // Reset loading state
+ this.loading = ''
+ this.$refs.preview.reset()
+ // Close menu
+ this.openedMenu = false
+ },
+ // Open the actions menu on right click
+ onRightClick(event) {
+ // If already opened, fallback to default browser
+ if (this.openedMenu) {
+ return
+ }
+ // The grid mode is compact enough to not care about
+ // the actions menu mouse position
+ if (!this.gridMode) {
+ const root = this.$root.$el as HTMLElement
+ const contentRect = root.getBoundingClientRect()
+ // Using Math.min/max to prevent the menu from going out of the AppContent
+ // 200 = max width of the menu
+ root.style.setProperty('--mouse-pos-x', Math.max(contentRect.left, Math.min(event.clientX, event.clientX - 200)) + 'px')
+ root.style.setProperty('--mouse-pos-y', Math.max(contentRect.top, event.clientY - contentRect.top) + 'px')
+ }
+ // If the clicked row is in the selection, open global menu
+ const isMoreThanOneSelected = this.selectedFiles.length > 1
+ this.actionsMenuStore.opened = this.isSelected && isMoreThanOneSelected ? 'global' : this.uniqueId.toString()
+ // Prevent any browser defaults
+ event.preventDefault()
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ },
+ execDefaultAction(event) {
+ if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ window.open(generateUrl('/f/{fileId}', { fileId: this.fileid }))
+ return false
+ }
+ this.$refs.actions.execDefaultAction(event)
+ },
+ openDetailsIfAvailable(event) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ if (sidebarAction?.enabled?.([this.source], this.currentView)) {
+ sidebarAction.exec(this.source, this.currentView, this.currentDir)
+ }
+ },
+ onDragOver(event: DragEvent) {
+ this.dragover = this.canDrop
+ if (!this.canDrop) {
+ event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'
+ return
+ }
+ // Handle copy/move drag and drop
+ if (event.ctrlKey) {
+ event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'
+ } else {
+ event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'
+ }
+ },
+ onDragLeave(event: DragEvent) {
+ // Counter bubbling, make sure we're ending the drag
+ // only when we're leaving the current element
+ const currentTarget = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement
+ if (currentTarget?.contains(event.relatedTarget as HTMLElement)) {
+ return
+ }
+ this.dragover = false
+ },
+ async onDragStart(event: DragEvent) {
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ if (!this.canDrag || !this.fileid) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ return
+ }
+ logger.debug('Drag started', { event })
+ // Make sure that we're not dragging a file like the preview
+ event.dataTransfer?.clearData?.()
+ // Reset any renaming
+ this.renamingStore.$reset()
+ // Dragging set of files, if we're dragging a file
+ // that is already selected, we use the entire selection
+ if (this.selectedFiles.includes(this.fileid)) {
+ this.draggingStore.set(this.selectedFiles)
+ } else {
+ this.draggingStore.set([this.fileid])
+ }
+ const nodes = this.draggingStore.dragging
+ .map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
+ const image = await getDragAndDropPreview(nodes)
+ event.dataTransfer?.setDragImage(image, -10, -10)
+ },
+ onDragEnd() {
+ this.draggingStore.reset()
+ this.dragover = false
+ logger.debug('Drag ended')
+ },
+ async onDrop(event: DragEvent) {
+ // skip if native drop like text drag and drop from files names
+ if (!this.draggingFiles && !event.dataTransfer?.files?.length) {
+ return
+ }
+ event.preventDefault()
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ // If another button is pressed, cancel it
+ // This allows cancelling the drag with the right click
+ if (!this.canDrop || event.button !== 0) {
+ return
+ }
+ const isCopy = event.ctrlKey
+ this.dragover = false
+ logger.debug('Dropped', { event, selection: this.draggingFiles })
+ // Check whether we're uploading files
+ if (event.dataTransfer?.files
+ && event.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
+ const uploader = getUploader()
+ // Check whether the uploader is in the same folder
+ // This should never happen™
+ if (!uploader.destination.path.startsWith(uploader.destination.path)) {
+ logger.error('The current uploader destination is not the same as the current folder')
+ showError(t('files', 'An error occurred while uploading. Please try again later.'))
+ return
+ }
+ logger.debug(`Uploading files to ${this.source.path}`)
+ const queue = [] as Promise<Upload>[]
+ for (const file of event.dataTransfer.files) {
+ // Because the uploader destination is properly set to the current folder
+ // we can just use the basename as the relative path.
+ queue.push(uploader.upload(join(this.source.basename, file.name), file))
+ }
+ const results = await Promise.allSettled(queue)
+ const errors = results.filter(result => result.status === 'rejected')
+ if (errors.length > 0) {
+ logger.error('Error while uploading files', { errors })
+ showError(t('files', 'Some files could not be uploaded'))
+ return
+ }
+ logger.debug('Files uploaded successfully')
+ showSuccess(t('files', 'Files uploaded successfully'))
+ return
+ }
+ const nodes = this.draggingFiles.map(fileid => this.filesStore.getNode(fileid)) as Node[]
+ nodes.forEach(async (node: Node) => {
+ Vue.set(node, 'status', NodeStatus.LOADING)
+ try {
+ // TODO: resolve potential conflicts prior and force overwrite
+ await handleCopyMoveNodeTo(node, this.source, isCopy ? MoveCopyAction.COPY : MoveCopyAction.MOVE)
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.error('Error while moving file', { error })
+ if (isCopy) {
+ showError(t('files', 'Could not copy {file}. {message}', { file: node.basename, message: error.message || '' }))
+ } else {
+ showError(t('files', 'Could not move {file}. {message}', { file: node.basename, message: error.message || '' }))
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Vue.set(node, 'status', undefined)
+ }
+ })
+ // Reset selection after we dropped the files
+ // if the dropped files are within the selection
+ if (this.draggingFiles.some(fileid => this.selectedFiles.includes(fileid))) {
+ logger.debug('Dropped selection, resetting select store...')
+ this.selectionStore.reset()
+ }
+ },
+ t,
+ },