diff options
author | Jenkins for ownCloud <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu> | 2012-09-06 02:06:37 +0200 |
committer | Jenkins for ownCloud <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu> | 2012-09-06 02:06:37 +0200 |
commit | af3e7674898251f27cc5ec4fe5337583a1eb2398 (patch) | |
tree | 6ead3c7a24c855b1a23a28fd93315897b786f79d /apps/files | |
parent | ebb28412ca47889019aa4c0f278fe3b9097996f8 (diff) | |
download | nextcloud-server-af3e7674898251f27cc5ec4fe5337583a1eb2398.tar.gz nextcloud-server-af3e7674898251f27cc5ec4fe5337583a1eb2398.zip |
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files')
33 files changed, 75 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ca.php b/apps/files/l10n/ca.php index d887c8a9521..6d232f217e8 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/ca.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/ca.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "substitueix", "cancel" => "cancel·la", "replaced" => "substituït", -"with" => "per", "undo" => "desfés", +"with" => "per", "deleted" => "esborrat", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "s'estan generant fitxers ZIP, pot trigar una estona.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "No es pot pujar el fitxer perquè és una carpeta o té 0 bytes", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Activa la baixada ZIP", "0 is unlimited" => "0 és sense límit", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Mida màxima d'entrada per fitxers ZIP", +"Save" => "Desar", "New" => "Nou", "Text file" => "Fitxer de text", "Folder" => "Carpeta", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php index 4dc4b8b0cb1..228f6a3898e 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php @@ -1,51 +1,53 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Soubor byl odeslán úspěšně", -"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Odeslaný soubor přesáhl velikostí parametr upload_max_filesize v php.ini", -"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Odeslaný soubor přesáhl velikostí parametr MAX_FILE_SIZE specifikovaný v HTML formuláři", +"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Odeslaný soubor přesáhl svou velikostí parametr upload_max_filesize v php.ini", +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Odeslaný soubor přesáhl svou velikostí parametr MAX_FILE_SIZE specifikovaný v formuláři HTML", "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Soubor byl odeslán pouze částečně", -"No file was uploaded" => "Soubor nebyl odeslán", -"Missing a temporary folder" => "Chybí adresář pro sočasné soubory", -"Failed to write to disk" => "Zápis na disk se nezdařil", +"No file was uploaded" => "Žádný soubor nebyl odeslán", +"Missing a temporary folder" => "Chybí adresář pro dočasné soubory", +"Failed to write to disk" => "Zápis na disk selhal", "Files" => "Soubory", -"Delete" => "Vymazat", +"Delete" => "Smazat", "already exists" => "již existuje", -"replace" => "zaměnit", -"cancel" => "storno", -"replaced" => "zaměněno", -"with" => "s", +"replace" => "nahradit", +"cancel" => "zrušit", +"replaced" => "nahrazeno", "undo" => "zpět", +"with" => "s", "deleted" => "smazáno", -"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generuji ZIP soubor, může to chvíli trvat", -"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nemohu nahrát váš soubor neboť to je adresář a nebo má nulovou délku.", -"Upload Error" => "Chyba při nahrávání", -"Pending" => "Očekává se", -"Upload cancelled." => "Nahrávání zrušeno", -"Invalid name, '/' is not allowed." => "Špatné jméno, znak '/' není povolen", +"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generuji ZIP soubor, může to nějakou dobu trvat.", +"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nelze odeslat Váš soubor, protože je to adresář nebo má velikost 0 bajtů", +"Upload Error" => "Chyba odesílání", +"Pending" => "Čekající", +"Upload cancelled." => "Odesílání zrušeno.", +"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Probíhá odesílání souboru. Opuštění stránky vyústí ve zrušení nahrávání.", +"Invalid name, '/' is not allowed." => "Neplatný název, znak '/' není povolen", "Size" => "Velikost", "Modified" => "Změněno", -"folder" => "adresář", -"folders" => "adresáře", +"folder" => "složka", +"folders" => "složky", "file" => "soubor", "files" => "soubory", -"File handling" => "Nastavení chování k souborům", -"Maximum upload size" => "Maximální velikost ukládaných souborů", -"max. possible: " => "největší možná:", -"Needed for multi-file and folder downloads." => "Potřeba pro vícesoborvé stahování a stahování adresářů", +"File handling" => "Zacházení se soubory", +"Maximum upload size" => "Maximální velikost pro odesílání", +"max. possible: " => "největší možná: ", +"Needed for multi-file and folder downloads." => "Potřebné pro více-souborové stahování a stahování složek.", "Enable ZIP-download" => "Povolit ZIP-stahování", "0 is unlimited" => "0 znamená bez omezení", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Maximální velikost vstupu pro ZIP soubory", +"Save" => "Uložit", "New" => "Nový", "Text file" => "Textový soubor", -"Folder" => "Adresář", +"Folder" => "Složka", "From url" => "Z url", -"Upload" => "Uložit", -"Cancel upload" => "Zrušit upload", -"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Žádný obsah. Uložte si něco!", +"Upload" => "Odeslat", +"Cancel upload" => "Zrušit odesílání", +"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Žádný obsah. Nahrajte něco.", "Name" => "Název", "Share" => "Sdílet", "Download" => "Stáhnout", -"Upload too large" => "Příliš velký soubor", -"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "Soubory, které se snažíte uložit, překračují maximální velikosti uploadu na tomto serveru.", +"Upload too large" => "Odeslaný soubor je příliš velký", +"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "Soubory, které se snažíte odeslat, překračují limit velikosti odesílání na tomto serveru.", "Files are being scanned, please wait." => "Soubory se prohledávají, prosím čekejte.", "Current scanning" => "Aktuální prohledávání" ); diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/da.php b/apps/files/l10n/da.php index a842088e7b5..020f6142ec6 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/da.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/da.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "erstat", "cancel" => "fortryd", "replaced" => "erstattet", -"with" => "med", "undo" => "fortryd", +"with" => "med", "deleted" => "Slettet", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "genererer ZIP-fil, det kan tage lidt tid.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kunne ikke uploade din fil, da det enten er en mappe eller er tom", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de.php b/apps/files/l10n/de.php index 7a3e61f9bec..a267d31009b 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/de.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/de.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "ersetzen", "cancel" => "abbrechen", "replaced" => "ersetzt", -"with" => "mit", "undo" => "rückgängig machen", +"with" => "mit", "deleted" => "gelöscht", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Erstelle ZIP-Datei. Dies kann eine Weile dauern.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Ihre Datei kann nicht hochgeladen werden, da sie ein Verzeichnis ist oder 0 Bytes hat.", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "ZIP-Download aktivieren", "0 is unlimited" => "0 bedeutet unbegrenzt", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Maximale Größe für ZIP-Dateien", +"Save" => "Speichern", "New" => "Neu", "Text file" => "Textdatei", "Folder" => "Ordner", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/el.php b/apps/files/l10n/el.php index 3ab4b120949..9f311c6b28e 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/el.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/el.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "αντικατέστησε", "cancel" => "ακύρωση", "replaced" => "αντικαταστάθηκε", -"with" => "με", "undo" => "αναίρεση", +"with" => "με", "deleted" => "διαγράφηκε", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "παραγωγή αρχείου ZIP, ίσως διαρκέσει αρκετά.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Αδυναμία στην μεταφόρτωση του αρχείου σας αφού είναι φάκελος ή έχει 0 bytes", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eo.php b/apps/files/l10n/eo.php index acaf06e830c..bf17b97244c 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/eo.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/eo.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "anstataŭigi", "cancel" => "nuligi", "replaced" => "anstataŭigita", -"with" => "kun", "undo" => "malfari", +"with" => "kun", "deleted" => "forigita", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generanta ZIP-dosiero, ĝi povas daŭri iom da tempo", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Ne eblis alŝuti vian dosieron ĉar ĝi estas dosierujo aŭ havas 0 duumokojn", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.php b/apps/files/l10n/es.php index 8e17b7931b0..c998c8cb57a 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/es.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "reemplazar", "cancel" => "cancelar", "replaced" => "reemplazado", -"with" => "con", "undo" => "deshacer", +"with" => "con", "deleted" => "borrado", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generando un fichero ZIP, puede llevar un tiempo.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "No ha sido posible subir tu archivo porque es un directorio o tiene 0 bytes", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Habilitar descarga en ZIP", "0 is unlimited" => "0 es ilimitado", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Tamaño máximo para archivos ZIP de entrada", +"Save" => "Guardar", "New" => "Nuevo", "Text file" => "Archivo de texto", "Folder" => "Carpeta", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.php b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.php index 956c5cc9115..0763745788b 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "asenda", "cancel" => "loobu", "replaced" => "asendatud", -"with" => "millega", "undo" => "tagasi", +"with" => "millega", "deleted" => "kustutatud", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP-faili loomine, see võib veidi aega võtta.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Sinu faili üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus, kuna see on kaust või selle suurus on 0 baiti", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eu.php b/apps/files/l10n/eu.php index d9c2689d1cd..3897a5580f3 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/eu.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/eu.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "ordeztu", "cancel" => "ezeztatu", "replaced" => "ordeztua", -"with" => "honekin", "undo" => "desegin", +"with" => "honekin", "deleted" => "ezabatuta", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP-fitxategia sortzen ari da, denbora har dezake", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Ezin da zure fitxategia igo, karpeta bat da edo 0 byt ditu", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fa.php b/apps/files/l10n/fa.php index 4dac88fc542..e6ddd50f917 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/fa.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/fa.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "جایگزین", "cancel" => "لغو", "replaced" => "جایگزینشده", -"with" => "همراه", "undo" => "بازگشت", +"with" => "همراه", "deleted" => "حذف شده", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "در حال ساخت فایل فشرده ممکن است زمان زیادی به طول بیانجامد", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "ناتوان در بارگذاری یا فایل یک پوشه است یا 0بایت دارد", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php b/apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php index 3ed56de6419..eaed70c6246 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "korvaa", "cancel" => "peru", "replaced" => "korvattu", -"with" => "käyttäen", "undo" => "kumoa", +"with" => "käyttäen", "deleted" => "poistettu", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "luodaan ZIP-tiedostoa, tämä saattaa kestää hetken.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Tiedoston lähetys epäonnistui, koska sen koko on 0 tavua tai kyseessä on kansio", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Ota ZIP-paketin lataaminen käytöön", "0 is unlimited" => "0 on rajoittamaton", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "ZIP-tiedostojen enimmäiskoko", +"Save" => "Tallenna", "New" => "Uusi", "Text file" => "Tekstitiedosto", "Folder" => "Kansio", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fr.php b/apps/files/l10n/fr.php index d0a4c020f38..0b7d226de74 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/fr.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/fr.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "remplacer", "cancel" => "annuler", "replaced" => "remplacé", -"with" => "avec", "undo" => "annuler", +"with" => "avec", "deleted" => "supprimé", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Fichier ZIP en cours d'assemblage ; cela peut prendre du temps.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossible de charger vos fichiers car il s'agit d'un dossier ou le fichier fait 0 octet.", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Activer le téléchargement ZIP", "0 is unlimited" => "0 est illimité", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Taille maximale pour les fichiers ZIP", +"Save" => "Sauvegarder", "New" => "Nouveau", "Text file" => "Fichier texte", "Folder" => "Dossier", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.php b/apps/files/l10n/gl.php index 3a36a23f0ca..67293de5cb7 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "substituír", "cancel" => "cancelar", "replaced" => "substituído", -"with" => "con", "undo" => "desfacer", +"with" => "con", "deleted" => "eliminado", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "xerando ficheiro ZIP, pode levar un anaco.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Non se puido subir o ficheiro pois ou é un directorio ou ten 0 bytes", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hr.php b/apps/files/l10n/hr.php index cb8eb4033cf..b05b7c568b4 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/hr.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/hr.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "zamjeni", "cancel" => "odustani", "replaced" => "zamjenjeno", -"with" => "sa", "undo" => "vrati", +"with" => "sa", "deleted" => "izbrisano", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generiranje ZIP datoteke, ovo može potrajati.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nemoguće poslati datoteku jer je prazna ili je direktorij", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hu_HU.php b/apps/files/l10n/hu_HU.php index 8d52765e93e..95b3c57ce11 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/hu_HU.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/hu_HU.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "cserél", "cancel" => "mégse", "replaced" => "kicserélve", -"with" => "-val/-vel", "undo" => "visszavon", +"with" => "-val/-vel", "deleted" => "törölve", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP-fájl generálása, ez eltarthat egy ideig.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nem tölthető fel, mert mappa volt, vagy 0 byte méretű", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/id.php b/apps/files/l10n/id.php index 399056bf278..351d0641388 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/id.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/id.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "mengganti", "cancel" => "batalkan", "replaced" => "diganti", -"with" => "dengan", "undo" => "batal dikerjakan", +"with" => "dengan", "deleted" => "dihapus", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "membuat berkas ZIP, ini mungkin memakan waktu.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Gagal mengunggah berkas anda karena berupa direktori atau mempunyai ukuran 0 byte", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/it.php b/apps/files/l10n/it.php index 607969746cf..d0deb4f0f07 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/it.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/it.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "sostituisci", "cancel" => "annulla", "replaced" => "sostituito", -"with" => "con", "undo" => "annulla", +"with" => "con", "deleted" => "eliminati", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "creazione file ZIP, potrebbe richiedere del tempo.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossibile inviare il file poiché è una cartella o ha dimensione 0 byte", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Abilita scaricamento ZIP", "0 is unlimited" => "0 è illimitato", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Dimensione massima per i file ZIP", +"Save" => "Salva", "New" => "Nuovo", "Text file" => "File di testo", "Folder" => "Cartella", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ja_JP.php b/apps/files/l10n/ja_JP.php index 6dbdf8215da..2de716fec8a 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/ja_JP.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/ja_JP.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "置き換え", "cancel" => "キャンセル", "replaced" => "置換:", -"with" => "←", "undo" => "元に戻す", +"with" => "←", "deleted" => "削除", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIPファイルを生成中です、しばらくお待ちください。", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "アップロード使用としているファイルがディレクトリ、もしくはサイズが0バイトのため、アップロードできません。", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "ZIP形式のダウンロードを有効にする", "0 is unlimited" => "0を指定した場合は無制限", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "ZIPファイルへの最大入力サイズ", +"Save" => "保存", "New" => "新規", "Text file" => "テキストファイル", "Folder" => "フォルダ", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ko.php b/apps/files/l10n/ko.php index dafd8597024..121be7d1abb 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/ko.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/ko.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "대체", "cancel" => "취소", "replaced" => "대체됨", -"with" => "와", "undo" => "복구", +"with" => "와", "deleted" => "삭제", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP파일 생성에 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "이 파일은 디렉토리이거나 0 바이트이기 때문에 업로드 할 수 없습니다.", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/lb.php b/apps/files/l10n/lb.php index 7c8244a8747..92acea1d117 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/lb.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/lb.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "ersetzen", "cancel" => "ofbriechen", "replaced" => "ersat", -"with" => "mat", "undo" => "réckgängeg man", +"with" => "mat", "deleted" => "geläscht", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Et gëtt eng ZIP-File generéiert, dëst ka bëssen daueren.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kann deng Datei net eroplueden well et en Dossier ass oder 0 byte grouss ass.", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/lv.php b/apps/files/l10n/lv.php index 2ce800a065e..eedab2546c5 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/lv.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/lv.php @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "replace" => "aizvietot", "cancel" => "atcelt", "replaced" => "aizvietots", -"with" => "ar", "undo" => "vienu soli atpakaļ", +"with" => "ar", "deleted" => "izdzests", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "lai uzģenerētu ZIP failu, kāds brīdis ir jāpagaida", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nav iespējams augšuplādēt jūsu failu, jo tāds jau eksistē vai arī failam nav izmēra (0 baiti)", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nb_NO.php b/apps/files/l10n/nb_NO.php index 92d0c23bfd2..4a747af2f3a 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/nb_NO.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/nb_NO.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "erstatt", "cancel" => "avbryt", "replaced" => "erstattet", -"with" => "med", "undo" => "angre", +"with" => "med", "deleted" => "slettet", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "opprettet ZIP-fil, dette kan ta litt tid", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kan ikke laste opp filen din siden det er en mappe eller den har 0 bytes", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nl.php b/apps/files/l10n/nl.php index fb7ea34b9b8..7acb15054c5 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/nl.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/nl.php @@ -12,14 +12,15 @@ "replace" => "vervang", "cancel" => "annuleren", "replaced" => "vervangen", -"with" => "door", "undo" => "ongedaan maken", +"with" => "door", "deleted" => "verwijderd", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "aanmaken ZIP-file, dit kan enige tijd duren.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "uploaden van de file mislukt, het is of een directory of de bestandsgrootte is 0 bytes", "Upload Error" => "Upload Fout", "Pending" => "Wachten", "Upload cancelled." => "Uploaden geannuleerd.", +"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Bestands upload is bezig. Wanneer de pagina nu verlaten wordt, stopt de upload.", "Invalid name, '/' is not allowed." => "Ongeldige naam, '/' is niet toegestaan.", "Size" => "Bestandsgrootte", "Modified" => "Laatst aangepast", @@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Zet ZIP-download aan", "0 is unlimited" => "0 is ongelimiteerd", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Maximale grootte voor ZIP bestanden", +"Save" => "Opslaan", "New" => "Nieuw", "Text file" => "Tekstbestand", "Folder" => "Map", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.php b/apps/files/l10n/pl.php index a95c995d252..7fd31faefd7 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "zastap", "cancel" => "anuluj", "replaced" => "zastąpione", -"with" => "z", "undo" => "wróć", +"with" => "z", "deleted" => "skasuj", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Generowanie pliku ZIP, może potrwać pewien czas.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nie można wczytać pliku jeśli jest katalogiem lub ma 0 bajtów", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Włącz pobieranie ZIP-paczki", "0 is unlimited" => "0 jest nielimitowane", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Maksymalna wielkość pliku wejściowego ZIP ", +"Save" => "Zapisz", "New" => "Nowy", "Text file" => "Plik tekstowy", "Folder" => "Katalog", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.php b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.php index 09c4f2b0267..e9fe7747c13 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "substituir", "cancel" => "cancelar", "replaced" => "substituido ", -"with" => "com", "undo" => "desfazer", +"with" => "com", "deleted" => "deletado", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "gerando arquivo ZIP, isso pode levar um tempo.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossível enviar seus arquivo como diretório ou ele tem 0 bytes.", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.php b/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.php index e413d7cbe74..998c494a695 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "substituir", "cancel" => "cancelar", "replaced" => "substituido", -"with" => "com", "undo" => "desfazer", +"with" => "com", "deleted" => "apagado", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "a gerar o ficheiro ZIP, poderá demorar algum tempo.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Não é possivel fazer o upload do ficheiro devido a ser uma pasta ou ter 0 bytes", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ru.php b/apps/files/l10n/ru.php index 3976baeae38..6a76c254047 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/ru.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/ru.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "заменить", "cancel" => "отмена", "replaced" => "заменён", -"with" => "с", "undo" => "отмена", +"with" => "с", "deleted" => "удален", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "создание ZIP-файла, это может занять некоторое время.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Не удается загрузить файл размером 0 байт в каталог", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.php b/apps/files/l10n/sl.php index fa506795d9a..85da041629f 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "nadomesti", "cancel" => "ekliči", "replaced" => "nadomeščen", -"with" => "z", "undo" => "razveljavi", +"with" => "z", "deleted" => "izbrisano", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Ustvarjam ZIP datoteko. To lahko traja nekaj časa.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nalaganje ni mogoče, saj gre za mapo, ali pa ima datoteka velikost 0 bajtov.", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Omogoči ZIP-prejemanje", "0 is unlimited" => "0 je neskončno", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Največja vhodna velikost za ZIP datoteke", +"Save" => "Shrani", "New" => "Nova", "Text file" => "Besedilna datoteka", "Folder" => "Mapa", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sv.php b/apps/files/l10n/sv.php index b76914b642e..f63039d9ee7 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/sv.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/sv.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "ersätt", "cancel" => "avbryt", "replaced" => "ersatt", -"with" => "med", "undo" => "ångra", +"with" => "med", "deleted" => "raderad", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "genererar ZIP-fil, det kan ta lite tid.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kunde inte ladda upp dina filer eftersom det antingen är en mapp eller har 0 bytes.", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "Aktivera ZIP-nerladdning", "0 is unlimited" => "0 är oändligt", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Största tillåtna storlek för ZIP-filer", +"Save" => "Spara", "New" => "Ny", "Text file" => "Textfil", "Folder" => "Mapp", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/th_TH.php b/apps/files/l10n/th_TH.php index d80ec2d877d..689871a11dd 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/th_TH.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/th_TH.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "แทนที่", "cancel" => "ยกเลิก", "replaced" => "แทนที่แล้ว", -"with" => "กับ", "undo" => "เลิกทำ", +"with" => "กับ", "deleted" => "ลบแล้ว", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "กำลังสร้างไฟล์บีบอัด ZIP อาจใช้เวลาสักครู่", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "ไม่สามารถอัพโหลดไฟล์ของคุณได้ เนื่องจากไฟล์ดังกล่าวเป็นไดเร็กทอรี่หรือมีขนาด 0 ไบต์", @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ "Enable ZIP-download" => "อนุญาตให้ดาวน์โหลดเป็นไฟล์ ZIP ได้", "0 is unlimited" => "0 หมายถึงไม่จำกัด", "Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "ขนาดไฟล์ ZIP สูงสุด", +"Save" => "บันทึก", "New" => "อัพโหลดไฟล์ใหม่", "Text file" => "ไฟล์ข้อความ", "Folder" => "แฟ้มเอกสาร", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/tr.php b/apps/files/l10n/tr.php index 630e3563adf..72e0e1427d3 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/tr.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/tr.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "değiştir", "cancel" => "iptal", "replaced" => "değiştirildi", -"with" => "ile", "undo" => "geri al", +"with" => "ile", "deleted" => "silindi", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP dosyası oluşturuluyor, biraz sürebilir.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Dosyanızın boyutu 0 byte olduğundan veya bir dizin olduğundan yüklenemedi", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php index 6703e6f9088..42063712eac 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "替换", "cancel" => "取消", "replaced" => "替换过了", -"with" => "随着", "undo" => "撤销", +"with" => "随着", "deleted" => "删除", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "正在生成ZIP文件,这可能需要点时间", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "不能上传你指定的文件,可能因为它是个文件夹或者大小为0", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.php b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.php index dc783018848..f24db8f3cb1 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "replace" => "替换", "cancel" => "取消", "replaced" => "已经替换", -"with" => "随着", "undo" => "撤销", +"with" => "随着", "deleted" => "已经删除", "generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "正在生成 ZIP 文件,可能需要一些时间", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "无法上传文件,因为它是一个目录或者大小为 0 字节", |